DRR-WPS Office

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Disaster Risk Reduction B.

Being well-trained
1.Which is NOT the meaning of Hazard? C. Working in height ***
D. Wearing of protective equipment
A. Hazard is an agent which has the potential to cause harm to
a vulnerable target. Elastic rebound: This is the tendency for the deformed rock
B. Hazard cannot cause harm or damage to humans, property, along a fault to spring back after an earthquake.
or environment.**
C. Hazard is defined as the source of danger and is something Seismograph: A device used to record the motion of the ground
that may cause injury or harm. during an earthquake.
D. Hazard is the uncertain course of events in a country. Earthquake hazard: These refer to earthquake agents which
have the potential to cause harm to a vulnerable target (such as
2. Which is not an example of Natural Hazards? humans, animals, or the environment).
A. Fires
Ground shaking: The rapid vibration of the ground during an
**B. Floods**
C. Landslides
D. Tsunami Ground rupture: The deformation on the ground that marks the
intersection of the fault with the earth’s surface
3. It is the type of Hazard that arises through interaction of
natural processes and human activities. Characteristics of Ground Rupture: Length-magnitude of an
A. Natural hazards earthquake Width:deform along length of Gr rp.
**B. Quasi-natural hazards**
Horizontal displacement:This happens when there is lateral
C. Technological or man-made hazards
movement from side to side; one side moves to the left or right,
D. None of the above
or both sides move sideways in different directions.

4. **Which is an example of Natural Hazard? Debris avalanche:The massive collapse of a volcano, usually
A. Pollution triggered by an earthquake or volcanic eruption.
B. Smog
C. Plane crash Alert level #2: An alert level of volcanic activity that indicates
**Debris. Avalanche** moderate unrest, likely of magmatic origin, that could
eventually lead to an eruption.
5. This type of hazards arises directly as a result of human
Extinct volcano:A volcano that has not had an eruption for at
least 10,000 years and is not expected to erupt again in the
A. Natural hazards
B. Quasi-natural hazards
**C. Technological or man-made hazards** Alert level #3: An alert level of volcanic activity which has an
D. None of the above increasing tendency toward eruption; relatively high unrest with
magma close to the crater.
6. Which is the second step in hazard identification and risk
assessment? Ballistic projectile:Rock fragments that are ejected from a
A. Identify hazards volcano’s mouth with force and follow a specific trajectory.
**B. Assess risks** Lava flow:Stream-like flows of incandescent molten rock that
C. Monitor the modifications if followed are erupted from a volcano’s crater or fissure.
D. Prioritize Tsunami: A series of ocean waves with extremely long
wavelengths caused by large-scale disturbances such as
7. Which of the following is true about risk assessment? undersea earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides.
A. It is done to know which risk should be addressed first. Risk: The probability of harmful consequences or expected
B. It tells which risk is the most serious. losses (such as death or injury) due to a hazard.
C. Risk assessment is done by taking into consideration both Ground deformation:Changes in the shape of the Earth's
probability and impact. surface, often caused by volcanic or seismic activity.
**D. All of the above.** Seismic activity:The frequency, type, and size of earthquakes
experienced over a period in a particular area.
8. Which impact of a hazard is an economic impact of hazard?
A. Viral disease Active volcano: A volcano that has had at least one eruption
B. Anxiety and mental trauma during the past 10,000 years. It might be erupting or dormant.
**C. Destruction of houses and buildings**
D. Retrenchment of employees in manufacturing companies
Erupting volcano: An active volcano that is currently having an
9. As a construction worker, Tyrel works in height, and it is
prone to fall. He is well-trained and wears protective
equipment, though.
Which is considered as a risk in this given scenario? Dormant volcano: An active volcano that is not currently
**A. Potential fall** erupting, but is expected to erupt again in the future
B. Being well-trained
C. Working in height Vertical Displacement- occurs when one side of the ground
D. Wearing of protective equipment goes up or down or both sides move with one side going up and
the other going down.
10. Which is considered as the hazard?
A. Potential fall
Earthquake-induced landslide is down slope movements of rocks
and other debris commonly triggered by strong shaking. It may
include soil, debris, and/ or rocks. (DOSTPHIVOLCS,n.d.). It can
cause erosion, burial and blockage of road and rivers.
Ground shaking is measured:a. velocity b. acceleration c. frequency
d. duration
The parameters used to monitor volcanoes are:

1. Ground deformation – any surface changes on a volcano

(subsidence/sinking, tilting, bulging); often use of tiltmeters as well
as satellite imaging which results to less exposure on the ground or
safer for volcanologists. However, interpretation needs field
verification sometimes.

2. Seismic Activity – when magma rises up, it breaks rock along the
way. Thus, earthquakes are generated. Monitoring of
quakes/tremors is done by using a seismometer that determines
which patterns of seismic waves precede an eruption.

3. Gases – monitor types and rate of emission of different gases;

Concentrations of gases are sometimes high enough to create acid
that kills vegetation around the volcano; collection of samples from
vents directly with the use of remote sensing instruments that
identify and quantify the present gases

4. Sensory observations (by people living near volcano)

• Visual – intensified presence of steam; drying up of vegetation,
wells/spring/lake; crater glow at the mouth of the volcano
• Auditory – rumbling sounds are heard.
• Olfactory – observed foul smell (usually rotten egg caused by
sulfur) caused by presence of volcanic gases
• Tactile – ground movement/earthquake is felt

Ashfall or tephra fall:are showers of airborne fine- to coarse-

grained volcanic particles that
fallout from the plumes of a volcanic eruption; ashfall distribution/
dispersal is dependent on prevailing wind direction.

• Map interpretation is the process looking at the map in order for

us to be guided to a direction or place where we wanted to go
using the different symbols or elements of the map.
.1. Compass rose. This will give you the proper direction. This is
also called it “orientation.”
2. Title. It tells what the map is about.
3. Symbols. These are pictures instead of symbols.
4. Legend or Key. It explains the meaning of symbols and colour.
5. Colour. It highlights the important information to help interpret
6. Scale. It shows the proportion of map to real life.
7. Grid Reference. These are intersecting lines to help locate
specific places on the map. In some maps, it is also called “border.”

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