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It refers to a community-based program, where a person is subjected to the

following privileges such as Probation, Parole and Executive Clemencies.
This is just a privilege

A disposition under which a defendant, after conviction and sentence, is
released subject to conditions imposed by the court and to the supervision of
a probation officer. (section 3, PD 968)
The authority of granting the probation is in the court/judge where the case
is hear.

A privilege granted by the court to a person convicted of a criminal offense

to remain in the community instead of actually going to prison/jail. (Atty.
Manuel G. Co, PPA—DOJ)
DOJ - An attached agency of the Department of Justice which provide a less
costly alternative to imprisonment of offenders who are likely to respond to
individualized community based treatment programs.
WHAT IS PAROLE? (Grannted by BPP)
It is the conditional release of a prisoner from correctional institution after
serving the minimum period of prison sentence.
The judgement should be final and executory.

What is Executive Clemency? ( Granted by the president)

It refers to Reprieve, Absolute Pardon, Conditional Pardon with or without
Parole Conditions and Commutation of Sentence as may be granted by the
President of the Philippines;
Reprieve- The temporary suspension or delay in the implementation of
Criminal sentences ordered by the court. During the time of the reprieve, the
implementation of of the sentence is postponed.
Absulote Pardon/ Conditonal Pardon- The president or the executive cannot
pardon the impeached Officials and cannot circumbent legislative or judicial
processes. The Pardon also does not not extinguish the civil liability or
restore the public offices or political rights unless specifically stated
Commutation of Sentence- It is the reduction of in sentence. The person is
not absolved from conviction completely, but, the punishment is substituted
with a lesser punishment. Ex. Death sentenced may be commuted to a
sentence of life imprisonment.


Pardon, Amnesty, Reprieve and Commutation of Sentence.

Syllabi for the Non-Institutional Corrections

Historical Background of Probation Pioneers and Founders of Probation

History of Probation in the following:

 United States of America
 England
 Philippines

ETYMOLOGY OF PROBATION (Originated from England but in first law is in
the US)
LATIN WORD - PROBARE - "To test or to prove" John Augustus
PROBATIO- "Testing period" - Frederick Rainier – Paraang same lang din,
parang sabi patunayan and then testing natin

First law is in the US

Historical Background of Probation

John Augustus "Father of Probation in America"
• Owner of successful boot-making business (Shoemaker or Boots maker) -
Common Drunkard - the first probationer and bail out –
• He started of 18 year career as volunteer probation officer –
• First apply the term probation. - 1,946 men and women bailed by John
Augustus and only ten (10) of them forfeited their bond.
Mathew Davenport Hill "Father of Probation in England" – of English

 British lawyer and penologist.

 Reforms in the treatment of criminals were enacted into law in


 He believed that crime could be prevented by reformation in prison,

ending in the convict's release on a showing of good behavior
throughout his prison term, and by life imprisonment of incorrigibles,
without the possibility of parole.

Father of Criminology in the Philippines

Administraror- Head of the Probation
Probation law of 1976
Napolcom- under ang PNP administratively and operational
Congressman of Bulacan- also MEMBER OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE
United Nation- this was called “Leage of nations” which established in 1919,
after the World War 1.
SYLLABI FOR THE NON-institutional Corrections Concept of
Probation and Its Advantages
• Role of probation in the Correctional System (
• Benefits and Advantages of Probation
• Linkages of Probation with Agencies of the Criminal Justice System

Role of probation in the Correctional System

PURPOSE OF PROBATION (you can read it in PD 968)
 Promote the correction and rehabilitation of an offender by providing
him with Individualized treatment. ( When you say rehabilitation, is to
eliminate criminal future behavior)
Nasa PNP- Suspect, Police under Custody or PUPC
Prosecution – Respondent
Court -Accused
Correction- pdl
Community -Client

 Provide an opportunity for the reformation of a Penitent offender.

 Prevent omission of offense.



Linkages of Probation with Agencies of the Criminal Justice

This activity intends to assist the clients in trying to sort out their problems,
identify solutions, reconcile conflicts and help resolve them. This could be
done either by individual or group interaction with the officers of the Agency.
2. MORAL, SPIRITUAL, VALUES FORMATION - Seminars, lectures or trainings
offered or arranged by the Agency comprise these rehabilitation activities.
Active NGOs, schools, civic and religious organizations are tapped to
facilitate the activities. Linkages of Probation with Agencies of the Criminal
Justice System
Restorative Justie

3. WORK OR JOB PLACEMENT/REFERRAL - Categorized as an informal

program wherein a client is referred for work or job placement through the
officer's own personal effort, contact or information.


the setting up of seminars and skills training classes like food preservation
and processing, candle making, novelty items and handicrafts making, etc.,
to help the clients earn extra income.
Likewise, vocational and technical trade classes are availed of such as
refrizeration. automotive mechanic, radio/television and electronics repairs,
5. HEALTH, MENTAL AND MEDICAL SERVICES - To address some of the basic
needs of clients and their families, medical missions are organized to provide
various forms of medical and health services including physical examination
and treatment, free medicines and vitamins, dental examination and
treatment, drug dependency test and laboratory examination.
Psychological testing and evaluation as well as psychiatric treatment are
likewise provided for by the Agency's Clinical Services Division and if not
possible by reason of distance, referrals are made to other government
accredited institutions.
6. LITERACY AND EDUCATION - In coordination with LGU programs, adult
education classes are availed of to help clients learn basic writing, reading
and arithmetic. Likewise, literacy learn basic writing, reading and arithmetic.
teach-ins during any sessions conducted for clients become part of the
module. This is particularly intended for clients who are "no read, no write"
to help them become functionally literate.
Likewise, linkages with educational Foundation, other GOs and NGOs are
regularly done for free school supplies, bags and uniform for client's children
and relatives.
7. COMMUNITY SERVICE - This program refers to the services in the
community rendered by clients for the benefit of society. It includes tree
planting, beautification drives, cleaning and greening of surroundings,
maintenance of public parks and places, garbage collection, blood donation
and similar socio-civic activities.
8. CLIENT SELF-HELP ORGANIZATION - This program takes the form of
cooperatives and client associations wherein the clients form cooperatives
and associations as an economic group to venture on small-scale projects.
Similarly, client associations serve another purpose by providing some
structure to the lives of clients where they re-learn the basics of working
within a group with hierarchy, authority and responsibility much like in the
bigger society.
9. PAYMENT OF CIVIL LIABILITY - The payment of civil liability indemnification
to victims of offenders are pursued despite economic status of clients.
Payment of obligations to the victim instills in the minds of the clients their
responsibility and the consequences of the harm they inflicted to others.
10. ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY - To instill awareness and concern in
preserving ecological balance and environmental health, seminars/lectures
are conducted wherein clients participate. These seminars/lectures tackle
anti-smoke belching campaign, organic farming, waste management,
segregation and disposal and proper care of the environment.
11. Sports and Physical Fitness - Activities that provide physical exertion like
sports, games and group play are conducted to enhance the physical
wellbeing of clients. Friendly competition of clients from the various offices of
the sectors, together with the officers, provide an enjoyable and healthful

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