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Activity in FS 1 EP 12.
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re 3 OBSERVE, ANALYZE, REFLECT ‘elivity 12.4) Observing Assessment FOR Learning Practices (formallve Assessment) Resurte Woother,_____ Teacher's Signature ‘Schook:, xnfear Level: Subject Area: Dates ® ERVE 4 Observe what Teacher does or listen to what Teacher says to find out if the students understood the lesson while teaching-Icarning is in progress. What Teacher Saidmmetimes seen tO ‘be more cffective 5, For formative assessment, why is peer tutoring in class som” than teacher himselffherself doing the re-teaching of tutoring: ‘i F ied be ail 6. Could an unreasonable number of failures at the end of the ceareinn period be attributed to the non-application of formative assessment? Why of why sot? + Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking. Reflect on this and write your reflections. + Should you record results of formative assessment? Why or why not? (Kasra: . |. My Accomplished Observation gh eel 2. My Analysis 4, My Reflection 4, Snapshots of rs : Peer tutoring oF othey activities ‘that show formative assessment in practice(Aetivity 12.2) observing Assessment AS Learning Practices Gel-Asietame Teacher’ Signature___— Soot Dot Resowice Toacher: Graceveee Weve, 0 Subct Aveat (Gp TARGET Your intended toarning Gulcomon At the end of this Bpisode, [ must be able to: and > demonstrate knowledge of the design and use of selfassessment: > cxplain the importance of sePagsesement (Qe Bean * Assessment as learning means assecement is a way of learning. + It ix the use of an ongoing self-assessment by the learners in order to monitor their ow Jeamning. * This is manifested when learners reflect on their own learning and make necessary ‘adjustments so dun they achieve deeper understanding. Assessment as learning encourages sturlents 10 take responsibility for their own leaning Kr requires studemia to. ask questions about theiz learning, It provides ways for seudents ts use format atid informal feedback and self-assessment to help theta understand the next steps in earning, It encourages self-assessment and retleetion, OBSERVE ‘Observe a class and find ont practices that reflect aése: obscrvetlons. asmen! as learning, Record your a ee My Observation 1, Dig teaener proyde opportunities for the Feathers 16 moniter and reflect on thait awa learning?jot [Did teacher create criteria with the jt are proofs that aged In sellretaction ns ere monitoring and Selfadjusimery nl B yO students record and feport their own leaming? students for tasks to be completed or skill to teamed?& iW ANALYZE ent should SUpport studey, to If the student ie at the heart off all sasessment, then all assess learning. Do you agree? Why or why not? a 2 s sessment for leaming? 2. Does sssessmient as leaming have the same ultimate purpose a8 #s fe wg # REFLECT ‘The primary purpose of assessment is not to measure. but to further Ieaming. Reflect on your Personal experiences of assessment in school. Were you given opportunities for self-assessmen'? if yes, what was its impact on your learning? ' “ff SHOW Yous Learning Avifoch a 1. My Accomplished Observation Sheet 2. My Analysis 3. My Reflection1 ur WORK TAME Find Si i. WY 1, Eni Fe aca Ca. od fhe at St accomplished. All questions ware Menpishad | Al observation sueration Shoat | questionstasics One {1} two (2) | Three (2) observation | Four #4), o¢ mors : completely anewerady observation questions! | questarsitasks observalion questions! {asks net anewared {| not answered ! ‘tasks nol answered f ‘accompkahed. {Asvrument FO# Lecink ud ASttumaent AS Legenng[Formarive Asnetirmart] mon nd UR Of formawye assessment ~ oxplean Ihe l@Rporianes of formative a st —— : Coupe Noeds Improvement 4 accomplished. accomplished, outcone, Submittad Sefore tha deaghne deadline Al goastons wore Cuasions were not | Four (4) or more ans eae ee aeswered cartlately | ansireted complattiy, | observation questions aida ie lepth | onmwers are ceary | answers aré nol were not answered: ourdea po | Setnected lo theonas;, | ceaity connetiad fo anew pl connected. a eof Qrersmiar and spating | thearies; one (1) fo ib treoriea; more than Grammar and spelling — | wre free ftom arors, | {nese (3} grammatical | four (4) grammatical’ fe (98 from armor. speling arora spelling atiors. Faection Profound and clear, | Clear but lacks denih, Uncitr ane shattoa supported by what were | supported by nbat rarely supported By observed and anaiyzed | were obeerved and whal were observed analysed and analyzed aming Anitacts | Porfollois vefecied | Ponti Brataced | Puntuie is not Portolo is nat retected ‘on in the context of ‘on in the conte reflected on inte | om in the context of the ‘eaming culcomes; fof the légrring ‘context ofthe leamring | the leaming ovtoomes; Complete, well: ‘outoomes, Complats; | outcomes. Complate; | no! cumiplets; ral organized, highly ‘yql| organized. very | nal ozyanized, relevant | aiganized, not relevant’ relevant to the leaming | selevant lo the learning autcame Subritted on the Submued bo (2) days of move alter the TRANSMUTATION OF SCORE 10 GRADEMRATING 15 4] 1et2] 14 200 | 2.26 | 250 ar | |‘ 81* mee ith te Prociice PULINK Theory to Practice suserene ar Pend wp . Which 1. The prinunty purpose of axstasment is to ensure fearing LL Assessment ar fearing * TH, Assessment for learning : M0. Assessment af leaming ALM and It B. Sand M1 i 588 2. Research shows that whon saudents help develop questious for ie S Neat ae onderstanding of what they are expected 1 learn befare they i is referred to? wrealer responsibility of their own (gaming, Which assessment Is re! ® A. Assessment as Leaming C. Assessment far Learning B. Assessment of Leaming D. Assessment i Learning 3. DepEd Order No, 8, 2. 2015 states, “Assessment is 2 process that is used te keep track of leamers’ progress in relation to leaming stardards..,, to promote self-reflection and person accountability among aludents about their own leuraing... Which assessments are referred to by the DepEd memo? 1. Assesment ay leuming TI. Aseessmont for loaming M1, Assessment of learning A. Tonky ©.Tand . Band DL Mang IT 4. You check for understating in the midst of your lesson. to which form /s of assessment are you engaged? f . ” A, Assessment ay learning -C. Asscssment of leaming B. Assessment for learning . ©, Assessment of und. for earning 5. Asseusment FOR teaming is Ongoing assessment that allows teachers C.Tand IZ D, Hand Lf ment, and have a deep A, Yes C8 B.No omewhat D, TRUE except the clause after and . In develops and suppons students’ A. Assessment as Ieurning 3B, Assossment for learning meracoatitive skils, Which is referred to? C. Assessment of learning Db. Assessment in leamingwhich form Of daseesineny i A. ASSessinent of Team B, Assessment for tg Tuclal in helping students hacome lifelong learners? reg aning C. Arvonsiment ay leuming. D. Assesment iy learning ¢ Which if characterized by stutter iba hey achieve deeper wncers A. Assesamont af learning 8. Assessirient for leaming ts reflecting on their ow leitthing arid making adjusericnts 40 Standing? G, Assessment as learning D. Assessment fa leaming Which practices are cequired fot assessment 1 Discuss the learning onteg, J Create criteria with the students for the various tasks that need ia be completed and/or skills that need to be learned or mastered, M. Provide Teedback to students os they foam and ack thom guiding questions to help thom moniter their own learning, : : IV. Help them set goala to extend or Support their learning as needed in order to mect-or fully Meet the expectations, ¥. Provide reference poinis and examples for the-teaming outcomes. 05 earning to be effective? Imes with the stixdenis, AT, [and I CITT, TV apd ¥ B. 1 II, TV and V Dt iL 8. (Vand ¥ ln which type of assessment are students expected io ge beyond completing the inske assigned la thom by their teacher and go students moye from the passive leamert to tctive owners of their own learning? C, Assessment of fearing arin AL Assessment av learning 1D, Assessment én learming B, Assessment for learning ing the ié in the process of cooking the soup? iL wes . to tasting the scup whi Td up? | Which assessment is kened C. Assesyment jn learning Slearnin A, Asscasment of Iearonng D, Assessment as earning B. Assesment for learning
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