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MORARJI DESAI RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL ✓JallianwalaBagh massacre-13 April, 1919.

MUGGIDARAGIHALLI.JAGALUR TQ, Khilafath movement-1921.
✓The Non-cooperation movement-1920-1922.
SSLC ✓The civil Disobedience movement(Dandi March) -
1930. ✓The Quit India movement-1942.
Social Science
IMPORTANT 3/4 MARKS QUESTION AND 5. What were/ Name the / List the programmes
or the major developments of Non- cooperation
1. What were the demands(Role) of Moderates
placed infront of the British?
✓Non-cooperation movement was started on 1920
✓W.C. Banerjee, M.G. Ranade, S.N. Banerjee,
by Gandhiji
DadabaiNavoroji, Gopala Krishna Gokhale were
✓Students boycotted schools and colleges.
called Moderates.
✓They submitted memorandums. ✓Lawyers boycotted courts.
✓They demanding reduce of military expenditure. ✓Boycotted all foreign goods.
Congress boycotted the elections for regional
✓Should be development of Indian industries. ✓To
legislative bodies.
provide good education.
✓Gandhiji, Rabindranth Tagore returned their
✓Should be arrange the programmes for poverty
honours and medals .
✓Many national institutions were established.
✓They urged to conduct ICS exams at a time.
✓Nominated members to the local bodies resigning
2. Discuss the role of B.G. Tilak in the Indian from their membership.
Independence movement(Radicals). ✓The Indians boycotted the all government
✓Tilak was the prominent of radicals. ✓He functions.
opposed partion of Bengal by Curzon. ✓The visit of “Prince of Wales” in 1921 was
✓Tilak declared „Swaraj is my birth right, I shall opposed.
have it‟. ✓He encouraged swadeshi goods.
6.Explain the role of Subhas Chandra Bose in
✓He started Ganesha, Shivaji and Durga festivals. the Indian National Freedom Struggle‟.
✓He published news papers„Kesari‟and „Maratha. ✓He became a popular as „Netaji‟.
✓He started Home Rule Movement with the Annie ✓ He toured and rallied at Vienna, Berlin, Rome
Basent in 1916. etc. for motivated to Indians on Indian freedom
3. Explain the Revolutionaries of Indian ✓ He and Jawaharlal Nehru founded the „Congress
Independence movement.
Socialist party‟.
✓They are Aurobindo Ghosh, V.D. Savarkar,
✓ He became the president of Haripura Congress
Kudiram Bose, Shyamji Krishnavarma, Ramprasad
Bismil, Bhagath Singh, Chandrashekar Azad etc.
✓He founded the „Forward Block‟.
✓They used violence method . ✓They creates fear
✓ He broadcasted his patriatic speeches over „Azad
among the British .
Hind Radio‟ to Indians.
✓They sacrifies their life for freedom.✓They
✓ He founded „Indian National Army‟.
oppose misadministration.
✓They fought through secreat organizations. ✓He called for „Delhi Chalo‟.
✓He said, “Give me your blood, I‟llgot you Indian
4. Explin the role of Mahatma Gandhji in Indian Independence”.
freedom movement.
✓Gandhij born 2 October, 1869, at Porabandar. 7. Explain the major achievements of Nehru as
the first prime Minister of India.
✓He used tools to protest called “Satyagraha”
 He made an integration of Princely states.
“Fasting”, “Truth”, and “Non-violence”.  He reorganized of states based on languages.
✓He started his struggle by establishing  He pioneer of Non Aligned Movement.
„Sabarmati Ashrama‟at Ahmadabad.  He introduced Mixed Economy.
✓Gandhiji launched „Champaran movement‟ in  He introduced Five year plan.
support of Indigo growers.  He developed infrastructure and heavy
✓He started a movement in support of the mill industries.
workers of Ahmadabad.  He laid the foundation for atomatic energy.
✓He opposed land taxes in Kheda village of  He signed treaty of „panchasheela principles.
 He wanted to stay away from both powerful  The farmers of Bengal rose against the
blocks during cold war period. Zamindars.
 The farmers of Maharashtra protested against low
8. Explain the contributions of B.R. Ambedkar wages.
to fold the hierarchical social and economic  Farmers of Telangana protested against
inequal society in India. Zamindars and Razacks.
 He strongly believed Political freedom without
social freedom.. 11. Make a list of the effects of British education
 He studied against caste system. in India.
 He organized Mahad lake and Kalaram temple OR The British education system created a
movements. new generation of Indians with progressive
 He participated three Round table Conferences in attitudes. Justify.
England. ✓It could develop modernity, secularism and
 He demanded for separate electorate constituencies democratic attitudes.
to the untouchables. ✓It developed rationality and nationalistic ideals.
 He founded Bahishkrut Hitakarini Sabha. ✓It developed literature in local language.
 He established SwatantraKarmika Party. ✓Periodicals started emerging.
 He was Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the
✓New social and religious reformation movements
„Constitution of India‟.
 He became the first law minister of Independent started.
India. ✓Indians could understood and appreciate their rich
9. Explain the various revolts of Farmers, ✓It created a new generation of Indians.
Workers and Tribal‟s in the freedom struggle
in India. 12.What are the reformations brought by the
✓The farmers of Champaranya district was opposed British rule in the police system?
the Indigo cropping and against the land taxes. 1.Implemented the efficient Police System.
✓The farmers of Tebhaga, Malabar and other 2.Created the new post of SP.
3. Divided every district into many stations.
places revolted against the British and Zamindars.
4.Put every station under a „Kotwal‟and
✓In Telangana farmers protested against Zamindar
and Nizam‟s Razacks. 5.Kotwal‟ was made accountable for crimes at
✓In Maharashtra farmers protested against low village level
wages on Zamindars. 6. The Police law was implemented
✓The Railway workers held protests and raised 7. Allowed the appointment of suitable educational
slogans against the Britishofficers. qualification.
✓A labour union was founded in Madras.
✓The revolts of Santala, Kola and Munda‟s started 13.What are the reformations brought by the
against the tax and forest policies onBritish. British Administrative and judicial system:
✓Halagali Beda‟s, revolted of Karnataka is Civil services:
another notable revolt against the Britishand  Lord Cornwallis introduced civil services in India.
Zamindars.  Appointed employees for the purpose of trade.
 Government of England implemented regulating act
10. The protests organized by the farmers are in 1773 to bring control over corrupt employees.
important in National Freedom struggle‟  In 1800 Lord Cornwallis open the Fort William
Explain. college in Kolkata for encourage to join civil
 Influenced by the Congress and Marxist services.
ideologies.  In 1853 onwards appointment was done through
 Farmers rebelled against the British planters and examinations.
Zamindars. The judicial system:
 Opposed the Indigo cropping in Champaranya. Civil and Judiciary system was given to Indians this
 Protested against land tax. lead to implementation of new judicial system in
 Farmers of Tebhaga, Malabar opposed the India.
British. ● Warren Hastings devised two type of courts , a)
 Gandhiji influenced activities of Champaranya Diwani Adalat- Civil Court
and Kheda. b) Faujdari Adalat- Criminal Court
 Protests organized by KisanSabha. ●Hindus and Muslims were dispensed justice as per
Hindu scripture and shariyath respectively.
● Civil courts were under European offices and ✓He killed an Amaldhar, further increased the
criminal courts under Qajis popularity of Puttabasappa.
✓This incident gained more support for the
14. The 18th century in Indian History was rebellion and rebellion became more famous.
“the century of political problems”. Justify. ✓Finally this rebellion failed by the hanged deat of
✓French and English involved in Indian politics. Puttaabasappa.
✓Death of Aurangazeb.
✓The Moghal empire weakened. ✓Political 15. What were the results of Doctrine of Lapse?
struggle in Carnatic region. Discuss. (political causes)
✓The Moghal lost political control over South ❖Abolished the kingship of kings of Tanjavore and
India. Carnatic Nawabs
✓Death of Chikkadevaraya Wodeyar. ✓Anglo- ❖Doctrine of lapse policy
Mysore wars were fought. ❖The British dethroned Mughal kings
✓Political challenges in Mysore state for ❖Disappointment of such rulers
succession. ❖Soldiers became unemployed.
✓The Nawab of Arcot, Marathas and Nizam were ❖Dolhousie cancelled princely titles
fighting .
16.How did the economic policies result in the
12. What were the conditions of Srirangapatanam mutiny of 1857? Explain.
treaty? ❖Industrial revelution of England
✓The 3rd Anglo Mysore war ended by the „Treaty of ❖Heavy import tax on Indian goods.
Srirangapatana‟ in 1792.
❖Decline of Indian industries
✓The British defeated Tippu.
❖Unemployment of labourers
✓The British imposed unfavorable conditions on
❖Exploitation of farmers for tax
Tippu Sultan.
❖Inam Commission
✓Tippu gave half of his kingdom.
❖Zamindars exploited the farmer.
✓He agreed to pay three crore rupees as war
17. List out the reasons that led to the failure the
damages fee.
✓He had to pledge two of his children as a
❖Did not spread to the whole country.
guarantee against the payment.
❖No proper leadership
✓He was also forced to release the prisoners of war.
❖Provincial kings did not support the struggle
13. Explain the method of resisting the British ❖No proper direction
power by DondiyaWagh. ❖The people lost confidence in the soldiers
✓Dondiya was known as Wagh. It means Tiger. ❖No discipline
✓He started his career as a cavalry soldier in Hyder ❖The revolt was not an organized effort.
Ali‟s army. ❖No unity (any 6 points)
✓Then he built his private army and fought along
with Tippu Sultan. 18.What were the main aspects in the declaration
✓He built a small army and started his operations. of the British queen in 1858?
✓He organized the army with the unhappy soldiers 1. The agreements entered by the company with the
of Tippu‟s army against the British. local Kings.
2. Non pursuance of regional expansion.
✓He captured Bidanoor and Shivamogga forts.
3. Providing a stable government.
4. Equality before the law
14 Explain the Amarasullya rebellion/ the
5. Non-interference of the government in religious
contribution of Puttabasappa of Kodagu
issues .
freedom struggle.
✓This rebellion basically a farmers rebellion. ✓It
19. What are the important aspects of Brahma
was started at Kodagu regions. Samaj? OR
✓The main cause for this was the British dethroned What are the preaching of Brahma Samaj?
the rulers of Kodagu in 1834. ✓Advocated Monotheism.
✓Puttabasappa took over the leadership. ✓He ✓Opposed meaningless practices..
organized the rebels and calmed down the people.
✓Opposed image worship.
✓He declared that tax on tobacco and salt will be
✓To assure equality to women .
with drawn.
✓oppsed polygamy.
✓To gave importance to English education. ✓The „Self Respect Movement‟ led by Periyar.
✓He also started Justice Periodical.
20. Discuss the declaration of ✓Periyar participated in Vaikom temple entry
DayanandaSaraswati‟s „Back to Vedas‟. movement of Kerala.
OR What are the aims of AryaSamaj? ✓He started an association called “Dravida
✓All believe in one formless god. Kalagam”.
✓It opposed the caste system.
✓Encouragement to inter caste marriages. 26. Unemployment has become huge/big problem
✓Men and women are equal. in India. Why? OR
✓oppsed polygamy and child marriage. What are the main/major causes of
✓One should study Vedas. unemployment in India?
✓Over population.
21. Discuss the aims/objectives/importance of ✓Improved technology.
Aligarh Movement. ✓Shortage of natural resources.
✓To opposed the purdah system . ✓Over dependency of agriculture.
✓Encourage English education. ✓Ruined cottage industries.
✓opposed the polygamy. ✓Lack of skill based education.
✓To encouragement of unity among Hindus and
Muslims. 27. What are the measures taken by the
government to improve the status of Women?
22. What are the reformation advocated by the ✓ Health and Education of the women.
SatyaShodhakaSamaj? ✓Abolished child marriage and dowry system.
✓To provide equal rights to non Brahmin class and ✓To implemented the compulsory free and primary
women. education.
✓To build a philosophical base for the movement. ✓To implemented the „Stree Shakti programme‟.
✓It opened schools for Shudras and girls. ✓The women self help group have been formed.
✓It established hostels for girls. ✓Women‟s commission has been set up .
✓It gave the direction of establishing society based ✓To provide 33% reservation.
on equality.
23. What were the reformation activities of Annie 28. List out the aims of the UNO.
Besant? ✓Safeguarding international peace and security.
✓To the reformation of Hindu religion. ✓promote cooperation among nations.
✓She advocated that Indian culture. ✓Improving the faith in human rights.
✓She Translated BhagvathGeetha to English. ✓Find solutions to various problems.
✓She started Central Hindu College at Benaras. ✓Providing recognition to international agreements
✓She started two periodicals „New India‟ and and conditions.
„Common Wealth‟. ✓Striving to build mutual trust and cooperation
✓She started Home rule movement in 1916 . among the countries.

24. Explain the contributions of Sri 29. Name the affiliated bodies of institutions of
Narayana Dharma ParipalanaYogam/Sri UNO.
Narayana Guru. ✓General Assembly.
✓One caste , One religion and One god for human ✓Security Council.
beings . ✓Economic and Social committee.
✓He declared education. ✓Trusteeship Council.
✓He built temples for backward classes. ✓International Court of Justice.
✓He started „Viakom Movement‟ , ✓The Secretariate.
✓Father of self respect movement.
30. What are the achievements of UNO?
25. Make list of main aspects of Periyar ✓Peace keeping functions
Movement. Periyar E.V. Ramaswami
✓GATT agreement
✓It has continued to work on disarmament .
✓The Non-Brahmin movement was started.
✓The cold war was ended by UNO.
✓The Justice Party started in 1916.
✓The universal declaration of Human Rights
✓The Wold Bank, IMF are working well with 3) creating awareness about government policies
the of UNO. and programmes of development.
✓The removal of apartheid, colonialism . 4) natural hazards and disasters,
5) weather forecasting etc.
31.What are the causes and effects soil erosion? 6) progress of trade, industry, agriculture
7) entertainment, information of the world.
causes Effects Measures 8) Helps to maintain unity and integrity of the
Deforestation Loss of soil Afforestation country
Over grazing it leads to Contour 39.What are the problems of roads?
silting. farming  They are unfit for transportation during the
Unscientific less Control rainy season.
cultivation agricultural overgrazing  They cause of environmental pollution,
activity.  Increased density of vehicles and accidents.
Over irrigation it leads to Contour  Roads are subjected to severe wear and tear due to
flood. bonding. rain, floods and cyclones every year.
Shifting change of the Construction of  Construction and management of highways are in
cultivation course of check dams adequate.
rivers.  Scarcity of the basic needs.
Mining, making Ground water Bench
bricks,tiles. level is terracing. 40.Make a list of Major Ports in India.
lowered Western coast Eastern coast.
Kandla  Tuticorin
Mumbai (Gate way of Chennai(oldest port)
32What are the main causes for destruction of India)
forest? & How can we conserve forests? Marmagoa, Vishakhapatnam
New Mangalore Kolkata ,Paradeep ,
Causes Conservation of forests
,Kochi Haldia
Expansion of Control of deforestation
agricultural land
construction of roads Restriction of grazing
41.Which are the factors influenced on location of
and railway
construction of roads Control of forest fires
✓Supply of raw materials.
and railway
Industrialization& Scientific cutting of trees ✓Supply of power.
urbanization ✓Transport and communication.
over grazing& forest Encourage afforestation ✓Market facilities.
fires ✓Govt policy.
Creating of awareness ✓Labour and water supply.
Controlling illegal ✓Cheap labour.
cutting of trees ✓Capital and local market.

36. Explain the Importance of Road transport. 42. List out the major industrial regions of India.
1) Can be constructed in forests and hilly regions ✓The Hoogly-Kolkata Region.
2) Connect isolated places
✓The Mumbai-Pune Region.
3) Connect remote places with cities and towns
4) Provide door to door services ✓The Ahmedabad-Vododara Region.
5) Most useful for defence in border areas. ✓The Madhurai-Coimbatore Region.
6) Develop agriculture, village industries. ✓The Delhi-Meerut Region.
7) Feeders to railways, seaports and airports ✓The Vishakapatnam-Guntur Region.
8) Important role in tourism, trade and commerce ✓The Kolkota-Thiruvananthapuram Region.
9) Create employment opportunities
10) Helps defence 43. List out the Iron and Steel plants/Industries of
public sector in India.
37What are the importance of communication? ✓IISCO-Indian Iron and Steel co. at Burnpur in
1) quick transmission and discrimination of ideas, West Bengal.
2) information and messages from person to person ✓VISL-Vishweshwaraiah Iron and Steel Ltd.At
and place to place. Bhadravati in Karnataka1923.
✓Hindustan Steel Ltd at Bilai, Chhattisgarh. ✓It exists based on the division of labour,
✓Hindustan Steel Ltd at Rourkela, Odissa. profession, income.
✓Hindustan Steel Ltd at Durgapur, West Bengal. ✓It is Ancient.
✓Bokaro Steel Plant at Bokaro in Jharkhand. ✓It exists in different ways.
✓The Salam Steel Plant at Tamilnadu.
47. What are the major forms of Social
44. What are the causes , effects and Stratification?
prevention measures of Cyclones ,floods,land ✓Primitive Society.
slides,coastal erosion and earthqua? ✓Slavary.
Causes: ✓Estate System.
✓Deforestation ✓Varna System.
✓Rapid urbanization. ✓Caste System.
✓modernization ✓Untouchability.
✓Mining and quarrying.
✓Construction of roads, , dams Hydel power 48. Explain the legal provisions brought to
projects eradicate untouchabiliy in India.
✓The article 17 prohibition of untouchability.
Effects: ✓Untouchability Crime Act-1955.
✓Loss of life and property. ✓Civil Rights Protection Act-1976.
✓Damege to buildings transportation. ✓Universal rights to vote and participate in election.
✓Disrupt power supply ✓Reservation in education and employment.
✓Dameges of communication system. ✓Untouchability Attrosity Act-1989.
✓, Destroy crops vegetation, animals , ✓Right to equality article from 14to 18.
✓several epidemic. ✓Articles 25 and 29.

prevention measures : 49.What are the differences between organized

✓protection of environment, and unorganized labourers? Organized labourers
✓Afforestration , Unorganizedlabourers
✓control mining and quayrring 1)They have fixed wages
✓provide food and shelters. 1)They don‟t have fixed wages
2)They have specialization
✓provide medical facilities.
2)They don‟t have specialization
✓Keep touch with media 3)They have educational qualification
3)They don‟t have E. Q.
45. What are the measures taken by the 4)They have Fixed time, area ,allowances
government to eradicate inequality in 4)They don‟t have Fixed time,area
education under the Constitution? 5)Medical facilities
✓Article 29- Provides for the protection of cultural 5)No Medical facilities.
rights of the Minorities.
✓Article 30- Provides for the establishment of 50. Explain the problems faced by the
Minorities Educational institutions. unorganized sector labourers.
✓Article 39- Providing social justice and people ✓social security.✓migration✓Legal Framework.
welfare. ✓Child Labour. ✓Physical Exploitation.✓Mental
✓Article 21A- Free and Compulsory education to Exploitation.
all children between 6-14years.
✓Article45- All children under 14 years should be 51.Briefly expain the importance of rural
provided with free and compulsory education. development?
✓Article 46- To support the education interest of 1) The development of the Indian economy.
SC/ST‟s. 2) Development of housing, education, health,
hygiene, transport.
46. What are the main 3) Improvement of knowledge, skills and capability
features/objects/importance of Social 4) Agriculture can become a profitable and attractive
Stratification? occupation.
✓It is social in nature. 5) Control Migration of rural people.
✓It is universal. 6) provided essential facilities.
7) Small scale, cattage industries can be improved.
8) Employment opportunities. ✓Trust Services.
✓Signature Guarantees.
52. Explain Gandhiji‟s concept of „Grama ✓E-Banking.
swarajya‟ in the light of decentralization.
 Providing the administrative power, and the 57. What are the advantages of opening a bank
responsibility of developing the village to its own account?
people is called administrative decentralization. ✓It facilitates safe custody of money.
 Through decentralization, self-reliant, self-sufficient
✓It helps In making payments.
and villages can be developed. This process was
called „Grama Swarajya‟ by Mahatma Gandhi. ✓It helps on collection of money.
 Decentralization puts a stop to all kinds of ✓It provides advances and loans.
exploitation, promote human independence and ✓It helps in smooth financial transactions.
dignity. ✓It helps get safe deposit lacker facility.
58.What are the services offered by post offices/
The Post offices providing various financial
53. What is the role of panchayat raj services.Justify.
institutions in rural development? 1.Post Office Savings Bank,
 They enable the rural people to participate in rural 2.Issue of National Savings Certificate,
development. 3. Kissan Vikas Patra,
 They provide basic facilities of roads, drains, 4. Monthly Recurring deposits,
drinking water, street lights, toilets Etc, 5 Postal Life Insurance,
 They have striven to develop human resources too. 6 Pension payment,
 Employment opportunities can be provided. 7 Money transfer
 Rural and cottage industries can be improved.
 Establishment of food processing units can be 59.Mention the differences between saving
encouraged account and current account. Savings bank
account Current accounts
 Seminars, conferences and training programmes
1)Encourages savings
can be organized,
1) Encourages trade
 Various alleviation of poverty programmes
2)opened by students,employees Pensioners .
2) opened by businessmen
3)Give interest on deposits
54. What are the characteristics of Banks?
3) Collect service charges
✓Dealing with money.
✓Acceptance of deposits.
✓Lending loans.
✓Payment and withdrawal.
✓Connecting link.
✓Banking business.
✓Name identity.

55. Which are the functions of a Banks?

✓Accepting deposits.
✓Collecting money.
✓Discounting of bills.
✓Lending money to public.
✓Conducting foreign exchange transactions.
✓Keeping valuables in safe custody.

56. Which are the services offered by Banks?

✓Debit card and Credit Cards.
✓Personal Loans.
✓Home and Vehicle Loans.
✓Mutual Funds.
✓Safe Deposit Lockers.
Topic Questions type Answer
1)Agriculture Importance 1)Increase in National income
2) Industry Need 2) Increase in Per capita income
3)Transport Positive impacts 3)Improve standard of living
4) Communication 4)Employement opportunities
5)Earn forign exchange
6)Eradication of poverty
7)Develop all sectors of economy
8)Develop the National economy

1)Child Labour 1)Poverty2) Illitracy

2) female foeticide 3)gender discrimination
3)sexual harrasment 4)Lack of knowledge
4)gender discrimination 5)Worst legal provisons
5)child marriege 6)Burden of loans
6)Hunger Reasons
7)Human Trafficking
1)Physical assault
2) sexual harrasment
3mental exploitaion
4)Lost their child hood
5)violation of Child Rights
Bad effects 6)Lack of social security

1)Implement Strict legal rules

2) Provide education
3)Avoid exploitaion
4)Child protection committee Formation
5)Creating awareness
6)Conduct Child rights clubs

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