Grade 12 Philosophy Reviewer - BW
Grade 12 Philosophy Reviewer - BW
Grade 12 Philosophy Reviewer - BW
-philos(love) Metaphysics about human reality like the origin and existence
-Sophia(wisdom) Episte‐ nature of the human knowledege and how to obtain
-Love of wisdom mology it
docta ignorantia
Origin of Philosophy -limitation of human knowledge
Miletus, Greece the birthplace of philosophy in the west
Thales of Miletus first philosopher in the west
-died for the truth
Thales asked "What is the ultimate stuff of the universe"
-was accused of corrupting the citizens of Athens
Answer he found: Water
Types of Thinking
Philosophical activity
Holistic conclusions are made without looking at all sides
widest generaliz‐ Philosophers talk about the truth, the good,
Perspective of the problem
ations the just, the beautiful, and the existence of
practically all things Partial Point of looking at all aspects of the situation and then
View making a conclusion
fundamentals knowledge wont make sense without philos‐
ophical ideas like consciousness and
desire to integrate find the One in the many requires a person to be willing to examine one's thoughts,
things into one feelings, and actions and to learn more about one's life
coherent whole experiences
Philosophical Reflection
Learning from past mistakes and not repeaating them Ad hominem attacking the person not the argument
Evaluating the best options from the options Ad baculum appeal by force
Have a holistic point of view before making conclusion Ad misericordiam appeal by using pity and emotion
Ad populum bandwagon, acceptable because many are
Theories of Truth accepting it
Correspon‐ concepts are true when they correspond to the Ad Antiquitatem acceptable because it has been true for a long
dence Theory reality of the world. time
of Truth
Petitio Principii begging the question
Coherence ideas are inter-related system
Fallacy of combining words instead of taking them
Theory of Truth
Composition seperately
Pragmatic A pragmatist can consider something to be true
Fallacy of assuming that if its true for the whole is also true
Theory of Truth without needing to confirm that it is universally
division for each parts
Ad verecundiam appeal by shame