Read Aloud Picture Cards TLC
Read Aloud Picture Cards TLC
Read Aloud Picture Cards TLC
Opening Greet all teachers and welcome them to the session
(10 min) Just for Fun
Welcome A teacher leads the group in singing a song
Just for Fun Reflect and Share
Reflect and What was a highlight from your teaching this week?
It is important for learners to connect the letter shape with the letter
sound. A visual letter card supports learners in making this connection.
Frame what to look for: As you watch the model of using the letter cards,
I want you to think about application in your classroom.
Both the small letter ‘s’ and capital letter ‘S’ have the same sound.
They all produce the sound /s/ (show the letter card)
Letter name ‘s’ sounds /s/ (hold up the letter card and repeat this until
learners are able to associate the symbol and the sound)
Now we will learn how to write the letter ‘s’ which sounds/s/
Look here learners; (demonstrate how to write letter ‘s’ on the letter card
while mentioning the patterns that make the letter)
Practice writing the letter ‘s’ together with the learners in the air (make
sure you are facing the same direction as the learners)”