RFQ 24-104 - Van For GAD
RFQ 24-104 - Van For GAD
RFQ 24-104 - Van For GAD
Company Name :
Company Address :
Contact Person :
Contact No. :
Please quote your government price/s including delivery charges, VAT or other applicable taxes, and other incidental
expenses for the goods listed in Annex A. Failure to indicate information could be basis for non - compliance. Also,
furnish us with descriptive brochures, catalogues, literatures and/or samples, if applicable.
If you are the exclusive manufacturer, distributor or agent in the Philippines for the goods listed in Annex A please
attach in your quotation a duly notarized certification to this effect.
Please accomplish and submit this form together with Annex A, PhilGEPS Registration Number, 2024
Mayor's/Business Permit to JJWC National Secretariat c/o BAC Secretariat, 140 Maginhawa St., Sikatuna Village,
Quezon City or email to [email protected] cc: [email protected] on or before September 23, 2024,
12:00 NN.
BAC Chairperson
This is
This isand Conditions:
1. Award shall be made on per: item basis total quoted price. x Lot Basis
2. Quotation validity shall not be less than Thirty (30) days.
3. Good/s shall be delivered within Please see Annex A
4. Place of Delivery: Please see Annex A
5. Terms of Payment: within 15-30 days from the receipt of billing statement per month
6. Liquidated Damages/Penalty: (1/10) of one percent for everyday of delay shall be imposed.
7. Indicate brand, model and country of origin.
8. In case of discrepancy between unit cost and total cost, unit cost shall prevail.
9. Warranty: Please see Annex A
AMP Standard Form No: 1A