Unit 6 - Lesson 2

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Lesson 2: What is Ecotourism?

Accomodation (n) a place to live, work or Chỗ ở; sự tiện nghi, tiện lợi; sự điều tiết
/əˌkɑːməˈdeɪʃn/ stay in
 Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your
Accommodate (v) to provide somebody Cung cấp, giúp đỡ; chứa được; hòa giải; điều tiết, thích
/əˈkɑːmədeɪt/ with a room or place to
1 sleep, live or sit nghi
= find a place for  It’s a small hotel that can accommodate only about fifty
Accommodating (a) willing to help and do Dễ dãi, dễ tính, thân thiện; Sẵn lòng giúp đỡ
/əˈkɑːmədeɪtɪŋ/ things for other people
 We found our hotels very accommodating.
Avoid (v) to prevent something Ngăn chặn, phòng ngừa, tránh (xa)
/əˈvɔɪd/ bad from happening
 We must find a way to avoid similar problems in future.
Avoidance (n) not doing something; Sự ngăn ngừa, tránh xa, bác bỏ
/əˈvɔɪdəns/ preventing something
2 from existing or  Avoidance of environmental damage is an important part
happening of ecotourism.
Avoidable (a) that can be prevented Có thể tránh được
/əˈvɔɪdəbl/  Following certain practices makes damage to the
environment avoidable.
3 Barrier (n) an object like a fence Hàng rào, thanh chắn, rào cản, chướng ngại vật
/ˈbæriər/ that prevents people
(v) from moving forward  The crowd had to stand behind barriers.
from one place to
4 Category (n) a group of people or Hạng, loại, nhóm
/ˈkætəɡɔːri/ things with particular
features in common  he results can be divided into three broad categories.
Concept (n) an idea or a principle Ý tưởng, quan niệm, nguyên tắc
/ˈkɑːnsept/ that is connected with
something abstract  Teaching children social concepts like sharing and
empathy is essential.
Conceive (v) to form an idea, a plan, Nghĩ, hiểu, tưởng tượng, nhận thức
/kənˈsiːv/ etc. in your mind
5  It’s not hard to conceive of ways to protect the
Conceptual (a) related to or based on (thuộc) quan niệm, nhận thức
/kənˈseptʃuəl/ ideas
 Ecotourism has gone beyond the conceptual stage to
become something that many people have put into practice.
6 Culprit (n) a person who has done Kẻ có tội, thủ phạm, bị cáo
/ˈkʌlprɪt/ something wrong or
against the law  The police quickly identified the real culprits.
7 Delicate (v) Thanh nhã, mỏng manh, nhẹ nhàng; lịch thiếp, khéo, tế
/ˈdelɪkət/ easily damaged or
broken nhị; Nhạy cảm, thính, dễ vỡ
 The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body.
8 Destination (n) a place to which Điểm đến, đích đến
/ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn/ somebody/something is
going or being sent  Our luggage was checked all the way through to our final
9 Dump (v) to get rid of something Vứt bỏ; đánh gục; đổ rác
/dʌmp/ you do not want
 Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea.
Injure (v) to harm yourself or Làm tổn thương, bị thương
10 /ˈɪndʒər/ somebody else
 She was seriously injured in a riding accident.
physically, especially in
an accident

Injury (n) harm done to a person’s Sự làm tổn hại, làm hỏng; vết thương; sự chấn thương
/ˈɪndʒəri/ or an animal’s body, for
example in an accident  Large cruise ships cause several types of injury to the
Injurious (a) causing or likely to Gây hại
/ɪnˈdʒʊriəs/ cause harm or damage
= damaging  Some practices, such as anchoring large cruise ships close
to coral reefs, are injurious to the environment.
11 Pleasure (n) a state of feeling or Niềm vinh hạnh; ý muốn, điều thú vị/ (+in) thích thú với
/ˈpleʒər/ being happy or satisfied
(v) = enjoyment  Encourage your child to read for pleasure.
12 Practice (v) doing an activity or Thực hành, sự rèn luyện, thói quen
/ˈpræktɪs/ training regularly so
(n) that you can improve  With practice you will become more skilled.
your skill; the time you
spend doing this
13 Principle (n) a moral rule or a strong Nguồn gốc, nguyên lý, nguyên tắc
/ˈprɪnsəpl/ belief that influences
your actions  I refuse to lie about it; it's against my principles.
Publicity (n) the attention that is Tính công khai, sự quảng cáo
/pʌbˈlɪsəti/ given to SO/STH by
newspapers, television,  There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his
etc. disappearance.
Publicize (v) to make something Công khai, quảng cáo
/ˈpʌblɪsaɪz/ known to the public; to
advertise something  Many companies publicize themselves as ecotourism
companies, but not all of them follow ecotourism principles.
14 connected with
Public (a) Công cộng, chung, mang tính công khai
/ˈpʌblɪk/ ordinary people in
society in general  Tour companies make their services public through
advertisements on the internet and in magazines.
Publicly (a.) by the government 1 cách công khai
/ˈpʌblɪkli/  The need to protect the environment is being discussed
15 Recycling (n) the process of treating Tái chế, phục hồi
things that have already
been used so that they

can be used again
16 Remote (a) far away from places Xa xôi, hẻo lánh; từ xa
/rɪˈməʊt/ where other people live
 The site is remote from major population centres.
17 Strive (v) to try very hard to Cố gắng, phấn đấu
/straɪv/ achieve something
 We encourage all members to strive for the highest
18 Volunteer (a) a person who does a job Người tình nguyện, tình nguyện
/ˌvɑːlənˈtɪr/ without being paid for
(n) it  (y học) hột cơm, mụn cóc
19 Wary (n) areful when dealing Thận trọng, cẩn thận
/ˈweri/ with SO/STH because
you think that there  She was wary of getting involved with him.
may be a danger or  to be wary of: cẩn thận, đề phòng
Wilderness (n) a large area of land that Vùng hoang vu, hoang dã
/ˈwɪldərnəs/ has never been
developed or used for  The Antarctic is the world's last great wilderness.
growing crops because
20 it is difficult to live
/waɪld/  Many tourists enjoy photographing animals in the wild.
(a) living or growing in Dại, hoang; man rợ; dữ dội (wind); lộn xộn
natural conditions; not
kept in a house or on a  Some tours are organized to destinations where wild
farm animals can be observed.
Wildly (a.) in a way that is not 1 cách điên cuồng
/ˈwaɪldli/ controlled
 Places such as Machu Picchu and the Galapagos Islands
have become wildly popular ecotourism destinations.
21 Ecotourism (n) Du lịch sinh thái
/ˈiːkəʊtʊrɪzəm/  Ecotourism is financing rainforest preservation.
22 Arise (out of) (v) to happen; to start to Xuất hiện, phát sinh, do bởi, trở dậy, nổi lên
 A serious problem can arise if the heart stops pumping
23 Ecology (n) the relation of plants Sinh thái học, hệ sinh thái
/iˈkɑːlədʒi/ and living creatures to
each other and to their  All ecologies on earth are heavily shaped by human
environment; the study activity.
of this
24 Be/get involved = take part in Tham gia vào; Liên quan đến (hành động, sự kiện);
in STH (hành pháp) dính líu (hành động phi pháp)
 Helen got involved in the music club’s activities when she
was still a student
25 Be/get involved Liên quan đến (hành động, sự kiện); Có mối quan hệ/giao
= be in relationship
with STH/SO with SO thiệp với
 They refuse to admit they are involved with the
 Jane is romantically involved with Dean.
26 Involve (v) if a situation, an event Bao gồm; làm dính líu; đòi hỏi phải, kéo theo
or an activity involves
something, that thing is

an important or
necessary part or result
of it
27 Artisan (n) a person who does Thợ thủ công
/ˈɑːrtəzn/ work that needs a
special skill, making  Local artisans showcased their handmade jewelry at the
things with their hands craft fair.
28 Craft (n) an activity involving a Nghề thủ công; mánh khóe
/kræft/ special skill at making
things with your hands  Craft fairs showcase handmade goods from local artisans.
29 Rafting (n) the sport or activity of Chèo thuyền
travelling down a river
on a raft

30 With no regard
for 
31 Shun (v) to avoid Tránh, xa lánh, lảng xa
/ʃʌn/ somebody/something
 They were both shunned by their families when they
32 Sail (v) to travel on water using Chạy bằng buồm; điều khiển, lái; chạy trên biển
/seɪl/ sails or an engine
 He managed to sail the boat between the rocks.
33 Coral reef (n) Rạn san hô

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