CBLM Present Relevant Information

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Welcome to the Module Presenting Relevant Information. This module contains training
materials and activities for you to complete.

The unit of competency Present Relevant Information is one of the Basic Competencies which
contains the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for all the programs offered by all TESDA-
Institutes in Caraga Region.

You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to complete each learning
outcome of the module. In each learning outcome there are Information Sheets, Resource Sheets and
Reference Materials for further reading to help you better understand the required activities. Follow
these activities on your own and answer the self-check at the end of each learning outcome. Get the
answer key from your trainer and check your work honestly. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate
to ask him/her for assistance.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

You may already have some or most of the knowledge and skills covered in this module because you
 Been working in the same industry for some time.
 Already completed training in this area.

If you can demonstrate to your trainer that you are competent in a particular skill or skills, talk to
him/her about having them formally recognized so you won’t have to do the same training again. If you
have qualifications or Certificates of Competency from previous trainings, show them to your trainer. If
the skills you acquired are still relevant to this module, they may become part of the evidence you can
present for RPL.
A Trainee Record Book (TRB) is given to you to record important dates, jobs undertaken and
other workplace events that will assist you in providing
further details to your trainer/assessor. A Record of Achievement/Progress Chart is also provided
to your trainer to complete/accomplish once you have completed the module. This will show your own
This module was prepared to help you achieve the required competency: Present Relevant
Information. This will be the source of information for you to acquire the knowledge and skills in this
particular module with minimum supervision or help from your trainer. With the aid of this material, you
will acquire the competency independently and at your own pace.
Talk to your trainer and agree on how you will both organize the training of this unit. Read
through the module carefully. It is divided into sections which covers all the skills and knowledge you
need to successfully complete in this module.
Work through all the information sheets and complete the activities in each section. Do what is
asked in the INSTRUCTIONAL SHEETS and complete the SELF-CHECK. Suggested references are
included to supplement the materials provided in this module.
Most probably, your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager. He/she is there to support
you and show you the correct way to do things. Ask for help.
Your trainer will tell you about the important things you need to consider when you are
completing activities and it is important that you listen and take notes.
Talk to more experienced workmates and ask for their guidance.
Use the self-check questions at the end of each section to test your own progress.
When you are ready, ask your trainer to watch you perform the activities outlined in the module.
As you work through the activities, ask for written feedback on your progress. Your trainer gives
feedback/pre-assessment reports for this reason. When you have successfully completed each element or
learning outcome, ask your trainer to mark on the reports that you are ready for assessment.
When you have completed this module and feel confident that you have had sufficient practice,
your trainer will schedule you for the institutional assessment. The result of your assessment/evaluation
will be recorded in your COMPETENCY ACHIEVEMENT RECORD.


Competency Unit of Competency Module Title Code

1 Participate in Workplace Participating in workplace 400311210

Communication communication

2 Work in Team Environment Working in team 400311211


3. Solve/Address General Workplace Solving/Addressing 400311212

Problems General Workplace

4 Develop Career and Life Decision Developing Career and 400311213

Life Decisions

5 Contribute to Workplace Contributing to 400311214

Innovation Workplace Innovation

6 Present Relevant Information Presenting Relevant 400311215


7 Practice Occupational Health and Practicing occupational 400311216

Safety Procedures health and safety

8 Exercise Efficient and Effective Exercising Efficient and 400311217

Sustainable Practices in the Effective Sustainable
Workplace Practices in the

9 Practice Entrepreneurial Skills in Practicing Entrepreneurial 400311218

the Workplace Skills in the Workplace





INTRODUCTION : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
present data/information appropriately.


Upon completion of this module, the trainee/students must be able to:

LO 1. Gather data/ information

LO 2. Assess gathered data/ information

LO 3. Record and present information

1. Evidence, facts and information are collected.
2. Evaluation in terms of reference and conditions are reviewed to determine whether
data/information falls within the project scope.
3. Validity of data/information is assessed.
4. Analysis techniques are applied to assess data/information.
5. Trends and anomalies are identified.
6. Data analysis techniques and procedures are documented
7. Recommendations are made on areas of possible improvement.
8. Studies data/information are recorded.
9. Recommendations are analyzed for action to ensure they are compatible with the project’s
scope and terms of reference.
10. Interim and final reports are analyzed and outcomes are compared to the criteria established at
the outset.
11. Findings are presented to stakeholders.



a. Organizational Protocols ( Values and Ethics )
b. Confidentiality and Accuracy
c. Reviewing data/Information

1. Evidence, facts and information are collected.
2. Evaluation in terms of reference and conditions are reviewed to determine whether
data/information falls within the project scope.
3. Validity of data/information is assessed.


The students/ trainees must be provided with the following:

 Writing materials (pen & paper)
 Reference (books)
 Manuals

1. Written assessment
 Critical reading responses
 Critical viewing responses
 Mind map/ information table
 Parts, Purposes , Complexities (PPCs) / Entity Relationship diagram
 Flow chart / work process matrix
 Self-assessment

2. Performance Test
 Lecture
 Role playing
 Self-pace learning

3. Oral questioning (Problem-centered approach)

Written Examination
Learning Activities Special Instructions
1. Read information sheet 6.1-1 If you have some problem on the content of
the information sheet don’t hesitate to approach
STEM Competencies:
If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on
• Occupational Safety and the content of the information sheet, you can
Health Literacy now answer self-check provided in the module
• Critical Thinking Critical Reading (choose at least
• Ethical Thinking one additional instruction
to facilitate critical reading)
STEM Pedagogies • List down one or two questions
about the text
• Context-based learning (constructing questions)
Reflective learning • Write down key words that you
encounter in the text that
make you understand the topic
better (sensemaking)
• Simplify complex information
by making categories or
arranging them by themes
(proposing a way of
understanding complex
State key insight that you got from
the information sheet
(synthesizing information)

2. Answer self-check 6.1-1 Refer your answer to answer key 6.1-1

STEM Competency: Agency
If you have some problem on the content of the
3. Read information sheet 6.1-2
information sheet don’t hesitate to approach
STEM Competencies: If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on
the content of the information sheet, you can
• Occupational Safety and now answer self-check provided in the module.
Health Literacy Critical Reading (choose at least one
• Critical Thinking additional instruction

• Ethical Thinking to facilitate critical reading)

• List down one or two questions
about the text
STEM Pedagogies
(constructing questions)
• Context-based learning
• Write down key words that you
• Reflective learning encounter in the text that make you
understand the topic better (sense
• Simplify complex information by
making categories or arranging them by
themes (proposing a way of
understanding complex
• State key insight that you got from
the information sheet (synthesizing
3. Answer self-check 6.1-2 Refer your answer to answer key 6.1-2
STEM Competency: Agency
If you have some problem on the content of the
5. Read information sheet 6.1-3
information sheet don’t hesitate to approach
STEM Competencies: If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on
the content of the information sheet, you can
• Occupational Safety and
now answer self-check provided in the module.
Health Literacy Critical Reading (choose at least one
• Critical Thinking additional instruction
• Ethical Thinking to facilitate critical reading)
• List down one or two questions
about the text
STEM Pedagogies
(constructing questions)
• Context-based learning
• Reflective learning • Write down key words that you
encounter in the text that make you
understand the topic better (sense
• Simplify complex information by
making categories or arranging them by
themes (proposing a way of
understanding complex
• State key insight that you got from
the information sheet (synthesizing
6. Answer self-check 6.1-3 Refer your answer to answer key 6.1-3
STEM Competency: Agency Self-assessment checklist for mind
map/information table/PPCs/ERD

• The main ideas are supported by

• Ideas are grouped by categories
• Categories or main ideas are
properly labeled
There are lines or arrows to show
connections among ideas



Learning Objective: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, you MUST be able to:
1. Identify the different concerns to be considered in developing organizational protocols.
2. Enumerate the different protocols for presenting relevant information.
A well-established and transparent organizational protocol will attract referrals, prospective clients will
be assured to be treated equally, and clients will have realistic expectations. The more organized,
systematic and thorough you are in the initial entry and assessment process, the less capacity for
misunderstandings later on. Hence, an organization protocol should be developed and include the
following concerns:
Levels of transparency: The question inevitably arises as to the degree of openness that an organization
should maintain. Decisions about policy determination as to what constitutes internal vs. external
categories of information.
Identifying the recipients: An effective dissemination strategy requires advance identification of the
intended information recipients and of their particular needs. The time spent in identifying and
periodically updating the list of eventual end-users is time well spent.
An emphasis on reporting: Many staff, in setting priorities, often accord low status to the reporting
function. “I’ll get to it when I have time” is all too often the response to a request for information.
Emergency response organizations should, as a preparedness measure, establish and communicate to all
staff their expectations concerning reporting requirements.
Use of coordination structures for information dissemination: Emergency management organizations
seek to coordinate their activities for a wide number of reasons:
 Improved efficiency, cost-effectiveness and speed of humanitarian assistance
 A framework for strategic decision-making on issues of common concern
 A unified strategic approach to humanitarian assistance
 Elimination of gaps and duplication in services to meet the needs of the affected populations;
 Appropriate division of responsibilities.
Examples of Protocols for Presenting Relevant Information

1. Hand-outs on the topic are always beneficial. Clients like to follow along with the information you are
2. Do not read from your handouts rather use them as an adjunct to the information you are sharing with
3. Use relevant case studies to exemplify your point.
4. Make sure information presented is current.
5. Use various forms of visual aids: (overheads, power point, videos etc.)
6. Allow some time for the client to ask questions, either during or after the presentation.
7. Arrive a few minutes before your presentation begins to make sure everything is in place: the
equipment is set up to your liking, equipment is working properly etc.
8. Make sure you have verified the facts presented in your presentation.
Multiple Choice. Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers on the sheets provided.

1. Which of the following items are the significance of an established and transparent organizational
a. It will attract referrals
b. It will assure equality among the clients
c. Clients will have a realistic expectations
d. All of the above

2. Which of the organizational protocol concerns that filters of internal information from the external
a. Levels of transparency
b. Identifying the recipients
c. Emphasis on reporting
d. Use of coordination structures for information dissemination

3. Which of the following is NOT a reason for using a coordinated structure for information
a. A framework for strategic decision-making on issues of common concern
b. Elimination of gaps and duplication in services
c. Lesser work for the higher-ups
d. Improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness

4. In presenting a relevant information to the organization, make sure that:

a. Hand-outs and power points are optional, and presentation could be done through talks only.
b. Your information is correct and current
c. All the audience are there before you prepare your report
d. All of the above
5. Which of the organizational protocol concerns that focuses on the effective dissemination strategy on
the right persons?
a. Levels of transparency
b. Identifying the recipients
c. Emphasis on reporting
d. Use of coordination structures for information dissemination

1. d
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. b

Learning Objective: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, you MUST be able to:

1. Define confidentiality and accuracy

2. Identify the different ways to assure confidentiality of information
3. Identify the different ways to verify the accuracy of data

Confidential information is any data within the organization that should not be
spread out externally. Nowadays, in the business world, confidential
information such as pricing, marketing plans, customer lists are critical business
assets that could be compromised if the handling fails.
The following are ways to protect the confidentiality of information:
1. Insert non-disclosure provisions in employment agreements. It is a best practice that employees
who have access to confidential information sign an employment contract which contains non-disclosure
2. Control access. For any information that’s stored digitally it’s incredibly important that you control
access to it by using passwords, firewalls and encryption.
3. Use confidential waste bins and shredders. If you need to dispose of sensitive documents, then be
sure to shred them or use a confidential waste bin.
4. Lockable document storage cabinets. To provide an added level of protection, it’s also a good idea to
keep any lockable storage cabinets in a locked room that cannot be accessed by everyone.
5. Secure delivery of confidential documents. If it’s physical documents that need to be delivered, then
it’s a good idea to use a trusted courier service or ideally have them delivered by someone you trust
within your organization.
6. Employee training. When training your employees about protecting confidential information, it’s a
good idea to start first with explaining why data confidentiality is so important and then provide training
about the practical aspects of data protection i.e. using secure passwords, destroying of documents etc.

Generally, accuracy means freedom from errors. It also refers to the closeness of the information from the
truth or fact, hence, diligence in verifying the records is needed.
Identify the source causing the inaccuracies
Data inaccuracy can result from the movement of data from one database to another, incorrect values or
time-bound changes. .
Use the latest software
Utilizing Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) can reduce
the inaccuracy in data to vast extent.
Double-check the data with reviews
Reviewing can go a long way in minimizing errors in data entry.
Avoid overloading your team
Make sure that your team is not under pressure to achieve unrealistic data entry targets. Overloading your
data entry team can make them tired.
Try out automated error reports
Automated error reports are great to use when you are entering the same kind of data. For instance, a
social security number has nine digits.
Provide training to your employees
Make sure that your team of data entry professionals understands the importance of the data that they are
Adhere to robust data entry accuracy standards
Try to adopt robust data entry standards such as, geo-coding, matching, data monitoring, data profiling
and linking to name a few.

Explanation: Read the questions carefully and answer concisely.

1. What is confidentiality?

2. What is accuracy?

3. Give 2 ways to assure confidentiality.

4. Give 2 ways to ensure accuracy.


1. Confidential information is any data within the organization that should not be spread out externally.

2. Accuracy means freedom from errors. It also refers to the closeness of the information from the truth
or fact.

 Insert non-disclosure provisions in employment agreements
 Control access
 Use confidential waste bins and shredders
 Lockable document storage cabinets.
 Secure delivery of confidential documents.
 Employee Training

 Identify the source causing the inaccuracies
 Use the latest software
 Double-check the data with reviews
 Avoid overloading your team
 Try out automated error reports
 Provide training to your employees
 Adhere to robust data entry accuracy standards

Learning Objective: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, you MUST be able to:

1. Identify the different parameters to be reviewed in a set of data

2. Define the different parameters needed to be considered in the review of data.

The validity, completeness, consistency, accuracy and verifiability of any data or information should not
be taken for granted on any organization. The quality of your data establishes the trust of your clients and
investors, also it becomes the basis of some decisions such as programmatic and financial- with an erratic
data, the decision might lead to worse.

The data should be reviewed with the following parameters:

Validity implies precise and exact results acquired from the data collected. In technical terms, a
measure can lead to a proper and correct conclusions to be drawn from the sample that are generalizable
to the entire population. Basically, validity means that the data mean what they are supposed to mean
Potential Problems:
1. Invalid statistical tools
2. Invalid data collection protocols
How to validate data?
-Ask for the methodology of data collection
-Ask for the statistical tools used


The grantee collects enough information to fully represent an activity, a population, and/or
Potential Problems:
1. Sub grantees/sites missing from totals
2. Non-approved sampling
3. Inconsistent reporting periods
How grantees/commissions should assess data completeness:
– Keep a list of data submissions
– Check source documentation
– Request data at consistent intervals

The extent to which data are collected using the same procedures and definitions across collectors and
sites over time.
Potential Problems:
1. No standard definitions/methodologies
2. Lack of knowledge about required procedures and/or failure to follow them
3. Staff turnover
How grantees/commissions should assess data consistency:
– Request written data collection procedures; ask about dissemination/implementation
– Cross-compare definitions and protocols


The extent to which data appear to be free from significant errors.

Potential Problems:
1. Math errors
2. Counting individuals multiple times
3. Reporting the same individuals under different program streams
How grantees/commissions should assess data accuracy:
– Check your addition
– Request data points from service locations
– Check for double-counting in source data
– Watch out for double-reporting


The extent to which recipients follow practices that govern data collection, aggregation,
review, maintenance, and reporting. In short, there is an existing proof that the data are true for auditing.
Potential problems:
1. Inexplicable data points
2. Estimated values
How grantees/commissions should assess data verifiability:
– Require source documentation
– Review quality control plan

Multiple Choice. Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers on the sheets provided.

1. A parameter in data review that concerns with an existing proof that the data are true for auditing.
a. Accuracy
b. Verifiability
c. Completeness
d. Consistency

2. The extent to which data appear to be free from significant errors.

a. Accuracy
b. Verifiability
c. Completeness
d. Consistency

3. The grantee collects enough information to fully represent an activity, a population, and/or a sample.
a. Validity
b. Accuracy
c. Consistency
d. Completeness

4. Implies precise and exact results acquired from the data collected.
a. Validity
b. Accuracy
c. Consistency
d. Completeness
5. All items are a potential problem for data accuracy, EXCEPT:
a. Math errors
b. Staff Turn over
c. Counting individuals multiple times
d. Reporting the same individuals under different program streams


1. b
2 .a
3. d
4. c
5. b


a. Basic Business Math
b. Basic Statistics for Data Analysis

1. Validity of data/information is assessed
2. Analysis techniques are applied to assess data/information.
3. Data analysis techniques and procedures are documented.
4. Recommendations are made on areas of possible improvement.

The students/ trainees must be provided with the following:
 Writing materials (pen & paper)
 Reference (books)
 Manuals
1. Written assessment
 Critical reading responses
 Critical viewing responses
 Mind map/ information table
 Parts, Purposes, Complexities (PPCs) / Entity Relationship diagram
 Flow chart / work process matrix
 Self-assessment

2. Performance Test
• Lecture
• Role playing
• Self-pace learning

3. Oral questioning (Problem-centered approach)

Written Examination

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1.Read information sheet 6.2-1 If you have some problem on the content
of the information sheet don’t hesitate to
BASIC BUSINESS MATH approach your facilitator.
STEM Competencies:
• STEM knowledge If you feel that you are now knowledgeable
• ICT literacy on the content of the information sheet, you
• Occupational Safety and can now answer self-check provided in the
Health Literacy module
• Critical thinking Critical Reading (choose at least one
• Problem Solving additional instruction
STEM Pedagogies
• Experiential learning to facilitate critical reading)
• Project-based learning • List down one or two questions
Problem-centered learning about the text
(constructing questions)
• Write down key words that you
encounter in the text that make you
understand the topic better (sense making)
• Simplify complex information by
making categories or arranging them by
themes (proposing a way of understanding
• State key insight that you got from
the information sheet (synthesizing
2.Answer self-check 6.2-1 Refer your answer to answer key 6.2-1
STEM Competency :Agency

If you have some problem on the content of

3. Read information sheet 6.2-2
the information sheet don’t hesitate to
BASIC STATISTICS FOR DATA approach your facilitator.
ANALYSIS If you feel that you are now knowledgeable
on the content of the information sheet, you
STEM Competencies:
can now answer self-check provided in the
• STEM knowledge module.
• ICT literacy Critical Reading (choose at least one
• Occupational Safety and additional instruction

Health Literacy to facilitate critical reading)

• Critical thinking • List down one or two questions

about the text
• Problem Solving
(constructing questions)
STEM Pedagogies
• Write down key words that you
• Experiential learning encounter in the text that make you
• Project-based learning understand the topic better (sense making)
Problem-centered learning • Simplify complex information by
making categories or arranging them by
themes (proposing a way of understanding
• State key insight that you got from
the information sheet (synthesizing
4. Answer self-check 6.2-2 Refer your answer to answer key 6.2-2
STEM Competency :Agency



Learning Objective: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, you MUST be able to:

1. Identify the basic concepts in business math.

2. Compute percentage problems
3. Compute simple and compound interests

Percentage Problems
In business, percentages are mostly used in representing discounts, profits and in item inventory (sold-out
percentage). The general formula of solving percentages is presented below:

%= x 100
[Equation 1]

whole= x 100
[Equation 2]
part= x whole
[Equation 3]

Example 1. The total production cost of an item is Php 125. If it was sold for Php 150, what percentage
of the production cost is the profit for each item?

Production cost = Php 125
Selling Price = Php 150

First step: Calculate for the profit

Php 150- Php 125 = Php 25

Second Step: Calculate for the percentage using Equation 1

%= x 100
%=0.2 x 100
%=20 %

Conclusion: Hence, the profit is 20% of the total production cost.

Example 2. What percentage of Php134 is Php 21?
Part = Php 21
Whole= Php 134
First Step: Calculate for the percentage using Equation 1

%= x 100
%=0.1567 x 100
%=15.67 %

Conclusion: Hence, Php 21 is 15.67% of Php 134

Example 3. A Php 67 coat is on sale for 20% off. How much is the coat after the discount?

First step: Solve for the 20% of Php 67 using Equation 3.

20 %
part= x 67
part=0.20 x 67
part (discount )=Php 13.4
Second step: Deduct the discount from the selling price
Final price=Php 67−Php 13.4
Final price=Php 53.6
Conclusion: The final price of the coat is Php 53.60

Example 4 . Andrew was selling juice cups, if he wants to sell it at Php 8.50 and wants this price to be
55% of his production cost, how much should his budget be for the production of each cup?

First step: Solve for his production cost using Equation 2

whole= x 100
25 %
whole=0.34 x 100
whole=Php 34

Conclusion: Hence, the production cost to be prepared per cup is Php 34.

Simple Interests
Simple interest is a quick and easy method of calculating the interest charge on a loan. Simple interest is
determined by multiplying the daily interest rate by the principal by the number of days that elapse
between payments.

I =Principal x Rate x Time

[Equation 4]

Example 1: Php 34,100 at 4% for 3 years

Step 1: Convert the percentage to decimal by dividing it to 100

4/100= 0.04

Step 2: Compute the interest using Equation 4

I =34,100 x 0.04 x 3
I =Php 4,092

Example 2: Php 8,700 at 3.25% for 3 years

Step 1: Convert the percentage to decimal by dividing it to 100

3.25/100= 0.0325

Step 2: Compute the interest using Equation 4

I =8700 x 0.0325 x 3
I =Php 848.25

Compound Interest
Compound interest (or compounding interest) is interest calculated on the initial principal, which also
includes all of the accumulated interest of previous periods of a deposit or loan.
A=P(1+ )
[Equation 5]
A = the future value of the investment/loan, including interest
P = the principal investment amount (the initial deposit or loan amount)
r = the annual interest rate (decimal)
n = the number of times that interest is compounded per unit t
t = the time the money is invested or borrowed for
Example 1: If an amount of Php 5,000 is deposited into a savings account at an annual interest rate of
5%, compounded monthly, calculate the value of the investment after 10 years.
Step 1: Convert the percentage to decimal by dividing it to 100
5/100= 0.05

Step 2: Compute the future value of the investment

A=5000(1+ )
Example 2. An amount of Php 1,500.00 is deposited in a bank paying an annual interest rate of 4.3%,
compounded quarterly. What is the balance after 6 years?

Step 1: Convert the percentage to decimal by dividing it to 100

4.3/100= 0.043

Step 2: Compute the future value of the investment

4 (6)
A=1500(1+ )


Problem Solving. Read and solve each problem thoroughly. Show your solutions and encircle your final

1. The total production cost of an item is Php 287. If it was sold for Php 350, what percentage of the
production cost is the profit for each item?

2. A 2-year loan of Php 5,500 is made with 4% simple interest. Find the interest earned.
3. A principal of Php 2000 is placed in a savings account at 3% quarterly compounded. How much is in
the account after two years and three years?


1. The total production cost of an item is Php 287. If it was sold for Php 350, what percentage of the
production cost is the profit for each item?
a. Solve for the profit
Php 350-Php 287 = Php 63
b. Solve for the percentage

%= x 100
%= x 100
%=0.2195 x 100
%=21.95 %

c. The percentage of the profit is 21.95% per item.

2. A 2-year loan of Php 5,500 is made with 4% simple interest. Find the interest earned.
I =Prt
I =5,500 x 0.04 x 2
I =Php 440
3. A principal of Php 2000 is placed in a savings account at 3% quarterly compounded. How much is in
the account after two years and three years?
For 2 years:
4 (2)
A=2000(1+ )
4 (2)
A=2000 ( 21.90 )
A=Php 43818.70

For 3 years:
4 (3)
A=2000(1+ )
4 (3 )
A=2000 ( 32.86 )

Learning Objective: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, you MUST be able to:

1. Identify the different measures of central tendency

2. Identify the different measures of dispersion
3. Calculate the mean, median, mode, variance and standard deviation
4. Identify the application for each data analysis techniques.
Statistical methods are mainly useful to ensure that your data are interpreted correctly. And that apparent
relationships are really “significant” or meaningful and it is not simply happen by chance. Actually, the
statistical analysis helps to find meaning to the meaningless numbers.
Measures of Central Tendency
A measure of central tendency is a single value that attempts to describe a set of data by identifying the
central position within that set of data. As such, measures of central tendency are sometimes called
measures of central location. They are also classed as summary statistics. The mean (often called the
average) is most likely the measure of central tendency that you are most familiar with, but there are
others, such as the median and the mode.

The mean (or average) is the most popular and well known measure of central tendency. It can be used
with both discrete and continuous data, although its use is most often with continuous data.

Example 1. The daily profit was listed on the table below, find the average profit within the last 5 days.

Day Profit In Php

1 3200

2 3000

3 2450

4 3100

5 2563

Hence, the average of the profit within the last 5 days is Php 2862.60.

The median is the middle score for a set of data that has been arranged in order of magnitude. The median
is less affected by outliers and skewed data as compared to the mean.

For instance, the salary of the staff are presented above, the mean of the salary is at 30.7K. However,
inspecting the raw data suggests that this mean value might not be the best way to accurately reflect the
typical salary of a worker, as most workers have salaries in the 12k to 18k range. The mean is being
skewed by the two large salaries. Therefore, in this situation, taking the median as the middle term would
be much better.
Example 1. Take the mean of the salaries presented above.

First step: Arrange the data from least to greatest

12k, 14k, 15k, 15k, 15k, 16k, 17k, 18k, 90k, 95k
1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1

Since there are two numbers in the middle, you have to take the average of the two to get the median.

15 k +16 k

Median=15.5 k
Example 2. The daily profit was listed on the table below, find the average profit within the last 5 days.
Day Profit In Php

1 3200

2 3000

3 2450

4 3100

5 2563

First step: Arrange the data from least to greatest and look for the middle term.
2450, 2563, 3000, 3100, 3200
1 2 3 2 1
Hence, the median of the profit is Php 3000.

The mode is the most frequent score in our data set. On a histogram it represents the highest bar in a bar
chart or histogram. You can, therefore, sometimes consider the mode as being the most popular option.
An example of a mode is presented below:

Example 1. The items on your store and the frequency of them being sold within the week are listed
down. Identify the mode.

Items Selling Frequency

Pants 6

Shorts 10

T-shirts 30

Under wears 20

Based on the right column, the item that has the highest selling frequency is the t-shirts, hence the mode
of the data is “T-shirts.”

Measures of Dispersion
Measures of dispersion measure how spread out a set of data is. There are two measures of dispersion:
variance and standard deviation.

Variance of a Population (σ2)

Variance is the average of the squared differences from the mean. The formula of variance is given
2 Σ(x −μ)
σ =
x= term given
μ= Mean
n= number of terms

Example 1. The daily profit was listed on the table below, find how spread out the profit is within the last
5 days.

Day Profit In Php

1 3200

2 3000

3 2450

4 3100

5 2563

Step 1: Solve for the mean

3200+3000+ 2450+3100+2563

Step 2: Make a table to summarize your solution

x μ x- μ (x- μ)2

3200 2862.60 337.4 113,838.76

3000 2862.60 137.40 18,878.76

2450 2862.60 -412.60 170,238.76

3100 2862.60 237.40 56,358.76

2563 2862.60 -299.60 89,760.16

Σ 449,075.20

Step 3: Compute for the variance using the formula

Σ(x −μ)
σ 2=
2 449,075.20
σ =
σ =89815.04
Standard Deviation of a Population (σ)
The Standard Deviation is a measure of how spread out numbers are. Its symbol is σ. The formula is easy: it is the
square root of the Variance.

So, to continue our previous example, the standard deviation of the profits is
σ =√ 89815.04
σ =299.69
So, using the Standard Deviation we have a "standard" way of knowing what is normal, and what extra
high or extra low is.
The mean of the profits is Php 2862.60, if you add the standard deviation, the sum would be Php 3162.29.
This only means that any profit higher than Php 3162.29 is extra high. Hence, the profit in Day 1 (Php
3200), is higher than the average.
If you subtract the standard deviation on the mean, the result is Php 2562.91, means that any profit below
this is extra low. It means that the profit in Day 3 (Php 2450) is especially lower and you need to
investigate as to why the profit is low at that time.


Problem Solving. Read the problem and solve for the measures of central tendency and dispersion.
The sales were recorded for 5 straight days. It was presented on the table below.

Day Sales

1 1,103.00

2 1,102.00

3 1,103.20

4 1,102.00

5 1,103.10

1. Compute for the mean, median and mode.

2. Compute for the variance and standard deviation
1103+ 1102+1103.20+ 1102+1103.10

1102, 1102, 1103, 1103.10, 1103.20

Mode 1,102

Variance and Standard Deviation

x μ x- μ (x- μ)2

1102 1102.66 -0.66 0.4356

1102 1102.66 -0.66 0.4356

1103 1102.66 0.34 0.1156

1103.10 1102.66 0.44 0.1936

1103.20 1102.66 0.54 0.2916

Σ 1.472

2 1.472
σ =
σ =0.2944
σ =0.5426


a. Reporting of Data Findings and Analysis
b. Reporting to a Range of Audience

1. Studied data/information are recorded.
2. Recommendations are analyzed for action to ensure they are compatible with the project’s scope
and terms of reference.
3. Interim and final reports are analyzed and outcome are compared to the criteria established at the
4. Findings are presented to the stakeholders.


1. Written assessment
 Critical reading responses
 Critical viewing responses
 Mind map/ information table
 Parts, Purposes, Complexities (PPCs) / Entity Relationship diagram
 Flow chart / work process matrix
 Self-assessment

2. Performance Test
• Lecture
• Role playing
• Self-pace learning

3. Oral questioning (Problem-centered approach)

The students/ trainees must be provided with the following:
 Writing materials (pen & paper)
 Reference (books)
 Manuals

Written Examination

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1.Read information sheet 6.3-1 If you have some problem on the content
of the information sheet don’t hesitate to
REPORTING OF DATA FINDINGS approach your facilitator.
AND ANALYSIS If you feel that you are now knowledgeable
STEM Competencies: on the content of the information sheet, you
• STEM knowledge can now answer self-check provided in the
• ICT literacy module
• Occupational Safety and Critical Reading (choose at least one
Health Literacy additional instruction
• Critical thinking
• Problem Solving to facilitate critical reading)
STEM Pedagogies • List down one or two questions
• Experiential learning about the text
• Project-based learning
Problem-centered learning (constructing questions)
• Write down key words that you
encounter in the text that make you
understand the topic better (sense making)
• Simplify complex information by
making categories or arranging them by
themes (proposing a way of understanding
• State key insight that you got from
the information sheet (synthesizing
2.Answer self-check 6.3-1 Refer your answer to answer key 6.3-1
STEM Competency :Agency
If you have some problem on the content of
3. Read information sheet 6.2-2
the information sheet don’t hesitate to
REPORTING TO A RANGE OF approach your facilitator.
If you feel that you are now knowledgeable
STEM Competencies: Agency on the content of the information sheet, you
can now answer self-check provided in the
• STEM knowledge module.
• ICT literacy Critical Reading (choose at least one
additional instruction
• Occupational Safety and to facilitate critical reading)
Health Literacy • List down one or two questions
about the text
• Critical thinking
(constructing questions)
• Problem Solving • Write down key words that you
encounter in the text that make you
STEM Pedagogies understand the topic better (sensemaking)
• Experiential learning • Simplify complex information by
making categories or arranging them by
• Project-based learning themes (proposing a way of understanding
Problem-centered learning
• State key insight that you got from
the information sheet (synthesizing
4. Perform Job Sheet 6.3-1 Refer your answer to answer key 6.3-1
STEM Competencies: When you are ready, present your
work to your trainer for final
• STEM knowledge evaluation and training. Ask trainer if
• ICT literacy you can proceed to the next learning
• Occupational Safety and outcome.

Health Literacy Oral Questioning (Critical Thinking,

Problem Solving, Occupational Safety
• Critical thinking
and Health
• Problem Solving

• What possible problem/s might

STEM Pedagogies you encounter in
• Experiential learning computer? (problem finding)
• Project-based learning • How will you solve the said
Problem-centered learning problem/s? (problem solving)
In your demonstration, how did you
ensure your safety as you perform
the task? (OSH)

Learning Objective: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, you MUST be able to:

1. Trace the process of data reporting

2. Determine the significance of data reporting
3. Determine three key steps to building an analysis that helps uncover business insights

Data Monitoring and Reporting System

Data reporting starts by monitoring an organization’s statistics through tables, graphs and charts.
How Data Analysis Helps You Find Answers
Data analysis is the process of examining data with the goal of answering a business question that
supports decision-making. An analysis can reveal powerful insights if you are able to uncover why
something is happening and what you can do about it.
Here are three key steps to building an analysis that helps uncover insights:

1. Start With Specific Questions. Example: Instead of asking “How will I improve the business’
performance?” ask “Where in the sales are my higher performers spending their time vs. lower
2. Identify Data Sources. Using the example above, you can determine that you’ll need sales data,
specifically time allocation by each rep within each stage of the production or process.
3. Interpret Results. “Does the data answer my question and defend against any objections? How?”


Multiple Choice. Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers on the sheets provided.

1. What’s the correct sequence of events?

a. data gathering, reporting, analysis, action, development
b. action, data gathering, reporting, analysis, development
c. development, action, reporting, analysis, data gathering
d. data gathering, analysis, action, development, reporting

2. What’s the best way to present data?

a. Through an essay
b. Through a narrative report
c. Through graphs and charts
d. None of the above

3. What should be made after analyzing the data?

a. report
b. action plan
c. chart
d. graphs

4. What characteristics should a question have?

a. A question should be actionable
b. A question should be valuable
c. A question should be detailed
d. All of the above

5. What are the steps to building an analysis that helps uncover insights?
a. Identify the problem, gather data, reporting
b. Analyze the problem, experimenting, data gathering, reporting
c. Start with a general question, gather the data, and report the data
d. Start with a specific question, identify data sources, and interpret results


1. a
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. d

Learning Objective: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, you MUST be able to:

1. Identify the different reporting techniques to be used in a range of audience

2. Make a slideshow presentation for data reporting
3. Determine the correct chart or graph to use.

1. Show your Passion and Connect with your Audience

-Great presenters starts off with the most important thing to connect with the audience, and the best way
to do that is to let your passion shine through.
2. Focus on your Audience’s Needs
-Your presentation needs to be built around what your audience is going to get out of the presentation.

3. Keep it Simple: Concentrate on your Core Message

When planning your presentation, you should always keep in mind the question:
What is the key message (or three key points) for my audience to take away?
You should be able to communicate that key message very briefly.
4. Smile and Make Eye Contact with your Audience
If you smile and make eye contact, you are building rapport, which helps the audience to connect with
you and your subject. It also helps you to feel less nervous, because you are talking to individuals, not to
a great mass of unknown people.
5. Start Strongly
The beginning of your presentation is crucial. You need to grab your audience’s attention and hold it.
6. Know the correct chart or graph to use.
1) Vertical Bar Charts

As for this chart, respondents were only able to select one distinct option making its cross analysis with
happiness perfect for a vertical bar chart.

2) Horizontal Bar Charts

The horizontal bar chart is used when comparing the mean or percentages of 8 or more different groups.
As with the vertical bar chart, the horizontal bar chart should only be used when comparing categories
that are mutually exclusive. In this chart, more than 7 categories of candy were measured independently
and are being compared to one another.
3) Pie Charts

Pie charts are best used to illustrate a sample break down in a single dimension. In other words, it is best
to use pie charts when you want to show differences within groups based on one variable. In the example
above, we broke down the sample group into different age groups in order to show the significance of age
on cotton candy sales. It is important to remember that pie charts should only be used with a group of
categories that combine to make up a whole.

4) Line Charts

Line charts are used to illustrate trends over time. This is done most often to measure the long term
progression of sales, or any other empirical statistic important to businesses or organizations. It can also
be used to compare two different variables over time. In our example, we see how the increased
government funding in healthy living correlates with candy sales over the span of 5 years.

5) Scatter Plot
Scatter plots are used to depict how different objects settle around a mean based on 2 to 3 different
dimensions. This allows for quick and easy comparisons between competing variables. In our example
chart above we can see how each candy compares to one another based on its cost to make and selling
price. As a viewer, one can quickly reference the difference between two objects or its relation to the
average, which is shown as the large square on the chart.

6) Histogram

Like pie charts, histograms break down the sample distribution in one dimension. The real difference
between histograms and other forms of charts is that histograms are ideal for illustrating sample
distributions on dimensions measured with discrete intervals. Unlike horizontal and vertical bar charts,
the x-axis is not divided into mutually exclusive categories
Job Sheet No. 6.3-1

 Performance Objectives:

Given an hour, the trainee should be able to make and demonstrate a short data
presentation. The trainee should be able to follow the techniques and use the assigned
chart or graphs correctly stated in Information Sheet 6.3-2.

 Materials


 Procedures
1. The students will be divided into 3 groups.
Group 1- Pie Chart
Group 2- Histogram
Group 3- Line Graph
2. Each group will present their data and graphs for 5 to 10 minutes. Include your
method of data gathering and your conclusions.

Performance Criteria for

Job Sheet No. 6.3-1

Trainee’s Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

The trainee has:
Started the presentation strongly.

Showed passion and connection with the audience.

Entertained questions from the audience.

The presenter focused on the core message

Maintains eye contact with the audience.

Presented the graph/chart correctly.

Presented the data clearly.


[1] Organisational policies and procedures. Accessed from

policies/policies.htm on April 22, 2019
[2]Ten ways to protect your confidential information. Accessed from
managing/how-to-protect-your-confidential-information/article16072896/ on April
22, 2019
[3] The Challenges of Data Quality and Data Quality Assessment in the Big Data
Era. Accessed from https://datascience.codata.org/articles/10.5334/dsj-2015-002/
on April 22, 2019
[4]Excel percentage formulas: Percentage of total, percent increase or decrease,
sales tax and more. Accessed from https://www.pcworld.com/article/3175232/excel-
percentage-formulas.html on April 22, 2019
[5] Measures of Central Tendency. Accessed from
mode-median.php on April 22, 2019
[6]The Difference Between Reporting and Analysis and Why it Matters. Accessed
from https://datahero.com/blog/2017/08/14/data-reporting-and-analysis/ on April
22, 2019
[7] Top Tips for Effective Presentations. Accessed from
https://www.skillsyouneed.com/present/presentation-tips.html on April 22, 2019

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