-Come from a Greek word “philo” and Partial Perspective is looking at the situation
“Sophia” only in one part not seeing the whole situation.
Philo = Love
Sophia = Wisdom Big Questions
Ex. What is my purpose?
Philosophy originally meant, “love of Wisdom” Small and Precise Questions
Ex. What is your name?
Philosophy – Is defined as the attitude of Particular Questions
mind that by natural light of reason studies Ex. What is the best ice cream flavor for
the first causes or the highest principles of all kids?
Sages – wise men
Under this definition, four things are to be Thales of Miletus – First Philosopher
considered: Pythagoras of Croton- coined the term
Philosopher which means, Lover of wisdom.
1. Scientific Approach – it uses scientific
approach because the investigation is
systematic. It is an organized body of EMPTYING - Is suspending one’s judgment
knowledge just like any other sciences. and conclusion about a matter and mentally
2. Natural Light of Reason -It means that exploring the pros and cons, the characteristic
philosophy does not use supernatural revelation or and the purpose of an idea or situation.
faith to investigate something.
3. First Cause or Highest Principle, it is principle Branches of Philosophy
because everything in the world and every situation
has a starting point and beginning. 1. METAPHYSICS
-Is only an extension of the fundamental
The first Principle are: and necessary drive in every human being to
1. Principle of Identity know what is real.
-Whatever is, is; and whatever is not is not;
everything is what it is. Everything is its own being 2. ETHICS
and not being is not being. -Is the branch of Philosophy that
2. Principle of Non contradiction explores the nature of moral virtue and
-it is impossible for a thing to be and not to evaluates the morality and virtue of human
be at the same time. actions.
3. Principle of Excluded Middle
-a thing is either is or is not; Everything must ETHICS HAS FIVE MAIN
be either be or not be; between being and not being, FRAMEWORKS:
there is no middle ground possible.
4. Principle of Sufficient Reason 1. Divine Command
-Nothing exists without a sufficient reason What does God ordain us to do?
for its being existence. 2. Consequentialism or Utilitarianism
What has the most desirable
Holistic Perspective -is seeing the situation as a consequences?
whole by connecting its parts and looking What is the good for the greatest
through the bird's eye view. number of people is the best choice and moral
3. Deontological Ethics
-Whatever is my moral duty to do? / 5. AESTHETICS- Is the science of the
regardless of what people thinks or feels about beautiful in its various manifestations.
the situation.
Importance of Aesthetics:
4. Virtue Ethics
-What kind of person i ought to be? 1. It vitalizes our knowledge – It makes
our knowledge of the world alive and
5. Relativism useful
What does my culture or society think i 2. It helps us live more deeply and
ought to do? richly- A work of art—whether a book,
a piece of music, painting, or television
3. EPISTEMOLOGY – Deals with the nature, show—helps us rise from purely
Sources, Limitations, and Validity of physical existence into the realm of
knowledge. intellect and the spirit.
3. It brings us in touch with our culture
Epistemological Questions are: – Things about us change rapidly
1. How we know what we claim to know? nowadays that we forget how much we
2. How we can find out what we wish to owe to the past.
3. How we can differentiate truth from 6. POLITICS- is ethics applied to a group of
falsehood. people in the society. It tells us how a society
must be set up and how one should act within
How do we acquire Human knowledge? the society.
Induction – They believed that general ideas ----Attaining a comprehensive outlook in life---
are formed from the examination of particular
facts. A. Western and Non-Western Traditions
--------- Empiricism- view that knowledge can Three great original centers of
be attained only through sense experience. philosophy
Deduction- They believed that it is more Greek / western
important to find a general law according to Indian
which particular facts can be understood or Chinese
---------Rationalist- is that real knowledge is During the First Centuries, East has more
based on logic, law, and methods that reason philosophical activity than the West.
Pragmatists – believed that value in use is the Western Tradition
real test of truth and meaning. The meaning and Reversal from the time of Greek Triumvirate
truth of an idea are tested by its practical 1. Socrates
consequences. 2. Plato
3. Aristotle
4. LOGIC- it means a treatise on matters
pertaining to the human thought. Logic
is not interested in what we know The western Thinkers started to indulge in
regarding certain subjects. Its concern, feverish philosophical speculation, whereas the
rather, is the truth or the validity of our Asian thinkers began diminishing philosophical
arguments regarding such objects. activity.
have died at a precise time and when he dies,
In the present Century, Almost all the major his life continues in another form.
philosophical ideas emanate from western
thinkers. This is indispensable to the understanding of
Samsara or Rebirth.
China x American = imitation.
The world in fact did not have an
Global Information absolute beginning but was merely a
-Cannot be understood by continuation of an earlier world in an earlier
oversimplification. “One size does not fit all” time, therefore a succession of worlds and a
There are Multiple cultures, and different types succession of lives.
of states in terms of recent economic
modernization. In the East, philosophy is a religion and
religion is philosophy.
“East” is very different from that of the West, The oriental does not separate
but that does not mean each culture is incapable philosophical thought from religion that is life
of Understanding certain features of the other. in action. They thought that it is philosophy in
Ex. OFW action.
9. False cause Transcendence- convey the basic ground
-Since that event followed this one that concept of the word’s literal meaning of
event must have been caused by this one. This “climbing or going beyond”
fallacy is also referred to as coincidental
correlation or correlation not causation. Three main philosophies/major religion
1. Hinduism
Ex. Pag kakain sa restaurant, kahit 2. Buddhism
masarap yun pala’y mahal. 3. Christianity
-it focuses not only mental, emotional,
10. Hasty generalization physical aspects of humans but also on man`s
-One commits errors if one reaches an spirit and soul.
inductive generalization based on insufficient
evidence. This fallacy is commonly based on a Spirit and Soul – represent the deepest essence
broad conclusion upon the statistics of a survey of humanity.
of a small group that fails to sufficiently
represent the whole population. The Human person as an Embodied spirit.
existence of a perfect being. (Everything that
exist must have had a source. In Buddhism, the move we love, the more risk
and fears there are in life.
c. Vulnerability
To be invulnerable is somehow inhuman, In Christianity, the soul is like a lover who
to be vulnerable is to be human longs to return to god. It instruct us to love
Ex. To work in the office, or study in others as we love ourselves.
school, without acknowledging the help of
others, is to live without meaning and direction. Lesson 4
For Aquinas,
Human being is considered as moral The human person in the Environment
agent. We are both the spiritual and body
elements, the spiritual and material, our Intro.
spiritual seperates us from animals; thru our What is the world made of? How did the world
spirituality we have conscience weather to be come into being? And how can we explain the
good or evil becomes our responsibility. It process of change?
means that he can rise above ordinary being or
self to a highest being or self and it is made Eastern sages probed nature’s depths intuitive
perfect by doing daily tasks. through the eyes of spiritual sages
The power of change cannot be done by
human beings alone, but achieved in Greek thinkers viewed nature through
cooperation with god. cognitive and scientific eyes.
to blindly follow the crowd because it is
familiar, easy and less stressful (existentialism)
The Ecocentric model puts the
ecosystem first and assues that the natural Caring for the environment
world has intrinsic value. Nature is not valued a. Deep ecology
for the future survival of human species, but is
invaluable in itself. Ecological crisis is an outcome of
Instead, love, respect, admiration for Anthropocentrism the controlling attitude of
nature, and a high regard for its value are human kind is extended to nature when in fact,
essential. humanity is part of nature. Deep ecology en-
(land for instance preserved with integrity, courages humanity to shift from anthropocen-
stability and beauty.) trism.
b. Modern thinkers
- expressed that beauty is ultimately a
symbol of morality
Herbert Marcuse – humanity has dominated
nature, there can only be change if we also
change our attitude toward our perception of
– as human beings we do not only have
rights but duties.
– insisted that the authentic self was the
personally chosen self, as opposd to public or
“herd” identity which is the tendency of people