Air Force News Jan-Apr 1937

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The document discusses the structure and roles of different sections within the Materiel Division of the Air Corps, including the Engineering, Procurement, and Field Service Sections.

The main sections/branches within the Materiel Division include the Engineering Section, Procurement Section, Field Service Section, Army Aeronautical Museum, Flying Branch, various Post maintenance/service/supply branches, and the Budget Office.

The Engineering Section develops equipment to a point of standardization. Procurement prepares circulars and contracts to procure the equipment. Field Service takes over the equipment for issue to tactical units.




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U~~z5 A. Vi.. ROBINS,

Brigadier General, Air Corps, Chief of Division.



Colo~el F L Kartin heoutive

Kajar A. .. Brock Asst. Executive

Brigadier General A W'Robins, sequence in the activities of three Chiet ot the Materiel Division, is at them: the Engineering Section is assisted in his administrative ducharged with the duty or the developties by Colonel Frederick L Martin, ment of materiel to a point ot standExecutive, who serves also as Comardization where it can be used by mand1ngOtticero~Wright Field,and the Service. All data concerning the ,,-~ajor A W Brock, Jr., Assistant Ex- equipment developed at-ethen turned / ecutive, who serves also as Adjutant. over to the Proourement Section, whioh , Functioning directly under the Chiet prepares ciroulars and exeoutes oonot Division as Commandant is the Air traots for procurement. When procured Corps Engineering School. Function- the equipment is taken over by the ing under the Chief of Division Field Service Section tor issue to the through the Executive are the Engi- Tactical Units at the Air Corps. neering" Field Service, AdministraUnder these sections various otfioes tion, Procurement, and Industrial and laboratories operate not only at War Plans Secttons, Army Aeronauti- Wright Field but at other looations. cal Museum, Flying Branch, the vaWorking in oonnection with the Engirious Post aaintenance, service, neeringSection is the Airoraft Radio and supply branches, and the Budget Laboratory at Wright Field, in which Otrice; the latter established as a two Air Corps officers, six Signal separate organization during 19~ Corps officers, and 80 oivilians a~ in order to etfect aoentralized bu employed. Also co-ordinatine with the get oontrol over all Kateriel Divi- work at the Engineer~g Seotionare an sion activities. Ordnanoe Otticer looated in the ~ . !he story ot. these sections is Branch, and two CorpsofEDsin .. told elsewhere in the News Letter. ticers in the J.erialJlappingUJ11t. 4 There is, however, a definite Physiological Researoh Laboratory under


(Continued on page 25)

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Lt. Colonel 0 P Echols Chief

The ENGINEERING SI01'101' initiates all expe~~tal Wo~k covering the de.f&1dng,, and developaeDtot ~i~cratt. enginel, accesso~ie'l.41 ...b:ld ~\tip\ ment ... connectlOil'd.'iith'.kt'Ittt ait-oraft u.e4 itl acoo~ance with fl!1 . .,.r1llental Pl"Ogl"8Jl. appi'<J,..-tb7 higher aut"'tlty..ln '. many labthe o~atOltt under the jviactfettol1 ot t~i8 Section wtl1b~. round test eqttiPlllentrepres.m;tng the !IlOlteXp_rt judgment ebt-.lnable 1nvol"fing an investment of approximately ten million dollars. Not only is this Section responsible for design, development, and testing, however, but also for the preparation of all engineering data used for evaluation and procurement purposes. During the calendar year of 1936 such data formed the basis upon which procurement of the follOWing standard airplanes was accomp1ishedt

PB-2A (Consolidated) biplaoe pursuit, P-35 ($eversky) pursuit, A-17 (Northrop) attack, o-46A (Douglas) observation, 0-33 (Douglas) cargo, B-18 (Douglas) bomber, 13-17 (Boeing) bomber, YU-8 (Curtiss) attack, BT-9 (North American) basic trainer, BT-8 (Seversky) basic trainer, and PT-13 (Stearman) primary trainer. The Engineering Section, tive Orrice of the Chier up or the Airoratt, Armaourement, Equipment, and Shops Branches. The ShopS Branch is treated routine shop 'Work in conthis Branch designs and items which oannot be probesides the Administraof Engineering, is made ment, Eng,ineering ProMaterials, Power Plant, 'Work of all exoept the separately. Besides neotion with equipment, builds certain nece8sa,7 cured from the Industry.

Major F 0 Carroll Assistant Chief - 3 -


Lt. Colonel H A Strauss Chief, Procurement Section The PROCUREMENT SECTION funotions as the procuring agenoy for practically all equipment and supplies for the Air Corps, which for the Fisoal Year 1937 has involved in excess of sixty million dollars. Of this amount approximately 51.7 per cent is required by the Appropriation Act to be expended for the procurement of new airplanes, oomplete, approximately 8 per cent for expertmental and servioe test projects, and the remainder of 40.3 per oent for the necessary operating and maintenanoe supplies. The organization of the Proourement Section consists of the Co~ Administration Branoh, Purchase Branch, Inspeotion Branoh,and Legal Branoh, which at the present time require seven officers and approximately 260 civilian employees for operation. The mechanios of proourement are set forth very much in detail by Army Regulations and existing provisions of the law and require es-

Lt. Colonel W F Volandt Assistant Chief sentially the same prooedure whether the procurement is in the amount of a few dollars or several million dollars. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION BRANCH serves a8 a liaison between the contraotor and the Contracting Officer, and in oarrying out this partioular duty secures information as to oontractor's plant faoilities, resouroes, finances, personnel, and other pertinent data. The PURCHASE B~CH with its two offioers (both of Whom are empowered to aot as Contraoting Offioers), and approximately 60 civilian employees, is directly responsible for the procedure inoident to securing bids, administers the resulting awards and purohase orders or'contraots, and t~llows up the status of suoh orders 01" oontraots until delivery. The LEGAL BRANCH is necessary for determination of the great number of legal questions oontinually arising Inoonneotion with making awards or resulting oontracts. These questions are the result, in the main, of the (ContL1led on page 25)







unsatisfactory reports, augmented by close personal oontact between the depots and tactical organizations, all servioe diffiou1ties are reported to the Field Service Seotion. Itthen becomes the funotionof that Section to initiate whatever action may be necessary for the correotion of difficulties. A system is also maintained for issuing all necessary technical instructions covering the mainte~e and operation of Air Corps equipment. These instruotions are issued in the form of technical orders. In the adminiltration of the service of supply, a complete system of property accounting is maintained. This system is completely mechanized through the medium of a machine bookkeeping system, all transactions involving property receipts and issues being reoorded, with a centralized record showing quantities on hand, location, and ourrent oonsumption rates maintained in the Field Service Section. Consolidated records of all flying equipment, that is, airoraft, engines, and balloons are also maintained, showing their oondition, flying time,' and the status and history of 'eaoh item. The Field 8ervice Section initiates requests for procurement of Air Corps supplies needed for maintenanoe of equipment in service; prepares and distributes Air Corps oata10gs, 8to(,o: Lists, Handbooks of Instruction, and misoel1aneous regulations as required; also'supervises the loans and transfers or Air Corps property, the di8posal -of excess and surplus supplies, and the distribution or Air Corps supplies through the depots to National Guard Units. (Continued on page 25)


BETWE:EJ{ the ex~ perimentation, development, service testing, and quantiCol.F D Laokland ty purohasing Chief of airplanes, engines, and aooessory equipment on the one hand, and the taotioal employment of the equipment after 'it has been turned over to the widely soattered organizations throughout the Air Corps both at home and abroad on the other. there must neoessari1y be provided a setup to furnish an adequate flow of supplies and spare parts, and a systematic procedure for properly maintaining the equipment. The administration of this setup is the function of the FIELD SERVICE SECTION of the Materiel Division. In general, this funotion encompasses the activities of storage, issue, maintenanc~, salvage and disposal of Air Corps lroperty after it has been standardized for military use; responsibility for preparation of instructions, estimates, schedules, programs, reports, and studies in connection'therewith; and administration of the machinery for the overhaul and repair of the equipment. The system of maintenence is administered through the .Air Corps depots, the engineering and supply facilities of Which are under the supervision of the Field Service Section. One 1ighter-than-air and four heavie~ than-air depots are maintained in the United States, and one each in the Philippine, Hawaiian, and Panama Departments. Through a system of

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The INDUSTRIAL PLANS SECTION. under the Lt .:Col. H V Hopkins direot superviChief sion of the Chief of the Materiel Division. is charged with the responsibility of adequate provision for essential wartime needs. in the mobilization of Air Corps materiel and the industrial organization inoident thereto in aocordance with the prinoipIes of proourement planning as set forth in the Indu~trial Mobilization Plan. This responsibility oomprises studies with a view to provision for the proouring of stooks of materials, equipment.. and supplies in the quantity. quality, and! looation required,and the assurance th~t produotion begins early, that the ma~riel requirements are supplied as promptly as possible, and that Naval aviation requirements are jointly oonsidered or oo-ordinated. In the performanoe of the mission there is involved liaison with the Office, Chief of Air Corps, Office, Assistant Seoretary of War, the Army and Navy Munitions'Board, and the Navy Department. Under the jurisdiction of the Industrial War Plans Section are six Air Corps Procurement Districts, located at New York City; Butfalo. New York; Cleveland. Ohio (now at Wright Field) i Detroit, Michigan; Chioago, Illinois; and LOs Angeles, California. The officers in charge of these districts are Air Corps Procurement Planning Representatives. Procurement Plans Plans for the proourement of basic

items. such as airplane.~engines. their component parts and accessories. aerial cameras. special ~rucks and winohes. lighter-than-air equipment. etc., have bp~n made for practically all standard types of Air 'Corps equipment. The plans oontain detailed information regarding the items under disoussion, the number required, the sources seleoted as most suitable to manufacture the article in the quantities required, a statement from eaoh of the selected sources as to the rate of production possible and the percentage of the plant oapacity that will be utilized in attaining this produotion, the estimated unit oost and the oumulative cost for the entire program covering periods of. twelve and twenty-four months' requirements, transportation problems involved. and a discussion of any difficulties that might be encountered in the emergency production of the article. Plans are normally revised every three years, but .y be more orten, if necessary. When a new type is adopted, it is usually necessary to write an entirely Dft' plan, as the manufacturing phases involved are. in most Cases, at varluce with those of the former type. The'statement from the produoer a8 to hi. ability to manufaoture the item 1. supported by a factory plan, which is prepared with the aid of the producer, or by the produoer himaelt. Contributorrltems When the plans for the proourement of the basic items progress (Continued on page 26)

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The lack or a oentral agenoy eentrolling the preparation of the annual Budget Estimate, the defense of the Estimate before higher authority and the sUbsequent expenditure of the appropriated funds had, for a long time, resulted in the several seo~ions of the data required in the preparatidn of the Budget Estimate. Thus the Budget Offioe has jurisdiotion over all Material and cost aooounting in the Air Corps. This includes oontrol of the method of aooounting for property at all Air Corps Activities, the reporting of expenditures and movements of property and the oonversion or this information into tabulated statistioal data in the Budget Offioe tor use, not only in the preparation ot the Budget Estimate but in the proourement and distribution ot supplies. Sinoe the flying ot airoraft is the prinoipal tunction ot the .Air Corps, it enters into the Budget Estimate as a primary tactor. Henoe, the reoording and reporting of airoraft aotivity is also a matter neoessarily under the oontrol of the Budget Otfioe. The tlying data are oonverted in the Budget Office into statistioal information Paralleling the expenditure of mateKajor B E Keyers rial and labor and the whole reduoed Chiet to the statement of material and labor requirem~nt in terms ot airoraft aotivthe Materiel Division functioning as ity which is the Budget Estimate. separate and distinot little kingdoms. The use, in the Budget Estimate, In February of this year, in appreoiaof the material and labor oonsumption tion of the paramount need of bringing data expressed' in terms of airoraft the financial aotivities of the Diviactivity requires a knowledge ot the sion into a oloser knit organization probable airoraft aotivity during the and to permit the exeroise of an inperiod oovered by the Estimate. To telligent budgetary oontrol, there was aooomplish this as well a8 to keep the established in the Materiel Division a Chief at Air Corps informed in matters Budget Offioe for the co-ordination oonoemed with the future strength ot and administration of these ma~ers. the Air Corps, the Budget Otfioe baa The task of establishing and operating established a method ot toreoaatinb this very important funotion was plaoed airplane balanoes. This involves the in the hands of Kajor Bennett E. Ke,ers establishment of limiting repair oosts who has been entitled Budget Offioer. on airplanes, the limitation beine deControl over the preparation and termined by the age of the airplane administration of the Budget necessar- aocording to an established depreoia. ily involves oontrol ove.rthe souroes tion rate. ot information from whioh are obtained The magn! tude of the work of (Oon1;inued OD page 26)



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BRANCH into aix major laboraproud at s poB!tion to ie. til. galet, ng the, ar stooraoy at '!'he STRUCTURES DEVELae Dauticallpioneering org tzatio It haa OPIEBT AND TESTLABORATORY, gi not on y many ma~e4 lib" ,H .. tl8B of jor ntrib ions to "".pt in r II I 8&". ia aeron utioal aoiencebut oharged with stress analmen a1 0 to' he American ysis of all aircraft .ubindust ong the formitted to the Air COrpl, mer are on oque airtesting the structural plane 00 t ction, dystrength of' thoae purnamically anoed oonohaaed, and developing, trol surf'a , the enthrough test and research, olosed 000 t, pressure Major H Z Bogert new methodl of assembling airoratt atruotures. '1'0 cabins, and;~ e retraotChief' able landi ar. The this group.~."'. I Branoh has Is been largely respon~F "lie c! trlnrttoxr ,of eaptam-:c: 1'. 8 &0, sible tor e tab ishing present-day the world owes the all-metal monoooque standards 0 utaoture and oriteria airplane, and through its eff'orts there is now being constructed the first subat design." ' stratosphere airplane complete with au, .among th ' menrawn from the Airperoharged oabin. oraft Bran intoposittpns of outThe SPECIAL RESEARCH TEST LABAND standing ortan in <the aeronauORATORY, .... _ I,i ent=Utt: -a:4J tioa1 worl are - ltlem1n, Monteith, Itillde1berg r, Cove and. Doolittle. is oharged with the preparation of Still sen g in th Branoh are a plane design atudiea from whioh military oharaoteristios are established, number of erson~ 0 oonsiderable reputation a whomt e Ai~ Corps il the preparation of specifioations oovering the airplane proper. the evaluaindebted f muoh of ts progrellS. tion of' the airplane proper submitted Among thel are - P 8m.i th, D A on oompetition to the Air Corps, and Diokey, 11' .!Savage, T e Port, J A Roohe, and E R Weaver. ,. the oorreotion of' unsatisfactory deThe tun iona and re8~ona1b11sign f'eatures after the airplane ia 1tles of 1a Branch to t\e Materiel in servioe. This Laboratory is oonstantly inDividon to the Air Co':1>s re a vestigating new and novel designs and outlined m,' a book of oonsi\!rable design details and developing standards length, so extremely brie1\ aketch only i. att ted here. . wherever they apply. One of its primary , The Airoret Branoh is di Tided funotions is the development or projeots


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This Laboratory has made many contriputions to the theory of aerodynamics and to the technique of wind tunnel operation. I'tsla'tes'tevelopmen't is 'the d photographic me'thod of measuring performanoe in landing 'and 'take-off. A't present it is engaged in developing methods for measuring statio 'thrus't, ground friotion, and net aooeierating forces of aotual airplanes as well as a method for measuring torque and thrust ot an engine-propeller oombination in aotual fUgh't. The Laboratory has oontributed.much to the establishment ot criteria for aerodynamio shapes, suoh as control surfaoes, fairings, fillets, and the extremely experimental n,ature like, and tor thi.purpose operates two loh are usually of secret status. wind tunnels of 265 m.p.h. and 500 m.p.h. The PROPELLER RESEARCH AND TEST velooity, respeotively; LABORATORY,<iD"ep 8 p' uk : A 9_c, The ACCESSORY DESIGN .om TEST LA.BORA~, passes upon the design, and rORY,~er .he .1140%'7 ., ~lo~o~ conduots exhaustive tests to deter-~II"'" is oharged with the development mine the charaoteris'tios of eaoh and test of wheels, brakes, tires and type of'propeller.acoepted by the tubes, landing gear complete with retrao'tAir C~.rps. In addition, it is con- Ing meohanism, skis, floata, liulls,and tinuously engaged in researoh and allied parts of the airplane. Wheels an~ development of new types. The brakes are constantly being tested in orfield of its endeavors has been der to produce correct drum and brake greatly increased by the introduclining oombinations; and oleo legs and tion of controllable and constant retracting mechanisms are tested tor each speed propellers and by the rapid type ot airplane. This Laboratory i8 at rise in engine horsepower. This present engaged in perfecting hydraulio Laboratory conducts all the proand pneumatic meohanisms tor use on airpeller tests tor the Navy and craft, a new replace the stre~~~ Department ot Commerce and is the lined type now in servioe, and a radioa1prime source ot propeller engineer- ly ditferen't! ype of landing gear desi . . t ing data in the Uni'ted states. It ed tor instrument landings and take-ott. is at present engaged in the devel- ' The LIGHTER-THAN-A.IRUllIT,r:' . opment ot opposite rotating propel- ~ is engaged 1u-cthe de'feiop or_ lers on a single shart, a projeot Air Corps balloons and ballo ooessomade neoessary by the introduotion ries, and in the oorreoti t design I ot great horsepower in airplanes ot faults which develop service. This short span. Unit is largel "onsible tor the TCThe AERODYNAMICS RESEARCH AND 13 and 'i projeoting plana for the TEST LABORATORY, R T, mt dev ant ot futtJre.AirCorps types. JPoM N II! 'p-, is engaged in developing methods ot oaloulating pertormanoe, predioting performanoe by meansot 'the wind tunnels, and aotually measuring the performanoe otan airplane in flight.
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The chief function of the POWER PLAm' BRANCH is to keep the propeller turning. Without any'lengthy disoussion, we all know that when the propeller stops everything else stops. Years ago, in the days of iron men and wooden ships and poor engines, foroed landings were frequent and, thanks to slow airplanes, a oow pasture usually suffioed. Today most cow pastures are not quite large enough "for our high performance airplanes, espeoially if loaded. A proportionate inorease in engine reliability now lessens the possibility of that awakening )(ajor E R Page olatter,.that sputter, that puff t;>f moke, that splatter s Chief of oil, followed by that awful silence as you start gliding dawn to a foroed landing, or a jump if old terra firma under you ~ and pressures, simulating standard not look so good. sea level oonditions and the various N time you start across conditions at altitudes. on ~ 0 Rooki , Hell's Half Aore i est the timistic manufacturer d the Texas, r the ~amps of ieiana, rosy p ture painted in aviation give a moments of t ught to the magazine ole featur g that oeryears of elopment that engine. tain engine use a porty racer No one man, no one mpany, no one in a reoord-breakin sh across the organ1zation an e full credit. country - engines on' usually .. Engines were t nvented over"night breeze right alo .through tl. ~. ~ from bright id they have been deIn the Power Plant Branoh t ey ~ o - veloped over pe od of years by must prove themselv~s capable of -~hard, paiDat ing rk and, incidenroutine, day-to-day,"'" oont1ilue4' ilm ~ tally, at oost. itary servioe. Does number so-andthe Power Plant Branoh has oontrib- so oylinder cool properly? DOes such uted its share to the development and and such a bearing get sufficient oil? researoh of modern e~ines and acces- Are the clearanoes on suoh and suoh a sory gadgets. Its ohief concern is part too large or too small? Why cU.d to give to the service the best, the the oase oraok,atter so many hours on most reliAble engine at the earliest the test stand? Why the excessive possible date . It works in oonjunovibration at suoh and such an r.p.m.? tion with the various manufaoturers 1 And so on for hundreds"ot O~~er minor who produce the finished product for troubles ~q~ in tyP'., tests of test. The test oonsists of running engines. ~ beat to find out .aJJ J L the engine at various speeds and power those troubles on,~~.~af.'\.~d~{."'.w.. loadings with controlled temperatures .overthe Al1e~h~enIiii sero?
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tirst artiole of .aiy experis subjeoted' 0 a 5O-hour . pment Test,t l~ whiqb ohanges toun4 bec ssary as ,. ~ suIt of th18 test are i oorporated The engine is then su~ eoted to a Type Test of 150 hours' uration The suocessful completi n of is test establishes the e ine s an Air Corps type. Each e of each type of engine 1s subj ed to this Type Test before it assigned an Air Corps mo~el de ation and considered satis.cto for use in military airo aft. The duration and severity of thi type test usually bring out the major troubles in any mod engine, lthough the Servioe! t of the e gine will undoubtedl reveal furt r troubles of a nat re likely to e encountered in s rvice. If the ngine possesses usual military value, it is a ar or more befor release is graD d for use on comme cial air lin or for export to f reign 00 tries. Close l1aiso with comme oial air lines offers trade of .i ... for mutual benetit. s A" Q 6 ,. CDI a PI ' t, /tm Power Plant Branoh activities during the past fiscal year have been concentrated on increasing the power output of engines in service, development of new types of engines, improved fuels to permit greater power output and lower fuel consum~ tion, an extension of supercharging to higher powers and altitudes, and the development of an oil dilution system for oold weather starting. Considerable progress has been made in the development of engine aooessories, such as vaouum pumps, long reach spark plugs, magnetos and shielding, engine-driven gear boxes for aocessory drives, hydraulio fuel pump drives, fuel pressure re~ ulators, automatio oil temperature control valve8, automatic superlaeD .. -. ... n.denl;:nt 1
3 5

ohargerregulators, autoaatio .txture oontrols, tue~ injeotors and ;stroll, and hydraulioeng1De oontrola, . all for the benetit ot i:holleho tl The w general trend'in engine 1IIprOT8JIteJ1t i. to take allJIlUoh responsibility .. possible from the pilot's already orowded mind, by replaoing the great JlU8 ot oontrol handles and gadgets by toolproof automatio oontrols, out of sight and, we hope, out -ot mind. SDOW'in SUIIIIl8r Tlae oently, a vil1tingpilot in th Powe Plant Branoh was 'qUite surpr II to se men in ~ter flying oloth in the ha lway8 of our D.y.namometer boratory, pecially so, as it was w lover one hun red in the shade outsiJe Sinoe some men were working in shirt eeve8 and othe in winter flying su s, 'somebody must be wrong. 'Wefollow d the men in winter lying clothes to t e oold roam but not in1;;the cold room. ~er the men had dis peared through he.set of double ioeho 8e doors, we p ered in through a set of windows. here was snow on the cd-room flo and ioicles hung from most of the ob cts. An engine was instal ed on a st stand. EYen though we were rm it de one shiTer to watch the Esk -Ii men at their routine work tes ng s me gadget. We checked up t 18 in8tallation and found it quite a lorified ioe p~t, capable of cooling 5 pounds of air per minute from 100- F. 0 -55- F. Power required to operat he plant is some 1800 lew. for an 8- 0 clay. Approximately 20 tons 0 co ing coils are required, not to enti cork and other insulating mater al. And what is 1 this or? )lostairplanes work T8 well on a SUDny summer day. But how out ~te time when the mercury is aro d zero or elow? That's the excuse for the cold ro m. Here has been develope4most of our deas on oil, gas, and st~ing troubles cold weeber. Even though p4rfection has n t been r.eao~ ed, sound pr~'rese has been e. Bext tiae you are t Wright Field to "incl_ the cold ro on your Cook'



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THE MATERIALS BRAUCH oombines the funotions of a servioe organization and a researoh laboratory. In the former capacity, it does a large amount of testing in oonneotion with the Proourement Program J B Johnson of the Air Corps Chief and aots as a oontrol laboratory by preparing speoifioations and developing and maintaining standards for the testing and inspeotion of material and processes at the contractors' plants. Research may be divided into two oategories, one which determines the applicability for aircraft oonstruotion of materials submitted by the Industry to ~ Materiel Division, and the other whioh requires the development of a new prooess or material in which indu~try may not be interested on aooount of its limited applioation. A wide variety of products is oovered. Not only are the materials for the oonstruotion of airplanes, engines and aooessories oonstant1y being improved, but there are hundreds of items used in conneotion with maintenanoe

'oePI. end tions must


enerally leads to new requirements. e Air Corps has standardiz 'on unp inted metal surfaoes for rplanes. An a1umin~00ated sheet w seleoted as he basic material aft an exhaustiv laboratory investig ion of its meoh oa1 properties, 0 rr~!2~~~~~ts in th bay at Chapman F. l~a-servioe sts on Army tran port airplanes. Spot wIding of this erial with e1imin ion of the dra fron rivet he~ds d lower oost fabrioation looks p omising. The Division is 00operatin with the In ustry to establish a t ohnique for iformity and reliabilf y of spot elding_ The metal sur aoes must e oleaned and polished give a ood appearanoe, and must n t be att oked by the oleaner. A mixture f diato oeous earth, soap, and naphth has be n developed. The faot that soline 5Wells rubber is well own and for several years the Industry has ried to get a superior produot. T e new synthetio products, Thiokol Duprene, have been applied by th ivision for the inner lining of hose or oil, gasoline, prestone, dope, laoquer. This is a universal hos uitable for all liquids and identifi b a red and white Rtripe along its Ie gth Natural rubber is also astra gio terial and Duprene has been ad pted a a ooating for an observatio balloo which has been on service te t at Fo Sill, -Oklahoma for approx mately fi months, and was used s oessfully the summer maneuvers in Michigan Kentucky.

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Pl"O~"blli1;y 1;ha1;airplanes

will fly at high altitudes has brought up many questions in connection with materials for this servioe. The properties must not change at the lower temperatures. Complete properties of all the struotural material under static, impact, and vibra.tion are bein~ obtained in a room refrigerated to -50. F~ The windows must withstand an internal pressure and it beoame necessary to obtain the physical properties of glass and glass s~bstitutes. New resinous materials with the transparency of glass but considerably stronger offer a solution of this problem. In the field or materials compe-

tition is very keen and new materials are constantly replaoing the older ones'. Eaoh ne~material brings up fresh problems in connection with fabrication, proteotion trom corrosion, as well as a study of its fundamental properties in tension, twistin~, and fatigue. To carry out this work requires laboratory equipment of high accuracy and a wide range of adaptability. The laboratory at Wright Field has facilities for determining the presence of the most minute amount of an element in a. material by means of its spectrum, or oan test to destruction full-size parte for airplanes which may carry a load of 600,000 pounds.




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- 14 -

The EQUIPMENT BRANCH of the Engineering Seotion consists of six Laboratories: Instrumen't and Naviga'tion Eleotrical Parachute and Clo'thing Aerial Pho'tographio -,~e}_iee ~11al Mapptng Obit 6f GOlpa 6f.8he~.


Misoellaneous Equipmen't Physiologioal Researoh There are approximately 500 items of ground and air equipmen't for which this Branch is responsible--researoh, developmen't, and standardization .~ phi 1eSlBlle'; she:u:l:ng blt& tP8hd 6f d8ye1oP"'cu:t is given. _ , "!lec~Ii ... ], ~li'lfte!!. r Instrument and :NaVigation Laboratory Airoraft and ground ligh'ting equipA Douglas C-33 airplane for the oon- ment are keeping paoe wi'th the requireduc't of experimental fligh't 'tes'tsin ments of advanoed aircraft and 'the needs connection with the various projeots of the la'test landing field installaunder developmen't has reoen'tly been 'tions. New equipment under developmen't assigned 'to this laboratory. This includes por'table-by-air lighting equipairplane has been utilized in testing ment for landing fields. suoh devices as improved gyro octants, Electrioal development has been chardrift sights and signals, , ~c'terized by exploration automatio pilots, and ~ into 'the field of al'ternavigation oompu'ters of nating current for aircraft various types. application. An exp.!l!: mental inste.l1a'tion~ 4.&,. '''''''Among the interesting ... made during the present projects' now under devel~ opment is a tachometer fiscal year. that records engine run~paeF'tes aDa Clothing ning time. In addi'tion resent parachute develto the pointer which inopment is concerned wit!': dicates engine r.p.m.,two . ~-speed opening parasmall dials are provided, ~~~~es for use in the faster one to indicate accumu.V't'RlI airplanes. ~ lated engine time up to provements 1n w1nter '1,11 ~lothjng ape conoerned D81n~ 500 hours, the other to indicate "'trip" time. with thQse changes mpde necqr byaRs_tie. j n e1rOnly the latter counter Major F S Borum ~,~ Chief

oan be reset from the faoe of the instrument. A synchronous control for multiengine installations has shown promise of early aooomplishment. An experimen'tal model of 'this device has been operating on benoh 'tes'tsand automatically synohronizes speeds much be'tter than can be accomplished by manual oontrol. Instrument test equipment of a por'table nature is nearing oample'tion and i't is anticipated the servioe ao'tivities will be supplied with 'this essen. 'tial equipmen't in the early par't of 'the coming year.


- 15 -



AN1'l-AI~CV".Fr AI~

!I 1(III. ~OJ;..P$ '


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.4 I

C<HU~Ald sox (H; L\"H\~, LAltP FH.Ai4.E:\j';)., C-1, All.'

tHiUT TYPf'.. S

(,.. 3 .... d





,p' liea'!kn. ,A alioaldei typ*


An Engineering Section Memor Report on results of the 1935 here Flight. prepared duri s tes that all instruments tus functioned as planned the light. with the aXC tion of the three lade 45 pitch B ope1ler at the end of yardarm, whi failed to turn the ball n and gon a,about a vertical axis above 2,000 et beoause of the extreme thinne of he air. If another stratosphere f t were to be made, the experience of test two flights indicates that is po ible to carry at least 1.000 unds of' sc ntific instruments to an ltitude 10.00 eet higher than the titude attained on the last flight.

2:f;::o:::+.:',:::::.:::O::::I:::::::. Ue pUnt lo U.


Aerial Photographl. A self-contained photographic laboratory automobile trailer unit has been developed having one room completely equipped for printing and one for film processing an~ print finishing. The Unit houses its own ventilating system. water supply. electric power ical and material supply. together with all photographic accessories necessary to produce complete mosaics wholly within the Unit. Miscellaneous Eguipmer:t ogress is being made devel ent of steam rated external en her esigned espec:ia.~ ly for use i d weather. The equipment nsist a small automatic controlled enerator eighing about 100 poun d iven external ener i ne of the m st teres n projects 0 s investigat~on of the effect of centrifugal force on pilots. The equipment for this research consists of a long rotating arm with a seat bolted to its outer end. Powered by a large electric motor this arm is rotated at speeds up to 80 r.p.IJl,o which speed a fbrce at of twenty times the pull of gravity is developed. Members of the laboratory are acting as experimental subjects up to 8 "G's" and anesthetized experimental animals for the higher forces which may produce permanent or fatal injuries.


PELORUS. TYPE A-2 Engineering Section Memoran stat results of experiment the Type Pelorus.--a strument used in

to procure a

- 17 -

PRO CUR.ltIM ltiN'1:'





These Units were ohalged with the duty of assembling"and oo-ordinating all teohnioal Aata required for' the proourement6f complete aircraft. This work }holudes the preparation of the in~tial type specification to the final aijustment of MajorC F Greene deficienoies or ohanges found necesCh,ief sary during the cour-se of the oontraot. \ In the case of a standard procuremerrt, The ENGINEER1l(G PROCUREMENT BRANCH it Ino Iudes the preparation of }~ethod was oreated by th Chief. Engineering of Evaluation. the distribution to Seotion in May. 19 to handle the the teohnical branohes of teohnical engineering work per ining to airdatA. pertaining to bids. the assembly craft proourement and on partioular of records of the Evaluation (Teohnito meet the demands of e Aooelerat0901) Committee, oompilation of entire ad Aircraft Proourement ogram then Evaluation Prooeedin~s inoluding under way. In order to 00 uot all Report of Utility Board. oo-ordinaphases of this work under th .olose tion and approval of final detail supervision of the Chief of t~ Seospecification and oontract (in the tion, the following existing ag~' cies case of the wi~ing bidder) and lastly. were assembled to for.m the new br ch: the co-ordination of engineering reProjeot Offioers and Engineers ( leases on shop drawings and the furUnits); Specifioations. including "." nishing of decisions on the many deArIly-NavyStandards and Anny-llavy Com- ',tails of adjtlstment inoidental to the .erce Requirements; Drafting &: Recoro.s.~ufaoture in <pantity of complex The Project Officers were transt~es of airplanes whioh are being ferredfrom the Aircraft Branch and produced in quantity for the first with civilian Project Engineers form- time. This detail adjustment might ed the following Project Engineering extend~~ell beyond the delivery of the Units: Attack and Obse:rvation (Amlast airp,lane of a oonbr-acb, dependent phibian and Autogiro). with Captain upon the degree of responsilility of the P W Timberlake, Projeot Ofi'ioer. and contractor.' L V Cook. Projeot Engineef; BombardThe Projeot Offioer must follow the ment. with Lt. L F Harman. Projeot produotion of~ type from its inoeption Officer. and 0 H Snyder.' Projeot Enin the for.m of basic "Military Charac~ineer; Pursuit, with Lt. B S Kelsey. teristics" through the above procedure Projeot Offioer. and J R Austin. to the delivery of the last airplane. Project Engineer; and Training and This inoludes the keeping of a file of Transport, with Captain L C Craigie, data on foreign airplanes of correProject Officer, and R L Montgomery. sponding types as well as data on all Projeot Engineer. - 18 -




previously construoted domestio air- handling of data submitted informally. craft of record to date. It means examination of foreign and racing that the Project Officer oonduots a plane data. and the many speetal oomplete speoialized engineering of- stUdies. reports. and investigations fice pertaining to the types assign- which were required from/time to time for the information of .tbe Chief Engied and 1s the direot representative neer or for transmitt~1 to higher of'the C~ief Engineer on all engiauthority. I neering m.tters pertaining to those The Specificatio s Unit prepares. types. H&,must make visits to the epa on file all manufaoturtpg plants aQd to taotioal distributes. and procurement spec ioations used by aotivities ~erating the airplanes. He must fly emonstrationairplanes the Air Corps. In addition. B F Senart. the Unit Chief. 1s charged with the duty as soon as th are made available all records. oonducting by the Board. In oollaboration with of maintaini all cc--or-ddrtion within the Division the Air Corps R resentati va at the of'the imm~sely useful and growing manufacturer's p ; t he flies and Army-Navy ,Standards. and all matters usually ferries to""right Field the W pertaining to Army-Navy Commerce f'irst or an early ~iole of' a contraot. He is a meml:)r of' the MookRequireJJl~nts. Up Board and an obse er or the The/Draf'i:;ing nd Reoords Unit. a static test. He watc~ 8 the inspec- UI'fderi~C Duval. is charged with the tion and weighing and 1 itiates all duty/iof preparing. checking. and disorders affeoting airplan s whioh tributing all graphic information tor oome to Wright Field for emonstrat~ guidance of contraotors. tion. test. aooeptanoe. or odifioa- J/ It maintains the Air Corps Standards /Book and the Drafting Room Manual. For tion. \ Under the present proour~nt / reproducing drawings for contractors system he is obliged to avail imand for distribution to service activself of every opportunity to f ities. six blue printing machines are and to obtain other pilots' oomm ts in continuous operation. The output on the demonstration airplane 0li he of these machines amounted to about f'irst artiole of a oontraot. i~or 2.700.000 pieces during the past year. der to sandwioh as muoh of a ~ervio Next year it is estimated that about test into the proceedings as /possi- \3.000.000 prints will be needed. ble prior to the aotual est,bliShment of'shop produotion sYJtems and \ the "freezing" of' the typ~. Throat Microphone During the past oale~ar year this Branoh has handle~'the procureA oard for the evaluation of a new ment engineerine work t1nvolved in type t oat miorophone to be used in the manufaoture of a~out 1.230 air- radio c ication oonvened December oraft including thr~e autogiros, 10th at t e Materiel Division. These 1.230 airpl es. about oneBoard m mbers were: Lt. Colonel third of which ha bee~ delivered. A H Gilkeso Langley Field; Capt. A W were of approxi ely thirty disMarriner. 0 ice, Chief of Air Corps; tinot types whi could be further Capt. T H B r. Barksdale Field; and broken down in about forty varia- Major Harry Re helderf'er. Capt. F L tions. These epresented actual Ankenbrandt. an Lt. D C Doubleday from manufacturin~or rebuilding oonWright Field. tracts and did not inolude the

- 19 - ES' \
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P L t\


.::) c-::, T' I () I"-J .. __ E _ .


, ..... tl5TRrA1. o WAR P~AN:') .5IF.CTlON

Maj. L.L.Burq
ST .... ION T Tr.CHNiC,t. .. JNs,,"EcrOR

~la). C J. gaker

Ma.]. R. (J.)ower
Q.U.. R'f1!R'"",M'1Ut t~Ul qLlAAT[R.~I!'R

c.apt. G. V. Hoa~n
qu i pnIInt Branch

Lt. L. Thurlow q.lJillmt Branch



D. 8. llhHo ~q\l-',..n't lranch

Lt. C. L,

"unree, Jr.


IIIjor E. At. Panrl Engineering Section - '~:"\~~


Capt. P. It. tt rla .. hg. Proc.~ .....

Caphin L. C. Craigie !JIg. Proc. Bruch

Capt. C. S. Inine
EngiIMtriD8 SecUon

Lt. 1. F. A.raan Eny. Prot. j,..nch

Capt. P. H. Kt:lllftCt AHC1'dt. .Branch

(a}'tain Ai!'c:'aft


A. Si~S.. Jr. Branch.

Lt. II. S. Roth

AirCraft .,..nch

Lt. H. II. lle(;oy Aircraft 8rald:

Capt. A. H. Johnson rQwer Plant Branch

Copt. C. A. Ba.. ett

Power PIlOt 8rue.h '


e.tpt. A. A. Ke.... 'ter , Jr. 11#.14 Senke$eeUOIl

Lt. 11. T. lkf!cy "'ie l.d ,service. Bect


. on fl<14 .s.rn~.Soctloa

Lt. I. W. ~."1I1lg1 fietd Service: Section

Lt. E..H.lkebc

Lt. R. G; Iluaker

l'[a;. i1 A. I.':>l\)en:l
;......... .. . >

Li.eui. iAudin
5 E C T I ON __._ .

L.. U

:;~C r:J. V I C F:

" ~~t ~.
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,.. ,.' '.""""'

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CApl. JA.M~dan"~<3
~',.._'J'.>r_' ....y o

Cd.p~ r;lCh,."prna.n
CH!~:. IN$PII::Cf;ON !!RAN,::"-'

1(' t:Q.



Major J A Woodruf'f', 'Chief'

V armament development necessaryitemsthe f'orthe -of all of equipment to

. ~The

ARMAMENT BRANCH is responsible

complete complement employed in military airorart, with the :exoeption of I those furnished by other 'Supply Branohes of the Army, in whioh oases the Armament Branoh is responsible for the provision of oorrect installation and 0 er otionin. In the exeoution of these du 1e , t is neoessary to prepare milit o araoteristics applying to tho i s furnished by other Branc to oonduot actual development tho e arm8ll!ent items for whi h the Air orps is responsible. or Air Corp developments, the aI11ent Brano prepares initial sign and procur ent data on the asis of existing equirements, a conducts thorough experimental ests prior to the relea e of data or servioe test procuremen. Serv e tests of the items dete ine a ption, rejection, or oontinued dev opment. The Branch i also responsible for the prepar ion of portions of airplane spec ations dealing with provisions f a ament, and the determination y ai lane inspections of oontrac r's co liance with suoh requireme s. Conti ed developm - t or revisions in desi of approved uipment, .for the pu ose of eliminat unsatisfaoto conditions report by the Serv e, is also a duty. T e following represents est ng list of nonconfidentia

t projects: termination of limitine dtmensio al aracteristics and other instal tion onditions for turrets or inc cookp s in which flexibly mounte are us Revls ons in design of exis ng bomb raoks an oontrol meohanisms r the purpose 0 incorporating a it by means of whi()h b bs ll).8.y rele ed at regu., be lar time in rvals, thus oduoing a oontrollable pacing on e ground of. bombs sucoess ely reI sed. Investigatio of r iaions necessalJT in fixed g i tallations to increase the number bullets that can be tired against objective within a given time int rv tor the purpose of oompensatin tor e inoreased ground speed mode attack type airplanes. Installa ion for exp of 37 rom. annon in the ~~in-eng e attaok airpl


S Cobb

- 22

Captain L J\~umaggi,


, Captain B B Talley

This DETACmmNT, consisting of t"M:> offioers, five oivili~ employees, and five enlisted men;\is oonoerned with the development of'\rapid and eoonomioal map-making me\hods. In all projeots, photographs\obtained with Air Corps oameras of'~oth single and multiple-lens types, su~ply the basic topographic inf'o~tion. Two general methods are employed in transforming the topographi~ information contained in the pho~graphs into map data. Graphioal., methods, (radial line triantulat~pn) prinoipally are followed in oompi\i~ .. 1 planimetric maps (those on whi';h. 1 no relief is delineated). In topo~ graphic maps, (those snowing relief~ stereoscopio methods and maohines are used. The Detaohment is equipped with an aerooartograph and three different types of multiplex aeropro, jeotors. Both these applianoes per~ mit the operator to draw topographio maps direot from information oontained in the individual photographs. In the aerocartograph, transparent pos-

itive plates, like in size to' the ,aerial negative, are used and in the multiplex projector small transparent positive reductions of the aerial negatives are employed. . With this equipment the Detachment has completed within the past year two of the regulation fifteen-minute quadrangle map sheets of portions of the Olympio peninsula in Washington, five reservoir sites along a proposed Lake Erie-Ohio River canal. and in addition carried out an experimental program of military mapping of Fort Bragg military reservation Beoause the basic information is obtained from aerial photographs the EnEineer Detaohment assists tne Aerial Photographio Unit in tests of new or experimental types of cameras and aocessories. The Detaohment assisted \the Air Corps in photography with tanm five-lens oameras for the Seoond y maneuvers of this past summer and th se of the Fourth Army to take place ne year. In addition, the nine-lens ~ oame~a of the Coast Survey is being tested.

- 23 -

~ r

pushed arO\md 80 JII\loh sinoe t't .u~ ride after her la.t~Aooording to Hoyle, air is made lfa"r,fgame. Jo~ oould te~ the up ot a proportion ot gases inoludblaok and blue plaoes beg~ing to ing some oxygen, lome hydrogen, some torm but wouldn't admit ~ to the ni1irogen, Imd at .. other minor and weaker sex. The orowd,ouldn't lesler elements. Suppose we take a ItOP moving. On it _~ till a oouple ot particles ot air drit1iing hissing noise was heard. Frankie lazily along with the breeze. Let's said, "Enough is eno,..~ - I don't oall them Frankie and Jo~, Pete mind being pushed around in a orowd and Repeat, Amosand Andy, or what but that hissing n~ise sounds like haTe youl a Bronx oheer froll the boys over at For the sake of oonversation the gas house." Frankie asks JohmJJ what that fastRight she was, but it ....s too moving thing is ooming up in the late to turn baok. This joint had distanoe. Jo~ says, 1'hY that's no side exits. A big Swedeby the a PB-2#.- we better duok~ I rename of Throttle Valve seemed 'to be membergetting suoked in'to\ a Hilo the doorman and somehow managedto baok in 1919 and I ....s really batmix the ga,s house gang in with the tered around." \ air orowd~ About one palooka Betore anything oould happ,8U -seemed td be with ever,y titteen ot bitfl The prop hit 'them and ~ra.nkie the air icrowd. A tlash of light in allowed as how they were being,.given the distanoe was an indication to 'the bum's rush at Clancy's danoe this gang that a party of some kind hall. Betore regaining their f~et ....s.about to take place. Frankie as they bounoed along the engine, snu~gled a little oloser to Johnny oowling, Frankie had lost the teathoause she saw by the look in the er from her new hat and Johm:Jy his. eye of that g~ rom the gas house favori'te pipe. Swish, and they gang that he was in th1e party for whilked through a screen wire netno good. Trouble was brewingl ting, down into an intake pipe, and Another flash and 'the orowd 10 and behold -- Jo~ sees his ' tumbled down in'to a deep well whose tirst turbo-driven impeller. Frankie~otto.m seemed to fall, give them a by this time was suspioious and asked ~ing up, and then the well sudJo~, "Am I orazy, or is tha't thing deply deoided to squeeze ever,ybody really going round aDd round?" up\to the top. It was as ho't a1td. Johnny did not have tme to answer stu~ty as the oorner pool room. beoause a blade olipped h~ tram the All ~f a sudden a oouple of lightrear and smaokedhim on into da:rkning f;lashes 'took plaoe and then ness, downthrough what he thou.ght hell b~oke loose. The darkened DIIlstbe a orowded sewer pipe terribly plaoe r.mediately made the Chioago cramped for spaoe, and a lot warmer. fire lo~ small, and 'as Frankie's By the time he had emerged trom this taoe redl\ Fire was everywhere. A long ride he was a little oooler and big IrishJilemtla'ttoot by the name ott in the distanoe somewh4tre e h ot Exhaus't\Valve aoted a8 the heard Frankie giving s~ne the bounoer and~ wi.thou't oeremo~., devil tor pushing her aro}U1d. Fate kioked the orowd out into a flaming bounced them together again and hot alley, and. around 8ft'8ral oorFrankie .'IIOretha"', int.-oooler or ners. By this\tiDl8 ....eryone was in no in~eroooler. she hachi't been a moodto s_ok the tirst thing I'lWIKIE AND JOJD1J1Y


broad and varied legal rulings whioh demand striot interpretation. The INSPECTIONRANCH B oonsists of one offioer and approx1mate~ fifty oivilian ~loyees who are stationed at th8 Materiel Division for the purpose ot oontrolling and oo-ordinat~ inspection requirements. Th_ee requirements also cover by ;tarious laws and regulation8~" lioable not on~ to suppli s sent to the Materiel aoJlATERIEL IVISIOBORGANIZATION Divis on for inspeotionand D oeP'!ianoe, but alao those sent to (Continued from page 2) th. Field. This tield inspeotion the direotion of a Kedioal Corps of- t.6roe oons1sts ot su ottioers who fioer has been added as a Unit.. /'re designated as Air Corps RepreUnder the juri8diotion'of the sentatiTes and are stationed at Field Servioe Seotion tive uain i the airplane oontraotors' plants, supply depots operate. These are / together with approxin:ately 110 situated at Fairfield, Ohio, Middle- oivilian employees, some ot wham town, Pennsylvania, San Antonioi are stationed at airplane and Texas) Belleville, Illinois, Q6roairplane-And-engine taotories, the nado, California. /" others being soattered throughout The ProouremeIrt Seotion obntrols the oountry in strategio points distriot inspeotion otfioe, throu~where they -y be moved from one out the United States am,lhas juril~ oity to another in order to make dioticn over ottioers ~ serve as -, the neoessary inspeotion of supAir Corps Representati-v:es at airoraft'flie as they are oontraoted tor. plants. ,/ \ The Industrial Wa;/Plans Seotion operates six distriqt otfioes looated FIELDSERVICE SECT lOB in NewYork, Buffa~, Wright Field Continued trom page 5) (Cleveland Offioe)~ Detroit, Chioago, and Los Angeles. " oth funotions inolude the

FruJk:ie and Jo~ saw a oouple of department store revolving doors tha~ turned out to be turbine buokets with a sign on them that said PusHa They did, and were immediately thrqwn out into the sunlight again. Jo~ was glad that somebody, years ago, had deoided that matter oould neither be oreated nor destroyed and explained thi s to Frankie, but Frankie somehow doubted it she wou~ ever be the

PROCUREMENT SECTION (Continued trom page 4)

prepara on ot data for the Budget Oftice t support annual approprin~ransport,;tion and oODllDUJlicationations, intenance of liaison With are the hnd.-mentals in the eoonomio the Oftioe Chief cf Air Corps with development ,'ot a nation. They are respeot to epot buildings and also prime.indioators of a nation's grounds pro otS) maintenanoe ot ability to meet a national emergena,y. reoords ot a otment ot airoraft to The airplane is to transportation stations, and\the neoessar" oontrol ot the tJiture, what radio is to oom- over air transport squadrons asmunioat;i.on now and in years to eeme, a signed to Air Corps depots inoident General J G Harbord, to the proper flow ot supplies in Radio Corporation of Amerioa. the Air Corps.


THE BUDGET OFFICE (Continu~ from page 1) acc~unting. !torAir Corps property and recordin aotivity ot the aircraft may be seen from the taot that there are ann ally approximately 1,400,000 pos gs on Air Corps stock record a counts, and approximately 500,000 airplane flights made. Current B dgets are totaling approximately 160 000,000. Sinoe the Budge Estimate is prepared nearly two years in advance of the actual expen ture of the funds appropriated, y changes in oonditions and equipm t inevitably oompel readjustment in the setup of funds by project from t~ originally established in the Budge Estimate. The relative needs ot eac . project and each department conoe~ed are given full consideration bu\ the finaldeoision involving tr sfer of funds from one project to ano her obviously can only be made by on dividual, who is logically the get Officer, who functions in.executive capacity for the Chiet ot\the Division in all Budgetary matters.'\ Jurisdiotion over accounting in the Air Corps inoludes the auditing of contraots with commeroial organizations whereby the Air Corps obtains reasonable assurance ot fair return for its expenditures of money. In brief, the tunctions'of the Budget Office may be roughly divided into two categories: , first, the preparation of the BUd&et including the control of the sources of infort mation required there~n; second, the administration of th$ Budget inoluding the oontrol ove1.the expenditure of the appropriate funds and the auditing of Air Co s contracts inoidental thereto.

INDUSTRIAL WAR PLANS SECTI .(C~ntinued trom page 6 satistactorl1y,attention is given to studies tor those contr utory items and materials whic it h estimated, might be ditti It to procure in the time and antity required.Manyraw ma erials enter into this clas8 of tems a8 well as airoraft hardware cable, tie rods, valves, springs' crankshafts, machine tools, etc.,Jmong the plans which have already/been submitted to the Office, Assi'stant Secretary of War and approved, are items of permanent mold pisV6ns, tie rods, oordage, engine va.~ves, and valve springs. Reserve Activities .A1V important aotivity of the Industrial War Plans Section is the selec~ tiQn and training of the Reserve Officers necessary to the proper wartime funotioning of the Air Corps pro9urement organi~ation. This wartime organization requires, in addition to the RegUlar Army and civilian personnel, a total of 471 Reserve Officers, of whom sixty per cent (286), acoording to the present War Department policy, are selected and trained during peace.

The conquest of the air is !mer cats gift to the progress ot the entieth century. We owe it to our~~lves to lead the development of \aviation both into and u~efulness and also to lead in surro~ing this new agency with suoh moral\restraints that nations will agree ~t to oapitalize its destructive ppssibilities." \-Newton'D Baker .,


- 26 ...



PROGRESS RADIO LABORATORY new equipment being terphone systems, one e, and one f r multi-place airplane a shorts t, the SCR-238, wh will replace 4 and SCR-18, se ,and an improved ison set (SCR-A) which will be of the pre t SCR-187 set in new ne of th ost interesting, as well mport t item .fequipment recently developed, roat rophone, now being procured to reThand microphone. This microphone

Colonel J 0 Mauborgne Chief

J;~~i1ot s for is ra.. twork o equipet d , imy be ng inhere dvisprojec ed use power s pply in

modeis have been procured. The SCRAA-l' and SCR-AB-l86 sets, which are modifi ations of the old Type E-4 and differ nly in the type of receiver furnish d, have already been delivered to th Service, while the SCR-242, which co bines tlie best principles of the art 0"'9" today will be available for deliv 'during the spring of 1937. Work isba g carried on to further 1m,/ prove/this quipment by furnishing s~'1er loop in streamline housings, if'it proves racticable. Progress has been made n the development of a simple, ligh -weight direction finder or homing devic which can be installed in pursuit airplanes. Tests of a loop wound around the engine cowl have given great promise. The equipment contained in instru-

- 27 -

landing truok.

beacon p ment

"A radio range marker tor indicating the position of radio range stations provides a more positive indication than the cone of silence and will operate the present type of marker beacon receptor;,Several interesting probl~, suoh as the control 'of the direction of flight by means pf a radio oompass 'and an automat.fc pilot, and the automatic selection of frequency settings ~n the radio compass by the aotion of the marker beacon receptor havereaohed laboratory solutio~s, and with sli~ht modifications in the present laboratory desi~s, should be ready for procurement shortly, if needed. n this same connection, a~ .... __ giv he Instrument an gation Unit in eve 1 a traininE device tal led in airplan simulate br!'! ....... iAg ocedure. The foregoing developments indicate that it will be but a short time until all airplanes will be equipped with efficient and satisfactory radio equipment for all purposes. Other interesting problems too numerous to mention here, includin~ ultra high-frequency work, are being carried on or will be set up in the development program for the next few years.

'/ .. inIon e;nd JUles Bie,tanet of T 1f'.A, DQ.. arrived at Wright i Field on De ember 8th in a Northr~p' t~tted up as a tlytng laboratory tor tile purpose 0 \ engaging with the oftioer'.and eng~eer~ of Wright Field 111 GP8r1mental\~ubstrat08pherework. he Materlel Divifion has been foll,OWing suoh a proj,ct for som~ time, convinoed that botafor commercial and military purpos~ it wilJ prove a .mest important deve.lopment:~ It is anticipated that t~y wiJl remain some time at the Mate e1 ~ vision to complete the testing t ,Y ~ave planned. In flying to Dayton, \,ToJllinson' s average speed from Kansa~ity in a climb to Columbia, Missou t, was 170 m.p.h.; from Columbia to Louis it was 247 m.p.h.; and f,o St. Louis to Indianapolis it wa~l .p.h. Between Indianapolis an na- on,where a descent was made fr30. feet, the average was but 21 m.p.H because of hindering head wind W A Reeves, turbo-~perohar~r expert of General E1eitric Comp y, accompanied Tomlinso~!and Hiest ,d.
, .J
. I

"Over-eather" Plane

Kelletl' Autogiro

\ \

After a series tf tests performe~ at the Materiel-n.'vision the Kellett\ autogiro was flowp to 'Fort Sill. " Oklahoma, by Lieytenant Nichols where\ it will be used tn experimental work , ~ oonneotion ~th spotting art~llery \ f1re. "

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show, not items belonging to a quaint Although the ARMY AERONAUTICAL past, but valid links in, a triumphant, MUSEUM Building has housed the Museum, Technical Data Units, and chain of progress. Patent seekers may learn what has already been accomplhhAir Corps Engineering School fO,r ed along their lines, designers may cammore than a year, personnel still pare contemplated details with enjoy its newness and beauty. what has gone before, and It is, in fact, a satisfacstudents may visualize the tion not only to those at llt8ny&mazing engineering Wright Field, but to an strides taken in the briet average ot 140 visilife of the airplane. tors a day, to whom 'We cannot attempt to it is one of the prinname even'groups of excipal points of inhibits. In the spring, terest on a tour ot suitable items were prethe Materiel Divipared for the Government sion. display at the Great Major W J Hanlon Lakes Exposition at is the Direotor of Cleveland. Among these the Museum and Chief were modern sectiona1ized of the various units aircraft engines, latest which function under 3Ulitary airoraft t~~es (rul1the Teol->.nicalata Branch. D size and models), aerial phoThis Branch consists of tograp'hj,cequipment, modern the Library, Editorial, and obsolete airoraft parts, Motion Picture, Photoflying clothing, the propelgraphic, and Statistioa1 Units. ler of the first military Major W J Hanlon Museum airplane, motion piotures Chief The main Exhibits Hall presenting Air Corps aotivities, both ourrent and historical. measures 115 by 141 feet and conThis display attracted 2,800,000 clocktains thousands of items gathered ed visitors in four months. through the life of the Air Corps Among interesting exhibits acquired and collected through the past seven years at the Materiel Division during 1936 are the command DH-4 piloted by Captain St. Clair Streettin the for museum purposes. When the sun Alaskan flight of 1920; the Bird ot streams warmly through the ,high Paradise (Fokker monoplane), first windows and skylights, it seems to

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airplane to cross the Pacific to Hawaii; "Stumpy John Silver," World War carrier pigeon who served in the trenches, survived them, and concluded a comfortable veteran's life in Hswaii; a diorama depicting an airplane making a blind le.nding on a strange landing field. Improved methods of display and new display cases came into being during the yean It is believed that the Museum will volumes. About 3,000 ducuments came to the files which contain at the present time approximately 60,000. Distribution for the year amounted to 12,400 documents, books, and magazines. Historically, and as a working aid in aeronautics, the importance of these documents cannot be overestimated and they are drawn upon freely not only by Government organizations but by designers and engineers

Museum Rotunda increasingly become a Mecca for the aeronautically minded who will find in it information of interest and value. Materiel Division Libra~ Wright Field officers and civilian engineers haunt this pleasant room for purposes of reading, study, and research. During 1935, approximately 400 technical volumes were added to the 8,000 already on the shelves. The capacity is 32,000 of the Industry. Preserved in a fire and burglarproof room, they tell the story of airplane development in their detailed accounts of experiments and tests. Editorial Unit The outstanding accomplishment of this Unit for 1936 was the editing, compiling, and publication of a completely new edition (the Eighth) of the Handbook of Instruotions for Airplane Designers, a two-volume docu~ent

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8-1/2 by 11 inohes in size, oontaining 560 pages and 233 illustrations. This book forms a basis of 1938 airplane proourement. Besides this, the Teohnical Data Digest, a 48-page mimeographed magazine, giving abstracts of aeronautioal articles from current publications, was published twice each month. Forty translations from French and Ge~ consisting of from 3 to 34 pages in length, were made. Daily press contacts, preparation of special news and feature articles, lecture arrangements and preparation of l~cture data, and Air Corps News Letter contributions were also among the projeots of this Unit. Photographic Unit This Unit covers the general ground photographic assignments incident to the duties of a large experimental establishment. These include portraits of military personnel, of important experimental projects, and of all new ~irplanes. Lantern slides, photostats, photographic enlargements, and opal transparencies of late airplanes to be used in display cabinets were also made. During 1936 approximately 24,000 photostats and 19,000 prints were turned out. Motion Picture Unit This Unit takes motion piotures and prepares them for historical, technical, training, record, and educational purposes. Sound recording has formed part of this program for the past year and a half. There is a definite need for motion pioture equipment in the Air Corps. No better means of instruotion by illustration, for instance. of the operation of an air unit engaged in a mission of attack, from airdrome to objeotive and return, can be visualized than with the sound motio~ pioture. The utilization of the so-called animated cartoon may also have application. There is also need for motion pioture photography in the study of behavior and causes of failure of materiel. Slow motion picture studies of wing flutter, propeller vibration, bomb release mechanisms, and many other aeronautical rese~oh problems are oonsidered ~xtremely valuable. Sound recording is being added to instructional film on the inspection of the A-17 airplane, the photography of which was accomplished at Chanute Field. Approximately 12,000 ft. of film was copied during 1936 for the Offioe, Chief of Air Corps. Statistioal Unit One of the most important functions of this Unit is the compilation of charts and data presenting the charaoteristics of aviation engines and airplanes, foreign and domestio, military and oommercial, in order that this information may be disseminated properly throughout the Service. Other charts, photographic layouts, special maps, and draWings are also prepared for various purposes. This Unit keeps on file the originals of Air Corps Technical. Servioe, Translation, and other Reports for reproduction, and also distributes them. By the collection of newspaper clippings and general statistical data this office serves as a source of general statistical information to the Materiel Division. Distribution of the Handbook of Instruotions for Airplane Designers with revisions, Air Corps Information Circulars, Air Corps and Navy }lews Letters, and Miscellaneous Naval Reports reoeived from Washington are distributed. Much of the information received in this Uni t is of confidential nature and must be aooordingly guarded.

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d~~amics, airplrne stress analysis, propeller theory and design, etc. The Air School And one-half is devo'ted to 'the pracof App Hcat.ion. tical aspects of engineering as desigcountered within the Materiel Divinated the AIR sion proper and the Air Corps Depots. L't. R P Swofford. Jr. CORPS ENGINEER- This la'tter work is performed wi'thin Assistant Commandant ING SCHOOL. was the various Materiel Division labore.established in November. 1919. This 'tories, shops, and unit.s, and is unSchool waS the result of the growing der the direction of the highly qualrealization of the need for a group of ified speoialists who are in charge Air Corps officers well grounded in of the various units. This praotical aeronautical engineering. A total of work includes such oourses as engine one-hundred and eighty-eight officers laboratory tests, wind tunnel research, will have completed the course of inflight 'tests; etc., and stresses Matestruct.ion with the graduation of t.he riel Division procedures, methods,and problems. 1936-37 class. The scope of the curriculum has A further idea of the scope of the been changed many times in an effort work at the Air Corps Engineering to keep abreast of the rapid teohnical School may be obtained from a general progress in Air Corps equipment. I't comparison wi'th the five-year oourse becomes increasingly difficul't to caver in aeronautical engineering given by properly all the essential subjects in any recognized oivilian ins'ti'tu'tion. the allotted time of one year. It . While 'the 'theoretical subjec'ts canshould be remembered. however. that no't be covered wi'th the degree of the School is no't trying to produce thoroughness 'tha'tis attained in a college or university, yet each prohighly trained and specialized engifessional subjec't included in 'the neers in certain particular phases of aeronautical engineering, but to give fourth and fifth year in aeronautical engineering a't a universi'ty is to officers 'the sound and general enwell covered during the year at 'the gineering background 'that will aid Engineering School. Furthermore, in them in the performance of duty wi'th 'the field of practical engineering the Materiel Division and fu'ture serthe School is in a truly unique posivice in the Air Corps. 'tion due to its close proximi'ty 'to Curriculum 'the Materiel Division. The laboraThe curriculum may be roughly divided into two parts. Approximately 'tory work is performed upon 'the very lates't 'types of Air Corps equipment one-half of the time is spen't in the study of the fundamental and theore'tand in labora'tories equipped for ical engineering subjects such as aero- every type and kind of 'tes't. The

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instructors in this work are experts in their particular fields. Post_~raEuate Cou~ At the present time three graduates of the Air Corps Engineering School are sent each year to take postgraduate work at certain civllian institutions recogni~ed a8 outstanding in the fields of aeronautioal or power plant engineering. Offioers are chosen for this detail from those who desire the postgraduate work and are well qualified to complete it satisfaotorily. For these individuals the year at the Air Corps Engineering School furnishes a review of fundamentals, a general bao~ground in the entire field of aeIQnautical engineering, and a familiarity with Air Corps methods. and problems that 18 or ine.timable value, both to the officer himself in the pursuit of his work at the university and to the Air Corps in the future work of the offioer in his chosen speciality. Applications Application to attend the Air Corps Engineering School MUst be made by letter to The Adjutant General, through ohannels. The applicant is furnished a questionnaire, which. when completed, gives a synopsis of his service and education. These papers are forwarded to the Faculty Board of the Air Corps Engineering School for recommendation as to whether or not the applicant is eliglble for attendance at the School. The minimum technical and educational requirements are that the applicant be a graduate of a recognized technical college.- a graduate of the 14i1itary or Naval Academy, or that the applioant prove to the satisfaction of the Faculty Boar~ that he has sutfictent knowledge o~ ~he fundamental sciences of calculus, ohemistry. physics, mechanics, and

dr.awing to warrant hj,.~ attendance


:~=r::f;:::~~~e:~:~~~;rit~h~sC~:~:i~: ed each year from t_ ... officers upon the eli&ible list. Visitors Invited It is beli~vedthat there 1s comparativel}p little knowledge among Air Corps offioers as a whole aa to exactly what 1s accomplished at the Air Corps Engineering School or the real purpose behind the School. Therefore. this opportunity is chosen to invite any officer who may stop in at Wright or Patterson Fields with an hour or so on his hands, to visit the School, get an idea of what 1 is all about, and ask any questions t conoerninc the School which he mq have in mind.


of First Flight

The 33rd anniversary of the first flight was celebra+.ed in Dayton with speoial significance this year as it marked the inclusion ot Dayton on the oommercial air map by the inauguration or regular air mail. passenger, and express servioe for Dayton by both the TWA and Amerioan lines. The usual pilgrimage of the N A C A to the home of Orville Wright and the placing of a wreath on the grave of Wilbur Wright by Brigadier General A W Robins was observed. In the afternoon members of the N A C A visited Wright Field. Sand from the dunes of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, where the first airplane took off on December 17. 1903 will be used in christening the new TWA airplane, "City of Dayton." The sand arrived in a bag sewed by Mrs. Tate. wife of Captain Tate of Kitty Hawk who witnessed the first flight. on the same sewing maohine used by the Wright Brothers for stitc~ ing fabrio tor their early experiments.

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Branohes on the field. There are the test pilots headed by Capt. S M Umstead, who is also Branoh Chief. The others are Capt. G J Epprlght, Capt. S R Harris, Capt. F G Irvin, and Capt. C W O'Connor. The FLIGHT TEST COMPUTATION UNIT, headed by E L Pratt, designates the method required and the data to be obtained in flight testing of the different airplanes or equipment, and oomputes results obtained in logioal report order. It also has charge of the installation and calibration of special flight testing equipment and in some oases designs new test instruments to obtain the test information desired. Beoause of the many new airplanes entered in competitions durin~ the past year, the Capt. S M Umstead activities of this Unit have been esChief pecially accelerated. There is a From the inside, the FLYING BRANCH PLANES & ENGINES MAINTENANCE UNIT, is a routine workaday affair wherein whose function i~ to inspect, maintain, an airplane is flown to check the r.p.m., and prepare the airplanes in the vamanifold pressure, and carburetor ram rious hangars for inoidental or test flying. pressure with a flat wire screen inThe "OPEHATIONS OFFICE" is a selfstalled in the sooop, or a cooling explanatory term on all airdromes. test as required by-E.O. 3759-10 is obtained by the test pilot and observel\ There is a METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE under Capt. Benjamin Stern of the Signal To the outsider it is a laboratory whose roof is the sky, whose walls are Corps; and in addition, a RADIO TRANSMITTING AND RECORDING STATION identiall out-of-doors, whose workers are pilots and observers of sound and fied by the call let~ers PdE-2 and quick judgment, knowing all that is to equipped with a/s~orEiati t~ansmitter. be known of the operations of a form In oertain tests this radio is used to obtain flight test data. of oraft still new and radioal enough to hold romanoe. Eaoh morning at four, winter and Aotually the Flying Branoh is made summer, good weather and bad, a pilot up of Units of workers as are the other goes aloft to 17,000 feet for the

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purpose of obtaining weather data. airplanes requir~s eeurage'; cool Wright Field being ,one of a' series judtment. and careful. precise f1yof statiqnst}1tougll()ut the country'" ing. all of which qualities are sought designated" rO~;ob1;~ining such infor- in the selection of service pilots for mation for. the U.s. Weather Bureau-.",'i,est flying. Besides the hangars and those '., During 1936 four initiates entered offices at whioh men work at desks 'the Caterpillar Club from the Flying , there is a laboratory where special Branch. W W CU!Il:nings. D MoDaniels. H test instruments suoh as barographs, and John Cutting were ordered to jump taohometers. altimeters, air-speed from the C-33 on July 22nd, when one indicators. aridthermometers are' of the motors oaught fire in the air. oalibrated before and after test Mr. Hobson of Chanute Field and Mr. flights; a room tor storing equipWetherford of Middletown Air Depot ment temporarily removed from an being in the cabin also jumped. All airplane while special equipment five men landed safely. as incidenput on- in its place is being tested, tally did the airplane. Captains Frank and where airplane flares are kept Irvin and J D Griffith succeeding in handy for night flying; a ballast extinguishing the flames and bringing room, where sand bags, dummy guns, the airplane in safely. and dummy flares used in weightCapt. Charles O'Connor was the carrying tests are ever ready for fifth "Caterpillar" being forced to loading and installing on airplanes jump in the cold gray dawn of a under test. weather flight on Ootober 27th near The standard performance test for Dayton. The plane went into a spin airplanes has certain basic phases at'12.000 feet from whioh it oould whioh have not ohanged greatly dur- not be extrioated and at 5.500 feet ing the years. Among them are the Captain O'Connor took Frenoh leave. power oalibration test and calibraAll will undoubtedly dub it one of tion of the air-speed indioator, de- their lucky years with the parachute termination of official high speed acting as a real Santa Claus. and operating speed at any altitude, A seventh Caterpillar initiate was the saw-tooth olimb,the oheck climb, J L Malone. oivilian test pilot, who the engine-oooling tests. oarbon was spin-testing a plane entered at monoxide tests. the osoillation Wright Field for oonsideration as a tests, pilot's preliminary and final trainer. He jumped near the Field observations, and for some airplanes at 800 feet wheu the airplane could the spinning tests. The latter not be hrought out of a spin. usually call for anti-spinning deThe f1ying field at Wright Field vioes in the way of releasable balis well adapted for flight test purlast or a small paraohute attaohed poses. It is generally triangular to the tail of the airplane for the in shape. oovers 520 aores. and has purpose of stopping rotation should a landing area approximately one mile the pilot be unable to bring the each way. Three hangars of concrete airplane out of ~he spin by means and steel construction have a total of the controls. capacity for 75 airplanes. None of these tests with the high-powered craft of today 1s without an element of danger. Therefore, today as always. flight testing of new and experimental engines and

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The present MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS BRANCH of the Materiel Division was organized during the World War at MoCook Field and was known as the Construotion Department. Atter hostilities veased and MoCook Field beoame the Engineering Division. the Construotion Department aoquired the title it now holds. In 1923. it was deoided that the Engineering Division had outgrown.its quarters both in landing field area and building floor spaoe. As a resul't the Arohitectural Unit and the Maintenance guildings and Grounds Branoh in co-operation with Lt. Colonel Frank W. Wright. at that time Chief of Buildings and Grounds of the Air Service, and the Dayton Air Service Committee. which was organized for the purpose. promoted the relocation of the Engineering Division by the use of oharts. graphs. a large relief map. and photographs. Shortly atter the War Department aocepted the new location for the Engineering Division (now the Kateriel Division. Wright Field). the Kaintenance Buildings and Grounds Branch was allotted the first increment of funds to begin the preparation of the site. In the spring of 1926. the removal of fenoes. trees. and other obstruotions. and the rough grading of the landing field were started. Several oaterpillar tractors and wheeled scrapers were acquired and these were made up into trains with which to move the dirt. The preliminary layouts of the Field as well as the designs for the

Lt. Colonel F 11' Wright buildings had been prepared by the Maintenance Branch. ArDhitectura1 Unit. and turned over to the Quartermaster General. Throughout the course of construotion. it was the funotionof the Maintenanoe Buildings and Grounds Branch. in order to co-ordinate the aotivities of the various branohes with the Construoting Quartermaster to insure that Materiel Division reqUirements were met. A majority of the buildings were contracted for by the Construoting Quartermaster. ~he Maintenance and Grounds Branoh. however. installed the steel framework of the buildings. constructed from overseas hangar steel. and the utilities. As the struotures took shape. the stupendous task afmoving th.eEng1i1eering Division was delegated to the Maintenance Buildings and Grounds Branoh. This was aocomplished with a minimum of delay and confusion considering the great variety of equipment handled and the miscellaneous details oonnected with dismantling and re-estab1ishment of the huge experimental plant. This was effected under the direot supervision of Major (now Lieutenant <h1Dne1) J. H. Rudolph. Atter the establishment had be~ completed. Lt. Colonel Wright was assigned to Wright Field as Chief of Kaintenance Buildings and ~round. Branch. and under his direction the

- 36-

problem of landscaping and beautifioatio~ of the Post reached definite suooess. At the time of his coming, a majority of the buildings were covered with temporary siding and roofs in the form of oorrugated iron sheets. Since that period all, with the exoeption of five, have been changed to permanent coverings. The decorative entrance ~o the Field was a design of the Maintenance and Grounds Branoh, selected by competition which was also responsible for its construction. Of the total amount of funds alotted for the construction and re-establishment, the Maintenanoe Buildings and Grounds Branoh has expended approximately $2,000,000 or 30 per cent. Wi th the advent of the P W A, approximately 600 relief workers were supervised by the personnel of the Maintenance Buildings and Grounds Branch under the direction of Colonel Wright. All manner of projects were accomplished with these workers, including grading of the field, temporary roads, and improvement to grounds in general. With the allotment of P W A fun three buildings, the Army Aeronautioal Museum, Heating Plant Addition, and Static Test Laboratory, were approved for construction. The preliminary drawings and designs were prepared in the Maintenanoe and turned over to looal architects for completion, the coordination between all agencies being handled under Colonel Wright's direction. The MAINTENANCE BRANCH as now organized includes the Plant Protection Units and oontains 141 capable workmen, each skilled in his particular line. The Branch is divided into the following tJn:ibI:

Administrative, Boiler House, Carpenter, Electrioal, Fire Protection, Guard Protection, Janitor, Labor, Millwright, Mobile Machine Repair, Painting, Rigger, Sheet Metal, and Steam Fitting. The duties of this organization are: the maintenance, drainage, and repair of lawns, grounds, roads, walks, and flying fields; supervising of all heating, lighting, power, gas, water, and sewer systems; the maintenance of buildings and installations, other than special technical installations pertaining to the technical work of the Materiel Division; the ereotion of such buildings as are authorized; inspection of the above to obviate malfunctioning; and the rendering of frequent re~ ports to the Commanding Officer of the condition in which facilities are found. Fire protection, police protection, and janitor service are also functions of this Branch. Of the 141 employees, forty-seven have served from 15 to 20 years with the Materiel Division, and fifteen have served from 10 to 15 years.

Automatic Pilot School A olass for instruction in the maintenance and operation of the automatic pilot convened on December 2nd with W W Cummings, engineer, of the Equipment Branch as instructor. Enlisted men from Bolling, Patterson, Langley, Mitchel, Selfridge, Kelly, Barksdale, and Wright Fields were in attendanoe. Upon the completion of the oourse, these students will return to their fields to act as instructors to others who work with automatic pilots. The course is a thorough one, inclUding both flying and ground phases of the care and operation of this important equipment.

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During 1936 the Materiel Division had reason to be gratified by honors which came to various members of its starf for the 'performance of deeds of valor. notable fligbts. or outstanding contributions to science. Lt. R K Giovannoli received (posthumous11J in 1936 the Cheney Award for 1935. His gallant rescue of Major Hill and Leslie Tawer who were trapped in a burning bomber is too well known to need recalling. Besides this. for the same acts of bravery. Giovannoli and also Lt.L F Harman. who assisted in the rescue work. were awarded the Soldier's Medal by the War Depar-bment, Capt. H G Armstrong. Medical Corps. in charge of the Physiological Research Laboratory. was awarded the Henry S Wellcome gold medal and a cash prize of $500.00 for the best paper submitted in a contest on "The Importanoe of Co-ordinating the Military and Naval Medical Services with the Civilian Medical Profession." Major A W Stevens has recei~ed many acknow1edgmen'bs of merit for his stratosphere flights. Among them in 1936 came the Oak Leaf Cluster. a distinguished flight award given to aviators who have already reoeived the Distinguished Fl;}ring Cross. A handsome bronze plaque, the gift of the Dayton Chamber of Commerce. was also added to th;s officer's gifts of merit. Major Hez McClellan. who was killed in flight testing an airplane last May. was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (posthumously) in June. 1936 for hie part in the 1935 flight of ten Army bombers from Washington to Alaska and return. Capt. Frank G. Irvin was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross on

December 10th for courage and cool judgment shawn in extinguishing the flames which broke out in one motor of a Douglas Transport and bringing the plane to a safe landing on Wright Field after ordering five oivilian test observers to jump for their lives. Capt. c!... S Griffith. who was pi loting the. airplane with Captain Irvin and assumed all responsibility with him. was similarly awarded. Both were test pilots of the Flying Branoh but Captain Griffith was transferred before the presentation of the award. Captain Irvin is a member of the Caterpillar Club. having entered when he had been a Wright Field test pilot !itt,lemore than a month. He was initiated when the spring mechanism of an experimental ski installation failed and sent the airplane into an uncontrollable dive. He yras injured in landing. Capt. B B Ta11ez. Engineers Corps. of the Aerial Mapping Unit. reoeived. upon authority granted by speoial aot of Congress. the Nicaraguan Medal of Merit on August 4th. The Nicaraguan government conferred the medal for especially meritorious services to the Republic during the earthquake of 1931. At the time Captain Talley was in charge of an Engineers' Battalion making a survey of the Nicaraguan Canal.

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HE only balloon in the world oonstruoted oompletely of synthetio rubber is the ~ ~~~~ Observation Balloon. Type C-3. whioh is undergoing servi~e test at Fort Sill. Oklahoma. Completed in April of this year. it represents another of the many answers to researoh problems whioh have had their initiation at the Materiel Division. Rubber bein~ a produot proourable only by import. it has been for many years one of the aims of the Materiel Division to obtain for Air Corps use a synthetio oompound whioh would adequately" t~ its plaoe. The Industry was/~cr~~ens of samples tested in the Wright Field laboratories with but indifferent suooess. After several years a material was disoovered whioh extensive testing proved not only equ~ ed but surpassed the genuine rubber in every essential oharaoteristio. this material was a oommeroial produot known as "Duprene. " Experiments were started immediately in applying the compound to cotton fabrio for the purpose of seouring an adequate balloon fabrio to supplant the genuine rubberizedfabrio. In the making of balloon fabrio two plies of oloth laid at oblique angles are "doubled" or made homegeneous by interposing a layer of rubber. This method was not changed exoept that the synthetio rubber was substituted for the genuine. Extensive laboratory as well as exposure raok tests were oonduoted. Samples were exposed for eight months to the weather with monthly examinations to determine degree of depreoiation as to strength and gas diffusion oharaoteristios. At the end of eight months a slightly higher tensile strength than before was shown on the testing maohine. and the gas esoapage, whioh with rubberized oloth was from to 19 liters per square meter. was but from 1 to 3 liters in 24 hours. With these amazing results on s~ ples to encourage them. Wright Field engineers determined that it would be well to try out the new fabrio in a full-size observation balloon. Developed in oonjunotion with the Industry about 200 pounds of synthetio rubber oompound were required. Even the oement and tape used in seams and tor patohing are of the same synthetio materials. In balloon structures seams must test out as strong as the fabric itself. Seam tests were carried out at high temperatures. as in the case of rubber. using synthetio oement .If' It was found that the pertormance of i!he seam was the same as that for rubber cement and was equal to the strength of the homogeneous material. This point was proved in testing many samples at elevated temperatures. When the balloon was constructed, in lieu of a high temperature test. it was inflated with air and exposed to bright sunlight for two days betore inflation with hydrogen. Instead of deterioration it was found that the seam strength had inoreased. In its servioe testing the C-3 observation balloon has been used in the Seoond Army Maneuvers in Miohigan, been moved about the oountry otherwise. and shown exoellent durability and gas-holding indioations. The life ot a balloon oonstruoted of genuine rubber is usually about one year. In the synthetic rubber balloon a detinite and worthwhile inorease in this period is antioipated. This development has led to that ot an all-purpose synthetio rubber-ooated hose whioh is impervious to the deteriorating qualities of ooolants. gasoline. oil. or other ohemioal solvents,


- 39 -

~ r"...'' .'....

. ~

at any temperature enoountered in practioe. When an experimental organization in search of a substitute finds one not only "just a8 good" but Tery deoidedly better. it is a happy surprise indeed.

- lp) -

\ i




15. 1937

'~t~:' ~'~.










January 15, 1937

~{o. 2


kunltions 3Ulld;ng WashinE.,toll,D.C.

n1e chief ~rpose of this ~blication is to distribute information on aeronautics to the flylng personnel ill the ilegular Arm, Reserve Corps, ~atiollal Guard, and others connected with aviatio~l. .

The Secretary of 'wiar, Honorable Harry I ~he manufacture of many odd shapes I in H. Woodring, .announced recently that 506 I order to attain the be~t streaJ:!ll~nlng, airplanes had. been delivered to the Army counter-sunk rivets. ana. the ~llmlnation Air Corps by contractors during the cal- of every other posslble imped.iment to endar year 1936. This is the largest smooth air flow. ~"'hisall re~ires number of aiI1llanes which has ever been ,large expenditures for heavy machine delivered durlng any year since ~~e tools and elaborate dies, jlgS, fixtures, adoption of modern all-metal constr~c! etc. - most of the latter equipment betion. ~nis simple statalent of fact, : ing useless on subs~quent contracts., however, by no means gives the whole I To secure the maxamum va,lue from the story. ! large expenditure Vlhich the contractor The cost of the airplanes nec es sary to i has made for such eourpment the seersequip a properly balanced air force of a : tary of war has adopted the policy of ~1ven a1~lane stre~gth has ~een increas-i l~ttin~ largo airpl~e contracts for delng stead11y ~ver sauce the \,art ~d will, IlV~r.f d~rirlb a per-rod of t\'/O years. The probably cent luue to do so. '1.'111 S InI savln5 ther eby ef'f ected is pass ed on to crease in cost has been due to four pr m-] the Government, and he has thus been ci-cal causes:. I able to secure the maximumnumber of l'irst, it costs more to build a large imodern aircraft for the money expended. ai!"plane than a sil,all one. I fourth, in addi tion to th e cos t which Secondt the pr~portion of Bombers I is inQerent in the constructio~ of ~~e (lar6e a~rplanes) to Pursuit (small air- I airplrole itself, the modern militar,y airplanes) has been increasin,:.. steadily I plane rer.uir6s many instruments and much from the proportion of about one Bombard-l curpment scarcely thouzht of 15 years e J!lent ~irplalle to fOU! ry.rsui t airJ?lanes i t?-go . ~or Lnst ance , at t:he close of the an 19G6 to about 11 Bombardmen aut i .or Ld .ar a pllot who wanted on his 1nplanes to 9 Pursuit airplanes at the I etrument ~o::-l.ra ore than a compass altim present time. ~le principal underlying ,meter, tachometer and water thermo~eter reasons for this are that close Pur sut f ! was considered just a little eccentric. support of mod ern len-:-r~e Bombar-dmentToclay, a ,,:odern tw c--enafned military airI can no longer be provlded clear to the !pl~~e way have over five times that n~ target and ~la.t the hii.l1. speed and the ~er of in~~ruments, controls, etc., costgreat A.efellslve fire power of modern , ~nf.;over ;P.),OOO, and will also have flaps, Bombers make close support by large num-I brakes complete radio equipment, and bers of Pursuit airplanes no longer SO ['many other devices not in use on militar.y vitally necessarJ as heretofore. Our aircraft of the post-war period. Pursuit w~ich are thereby relieved of For t~e r.aon~ being eJ~ended todav for this defensive mission, become available i modern Arn:gadrc rart the Government"could for use in the defense of our own forces buy almost twice as m&lyplanes of the against the attack of hostile aircraft. ,mOdels of 10 years ag~, but the modern Third, since the :;orld 'liar there naa planes many times more effective. been a progressive development from the I ~le'same condition has occurred in wood-v:ire-fabric biplane through welded buildin.g construction. For instance, a steel tubular construction to the modern mod er'n... ome with electric lights, h ;;as:hot riveted "dural" monoplane. To achf eve I water rurnac e, three baths, asbestos In.. the hiih performance recuired in modern I sulations and air conditionin5 costs sevaircraft necessitates meticulous care inl eral times what the s~ne size 'house would -1V-7l97, A..C.


have cost our $randfathers, but weare j be the policy of the Army to provid.e the more than willlng to pay for the incl'eas-, Air Corps with the best equipmen.t availed comfort provided by modern constru.cable - the amount of such -eql;lipment betion. Similarly., our modern Army a1rling limited to that procural:ile with apcraft, manned ana maintained by an air pro:9riated funds. force properly ba.Lanced in all its com- I .E'or each dollar expended on Army aviaponent parts are UIUch re mo I tio:l. the countr y is getting a greater "than a force of many times that number I va.Iue in l{ational Defense per aollar exof obsolete aircraft. I pended than ever before. It would be a Our aircraft designers are second, to i great mistake to permit a craze for none. Our pl ane industry can and does 'I mere numbers to force us to accept less build the best airplanes in t~e world effective aircraft, although a greater tod~. It has been and will continue to ' number could be procured for the money. ---000---



A V IA T 1 0 ~

By the Langley Field

The~e are in thts country ~oday three i in the ~~ew England Sta~es. This l2:as a Pursu~t Groups the First Elghth and most severet~st, carrl~d on dur~ng a Twent1.eth. Ali, are a part of the Gener- good old-fasm.oned ~jeW .J!jn~larld w:mter. al Headouar-ter e Air Force. Du.rin~ the This pilat summer all Squadrous of the expansio-n of the Air Corps, the Elghth Group held field exercises at Virginia Pu.rsui t Group was made an active operat- : Beach. ,~ unit and stationed at Langley Field, A.t p~esent ~h_eEighth Pursuit Group Va. It was composed of three fighting is e~lpped Wlt.l Curtiss P6-E' s and scruadronst a Beadquarters Sguadron auaConsolidated FBZ-A's. ~he Po-EIS are tJ;ie adminJ.strative per aonnef who are de- I r acher sm~.1~, sin~le-sea.ter biplanes, slgnated as Grom>Readquarte, rs San.adron. I powered WHh Curtlss "Conouer-or" enIn addition to these fhe 37th .A.ttack j gines. This engine develops about 675 Squadro~has been attached for adminis- i horsepower, and usee. Prestone instead t;rative purposes only. Since Attack tac-I of water for the cooling liquid. The tlCS differ from Pursuit tactics) we willi PEZ-AI s are a much later development. leave the explainin~ of Attack to those i They are two-passenger, low wing monoWI10 are better quallfied to e~~lain it. i~lanes) powered with supercharged Curtiss The three fith ting units of the Group Conqueror" engrnee. S-LlPercharbi,ngand. are designated as the 33rd 35th and certain other lmprovements have macle 36th Pursuit S~adrons. These Snuadrons these engines produce 700 horsepower. were first organized in tne Spring of ,All of the personnel from the Group 1917, and were sent to ]'rance in the ! Oomuander down to the "buCk privates are late swnmer. There they established and I constantly together to became an important part of the American I ef'f'Lc Lency and mora Le so that in the Flying School at Issoudun. i7hat is now I event of war thev way fulfill the motto the Headquarters Souadron was formed lof the Eit,hth Pursuit Group - "Attack from ~he ?ld 58th Service Sqnadron. This I and Conquer. II ' organ1.Zatlon went to France in the ---000--spring of 1918, and was actually employ-. , ed in three sectors at the front nameLAr/GLEY .FFJ.CERS O OBSERVE kLIAl,.I :a ~IEET .. U ly; Lorraine, St. ~ihiel and ~eu~eThe Heo.dau.arters of the Genera.l HeadArgonne. Quarters All' F'J1"co, 1a.ll0'1eyField, Va.) Since its organization the Eighth Pursuit Group lias engaged. in C'Uite e. num- was represented at t~e All American Air J.Ii.aneu.vers y a del~ation b of four LangI ey ber of maneuvers. The first of these Field officers headed by !vlajor James P. was the Air Corps Command and Staff ExHodges) who flew to Miami) fla'l to act ercises in California in 1933. ~ext as obsrvers at the ~eet. Due to the came.the ~unnery exercises near fuiami the Florlda11n J enue.ry, 1934. In the fo i - j rain and low ceilings Which visited eastern seaboard, hundreds of aircraft lowin~ v~mary, the Group staged an from allover the country were unable to aeriar IIwar" th roughout the 4th Corps reach wliami in time for the maneuvers. Area) which is comprised of most of the Hence the Arsenicker Ball, the mil,itary Gulf and Southern Atlantic States. Affete held ~lnua11y for Air Corps offit er a short bre'.thing spell, the Gro~p cers) was attended by few r...:.nor~uests. again moved into the field during the summer of 1935, using the ~ational Guard jColonel Eugh J. Knerr, Chief of ~taff of the GHQ. Air Force, then on leave at airdrome at Virginia Beach as its base. FollOWing this came the concentration of Miami, ile,s elected Chief ~ar HaWkat the ball. Incideutally, ~ajor Hodges reporta.1lunits of the Second Wing at Langley ed that Colonel KneL"rwas doing well Field. In Fe-omary 1936 some of the wi th the rod and reel, recently hooking a personnel from the Eighth Pursuit Group 47-pound sail fiSh. toOk part in the winter test operations V-7l97) A.C. -2-






SECBETARY W.1.RRESEttTS , C. TOGEJ.'4ER.A.L OF P .n.r A.Rl~OLD For his achievement in leading eo re.your magnificent leadership in the great marl:ablysu.ccessful flight of ten .rmy fli,e;ht of ten Arury airplanes to and from airplanes from Washington? D.C.~ to AlaSka. However, it serves also to call Fair,banks, Alaska ana return, a.uring attention to your long and brilliand rethe summerof 1934, Brigadier General cord of flying nchievements which began Henry H. Arnold, Assistant Chief of the a ouarter of a century ago and still Air Corps was presented on January 5th continues. with the DistintuiShed Flying Cross. The As a pioneer aviator twenty-five years presentation was made by the Han. Harry abo you were a contell~orary of the H. Woodri~, S~cretary of wa.r. ~right Brothers, Glenn Curtiss and General ~d is one of the Army's others, whose inventions and expertments pioneer aviators and has to his credit first conouered the air. Amongyour asmany notewort~y aerial accomplishments. sociates were ffiall bril)iant and daring He has been flying for a auarter of a flyers who long slnce have made the sucentury and is still rated as one of the preme sacrifice for the advanceillent of best of the country's milita.ry pilots. the science of fli,cllt. your early He is a native of Gladwyne, Panna. and amazing achievements was a successful a graduate of the United States &.1i1tar.r cross-country f11t,ht of a dozen 'idles Academy of the class of 1907. General that won for you the coveted ~ac~lq Arnold received his first instruction as ~Trophy. At that time this was a greater an aviator from Orville and iillbur Wright feat than a round-the-world flight would the inventors of the ai~lane. be today. n i~~ing the decoratlon on General 1 am sure, General, that I speak not ./.r. '~loodring said: only for your associates in the Anuy) ~ "ii1th great personal pleasure I wish but also for all Americans, in cong ratuto present to you in r-ehalf of the latin6 you on this well deserved award President this DistiIlE,uished Flying and in eXJ?ressini~ the hope that the Cross. This award is made by reason of country wlll continue to have your splendid service for many years." ---000---


By the Langley Field Correspondent

The first Army Air CQrps officer to I'he was again appointed Brigadier General, achieve the distinction of bein; appoint-temporary. ed a permanent general officer of the i Gelleral Pratt fi-rst served with the line of the Armv is Brigadier General 14th Cavalry at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Henry C. Pratt,. commandingthe Second luntil October 15, 1904, Whenhe was Wing of the General Headauarters .Air I transferred to the Presidio of San Force. General Pratt's appointment as !Francisco, where he was 011 duty until a Brigadier General, with rank from Jan- I Septenilier 5, 1805. lie then served at uar;r 1, 1937, was announced in liar Dei Fort Snelling, .'lJ.irm. to .A.pril 9 1909. partment Special Orders of that date. He ! He was aide to Presiaent Taft ana ass Lswas assig~ed to duty with the Air Corps i tant to Officer in Charge of Public in his present poBi tion as "iling Command-i .Builciings and Grounds, part of which er, Second 'Iiing, GH'(. ir Force, Laugley i t iIDehe served at S~n Antonio Te~s. A i Field, Va. 'i He was arde to lv.aJor Gener-a Art.L'lIU' LThis appoi.ntinent of an Air Corps offi- i lV1urray vias~lington, D.C., to Li.arch9 at cer marks, in a general way, the coming 1191;:;. Upon his relief from that detai 1, of age of the Air Corps as an arm of the ihe continued on duty at the ~residio service ~o cozrtaf n officers with suffici-'with the 1st Cavalry~ ~o ... y, 1913. Ee a ent aervac e to be eligible for such a'E;;t then served at Yoseml e Va.lley to .l.-.ovemt ",-pointment. .,.. ber, 1913' and at the Presidio of ./.onte\\. General Pratt was born at Fort Stanton, re:i, Calif., un til December 31, 1915. l-.ew1'1exico~September 2, 1882. He wa.s ! He was aide to Brigadier General George appointed to the United States military IBell, Jr., at San Antonio, to ~ay 13 .Academyf rom \.isconsin on A.ut,ust lA~900, /1916, and at El raRo, Texas, to October, and upon Grac~uation .on June 15, 19w, Vias 1916, when he became .A.ssistant Adjutant I appointed 8 second lieutenant of Cavalry. I of the :t<.;l Paso District, serving as such He was promoted to 1st Lieutenant on Ii until ~arch 13, 1917. March 30) 1911; to Captain July 1)1916; Ordered to Hawaii in march, 1917f Gento Jltlajor, ne;"ular ArrnY Jui y 1, 19.:.0; to eral Pratt Was assic;ned to duty wit~1 the Lieut. Colonel, June 2, ,6 1928, and to j 4th Cavalry at Schofield Barracks. Ee Brigadier General~ temporary~ July 17, Was transferred to the Signal Corps for 1930. He was r el Leved from Quty as Asduty with the Aviation Section on A:ubust Sist. ant Chief of the Air Corps en July \'5, 1917, but continued on duty wi th the 16, 1934J ~1d reverted to his re~ar 4th Cavalry until October 3~ 1917. Rerank of ~ieut. Colonel. On fuarcli 2,1935" (Continued on Page 4 J. -3V-7l97, A.C.


As the Selfric\geFleld l~ewsLetter" proxim'ately' 3,000 hours of flying, 'bGth Correspoude;'lt whlmsic~ly puts itl iurrnilitar;r and cOlllillercial" in the last 18 ther test of the advisabil1ty of anding, yea~si and that the cona.uct of both the a PB-2Awith wheels in the retracted po- '~ilotand passeng~r in this emerge:ilcyis sition was' a recent ?ccurrence. He ~o,es i a credit to the Au Corps. on to say that 1st Ldeut , ~~urraJrC.iiOod-1 bury, en route to Fort Leavenworth,Kans.,! From Hawaii comes another story of a in an airplane of this type for the pur- I safe larldin&" hiinus wheels, of a B-12A pose ofelJgaginb in a tactical problem, ":rlOrribardment airplane., Shortly after was flyinG at about 2,000 feet and had ,taklni;S off from .LukeField and while reached a posit ion about 50 mile~ east I rai~dn6 ,the Wheels" the rie,ht wJ:;Leel. asof Fort Leavenworth when the I sembl;y f ell off ana. hit the ground m "threw" connecting rods in both banks .of I the r rce fields near Pearl Clty. Lieut. J.~o.2, causing dense smoke and \ Cheste'!' P. Gilger, Who, as fl~dn~ ill . w appar-ent fire. I formation with Lieut. J.~ormanL. vallish, Lieu~.,on~e a.djusted the a both bein'j members Of the 72nd Bombards tab il l.zer.". throttled the moto;: back and i men~ Squadron, n?tifJ.ed the latter by called to n as passenger to "ba1.1 out." rad1.o of the acc rdent and also called 'r'he latter, Prlvate P.G. Vaugh~ ~rd the ground station. Air Base Scuadron., Without hen tahon ! What will he. do? That was th e cuesclimbed over the side. and hung by his tion everyone was asking. lIould lie land hands alon~ the fuselage. .At this mo- I in the water near Ford Island.t in the ment, Lieut. iioodbury, who was out 011 , cane field, on Luke Field or vlheeler the Wing beside the coC!q>it, decided I.lneld, or resort to his parachute? Lieut. there was no fire and that he Would at- ! Call1sl1 was notified to use his own judgtef!IPt a forced land1n~. He motioned ! ment. However, if he decided to land on Private Vaughan back l.nto the cockpit, the ground, it was r ecoumend ed that he but the latter was unabLe to get back Land at i/11eeler Field. " and dropped free. ' Knowng that ?ell~r ~andings' had been i Lieut. Woodb~rymanaged to get back. made nUlllerou~t tines wlthout serious daminto the cockp1.t and! 1n a shower.of 011 age ~o the a1rplane or personnel, Lieut. and smoke, set-the p ane down on lts Call1Sh chose the latter course. and belly in a small plowed field. when all was in readiness came 1.~ and P~ssibl;y, undE!r the st,ress of ~he ocmade a.beau;tiful landing without a ?ounce. canon? Llsut .. Woodburyhad no. t tme to The ~a11 of the plane rose momeutar1ly as lower the Land ng wheels. It lS more i he hl t the gr ound and then set tledback than likely, however, that, finding no into a nice slide. There was no tendency suitable landinb place in the iwmediate to ground-loop. The only d~age done:Was ViCinitYihe'.~alcUla:tec. a "belly landing" to the propeller tips and to tlie bomb-bay in a ama 1 area would De the safest at'doors. tel' all, as the plane would ~{id along Newpropellers were soon installed and i the ground for only a sllort,distance/ t["e plane was flown back to Luke Fie d whereas a landing on the wheels lni@,ht i for re?airs by the Hawaiian Air Depot. result in t~eir strii:;:ing a rough spot , I ---000--with consequent nosin;; over of the .Plane'l injur~ to himself and greater damage to ~~ICE GjIl~GIJ.~ .AJ.~ 0-25 PLAJ.~E the a1.rplane. . , AS it turned out, the plane suffered I. In reading, accounts of va:rious fl;511ts no damage beyond a bent propeller and a I an the J.~ews etter, :K.ellyFleld desues L - crushed nrestone radiator. to submit the followine as a mark for Private Vaughan, i,.n the meantime, had others to shoot at, in view of the fact, opened his chute about 100 feet from the that it was perfo~med with obsoles~ent ground and Landed safely. It was his prluipl.~:'lt - an 0-<::5. first airplane ride since enlistin~. Captain rt.E. ~andall, on an extended lihen asked why he delayed eo long an navigation traininE; fllg:1t between classP, lling the rip cord, he unper tu.rbed.Ly u es recently, was delayed by bad weather replied that the Supply Sergeant had I at Boston. In order to be back for the told him not to lose his ~loves and he l begirmin~ of the new class 011"londay mornh~d -a hard time find~ng tne r.ip cord i ing, he a.epar~edfrom Bos~on at 7 :l~ a.m. them 011. He stll! has tt~e gloves 'on Sunday, and began bucklng head w Inds and also the honor of being the first Which prevailed durinf::; the rei'[Iainder of to get ar!~ with "bailine: out" of the "the flibht to Kelly Field. Kfter bein~ derear seat of a PB...2~.,. _ Layed two hours in l~ewYork, he pushed S~1fri~e F ield .pilot~ are hif:h in I stet.\dily homeward. D~?lirht waned one the1r praaae of Ll.eut. \JoodburyT cour- ! hour east of lv.aXVlellb'lelc., and tho res . ~e and coolness under the circumstances.!maiud0r of the flight was made after Our Corre.spondent states that the slight dark, arrivir~g at Kelly Field at 2:30 a.rn. d{mlage.Jro.ff,eredby the a.irpl~e w~s.;...; h.onciaymorrirng, 9ontinu.ous ra.dio conemnrii1~t. '\10,od.Q\U"~"s,f.irst;.a<fo.:;d.6!'Jiti aP-lcation was mafnt afned with Ai,!; Corps' and an Dept. of Comner e sta.tions '80::0 of the time. c -'0V-7197, .A..C.







Barksdale Field, Shreveport La., was The 9th Bombardment Squadron recently the scene on December 9th of the presenreturned to Hanlilton Field from a most tation of the Oo omb l i.en Trophy to the successful field exercise at- Stockton, Third Attact~ Group, GH~Air Forcez by Calif. Sixteen off~cers, five Flying iliajor General Frank M. !ndrewsJ, Au Cadets and ninety-f~ve enlisted men parCorps. This beautiful silver '.l'rophy, ticipatedt and a week of perfect weather which was presented to the United States, made posafb.Le a <?-iversified, interesting by Major Benjamin lviendez/ of the I and complete tra~ning maneuver. .A very Colombian Air Force, in the name of the marked improv~ment i~ field technique is Republic of Colombia, is to be awarded bein~ accompl~shed w~th repeated pracannually to the Group of the GH~Air tice. The smoothness of operation under Force having the lowest accident rate ! field conditions is the result of the per thousand hours of flying for the pre-I' diligence, enthusiasm and hard WOrK of ceding training year. The Third all those participating. Gro~ became the first custodian of the I Under the direction of Captain . Tro y by virtue of having had only two I Walker the 9th Bombardment Squadron paracc dents in 9,193 hours, a rate of .G181 tlcipated in practice bombing f'o rma.tLorr per thousand hours. g'llllnery and intercept ion prob iems. One General Andrews flew from Langley of the most interesting missions was an Field to Barkada'l e Field in the giant attack aga.inst the target at !~,urocDry Douglass COi;1II\and transport. He was acLake. J.~illeB-IOB airplanes loaded with companied bv several GHQ, .A.irForce staff 30o-pound "livel! bombs, cond.ucted the officers, Private Hiette S. Williams,his attack. Both day and night flyin~ was co-pilot? and a crew chief. The General conducted, and every mission was ~eaturcarried the Trophy in the plane with him ed by a practice "Fog Flyin,~ Mission" to Ba.rksdale Field. I for training in instrument fllight. '!he In his s~eech of presentation, General pr0cedure for this valuable training is Andrews se.i.d in part: becoming routine for this Squadron. At "b.lli tar;y flying is a. dangerous profes any time during the conduct of a miSS. ion,. sion. liave always occurred a fog condition is simulated. The souadand will conbi nue to occur but a cer! ron leader will announce a compass course, tain proportion are preventable. We of the duration of the flight and air speed, the Air Corps ~ladl~ accept all necessa- a.fter which each pilot of the forillation ry risks and, an sp 1te of the loss of i~,oes "under the hbcd" and at one minute loved and rescec t ed comrades, we carry i Interval and designated aititudes, proon. '. I ceeds to the rendezvous. ii'ith practice) In the past few years) airplane speeds , the maneuver is easily and successfully have tremendously increased, due pr mc L- \ accomplished, and the training is invalpally to greater horsepower and to cl ean-l uab Le, er design. Both of these factors have I Baseball and volleyball games, gas mask increased the danger incident to flying, I drills) and songs around nic?ht camp fire.s for the reasollsthat greater horsepower made the days busy, instructive and. enterreauires more thorough understandin~ and tainin~. greater care in en~ine operation, Clean"The Stocl<ton Chamber of Co~~erce, as er designs have rs.~sed the stall~ng \well as many of the local business organspeed and recuired the installation of izations did much to make the off duty flaps, and both factors have increased hours most enj oyabLe;" says the J.~ews the number of cockpit gadgets and have I Letter Correspondent, and he adds: 1I'\i e made I cockp it t r oubl,e 1 something that I have been assured that the welcome SiE.n can be avo~ded only b;y the minutest care /Will always be out for the Air Corps at and attention to detal!." stockton.1r The presentation cer-emonywas followed ---000--by ~1 inspection of the personnel of the Third Attack and TwenFeth I\trsuit I The last few weeks of the past year Groups) and by an aer ra I rev i ew 9f both I were busy ones for the members of the 7th Groups by General Andrewsm and B;:gad~er BombardmentG~oup at Eard Lton Field, Calif. General Gerald C. Brant 1, I'hLr-d #lng Com- After completlng maneuvers rn the Pacific mander. Shor~ly thereaIter, General ~orthwest, all squadrons returned to Andrews and h Ls staff lef~ for ~angley their base and Were immediately ordered Field, where he resume~ hlS dutles at to take to the field in individual sauadGeneral Headouarters .. br Force Headquar- ron maneuvers using different outlying ters. fields as their base of operations. ---000--Juc4;inE' from reports and c omment.s by During .. ovember, 1936, the Ell~1neeri:o.g the per sonne'l of all the souadr ons much J Department of the San jUltonio Alr D6Pot'jbenefit was derived, both in milit~y Duncan Field, Texas, overhauled a total tactics and social contact. of 21 airplanes and 75 engines ~ld re---000--paired 17 planes and 26 engines. _ _ V-7197, A.C.




THE H~. & HIoi,. SQ,U.ADh.OJ.~, PURSUIT EIGHT1 GhOUP,GHQ. AJ.JiFORCE This SQuadron .WBS organized September ters.'A. bi-motored, l,?w-wing.monoplane 1, 1936. - lfue components from which the of monocoque construchon,a.Il the SQuadron was created consisted of the wheels are fully retractable into the ll 58th Service Souadr.on.: the old Headcuar- fuselage. It has two Wright "Whirlwind ters Dat.achmen of th~ 8th Pursuit Group tv.-in-row motors:'L1d mounts a 37 rom.gun t and vari~~s other units stationed at the in the nose between the motors. , Langley Field Air Base. Under the pres-, Two office~s of the Squadron are mement reduced tebles of organization, the Ibers of the GroQp Intercept Board and SqQadron at the present time consists of are worki~ ~a~ly on pl~s and methods seven officers and 77 enlisted men. Of to a~compll~l lnterceptlons by PurgQit this number of officers, four are memon ancraft. A great deal. has been bel'S of the Group Staff and three are in i learned from the work so far, snd the the Headauarters Sauadron proper. la9ility of th~ Board to direct ~ld plot The saUadron organization as it is set I alrcraft has lncreased by leaps and up by tab.les of organization condsts of bounds. A system has been work.ed out four main divisions as fo119ws: Grou~ and,witJ:. gr~ater training on part Headquarters and eorumunicatrena se.ct1.on of the p1.l<?tlng personnel, a new.~d al.. Headqu~ters Section, head~arters ~qua most certaln method of ground to a1.r ron.? Fl1.ght Section and Tl'ansportahon radio control will be an accomplished Sec'liion. fact. First Lieu.t. John E. Bodle, ..Air Corps, ---000--is Con;nna.ndiI, icerof Off Eq, and Hg. .' . ' Souadron, while 1st Lieut. D.D. Hare is A&1ATJWb. .RADIO STATIOJ.~ LA..~GLEY AT FIELD Adjutant and Flight Commander and 2nd Lieut. Josep~l H. Wilson, Air Reserve, Arr~ements have been completed to Supply and ~ess Officer, Assistant I establish an Army amateQr radio station Fl~ght Commanderand Transportation lat Langley Field, Va., and the station Officer. ! is already in operation. Personal mesThe Groul?Headquarters and Comn::u.nica-I sages Hlaybe sent anywhere in the world tions Sectlon furnishes to the Group Comlat no cost wnatever. The service will mander all the personnel to operate jnot be used for official pu~oses but Group HeadC!\larters, such as aa.ministraonly for the post personnel an their pritive personnel, operations, engineering I vate cOiLn1U.l~ications. and technical, and commun. ions personl'jll?-ile icat delivery is not guaranteed, the nel - 28 men. dellvery percentage is reasonable comparThe Headcuarters Section of Headouar- i ed with commercial service. For Panama, ters Squadron constitutes the admiriistra~\icst Coast, Hawaii and the Philippinesl tive personnel of the Squadron and inlithe service is. excelle~t, with deliverles eludes the First Sergeant, per sonne.l nearly 100 percent. E'or China and Alaska clerks lviess Sergeant and cooks - 14 men.]there is fair service in 48 hours. The flight Section has the direct care I Iu general, the service is excellent and responsibility of the airplanes as- ito all large cities. Delays occur in designed fot the use .of the Group Staff of-llivering to small towns where no amateur ficers. All classifications of trades istation, Army or civilian, exists. In specialis~s are carr,ied. in teis. Section, i t,he latter ca~e, the messages are mai~ed such as A1.r.Plane Mec.nwllcS, ~nglne Me-from the statlon nearest the destinatlon. chanics, Aircraft fuetal vlorker1 Aircr~:~ess~es to China must be sent only to Instrument Mechanic, Technical vlerks, jpersonnel of the Army, .i.~avy and ~arines. etc. - 18 men and.3 airpl~nes. : r-ne st~~io~ is operated volunta~ily by The TransDorta.tlon sect ton has the IPrlvate vI1.1hamH. Stull, after hlS care and responsibility of all the tac- lh our-s of re,,,,ular duty, on the official tical tra.llSDortation assigned to the IArm;y radio net. Private Stull is vrillGroup. At the present time this conI ins to handle u~ to 50 messages a day in sists of 27 pieces. As far as pr act Lc- i the order in "lh"lch they are received. .' able, drivers for these vehicles are fur-! ---OOQ--nished from the men in the Section, but 1 ' When the Group takes the field as a Ten no'" electric ~ sights have been ~roup, o thert-dr rver s have to be brought ! lnstalled on P-26' s ~f the 17th Pursuit 1.nas needed from the various squadrons -j Souadz-on Selfridge Field, ~,.ich., for , 16 men. . ;servlca test. So far, tests h~ve been . So much for th~ orbani~ation of the iconducted on tow tar&ets only, dQe to Squadron. llJ.a.ny lnterestlu!. things are ,the fact that the schedu.Led gunnery camp daily beinz done in the Scuadron, of at 9s~!cda was cancelled. The an~~al amwhich a few may be mentioned, as foliIlUlllt:!.on allowance having been expended, lows: consensus of opinion seems to be favorAt t~e.present time ~he Squadr?n is able concernin6 t~e new sights, and they maintaln1.n$ ~~ XA-l4 alrplane wnlch has are e~ected to glve great improvement been loanea. to the Group from \iriht lin firlng on ground targets. Field for certain tests to be accomplish---000--ed under ~le direction of GH~Headquar/ . - V-7197, A.C.




bTER-ISLAJ.WFLIGHTSBY ?2D SQ.t1A.DROl~ The 31st Bombardment Squadron" staThe?2nd Bombardment Squadron, 'l~Iajor tioned at Hamil ton Field, Calif., recent- Idwal H. Edwards, .U~ Corps, Corrnne..nding, ly completed its individual maneuvers a too~ off from Luke F~eld, T.H., for using as the base of operations the a1r- Hila, Island of Hawa1i, on December. 14th, p')l.t located at Fresno, Calif. Suppl~es with seven Keystone Bombers,- two BTls were t ranaoor t ed by plane on the mc rnang and one escort Amphibian on' one of the of J.~ovember 30th. Campwas established periodic inter-island traini~flights. and a hot supper was waiting for the il1em- After a battle against a. l~E tradebers of the truCk train which arrived wind of gale force for 4% hours the after dark. flight landed safely at its destination~ One of the missions called for the 220 miles awa.y. Anyone who has wrestlen camouflaging of one of the planes. The a. walloping :B-4A or B-5.Aacross the , methods used to hide the plane will not Alleghenies on a Windy da.;y will have a be divulged, but the question - 1I',/us faint idea of the activihes of the there an airplane located at that spot, 1\ pilots as they pas.sed the lee of r,.aui. aSked by a member of the Observation The following day was spent in inspectfl ight sent out to find the plane leaves ing the natural wonders (,f Kilauea little doubt as to the success of the me- Crater and its surroundings. On Decemthods used. The remainder of the maneuv- ber 16th, the Squadron split into two ers comprised routine Bombardment misfligr!ts, five Bombers Wla the Amphibian s i ons , returning' as far .as Suiter .Field, UJ?olu Dur mg the' fv.aneuvers, every airplane Point, Hawaii, While the two remain1ng wa.s avad Lab l e every day, this being made Bombers and the ET I S, flown by pilots who possible by the hard work of the mainten- were on their first 1nter-island fli&lt, ance crew, who .~orked at. all hours of circled the island via Morse F.ieldfSouth the da;y and night, simulating wartime : Cape, where a Land Ing was made in bhe condit~ons. Radio contact was waintain- I teeth of a 50 m.p.h. gale. ed by the field radio station with HamilDescribing the take-off, an observer ton Field, and supplies were replenished I said: "The Keystones, when given the bun, without del~. ! raised ~heir tails to the position of On Sundal, December 6th, the S~adron I 'Attentionl and then jumped into the held open nous e for the Clt~~ of Jjresno. ! air. II Enl'oute to Upo Iu Point a.Lon.r the It is estimated that 2.,5,000 pe<:rple at- . IKvna Point, a. water spout was reported. tended. "Too much cannot be sa~o. for the After ga.sf.J1ngat S'u.iter Field the rehospitality of the people of Fresno, II i f'orrned Squadron took off and ~rrived comments the ~ews Letter C?rrespondent. iat Luke F~eld ~ithput incident covering Th~ members of. the ~~uadroa we~e ente;r-. I the 180 m11es an one hour and 30 mmu.tes, t af.ned by Mr. !,.cA~.pJ._e,a pr omtnent C1h- Which is pret ty e:,oodfor a Keystone as zen of th~ comr:m. n~ty, at a nutqh sup~~r. ',veteran pilots, reminiscing over th~ 1;. grand t ime was had by.all. ~he ofnlO:::l~dead past, will recall. cers were guests at a dwner ,g1ven by I L'i eut . Colonel Millard F. Harmon, Jr., the Chamber.of Oomc.erc e. I.1aJc,r Taylor Cvrps, Who recently assumed command expressed tne apprec1~t1o~ of the 31st lof LuL~e F1eld accompanied the 72nd EOmSquad:ron for the hosp1te,l1ty extended by bar dment Souadron on this flight. This the C1ty of Fr.esno. was h1S first visit to the outlying Campwas broAen on Decembe; 8th, ~d ,islands. The Colonel did not waste all the 8,quadron returned to Hail~_~lton .Fleld.,hiS time looking down.t.he empty throa. ts The ~aneuvers were very.prof1~a?le to of extinct craters but took advantage the, S'ouadron, . not only an a m~ll tary of the opportun'ity'to go out and bag a seJ?-se"but soc1a~ly as well, for many new brace of pheaeent s . f r Lend.a were ga.Lned . ---000-----000--. . ..~Eii CO!ijyJl..i~DER HA!v.ILTO~~ 11'01\ .FIELD ~ha 11th fombar~ent .Scuadron. went to Moaesto, Ca~if., ior f1eld maneuvers Colonel Davenport Johnson assumed com- leavi~ Hamilton Field, Calif., Dec~ber mand of H~nilton .Field ~ir Base on ~cvern_14th an returning on the 10th. While ber 19th, succeeding Colonel C. L. 1'inker t her e , a bowbing prob~eJ!l was conducted, who, after completing 30 d~ys leave was uSl~g 300-pound de~011t~on bombs o~ a scheduled to sail for ~ew York and then tar~~t at ~mroc ~~~. A gunnery m~ssion, proceed to Washington D.C. to take up sev~~al comba~ m1SS1ons ~d some nl~t. his new duties in the'~atiobal Guard flY1ng.completed the tact1cal work rrom Bureau~ that peld. . Colonel Johnson arrived at H~nilton Dur:uc the stay at ~o~esto,.the S~d~ .Field in Au,gust and was placed in com;on. was very fortunate an hanng good', mand of the 7th ]omba~ent Group reliev~ly~ng weath~r and a neat, well organ~zed ing Col. Tinker w~o commandedboth the camp. ~e C1ty of ~odesto gave excellent base ~~d Group torces. LieQt. Colonel cooperat1on.t9 the Sq~dron. in its wot.k G.E. Strat~neyer took over the command and, in add1tlon, prov~ded everyone with of the 7th Bombardment Group recently. entertainment d':lJ.I"ing the off dutyhou::'"s. -8V-'7197, A.C.





The 27th Purmlit Sguadron GH~ Air Fifteen enlisted men recently ~raduat.Force, Selfri~e FieId, Iv.ich.was re~ ed from the Conum.nications School.of the cently eng~ed in gas consumption tests 18th Composite Wing at Luke Field, T.H., on its PB-ZA airplanes. Under the direc- and returned to their organizations at tion of Lieut. \;. . Hunt, over 50 hours R Luke and Wheeler Fields, where thel will of flying was performed on this project. attffiupt put into practice What nas to Data was obtained for different revolu- been preached for the last six months. tions per minut~, also on air speed and The class originally contained twenty manifold pressure at various altitudes. 'students before low grades began to take This data was incol~orated in a series their toll. . of elaborate charts and graphs. All Classes at the 18th Wing Coullimnications pilots of the So.uadronhad a hand in ob- School last six months, with two classes tainine this data. Some of the flying a year. Academic work closely follows missions necessitated the use of oxygen that given at the Air Corps Technical at the hit~er altitudes. School at Chanute Field, Ill. with the At this writing the 27th Squadron. is following subjects being taught: Elecbusily el~aged in makin~ preparations 'tricity, Radio Theory, Antennas Airplane for the w1nter tests wh1ch have been and Ground Radio Sets of the latest availheld in the past for ~ite a number of able types, Trouble Shooting, InsDection years. Just now noth1ng definitely can ~ethods, ~e6sage Centers Field Telebe stated as to where these tests will phones and Interphones, Power Eauipment be held. The Commanding Officer iIIlajorand S'~10p.The average code spee-dof the W. A. ~a~lella already has detailed of- class was 20.5 words per minute in fiveficers to var10US jobs in connection I letter code groups. Instruction in operwith the preparations necessary for the ating radio sets in the air was given2 tests. The 1ssue of all the flying with each student averaging 3.8 hours' eouipment and heavier winterclothin flying time as radio operators. necessary is only one of the tasks to be . The following studenliscompleted the accomplished. Cold weather maf.nt enance course and were graduated: Privates Green of the airplanes will involve the use of Ball, Roy Ball, Calvin C. "Brant, Albert engine covers and heaters, which are now J. Bravo, George M. BeCk, Arthur P. being fabricated at Dayton, Ohio. Coddin~ton, William A. Cummings, Harold C. --~006--Freder1Ck~, Alvin J. Lenox~ Stanley A. .bI.OkrOZ~;ckl, Orle Straley, i::iaul Udman, AERIAL GU.L\4~ERY PRAC'I'ICE Y 94TH PURSlJIT Rudolph S. Van Meter, Rovert F. Young and B Clarence Zielinski. Gunnery practice for the 94th Pursuit, I The 18th Wing Communications School is Squadron',G:t1Q, Force, Selfridge Field under the direction of 1st Lieut. Daniel Air ~ich., was in order for a ~eriod of two A. Cooper, .Air Corps, with Corporal weeks recently. The organlzation was Raymona L. DiCkson and Private Alfred W. encamped at Camp Skeel, Oscoda, micn., Pound as instructors. the locale of !ii?umlery pract rce by the ---000--First Pursuit ~roup in lears ~one by. The Souadron engaged an botn ground LIEUT.ZILJR Bi{!J.IjGS THE -- LAUlIj1)RY HO!'dE and aerfal gunnery. Both. 30 cal. and .50 cal. ~uns were fired at ground tarSecond Lieut. John C. Ziler, Air Regets, While only .30 cal. were used on serve, stationed at Selfridge F ieldt the aerial targets. kich., is being congratulated by raaio For ground gunnery fremlent crossf~~s of the field and laundresses on winds made firing rather difficult. In having established a new record for bringspite of this fact, better bhan average ing ina towed target with the mini.mwn scores were made. The aerial gunnery a Ititude. was carried out at the intermediate leOn December 14th (or was it the 13th1 ) vels, that is, between the altitudes of Lieut. Ziler carefully flew his P-26C .ten and fifteell thousand feet. The back to Selfridge Field Vi ith the aerial first week was devoted to this t~e of target in tow) and gracefully dropped the flying, and all pilots filled thelr remnants of tne freed and tatterea tow qQota of intermeaiate firing. target. The elated 17th Pursuit Scruadron The maneuvers were successful in every is displaying_ the relic with pride as an detail. The work in all de~artments examplS .of their effectiveness in gunwent off ~noothlYa little dlfficulty be- nery practice. Although there were no ing experienced Wl th the eouipment and ~ullet ~oles in t~e tar~et, Lieut. Ziler, there beill6no del~s due to weather. ln passlng over tne offlcers' Quarters The Squadron returned home happy that area, manqged to bag three radio aerials their mission was completed. The ~erand one clothes line (complete, With sonnel felt sa,Usfied that the tra1ning diapers). and .practice which they obtained were invaluable. .. . -9V-7197, A.C.

him no more fur}.ough time, he nevertheless decided to emerge from the retail Captain. O.P. Weyland, Air Corps, Chief market and handle only wholesale buaf,of the Observation Section AiI' Corps ness hereafter. . Advanced Flyinf=. School, Keily .Field, I Equipped on~y with an ordinary soapTexas, recently com~leted a trip by air, box ana the s~ft of oratory, he made his during which he vin ted the Air Corps modest st~d~ and when he ~eturned to Tacti cal School, J.v.axwell ield F Ala.; Langley F~ela. he wore. a tr~1Jl!lphantgrin the Infantry School, Fort :Benning, Ga.; and had sa,x more ap1l1~can~s an tow. theGHQ, Air Force Headquarters Langley "One wonders, II eays the Lallg+ey .lneld Field, Va.; the Coast Artillery School, I Correspondentz ~what w0u+d r~Fort .,.onroe, Va. 'Offi.ce of the Chief of I gard to r ecrua t lng on tl,n.s fleld 1f tIns the Air Corps e,nd.Off ice of the Chief I was permanent 1Y as aagned to. rec;ruitSignal Officer Washington DC' the duty and woula. devote all h1.S t ime Command and Ge~eral Staff Schooi; Fort I in t~~ pursui~}hereof, i~ste~d of just Leaven,!ort",~1, ansas; the Cava~ry Scho?l, K r up e160t or ten an hi.e spare Fort R1.leY Kansas, and the F,1.eld Artll- , moments al:i home." lery Schoo , Fort Sill, Oklahoma. I ---000--Ca~tain ','leyland, who is .now engaged in I wri tlng a new text on. Observation AviaSu"Il-:l.oE..11.0 ALTITUD.J!j F.uIGHT TOKELLY FIELD t Lon for use' at the Advanced jj;lying I School, mad.e . this trip for the purpose : Testing Long non-stop flights through of conferring with authorities at these \ the sub-stratospllere, ~~n speedy Pursuit schools and stations to. the end that planes frofu Barksdaf.e lJ'1.eld, La., landed the instructi,on at K~lly F,ield in cooper- a~ 12:15 p.m., ~ece~ber l~th~ a~Ke~ly a t Lon, betwee,n 0, servation b A, viatio~ and F1.eld. The Journey 0, 3.:>0~lJ.,les I the vari~s ground and air combat arms requ~red tW9 hours and 15 mi.nutes, inbe coor-d.mabed and improved. cludJ.Dg a c Lrc Le above San iV!arcos. AlRapid dev'elbpment .olnew combat equipthough no record was made by the Army ment and changes in. orgar~ization and planes, the flight was made at an alti. t~tics are ~a~erially changing the tech- tude of,between 21,009 to 22tOOO feet. nioue and emploYI)lentof Obser,The pf.Lo t s were heavy vat~ion Aviation. The emplo;ymentof Obleather flying suits, oxygen tanks and servation. with an air force demands long- leather face masks. Th.eplanes had. superrange equipment and special training, charged engines. esp~cially in navigation. Th~ reorgani-. I .,.ajor ArTlin. Herold, Commanderof the F. zatl0I;l of army.groun<;l forces i.nt o s~al1- I GO~h Puorsuo~t roup! who accom~anie9- the G er, hJ.oghlymob~le , largely mot or'- I fl~ght, saf.d the panes were an suo-z er o ized, with accompanying mechanized . teillperatures for most of the distance, forces, will increase the importance of I and that cities fifty miles away were close coop, ration with Observation Avia- visible fro:n the hih altitude. e Leading tion and will necessitate a high degree the test flight, the first of this type of traini~ on the part of the Observato be made by the Third Wing of the Gent Lon, team; I, eral Headquarters Air Force at Barksdale ---000--Field, was Captain lV R. .l.~elson. The _ . I o th er P, Hots wei'eLie, ut s, Vi. R. Shephard, REC~UITIN~ EASY FORTHIS SOLDIErl G.P. Dls03way~ ~.~. Motherwell, William Eades, C.T. Ea.wlnson, D.C. Strother, R.P. Several we~~s ago, Private Jeff V~lite, Cork and J.L. Ge~try. After the planes of Langley Field; Va., While visiting were refueled ana che~ed, Captain his h?me on pass, convince<;l two wen that ~els~n led his. flieht from Kelly Field the A~r Langley F1.eld was the a~ 7.15 p.m., vla Dallas, for Barksdale only oppor tum ty left open. f or the young F LeLd, man of tod~T~ After being duly e~uined, ---000--tlfe two applice.nts were accepted for en.1 J.stment. Prior to Private Vlhite's departure, the The first ferry crew recently departed Commandinco ffiCer of Langley Field anO from Langley Field for Seattle Wash. to nounced t~at every soldier was a potenGroup be tial recruiter, and that a five-day fur- o~tai~ for, the. 2nd BOl1lba~dment' fust. Of the 1:8-17' s, An Co rps personnel lough would be granted to each soldier bringing in an applicant who was a~ce~t- co~pr~slug the ferr,y crew cons~st~d of ed for enlistnent. 1his furlough is J.n ~aJor.Barney M~ Gi~esA Airplane Oonmander ; vapt~:n Cor~~l1.~S E. u'Connor, co-pilot; addition to the 30 days each yearl the amount of fur+ough time for secur mg re- ls.1i Lleut. 1I1ll1aJ:ilO. Senter ~~avigator' Tech. Sgt. Charles E., RadioOpcruits not to exceed ten days. erator; and Master $gt. Floyd B, Hroley ReceivLl the reward of ten days justand Staff Sgt . .Arthur Jolly, mechanics. ly due him Frivate Wnite returned to tt.It 1~ not exactly known, When the first h1.s home at Colerain, ~.C. Knowing full plene w1.1l be ready to proceed to Langley well that any additional recruits that Field, It says the J:~ews Letter Correspondent he brought in on this trip would avail II bu t We are all looki:og forward to its arriva i -1 V-7197, A.C. ~EWTEA~O~ OBSERVATIO~ AvIA~IO~








r the

One purpose of the Stratosphere Balloon made in 1936 by the Army and the ~at1onal GeograPhic Society, was to take and record measurements .of C08- . mic r~ intensities and influences at all altitudes from the ground to the COLOJ.If1'..A" LEAVES ThKER HAMlLTOJ.~ FIELD hi~hest altitude possible to attaiD4 wh1ch was 78,395 feet. A good record Was obtained from l6~OOOfeet up, but If it had happened in the Philippine due to the very rapia. ascen.t and to the Islands it would have been called a loss of batteries which were 'released as despedida, and the well wishes of the ballast on the descent, no suitable reother guests would have been expressed cord was obtained from the ground to to the travelers with the native 16,000 feet. To assist in completing "ld.abuhay." In Hawaii, it would have been the records the ArmyAir Corps was called a luau and that word which has again calleaupon to make flights for in- often been called the tenderest of Godtermediate observations between 'the . speeding farewells, "Aloha," would have .ground and 24,000 feet. The flights. sped the guest of honor on his way. But, were made for the U.S. Bureau of Staitdwh~tever tongue y<"umS\V express it in, ardsand Dr. W.]'.G. SWann of the Bartol it is doubtful if arry can excel the good. Research Foundation, at Swarthmore C01old American style in which Colonel C.L. lege~ Swarthmore1 pa' near ,Philadelphia. Tirik~r, erstwhile. CommandingOfficer of A ~'airchild C~~,Boi ling Field's photo- Hamilton Field, Calif., was sped on his graphic ~li~, was used to carry the ne~ay at a farewel~ dinner given in his cessary eOU1pment and was piloted by ( .. onor by the .Med1calDepartment at that n Captain H.~. ~aisiey, Photographic Offi-- station on the evening of December 15th. cer at Bolling Field. The same plane On the right of the hostt major F.L. was used by Captain Baisley While perP:ratt, L' C., sat. Colonel 'hnker, and .on forming photographic work during the h t s left, Colonel Davenport Johnson, Air Stratosphere Balloon Flight. Feur Corps, incumbent CommandingOfficer of flights were required to make the neces- the marin County Air Base. Mrs. Pratt sa.;-y recordings; three of which have 0c;:cupied the hostess seat. Besid.e Col. been completed. The first was a twoT~riker sat Mrs. Johnson~ and furs. Tinker hour ohservation at 10 000 feet, which ' was escorted to dinner ~y Colonel was made on December 21 1936.. ' The next Johnson. Other guests ~ncluded Colonel daY a one-hour. observation was made at and llirs. G.E. Stratemey5r, Major &ld krs. 15, 6 feet, and on the third day ano-" 00 :d.D. Vail, J.Vlajor and i"rs. Vi,F. De Witt, ther one-hour Observation at 20,000 feet. Captain and Mrs. P.C. Gilliland, and A fourth observation of 45 minutes' dura-I Captain and Mrs. J.P. Smith. The enlistt ion at 24,000 feet has yet to be taken. I ed men of the Detachment had as their An interestin~'account of these obser- I guests Master Sergeant G.P. Klingler and vations and the~r results will be pubI Corporal J.J. Moran. lished by Dr. Swann in a fu tuteissue A surprise denouement occurred at the of the ~{ational q.eograph~c iV;06azine, close 0;' the di~ner, Whenlv~aster Sergeant along wlt~ ma51 1nterest1ns photographs A. ~~rt~n, Hosp1tal SeI~eant ~ajor playtaken dur1n0 t~e Stratosphere Balloon eO.a phonograph record in his own ~esonFlight. ',ar.t voice,.biading farewell to Colonel ---000--and furs. T1riker on behalf of the offiI cers and enlisted m6n of the Medical DeFIELD EXERCISE. :BY88THREC01~. Q.UAD:aO.L~ tment.. In it he reouested Colonel S I par , i Tinker to forever keep 'the record as a The 88th Reconnaissance Squadron reI souvenir of their affection and esteem. c~ntly returned to Hanu on l'ield from a ,Colonel Tinker was then presented ;7ith a Lt F~eld Ex~rcise at Red~ingl Calif., parti-I~eparting gift in the form of a travelc tpat ed an bjT th~ entne. Squadr-on. Seven! lug case cc;>mpletely equipped. days Were spent 111the f1e1o., three of I ,Colonei 'l11nker responded with a short w1;licl?were used for search and patrol I ~cn:no-"lec4.:.,qnent the gifts and said that of maeaaons based on an assumed situation) i both he and ,;.rs. Tinker would long r ememand two on rec?nnai.ssance and aerial pno-] b er the pleasure of their association tography. Dunn:, the seven days, 162 :W1 the personnel of Hamilton E'ield. th hours and 45 minutes were flown, madng Colonel Johnson was called u:E>0n and spoke an average of C hours and 19 minutes per Ibriefl;y, expr eas tnc deep eat Lsf ac t i on airplane per day in commi ss Lon. IJ.his :with Ius new command. was due to excellent Weather and the com-/ ---000--plete cooperation of all members of this Major Christopher W. Ford (Captain) command. lupon the completion of his present tour The personne~ were so b~sy that two in-10! the. Philippines, will assume vitations to dlnner by the.Chamber of tue.dut1es of Instructor~ Air Corps,Ohio Commerceand the Rotary Club had to be ,J.~atlonal Guard, Clevelana., Ohio. . -11V-7l97, .8.. C.

regretfully declined. On the last night, offiuers of the District Headqaarters~ Redding cce District, gave a dinner ror the officers wld cadets of the 88th Squadron which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. ---000---


he was transferred to .Scott Field, Belleville. Ill. where he served as Lieut. Colonel Rar01d A. Strauss, Air Assis~ant.60~anaant o~ t~e Balloon Corps now all duty as Chief of the Proand AJ.rshl.~ school ~tJ.l J.\Jovomher, 926, 1 curem~nt Section, 1wlaterie1 Division, Air and th~reaft;rl unt Ll, MaY,;,1927,.as . Corps, Wright Field, Ohio, vias born in I Opel'at~ons OJ: ;lcer of the GIst AJ.rshlP Ohio, September 11, 1887. Graduatin~ . !Group and. Se),.l~or!nstructor of the from the U.5. J.~avalAcadem,v June 6,1910 Bal~oon a;J.dAlrshlp School. .For the he was commissioned Ensi.,..n. He resigned. next th~ee .years he wa~ statl.?ned at from the J.~avy !v.arch 28, !913, to accept Kel1~ F lelo.., Tex~~, beJ.n~ ass tgned to on the following liay ~ commissioI).. _sGnd I the 24t~ Scnool W1Dg. HeaC1quarters~d a Lieutenant, Coast ArtJ.llery Cor~sJ U.S. among yarl~s ot.her Army. Colonel Strauss served wltn this thosepf post auddtor. branch of the Armyuntil Septembe~,19GO, I~ June, 1930, Colonel Strauss was. when at that time on duty as AssJ.stant assJ.gned to duty as student at the Pr1Chief of Staff for lv.ili tary Intelligence,1 mary. Flying School at Erook~. Field, 2nd Corps Area he was detailed to the [~exas. He completed the prlmary c~rs~ Air Service ana assigned to duty as a J.nFebruar;r, 1931, and the advanced .. student at the Air Service Balloon. I course at the Advanced Flying School, Schoo'L a~ Ross Fie~d, Arcadia, Calif. IKelly Fi~ld, in Junez 1931, .v:'hereupon Upon tne cOmpletJ.on of the course of he was glven the rat1ng of Al.rplane instruction at this school, he received IPilot. .OnJune 29, 1931, he reported the rating of Balloon Observer, as of for duty .'at i:right Field, Dayt.on, Ohio, April 26, 19?1 and W8.S then t;-~sferred and since that t~me his duties have .. to Langley Fleid, Va., for tra1nln.g at I.beenconnected w1th procurement. act.rvrthe Airship SC~1001. 1ifuile a student at I ties. . this school y Colonel Strauss also served I' ---000--;';' as assistant to the Commanding Off1cer of the First Provisional Airsnipviing." LIEUT. COLOJ.'-IEL C. McDO!'iJ.mL JOH.i.~ Completing his training as an Airship . . Pilot and receiving thE) rating as such,.1 Lieut. Colonel John C. tJ!cDonnell,now effective Au~ust 13, l~~l,.he Femained. I ~n duty w~th the 18th Pursuit Group at. at Langle:,FJ.dd), serv mg an the ca~ac~-I Wheel~r F~eld, T .IL, as CommandingOfflty ofAss~stant uon~andant of the AJ.r- IceI', ~s one of the veteran pilots of the ship School and later as Officer in . Air Corps he receiving his rating as . Cg.arge of Training, and as Instructor, IJunior 1iii tary Aviator on Septemlier 1, until iviay1, 1922t when he v:'a~ ~rans11916... . .. f erred to the Eng1.neerl.~ D~Vls~on at Eorn an Bal tJ.more bi.d. J.ijovember , 9 ~cCook Field) Dayton? OhlO, and assigned 18S7 Col. McDonnell graduated from to d~ty as Cnief of the Lighter-than-AirILOYO ia Co~lege with ~.B.S. degree. in Sectlon. 1908. PrJ.or to enterlng the militar,v Colonel Strauss coranand.edthe Airship /.service he followed the profession of. C-2 on its suc.cessful fli~t~ ill Sept em-. survey?r .. On h,arch 3~ 1~13, he accepted bel' 1922 from Langley FJ.ela to the a conma i on as secono. Ld eut enant of es West Coast. Unfortunately, this airship 1 Caval.ry , U.S. Army. On December 9,1915, While beinfo;maneuver-ed from the hangar he Was attached to the Aviation Section, at Brooks ~'ield, Texas, preparatory to Signal Corps, and reported on the 23rd the take-off on the return flicht to .IOf t:i1at month at the Signal Corps AviaLangley Field, WaScompletely a:estroyed . tion School at San Diego, Calif.? for by fire caused by an explosion when an flying training, Which he completed in extremely strong gust of wind resulted fAUgUst, 1916. ' in the ship br eak Lnr, away from the man-. Assigned to duty wi th the 1st Aero euvering party, struing the steel frame Souadror.l., Col. !>.cDonnell served with work of the hanga;- door, teari~g the Ithi~ organization both at Colum~us, ~~w fabric and rupturJ.n~ the gasol~ne tar:k. mexlco) and for several months 1n.MeX1CO . In the ~er of ~923, accompanied by witn tne Punitive ElpeditiQn under Gen~ Master Sergeant William J. Bennett, Col. era1 Pershing. Strauss piloted the Airship AO-l and O~dered in April, 1917, to duty at conducted the experiment of spraying a Kelly Fieid, Texas, he served at this poison~s mixture on trees at Henn~:er station as instructor in acrobatics and NewHampshire) which were infested with as Officer in. Charge of Flying until the Gypsy Motn. July 7, 1917 Whenhe was transferred to Transferred to San Antonio, Texas, in I Chanute Fiela, Rantoul, Ill. wherehe March, 1925, Colonel completed I also served as instru.ctor hl' acrobatics the special observation course at the I as well as at Selfridge Field!il.ich to Advanced Flying School, Kelly Fieldt IWhich station he Was transfer~ed on.' Texas, and received the rating of A1r- . October 1, 1917. plane Observer. In Septem~er7 1925, I At Ellington Field Houston Texas to LIEUT. COLO~EL AROLD STRAUSS H A.




V-71~n, A. (1.

which field he was transferred;~n Deoem- . lUte hispr~decessor - a priest of the ber 231 1917, Colonel ~cDonnellwas OfOatholic ehnrQh.He has servedcontinuficer ln Charge of advanced flying. He ously in the Army as a chaplain for 21 trained some of the flyiJ;lg iustru.ctors years, bu.t this is his first tour of in acrobatics to start an acrobatic duty at any place in Texas. stSt;e. Later he was in charge of e.ll .A. native of Ireland, Chaplain Griffin tralning and for a brief time commanded was raised' in ~eWYork and completed his the post. reli~iouseducation at the Catholic UniTransferred to Washington D.C., in verslty of Washington~ D.C. He wasapJuly] 1918, Colonel ~cDonnei, after bepointed Chaplain in 1~17, and his first into en severaL week's duty in the Train- assignment was at Governors Island, N', . Y ing Section, Office of the Director of During the World War he went to France ~ilitary Aeronautics, was ordered overas Chaplain of the First Separate Briseas~ servins as Commanding Officer of gade~ Coast Artillery. ' having been prothe '(th Aviation Instruction Center, motea. to the temporary rank of Captain. and, from December 30, 19181 as COI'pS Later he became senior Ch'aplain Of. the . Air Service Commander,3rd vcrps, 3rd Second Army. Colonel Griffin came to Army, at J.~iewied, Germany. Kelly .I!'ield from the headquarters of the Up~n his return t.o the un.ited States / 3rd Corps Area a.t Fo.rt George G. Meade, in kay, 1919 he was on duty for several !Via.ryland. . tlonths at tiiitchelField? J.~ .. Y., where he I :---000"-"'as in charge of recruiting and of all __ ,,"'. , flying for recruiting purposes. .l:tUSSIA.I.~ OF.dCERS bSPECT KELLY FIELD Ordered to Aberdeen Proving Ground _ Md., in Jul..'",1919, Colonel ivLcDonneli The Advanced Flying School at Kelly commandedtne Air Service troops at that Field, Texas) was inspected on December station until June, 1921, when he was I 2:nd, last, oy four Russian officers. assigned to duty as Professor of tdliThey were very much interested in our tary Science and Tactics at the Mass. i methods of training. Institute of Technolo~, Cambridge, I It was interesting to note that all Mass. He occupied thlS position for i these officers were rather youthful. The two years, and during the summer vaca.- I senior, a Brigade Commanderin the tion months he served as Executive Offi- i Russian .Air Iforce, was only 39 years of cer of summer training camps at Mitchel I age. They were very cordial and told F ield, .I.~. Y. I the following about their flying trainColonel McDonnell next completed a ' in~: tour of foreign service in the PhilipTheir course consists of two years, the pines.~ being on duty as Commanding Offi- first of which is devoted solely to cer or Clark Field and the 3rd Pursuit ground training. The students complete Squadron until August, 1925 when he I their pilot training in the second year assumed commandof Nichols i'ield and the and graduate, ~i~h an average Of only 65 4tl:t Comp?site Group... . .. hour s , as. qualJ.fled pilots of sJ.n~leReturnlng to the UnJ.ted States he. I englned aJ.rplanes. In order to pJ.lot was assi~ned to the commandof the 88th imulti-motored airplanes, they must serve Observatlon Scuadron at Fairfield, Ohio. I as co-pilot in a tactical unit for two From liiay to December, 1926, he was in or three years. commandof a composite .Air Ser~Tice Another interesting item was the rates Squadron at the Exposition at Philadelof pay received by tlie Russial} Air Force pliia~ Pa. After duty as Air Officer of '1 ~1e average pilot receives 50~ more than' t~e ~rd Qorps Area Baltimore, md., una line army officer. Then a pilot of a tJ.l June, 1928, Coionel McDonnell was fast airplane receives 25~ more than the transferred to Washington, D.C. for average pilot, while an instructor redut~ as Chief of. the PersOlUl~l ~ivision, I c ef ves 50(0 more than the average pilot Offlce of the Chlef of the Alr vorps. ana. takes two months' leave a year with Followin~ the completicn of his fo~~- all expenses paid. year tour of duty in Washington, he comThey wondered Whywe didn I t teach our pleted the one-year courae of instrucstudents to do aerobatics close to the tion at the Air Corps Tactical School at ground. They further stated that they Maxwell Field? Ala., and the two-year used womenpilots, and when there was course of instruction at the Command and .any new difficult job to be done the,y General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth had a. Woman it first, do in order to Kansas, and was then ordered to duty in stimulate t!:'e men to do better. .. the Hawaiian Department.' ---000---





MORE .I.~AVIGATO.hS FOl{THEAIR CORPS "A well earned Christmas present was handed out to ei~ht Air Corps officers ~n the form of. as Dead Reckonlng and Celestlal Navlgators " reports the liiitchel Field Correspond~nt, who -l3V-7197, A.C.

Lieut. Colonel RaymondJ. Griffin,C. C., Whorepo!ted at. the .AdvancedFlying Schooll. Kelly F leld, Texas, last month, Chaplain E.R. Martin,. is

adds that "~~ese recent graduates of the I bian was to be pi~ed up for ferrying ,Ninth Group .i.~avigation School used vari- ; to Panama. ous terminalogy in de$Cri bing the final ---000--examination. ~However, the general conCensus was that 1t was a1humdinger, I I SUB STRATOSPHERE FLIGHT BY 55TH SQ.UADROh produc Lng several aggr~vated cases of ' writerl s cramp. !!he graduation flight Sllpplement1ne:, the report on the high to Miami Was postponed to a later date. I altitude flight made on December l5tli Officers who received diplomas are: i last by tIle. 55th Pursuit _~Q.uadr~lf-rom f lYiajor Duncan, Captains Valentine, Gibson,1 Barksdale Fle~d) La., to Kelly .Jj Le Ld, Dennistou., \'ihi~e, Lieu.tenants ... ~o~sta.d, i Te~as2 and whLch. ap~ears el~ewhere an Beebe and Haskdzi. Our friend ID1Cki I tIlls as sue , the Barksdaf e FJ.eld CorresGibson. won the right to be valedictorian pcnden~ ~tates: and went all t11e way to Iviexico on leave AttalIlJ.Dg an altitude of G1, 500 feet to escape the 'honor. III 25 ~iIIUtes afterr::~a:>:e-off at Barksdale ---000--.E'ield, La., the oath Pur sui t Sauadron, under command of Captain R. !~elson, VARIEDPL1U~ES FOR HQ,RS.GHQ. IR FORCE engaged in a sub-stratosphere A flight from Barksdale Field to Kelly Field to Staff officers at the Headouarters of f~Diliarize pilots with the use of oxythe GH~Air Force, Langley Field, Va., gen and operation at hiih altitude. probably have one of the widest choices The cross-country unit flight was comof airplanes to fly in the Army Air posed of 9 airplanes of theP-26A type, COr])6. This not only facilitates their. i equipped for th~ use of l~auid oxygen, m?v~en~s in cover~ng GH~Ai~ Furce act~-i and made t~e trlp ~he en~lredistance an the c ont fnent al, Unt t ed States t at the maxamuma.Lt Ltude an exactly two IUt enlarges the training scope of : hours for the 370 miles. pillts and. mechanics of the Headquarters; lviaximu.m altitude was attained at a Sou.adron. ' distance of 40 miles from Barksdale Planes now assigned this Squadron inIF ield, 25 minutes after take-off. Visclude the famous Douglas C-3Z Transport? ! ibilit~ was reported exceptional at this four new A-I? Attack planes which recent-I a1tituae, cities and rivers being easily ly arrived :from the 1.~0rthrop factory at I recognized at a d,istance of 100 miles. Inglewood, Calif., a kartin B-lOB Bomber,! Alt~ough the use of the face ma~ and ,!:-hebrand new Douglas B-18 Bomber, an ! heaviest flyinG clothing was necessary, Ol-G Ooservationplane, and the recordI due to the sub-zero temperature encounbreakin~ DouElas OA-5 ~phibian. The i tered, no difficulties were encountered maintenance of these planes is under the other than those by the Squadron Cornmandsupervision of i\.ajor Eugene L. Eubank, er in turning about in his co czp i t to Sauadron Oonmander and Headquarters Com- check up On memb s of the fli~ht. er mandant. The maneuverability of the P-2bA was ---000--found to be good at maximum altitude, and. all equipment unctioned .satisfactoGE~~ BhETT VISITS KELLY FIELD rily accordin6 to re~orts of the person , . I nel, on the, re curn fllght. . ' Brlgauler General George H. Brett, All' Ii It was iound that a consJ.derable reducCorps, Cornriiandin~ Officer of the 19th tion in time required for the servicing Composite Win~, Albrook Field, Panama of the lic~id oxygen equipment was posCanal Zone, Who, with several other oifi-'j sible by the use of several small concers, had stopped at Randolph Field en I tainers, ~Qt this method required several route to Panama, visited Kelly Field to Ilitres more than the excess prescribed renew old acqualntances. Offlcers in I in the technical instructions. The equipthe party included Lieut. Colonel i ment functioned perfectly oughou t the Richard H. Ballard, commander of France Iflight. Field; fuaJor George H. Beverly, of ~ne flight was believed to have been Albrook Fleld;lst Lieuts. Robert S. ,the longest made by a unit at maxiillUrrl 1a Israel, Jr. and ~lrner, of Albrook titude in this section of the country. Field." the. iatter the ~ngineer of'fLce r Tl:e Squadr-on returned ~t normal altitude for tne fll~ht. The pllots had made a arter dark, non-stop Vla Fort Worth Tex. ,!eek-end fl~{ht from_1dtchel Field, haltAll pilots on the fliE:,ht agreed iil a at Bolllnb Langiey, fuaxwell and general recommendation that enclosed Barksdale Fie.ldl?' The r~turn trip to I <?o<?ltpit airplanes with good heating facilPanama oe made by way lJ.t~es be furnished for future flights of of Brownsvllle, Tallip~co, Vera Cruz, t h Ls nature. Guatemala City, San Salvador, l'egllciE;al- I ---000--pa, Honduras' 1ianagua J.~icaragua' San I Jose Costa Rica, and'David, Pan~a. The ~he A:LrshJ.p ,Te-13 re,?ently rna~e two overn~ght fligbt to San .Antonio consisted of the ,fl1$hts ~rom lij()fett FJ.e1d, Cal:f. On both occargo plane a Douglas Amphibian and a cc;s70~s J.t followed the coast north ;o.the Bellanca. The planes were checked over vlcJ.nJ.ty o~ Eureka before tur:z.l1ng.back. ..1a.Jor at Duncan Field Where a second Am.,..,'hi- ' E~roer Bm:lhng conman~ed the alrsh1p on the fust fh.clJ.t, and. 1'.aJor Clarence B. Lober on the second,







V-7197, .C. A

WRIGIrr lEW NE'l'fS LETTER F 18THRECOri.SQD.WORKI~G AliL CYLI!iDERS THESPECIAL O~ In mid-December! the 18th ReconnaisThe Materiel Division Was aSked to sance Squadron, Inltchel Field .L~. Y., produce a special Wright Field edition moved into its new offices now, says of the ~eWsLetter all by itself for the J.~ews etter Correspondent, "it can L the issue of January 1, 1937. Knowing be said that we are carrying on every ac- the men behind the ~s at the Materiel tivity but 'shuteye' and 'nose bag~ing' Division, we felt confident that they beneath the very wings of the airP.!ane. ,WOUldproduce the gO\lds. llJeedless to Space to house the various a.ctivi ties say~ they did, and how! News Letter Was sort of 'chiseledl from the Base rea~ers will certainly testify to this Paint and Dope Shop, and while the mafact. terials used in construction were tempoFrom all standpoint~ - editorially, rary in natQre, the Base ~artermaster t~ographically and plctorially - the is to be congratQlated in relieving a inltial issue .of the ~ews Letter for very cramped situation. A higher negree the y~ar ~937 was exc~llent. Those of coordination and teamwork is e;pected contrlbutlDg towards lts produc~ion wi thin the Squa.dron as a result of have set a standard such as we Jumble having all aCtivities concentrated." folks in the Chief's office cannot hope ---000--to emulate either at present or in the near ~ture. Wehave not the facilities EMERGEJ.-iCY FLIGHTUNDER .ADVERSE HEATHER for work of this kind and, for reasons too numerous to mention, must carryon Captain Harrison G. Cr~Cker, 'Air COr.Ps, in our unostentatious w~, always with wi th Lieut. C.B.. Storrie as co-pilot the hope that what appears in the .News made an emergency flight on January 1st Letter w.ill pr-ove of lnterest and profrom Maxwell Field Ala., to Balli1:1; fi t to our readers. . Field, D.C., .rcr tile pu.rpose of bringing I In the not too distant future we exMajnr Thomas L. Gore, Me1ical Corps, to pect at various times to knock on the Walter Reed Hospital for treatment of in-jQoor of other Air Cor.Ps field and actijuries received in an automobile acciI vi ties and ask them to work up a speciaent. The plane was a new Douglas C-33, al edition of the ~ews Letter covering an~ the fliiht of 750 miles was made in their particular functions. It is posfeur hours Through adverse. weather COndi-\ ..Sible. tha.t Wright Field may have to tiona, the pilots not being able to see look to her laurels. the ground after leaving lI~axwelll!~ield lOur most sincere congratulations are until they Were almost within 100 miles extended .to the kateriel Divisio~ for of Bollin~.Fiel~. .. its fine effort in connection with the The Bolllne:,".Fleld ambulance Was Walt-; I January 1st ii.isue. ing for the plane upon arrIval, and MaJor ---000--Gore, a litter patientt was taken. to I Walter Reed Eo.sPital wIthout delay.~.I.G~ ALTITUDELIGHTBYLT. ROBERTSON F




Effectlve Jai1uary 1 1937, the 20th i of the 33rd Pur suf t Squadron, GHQ. Au Photo Section is moved from B.andolph Force,took his PB-2iL "airplane up to Field, Texas, to Bolling Field, D.C., 39,200 feet, and flew at that altitude Where the men from that organization and for approximately t\'Jen~ minutes. Lieut. the Bollin~ Field PhotograPhic DepertRcbertson reported fli . t characteristment will oe incorporated to functdon as , ies and position by ra io every five a unit. The sixteen men transferred to iminutes. After reaching 39 200 feet, Bolling.Field included one Technical Ser-I Lieut. Rooertson reported "frozen congeant, two Staff Sergeantst one $ergeant ! t ro l.a'' - a very unpleasant situation at and twelve Privates, and WIll have reI that altitude. The ship was in a climbported for duty by January lOthz several I ing position., and Lieut. Robertson had members of the organization takIng a ten-I to throttle back to lose altitude and day del~ enroute while traveling. I descend to a warmer layer. Whencompletely organized, the 20th " Coranent the J.~ews etter Correspondent: s L Photo Section will consist of tWenty en- "Some sB;f t1J.e controls were -I not frozen' listed men and one officer, Ca~tain H.K. jbut that the pilot was getting weak due BaiSle. Y. lwho is now Photographlc Officer to lack: of oxygen. Either way, we still at BollIng Field. This increase of per- think Lieut. B.obertson did a good job, so~e~ for the PhotograPhic. Section will frozen controls I or I asleep I." . facIl~ tate the handling of the ever in---000--creaslIlg amount of ivork required of that. .. department. ..

I 8~h Pur,suit GrouP? Langley Fi~ldJ. Va., I LIeut. II.R . Rober~son, Jr., AU liO;1?S,

In recent performance


in the




---000---15V-7197, A. C.



On December.J, 1936~ another milest,one I . N.Efn::[ the advances made. i~ ..American of was reCorded ln the hlstOry of LUke I clVlllan and military aviatlon will be Field, T.J:1., w~en Lieut. Colone.l Asa.N. I introdu.ced defe.nses ,of Duncan , Alr Co.rps, re11.nauished command I BelE;~Uill,~ccordine, to Lleu t. General of the post. M.d the.. 5th. Co. ill. G p Il>ill:.~.rlqe illeaux, Commanderof the ..rou G to Lilmt. Colonel k.illard E. flarmon,Jr'l I Belgian.Air .Force, who completed an 1n.AirCo~s. 001. .Duncan lef~ for dutyt;tt I spection a.tKelly and Randolph Fields March ileld, Rive,rside, Calli. He o.vall- on December 10th, lae:t. Accompanied by ed himsel;- of a leave of ab senca privr i ~is aide,. Lieut. Viscount Eric to reporhnb a.this nt:tW stat.l.on. /' ::>toe.lberc.n.,the. Belgian commander ceme "It is withsince;re regret, that the . to the United States two months ago to personnel of Luke li'leld Oi.d ,I Aloha'. tv s.tudy the various phe se s vf American Lieut. Colonel and jara, Duncan," saysavir..tion.1!he two visitors left San the .i.\fews Letter Correspond-eut, adding . \ Antonio for ,j.~ew York Oity by conmerc, that II during the nearly two years that. I plane. '. . . they have been w,iththe Group they have ! General GilleD;l1-xstated that no comearned the un.d. ying respect and affection par i so.. can be me:debetween military l of the members vi the command. . aviation here with that of Belgium be, During the period of Lieut. Colonel I cause of the difference in Lon. Duncan's command~wan. interecting y eventSj Huwever, he commendedthe plan of int"ck place in WhlCh the 5tp ComplJs~ te struction at bot!} the Air Cnrps Pr~ar;y Group had. a part. .A;ulon~ the more l.mport- and Advllced Fl~rlng Schools and pral.sea an-t c.f these were the bombing; demonstra-l the manner i.n which Kelly F.ield was ma.i.ntions and tests for the Department 'Com- .tainedz despite the fact that many of mand~r in the Spring of 1935" and the I the bUlldings were co~~t.ructed in 1917 bomblng of the 'lava. flc,w, on Mauna Loa '. When the field Was lala. out. during the first week of January, 1936, General Gilleaux 'declined to conment This highly successful operation, which o~ the European 'situation, declaring . attracted world-wide attentiun+ was pert11at he had been out of touch with af-, sonally led by Lieut. Colonel .vuncan. . fairs since t('l this countr. TIe Subseouently the 5th Composite Group was noncommittal l:l.S to the po as Ib Ll Lt Les pl~ed an eff ec ti ve part in the Depart- . of .s, mropean war. The Comma.nder,a men~ Maneuvers.?f 1936, and more :recent-! ~ajor in the Artillery dur~ng the Wo:rld ly. m the Department 1dll tary. jlvar, e.r..ered the Belgir..n Force elght . t Competitions held in ~ovember. In &ddi- years ~o. . tion, numerous special missions were I At Rendolph ]'ield, Lieut. Oolonel T. VI. sucgessfully acco~plished, such ~s se~d Hastey E~e9utive Officer of the Air sowlng from the alr, reconnoiterlng wlld Corps 1ralnlng Center, couducted the two sheep on Hawaii and ether proJects in visitorb On an inspection of the Primary cooperation with the T.erritorlal Govern- F lyin& School on Decembar 9th, and Col. ment. lLA. l.tohrua!l-, .Assi~.tant Cornaandan t of the The 5th Composite Group welcomes its Advanced ]'lying SChool, and ',j' .G. new CommandinE, Officer, and with confi:Br~:te, Secretary, conducted the inspecdence born of past. accomplishments astion at Kelly .Fleld the follow in'." day. aures Lieut. Colonel Harmon of its best The Bel~ian Air Force Co~~ande~ ~ld his Wishes and whole-hearted support. II a~de have visited most of the A.r:J.yavia.---000--tlon fields, several ~a,~airdromes and a number of civilian airplane factohes. OBSERV.A.TIOjJ TRAIi'HNG ATKELLY J!'IELD T:--.ey.haa.just completed a study of March F ieldl Calif., before coming to San . Student pllot-observ~r te~6 of the Anto::uo... ~ey were scheduled to sail for A.J.r co.~s AdvMced Flyln,; Scnool at Belglum shortly folloWing their arrival K.elly F1.eld, ~'~xas, r:ave recently gained in ... ~ewYork City. Valuable experlence ln reconnaissance ---000--flights over the maneuver areas in and I near Fort Sam Houaton. Through permis- I The Barksdale. F~eld Correspl':lndent states that sian granted by 1.ajor General Brees, COlU1anuary abo.ys orJ.:Ugs f('rth a grea~ crop of J manding General of the 8tb Corns lu'ea I "sweders" 6JD"'ng '\1:.e second and thud grade ens~udent flyers cf the Observatlon Se9~ \ listed men. Th~TecJ:mic-:J. Sergeant and.Mas~er t.lon. obse.rve and .report by ra.dio po saSergeant p:c,wtlon hst :s due for publJ.cahon, tiona and activity.of lniantry and .A.rtil and every assue of the Au C('Irps NewsLetter, lery units of General Parson's 2nd Divithe Army and NavyRegister or the J.rmy and NaV'J sion at all possible occasions when ex~ournal finds a long line waiting for a peek. ercises are being conducted. The Fort I First Sergeant Bowen and ::;taff Sergeant Heuley Sam Houston regiments in ac t Lon in'the , leal. the line - always. field, in concealment or on the'march Ed Note: Berring unforeseen circumstances, thus af'f'ord, the best of opportunities' it is exnecbed to publ.Lsh nhe Technical Sergeant for training for the air observers. ProImtion List iuthe :'len issue of the News Letter - February 1, 1937








-16 -

V-7197 , A. C.



An airplane accident on Ja:rroBry 1st resulted From December 1, 19a4, to December 2, 1926, death of Lieut. Colonel Frederick 1. Col. Eglin cCllIll:BIlded the 40th School Squadron, Eglin, Air Corps, pilot, and Lieut. Howard E. in addition to serving as Adjutant, Supply OffiShelton, Jr., a naval officer, who Was a passcer and Mess Officer. He was then detailed as enger in the plane. Colonel Eglin ?las enroute Directc r of Bombardment in the Advanced Flying from Langley rield, Va., to Max.'6ll Field, Ala. School. On August 12, 1927, he was assigned to The wreckage of the' airplane was found near duty as Executive Officer of the Air Corps the tc:p of Che~ mountain, highest of the Training Center, Duncan Field, Texas, and he AppalaChian peeks in Alabana, fifty miles from ecoupd ed this position until August 22, 1929, Birmingham. It VIas believed that the accident when he was assigned as student at the Air occurred at 3:00 "D.m., at which time a heavy Corps Tactical School, Langley Field, Va. Upon rain was falling Snd a thick :fog hung over the his graduation from this school in June, 1930, mountainous area. he pursued the two-year courseef instruction Celenel Eglin was a veteran Ar!lf{ flier who at the CoIDIlUld and General Staff School at Fort piloted planes in the World War. .A. native of . Leavenworth, Kansas. His graduation from Fort New York, he was born on February 23, 1891. Leavenworth in June, 1932, was followed by Prior to his entry into the Federal mill tary his assignment to duty as Instructor at the service, Col. Eglin served as Private, CorpoAir Corps Tactical Schoe1, Ma.xwellField, .Ala.. raJ. and Sergeant in CompanyB, 2nd IDdiana In July, 1936, he was assigned to duty at Infantry, from }/Jarch 1, 1911, to March 4, 1914. Langley Field, Va., with the GHQ Air Force. From March 6, 1914, to April 16, 1917, he was ---000--Regimental Sergeant Major, 2nd India:Ja Infantry. l61stered into the Federal service June 9, Misfortunes never l3f.Pear to coma singly. On 1916, Col. Eglin served on the Mexican Border January 4, 1937, an a1rcraft accident at :Rantoul until lXIlStered out of the Federal service FebIll., resulted in the death of Captain Reginald "'" rua.ry 28, 1917. On .A.pril 16th "f that year he R. Gillespie and Technical Sergeant Clarence E. was comnissioned a second lieutenant, Indiana Sud<iu~rps. Infantry. In that month he was attached to ~n Gillespie was bern at Lake Center, the Aviation Section, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, Iowa, December 1, 1901. He atteDded high school and assigned to the Aviation School at San in several cities in Montana and later atteDded Diego. Calif., for flying training. Be comthe University of Mcntana for nearly three pletecl this training on July 20, 1917, and was years. rated Junior liili tary Aviator September 11,1917. Qualifying for a Flying Cadet appointment, he In November, 1917, he was attached to duty began lighter-thaJ;-air training at the Balloon with the l42nd Aero SouadronHe was appointand Airship School, Scott Field, Ill., in Septemed 1st Lieut. (temporary) in the Signal Corps, ber, 1923. Successful in the competitive examU.S. A.rm:!, December 15, 1917, and was promoted ination fer a conmission in the Regular ~,he to Captain, Air'Service, October 1, 1918. was appointed a 2nd in the Air Corps, Jtme 15, On December 6, 1917, Col. Eglin was assigned 1924. Upon his graduation from the Balloon and to duty as Assistant Engineer Officer at the Airship School, Capt. Gillespie was rated AirSignal Corps Aviation School at San Diego, ship Pilot and Balloon Observer, effective and from Februury I, 1918 to May 24, 1918, he" August 23, 1924. He reJIBined on duty at Scott was Assistant to the Officer in Charge of FlyField, serving with the 8th Airship Company to ing at Bock<rrell Field, Calif. Transferred to May 18,1925, and with the 9th Airship Company March Fdeld, CeUf., he performed the duties until the following September, when he reported of Assistant Engineer Officer and A.ssistant to the Prirre.ry Flying Scheol, Brooks Field, Officer in Charge of Flying until December, Texas, for heavier-tbano-air training. His .1918. In January, 1919, he was assigned to training delayed due to injuries" received in an duty as Aero Supply and Disbursing Officer, aircraft accident, he completed the primary inand .A.cting Motor Transport Officer, in addistruetion in September, 1926, and was then tion to a variety of other furctions at the transferred to the Advanced Flying School,Kelly post, these including the position of Officer Field, w11ere, in March, 1927, he completed the in Charge of Flying and the temporary con:ma.nd special course for Airplane ODservers. He was of the field. then transferred to Langley Field, Va., and asOn December 10, 1921, Col. Eglin was transsigned to duty wi th the 19th Airship Company. ferred to Mather Field, Calif., where he comOrdered to duty in the Hawaiian De]?artlXent, ma.nd.edthe 9th Souad.ron as well as the post Captain Gillespie served with the 4th Observeuntil May 4, 1922, when he was assigned to duty tion Squadron in July, 1928; ,'lith th'3 7?nd. as Operations Officer. Bombardment Squadron to October 2, 1929, and Transferred to foreign service, he was ~n duty again with the 4th Observation Souadron until with the 28th Bombardment Squadron at Clark August, 1930. During his' two years of d.utyat Field, P.I., from September, 1922, to December Luke Field, he perfoDDed various duties, such 12, 1922, when his station was changed to as Squadron Adjutant, Supply Officer, Mess OffiNichols Field. Here he performed the functions cer, Conmmications Officer and Parachute Offiof Pest Adjutant, in addition to other duties, cere 8JXl)ngthem those of Operations Officer of the Captain Gillespie reported for duty wi th the 4th Composite Gro~, until September 2, 1924, 47th School 1?quaclron, March Field, Calif., as when he was transferred to Kelly Field, Texas. I Persozme1 Adjutant, in SePtember, 1930. In -17V-7197 , A.C.

!n the

July; 1931, he was assigned to dutya.t Langley Fiald, Va., with the 19th Airship Company as SUpply Officer. Later. he per'foI'l~d the dutles of Operations and Engineering Of:!;icer, A:tmmlent Officer and Commmications Officer~ For several monbhs in the year 193Z,. he served as Adjutant of a G.C.C. Company at Fort 'keede, l,;a.. , Detailed to pursue the course,' l' flying, Captain Gillespie reuorted in June, 1935, at the Primary Flying School, Randolnh, Field, TeXas. He completed the nrimary flying course. in February, 1936, and the advanced course' at Kelly Field, TeXas, in June,' 1936, . specializing in Bombardment Aviation and recehingthe rating ('>fAirplane pilot. effective June 17, 1936. He was then assigned to dnty at ',~he. AirCorpsTe~hili;c~l~Schoola.t Chamrbe Field, Fantoul, 111.

'"'",., , ..... ,. _


Sergeant Sudduth was born March 22, 1900, 'at Ridge Farm, Ill. He enlisted in the Service February 21, 192MBserved at Langley Field,j Va., to September I, 1922; witll the 1st P~s'Uit I' NA:RRQ1.'1 ESCAPE FOR COL. SI'RATEMEYER ANDHIS CFEW . Group ,~t Selfridge Field. M'ich., to July. 1925, ,when he was tr@sferred to Chanute Field, Lieut. Colonel G.E. Stratemeyer, the new Comtoul, rn., where he con:pleted the coursesat I manding Officer of the 7th Bombardment Gro,up, the'Technical School in El1Jineand' Airplane Me- and his crew, had a very narrow escape from chanics. He was appointed a Staif Se rgeanb in death, or serious injury when, after completing Februaa-y, 1925. and Technic"l.1 Sergeant in July, a training flight over the Bay area, he was 1930.. Fl'om June, ::'931, to July, ~934, he serv- I forced to land in the II1ld flats of San Pablo ad in bhe Philippines, first with the 2nd Ob! Bay. He had chcled Hamilton Field in preparase1'VJ3.tion S"uadron and later with the 66th Ser- I tion for a landing when one motor cut out, to vice Squadron, at Nichols Field. Returning to I be fulluwecl irrmediately by the failure of the Ch.' anute Field, he graduab ed in April, 1936, I other. Not having enough altituae to make the from the Technical School as an Aircraft Arrmr- field, he was forced to set the ship down in er. He was then assigned bo duty with the I the shallow water about one mile from shore. Hea.douart?rs and Headquarters Scuadron at I Th? ColorJ.e~ and his crew, wh~ch v18;sc;omposed Chanute. FJ.eld.' . . I of. LJ.uut. n.n. Lynn, Sergeant H. w. 'Ul~o~ and The sancare syrrpathy of the AJ.r Corps J.S ex- Ipn.vate r.c. Thompson, were rescued , , tende~ to. the bereav?d familie? of these men b;y merribe r s of th? field IS nCrash Boat." The who dd ed an the setrva ce of thelX' country. ad rp.l ane , .The Bud 0 'Frey, XIII," was formerly ---o()o--I' flown by Colonel C.T Tinker, until . recently Comnanding Officer of Eamilton Field, and was I NET'" INSIGNIAFOR 32NDBOMBABIMENI' S0UADRON lone of the Martin B-lOB Bombing planes. By the News Letter Correspondent ---000---

of aerial navi gain mind and with thoughts towards the future when, with planes of even greaterrad,ii of action, navigation will c~st.i tute.a la+:ger pa.l't in the successful completion of bombing missions, it is deem. ed. most .appropriate that the insignia symbolize these two important functions. The.insir,ni.e, ernploJTsthe four basic colors I of blue, green, yellow. and white.. .Aga.~nst. a I blue baokgrcund the whJ.e emblellBhc bud J.S t I read.ily discernible. The color scheme is well blended and the insignia presents, as a whole, a pleasing picture. If the past is any criterion, the new insignia will have its introductivn to IIOst sec- . tions, t,;f the country within a short time. The 32nd Scuadron is active in all ra:meuv:ers in which Bombardment Aviation is employed and, t whether it be Alaska or Florida. the 32n.d. will be there. ---000--I.

I t.i.on.Aviation this d-qal methods nent and in "\Tith mission


The mighty Martin Bombers of the 32nd Squad- I AIR CORPS OF.flCERSA':SIGI~ TO AIMY WAR COLT.EGE ron of March J!'ield have just blossomed forth ,1 wi tJ:l the. new S:,~ron insinia: ! Stedel Orders of the ;'Jar Department, recent SJ.nce J.ts orJ.gJ.I181 o rgarri zatd on at Kelly Ily J.ssue3., debad.Lod ten Air Corps officer::; to FJ.el~, Texas, June l~, 1917, and t~roughout its I Ht:end the 1937:-193~ clas~ at the Army Wa:r sez-vace overseas du;~ng the World :Jar: tl;1e I COi.lege, repor roz- thJ.s duty between Souadronhas beenvnthout such an ansa.gni.a, Af-, Augus t 16 am 21, 1937. These officers are: t,:r the Souadz'on was reconsti t;lt~d an~ made ac- ! Colonel Henry W. Harms (Lie'lt. Colonel), on June 24, 1?32, ma.n;y o rd g.inal, J.deas con- Coierandanb , Air Corps Primary Flying School, I cermng. an apJ?r?p;-J.~te d.esd gn that would embody Ra.ndolph Field, Texas. , tJ:le varaous of the Srw:iJ.ron were sub-I Major John DeF. Barker (Captain), Major z:ntted. The problem.o-.: ; the bOl?b- 'Warren H. Carter (Captain) and Major Lawrence ~ng, gunnery ani', nevi.gat.Lcnal phases of t radnI P. Hickey, aU of Langley Field, Va. of the S'uadron was a one. Final-I lI/tajor Harry l~. Job.nson (Captain) Barksdale ly, in October, 1936, by combining sevec-al, de- I Field, La. ' signs submitted by Mr. B.F. Lamber o, a st.Louis I' Major Austin W. Mar"benstein (Captain) comnercial artist, the present insignia was com- Corps Tactical School, Maxwell Field, Ala. pleted and accepted. I Lieut. Colonel Hubert B. Harmon, 1~rch Field, The desi~ is tr~angular ~n ~~e~e. ~n the up-, Cali~. . per ha~f 0":. the trl?,ugle, w~nged deIv.aJor Alfred J. Lyon (Captaln) student at struetJ.on,.~~ ~lemolematic bJ.rd grasp1ng two ,Army IndUstrial C~lleee, Washington, D.C. bo~bs of In ~he lowe:c half of th~ . Kajor John Y. York {Captain) Office of AstrJ.angle J.s a bomb supur.lmposed upon the ~lnsistant Secretary of War, Washin~ton, D.C. erst star, thus grouping together the dual N;ajor Idwal H. Edwards Hewa.ii~ Departtraining of the Srue.dron .. training in Bombard- ment. ' -18V-7197, A.C.

,RETIREMENTS Warrant Officer EUgene C. Braig first entered the service of the ted States Arm:! on May I, l894,and since that date served cbntiwous1y, as follows: Second united States Arti11er,y~ Sergeant, 7th United states Artillery. Transferred in rank to t~ted states Militar,y AcadelI\YDetachment".Field Artillery, August, 1900. Appointed First Sergeant of that Detacbment , August 6, 1900, and continued in service until November 18, 1917. Ccm:ni.ssioned Certain, Aviaticn Section, Sig CoI'l)s, November, 1917. Assigned to Haze Ihur-sb Field, L .!.. New York, asCoumanding Offic.~r. 213th Aero Squadron... . Transferred to Ground School. School of MilJ.tary Aeronautics. Princeton University. December 14. 1917, as head of 1'dli talJ" Detachment and Inspector of Ground. Schools. Transferred from Princeton University to Austin. Texas, for the Ground School there. Closed that school and transferred to Bolling Field, D.C., in Mc.rch, 1919, where he served as ~p1y Officer, Finance Officer, Quartermaster, Transportation Officer and Morale Officer until December 31, 1920.. Reenlisted as Technical Sergeant, 99th Squadr' ron, Air Service, January 1,.1921. Discharged January 2, 1921, and appointed Warrant Officer, U.S. A.rrrrJ. January 3, 1921,and transferred to Langley Field, Va., Jr:muary 19, 1921, serving thereat to the present t~e. During the ~eriod of the World '!Vax, \varrS7t Officer Braig s major service was rendered an the capacity of Conn:andant of Cadets at the School of ~.iili tary Aeronautics, Princeton University. Serving on this important e.ssignment, he was responsible for the initial basic mi~itary training of' aU cadets attending th~t anstitution, ~ of whom received CO~SS10ns as officers in the Air Service and served with distinction overseas throughout the period of the World War: .. Warrant Off1cer Bra1g 1S advanced on the retired list to the grade of Captain.


.Master Sergeant May ~s appointed a Sergeant . during his second eDlistment. He was prOIil)ted to Staif Sergeant in September, 1920; to Tech- . nical Sergeant in August, 1926, and to Maste1' Sergeant in June, 1931. All of his disCharge papers have been characterized by the word "Excell enb , " ---000--EXTl<;:NDED ACl'IVE torr FOR AIR RESERVE OFFICERS

The following-namedSeoond Lieutenants of the. Air Reserve have been placed on extended active duty at the stations indicl:lted, their service to expire on the dates given: Angle, Robert.S..... Hawaiian Dept. Oen. 14.1939 Altman Dale Ellis. Hawaiian Dept. June 15.1939 Barton:: Joe Earle. Langley Field. Oct. 14,1939 Babes , Earle Eugene.Jr. Hawaii. June 30. 1939 Bernard, Homer D., PeIlBDlaCanal Dept. June 15,38 Berry. Jack Wilson,Hawaiian Dept. June 30.1939 Borden. lidtchell P. ~ Langley Field,Dec. 14.1939 Boutz, William Bay, Hawaiian Dept. June 15,1939 Bullock, Cady R., Hawaiian Dept. June 15, 1939 Calli sh , Norman Louis, Hawaiian Dept. June 15,39 Campb011, Blaine B., March Field, June 30,1939 Capp, WIn. Charles, ~~an Dept. June 15, 1939 Cheatwood, John H. Hawa11an Dept. June 15, 1939 Clark, Glenn Clair, Panarea., Nov. 1. 19.39 Cochran, James C. Hawaiian Dept., Jun~ 15, 1939 Cocke, Wm. Alexander ,Jr. March Field,Nov.20,39 Coddington, Nathan H., Hawaiian Dept. June 15,39 Councill, 1fhn. H. Hawai.ian Dept. June 15.1939 I Culler, Harry Hillus, :&"t.Bragg,N.C. ,De~.14,39 Da~id, ~ Bell, Selfridge Field, June 30.1939 Denison, Howard C. Hawaiian Dept. Aug. 6, 1939 Dennison, Julius W.: Jr. Selfridge Field, July 1, 1939. Diehl Donald B. Panaaa , October 25. 1939 Dietz' Harold L. Mitchel Field, l!ov. 14, 1939 DuFre;;e, John L. Jr. Hawaiian Dept. June 30. 39 Fernald, Wm. Irvin, Hawaiian Dept. June 15,1939 Fisher, Charles E. Hawaiian Dept. June 15. 1939 Furlow, Jrenes W. Langley Field, Jan. 3, 1940 Gorman, Edmund Tlreodore, Havlaii, Oct. 14. 1939 Gray, Frederick C. ,Jr. March Field, June 15,1939 Haynes , Frank V. Pope Field, June 15, 1939 Hatcher. George A. Selfridge Field, July 1,1939 Higgs, Frank Lott, Hawaiian Dept. June 15, 1939 Hilkes. Clarence b Hawaiian. Dept. June 15,1939 Master Sergeant Andrew N.ay, who was recently Hollowa.y, Benj. G. Hawaiian Dept. Aug. 6. 1939 pp1aced on the retired list, ~ born Febl'Uary I Hoyt, Stanley C. Hamilton Field, Oct. 14. 1939 II, 1885, at N8kofal va, Austr1a Hungary. . Hurst Herman E. Patterson Field, Jan. 3, 1940 Enlisting in th? United, States AnJ1y",.J~y 11, Jr!OOs: WeldonM. March Field, June 15.1939 1905, he seryed mth the. -'nc Caasb Art11~ery J:>yce, Edwin A. Langley Field, Oct. 14. 1939 Company conbdnuoual.y unt11 July. 1920. Then Kinkel Ross S. Herrd Lbon Field, Oct. 14, 1939 . ser~ng in the Phil~ppines, he jo~ned t,he Air Kreps, 'Kenneth R~, lIawaiian Dept. June 15, 1939 Serv1ce and was aasxgned to the 2ft.h Balloon ~Cu1lD David B }/.iBXchield F June 15, 1939 ~any. Re'~urninz to the United Stat~s in Jaclc Hawaiian Dept., June 30, 1939 Apr11, 1922, he served fCtr a short penod at I ::lartin, Robert Kay, Hawaiian Dept. June 15,1939 Crissy Field, c-ise.. and, in July: .1922, ~ Il,lUSO!l, Ben A., Jr. Hawaiian Dept .:runo 15. 1939 transferred to Rockwell Field, Cahf., servang ~~ightingale, Frank N. lia.waiian Dept. June 15,39 with the 11th Bombar&oont SQue,dron until August Olson, Abraham D. Hawaiian Dept. June 30.1939 26, 1926, when he was transferred bo the 59th. Paul Franklin K. Pa.narra Oct. 14. 1939 Service Squadron. He joined the 95th Pursui~ Il'enl~'ld, Hugh B. Hawaii~ Dept. June 15. 1939 So.uadron in June, 1928, served three years w1th Polhamus, Robert G. March Field, June 30.1939 that organization. From July, 1931, to June, Wilkie A. Panama, June 30, 1939 19.32, he served with the. 11th Bombardment Rankin, William. Q. March Field, June 15. 1939 ~uadron e : and then with the. 30th Bomba.rdment Rendle, Irvine A. March Field, June 15. 1939 Squadron to the de.te of his retirement. Scbmi-d, Clareooe L. Hamilton Field, June 30, 39 -1 - ., V-7197. A.C.




Schofield, Thomas J. Mitchel.Fie1d, Ja.n.3,1940 'I NOTES FroM THE,vASHINGroNI. .ICE Sewart, Allen Jackson,Jr. Panana,Oct. 31" 1939 . Shedd, Morris h. Panama, Oct. 25, 1939 Officers who returned recently i. Smith, Jees Anders, Hamilton Field, June 15,39 from cross-country navigation ~ Stewart, John P. Ha.wa.i. ~anl)ept . June 15., 1939 ~ights wer.e C:,lonel Willi8lll CJm.llll1 Thomas, Joseph A. Hawalian Dept. June 15,1939 Jidcr;hord; Captaln Stewart W. Waterman, Paul, Hawaiian Dept. July 1, 1939 Towle, Jr. . ---000---. Lieut. Colonel Gerald E., " Brovler :returned tv duty af-. WAR DE:P.ARI'lviENT sPEC. ill oBnERS ter. a ferry flight . fli.lj{' ;,h\,.~{\~\ . the plant cf the }Tortn ~dj!.~~8ru:.i.t... ~es of Station: Ha~ii:an DepE'rtment: American Aviation, Inc., .~ MajOr!!!. iam J. Har:Joncaptain) 1'(,;)11 W:;;-igIi' Ing.leviOCJd,Calif., to . Field, sailing about }larch 18, 1937; 2nd Lieut. Atlanta, Ga.. Loms W. Proper, from Hamiltc,n Field: 1st Lt. I ltIajer Alvan C. Kincai lD\:I..:I . Dale D. Fisher, from Langley Field; Warrant Of-, returned from a f'erry ........ . ....: ficer Arthur R. Trabold, from San Antonio Air iog flight from the ..; Depet. plant of the D('1Uglas.~~ltJ I Ih III To L;,ley Fielk, V~. :. 1st Lieut. Harold ~"l. ~r~raft Co.,. ~ta ~ni'~", __ ~';.. .~ Jj. ~)", Bowman, rom the J.hpplnes. CalJ.f., to Phl.... .delphia; Pa, a ~.... - . To Panana Cw:al Zone: 1st Lieut. Nonmn B. Lieut. Cole-nel hosenham Beam ferried a plane Olstln from Bandolph field; Warrant Officer to Boston, lY'.ass., from the plant o"f.North Vernon L. Roberts, from Kelly Field. \ American A, iati,on, r Inc Inglev.ood, WH. To Bollill[.( Field, D.C.: Captaim Howard M. I Majer Mvrton H. McKinncn ferried a plane from Turner, from Primu-y""FIyrng School, Randolph Ii that factory to Self'ricige l!'ield. Field; 1st Lieut. Jesse Auton from 17th Attack Lieut. Celonal Foss G. Hoyt left Jflnuary 5th Group, March Field . I to felory to Boston a plane from the Douglas To :R40lph Field, Texas: Major William C. Aircraft fectory, Santa Monica, Calif. Captain Morris, rom duty as Instructo.r, 37th DiviSion'l. Angier H. Foster left January 7th ona ferrying Ohio National Guard, Cleveland, OUo. mission similar te that o Col. Hoyt. T~ Voffett Field. Calif.: Major Bushrod . . Lieut. Colonel Harry H. Young returned from HOP:P~J;l, from duty with Organized Reserves, 5th temp(jrary d.utyat Westfield. and Newark, N.J. Corps. Area. Lunken Field, Ohio. IJajor Alfred W. Marriner, Captains Evers To Cincinnati Ohio: Captain Joseph P. Abbey and lv'.ervin E. Gross returned recently Bailey, from ~olpnield, for duty with 01'- I from terl!>0l'ary duty at W,;right Field, Ohio. ganized Reserves, 5th Corps Area, Lunken Wmjor Che~les Y. Baufill ferried a plane 01' Airport. the Connecticut Na.tional Guard, Hartford, Conn; , To Coronado, Calif.: Warrant Officer Le.Land ! from the Dougl as 1.irC1'at factol'y. D. Bradshaw, from Hffinilton Field, te Rockwell I Officers in the Chief's Office who recently Air Depot. 'I returned. from leave were Majors David A. l/.t.yers, To Mitchel Field, N.Y.: 1st Lieut. Arthur W. Karl S. Axtater and Captain James VL Spry. MeEilian, from Randolph FIeld; 1st Lieut. Em:nett I Recent visitors to the Chief's office during O'Donnell. Jr., from Selfridge Field. I the course of navigation flights or while on To Chanute Field, Ill.: 1st Lieut. Carl W. i leave were Major Fal'ry A. Halverson from the C8.rlmark from duty as s cudenb , Anrame:n.t Course, I Conmand and Oenera.l Staff School. Fort LeavenAir Corps Technical Scheol, Chanute Field. . worth, Kansas; Captain Haynie McCornlick from To Mitchel Field, N.Y.: 1st Lieut. Dwight Scott Field, Ill.; 1~jor William W. 11e1sh and DiVine, II, from Panama Can-'11 Department. lIst Lieut. George McCoy, Jr., from Ma.:lovell To Washington, n. C. : 2nd Lieut. John G. I Field, Ala.; 1st Lieut. Paul T. Oullon f:rom Benner, Selfridge Field, to Waltdr Heed General I Mitchel Field. N.Y.: 1st Lieut. Pearl H. j:(obey Hospital for observatbn and treatment. I from Wright Field; Captain HOVTal'd Turne.r, M. RELIEVED FROM ASSIGNME:N':r AIR CORPS: 2nd TO Randol-ph Field, and 1st Lieut. Jesse Auton, Lieut. ]'l'ederick C. Bothwell. Jr., from Air prior to re.J?orting to duty at Bolling Field: Co21>sTraining Center, Field, tl) 2nd and Colonel Clarence I.. Tinker, transferred Di Vl s ion, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. from Hamil ton Field to Washington for duty in ORDERS REVOKED: Assigmne~t ~~ 1st Lieut. I the: 1~ational Guard Bureau. James P. Newberry from Brooks l'1eld to Panama 1,;aJor Edward V. Harbeck, Jr., recently reCanal Department; assignment of ls'b Lieut. C.H. turned from an Inspection trip. Rees, Langley Field, to duty as student in ---000--Armament Course, Air Corps 'I'echnf cal, School, Captain James R. Anderson, Ordnance Department; Chanute li'ield, Ill. 2nc Lieut. Jack W. Hickman, Corps ef Engineers, PROMOTION:Captain ~Ivilliam L. Boyd. to Major and 2nrl Lieut '. John K. BrOViIl,Jr., Field Artil( tetq?orary) with rank froIP December 9, 1936. lery, were trn.nsferred to the Air Ce rps on ])6---000--cember 23, 1936. Upon the completion of their Second Lt. Bierne Lay,Jr., Air Reserve, ~f present course of instruction at the Advanced Charlottesville, Va was e rdez-ed to a.cti ve duby Flying School, Kelly Field, 'I'ezas , about Februfor 3 years from Jenua=y 15, 1937. at Langley ary 15, 1937, C:1ptain Anderson will 'proceed to Field, Va. For some time past Lieut. Lt:,y has the Eawaiian Department for duty wi tb the Air been on the editorial staff of SPO~TI'SW.A1J PILOT, Corps, as will Lieut. Hicl:ma.n, while Lieut. and some very interesting and well written avi- Brown will proceed to Brooks Field, Sa:c Antonio ation stories. from hh facile pen have appeared Texas, for duty. in this' aviation magazine fUJdother.periodicals. -20V-7197, A.C.




~J!DI'~ir'.=f:.":':' .. Ilf~ll~li:III::IPiJ'


Cl41"r'2.I!iII"tfl fi~d1rllc.'. J' l I"


From the Italian aeronautic81:joU:i,W, "AtA D'ITAtIA" J,.' continuation from the December 15th is~e . GIUSEPPE GAliRIELLI ' the aeroIlautical material t'lf the future iii , of the,"Aerona.utica d'Italia -,Fiat" I, the '.'dura.luminll.and that in tJ;-e alWB3S.e:i:Only metals have the vast range of mechanical tendlng and ratlo~ use of hght. alUlIl1:"um characteristics which is necessary for naterI ~loys the aeronau~lcal consbrucbdons w:Lll ials e!I!lloyed in aeronautical construction. The f100 the most prec10us means for progress. problems of rigidity, vibration, iDderfcrmabil- j GENERAL ALElCANDER LOHR ity and durability are completely solved by I Chief of the ,Austrian Air Force metals only. For smUl and xoodium planes wood i was' all right in the past, but the pr,Oog,res,s at- I Experiments "f these last years are proving tained by lJX)clcrn constructional technics cannot I very clearly that fully armed and ammnitioned tolerate anylnnger the use of such nateriaJ., ! soldiers can easily be landed by means of parwith which it will never be possible to attain achube, 'Supplying of advanced patrols with the best ratio between the eIX!>ty '11eight and the foods and ammmitions has already been accomuseful load. ,?,eight is eve~hing in aviatic'no plish~d in 1915-1918. During their African In scme specaal, construehons the use of wood cempalgn' in Morocoo, the French already pra.<>is quite itq)ossible, that is in the case of I ticed it regularly, and it has to be credited sn:all, single seaters like fighting and. racing I to aviation that the Italians succeeded in planes. Even the change from biplanes to nXlDO- i conquering Abyssinia so quickly owing to the planes .~ the latter has DOW nearlyco~uerei;l. the I fac-c that airplanes were a.ble to sup-ply whole whole f1eld cf aeronautical constructlon) has II arms corps when by DO other means thlS could all the rr.ore brought to the fore the necessity be done, of using metal. because monoplane wing problems'l It is therefore to be held DOW as quite posparticularly when high speed is needed, may I sible to send troops to very advanced posionly be solved with all-metal wing. I tions and to supply them by aerial means every If one looks back at the aeronautical conI time the enemy does r.ot oppose it. , ,In the structions of the past, one can see how wood Case of European wars it must be re81i zed, has been gradually replaced as a consequence of ~ however, that the observation service will the .progress of technics. Several years have I generally be able to catch sight in due time been neceasary to reIIXlvethe prejudice in reof such transports when the objective is far gard to the use of metals. One was :I;he exces- . enough and to take the necessary countersive cost. Really this had its origin from bhe] measure. Transport aircrafts. as well as fact that metallic construction was too of"hen I bombers, being often exposed to attacks only realized a.ccorc1.ingto constructive ideas a.."1d1 during the return trip, it appears necessary design dez-Lved from the wooden structures. The 1 that such counter-measures besides the aerial resul t was an irrational rretallic construction i defense with fighter planas have to be helped which was too costly. For the saize reason i by anti-aerial artillery. metallic constructions were said to be slower The landed patrols as soon as down to than wood construction. ground naturally need some time in order to A particularly useful material for a.eronautorganize therrselves and find their~. Should ieal constructions is duralurnin, which alone they be caught at this very moment ~ eIlElII\Y represents about 907c of the IOOtal5 employed. In forces, even small ones, but capable of a n:a.ny special cases light aluminum are preferred <).uickgathering, the failure (If the enterprise whilst high resistance steel is useful for : 1S nearly certain. It appears therefore nestressed structural-welding. Steel is valuable I cessary for the f'ubure to take defensive measfor welded fr~rork, undercarriages and sup'ures against aerial infantry such as sigDal port parts. In the case crf civil airplanes, the service, lorries ready to start and so on. duralumin is specially useful for the ccnsbzucMore dangerous than a.erial infantry seemJ to tion of monucoqua fuselages. with great advanb- be "sabotage" infantry. bold men landed by age over the other types of :;tructures. because; par~ute whose mission is to lay mines, to it easily al.Lows the interior of the cabin to kindle firp.s and so on. Results will be greatbe lined thenro-acoustic r.ce.terials and . er when plar.s are drawn up befere the war and makes it possible to use the whole volume and. men f'ul Ly trained for such particular task . lastly is very light. A matter of outstanding importance will be As regards the wings. the nonop.lane formula ! the landing of trl:lOps in the battlefield His now indisputed and is sp'Olied to the large, self. In sene particular spots cf it, signal medium and. sITRll planes as well. The construeservice and other conmunications IIB.Y be wreokt~on of such cantilever wings found its finest ad (11' not yet ready and. consequently the desolution in the one-piece '\'Tinawhich during 16 fence by fighters and anti-aerial artillery years (if hard work cn the part of technicians out of efficiency. In such case there will be allover the world has been more and rr.ore pervery favorable conditions for a surprise fran fected. Although today it is nearly perfect, the sky. If the aggressor is also favored by it constitutes for the future one of the la:rgland's configuration andwea.ther conditions. est. fields of study which will give more satisaerial infantry can easily be successful, by factory resw. bs , and. eIX!>hasize the characterdestroyiDg cOl1JJlllIlicationsin the back-lines i~ticsof metals. . . and so paralyzing the action of headquarters. For all these reasons we can safely s~ that SO!IlBtimeshe attaclc could also be struck t


ON A v:rA.T;1D!t,



V-7197, A. C.

from back ~ sides m th,. b. t..' , r~sW.,.\8. .. ' t _. '.. can be expected Judgingo~Y'~ tb.!, 'aD.eft 1)Umber of soldiers involved. " " '" .. It is consequently rrq f11'cl.on that aerial 1Ufe.ntry, although tlOt t(;!~!'considered ~ a decisivefaetor, is nevetthelessa quite remarkable novelty in the art of the war.
t. ~

~8f".,.",.,'~oft.he. .. pres ent prototypes

. sevei'el 1'ee!.sotisI do not think that airplaiies with nnvable wings will use in the n~ fut~e.The li.fting propellers and s~lar constructions are SO oomplicated and in their revolving parts they are exposed to such wear and tear that in the present state of tecllnics it is' impossible to build Director .A.erod~~~=~~Aachen U~rsi ty them fer trials of scme importance. Even the flying windr.uill has not been able to get a big Is it possible to reach a stalling to top market for itself on account of the high cost speed ratio in the order ~f 1 to 10'! of its too reduced load capacity and a lower lam firmly convinced that in the next five speed than that of airplanes with eq~Jower or' ten years, the actual range from stalling to and fixed wings. Since the flying wi 11 is top speed will be inCreased, but it is also my al so extremely sensitive to overloads. ibis opinion that better result can only be t'btaincd, not even free from danger and many accidents at least for some years more, 'by using the lifthave already happened on account of this fact. ing ,power of horizontal propollers and by furOn the other hand, with the aid of slot wings, ther developments of helicopters and autogiros. aerodynamic brakes and other devices of that For ~e latter 1?articula: type of aircraft kind. it has been possible to obtain a reduced thore ~e only s~ partlcular problems of con- starting and landing speed for ordinary airs1irue~10n. and stab1lity left to solve and the planes, which is sufficient for nearly all soluhon :LS o~y a n:e.tter of a few. years. . cases. 'rhis accorqllishment together with. the I do not beheve ~hat sta.nd~rd auplanes mll xre.rked advantages offered by the airplane ~{e reach very low l~.ncl1ng speed ~let us say 10 ~o illvestigatious in the field of IIX)va.ble wings 20 lanse p.~.) owmg to the fact th~t. fixed mngs seem to be less urgent. . will ~ot gl;re at such speed a suffl.c1ent and According to II\Y opinion the use of airships effic1ent 11ft. for transoceanic services will hevefurther developments, seeing that they CE'.n carry a larger m:unber of passengers than airplanes aI)d VQI,FANG VON OliONA.U can offer them more comfo,..t. Passengers will President, Aero Club of Gerramy reserve their preference fer airships over air. Prototype n:a.chines are now being tried which planes on account r-f the tiIAe sav~d in the reach the speed of 500 kilometers an hour. The voyages with transatlantic craft. On the other quickest has even done IOOretba.n 700 kilometers hand, I do not think that airships will be used ~ hour. Whycould these results not be obtain- for military purposes as their extreme wlnered with standard equipment aircraft? .There ~e ability would make them a too easy prey for two problems that have to be solved flrst. Flrstl the airplanes. of all there is that of landing. It is diffi----cul t to reduce such speeds so as to be able to ARTURO G. CROCCO land slowly in such a Ii tt;J.e snace as that reOF THE ITALIAN ACA.lJOO' quired by some aerodromes, and'~~th safety for the passengers. Lilitary use of damaged airThe Volta Congress bas confirmed the scission dromas or those of liruited space should also be of the problems of flying speed in three taken into consideration, The present speed of fields, of whien the first reaches about 800 laMing should not be increased in any case, KIns. p.h.; the second range between 800 and. even if navigation speed should be increased. 1200 Kms. -n.h., and comprises the speed of Although there are no irranovaole difficulties sound in the atlnosphere, and the third goes beconnected with this problem, it does not seem . yond 1200 Kn.s, p. h. (Please take notice of the to be very easy to solve. Wind tunnel experigraphic). These three zones can be sho\~ in ments in which the air current was made visible the graphic by taking as an index the dragby SllX)ke have shown that it is still possible coe:t'!icient c;>f a bo~ havi~ a certain fonn to increase the ratio between the highest and (f. In. an enplane 1uselage). The Congress lowest speeds. has called thtm scientifically sub-so~rous, The second problem, which will undoubtedly be ~onorous and ultra s~no..ous. s~eed. I W111 use solved gradually, is that of the driving power :nstead ~re tecl.m1c;u terms by ~ and of fuel consimpbdon. The probobypes now tne fust one e.eronaut:lcal I and the third under test have engines which, ~on account of one troallistic." In fact, the aeronautical their measure and weight, are out of proportion speeds have in the "Avis" term their na~tural with the size of the body and they do no t last 1?:ogepitor, as their tec1;nics in ~he rrodern long. enough owing to their lightness. The fore- aJ.;planes are now followmg ~he bud ~eatures. going holds good for the fuel quantity re~lired. Th1S is true not only of the1r esthetlc asp~t, which is excessive in comoarison with the load but also of the fUlldamental aerodynamic pa.rhccapacity of the craft. One could nevertheless ~1a: which is that of frontal round~d wings and r.each a considerable fly~ng range even with inoodles: It IDB.?' be fore. ~een that th:s 1'artic~ar creased ~ower of the engane s , provided that form 1'1111 renaan the nBJ.n charactor1shc of 81rtheir weJ.ght and specific consumption of fuel . craft as far as the rerrains do DO.tincrease . In this way the hig..~est speed II constant, that is, up to the hi~est limit ...that obtained will not cost more. On the other can be reached, before the problernsof _s~ed hand, this is the condition against which the Oeul be noticed. On the contrary, the':listic"



can be utilized


V-7l97, A.C.



Pa~lj)~ t.r. thABelfts tp:D1..~~ ~b.".'border8, 1IIhile savegeDa~:i'ht~ -'t;, rot st~t .~e~ tod,stro;Y c1vil1zatlon '8;M , MUle the lDStinctive baZ'barity breaks aU, :!~:v:ft~~=e~;:r~~;::~r:a= 'by bpunds of' law and religion. the IXDst _.(~ s t':ro~tel forms, like the ships' prow or like the poised people are forming an alliance bet~ t'om of nndern bombs. themselves in order to defend their existebCe kid. ,ballistic fli[ht ',s wing have,been cOII;'ar- and the existence of ty. During these ed at the Congress to blades. Not only aerotrnubled times the pZ'CIgress f great in~ o dyJ:lamical basis but also the principles C'f pro- tiona becomesIXDre rapid, but its characters pulsion and power will have to change if we are deeply modified, especially in the field want to. reach ballistic-flight. Newtechnical of scientific ideals4 Science becoees posiprinciples will have to be realized for propul- tive. Speculative enquiry yields to re81iEmlo sive apparatus and for engines. This change One does not sow but harvest; one does J10t will not be a gradual evolution but a revolulook at the future but at the iaminent. The tion. " .' daily diffusion of cultural news is veiled ''.here will this ballisticflight be ~ossible? with reticence, and all activities are maSked Of course in rarefied air. The connect1onbewith the military secret. Pro~ss twaenhigh speed and rarefied air is inpl)sed by needs ~e(;;.Ce order to naterialize. in WeJ10 the problem of povT8r nd by exigeooies of take- zmre 11ve in the times of Archimedewho p1J.1""o a off' 8Zld landing 1\hichboth require low speeds. sued its theorem within his own brain while> Pe~ha.p$. ballistic flight will extend to the Bcn:ans were sacking Syracuse. To~, the Q~ue$phere, where electrodynamic phenomenons brain needs laborat"lries, experimental plants, whicll are characteri stic of great rarefaction workshops, raw m!l.terials, energy, cooperation. could help in supporting the airplane. A:nyway, All this cannot exist without a great seclJl."~ty siIlCe.bhe main obstacle to ballistic speeds is within the borders a;od en the sky, or\1.t the air, we are justified. in thinking of rarea firm discipline azmngthe people or withOut fying it as rmch as possible. This revolution- a. leading and. strong will power. ary characteristic of the probable newhurr:an conquest leads to believe that the resul t of VMB.ERr0 SAVOIA AND CELEgr Im ROSATELLI present investiga.tions are only isolated eleof the "Aeronautica d' !talia Fiat" ments of a potential nature. They can be 'neither reckonedmr measureduntil a new idea Civil and. military aviation is nowpegged will be born which vrill associate and value with its series naterial on a standard near to them altogether. Thus at Guidonia, in the 300 kilolIlet;res an hour; 'Wha.t proble!IlS' Itustbe stratosph'Anc channel, aerodyna."lIi.c ballistic is solved before the standard of 500 kilometres studied. In the General Laboratory can be passed on to, which has nowbeen ole$l'ly of our Engineel"s School of Rome,stratospheric announcedby IILst recent experimental proto~ energy is explored. At the flying field of types machines? Montecelio, special devices for hUIriUl respiraTuere is no difficulty in stating that the tion in the vacuum are experimented. speed of 500 kilcmetres can be reached in .the Let us leave the field cf ballistic speed near future as a nol'!tB.1 standard for someP!U"'" which is still unexplored. Let us oonsade e the ticular civil airplanes and for somespeci81 field of ae:ro:nautical speed. Practically aero- services. This will not be very easy, ho.yer, nautical speed reacilies a limi. t a little over especially if comfort and safety are not 1;q' be 800 kms, p.h. The unbeaten record of Lt.Agello sacrificed. Further i!lJlrovements the of , at Deaenzano has covered the largest par'!; of strea:nlining ili' required, which can be SUJDJ*i such field by surpassing 700 kms, pvh, 1Ve ave up as follows in regard to. the fuselage: h come, therefore, very near the point where C'rag 1. Reduction of all harmful spaces and. therecoefficient abru~tly increases and lift coeffifore the chief section, and better retraotabilcient deczeases ," Within this limit there is ity of the landing gear, the tail wheel, the still a large nnrgin for com.oonircra.fts, as a wireless antennas, etc. the 9.uestioJ.'l to double the present speed of is 2. Generalization of instrument-flight and civil and military airplanes. The problems further reduction of the present wind screen. here are no rr.oreof an aerodynaci.cbut of a con3. Increase of Slmotbnessof the covering structive nature; such as inproviug the stream- surfaces with the use of suitable varnishes end lining, applying rrore powerful engines and above iutroducticn of nails with hidden heads. all, providing for new cooling system. .All The ideas o paragI'B:J?h are the zmst inport1 these problems are nowknown and it is of little ant because with tl:.em1t is possible to obtain importance to investigate vlhether the land. plane an increase ~,speed which, according to, thswill be in IJX)re r less advantageous conditions latest hopes,'~-ca.n reach 25%. With reference to o conpared with.lli~ seaplane to inprove the pres- the body, improvements the aerooils ean be of ent speed. Researches will proceed gradually bakcn into consideration teo, and the. use of but unceasingly. 'rherefore, if be~listichigher wing-.loadingin connection with the flight is only a future eventuality and. Agello's sproadi.og of super-lifting devices. There is flight b only an, anticipation, the continuo'ls no exaggeration in foreseeing that whenall itq)~ovenient f standard airplane spoed, together means ~ o turned to and without worrying too ~,'th',, ,the c'B;l,' ac,' ity of heavy useful load, is now mach about the cost, a fineness in all the airq~h,t,~io"e. plane eanbe reached of about 35~ IXDre tlu;m :. J.1.a~9r;tlDJateJ.the race to ara:ameD.ts polarized that which is USually reSQbednewt si:coeas ,ne.t811 aviation developmentin the military field. ters stand at present, civil twin-engined airl-.-v'h ..t.~~,yet



by,flv4 this/orm ..;.!


mea;.:rill e~l.~ to'fol!o~theU~eo-,

... ":,~l'.'~


V-?197, A.C. 2000 1:l'P.fc~b~e ofJ,y. :'~~.~:liicle8 were printed in five difat an blt1t'llde of 4OOOte~t" .., ,l'~,ItaJ.ian. E~lis h, _~s,'$ld.;t;he savi1\g '-*ltioned above would h~.. 'HJi"~ ODe,re,.d.~~,'these b~omei an inCl-~e Cf about 10%. '!'he specific ,a:rttdlp, " ~~~$ot'._a:n,t"1Mn poWer of the e~ines has not Yet been Ilmltioned proinUleh~-:i.~'a~.~)ob ,a,fel;rs -ca.n:not fail. ,hbwever. In th1s regard the greai:.est obstacle but be ~res~ed' the ~erious t~~t' ~ for increase of power is represented by cooling. deep study which thesubasct of aVJ.e,tion ,18 A reduction of the surface reQuired for the rareceiving in countries .beyond our borders. diators would be obtained if he problem cf en- . -- ..000---' . gi1?Ss cooled with liquid at 130.135 degrees I could be resolved. An increase of power llould ~ 35n: DIVISIONAVIATION HAS NEt'i OFFICERS:'CLUB not, therefore, mean an increase of dreg with a result snx>unting to next to nothing. Five hund Officers of the 35th Division Aviation, red kilolOOters an hour could then be reached Missouri National Guard, invite with no li.ttle .. easily and perhaps exceeded. , -pride Air Corps persomlEll and {'thers pq1lZlected Do you thi~<: that regular air navigation in a I with aviation to visit the new office1's' 'club, near future, within fifteen l')r twenty years \ located in the new.addition to the hangar. from now for instance, will get near to navigabuilding at Lambert-St. Louis Municipal Airtionaltitudes close to the world's record? poz-b, P.obertson, Jiio. ", The l?~oblem of flyi~ at stratosphe:ic altiThe club r?Ornhas been,~ed in unique tudes W1th the excepbd.on of record fbghts has style. The ~ls are covered w1th photo " dificul ties which can now be described as inmurals consistipg of inter-related aviation slirmountable. The integral high altitude ens,'bjects. The Ill.U'als lWeI' the fireplace degine has still to become an accomplished fact ,pict the first flight of the Wright Bro,thers :namely, to be capabl e of giving a constant at Kitty Ha.wk, and was trade from the original power for aU the altitude on account of techpicture autographed by Orville Wright. A' meal. reasons cOl1Ce1ning supercharging and beamed ceiling is paneled. with paintil'.gs of cooling. In api te of the very 10\'1temperature 148 Air Corps insignias, including foreign inand the great speed of the aircrat, ccolingof signias in adrtition to tho.erepresenting Air the engines at altitude is almost out (,f the Corus and National Guard crp;anizatbns. question en account of the lower density of the The pride and joy 2f the Missouri airmen is air, and if architecture is not to be radically a bronzed frieze, l~ feet long, 30 ,i~les changed. This would niean naking it cumbersome high, into which are m.,deled portrait likenessand therefore harmful fvr the :?urposes of good es of the officer personnel of the Squadron at penetration which is being looked for with al.. the time Lieut. Colonel P. 'El. Love was leaving titUde. And the sUT)ercharger w1ich should esto assume his new duties as Division Air Off itablish the S8Xue pressure at 10,000 lOOters as cere This was hung in a nl:'st a-ppropriate place on land, would cause such an eno rrrous heating in the clubroom. A bust figure of Colonel Love of the air as to become an obstacle for the I is in the center and is surrcunded by seventeen engine's working. other heads arranged against a background of . Leaving asd de the problems "f the engines, of sky filled in minute detail wit.."'lvarious types the propellers and l,f the supporrb, there is of, clouds, and landscape. The frieze another with mich greater difficulties, namely was (.obtained by the Squadron through its if it is possible to live, in the drcraft. It frienlship with Mr. E.A. Siebert, a St. Louis is true that like Jules VeIne, it is not diffi, sculptor, who executed the ba:;-relief ew!' preoul tto think about her.'Yatically closed cabins sented it to the organization. and sU'l?plied with air from sui i:.a~le compres---000--sors, but the problem of flight as first of all a problem of weight, and nobody stops to dwell INSI'RUY..ENT REPAIR BUILDING FORH.A1IlAIIAN DEPOT (In the Lnsurrmunbabke difficulties to be mat with on this path. The cabin would have to be COl1structivn has started on a new Instl'Ul:llent c~letely and be able to hold ~ut TIepa,ir 3uildingfor the :Ia.waiian Air Depot. aga.J.nst working pressures from the inside to ':::he structure will be 22 feet by 55 feet. This the outside of about 7000 Kg. per square meter. additional unit has been badly needed for some Further, all the problems exist in regard to time. In the past it has been necessary to the passage of the control-cables and not r.n send a large number of instruments to the nainaccount of the difficulty in Hself, but ~wing land for overhaul. With the addition of this to the enormous burdens of weight they bring new building, however, all this work will be about. It is quite out of place, however, to I accomplished locally. The building cas been proceed, any further with the examination as especially designed fnr this wurk. Double there is no~ing else ~o be done but walls w~ll be -provid,ed to.prevent the entry ~f the ion that fl1ghts at very b1gLl al t1- . dust, dut aad {'ther fcre1gn nBtter from the tudes will.renain for a long t~Jm in the field exte7~,or. All air enterin~ th? b' will of ~ort ~thout useful, pract1col and safe I be f1ltered through a vent1lat1llg systeDb ' appl 1cat ions. I ---000--:t'~Xlg






Ed. Note: This concludes the quotations r..ade of special ariiicles on various aspects of avia.t~on, ~resent :;mel ;fu~ure,~ch appeared in. the f~rst . mternat10nal 1ssue of the Italian aV1at1on,JourDal L'~.D'IT.ALIA" published recent-

I T.H., lost The 23rd

BombarclmentSquadron, Luke F.i~ld.' one of its Staff Sergeants, ,John Zane, wr.l? died at TripIer Genera.lBospH81,on the JIX)rIungof November 19th., sergeau~::~ was well liked in theSQuadr()n,s.ndwas;ac)~eteut noncounnssioned officer. V-?l97


A. C.




all based on oarefully pre:t>ared consunptioJ;l data, aDd such wo-rk is deS1gned insofar as possible to provide an automat;.c flow of sp~e parts to these I al.ands, Stocks are gradually being increased in the Hawaiian Department .

Aav8ilCed.'Fl ng Schoel' :K's.ll . Field Dec.19th .' r g 1er enera en:rfy'. rno.l.', SS1S ant Chief'Gfthe Air Corps, inspected Kelly Field on December 8th, " a view to mcldng recem~dations ,regarding permanent housing here. 'Majer Edward V. Harbeck, J~., on duty in the Inspection Division, Offic~ ~f the Chief of the Air Corps, was at Kelly J!'ield fl'om December 7th to lOth as a technical inspe~tor of Air Corps eoui!,ment. First Lieut. Burton 1Ii.' Hovey, Jr., reported for duty and was assigned to the'61st School Sauadron as Supply Officer; Mess Officer, and Assistant Engineering and Operations Officer, He cemes .to us from duty in :.'8.DE1IIl/3., ann was a . member of this comrand before his dE::tail to foreign service.

Hawaii.anA-ir Deoot, Decem'he:r18th . --on-WOvem~er 2~, 1936, a meeting of employees 'Jf the Depot, was held for the purpose of organizing a Federal Credit Union. More than l~ employees signified their intention of becoming members of this Credit Union, and participated in the election of coIIllIli. ttees. The committees elected were as fellows: Board of Directors - E.W. Hailey, G.H. Miller, B.M. , Johnson, Roscoe Coning and E.A. DeMello; Credit Comndttee - C.P; Fasig, R.M. Davis and R.G. Owen; Superviso~ Connnttee - F.D. Wood, J.P. Luke Field~ T.R., December 4th. Biard and G.C. Hall. Officers elected by the 23rd Boraardmel1.t S0uadron: Tne U.S.A.T. Beard of Directors are as f-:>llows: E.W.Hailey, REPUBLIC, iliicil docked in Honolulu on December President; v Roscoe Coning, Vice President; and 2nd, brought anong its passengers Major Harold B.M. .Johnson, Clel:k-'rreasurer. It is believed Vv. Beaton, Air Corps, who assumes conmand of the organiz&tion, to be known as the Hawaiian the S0uadron, relieving 1st Lie1.:'t. Fore. J.. A5.r-Depot Employees Federal Credit Union, will Lauer. The latter departs aboard the REPUBLIC be of great benefit to the members. for duty at Langl ey Field with the best wishes Actual construction work has been started of the organization. The 23rd is fortunate in on the new Instrument Repair Building for the its new con:mmding officer, who brings to the Hawaiian Air Depot. It is expected that this Sauadron the experience cf many years ?nth Bam- building will be completed shortly. bardment organizations, A large quantity of xoodern machinery and Sergeant Robert 1. Mullen was proxooted to , shop equipment was recently received at the Staff Sergeant; Sorporel Warren B. Caywood to Depot. Sergeant and Private, 1st Cl. .George A. Heard . Captain H.w. Se'rig,. Signal Corps office~, to Corporal. Congra.tulations to all. . reported for duty -ab the Hawaiian Air Depot in 4th Observation S"uadron: The Squadron had connection vrith the establishment of a repair an 'Mohan dinner on No-vemi)er 23rdfor the men rmit for Siena! Corps equipment. leaving on the sr. MLtUELtransport on November Mr. E.W Hailey, Chief Clerk of Depot Hea.d.. 24th. Those leaving were Pvt. C1.. Vi.L. I quarters, and President of the Hawaiian Air Robinson,Pvts. J .M. Bracy, J .H. Lint, J .B. Depot :Employees Federal Credit Union, sailed Olheiser, C.E. Pearson, R.H. Platts, A.W. Pound on the USAI'Republic on December-7th for a and J. V. 11ihi teo m"l.inland visit. 50th Obsez-vab i.on S('I-uadron: Lieut. C.F. .." . .\ T~e recently organized Ha'l'raHan Air Depot Tieiiiaiiil,-wEo left. for. P.andolph Field on the sr. Employees Federal Credit Union is appa.rently MIHIEL, and Lieut. C.1fV . Pl,:tillips, who will sail meeting with cC:lSiderable success in the eyes on the REPUBLIC for Scott 'Field, have been re- 10f its member-s, Deposits to members' accounts placed by Ldeubs, :E. T. Gorman and .A.D. Olson, now exceed one thousand: dollars which, in view both from Mitcb.el Field. ,We are sorry to see of the holiday season and the short time which Lieuts. TienJ?Jllland. Phillips leave, and welcome this Union has been in operation, is rather Lieuts. Gor.nan and Olson to.the Squadron. exceptional. Hawaiian Air Depot, Luke Field, December 4th. Hamilton Field Air Base, December 26. 1936. The Dep~is now busy recei vrng alargesFifpI -Hr.l.'1lil ton Field has just received one of the ment of Air. Corps supplies brought into the new Douglas Cargo ships . Having been on the post of Honolulu by U.S. Amry Tr8.i."lsports sr. field not quite two weeks, it has already' comMIIUEL, SCOT'l'SBURG BEPUBLIC,arriving in and . . pleted .28 hours and 35 minutes flying time. the order named. . The 5th Air Base Squadron entertained at a The Air Corps supply system may appear to the dance 'the. night of December 23:rd, and a grand casual observer as e. rather cumbersome and. awk- time was enjoyed by all. A midni te lunch was ward procedUJ:'e. Vfuonconsideration is gi-\ren,' prepared by the kitchen force, the serving of however, to the large number of items handled which was one of the highlights of the evening, by Air Corps Depots and other Air Corps activiand surely did its part in maintaining the good ties, it is readily apparent that only properly spirits of the approximately 500 melmbers and systematized and controlled efforts will proguests. Gold braid was very much i~ evidence. duce the desired results. The Hawai;.a.l Air' ... 'the ccnmandd.ngofficer,Colonel Davenport Depot stocks a?proximately 25,000 items. the Jol'uson, and his staff all contribu-eing ~ money value of which rrms into several million to make the dance a successful one. We had a dollars. for economical ;reasons, if for no grand time, and all are looking forward to other reason, the greatest care must be exerthe next one. cised in replenishing these stocks. This is V-7197, A. C. -2 -

DwlcanJ':Leld.T~.. Sergeant Donald E. Hamilton and Corporal Frank Bnge:dier Gener ~orge H. Brett, o~ B~ Coxmor,96thB~t SQuadron, GuQ Air the 19th Composite Wi:og Albrook 1'1eld, ' at Foroe, were'iiventhia a1\lBo1'dfor ~efl.igbt ~ne, while at BtmdolphField enroute.lead1ng mede"last Fe'6ruar,Concord, !pr~ 'At about the recent ferry flight of t..., amphib1aJl and 12:00 midnigbt,the cell o8me to Concord.that a one cargo lllanes to the PBDe1l8 anal ~artment C group of cec boys were .en an ice floe that was visi ted th1s D<3pot December11th, greehng old drifting out to sea off C~e Cod. Major Giles, friex:uls and displa.y'ing great interest in view- with Lieut. Pa.tri'ck as observer, Sgt. Hamilton ing the changes ip his old stamping ~unds as crew chief am Corp. Connor as radio The General was th1s sta.of tor, took off at 1:00 a..m., in a B-1OBairtion in 1918-1919. plane and flew downto Cape'Cod to search for Colonel F.L. kart in, Executive of the Air them. The flying conditions were extrEmaly Corps Materiel Division, Wl'ight Field, Ohio, on hazardous at'the time, but the flight was suea flight to Bandolph Field, paid a visit to cessful. The boys were located before da..vlight this Depot December10-11, discuss~ Air Corps .and another plane was dispatched to drop food n:ateriel matters with the Courna.ndin~ Officer. and blankets to them. The Coast Guard sUcceedCa.ptain J.H. Hicks, G the Air Co1\'Ps Materiel ed in rescuing them later i:n the 11Xlrning. The Division, "'right Field, arrived herE!December Group extends congratulati<Jns to all mEmbers 11th for tenporary duty, conferring on Air of the crew for their success in accO!lI>lishing Corps supply matters and shop methods, and de- this hazardous mission. parting on the 18th on siTDi.lar missions at 37th Attac.'\cSouadron, GaQ Air Force: Lieuts. Hensley Field, Post Field and Fort Leaveov:orth, .tv.F.Day, 15reston P. :Pender aDd Anthony G. traveling by air. His visit was enj<Jyod his Eubanks, of the 37th, left Langley Field on by old friends here, as he we.s Assistant Depot Sup November23rd for MarchField, Calif., in the ply Officer of this Depot in 1934-1935. YOA"5, piloted by Captain H.M. Wittkop and Among cross-country visitors at the Depeb dur Lieut. W. .BoWIl:8Il, arrived there on the W and. ing Decemberwere Lieut. F.E. Bouse, Air Res; , 27th. They left for the return trip on the and Flying Cadet P. S. Helmick, December6-7, 29th, ferrying three A-17 airplanes as a flight Lieut. E.H. Schansler, Air Res., December13-14, led by Lieut. Day. After being detained severall of Selfridge Field, Mich., to ferry .back a.l days enroute at Dallas, Texas, thay reached P-26A planes to that static-no . Langley Field on December4th. Twoof the Mr. Frank Kunna.,representative of the Eclipse ships were assigned to the 37th Attack SquadA:dation Corporation, East Orange, N.J., visitron, which nowleaves the Squadronwith eight ed the Engineering Depart:nent of the Depot on airpl.anes. December14-18, conferring on procedure in the The bang-uP ending cf the calendar year prepa.:ation of Type G-2Ostarters on .1-17 planes pl81med by the 37th has been somewhatinund';\teq. forn,nter test. by inclemeut weather. However, tho non-fly).ng Staff Sergeant Fred O. Tyler, whohas been days have enabled the Airplane Comnandersto attached for duty to the 3rd Transport SQuadron becomebetter acquainted with detail maintenat this Depot since last S~tember from -he ance 0' his airplane and equipment, in visualBase Headquarters and 1st Au Base Squadron, izing the importance of an intact and well Langley Field, Va,., has nowbeen transferred trained crew. The interest ef the pilot in from the latter organization to the Transport his airnlane will raise the I!X)raleof his crew, Squadron. The 3rd Transport Squadronhas also, pronx>tin,g maximum efficiency. Interest under gained during DecemberPrivates LD. Anderson the cowling will info:rmthe young pilot that and 1.L. Fenster by transfer from the 63rd proper functioning of nmly accessories are inSchool Squadron, Kelly Field, and Private James herent to the successful completion of his nd sLuzq>kins,Jr., .by transfer from the Base Head- sions and that present day airplanes comprise quarters and 8th Air Base Squadron, Brooks I!X)re than the switch and the throttle. Field, and. has lost Private -J.L. Russell by The chemical tanks ordered in June of 1935 t1.'ansfer to the Base Headquarters and 8th Air have arrived and will be shipped intact to the Base Squadron, Brooks Field. various organizations which nowhave our old Mr. V.H. Cortines. Badio Aircraft Electrician, 'A-8's and our good will. They ,rill possibly with the Signal Corps :RadioSection at this be united to spend the last days together. Depot, attended a class of instruction in the ' The 37th has been concentrating on qualifying repair of aircraft radio eguip~nt at the Air- I! rear gunners. To date the following nave qualicraft :RadioLaboratory, Wrl.ghtField, Ohio, fied as Expert Gunners: Master Sgt. Nero, 8erNovember27 to December8th. geunt Oldson, Corporal Basore and. Privates I Dunn. East, Gangemiand Wagner. TLere are two Air Base Headouarters! Lanrey Field. Dec. 18. II men on D.S. at Chanute and two on furlough 2iid Bombai'dmeut Group: his Group duringthe whom hope to quali:t'y in the near future. we ast I!X)nth has boon engaged in extensive bombOne of our greatest acquirements in the last operations. Both the range at Fort Eustis few weeks is a 1500-gallol1 gas truck, which reand Plum Tree Island have been in constant use moves the necessity of a flight from the balwhen weather parmitted. In addition, a slick loon ~ar to the main part of the post and dr~ed on water was used as a target from time the llOSSl. ty of servicing from the wrong b~li to tl.IIle. , gas pit while there. ".' , , Four membersof this' Groupwere recently . honored by b~i~ awarded the ~isti~ished Fly- Headquarters, Ga~ Air Force, La.pgley ~ield. Va. iog Cross. MaJor Barney M. G11es, Au Corps; Personnel of t is headquarters was 1IJCreased 2nd. Lieut. James H. Patrick, Air Reserve; Staff' by the addition of four noDConmissioned clerks -2 V-?19? A.C.

San Antonio Air ~ot


.hOJXlother Air Corps fields. These valuable ad";l.$ to the offi"e force were Master Serg~tHorst W. Titbi. Mitchel Fierd. who was a.ssigned to the Inspection Department; Staff Sergeant Bay L. Trimble, from Selfridge Fil;lld, and now in the file room; st~; Sargeant Paul Jones, Barksdale Field, now in tho Adjutant General's Department, and the new orders clerk, Staff Ser~"eant Pi chard G. ~,l1inters, from the 19th Bcmb~dment Group, W~ch Field. A recent visitor to this headquarters was Major Earl S. Eoag , Adjutant of the First Wing of the GHQ Air Force, who was enroute home from the Miami air maneuvers. While at :l1iami, the five C'fficers C'f the H9rs. GHQ Air Force, on duty as cbservers at the A1r Meet, were royally entertained by the Commanding Officer of ChapmanField, ll.:ajor Wm. V. A.'"ldrews,and. Mrs. Andrews. ~iTh.ile his colleagues at this Headquarters were shivering under the ferce of Chesapeake Bay breezes, Lieut. Colonel Edward Montgomery, Chemical Officer of the GHQ Air Force. was enjt:lying a nx:>nths leave in the bal::qy atmospher-e ' of Hal ti, Venezuela, and other points in the West Indies; The Colonel reports that the weather was very enjoyable, suggesting that officers planning a similar cruise should do so in January or Febzuazy, thereby escaping the worst of a northern Uni ted States winter. W'J.lensked' about economic conditions in the a Caribbean, Co],. i/lontgomery stated that all people he were enthusiastic t ccncerning the increase in the cargoes of cutgoing vessels. He said that the br.ree countries he visited appeared to have suffered Ii ttle during the depression. Living expenses'were higher in Venezuela bhan in the United States, but much lQwer in Haiti and Curaco, he declared.


his brother, Cap. tain H.W. Greg,:ry , of Seattle, His loss. is sorely felt by his fellow officers of the..SeC:0ndReserve Distr~ct, ~ f"i 'J'mom aHended hJ..s funeral and bur1a1 in the NatioDal Cel7letery, Presidio of San Francisco. This is the first thoe a Reserve officer of this ;Jistrict mlJt death during Reserve flying. This activity has e.. record to be proud of "Thenthe arrount, C"fflying performed 1iy the pilnts of this District during the past 15 years of its existence is considered.

Mitchel Field. L.1., NewYork. -rrlle annual Christmas FartY"for the Y01.Ulgsters of the post was held at the Post Gymr-n the afternoon of December 24th, under the sponsorship cf Majer N.:A. Jones, Chaplain. A realistic Scinta Claus gladdened the hearts C'f all the kiddies with suitable presents and candy. The party was a complete success due to the untiring efforts cf u~jor Jones and his staff. The annual NewYear's Eve party and celebrattion of the N.C.O. Club was held in the Post G;)'IIlDasium was a ''howling'' success. and Attended by over 100 members with their guests, the capaci ty of the Gymwas taxed to the utmost. Dane to the music of an excellent orchestra, an e~cel1ent flcor show and appropriat~ refreshments were enjoyed by all presentunt11 the wee small hours. All in all, the consensus ('f opinion was that the celebration welcomi~ Baby 1937 ~~s the n~st successful effort of J..ts kind sponsored by the Club in many years. A thoroughly enjoyable tiree was had by all, and the various corrmi tees whose labors produced t the result are to be highly corrmended, 99th Bombe.rdroenb Srouaclron: Tho Souadron now enjoys virtu8l leaderSfilUT:ii the leader squadron athletic tournaments"at Mitchel, being tied for first place in ba~eetball and a close secA. C. Detachment, l.:unicipal Airport, Oakland,Cul. ond in bowling. On December 18th the S0uadron led the Group Reserve activities at this station teok on to Langley Field tn drop live bombs on Plum added interest during the first 28 days of Nov- Tree Island, the bombs ranging in size up .to ember, with the usual ~uota cf PT-3A's dcing 1100 nounders. their stuff, and two BT-9' s being well patronLieut. F.L. Rivard Was transferred to Chanute ized. Howevez, if permissible, mention could Field fe;.r the Armament Course, and. Cadet Jack be made th.:l.t a munbGr of days wer," l6st to flyThomas was, transferred to Brooks Field for the ing on account of a str~ge weather condition. wintor season. If allowed to speak out loud from previous experience on both easb an" west coasts, it apB~rksdale Field, Shreveport, La., Jan. 5,1937. peared to be f~g. --'?th Pursuit SguadrC'n: Twelve noon, December On November 29th, misfcrtune came stalking 23rd-;-saw the begInning of the Christmas hcliinto cur hangar and. pointed her finger at Capdl'.ys and the subser-uerrb "scattering to' the four tain Alexander S. Gregory, Air Reserve, and our winds ' ~f the Sr'uadron Personnel. Flying Cadet newestBT-9. Captain Gregory was killed when Learned bcok 15 days leave, which he spent. in his airplane crashed at Menlo Park, Calif., 1.1ini'1eapoli:::, inn.; 2nd Lieut. Carter spent the M about 20 minutes after the start of his second holidays at his heme in Port Lavaca., Texas; Lt. hour of flying 0.1 that rooming. No witnesses J. W. Hinton went to Fort WQrth, Cadet Lessig from this station saw the accident. to Shreveport; Cadet Wood to Haynesvi 11e, La.; Captain Gregory entered the sezvd.ce in July, Lieut. ~rfilson to Hearne, TeT.a.5; and Lieut.Piper 1917; went thrOUGh the Texas wn.r-time training to NewOrleans. Lieuts. Furyear and Gowenwere centers, and was ccmnissioned a 2nd Lieutenant the only two pilcts of the Souadron who failed in the Air Service in Y~rch, 1918. He was orto bake leave or fur-Lough, with the result that dered to the T.lort of embarkation for overseas much of their spare time was spent on boards duty I'::! days before the Armistice, thus missing and guard. action in the war. Discharged in December, Back to work on January 4th and confronted 1918, he accepted a comadssion as second lieutwi th gas mask drill and. the wearing of gas n:a.sks enant in the Air :Reserve in January, 1919, and from 8:00 a.m, to 3:00 p.rn. for one week. Lt. was active therein to the time of his death. Puryear, the SqUadron Chemical Warfare Officer, Lieut. Gregory is survived by his wife and in charge of the training, met wi th some diffi-2 V-7197, A.C.


.Kodalk.~ Devetezper: . AIl ~J.neering Sechon Memorandum Report covers the results ~f tests to dete~ne the ef:fects of substituting Kodalk for sodium carbonate in the Air Corps Standa:l:d :Metol-HydroquiI'.nAir Base Head01.1a1'te~s,Lan$ley, Va.. one develvper. In the conclusions it was stat33rd Pur sui t Sruaaron: .Lieut. IJa;urr Dane , ed that Kodalk may be substituted for sodium recent ~aauate of Relly Field and one of those car'bonabe in the ratic cf approxi.rrntely three to receive a regular cOunUssion as a result of parts Kodalk for one part Sodium cabbonabe , nonthe last examination, took leave cf aosellce hydrated. The use of Kodafk produces a developdUring the holidays and returned to sunny er Which gives higher threshold speed and greatCalifornia to be married. Lieut. and Mrs. Paul er shadow detail at a given garrma than can be Dane will return to Langley Fiold after the obtained with the same developer containing holidays. sodium carbonate. The use of I. developer having sensitometric Kodalk produces a ~\Tinter tests finds three PB-2A' s on the line characteristics ready to go to the Fairfield Air Depot for inWhich should make it desirable for use in the stallation of winter er'uipment. development of aeri81 negatives. 35th Pursuit S... uadron: After a very busy fall and early winter season of activity, the LiE!lt-Weight Track-Laying Tractor: S... adron welcomed the arrival u of a relaxation -Trepreso:ritatlve of the-Materie!" Division period dUring the Chri sbmas holidays. visited Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen, 1~., 36th Pur sui t Sc.uad.ron: Flying Cadet James M. to witness tests on a light-weight traCk~laying Jones, of the 8th pursui t Group, GHQ Air Force tractor built by the Ordnance Departxoont for Flying Cadet Detachtmnt, was attached to this the Air Corps. The unit appears to maet the organization for flying and tactical training requirements laid down by the Air Corps and has on December 8th. All officers and enlisted men the appearance of being well designed and conof the organization bid him weLcorre to his new structed. The vehicle has a tr-p speed between environment. 40 and 45 miles an hour and a draVibar pull wi tp 37th Attack Snuadron: Christmas has come and ballast ~~f 3200 pounds on dry cement. In genergone and , from all reports, all the personnel al, it is considered that the vehicle will be of the S.ruadron, except Staff Sgt. Sd.erstrom, I sat.Lsfacbory for the purpose intended, although enjoyed themselves irrmensely. Sgt. Soderstrom, some minor changes are anticipated. always a gentlen:en,. was opening the door of his car for his wife, stepped back, stumbled over !:.arachute-L1'raining.!-!~T-3._ . the curb, hit his arm against the corner (If a A recent repol't furnrsn-es infOI'lIBtJ.on rolabuilding, and broke his wrist. This a serious tive to stn.ndardizing the Type T-3 training temporary loss to A-I? number 16, because it is parachute. This parachute is conposed of a feared that the plane will not function for its double harness of light weight 3000-pound tenSwedish COmmand. Lieut. F.P. Berquist, er, if it I sile strength Ii.nen vrebbing; to which is attachis not kept in condition by its Sweuish Crew ed a 28-foot diameter he~spherical canopy as a Chief, Staff Sgt. Soderstrom. In spite of this back parachute and a 2:C-fuot diarooter hemicasualty, the good old 37th will be ready to spherical canopy as an auxiliary chest parachute start the new year off with a bang, &~d it here- The pack assemblies for both canopies are idenby. extends NewYear greetings to all its tical to the conventional four-flap elastic-opel'frJ.ends. ated packs which have been in service fer the 2nd ~ombardne;:t Group: Du~ ~o the continuI past number ",f years. A ~onvcntional springance of weavher, the traJ.mng of the 2nd cperated pilot parachute J.S attached to the Bomberdrnent Group has been greatly hampered I back type parachute for assurance of fast December. Bombing on both the range at 'drawal of the canopy. Plum Tree and Mulberry Islands has gone on .,._ whenever ceilings permi ~ted. Vit~ the use. o~ ! !...ypeB-1 Wind DirectioI} Indicator Tower: two ranges, we are SOIre hJ.ghly effJ.CJ.Service T.'est Requireme~ltc; ~ve b~en ~re:rared. ent bombers for our combat cr ews, for test of a Type B-1 VTJ.nd.i r-ecbdon Lnddcat ozd Fir~t Lieut. Douglas I,f Kilpatrick, .. A.C.; 2d at Brooks Field. The winch and cable arr-angeLt. John B. Montgomery, Au Res,. , and Sta.ff ment are designed to facilitate raising the Sergeant Ernst Chaput, 49th Bombardment Squadtower with indicator installed thereon to an up_ ron, recently ('ua,lified as Expert Aerial BomI right position or lowering same until the tower bez-s, " I is approximately hord.zorrbal., Adjustments are the holJ.days,.a large number "'~ the provided to allow fer variation in weight ot offJ.cers and cadets seJ.zed the opportun1ty to indicetor cr tower. cr the combined center of get. away from combe.t.crews, oP7rations crders, gravity. The tower is designed with a factor alhmeter tests, al tJ. tude bombl~.g! ebc , , and of safety of three for the follttwing loads: scattered allover the eastern Umted states. ~. Weigl1t of indic~tor totalling 2,000 pounds; ~he balance. have ~d to be conten~ at home d~.E,. 1nnd in:!Pact andl (11' pzeesuz-e load. of wind lng the holJ.days wlth guard and alrdrorne dutles upon indicator and to~er fer velocities up to to keep them in touch. with the military. 90 m.p.h. . -28V-7197, A.C.

cuI ty in givingcomnands . through a gas. tDa$k at the first two three sessions, but after that hi s vc>ice bad developed to the point where it jumped through the mask with the greatest of ease. Lieut. Purye~ was ably assisted by the 8~uadron gas nonconnnssioned officers, Staff 8gb. McLean and Sergeant Cook.


TECHNICAL.INroRMA.TIONENGIl"EERI'N~ .A1'D NEWS Air Corps Materiel Division



X :t!.: E.J? ! N .G FIT .. ~rst :j:,ieut. E.J. TiIQberlake's high-powered Kelly Field Flyers provided the biggest upset of; . the season on :tece:::iber 12th, ~'-->\wh~ .they held the Randolph .... ~ot Field :Ramblers to a 13-13 tie, which autome.tiCl9l1y eliminated Bandol:ph Field. from a cG-cha"~ionship Wl th the 9th In"ll----tmntry and Brooks Field. The ast game of tl;leseason was p1~d between Kelly Field and the second place 9th Infantry team, Kelly Field going down to defeat by a 13 to 6 score, resulti~ in ~ fil~l standing of sixth place ou.tClf 17 entries. Kelly won but one out of six played, with one tie game to their record. However, it is believed that Lieut. Timberlake has coached a nucleus for a .mghty strong 1937 aggregation.

Ben. R. Wagnon, another powerful guard. Simon G. Seanz, a line-plunging back. Beverly L. Boche, a blocking and beJ.Icarl'ying back. The Ganders' old C.O., Colonel Frank D. . I Lackland, on a visit here from Wright Field, . saw the Ganders' last game in ccnpany with the i present C.O Lieut. Colonel lIenry J.F.Miller. f In honor of the occasion, the Ganders ran . T!n.ldover the Caissons to pile up the high score of 56 to 6. . Hamilton Fi~ld


The football team, a lone David among. the Gvlie..ths of the San Antonio Foot. ball League', has emerged from the season just closed with the local ArmyFootball Championship. The championship was the resul t of Ea.jor "Andy" ani th 's fine groundwork in previous years. Major ttAndy" had to reave at the beginning of the season for school, but he turned the coaching job over to Lieut. George R. &'1i. th, Jr., and Staff Sergeant.Leo:ocrd P.Girard, who . continued his fine work with such highly satisfactory (to Brcoks Field) results. The Brooks Field Ganders 'glayed the following powerful teams ar.d won five out of six games . Defeats were handed out to the 16th Artillery Sparkies, 20-0; Kelly Field Flyers, 27-7; 9th Infantry Manchus, 13-7; 23rd Infantry Doughboys, 13-6 ~~?,th Field Artillery Caissons, 56-6. Upsets were plentiful, and the Ganders' flasby, speedy, pony backfield and stubborn fighting line had plenty of stiff opposition. They lost but one game, and that to Lieut. 'Ted." Landon's Randolph Field R1?Jnblers. The Ramblers were in turn defeated by the 9th Infantry Manchus and tied by the Kelly Field Flyers. The . Manchus' defeat by the 23rd Infantry Doughboys left the Ganders on top of the heep. Five members of the Gvnders souad wore selected by the Officiel Association for the All-Army League Team: James C. ''Vvoody''V!oodyard 6.11d Davis U. Weaver, backs; Ed"-'!3rd G. Fanning, Center; Kenneth ".T. Hal,e , Guard, and Melvin B. Reist, end. Other members of the squad \vho distinguished themselves by their playing are: R.E. "Snake" l1arcnjo, a spectacular end. Collin R. Biffle, a blockine and line-c.~.rg-

Brooks' Field



Members of the Base Perce basketball squad are assured of a lnisy basketball season. Man cballengeswere issued to the Fliers by ~ diff'3rent teams in this ,Aroa, thus as/: suring the mem.~ bel'S of a good time and lots of action. Under the leadership of Lieut. D.O. 9Dith, former West Point basketeer, the boys should be able to enjoy the hospf tali ty exbended them and should be able to. "go places. "

r \

Luke The 23rd Squadron came cut second best Field in the inter-squadron basketball competitions, losing out to the 4th Souadron. Outclassed at the of the game , they sbaged a last period rally to COIre up and gi va the 4th Souadron a tough game. The team is to be complimented on their efforts throughout the season. and Lieut. Bisson should receive mention for the skillful handling of the team, particularly bhrough the last games of the league. The team was given a party after the final game to relieve the tension created by the competitions of the past weeks. The bas~etbell season came to a close recently ~hen the 4th S~uadron put the 23rd Souadron in the shade in an exciting game, The 4th won the Basketball Championship. Scott Field

ing back.
''Paddy'' Ryan, a blockinr. and ball-carrying back. Wayne A. ''Red'' 3rown, a powerful guard. J.F. McCrelless, another power at guard. Eugene W. Robinette, a reliable end. Pock Robinson, the iron :rren at tackle. Victor E. Lobpries, another powerful tackle. Will A. Hill scher , a spectacular and really dangerous tackle.

An intf\r-squadron basket.ball Lesgue-:lwss recently organized, cor~rising teams from the 15th Observation SQuadron, 7th Air Base Squadron, 9th Airship Scuadron, and Staff. The season. begins January 12th and. ends February 2nd, twelve games being scheduled. In games played with outside teams, the 7th Air Base Squadron thus far won its contests with LaT.'iI'enceville Merchants, the 1st Baptist Church five ana the Yoly Nam9 Society five. The Lsb Baptist quintet took two lickings from the 7th. The 15th Sr.ruadronplayed a mixed team from Lebanon ann lost by the close score of 29 to 24. Lieut. Fahey coaches the 15th quintet; Lieut. Landon, the staff team; Corporel 01p~,the9th Scuadron, and Sergeant Boucher, the 7th Air ! Base Five. V..;,7197 A.C. , -29-

Mitchel Field

The Conmanding Offi-

A_ '.

i grets

the loss

of IhIYhitey"'Wacliwicz who,

eel' Colonel W. alter H.' .' ' Jw.~.' 1". '. . '.' stri .. ken wi th the .urge to .trs"l1l. tra.r.cp. tramp, c . Fr~ .A~r Co'rps , has has left t!;e ou~fit for service with the obba Ined the' ser-vi ces (')f Mr'FraIlk~. lkughboys an Clum. , E. Robbins. formerly Physical Di-:;I;4 '. ... =' . rector of the Brookl~ to ," '.' San '.Antonio Air D~ot. Texasl Jan~ 5~ helf prolOOte.all servace ath- ,./' . .~~~ : - t'::ap'vain F. G. IrvJ.Il! ~et~1~g s hOlll7 lehcs at thJ.s Air. B.a.s ..e. Al- .I.,/.~.' ~- . ~M..:' ' .staticm at the 1.laterJ.e..L D:i.vl.sJ.on. Wrl.ght FJ.eld, . ready el~borate plans 01' 1931 ~~J\ \~~fl'Cm . the West coast" cum flyiug ';Ul 0-46. stopped are under way tootS' - ,f/ >"';.-. .... this Depot D3c. 22nd f('r a bnef con:ference will include abh- (~);:! .~~ .-c _:::; ";:'.7 '.. with the. D?p0t Ellgineeri~g (lf~ic~rs. . letics of every ~':i.--:=",~~_-=-.~. .-ltat:ent vJ.sJ.tors on rra ss rons l.nform for all the personnel of the pest, includeluded l/e,jor W.A .MaA-well.of Selfridge Field, . ing fandlies of officers and enlisted men. Unbril~illg in a P-26A and leaving with a P-26 del.' such sponsorship and guidance, the personfor Wright Field; Lieut. D.C. Barrow, Air Res. , nel of the Base is certain to benefit greatly Selfringe field, securing a ~-G6A for that st~ by thecontexq>lated program. '. tion; Major F.D. Lynch end Ld eut , J.M.Chappell, Two tournaments DO. w in progress are the inter- Pest Field, Okla., in t"':'o 0:19E's. leaving. one sq,ua.dron ~sket~~l and b9wliDg Leagues. At. the for ~verha-J.1 and ret;ll'lllng 3.n the C'th~r; L1.eut. t1me of thJ.s W1' we f i.nd the Photo SectJ.on, E.J. Hale, lI.ah.-wellFJ.eld, Ala., an 1st and 99th Bombardment Squadrons tied for overhaul ed B-6A fo.r th~t station. first place in the basketball League-. The rest Christmas at this abat Lcn was celebrated of the teams are right on the heels _,f' the lead- with a Christxras Tree the military personers and are ,making them hit on all cylinders nel and these civilians,~esiding on the post and in high gear at all tizms to hold their and their families,:)n the afternoon of December place. Along with the old stars of tho past, 24th at the recreation roem of the 3rd Transthis to~t?e's. b~o~ght to. light a fe~, pert'SqUadron. Santa Claus was present in the stars that w:l~ ce t!;e comJ.n~ person cf 'l'ech. Sg!" D.M. Towns, of the Kelly season; prOIlUslDg to gave i"v~tchel Fleld a fust Field Station Hospl.tal. '. class team. Lieut. J.L. Rundall, our post . Lieut. Colonel ~rris Berman. Depot teem coach, is ver" happy about the prospects Officer, departed December 28th on a month IS and outlook for bhd s season. leave visiting in Miner;)]. ~'1ells, Texas. Games with high class civilian teaLE are beMaj~r J.P. Richter, Chief Engineering Officer ing booked! and '\"lith tho openiJ?-gof the Sixth of the Depot, ~ Mrs. Richter, ~njoyed ~ motor Annual Ser1es of the "All Servlce League ;"! the trip to 1,lexic('lClty end other po inbs of l.nberbasketball t~n is pronnsed a busy season. The est in. Mexico during the course of a 15-day "All Service League" consists of the following leave. posts: Forts Jay, Totten, H&,~lton. Hanccck, N~. Zachaeus C. Merris, Civil Service AirSlocum. and 1v'Ji tchel Field. The opening game craft Woodworker in the Engineering Departmmt is scheduled for January 18th. of this Depot, having reached retirement age. The inter-souadron bowl ing league is somewas retired January 1st. He had been employed thing new for ~this post am, from the at the Depot since March 21, 1922. interest shown thus far, we will have a fine 16.'. Cary Thorras Fhoarles, 41, Civil Service team errt er ed in the "All Service League 'I'ournaSeniC'r Air-craft Electrician in the Engineering mant" to be held, in February. Top hcnors for Department cf this Depot, died suddenl.y of a bowling belongs to the 18th Reconnaissance heart cttack, while at his wo rk , on December Squadron at the present time. Several b0wlers 19th. He has been in the service at this Depot are averaging very high in the 180' s, since February, 1923. F'meral Services were A basketball free throw tournament for the held in San Anboni,o on Dacsmber 2O-th, and the p~sts entered in the "All Service Lea::;ue" was body was sent to Miamisburg. Ohio. his native scheduled to be held at Mitchel Field on Janucity, for burial. . ary 14th. This is the second year for this tAr. P~~ades was an C'verseas veteran of the event and, with the cOlI!Petition sl::.vm last World War, and was affiliated with the .A.merican yea;-, a thr~ller, was promi~ed for. th~s year. Legi.o~, the Alzafar ~rine Drum Corps. of San Mitchel F1.eld nas . an outdoor SN:lIIllllng pool AntC'nJ.o, and the of Daybon, Ohi o, Surunder construction, which will open sorre tdrne vivcrs are his wi dow, a daughter, Betty Jean next spring. We are hoping to have sorre bowlHhoades, l'f San Antonio, and two brothers, ing alleys in the near future. Melville and Charles Rhoades, both o f Deyton. 18th Reconnaissance SouadrC'n: The Squadron Ohio. 3is long and efficieLt service and his bowling team has been going great guns since geni al , friendly nature had WL'n him the high the inauguration ,.,f the inter-organization esteem of a he s t ('f friends who sincerely JllOurn league. To date the team has bowled (~ver three his departure. formidable opponent s -end is leading the league ---000--in games won and in total pins demolished. Lt. Dietz, Staff Sgt. C.L. Smith, Corp. Dexter, From the 2nd Bombardment Group, Langley Field, Pvts.Lee. Swol and Sebasky are the Squadron's th3 second crew departed for the Boeing aircraft Alley Slingers. factory, Seattle. to secure the second Y3-17 for With less success but nevertheless with just that field. The crew corr.prised Major Caleb V. as much fight, the basketball b eam has been Ha:rnes, Lt. P.F. 'rrlwis. Lt. LL. Waldron, 'lech. giving the <'ther outfits plenty to worry about. Sgt. Adclph eattarius. Sgt. Mark R. Lauer, and Record to date - 3 Won- 3 lost. The teem rePvt. 1st Class . T&DesE. Sands. -30V-7197, A.C.



= .











1&&UaD 8"'" OF T"'~ c....,aw: OP THE ~'R (,ORPS WAil Da"ARTM.MT WASH'H6TON VO'-.X)( tr









~''l ... ,...~.~









Information Division Air Corps

I'. -._-.~


February 1, 1937


~.unitions Build~ WashiIlgton, D.C.

The c:lief purpo se of this p'l;tblication is to dist.!ibute information on aeronauticB to the flying ~ersonnel ~n the Regular Army, Reserve Corps, ~ational Guard, and others connected Wlth aviation. . ---oOo~~STUDEJ.~T TBAIJ.Hl~G .AT THE AIR CORPS TRA.I..U,NG C~J.~TER . .. . By Cap t at.n J .B. Burwell ,Air Corps

It seems to be a universal custom Kelly .Field, where they spent another among graro~ates of any institution to six mont~s' period and received approx1regard their diploma as a permanent liI mately 1<:::5' hours I instruction. Their cense to return to their Alma ~ater ad IPrimar~ instruction was very similar to ltb shake their gra~ng hela' filled that glven today, but their basic inwitb reminiscences and cry in de~air , struction began at the Advanced Flying .that II the place has ~one to hell. School and was given under t:le stage sysA group of old granuatesof the vinttem. .After a student once soloed on age of about '99 returned to a certain DH's, he had no regular instluctor but eastern college in the early ~O's to dis-iprogressed frc~ stage to. stage, bei~ cover that the students no longer had to I careful to avo~d unoccupled check pilots, thaw out the single spigot in the yard ,untilhe had completed the twelve weeks' and await their turn to fill a bucket basic course. About ten weeks of specialwith cold water, dash back to their ized training then followed. rooms and p er f'orm their mornin;.abluI Students soon learned to pull the prop tions. Instead! the spigot han been mov-i throUgh and get the retreating portion ed into the bu i ding to prevent its 101' their anatomy out of the way of the freezing and make it more accessible. ihungry propeller which was always greedy The undergraduates who snickered at that for a slice of steak. What little night tirade over an obvious improvement were flying the student received was ouite themselves destined to return a few years I different from such flying as practiced later, discover the spi~ots moved into today. A few hops around the field and each room, which change prompted them to perhaps a short cross-country sufficed. join the older g r aduabes in the usual l He had no flares such as are dropped todoleful dirge, for another improvement I day., b1;tt a ld~d of. burn Ing, torch under had been made. I eacn w~n~ WhlCh, an case of emer,:,'ency, Fortuuately such remarks are usually I were ignl ted from the cock~1t. 11' they prompted by tile old ~raduate's sincere ! burned at 0.112 they were llable to catch interest in the inshtution and a d es Lre 1 the wing on f1~e as \'lell. Whenhe apto be shown that any changes made Slnce Iproachedthe fleld for a landing, he his regime have actuall;v been bel1eficial I found. an old war-time truck chu~i~ and produced favorable results. I awa~' In an effort to maintain a :rlic:terIn addition to givin~ the older offi,'in6 beam from an anticruatedsearChl~t. cer an excuse to reminlsce and the youngAlmost everyone belfeved that a pilot er ones a brief description of the old flew "with the seat of his pa.nts" and was system of training? these rema.rks are in-I equally convinced that this could be done tended to Show that student training has lin bad weather as well as in good weathe~. made steady pro~ress. ,Iihen he graduated a student had a. total Classes ent er rng the Prir.iA.ry Flyi~ lof ap:9roximately 200 hours' flying time, School at Brooks Field between ~arch, I but jrnew nothing of instrument flying 1924, and .arch.) 1927, inclusive, were I radio beam work, or many of the other' trained under tne "A" plan. They spent phases taught today. Even so he was six months at the Primary .Flying School, regarded as being one ~f the ~est trained receiving approximately 75 hours of pripilots in the world and it was not unmar:y 1nstrq.ction and practiceL and then. usual, near gradua.tion time, to see repremoved to the Advanced Flying~hool at sentatives of. commercial lines on the ";;1V-7217, A.C.

r field offering students who were about I y ear-s, ov~r one ~undre~ students hav~ to graduate contracts calling for three i been el imlnat ad from .Pr1muy Flg1.IlE, or four times ~he' rate of pay they were School alone for p.hySical d receive in ~he Army. tions. If orelimin~y flyin~ ~nstru9After the ~a~.sage of the Air Corps Act t ion at ano~her stat1.0n in the 'V1cim.ty of 1926, a flve-year program was placed of the appl1.cant's home wer.e giVe~ ...each. into effect to ~raduate and commission candidate and only those who.sh0\'icjdaptlmore studentsw.1. thout lowerin~ the stand tude serlt.,to the School, as lS ay present ard of the Schqol. The IJ.'rainl~ Center do~e. by ~ile .. avy, a ~arge percen,~e. of ~ was orgailized about that time, the "13" ellUllnatlons for.q~T1.I';.would be' avoLded, plan of training placed into. effect, and. U~der these c ondd tlo~s It would. be pesonly shortly afterwa.rd the fust class I s~ble to 6radua~e anQ. rate as alrplane entered ~arch Field in ~ovember of 1927. pllots a muc~ h1.gher percentage of those Under this ulan. training methods were entering th~ frima~ Fl~ing School. improved, audi ~!ons made to the curricu.. 'I'he quest1.on.o,f lowenng the sta.;.l~ard lum, the percen.tage of graduates increas1 of the School 1.n order to increas.e 1.ts ed , and plans formulated to flll'.t1'l:erimoutput has been advocat ed by some and .: prove the system. I has been 'under cont.fnual. study .. ExpenThe last major change occurred in 1931'1 ence has .pI:oven that work done rn the When all primary and basic instruction School by a student is a direct indicawas moved to Randolph Field, and BroOks tion of What he will do when he joins . and "LarchFields were discontinued as another uni.t. Ileak students are a.lmo t s schools. This change has also produced inva.riabl~ unsatisfactory pilots Ln other satisfactory results and other imProve- or~anizatlons. ments have continually been made. 1l'he ~ransferring a man from the School to "BII plan calls for four months of prima-I a tactical or other organization will ry and four months of bf,l.sic instruction . not change his ~ersonal chaz-act er-Ls tfc's , at Randolph Field followed by four i his judgJ:!lent hl.s ability to think: or months or advanced. training at Kelly I his coordination. The young flyins in:Field. i structors at the School are in general \\'hen a student graduates today he has i fresh from tactical units, Where t:ley received ~pprox1mately 330 hours of in- ,have been leading elements, flights and straction 'and practice in the air. He squadrons in carryiIlf on the tactical 1s an a.ccomplished instrument pilot as trainin~ of combat units. They know the judged by the standard reauireu of all type ana scope of the flying required of pilots in the Air Corps. !Ie is a better the ~'ounggraduate .in the. units Iormation flyer2 navigator, ni~ht flyer. in carrylng out their missions and and all-round pllot when he graduates : whether or not their s.tudents can be than the "old grad" was. He is qualiI br ought up to a rs t andard to meet those fied and capable of readily assuming the I demands. duties of pllot of any type airplane now I The Training Center is desirous of fulin the Air Corps with but a short period fillin~ Whatever mission might be assie,nto acquaint himself with the airplane, ed to lt and has constantly studied and and is ready to absorb the latest ideas frequently made recommendations with a on tactical employment. view to improving the system of training. The problem of graduating a hiE,her per- For exam:ple, some two years ago a plan centage of students has been biven seri- I was submltted whereby students would'not ous study z e,n.d the follOWing plans have onl;y be pilots qualified in instrument been cons1.dered., flylng, radio work, formation, uavigation, If the course .were lengthened Wi~hout night fly in.:?, et cetera? but Would also , increasing the number of hours of Inhave some knowledge of the tactical emstruction, the students would have more ~lo~went of aircraft and be proficient time and could, if necessary, be given I an gunnery and bombing. Another study more instruction . .in anyone phase of has recently been comPlet.ed and r econmentraininG. This has been tried and it dations made to imprQve the all-round was found that of those student s who piloting ability of the graduates without were unable to rogress With the rest of lengtncning the course. tne class a smaller pergentage. cou.Ld c9m-1 The Training Center could arb! tra.rily plete the course even wlth addltlonal In- graduate any percentage of students indistructi~~ than is the case with. neWand cat~d by proper authQri~y. For eX&~wle, inexperl.enced stUdents. This method if lt were placed at 95p, this could be does not~roduce results in proportion done by simply selecting the ninety-five to thea.duitional cost of trainlng. best stud.ents out of each hundred and. If the entrance r ecut r ements were rais- graduating them.. If this were done howed, the perce~tase of graduates wo~ld un- ever, tactical and other units would. . doubtedly b~ ln9reased. ~y wore ngid soon have a number of p'i1ots inllZapable mental exam1.nat~onspract1.cally a~l of of compl~ri~ wi~h th~ liar Department and the academic fa1.lures could be elJ.Il1inat- Air Corps Duectives ai1d-tulless ed , and by more rigid physical the missions assigned to pUbts' ments, most O.f the p~sical d1squaliflcawere restricted to certal.'n types of f~tiona could be avoiuea. ,~During recent that they might be able to perform . - 2V-72l7, A.V. '

> ,







tbu:weuld.s.P9n,,~~1l1(ite them~elves as :Qlan oftrain1ng less than one student in WC.a, :a., '>.oi;.herpere:onnelby then 1nabilJ1v6wh.Q enterea the Pr.~~Fly1nr-E; "', ' it ' ,to l,r. ' , '. School graduated frou1 the Aa.vtnced Flying ,Irle'fly~. the mission of the Trainln6 School .and received the ~at1nE.of a11'r" Center has been considered to be the ' plane pilot. From the time, the "B" 'Plen tra.1niIl:,of a sufficient number of piJ..o\;s Was placed into effect ti.ritll July, 1931, who cap.:lble of aSfl'umiu;,the duties' approximately one student in three was., 'of a junior officer in the'''' ir Corps. 'A.s graduated and rated. A Sinc'e the primarY to the first part of this mission C011training has been conducted at Randolph ' eerning the number' of g raduat es let us ield, almost one out, of every two stU.- , eonsi,~er onl;ythe pe,riod since the pasdents has completed t.Llecourse and rece1vsege of tlle Air Corps Act of 1926. From ed the ratiIl(; of airplane pilot. AHhough that time unt Ll, the present day, the the course has been 9f the S8Jl,edu-ration Trainin. Center has graduated 2,287 ratdurine-, each peried d1scussed, the a.,IOWlt. ed pilots. .Of this number only G3 we:re of actual flying training has been, in- , foreign off1cers and only 22 were en11st- creased more than 60~~ nearly three times ed men trahlin:, in grade. Thus, 516 com- the percentage of stua.ents are now being m1ssibned officers and 1,726 flyine,. g radue t ed and.ever;y gradu~.te a jnuch cadets have been graduated as rated aubetter ('ualif1ed p110t. lJUr1n:2:,thepast plane pilots. Had the proper number of nine years, or twenty six class,es only these graduates been commissioned in t1;le eight st'l}.dJntsJ. or abou.t on~-thirdof one Air Corps ana. been ~t on exten~ed act1'v'e percent ~l 3 01 ~;o) were e11Ulinated at duty as 4eserve.off1cers" theA1T C~rps the Advanced F1Y1~ School for.failure w,ould be 1.11' to 1tS strene,th todaYi tllat to make satisfactor'J progress m flying is, 1,650.l1.sulcr officers ana. 55u hetr~ining. serve off1cers on extended active duty, The .TrainingCenter personnel are not as iluthorized by the Act Corps Act of 'comple'tely satisfied with the results obJuly 2, 19~6. .As to the second part of , tained today. Just as It the best race the mission, the g:raduates th~mselves h~snl t been run yet, It it is mor-e than ' are demonstrating an the service every likell that no one has yet d i ecover ed the day that the;;r are capable of performing I' "best m, ethod of doing anythiu,c.-:. Impro, vethe duties of a junior officer in the ments will undoubtedly bemade~in the Corps. "future., AJJ.y reasonable r ecommandati.on ' Th,e folloving comparisons will illusor suggestion toward this end isalwafS trate some of the improvements effected .! welcome. ' in the Trainin;g Center. Under the ---000---









The lw.ateriel Livision Correspondent ' The other report was very similar exstates that recently two reports have , cept that the cloth portion of the willi7 come to the ~ttention of the Power flant I did not i&nite. However, the paint was Branch which are at this wri ting unexI damaged,' plained. ' . I iv.ajor S. l"., Connell also in a .,.artin The first: Lieut. Ben Kelsey, return- I with engine installation identical with iug to Wri01t Field one nisht in a ',Lieut. Kelseyls, was flyi~ in the vicin~artin s-ite, !l~d reached the vicini ~y i ty of Iia, rrenton, !I. C. 2, When the ri;mt : of COlumbu,s,, whe~ the left eng1ne engine qu1t and the f'ire quit "as t.lough the s\'i1tches were cut." ,broke out, the passenger was told to Af"ter some gas valve and i-2nition switch jump. ...ajor Connell landed the p'lane manipulating, the engine sf ar t ed up with, safely. . the gas valve. in the "offltposition, I In both of these cases. the gas y1;l,lve gasoline flovlln," freely frow the exhaust had been changed a few uunut es pracr-, but pipe. On startinE;, the flames ignited not imwediatel" before the incident .Atthe ~asoline o,n th,e wing,' which also ig- 'I tempts to duplicate the t.roubLe by floodn; ted the fabric rear portion of the ing the carbur eto r have proved unsuccessW1ng. The ~i1bine then ~et$an to ?perate : ~ul. ,.~o f'au Lty mec1;lanism has be en f01lZld normally ano., after dec~d1ng aga1nst I an either 1nstallat,l.on. CrOSS-feed valves t~1ng a chance OJ?- '!'h~ C01~1~\buS Airport I' were o~e~ in both cases so that a by-pas:s f1gn,, fec111t1es, .l.lleut. Kelsey valve f'ad Lure shou.Ld have f'l.ooc ed both raced the fire to \'fright Field. A few 'en/:,ines. Lieut. Aelseyt s left en.:'ine inches from t:le aileron the fire lost, l.u..ajor Connell I s right. ",,) and Lieut. Kelsey, after a few pracutce ~'he Fo;.er Plant Branch will be satisfied cloud s , shot a 'I~o~n flaJ;>less i wnen it e.~ts. its engines to w9r~cas well lan<lin; succe~sfully at W;r1@,ht E~eld I as the cockpf t s were working1n these two With only.a 11ttl~ mor~ tnan h~lf the Icases. A solution is hoped for left wL~ surf~ce remal.ning. Whenasked by the Power rlant Branch as a result qf w:hyhe d1d;l11 JumPI he answered: "I had the detailed study of the matter 'which is, t an ,electric train :Lnthe back for the now being made.. . "

boy.1I .


V-72,17, A.C.






. Aviation trai,ning flig;h.ts of Kelly Field students may be routed to points in Alabama, Geqrgla and Louisiana, where universities are located instead of folloWing the usual route tbuchiIl6 Fort Sill Oklahoma and Fort :Bliss Texas. ~ajor B.obert'D. Knapp, Director of Flyiug Training at the Aavanced Flying Scllool Kell:{ Field left recently by plane viS1t the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Ala.; the University of Georgia Athens Ga.; Alabama Poly technic Inshtutel Auburn, Ala.; Louisiana State Univers1.ty at Baton Rouge La and the Georgia School of TeCI1nology~ The announced purpose of his trip was to investigate the practicability 'of havi the students of the Advanced .Flying School fly over a route which will taKe in the four universities along with a number of others in the southern part of the cOlUltry. Such flights to university cities would create among the students in the schools more intereet in the Air Corps and would give them the opportunity to see the flights and 1nelPect the planes. Major Knapp will determine 'whether facilities are available at these places for the proposed flights. Each class at Kelly Field must, before graduating~ go on a ~day routine navigation train1ng flight, one day of which is devoted by the students to performing the necessary daily cheCk and maintenance of the planes they use. The usual route has been to Fort Sill and Fort Bliss and return.

I ~t The students of Advanced Flyine>. SCLlool, the O"t:>servati~nS,ection the Air Corps



Kelly Field, Texas, are now rec~1ving inst~ction in one of their most 1mportapt phases o~ training -:-"Artillery il.lssions.1\ This traJ.nin~ is Y>e1Ilg conducted at Camp Stanley, T~xas. A Batt~.. y (J3attery "C.") r from the.1G~h Fi~ld Art~llery commanded by Capta1n Ii. E. iiaters,. is being used so tha~ stu;dents may observe the actual ~ir1ng from the ~ir as well as th~ adJustment w0?t. Eight days are be1Ilg devoted to th1s phase. Captain Russell E. Randall, the Ground School instructor in Art111erY ... J.I,issions, ~s also in charge of the Campi:)tanley tralning.




BroOks.Field San Antonio Texas, is very proud of their new radio install~ tion which has recently been co~leted. This installation is in the office of the Operations Officer. It is complete with transmi tterl, receiver.) and numerous o"\;her aids and gaagets whicn make it an excellent model for any radio station. It enables the Operations Officer to keep in touch with personnel performing any misII In a recent test," says the Br-ooks Field Correspondent, "our new C-33 Transport went to Tiropas, Colorado, to take some parts for an ~3A Which had been forced down... that place. at Constant communication was ke~t wi th the plane throughout the trlPI and we feel that this is something for wr!.1ch we can be pardoned in exhibiting great pride. We feel that We are now well in the fore with regard to the radio world."



Six enlisted men of the Air Corps and ---000--two enlisted men from other branches of the military service are under orders to OF CALIFOR.~IA proceed to Randolph Field, Texas, and re- .A TOUCH iiIJ.~TER l~~ SUJ..J.~Y port to the Commandantof the Air Corps Primary FlyinE, School on llliarch 1, 1937, "On a flight above the San Francisco for appointment as flying cadets and as- B~ on January 5th in a l;T-9," reports' sig:tl1!lent t,q. th~ b..arch), 1937, class, viz: the .i.~eWS Letter C9rrespondent o~' the Air PrJ.vate '111l18m C. vlark Base Hq. & Corps Reserve act:Lvity at ilJ.llilicJ.pal Airi 14th Air Base Squadron, Bo ling Field, port, Oak~and~ Calif., "the pilot and obD.C. ._ . server bl:l.I~ea their eyes, rubbed their Private Melv1n J. Richardson,Hq. and heads and flnally decided that they had Hg. Sq. f A.C. Technical School, Chanute no~ fallen asleep~ After a lengthy canFIeld, 11.. 1 felence over the 1nterphone and much peerPrivates J.C. Bailey, Jr. and Glen W. ing thrOU&nthe cockpit enclosure t.."1.ey RSker, 46th School Squadron, Randolph agreed. that it was snOWing. n)e little F i~ld, Texas. BT-9 packed up her S1:::irts and ran for r1vate Hom~r C. Payne, 5th Air Base I quite a wa~ before finding a auiet place Squa9-ron, Hamllton .Field! Calif. under a sh1vering palm. II . Prlvate Thomas F. Caro an, 19th Air---000--ShlP.S~adron, koffett Field, Calif. Ptrl1va;eFtrLarik Annheberg, Station Hos- A Cdaptain ~'LR. Yeager, 1st Lieuts. S.E. J. p 1 a., .IIor ea:venwort, Kansas. ...n er~on., Vi KennedY and 2nd Lt. C.lI_.' PrJ.vate,z 1st Class, Arthur G. Pinkham, Sartam recently ferried four Q..25's to 33rdthSI!6naJ. Service Compa.n.y, et. Rq. Co., Rockwell Field? Calif.", and returned to D l Dfantry, Fort Devens, kass. Kelly Field wi~h four ~-12ts which will be used at the Advanced Flying School.' V-7.2l7, A. C.

I: '. .:'. .' .'.

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F.Oh. CIiE.>lEY WABD .

.' ,. . .. .' :', '.

',~l!~perfO'l~ulfnt:;arla.ctot 'valor and' , Ji\eke 'a eafelanding '1n..':,a. sma~1 c1,e~i,D{ .. ~~tf:ice~ortb <J.ftheh~6heBt com- inmle(1ia~e1yahead. A"proa.ch1.n5, iUS t ~8;t1Qn. t::le:Board of Air Corps offl ..c c1eari~J he started to valve t~le ~a8 eers appo!n'lied to selec.t the person or and ..the oallo?n with bask:t still .osc11. .4t. ao. deeued meat Vlort.hof receiving ".u.s. :, descended slowly toward the ,;ih-eGJleney Award for the; year 1936 de- i e,round. ,lw."edi.ately before;. the ~ided that tilis. honor sho1.i.ld":'~joIntly It;:. r0l.llld~ tlle basket seemed to sticK an to i..ajor D. LY!lch, AU Corps, i '1ih.~ .un<;terbrush. . .,' ~d Staff' Sere;eant J osepn L. !W.urray,1st i~a~i.11.n:: e~l1 members of th~ fl1.i::/l~ to Balloon S(uadron, Air Corps. I r emaan in tne bas.cre,t, the p1.lot, .. The :Boa:rd, which was composed of Cols. ! another member of tllef1ight, ~11ed the hUsh B. 1J.~lcoln illiam C. .flj.cChord, ! r tp-cord to release .gas from tile .ballo~n. Lieut. Colonel ~incent B. Dixon, i. ajors i There was an exploslo).l at that hme and George L .us~."'.er nd Edward \1. Raley,. Air I the basket turned over. a It was... >nl;y ~ a. Corps, wlule havinc .before it the names I matter of seconds before ~he area of a number of Air Corps officers and i Was a mass. of flames. !JI,aJorLy';JlC~l was men who durinS the past year nerformed i thrown clear of the baSket bY.~le exolosacts of bravery involving ri~ of life " ion. Sergeant umrray was csu[nt in the considered tha t the courageous conduct' rigging by his 'parachute. ofA.ajor ~r:ilch and Staff Sergeant !,"urraY,1 . !I.ajor Lynch, with utter disrecard for constituted the most outstandil1. ~d. . ll1S own setv and de~)ite the fact tb~t meritorious act performed by anY1.ndlVid~ he was SlUferlIl6 from bUrns, bruises aiid uals eli'7ible to receive the Cheney Awardjshock, r eturned to the balloon baaket.,l for 1936:':> . .. , plunged into the wreckage, where the .neat !loLS.jor Lvnch was a passenger in a free from the burniIlt:, balloon and hydrogen belloon w~ic~ took off from Fort 5111, gas was most intense, and dragged SerOkla., at 9 :40 a. m., Jul,.. 10, 1936 and I ~eant .,.urr~ from the 'burning casket. which was piloted by St;,tf Sergeant I '.then they both ran to Sere,eant Tti.cker,who iw.urraY whose aide was ... ster Ser~ea.n.t I wasrolliIlE', on the ground and whose a Ralph .itumpel. Staff Sergeant JJouglas c Lothd.n., and chute were on fire~ They J ,L/IO. Tucker was the fourtn occupant of the a~tem;>ted to put out the fire and cut balloon. ~':.1e aeronauts had been in the h1.s clothes from h im, . air about 'Ii~lreehours and 35 minutes and By tll;i.S time several natives arrived were traveline, north, ra~idly approach- I on the sce~e. On~ ot thew suEgested. ing the South Oanadd.anihver. Ser~eant I thrOWing dut on ;:;ageant Tucker ~urray decided not to cross the r1.ver, I was done. Tuen Sergeant ~llrray lost there beins very few bridges and the ~consciousness and was placed undar a. truck folloVlille th.emwould have had dif- ! nearby tree. One of the nat ives assisted ficul ty. in them. He was prepar- ! ... ajor Lynch in finishing the job of ing to land on a clear space he had ob- i cuttino the clothin, frow serz eent served fro',,~ htgh al~itude and, after ! Tucker. He th en issued instmctions to indicatJ.nb 111S lntentlons to the men in ! ~et Sergeant .rtumpel out of the fire if the truck, he ef:ple,ined to his passenI that was possible.ilhen the latter was gers and aid.e.wnat he planned to do. The I remov~d from the ruins, he was dead. country nt thlS particular place is very I Both ~erbeants b~rray and Tucker were 1 rough, and ,,10st of the hills are covered 1.severely burned~ and were taken to a . witli scrub timber. . ! hospital at Anaa.arko Oklahoma. Ser.:::eant As they were fly1.nb over a valley be- I 'I'ucl:er subeecuent Iy d.ied as the resUlt' tween two hills, the balloon started to 'of his injuries. descend rapidly. Serbeant ~llrray i~edii -----. ately dropped all the ballast he thought The C~1eney AWardWhich will be presenthe could afford and believed sufficient ed to ,..ajor Lynch and Staff Sergeant to raise ~le balloon ever the next hill. ~urray was established in 1927 in m~ory He had used much ballast dur Lns: the of 1st Lieut. Wllli~ H. Cheney Air course of the f1i~ht in attemp~ing to Service, who lost his life in alJ. air co1~ maintain t~:e al,ti1iud~ decided upon belision .a~ Foggia, Italy, on January 20, fore start1.n~ tne fl1.~ht. As the bal1918. Tne donors of the award are ~~s loon appr oached the top of this ~1Ul, it fl,ary L. SChOfield! t};;.e4.1otJaer f the deo descended and hit the ground vert cease~ war-time"! yer and her dau.mter, hard. 1'.ore be.lLaat was released and t.le ".rs. l'homas .1. (Ruth Cheney} 5tree~er balloon via~ reised. enouLh to clear the Thel have jointl;y set aside a trust fimd trees ~cl ~~ star~ed tr;weling north of ~15, 000, the 1.1lterest therealong tlle ndg of the hill. 'I'he balla from to be used to make theawar~ which was nearly [Oile by this time and what is bestowed annually by the Chief'of the was ~e~t was berely sufficient to make a Corps for an act of valor . or of. exlandl.Ilg.. ' . ' treme. forb tude ..or self-sacri:hce in a The D~loon Vias oscl1lat1.~ badly at human1.tarian. i~terest, not necessarily .th"'l!ttt~) but no one was alarmed and of a milita.ry nature but which s::.all S&rgeg.t ... rra.y.fe1"\(. conf:\,dent he could have been performed in connection with u -5V-7c.17, A.C.



aircraft. ,Tho . ellK,.l.,.b1.8.. ,.\0, ,r "J}O.~, ve., tho e I .. .. .. , .~. '.. OR. .. iEDW. CKP. Ll.j.iClt-:, '.', :,'~ >1' " _.: award are officer. of the Ait.'. C01p~and I ' , ,. ,. .... Reserve ~ ~i ..t~~.,men oftJ;Le , MaJor r,rederick D. L~,AA;" g?~L Corps and Air 'Reserve end, in the event I1,owon dUty. wi th Air CO.rps trp~Fs.: ~.~~ ':'.I;t: of a posthumoutJ 8JVard,' the widow or next Fort Sill1 qkla:., was born on al.a.r.c~;.1}L~~ of kin. . , . 1893,at vh1cago, Ill., . . , A bronze pla~e is struCk off yearly, He attended grammar scnoal atOt~a, the name of the recipient or recip~ents I Iowa; high Bchopl a~ St. Lou~s, ~-<?, .aht engraved ~ereQn and the memento 1S pre-Igraduaten from ~ash1ngton Un1vers1ty of sented together ~ith an engraved that city in 1915. For near Ly three cate describing the act of valor perfo,rm-I years he follow~d.the.~rofess1on of an . edand either a sum of money or a suitaccountant in c1v11 11fe. Dur1n~ the able gift as designated by the Oheney "World War he enlisted in the Fiel.d A,rtilAward Boa}d. Although ~he income from lery, Illinois ~ational Guard, which Was the trust fund exceeds $500 ~er annum, I subsequently mustered intb the Federal the balance is p~aced in a slnking fund service. Shortly the~eafter he.was . for possible use in the event more than \ transferred to the .A.v1ation ~eChojl, S1ga:' single individual is recommended for l na I Corps, and after graduating from the the award, as is the case in the award I School of 11..111 tary .Aeronautics, Texas for 1936. . I State UnivErsitx, Austin Texas, he was The first presentation of the' Cheney transferred to Kelly Field, Texas, fO'r: Award wa.s roMe in 1927 to Master Serhis fl;yin~ training. . . geant Harry Chapman, Air Corps, for con- I ~alJ.fy1ng as a Reserve 1'1.ilitary Avia8pieu~s bravery in the airship'~O~ dis- tor, he w~s c9mmissioned a sec?nd lieutast~r7 February 21, 1922. Capta1n Uzal enant on fuay G41 1918, and ass1gn~d to G. ~n~, Air Corps, was ~resented the active duty at ~hanute Field, Rantoul Award for 1928 for her01sm during the I Ill. After further flying training at NationaJ. Elimination Balloon Race, when i Chanute Fie~d for several m9nths and for he rode down a bu.rning balloon, stru~ I a brief per rod at Langle;}"F1eld, .Va. ,he by lightning, in an attempt to save h1s completed the course of 1nstruct~On at. companion, the l.ate Lieut. Paul Evett. t,he School of Aerial Gunnery at Talia.:f'crCaptain Vlilliarn A. katheny was tenderro ]lield, Fort \forth, Texas, and was ed the Award for 1929 for the rescue of . then ordered to duty overseas. a companion, Lieut. Dwight Oanfield, FollOWing gunnery training at the from the burning wreckage of their bomb- , Aerial Gunnery School at St. rViaxient, ing plane which had crashed in the ! France!, and advanced :flying traininr. at ~lcaraguanjungles while enrOute to " the 2nQ Aviation Instruction Center; he Panama. .Lio awards Were made for the was assigned to duty as an cb aervat Lon years 1930 and 1934. I pilot in the Zone of Advance. FolloWing For 1931 1st Lieut. Robert D. ~oor. the Armistice, Major Lynch served as 'a rE!lcei!ed tite AVla~d posthum?us'l~ fo~ hJ.s member o~ the First .Aero Squadr-on with p110t1ng of an a.i.rp'Lane, d Laab Led an an I the Amencan .Arnryof Occupat1on an air collisiont for a length of time. suf- Germany. , ficient for h1s passenger to save h~Honorably discharged from the aervice self by a parachute jump . It was then on AUtsust 20, 1919, .w.ajor Lynch, after too late for h~m to resort to ~his means ~assing ~he e~~ination for a~pointment of escape. Pr rvat e John B. Sm1th also an theAJ.r Serv fc e, Regular .Army,was receivea. the Award for that year for the commissioned a second lieutenant July rescue of the pilot of a wrecked and 1, 1920. He received a refreshe~ course burning airplane in which he had been a ,I of flying training at the .Primar;y-Fl~ing pa~senger. . School at Carlstrom Field, Arcad1a fla., For 1932, Pr t.vat e .A.rden!vl. Farley regra.duating from that school in April, ceived the Award for the rescue of Lieut. 192!,. following Which he took advanced' William H. Dum from a wrecked and burn- ~ traln1n~ as a Bombardment pilot at the ing airpl~e. Advanced Flying School at Kelly Fiel~, Lieut. 11. L. Bogen, Staff Sgt. Do~ 1;). Texas. lie was rated an "Airplane Pilot, n DO,dd an~ Serg~ant Thomas J. ~ogers J01nt AU6ust 4, 1921, and remained at Kelly ly rece1ved ~ne Award for 1933 for acts Field on duty as Supply Officer, 11th of v~lor.durlng t~e re~cue of two men IBom~ardmentSquadro~ until February 25, trapped 1n a,bUrn1ng alrplane~. 1192~: Whenhe was transferred to the Th~ late L1eut. Robert K. ~lovaml01~ Phillppines~ where he performedvariQUS r ece fved ~he Award for 1935 ~n r ecogna- ,dUtieS at. Klndley Fiela Fort .... ~ills 1'.1-. tion of h i s extreme braveI'Y, an ~e resFollowing his return to the United cue of two men from a.burn1ng a1rplane ,States, fu~or Lynch was assi~ned as which he.<?crashe~ dur1ng. a t~st flight. student ana. pursued a commun1cations ,;, Lieut. G10v~oll lost h1S hfe 'in an course at the .Air CorPs Technical SChool.,airplaI,le ccc Ldent before the actual pre- at Chanute Fieldl Ill. He then pursued. a sentahon of the Cheney ~ward to hini. one-year course an cOIJJD7llni,catlons' __ at the .Unfortunately, also, Ll~t. ~o~en lost Sheffield Scientific School Yale UniYer~ hlS life last December wp.Ue fly"ng as sity, and y,pon conw1etin,g the course ... ~:: r co-pilot ota Western Air Express plane, turned to vl'lanu1;eField, -Where he served Which crashed during a fog. as an instructor in COll1llllWications ntil u -6V-72l7, A.C.


a .

1ft, ,',_,;',~~,~thJ" .O~.1Y,' ' m, thecapaQ1\y I attacking modern aircraft. &,f -c'~ieati'oll" oftlc'er of the Ad.vanc--';'000--ed' Fli1n~ 'SchooL ' "," 'lroij1September",1930, to J.~ovemberi1931" SOLDIER' MEDAL PRIVATE 5 1'0 WELSH ,.~or Lynch was 'on duty at Dodd .Fie d, I ' ':ortSam Eouston, Texas, where he served I For,a deed of heroism J;>erformedwhile as" communications off,icer of t,hat field in the service of the Unft ed States Army and of the 12th Observation Souadron. when stationed at the Presidio of ' , For nearly four ~!ears ther eaf fer he was !,.onterey, Calif., Stanley R. Welsh of on duty at Brooks Field, Texas, where I Vallejo, Calif., received the Soldier's his duties were mostly concerned wi th l.Medal at a review held on January 9th communications work. He Vias then transat Hamilton Field. Lieut. Colonel ferred to his present station, Fort sm. ~,llsse,ll pres~nted the, ~~d~l aft,~r read_____ ,lng. of the Cltat lonby b1B.J or John l'L. STAFf SERGElu~T JOSEPHL. 1V.URRA.Y D~vle~, Adjutant of the Air Base. The Cl tatlon reads as follows: nStanley R " StaffSer~eant Joseph L. i\'Lurray, who Welsh, (Army Serial ~o. 6549561), Pri':' is now at at Icned with the .First Balloon "va~e,,ters Tro,op, 11th Cavalry, Co~~ at Post Fie,ld .Fort Sill Okla. Jnlted S,~tes Army. For heroism displayt and who holds a commi~sion as a second' ed in S~vlng a man ~rom drowning in the lieutenant in the Air Reserve was born <ll!er<:ed .l:dver, Yo~em, J.~ational Pa,rk~ lte" at Philadelphia, Pa., Februa.rY 18, 1903. Callf., on June GO 1936. 1111ilesitliing He graduateCl from the Girard College Pre-., on the bank, P~ivate Welsh noticed ,that para.tory School at Philadelphia, and en-" a. man w~s in dls~ress out ..~n the river listed in the Regular Army on ..arch 7 about 70 yards dlstant. ihth utter dis1922. After servin~ at Langley Field: ~egard for ~is own safety he plunged Va., with the Airshlp School Detachment, ln~o ~e swlft current, succeeded in and later with the 24th Airship Service ~rlng~ng the man to the surface and towC9mp~ at Scott Field, Ill. he qualil~g.h~ to the b~a<:h.where he i~aediately flea ln July, 1923, for appointment as a aUWlnlstered artlflclal respiration unflyi~ cadet and commencedtraining at t 11 the mall Was revived." tl}e BBlloon and Airship schoo), at, Scott' .After the PEesentation, 1.r. iielsh stood Pleld, September 10, 1923, He completed Wlt~ Colonel ~ssell and received the the course of instruction at this school r ev i ew of .t.roops - - members of bot:.'l the A~st 151 1924, Whereupon he was commis.. Base force and the Seventh Bombardment . sloned a end Lieutenant in the Air ReGroup. serve. He was rated "Balloon Observer I ---000--and Airship Pilot," effective AU!mst 29, 1924. Ul~WELCO~lE GRASS Sergeant !\.urray Viaspromoted to the grade of Corporal in April 1925' to A patch of green grass is restful to Sergeant in September, 19G5; and' to Staff I the eyes and general~y a welcome sight. Sergeant in February 1930. But there are except i ona. 'Ihe l~ews Upon reenlistment in 1925 he was asLe~ter Correspondent from Luke .Field, signed to the 12th Airship Companyat T, H. I states that War has been declared . Scot~ Field and, served in the capacity and lS now being bit~er~, fought for the OfJ;>llot rig,ger and crew chief on the possessio!} of .Luke.Fleld s new and widevarlOUS types of non-ri6id airships as! ly adv~rtlsed, la,ndlng mat. Sinister and signed to that organization. l.ill1sterlous fo~ces are at work beneath When the First Balloon CompanyWas ortile m~t, POSSlbl)Y ,the fuenehunes (Hawaiian ganized in il.ay, 19,9, and assigned to I to you , causing glorious lush station at Fort Sill, Okla., Sergeant g!een ~rass t~ grew on tne flying field lAurray was transferred to this organizawnere 1t would. never grow before and t ion. I burst. through the surface of the mat in ---000--engagln"'" green patches. _ Second Lieut. ,\iilliaill 1. Fernald Air The Headouart ar s and Headquarters .tI.eserve, ,Airdrome Officer, marsllaliing Squadron, 8th Pursuit Group Langley the fo~ces at hisco~mand1 recently openField"Va' now has a B-1OBBombardment ed a. vlgorOUs offenSlVe wlth linuid tn>e 'airp ane which is being used to tow chemrcal s , and just plain hoes and i maChine E,'Un targets for the use of the ,shovels, to d~stro;y ~he importunate entire'Group. Heretofore the problem of enemy. At thlS wrltlng the latter is at f;ring at to~ed targets at altitudes I l~ast ~emp~rari1y over<:ome, though the hlgher th&l 19,000 ~eet was difficult to I sltuatlon lS fraught wlth uncertainty. solve. By us rna thd s large ship designed I , ---000--for altitudes, ~d with a large I The J.~ewsLetter will welcome the re~~~; ~~w~dW:i'aa~e:aZ:hr~~g:fv;:nt~: ;ii~:nd~l~eF~er~;a~~~s~o the activities -7V-72l7, A.C.

f~~," ~ ~

.:o. .embe't'U,J.9~: "Hi'_'Jo"th .. 't~ I a.t tacktng.thea~.r:p~a n(SW' ~prox1me.fatrer t9~Illll," ~y,11el,d" ",i,t;lere,!'l '.,,~J'tC!ld. tion of '~pt'ia:i -encountered in





Pilots from the~1~ceofthe Chief of : 8J11 nttDj~ ...~~ day befol'e t;he J;naue;uthe .Air Corpe and'..oollintt; Field recent~ ! ral ' MSijor 1Iar'1an tr. ~Cormiok, .leading lyapent aever~l da,y8.testing and. making !!J; i igh,O'.t twelve P-26'e, and. A.ajor f of _ reports on anew type of landing gear : liarl'en A.. ~&Jl1Iell, leading a f~igh~ of for ,cargo airplanes. It was installed : tV/elve, PB-~' 8, a~rived, at Boll1.1lb .l! ield o~ e. Douglas OA.4.-B .Amphibian a.t "iir1ga.t ! fro4! Selfr~~e Fleld, .1cJ.1. in antlcii 'leld ana. the plane Was brou.O'ht to I pation of .Jolning another f ight ~r<.&l Bolling .Ji'ield by Lieut. Pear~ H. ii-obey, ! Langley .Fleld and sUPJ)lementing sllnlar Air Corps, for. fu.rthertests. The reg- I fl1thts from theu.arlne Corps at ~antico, retra.c tabl eland1nO' gear was moved i Va:, ~d from tJ::.e~~B:vy. '. back: ab~t two feet on the hull of the i :But .Lnauguratlon Lay started ouf wlth plane and fixed in the down position. ia steady rai~ that lasted nearly all day , This change in the location of the . and, thOUt..hit ~id no~ prevent the land1ne-; gear placed the center of gravi- I ground parade, 1t did prevent flyiug. ty well forward of the wheels so a! ---000--third wheel was fixed to the tront of I . the fuselage., This wheel aligns i tsel! ! COl'\~.AJ.~DJ.\.L~:U G&~:i!lRAL STAE'.l!' SC200L DETAI;LS to the direction. in which the plane is I ,. ' . traveling and keeps it in a level posi: A total of 37 Air Corps officers were, t ion instead of the usual IItail down" ! under Special Orders of ,the liar Departposition. Such an arrangem~nt precludes iIDent recently issued~designated as stuany possibility of the plane nosing over i dents at the COL1IIland Ge~leral Staff and from the sudden application of braKes . I School for the 1937-1938 course. ~lese and c~nsiderably lessens the pOBsibilitYlofficers are relieved from further asof greund loops. The pilots who tested ,signment end du.ty at their pr eaent stathe e~ipma~t were well pleased with its ~tions, effective at sucb time as will performance. enable them to comply with their order-s, ---000--are then assi~ned .to s~ation at Fort Leavenworth, .lLanaas, wlll proceed at the OLD./RIJHT TE.ICYCLEA..~DIJ.'m GEAR :bOBS . proper time to that station and report L UP ! between August 19 and 21t 1937, totl1e IIJust sixtj1:five miles south of La~yl COliin:and8?tof the Oonanand and General Field and a Ilttle over 33 years ago,' : Staff Sc~ool for d~ty. These officers aays the sCI'ibe of the 33rd Pursuit ! are -Squa.dran, Longley. Fi~~d, Va., IIthe WriE?J:lti .L~eut." Colonel. Flo~d~. Galloway Brothers.flew thel~ rust aeroplane, a I (lY,aJor) iort Lewl~, iiasn.~ c ont rap t.Lon mar. aard would not fly. It i .ule-~t. Colonel J.JeoA. Ilal ton, ,v"arcl::. had a tricycle landing bear, and today, ! Field, Calif. ' a~ter ~l t~ese years of aeronautical en~ ~ajors George H. Beverley aild illilo ~lI;le.erl~~, lt seems as if the boys at :",cCuJ?e (CB;ptains) Barksdale Field, La. wrl.crnt J!'leld think that the trlcycle ! i.aJors Eugene L. Euballk, Barney i.i. lan~lng gear was not so bad after all. IG~lesJ Ole~0nts MCM~llelland Ennis C. And new at Langley lrield we watch an i ".litenead ,Captains), Langley Field v. OA4-A.equipped w~th abou t the Sa.,10 t~e! tl'lajor F,red.eric::.c u, EV~s. (Captain~, of trlclcle Land Ing gear. The two m~un I Captains RaJ' 1. 0!l~ns ana. kob er-t "". wheels nave been moved back and a thi rd liebster, ~.a.xwell .l!'leld, .Ala. Wheel placed on the nose. It t akes off, lv..ajor George C. !'I.cDonald, (Captain), qy~, lands, and taxies all in fl;ying po- I lv.i tc:}el ~.ieId, ~' Y. . .. .. sltlon, lana.s down.wind, cross wlnd or , ".aJor YOlu.ger A. Pltts (Captaln),}iC'rs. !lust any way the pllot car-es to, end it ! 7th Corps Area,OnIE!ha, J.~ebraska. as no ~endency to ground l<?op at ap. i and thefollo,:diiO'-n8!ued officers now atTo see lt lc~d you would thl~ it mlht 'tending the Air 50rps Tactical School: nose ov~r~ [rut instead she rO,l,ls along, I i,.ajor Harold H. George 'hands off. , !;;.ajors (Captains) Ja;;les D. Givens ---000--!irederick 1\,. Eopldns, Jr., John ',/. ' BAI PBEV"' rs I '~TTGUD~T D Y F-I T~ I ",onallan. and .Bob E. J.wwland. J.~ , =~,l, J.\j.....v ...~' A .L GH I Ca;ptalns Orvil A .b.nderson, Earl Vi. I t' D . "I sh" ton !Bar.les, James '\.. Bevans Lawrence J. Carr ,fle.ugur,a lO~ a~ ~n I,a ln6 means \C:"intoll W. Davies, Uaal'G. Ent Donald F.' ucn t<? thouaanda 01 people who travel iFritch, Robert v. Harper, Johu'B..HaYikins ohg dlst~ces to wi~ness not only the !Joe L. Loutzel1heiser Edmund C L h ' inaugu.ratlon cer-emonr es but a~so the John F. iYocJ3lain,Ear! ~. P&.,rtrldrCJkes gx:eat parade that follows. Sl~ce most I S. Stowell Yantis H Taylor dg::'i~l' Of the parade consists of detalls from E I/bitson' an .". ,ac,e a l arne of the service, 1 it would not be '1 t Li t J 1: G . ". . complete wi thou t a representation from s au s. osep,~ . Hopkln.~, .bllJ.aIn the Air Oo~s droning overhead in per.Robertson and Willard R. ilo1finbarger. f ect forl11atJ;on. A.lth~ the Air Corps ---000--, Was included in .the parade plans, 1ncle. - V-7~l7, A. C.



. ",'~~l~~~f~~t8~~~lt~z.n .


J:~ENi... Il~'IAWRE ;RA,c.iGE AT KELLYF IELD By the riewsLetter Correspondent . Kel':J;y'.rield has. anew building! As if I'the student. The sensin6 problem will be more re~istic wonders will never cease be it-hereby and as close to observ~ld. in secret conclave that the Advanc- ing real f:Lr~ as possible. edFlying School now boasts the CornerFirst, mov1.n~plc'!iUres are to be taken stone of permanent construction is near- If rom t:t:e air. 01' t:Lllery and Infant~J lug completion as the new ildniature Range in ac;:t10n WJ. cam~ra actually th retaKes on its finiIDling touches. VisitcordJ.Dg a i tJ~es of adJ~stments and ~~e 1 :l,,ngcivilians itinerant aviators, and I sound apparatus ~eproduc1ng the cOipiIllll1ieven permanent post personnel have won.- cat Lon ~f the adJ~stme;at. These. p1Cdered and questioned just what that con- tures w111 be proJected on a hor1.zontal stantly~r~ling'octagonal cemen.t strucscree~ installed on the ground floor. ture at the extreme eastern end of the This motionp1cture scr~en is to be conhangar line m1'Jht be. It has been at rue ted on rollers so :Lt could be supercalled ever~lth~ng from a grain elevator iinposed on the terrain board v'ithou.t to a lethal gas chamber. dilficu~ty. . . .. . . As a receptacle of incarceration it "_." T:le nO~1-on ptc ture booth,1.s t? be bu:Llt could not be improved. Towering 84 feet i~tCr 't:':e top center of the bU11ding.'and high wi~1 walls of reinforced concrete wJ.ll provid~ ample room f9r two prOJec.two teet thick, and having an insidedi: 'oj0X:~ to be :Lnstalled yert1.cally. , ameter of 60 feet 4 inches it isa the actual movres as one rnebhod veritable fortres~. There ~e two bal,of illustration, still another idea is co~ies for student observers, at 46 feet,lbein6.developed ~o give the student l<Yain~ elevation, and 36 feet 10:~;-in. pl'aCiJJ.ce in sens~ng shots and p~9cedure. elevat:Lonf respectively. The lnstrucThe seco. d pl~n 1.S to have tl:e .:>lg n .lal .. tor's ~latform extends out from the Corps m~ce an1mated.mov1n~ p1.cture disouth Wall 20 feet, and is several feet agrams of pr obf ems 1nvolv1.n.r.. ll types a above the top balcony. It is felt that 10.f adjustments. Th~ student views the all instru.ctors will desire a safety shots as from the a1.rplane and uroceeds belt firml: wired to the platform. The with his sensi~s and actual ground comheight is not only en~h to make an aVi-1munication. Th1.s plan has the advantage ator diz~, but any slip of one's foot ! over the terrain board with li;hted would mean a 60-foot drop. i hol~s, in that theburs~s appea.r in Parachutes have been suggested as r e- ! che Lr normal, shape as p1ckea up by the quired equ~pllient. Located around the . i camera or eye ' they drift ~d disap~ear two bal confes are stations for students, as they normaily would,wlule the l:L~hts each to be e~ipped with signal communi- a!e necessarily fixed 1n position ann cations so they may send ana receive I Slze and merely represent the position mess~es. A motion pic~re booth is 10- I of a abot. cated in the top center of the building., I t is felt that this new L,.iniature Similar to the method non used, a ter- :ltange will be a vae t ii:'lprOVer.lent ver o rain board is to be installed on the I the old one. And the permanency of gr~und. floor on whi~l will be represent[this structure leads to the hope that ed appro~riate terrain in relief and to in the not too distant future Kelly scale, w:Lthhighw~s and railwaysl and Field maYJ.'oin the other air fields rold two opP?sinf. ground forces. The ~errain boast of 1 new buildings too. board w1.l1 nave numerous per for at rone I ---000--beneath which will be libuts which may / be flashed on or off from the instruci/ THEGEh'. OF THEYEAR tor',s contr~l ~oard to give the effect ,f. of.~lell anQ snrapnel bursts. The terI fhe Douglas was blind. A woman raJ.n board proper, on the floor level, i passene,er looked out to the rL:'ht side is fOUr feet above the circular pit, i thr-ough the wiudow, called the""stewardess which allows access to the wiring and ! and aSked, lIyjllat 1s that light out tllere1"' li~ht systerL1. ! II That 1 s a navigation light II There will also be installed on the I Later she moved to the oth~r side of ground floor an Infantry and Artillery ! the ship in order to get the reading panel system to demonstrate one-way pro- !light over her left shoulder. ffile callcedure. These panels will be illwdnat! ed the stewardess again II .ha t t s that ed and controlled by switches from the ! 0 ther li:)lt out there? II ' control room.switch~oard. The proposed ! lI'Illat's a nayigati?n light too. II arrange..lent i s to g1ve the effect of I ".l.\OW, isn't '&l1atsll.iple? All the grouna forces displayin~ the different iPilot has to do is to kee~ the airplane ~anels to the ~irplane. !lying overhead. i be.~ween ~ho~e two ~iGhts. new plan of lns~ruc. t ton is under conI/ell, 1. 1sn't sJ.mple if you don't. t s1deration, and its adopt1.on and ---000--Ferfection it ~s bel.ieved that. the InThere are 270 y.oung women.emPlo~redas antry ~d Art1llery courses wlll be hostess~s and '42 men em,ploed as stevards . more eaSlly and accurately presented to on Amerlcan-operated air 11.nes. ____ ~ - V-7217, A. C.



LAJ.~DI.iIJ"G AJ.~.AI.aPORT DUhI.i.~G "SOUPY'liiEATHER AT In a r ecent issue of THE AI.t{LI.I.~E "'iil1at's your altitude? Twohundred? PILOT, a monthl~Taeronautical publicaCeiling is one thousand feet and visibiltion a chf.ef pi Lot of one of the comner- i ty two mile~.11 " . cial'airlines lets fly severa~ sharply Then the pllot snoulu enter l~to the pointed darts at the grOUIldmen of airs-oirit of the joke and chortle, "Ea , i,lB.!" line or<ranizations, particularly the I' - The fli6ht super Int endent says trafficCcontrol tower men. First Off "lf you can't land, donlt do it. Go he advauc es wna t ap~ear to be plausib le ! to Albany. You say that's closed ill! 1 reasons as to W!.lY alrplanes are spoken guess I'll have to look at the teh~type." of in the fllliuine genderz to wit: The pilot the~l says - "Attaboy! II II She mad.e tHO hundred mi.Le s an hour; The weather expert says then she let me down." 'I ""'ihatls the weather?lI He's SiiJlplv got "You 1JUS~lem left and they go right; I to get that dope SO that he can tell the you pus..11. le,,1 ritht and they go left; you pilot, because that's his job - E'41d its don't push l em and they go mad." . cold and wet outside. In Vlen of t:i.le above mentioned lac:::: of The pilot 1 with his other ear - how consideration and agreeableness, the I are we n4~nln~ on ears now? Oh! chief ;J?ilot proposes that the Sperry iiith his len hand the pilot t81:es a Gyro PJ.lot be so desit':ned that the a.iler- putty knife and chips a peep hole ill his ons ~d rudde!.coul~ De.turned.ove~ to Windshield for his left eye. In p~actl?-e ,?perry, vh1~~e tlle lJll?t .,lalntalns t~ce he won1t be able to.see.a~1Yt;,ll~j$ hJ.s l.nf1ue~lce vnth the fll~pers. The ad-, wlth that eye - except hi s f In l sh. , vantage of tl1is expedient. lS manifest. this same hand he controls the a'i.Ler-ons The way it is now, WhenmakinG a blind and flinners. With the other hand he a~proach on a beam the pilo~listens. works the throttle and pitch controls. wlth his left ear lo the rad i o beam, wlthl With tile other hand. he holds the microhis right ~ar to the traffic. control I phone, and with the other he handles the tower man 111order to keep hlw calm when I beam volume control and the 'radio switchhe asks . I es and the tuning dials. II So you I re blind, eh? Well, where are I .l.~o'.;, While keeping his left eye blued you now?" . I on the peep hole, he corkscrews his rie)lt The T.e.T. man can't use thlS informa- eye over the blind fl7in\ and motor intion for ~l~r purpose of aidino the plane I struments, and the altimeter and the to a l8J.ldl~lEo' because the answer ahrays clock and the airspeed. All of this is is mighty imnortant .: at least to his "All rig,llt, I'll bite. iilhere am nil creditors'. Or more poeticallyz "Shut up. II The ship acts like a broken field run~e purpose of thlS inquiry is to keep ner but the pilot throws her for a loss the pilot fro-u\gett.inb. bored. . The pilot at lhe end of the runw~, brings her to doesn't Waj1tto ];:~ow ,wnere he ~s. He the ramp, brushes tl;te ace off his la~ knows that, 211 rlght. He iSln a mess. and the sweat off 111Sface and goes lnto i1hat he wants to knm~ is, where the ---the operations offic~ Where he is told the field is. how to fly a beam. lnose boys can bring 'Ille chief )ilot urges that all pilots, in a swivel chair every time, drift and faced \'litll such cheerin~ prattle reply: all. "We're up here. vihere are youtl\ l~O'.1 i l~'OW, if the pilot Could turn over the that Lnf'oriaat Lon could be u sed , if he " rudder and aileron.s to ~v,r. Sperry, he could get it. It's just as br15ht one I would have two hands and three eyes left way as the other. I for contillgencies. The idea seems at Then the T.G. T. man says , least worth a good trial. "A!'e ou.under~leath yet?" . . : But in essence the idea is :not so very ThlS lS l.m.fJortant. Depend ing upon. new after all. Pilots since the old this i:nfon:!1ation the mipllty Tower l,,~n Wri{.:,ht usher days have been turntri-, p knews whether to scratcn h i s left sIde lover all controls .;Jnere stands the or,.J;d,s r,ight"side. , . . I aviator who can ciaim that he has never i!lt~1 tJ.le cuner ear tne p110t Lf.s t ena 1 said - \lHere God you take her'lI to his courf.al1f.,nepresent ed b~' th~ radio -~-oOo--. operator ruo nopes the c.raclz--up\nll be Where he can see it, for it's a dull I Second Lieut. ii.alph ';iw. Rodi eclz, of night; the flitht superintendent, who Palestine, Texasi transferred f'r om.2a:nane. Wishes he :lao. taken. a look at the to Barksdale Fie d vias given extension weather the l~st hour or two instead of of active duty to j une 15z 1939. Second c Lear In., the ship in; and the weather Lieut. George Kenneth CraJ.n, Air Reserve, expert, W}lO does loOk at the weather, of Binuinb~am, Ala., was also assiQ1ed though, of course, not the actual to active duty at Barksdale Field -his weatlier - that's against the rules - but tour to terminate January 14z 1940. This at a sheet of yellow paper which Looks date also ter,ninates the act rve duty tour professional as all get out. of Gnd Lieut. Alfred George ,litter, Air The operator says ~eserve, of Bennefonte Fa., assigned to statio:n at ~itchel Fiei d. -1 V-7217, A.C.




1 Trager, WilliaDf 2 O'Sullivan, M~rtimer. 3 Binder, Michael'" 4 Sanders, Aaron J. 5 Mathews, War~ell L 6 O'Donnell, James D. 7 Francisc~, Ray 8' Bohrat, Jilseph 9 Bernier, Alfred 10 GrishElID, James -S." 11 Napier, Wyth~'J. 12 Tingle, Dan W. 13 Johnson, LeRoy L. '" 14 Booth, Brainarcl D. 15 Bray, Neal 16 Adams, .Arthur H. 17 Riley, William J. 18 Duke, Robert" 19 Arnt'lld, George 20 Mooney, Harry 21 Snall, BaUard.. B. 22 GleDdy, Elga M. 23 st. Jl:)hn, Ruben 24 White, Benjamin" 25 La.ver, Joe G.... 26 Maxwell, Edcil C. 27 Bollenbach,Jl'hn 28 Miller, Edv~d 29 Wetteran, Ed,:ardW. ze Moody, V{illiein T 31 Goff, Ira A~ 32 Duprey, Joseph A. 33 GrimDe John P. " 34 McKnight, Charles H. 35 Klinger, Benjamin H~. 36 Carr, Lynn B. 37 Kretz, William '3a' Rohlik, Wald6e" 39 McAndrews, John . 40 Bentley, Leonard L. 41 Malloy, Stephen A. 42 Hobson, Earl 43 Peaeson, James 44 Ceccato, Peter 45 Walters, ciyde L. 46 Stoser, Walter 47 McNeely,.Ra.lph 48 Suggs, John M. 49 Leffler, Charles E. 50 Kendrick, Br.yan J. 51 Carpenter, Ross 52 Hohensee, Emrr.ett F. 53 Harri~on, George E 54 Kohn , Loui s 55 Harris, Arthur H. 56 Ashby, Walter G. 57 Justiee, Nye P. 58 Draper, Charles W. 59 Witsch, Henry A. 60 Winans, Edward L 61 Ward, Leannn V. 62. Lorimer, Be bert R. '" 63 Johnsnn, Lonnie M. 64 DavicLq, Ewald. 65 Gordon, FredArick 66 ~slasder, Charles E. 67 . Innes; VietN A. 68 Cobb, Horace W.


89 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 i:35 136

70, hicbard E.

137 . 'Marian',. August' 138 Fusz, Charles F. Doyell, Clyde W. 139 Hobart., Clyde J. Hans, Kar1L.M. 140 Loomis, Sidney E. McGhee, Lloyd H. 141 Himes, Olin C. Darby, Harry 142 . Mathews, Daniel A. .Shepard , De1aJJa A. 143 Dreier, ]Elmer L. Wentzell, Jrooos H.. 144 l..a.roul, John J. Lantz, Carl G. 145 Glasscock, Benbon D. Wheeier, Mam L. 146. Myers, Allen G. Ritenour, Ervin W. 147 Fitzgerald; John E. He'rb, Donald P. 148 Palmer , Clarence A. Schmidt, George E. 149 Kelly, BCbert J .... LeBoy, Harold. D. 150 &nith, .Alfred: N. Stein, J~seph J. 151 Logsdon, Jewel G. B..own, Lee E. ' 152 Casto, Clyde R. McCartney, George D. 153 Moorhead, William B. Blais, James G. 154Ca.ttarius, Adolph Haffner, Hans G.C. 155 'rhoffi030n, Benton T. Von Euw, John B. 156 HofiDan, Carl Wiedekamp, Karl T. 157 Thomas, Robert H. Blackden, William H. 158 Tupper, Hobson Hl.uohan, Charles.' 159 ThCJUJas, dwin:::l. E DesMarais, William' 160 Sampson, Harold F. Auer, Adam 11. 161 Baldwin, Thomas J. Jensen, Peter 162 Ferrell, Bruce R. Hill, Jrooos "N.. . 163 Clark, Irvin L. Albin, Louis B. 164. Craig, Don J. Alexander, Harry W." 165 Bell, Charles C. Cheska, Benjamin A. 166 Jones, WilHam L Grallam, John 167 Doaibeck , Jacob S. Crone, Carreon 168 VJick, Vernon Gargus, Alvin W.. 169 Gtol te I Arthur Downing, Harvey J. 170 Lawrence, l:arry E. l:vliller, Fred P. 171 Johnson, Harold V. Turner, 'Ililliam H. 172 Waters, C1u.ude G. Hopper, Walter S. 173 Besser, John C. G1ad, Robert L. 174 Swisher, Douglas M. Apple, Willia.'1l V. 175 :!loore, Virgil Payrrond , Edgar J. 176 Sasey, Patrick T." Jones, Hurley D. 177 Freshwa.ter, Glenn E. Van N~~tre, William H. 178 Parrett, Ray~nnd C. Je.c;'cSQn, Paul B. 179 Burroughs, John J. Roberts, Carl C. 180 Writ~t, Lee E . rtoijer, Richard E. 181 Wallace, J~hn ~.D. Filkins, J'o::;eph A. 182 Revert, .Artie L. Grab sky , Wa1 tpr'" 183 Vladdell, ~Ilaler A. t Williams, Wallace 184 ?orrest, J~,mes A. Schaefer, Chris J.H. 185 Fr-eabhy , Albert E. ~il1ison, Thomas L. 185 Bartley, Ernest N. Lof'Ley, liJilliam J. 187 Eenneck , Mi ohae], P. Peckham, Russell C. 188 Townsend, William B. Valtierra, Leobardo 189 Fox, ~iHlliam B. Gibbins, stanley K. 190 Olson, Gilbert Simons , Wilbur J. 191 Scott, Elliott Baros, Pudy J. ::.92 :Redifer, I{ar1 B. Fisher, George R. 193 Jiandles, .Arthur :So Thermenos, Ni cho'l as" 194 Hughes, Raymmd J. Glasscock, Harry 195 Pope, WilHam E. 'Jewell, Arvin B. 196 Faus t , Ce.rl M. Boward, Richard C. 197 Miller, Joseph J.'" Koziboski, Edward A. 198 Silvers, Lee Chambliss, John R. 199 Gossett, Henry Adams, Firman S. 200 l-arth, Hu9',hJ. Stanolnch, Steve. 201 Peist, FnU1 Warren, Luther. 202 l..kers. Thornton Chri5t~a.n, Waltar 203 Ton:ib~rlin, George D. Mueller, Charles'" 204 Victorlvl. V-721 7. A. C. Sv1ans~n, Nels E.


205 206

208 209


211 212

214 215

Foster, Edwin C. 216 Brown, George D. Hamilton, Robert E. 217 ,8ccltt. Qrover::a.' GroSSIJml~' Paul 218 Word, Leo W Calla.ghan, George 219. ~n, William T Croy I William D. 220 Brees, William M. Junkert, :AlbertG. 221 Crawford, Wallace W~ Walsh, Lmnbert C. 222 Field. Charles B, Gray, Henry H. 223 Dozier, John Hem:an,Leo I. 224 .Schooler, Oscar. H. Mi tehell, Gregory A. 225 Holt, Jewel A. OIl , 'Ferguson, Archie L. 226 Philapy, Russell L. nOTE: N~'-TJ'es mrkedwi th an asterisk denote the grade of car ry the grade of Technical Sergeant.

227 Siebenaler, Frank J. 228Habn, Hicha.rd* . 229 Cayhue, Arthur H. 230 " Hewi t t, Albert G. 231 Dryer, Howard H. 23~. Grey, .. eph .R. Tos 233. Fulkrod, Benjannn F. 234, .:Totnari, Theodore C~ 235 Johnson, Lloyd N. III 236 Mannion, MartinD. 237 Hudson. Littleton First Sergeant. All others


It is hopei to publish the 'list of Staff Sergeants eligible for pronotidn to the g rade of Technical Sergeant in the Febru2..ry 15th or, at the latest, March Lsb , issue of the News Letter. 000--__ a

7TH BOlk3.






The 7th Bombardmenf Group, Hamilton Field, Second Lieut. Herbert E. Knieriem, Air ReCalif., conduct.ed its first Group Chemical War- II serve, pilot, and Private, 1st Class, Hartley fa:::e School just before the 1936 Chxistnas E. Roberts, radio operat.or-, of Hamilton Field, holidays. One officer and two enlisted men CcJ.if., crashed to their <:l.aths en the night were s.elected as students from each of the 9th, 0:ZJanuar'y 4th. 'Their plane, a B-10a Bomber. 11th, and 31st Bombardment Sc:uadrl'ns. the 88th was one cf two 'sent cut by the 11th 30mbardReconnaissance Squac.ron, andlbhe 7th Bombardment Sauadron for a training flight over the ment Group HeadoUarters Squadron. The 5th .Air SQ."l oaq11in Valley. J They left the field at Base was also re'nresented by three students, 7:00 p.rr~, and-wer-e due to return at 10:00 m3king a class o'f"eighteen. p. rn, HaviD? completed their mission, t~ey Classes were held daily, from 11:00 to 12:00, were retul' to the bace when heavy monds over a perioa. of ten days. A variety of suband blinding rain squalls were encounbeeed in j ects were covered as po ssd ble in the vicinity of the Bay Area, and especially what turned out to be a surprisingly limited around Hamil ton Field. The raC:io. station at NIlOU."lt time. of Chemical agents, gas Harrd.Lbe n Field WEtsin with ?ridrill, individual and qo1lective protection.vate Reberts up until 9:50 p.rn., and had sent chemical weapons and muraitions, training out the warning to land aS500n as possible, methods, care of eauipment, and. probabl e .Air as there was' imninent danger of the blinding Corps use of cher.d ce.L agents were SOIT:<l of the I curtain of rain closing in on the field. Prisubjects taken up. The course wound up with a i y:.:te Roberts answered with an affinmtive derronstration of the new " can" method of I "OK." laying down heavy con, entrations c of mrsbar-d gas' Whet happened after that is a natter of confrom low flying attack planes. ,jacture .. His flight leader, Lieut. A.K. The officers and soldiers who attended the I Dodson, Landed at 10:55 p.rn., but, due to the school will act as instructors in their squadheavy winds, ~as forced off the paved run~ rons durinz the rr.onths of J anuary , Februai-y and I and escaned by a narrow margin from being March, in prep2ration for the Wing Maneuvers in blOim over. Lieut. I:nieriem was coming in for April, when it is expected that each squad't'on the landing when the squall closed in. shutting must &efend'its airdrome, its personnel and its off the view end necessitating the need of alequipment against chernical attacks to be launch- I titude. ed by squadrons of the 17th .Attack Group. \ After a search of twenty hours, the wreckage Instructors detailed for the school were,lst was found scattered over an area of 300 yards Lieut. L. O. Peber son and 2nd Lieut. R.E. Jar;mn.! rcd in the nortl:ern part of San Pablo Bay, Both officers had graduated from the First Speserre seven ~ulesfrom the air base. Part of cial GH~ .Air Force Officers' Cour-se held at the the fuselage was found in one spot. while alChemical Warfare School, Ergewood Arsenal, Md., I'rr.ost 200 feet away were found the engines, during the roonth of May, 1930. gi ving mute evi.d ence of the terrific impact. Students attendiDf, the school were: Major All signs indicl'ltecl that the pla."le V.'8.S flying R.E. Morrison, ,8nd Ld eubs , J .E. Shuck, E. W. I at a speed of 200 miles per hour- or better. Virgin, R.C. Kugel, H.B. Volin, L.A. Walker,Jr., Up until the' ti~e of this writing, no trace Tech."li.cC'.l ergeant H.B, R. Ad8IDS S Staff Sergeants of the bcdd es of the two men ,hus been o1.ll.1d .. .A.R.Levesque, F.E. Deyo , Sergeants B. LDoughty, Divers frc,n the Navy and the Arqr bliLl' from O.C. Yeager, Corporals C. Dixon, L.E. C3.PPS, ! }i.offett Field assisted searching parties, but Privates, 1st Class, J. Gar~"ler. V.L: RichardI all to no avail, necessitating the notation son, Pr~vates O.R. KarDStra, R.1:'i. Eohkc.rdt and ,''l.:i3Sing in line of c.uty', being placed after J. Mathlson. the names of both usn. --~000--. The News Letter Editorwotild welcome the conLieut. Knieriem wa.:-b~;n February 7, 1906. tribution of items covering activities at ~Jarch at Ccrbett, Idaho. After graduating from __.3 '1m. H gramm.r schools and high school he attended Fi eld I Cal f 1., Cl.UU"'Uee 1 F' ld T e;r',:Le


-1 -

V-7Z17, A.C.

the Medesto,Cal!f., Junior College for two \vith no aid from the horizon. ye~s., and for ~- years thereafter he ett~nd.ed .An approxiJ18te eonyass CClu;rse was flown tothe san Jose State Teachers College, Calif., ward the target. Whenthe target beearae vis ... from which he graduated in June, 1929. For 4 ible to the bombardier, he last minute years he was afiliated with the l84th Infantry, corrections and aidod the.pilot to get acouCalifornia National Guard, and his vocation in rately on course. Usually the bombardier did civil life was that of an instructor in Itmlual not pick up the target until within tvlO or training at the city schools of Visalia, Calif. three miles of it. Since Irost of this bombEnlisting in the Air Corps, he served with ing was performed at airspeed in excess of 160 the 75th Service Squadron, Vinleeler Fi.eld' T.H., miles.per hour, the Short time which the t\VO from August 26, 1931, to September 20, 1932, to three miles left for the pilot to get accuand with the 6th Pur sui t Squadron, Wheeler rately on course, the boriibardier to set up hi s Field, to October 2, 1933, 'when~ passing the drift and rate of travel can be appreciated. examination for appointment as a Flying Cadet, 'It is hopsd that the weather conditions improve he was sent to the Air Corps Training Center enough to complete the bombing satisfactorily for prirlRry flying training at Randolph J!'ield, r1.uring the balance of the fiscal year," says Texas. He completed the course of instruction i the Harni.Lbon Fiele. Correspondent. in June, 1934; was transferred to the Advancedl'he 9th BombardmentSquadron is developing Flying School, Kelly Field, Texas; specialized i its techniQue in bringing a fon~tion through in BombardmentAviation; graduated October 13, : a fog area ~where favorable weather conditions 1934; was rated an "Airplane Pilot, II effective . exist at either end of the area. that date, and assigned to duty under his Cadet. The Sl'luad.ronleader, upon approach to the status for the period of one year with the 11th i area, annouaces over his radio the al BombardImntSnuadron at Hamilton Field, Calif. I for each fli~ht, the calibrated airspeed and He was then corrmissioned a second lieutenant in : the rmgnetic heading to be flown. The first the Air Reserve and. renal ned a member of the : flight flies the exact thousands of feet alti11th Bombardment Souadron until his untimely ; tude and the second the five hundred and, death.. i where there is a third flight, it flies the exact thousands as assigned to the first Private Roberts was born on October 16, 1906, flight. Thus, with three lights, "A," "B" and at nagern:e.n, Idaho. He enlisted in the Coast "C," and with 7,000 feet sufficient altitude Artillery on June 1, 1928, and transferred to to clear all obstacles, ''A'I Flight woUld be asthe Air Corps on November 7th, of that year, siJned the altitudes 7,0001, 8,000', 9,000'; serving with the 23rd BombardImnt Squadron at i ''B'' Flight, 7,500', 8,500', 9,500'; "C" Flight, Luke Field ,r .H., unt il August, 1931, when he ; 7,000', 8,000 I and. ,000 I , was transferred to Cha.n.uteField, Bantoul, Ill., I The squadron is then put in right echelon, and where he pursued the course of instl~ction in ! circling to the left the airplanes leave in parachute ri,gging at the Air Corps 'I', : their respective order at one minute intervals, School. i ;flying the beading, altHude and airspeed asFollowing his graduation as a Parachute : signed, Rigger, Nove~ber 13, 1931, Private ?oberts was : As soon as the formation has cleared the fog assi?ned to the 11th Bomb8X~nt Squadron, then: a~ee, t~le s1'.;adron cocrrander aIll1oun;:es over statloned at . rch Field, Callf., a and na s ser-- ! ht s radlO, ':Bog area cleared, assemole at vice with this orgariization was continuous from: feet," - an altitude above those as sagned ~ that time~ ; airplanes. Ee then ascends to the announced The sincere sympathy of the Air Corps is ex- i 11titude and begins circling to pick up the tended to the ber-eaved families of bhesa zren i squadron. As each airplane c Lear s the fog . who died in the service of their country. ' area and spots the squadron comzande.r , he ---000--! joins in z'orLation with him. As soozi a.s the enf tire souadron has joined the souadroncorrmandTRAINlNG j;BE....,__ IN 9THBOlvlB~"T SOU~ i er, the flight leaders leave the fornation to .,~~__ ~, ...--....,...-........ .,.w." i be joined by their v.ringmen and then return to NOrrIRlly, one roonth of good weather is requir-i nor:a:al javelin formation. With the perfeation ed to complete bombing far approxdrrat.el.y 20 of- i of bechrd oue , the altitudes between airplanes ficers. However, the 9th Bombardment Souadron, : rmy be decr-eased, Hamilton Field, Calif., has found it difieul t ' '1'hi5 t ech.rl oue has not yet been used in act/)to train its officers within the past three al fog condition. During the recent field exICOnths, due to extremely poor weabhez condiercd ses at Stockton, Calif., the squadron used tions. it, as tLa.t the fog covered a definite Heavy forest fires in the northwest and 100 erea, and the pilots goinG under the hood durmdles to the south of Ha~lton Field cast a i iug thu time neces3ary to cover that area. blanket over the West Coast for alr'Xlst two full i This Squerl ron has hod success in problems of ICOnths. These fires started in October and : this kind, an.l believes this techniaue to be lasted throughout November. .At times this i the answer to the problem of Imving fornations blanket of s:mke covered al ti tudes from zero to : of Bombardznenb through :fog areas. Such bechseven bhcusand feet. Only at al ti tudes greater I ni oue is necessary Ln areas such as the Pacific than 7,000 feet could a pilot have good visibil-I ooast where localized fog may occur. ity. This stroke haze presented alImst as great j ---000--a problem as fog. On the few missions which II IV.i8.jor '7alter L. ",.iller (, Air ::arpa, were flown during these two lIXlnths, it VIas nestationed at Randolph Field, Texas, is under 01'cessary for the pilots to fly by instruments ders to proceed to his home end a.waitretirement.


1-7217, A. C. _








. The :rdi16,riinG""named Flying Garlets of the .Air CorPs,' rIBinbers of Class No. 24-B whioh graduabed from the Advanced Flying School, Kelly Field Texas, February 15. 1935, and who will shortly complete 'their year of active duty 'In th Air Corps tactical urri ts, under their Cadet status. have been recolIIoonded for conrnissicn as Second ,,-Lieutenants J.D.the AJ.r R eserve on .I'U:W.'C 1 1, 1937 1 . and to be placed on extended active duty on the day fo l Lowi.rig, The narre s of these Flying Cadets and the sba~~~:d~e.~~~:~d~,h:r:~:~:! -,:n:-uce. Bertrand. 3. s~:~~ng follow: tci'SAngeles,Calif.

Colonel Chalmers G. HaH ~eparaed January 27th for teL,!,Orary duty at Hartford, Conn,:; and New YOl'k_CtY', __ i Officers f rom Air Corps sbab i.cns who w'.~re recedly . "1 on t emporary d ut y J.:1 th e. If! Chief's office vrere: Lieut. Colonel Carl Spatz, from Langley ~~~~~~ ~~O~a~t~n ! :S.B. Mcl1epolds,

j' "'('\',



,Ikl' _



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C8II!>,'!iil bur D. Arli~ton, ~exas I 'C~be11, Arcb. Graham Fort '\~orth, .rexas Far.i se , l/iolcott Austin Sacramento Calif Hawes, E. BUGh Seed.rift' ~exa~ Lessig, Cecil Parker Salina' Kans. Stevens, KeIT."i t D. Portland, are. Wade, David lfu:cden, La. \'1hitt, John Doyle Austin, Texas lI;Tood, obert Carroll R Haynesville, La. Young, Harry Blake Birmingham, Ala. Brooks Field, S~l Ar~onio, Texas: Earcos, Beh A. -r.OSAngeles, Calif. Ryder, !\obert iY. Mi.nneapolis, Mi.nn. Hamilton Field, Calif.: -rinn-;-Iry""der lI!a'ld:> -~1!cCOY, are. Hayes, Willi2m 1., Jr. Sacramento, Calif. Vvalker. David Henry Sacramento, Calif. Selfridge FieU, n. Clemens, Mich.: Johnston, Robert Loughery J3,;'Uevue, Fa. Marion. Charles Emlen Detroi t, Mich. L~le~ield, aYe, Va.: Kenneth Andrew "He'Iper-, Utah Eakd.n, John Hi tt Hud son , Ohio Gibson, Kenneth II. .Salt Lake Ci ty, Utah Johnson, Lowell F. Laf~yette, IThl. Longacre, Clarence Kinney Williamsport, Pa. Rueter, Chris E.":J. Viaco, Texas VJi11oughby, Earl El Centro, Calif. Tulare, Calif. Logansport, L'.. Beaurrorrt , Texas Plainview, Texas

Langl ey Fl:l~__ \"'~,] ,., ' .....,. L I I I: . lLa.Jor howard Z. Bogert, ""., . >I,. t: I of the Materiel Division, ifiright Fitlld,., wa~' . in Washington Jo:nuary 18th, att~nding~ Itlerting of the Natic'nal Advisory Comrd Hee f.or Aeronautics. ' Recent visitors te the Chief's Office were: Major W.C. Morris, Insbrucbor , 37th Division Aviation, Ohio National Guard, Cleveland; Capt. W. n. Hardy, from Kelly Field, Texas, and Cautain A.Y. S~~th, of Langley Field, retu~ ing from a ferrying trip. Cnptain John J. Honan, J.A.G. Dept., returned from te;:nporary duty at 'Jiright Field. lkJ,jor A. W. :Warriner denar-bed January for temoorary duty at Wright Field. 21st

Lieut. Co'l cne l, G.E.' Brower departed for New York City January to attend T.eetings o' the Institute of Aeronn.utical Sciences and the AviatiC'n Sb.ow. Lieut. Colonel H.H. Yaung, who had a siege of the "flu," returned to duty January 29th. Lieut. Colonel Ros3 G. Hoyt, of the Info~ tion Division, returned to duty January 28th after f erxy' an 0-46 from the West Coast to the ~cston Airport.

:March Field, Calif.: Brown, Nelson T. Hardy , John Spencer Reynold.s , Elbert D. ',1arren, Beverly Howard


Near the first (If the year, the Air Corps deat Peter PRIl Airport, Pine Knot, Calif was snow-bound for a week. A record five-foot sriowf'a.Ll, blccked both road s into the i:3ig Bear Valley, in which the airport is 5i~uated. Badio messages indicated. an impending food Ghortage. The 19th Bombardment Grou:P Vias then ord.ered to drop f'cr-d and other supplies k the detac1mJ.ent personnel at the camp. Flying Cadet Ke'bcham, 30th Bomb. Sqd..'1., or-dered to deliver the supplies to the can~,flew a B-IOB, with Flying Cadet Boyd and Corporal Recent operaticns of the 31st Bombardment i Wellw('od as crew. Some of the ;supplies were Squadron, Hamilton Field, Calif., were deveted attached to parachutes. while others were mainly to instrument flying and dead reckoning wrapped so that .they could be dropped in the navigation. Seventy-five percent C'f the offisnow '\'Id th no danage. After trying several apcer s qualified fn instnunent flying, and the i proaches to determine which one was most favornavigation training is 'l'le11 under way. I (Continued on Page 22) -15V-72l7, A.C.

Mitchel Field, L.r., Nev1York: i Burnham, l~ bert, F. Battle Creek, Mich. i Creer, l'iilliam Edv-ard. Spar.d.2h Forks, Utah Dorri chb , Harry Louis Glencoe, lilinn. , Helfert, Eowc.rd W. Sioux Falls, S. D. I Le..'1C aster , CLarles C., Jr. Lexington, Ky. I Olinger, Robert L. AngC'la. Ind. I Sexton, Robert Curtis Los Cruces, Sherm,m, '!iillard E. In. Verr..('n, S.D. VJ'ackwitz, Ernest r. ,J:r; Bockville Ce:cte:r:,N.Y. 7J'alker, Auclrin R. University, Ala. i ---000---


I tachment



LlEU'T. COLOEL CLI~TO~ . HOWAB]) .'ft s:lO.ll)Wl'i~t,;F1.eld,D~t,onl. Ohl,~,.C01~ '_ , . . Howa.rdserveQ. as' Chief' 'of~ne' A' Lieut. Colonel ClintonW~ Howa.rd .. Ur :Branch until August, 19~8, and'a.s Chief Corps, now attending the Army jjar College 9f the E:lCP.erim~ntal;,in~Sec~i,on E was born at 'BroCkton Mass. ~ovember 27, \later the Eu~~neering Sect~on) untll 1890. After attendirtg Clart Unlvers~ty Januar~l 193~J .when he was.assisned to at Worcester ~ass. for two years, ne I the Ofilce, \"Inlef of the All' CorpSt received appbintment as cadet at the IVashing~onl ~.C., Where he.was o~ ~u~Y United States ~ilitary Academy from I In the rraln~n~ and Operat~ons ~~v~slon which he graduated June 12, 19i5, wn en t for a year). and bher eaf t er , un t i L he was appointed a second lieutenan.t and I Au,ustl 19l;l5,he se~'ved an the capacity assigned to the 3rd Field Artillery. I ~f Asslstant Ex~cutlve. He served at Spa,' rta, 'v/'is., to Sept,emberi After comp'l et tng ~he ,oae-year course ~O, 1915; at For"'t Sheridan, Ill., as in- i at. the Arro.yIudustr~al_ Colle~e, ~fr~, structor at the First Trainin"" C~ to wh~ch he graduated In ,june, .1.930, Co L, October 15, 1915; at Fort SamcH9uston, :Howar.dwas assigned as student at the Texas to riovember 16 19151 be~ng asArmy War College. slgnea to the 4th Fieid Art~llery on ---000--~ovember 2nd. He served wi th this regi- I ment at El Paso, T~xas, to fuarch 18, ! LIEUT. COLO~EL E1~AmI~ ~EIR B G. 1916, . and theI} with the Punitive E>:pedi- I . tion ~nto iv'Lexlco. He was promoted to I Lleut. :,olonel Be~Janun G. vl'e~~),Au 1st. L~eutenant July 1 1916. I Corps, nov/ on duty an the Pana,a vanal Attached to the Aviation Section, Sig- !Department as Commandin5Officer of n~l Corps, Ju~y 7 1~1,~, Col. Howa;-d l.Albrook Field. a~1dt1}e 16th J?u.rsuit Group, completed f1y~ng haln:L~and r ecedved I was born at S:()rlugflcldl Oh Lo, July 25 the rating of Junior ki1~tary Aviator, 11891. Upon h~s graQuat~on from the U.S. April 62 1917, which automahcally pr o- i"dli~aryAcaderny, JUI).e F, 1914l he was moted h im to Captain. He served as Sup- c o.nmas roned a second Li eut enanb and ass ply Office.r at the Signal Corps Aviation: sii;-:ned to the 4th Infantry. He served School, San Lliego, Calif., to August, ,with. his re\$iment at Vera Cruz) iv~exico, 1917 and was then transferred to Post 1 Se?temoer It> to l~ovember19." 1'::l14; at Fiela, Fort Sillz Okla., and assigned to !Galveston, Texas to Septernoer 42 1915; duty as Officer 1n Charge of Flying. In I in the Brownsvil i e, Texas I Distrlct, to La.rch 'of 1918, he was transferred to .~ June 11, 1916. .Atteched to the Aviation Langley Field, Va., where he was command-] Section, Si:~r.:.alCorps, he. was ass-i,zned ing officer of the School for Aerial Ob- I'as student at the Aviation School at San servers until August 15 1918. From ,Diebo, Calif., and,upon the completion that date until 1.:.arc!f,i919 he was in l of his fl~rinb tz.:ai~inbl hi s next toU:,r commandof Lang Ley Fleld awl, after s ev- i of duty was at l\,.el.l.yFleld, Texas, W~lere eral weeks' duty at Rocb,-wel11'ieldt jfromJuly 1'::,191'7, to August 31,1917, Calif., as Officer in CharE:;eof l;;all1ten- I he cocunanded t~le 3rd Aero Squadron. He anc,e and SuPPl,y he wa, assi~:1ed to the I S V/Cl.S transferred with th,is or~anization commandof the Air Service F.Lying School to Post ]'ie1d, Fort Sill, OkJ.a., and was at Payne Field, West Point, !V.:.iss. _ s t at i oned there until JIi.:.arch9, 1913. 1 Col. HOwardassumed c omnand of Fost !J'alllOWin; du t y at La"lg1ey Field, Va., as Field, Fort Sill, ()1..t:la.,on January 10, director of tne'fqhv)l for Aerial Obser1920. In July of that year he was v er s , and for a short period as Engineer placed in commandof Pope Field~ Fort Of'tLc er , to ]'",brual'y 5, 1919, Col. iYeir Br~g, l~.C., and remained on thlS duty I was transferred. to iln.shington, D. C. ~ for untJ.l October 281 1931, when he was as- I duty in the OZfice of the Chief of Air signed as student officer at the Air : Service as Assistant to the Chief of Service Engineering School, :,icCookl!'ield,IEn[ine and Plane maintenance Section, Dayton, 011.:1.0. His graduatlon from this Supply GrOi.lpto Sep t en.ber' 7, 1919. school in 1921, was f'o Ll.owed by lJ:ransferred to the Air Depot at Fairduty for a perioa. of two Years. as a stu- field, Ohio 1:1e Was on duty as Engineer .d enb at the IIi.assaC?husetts Inst~tute of O~ficE.;r to January, 1920, and Commandant Technology, CClli,br~C42:e, li.ass. He then 101 the Stockkecpers School until Octorer ret~rned to iv.cC09k Field for duty. in tl:e,' 8, 19,.21,~ hen!f8 w,as assigned t,o the comw Off~c~ of the Ohi ef En~ineer1. ~n[;l~eenn manu or the .L~tt1e hock Ark., Air InDiv~s~on. He was aPJ?0i..ntedCh i ef .l!intermediate Deno t . In Septeulbe.l.' 1922 gineer Of this Div~SlO~ in J-Q1y, ~924, he sailed for-duty ~~ the Philiopine~ and r emadned on thJ.S duty fOF a lltt1e IwherG he consnand ed Kllldley Fiold. and U... e over a year, Whenhe was transferred to 2nd Obs ervat Lon Seuadron until litarch foreign service servine; in the Fhilip1923, and .. ehols 'Field and the <1th ' d Pines, as CommanaingOff~cer of the 4th Composite Group to Septemoer 1924, Upon Composite Gr~p and Nichols Field, to his.' return to the United States he servDecember, 19G7. , ed. as CommandingOfficer 7th Division Assigned to duty at the Materi.el Divi- Air Service, ~"arshall Fi~ld Fort Riley, ~16V-7217, A.C.






and confusion for 30 minutes Kansas for ei~ht months, For the last retardation the oxygen-want has been relieved. three ~onths o~ this period he also as- after e, Ascent to 30,000 feet and above at sUmedthe'duties of Commanding Officer a. rate 'of 1,000 'feet per minute may of, the 16th Observation Squadron and 'Of cause joint and muscle pains of um:nown Ii.iGhaTds Field, Kansas City, fi.o, origin. , From September, 19~5, to i~.arch, 1926, -':'-000--Cd. Weir W8,Son duty as student at the Army Industrial College, Wash~neton,D.C., AUTOGIBO ACTIVITIES AT FORT SI~ .. \ -and then as Pr ocur emeut P' li~presentative, Air Service, ~ew York C1ty, ~le Y G 1 A Autogiro is still underto Au~ust 23 lS29iwhen he was assigned going test under the direction of.the as student at the Air Coros Tactical Autogiro Board of the Field Artillery School at Laneley Fieldl His graduSchool at ]'ort Sill, Q.:.clahoma.Due, ation from 'Ghls school an June I 1930, however? to adverse weather conditions was followed b,Y'a two-year pe r i od of during the last few weeks and maintenduty as student at the Commandand General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, ance troubles, verl little has Deen acKansas. . . complished since tn~ 'latter part of DeFollowil1;; his graduation from Fort. cember. The ~eWs Letter Correspondent Leavenworth, Col. Weir served as an 1nhopes that the maintenance mechandcal. structor at the Infantry School at Fort troubles will be ironed out in the near , Ga., until Sep t ember , 1936, future and maintenance troubles will When h~was ordered to duty in Panama. settle dONn to a mere routine. Durin, the middle 'of January, i.lJir. . ---000--Kellett, ,of the Kep~tt .Auto,o-iro Ce;>. YlaS an ovo:rn~gh t VJ.Sltor at Fort S'lli. PEYSICALEFFECTS I.i.'IJ AIIl'IiI.lUDELIGHTS F . . O~le,of the th r ee pilots n?w on. duty In a memor-andumreport prepared in the w a tnthe aut.og i r-o at Fort 8111 wJ.ll be Eng~neer~ng gection of the ~ir Cc:n-psil..a- ferried: t:> the Kel lett factory 'at J:'ldla, terlel D1VJ.S10~1 the phYS1olog1cal don d61nhia in the near future to take de~ f ao t s of fliht in the Transcontinental livery o.n another autogiro, to, be ferried . and W~stern Air high.,..altitudeJ.~crthrop to Langley .E,'ield., Va. Gamma airplane at altitudes above 30,000 ---"'';;''.-._-.,.-.,-,--~feet, the conc Ius t ons were stated as folThe long ant Ic Ipat ad ' event~ namelyithe lows: arrival at Fort Sill from Wrlght Fie d, a: The oxyg cri equipment used in tl1f Ohio, of the YGl1I., carne off on December Nor th rcp Gamn.aairplane was capabl e of 8th. '1'he autogiro or "Jeep" as it is maintaining normal, human ef'f'Lc Lency to 'better known, to the enlisted men, was alti tudes of 35,500 feet and above piloted by Lieut. E. S. lHchols Air 30 000 feet for a period of 1-3/4 hours Corps, of Langley Eield. The llleep" was oni~r under condd t fonsrof almost complete ~ comcd... -t:lyc;ui te a larg~ crowd, includinactivit~r. A rrarked degree of oxyg enlngth0 Commandant and hJ.gher ranking ofwant ext st cd above 30,000 fe'at, such ficers of the ./field lu'tillery School, that a smal.I drop in oxyge~1pressure or c Iv i Li.ane from Lawton, Okla., numerous mode~a.~e activ~ty pr-oduced a cemat9se n~wspaper reporters a.~d photog:':.'ap:hers. c ond t t t on, ThJ.s e ou.tpment , vrh1le 1t op- LloutS. Gregt.ry and J.~Uichols, aptly dubbed erated satisfactorilyaild is the most ef- the "l"iinclmUl Salesmen, It were on detached ficient ?f it~ ~ind, is not sat~sfectory seve~al stations carrying out for r ou.trne m1l1tary or conuner c i al, usc tests w i th the hJeeplt before comins to at altitudes above 30,000 fc'etoecause Fort Sill with it. Their md s s i on at this of the method of administration, because statlonis to car ry out various tests in of the narrow margin'~fsafety ~nd bcartillery adjustments, reconnaissance cause of. the cl:J.ronic. cX:":tS.~!1:~"I'ant t ~st s inartill cry adjustments, etc., resul ts 1,n ul t irnat e lnelnC:18~lCY' of per- Vlltl; a board of officers from the Field. sonnel, iollowed by u~due lRt1gue and ArtJ.llery School to determine th~ suitaphysical illness. " It is, no tv sat t sf act o- bUity of the 'IIJ eepu as an Observation r"i[ f?r mUiter, use due t9the f~ct that plane to work with the .B'ield Artillery. ~lQUld oxygen 1S not read~ly avaIlable Says the ~ews Letter Correspondent: an War. "The 'Jeep' will remain here, en test,for b. The sudden removal of the oxygen a period of about six wee~s but to date suppl.y at 30 000 feet produces gross after numer-ous tests it is' not known ' mental and p'bysicel inefficiency in from Whether or not the 1~~inc1mill se.I esmen ' 30 to 60 seconds and induces complete h ave sold their pot to the llrtillery II unconsc i.ou.anes s in 60 to 90 seconds. Gur Correspondent adds tha:t the tw~ c. A des-::ent,from 30,000 feet at the 'windinill salesmen' mentioned above were rate of 2,000 teet per mtaut,e without joined b~r another buddanc 'salesme..n' on oxygen r esu.l t s in unoonac t ousn sas after December 30,~936, When Lieut. Snyder 90 seconds and gross 1neff1clency for arrived from Brooks Field Texas for nine minutes or until about 1..:;,000 feet three months instruction with th~ is r eached , "Jeep. II ; . d. Severe oxygen-want may cause mental -17V-7217, A..C.



,.A. fo:mation flight of five now B-l~ pIanos belonging to the 7th Observa.tionSqua.dro~ . oleared: the airdrome at France Fierd, Pa.riam:!. Canal Zeno, bound for Bogota Colombia. The first stop enroube waS at Medellin, Coltirilbia, some 416 miles from the Canal Zone. The"e the I planes were refueled and remained e-n the "ground I for about one hour, during which tiWiJ the per, ACCt.IRA.CY l'tUS sonnel "f the flight were greeted by high "fn-\ (Contin~d from 'Page 15) cials of that town. After the planes had ' been serviced by the enlisted rr.en, with the co- able, the supplies were dropped. '~ so operation of a few Of the Pan American Airways \ great was the accuracy of the bC'Iribingteam," etq)loyees stationed at the field, the flight declares the NewsLetter Correspondent, "that proceeded to the oapi tal of the ceurntry. I ~ne of the free bundles dropped through the Due, to bhe highmou."ltains en the route fr("\m II roof cnbe the kitchen table. Nowthat, gonb'leMedellin to Bogota, it was necessary ff'lrthe \men, derronsbrabes teclll1ique. tl pilct to naintain a very high al ti tude in 01'---000--" dar to clear sorre cf the high snow-cover-ed I ' peaks. ,Arriving over Bog("lta. the flight per\ sonnel noted the rather unusual location of :NAVIGATION FLIGHrBYADVANCED FLYINGSTUDENTS thig capi tal city - on the side ~ a mountain over &.700 feet above sea level. Bogota. with a :P"'Pulation of about 300 ,000, has an entirely Orders were issued by the Secretary of War, different climate than the Canal Zone, although authorizing the Mainterance and Navigation it is in thG tropics and mioh ckoser to the flight of the present class at the Advanced equatpr.' Because of'the rarefied condition of Flying School, Kelly Field, which is ~xpectcd the at~~here, the ~fficers and enlisted men to graduate on February 17th, next. of the flight found it difficult to breathe This flight. which culminates the year's freely in the strange air. flying trairrlng, is designed to give the st~ Arriving over Bogota, Major Willis R. Taylor dent individual navigation over the Federal led the SquadrClIl in perfect forzmtion in e. I Airways, using all types of aids to navigation, lleview over tho capital in salute to the I tcgether with group navigation i:1 forrmUon, Cfllt'lmbian government. At the Municipal AirB.-,d naintenance experience while on field manport, Scadta Field, a Cl"lombian guard ()f honor' euvers. was d.ra.wn up a.wai ting the landing df the airThe flight schedule for thi s class has been planes. ' arranged to include stops at a General HeadThe entire flight, was vrelcorned by the high quarters Air Force station. tho Air Corps Tacoffi.eials of the Colombian government. The tical School, and several, collages having , office:ts and enlisted men were escorted to the R.O.T.C. units. The trip is expected to prove Grana.d.a. otel. the most luxurious hostelry H in of value r..ot only by its ("wntraining but by the city, where they were quartered for their I cbservaticn C'lIactual service operations. The sh!,,:rt sta.y~ Every courtesy and rGspect were .1 stops at the various colleges will allow rmtual shown to the men who participated in this Good 1 exchange ,.,f ideas between the students, and Will flight. give the R.O.T.e. an opp("lrtUl.rlty to ink~pect On the zmming of December 17th, the flight I the visiting Air Corps Advanced Flying School prt'ceeded to Cali, Colombia, vThere the primary students. Illilitary and flying school is located. Hero, i All sectiens are sohedul ed to depart from also, the flight was received with as great I Kelly Field on February 2nd f("lr Barksdale Do welc(')meas was accorded it !\t Bogota. InciI Field, Shreveport, La.. They will inspect the dentally, the Gfficials ~f this scho~l are I field there in the aftern~on and remain overcomposed mainly of former .American Arrrr;r Air night. All except Pur sui t are routed direct Corps men. The town of Cali aweared to be a and at intervals fe-r the purpose of individual rather pleasant place. the climate of which is I navigation. The Pursui t Section will go via about as ideal as that of Sm1 Jcse. Costa Rica, jHensley Field, Dallas, individually. which in gener'af is much better bhan that of On the SCCOl.'ld. day, all sections fly fol'll8Bognta. t ion to MaJC\"ellField and thence to Tuscaloosa, After remaining overnight in Cali, the flight Ala., where they will visit the University of left on the morning of the 18th on a ron-stop I Alabama. and rermin overnight. journuy to France Field. i On the third day, the Attack Section goes 'to Officers who participated in this Good Will lV;a.xwell ield; Observn.tion flies to Athens, F flight were: Majors Willis R. Taylor, flight via Birmingham, Ala.; Pursuit and Bombardment comnander; Charles R. Glen.."l,Flight Surgeon; to Athens. Ga via Atlanta. Gao These three Captain Charles A. Boss; 1st Lieuts. Jdm A. sec td.ons will renain ('\ven~ight at the U::.ivex-Feagin, navigator; lsaac W. Ott, el1gineering sity o GeC'lrgiao ",!fieer; Richard M. Montgcrnery: Ernest :P. A rrass flight be Atlanta will be made on the Gabel, B~l~et,ing nficerj Thomas B, Eall, . fOlrrth ~ to vis~t the Georgia School ('If supply nff1oer; Janx;s D. Underhill; :Freder1ok Technology. , W. Ot'b: David D. G.ncv(>s;William H. Ma.vericlq Note: i?ages lo9 ttl 22 a;re omitted from this -1 issue. \C.72l7, A.C.

. William D~ Eckert, ana. 2nd Lieut. WilHam B; Keese, cperations officer. Toe enli5t~ men ,-n the flight were: Crew Chiefs - Sergoa.nt Henry T. Swa.nson, ec,rporal Gu:y H. GroC(), Jack P. Merril',Jos'eph J. Benedetti; radio operaI tors - Jcseph J. Zizzi and Edward W. Pietras. I "i ---000---

On the fifth day, all sections :fly ill mass forn:ation to Auburn, Alabana, where they visit the ,.Alaban:a Polytechnic Institute until 3:00 p.m. They proceed from ther.e to Maxwell Field to visit the Air Corps ~actical Schonl. The sixth day will be spent in'im.intenance of

the airplanes and, in,specting the Tactical SCheol. ' On the seventh day all sections in formation will fly to Baton Rouge, via NewOrleans, to visit Louisiana state University, rerr:aining 1Jvernig:h.t. Eighth day, return to Kelly Field via Houston or Galveston. --- 000---

lm1TER TEST OF EOVll'MEll'r GHQ S BY .AIRFORCE S:sLFf".1DGE IN FIELD .AREA The functioning of the trim and speedy new ' much prcgress has been made, The last winter airplanes with which the General Headquarters I tests were held in NewEngland in February, Air Force of the U.S. Army is equipped will be 1936, and the present tests are a continuation. tested ~der severe ~nnter conditions in the Complete answers to all the probla~ involved Selfridge Field, lI.ichigan, ar ea from February will probably not be secured for several years 1st to 24th, 1937. Details of the tests were to come. just made public by Brigadier General Henry C. Officers and civilian engineers from the Pratt, the 2nd \{ing of the GHQ Air Materiel Division cf the Au Corps at Deyton, Force, Langley Field, Va., whose oomrand is Ohio, will be present to supervise the nu.-nercharged with res'l)onsibility fer conducting the ous tests of equipment to be conducted. tests. Present ~lans call for operations being con''We are not only going to test the performduct ed sLncl taneously from the Selfridge Field ance cf our Pursuit, Atteck and Bombardmentair- Gunnery Camp, CampSkeel., Oscoda, Y,ichigan,a.nd plenes severe winter conditions," General f rom the base at Selfridge Fi eld. Pratt declared, "but we ",ill test the efficienIt is enticipated that nume rous high ranking cy of ground and flying per-sonnal, under these officers of the Amrr will visit Selfridge conditions and test new flying clothing, lubriField on visits of inspection during the cants and rradnbenance equipment." tests. These will probably include Major Over 300 enll st.ed men and lCO !)fficers will General Frank lvi. Andrews, Comnanding General, converge 0n Selfriuge Field from all points as GEQAir Forco, Larlgley Fiold, Va.; Brigadier far distant as BarksdaJ.eField, La- ; Mitchel General Henry C. Fratt, Cormanding General, Field, I.. !., H.Y., and Langley Field, Va. 2nd WIng, GHQ Air Force, Langley Field, Va.; Selfridge Field vnll furnish one squadron of Br-i.gad er' General Gerald C. Branb , Comrnsnding i the Lsf Pursuit Group as a participating unit, General,3rd Wing, GHQ Air Force, Barksdale and Selfridge Field has been designated as the Field, La., and possibly Najor General O~car' operating base. Westover, Chief of the Air Corps, and l~Jor The participating units have been orgar~zed General Cnarles D. Herron, courranding the 6th into the ''Provisioml Cold Weather Equipment Corps Area. Chicago, Ill. Test Gr0UD,' and Colonel WEll H. Frank, CO'TrI ter ---000-.,.manding Officer, titchel Field, has been designated to cOuI~d the Provisional Test Group, Arrangements were corrpleted by the Air Rewhich will consist 0f: serve officers of the Second Corps Area and the 27th Purs1ut SQuadron, Selfridge Field, Reserve officers of the NewYork Air Corps ProVajor W~rcn R. Maxwell, Commanding. curement District fer a dinner at the Hotel 8th Attack Sauadren, Barksdale Field, La. Algonquin in NewYork City, on Tuesday, FebruMS.jorLester Vti tl and , Corrrnandi~g. ary 2nd, in honor of i/la.jor General Oscar 1st Bomba.rdmerrc qU8dron, Hitehel Field,N. Y. S Westover, Chief of the Air Corps, and Colonel Wajor Claude Duncan; Corrrrandi ng. Charles F.E. Johnson, Specialist Reserve, Chief Hq. and Hq. Det.achirerrt, Provisional Cold of the NewYork Air Corps Procurement District. Weather Test Group, Mitchel Field, N.Y. ---000--All personnel and supplies for the tests will be transported by air in nine new Dou3las TransSpecial Orders of the War Department, recently port 16-passeTlger airplanes and two Lockheed issued, direct the following-named Air Corps ofElectras, in acidition to the BomoardrnerrbPur, I f'Lc er s to prcceed to 'tho Philippines for duty: suit and Attack ad rp Lanes of the tactical units. I Captai~ Jack Greer, from LangLoy Field; 1st The necessity for conducting winter tests of Ld.euts , Charles H. And3rson and Ernest K. Vla:rcold weather equipment was realized some years burt or., Selfridge Field; Harry N. 3urkhalter,Jr. ago, and such tests have been held during sevFrederick E. Calhoun, David N. Iv.btherwell and eral winters in various localities from New Fz'ed O. Tally, Barksdale Field; 'ralrra w. Imlay, England to llontcua. Cold weather requires the Marl: K.Le'!ns, Jr., Bandolph Field. use of lubricants 'which will not congeal and 'Io Panama Cenal Department: 1st Ldeut s , which at the aarne time retain their Lubr icatd ng MiTIard Le~'liS;-l!arni1ton Field; Robert M. Lee, C),ualities and thus permit the proper functionDourdas T. ll1itchell, Barksdale Field; Donald of the various mecharrisms and gadgets essen- B. Smith :Randolph Field; Robert F. Travis, tial to military adrpl.anos , Years ago skiis as Langl ey Field. 2DdLieut. William H. GiSt~ .Jr., a substitute for landing gears were tried, but Langley Field. have been abandoned in favor of convent.Lcnal, wheels on cleared run~~ys. Protective clothing War Department Special Orders recently issued for airplane combat and maintenance crews predirect the retirement of Captains Arrmr S. sents a pro bl em toward the solution of which Heffley and Harold R. Rivers, January 31,1937. for disability incident to the service. -23V-72l7, A.C.

Airplanes of the. Artqy' B Gener8l 'Head~tel's ue . in tmki~ dt:tf;eu1 trescues a.I;ld. terrying Air Foroe areple.ying an 1:IiOrea.singly lmportant suppl1es. T~s ~hlbian plane is now at role in' the rescue.EUui relief ():f the distressed Columbus. Ohio. . . persons in the flood areas. .. ---000--Responding to E'.n urgent call frcm t'1e Corps of Engineers, General IJ.:"~inCraig, Chief of Staff of the Ar;.tJy,. as directed Me.jor General h The following-named Air Corps C'fficers reFrank M .Andrews, General of the GHQ ce ived per:,anent prorcotion to the rank ind.icatAir Force, to furnish three photographic teams ed: To Lieut. Colonel: George E. Straterneyer in as mmy planes for the survey of flood er-n(Te~leut. Colonel), rank from Jan. 1,1937; ditions in the stricken Ohio Valley, and perTo 11ajor: John I. M6~re (temporary l~j~r), to haps later on in the threatened Imssissippi rank from Janw3,I'y 1, 1937; To Ca-ptain: 1st Lts. River valley area. Earl C. Robbins, A.J. Kerwin lOne, RUssell Two of the photographic teams have already Keillor, Ernest H. Lawson, JnJu E. Bodle, . left for D~ton, Ohio, where they will report Russell Scott, Burton M. Hovey, Jr., Richard E. to the CommandingOfficer ~f the Air Corps 1hI Cobb, Dale D. Fisher, Henry W. Dorr, Carlisle teriel Division at Wright Field. These two I. Ferris, Ell/rood R. Quesada, Willard R. Wolfteams are f'rom the Eighth Photographic Section inbarger, with rank from January 22, 1937,for at Mitchel Field, Long Island, NewY0rk, and tbe first eight captains, and from January 23, the Second Photographic Section at Langley Field. Va. The third plane, fr0m the 5th Phobo 1937, for the five. ---000--Section at Barksdale Field, Sh::ev8Rort, La., will be held on the ''alert'' te" awalt further CHANGES SI'ATIOn OF AIR CORP OFFICERS OF S contingencies. It is in a strategic positinn at Shreveport in case the river rises dangerously near the 'Delta. T-. Selfridge Field, .Mich.: Maj~r Willis R. Another Air Fo:::ce plane has already done much Taylor and 1st Lieut. Bober:E""""S. Israel from photcgra~hic work in cormection with the flood. Pr.nana Canal Department. ReturIllng from Wright Fidd with the speedy To~tehel JTield, N.Y.: 1st Li eut s , Flint Douglas Bomber belonging to the Headquarters Gaz-r i son, Jr., and George R. Greer from Panamaj Squadron of the GHQ, Air Force, based at Langley MFjor 'I'heodoz-e J. Koeni g (Captain) fr')m duty Field, Najor mgene. L. Eubank, Squad.r"ln corm::un-I as Assistant rorl.litnry Attache for Air to er, described the work that the huge fighting Germany, The Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden. craft had accomplished on its errand ('f mercy To Fort Riley, Kansas r 1st Lieut. Gerry L. during the three days that it had been r-n deI YJaSOll;"" from Pu.nan:a. tached service in the flood regions. If:a,jor IT,) Hc:..wFl.ii; Major k.res S. Albro (Ca1)tain) Eubank with Lieut. Hugh WcCaffery and Sergeant f'ro.n duby as' Technical Supervisor, San Antonio Joseph }J!.oran ferried the plane to Dayton, where Air Depf'lt Corrvro'l Area. it was turned over to the exce r b photographers To R?ndol?hhFie1<l, 'I'exa.s : Major Albert B. fro.iIl the Air Corps 1fateriel Division at that Pitts, f'z-orn P, 1:'01' duty at Air Corps sta.tion. . Trainir..g , liThe crew in the plane have been rrapping the TJ Cb&'"lute}i'ield, Ill.: 1st Lieut. Richard entire Ohio River valley in the lor-d area all M. Montgomery, from Panama, the way from Portsmouth to its noubh at Cairo, TI'lBarksdr Le Field, La.: 1st Lieuts. John W. ru., including its tributaries. The phe t oKirby,Fhin<'::'G..sK. Morrill, Jr . Willard R. graphers were favored with three days of excelShephard. Wycliffe E. Steele. from PhiliFPines. lent weather for photography," it was explained. To 1fVri,d:tField., Ohi:.~ 1st Lieut. William M. "rhis is the only p Lane in the Arrrlf Air Force Morgan, from l'hilrrPines. . which has sufficient carrying capacity, speed To I,c.;.ni!ldy lTield, Va.: 1st Ld eut s. Richard and cruising range sufficient t("l accomplish a S.--n%roo.n, Frar.._cist.:. Griswold, from Hawaii. photographic mission of such great mgnitude in To Patterson Fbld, Oh.i o : Captain Signa A. so short a time. Gilf.ey, from W'r::g~--rreld.It is believed that these photographic To Rome, Itely, for duty as Assistant l~lit~ records. showing water in the actual contours, ry---:A::rGClche A4r: Captain Jack C. Hodgson, fo",' will be invaluable t~ Arrev engineers in their from Bolling Field. future studies of flood control. ---000--The task of the two Fairchild C-8 pho tr-graphThe fo'l Air Reserve officers. have 10 planes will be to photograph the levees and been placed ~n active duty for a period of three ether parts of the flood regions so tnat Arrrlf I years at stations indicated: engineers gain some idea of the breakages At Barksdele Field, La.: 2nd Lts. Troy ~ which have taken place and the gains and lossCravff'oI:a, Iv'ia!ibliam, La., and Fred Oscar Easley, es which have occurred. These pictures will be Jr., Fordyce, Ark., to Jan. 14,1240; A.J. Bird, used by the Corps of A~ Engineers to make a Jr., Metter, Ga., to. Jan. 31. 1940. survey of estimates S'1 tha:t necessary measures ITo L~ley Field, Va.: 2nd Lt. Cyrus WID. ~or controlling, th.e flood and evacuating inhab- , Kitene-g;-Laurens, S. C., bo January 31, 1940. 1tants may be undertaken without Eemigo'n Fieldf,- Calif.: 2nd Lt. Francis R .Another Langley Field plane, the OA-4, by Ma:"thews, HC:.lstcn, '.exas, to .TBJ1uary 31 1940. virtue of its amphibian ability to land in To Patterson Field, 0.: 2d Lt. Thonas'Smith water as well as on land, should prove to be C'!f Davis ,Jr. , F&rr...a.ndina, rIa., to January 31,1940. -24V-7217, A. C.


NOl'ES]'RCM AIR COR!?S IE[J)S F 31st Bombar~ent Sgua~i'o,n: The Squadron. has Texas" J'an~21, 1937. lost three of, the old .timers. Lieut. Gerland Ass~iiiD9:ilaant, has, been I was ordered' tcPanamaand Lieut. Froper to l>us;rwith details on the proposed new navigation flight of the present class at the Advanc- .1.Ha~'aii, ~Jhi~.e. ieut . T~n:.berwent cve~ to the L UIU ted A:l.rllnes' en Jnnuary 15th. ThJ.s leaves edFlying School. . Ma.jor Robert D. Knapp, Chief of the Flying , only throe officers vrhoware with the Squadron when it HanUlton Field on Decenoer 5, Department, and Captain Glen C. Jamison, Chief 1934. Thes~ cfficers are Lieuts. Virgin, of the Attack Section, were sick in quarters Sanf'-rrd and Keppler. recently Major Edgar E. Glenn, Intelligence and Supply Officer of the 2nd Wing, Langley Field, was Second Reserv~ District, Municipal Airport, held at the field for several day~,on account O~kland, Carif.: ; of weather. He flew an A-17 to Duncan Field The Ai::: Ccrps Eeserve aCti vi ty at this stafor installation ef oil dilution sysbem for tion closed out the C'ld year with sabd sfacbory cold weabhez- flying and engine starting. results in all phases of training pC'ssible at Lieut. Colonel Ross G. Hoyt, of the Infcrmar this airocrt. tien Division, Office of the Chief of the Air On Doc~rr~er 22r~, Captai~ George E. Henry, Co~s, and Lsb Lieut, Waldorf, of the CalifC'rni Unit Instructor, .Lnrbhe role of Santa Claus N!lhcnal Guard, were recen visit(jrs a1;.Kelly (minus the whiskers) carre slipping through a where they were delayed on account of weather. .misby sky with the final North AmericaL BT..:.9 Col. Hoyt ~s ferryi~g an'~46 to Boston AirIto be assigned this station en t~e first conport. The weather also held 'U."p 1st L'i eut , tract. The new addition is equipped for inMari,on Huggins at this fiel~ a few days. He strument flying under the hooa and has an adhad a forced landing at Ringgold, Texas, en the justable bucket seat in the rear oockpit. 14th, having encountered ~ heavY fog in W~ntague Telephones immediately be~ clanging ?dth County. He came to 'grief again at McKin."ley, pilots asking Lnfc rmat Lon about the weather Texas, when an oil line clogged up and ho was I for flying. " .' ; forced to land a second time. In landing, his We do not wish to get' in bad graces out here, plane was darraged sliGhtly, and mechanics from, I but we surely weuld ha.velikea. to have had ,He~ley Fiel~. were dispatched to repair ~a~e. I moreo the. f'arrous during the :rast Warrant Off'Lc er' Vernon L.Roberi;s, ass i gned two months. Seven a~rplanesr:ave been an the to the Panama C6.lW Dcpar bmenb, was scheduled I hangar mcs t of t1:e t ime chemp at the propel~ to leave by transport from San Francisco on Feb-I' Le r s , held dcwn by lew ceiling, lack of visiruary 2nd. He had been at Kelly Field since bili ty and this ''hazo'' business. It must be 1928, having transferred as an enlisted man cal-Led by another name -' perhaps it has been from the Cavalry. He was made a Warrant Offi"Fe g.". The sun just peeked out at this writcer in 1935, being cne of those on the original ing - no Filots around ~ und ig ~ur face red! list ()f 1920. During the ~~rld War he served I Jar~uary 7th sa~ the arrival cf our BT-2Bl as a 2nd Li eut.enant c f Field Artillery. 'Nhile jand, after a double oheck , an additional gro1I,P at Kelly Field he served as clerk to the Execuof Reser-ve 'Pilots ,,1.11 receive transiticn and tive Officer and also '!'orked in the Air Corps graduate te- the Hr . 9. Supply. DurinG the ~lrist~as holidays, 24 out of the Fort Sil~, ?klahi"'m? anuary22, ,J 1937. 32 Flying Cadets left f0r their homes on lO-day Since t~ onset of 'cold weather, very few uilcts from other stations have visited PoBt furlcughs. During bho sarre period, extenc1M~ navigation training flights were rcade by Ivf.a.jor :E:ield. Of interest, however, was the overnight Knapp to Los Angeles, Calif., and by Cepbadn visit (f Colonel ~mo. C. Y~Chord on Dec. 13th. Bryte and Lieut. Spive;y to Mitchel Field, N.Y. ~aj0r ~.C. Farnum tc~k a short leave during the past week to attend an Episcopal Church Harnilton Field, San Ba.fael, Calif., Jan. 22d. Conference held at Pcnca City, Okla. The Hal!iiltcn Field1iasketeerJ nc::ve ::lIieIls81.:"Ld eub, \AT.r. Lester, Air Res. , ,returned to ting a het pace :in the .game s played. so f,~:r this this sbabdon -Jarniar'y 21st after:a month's year. The fliers unier the leadership ~f 1st leave. Lieut. Dale O. &ni th have won seven o f the All of the personnel at this' station wexe eight ga:nes pleyed, the solitary defeat being a pleased tc leern that the Cheney,Award for close cent est valero ene poin~ was the deciding heroism for tllis year (1336) was aW!;'!rd.ed to factor. The boys are 10C"king fcr,vard t" the MajorF.D. Lynch and Staff Sergeant Jl:'seph F. efforts in. t~e free balloon month of February, as they have contacted sever- N~rray, for'their al teams in the Bay Area. that will put up games accident nf last July. exci ting and .::or-ch while 'Yi tnessing. a possibility the.t the Fliers will jr-urney to Luke Field, ~.H.,JCL~uary2, 1937. March Field in the south or to Fort Lewis in j~~nd Bombarrlment Sr-uad'ron: This Squadron made the north. The tearr, is cOITposedof Lieut. Dale a reconnaissance flight to the southern islands O. Smith, coach; Corp. 1.L. Lash; Pvb s. v.r: cf the Hawaiian group for the purpose of aoLayton; Vi.S. MElloy; J.P. Shadc(');Buford C.Vay; quaintin."; new officers just arrived from the 9'rant M. Stiles; S.L. Foubs ; W.E. Ashby;A;K. Mainland with the fields on those islands. Probasco. Managers, Sgt. W.1/i. Bain and Pvt. Staff Sgt. Hines goes to Langl ey Field, Va., 1st Cl. Chausse; Referee, Corp. J.C. Hardy . on the next transport. Staff Sgt. Henry also - 25V": 7217 , A.C.




goes back on the next trenspo"/J~l;li.~bn unknown to date. Sgt.L1nlisq has, hi. fingers H' ~~~~.~e-1d.tht,bk)'ilY~. crossed, however, there ha~b.en%JO orders issued 1nhis case. t~~n ~t:io.' xiS, .Pt. '. f.~P$r. Among the new arriVals at Luke Field on the Hec~, ". "'eathe"~-~-z8.t:i~-han ~cli':l~h . ~ last transport ,the following-named officers to August 24th; 19 being' relieVed by, ~tain we;re assigned to the 12nd: 1st Lieuts. Paul E. Walter L. Wheeler, Air .Corps. The goo~ wiShes and enlisted men of the organiRuestow, 3nd Lieuts. Downs E. Ingram, Willis F. of the officers Chapmen and. Thomas Wildes. Air Corps, and. 2nd zation fol1o~\TCa"ptain Wheeler, and ..t .is rei Lieuts. Paul Wate:men Joseph A. ThoIms. Air ~retted that his transfer breaks up the only I two Wheeler" outfit. Reserve. First Lieuts. William G. Bowyer and William Second. Lieut. Douglas E. Williams; A.C., L. Travis. Air Corps, attached to the 72nd, are ~tarted out the New Year by gettingzmrried on leaving on the next transport, the former to go JaIJ'JJJ3rY 2nd. The bride is the daughter of Lt. to Randolph Field and the latter to Mitchel Colonel and M3.'s. Charles C. Drake, 11..1.1. Corps. Field. I The marriage took ~laoe in the Post Ch~el a.t Langley Field in mlitary style. lIxined1ately Laz1eLjield, Va., Janrnr13, 1937. fo1:lowing. thecere1lXlIliY'the bridal 'Pai~ departg. Sg. SOdii., 8t SU1 t Gro~r On ed on then honeyrooon. The best of are January 5th, Ce.ptain Clarence D. Wbee er assumed exbended to Lieut. aDd Mrs. D.E. Williems. cOlmla1ld of this ,.squadron. He CaIre to us from 37th Attaek~uadron: The Squadron suffered the 3yth Pursuit Souadron, where he had served a great loss en Lieut . S.G. lw1oLenoo.n was for ~ years. Li:ut. John E. Bodle, who had. transferred to th!, Base ~uadron to becozne 'been in conmmd sJ.D.cethe squadron was orgam.z8-2 and Base OffJ.cer, but was also ed, was assigned to the 35tli Pursuit Squadron. fortunate in gaining BamsB\Y' who bas To Lieut. Bodle goes the credit for the shaping taken over the task of ing Operations and of the sq\18dron organization and the preparatio Intelligence. ' of our administrative quarters in the rear of With the return of Cadet WillOUghby from the the. Headquarters hangar. In the difficult days West Coast, our "pilots again are all present d\U'ing tlie organization of the squadron, Lieut. and the rainy day hangar sessions- are "knee Bodle showed. h.imself to be a past' n:e.ster in the deep", especially with ''Pcp'' 1'Villoughby telling art of disentangling ~nistrative details. of the fast trip in his new autaroobile and his , 2nd Bombardment Group: This Group welcomes other experiences (seems rather reticent about three new officers who recently reported for the latter) during his journey to the West 'duty. First Lieuts. Curtis E. LeMay and Ford J. Coast, and with Cadet ''Red'' Russell trying to La'Qer. A.C., just arrived from a tour of duty explain the absence of ~aint from the leading in Hawaii and were assigned to the 49th Bombard- edges of the wing. stabllizer and motor cowlment Squadron. Second Lieut. Jeures W. Furlow, iug of his A.. l7 after his flight to Florida. Reserve, reported for three years' active Our Hangar Chief is starting the New Year duty and was assigned to the 96th Souadron. right by reporting for duty with his right ~he 49th Squadron has just learned that their I hand all wrapped up in a bandage. We st:ongly pr1Ze hard luck nan will be absent for several suspect this is just a camouflage to re11eve more months. Corp. William n. Murray, who sushim from running errands and 'Passing tools, but tained a broken leg and other painful injuries to hear him tell about the incident ther~ must as a result of a crash at Fort Leavenwoz-bh last be somewhere a trail of dead. bears and WJ.ld September, seems to be destined to remain in cats. . the Fort Leavenworth hospital for some time. He Another good. "story" comes from our red-headwas convalescing nicely when he fell from his I ed Recruiting Sergeant who has just returned wheel chair and refractured his leg. It is befrom the wilds of Pennsylvania with a score of lieved he pulled his nose up on a turn and spun no strikes, no hits and what errors. He r~orts in. that numerous offers of jobs in ~he steel ~lls 35th Pursuit Scuadron: Inclement weather and alzoost caused the Air Corps to have a Recruitwet field ?Onditic;m~ ~ve considerably cur~ailing Sergeant recruited by industry. His -proged the ach VJ. hes cf the 35th Puz-sui, t ress was probably curtailed by "swinging Squadron for the past twP or three weeks. Durdoors. II ing this period, however, there has been no Two more men have just returned from furlack of ac~i;rity. Routine n:aintenance work and Lough, Staff Sgt. Richards, who visited. at ground traJ.mnC schedules have kept both offiLong Beach, Calif., has promised to on cers and ~n pretty well. eccupied! and there I' ~ourist Travels and Troubles," with emphasis has been h ttl e time for thum1>-tWJ.ddling. on the negotiating of icy mountain road$. Arrangements were completed by the 8th Pursuit Master Sergeant Albee reported back to d'().ty aGroup.Operations for conducting long range ter a furlough celebrating his praootion. with front guns on a sleeve target What no cigars? t db K..._ " owe y ~ ~"tw;b.nB-10. After all this pala.ver on personnel. we ~l The eff1cer str~gth of the squadron was inI conclude this news itelD by a renark thatindi . greased by the of Lieuts. B.odle and I' cates that we do wP.rk in this pri.o:d ... orden. . ty in our Combat Exercises has been given to Whe36th PursUJ.t SC'uadron: Ca,tain Clarence D. the six hundred 50-1 b. bombs allotted this ore1er. Dr COrps, was relieved :from.assigngMizati.on and ready to be delivered by th, ment to the 36th :Pursuit SQuadr. on January 4th Ordnance Department and assigned to Hg,rs. Squadron, 8th Pur sui t'" . -26V-7217. A.C.

~~n'1,'" ::r~~i9::-u~~o: ::;~:'=d:O

~.:e.~"rl~" .. "-:lJzad -imi"



~B~pni,oAi.r Depot, l.'tran:sit. 'twiUb.e just "An Act of Go~." Levi L. Beery, Capt.,' r es7fO',)~r .Ani:lng .~ur visitors last week was MaJor John AM. Lieut. Thor.JasB. McDcnaid, of the Air Corps H. Gardner, Air Corps, Unit Instructor ~or the )ateriel Division, ferried a B-1OB~er,e, for, Air Corps Reserve. at Seattle, Wash. VaJor ,~e%'ha.ul opJanuary,4th. They ferrled a BT-2Bl, Gardner was ferrylng home a pr-3 from Bockwell. ~.Om.Rand .... O.lPhField tl)~he Fairfield ~ir Depot, I Flying conditions wer~ prett:y bad, S? we of,:" and two BT-2B's from thlS Depot to Ctl1cago and fered to take the ancdent shap off hds hands, the Fairfield Air Depot, ros-pectively. 1 but the Major said he liked "old things." ':Major Edgar E. Glenn, of Lall(jley Field, flew The 479th Los es vf'Lve more officers to active .'~ A-17 to the Depot,January 6th, fer instal-. duty - Ldeubs. Nen;an L. Callish, James C. lation (If an dilution sysbem, returni~ (In I Cochran, Nathan H. Coddington, Kenneth R. the 14th. il1aJor Glenn was formerly a resldent Kreps and Jehn P. StewR.rt. of this post while on duty at Kelly Field a few! During Christmas week; cur Souadron was visyears ago. '. I Hed by its fonner Unit Inst rucbor , Captain Mr. 1/~.S. Reid, representative of the Wright John K. Nissley, who is now at the Air Carps Aeronautical Corporation, Paterson, N.J., and I Tactical School, Maxwell Field. Ye Scribe did an expert in aeronautical shop practice, arriv- I not see the Captain, but hearsay would indicate ed JaDuary 14th fer a month's visit in this Vi-I the Captain has not played much golf or devoted cinity, principally in the Engineering Departmany evenings to cross-word puzzles. It seems ment of this Depot, conferring on engine xrainhe speaks of horseback riding 'ana. dher things tenance nntt,e:-s.. . . . .' I like the "nbh d~en~ion. It Wonder what. his Mr. Eugene ';1. Halley, J,unlor Admimstratlve I horse would say lf lt could speak Engllsh? Assistant with the Hawaiian Air Depob, Luke' I' First L.loeut. NormanE. Border, Air Reserve, Fiold, T.H., on leave of absence in the states, who came down 011 two weeks' active duty from was a visitor at this Dep')t JElnuary 7th and 8th ,I the Dcuglasfactory, was en no vacation. He chatting with friends ever old times hera. He ; stated that he never would have believed it was on duty at this Depot fer a number of yaps I possible for one Captain to have en hand so until. his tr~sfer to Hawaii in ~932. . ' : many and such a variety of official duties to Durlng Dec~nber, 1936, the Englneerlng Depart~ delegate to just cneLieutenant, ment of this Depot overhauled 17 airplaDes and On the 10th, "A" Flight went to March Field 51 engines .and repaired 21 planes and 30 enfor 64' s , and ''BII. :E'light was scheduled to folgines. , low up a week later. Sixty-four's are hazards Staff Sgt. Paul S. Blai:r' pilot, was tr<msI very nice to have, behi.nd. ferred to the ?quadron Janw:-ry 13.h ~rom the t The terrific cold sp. ll which has1,escen:1,er'._ e 1st Photo Sect~on, Bro~~s ~leld, havlng been upon us is preving a ~eci~e~ haniicap to flyattached to. thJ.s organlZatlon (3rd Transport ! ing. The pall of smudge smoke is worse than Squadron) sarice nc~e~ber 20, 1936. ,Sergeant ; the s~lupiest fog. The unusually col d w~ther Joseph O.Boberts JOlned the squadron Ja..'luary, has necessitated the use of s.LlU'lge ots an the p 13th, by tr~s. fer fro~ t.he 12th Air. B.ase Squad- 'I orange groves to the north and east of ~he f.ield ron, Kelly Fleld, a mutual traDsfer thus inducing a man-trade ground haze whlch orwith Sergeant Luther S. Viliitley to the latter dinarily does not lift until around noon. At organization. ! times visibility is reauced to 500 yards or I less. Hgrs. A.C. Det., Lone: Beach, Calif., Jan. 11. I The NewYear came an with a lot of zip and I Brooks Field, Texas, January 19th. super-exhilaration - a sizeable group. of us boys and girls gathering here in the Club to A new? Octopus has the officer personnel of greet the "rosy young feller" who always proBrooks Field finr~y emeshed in his benac.Lesmises so mich but who sometimes forgets to deIts grip is, indeed, terrifying. It seems that liver. nene have succeeded in eluding his grasp. The Nowthat the holidays are ever and our annual name of this terrible monster is CRIBBAGE.All NewYear's storm, we expect to get busy and see have succumbed to its wiles and blandishments, how many hours we can roll up. At last we've and have become so proficient in this new? game gotten our three BT-9ls - hOilest. Wehave to that there is all Clpenchallenge to any officer make a trip dovrnto Long Beach every few days of any post who desires to take his life in just to assure ourselves that the imagination his hands ani meet the personnel of Brooks in is not playing tricks. And in addition, we've roortal combat - over a cribbage board. By this also inneri ted a BT-2. Nowthose of our Group we mean that we are good. Wemay net be the "no did not get Checked out on the borrowed I best, but weI re the best that we eyer saw. BT-2 can get busy. During the first ha.lf of iVe'll acknowledge that, and we stand ready to the flying year we have flown something ever back this feeling vnth money, narbles or chalk 1900 hours. We're going to do better than that (mostly chalk, Que~tenraster issue). for the next six months, now that we have some ---000--service type ships. I Just when we thin1-;:we're all set fer business Second Lieut. William Brewer Kiese, of '!lyoming, someone thrOVTS smoke bomb in our midst. a The . N.J., was placed en active. duty to <[una 15,1939, latest "snatch" deprives us of our Ford auborm- I and transferred from the-:Pa:uar.aCa.na1 Depart ... 'tile - cur one and only transportation. When~ ment t('l Mitchel Field, N.Y. by some unplanned design sit do,vn UFon some disSecond Lieut. Charles l~ritz Dittrich, Jr., tant and desolate terrain, Captain Martin will Air Reserve, of Meriden, Conn., was placed on have to come to' pick up our scrambled renains active duty to Ja:JJUBry 20, 1940, and transferred wi th the tug. Of course, if we should die in from Mitchel Field. to Panama Canal Department. -27V-7217, A.C.

, ~o~








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to. -._ ",







attached . \< ... ,il.1B-~2A" ahplane. . " , oCObCIUsions. states that attachment It of _. 1e rubber tube deioers to the lead~ .l.8ds_''O wings and ~ennage surfaceby' ~ od screws and rivnu-bs was found to be .. ~l~&bleand dependable ~han by means cf "':~Wn CEments. Installat10n and r6lOOva.l off1be screw-attached deicers did not require .. ,' tel' period of time than thatcf the .~~ teci-on-type. and mecba.n:les with average i:,.' .. ' ng could execute the work. . ~ .... e deicers 3:'EIlI8ined place a..'"ldcomplete:: in 1jt.. 'er2Iovedice from the leading edges -each time i it encountered. Teats of this .tY\'e of d.eicing equi.pment will be continued to bud.Ld up further evidence of the. ~eriority of. this principle of deicing, which lS the most satisfactory eII!'loyed up to this time.



design the necessary eqUipment requi1$f for a practical test ofeolar blindness in: .Air Corps pibts. It was 1'.ecCllIlrended that this e9,uipnent be made available at all Air Corps stahons and that pilots who are unable to pass the reguJ.~ office color vision test be explained, and cle:ssiied according to their abili ty to :pass this test. Wind Cenes . AIl Engineering Section MexrorendU[l) Report :ru.rnishes inforrxe.tion for. service test of wind cone assemblies Drawing No. 37G2324. This type wind cone is fabrica.ted in the form of a 24-inch sheve diameter with mercerized cotton fabric. The fabric is first imPregnated with synthetic rubber nioo' produces a smooth vaterpl'oof sttrfa.ce . The t.rcated fabric has a high resistance to soiling. thus prolonging the IIaltimumvisibility beyoad that of dyed fa~ric cones. Randolph, Langley. March 6.Dd Mitchel Fields are reconmended bo conduct tests of those wind cones.



Ener3izer. SIiaen Ty'p~~-3 external energizers were p:re;pared f9r s.erviee test during the ~'1inter Maneuvers ~activities reccmmended to conduct tests -Were. elfridge. S Langley and Mitchel Fields). This energizer is designed to energize the flywheels of inertia starters from & nO-volt alternating cr direct current source of supply. It is equipped with a double-end drive shaft suitable for either direction'of st~ter Shaft rotation. It is also equipped wi th an autom'lLtic clutch adjusting device for elimi1'la.ting the shock loading of the starter


Ta.chometersofMc3gneti~)-;~e C-4. Ten Type 4 tachometers \magnl3tic), procured fran the Kollsma.n Instrument CcmpaIlY, Inc., Brooklyn. N.Y., are ready for service test. The magnetic tachometer. Type C-4, is of the6hat driven type and consists cf a magnetic rotor, an inductor, and a calibrating spring. The rotor induces a. current in the inductor which, in tur~, causes a torque of the inductor agains.t the calibratinr sprin~. Gearing at the back of tbe instrument makes 1t possible t~ d~ivc it in e1ther ~irootion. Tbe indicakr dial corres ponds very eloselywith that.required for the Type' c-2 chronometric ta.chcmeter. Before some 500 members of the Azmrican Legion. attending from nearly every post within a wide radius of Hamilton Field Lloyd Andrews J ',.. ".: Hamilt on P ost },o. 54' Department of vallforr.u.a'i 0, The American !'cgion, was recently officially consti tuted ell integral part' of the national organiza.tion with a'Dpropria.telY impressive cere ~es. The Chaplain of .the ifarin County Councilinvoked bhe blessing of .Almighty God on the convened assembly. The county ccuncil commander recited the rerob P amible. .t'o the L" egaon cons t't u t.1on. th e me ers 1 (Contiiluod. on next column)

E-5 Dead Reckoni:ee COm;luter (Ma.~tic) . Eng!neenng Sectlon Memorandum ortl. on service test /"IfType E--5 dead reckoning o~ . puter by the Air Corps Tactical School, Maxwell Field, Alabama" reveals that this coroputer'co~ sists of one face of the Ty'pEl E-l en a SIIBller scale, together with a double drift diagram and a log sheet on the reverse side. It was found to be IOOreawkward to hand La than the T;ype E-lB. and the double drift diagram is Clf too ~~l a scale to give the required precision. The Type E-lB has been stand~dized in preference to the Type E-5. limited standard classification being reeomnended fOJ; the Type E-5. T~ proscntrepeating the words after him. With their colorful unif~rms, the Legionnaires still looked tho part cf the soldiers they were in '17. A number of Department, County Council and Post Ccmrandara from points as far distant as tJkiah were present and were introduced fran tbe rostrum by Maynor Clark, County Council'rof Marine County. On behalf of Col. raverwort Joh:i.lson, CoIIJJlE\ Officor of Hamilton F1cld, Lt. Col. C.W. Russell w?lccmed the Logi9:ma.iros to the ~r Base. ga1.1 Apperson. ~1I'man of the Marln.' . County goard of Supcrv~s9rs, ~~17omed the V1s1tors on behalf of the C1 Vll off1.c1.als of that t J J F'sk D t A'::j t t . h' coun y. amos. 1 ,. ep. AU. 1:.,a."l " an 1S rted the members present- to. cona~dress, e::mo hll";1e -l;jorVlCC tbcPc;>st, state ~ to Nahon. Dunng the. course of h1S ~dr~ss 1. .d~veloped t that Mr. F1Sk had been an l:til.~lIIlatefrlcnd of Lt. R~l ton, ~ftcr whomtho Leg ion Pos~ a.'1d t~e HanultonFleld Ajr Base are named! ~n wart~ . dBiYs. :FJcpartment CCIImiUlder . TomRiordan was the ." pnnc1.pal spoaker of tho evenang,


V-72l7. A.C.


...-: ~~~~(:.~:~~:;..,.


FEBRUARY 15, 1937.











VOL.XX AIR Information Division Air Corps





~~. 4~

Febrna.ry 15, 1~37

Munitions Building Washington, D.C.

The chief purpose of this publication is to distribute. infonn~tion on aeron.antics to the flying personnel in the Regular Army, Reserve Corps, ~at10nal Guard, and others connected with aviation. ---900--. POWER PLANT LABOBATORY UJ.mEIlGOES OVE.llliA.ULING By the Materiel Division Correspondent


In order to keep a few steps. ahead of I. Three new combination electric-water power plant developmentt the Power Plant I brake dynamometers of 3000-horsepower . Laboratory at the lvlater1el Division, capacity are being installed. A 1500Wright Field, Dayton, OhiO is now under-\ horsepower centrifugal blower will regoing some general overhau i ing. Thanks place one 600-horse:\?ower fan and step totlie foresi~ht of the engineers who ! our airspeed from 180 miles per hour up orit',inallY bu11t our laboratory, it has i to about 400 mil~s per hour .. Tv;o600withstood the rapid,progress of the past i horsepower centr1fugal fans w111 serve several years. .A.thousand-horsepower, i the altitude test stand with similar combination electric-water brake dynamo- I increase in speeds. Each of the stands meter sufficed for engines then under i v/~ll have remote c ont ro l.a over the en.development and gave plenty of room for it1re system and w1th new soundproofed increase in power from the 200 to 500 i control rooms we will still keep our norsepower engines up to our present en- : position a~ the most up-to-date Power ~ines. in the thousand horsepower class. : Plant; Ln.boratory in the world. ~ 600 horsepower blower fan gave us an i The above 1mprovements are costing airspeed of acme 180 miles per hour over ';well over one hundred thousand dollars j the fins of our air-cooled engi.nes , simu-: the ~ower r eou Lr ed to run the stands lating approximately the spee~s of air! WGulu supply a i~ir size city with planes then under development. ! power. r:"'11& ,xpensC? Will, bt'juGt.t'fted Weare now goill~, over the thousand I by :further deve Lopmen c in the power horsepower hwilp, and with it come the ; and satety of aircraft engines and pass added complications of accurate altitude! on the benefi ts through the military performance. t es t mg , To.accommodate new i services .~o our cOl1l1ne~cia~ lines ana in developments, weare ag aan taking ! turn to tile general a1r-m:lnded public. another look into the future. ! ---000--i.

SCuTTFI~D I~ FLOOD RELIEFWORK Colonel Frallk Iv.. Kennedy Command Ine Sr,ott Field IS amateu.r radio station., Officer of Scott Field BelleVille, l~l., W9CJH,was active in handlin~ flood rei is cooperatin5 with Co onel Joseph A, lief messages from January Gcnd to FebruAtkins, at Je~ferson Barracks Mo., in ary 7th - 401 consecutive hours - and charge of Southerl" Illinois dood relief, !or"~ing in conJunction with the iJ. S. .A.nny by sendin~ supplies, troops, airplanes had10 ~et. ~r1vate, 1st Class, Frank W. and airsh1ps to the flood zone a-little Brashears, its owner-operator, was asmore than a hundred miles to the east sisted b~rPrivates Reynold J. Castelli, and south. Colonel Kennedy not onl;y C. C. Smith, Ben Taylor, Lewis J. ilildy supervised th e execution of all orders and Fred J. Hicks. from Colonel At~ins, but also made ~erlbe ~nateur station was an important sonal visits to the flood zone by e.i rlink between "N9A..'Iit, Anny 6th Corps Area plane and airs1:in . , ." ... Station, and a dozen emergency radio staScott Field pilots have made frequent tions in the flooded area, these includflights daily to obtain information and in~ W9PSP Cairo, Ill., at and WGBE at photographs and to make maps which have lY!arion, Ill. The station had reo"'Ular':'. been helpful to rescue pa.rties. The i hourly schedules wi th these stations, TC-14 airsh~p was flc'/Yn to the flood i inakini:, contacts little more than five area on var10US occas aons, I i,;ir!utes apart. Four complete mobile field kitchens, I Durin~ Ule hour~ from midnight to 5 each manned by a mess sergeant, two a.m., all ii9CJH relief traffic, partieucooks and ~W? helpers, have been stand- 'larly. that regarding missing friends and ;ng by awa:J.t1nc orders to proceed wher- relat1ves was rebroadcasted by WEWa i ever needed to establiSh food stations commercia station at St. Louis, Mo~ for flood refugees. (Continued on page l5) -1V-7G13, A. C.


THE NE'N CLASS AT RA.NIX::!LiH FIELD, TEXAS. The new class which will .begin. lying 'train~ SchuDGl't,liilzrato Bruns San Francisco, Calif. ipg at the.Air Cnrps PriDBry FlY1ng School at 'j Maupin,~bart Norton ~ta B.a;l'~ ~olph Field, Texas, on March 1st, ~xt,. . idmI,mdson. JsrresV. Sl;m1ia'Mbji164;;OOif. tdta1s at this writing 112 students, comprisi,xJgAle~~r,Hugh S. . Wi:nton, CaJ.:i.f. one officer of the Coast Artille:rY Ccrps, U.S. Hays. MacDonald Harbert Denver,' Colo .Arutv (1st Lieut. DapnQYH. Corum). 9 enlisted Heintz, AdamJoseph Greeley, Colo. men of the Air Corps, 5 enlisted men from other Brnomfield. John Danridge Hartford, Conn . branches of the military service. and 97 candi-I Breathitt, Jarres, III Washington, D;,C. dates from civil life. The enlisted and civilClements, Bt-bert E., Jr. Moscow, Idaho ian students will undergo their flying training I McFherS"ln, Clarence' Edward Moscow, Idaho under the status C' Flying Cadots.. MalC'ney, Rt:lbert G. Chicago, Ill. The course at the Prinary Flying Schfld is "f I Kumnrow, R(-bert A. Morrison, Ill. eight months I a.uration,cf which four months Snow, DaDiel Lloyd Vienna, Ill. are spent by the students en the Frimary Stage ]'la.nnery, Edward J . , Jr. Winnetka, Ill. and four reorrbhs on the Basic stage. The inWanamaker, ~tin Eugene Barnes, Kans. struetion on the :t'ri:mry Stage is given on a Spies, AlhertJcsl3Ph . Hays, K.ans. training type airplan:e, kncwn as the PT, and I Weltz, .'Eugene Carl : Wichita, Kans. ccnsd sb s of dual instruction, the fundamental I Morris, Ge('lrge William Bowling Green, Ky. flying maneuvers, and acrobatics. \ H. arriso.o. Oliver Cecil Montgomery, La. On the Basic stage ,the student adva.nees tc a Capi tell, ..ufred J..,bn Belmont, Mass. larger, IlX)ropowerful and speedier airplane., I Smith. Dana Andrew . Brookline, Mass. known as tho} BT type. In this airplane the . Pr-ozmire , Theodore S. ,Jr. East Boston, Mass. student reviews all of the work done on the I Howe, Dana Hill Gardner, l:l'ass. lrimary Stage, but in an airplane with differAmes, Richard Austin Lynn, Mass. ant lying queli ties and. one which I:OOre nearly ['Noyes. Richard. Whitney Vlelrose, }IJB.Ss. approaches those employed by Air Corps tactical Caluory. Francis David Battle Creek, Mich. squa4rons. At:,this stage he also takes up forCle',eland, Parker Menzie Fert Snelling, Mii:\n. n:e.tion flying, strange field landings, instruMarks, Magnus B. Y.i.nn.ea-polis, Minn. ment flying under the hood, and day and night Kruse, Robert Roland Kansa.s City, Mo. navigation flights. The objects sought so far Martin, Kenneth Ray Kar~asCity, I~. have been perfection in flying technique and Benson, Harry Anderson Liberty, Mo. the development of headwork. Arndt, Clarence William Marshall, Mo. Students successfully oompleting the eight Ott, William Dunnica University, Mo. IOOnths' course at Randolph Field are transLambert, Richard Francis North Platte,Neb~ ferred to the Advanced Flying School at Kelly Glasier, Ilpbart Adolf Carlsbad, N.M. Field, Texas, where for a perind of four roonbhs Nacrascn, Edmund J()seph Cooperstown, N.Y. they speciali ze either in Pur sui t, Bombardment, Howard, Orrin Mather Crown 1'J(lint, N.Y. Attack or Observation Aviation, employing serAronsen, Charles 1lillard,Jr. Eltingrille,N,Y. vice type airplanes. . Coupland. Don KeIlIlXll'e,N.Y. In addition to int.ensive flying training in Uzdavinis, Walter .lifred New York, N.Y. their cwn specialty, studor.ts are also given Zipp, Marvin st~ll Fk'ckville Center, N.Y. considerable experience in day and night navi,Beverly. Ernest Haywc'nd Laurinburg, N.C. gat ion, instrument flying, and transition to Holbert. Lewis Peter Ashland, Ohio all types of military airplanes available a.t Brannon, Dale Donald Columbus, Ohio the Advanced Flying School. :&'isch, Frank Columbus, Ohio Upon graduation from the Air Corps Training Wasem, ClintC'n Curtis Columbus, Ohio Center, the Flying Cadet is given his "Wings" Landis. Frank Calvin Doylestown, Ohio and the rating of "Airplane Pil('lt," and is then Foster, Orland A. Ada, Okla. assigned to extended active duty with a tacticMaaon, Bobert Julian Norrran, Okla. al squadron at one (1f the Air Corps stations in 1'i'nrkman, Clyde Lowell Ncrrmn, Okla. the United States. French, Donal.d James Eugene, Ore. In the matter of representation of native Ac~os()n. John Russell Medford, Ore. sons in the March Class, California leads with Enmens, Robert Gabel Medford, Ore. 13 students, followed by Texas wi th 10 and . \'Test, Graham Warren Port1tmd, Ore. Washington wiJ"h 8. In the cities represented, Radziewicz, Casimir A. New Kensington, Pa, Seattle, Wash.; Columbus, Ohio, .:' :"::':;0, Ill.. Dwyer, The-masA.W., Jr. Philadelphia, Pe.. 7;,.::.J.... T.\:i,l..'~' .. -:~;': :'~ .i'~" .. r;~.three each. ~ .. Anderson, DaleL. WestPitts:mrgh, Fa . List of Flying Cadets (C' '1') Danesi, N~rius Caesar Providence, R.I. =.:;...;.-:::.;:.....;~_'-=;:l;_-....::=:.::..:-==-.l.:::.:l=-v.:.;J.::.::..::l:.::an=s:.t-_ F'i nerran , Ernest Providence, R. I Bo'rland, Russell H. Carrden, Ark. Watson, Theodore Provost Anderson, S.C. Ti11nan, Cleburne Li ttle wck, Ark. Mall, Don iV. Brookings, S.D. Tribble, Georr,e Stuart Stephens, Ark. U~Nicklo, Melvin Francis Verndllion, Hagerman, Elmer D. Avenal, Calif. ~ 1,;acl:icol, George Mabin Memphis, Tenn. Ga.rtran, Ialph Sheldon Avenal, Calif. Armstrong, Hal Burrage Austin, Te:lt,!iSs Adams, Robert Starr Los Ange16s, Calif. Broadbent, Harry Hartwell Austin, Texas Kearby, Neel Earnest Los Angeles, Calif. Ranck. Nathan HeoveI'! Ausiii.n, TeJr.%S Reedy, Allen Dale . Ontar1", Calif. Ceyanes, Lenchc Brownsville,. Texas Iwerks, F~lyn Merrill San Bernardi~o, Calif. Vernon, Randall Mitchell .{iarUngen, Te:iB.'s Pardee, 'ElHott Thomas San Francisoo, Calif. (Continued on Page Z!.) .. , . -2V';'7213. A~C~'





.THE COLOMBIAN FLIGHT ~upplernehting the article in the pre- Ii t a , some 150 miles further on, and one v10us issue of the News Letter on the of three decisions had to be made, viz: a1;)6vE:l subject, additional data relative Ito return to Turbo or France Field;prothereto was just received from the Iceed on to Bogota without a weather reFrance Field Correspondent, who goes on Iport, or stay in the vicinity of Medelto say that a fine opportunity to visit Ilin for a time in the hope that condianother South American country presented tiona would clear up. It was decided itself not long ago - andopportunity had Ito wait for a while, and a circle of to knock but once. Under command of i that immediate area was made. After Major Willis R. Taylor,of France Field, I about 30 minutes, a hole was located in a flight of five Martin B-lOB1s proceed- I the clouds, through which the flight ed on an aerial journey frrJIl France I proceeded to the Medellin Valley, a Field, C.Z., to Bogota, Colombia. The I landing being made at Medellin 3 hours purpose of the flight was two-fold - it land 20 minutes out of France Field. helped to strengthen the friendly rela- iHere the planes were serviced. A favtions already existing between Colombia lorable weather report was obtained from and the United States and, in addition, Bogota. The ceiling at Medellin was it provided valuable experience for Air partially broken by this time, and the Corps personnel. The following very I flight took off at 12:20 P.M., went up 'complete account of the flight is taken I through the clouds to about 15,000 feet from ~ajor Taylor's diary of the flight~ land a course was laid for Bogota, 150 , Instructions were received from Wing ,miles distant. One check was obtained Headquarters in October, 1936, for the, Ion the Magdalena River en route. Arriv7th Observation Squadron to proceed on ing, however, in the vicinity of Bogota, an extended navigation flight to Bogota, I the clouds were broken and a landing Colombia, via Medellin, Colombia, on was made at 1:40 P.M. The landing December 14th, return~ng via the same Ifield elevation at Bogota is 8,700 feet. route Od December 17th. The flight, per I Upon landing at bogota, the flight verbal instructions of the Wing Comrnand- I was met by the American Minister, Mr. ,er,was authorized to utilize B-10B air- I William Dawson; the representative of planes. Inasmuch as five airplanes were I the Pres\dent of Colombia; The Minister ,authorized for the fli~~t, and only 4 i of War, Dr. Mendoza; and various other B-lOB airplanes could be spar-ed from 'Government Officials. The Minister of France Field, it was thought it would ,War stated he was very glad to welcome be both interesting and educational if 'the personnel of the flight and that an extra B-lOB plane from Albrook Field, !President Lopez, of Colombia, had diwith four oflicers, could be authorized. Irected that while the flight was in In addition, it was sugeested that one i that country they were to be the guests officer and a flight surgeon from Al!of the Colombian Government. The Dibrook Field be furnished, and this'sug- irector of National Aviation then invitgestion was agreed upon. I ed the officer personnel of the flight The flight cleared France Field at I to the Granada Hotel to meet various 7:30 A.M. December 14th, in partially 'government officials, including the Mincloudy and inclement weather, but with lister of War, and to eo through the cera good wea ther report at Medellin, Co,emony of the llCopa de Champagne II , or a lombi~, where the first landing was toast in champagne to one another,,Which scheduled to be made. Because of these is considered an extremely high honor. weather conditions, the flight proceed- I That evening the officer personnel were ed down the East Coast of Panama to I entertained at the home of Captain ClarTurbo, Colombia (Pan-American Airways ton C. Jerone, Marine Corps, Naval AtField at Turbo), thence on a direct I tache to the American Legation, to which line to Medellin. The flight proceeded I' the mem,bers of the Colombian Air Corps through the mountainous country ~ver a were invited and many of the members of nine-tenths broken cloud layer, a.t an the American and European Colonies. On elevation of about 11,000 feet. Two December 15th, a mid-day reception was check points were picked up through the I given for the officers of the flight at clouds en route to Medellin. The Medel- the home of the American Minister, Mr. lin landing field is situated at an ele- Dawson, which was attended by the Vice~ation of approximately 4,000 feet on President of Colombia, members of the the south side of a 1'0, 500-foot peak Cabinet, high official s of the Arr'I1 and and lower :ange. The n~~th side of the N~vy, and ~he Minister~ of all ~he forpeak waS v~sible on arrival in the viw elgn legatlons. At th~s recept~on the Oinity of Medellin, but the Medellin Director of National AViatio~, Major landing field was closed in~ RadiO con- Santa Maria, statea that he hQPed to tact had not been established with Bogo ...have our flight return to France Field -3V-7231, A.~.

via Oali, Oolombia, the Oolombian Mili- .' 'oper~tors and also to the fact that tary School of Aeronautics. TheAmeri.. !tbeoperators in the planes were cold can Minister .. dis.patc~ed a f:l.t '_and uncomfortable due to the high altith! s time to the a.ommallcI1ng GeJiElral, I ttl.'de at Which'! t. was necessary to fly Oanal Department',: r~qile~ting a~th-I EJteel1ent .ee.~her'reports .ere' Ob'tain.. ority for the flight to return'via that 'ed, :however. ;'eoperator'~ utilized route and _stB3' overnight at Cali. Per-lt4e S.O.R. 187 set . The interplane, ,mission' was granted by return cab'l e; . Af-IS.C.R. 183 ,set functioned satisfactorter tbe receptfon the officers of the. !ilyand, although it is designed t!> flight 'Were taken' on' sightseeing tour I wOrk at only f'rom l5~ to 20 miles, C!>Jnof the Oity of :Bogota by Oolombian Air jInunicationwas peculiarly good on this Iff1cers. There was no offiCial f'uncI set by" voice with France Field at all, tionforallthe officers tha.t evening. i times, 'bot,h. in the air and on the " . MaJor~~lor and Major Charles. R.. Glenn, I ground . Incid~ntal1y, .on the gr ound at flight surgeon, however, were lnvlted to ;Eogota, ln addltion to working Fr~ce att,endthe ~ational Theatre wi ththe . I Field perfectly on voice,. ,the station American Mini,ster in his box, the ceca- 'at El Volcan (H07 El Volcan, P.) sion beirlg.a ,recital andpoet-Iwas worked perfectly on vot cev. This ry, by the winners of the National Poetstation is' some 650 .mi Lea dis,tant., ry Oonteflt. : President Lopez attended ." -_:-oOo~-. ,I' inbis box, and during the intermission . r.dENCH l.SPEE-D FLYER VISITS KELL' . Majors,Taylor and Glenn were presented ,. to the President and his fan;Lily. . Only 100 .hour-s .of flying training are The flight left Bobota on the mor~ing' lallotted to French flying students at of the 17th at 9: 00 0' cl ock for Cali, ! the three mil itary f}:yi ng school s of Oolombia, some 150 miles distant. 'rhe France, it was learned hera during a intervening range between Bogota and short visit at Kelly Field recently by Oali has a high point, en route, Mt.TolMichel Detroyat, leading acrobatic flyima, altitude 18,500 fee~. The mouner of Franqei Michel Wetzig,civilian talns "were completely covered and it was. test pi1ot)and R. C.Peyronnet, de Torres, necessary to take flight to an alti tude . :news correspondent. All are on "l. tour of approximately 20,000 feet for a: few . lofinspection of American aircraft man~inutes to clear'the range, after which lufacturing centers. Students at the Air .. the a1 ti tude was d.ecr eaaed rapidly down ! Oorps Training Center here get approxi, into.the Oali Valley, where a landing imately 300 hours during the tear. was made one hour and 10 mi.nut es out of ! Detroya. t, ,wi nne r of the speed race of B,ogota at the Oali landing fi'eld', 'which i the National Air Races in Los Angeles, .is at an elevation of 3, 500 feet. If-he I California, last year, and who broke officers of the flight were taken to I the world's record previously held by the Officers' Club at the Oali Air Base i}~ajor James H.Doolittle, has been a and then ,to the Hotel as guests of the awarded the French Legion of Honor Rosoffic.era of the Air Base , That day at et teo He flew the course in a special6:QO P.M., the oi'ficers of,theflight' ly built Caudron-Renault racer, which were entertained" by Colonel,Liborio Ore- cover-ed the 10-mile laps fifteen times juela,CoIn.'1la.nding Officer, of the Local I in the record time of 264.2Ql miles an Fort and Mili tary School ""Pllil CHIN CHA II , i hour . Dooli t.tle I s mark -was 25;:3.686 and in the evening the American officers. i miles an hour, made in: 1932. For this and the Colombian aviation officers were', feat, Detroyat waa awarded the Charles , ,entertained at dinner bl Lieutenant John i E. Thompson Trophy. He also won the H.~dell' American Aviation Instructor iLouis W.:Greve tropw. . . . to the Oo'l ombfan Government. ..'. 'The French flyers., both of them test The fl~ght left Oali at 10: 30. A.M.', :pilots for the ,aviation department of December 18th, for a direct flight of ithe French government,. 'accompanied by 365 miles to France Field. Thiacourse ide Torres, have been in the United was. intended as a navigation problem . i States fora week. .They left San~s~l;lce for some 200 miles it lay about 45: tonio by commer ot.a'l plane for New York miles off shore. France Fie:J,d was reacn- City, where they went t.O embank. for. ad 2 hours and 20 minutes after the take4France. ' off. . I All three visitors commented favori Cooperation was given in radio coromu- i ably on.Kelly Field's cleanliness, nication by the PanAinerican Airways at .1. despi te the fact that most of the F F d d buildings are of war-time construction. ranee iel , Medellin" and by the Sca -I' l'Aanifesting considerable interest in taAirways at Medellin, Bogota, and Call, the blind flying equipment used by the Oolombia. This was not altogether suc-' I cessful, due probabl~ to the unfamiliar~1 Air.C?rpe,.th~Y ~t~ted tpat they are '!' famlllar. wlth"th~ lnstr'UIIlents but" itY,between the SpanlSh and Amerlcan wanted to compare the tyPe~ here with those used bv tbe 'ranch mlli tary +'1n.:nos. -4of,. V.:.7231 , A..




,f .-.' .," .

,. '.. , -,:Beca'U,ssf the .continuous bad weather, Irlved with his cargo of gold,they i~o 8,11 Langley Field had to confine work to 'mediately put in a call to. the governSquadron duties and "Hangar F1ying". At ment for assistance. As a res-u.lt1tAe the time of this writing, the field . Nicaraguan government on January 15th, looks like a lake, the road between the asked for an Air Corps search party. main post and Langley Number 2 (the old At 6:15 A.M. ,the following day, a lighter-than-air area) is covered with I search fli'ght took off froe Albrook water to a depth of aporoximately six Field. en route to Managus., inches, and the balloon hangar, which. The di.e:ht was composed of six P-lCl' B, houses the 37th Attack Squadron, has the! two :B-6T,s and one :Bellanca 0.-27, all appearance of an indoor swimming pool. I under ~ommand of Maj. G.H. :Beverley. :BUt all this water handicap does not i The flight reached Mana~ in the at~revent the 37th's maintenance crews and i ternoon, and four of the P-12's immedEngineering. Section .from taking advaniately started the search over the juntage of the non-flying days to put the gles. Shortly after arrival of ~he A-17' D in Buper-.super conaition. The Army airmen, another ship:belon~lllg to writer uses the superlative IIGuper-suthe same company was reported m~ssing. pert' because even when the planes are I The weather was poor the entire time, 1'1ying all hours of the day the men keep i the mountains being clouded over part them in 'excellent condition. Occasionof the dayl and there were many scatally, all men have 'to interru~t .their ! tered trop~ca.l thunderstorms in the work to rescu~ little Line Ch~ef Nero I valleys. For two days and a half the from a pool of water that has become a I search went on, without the slightest little too deep for him to wade through. i trace of either of the lost ships. The weather finally cleared enough on I J4Jven tn perfect weather. conditions, wi January 25th to enable Lieut. :Bergquist I the odds are ten to one that no trace to go to the Middleto~n) Pa., Air Depot i of a, crashed ship will be Visible, and fly back his A-I 7 j in which .the Air I since the tall trees of the jungle are Depot had installed a Type E-4 Radio very liable to completely conceal any Compacs . He was very:well pleased with i ship which plunges through them. its operation on the return trip and is On the 2C'th the flight returned to anxiously awaiting good weather so that Albrook Field, due principally to the. he can conduct further tests. Cadet .impossibility of obtaining the proper Russell' s ~lane is now also equipped grade of aviation gasoline at Managua. with a Rad~o Compass and ready for deAlthough the flight was unsuccessful livery from M.A.D. It is hoped that all in finding the ;tost ships, much valuour A-171s will soon have installed this! able experience with flying conditions new aid to radiO navigation. i in Nicaragua was obtained. We now have ten pilots assigned and ! Mr. Drew, of the American Legation, attached for our eight planes. The lat- as well as government officials, did est addition is Cadet Jones, transferred everything possible to make the 'flight from the 36th Pursuit Squadron.. personnel comfortable. Officers wer~ The contin~ous inclemnent weather hae quartered in the Legation home of Mr. initiated heated discussions on icing ,. Boay Long, the American Minister . All probabilities. Lt. Day, .our Engineering enjoyed the triP! although they did Officer, has launched an investigation a~~t that the f ying haa been rather on the subject, and with his assistants strenuous. was seen parusing all known text books ---000--on the subject. In addition, he is AIR COP2S DEMONSTRATION FOR planning to measure the ra~ge of the MAJ OR GENmRAL :BUTNER air heater now installed on A-17's as a basis for determining how much heat to On Sunday, Jan. 23d planes and ~erapply under various climatic conditions. sonnel from France anA Albrook Fields We wish him all success, as this invespassed in review to honor Major Genertigation may produce some much needed al H.W. :Butner, Panama Canal Departinformation.' ment Comcander. General :Butner sailed ---000--from Cristobal aboard the 5S ItAncon"" bound for New York on. leave. Just arSEARCH MISSION TO MANAGU~ MICARAGUA I ter the uAncan" left the dock and was '. . steaming for the ope'n sea, 0-19' s, ~ittle or no extra gasol~ne for a long !P-12's,:B-6's and :B-IO's passed by the flight over treacherous jungle, sudden i ship in review sever-a'l times. Air changes ~n uncertain tr?pical w~ather, I Corps personnel in Panama hope heartimotor fa~lure with nQth~Dg but Jungly Ily that they will soon be able to mount~ins below - any one of th~se facwelcome General Butner on his. return of as.hlp. to. e.xp ..the. d.~s.appear-lWith 'an even better demonstration. s en. .~ .o ... one of these ~lain ance .PerhaJ?G. .' .. '. diSaster's forced ;pUot I.W. KinKsley .., th~ ste~lng jungles of~lcaraV-7231, A. C.

.. :57fH A9;!1'ACK.SQUADRo.W:ATER~I,Q(;GJD Btthe;].fewe Letter OorrabpOX,ldent


In any event} 130nanza I mine, about 150 mileswhen.$he had Managua, north of learned that pilot Kingsley !.lot ar-





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At tbOU~~:OO a.m., Ar.0!1day, IP.i~letw~s about t? follow Lieut. Hansen J.Jovember 3 1936' three B-3A qUlckly lnt.o the held, a ~arning was . Bombers of he 28th Squadron took b rcadcaat that the runway Just used was 1) off on what was to be probably I very rough and it was possible for the ~~ one of the most interesting and other two planes to use the other runway 1.1 .~entertaining flights ever made to whiCh was much better. -. 11 \. the Southern Islands. kajor lV40stof the: fields, over here are ~ahs~ ~ ~ Lloyd Barnett, who was appointfactory from the standpoint of gettln~ ~)$.+'~ ed to commandthe 28th upon in. and out? but with many cf them it J.S '.'l' .~i'~ his arrival in the Philipnecessary to .b e very car efu L to ':lse just .=:.;;;;- .Pines on October sou., one little aar row str.lp on the fleld. The v ". ! .. led the f0I1!lation.. eccom- I rest of it maybe rough or soft .. Afte:r: I . liZ "panied by Lleut. George VI.I a short stop here for ~as out of those. '(~. .... ; I/p';":'.Hansen Wll.0 leaves us on 15-gallon cans? a.naa.. Ilttie r~freshment, ~ 'l"k, .. .-the next boat, and who we pushed on to Zamboanga , wh Lch we reach ."..~ was to see that none of i ed after a li ttle more than a three-hour . ~_~~,.,~'... us newcomers got lost on I flight. Wewere making knots on that t!~~st ~lip-ht south. With them were ,'hOP', better than ninety per, and for the Staff Sergeant Samuel Gershon, crew benefit of those of you GH9, oys who have b ,chief; Pr~vate, 1st Cl. Thomas W. forgotten what a B-3A is like and are Windham, assistant crew chief, and PriI used to cruisin~ around at one-hundredvate ~yrvan R. ~orley, radio operator. eighty or so~ nlnet~ is plenty ~ood for Lieut. Colouel Thomas S. Voss, who as- these old B-~'s. hlgllt here ana now we sume.dcmmuandof ~ichols field up?n arwant to ?pread around a few bOUQuets f9r rival on the July boat! but who mlssed the men ~n the Depot? the men on the the previous Southern sland flight due and all the crew on this particular to the press of Official duties took I fli~ht, for in spite of the fact that number two POSl tion accolllpaniea by these pl aries and engines are old - nearly i ,Lieut. Charles A. C ark, ~r., who had to ready for compulsory retirement for age, ,.rush down and back in two days on his in fact, they keep them in fine condition. last flight south. Sergeant Thome,siL I t has been a long tiuesince the last Smith and Corporal Albert W. Carter held forced landing (lots of good knoCks on down the'rear end of this plane. Lieut. wood here), and we got through this enFrederick A. Fillet, also a newcomer tire flight without ~ mechanical diffifrom the last boat, held number three po- culties whatever. And donlt for~et that sition? with .. jor Robert K. Simpson, a for every five minutes' flying t tme the lY C., the custodian of health for the boys had to empt;y one ef those five-galflight. Staff Sergeant Max A. Schrader Ion cans of gas lntoeach one of the and Private, 1st Class, Stanley J.Enberg Bombers. looked after this plane, with Private On the hop to Zamboangawe passed Jacob C. Ziembo radio operator. around a few nice heavy local thunder. With our junbie kits loaded with emer- storms. Col. Voss and Lieut. Pillet gency rationsl pistols, ammunition, changed positions cnce or tWice~ and when iod~e mOSGUltonets, etc. ,under the Lieut. Hansen found it was the volonel usuaL tap~'cushions of our paraChutes, and not the Lieutenant he had purposely and our life preserver vests properly run through the e4ge of one of those adjusted, we were barely able to climb storms - was hi s face red? Besides that, aboard, but finally made it, and with we went bargine:. across one gO-mile stretch full tanks of gas and empty bomb bays of water '. . , we soared awail. . and Iloilo tElowelo to those who dont t un- Lieut. Hansen had a tough time tryiIlg to 'derstand tile lingo over here) was the convince the newcomers that it would be first stop after a four-hour flight safer to land in the sea beside one of around the ed~es of islands and over va- those 15-foot sharks we saw than to come rious and suna.ry intermediate fields down in a jungle. The jungle d i dn! t which might come in useful some day when look any too good~ however, particularly ~he weatlier is not as fine as it was on those parts marked "Unexplored" on the that particular da;y and was, in factI maps~ so most of us deciaed that a beach throughout the entlre fli~t. Here bhe woula be about the best place for an little 163 Command Sets, which we were "unpremediatedlt landina-. fort~te enough to have 'for each of our At zambo Weput up 9.~ the Hotel De Bombers, proved useful. Just a.s Lieut. Gink: of ~ett1t Barracks, right on the -7V7231, A.C.



'The narrative here given is from I.ij. report rVY~su'bmitted by 1st LieUt. F.rederick A. Pillet ~. ~~upon completion ?f hi~ first i~t7r-~sla.nd ~.:'flight after arn val an the PhJ.lJ.ppJ.nes. ~





bay and then assembled at the Over Seas teeth and red lips from the old be~tle Clu~ for a session at their famous"Round nut habit. Ma~ of these ~oros shll Table.l1 It seems they h~ve a. slogan: chew thlj} native beetle. nut, whic;:h makes "Strangers bak en in 11 wh~ch they proceed-, thei,r llPS red and thel~ tee~h Jet. black. ed to carry out with ~ Vlm fn the 9as~ ~lt '~as noteworthy that ~n thlS entlre of the Colonel. After a. chlcken dlllifer Ilcr~Wd.there was not a slngle woman. .A.ppaa.t the one and only hotel, we started on ren~ly, ~lese men know how to handle a round of the knick-knack shops, and I thelr woiaen. there b ezan th e buying spree which was I, AS they were at all our stops, the Connot to end until we reached home. At stabulary officers were more 'than kind first we were just loOking. Then some and courteous~ The~ placed a guar~ on nne asked "HoV! much?" You know the rest.\ the plp,nes ,and fur nf shed a r eccnnaa seanc e We got black c and silver bracelets, car to take us to town, where we found ea:;- rings,- pins, sJ::i,rt studs, rings, etc'f the ~a.rk:et in f'ul L swing - and the. women, T1l1s wae Jewelry nlgnt.. The heavier and i not lnfull but thAt'e - wor:::: .ng. In J larger articles were to follow . j these markets you find practicn.lly every.Having covered the t~emendous airline I'thing.of any imp~rtanc~ to native life, d Ls t ance of some 550 miLes in one day of i but llttle that you would care to eat. some seven odd flying hours, we felt at We did risk a li tliJ.e milk from a coconut liberty to ease up a bit arid see the and a bottled suft drink, but the sad country, so the next day we departed at ,p1?-rt here, as in many of the other small 9 :00 a..m. for Jolo, the land 'of the vlllages, was that the signs "Ice Cold" Sultan of Slllu. This was a hop ()f only ,didnl t mean much and it was all fair to abeut ninety miles, with a scattered ! mi~dling warm. Some of the fish were chain of small islands not too far to I qu i te pretty - all shades of the rainbow the east I so we spent a little more time I with a predominant blue - but others were sightseeJ.nb on the way. A.s we crossed I not so 'beautiful, and they all had that the center of -IoLo , we passed P. couple I repellin6 aroma which comes to fish after of old volcanoes beautiful crater so 10n2" a time, in the S1lI\,. En01i~~1of lakes. Then we d ropp ed to a low altithe-to We drifted on to other thJ.l1gs. 1.ore tude and f'ol l.owed the beach around the ,black coral; bracelets I'l.t ten centavos; island to our landinb field. There more bracelet s for five. Lieut. Pillet seemed to 'be natives scattered alon~ t.he jo r ought three. Later, more were offered entire coast line, and found at least, to h1m, and what a shock he received afone who had tlle business of living prett~ ter pro&Qcing those already obtl'l.ined in well whipped. \ defense of a further purchase to be toldThrou~hOut the Philippines they have II But these - real black coral ....,those buil t f'Lsh traps in the sha::;"~owcoastal I just Japanese imi tat ion. II They did look waters, consisting of arrow head-shaped prett~7 much like hard rubber, but anyway bamboo fences. The throat of the head I nis little girl doe sri! t care or know the is open, so that fish sWi~nmingalong the' diIference. We split up hete and when barbs find th e i r Vla~r into the interior we next a s aen.bLed , what a col ection! i ~ut are unable, appa~ently, to find the~' 1here were brass trays; silver rings, ~ay out a~;aL1. In some cases the point mats, rope,>. c?rd, native straw hats, a J.B opened and success1vely smaller traps placue of mln1ature moro weapons for placed aheaQ so that the concentraticn IfuajOr Barne~t, and for Colonel Voss alof fish becomes greater. At the head of ,most a complete collection of the real one such trap in Jolo, a native had bUilll things. Look out for him the next time his home over the water. We suppose he you run across him. He also, had a.l ong an had simply to dip 1?net under ~he floor ,old l"or~J s~ldier, \:ho cla~med to have ~f his home and orlng up the dJ.nncr. eleven ncaas to nlS credlt, and who was Upon landinG we f'ound the field. im:ne- ac t i nr, as the l t s man .B'riday,d~ately covere~ with one ?f t h e most ikceping the crocks frolll gyping him. Unplcturesque crowds of nat rve s rn tile ; fo:r~una.t81J we c ou.Ldn' t take this old Islands. These Moros go i~ for color, Iman aloLg with us, mIt apparently the dresses (the men wear them), tl1rhans, ,Col~nel had ]oArnAd his lesson well, for odd hat s , racs, and SOlTi8 the yo'..u.lgest-the drove m~6?ty ha~rJ. bar~a.ins from then of at all. George Hansen's frlends on, even w1tnout tne ~sslstance of the can imagine what a picnic he had, and n)d h'oanhllnter. some of the others who would be photo.Ius t as we were about to Le av e we ran graphers ,d.idnl t have such a bad 'time llCr?SS the local "Datu," - relip-:ious and either. We tried to corral a youngster POll tical head of the' district. He was in the raw to get our pictures wi til him, c Lean and neatly dressed in Arr;erican only to find that While he had been style coat and pants, wore tennis shoes c r owdi ng in to get a look at us, at and one, of the kind (;f shirtsrrenerally' first, he vas ~one like a scared rabbit acc oropan.ied by a de LachabLe collar, but as soon as he f'cund out we wanted to wnrcn ln h i s case was not so accompanied look at him. V. ith the aid of an intera.I thoue;h it was buttoned up to and in' preter, a f ew centavos? and much coaxing cluding the collar button. Wherever he we finally got the~ p~ctures, as well as went he, was accompanied by a native with others of some- of the costumes, black " a. aho tgun , It seeara that one of the more ,. -8-.V ... 23l ,A. C. 7



recent conbend er e for the title of thing to do. Oh! we almost forgot. At "Suitan of Su.Lu" not long ago died very. San Ramon they have a "Janll in the suddenly from unexolained, and prison. We had our J?ictures t~en in tLe Datu, be i n., the father-in-~a"'l of' ,the front nf it. Guess J.t must be for the Sultan of Sulu, pr01aoly needed all the "bad men. p rot oc t.t on :1e could get. After? very Well, the story runs on and on, but flowery co.rver aat i on with the Colonol it was lots of f'un in the i1lakin~ - the " tel' d0in,T but not t~1.(;: writin,,; - and we ho-pe th r ouzn ail rnt erprr ec er , dur i.ns Jie rrt e rp ...... 6"~ a 11 .:,>11e of' th..e fun an: l'~n"'terest wJ.'ll. t old ~s ~lOW :napP~T n e and his people were H ~ _. to have us tn er e t..... 110W much they loved t r Lck.Le through to our indulgent ad readthe United. St1?tes, he o f'f er-ed to bake us er s - if there be ar.-:;'. ~JloSt of us finout to the Palace and introduce us to ally sot into the hav after this oventhis daut':hter, the f arr.ous Princess Day~ng ful day, except the l;olonell who had to Dayang , SJ.l tans of SuLu, il.uch to our wri te A. note to his COIHwandlnbOfficer, cli.a..YJ.grlll, lO'ilever, We found that fh e ~ due down on an excursion boat in a few Sultana's hUS08;.10. as not in; she would w days, and tell her what not to buy. He t her ef'o i-e te unat.Le to receive us, "but drifted down to the Over Seas ClUb for would b o ,:(1ad. to df) so at sorae other tllis purwose, and when he returned he time in tiie nresence ')f her husband. So brought Bridget, It our first r ea.L menwe d idn t t uee t the Sulti'tna of Sulu.' key Which, contrary to the old story, Back in Z81,;bo that evening, we dr ove did have a very long tail. We all had out to the San :t!.amon Prison. The Superto get up to meet Br Ldge t , who was a conintendent was most accorrmodc.t ing and stant center of at t ract i on, for the rest took us t:lrou.;:h pr ac t roal.Ly the ent Lro of the fliGht but finally quiet again prison. It Yl0Sord.erly, riea t and c Leaa , prev::l.iled ana. the fcHowing morning but the boards the men have for beds did found u s t I Up and at 'em, II and ready for not seem V817 Lnvi t Ing , and the little other Isles - af t er the COIO.181had straw brooms on each 1')u.nk w er e t.her e, we picked up a couple of Mora costumes to found, for t:J.c purDose of shooing A.way ';0 Wit~l his weapons. the mos cuLt oea, There were no serpens, Another pair of fifty-mile water hops and if the mos oul t ocs there are intllG brought us to Oot abat o, Where we picked least degreens multit~dinous as they up more brass, weapons, and a turban. are in the vic ini ty of ~~ichols Field, we The Co... tabu Lar-y officers as here gave each can't imat::;ine how the poor men can no officer an old gun or pistol. il'iost of an; cut 11 SLlOOll all night l('np' The t h em were a t yp e of shotgun made by the Pr i son i30st Exchange was one of t.he most nat aves illegall:r and confiscated "by the Lnt er e s t Ln places We visited on the cn- Oons t aou.l ary. They consist ossentiallv tire fli{:;ll~. Tllere we found all manner of a r ough s t ock with a piece of water" ('1' ver:.! fine wood cflrvin~, walking pipe ar rang ed to slide on it so that sticks, Docie ends, beautlful hardwo cd when it is Dulled back th e primer of a serving trays, and many many sizes and i ShO~6U","1 slleil inserted in the rear of the mode~s of tl1e _Ii ttle nah;,e boats with ~ipe s t r Ike s a firin~, pin. . Imagine tr:i"cut r igg er s and. colored sa i Ls , Some of ,lng to J ark one of tnose t.h s on a tarus were a.Ir eady runnang lew en cash, out: get as you fired it. One other type had others were s t i Ll t',oinb strong, so here : a tiny hole in the r car for a fuze like the :part<Y's c oI Lec t i on took another jump [an old cannon. You couldn't je.rk or pu.II upward a little of nearly eve ry t~at baby in firino0, it. One W"l,S an old named. . . p i ec e made by the Colt WJ.fg. Co. Hartford It was.sll.l)per ~i!1lel and an i?sp~ctio~ \Cor:u., in 1863, and repaired with a 1901 ' of the k i tcnen wi tu J.ts ,;:;oulnsn or nat rve Ch t ne se penny. It was an old cap primer. greens and dried, ripe fish neo.rly tnade : . The r~ext stop w~s just about flfty us all slck~ al tnou~h We understand. tha t I il'lles r'ur t her on Lnl.and at Lake Bu.Iuan an it is c ons r ed mute good by ii.any of ! isolated Oons t abu.l ary Post. We had to' the natives. Ln fact, one cf the prison: fly around. 1'(\1' about ten minutes before ers Lnf'ormed us tha.t t i.nes had been k i nd laadinC while they drove the car-abao off of haz-d on th e out~id~~ so he. just s t ol e the field, bu t when we finally Got down somethJ.n6 ~ld. bot ~nS~d.e. Otners had ~hat a recept~on! Lteut. ~avarro the not arrived so much of their own volilocal COilliliaJ:ldin,c" icer Off took us' to his tion, howeve r , One was in for manhome atGhe edse 0f the hyin", field s~~ughter. - he ha~ rr.e,rely killed hi s pla,ced r efr e shmen t s upon the 'table fbI' wlfe. Ev~den~ly ~n tnat country what ;bctn ofhcers and men and then insisted one does to h i s ovm wife is nat so seri- ! tnc.t we stay for diml~r. ens were o~s, but Ln t:1.,ecase,?f another man t s iC~Utht, kille~ and ~'ried, and in a short wlfe - well, t","at' s d i f'f er-an t . .As Vie t i.m e he and h i s f aml Ly had produced a departed we found cut what to do VIi h t i dirllf~r for f'ou.r t een., fit for a kil1f;. .And u~eless people. One old in an was swatl h e d i dn t t know we were c om n., i either untl~g flies, and puttir;tt;. :;heiIl in a bottle, It il he heard the sound of ou~' en,;ines: Whlle anotner watche~ hlm., ~t seems tn&IAfter dinner he had c~arettes and cigars t?~ former was good for no t h i ng else~ for us, and ended by glvin~ each of the ofw?lle the latter ~as not even as gooa as ficers something - cne a f~ne barong (type tne former - and tiley had to some- 101' bolo), another a set of bow and arrows -9V-7231, A.C. '
J ;

an~ther a s~ear, etc. But Majrt Barnett and boasts of two Or three sheds in drew the pnze - an old b~rong wi thou t a which fabr.ic materials displayed, sheath, WlUl a split handle. It seems but in the main consists of row upon row that it harl been tak~ fro~ a Moro who of natives who~ring what they have to had gone hermro1tado ,crazy), and killed sell each ~enday and Thursday morning, three or four people. As he had the andi ay it upon the ~rryund or on small weapon raised over his head for another stands. Anparently they come from al: stroke, butt of the handle f'o rwar d , one over t.hat part of the Islan.d, either 011 of the Constabulary soldiers fired right foot or in their little boats which fill into it and then shot him. We Were all the bay by the market. At the en t r ance very grateful to Lieut. Navarro for 11is there was a car-abao market with a mimo er ex.ceedingly kind hospita.lity, but could of young animals. Vl~ had hoped to ':atch do nothin~ for him except to refuse to their ownerc bargain1ng, aut were d1sap~ccept payment for a battery we had 90inted, ~s we were always as much of a brought h1m for his radio. curiosity to the natives as they were Upon Leav rna Buluan, the same comedy to us, and theJ7 a.lwaJ7s. qui t bhe i r chattook place wblch attended our dep~rture tel' and stared at us wnen8ver we were from each of the other fields but wbich ~rouud. For some straUf,e reason, none had not been mentioned up to this point. of us got the urge to pick up any of All the native children gathered around these animals so they with some young A,S we warmed up the engines and had f\ I g oat s Vie saw iater r err.a.i.n ed about the bit time tryin~ to stAnd up behind the . only souvenirs we left behind on this propeller bI as t , The few clothes of I flight. Be,yond the carabao market were those who had any were blown acout like r ows of odds and ends, trinkets, flasha flag in a gale, and there was Just one1.ights" cheap nri r r or s , cheap underwear mass of na~ed arills~ legs and bodIes (probaoly the product of A, foreiGn tUIl,blin6 about beh i nd each plane. They i country) Loc aI jewelry, fine br'as s loved it, too, even following the planes I trays, un down closer to the Lake around as they taxied into take-off posi-!were riles of native rice and fishtion and runn i ng af t er them a little wav.: all k'i nds of fish, as in Jol.~, and, as We had been working Nichols Field wi th ' in J 010 1 they w~re plenty ripe. We. ou.r SC.n 1871s, but On t~lis particular couldn't stand t t long down there w t th day had not been able to contact them,so the mixture of that well ~nown damp, When contact was made just before We I sour, marsh odor, and th'3.t of the overlanded a.t Davao , about 5:30 p.w., Lieut. ripe fish, so We f'Lni sh sd our buyinf~ as Hansen gave the word for the two other quickly ~s possible and left the market, planes to land, via the 183, and remain- lout no c before observing one more humored up to finish the transmission of neaus incident. cessary messages. When he landed we I before cowing to the Ph i Ldrrp Lne s we learned tnat there was n nice little I had heard much about the semi-nakedness typhoon about 300 miles east o f the SAn i of same tribes here, but up to this Bernardino Straits (some lii;tle distance i date none of us newcemers observed any n"rth of Davao) headed. norte and wos t., I of this except in the children. l~O and reported in this position at 6:00 ! doubt it does exist, but we have not run a.n., that date. .i.~extmorning we learned I across any. In this par t i Loc a.l Lty further tnat the number six signal (indi-i it is the custom for many of the people cating a typhoon o f considerable intensi-I to wear A.costume consisting of a 'Ji~ ty passin~ very close, and winds of gale ipiece of cloth like a lA.rge roller towel. force to De expected) was up in f,.anila, They dr-ape it about their bodies in. veand then you should have heard some of : rious styles an~ seem ~o p~t forth consithe old t~er.s gri~e.aoout how long they: dera'cle effort m hold~n6 lt up, but u suhad been 1? the Phl11ppines~ never seen ally succeed very well ~d keep them~ go od typl'lOOn, and then had to be off selves comp e t eIy cov er sd with it. i One J.~ th~ Sunny Southern Islands while one buxom youns. ~v?man, however, had a little hJ.t rIght next to home. trouble on tins p ar t t cu Lar morning, alAt the local hotel in Davar' we found a. though it d i dn ' t seem to-'i ve her much playmate for Bridget ~nd left them toconcerll. She had on a bl~ck sack-like gether y;hile we journeyed. to an ap~ropri-i clot? which she held up in front wi~h ate club to pass the evem ng . At uavao i one hand. or the other very well u.l1tll we .g,ccumulated more bows and arrows, _I she got m t o an nrcument with one of the knives, spea.r s , shields, etc. and kaj('r ! ot.he r natives. 'I'h en she seemed to deBIarnett got away with Br et is playmate. I velop a little Jewish instinct~ and there n fact, she was given to nim. were considerable periods of tlme durin? We left Davao early the next morning, Which no hands were avad l.abLs for the Thursday, in order to tcl~e full advanth~lding up progess, and the cloth woula .9ge of market da;y at Dansal an., on Lake fall to her wat s t Where for some r-eason, Lanao. Upon arr1ving ~here we found the it would always h~lg. in between the usual Constabulary guards and r econ naf stimes of g r eat e s t intens.ity of the argusance 9ars ~o take us hither and yon, and men~ sLe would find time to pick it up drove lamydlately to the market. It is ~aln for a moment, but did so with the located rlght on the shore of the lake alr of one a.ccouplish~g some little job -10V-723l, .A. C.



which well be done to kill time, tat ion was prominently and proudly disbut whicii shou.Ld never be allowed to played upon one of the walls: "11.11 i..odinterfere with anything of real importerllists are not meu~ers of other politicance. al parties, but all those not members of After the market we went up to see I other political parties are fuodernists, Professor .oncado ' s Colony on the top of and all members of other poli tical para hill near DanaaLan. Here we found a ties are "I"odernist s ," .I.~oW there is a number of frame buildings and a ~reat profound bit of wisdom upon which to deal of concrete statuary. In tlie yard Ico~~t~te., . was a concrete boat, ahout 25 feet long, I \1.1.enwe le1 t ",.oncado' s ~t was after c ont afnm., concrete mermat d.s and various I noon. Vi e found that the market had brokand sundry animal groups. We couldn't I en UPt end some of the natives had walked get the idea of just exactly what it was! the m~le or two to il!onc&do's to further all a-bout exc ep t that it seemed to be i press their Wbres upon us. At the flying built witf,. tte purpose of s~'Tlbolizin(; thel field, another couple of miles away, we theme that it is wrong to kill and eat i fou.~d still more, and the only way we animals. 1:..1 one of the buildings we I could escape them was to t ak e the air. foup.d a ~lur~b~r of wire enc~osed room~, I, From Dansalan vie f~ew to Del ,dante, eacn cont atnt n.; a full fanal;'}" group rn i wne r e many of your pIneapp Lea are grown. life size concretez shown eatins their i liere we were back in real American atmoanative food, each m the manner of the I phere again, and it wan A. pleasure. ',-;e country depicted. There were groups had t,0od American food with fresh UUl(Jshowing Eskimos, Americans, Spaniards, ! apples for desert, enjoyed meeting' the Indians, Filipinoc, Chinese Rnd Jap~lesa,iAW,erican officials of the Company, nnd and in eacb case the food was well dupli-! found the weather delightful. The altica~ed ~n concrete and realistically . ! tude tbe plantation. is not high) just pa~ntea. On one wall was a tablet tellI a~c~t ~,OOO.fee~, but ~~ seems to De sufing the life stor? of the famous J?rophE'~ I f ~<?~ent to ~nsur~ a ~ellghtful year round lv.oncado - hOI' he "lad set out to f Lnd the I c l rmat e , and we focnd to our amazement a best diet for men by living in nearly I read lined on one side with palms and the all countries of the Vlorld, spending i other Vii th firs, all in excellent condimonths in each one, eating their native : tion. The ten~erature seems to range food, from the poi of Hawaii to the raw i from 6,5 to 80 de;rees. There was nothing fish of the E~~imos, and of the results :for sale, either, except the food and . he obtained from each of these rative : lodging, and that f act added to the comfoods. He found American food all right, fort of the place. said that Chinese food made him lazYi ~ne sa~e afternoon broue,ht us to Cebu, lV.exican was too hiE-hl~T so ic ed for proper about whose virgins you have no doubt digestion, and so on; but finally ended heard in that well known song which by stat in c: that anparently differer.t nastates - "She was born just yesterday." t~onalities_possessed dffferent t~~~s of In Cebu we went throu$h an old Spanish stomachs and probably snould eat d if'f'er-- fort, now used as an Lndu s t r i a.I school ent diets. He had also decided, however, saw the original wooden cross which ' that it is best not to eat meat or cook- iv;aF.;ellan erected there in 1531 aCCUllIUe9- f009-, so none of the people ~lho li-ye lated.a couJ?~e of banjos, another monkey, w i th h im do so. 'I'h ey seem to p r i.n- for Ld eu t , Pd Ll.e t , and prepared to shoot cipally on fruit, but the few whom we for home. saw seeilled to be in good health ~.dhad Saturday we blazed that old home trail very clear.complex~on~. . f,l~\'1 up to 8.000 f e et , and shuddered a ' lliomcad? ~s a Chr~st~an, ?ut .seep~ to iwn~le to ~e~ a gllmpse through the clouds be n rlls~ous and dletet:l.C fana~lc. We !0f the ?mok~ng top of the Mayon volcano, had heard that he had seventeen w~ves, land r ad i oed for a couple of t ruck s and a but \t. deve~oped that he was, ~nnln6 . [pho t ogrepher to meet us. Each of us was some lund ,01 orph~n D.syh'J!l.vinlch. cont?~~-It,~ad to get home again, but we were coned about, ~"la~ numcer of Ld t t Ls g~rls. All :vlnced that We had never spent a more inleast, tn~~ ~s what one cf the g~rls iteresting or worthwhile week. told us. T!18Y were all dressed an J.Jr:er- ! ----000--i~;n style and, like the en t I r e ~st.abj. . Lt ehmen t , were neft and, cl~an. Vve,7ere I Fl;8 en.I Ls t ed J?en of. the J<lcdical Department, unable to learn wzie r e t he money came i st-at i oned at VETlOUS Au Ccrps Fields, were from to keep, th~ .~lac~ uP', iVhen We i ro~?n~ly rrderei ~he Scheel of Aviajrion ed , one of b:e t:-Lls lnfo~h\e9- us that Ft cl.d , Texas, f'o r th s purpose s.oncado had way~ of 1lI~~ng money - l r- f pur suang a course of instruction for enlisted ~e had 111D.ny ~nds ~n.,,?. f~~ ~t was s'(l~ci81ids: Just a 9u~~ou", 1)1a<;:eaoout wh v,e could! The so enhsted men, all cf the grade of Prilearn Ld t t Le. lJ:yp~cal of the general I vat,", are: Fe-bert M. Dcrrt.on , from Barksdale trend ?f thou.;h,t about the place i'l~s a i Field, La.; Henry G. Lewis, MaJ..cwe l I Field., . quo tia t i on f~0J::11V.r.l'.,oncado c0:t;lcern~n~ a Ala.; EarryL. Mitchell, Langley Field, Va.; sort of pol i t party of whLch he r s Robert 1/1. Page Selfridge Field Mich and the leader, the ll!,.odernists,11 which quo .. John T!i. White, 'l.1i.tchcl Field, N:Y. " -IlV-7231, A.C.




STATE HIGH/lAY ,NAMEb/FOR DECEA.SED AlRA~~~ AS a result of ~ letter written by Colonel Henry W. Harms~ Comnandant ~f the Air COrDS Primary 1'lying Schc~l, Randolph Field, Texas, to the Texas Highway Department, the new road connect Randolph Field with State Highway ~o. ~, between San Antonio and l:..ustin~ has been designated the "Pat Pocker Road ,It hOlloring the manory of Captain Booker, who died as the result of an airplane crash at Maxwell Field, Al~., September 16, 1936. Tne minutes of the State Highw~y Commission are as f'o : II ,;/hereas,a Etate Highway has been constructed in Bexar Coun ty from State Highway ~O. 2, 0.S. ~O. 81, to the entrance to Handolph Field, and, ~nereas, Pat Bo~ker, a clnse friend and flyin~ companion of W.ffi. Randolph, for wham ~andolph Field was named, crashed. and has c>0n8 to join his friend in that sac red place reserved for intrepid flyers, Therefore, in memory of Pat Booker, it is ordered that the State Hi&hway from Sta~e HiGhway ~o. 2 to Ranaolph Field be designated as "Pat Beoker Road" and that it be so marked, It is also ordered that a copy':of this minute be sent to Colonel Henry Vi. Harms, Corrunand Officer "f Randolnh Field; Hono rabLe .:B'r0st Yioodhull bounty Judge o f Bexar County, a.nd flonorable C.l>..Quin, i'iayorof the City of San Antonio, with the request that they advise the nearest relatives of Pat :Uooker o f this ac t i on ,II ---000--GhADUAT10~ OF Phlb~RY SCHOOL STUDErlTS The present class of students at the Air 'Corps Primary Flying School,Randolph Field, Texas, expects to complete the course of training thereat on February 19th. This class is the first to train on the new "basic type eouipment, and I contains teD officers of the Regular I I Arm;y.~fifty-six Flying Cadets, and. two forelgn students, one of whom is an officer from the s.extcan ;;~(wy and one a Flyin~ C~det from the Philippine
I sLands , ---000.---

DUTY ASSIG~ME~T Among arrivals


lri ~~WAII

in Hawaii I)n the U.S. on January 15th were seven Air Co~s who were RSS iglled to duty CitLuke Field with the f o Ll.ow i ng orO'anizatinns: 1st Lieuts. Lawrence H. Douthit with the 65th Service Squadron; Donald W. Titus~ Hawaiian .A.irDepot;. Donald h. Lyon, Head quar t ers 5th Ccmposlte Group; Leland S.Stranathan, 50th Observation SquFl.dron;2nd Lieuts. l\nbert i". Stillman, 72nd Bombardment Squadron; lviauriceIv.. Simons and Louis ,w. Prefer, 23rd Bombardment Squadron.
ArfLW 'Pr anspo r t Cill..TEA.U THIERRY h eu the above named transport sailed o n January 19th for the mainland, she




THE ,Ai.{E1~1)ME.NT

took the follov,int:,-namedofficers from the stations :Fnc,ed: 1st Licuts. William G. Bowyer and Charles H. Pottenger to Randolph Field; John G. Fowler to Bollbs Field; 'v~illiD.Ul L. Travis and i"llton F. Sorrzne rf eIt to Iv.itchelField. ---000--Luk e FieJ.d,,,~hogo to du ty at

In the previous issue of the l~eWs FI.H;ID g";:];~CISES Il~THE PHILIPPIlIf.ES Letter, ~oting an item frOID one ()f our cor-respondont s , it WtLs stated that when ~he Philippine Department Field Exerthe Wriht Brothers flew their first air- si?es were I.leldduring January, .and the plane, Over 33 years ago, it had a tri~h~rd Pu rsu i t Sqt.J.~dron,lark Fleld, C cycle landin.c gear. This statement '[las r.l., was based Cl.G Del Carmen, the excelpreliminary 'to some Lnf crma t i cn ccnc ern- lent field of a sugar central located in ing the testing at Langley Field of an s cu thwe st er-n Luzon. New airplane and 01:..4-1.. airplane e cu Ipp od w'i a t r Lcyc Le th 6round radio e~uipment had just been reLand 8ar. ceived and., tharks to the Communications The ~vlation Editor of the Dayton Officer, the illaneuverswere far more inDaily l~ews ca.lls attention to tue fact toreRtinb than any experienced in the that the first i~ritht planes had no few years since the old radio sets of Wheel 1~ildin2 ~ear whatever? dependinG the Scuadron "wen t nat tve" from the exentirely on SklS~ and when the whpcl cessive heat and humidity. type gear was ad~ed later (about 1909--.-000--1910) it was not the tricycle t~~e. He adds that Glenn Curtiss was the first The numl1er of visiting airplanes at man in this country to use the tricycle S?ott Fiold, Belloville, Ill., during landing gear and, as far as he knows, tne ca18ndar year January 1 to December the first in the world. 'I'h e tricycle 31, lC36, was 1685. 'I'his figure is somegear: he claims, Was a distinctive What un~er tfe total of 2448 yis~ting Curtlss contribution. planes :or tne calendar year 193o. Reference to J?hoto~.ra:phs the early of ~he d}.ff~rence du,e to any curWright and Curtlss clearly taIled ilylng actlv~tles but rather to substantiate the cnntention of the Avia- a considerable aiaoun t of regional unfation Editor cf the Dayton Daily ~ews. vorable flyin6 conditions. -12V-7~31,A.C.

GIlADUATION ADVANCED FLYING OF OOHOOL srUDENTS -he class of students unllergoing training at the Advanced Flying School, Kelly Field, Texas, and' which is scheduled to graduate on February 17th. numbers 33, including three officers fram other branches of the military service and 3(!) Flying Cadets. War DepartwBnt orders previously issued assigned the three student officers, upon their graduation, tn duby with the Air Corps, viz: Captain James R. Andersen, Ordnance Department, and 2nd Lieut. Jack W. Hiclaran, Corps of Engineers, to the Hawaiian Department, and 2nd Lieut. J. Kimbull Brown, Jr., Field Artillery, to Brooks Field, San Antonio, Texas. All three of these. officers are graduates of the United States W.ilitary Academy, Captain Brown graduating in 1926 and Ld eut s , HicknBn and Brown in 1935. They sTIGcialized in Observation Aviation. The remaining students, upon graduation. wi.ll be assigned to Air Corps tactical units for active duty, and are listed below, as follows:


In an address a,livered recently by Colouel Charles A. Lindb2~ at a luncheon in his honoz by tlie GermanAir Ministry, he stated, in substance, as follows: I sometimes feel those of us who grew up in aviation have lived much more bhan an average lifetime. It seems alrmst as though we have the 0pportunity of living in the future and looking back on our lives, of jurging our work through another generation's eyes. Cortai~~y the whvle world has never changed faster than at the present time, and during this change nething has developed more rapidly than aviation. If the man who sailed the first dugout canoe could live again he would hardly see more change in ships than our own generation has seen in aircraft. Except for the fact that he had net lived through the intermediate centuries of development, the luodern battleship would give him no more cause to ponder than the nodern bf'IDber should give us. He could no more have seen a 16-inch gun attached I3leyer, Julian M. (Bomb~~nt) Tulsa, Okla. to his canoe than we were able to see five or Box, Clyde (A",tack) . Denton, Texas ten thousand pounds ef bombs attached to our Brogger, Jacob J. (~suit) Butterfield, Minn. plaues 0f twenty-five years ago. Cochran, Fhilip G. ~B2 Erie, Pat Scientists now talk t"f time in terms of Dalton, Lloyd H. J~. (B) Ottawa, Kans. Astr0nomv, ?hysiology, and Psychology. Our Dillingham, Wal. tel;.ti. (p) Honolulu, Hawaii concepts of time are changing, and I think it DuBose, James :J., Jr. CA) Aiken, S. C. is nowher-e n:ore noticeable than in aviation. Eubank, Williozn E., Jr. (A) Bluefield, W. Va. Our ideas (1f time and distance are entirely Bl cornsburg, P a. different from th(1se ('Iur fathers held . H.~ .arvey, St er l' J.',~, G (Cb') , s Helton, Elbert ,A) Clifton, Texas Unlike the builder of the dugout canoe, we Hillery, Edward G. (B) Boonton, N.J. have lived to see our harmless wings nf fabric Hoffeditz, Aaron H. (0) Greencastle, Pat I turn into carriers of destruction even more HUIlker, Joseph F. (p) San Diego Calif. dangerous than battleships and guns. Wehave McNown,Willia~ K. (B) Lawren~e: Kans. lived to carry ~n cur sh~uldors the responsibilMacDonald, Donal.d W. (B) San Francisco Calif. ity for the results I"\four experiments, which Margrave, Thomas E. (B) Gordo~, Nebr. in othe r fields have been passed to future genMyers, Thornton K. (B) Lafayette, Ind. crat i ons, . .. Nau, Wallace E. (A) Pasadena Calif. We whn are an avdat Lon carry a heavy responPatterson, Steele R. (p) SenQ~a, S.C. sibility on our shoulders, fl"\r while we have Perry, Norris (B) Sedro-Woolley, Wash. been drawing the world closer together in pe~ce Phelps, James W. (B) Berwyn, Pat we have stripped the a:nr.('lrof every nation in Schcch , Jack L. (B) NewUlm,Minn. war. It is no longer po ss ibl e to shield the Snavely. Eugene H. (B) Harlingen, Texas heart r-f a country with its arrrv. Armies can Tate, David A. (B) Asheville, N.C. ne mere step an air attack than a suit of mail Theobald, Robert A. (B) Portland Oro. can stop a rifle bul Let., Thorne, Henry G., Jr. (p) Fort McPherso~ Ga. Aviation has , I believe, created the most Triffy, SffinP. (B) Detroit, ~lich. f\Ulda~ental change ever made in war. It has Watson, Harold E. (B) West Hartford, COEllo abolished what we call the sense of warfare. It Young, Earl B. (5) Sidney, Nebr. has turned defense ink attack. We can no Zemke, Hubert (p) 1H.ssoula. M0nt. longer protect our families with an army. Our ,,~ thO 1. t t d fl' t'" libraries, our museums - every institution wnen 1S C ass s ar e rllllllng a,n "h' h. 1 t' Lad d b b March , 1936 ,a t th e "" . Fl.yang Sch 0('\ 1 av . 4,T. 1C are to bom ards: rlmary ment lI,e va ue IOOS as aa Randolph Field, Texas, with but 65 students, it A: t i h b h . proved to be the smallest one ent~ring that VJ.a J.on as reu8 t a r~volutJ.onary change school for ~lite a number of year~. With 33. ~o a world from changes: It or 51 percent vf the original number of atu! J.S our rcspC'nsJ.bllJ.ty to make sure that dents entering the class, successfully cornplet- sc we do not destroy the very things we wish to . th . t' fl' . I protect. ang e one-year an ensa ve course 01 yxng J.n-, Vi! hav d f t h . d structiC'n, it appears that an excellent record I ~. let~ove so ~~'twe atVet~mpDse aercwas achieved, since the nomal average ('f stunau aca arne upon nn J. ary ac lCS, and we dents "rnak i ng the grade" is about 45'70. I h~ve tak?n a'!'Ta:Y 0ld defense. C'~ ~str:nomical the l The States of California and Teras, each with i birne , wh.i ch has pro~ably been c1v11J.zahon s s; safle~Eurd J.n thIe past. three stulents. had the largest representatiJn grAati than . F s rave a.n 9Pe am more ever lIDOf nat' ave sons a.n th ad ua t' c 1ass. our Ipressed with the seriousness of the situation of the g.rad~tes, F~YJ.ngCadet? Nau, Th(\rn?, IWhich confronts us. When I see that. within a Ma.rgra?e and Hoff?, were Alr Corpsenhsted day or two damage can be done which no time can men pru.r to app0J.ntment as Flying Cadets. I (ContinUed on page 16). -13V-723l, A.C.
II n

\f3--L.Q ..G




to duty in the Hawa.iian Depa.rtment, where he served as Commanding Officer of Lieut. Colonel Georee E. Lovell, Jr., the 5th Composite Grou~ and of L~lke Air Corps, now on du t y as EXE:c1.l tiv~ Offi- Field, T.H., to April 6, 1924:; as Execucer Ba.rk s Field Shreveport .lJa., tive Officer, 4t~1 Observation Scuad rcn , was' born at Buffalo, , ~'IewYork 10, ' li~ld, TIl, to Jul;y 29, 1924; as 1839. Graduating f rom the U. Iv.ilita~y Commanding Officer of the ua,waiian Air Aca.demy, June 12, 1913, he"Depot t~ January" 1~26, and a.~ Commanded a second lieutenant and R.SS~tnec. to in;:, Offl.cer of tne:)th COffi-POSl.te Group the 9th Cavalry, with statior. at Douglas, and Luke.Field, to i~,ay c~, 1926. Arizoua, where he served from S~ptember Retur~l.n6 to Boll1~~ Fleld~ D.C., C?l. 1~ 1913 to October 15 1914. He was Lovell performed v~rlO~S dutles qt thls st1.tioned at I"aco Arizbna, on border s te.t i ona , such as post c o.rmands r , endU~;YT J anuar;[ to 1915, an~ at Do~las, f.: ineer:in{o office~, ~d c~mmandin:::, o~fiArlzona, and. v Lci.nd t y to'll 20, L,,16. eel' ot the 5btn e erv i c e ::iquadron, also Attached to the .Aviation Section, SigExecutive Off Lcer and Operwtr ons Officer, nal Corps, :le attended the Aviation un til June, 1927/ when he WRS detailed School at S,;,-nDie~ol cali~., and YJ?on a~ .A.sSist'3.~lt k.illtary .At~ache for .Aviathe comp l at i on of h1S f1Ylng' tl'nln2ng he t aon , ,Amerlcan. [email protected],r.ome, 1taly. was rated a JU.c1ior 1I,ilitary .Aviator, efUpon the c ompl e t i on of llis f ou r-ryea.r fective .. oven.b er- 19, 1916. J Fe was pr on.ot -t ou.r of duty OIl this assi:nment, he was ed to 1st Lieutenant, Cavalry, Ju1:" 1, t r ansf er r ed to Lcw.gley .E'ie1d, Va., and 1916. Ln SeptefiLber, 1931, he Vias a s s i gn ed to Colonel Lovell joined the 1st Aero duty as s tuc.en t qt the.Air Corps Tactical Squadron on Decemb~r 15{ 1916~ and was School ~t i'.'o:xvJell,~ie1d, A~R: Upon his stationed at CnLon i a Du bLan w i th a de5l'aduat~o11 ir on. tI.1S SCllOO.L June, In t achmen t of that Squadron. to Janual'y28, 1932, n'e V/A.S a s si s.ned to his pr e aenf 1917. He was then s t at i.oned at Columbus, s t a t i on at Ba.rk sdal e Field, La. New iv~exico, to I..arch 31, 1917. Follov!Colonel Lovell was promoted to Captain, lng duty with the 3rd Aero Souadron at Cavalry, h,ay IS, 1917; to kajor, July 1, Kelly Field, Texas, to Octooer 28, 1917, 11920, and to Lieut. Colonel, Au~ust 1, he assTh~ed co~nand of Taliaferro Field, '1935. ~: Texas, and served in this capac~ty to ---000--&~arch 5, 1918. He was on duty as Executive Officer at this field to July 25, LI~JT. COLO~ELC~~YLE H. W~SH, A.C. 1918; c oinrnand ed the School of Aerial Gunnery t>ereat to Aubust 8th; resumed Lieut. Colonel Carlyle H. Wash, Air command of tbat post until Sep,;emoer !Corps, now oa du t y as Co.rmandLnr; Officer 5, 1918, when he was ordered to duty /nf the 17th Attack Group at March Field, OverS~BS. ~iverside, C~lif., was born at While on duty with the A. E.F. in \Minneapolis, iv.~nn.,_ OC.t.0?er 1~, 1889. France, Ool one'l Lovell was Executive Of- I After at t eno t n.; Ur..rve.r s it.v of ficer of the 2nd ~viation Instruction !vlinnesota for one year, he received ap-, Center October 10, 1918, to February pointment as a cadet at the united States 10 19i9. Thereafter and until he was f..ilitii:'Y. Academy, from which he gr adua t ed relieved frOID duty with the A. E. .F.)., Jlli18 1;:;, 1~'l:3, I':}-.ereupon he was apic in t ed April 2">, 1919, he was on duty as Chi ef a second lieutenant and nssigned to the of Staff to the Army Lir Service Command-i6th U. S. Cavalry. FollOWing service at er~ Ls t .Arm".l. Upon Lis retur:l. to the !Texas City, T'exas, Seo t e.ace r 13 to Oct c-Unl ted States, he served as Officer in bel' 6, 1913, du r i.ns, whichoeriod he Vias Chl:l.rge of Administratiojl, Rockwell Field,1 at sached to the 2~:nd Infantry he served Calif., to Jul~r 28, ,19~~, !with the 6thCa~a1~y a.t Texas'City, sumed c oromand of Pan;: ] LeLd, ;i!111~ngton, IFial'1L1gen. and iYl1SS10U,Texas to Apri': Tenn., to April 19, 1920. 128, 1916. :1:e participated i;, action Transf erred to Camp Benn , Ga., Col. against l'Jexican bandits a.t 1Vlc.All IS en Lovell served as c oznmand Ln; Officer of ha:lch and Ojo de Ar~ua, Texas, in October, Air Service activities thereat to .AUust 11915. ~51. 1921t When he was t r an sfer-r-ed to I From lV,ay20, ~9l6, after nearly a ~cvook Fle1d, Dayton, Ohio, for QQty as Imonth of duty wlth the PcUlitive Expedistudent at the ~ir Servic~ Eu??inecring tion into tv.exico, to 16, 1917, Sch~ol. Upon h i a g on an .August, Colonel Wash was OU border patrol d.uty 192G) he was e s s i.gned to t1~e c onunand of in Biii: Bend 1istrict, Texas. He was l)isthe ~9th Aero S0Uadron at Eo11i~ Field, trict Ordnance Officer of the ]i~ Pend D.C., and as Executive Officer of this District from February 11 1919. poa t , In July, 1923, he Was transferred .Attached to the AViatio~ Section Signal ",:,14V-7213, A~C.




Crrps, ~U&lSt ?, 1917~ ~e was ~ ~tudent Transferr~d ~o duty in !he Hawaiian underP'Olnt; fl~rlllC trallung tra::Llllnrr at Department an :8 ebruary 19.::;9, he assumed the A~iation School A.t San D'i ego , Calif., ~omrnand ~f the 18th Purs~it Group at, to December 13, 1917, when ~1ewas rated viheeler .Eleld, T.H. In July, 1931, 11e a J'un i.o.r Military Aviator. ~e r e.nafned was detailed as Air Officer, Hawaiian at San Diego (I\ockriell Field) as in inDepa.rtment, in add i t i.on to his other structor ii1 flyinE-' ael'OdYi13iilics and. i duties, and p er f ormed this additional gunnery, to Februa::-y 1, BIG. ~ransI duty un t i.L l~ovember 26, 1930. f erred to Call Fielci, Yiichi ta .F'alls, ,RelievE:d from as s rgnmen t wi t.h the 18th Texas, he was in charge of fl;ying and Pursui t Group, ~I!ay16, 1931, Colonel command in::; the Air Service Flying School: Wash was as s ed as student at the Air thereat from :February G to April 16, i Corps Tactical School at ivlax:well :B'ield, 1918. He was next assigned to Souther I Ala., and following his graduation, ]lield, Artiericusl Ga., and organized and. June 11, i 932, Was as s Lgried to lviitchel commanded t~e A1~ Serv~ce Flying School Field? ~.Y., as Executive Officer of .!I:e~'~, Dcl~m~ l1~s r eg ime a~ S~)Uther ' the 9th Obser~ation. Group, and of the .l! 1eJ..<.1',.\;tuCl8l;CS1:e\': about 1 <::0,000 hours, post. At var10US t tmes he a s sumed tempoand 27;) e Lud en t s were graduated between re,ry comme .rid of the post. Jun~ 11 l:Jl~l, and the. si~nin",; of. the : Detailed a~ student at the COl.ll:l:::.nd. and Arnu s t rc e w i th ou t a s mg.i e fatal1ty be- . General Stafr School, Fort Leavenworth. ing reco;:,ded.., . .,... ! Ksn,sas, for ~he 1934-36 class, Colonel Upon th e C~OSll:-s 01 Souther F1eld,vol. I WaSH, upon h1S graduation from the twoWp..shy!as~ass~Eone.?;, ~anua~y 191 ~9~9, to ! y ear course at this school, was assi[ned the All' o er v i.c e .l!..11{;lneerlugD'i v i s i on at to his present station lV!archField. McCook Field, Dayt on , Ohio, as supply ! ---000':-officer, in wh Lch po s i.t i cn he had charge Scott l!'ield in Flood w;lief 'flork of s ever a.L . il I ion d.ollars worth of .Air 1 ---(ContJ.nu8cTro.:l \tg,e-rj-Service property. Relieved from duty with the Air Ser, W8CJH hand.Led a t,tal of' 640 lneSS<1Ses. vice in Oc too er , 1919, he served with the; 15thCavalrvC!lt 1!'ort D.A. Russell, Wyo- These mes sag es Lnc Luded the f oLl owi ng 33 Ked Cross, 2[; mingt until "arch, 1920, When he was r e- i t;rpes: 163 persolw.l, J. S. Army, 24 l.o.tional Guard, l() Police, deta1led to the Air Service and assigned to duty at lv.cCookJTield, Dayton, Ohio las; ;) Ccc.s t GUiud, 4 .htnel'ic2Jl 1e::;ion, 1 Salvation JUrriJ', 4i:.l<A., ;) F'eder e.L Su rp Iu s C~i~f .01' the Flyin.;:~, Section Eil{.ineerulg: CorporJ.tion, 1 Bey Scouts of America, 5 D1v1s1on. In ~ov~n~e~, 192 , he was 6 a i rp e , 18 il:..forll\ati()l~ and weather,and assigned as r,tudent cfficer at the Air Service ED~iDeerins Scbool at fucCook lY corr~8rci2.1 radio. ---000--Field? and shortly f'o Ll ow i.n-: his ."radu.,t i on therefrom he W&Sassigned to ~duty A !.,erine Corps fliCht, commanded by in vViJshin'~ton, D. C. i Ln the Office of Colo11e1 hoy S. Geigor, and composed of the Chief of the ~i itia bureau. four SQuadrons (51 airplanes 56 offiOn July 25, 1922, he began his duties c 811(1. 7':l en'l i.o t ed men), stopped overas Assist<.U1t ll.ili te.ry Attcche at the 'I'exas , on Janu!merical?- Ernbu,ss;'/i Paris, France. 1)urinE~ n i sh t; at .8.o.ndolph Field, the per-Led June 1 to July l!~, 19:-'::4,he ary 25t>.. 'Inc fliGht was from ~al1tico, Va., and enroute to San Diego, Calif., was en duty 2,S Advance Officer for the 5th Division of the Air Service Arou~dfor maaeuv er s . the-World Fli~ht. The I''.lird Pursuit Squadron, stationed to the Uni t ed St at e s in at Clark Field, Po.:lipanga, P.1., recently April 1925 Colonel Wash was is-ned completed another cross-country fli;;,ht to dUty as :kxecutive Officer nf th~ lOth School Group at Kelly Field. Texas. 011 to the soutc ern Islands of Leyte, Oabu, OctOber 2, 1926, he vas designated as ,Jobol, ~indanao, J:lo, Masbate, rlegros, : ii.indoro end. .2anay. .Approximately twentyOfficer in Charge of Training of the were visited dur mg Advanced Hlying School, Kelly Field, and . five 1andL:l~ fields he continued on this assignment until tLe five-day t r rp , and all were found to karch 14, 1927} When he assumed coumand be in a ~ellerall;{ goed c ond i tion. The of karch Field, Riverside, Calif. On Squacron s P-l<:: ~irplanes of B, C, D and. Augus t 10, 19 27 ~ he WE~Sssig!led as Dia i vintG8 were used. on the trip and, as rector of Trainlng of the Air Service usual, De~forffied well. All pilots wore Primary .l!'lyins School, which vias es t abt.hc nev/11Juu,:;)e Ki t s'' sewed to their paralished in tns t year at IVlarcl1 iie1ci . 4.t : chute pack. 'crtiliwtely, t.n oy did not various times he a l so temporarily comi n av c occas i on to test them under actual manded the post. c ond it i ons . In April, 19;;;8, Col. 'Nash W&,S raust f erred to duty in the Panama Canal DeA is bein,s sponsored at Scott 111., by Chaplain James C. Boan , partment1. Yihere. at first he \~2.S in COi..l- ,E'ield, mand of .lfranCe F1eld and the oth Ooaroo swhich offers the opportunity to all memite Group, and later Executive Off'ib er s of the command to study and prepare c er thereof. themselves for the vflrious Air Mechanics , e t i.ons. -15V-7213, A. C.
I I I i

Stopping over night Rt Barksdale 1 ,Field, February 3d, the s tudents were Iaf'f'cr'ded an opportuni ty of inspecting a GHQ Air Force station. Pending the conpletion of the neVt conI On February 4th, the flight proceeded trol tower,~ll tbe radio operators in and the last report the Communications Department at Lolling I to Maxwell Field, Field are preparing themselves for their I showed them at Athens, Georbia, where they were spending the night and visitnew jobs. Th0Y TIill be required to haning the University of Georgia. Upon dle co~~unications from the tower and ! departure from Athens the flight is cOntrol landinfs and take-offs. Since I scheduled to vi si t the Georgia School the system of operation will he similar Georgia; the to that used by commercial control tow- \ of Technology at Atlanta, iUniversity of Alab8ma at Auburn, Alaers, each individual is anxious to State Univerachieve the utmost efficiency in his du- I bana, and the Louisiana i si ty at Baton Rouge, Lour s iana , ties. To bring their standing on a par ---000--with comn~~cial towers, nIl the operators are getting a Glass 3 comm9rcial Revolutionary Changes Wro11ghtby Aviation license in radio-telephony. On Thurs(C0ntinued from Pase .,,)~,. . days, the Federal COr:lmunications Commission in Washington gives an nxamication i ever replace, I begin to realize we must look for licenses, so e2ch week two or tnre~ I for a new type of security - security uhicn operators have taken it and received ! is dynami c , not static, security which rests their di pl oma.e Five operatcrs , now have , in ir.. telligence, not in forts. their Class 3 Co~nercial, and th~ rest : An] Ln the f'acb that intellig8nce must be hope to have theirs before tcwer control : comb i ner' with 1:1,viat,ion f'a n-l some oauae for I is started. ; hop e, It. reqUir0S JTDreintcllect to or.ez-abe ---0(0--: an airplane than to dib a trench or shoot a rifle, The ed.ucation wh i cl, is necessary in . IJE.AR CHANGE OF STA~IOJ EWVES COSTLY oviatio~l :;1UstRIso teach the valu0 of civilized in~,ti tutions. Our l>.~s:)on,:i.bil in creating a great force i ty Our Richmond correspondent report~ for destruction :nay be somewhab r "lioved by that Colonel ]eWll acd wifn recently , kriovi ng VTC allied this force with intelt?ok a hurried and une xpec ted trip to li'!cnce end. education and that vre have rrov ed Ri chmond , Vu. It se erns t ha.t .Jack had , 1]O;TO= furtbor a'l7..yfrom Lmo:::anco. I find first gotten a short pass for his wife ~,om0 cause for hopo Ln th~ bol i ef that pov"3r from the Hospital and then went down to , ! 1'Jhic~l rnue,tbe found to knowlodgo is less danthe railroad station to grnet some . I gerO'ls to civilization than that which is friends passing through. The greetings ; ' o , and farew0.11c werA prclonged hy a few .; It is aviation IS re spons i,bility to justify seconds beyond the a'l Lot t ed t i rne, and , i the comb i.nabi on r-f strellsth and Lnb el.Ld.genc c, the first indication Jac:'::: had:hat ',..._-_.-_., ---000--things were not just as th~y should bp, ! WaS when the train entered the tunnel ! A. c. OFFIGSPS ASSIGi'TE:D TO nmUSI:RI.AL T'IA.'i. COLLEGT and s'udden rlarkn8ss indicated th::1t it was too late to jUlEp. Be sides, Special Orders C'f thE)War Department recentdidn't huve his parachuto. In t;pite of , ly issuecLassigns the following-named Air all his pleadings, rAffionstrancos, etc., Corps nfficers for dut.y as sbudcnbs at the hE. could not prevail upon the Ski::?per of ArmyIn<lustrial Ccllege, Washin(;ton, D.C., the t r ai n to make a Land i ng short of the for the 19n... 1938 cour~e, viz: first sched'lJ.ed stop - Ri chrnond, At;::,1-! fl;cljors Sl-.iras A. Blair, Johu A. Laird, Jr. most three A.M. Jack again reached Wash- (CartaiD) Malcolr.lS. Lawton (Capta,in) , }lC'bcrtT. Zane (82;ptain), now students at the ington a saJder, wiser and poorer man, to the vb: 14 bucks. / .IiiI' Corps Tactical Schcol Maxwell .Fiold, Ala. l.:ajor Edward 1 Fowers (Cautain), Wrig:lt v., ---000--i Fi.~ld, Ohio. STUDENT MAHJ:'EMANCE NAVIGATION FLIGHT Ga;ptair:Julian B. Had.don,Air Corps Tactical ! School, K:1XwcllField, Ala. This f i na'I student cross-country flight' Captain Har-ry E. Mills, Instructor, lflichi(;an departed from Kelly Jt'ield on Fetruary 3d,1 lIat,i~nal Guard, TI~tr~H.. j.,~ich., after hav i ng been delayed one day due to V.:.:.Jo::, Clc..,rsnco K'3.Il8 (C5:?tau;) I. .Hawa.i Lan inclement weather. The flig:nt commander! DeC1a::t:nJ t. t: .. ' . was Colonel E.A. Lcriraan, Assistctnt Com- \ '1 ),l~J~~,I'~n L. nutcrn.ns (Cp:p"alll), Hawr.Luan mandant of The Air Corps Advanced Flying n.n., rnh f" ht "... d f 1.1. . _! .h~ abovc-narood cf'f i.cer s - el i eved from School .Llg~ i t 0 '.':l . structors 3 st de t f'f i c er ng fl' I t~s,u,srur.0n"GS 5.8 t i oris In a.. + ed and f rom an, t a Lcat cadets .' u v~ ~ lC~.~,. G . y i ng i '!l~atover duty ~hey may be, eff'ecp_l D" and 15 ~nllst:::d :n~Cll(.l,nlCS,~n 9 ! at such tL.'1lG -rn enabl,o them to reas .2 _ ~~ 9. A-12 5, 8 ~-2,? s, Ie 13-4 6 i port betwJen August 16 and 21, to the TIirector and B 6 sand 3 BT-2BJ. ad rp l ane s , i of the Anny Industrial College for duty. - ]6;V-7231, A. C. LICE~SES FOR BOLLI~GFIELD RADIO OPERATORS .











Below is an extract from a recent letter have plenty to eat at any rate, Q,s we written by WilHam 1'. Banne t t of the have plenty of ammunition and salt. 25th Bombar-dment Squadron, Pr ance Field, Senor y Senora Oampue l l , a Jamaican Canal Zone. .. couple working for the Canal, are staReaders of the Air Corps News Letter t Loned at Candelaria to record the may recnll an abbreviated diary- written ri S8 ar..d.fall of the river and to reby tni s same soldier, arid which was 'pub- ! port the rainfall. 'l'hey gave us some Ii shed in a recent issue of the News I ca s sava root. We fried it and found Letter. : that it tasted like fried potatoes on1.hi~ ?xtract is a report upon another Ily better. This root wa}-;plentiful; e xpe d.l t l on made by soldiers into the' jun-I so now we had potatoes also. 'I'hey told gle fortress that protect. the gold dei us of a native who lives further up posits of Panama an-t , although it does the Pequini. ;.1ore about him later. not r evce.l a s t orri eh i ng diseoveries of i While making a recent aerial recontremendous gold wealth, it is a report i nar s sance of trw entire Pequini valley, upon the wealth of experience that is I had noted several old Spanish gold ?pen to the Air Co~s soldier in P2nama, : workings, so I decided to look them up. Lf he has ~h? energy, the imagin~.ltion, i ('new,,::, up the, Candelaria, so I took and the splrlt of adventurR r80ulred to that fIrst. Tnere are two forks to the take adv[mtage of it. . Candelaria, and on both of them and the "We left Fr.->.nceField. on the morn i ng stream .proper I found these workings. of December 2, 1936 for Al"brook Field. Most of them were of the boom type. Here we were met by a truck whi ch took 'I'hey ditched the rnount ai n side, lined our equipment and supplies to Madden D:3l11,i the Las t hundr-ed or so feet of the where we were met by four natives with ; ditch with large stones, let the rain two larg8 cayucaa , : do the rest during the rainy season, . They finally loaded everything, includ-' and. then cleaned up the riffles in the ang the three of us) and away we started.1 dr~r season. I would I ike to have just At thi s time of the year, the Ch:J.gres ! what washed away from their riffles in River is quite a lake, and we were able i this country during one Viet season. I ~o paddle for t he entire first de,y. As 'followed all branches to their sources, lnteresting as riding a cayuca into ver- i and while finding gold in the gravel gin jungle on a perfectly clear nay can tnere Were no outcroppings of the vein be, it is extrdmely tiresome. After a I was u t i Tl looking for. Not being an whi Lc the shores all look a.Like and all ! expert on pl ac er mining or any other one can think about is shade. i ree tLod , I oeliev8though I am not We spent a night under the stars, and i cure - the elltire vein of alluvial would have slept all night had we not i Gravel on both ~idos of this strerum been lying so close to an ant nest. I would pay well to work , My estimate By dayli6ht the next morning, we were i is that the Gravel will pay from fifty under way and soon thereafter the river ,cents to four dollars and fift;y cents narrowed, as we had re~ched the fcot.per yard on the en~ire streo,m. h i Ll o and were starting up . The natives Next. on tn? program vias to try Our had to r el i nqui sh t h el r padd l e c in favor; Lrnprov i sed p.ipe trap ar-r-angement to deof pole e and we had to wa3.e at ,termine if our pool of gold was in realhalf of the time. The rapid;; were swi f' t., I it,v a p.sol lined >witn,go~d,. or j~st rocky. and hard to nav i jat e , and walking ~s.nd. 'I,C) had a f cur--d nch pIpe wIth.a was dlfficult, as the footing was slipi ~rap ~n, the be L tom and, after c ar-rya ng pery and Over large and small boulders. : ehe elt,nty pound "Rube Ool dber g" nearly Ne finally made it, and. late that nit:ht ; ".11 of one day , we finally reached the we reaChed Candel~ria ~lere we inten~ed :pool. Eowever, the swirling action of to make a more or less permanent camp the water prevented us from be I ng ~ucAftAr we had everything shipshape, beds ' c8GsfCll 80Swe wera unabl~ to Slnk lt buil t, stove made and. our food s t owed : to bed rock and all 'Ne got was gravel. aw?-y so as to 'be protected from ant sand ! didn 1 t ~ven r aach the san~ ! know is r , we started looking for, for I tnere, as .J. haye seen pa.rt of 1 t and we had developed a t.r emendoue D.Dpetite. : also some of t.1e gold I hope to get out This was soon f'ound , as -9.11kind;' of :'of ...the~e some day sog~. . gaffie ar e plentiful in the runz'I.e sand . ;8 ell scover ed more Spanl sh and sev e.r- the rivers are full of fist. The first fal more recent gold workings on ooth day I. saw and k.illed some t.urkey s , and ; t.ho Pa l uca and the Mauro Rive~s. 1I'!G saw e i.gns of deer, pigs nikid canau . had crossed to the Boque r on s i de 01 the tiger, Coon and other ~~imals could~lt I mountains, and while there decided to identify. I think the wild turkeys are explore both of these rivers a bit more the best I ever had. They have no wi Ld thoroughly. r didn't find any more of taste, and are as fat as can be. We wilt the flOat or any indication wh8re it -17V-7231, A. C.
! !
I .



had come from on the M~lro; but I will, Candelaria before the week was up. We some day, maybe, I shot at and mi ased decided to let them go and to t rave'L ~ .a small cat of the tiger variety. bit further up thA Pequini, as no one W~ ret\~ned to camp on the Pequini and is ever 6upp~sed to have worked beyond declded. to ~ry t~e San Antonio, if we i there. Goin~~farther is diflicult,and could flond It. Ooramandovi ng 0. cayucc , I I don't wonder no one has been beyond we set o~t up st roam, ,rhis eoundc eu sy.,I there except a Canal worker charting but try lt some dayJ You use a long i the river. The first rapids we came to :rol~ to propel the cayuca when you are Wflrp, series of steps ~ach about a a ln lt and the natives seem to have no foot,high and numbering about thirty in trouble, but with me - well, I fell out all. It would have been necessary to of the cayuca, fell down in it, a~dwaa unload th~ caJuca and carry everything so anff-ry that I near Iy gave up. And i over, including the cayuca , as the Wathat lS the ea sy part. ~Vhenyou have to i tel'was very swift and snalLow, We deget out and wade knee or waist deep and \ cided to return to Candelaria, so we push your own cayuca , that is t ough, I.e turned bade just below the falls. pushed on, and about nOOn ceme to the .A. sh.:lrt istan0e down stream we cam8 d horne of the native whom Senor Camnoell upon a very smaIl creek and decided to had mentioned several days bef'o re, He follow it up n bit. Very soon it widwas livinG in a small open thatched hut cn~d out ~tndbec~m~ Quite a river. on the side of a small stream which emp- : iiiaybc this was tho "San Antonio" we ti~s into the Pequini. He pronounced :werA looking for. I dAcided to go on t hr s river the "San Antonio" but, ac to the f i ret rapids, and the others rec?rding to the mn.p I have of tne old turned to the cayuca. A few hours the two Americans had to lenve, it cr I returned to fine.White killing a 1s on the wrong side of the Peauini. large Bu.shma st er which had just o.tHowever, Senor Arvagan, au his "name t ackad him. He" idlled a p~rtridGe,and proved to be, s~id he would show us wnen h'" Ltarted up a small bank after some nice gravel. He was working a i'tthe Bushmaster struck at him. White vein o~ the saRe alluvial gravel-we had was car~'ing a bolo in his hand and found. ln the entire countrv and his was when ha ~aw the mov~ment he antomatiabout the richest yet. Revalso showed cally hit at it ~nd, luckily for him, me a SIDellbottle of mighty pre t ty gold he hit it. Turner said its fangs misshe hl'.d washed out with his 'bat ea (woodNi his chest about one inch. The en gold pan to you). With even a small snake was Ctbout seven feet long, had sluice box he could make good money fangs over one inch long and poison here, but that is too much Nork. All saCKS large-r than my thumb. It could h~ needs is a small amount of money, as have killed a doze.n men. Incide:-ntally, he h~s fruit, veget~bles, ~ame and fish ~r. Bushmas~er i~ the most dpadly 6nak~ at hl s door for the t ak i ng - so why . an th~ t rop i ca'l Jungle s, p"nd one of the work? ~his Attitude of the few natives prett16st. I 'ha.veseen in the .juno:;les wh.::..t is We deci,led to mov on fr?m th~r"', as scares me. iAay I never get like that J Bus~as~ers A.lways travel an po.l~S and Senor Arvagan directed us to tl1eSan we d.i n 't wn,nt to see an angry wlf", d Miguel, as we wanted to visit this riv~Ven if we h&~ just Killed her con~ort. er also, ~nd we left him with his fleaBaforp we got to Cand~laria, however, bitten dog on the bank of his SaQAnw~ stopped and 0xplored several small tonio. I wondered wha.t he ,.ould think Que braz os and canals. Ten years if I were to return wi"h a hydraulic v-cul I t be Long enough to accompli sh dn ram and work whcr~ he could s('e so much all that on~ would like to in this gre.vel moved in a day l 'We f i na Ll.y reach- ty., . ed what we took to b~ the San Miguel an~ After r.cturnlng to carr.p, declded we ...ut~r finding R. small falls, we were t? take a. rest and go fishing. w~ sure of it. kJ.lled a couple of birds for bait and A littl~ above the falls we found reset out down the riv~r. Caught somr: ?ent gold workings, and soon wer~ findlarg~ Boca Chicn ~small mouth) and sevang traces of the gold workings of thCl pral channel ca.t i sh, Aftr.r a p12asant f Spaniards. The same pay streak is here day,w~ started,for caJ?p l1nd, after and ~bout th~ same conditions. Everycrosslng the rlver, dJ.scovered we had wher~ ~t runs from a few inches to over forgott~n ~ bolo. I raturnAd for it te~ fr,et of gra'v~l and nearly all conand ncar l.y st eppvd on a scven:-foot t.a i ns gold _ some r i cher brian others _ t~ee vrper or PIl1m Adder. B~lng ~rmed but enough to warrant being worked mcWIth ~nly ~ pistol, I hurriedly r~chanically. There ar~ at least two treat8d but c0u1d~lt g~.fn.r. The ~dbranch~s to the San Miguel. We were un- der re~red,up on ltS tall, SO I took a able to explorp, them however as we had shot and mlss~d. It advanced and I f1 lot to do and want~d to get back to I shot again, and this tim:'! hit it, I
-18V-7231, i: C.

but not enough. It retreated into a entered the Chagres. Here the Chagres tree and I went on after the bolo and is about thre~ or four miles wide. A then came back and killed it. Sure was strong breeze came up and the going bemean looking. To top that off, we made gan to get tough, as WE.were shipping our way cautiously over the tr~il and ~ lot of water. rne of us had to bail White and I both stepped ov~r a 105 and constantly and this helped but littl~ went on. Turner stepped on the 106 and as the waves got higher and harder to and there on the shady side was a coiled rid~. All at once we went under. The Bushmaster about four feet long. As we sideboards saved us some of our things, returned to kill it, he looked us over as they made the cayuca bouyant enough and still d.Idn move. I killed him 't to keep within a foot of the surf ace with a bolo, and we returned to c~~p with our packs in it. We were in the without further incident. middle of the lake and about two miles We began checking up, and discovered from shore. :Byholding onto our bewe had Gpent a very quiet Xmas without longings with one hand and the cayuca even knowing it, as we had lost all with the othpr we finally reached a track of time. 0n our improvised calen- large log and eventually got our boat dar we began checking days off by events bailed out and our kit restowed. Then and found we were nearly due to leave we picked up our s8.iland a few other and Xma.s was over. I decided to make things that were still floating and One more trip of two days, and started w8nt on. We were all thoroughly chi1limmediatel~. I found nothing new, just ed, as we had been in the crocodile-inthe smne gravel, all containing gold in fested waters for about an hour and a about the smne quantities. I killed a half, and was I scared! Within an hour small coral snake and one twenty-minute w~ were at Madd.en Darn, wringine out our snake, so called because you never live clothes and draining our packs. Vi.", over twenty minutes after being utruck were a pretty siglltwith cur wet clothe by one. It is a pretty little brown cLo t'hc s and carrying wet packs on our snake about one to two feet long. Also backs. Cur hair llad not leen cut for saw a larso cat of the ti~6r fami1v but over a month and neither had we shaved. w~s too far from camp to ~hoot it,"as I But, we went on to Panama Cit;:r,satisdldn't care about carrying the hide so fied our inner cravings with a good far. After I returned to camp, we besteak and!lt the train to Colon. gan preparing to leave and th8 next A la~Ge tourist boat was in and the morning our natives chowed up. V:epack- trp.inwas packed , As was the case the ed everyt rn ng and Lef t Candelaris car ly prev i ou.stime, I rode in the train simt.hsnext morning. ilar:l;r t~ired" an~ hence we were t~c a 'I'ner were three of us two natives s subject of mucn wh'i sper-edconve reat i on and all Our kit and the ~ativpsl bund.les and speculation. I got quitE'! kick a and food in a small eighteen-foot cayuca.1 o~t ~f ?ne woma~, who asked if we were We were Loadvd to the gunwales and the ! beachc ccnber s, ..... ... beamed allover and ae cayuca Was wabbly, so we put side boards ~:lid,"I told you so"~, to her ?ompa~on by cutting down a very light tree and lons when I answered ln the afflrmatlv~ p:,-tt~ng half on each side. This was a ---000--./ blg lmprovement and we sat better. Af~ ter about an hour, our chief boa trnan uaw ANOTH~R BRRAND OF Mg~WY IN PAl~AMA a snake On the bank and before we l:new it he went to shore after it. I'hosnake Once 8,gain th~ Air Corps in Panama saw us and Lnet es.d.~ of ret rea t i ng it i wa: ~alled upon t? perform an errand of came aft,erus and, v/hile trying to get i mc: cJ; ,Cn Janua~y ~9th WO~d ~as reout of tne wa~T, I fell ovcrboar d a~ld:rur-I VeU at A1brook F.:e1d that senora ~e-:ner fell on top of me. B;>T the time we !,tlla.N",Yar:ete d~ lAora1cs, a gover-ngot back in the boat, the natives had Iment Luree ln Davld, ~.dc ~., was ln killed it - a wNhip Snake", 80 they said.1d?sperate ne~d. of an lmrne~late operaIt was about e i ght feet long, blecl':, and' hen. .A~ ~ulCKly,~s POSSl ~le. the usual had a long slender tail with saw teeth. formal~ t18S rega ro.i ng perrmssi on for The natives said thatVlhile it was not ~he fllght W8rc gone through and soon po~sonous, it would slash you with the two Key~tone :B-6 Bombers were on th~ir tall, and that Wc"sver:r bad, as the cuts wl!'f(' ieu t s, ~.B. L~n~ry ~nd G.C.Clark L would fester and kill y ou within two or :Rl:-oted the sni p s. 1"aJor v.R. G~enn, three days. jjllght S1}r~PO~,also made the t r-Lpt? After an uneventful trip, excspt for extend su~n alC as he cou1~ to t~e ?lck the Whip SnaKP, we reachcd Madd en Lake uri.ngthe.. 0t'!;1:n, d r t.r rp, Wl t h i n and put up a sail. For the small cayuca ~~ Hours aftp:rtne L.lgnt ~eft Albr?ok, we had, the sail looked rather Larrre to ~leld, the si ck woman was rn a ho sptt.a .. . me, but we began making much better t i me 111P:ir,arn~., r~ady to undergo the operation. so I said"OK with melt. Soon t.he eaft.e r r .A ehor ,,;;hl1eago Capt.O.A:Ross and we re h d t' th f h P " ' Lt.G.L.Mason flew to Costa Rica on a ac e ne mou 0 t e e qui m and similar mi aei.onbrin~ing Col. Campanole to Panama for medica1 attention.
V-7231, A. C.

, Bollin~ield, D.C., Min.ton W;-X-aye Under Special Orders of .the War 1)(.'T'\artmcnt, \1__ rt: . <VJ<.1oL'Ch F' 10. Ca l' 1 f J.e , r~cently J.ssuen.: 57 Au Ct'rps offJ.cers are ::eMajor Albert F. l1ugellberge~.fltain) , heved from assll~nt and d~ty at the st~tJ.ons 1st Lie~t. Edv:ard H they.are now ser;lng, ef'f'ecbdve E!-tsuch hmc Ilst Lieut. Robert L. Schoenlein a~ WJ.ll enablet~em t,0 reper,t a~ the proper. j 1st Lieut. L10yd H. Watnee . tune to the Conmmdanb of the Au Corns ':a.chcal '.. School, M3.xwell Field, Ala., for rJuti as stu,,' "Roc~ell FJ.eld, C,::hf. dents in the 1837-1938 course, cormenc next ".1aJ~r Reuben C. K<Gffat. CCapta~ September.' H2Imlt~n F~eld~ Cah~. The names and. nresent stations of these offiHaJor Carlyle H. lhdonourCapta:l.n) cers .are given bel.ow, as f01lows: I Cap ba.i.n DeImar' H. Dunt<;n Offic:e cf the CI:ief.2f...theAir COI~Weshingt("'n:i _ . Ft"rt Lew:;-s, We>sh. , l'i1aJor llfred Vi. (Captain) Cupt,aJ.n Everett S. Dans . Captain Marvin E. Gross Englewood, C8,1J.f. Captain Stewar~ Vi. Towle, Jr. I Captain Edward ~bins, A.C. ltepresentCttive, A;C" Ad:vanoed Fl.l,ing Schoel. ~el:l:.L!iold, Texe,s No rth rop corylC'ration: Lv!aJorRobert D. Knapp ( Captaln) i l,laxwell FJ.eld, Ala. l'ajor Clifford C. Nutt (Captain) ! Capta~n He.r r-i son G. Crocker Captain Clifford P. Bradley I C8~te:n C~arenc0 F. Horton Captain HOI'JardE. Engler CcJ;pta~n SJ.grmnd F. Landers Captain Wilfred H. Hardy ! C"pta:n Kennet.h G. lYlCGregC'r Captain Clyde K. Ri ch I Cap t aLn George H. Sparhawk Captain Ed:::ar r,. Selzer I. Pnilipnine Department Captain Hobart R. Yeager Capt. C'.l'.","ieylanc Lieut. George W. Hansen Air Corps TrdI?-ing Center, Rd.nd('llph Fi~ld, Texes[ Hav;aiian Department Major Charles H. Dowman (Captain) Il~t Lieut. Mills S. Savage A.C. Prbnary Flying SC~f,Rar-ao~nh~ela,Tcxa~:! 1st Lieut. Raymond L. Winn MaJC'r Leonard D.~ddJ.n~on (Captaln) ---oOc--1st Lieut.
o I






' Ran901ph Field, Texas i FO~)"'I"U ""7DV.CE110URS FOR AIR CORPSOFF' ..." "ICERS Glenn lJ. Davasher 'I . _U'o In' ;:=.1. ~, ,'Cecil E. Eenry T' l' A' C ff" Charles W. Lawrence I d tHe tfnlhnwJ.ntg-t~amed'ndJ.: ~rpd' (" J.ccras, on s Ch r Les T M" u y a 't e s a aens J. , ar o un er ora '" yar s d.e r s to stations beyond the continental limits . Wri!;ht Field, Ohio. C'f the Uni t.ed States: MaJor. Frankl~n O. Ca:rcIl (Captain) T('\ Hawa.i.Lan Department: Capbe.i,n Pat.r iok VI. Tl!:lberlakc --rst Li cut s. Haro'I d R. Maddux and llVilliam C. S()~,fric1ge Field, Mich. Mills, :':'orn Barlcsdul e Field. La. Major W~re;,' A. Maxwell (Captain) 1st Lieut. Jolm R. Sutherland, from Langley Captain Harlan T. McCormick Field, Va. Captain Lee Q. Wasser Ls t Lieut. n0ger V. Williams, March Field. . ~a.Tlfl:;y Field, ,,'a. ToPanaIUJ, Genal....P.~rt:nent: MaJer Jas,?or L McDuffie (Captain) --rst Ld.out s , GeNge D. Campbell, Jr., :LtoyH. Major John F. "?hiteley (Captain) Lynn ani] Birrell Walsh, from Hamilton Captain Ralph E. Fisher Field, Calif. Captain Richc,7'd E. Nugent Lsb Li eub s , Gabriel P. :Cisosway, Paul R. Captain GeorGe F. Sehul.gen Cov.en and Stephen B., from Bar-ksda'l e Detroit, Field, La. Major Oroar O. Niergarth, A.C. Procurement Tn PhiliDpinc D'?PE'tment: Planning Rcp,resentative. Lt Lieu';. Forri.s D. Ea.rbc.Ld , from l\~arch ". t he L .,.,. 10. ,1'... v ~r, Field, Calif. 1\,3. c O .l!:I.e a Captain Demas ~. Craw ' ---C' 0--1st Lieut. Paul T. Cullen The Air Cc rp s officers, upon Buffdo, New York completion ('If their ~rcsont tour C'f duty in the Captain Dona.ld E, GOodl'ich, Air Corps Procure- Pannroa Ci..nal Department, -ar-e assigned to station ment Planning Represontative. in the United states, as follovro: Brooks Field, Texas Li Gut. Co] ('Oe: Ri chard H. Ballard (Major) and Captain Reuben Kyle, Jr. i Ls b Lieut. William D. Ecker-b , toe" Mibhel Field. 1st Lieut. Philip D. Cca.tes I 1st Lieuts. David E. Baker, Draper F. Henry '1 and 'I'horoas L. M0s1ey tC' Langley Fiela, s: Scott Field, Ill. 1st Lieu~. William H. lJaverick to lJarch Captain James C. Shively Field, Calif. Captain Robert W. C. Wimsatt, Chanute Field, Ill. i 1st Lieuts. Marshall Bonner and Charles F. Captain Benj~n T. Sta.rk~y I, Br.rn are ans Lgned to duty at the Air Corps '='? 31,," :Fort Bennipg, Ga.. lng Cent er , and Wm. B. Offutt te" March Fio1(,. Cap~ain John 'W. Warren' rbThey are nr-w stationed in the Hawaiian Depe. c: _ V-7~3l, A.C. . CaptaJ.n Captain Captain Captain


The New Class at Randolph Field (Continued from"Page 2) Compton, Lewis Griffin, Jr. Lubbock, Texas McClure, Hamilton Lubbock , Texas Bradford, Gilos Ed~rd, Jr. Sweetv~ter, Texas Roskelley, Lowe.l J. I Ogden, Utah Boyer, Geor-ge Leroy Salt Lake City, Utah Rison, Villi ,nell Tompkins t Chatham, Va. Haskett, Jams Warren Norfolk, Va. Tobler, Jesse Alton Bremerton, Wash. Flowers, Noel Q. Mt. Vernon. Wash. Greene, George Banjarrd,n, Jr. Seattlo. Wash. Miller, Frank Carl Seattle, Wash. Van Ornum, Delbert George Seattle, Wash. Cowles, Ned Alexander Tacoma, Wash. Gill, David Henry Vancouver, Vvash. Marcy, Joseph Coe Yakima, Wash. Waters, Rufus W. Eau Claire, Wis. Konopacki, Hubert J. Manibowoc, Wis. Watkins, Harvey Joe Oconto, Wis. Lunde, Oswald W. Kewaunee, Wis. Air Corps Enlisted Men - Privates Carolan, Thomas F. Chicago, Ill. 19th Airship Sqd., Moffett Field, Calif. Coffey, Robert E:' Greenview, Ill. 6th Air Base Sqd-., Barksdale Field, La. Dick, Richard D. Chicago, Ill. 4th Composite Group, Nichols Field, P.I. Payne, Homer C. College Hill, Ky. 5th Air Base Sod., H~lton Field, Calif. Clark, WIlliam e~ombs Sangerville, Me. 14th Air 3ase' Sod., Bolling Field, D.C. Young, Robert F. Frestport, N.Y. 4th Obs. Sqd., Luke Field, Hawaii Raker, Glen W. Tulsa, Okla. 46th School Sqd., Randolph Field, Texas Richardson, Melvin J. Corsicana, Texas Hqrs. Sqd. A.C. Tech. School, Chanute Field. Bailey, J.e., Jr. Durmnb, Texas 46th School Sqd., Randolph Field, Texas Enlisted Men of <'the;' Branches - P:r.-ivates Sewall, Albert Imssell Alhambra, Calif. 8th Field Artillery, Schofield Bks., T.H. :9.wen, John e. Santa Barbara, Calif. 19th Infa.~try, Schofield Barracks, T.H. Anneberg, Frank John Fort Leavenworth, .Kans, Station Hospital, Fort Leavenworth, Kans. Pinkham, Arthur G. Dover, N.H. 13th Infantry, Fort Devens, ~ass. Richardson, Wayne Y. Milwaukee, Wis. D.E.M.L., st. Norbert College, West De Pere, Wisconsin.



General Westover B.ttend- ))~\\ ed the Aircraft Show in !~ N.ewYork City .on FebruarYlll-I'-~11 ?-nd, and was, guest, of hon-,! I: or <1t a Luncheon g:Lven by.-, --'" the Aeronautical Chambe;/;~', __ i.~~;" of' Comrerce, when he /";~.i;"~,:-\:\'S.~~ delivered ~ talk. ~j '/f;'L~,;'1:1. \".\:\ . On the mght r-f JJ~..~J:!::.c~--t February 2nd he at'"J'. fI;. k<l:.rl cr. Jil'~~ tended a dinner ~I~~.r.-, ~iven by th~ Air t. ;,~, xese rve of'f'I cer s ,It. iJ_tj. "'............. '---' I"," of the 2nd CoroSJl->;'.~~M"'"''''~''''''' .. :~lL!

,,';~4nt '~Iir'l !llt"lt~.J~! 11'

at.~~:; ~

~~~~ea~~f1~:r~~~fZ.~' r flU,' the N0VT ork A:Lr Corp~,:~ " - -. Y ~ 1I Procurement Di strict, ~~fuerehe and 'Colo. 1 Charles F.H. Johnsen, Specialist Reserve, were honor guests. General Henry H, Arnold delivered a short talk to the Private Aircraft OValers Association at the 3iltmore Hotel, New York City, on February 5th. CeLene'l, Benj. F. Ca~~~., a forrne~ Air Corps of'f'Lcer , was his ho sf?" "fir. JUr'lllTr:Lppe, President of the Pan-American Airways System, ,~s also present and delivered a speech. Colonel Alfred H. Hobley returned from New York City on :rebruary 4th, being on temporary duty at the plant of the Seversky Aircraft Corp. at Farmingdale, L.I. Lieut. Colenel Gerald E. Brower departed on Febr-uary lOth to observe the "Tinter Flight Tests in the Selfridge Field - Oscoda, Mich., area. necent visitors to the Chief's Office were Captain~ George V. Helloman from Wright Field, Ohio; Rffildoluh P. Williams from Langley Field, Va.; Zdwin McReynolds, La.ngley Field; and 1st Lieut. Lloyd H. Watnee from l~ch Field.


f l ~Il nl'~J.'


Lieut. C$lsnel Harry H. Yeung departed ary 12th on leave of absence.


Majer Morton H. W~innon returned February 7th from a navigation flight to Dallas, Texas. Captain YJervin E. Gross depaz-bed February 7th for Los Angeles, Calif., to ferry an 0-46 plane to the ~fiaryland National Guard.


The 33rd Pursuit Squadron sent two PB-2A lv~ajor Charles lvi. s returned to "Jright planes to Oscoda, 1dch., for the Cold 1!,Teather Field on February 9th. Equipment Tests. Oil dilution systems were installed at Patterson Field, Fairfield, Ohio, Captain Luther S. SrrUth returned from New along with other special equipment. Full comYork City on February 6th. bat crews included Lieut. W.R. Robertson, Corp. ---000--Prast, Staff Sgt. 1~cCrawand Pvt. 1st Class Skrinar - Lieut. h:.A. Elkins, Sgt. Pettet,Staff Captain Samuel C. Skemp, Air Corps, lvfaxw-ell Sgt. Beck and Pvt. Valasek. E'ield, Ala., is placed on the retirement list The. 36th Pur sui t Squadr0n sent one PB-2A to for disability incident to the service, effecOscoda, Mich., for the above tests, the crew tive February 28, 1937, with the rank of bajor including 2nd Lieut. Robert A. Gardner, Air from February 1, 1937. Res., pilot; Staff Sgt. Herbertp. Hodges and Pvt. 1st Class Franklin J. Davis, crew chiefs, Captain Haynie McCormick, Scott Field, Ill., and Pvt. ,Willian O. Meade, Gunner. was transferred to ii;Qffett Field, Calif. -21V-7132, A.C.

Trainin-' Center in 1933, specializing in PurHe was on duty as Assistant Major Charles Douglas, Air Corps, on duty as Air Corps SUp'~lyOfficer at Langley Field, Va., Instructor of the Illinois National Guard Avia-i since his ar-r ival, from the Philippine Departtion unit, Chicago, Ill., died on January 25th I ment. in January, 1936, He is survived by his as the :esult of pulJU)~ry complications. I wife, a son and a da"';lghter. ~arents, Mr. His Born a n Green Bay, '!Jhs., Februazy 11, 1893. .and WU's. Joseph B. Zlrrmern:an, r es i de at Major Douglas enlisted in the .Army in 1915 and ! Sterling, Kansas, where the burial ryf the deserved with the 21st Infantry at Vancouver Bar- ! ceased took place. racks, Wash., until January, 1917. when he was ! ----transferred to the Aviation Section, Signal I The sincere sJ~athy of the Air Corps is cxCorps, with station at San Diego, Calif. Trans-! tencler1to the bereaved families ('f thedeceasferred to Flying Cad eb status in September ,1917, ed officers. he co~leted ground school training at the I ---000--School of i<lili tary Aeronautics, Berkeley, Calif. , ViAE DEl? .AIrr'1vf8I!T ORDERS and flying traininr at Rockwell Field, Calif., and was cornni ssi onod a 2nd.Lieutenant in the Chm1ges of Station: To Balti~re, Nn.: Lt. Aviation Section, SigIl<~l Corps, Janltary 29, 191 Cla.r1C(MaJor) from SeHridge Field Ordered. to duty overseas, he ccmpleted advanc- Co~rnest ed training as a Pursuit ~ilot at the Third Avi- to duty at Headgue.rters, 3rd Corps Area. ~o Langley Field, Va.: Colonel H.C. Kress ation Instruction Center,'aeriel gunnery trainMuhlenberg "frOm Hqrs. 3rd Corps Area. ing at Caz~ux, Frar~e, and training at the To Hawaiian De*artIrent: Ls t Lieut. Jazr,cs S. School of 30mbar~Dent at Clermont, France. On Ol"IVe, from Fiold, N. Y., and 2nd Lieut. el September 1, 1918, he' joine~ the 96th Aero Dolf E. Muehleisen from lvierch Field, Calif. SqUadron at Colombey les Belles, and served To the Philil~ines: 2nd Lieut. Faul E. Todd with this organization at the front until October 27, 1918, when he was transferred to the from WJa.I'Ch Fie d, Calif. Tn Selfridge ]~0Iich.: Majer 1i\m. D. 28th Aero Squadron. From April 3, 1919, to l'l"ay Wheeler from Eawad i.anDepartIrent. 29, 1919, he served with the Arr.erican Fo~d AdTo F~rt Leavenworth, Kansas: Majer Theodore ministration at Trieste, Italy, and Paris, France. J. y.cenig, Whtchel Field, designated ~s student for the 1937.. 1938 course at the Corrroand Returning to the United States in June,1919, Major Douglas, assigned to duty at Kelly Fiel~, and General Staff School. Trm1sfers: 2nd Lieut. James W. Totten, Air Texas, where he served until February, 1922, CC'l,:?s, the Field Artillery, January 25, to when he was detailed to take a course of in1937, and assignment to 5th Field Artillery at struction at t,he.Air Service Conmmi catd ons i~dison Barrecks, N.Y. School at Post Field, Fort Sill, Okla. GraduRelieved from Air Corps: 1st Lieut. William ating from this School in June, 1922, he reJ. hanlon, Cavalry, from assignment and duty turned to Kelly Field end was stationed there at the Air Corps Training Corrb er , and to duty until June, 1923, when he was placed on duty ~~th thy 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Clark, with Air Ser-lice troops at Fort Bliss, Texas. and later v~s stationed at Fort Bam Houston, Texas. Texas. In October, 1928, he corrroleted the ---000--The following officers of the Air Reserve Special Observers' Course at the Advanced Flywere assigned to active duty for a period of ing School at Kelly Field, Texas, and was rated "Airplane Observer." three years at the stations indicated: 2nd Lieut. Ladson Groen Eskridge, Jr., 'of Transferred to the Philippines, 1aj~r Douglas Newberry, S.C., to February 10, 1940, and 2nd served at Nichols Field from June, 1929, to Lieut.' Edwa.rd August LePenske, of 'I'acorra., Wash. , June, 1931, and was then assigned to NJaI'ch Field, Calif., for duty with the 19th Pursuit to January 31, 1940, beth to Langley Field, Va. Group. Upon graduation in June, 193,), from the 2nd Lieuts. Arlen Everett I~Carty, Hood River, Air Corps Tactical School, NJa.:x:well Field, Ala., Oregon; Georzc Irving Fhoades, Tulsa, Okla., he was assigned to duty as Instructor, Air and Charles Milton Fischer, Kanaa.s City, I/o., Corps, Illinois,National Guard. to Febr-uar-y 14, 1940. Li.eut s. r.::CCarty and F'Lsche.r were) assigned to IVJarch Field, Calif., and Lieut. Rhoades to Nutchel Field, N.Y. First Lieut. J .E., Corps, diVd I Air ---000--January 29, 1937, as the result of injuries i Specid Orders of the '!!ar Depar t.rrerrt , r-ccent.sustainod in an airplane crash the preceding ly issu3d, assigned the following-named Air day. The airnlane crashed and burned at Front Corps officers to duty as students in the 1937!toyal. Va., while he Wo.s engaged on a cross1938 course at the Air Ccrps Engineering School country ferry trip, Wright Fiold, Ohio: Lieut. Zirnmerrran v~s b~rn at Sterling, Kans., Captain Fr8nk G. Irv~n, 1st Lieuts. Merrill April 13, 1907. He was appointed to the United D. Burnside and Cjharles L. Munroe, Jr., from States Military Acadenv and graduated wi th the Wright Field, Ohio. class of 1931. Before entering the Academy, he Lsb Lieut. ~..a.rk Bradley, Jr., Scott Field. E. attended Sterling College, Sterling, Kansas, 1st Lieut. Daniel F. Callanan, Jr., Brooks for two years, and Kansas University, Lawrence, Field, Texas. Lst LLmt. Cla.rk N. Piper, BarksKansas, for cne year. dale FieU, La., 1st Lt. Samuel R. Brentnall, Lieut. Zi.mroorrran graduated f rom the Air Corps A.C. Representative, stearman Aircraft Factory. V,'ichita, Kansas. V-7231 , A.C. -22I

I suit Aviation.

NarEs FROM AIR COPPS FIELDS Langley Field, Va., February 2nd. i taking advantage of the evening classes in roe2nd Bombardment Gro~; I'he Group has been I charii cs and allied subjects, conducted by Base doing little flying:;.n the past two wee:cs, but i Headquarters. everyone has been using the tiroo to catch np en I ground. instruct~.~~ and barr~eks fatibrue. In,'Hawpij.~~ir ~epot, J3Il"!",,-ry 20th; structJ.on for or r a.cez's cons i st.s of el orrerrbary , ",,<'Jcr J. (j.-Y'm Ingen 1S report1ng for duty navigation training and Lecbur cs cn~ar[':ing on I D-S Chief of the now SiE:;nnl Corps Radio Section the infor'Lation contained in the Pilot l s Infor- I which is now b'?inlj established at this Depot. nation File. :B'irst Lieut. S.L _ Tucker has 01'- I Thi s unit will b? installed in the old InstruganizeQ snuadron schools fer radio operators i ment Rena~r Roor~ Construction cf a new Inand is getting excellent results. fuuch interi str~nt Repair Building is progressing rapidest is being shovm in these by ever-yone.] ly and. is expected to be completed within the In the barracks the men run::ing a I ne.xt thi:r'ty days, ''previi'' on tho sprint; hcuse ..cJ.ec1nlFg. Bunks i Laeut . Franklin S. Henley. Assistant Depot are beir..g pai and rear::alcgec., ar.d a Eeneral I SUPl'ly Officer, will depart on bho USAI' ChA:J'EAl' everhaul of barracks is inp:Jr,rcss, ~HLIHRY, alld will I'8port for duty at Chanute This Greur has one Flanc alreaiy ~n the Flood FielJ. Area, and vie arc 011 sttinc1i:ilgby to go to bhe Lieut. Donald W. Titus, who arrived on the aid of flood suf'f'e.rer s on a minute; s notice. An Chateau Thierry, was assigned to this Depot as OA-4B, corrp l et o \'.'Hh crow, is based at Port Assistant Engineering Officor. Columbus ready to go anywhere en call en a mi.n;:J'. E,'-',r-:;' Bakor , Principal Nh Storekeeper in ute's notice. The ere cons i s t s of Lsb Lieut. t.he St<.p':lly Dop-ar trrerrb, returned from the rradnR.E. Koon, A.C.; Lsb Lieut. T.C. Cdoro, A.C.; land af't e.c au extended vacab Lcn. Mr" Baker Staff Sgt. John E. lI-Orr~ , 21st Reccn-iai.ssance s visited s evere.l of the Depots and eained much Squadron, crew chief, and Pf'c, l!;illiarn A.Lentz, valuable Lnf'crrmt I on while there. While on 21st Reconrulissa!~e Souad~on, radio o~eretor. the Coast he was married and v:as accompanied by Orders were just r eco i vcd for ~.iBjorJ.K. !,in;. Baker on his return trip. McDuffie and Caotain T.E. Nugent to attend the Three e.dditional emp.Ioyee arrived on the s Air Corps TcJCtical Schad th:;'s f'al L. We all January 14th Transport - Mr. Har'ol d R.Beacom, hate to lose them, but congrrrt.ul.abe them on Junior Aircrf1ft Instrument Mechanic; and this as s i.gnrcerrt , Messrs. Eddi e =i. Eustain and Rus3ell Ivl. Webster, First Lieut. R.F. Travis wes ordered to cluty Aircra.ft Engine Lliechanics. ':'he Depot extends in Pana.. rrn., This Group, par t l the 49th em All~ha to these new erllfloyees. Squadron, will surely miss ''Bob. It -33rd Pursuit. Scuadron~ Lt. Col. and iI:rs. ;~.S. Kelly Fidd, Texas, February 5, 1937. Rusnannounceci i1iC--e"ga8ement r-f their daughter, I ~T:'f:.~th arrived at Kelly Field on Miss Sheridan wocd Push , to Lieut. 1,,,A. Elkins, i Ja:lUEUY23th to lecture on airplane adAir Res., before a group ef friends at the homo I vauc es bcf'or o the Ad.v811ced lying SchooL He F of CoL Rush. j;uss Rush is a Graduate of I returl.ed to '\'Jright Fdol d the following afterHampton High SC:10f"Jl and is a Junior at Virginia noon. Bad weather delayed him at Shreveport. Interrmnt CollG,se. Li eut , ns has boon v-i t.h Lieut. Nelson P. .Iacks om, a Kelly Field gradthe 33rd Pursui c Sc,uadron s i nco .:rao.=tion f'r o,n uate in 1934, re':lorted back on January 22nd Kelly Field, }<'el,.1I'urry 19:"5. 'Lhe -lledCii:lgis to as iastrl1ctor to' the Pursuit Group. He had be in May. beer; s t.i.t.i oned in the Panarra Canal Department. 35th Pur sui t SClUC',dron:'!dth the seag'clls I F' t Lieut. ;<02:131' Prcwne f'er ried aJlIl A-3 J. shovring a sf,ron,,; ten:~ency t.cvrai-d all curly cVI:',c11-i ack ,-~L:.r.e r cm Kolly Fiel i to Scott Field, Att f ation of their happy f'ee.Ii n; ~:"o'illd in :1:'3101' of , Ill., acd br ou-h.t back a 3-.4 Bomber. First their nor-Tal , there is a g:::o",inghope i Liout. L}'. V. Vance f'or-r i ed a.aT basic t.ra.Iner that the flying field will soon again be a scenoi to Scott Field C4'l.C returned. vrith Lieut.Browne. of buzzing acti vi by, Tbo 35th Pur sui tel's have I Fir"t Li eut., Bruce Vall G. Scott has been actbeen standing by with planes finely buried and ,in,':; co.unand er of 22nd Pho t.o Section while ready. i Lst Laout , CharLes F. Densf'ord , the, Flas~! ,[h~ ground hog sa-: his shadow this I ha-i been ill in quarter3. rmrrii ng. Ho hum, r.;lX weeks IT:Qre hangar stick! of Capta i.n Hovard E. Engler, accompanied by I,Is. time. I En':ll.3r, departed for Denver, Co ; , on a IS-day l.o Lieut. Jeffus packed his r ed flannols and I leave 01' absence. shoved off to the Cold Wedher ECiuiFnent Test i Capbadn Otto P. "leyl and , Chief of the Observaand a few -weeks hi bernat.Lcn in the frozon North. 1 ti on Section, is deep in reference files these First Lieut. Bodle, recently assigned to the I cays. Ee has bean a s s i gned the heavy task of organization, bLos s oieed out a fevr days [Lguin a i rewri tiLlj the Observation t.exb th8.t covers rrany new set of bars. Congr'at.ul.utd oris, Capbai ul [ of P.,e rround sC1100lsuujects taught at, the Air Hg. am 'Io. S,.,dCl.8th Pur sui t Gru1.m: Quanti- I COl'pSLcbaTJ8c;d Flying Sd-'oo1. ties of rarnan~i fog gre:lU./ curta:.18d th" fly- i CoLcnel l->.. ph l(oyce was a 'Tisitor at Kelly L ing activities of the squadron dur-i nc; tho past Field wh.i e ferrying 8. '-26 from the 'iIest Coast L rncnth. Howevo , naooor work , which cons t I tutes r l bo Selfri,1ge Fi e.ld, a large portion ("of t.he duties c: t1,is organd za- I 1!'I.H. Hardy returned from Washington, tion, went roorrily on, as usued ., II whore he vras a morriberof a Beard vrhich convened About sixteen .ner.ibe'r of the or-gand eat.Ion are s in the Office of the Ghief of the Air Corps. -23V-72l3, A.C.

Texas. and Pvt. E.T. Hausafus, pilots, of the 3rd Transport Squadron, who ferried the other c-33 AiIlOn,j ir Corps of1icurs recently visi "bing A the Depot by air weze Col. :SD.lph Itoyce , of which W'c1.S formerly assigned to this Depot and Selfridge Field, to ferry a 1'-26A back to that which was transferred to the Rockwell Depot. station; Major T.L. Gilbert, en duty with thc Organized Res.:orvcs, Ok1fl.hOI!,1, City, Okla., to CL~rk Field, 1'<1I1'p['n6i1' r., Janua.ry 7th. 1'. confer on suppl y natters. returning \':i th a FT-3 l'ersOrlIlel ch~s ave boen few lUtely. N.ajor H.H. HoLl.and , C,:';) D.D. Fisher end. Lieut. BLlir, recently graclua.ted from the Air Lieut. ';';In.C. Bentley, Jr., of Langley Field, Corp s Trdning Center, carne ove.r on the ::lovern. enr-oube ferrying three :R-IOBplc.'..1.Gs the to b er, 1936, beat. Li euts , HorgDll and Bowran Rockwell Air Depot, Cc.ronado, Cc.lif.; Lielirbs. left en Janunr./ 9th for C1 rmnth's trip through F.S. Stecks and 0.8. Picher, of l~i1tC'n Field, InAo-China, ~ium unA the Dutch East Indies. On enroute, piloting c: C-33 Vf1th 12 pas senger s , the I1nrcb t ransoo rb we will Lose our nresent from C1.2nute Field, Ill., to their home staticn. ComrrandingOfficor, 1~jor C.W. Ford, together The rronthly Supply Coutrol Area supply and with Li oubs, Bowmanand ;.:Orgun. With Lieut. engi.neer-Ing conference and luncheon at this "Jurtsmith r eburni.i.g to the states in M:J.y,we Depot was held Jenu<::,ry26th, about 20 officers \"ill experience alrrDst a fifty percent turnf'z-om VC'.rious "tat ions and the Depct being prus- : over wi t.hin a bhr ce rronths I period. ent, Out-of-+:,owl1 officers :1.ttending vrei:: ML,jor i :eTo'/[ that. the Asiatic Fleet is kock in F.D. Lynch, consmnd.i g Po st. F'ieLd, Fort Sill, n : Ph i Li.pp i ne wders for the winter, the squadron Okla.; Ihjor L. S. Vkbster, Sup~ly Officer of : base oul.I and bowlin.; teams and the sad.Lor-s ar'e Barksdale Field, Le::..; CcptDin R. w. Wellrn~n, Jr. ,\1 st':cging some very good g2mes. 120th Obsez-vab i.on SC'uadroll, Cc'l or ado l:rationnl Guard; Ldcub, Eugene Cunrri.ngham, from Lovr.ry I SC'Jtt Field, BellevillE', Ill., Febr'try Ll bh, Field, Denver, Co l,c.. , and Lieut.. Wm.T. HeIley,: Ciptain }~ayn1eIv.cConniCk,f'rderGd 0 l\bffett of the Air Corps Iv~:,t.eriel Division, Wright !, :Fip.ld, Colif., left February 15th on 30 days' Field, therl on 8. nevi gat Ion flight t;f' Brooks Ilo'we. and Kelly Fields and t.his Depot , ccnf'e r rdn.; on Second Li.eut.s. Edward G. Kiehle and Hoble O. engine rradnt cuance rrottors. Sprunger, J,ir :::~escrve, were relieved from acThe recent. nution-wide t'ppeal r-f the kaerica.'1 Eve clUty ','rith t.hc Air Corps on February lOth. Red Cross in behe.l.f of the ~.liddle ~vest Flood They hc.vo been erop Loyod e.s pilots by the 1'..,11:, Relief found r:.t t.hi s ste,ticn, GS all-rays, a i Arncr i can Air Li ncs , hear-t.y end generous response on the pert r-f the! First LiGU~. William J. Bell, reported from entire personnel, who at this wr i ting subscz-ib- Sel f r idr-e Fi el d for duty wi th the 15th Observned a totul of ovor $675. to the Quote, of 'Se:xo.r ; tien Squalron on Fe cruz.ry 7tH. County C~12:pterof tho 3ed Cross in Sac, Antonio. ': "he imp0rte.i1ce of Scott, Field as a refueling Lieut. Colonel Morris B(;rIUJ.Il, xecutive Offi- i s tr.t i cn f'o r .:~,r:uy .ircrc'.ft rna,;.dngcross-country E o cer of the Depo t, r-et.urrierl J8nue.ry 28th f'rc:n a i or t rcnscont i.ncnbe.I fli,jhts is wel l, known, rmnth's leave, visiting in Miner:'} \\ell~, Tex5.s.1 Scott Fie1C: is csntrally located r-rid is on t~l Tech. Sgt. P . .3. Je.ckson G'1(iStaff Sgt. F.O. ' e:c:.~~t-Te:.;t and l.Lortil-south Arnv a i rways , The Tyler, pilots of the 3rd Truns-port tquadron,de- ! nurnbo.rcf visiting n.i r-p Lr.ncs for 1936 was 1685 parted February ':1:,1'., ferrJring 3. BT-2B pl.ane tl1 : ['.nc]included all ty-pes "'~Tfmg which wer e the the Rockwell AiT :Jepot, Co.ronndo, Calif. They C'.uto::;iro and the [~r:rphibi['J.l., welI as many icC" a::e scheduled GO ferry two J?-12D's to Kelly F:,vy, ;,1;rine Corps and lbtimml Guard pbn3s, F~eld. A ~oy Scout troop with eleven churter me~ Mr. ~.E. Ed,"o.rcs, Pr-i.nci.p-xl, Storekeeper in bel'S 1~:.1S :r:tcently 0rg:'nized by Lst Lieut. Jomes the Depot SuprLy Dep2xtrr:ent, left here Junun;ry C, B,~~_'1 (Chil]::,l"in). Pr i vr.t e hichard D. Fey, 29th by r.:..irfor the j\\o,teriel Division, VTrigh~:. 2L,t Airsl:.hJ~Group He".dqucl.rters, was chosen Field, and tl1e Fairfield .hi1' DCTJot,Ohio, on : Sccutrrcstor. beropoz-aryduty for about ten drys to study Pow1inB..:.l'cchnici::.l Sergeant ~bcrt ' S. ''Tills, n:ethods used in st.ornge of activo and reserve Firr::-iiCo'De:p:.1rtment, . member of the Herrrr-nns Q stock. 'bcv-Lr n; t'",l!n, le:'.der in the present St. Louis Mr. E.H. H'ulcy, Junicr Administrative Assis- : Cl.r.s s i c Let.;~0:G :~r..df'c rmer world's f i vc-rmn t.ant at the Hi:,w:'"ii::n Air T'epot , Luke Fiold, i [,..1;0:. [j:'Ine c lv.i.p i.ous , he Lpcd his te:JIDbrenk 'c.H., and f'o on duty at this Depot , rei. throe bovl Lng recor'ds on J:nutlry 27th, vi z: ported Janu,'lry 29th from <' Leave :Jf n.bscnce ! 1. '1'1:0 firs~; ti~~Gon r ecovd th0.t any tei.UIl while in the Stdes for t errporc.ry duty fer i shot the hi,';h sco r o of 1325 for one gor.1G. 'rhe about ,:. :nonLl at thi s Depot for the of : former high sccre of 1294 was rrcde by the studying DfL'11inistrative, civil ser7ice, and : Collinsville 3ricks of Cleveland, Ohio. other personnel procedures. ! 2. The first time the unbe.l i.evab l e thre'Jivhjor E.n. FOIT:n, 3rd Trc.nsport SOl'..?dron : gr:n3 score has been 3797. The former record. Ccrrrnandernn.I 1"'05+ Operctions Officer of the ! hr)lJ by trJ.e Herrmsof St. Pc.uI , Minn., W:J..S713. 3 Depot, with Staf:f Sgt. p. 8. Bleir of tho,t s ouad-] 2. :'he f i r s t time on record tho.t any team ron as co-rpi Lot and Corn. F.M. Anthony, meohnn- I has mad e cve r 12CO in bhr ee consecutive games ie, fl en the Dei.ct I s C<\;.; ;rc.n5l')Ort to the I the 'three scor-es being 1261, 1211 and 1325. Rockwell Air Depot , Co ronrdo , Celif., and re':I'h",high lIl8D. of this recorr:~-brec~cinJ turn, J(illlli:.r.? 25-27, to bri ng back U::jor P.O. rn.,.de792nnd the "dog" mad e 709. Sgt. VTillis, Hunbez ani Li eu+. P.R. ]vDddux, roturninc to a riev. me.nbe of bhe t er.m, l'rns second highest r Barksdale Field, L2., from 0. ferryin[S mission w it.h a score of 771. lit has a b.ri l.Li ant record to RockweLl, Fi81d, also to bring back Cvrporal iLl the f'Le Ld of athJ.etics, and his present R.L. Cole, Mechonic, Staff Sgt. T.K. Dorsott I bowling ~verage is 215. -24' V-7213, A.C.

San Antonio Air DePot, Duncan Field,




. ~," ..


_\ r,i

xx ~oV


VOL. XX Information Division Air Corps



S 937


NO.5. l~tions Building Washinaton D.C.

The chief uurpose of this publicaticn is to distribute info!nD"tien on aeronautics to t~e flying personnel in the Regular Arnv. Reserve Corps, Nation,cl Guard, end others connected wibh aviation.

-- ..,,00--THEARMY AIR CORPS FOR1936 - A 3EVIE"J Ed. Note: The z-eview of Air Corps acti vi ties and vard ous aeronautical events during the calendar year 1936, as hereinafter given, is not intended as a fU!-l and complete chronology thereof. The necesscry time involved to conduct the amount of research work in order to compile a complete chronology has not been ava:llabl~ .#tiSher:mre, space is lacking for the publication of ~. rr:ore c0r:Plete re,?ort.'i~::iS _' ,;,ed, . however , that t~e chron~l~g'.f f)f. even~s g1ven ~ere1nafter w1ll III ~ ~e rea er-.f1':l~u J.dea of the var i.ous ac t es an whd the Au Corps was engag~A~ ch t~~I't .. .f~tt. .... "'.~" .. , ..... ~ year ..., r .,


4.i/-., ...'0.) {


'~., .

TEE G"ENEr\AL IlliADO,UARIERS FORCE AIR Faster airpl;:mes, an iroprov-edplan of organization and a greo.tly heightened n:orale for all members, were objectives achieved during the calendar year 1936 by the General Headquarters Air Ferce. .. Air power of the United States was increased in spite of. the fact that ever-sage airplenos were retired allnDst as fast as new airplanes were added to the Air Force. Higher speeds, bigger loads, m,d enlarged cruising radii have definitely strengthened the air defense of the continent. In reviewing the accomplishments of the GHQ Air Force for the past year, Najor General Frank M. Andrews, itsCorr:manding General, stated recently: '"Ne think we are headed on the right path. It is believed that in 1936 we nade subs bantial progress on the road to a smooth working, efficient air force. The addition nf the new types to our complement of planes has had an important effect on the training and especially on the morale of the pilots and mechanics. For example, the Seventeenth Attack Group of March Field WE'.S equipped solely witn obsolete Pursuit p Lanes when the GHQ Air Force was organized. on N~rcll 1, 1935. During 1936, this old eoui~ment was replaced by new Northrop Avcack airplanes (A-17) direct from the Inglewood factory." The increase in the multi-place eguipment of the GHQ Air Force has given the enlJ.sted men in the affected squadrons more op~ortunities to accompany their officers on flying rai as i cns as gunners. crew chiefs, and radio operat'?rs. The acquisitioll of the 18 new DOUGlasC-33 transports during 1936 gives the air bases and the air depots the opporttUlity to expedite the delivery of engines and the Quick transport of mechanics and other personnel to airdromes near the theatres of operations durin~ maneuvers. The staff of trle GEQ, Air Force vrishcs to point out, however. that the increased speeds of the new planes have not increased the mobility of the Arrrr.f air unit. Without ada.iti~n<;l bases in certain strategic areas, the rnobJ.11ty

of the Air Force will remain sUbst~tJ .. it~lfr a S['J:rr:G on its founding day, March 1, .LQs", as Substantial but unsensat ionaI progres's'W!Ife mad e in other branches of GHQ Air Force activiGy. Supplies were reeved easier; Ordnance or gard aat.Lon was improved and increased, and the,Warfare Service was heard from. In a prepared statement, Lieut. Colonel Edward Montgomery, Chemical W2.rfare Service Officer at GHQ Air Force Headquarters, said: "In Hay, 1936, a number' of GEQ Air Force officers were graduated from the Cherrical W~~rfareSchcol. The return of these officers to their regular stations and their appointment as base and unit chemical officers, marked th8 comrencemerrt of corrp rehensive cherrdce.I warfere training throughout the Air Force. By fall this training was carried out in a standardized way at all bases by means of schools for officers and nonoorrmi s i oned officers, s unit training and recruit instruction." In connection with the above statement, Air Corps NewsLetter readers will remember a 1936 cover in which clerks were depicted working at their desks with gas masks being worn. ':I[ID~;ar crews also v10rkedfor brief periods so Reorgcullzation of the GHQ Air Force occurred on September 1, 1936. As the average reader krmws. the Station Complements disappeared and in their stead were created the existing Air Base Squadro;:J.s. As the year drew to a close, tee creaks and groans incidental to the working ~f all new nnchinery largely disappeared and the rrDrale of the officers and e:ruisted men seerred to be on the upturn as a resul t of the new set-up. In the foll~wing paragraphs, notable events of t.he last calendar year will be briefly described: Cold ~eather Test_Flights in NewEngland Area; Several units of the Air Force cond.ucted cold weather tests of winter equipment in the New England area from February 1st to the 15th, under the supervision of General Andrews. Designed to ascertain the effectiveness of Air Corps personnel and equipment under severe wealher conditions, tnese tests ~:ovided a


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gree.t deal of de.te,f('r the Air Force he(d.t;l,uar- I cr~se,the efficiency d the Air Corps, rmde a t.ers. 'Particulex note was taken of the,~','~reiren.;, ,Vi,SionCf the ,th,eB,uns" Ire, ,atis,fac, tC'ry method of daus effect of the cold weather en the p~-., te.~c~ary ~rc~tion in the Air CC'rps, experiUtes of.thepersonnel of Barksdale .Fi!"!l. , ,,:(.,,8. . !encehaving, shown ~hat the prior method of se.l The Barksdale Field reuert states that their I actin:; officers for ten!>orary prormtion '/18.S contingent had ell Etirplanesrunning allda.y. I productive of rrany evils, since the selections Mu.chf'avo'rabl,e conrrenb was heard "'n all sides I were rrad e from the standpoint of expediency about the splendid recept.I on given t(" b("lth com-l rabher bhan seniority. Under the new Act, which missioned and enl.Lsbed personnel by the New ,., i repealed all pz-evi ous teuporary p rorrot.Loris , the England populace. As the creation of favorable shortage in the Air Corps of officers above public sentirrent is considered one of c.ny rmn- '1 the rank cf Cepbad n was mad e up by the terrpnraeuver's objectives, this item must be added tCl i ry prorr.otion of officers taken from the top of the pIus score of the fourteen days. itherelative ran!; list. Th~s resulted ~n the CEQ Air Fo.rce Unit Aids Fl"cd Suff<Jrers I temporary pr?rn:t.J.on ofT~2 LJ.e~t. Colonels to ALmst from the beginning of Army air histe-r,yl Colon~l, 36 1/e~ors to .wJ.C1.;t. o Lorie L an~ 204 C Army ai rp'Lanes hava been dashing to the aid r-,f Cuptalns to MaJor,. June,16, 1~36. . flood sufferers. So it vras in the spring cf' ,.On August 26th, J.n accorJaLc~ wlth the pro~J.1936 when the Second Boniba.rdrnenb Group, acting s~ons ,.,1' the ~ct of ConI'ess CJ.oo. 8,~ove, 140 t en verbAl ordez-s of the Second l'VingConmnder, A~r Corp~ C'ffJ.ce:;s r ecea ved tempor~y prorm; Brigadier General Henry C. Pratt, dropped 8,000 i h~ns, vJ.z~. 20 Li oub. Colon.els to volo~el, ~9 o pounds of food and medical supplies to cO:mJlilli-I ~""'Q('rst.o Li eub, Colonel, and ,,9 Capbad.ns to ties in Pennsy'Lvarri a, lIejl"r Robert E. Cronau II "1JC'0Jor. p' " . was in corcroand of the 30 airplanes, 45 ",fficers, Under the ~J.11, 11920, C' the PresJ.den~~, and nearly 100 enli st.ed men who nxtici 3.teo. in en :he reconm-;ndahc~l of ~he vecretar:r of liar, the mercyvrork. p p nomi.nabe d the follow:mg AJ.r Corps of f'Lcer s for , terrrocrary uro~tion to the rank of general ofMartin Bombers Ferried to Fanarra I fic~r, viz: Colonel Frank M. Ar~rews, Corrrr.e.ndrilnts and meche.nics /")1' the 2nd Bombardrrent I ing the GHQ Air Force, to lVJ8,jor eneral; Col s , G Group of' Langley Field last spring had the ; Henry C. Pratt, Gerald C. Brant" BaxtonK. pleasant and worthwhile detail r,f ferrying nine Yount, Lieut. CcLone'l,s Deles C. Enmons and new I~rtin Bomb~rs from tho l~rtin fnctory to George H. Brett to Briga.dier General. ~anama.. The flJ.ght was led by Colonel Charles Fifty-Six Flying Cadets, whl"lgraduated from B. Oldfield .and flew via Brownsville, Texas; the Advanced Flying Sohool Kelly Field, Texas, MerieC', and several Central .American countries. Jtine2Z, 1935, and who on bat date completed The Bombers proved a boon to the defenders ("1' a yeax ("1' active duty with Air C0rpS tactical the water artery. units under their cadet status, ,werecomrrisOther Important Events s i oned second lieutenants in the Air Reserve, Other events of importance include the her~ic and assigned to furth~r active.d~ty Ul1der their deeds ~f Sergeant Norris and Corporal 1~sser; sta~us as Reserve ~ffJ.cers. SJ.~~larly. 23 the participation of GHQ Air Force units in the F~Ylng Cade~s, who ~orr,plet~d the~r year 0f acSecond Arr.qy Ma.;,1euvers during the su:rrrer: the' duty. wJ.~h techcal ts en Octo,?er 14th! Joint Armv-NaV'Jexercises off the coasts ('fwere connussloned second IJ.eutene~ts J.n the A~r Vhginia and the State of Washington in the Reserve and placed on further ac'b i ve Cl.ut!. . fall; the Bakersfield Celif cxe ro of the Three of these 28 Cadets passed the exa.oi.nat i on First Wing: and the a;m.rd of. the Colcmbian . for e.ppointment as commissicned cfficers in the Trophy f~r sdetyin flying to the Third Attack Air Corps, Grcup by General Ancrews at Barksdale Field. A total of 33 cff~cers eraduated on J'une 30th ---000--from the Air Corps Technical Scheol, ChnnQte ..... . Tield, Ill" 3 (If th8ffipursuing the aerial ~ ,,1 H 0 U 0 LOG Y photographic course; 12, Cormmlcac i ons ; and 18, Engineering. Personnel - J~1)T>Qin'~~ent Changes, etc. s, Colnnel Arnold N. KroGstac assumed comrrand cf Colonel ~ant, CNffilEUla,er the 3rd the .Air Ccrps Advanced Flying School, Kelly of .Attack Group, Barksdale Field, La., , was appoint- Field, Texas, on July 2nd, relieving C("lonel ed to the terrpor~ry r~~ of Brigadier General J~cob E. Fickel, vnlO was assigned as Air Offifrom Jan~qry 9, 1936. ~ ~ cer ef the 9th Corps AreFl . Colonel Harrison B.C. Richard.s, Air Corps, VlP,S sdgned as Cnief of the InfC'rrrB.tion Divie.s sien, Office ~f the Chief of the Air Corps, .J'ul.y 15, 1936, vice Colonel John D. Reardan, asForty-eight Flying Cadets of the Air Corps, s i gned as Air Ccrps Procureicenf Planning Reprewho graduated from the Advanced Flying School, sentative, Ne:"Yerk City. Kelly Field, Tey~s, in Febr~qry, 1935, and who Colonel Henry B. Cla~ett assumed commandof c'>I1l'leted their additional yoar of training Selfridge Field, Mich. ~ en August 27, 1938. with Air Corps tactical units on February 29, The conmi s s i oned rrnks r-f the Air Corps were 1~36,. were coronissicned. second lieutenants in increased on October I, 1936, to the extent cf tne AJ.r Roserve ar~ asslgne~ to e~tended active 50 new officers, nIl graduates of the Air Corps duty, Verch L, 1936, at varaous AJ.r Corps sbaTraining Cenl er-, who were auuointed und ez tne til"lns. Act of Congress, approved August 30, 1935. The War Department, in rOlWonse to the PresiColonel Dc.venpori Johnson assumed comnanclof dent's approval cf the Bill (H.E. 11920) bo inHamilton FieE, Calif., en November 19th, sue, -2V-7244, A.C.







ceeding Colenel Clarence L. Tiru;er, trQnsf:rred Ne~ Ai~-?~ to Washington, D.C., for duty ~th the Natlonal E.R. 11140, an Act to lncrease the effectiveGuard Bureau. . ness and efficiency of the Air Corps, approved PURCHASE OF NEfl AIRPLANES June 24, 1936, aID?Ildedtl:e Ai:: CC'~s A'?t of d th t 506' Julv 2, 1.926, by a ncr easa ng tne aUvhorJ.zat:l.on The S ecre t 8ry 0 f W announce aa . .,.' '" . ar d t bh A a A' C r- . I t~', """ rrez-ezn x, f 1, 80n servacea bl"e ,::urpJ .anes t 0 v 1 panes had been de1avez'e 0 .e rI-J lr orps 2 320 ' 1 by ccnt racbor's during the calendar year 1936. ' 211'P anes , This is the largest number f1f airpb.nes which Illustrating the greatly incre<1sed cruising have ever been delivered during any year since. .b' J i range nnw pc ss a Le wlth the new NC'rthrop Attack th e ad np t.a.on 0 f lOC' dern a 11 -metIt cons rue b a on, a , 1 . L' t Ch 1 B 0 1 17th During the cnl.ende.r year 1936, announcements Aaltrpt QllGe.,a eut . d ar as t' veracdcer ,. k f trlp d b th VIlal, D . t f th e : . 1 ack roup, mOl. e a non-s op r~un rom wer e IT'a eye h , elPlc:tr~roon n t a~prova :Ja:rch t" Hamilton Field, involving a total discf the award of t e fo .. owrng contrac s r or new I t f 814 " . 5 h d d 31::: . t . i -ance ,. , In iou.r an v mrnu e s , aa rp 1 anes f or th e Army A' C' 1r orps r June 16: To the Scversky Air~raft Corporaticn DECORATIONS AND.A"?jARDS ~f Far:ningdale, 1J.1., New Ycrk, for 77 singleDec-rra.t ions and awazxl made during the calens seater Pur-sui, t airplanes and of spare pa"':'ts dcr year 193(3 to Air Corps persl"lI':nel for hel'oic .. eguivalent to 8 airplanes, at a total co sb cf conduct or distinguished service in connection $1,636,250. I with flying are enumerated below, as follows: July 23: To the Curtiss Aerrro.Lane and Motor I ;Qi-~.!.ngui~~d Flying Cross.!.. C.mpany, Buff'a'lo , N.Y., for l3~ new Attack CaptainsAlbert W. stevens and Orv1:A. planes ~YA-18) bi-,notored, at a total cost cf Andor-scn , Air Corps , were awarded the Oak Leaf $1;259,235. 'I'h.i.s plane, a deve l.opmenb ovc r the .c.:luster to thc Distinguished. Flying Cross for ~ast two years by the Curtiss Com2a~y in coopor-l thcir Farticipationin the Nati~nal Geographic a~ion with Air CO:r:(ls engineers, c"mbi~ed very I A~'UlY ir Corp~ ?t7'E.tC'sphere. Fli?ht, A which starthd gh performance wlth Long range and J.II:Iprovod ,ea from the vi car-Lby of Papdd Clty, &,uth safety characteristics. It is believed to 'be Da.kota, IJove;nber 11, 1935, during the course of the only two-engine Attack plune in the world. which tho bdlo~n ascend.ed tn 72,395 fMt, the July 28: To thG Ste?~ Aircraft Co.,Wichita,1 gre~test height ever attained by man. Captain Kansas, for 50 Prin:cry Tra5.ning planes, at a I St-evens was the corirrand ar and scientific obsez-t~tal cost of $329,659.' ver r-n this flight, ani Ce.. tam Andel"Son the p August 8: Tn the t?u!tiss Aeroplane. and Motnr I p~lot and assista,r.t scientific ~bserver. Kelly C~mpanyfor three h'i gh per,.,rrral1cG slngle-seati F'iel d , Texas, nn .i12rch 7, 1926, was the scene er Pursuit planes "f a new type, tl") be kn0WI1 ['of: tho rresEm-~ati('n of t:L1is deC;l;Iratir;n tn Capt. as the YlP-36. Anderson by Brigadier General James E. Chaney, October 26: To Korth Ame ican A-viaticn, Enc; , I Corrmand r General r-f the Air Cl'lrps Training (If InglewMd, Cal.Lf . , fur 117 Bas i c Trdning : Center, while ori May 12, 1936, at Wrir,ht Field, planes (single-engine biplace lew-wing monoI Daybon, Ohlo , WJ8.jorG':meral Williain E. Cole, plane) ,spare par bs , ebc.. , at a total cost of I Comranding General. -f the 5th Corp s Area, made $1,432,600. . I the presentatil"n ~f the decoratil"n to Captain November 18.: T" Ncrth An:erican Aviation, Inc . St.evens . fer 109 0-4711.Corps and Ar1'V Obser-vat i on ai::'[The Distinguished Flying Cross wn.s pl'lsthumousplanes, tind spare perts equi val ent to 11 addii 1y avnrded to It,nj''r Hez Ik:Clellan, Air Corps, tional planes, at a total cost of $3,4~9.600. I for extraordinary cchievement an corrmanding offi December 4: 11'\ the Stean;~1 Aircraft C~fu~8ny, ,cor and pi1,t 'n a cross-country flight from f,.r 28 Primary Training airylencs (PT,~13i\.)vrith i \!lp,shington, D.C., t., Norne Point Barrow, and , spare parts, at a total co s t nf $146,720.25. ! ot,her Alaskan po i.nt s during the sumner . ,f 1935. This biplane, with a tV;'rplace tandem ar rangeTIw War Depar tmerra ann.vunc ed th':l award of the ment, is powered with a 7-cylinc er air-'c.'01ed I Distinguished Flying Cros s tl'l Captains Frank G. Lycoming engine of 125 horsepower. I ~rvin ~d John,S: Gr~ff.i~h. Air C~rps, ~or hlroEnzine s a sm wlri Le par t Lc an an aorlal fhght fron, March 11: To the 'V~gnrAcronEcuticd Cnrp0nWI'i(?;htEi e'Ld, Ohio, to Indianapolis, End , , on t i.on , Paterson, ILJ., fr)::' 512 new eirc raft en- ,July 22, 1936, 'l'J11ilo making a carben monox'ide gines, cf whdch 432, known 8.S the Wright i test fliijht "f a new adrp l.ane 2.t an altitude .,:[ "Cyclone" R-1820-G 9-cylinder air ..cooled the [2,000 feet, the bur..b into flames. 'I'r.e rresb p0werful singie-row radicl. aircraft e~gino I bv.o r>fficers, ..rithcu~ ~h?ught, nf themselv~s, diin the "rerld, were Lnbenrled for instaU;::,tion in : tile cr!>,v; lf ca vi l'oservers to JUlnp f new Bombardment; pLanes , whi I e the reJl.aining 80 i with their par'ach.rt es , and then, by us.i ng fire engd.nes , 9-cvlinder Wright "Whirlwincl" type, ! exb i.ngui shez-s and swi tch Ing ..,ff gas valves, suewe~e intended fr:r installatil'H in new Basic cceded in extinEUishing the fire, thereby preTraining n:t:lDnul8Iles. kr:-;unt of conbracb , i venting n"t onl.y po ssd b'l e 1('s3 of life but de$3,850,000. str\l.ction to goverrment pr"Jperty as well. March 31: To the Pratt & 'Wbitney Aircraft Ci"'r Announcement was :uade by the War Department of p... at.Lon for 200 ne"W r :2-1::'35-13 ad r--oooLed , two- the awar-d of the Distinguished Flying Cross tC1 row radial type flilgincl', at a total cost of 3rigadier General Henry H. ArI1('ld, Air Corps, $1,877,030. for extranrdinary nchicvement while participatAugust 3: To the Wright Aeronautical Co.rpora- ing in an aerial flight as pilot and cClrnrfLnding tion fur 150 Wright "Cyclone." engines). rated at officer sf a squadron C1ften B'IIl. hardment air1,000 h~rsepower, at a total cost ~f ~l,327,190. planes from Washington, D.C., to Fairbanks, -3" Vo.!7244 , A. C.
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Ala,ska, and return, irem .July 19, 1934, to The Mackay Trc-ohZ August 20, 1934. June 23, 193(j, marked the ~jrd annual, a"iVBrd Four members of the .Air Ccrps were awarded ('f the Mackay Trophy, which is presented to the Distinguished Flying Cross for participatAir Corps officers for each year's trost outing in an errand of mercy which was instrumentstanding flight achievement. The recipients a1 in saving the lives of seven men who we,rc of this '!.'rophy for 1935 were Nl?jor Albert Vi. stranded on an ice floe in Cape Cod Bay. Durstevens and. Captain Orvil A. Anderson, Air ing th(:3 cour-se of the Winter Test Maneuver-s in Corps, for their stratosphere flight on Novemthe New Englsnd states, ~ejor Barney M. Giles, ber 11, 1935. of Langley Fiela, acccmpard ed by 2nd Lieut~ The Cheney .Award James H. Patrick, Air Reserve; Staff Sergeant Annnuncement Vias maae on January 19, 1936, Donald E. Harrnlton and Comoral Frank B. Connnr, of the selectinn of 1st Lieut. Rebert K. departed shortly after midi:tight, February 10th, Giovannoli, Air Corps, fer the Cheney Award for from Concord, R.H., to lecate seven CCCyouths, 1935, for an act ~f heroism in connection with marooned 0n drifting ice nff their Camp at the rescue nf Major Ployer P. Hill, Air Corps, . Brewster, M'1ss. l.:a.jor Giles located a tiny and Mr. Leslie Tower, civilian test pilot, from dot I'm the ice which he was soon able be idena burning experimental bmnbing plane which tify as the boys, and then proceeded to circle i crashed during a test flight at Wright Field, the floe and r~dio its pcsitien to shore par: Ohie, in October, 1935. Both Y~jcr Hill and ties and Coast Guardsmen. Airplanes promptly i Mr. 'rewer later succumbed to their injuries . rrived over the scene and dropped f0cd Ulld a IF~te was also unkirm to the thi~ trage-. blankets to the imperiled youths. i dy when, several roonths later, Ld eut , GJ.ov3.illlQli The Soldier's Medal I lost his life in an airplane accident. The Soldier's Medal vias presented ~n Aoril i The Fr['.nk Luke Tr~'Phy 27, 1936, to Corpcral Clyde E. Gilruore, 44th I The .AIr.erican LegTOn :f'"Ari zona , on September Observation Squadron, Albrook Field, Canal Zone'13rd, presented the Frank Luke, Jr., Memorial by Y~jor General Lytle Brown, Department Com- I Tmphy to the 79th Pursuit Squadron, GHQ, Air mander, for.heroism in savi~g the li~e :f ~ I~orce, f~r nx~cing the high~s~ aggr~0ate s?ore fell~w, who~e> caught I :In eJmua~ ~~ery record lhree SlXfrom a sudden gaso'l blaze a.n a hangar. Over- \ pbn.e fhghts cf the 79th Sq\k"idron, B2..rksdQle taking this soldier, who was running from the i Field, La.; , were f'Lown to Phoerri x , ArizoDLl, on scene ",f the fire, Corporal Gilmore succeeded i Sep t erribez-2nd, and r-n the following day a a.ein thl.'owing him to the ground and removing his : rr.onstrC".tinn was st aged of Pur sui t mmeuvers blazing clothing. i for 30 mi.rnrb es over Phoenix. Fl.r-wers were On Y~y 12, 1936, at Vlright Field, Dayton, ; dropped from one plane on the Luke l.ieJU'rial Ohio, the Soldier's Medal was presented by \ Statue in front nf the State Capitol. The forMa~or General William E. Cole, Cemnanding Gen- ! mal, presente.tion cf the Luke T.cophy W2.5 made to eral of the 5th Ccrps Area, to Lieut. L.F. ' the Squadron by Mr , 'r.T. Brooke, Depart:01ent Harman, Air Corps, for valiant rescue work perCcmnand er- r-f the Americun Legion, assisted by formed at the risk of his r,wn life unon theocthe Governor of Ar i zona. casion of the crash of the Boeing Bomber at '::he Colombian Tro'P~ \"1right Field during a test flight in Ocbobe r , The ?hird A',;'Group, Barksa.-ale Field, Lu,. , 1935, a-~d ~hich resulted in the death of the won the Colorr~ian Trophy fer greater 'safety pil~t, 1hjor Ployer P. Hill, and 0tr. Leslie ,in flying than any other silnilar organiz~tion T~wer, test pilot of the Boeing Cornpar~. ; in the Army Air Corps. This Trophy, a gift to The War Department announced the award "f the! the Air Corps by bhe Republic of Colombia, WitS Soldier's l,~dal to Staff Sergeant Willie D. 'presented to the Group TIith appropriate cererrDNcrris and Ser0eant Wa)~e M. Musser, Air C~rps, ! nies on December 9th by ~jorGeneral Fre~ M. for heroism displayed at Langley Field, Va., i Andrews, Cor;;ne.ndint;General of the GHqAir August 31, 1936. During the installation of Force, V~10 flew to Barksd21e Field especiallY time fuzes on six large experimental fIarAS fer that purpose. hanging f'r-crn the bomb bay racks rf an airplnne Conroendat i on and withdrawing the safetying pins from t1.ern' For 1?nd:i:ng a NiD.rtinBo!nber with three F'.sa. noise, d.i agnos ed as the time fuze functioning sengers in a srmll, unprepared space near GilC'. (If one of the f'Lar-e s , was heard. Sergeant Bond, Arizona, with exceptional courage, good Norris helcl 8, flashlight while Sergeant Musser I. judgment and pilctinz sl;.i11 , on June 10, 1936, unlatched the ticking flare and r an with it in ! 2nd Lieut. Arl:o Ii. Luehman, 32nd Bombardment his anns tOW2XQS the flying field. After reaCh-I' Sauadron, l~rch Field, Calif., was highly corrr ing a point about 20 feet from the bomb bay, the rr.end ed by the Chief of the Air Corps, the Corrr flare exploded, shooting the flare back I rmnd General r-f the GHQ, Air Fo rc e , and r-t.her toward the airpl.:me under the left wing near I high r ank Air Corps officers. the fuselage, vlhere the intense heat igni ted th~ T1iE 1!!INTERESTMAn:ETl\'EI~S T wing. In his attempt to escape L'C'mthe air, Officers and enlisted men from Barksdale, ]lane, the pilrt sprained his ankle end Sergeant Fields, organizMusser, . seeing hi s pliGht, assi s t ed in carrying i Lnr.gley. Mi+'chel and Selfridge en as a provisional group, under the cemrnenc him to a place of safety. The heroic and timely acti~ns of these t~ro noncomrrdssioned effiof Li!$at. Colonel Adlc:.i H. Gilkeson, Corrroand.i ng eel'S prevented the possible los~ of human life Officer of the 8th Fursuit Group, Lnngley Field, and undo~btedly great destruction to valuable V,,., were engaged in conducting cold weather i government 'property. -4~ V-7244 , A.C.

tests of clothing and equipment in the New Ene- ing their turn in two-week periods of intenland area. sive training at Mather Field, Calif. ~he Group was oomposed of the 8th Pursuit The 31st Bombardment Squadron operated in Group Hqrs., Ln.~gley Field, with 6 ~fficers, 11 squadron maneuvers at Mather Field, May 1 to enlisted men and 6 planes; a Bombardment Squad- 2S, 1936. ron from the 2nd Bombardment Group, Langley The 7th Bombardment Group, on July 17th,conField, Va., with 20 officers, 20 enlisted men ducted a group interception of a ship at sea. and 10 lvfartin ombers; an Attack Squadron from The Transport MEIGS was intercepted an hour B Barksdale Field, La., with 20 officers, 20 en- and seven'manutes after the Group left the listed men and 20 Curtiss Attack planes; one Golden Gate. Pursuit Squadron from the 20th Pursuit Group, The 30th Bombardment Squadron returned to Barksdale Field, La., with 20 officers and 20 March Field on October 13th, after ten days of Boeing Pur suit p Lenes , and one service detach- rraneuvers and range practice in the Pacific ment each from SeLf r i dge , Mi. tchel and Langl.ey Ocean off Long Beach, Cal if. Fields, consistine of 90 enlisted men, 6offiBekersfield, Calif., was the scene of one of cers and 6 Cargo planes. the greatest series of A~ Air Corps ~euvers The loc~lities selected as bases for the ex- hela in any West Coast municipality in recent ercises were lfitchelField, N.Y.; Burlington, 'years. The 34th Attack Squadron from l~ch vt., end Concord, F.H. Although the tactical I Field was the first unit to bake the field and sibuat Lons were mad e secondary to the testing i was encamped at Bakersfield from October 21st of clothing 2nd equipment, the report showed a to 28th, followed by the 73rd Attack SquaD.ron, total of 437 tactical massions accomplished in I fr~m October 28th to November 4th, and the 95th 1100 hours of flying over approximately 150,000 Attack Squadron for the week ending November mile? Addin~ 1500 hours of non-tactical fly11th. The entire 17th Attack Group, consisting ing ~including transport movements, movement of lof about 50 officers, 200 enli sbed men and 24 units getting into position for tactical opera- ! of the newest Northrop Attack plsnes, was entions and staff movements), gives a total of I ca.~ed at Bakersfield from November 11th to 2600 hours f Lown over approximately 300,000 i 18th, the missions mainly performed being those miles. In the transport flights, numbering 100'1'f o dispatching Attack plnnes daily to the no accidents of any description were encounter- I Muroc Dry Lake for bombing and gfu.nneryractice. p ed, despite landings on and take-offs from ice i Gr,,'l.IE Maneuver's of the 19th Bombardment and snow-covered run~~ys by pilots unf2miliar I Group l30th and 32nd ~ombardment Sauadrons,38th with cold weather operations. In the 2600 I Reconnaissance Squadron and 23rd Photo Section) hours of flying, there were three accidents, I took place at Bakersfield, Calif., between Novfl1l minor in character. ember 14th and 21st, when 40 officers and 250 The airplanes were in the open without the ! enlisted men were encamped at the airport. facili ties and protection of heated hangars. I The 9th Bombardment Squadron returned to AInong some 130 items of clothing and equipment i Hamil ton Field frem a most successful field extested were skis for Pursuit and Attack planes, ercise at Stockton, Calif. Sixteen officers, special oil for machine guns , tents with sleep- )5 Flying Cadets and 96 enlisted men participating bags and pneurrntic =.ttresses, flying cloth-\ed , and a week of perfect weather made possible ing, engine heaters, covers and fire pots of a diversified, interesting and complete trainvarying desig~s. heaters for ccbins of transing maneuver. port planes, improved priming systems, engine 'ihe 31st Bombardment S"uadron returned to starting accessories, portable night lighting Hanulton Field, Calif., on December 8th after a equipment, speci.c.I rades of oils and lubrig week's stay at Fresno, Calif., where maneuver-s cants, etc. were 'conducted. The ~1euvers were conducted from Febru.'lry The 88th Reconnaissance Sauadron returned to 1st to 15th, and involved three phases, viz: Hami Lton Field from a.field --exerciseat attack of Sombarclment planes on Pursui t and :r\edding, Calif., seven days being spent in the Attack planes; attack of ?ursuit by BNT.bardment field, of which three were used for search and and Attack p Lanes , two tacticcl situations but patrol missions and two on z-econnad ssance and at different ties. aerb.1 photographic mi ssi.ons ,


TRAINING AND lv'JAlJ1't.JVERS ?nd "ling, GHQ Ai r Force: 1st Wing, GHQ Air Force: Ii'rom ay 22nd to Ju..J.e M 6th, the First Pur suit The 1st WinJ of the GHQ Air Force, with the Group, SelfridGe Field, Yuch., ~aS based in the exception of the 19th Airship Squadron at area of Midlancl - Bay City - Saginaw and Camp Moffett Field, Cclif., and the 19th Bombardment Skeel, Oscoda, Mich., for the purpose of pa.rtiGroup, Me,rchField, Calif., concentrated at cipating in group maneuver-s, MUroc Dry L~~e in the Mojave Desert for ba.mbing During the participation of the 2nd Bornbardand gunnery maneuvez-s from }ferch lOth to 20th. ment Group in the Second Army Maneuvers, 18 Participating in these rrnneuvers were 110 offi- B-lOB airplanes from the 49t,h and 96th Bombardcers and 700 enlisted men, utilizing 55 combat ment Squadrons executed on August 1st a simuairplanes. Concrete bombs were tried out duringllated bombing assault on Chanute Field, Ill. On these exercises for the first time in the histo-!August 2nd, with the support of Attack units ry of the Air Corps. These weigh exactly the I trom Barksdale Fiela, La., "'heGroup"assaulted" same as the others and have a reasonable degree [he ener~ ground forces at Fort Knox, Ky. of accuracy. On the nic;htof August 7th, a 3-plane fonnaIn the Spring, Squadrons of the 7th Bornbard- tion from th.e49th Bombardment Squadron made an men+. Groul'>H",_'U.iltOn Field. Calif., began tak- assault on Fort Knox, Ky.
A. C.

On 1.'",:w:,:t 9th, a fOr:rrl;l.tionof 15 E-IOB planes ! GrC'up. !any missil'ns took the Pursuiters to from t:le 49th En6 ~Gth Squa:lr~ns were flown to : seve-ral, cities in the south, errong the;:nPonsaSelfridge Field; lIJich., for an aerial revi'9W cola, ,rIa.; Montgoroory and. MaMIe, Ala. For over the Allegan Area the following day. Attack " the nlOst part ,tlie 3rd .Attack Group simula.ted units from Barksdale Field and Pursuit units the enemy f('rces frr the 20th Pursuit Group. from Selfridge Field also participa.teJ. in this ~ . .. derr~nstration. I Other Air ~sOrganizations: Three 3-10B plFnes from the 96th Squadz on I Tne HrUJ.-PUrsuit Gl'C'lUp, l1ITook Field, Canal A were flo~'m from Lang Ley Field on August 13th tC' I Zone, compl.eted its annual period of field stage a night at.back en enemy ground forces coa-: training r-n Morch 27th, after ope' for centrated in the. Allegan Area. : appr-oxizoat.ef y two weeks en the temporary ai'l:'The last miss i.on to be f'Lovzn in connection I dr ome at AJUadulce, Panama, The feat=e of wi th the Second. An1'V Maneuvors W3,S en aerial I the roaneuve r s was the tiiBnt operations from review over the Allegan Area on August 20th. I the newl y improvised field at A,:;uac~ulce, this The ~nd'3omh"U'c!ment. Group furnished 10 B-IOB llnrki!l the first tir::le such op er-ati ons were airplanes for this review. conduct.od in the Panarrn C2!1al Department from The Second 30mbarcl::oontGro~ actively Rsrtiauxiliary fields. l.!ost 1'1' the nl;;ht vro rk fell cip::>..tedin the rrr.neuvez-s utillzing the fJ.ghting to the 25th Bornbarduenb Squedrcm, France forces of bo t.h tLe Army and Navy, hela. off the neld, which cooperated wi th the Pursuit Group Virginia-Carolina co~st, which creqted no.tional in a number of !~szions. The field ~t interest. '~h,3use of Air Corps Beaonna.issc.::lG0 A::.:uadulcc was lighted by kerosene pots, rrnc1 and Borobardirerrb organizations in coast defense bwo anti-aircraft searchl.Lghb s were used in tactics was a unique and highly enlightening lieu of floodli:;hts. The phmes '11 the 16t:'1 experience for all C'fficers ci..ncl enl i st ed men Pursui t Group wer-e flO'ITD a total of !tG8 hours concerned, fuily :;u.ssiC'ns were f'Lo-en cut over on 40 tacticnJ. missions. the ocean for distances varying fran 50 to 125 Six pilots from Brooks Field, TeAas, in three miles, which flights culrni nabed with the bomb0-43 nLules, 7mrticipated in maneuver s at Fort ing of targets towed on the surface by naval Leavenv-o r bh , Krinsn s , June 4th to 19th, and at vessels. Fort Sill, O~la., froc.June 20th to 27th. A forrration of four A-8 Attack planes of the Startin,' June 27th, the Air Corps took a 37th Attack Squadron; Lang Ley rield, Va., par'hand in a five-c:.ay "war" which crmstHuter1 the ticipated in the Second Anrv :I!t['oneuvers for a c Los i nrz exercises of the b;rfl,duatin:~ class of period of three deys, August 6th - 8th. the FielQ Artillery Sc~ool at Fort Sill, Okla. The 8th Pursuit Group Headquar-bens , Langley The Ls t Balloon Sn\l.3.dron['nd FliGht :S, 16th Field, dep"l,rtr:ldAugust 12th for Virginia Beach, Observation S{]undron, assisted by three A-17 Va., to engu.ze in field exercises. for a peri",d ! Attack planes from .c36.rksdc~13 Field, La,. , of two weeks, using the new PEl-2A airplanes. three 0-43' Obs ervat.Lon plenes from Brooks Fi81<'!, 'I'exas , perf'()m;ed photo;raphic and visual r econ3rd '\'7ing, GEQ Air Force: naissance missions. In add i tion, tbe Attack '['he qua.rterly +'est ~the 90th Attack Squadp.l anes "strafed" end laid smok e screens for ron, Barksdn.l e Field, J..J"o.,with full field the further educe.t.i.on of the student officers. equipment, ','las conducted from April 6th tC" lOth A frrmatif'n "'f eight B-l~ p12nes from Luke at Natchitoches, La. Field, T.R., o xecut ed on September 7th a sUCA flight of 17 A-17 At.tack planes departed cessful interception mission with. the TJ. S.Arr:'y from Barksdal e Field, Lee. , August 1st, for Tra:nspC"rtRl:2Ui:lI"IC. TllO Trnnsport was i1'1t,erSelfridge Fielel, l\;ich., to participate in the c ept ed while p~ppr"xirrntely 175 miles from maneuvers of ;;ho Second Ar;:-'J. 1.:'ckap1.:.u Head, eaui val ent t'l a half d:J,y's st earnDuring the period from September 7th to 12th, ing. The intercention was actually effected the 90th Attack Squ8.(h'on, Barksdele Field, L2,., wi thin 1~~seconds of the hour scheduled. carried out squadr-on field exercises at Fort Dur-i n; the traininb year 19:36, the 91st Obse1'Crockett, 'I'8X~:S. 'lvrelve A-17 Attock nlc:~nes vation S,~U1.~dron, r ansf'er-red .from Cr Ls sy Zield, t were f l ovzn in these exercises. CGlif., to Fort Lewis, Wash., vri t.h a daily av-erThe_20th T'ur su i.t. Group, Barksrlal.e Field, 1a., o.!~eof seven planes in c orrmis s Lon, amas s ed a took off on Octorer 13th, and for seve ral days totc"l of :5,393 i.tircraft hours. In cooo er-ati.on staged maneuver-s ove r several cities in Texas, 'I'lit.h other brnlches (If the mili te.ry se~vice, The 79th PUJ~suH S(luadron was based at Houston, ; at0t..:.1 of 842 hour-s was flown and 331 hours of the 77th at Ber~unont and the 58th at Fort nit:ht flying we ro aoourml at.ed between foggy Crockett. i nic:hts at Crissy Field. 'T1he77th Pur-su i, t Squadron, Barksdrd e Field ! '<'l.f1':'Tl'TT'.''r,S I'] COOPh'."~lT01' -----. c~nducted ~ntGrc~ption problerr.s at He.tchit0ches, "";::"'Uv "-.iCi ;'. ~:""'_Ll. ", ""ITHo,.'t=p ~ BC'''''''''''-cS I':LU.', . '~>.i."~I~ La., for tn: pe:::~.od.of one week. ,I rue 91st.Observ~.t~on Sr'Wld:,on. Wlt.c'1 t"."8 18th For a p er i od of f'Lve days, the 79th Puz-su.i b I P~oto S~ct:~n at t.ached , s-c:;tloned at Cr Lssy Souad run 3'lrl:sdcle Field La. occup i ed tho i Fleld, : ... . ['I1J.1., completed f'Le Ld rrr-neuvez-s Wl th field c~ at the lv:unicipcl Airyf"lrt at ~ tho Sixth B:iga.?e. From l;pril 12th to, 29~h, Nabch i toches, La., where field exercises were these ('r~:aaJ.ZGtl("ns vres: encarrped at tne ,vatsonconducted. . ville Airport, a.bout 100 miles south of San The period between October 26th and November I Frtu1c~sc(,\. .. _ 5th found the 20th Pursuit Group (55th, 77th ! 1 n.ur~n'; the rr.c~lths of ly.r:ty.. an~ June, the ~J~h. , and 79th Pursuit S uad.rons] f Bark dale F" Id I. ODSeriT8tlfJn ?O'.11.id7on~ Scot~. ,Fl~ld, 1:1., cai-r i ec t th Sh h . ('1 S 0 S c a, out coooe.rab Lve nn asaons wi bh ether arAnches of 1 AJ.rpo;t, ': .e us a:1: New.Orleans , La., work- , the Regular Army at Fort Knox, Ky., Fort a ng lnterceptJ.on proolems wi th the 3rd Attack i Sheridan,. Ill., and liJBIlitolVoc, Wisconsin. -6V-7244, A. S.

, I

!,ortatbn and airplanen were utilized. The re: vi ew 'was received by Eon. Harry l~. '1voo{hi7~, ' then Assistant Secret~.y of War, at th~t t11ne in Panama ma2cinc:; an extensive inspection of the Cl:nc'll q.,ne end its installatirms. In the aerial review were the nev; B-10 bombers which on the precedinc d8Y, led by Lieut. Colonel Charles B. Oldfield, 14.a cr>mpleted the ferry flight from Lant3ley Field, Va. to Fr~mce Field, Panarm Canal Zone. On April 24th, nine Pursuit and nine Bombardment planes from Kelly Field, Texas, ~ere flcwn on a training maneuver invol vin.; t~le intercepMd. tion of Bombing plancs by a Pursuit f'o rrnabLori, The 63rd Coast Artillery (Anti-Aircrnft) from ~his ~Jleuver was held at the smne time a fourFort ~ia('...A.rth1.l;I" ~e.l~f., cond1;lcted sef;U'chli:.;ht I mile lo~ ''B[:tt~e of Flower?" para-le, in compractlce at I,arcn Fd e'Id , Calli., dur Lng the ! reermr'ab i.on of tne 100tL1anm ver sory of the latter part of Sepbembez and first half of' Ocbattle of &m Jacintn, bee-an to weave tllrcu(;h tober. A plGne from the 19th 30rnbar~~nt GroUp. the streets of San .~tvniQ. March Field, vras used in t~e nightly prcblems. I The San }rancisco Bay Region Jemior Birdmen In the final, or record pre blem t"'161 e planes v I of .Arr.8rica visited Hamilton Field, C3.lif.. on were employed.. May 24th. The youngsbez-a brought along a sunThree Bombardrrerrb planes were flown frcrn Luke I dry collection of rnodel ad rp I anes which t:ley Field, T.R., to 1~ui on September 23rd, and for: flight-tested at the field. For the benefit of two days a series of cooperative missions were the young visitors, the various sqUc~dronsex carried out in connectivn with the annual enthe field demonstrated tQ.(',tical and;; camprnent of the 299th ReGiment, Hawaii Natil,nal maneuvers. Guard. Airalanes ('f the Third Wing, Barksdale Field, During the week ('f November 9th, all units in comprising 19 Pursuit and 17 Attack, were flown Hawaii were engaged in the Hawaiian Department on June 6th to Ddlas, Texas, where an aerial NuH tary Competitions, an annual event inauguI exhibition was stae;ed at the official opening rated in 1936 by Major General Hugh A. Drum, De) of the 'I'exas Centennial Exposition. pa!'tn:ent CO!TI~dcr. The 18th Composite Wing, ! Siti A-8 At beck planes from the 37th Attack embracing the 5th Ccmposite Group of Luke Field S:;uflcron, J~;'ng18YField., Va., were enml.oyed in and. the 18th Pur sui t Group cf Wheeler Field, an att2-ck d('n:or.strction at Edgewood.ArsJnal, participated in mili tary events in competition i lAd.. , for the gradUBtin;; classes (">f the Cherrd ce.l wi th other organizations in such activities as I ~':rarf2re SchooL rehe 37th also gave a ''terrcr..recrui t drill, tent pitching, personal appearstration of i;TOundst raf before s tuder.b s of ance and equipment events, and events for !IlC'tl"r the Army ~/:ar College, Washingtun, D.C. transportafion. A number' cf flying events by L,mgley Field e.i rmen riddled "enemy" targets the Air Corps rzas staged. on ?1m.'l Tree Ls Land bombing range in an uncanny exhibition of ma.rksn:cnsr,ip "fhich capbur ed the DIH)NSTRATIOHS irer.3iIlEti( n c-f 1""0 graduates cf the Army .'var College 1935-1536 Class, and a hundred or sO Coe'rd inab i.on of the Attack .Aviation course at spectato::.'s linin, the beach. Forty-three cirthe Air COI1's Tactical School with the present ! ula.' (19 Ecnbarrlr;JCnt,~la ?ursuit and G work carried on 1Jy the Third Attack Group VIas tLok part in the bLj nerinl shew. For a little effected in part by a der~'Onstration at Ivnxvrell over an hour bhe airmen gave exhibitions nf forField, AI'),., on Jonua:ry 27th, when nine A-l? :n1'1ticnflying, lon;-range;1J.nnery, tow-te,rget planes of the 8th Attack Souadr'on , comnanded by 1:~,ll1nery, acb Ine g~'Il ettacks on a we,tor tarGet m :Major Lester J. lfJJitLmd. i'rere utilized in a and bombd.n.- f'rc-n h i zh nltitudes. simulated attack on 8.0'1 enemy airdroroo through The Seco~r130mb,U'~jment Cr-eup , JJanF;ley }'ielcl, the sprayin..:; of chemicals and the dropping of ih"., s ba.ted t:w larC;0st bombing dermnsbra.t Ion parachute bombs. I' in the history 0: the Air C:'ros, 'then 183-l0B Personnel of 50llinb Field, D.C., te~k an ac- ,airplanes, each carryint; SiA lOO-pvund demolit i ve part on A;:,ril 6th in the ArrrfJ Day parad e ; bLca bombs. one h:l1f (If the!:l instantaneous in Washil1c;ton. A 1'-26 airpbne, rocurrb ed on a fuzes emu the rem~inc1er de Lay f'uze s , made an flat trailer 'trimned with Corps colors and sur- I attack on a ta.r6et and d'ropp ed all bombs n,t rounded by a ;nc...rchingsquad rf sc Ldi er s , Trade ! 011etime on a signcl f rorn the 1ead er. Inmedian impressive float. lately following the 18 plones. three 3-10Bfs, On Army Day, a two-flight fcnmtion frem I eacn car ryi ng three ;SOO-pe-und. de;;.olition bombs, Barksdale Field, La., flew e-ve the city c.f jbofIloed the came tarij,~t in sa.Lvo , Shrevepcrt for an extended period, dropping ! Scott Field, 3elJ.;;vi11e, Ill.. was the scene parachute flares well away frcm the canger lof a Field ray ~n Flag ~"y, June 14th, the area~ but visible from anyvlhere in the city. Ifield bein~ tun"ed ('Iver to the Sens of the Corrb tnueus corrmmdoat.Ion between the planes and l.Arr::ericWl Lerion of Illinois and l.ussouri. VaritW0 Shrevep?rt radiI" stations was broadcast. 10US athletic everrt s , competiti~ns between drill Albrook Fle1d, Panama Canal Zene, was the teans and bu,.)le ccrps , flying "f model airs<;:ene on April 2nd of the largest review in the p Lane s , and a doo1'lnstration by 12 P-2G Pur sui t hlstory of the Panarza Canal Department. Approxi- (pl<Uls from Selfrid,;;e Fi"'ld, Mich., were the mately 11,000 troops, all available motor t:rans- tucstanding features of the day. Approximately

Three A:.17 !'l'mes f'tf the Dth A.ttack SqU8.dren.: Barksdale Field, LE" were floy.rl) en June 20th to Fort Silt, Okla vmore. joined by three 0-43 planes from Brooks Field, Texas. they constituted the "Red Air Forco" in general field exercises of the Field Artillery Gre~U[~ting class, vmich extended 07er a period of 4 days. Flight A of the 16th Observation ScUc,dron. Langley Field, Vc> . , arrived at BvllinG Field, D.C., Sept. 19J.;h, and was encarrp ed there for three weeks while peri'("Ir!r,ing cooperatd ve missions with the Infantry from Fort Georce Ueade. l~d., and the Field Artillery from Fort Hoyle,


- -

V-7244, A.C.

at tbe field. ':1elegation ef fr.ur Langley Field officers, '11'1'0 Air Races at f'Lev. tl" Miami to act as obser ver s ,at the l.~eet. . L0'OAngeies,',~;J.if., s~pt. 4th" 7th, was'a ~\'l demonstration by a squadron (If A-17 Attack i FLYING lUSSIONS OF MSRCY planes from l<t'1.I'chnd Barksdale Fields of varia Th'e ~9J.b. Borribar dmen Squadron, Langley Field, t ous types ~f attt~kand shew forrr~~ions. , on February ~Oth and 11th, dropped packa --;es of Eighteen pilots took part in the swoop in,; low food to the Lnhabd t ant.s I'f Tangi"lr and &rUth maneuvexs and novelty fOl'1.rnticms de:picting0 the due to heavy letters "L" Dll<:l"A" which passed ('over the sky- I Islands vn10 were facing starvation ice. f'Lo es in Chesapecl;.a 3ay which prevent.)d any turned faces of consistently record-breaking I aS~l.stance from r them by water. Five crowds of spcctn.tnrs. The Rf:,ces proved to be I tnps were Hade and a total of apprcxi:r,J,tely the B:eatest ~cld since their inception, at\ I 5,00q})r'lunds of f'or-d was dropped. tract long a dalolY"sttendance cf apprt"ximately I---'During the f'Lond in the State of Pennsylvania 80,000, or 320,(\)0 for the four days. I in lvlarch, the 2nd Bombardment GrC'up, Langley 'The :~th Sguadron, Barks~al e Fi eld, Field. performed relief rnissions by La; , dd spat chcd GIl June 17th a fhght of three fC'od and other s~~plies to isolatnd corrrmL~ities. A-12 plancs to j\&::.xwell ield, Ala., frcm which F Rescue missions were perfcnned by Selfrid~e place they operated in an attack nn ground ,Fi~ld pi10ts on M~y 27th and 28th in an att~~t tr~ops in ~he vicinity nf Fort Bennir.g, Ga., to 1ncate on Lake st. Clair "oC'atinGparties r'e" gu.. s (simulated) n and mustard gas ported missing. Tv~ bC'ats were sighted, one (actual lure wc"ter sprayed fz-om two lG-gnllon over-burned with a. Lone survi vo r clinising to it. tanks in each airplane). and the other beat travel in; in circles at Vl11 An aerial de..ons tz-abion at Fr'lrt Benning Ga. t["rottle with ~ one , ThG nearest s:'-;,c;re for the benefit of the sJnicr class ('of th~ U.S: station was re.d'ioed the Loca.t.I r-n nf the 07CrMi Li, tary Acaderay was participated in by bho 20th Borobar-dmerrt and 37th Attack Squadrons fz om turnea craft and a boat was sent C'ut to tho rescue. Langley Field, Va., and the 13th Attack and TW0mercy fli;hts were made on July 15t:..'1 in 79th Pursui t Scuudron" from Barksdale Field La. the Transport C-1::; hosni tal ship fro:n Kelly BriDadier GGneral Hal st eed , I'acific Secte~ Field, Texas. After pickin,; up at Da.l Ln.s, 'l'ex., Corrnk~~er, and Brigadier General George E.Brett, a Field Artillery soldiGr stricken with appen19th Wl.ngCO"-:;!13"."lCler, wi"Gnessed an ae.r i.a.L review at A1brook Field, Panama Canal ZO:lG, on AUI;'Ust diai tia and transportfuns l~,imto the Fort &3IrJ Houst-on Hospi tal, this pl,;;.ne later tlk."t day vms 29th. The entire Pursuit strength ~f the f'Lown to Alice Texas, where a cec youth, I~tmnus, plus 0-19 planes of the 44th Observaseverely injured in an auto trUck RCciden~,was t~"'n Squadron, participnted. p i cked up and al so transported to the Fort s.:om . The air de:ronstration 3i veri by the GHQ Air F~rce at Fort LeavGnworth, Kansas, on September Houston hospital. Planes of tLe 18th Pursuit. Group, "Theeler 25th, under the d.i recb i.on r-f Bri,z. General E. C. Field, T"H., transp"lrted twn appBudicitis cases Pratt, Corrm~uer of the 2nd Wing, was witnessed from the Ki.Louea Military Camp nIl- Ha-waii to the b? ap~rcxi!~te~y l?,OOO spectntors. ~he part iTripIer General Hospital. On August 23rd, durc rpat.I ng Or,3i1J:Uz",t~onsre re the 49th Bombardv ing the Hawaiian Nat ional Guard cncazopmenb , an ment, 17th Pursuit and 90th Attack Squadrons, A-l;~"1ckplane was dispatched with'life from Langley, Selfridge and BarkSdale Fields jackets in Ule endeavor t.r- rescue throe men who respectively. ' were vza she d "ut to sea by the current. 'I'wo of About 2; 000 Khrani3Ds from t.he Californiathe men r eached the shore safely, but the third Nevada Distri8t visited March Field, Calif., drr.vmed bef'o r o the plane re;J,ched the scene. October 8th, and witnessed a de~Dnstrntion of Colonel :':.W. Cerrmano l e , Idli tary Attache to air m;meuvers, p2:rachutc bomb dropp i ng , ground Central America, station0n at Sen JC'se, costa strailong, etc. 'Rica, required an im!'dia~;e r-p era.ti ori, Good On the efterLoon of October 17th the First hospital 'facilities bein,:; in Pcnarra , a Be Llanca Pursuit Group, Selfridge Field, tti~h., conducted the 12th runni ng of the Mitchell Trophy Race. T~'anspnrt plane was flown to San Jese end the Unfavorable weGther k8pt the attend~ce do,vn to patient was t.ranspcr t.ed to the Gerr-as Hospital ere. a successful operation was perfC'r::1ed. approxinately 20,000 spectators. The winner of w the last tyohoon in the Philippines, the Race, 1st Lieut. J~hn M. Sterling. Air a motorized battery of Field Artillery Vias rr.aC~rps, attained an average speed o f 217.546 rooned on a sand bar in the middle of the mi.Le s lle:t' hour, bre2.kin;.; all :previous slleed Bamban Id ve r when half way acr os s, A sudden records for t~lis event. A number nf other r~se r-f wa~er pr~vented pr0[;reSS in any direcracing events were held during the after~oon, t~on, andlon thelr two days' isolation t~u also acrobatic competitiC'ns. an attack d.erroni p iLr-b s of the 3rd Pursui t Snuadr0n Clark stration, balloon bursting by two P-26 planes, Field, P. 1., rnade severed flights to the Sa.."ld formation flyinp, etc. 'bar anrL.dr opped food and med, suppl ies to Nine l!art in B~r(lbers of the 19th Borribar-dment the Arhlle1.'y:tnen. Group. W~~rch Field, Calif., on November 14th, swc op ed ovez- a tarbet in the Great "',a.l t L81-:::e, U~ah, in one of, the most spectacular de'IlonstraAE:BIAL PEO":'OGP,APHY b i.cns of mod.ern Army bombing ti;;chnique eV0r . The 21st Ph0t0 Sec t.Lori, Scott. Field, Ill. ,d~seen in th.," fax west. . 1" Th to bho Fort Riley Cava'l ry Sehoo L copies . e Headgu9xte:r-s of the GHQ Air Ff'lrce,Langley of a large mosaic cocreriIl[;560 square :niles cr.' F~eld, Va., was represented at the All American territC'ry in the }"ort Riley re[:inn. Many weeks Jl.l.r Maneuvers at kiarni, Fla., in December , by a were spent by the personnel of this or.,;-aniza-bion -8V.... 244. A.C. 1
A r'riJ
r 0"1'1'12


"O"X"'1"10 rrresenb we:,'e


t.l,e No."ic)l(l'l


in assembling this large photographic Il'X'saic. FLOODS AND STORMS Vaster Sergeant Joe M. Cates, 8th Photo Sec. ," Flood waters cf the Potomac River co~letely Mitchel Field, N.Y., established what is beinundated Bolling Field, D.C., necessitating 1ieved to be a record in aerial photography the evacuation of the field on 1~ch 18th, the when he secured 530 vertical aerial photographs rerroval of all Air Corps eauipment, and the in an hour and 28 minutes during a cooperative abandonment of cfficers and noncomnissioned ofphotographic mission along the New Jersey coast I ficers' quarters on the field. It was not unline for the Beach Erosion Board. Captain P.T. ! til the morning of March 21st that the water Cullen piloted the :plane. receded enough to permit the troops to return Of two photobraph~c missions in the Pug~t to the field and begin the work of cleaning Sound area assigned to the 15th Photo Section up buildings wh~ch had been flooded. of Crissy Field. ,Calif. , one in cooperation ~ The Air Corps bombing and gunnery range at with the 20th Engineers v~s a large mapping pro Valparaiso, Fla., was visited by a violent hurjeet covering ten 15-r:.unute quadrangles and ty- ricane on the night of July 30-31. The strenuing together several projects which had been I ous efforts of Air Corps personnel in bracing co~letcd in the past. The other project was I certain buildings, removing fallen trees and the laying of a tactical mal' over an area adja-I electrical wiring aided materially in reducing cent to Fort Lewis, Wash., embracing 36,000 to a minimum the darrage caused by the storm. square miles. Civilianscamping in dangerous localities were On July 3rd, Lieut. Charles Densford and I rescued and brought to places of safety. Staff Sgt. Coy, of Kelly Field, took 50 exposures of Texas floods for Congressional use. I MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS . During the Second Army Maneuvers in the A new non-stop distance record for amphibian Allegan County, Mich., area in August, the 'I planes was rrade by lIJajor General Frank M. 21st Phot~ Section, Scott Field, Ill., made Andrews, Commanding General of the GHQ Air photographic records of al.I troop rrovemerrb s , ! Force, on June 29th. He was accompanied by mosaic maps, ro~ performed all other necessary I lIJajor General Frank R. McCoy, Second Corps wo;rk. On 28 flight missions, covering 41:15 I Area Cp:rrnander; Major John F. Whiteley, cahours' flying time, 829 negatives were made, I pilet; 1st Ld eub s, Hugh F. McCaffery and Joseph from which 2731 prints were taken. Fifteen I A. Miller, navigators, Corporal JorJl11cKe:~, small roosaics were assembled for the use of : Privates Ralph A. kinor and Charles J.Archer. ~ires these maneuvers. PhotoI Flying in the Douglas QA-5, the distance of graphs were made with excellent results under I 1425 miles from San Juan, Porto , to all conditions, incl~ing complete overcast sky j Langl ey Field, Va., was covered in 11 hours and heavy haze. Verhcal photographs were made i and 9 minutes. at altitudes from 8,000 to 12,000 feet with I both clear and overcast sky. Ob'l i.euenhotograpluj Of the total of 117 world's aeronautical timre.r::ade frem 2~000to 3,500 feet on clear 1 records, listed by the Bulletin r-f the Federadays, and at 1,000 feet and lower when the ceil-l tion Aeronqutique Internationale as of January ing was low. Lieut. Kurt M. Landon and Nester 11, 1936, France was credited with 37 of these Sergeant N.K. Loupos photographed 400 square records; the United states with 36; Italy, 27; miles in the Allegan County area. I Gerrnany and Poland, 8 each; and Great Britain, The 2nd Photo Section, Langley Field, made a 1. On July 1, 1936, American aviators, with photographic mosaic of Fort Meade, Md. ,coveringi 49 v~rld's records to their credit, led all 36 square miles, for lithographic reproduction. I other nations in this respect. The Photographic Section at Bolling Field, D.C" completed an aerial mosaic map of the ; The aeronautical display of the Army Air District of Columbia and vicip~ty. Assembled I Coops at the Great Lakes Exnosi tion at Clevein the for.mof a circle, it included all the I land, Ohio, i~S made up of specially selected territory within a radius of 18 miles from the I iterns representing the very latest as well as Post Office building. This unit also photoI some of the earliest types of equipment used graphed the Susquehanna River basin for use in I by the Air Corps. flood control developments. ProceediilG to Northern New l~xico, a pilot i Durin3 the period between July 24th and and photographer of the 1st Photo Section,KellYI August 27th, Lajor General Oscar Westover, Field, took aerial photographs ~f the progress i Chief of the Air Corps, made a your of inspecof the Concho s Dam on the North Canadian River, : tion which embraced practically every Air Corps also the terrain in that vicinity. Approximate- station within the continental limits of the ly eight square miles were covored by 43 verTJrJ. ted States. He also visited and inspected tical photographs. Sixty-two oblique photosome of the foremost aircraft factories in the graphs were al so taken. Uni ted States.

Meroory of an Army flyer who was killed at CRA1'1GES S1'NrrON OF Fort Worth, Texas, 18 years abO, Vffi.S honored The 91st Observation S~uadron and the 15th at ~arch Field, Calif., on August 9th, when a Photo Section, occupants of Crissy Field, Prebronze plaque, dedicated to Lieut. Peyton C. sidio of Sml Francisco, C2lif., since the establiShment of that field in 1919, were in June Warch, Jr., was unveiled at the San Diego hightransferred to their new home at Fort Lewis, v~y entrance to March Field a~dst appropriate Washington, over 900 miles from San Francisco. but simple ceremonies. About 400 civili~ns and 1300 soldiers attended the ceremony. -9 V-7244, A. C.

The aT"11Jal En~i;neerins and Sup~ly Conference i Seversl extellded cross":'country flights in vas held at t:10 ~I.teriel Di vi ;5.0:"1, "lriGht Field,' formation we::-eperformed by the 2Jth PurS"LU t Ohio, October 5th to 9th, and was attended by a i Group during June. Fnurteen planes of the representativegl'oup of officers whcse duties 56th Squadron were .flown be Little Falls,lv1i.nn. , are connected with engineering and supply rrat- Ion June 19th; 12 planes ('f the 79th Sauadron ters relating to the Air Corps. : to Denver, Col("\~, en June 27th, and 12 planes I (If the 77th Sauadron to Dayt.on , Ohio,June 23th. :RFSUtVE '::'PAINl1TG ! In 7 hours 45 minutes, five Northrop Twenty-one Reserle officers reported at I Attack planesfram lAarch Field, Calif., C~ Lan~ley Field en July 19th for tw(' weeks' activel plated a f1ijht to Kelly Field en AU[~lSt 21st duty, 17 being assigned to the 20th Benibardmenb in what was -ouroor t.ed to be the Longes t miliSquadron and 4 to the 8th Pursuit Group. tary non-stop f~nnatinn flight on record. The On July 19th" 53 Air Resorve 0fficers began a flight \m.s d~signed to test the gas ar1d oil tW<;l-vreek er iod of active duty at Long Beach, p consumption of the new At,tack planes as s'i gned Calif. to the 73rd Attack Squadron. An avera3e speed The period frOTI! ugust 2nd to 15th at the A ef 148.2 miles per hcur was reported for the Ml1nic~pe1 Airport,Oak1and,Calif., was devoted to trip. training of 12 Reserve officers from tLe 3l6th A f1iaht ef eig~t A-17 Attack p1RIles from Observation SQuadron and 4 Reserve officers Barksdale Field deDarted en Sep t embe Ls t to r fr::m the 381st Service Souadrcn,attached. From 1)art.ici'Pate in the" National Air Faces at Lc 3 AUi:-ust16th to 29th, training was conduct ed for klge1es, C>.>Jif. Strps were rmd e at, Midland ::cpd 11 Reserve officers from the 367th Observation El, Paso Texas, enroute. The total flyin; time Squadron and 4 Reserve nf:i:'icer:., attached. of the flight at tha Races was 71 hours and The Air Corps Peserve of the 7th Corps Area 5 minutes. c~mpleted two excellent su~~r training crunps, On Noverr~er ISth, the 21st Reconnaissance both at CaII;J .Ciipley, l.3.nn., the first from S(1uadron, Langley Field, Va., co:npleted a rro s t Aug~st 23rd to September 5th, arA the second interesting and instructive flight ina Douslas f'r-am September 6th to 19th. OV0r 751 hour-s OA-5 1J1cne, to Panama. Only 4E,6 of the total were flown during the two training camps. di stance o f 3390 mil cs was over Land, Mialni, Fla., was ~he cnly Lnt.e r-oedi a.te stem beth trays, LONG JJISIAlTCE FLIGHTS Testing 1011'':' non- stC'P fli -;hts t.h rou '~h the The largest mass flight ('fU. S. Anrv planes sUb-stratosph~re, ten speedy :2ursuit 1)le..nes made to ~ possessirn beyond the continental from B~rksdclle 1ie1d landed at Kellv Field on limits of this country was completed on FebruDecerriber 12th, after a'360-mi1e aerial journey ary 28th, VIih the arrival t in the Panama Canal which required 2 hours and 15 minutes. Zone of 13 P-12 and 11 .8-6 a'i rp Lancs , These Fi ve B-10B planes r.f the 7th Observdion planes. used by Air Corps organizations at SCluadron, France Field, Panarna , took off r-rr . Langley Field, B;.1dtransferred to Panama to reDocembe r 14th on a good will fliGht to logota, place unserviceable aircraft, were ferried "-'y Colombia. A stop vras lrJ8~dct Mcce11in, Co l oma Air Corps pilots on duty in the Funaroa Canal b i a, 416 miles from Panama, where tho planes Department. Leaving Langley Field on February were refueled and the flisht personnel were 11th, the flight proceeded via ~~tlanta, Ga., t.o gr-ee ted by high officials r-f the town. At the San Antonio Air Depot for mochani.oa.I check- Bogo ba the fliEht was vreLcorned and entertained up rf the plPnes. r::'C1J:in;.; from Sen Ant.orii.c nff by high officials r f the Cclombian government. on l!'ebruary 21st, the flit";ht proceeded to desStartiIlb"'n the return flight on Dece:-lber 17th, tination vi:;. Brownsville, Texas; 'I'amp i co and the flight persor.:cle1 rer.p_in"d ovarnighte.t Vera Cruz, :.le:x:ico; Gua.t.emal a City, Guatemela; GaU, Cr 10::1bi2, where the prime.ry '1li1itary and Managua, lJic8.r2.gua, and San -Tcs e , Crsta idca. f'Ly'i ng school is Locabed and left on the rror-nLieut. Colonel CllDrles T. ::"hi11ips was flight ing (\f the 18th f'o r a direct flight of 365 leader of the Pursuit contingent and Lieut. miles te FrCLce Fio1d, which was accorr~lishe~ Colonel Junius Eo Houghton r-f the Bombar dmerrb , in 2 hour-s and 80 mirrubes , P'i Lot.i.n tJeree new PB-2A phmes, Lieut. ; Col. A ferry fli~~ht o f three planes (a 3elle.nca :Ralph Royce, 2,ila.j,.,r Alfred E. Kessler and Capt. G-27 and 2 T'0ug1as A.1T.phibians)with Bricadier Robert C. Oliver flew from the plant. of the General Geer,So H. Brett in corrrnand , arrived. in Conso'l i.d.ated Aircraft Co., San Dieg!">,Calif., to ?8nama. on Dooeuiber' 20th. The flight took off Selfridge Field in 13 hour s and 10 minutes of f'nora Randc Lph F'i el d , Texas, on Dec errbez- 17th, actual flying time. and rrado str-ps at h.inati tlan, "'a''1'ico and Vera Majl'r Ira C. Eaker , Air Corps, piloting a Cruz, : GueteJ~cla City, G-.1atew:::la;San single-seater?ursuit p1ime, landed at Lo s Jose, CC'staPica, and j/J2:1agua, Nic:lIc':;ua. Angeles, Cali f ; , I'll June 7th,following a flight T:.e ""'hird Pursuit Squadr,.,n, Clark Field, P.I., started -June 3rd from li;itci1e1 Field, N.Y., dur- completed a cross-country flight to the s~utherr. in" which he relied solely on the Lns t rument.s Islrnds of Leyt e , Cebu , Bohr-L, lLind2.Ilt)(),cTolo, in the p Lane to c;uide h i.:n to his des tina':,i ori, 1/asbate, Ncgros, and Panay, Appz-cximat eOwing to the limited'~aso1..ine supp Ly of the 1y 25 landing fields were visitec du r i n; the sn:all Pursuit 1)lane, the flight was rrade in 5-oay trip, and all were found gone ra.l.Ly to be easy stages. ii~.jor W.E. Kepner, in anobhez in good condition. Pursuit plane, served as a convoy to avert any --------mishaps. ALl'IT1J'.l:ll!: F.LIGh"TS Three airo1anes of the 2nd Observ~tion SquadIndividual and formation altitude nerformance ron, Niohols Field, P.I., were flnwn on a 450flights were accomplished by the 35tl.:t ~Pursuit mile mission,during which landings were made on Sguudron, :'ang1ey:B'ie1d, January 80-2(;. Formaseveral islands of the Philippine Archipelago. tions were operated above 20,000 feet to fa~l-10V-7244, A.G.


The aT"'').11al En~i;nerins and Sup~ly Conference i Several extended cross~country flights in was held at t:le 1:ccteriel Dbi ;iC':"l, Vlr2.:Fht ield,' fonnation wer-e pe:rfcrmed by the 20th Pur-sudt F Ohio, October 5th to 9th, and 'was attended by a i Group during June. Fourteen planes of the representative~l'oup o~ off~cers whcse duties 56th Squadron were .flown bo Little Falls,Minn. , are connected m th enganeerxng and supply rra.t- I on June 19th; 12 planes d the 79th Sauadron ters relating to the Ail' Corps. , to Denver, Col(l~, r-n June 27th, and 1:;3planes ! ('If the 77th Squadron to Dayton , Ohio ,June 23t14 RFS:rnVE '::'FAINING ! In 7 hours and 45 minutes, five Nnrthrop Twenty-one Reserve officers reperted at I Attack planesfram lAarch Field, Calif., co~ Lan~ley Field en July 19th for tw~ weeks' c~tivel ploted a fli~ht to Kelly Field cn AU[~lst 21st duty, 17 being assigned to the 20th &>n:.bardment in what was 1)urDnrted to be the Long es t miliSquadren and 4 to the 8th Pursuit Group. tary non-stop f;nnation flight on record. The On July 19th,. 53 Air Reserve C'fficers began a flight ,~s d~signed to test the gas and oil tW<;l:-vreek perioCl. of active duty at Long Beach, consumption of the new'A';,tack planes as si gned Callf. to the 73rd Attack Squadron. An averabe speed The period froDI August 2r~ to 15th at the of 148.2 miles per h~ur was reported for the M1Ulic~palAirport,Oaklal1d,Calif., wa&devoted to trip. training of 12 Reserve officers from tte 3l6th A fliaht ('f eig~t ~17 Attack plRDes from Observation SCluadronand 4 Reserve of'f i.oer s Barksdale Field deuarted cn Se'Ptember Lsb to fr::rn the 381s1:.Service Soundrcn,attached. From "Oartici-pate in the' Nati()na1 Air races at Lc 3 August 16th to. 29th, training was conducted for Angeles, Cp.lif. strps were =(;0 at Midlancl .ind 11 Reserve of'f icer.s from the 367th Observation El Paso Texas, ero'(lUte. The total flyin; o Sauadron and 4 Reserve of'f i.cer i, at.bached. of the flight at the Races was 71 h0'.1rs and The Air Corps ?eserve of tile 7th Corps Area 5 minutes. completed two excellent su~~r training cmnps, On Noverr~er ISth, the 21st Reconnaiss~~co both at Ca.'9 .riipley, }.:inn., the first from SQuadron, Langley Field, Va., completed a most AU6~st 23rd to September 5th, ar.d the second interesting and instructive flight ina Douslas f rnn September. 6th to 19th. OV0r 751 hours OA- p.lane , to Panarra, 5 OP~y 4~j6 of the total were f'Lown dur~ng the two training camps. distance of 3:390miles was over 12.... nd, Mi arni , Fla . was ";:.he only internediate sbcn beth yTO,YS. LONG DISTANCELIGHTS F Test,ing Lon: .. norr-s't.cp fli-:;hts t.h routh the 'I'he largest night of U. S. Amryplanes sub- strato sphere, ten s'peedy 2ursui t -o Lanes made to a possession beyond the continental frem B~rksdBle lield landed at Kelly Fiell on limits of t~is country was completed on FebruDecerr;ber 12th, after a .360-rr.ile aerial journey ary 28th, vzi the arrival th in the Panama,Canal ,',hich required 2 hours and 15 minutes. Z(SIne 13 P-12 and 11 3-6 airplanes. of These Fi ve B-IOB planes r.f the 7th Observati.on planes, used by Air Corps organizations at SCluad.ron,F'rance Field, Panaroa , took C'ff r-ri , Langley Field. and transferred to Panama to reDecembe 14th on a good will flight r to Jogot8" place unserviceable aircraft, were ferried 1..;y Colombia. A stop was l~~de at Mcc.ellin, ColomAir Corps 'pilots on duty in the Panarca Canal b'ia 416 miles from Panama, vzhez-e the planes Depart-ment. Leaving Langley Field. en February were refueled and the flis:ht personnel were 11th, the fli~ltproceeded vi8, ~tla.~ta, Ga. to greeted by high officials rf the t(jv~. At the San Antonio Air Depot for mcchani.ce.I check- Bego1;a the flie.:ht was weLoomedand entertained up r-f the plenes. ':'a:in[; nff f rorn San Ant.orri o by high rfficials of the Cclombian gover rmerrt , on February 21st, the fli(';ht proceeded to desStarting '"'n the return fliGht on Dece.nbe 17th, r tination vL, Brownsville, J;exas; 'I'amp i oo and the flight personnel rer:'Edn(~dovernig!lta,t Vera Cruz, :'.iexico; Guaterr.ala City, Guatemala; Calj, Cr-ln::1bif', whero the 'Prima.ry :ni1i tary and Managua, lJic8-rc'gua, and San ,Tese, Crsta :rUca. flying school is Locat.ed and left or. the rmr'nLieut. Colonel Char Les T. ;:l:illips Vias flight i11g of the 18th f0r a direct flight of 365 leader of the Pur sudt cont i.ngent and Lieut. mi Les t.o Fr'cnce Field, which was accomplished Colonel Junius E. Hought.r-nof the Bombar-dmenb in 2 hour-s and 20 minutes. . P'i Lot i n.; tl'ree new PB-2A pLanes , Lieut. Col. A ferry f1ic~ht of three planes (a 3ellanca Ralph Royc e , :via.j"lrAlfred E. Kessler and Capt. C-27 and 2 T'ruglas A.rr.phibians) with Bri,-;adier Reber-t C. Oliver flew f rom the plant of the Oonera'l Geor;;c H. Brett in co-rroand arrived. in , Consolidated. Aircraft Co., San Diegr,Calif., to :i:'HIlLUn.3. on December 20th. The flight took off SelfridGe Field in 13 hcur s and 10 minutes of from RandrLpn F'iel d, Texas, en Decen,ber 17th, actual flying time. and rrade s br-p at Linatitlan, s 'Ta;~ic0 and Vera Najl'r Ira C. Eaker, Air Co s , piloting rp a Cruz, : GUE;tel~cla City, G:laterr:;la: San single-seater ?ursuit p Larie, landed at Los Jose, Costa Hca, and 1/J2:".8.6ua, Nic:.1I (;ua. Angeles, Cal i fv , r-n June 7th,following a flight 1':oe c-'hird Pursuit Souad.ron, Field, r.1., started June 3rd from 1"i tcl1c} Field, n. Y., dur- completed a cross-country flight to tLe SCluthern in;, which he relied solely on the Lnst.rurcent.s Islrcnds of Leyt.e , Csbu, BohrL, Eindan1Jo, "Tolo, in the plane to c;uide hi.::'lto his destina":.ion. lfJasbate, Nogros, If.indcrn and Pansy. AFproxilrnteOwing to the Li.rniedc~asoline t supply of the 1y 25 fields were visi tee dur i n, the sITRllPursui t "Olane, the flight was rrade in 5-day trip, and all were found goner'a.ILy to 'be easy stages. llajor W.E. Kepner, in anoSher in good condition. Pursuit plane, served as a convey to avert any --------mishaps. ALi'ITl.'I:JE flIGHTS Three airo1anes of the 2nd Observation SquadIndividual and formation altitude ~erformance ren, Niohols Field, P.I., were flrY'Im on a 450flights were accemplished by the 35t'l:J.-Pursuit mile mission,during which landings were made on Squadron, :;:'angley Fde.ld , Januaxy 80-2:::. Formaseveral islands of the Philippine Archipelago. tions were operated above 20,000 feet to farrnl-10V-7244, A.G.

Ground was broken on September 8th for the cons:rueti,)U of Sacran:ent0' s new $7,000,000 air r d t ~fu'l~ f . epaar ep". J. c our Alr Corps Squadrons soared ;ver the site, neur' Ben .Ali, Hori, Frank M. Merrlam, Govern~r of California, in the !presence ('f apprC'x:umtely 15,000 spectators pushed d?~ on a pl~6er which set off a blast ,?f dynarrd t.o ~1,s th? s.i gna'l for work to start. I ~ihen the pr o.ject. a s cnmpleted, this site will Ihouse t~e.Ar:~r5 repair center for pla~es on IIhe PacJ.fJ.c Ccasb , Hawai.L and t~e Philippines. t .A.control tower t~ r an traffJ.c at departJ.~g from Mitchel Field,N.Y., ~~s placed a n operatJ.on there on lJovember lOth I~~th operating personnel ITflintaininry continuou~ ";iJScrLLANEOUSLIGHTS F 124-hou;, watch with radi o receivers tuned to ~ Sixteen off~cers frem the 1st Pursuit Group, Ifour dlfferent frequencies. Selfridge Fidd~ ferried tl"' their home station I. The night lightin,;; system at Kelly Field, P-26C Pursuit airplanes mmufactured by the ITexas, was augmented by the installation of Boeing Aircraft Co., Seattle, Wash. Ithree Type 9-A floodlights. There was also LnIn a flight on July 7th to test a blind fly- Istal. led a new T which has automatic wind co~ ing hc~d, designed by the 19th Bombardment t:~l setting~, and system ~f sigrEl Gr':mp and adopted to the B-1O plane, Col. C.L. 11J.e;;hts'o r m.ght fly~ng control. f Tinker, in a horded c~ckpit of a B-lOB, flew from Hami ;,0 I.2'.X;;:ll Fleld and return, relySCHOOL ACl'IVITIES ing solely on the instruments in his plane. ,During the calendar year 1936, a total of Approximtely four hours were sponb under the 83 ~fficers and 281 Flying Cadets commenced hood and 600 miles covered. !training at the Air Corps Prirnary Flying School A Douglas G-33 Transport plane, pi Lot.ed by i at Randr Lph Field, Texas. The 11&rch, 1936, Pri vates Treweek and Davis, was f'Lown from II lass, the s:rallest orie entering the Air Corps c Patterson Field, Ohio, to Bolling Field, D.C. ,Training Center for quite a n~~ber of years, in an hour w1d 40 ~inutes. or at an average ic~nprised 7 officers and 61 FlyinG Cadets; the speed of nearly 240 miles per hour. This con:July El'lass, 15 "ff'icers and 117 Flying Cadets, stituted a record run between these two fields. land the October class, 61 officers (all graduDuring July, Flight A, 1st Transport Squad- I ates of t he June, 1936, class of the U.S. Niiliron, Patterson Field, in a total of 17 freight i tary Academy) and 103 Flying Cadets. trips, flew 12,655 miles and carried freight I A total cf 196 students graduated from the aggregating 42,377 pounds. lAir Corps Adv2nced Flyinz School, Kelly Field, On September 17th, 19 airplanes from Langley 'ITexas , during 1936. The February graduating Field were flown to and t.errpoz-ar-i.Ly housed at class comprised 5 nfficers of the Regular Army, the Middletown Air Depot, this being occasioned I 2 foreign officers and 45 Flyin~J, Cadets; the by the arrivel ~f a hurricane off the Virgir~a iJu.~e class, 9 officers and 52 Flying Cadets, Capes which threatened to f'Locd Langley Field. land the Oct.cber class, 34 officers of the RsguA Douglas twir:-encined airal:me, equbped as ! La.r Arny, one officer of the Philippine Cona flying lab0ratoy to c8niluct gxtendecf tests ! stabulary and 48 Flying Cadets. ' on a combination of celestiel and d~d r0ckon- I Ten Air Corps officers were assigned as stuing navi gabi.on equi-poent, Landed ,,~tErovmsvi.Ll,e ~dents in the 1936-37 class of the Army War Texas, Sept. 2'Hli, cOlnpletinb a trip across the! College, and nine in the 1935-1937 class of Gulf of Mexico from NewOrleans, La. I the Anry Industrial College. I Graduil-tion Exer-c i s es at the Air Coras Tactic11Ft CO:Tgrlm~ION 101 School, Max-vell Field, Ala., were held on The Land.i ng nut at l.;offett F'ield, Calif., was i June 2, 19:36, the graduating class comprising extended 500 feet, rnakd ng the total length of i66 Air Corps officers, one Navy officer and same 2,000 feet. I th:cee lA"I.rineCorps officers. \~'ork skcrte,?, on April Lsb on a new concrete I . Six pilots of theTlst Furs~t Group,Selfridge apron, approxlITectely 1,000 feet leng by 100 IFleld, departed cn uune 13th J.n P3-2A planes feet ~ride, and f'z-orn 6 to 8 inches thick, for for l.citchel Field, .N.Y., for duty in connection the aJ.rplane hGn0ars at SC9tt Field, Ill. Thisiwith aeri"l.l exoerience instruction of West project included a concrete drain along the ! Po i.rrt cadets.landing field side end three racks and a ! The 7th BombardmentGroun, Hornl I ton Field, number of~asoline refueling pC-xes. ! started a navigation school on July 6th. Ne.r airdrome en,uipment wa.s installed at Brockd The 2nd BombardmentGrcup, Langley Field, Va. , Field, Texas, includir1g a tower for a remotely jdeoarted on J~u1e15th for 1utchel Field,where controlled rind. i,ndicdor in front ('Ofthe t ran- i fC'r three weeks intensi ve flying was conducted sient hangar, a 'bank of 5-9 f'Loodl i.ght s at the i in connection with the aerial exper Lenoe of Ul?rt.heast end and '\lne at the west end of the i the. first class from the U.S. 1,3.litary Acaderrw. fleld. I SJ.xty-cne members ~f the ~lass of 276 Cadets The Land.i.n., mat at Luke Field, r::'.H., was Iwho graduated from the U.S. :S.litary Acac1erqy lengthened by 500 feet and widened by 100 feet'1,cn June 12, 1936, w.ere attached to the Air increasing its size to 3,000 by 400 feet. Corps for flying training. -1 -' V-7244, A.C.

iarize pilots with high altitude conditions and the use of oxygen equipment. Flights for the puro0se of recnrding measuremenb of cosmic ray intensities s were n:a.dee.t Bolling Field, D. C., December 21st and 22nd, in a C-8 phctograph~c plane, observations being conducted at altJ.tudes of 10,000, 15,000 and 20,000 feet. Lieut. "v.R. Robertson, 33rd Pursuit Sauadron, Langley Field, Va , flew a PB-2A ad rp l ane up to 39,200 feet and r~mainedOat thae altitude for app roxi.mat.e'l 20 rr.inutes: y At this a~ti tude the controls froze and the pJ.10t had to tllr<~ttle back to lose altitude and return to a warmer layer.



Corrmencementexercises of the 1936 class of the Air Corps Engineering School at "fright Field were held on July 31st in the 11ateriol Division Auditorium. Brigadier General A.'';T. Fobins,. Chief of the Materiel Division, addressed. the. graduates and aVlC'..rded them their diplorras. Ten Air Corps officers comprising the 1937 Engineering class, reported for duty in August. Instruction in the operation and me.intenance of automatic nilots was started on July 15th in the Equinment"Branch, Materiel Division, with renresentatives from the Fairfield and hlddletoWn Air Depots, Chanute and Wright Fields in attendance. From October 19th to 31st, graduates of the Armorers class of the Air Corps Technical School ,Chanute Field, Ill., participated. in field exercises at the gunnery camp at Valparaiso,Fla. and were given practical instruction in loading and fuzing of demolition, practice and fragmentation bombs under ec tual. service condd t.Lcns, Fi ve meiicol officers of the hegule.r Army graduated ~n Nov. 14, 1936, after a four months' basic course of instructiC"n at the ScheC"l of Aviation Medicine at Rando Lph Field, Texas. Four stue.ent navigatnrs completed the ground school course in Celestial Navization in the 88th Reconnaissance Suuadron, H2milton Field, Calif., on October 9th. Students of the 18th Composite ';\'ing Communications Sehool, L1.L~e ield, 'T' .R., en,:ared in F field maneuvers for four days , the class beinr, di "ided into six teams, each one ope rat ing a field radio set.

southeast side of Mauna Loa to prevent the encroachment of wild sheep and goabs into the ranch lands below. The project of transporting the wire fencing was accomplished in two hours. Any ("lther method of transportatiC"n would have required at least two days.

REORGANIZATIONAIR CORPS OF UNITS On August 12, 1936, the War Depar brrerrt issued instr~ctions gC'verning the renrg~ization of the Army Air Corps within the continentcl limits of the United States incident to the reor6a~izrtion of the GHQ Air Force. Activities ~l~ced undur the jurisdicticn (''If the Chief of the Air Corps are the Office of the Chief of the Air Corp", Washington, D.C.; the Materiel Division, Wright Field, Ohio; the Air Corps Technical School, Chanut-e Field, Ill.; the Air Corps To..ctical Sch0n1, ~~~ell Field, Al~.: the Air Corps Training Center, and Bolling Field, D.C. Under the GHQ Air Force org~nization, ~rious units were reorganized and redesignated, nnd now C'rgani.zo.tiC'ns consb i tuted from the station complements which were abolished. Nine Base Headouar bez s nun. .Air Base Squadr-ons "Tere created, ~ne each at Langley, Wutchel, Selfridge, HOITilton, 1wrch, Barksdale, Scntt, Brooks nnd liloffett :E'ields. Service squadrons were discontinued, the persolUlel thereof being transferred to Eeadquarters and Eeadquarters Squadrons uno. other units. l~st oi the Observation Sq~.drons were redesign.s.ted as Reconnrd s sanco ScuadronsSeven squadrons stationed at fC"ur Air -Corns stations (Chanute, Kelly, l&:'-XWell and Bolling Fields) were rendered inactive, five of them 1rrTHCIVIL ACTIVITIES COOPERATION 1 being assigned to the GHQ Air Force =d two to Utilizing four planes from the 23rd Bombard- Corps Areas. The Heedquarber s and Headqua.. ters Scuo..dron of r ment Squadron, Luke Field, T.H., seeds of .~h9 the 2nd Bombardment Group, Langley Field, V:J.., white Hawaiian ITk~o[any tree were dropped over came int" being on September 1, 1936, with 14 eroded areas "n the Island of Oahu on January and 78 enlisted men. 20th and 23rd. Wrr. G.S. Judd, Territorial For- officers The 21st Recrnn~issance Squadron, GHQ Air ester, furnished 2,000 pounds of seeds which Force, was rec~n5tituted at Langley Field on were divided artong the fouz p1cJJles. Sowing Septsnber 1st, with two officers 2~d 19 enlistee seeds in this manrie'r in the past produced exmono cQllent results. A now Reserve u.~it, the 328th Observation The 72nd '3ombardment Souadron, Luke Field, T.H., aided the lJational:?r:..I"k Servi.~o ~f Hawaii Sq~,dron, comp('sed of San Antonio Air Reserve ~ficcrs; v~s nrgnnized, with Lieut. Colonel by sowing K,-,aseed over tho :ncrthern half ,..f in the W'aiODl\e rrounbrdn re.nge from Borobi g p Lanes , J[~ck H; L,'J,phLlID conrmnd, n From July I, 1934, to June 30,1936, Seott Field officers and enlisted men nrde 8. t,0tEJl of LIGE'I':i!.."R-l'F..Al~-AIR ACTIVITIES 588 ''weather hers" fer the U. S. Weather Bureau. The TC-l;) rtirf'hip at Moffett Field, C:,.lif., With forest f~res in \~per l~Ghigun assuming c0ITpleted twe test flights, the first being a serious proportions, FB-2 pLanes from Selfridge har-bo.r watch mission "ff San Francisco Bay, oper Field, with Feder21 officials as observers,were n.ti~g at the speed of 5l11-f~e craft, ~hich ~~s used tc survey the si tu.a.tion in ,'\rdGr tC"If.:l.p concluded nfter 77 hours r-f fli;~ht. The second out defensive measures. test ?~s conducted at a cruising speed of 65 Flying three B-l?A nlnnes of the 4th Observa- miles per hour, a distance "f 1855 :niles being tion Squadron, Luke F1el0., T.n., a reC0r..l:'<iisIt"ls,zed while cruising off sh"re up and dovznthe sance of the s'l opes of 1t-uno. Kea was mtl.deon I CeJ.ifornia seacoast. October 6th to dcte~ne the l0c2~ities where Moffett Field, Culif., transferred to the War the rrajori ty of wild sheep ... "Ore collected and : Department by the Navy Department, started f'uncto estirro.te their rronibe r , in (":::odero enrvbl,e t I tbnL:.g as an Air Corps station dur inz the laT'the Hawaiian Forestry Serviee tn conduct periodl' ter p:.rt ('f January, 1936. The 19th Airshir ic round-ups. The vrild sheep had been caus.i ng . SQuad:::oon, trn;nsferrcd tC' this s t.abi on f'rom great destruction to the young stru[;f1ins tim- I Langl ey Field, resumed its tactic31 training on ber growth, resulting in Lncz-eas i ng erosion. i Februar-y 1st. An Army Bombing plone i.n Ho.w8.iiwas put to a Duri n.; the celebrFl.tion of the second birthday rather unique use on October 19th. Instead "f of the Junior Birdn:en of America in May, a bombs, there vrere carried six lOO-pound coils was from the TC-13 airship at Moffett of wire with which to build a long fence on the I Field, and rebroadcast by Station KYAof San -12V-1244 , A. C.


Francisco. The orGanization of W~ffett Field was described over the air by l;lajor Burdette Palmer, Air Reserve, Field Director of the Junior Birdmen, while Major Clarence :S.Lcber, Commanding Officer of the 19th Airship Squadron, explained the construction and operation of the TC-13 airship. During August, the 1st Balloon Ccrrpany, Fort Sill, Okla., engaged in the Second Arrr.v Waneuvers at Ca1l1p uster, li.ich. C The 21st Airship Group, Scott Fiel~, Ill., consisting of the 21st Airship Group Headquarters Detac~orent and the 9th Airship Squadron, conducted mPJleuvers from September 15th to 29th in the vicinity of Springfield, Ill. The rraneuvers were confined to living in the field and carryin3 out airship operations without the usual airdrome facill ties. Ed. Note: The review of the activities C'f the NJateriel Divi sien of the Air Corps for the calendar year 1936 will appear as the leading article in the next issue of the NewsLetter.

desire to coordinate the theory of Dead Reckoning Navigation with the actual flying of typical problems soon after the principles have been explained and illustrated in the class room. Due to poor flying weather, it has not been altogether possible to accomplish this. In the near future, however, all officers and cadets will have co:rpleted both the class and flying problems. For the past few weeks the 11th Bombardment Squadron, Hamilton Field, has been.conducting a school in Navigation and li;eteorology. This class is composed of fourteen officers ana three cadets. These classes have been meeting in the ~rnings, the afternoons being utilized in Navigation missions and air speed calibration flights. Somenight flying has been conducted, but due to the generally cold and inclement weather no great amount was done. ---0--CHINESE :FLYER VISITS KELLY FIELD

Captain Luther Yuen Peh Chang, formerly Chief ~f the rursuit Section of the Chinese Central THENEW CLASS THEADVANCED FLYING SCdCOL AT AviatiC'n School of Hangchow, China. visited Kelly Field recently. Speaking of this school, Ten Army officers, a lieuter~t of the the visitor stated that it is patterned after .and tenned lIThe Kelly Field of China." Mexican Navy, 55 Flyiu,n, Cadets, one ('If whomis Captain Chang, a former me:nber of the Chinese a member of the rhilippine Constabulary, CQ~ air forces, said he knew several former Air prise the new class at the Advanced Flying who were corrxades of officers School, Kelly Field, Texas. An additional n~rrr Corps officers now stationed at Kelly Field, and discovered ber of the class is Flying Cadet Henry D. Bastin, who was held over from the previous that General Weh,.cne of Cnina's military leadclass, du~ to a nrolonged ebsel~e as a result ers, was a classmate of Colonel Arnold N. of an injury received in a basketball. contest. Krogstad, now Ccmoandarrb of Kelly Field, in 1909 in the U.S. Military Academy'at lIvest ---000--Point. ,71th PURSUIT ~.AKESlUDE IN SQUADRON P HIs:rORY The Olinese Aviation Sohool was estaolished in 1931 by Colonel 'gack" Jouett, former co~ The 77th Pursuit Squadron, 20th Pursuit Group, irand e.r of the Third Attack Group when it was Barksdale Field, La., has in its possession one stationed at Fort Crockett, Galveston, Texas. of the finest or;'anizaticn histories that can Colonel Jouett resi/:,'1led from the Army to take be found throuGhout the An~ in any of its over the task of establishing this school, branches. FirGt begun by Lieut. Richards in which accounts for the American method of trail~ November, 1930, it has been faithfully upheld ing e;,1plcyed there. Captain Chang said that by monthly entries ever since. To date there the methods used at Kelly Field in flying traiuis nothing mi ssing - every individual who has ing were not new to him, as practically the belonged to the Squadron, every Tml... euver, spesame ones are used at his school. He expressed cial flights, etc., is entered. Major Richards,; interest in some of the new developments in now conrcand ing the 62nd Sauadron at San Antonio ,i flying instruments at Kelly Field and was espeTexas, recently delegated Lieut. Vance to fly I cially interested in Pursuit flying training to Barksdale Field for pertinent Lnf'o.rrrat.Lon l.ioebhod s , He was escorted over the field by regarding squadron histories in order that he I Lieut. :!l. F. Stalder, instructor in the Pur sui t might initiate and maintain one in his new or- ; Section at Kelly Field. ganization. rrl"~J.eDa man makes a better recuse i -I'h e Chinese flyer arrived at San .Arrborrio by trap than his nei[hbor (or keeps a better sguad1 rail from the east coast, where he had visited ron history) the wo rLd (or Arrrv) will beat a i several airplene factories and Air Corps stapath to his door." The NewsLetter Correspon- I t i ons. He left by plane for the west coast dent invites 1st Sergeant Rowen to take a bow. and will leave the United States via the China ---000--j Cl~ppcr for the Philippine Islands, after co~ : ferring with members of the crew of the giaJ.1t STUDY OF NMIGATION BYHA"JLTON FIELD SQUADRONS plane on operation methods. I ---000--At present, lJaviGation is the ~E"Y Vlor~ of the! During January, the Middletown Air Depot com31s~ BombarstmentSouad.ron at Hami Lbon F~el~, pleted the nnjor overhaul cf 10 airplanes and Cal Lf'. Th1.s Squadron has bee~ 51 engines. Ncinor repairs were made on 32 airupon. th~ theory of Dead Reckoni ng Nav1.gatJ.on! planes and 16 engines, these includin,g the inaIld 1.t 1.S ~xpected that. very shortly all offJ.stallation of oil dilution systmDS on 6 aircers of thJ.s Souadron w1.11have conp.l ebed the planes and radio compasses on 26 airplanes. theory and the class room probl ems. It is the . -13V-7244, A.C.

---000--- :

Three officers and 30 flying cadets \ grant that it is but a ~ossibility)~ ~ere graduated from the .\ir Corps Train- iprepares hims~lf to del~ver to ~he ut1ng Center on Feb. 17, 1937. The usual ;most the serV1ce that h1s God-g1ven aerial review was held at 9:30 AM at Ke11abilities have qualified him for. I ly Field, the revievTing officers being I say possibility; I pray G?d that this Maj.General C.V.Birkhead, cOIT~anding the I country ~~y never engage 1n another 36th DiVision, Texas Nat.Guard, and Brig~wo.r, eit~er offensive or defensive, General James ED Chaney, commanding the lout I believe that the best chance of Air Corps Training Center. This was fol~o.voiding another v~r for our country lowed by the graduation exercises in the!is jus~ what \~~hiugton ~aid about it, Kelly Field 'l'heutre at 10: 45 AM. General! what oln sa i d about J. , what every t Chw1ey introduced the speaker, General Igreat man who has studied the question Birkhead, with the following rer~rks: lund thoug~t about it, with a reali7.aThe Army of the United states consists I tion of what human nature is and has of the Regular Army , the National Guard,i a Lway s bee n , :~nd that is that our and the Organized Reserves. Today our ! best assurance against war is a comRegular Army consists of 12,-000 officers II J:lete and thorough preparation for it ana 150,000 enlisted men. uur National J.f it alicu Ld come. rruard consists of 13,500 officers and There seom to be rumblings. There 175,000 enlisted men. The Organizod Re- i may be aomo reason vrhy our gover-nm.nrt serves consist of 96,000 officers elimoves their store of treasure fro~ the gible for active duty assignment in an I seacoast 011the East, which, by stu.iy emergency. It will thus be seen that and trio.l and rraneuver is believed GO the National Guard is numerically the bo vulnerable to possible air attD ,~!\.s strongest of the Army' B components. \ and other f\.tta.cks ~ rut I hop~ that From the point of view of the sta.tes! I tha.t reason is but a po s s i.cLl.Lt y that the National Guard is ~Aintained to 1nwar might s~me time come. We, I hesure domestic tranquility. However, Ilieve, have a great nationo.l defense from a national viewpoint, its mission svat em, It is a democratic dcf an ae is the ~arlY an~ eff~ctive reenforcement system. It is (since our defense as ?f the n~sula~ Army ~n an emex:g~n<?y. It represented hy the tV10 grec.t oceans on 1~ organl~e~ 18 Infantry ~lvls10ns, 4 our borders is raRidly dis~ppoarin~), C~valry D1vls~ons, and certaln ele~ents first our iJavy and our co~~1 defenses, of Corps and Army troops, am~mg ;,h:;.ch. then our RGgulnr l,rmy, whl ch is entireare 19 squadrons of ~bs~rvat~on J\.V1atlon Ly too small. But it is so highly ofIn recent years the. Nat1?nal Guard ha~ ficient nO:1 that, sr{jE'l~. hough it is, t made tremendous s t.r a an pr opur Lng 1t- those of you who reFlP:.;l:c:r the days of self to carr:{ out Lt s role an ~atl0n,:-1 1917 will see en errcvro l.y different defense and Lt s present r-ecognd ze d . '. standard of, efficiency is in large part SJ. uatJ.~n 1.1.t~8.~ '.\::~} -,.S Ave:: agaa,n t due to the patriotism, enthusiasm, and call~d on to ftY:<:tl<l,., I b e.l i.eve t~e hard wor-k of .~ts pereonnel - especially AJ:lerlcan ar~lY touay ) s the most eff1its officer 'Oersonnel" Today we have o i errt arrrv a.n tho 1,1'),' !.J. . the honor ofJ. hav with us the commandNex t comes ~:,}.,;Ja 0::;;1,-\,1GUQrd ays t em, ! er of one of our Na't Guard Diviwhich can IapiG:.J Cu (,,:pallded to two, sions, a man who has distinguished himto tllnw, to ;"'.Li' t::'meJ its present orself both in "Tar and in peace, as a sol- gnnd za't i on of 175,000 ;,18n ar.I 13,500 dier and as a citizen. I take great officers. Tho ;~':~ti:::rlo.lGUD.r:lconstipleasure in pres~nting to you Maj or Gen- tutes t ho first. lii1,) of dofense in any eral Claude Vo B1rkhead, COJIll"la.nd1n~, the maj or- eno!:,renc'yo The Razu Lar- Army be-. 1 uar 36th D' ..aon , TNt. s a a ona.i, G" ava s oxa ing so srr::l.~.l\"Till '00 absorbed in hanExtracts from General Birkhead's addlillG and suporvas Lon end organization dress are quoted below, as fol10\}'s: of the nr mtcs r ecr-es errted by the Na. "I appreciate the honor of being. int ~.onal ~u!.l.rdi?arul t!I,b . selective servd t ed here to address this graduat va ce , I'ha t a s s oraotc.Lng t hat should class and to see this review. I have not be tho CUS8~ I r-omemnor Ln 1919 enjoyed eve~y minute of it and my h~art ~~en, (aki~g les~ons from. the. world swelled a Ltit t Le mora has beat a Li t t.Le war , t.hought.f'uf men both an 1l"1G. out of more rapidly in the c~nternpla.tion of my the J..,rmy, thinking about national dofellow citizens who like this and the f{;ns~, b0b'i.;l.n t!'y to ~lake an ~)l~fanto succeeding classes ~nd those that have Lza't Lon tht\t wouLd avo i d the I!1J.s"akes C1' b f . t ~ t t.. and errors 1;IlQt ver o upon us a.n the oon~ .e ore~ dedJ.cate hem~elves o. hlS world vmr and fiGuro out a system. And tra1n1ng for the purpose of our natlona1 our present svstem, as represented ty de~ense~ I don't think there is anythe National befense Act.of 19?0~ BUth2ng fJ.ner than the young man who looks perimp(,sed upon the former Nai20nal Deforward to the possibility that his fense Act, expresses tl~t system. At country might need his serv~ces and who, !trat tliae there were many thoughts realizing that possibility tand may God labout the organi~ation and allover the V-7244, A.C.








country the opinion of those villo ad ~ar-i ter supported ,by our government than h ticipated, ~." ',~._~, , .... '-, it has been in the last few years. Of : ' " and those who had not part.ici- 'course, there has heen an immense impated directly, was sought; and the pres- provement in 1h6 last fou~ or five ant system Quilt upon it. years That Lmpr ovement l.Snot enough, It is not large enough~ The Refular and it is nothing compared to what it Army should be doubled in size. The 'i:-Ja- will be in the next feu years. tional Guard should be doubled in size, I am told that you gentlemen in this and every effort should be made to not graduating class are excellent flyers, only have 96,000 officers in the Reserve excollent pilots, excellent observers; but to maintain double that amount. I that there are few~ if anything, that don't believe i.nthis pari.ty business. I you can add in the way of handling don't believe in parity wi.t h anybody, ships of the type you have t-een hanwith our Navy or vath our Army. I don't dling. You are getting a diploma, a believe in this idea that America should certificate, today, but I believe with have a Havy second to none. I don't be- all of that that you, and each of you, lieve Ln this idea that J\.merica should v:ill need to realize that 'you are like have an Ar':1Y second to none. I don't the high Gchool graduate in this air believe in this idea that America should game that moves so fast; so many new have an air service second to none. I things all the time. The next class believe that America, disregarding every will have things that you haven't had other nation of the \!orld, should have a the benefit of; changing types of Navy the best of all in the world; an planes and auxiliaries of all kinds. Army best of all in the world; an Air In fact, I believe you realize that you Service best of all in the world. fU1d I are like the high school graduate want to say to you that, if Americans that you haven't got an education yet, set their faces that way ariddemand the rut you huve just got the busis u~on best in those three elements re~uired which an education can be built. for our._Lational defense, I don t beTalking wi.t h one of the senior off ilieve this country will ever be involved cers this morning about the graduating in another war upon foreign shores; and class, he said that life in the Army is the possibility of being involved in one a continuous graduating class. I have upon these shores will ulso be a remote graduated from school after school. possibility. Those of you who realize Well it is like that in civil life. the horrors of v~r can ~et the idea of Each point we reach is siL~ly a basis what I mean when I say ~hat my heart and a foundation for education, and swells when I see these young men prefurther educa.tion and training alo:'.g paring themselves as a nart of that nathe lines of our vocation or our uv ctional defense system which - if carried cation. So I charge you young I"'ElJ:-' out out - will probably prevent us from ever of an abundancfl of experience cui;of having, or going through the horrors of :rcany years of life -tI1at you {,''2 in a arie ther-v:ar, either foreign or otherwise.;place that requires you to c orrt.mue I am proud of these young men. I am I your education. If you do not, you proud of this country, and I believe !vill be like the high school graduate that VTe should drop all this ideo. of bo- I who stops there. - everythin~ eLs e moves ing even-Stephen with anybody in the ion - everyone adels to nis od,<; - but better than anybody in the I t i on and does net stand still. L:';ou world in those respects, a~ we are in I stand still, you ~re going back. The most other respects I new things of tcday will be old noxt This, I understand, is the srr.allest i. year and abandoned like many of the class ever graduated from Kelly l<~ield. planes you are flying today. Next year I don't believe that that is a hand Leap they w i.Ll, be abandoried, . to this class nor any reflection u~on it I charge you to kne~ up that high pv~ or ,r~vious classes. I have 'c een t.o l.d pose in life and oorrt.nuoto make YOl,r'~ i t hat. what ycu Lacl: Ln quarrt i.try you make self and your service more and mo<o Lup in quality. I am told that the starlEi-able to your c ourrt r-y in what I cr,ns~~(,u ard and stand of this class is fur up er nO\7tho oriear:n or branch of the sek'as com~ared with the others; that it vice that iSrrcsi im~ortant- if one caL r-anksequally as well as any class that t.e considered more Lmpor-tant than anethhas ever preceded it. I ar; happy to say er ; if you can say that a cat.chor- is that you are out into the service mer-e important than a first bas emanr now to continue the fine traditions cf that a pitcher is more important than a t.he Air Corps. I am happy to say that I catcher. ~hen I say that y ouj who are in believe, follov:ing this, there 'ilill be the mo st t branch of our ser- : an increasing l1UlliOer young men to of vice today, keep it up and continue come to this standard, because I feel your progress~" that America is naking up to the idea ---oCo--along the lines ~ have just been talking Duri ng January, the Engineering Denartment about; th~t .uner-Lca sho,:ld h~ve the best. r f the San Antonio Air Depot over:hauied 17 And. I be.l.i ~hat the ur.m':'~l.ately eve sueplanes and 67 engines and repaired 22 planes ceddng years ,nIl see the Jur Corps bet- and 16 engines.
4 -'C)






A list is ~iven below 0f Staff Sergean~s placed in the order 0f their standing on the eligible list f~r prOlmtion to the grade of Technical Sez-gea.rb , Air C0rpS, ef:tective January 1. 1937. This list contains only the first 250 names .on the qualified list. Name lIn. Nan-e No. Na~ No. Norich, Albert I. 129 Zinkann, Charles. 65 Brocks, A~fred A. 1 ~i th, Anthony 130 Eaton, J~nes E.. 66 Sirrroson, Walter 2 131 Aldrich, Guy A. Hayes, Henry G. 67 Malkernus, George D. 3 Moore, John H. 132 Howard, John 68 Rubby, Louis 4 133 Deming, John B. Bauer, Joseph 69 Boud roaux , Henry D. 5 Worthen, Ray E. 134 Donnelly, Frank A. 70 Monroy, Fhillip D. 6 135 Tuffly, Edward W. Routt, F~mer 71 Jernigan, Wil1ia~H. 7 Morris, William C. 156 Smith, Roscoe O. 72 Tucker, James R. 8 Do saebb , Elbert. 137 T'ry:Jr, John 73 Fagan, Luther W. 9 138 Boyles, James H. Maginness, James A. 74 Willett, Ray R. 10 Sarem, Jack 139 75 Greene, Pc-bert rI. 11 Levesque, Erner.t. Cheatham, Charles W. 140 Campbell, Walter H. 76, Leonard 12 Kidd, Harvey O. 141 Toohey, 'I'horoas F. 77 Hurst, F'rank 13 78 Pas eman , Edwin 142 Fields, Wiley C. 14 Birk, Frank J. Winfrey, Oliver A. 143 Dodd, John C. 79 Darcy, Lawrence J. 15 "Ward, Walter M. 144 16 Silva, Louis T. 80 Steine, Davi d Hampton, Jack 145 Gessula, Nissim 81 Mehnert, William 17 Senter, Hernan F. 146 Frotivnak, Iv.ichael 82 Barker, Arthur C. 18 Washburn, Emory E. 147 19 l'asswaters, Frencis M. 83 Antrim, Boland E. C-orman, Andrew J. 148 84 Kramberg, Joseph 211 Crocker, John S. Benevides, Joseph H. 149 85 Skel ten, Edward F. 21 Balacke, Harry Froberg, George W. 150 Halsey, Andrew J. 86 Alexander, Houston 22 151 Eane s , Louis V. Wildrmn, Armstead A. 87 Hicks, Hurry 23 152 Jensen, 01uf T. Capps, DNight M. 88 Sloan, Miles B. 24 Ross, Delano W. 153 Raga, Fred M. 89 Carter, Lloyd 25 Vfueeless, J~hn A. 154 Rice, Robert E. 90 Blesh, Earl S. 26 Eldridge, Russell l5S McGraw, IVJcthew. A 91 Brucher, Mertin 27 Dale F. 156 Leor~d, Gorges, Anthony J. 92 Bri[;ht, Clarence E. 28 Hansen, Henry F. 157 Gilbert, Claude M. 93 Fisher, Elmer H. 29 Sch~tz, steve J. 158 Kerr, Rayrrond 94 Simr.ons, Joel" A. 30 iss Chaudron, lk'rvelle ::>v 31 Roober, Asa C. 95 Masterson, JOI>.n A. Harrrrack , Po bert W. 160 32 Shaw, Carrell L.96 Benson, Ha.rr.Ld r. Garduque, Gabriel 161 Carr, Edward L. 97 Lazr- r , T'horoas 33 162 Bathey, Ge0rge E. 34 Joyner, Charles 98 Ilearb~rn, Ja~Es E. 1:33 Mart ini, Henry 35 Roziburski, l;ichael M. 99 Nip?er, Eli H. 164: Kanne l b , Harold B. 36 Cheatham, Foy D. 100 Ar:nstrong, Chester A. 165 Yeager, Adolph C. 37 Roeske, Myron 101 McClellan, Edwin J. Car r , George w. 38 Franklin, Henry L. 102 Whitaker, Gerald G. 166 Anderson, Chauncey L. 167 39 Jchnson, Karl R. 103 Weltz, William M. Criss, Karl W. 40 Rowen, Halstead J. 104 Dambr-oso , Tony 168 Witwicki, Kazimir M.A. 41 168 Sheffield, Willic".ln K. 105 1,!ar~3l1all, John A. Mi ekey , Everett 42 Fuecker, Har-ry N. 106 Davis, Golden:R. 170 43 Viehck, Adam J. 107 Bennett, Prrul, D. 171 Huf'froan , Ernest J. 44 Burton, Jack Lash, Paul 108 Fredericks, Joseph M. 172 45 ':.'crrrey, 'I'homas E. McConnell, Jessy C. 109 Seguine, Cecil C. 173 Fields, Clarence D. 46 174 Oram, George H. 110 Silva, Nsnuel }k~cDe~~tt, ~illiam K. 47 Williams, John M. 111 F'lower , .Abr::J.lam 175 &~~uette, Alfrpd A. 48 176 Brown, J:lcub S. 112 P'l at b , Grc.ha.m 49 Wei::;s, Jose-ph Falls, Clyde L. 113 BrollID, Walter D. 177 Bivi~re, Jean E. 5? Gardner, EdGar W. 114 Ca:rlow, Harold F. 1'78 Reilly, Patrick D. Kacziba, Alexander 115 Jones, Th')lTJ8.s . A 179 51 Chovenitz, Frank J. 52 Barlow, Robert L. 116 Kievet, Anthony 180 53 lv'IOSS, Grover C. 117 Henry, W'i11iam F. Car Ls , John A. 181 54 Schante1, .August 118 Pruitt, Cecil, Robert 182 55 Caldwell, JEUTlOS M. 119 Barr.Jlart ,Lawrence E. Peterson, Ca)Lls~. 183 56 Kirby, Louis A. 120 1/l8.rtin, Morris V'Tard,Leland S. 184 57 Langston, 1rl"ilbur E. 121 Simpson, Dewey E. 185 'Weeks, Alvin C. 58 Chuturich, l.:iclmel 122 Houpe He1I:'ar B. Jolly, Arthur 186 59 Gorin, 1fli:1urice 123 Barkhurst, Frank M. 187 McK"wn, Floyd F. 60 Hunt, Homer H. 124 Laquatra, Leo Doeney , J.,t.n J, 188 61 Peacock, Floyd H. 125 Hygh, Relliford 17alsh, Bernard A. 189 62 Elder, James C. 126 IVJOndt,Howard 1,lcGhee, Lester L. 190 63 Morris, Reuben B. 127 W'etzorke, Bruno lTnrris, Walker W. 191 64 Hoffmsn, Leonard. L. 128 Gurley, Bert E. Newland, Gus V. 192 .Appointed Technical Sergeant since January 1, 1937 V-7244 , A.C. -15I

193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208

210 211 212

Hagan, George M. Warren, Henry M. Shellhorn, Ed\~d Bay, Floyd F. Terrell, Harry A. Gregg, ::!:.'1Irett L. Meeks, John D. Harth, George J. Brock, Norris Bisbal, Germain A. Goulla, Jack Novak, Louis W. Boyles, George D. Gutierrez, Arnoldo Charbaugh, :Michael E. Carr, James W. Martin, Paul H. Hodges, Herbert P. Beckham, Reuben S. DeFord, Lyman

213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232

Smith, Sigsbee J. Delaney, Sannel J. Castleueine, Karl W. Chestnutt, Hernan L. Vidnar, Frank Parnes, Max N"orrison, Jay P. Armbruster, Ottc 'I'ebu , Dona E. Bishop, Chalmers N. West, Henry L. Simpson, Johnie S. Flores, Alberto Peluso, Tony J. Bryan, Hugh MCLish, William B. Ferguson, Horner E. Slattery, Houston Lawson, Lane L., Charles J. ---000--I

233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250

Milliard, Peter L. Ball, Bolton Kolb, Peter, Jr. Hunsberger, Horace K. Collins, -Jacob Mobley, Emrrett A. Martin, Troy V. Jones, George S. Dwyer, Charles L. Laza, Joseph C. Klapak, Andy Podraza, "valter H. Pond, Everett L. Willi~on, Henry Fajnik, Nicholas Hadley, Frank E. Ciphon, Paul W. Anning, Richard S.

Sergeant, Air Corps, effective March I, 1937: 1st Sergeant 1uchael Binder, 11th BombardIn the list of noncorrnUssioned officers qual- i ment Squadron, Harrdlton F~eld, Calif., transHied for appointment to tlaster Sergeant, Air I fer red to 15th Obs. Squadron, Scct t Field, IlL Corps, published in the issue of the News I Tech. Sergeant Aaron J. Sanders, 12th Air Letter of February I, 1937, the name of TechI Base Squadron, Kelly Field; to be carried on nical Sergeant Thomas V. Burns was inadvertentdetached service at Kelly Field pending further ly omitted. He is No, 46 on the qualH~ed ~ist 'i orders. ,. as of January l, 1937, and No. 44 on sai d Li sb lIst Sergeant 1':ardell L. Mathews, 44th Obsera~ of Feb:uary 28th, by reason of two ~rolIX): ~tion ,Squadron, transferred to 7th Observat Lons been made. Sergeant Burns posJ.bion Sguadro::l, Panarra Canal Department. tion is between Technical Sergeants Walters and Tech. Sergeant Ja~es D. O'Donnell, 91st Stoser. ! School Squadron, Maxwell Field, Ala.; to reTechnical Sert;eant Donald P. Herb is shown as l roa i n en detached service at Maxwell Field unNo. 80 on the L'aster Sergeant Qualified list. 'til further orders. His correct position is No. 85," between Technic-I Tech. Ser-geant lay Francisco, 62nd School al Sergeants George D. 1'JcCartney and James G. I Squadron, Kelly Field, where he rern:dns on deBlais. tached service until further orders. ---000--Tech. Sergeant Joseph 30hrat, 30th BomberdI ment Squadron, Naxch Field, Calif., to 50th 1'oTARRAN.!' O:F'FICER .APPOlllTMENrS I Observation Sguadron, Hawaiian Department. ~ Tech. Sergeant Alfred Bernier, 52nd School The following-named Master Sergeants of the ! Squadron, Randolph Field, Texas, to fill vacanAir Corps have been appointed Warrant Officers, ! cy in that organization caused by promotion of U.S. Arrrr:1, effective Mar-ch I, 1937, they having I Mast-er Sergeant Nendell to Warrant Officer. been discharged from their present grnde on Pro~~tions to Technical Sergeant February 28 1937: I Staff Sgt:-Henry G. Hayes, 91st Observation Ezra F. Nendell, Randolph Field, 30 years' , Snuadron, Fert Lewis, Wash.; to r-erra.i.non deservice. ! tached service at that station until further Daniel W. Fraley, Hawaiian Department, over I orders. 28 years' service. ! Staff Sgt. John Howard, 47th School Squadron, William Arnold, Langley Field, Va., over 27 Randolph Field, Texas; to on detached years' service. I service at that station until further orders. John J. Arsenault, Scott Field, Ill., ever 27 I Staff Sgt. Joseph Bauer, 27th Pursuit Sauadyears I service. , I ron, Selfridge Field, Mich.; to W.lax,/fell feld, F Harry Rose, Langley Field, Va., over 25 years'! Ala., where he is to be carried on detached service. service uzrti L further orders. Joseph Pirisky, PanaIIR Canal Department, Staff Sgt. Frank A. Donnelly, 7th Observation over 25 year~' service: . . . Squadron, Panarm Cana'l Department, where he is These appo i rrtcrerrbs wlll create vacanca es an I to be carried on detached service until further both Master Sergeant and Technical Sergeant orders. grades in the Air Corps on March I, 1937. . Staff Sgt. Homer Routt, 46th School Squadron, ---000--I Handol-oh Field, Texas, "where he is to be carried I on detached service until further orders. PROhlOTIONS 1fJ\.srER SERGEA..1-JT TO Staff Sergeant Roscoe O. Smith, 52nd School Squadron, P~olph Field, Texas, to vaca-TlCY in The following noncomnissioned officers of the that organization caused by the prolmtion of Air Corps were promoted to the grade cf Waster Technical Sergeant Bernier to Master Sergeant. . -1 _ V-7244, A.C.



"S'IOOTING'I'l.TPE BY t.l.e BollinG Field FLOOD lJorrospOlid'mt

. "r have ph?tographed ether floods and u,sing'mul tiple lenses. These cameras covered more area, such . were Loa ded and put aboar-d the planes, as th~ Susquehana and Johnat own Rivers one in the camera mount and the other floods in 1936 and the l,iiss:i.ssipp::.. flood I two lLstanding by" Once in the air) in 1927?' on which we worked some eight I with Captain Baisley at the stick ,S!')rweeks, but never hav~ I se.en. 0:l!e caiis Lng 'I geant Matos ~egan sho ot and , as soon the complete evacuatd.on of CJ. Les tne t i as all the fJ.lm was used J.11cne ~amera, size of Paducah; Ky nor any ot.her caua- ! he wrruld slide another T3A into tho ing the enormo'~ts damage to lifA and ' '\ mount and, c orrti.nue t.o.king J?ictures. property as. thJ.s one has wrought." '.' It can LJe rea~lly appr ec Lat ed that The speaker was Captain HnKo Baisley, maneuver-Lng a 135" wh.iLe in Air Corps, the 20th Photo Soc.;.!flight is no mean task; but the tin8 . tion, stationed at Bolling Field, D.C.? ! saved by this method proved invaluable. upon his return from a photographic mis- \ "In faet",Captain :3aisley stated, !lit sion in the stricken areaa I became a question of which supply would IPro~r1an1;lary 27th to Febr-uar-y .6,1937,' J \ becoI?e exhausted, first - our ga~o1:l_r:.e CaptaJ..n Balsley, c omparriod by blaster \ or II By 't method two s Sgt. Andrew Eo 1,Iatos~ 20th Photo Secao oompan.ied a missien which voul.d cr> tion,piloted a Fairchild c..8, photodf.nar-Ll.y requ i.r o six. . graphic airplane over tho flooded disTho procureuent of the required 87 trict. They flew a total of forty-one \. octane has for the plane \7aS at t.Lnc s hour s , 'covering over 3900 square miles difficult, and on one occasion 01'11;'70 in thlrtoen separate flights, "shooting" I o gas was available rrt '!incen:1us, c on'ti.nuoue Ly fl~om till night \ Ind. This fuel was so full of r ubr: er . vertical and oblique views of the floed. part i.cLes and other foreign mat ter t na t crest in order t o deternine the area i the strainers soon became clogged,cc-uscovered by wat e.r and the "high vJ8.ter . long the engine to miss badly 2.nd necesmarks" from Beaver, Pa , to Cai.r-o, IlL ! ~it~t".ng a forced landing at Sullivan, Capt. Paul 1. Cullen? Air C01'pS, a.Ls 0 I .....ndd.ana , Although the f i.e Ld was half ~~ying a ,9-(3 Fairchild, wi.t h ero,:' f~()m i under vIator and ~ltthout landing lights, 1I,J. tchel F Le Ld, . wa s on tho same m13SJ.on, I a succossful :<-fa~dlng':'c:.lS eff?cted an~ and the Army aa.rmon worked o.Lmost unwor d sent to .irlght Hero agaa n ceasingly to accomplish their detail. the two-way r&dio provod its worth. Flying at fr?rtl eight to ten thousand I From Terre Hau:to,. End i.ana , ,a su~pl of feet, accor to tho weather fbring I go')d gas w.~s ob t a'i nod and "the n,lSS1.0n c oridi,tions, vei' ti ca.L Vie\'IS were taken I carried on , and, de sp Lt e rain, snOVIand overcast Captain Baisley h8.c, had over ten skies, Captain Baisley reports excEption--i years' experience l:' p'wtographic wor k , 801. sucoess wi. t.h the somewhat over five . having r;raduated fl'~)L-, +,1;8 Fhotoo-raT)hic thousand exposures he t ook , I 3chool in 1926, Ee Las been stationed The standard aerial f.i.Ln (type lA~ i at Field~Jr:l1(; pa s t two and Class A) was used in the three T3A cam- ! one-half f8urs. Ce"gcnnt La t oa came to eras fot: vert Lca.Ly jand the K3I.3 oamor a 'I Ilolling,Ll 192Ci~~~terj-:+ nllctcgr~phic f or obl i.quea, pr ovang the rap i d stn.des . i wor-k ana. remalYll,'rg 1.LGLat cataca ty a.n ph?tcgr~phic progress in late yr-ar s , ever since. ~ , Capt.aa.n :t3aJ..s~ey, stated. that a few years \ -_. 000--V ago such a mlSSlon cou1.d not have been I so eucc es sf'ul.Ly ac comp Lshed , l I l';E'.! '~YPEAJ.:?, L,P:zE:D INJICA'I'ORS On one occasion Captain Baisley and I Sergeant liJ.a.tos flew for ton 'hours? fin.-! '.Iher:.tho now.Iv co-ie t.r-uct ed Control ally landing at about 10 :45 P .Iv!.,after TOl;:..)r is oLaced .ir, ocer-a't i.on at Bolling taking pictures all day. Through the Field (,ariy in ?::aTc;1., will bel cquLpit use of his t\/O-'day radio equipment, the I ped '!lith the !Ole wcr d" Lr; weat.her in5t Captain had p er rm.asi.on from the I s t rumonta , T11",C8 i,l' hide a Velocity C~ief of the 1ftateriel Division at 'Jright I I'r-ansmit and Indicator. The transFJ.eld, under whoSA orders he ViaS perform., mitior is a ma[110TO generater of the Lng , to gas up and lunch at Scott Field) i t<:chomete:c tYile, to which is fastened a Illinois, the nearest safe field in the i sot of anemometer cups. It is known as te:rritory b e surveyed at that t.Lme , i the ',[eston Voltm3te~~~ calibrated in ThlS rad~o c0ll~unicution thUG saved wnny: Diles per hour for direct reading. No valuable hours wlrich wer e used to advan- I out current is ne ed ed , as the magtage in photographic wcr k , ' neto f'ur n.iehes its own as the wind Realizing that a T3A camera cannot te I turns the cups. reloaded while the plane is in the air I :11e direction unit is corzp os ed nf a and aJ,>preciating the difficulty and time I 3~lsyn motor, to 'Jhioh is connected n lost J.n locating safe landing fields,the three-foct vnnd vane and a dial shovring two airplanes each carrien three T3A's, degrees of the carr.pass and the cardinal

n ,






V-7244. A. C.

and semi-cardinal points. The pointer the fraternities at the various colon the dial is operated by another 3el- leges. The largest crowd was at the Unlversity of Alabmaa, where 300 ROTC sn motor which is in synchronization wa th the one in the transmiiter. '.lith cadets showed up en nnsse and asked the movemeni of the transmitting motor, questions about aviation. Other unithe indicating motor turns the 'Jointer versities visited were Georgia Tech, ~latama Polytechnic, University of on the dial. For the direction. unit, 110 volt, 60 cycle AC current is needGeorgia an d Louisiana State.. Landing ed. The two indicators are mounted in fields wer e senorally crowded with a compact panel, about 12 by 18 inches. spectators, both on the arrival and deNot a single forced It is believed that this is the first parture of planes. of this type of instrument to be placed landing or trouhle of any kind was exin service with the Array, par-t a cu.Lar-Ly perienced by the student flyers. It is the direction unit. One cr more of the ,believed that a great deal was learned ! and accomplished on the trip and that velocity units have been installed at Langley Field and Bolling Field for I in future similar trips with instrucsome time. tors will be made at the end of each "'--000--V class. BOLLING FIELD OFFICER M.AROONED BY FLOOD

77TH PUR3UIT I~S EXCELLENT MESS An unexpected "t ox seat" view of the flood strlcken area in the rrQd~wost was: Without a mess of its 0,n1 for over a obtained recently by 1st Lieut ~ ';iilliam',year and a ha.Lf , the 77th Pursuit SquadE. Hall, Air Corps, stationed at Bolling; rom, Barksdale Field, La., be~un a mess F'Le Ld , D~C. :on December Ll.t h , To date, w i t h a da i.I; Vmile making an extended nav Lzat Lon . i:' aver-age strength of forty rations, flight, Lt. Hall st.opped one night at ; ihe mess hr.s managed affairs satisfacthe field at Dlythevllle, Arkansas. Thei torily, and it is the boast of every next morning wheri he arrived at the i member of' the sqnadron tho.t it is the field to take off on his return to Boll-i best on tho Fieldo Lt. Desmond as Mess ing he f?und ~is P-12-E airpl~~e hopo- I Officer, .aided by Me~s Sergeant Canlessly rrri.r-e d a.n the mud and hl[h waters trell and cooks Doughty , F.Lynt, and of the flood. I-janes established an record It was thirteen days 1efore Licut e for mess manag ornerrt , Hall could get his ship into condition ---(00--for flying, and much y for his ' ~lEAT~R AID;) T:1AEJnJG PROGR.lUvr personal safety wa s felt at Bolling unn~ HAWAII til word came that he himself was " and dry". / i The month of January in the Hawa i.Lan ---000--V i Ls l.ande was characterizod 'by calm i weat~er, clear s~ies and cloudless THE STUDENT IvlAINTENMJCENAVIGATION :nights, includin~ a week of limpid FLIGHT :tropical moon.l Lglrt , In c ons equenc e of By the News Letter Correspondent :these inspiring condition~, the units :of the 5tn Composite Gl'Ol}:=:>Luke at Students of the Advanced Flyin~ i Field~ T.Ha5 achieved subGLantial progSchool par-t i cipat fng in tho ~re<;raduaress t.ovar d tho completion of the antion ma'i.nt enance navigation Iligl~t,tEi.k- nua L tr<iining pr-ogr-am, , ing an entirely new route, left Kelly Emphus Ls was p Le.c on n::wication and ed Field Feb~ 3d and returned Fet. 11th. : pho t ogr-aphy in t:'lP Observc.tion (Reconno.issance) Sque.dr ons , wh.i Le each of the The flight 1;~~'lS -suc cescf'u f'r o:thl'! L very begim:.iny Bad woa t.her' 'V'I'C.8 enBOLi~ardLlel]-t ~kiueclronscO~"filetedone of thelr porlodlc tours of ~~B Islands countered durlng the first hour Olit of -Lbe local sub st i t ut.o for the 500-mii e Kelly, but after that excallent flying cross-country fl:i.~:;ht required on the conditions prevailed, vrith the excepma i.n.l.and , j\;igLt Flying received spetion of one day at Mux'."loll Fiold,v/hich cial attention by all units. delayed the flight. The weGthAr ~ns Among the mar"; very cold, especially at A:~hel1s, GeOl~gia, graphic projects intereding orphoto- in completed still where catteries were Lnsuf'f Lo i err', even progress are: a ~osaic of the mountains t? budge the propellers. lJveryt;orl.y and vallers of eastern ~olokai in conwa th whom we came in contact see::led nection ,;rGh a stud'! of tho wc.ter shed keenly interested in aviation an1 as to of the ieland; vertlcal and otliqu8 the purpose of the flisht. This intGr- pno t ographs of 'tn o '[lark nO,,1 progress in est was evidenced not only by n.ili tary in enl.arging the airports on the ouilyporsonnel at the various colleEes, ~ut ing islc.rds1 o.nd a special mission to obtain photographs for historical recby the presidents of t.he se ins'titl,;~tions 9rds of the Heiau dt Hauoopoo, Hawuii. and faculty memc8rs. Ai each college, \For the benefit of tbose unfamiliar those who were interested in aviation with Eavre.ii a Heiau is an ancient Hahad everything explained to them. 1he waiian tompL'l, tho remains of many of Flying Cadets were all entertdined by which are visible about tha Ls Lands s ) V-7244,A.C.




\70RK "

The part played by the Missouri Nation~ Early on Mondav, January 25th, the al Guard.Aviation in tho) flood crisis in first breaks in the leavee were reSeut.heae t er-n lIissouri is a very good ex- ported ty radio in a plane from Birds ample.ofone of the many emergencies Point. In rapid succession, breaks where aviation may be called unon to along this section of the lavee were render s~rvice available from no other reported by radio. The river v~s goBou~ce. ing over the top of the levee in a On Saturday, January 23,1937,t'10 planes dozen places and already houses and of the 15th Division Aviation.Missouri tarns near the breaks were beine brokNational Guard, were ordered to Sikeston, en to pieces and washed away. ~s the l.:issouri, f0r flood relief work. Arrivfloodway b8tween the levees filled, ing just refors noon, tho airmen reportboat stations were sstaclished alcng ed r-eady for service to Captain Shephard the set-ta~k levee and Stat.e Patrolmen of the Missouri state Hi.ghway Patrol with were stationed at these points 'vlith whom the detachment v~s to cooperato. their radlo-equipped cars. Rp.ports of The danger area, as set forth by Captain people in distreos were given by radio Shophard, was bounded by the untried set f'r om the plane diredly to thes e Parack levee built in almost a straight t r oLmen, who vrou l.d immediately dis.Li ne f'r cm Birds Point 0:1 the North to patch r-oat s to the aid of the mar-ooned New Wadrid on the South, ro1d by the old peop1se Often it ,~s necessary for levee that followed the course of the the planes to direct the boats around Mississippi River betueen these pointse woods or through ice. This is an arc 35 miles long and '{aries O~lVlodn:Jsday mor:'ling,two planes took from 3 miles wide, to 18 miles at its the air sy~teli~tica~ly to check every widest point. Several hundred fauilies house located in the f'Lo o dway , This made their homes in t]lis area. Most of wa s found to be tho only practical these houses wer e widely separa t ed , some method to make sure no one was left in being miles from their neares-t neighbor. noed of aide This took all day WedGeneral Lewis M. Ueans,The 1i.djui:3.llt Gen- l'1esday and part of the next mornin". eral of Missouri, arrived in a third.18.te:: wns tacting up behind the setplane to take per s ona L corrmarid of the c ack levee North of NeVI i.ladr-Ld , and situation. this area now called for consideratle The first dav of -~his tenclar det.ail r oconna.i esanc e , Though ther~ wa.s very was spent patrolling the outer Levee t e- I Ii tt.Le or no current a.n this backvrater tween Birds Point, across the riv(-1:r f'r ora it was spr ead i ng r-or e and more every Cairo 1 IIIL10ia $ and NeVI!\:::Ldrid and 9 hour, ana hcus es were being filled to droP:Rlng warnings to tb3 pODulation in the second floor. This w&ter had covthe aanger area. The area between the ered miles of farm land behind the levees was in immediate danger r f' tei1:.g lAveo and another coat station was ne cflooded, and it wa s to l)e the jot ef the oe sa.ry to send Goats to these homes aviation to cooperate with the State and r smove the ]J8cpleG Highway Patrol ~nd ether ground forces On Thursday, Governor L10yd C.Stark, to warn the populace in the a r ea cf the of !::issouri, was f Lovm to Slkestcn in impending danger and to pliI:lin::l.tG, as one of the MiDsouri }TJ..tional Guard far as po s s i.cLe, the loss of life. planes to v i ew t.he floocied area. After As the water vIaS already very near the inspecting the entire flooded district top of the old levee arid still risi:l~o;, by air, he inspected t.he emergency reit was necessary that everyor.8 \.,ithin lief hertdquarterrJ. He was accompanied this area be varneu of tile :;"looc. -i;rat on this aerial inspection b:r General was sure to come. For ti1is pur'po s evmi.m- I;leal1s in the second lLissour1 National eographed c op' of the '-:c,r:11ngwere Gua::d Lane , It was on this tour of placed in paper sacks, weight8i with inspecticn that orio family and several stones, fastol'ced with yAllo'.7 cotton c naLdr en were 10csted in the flooded streamers, and dropped to Gveryono that r:l,roa and. a ratii0 request for aid 1J\G.S could c e seen from th'-) planes. Two-wu.y hJmeciia~ely d.i spu t che d by the pilot of radio contact VIaG established and kept 0:;10 o1';;he planes. at all times wi.t h th8 State Eigh'JlaY PaIhis t.our of duty lasted ten days trol Headquarters ttrough :./7VDl} and arid 114 hours wer'e f Lovm in pa t r-o Ll.Lng "19VIDamateur radio opcratcrs in Sikes-Ghe levees ii, reconnaissance and photo tone Two c oraner ci.u.L r ad.i c r-e ceLver s wor k , were installod ut State Fatrol HeadquarT:1e detachment was und ar' the command ters, one tuned to tho a i.r-p'l.ano f'r equenof Capr.a.i,n Er Lc H. Kaepp eL and h,cludcy and the other to tho ::.-;rc:mdst.nti on od Ld eut onant s Ray H. Kut t er-er , Dloon f'r-equericy , 'I'he ground stat ion to.c\ diEn Fr eoman, Konn e th R~ Case, James H. rect phone cor..noction with the lieadquar> H~gq;~, :.Jergemlt s Ar~hur ~. Rethemeyer, tel's, and in t.his manner orders and re.l:.lL_am T. Ra:::.ney, ~lra:1C1SB. Grothe, ports wer e received and acknowledC'ed.iilliam A. Br2.zill, and Vernon Co l1al1practically as fast as if t1.1Ctrarlsni ta ch , 1'~1e Ilxp er i anc e encountered en tel' were locut')d at tho H6adcuarters en this occasion will be lone rememtered the grou~d. oy those V~10 took part in the worko -20V-7244, A.C.

The presence of airplanes to aid the ground forces made it possible to save SCJres of lives of pecple, whom it would otherwise,have been impossible to locate. Certainly the value of observation aviation in this type of work has been definitely established. ---000--F OILED BY THE INAUGURAL '.1EATHER OLD-TIMER BEMOAJ.\!S LACK OF RONL\NCE IN AVIATION

Romance in aviation is gone and there is nothing left but a cold-blooded "business pro:posi tion, was the opinion of Llaj Er Lk Henning Ne Laon , foror mer army flyer and member of the Air Corps I .i..round-the-.lorld Flight in 1924. He visited Kelly Field and recalled'~- . the old days of flying- with his old Several million radio listeners failed side-kick Majer "Cliff(\ Nutt~and ot hto hear any morrt Lon of the participation ors He also called on Colonels Krogof the 20th Pursuit Group illthe :cecent stad and R.g. Jones, with whom he had Inauguration Ceremonies fnr President been associated. Major Nelson left Franklin Do P.oosevelt. Investigati()}1 the army on July 1, 1928, a.nd has been disclosed that this failure was due tn ~ith the Boeing Airplane Company until the fact that the 20th Pursuit Group, a y~ar ago. He is now in rusiness for thirty-three airplanes of which left himself. A native of Stockholm, SvreBarksdale Field on Saturday, January 16, den, he was born June 18, 1838, and f?r \lashi~~ton~to take part in the ex~r- came to the United States on April 15, C1ses, fa1led to get any farther than At 1909, as a sailor. Since that time lanta, Georgia. his life has been full of the romance Led by lJ'J8.Jor Armin F. Herold, Oroup which he says has departed from modern Commander, and Headquarters Flight, the military aviation. He served with the three squadrons took off on extremely Air Corps 11 vears" beginning his sershort notice in an effort to beat unfav- vice in October, 1;17. He had previorable weather conditions to M::::.xwell ously been interested in flying back Field Montgomery, Alc.bama.. The Hhop" to in 1912 and received his training at Maxwe i 1 VIasrr.ade ithout incident, but w Hiami, Florida, wherA he also served at that point the Group was held up for as a mechanic. In 1924 he was se~ two days on account of bad weather. Filected us one of the piiots for the nally able to clear for Fort Bragg North Arrny Around ..h'3-'Jlorld 's t Flight, which Carolina,on Monday , January 13th, ihe made aviation history. Group got as far as Atlanta, where, durStatirned at Kelly Field from Sept~ ing a stop for servicing, the ceiling. 26, 1~19 to May, 1921, Major Nelson closed down and a hard rain set in. Zero- und Major lTutt were at that time momzero conditions prevailed until it was ber s of the First Bombar-dmerrtGroup, decided that it would be useless to atwhich was brought from Ellington Field, tempt to reach \lashington i~ltime for near Hous t on , IVlaj Nelson was a memor the Inauguration. A rrajority of pilots Iter of the 20th Bombardment Squadron seriously considered taking leave and gc-j and Liaj Nutt of t~18 166th Bombardor ing home via rail for the duration of ment Squadron. The latter unit has the bad weather. been plaeed on the inactive list. The The oei.Ltng finally lifted sufficient- next time LIajor NeLscn was at Kelly ly to enable the Group to take off for Field v~s after the wJrld flight. Vfuen ~hxwell on the return trip on Jenuary that flight was made? MajJr Nutt was 19th. At this station it was found im- ,the advance agent in the Orient for possible to pr oceed more than a few the ariny flyers. Declaring that the miles in the-direction of Barksdale rbest Dart of his life had '5een with Field, and wh i Le grounded there the I the Air Corps, Maj or Nelson expressed Group wa s joined by the 3d Attack Group, ,regret over thetlassin~ of the old which was en route hone froD Langley, :days of "Flying Jennies", when there their farthest point on -the sans"'hlip. i ':l8.S some doubt whether the f'Ly or-would On Monday, January 20th, conditions improv- ,return safely or be aol2- to walk away ed sufficiently to allow a take-off for i fr0l:1 plane. Although out of the sera points ~kst, and the two Groups cleared ivies, ho still keeps contacts with his the airdrome 011 the heels of a 4~-ship ! friends in the army, which is one reaflight of Marines ~ the Marines being :son vhy he stopped off at Kelly Field, passed before Barksdale. Field. en route by auto from the Vlest Coast The ef'f'Lc i errtand hcspi table n:anner in ~to Miami and Key ';lest, Fla. for a vawhich Maxwell Field, with cut a f'ew ! cation. Ho commended tho excellent hours' notice: took care of the perscn~ ;rrads cBtween San Antonio and El Paso, nel of the f11ght, both ~OL1g and coming, 'which contrasted greatly to their conand the manner I.,ajor Patrick's l di.t.Lon hen ho was on duty with thA w d~tachment in Atlanta pruvided for the border patrol. ---000--comfort of the 20th Pursuit Group pilots Oi'ficers prcITl"lted t o the rank of Major " at that station arousod ~uch favorable comment, and all pilot s join in ahear-ty (t.ecporary) were Captains -:'el=r H. Dunt-on vote of thanks to the responsible ana Orvil A Anderson from Janu~ry 26th,and parties. Emile T. Kennedy from February 1, 1937.


V-7244, A.C.



Thursday, February 11th, saw the com- to stay over several mora days. pletion or the longest over-wat-er navf,Tuesday morning sav/tho B-10B t s 100.0.gation mission yet performed by a fOrlilO'i ad to go and. the squadron took off at tion of land planes. The 96th Bombard0740. il.ibrook Fiala. 'rlth its surroundmerrt Sqt:adron, of the 20. Bom'cardnent ing hills is none to large for heavily Group, GHQ Air Force, equipped vlith leaded r.ornber s , tut they all got off B-IOB airplanes, made a tnp from Langsaf'e Ly , and at 0811 they left Colon. ley Field, Va., to Albroc>l:Field, Canal and s t u r-t e d the long trek back to the Zone and return; the flight taking off Uni~ed Stateso from Miami~ Fla., to Panama , d.irect, 'hnds e Lowed dO':1l1 the progress of the and the same r out e , . flight all of the l;18.yto Cuba. At one The 96th Squa.dron was or0.ered to start I time it moasured 37 knots and was comthis flight on ?ehruarv 5t,h, the itinering from 45 degrees off the nose. Also, ary baing as fo110'..J5S Low c Loud s wore encourrt er-ed and the Feb 5th - Langley Field to Mipmi Flo., for[~tion stayed closo to the vater. Feb:6th _ Miami,Flaoto .A~brook Fiel~Z In the mi~d:e. of the Car~t~ean, the Feb.9th - Albrook Field,CZoto 1Karrd,Fl~. Gqu~dro~ ~aQ ,~wmost exc~t~r.~ ~ome~t. Feb loth- Miami ~la C~pta~n Cousland, Fl~ght, , ,... 0' to Langlev.; Finld! suddenl v called over le~d~ng.B , "Motor ~, hi.s r add.o Prospects of oad weather ~auseC1 the Failure 1" Hj.s left engine died without squadron to leave Langley F~eld on tho a cough, when it was over 200 miles to afternoon of th~ 4th a~d the nearest land. Captain Cousland imSpa~tanburg, So~;t.wh~:e ~t :em~~~od ov-, media~e~{ set.his plan~ for flight on ern~~ht. A ton'J.h~~lows~o;:,m wa s e~.' ".he ng.r..u enga ne but, Que to the low c oun ered neuv Cl:a::-.o ;,e ~ ~ ." ').'hut. tne . 8.1ti tude, the right en~ine started squadron closed z.n on 11E.Jorl'v1cDuff~e, heating, and it v;'8.S ev~dont that land the squadron commander, and p Lovrc on d could not be reached. T\/O planes were ~hr,,~g~ even t~Clugh all pilots were fly- left to s tny with the cripple and the 2ng bl~nd at.tlm~s. OA-5 notified. The plan was for the The fo110vang cay , Febrt;ary.5~}o, th~ OA-5~ 'ceing s l ower , to pr e c ode the squadr0l/- p~oceeded tl" tta Uum.clps.1 Au- seuadr-cn , so that the squadr-on would p?rt, M2anu., Fla~, whor-e e.Ll, t.anks ~Iel'\ pass it in the Diddle of the Caribbean. fll~ed to the brlm ~nd the mo!o~s ~~yon Due to accurate navigation, the OA-5 a f2nal choc k , Sat~rday ~lorranG, 1'ecwas in sir;ht at this time, but it is ruary 61,h, the squaur on c.Lea;:-ed for Aldoubtful if it could have landed in th~ brook Fleld, C.Z., and at 0307, startmourrt.aa nous seas" After several min~d. on ;he lCl~lr, ?Ve~-vlater hop. Everyu t es of rest, and with the water only .~1n~ ,las fU.L1C~~on~:2-~ p:~feet~y and the 600 f ee t helow tr,e plane, the left enp210 s and navl~atO.Lu h~dharaly gotten gi~e hegan runni~~ ~gain and the Cars~ttled down to wor k when Cuba wa s fbhean wa s choat.ed out of one B-IOD s i.ght ed , . . acrp Inne , Lt. Ui bbs ~the navigator in Due to h cloud fQrr,;o.t~ons, the this ship, reeet hir, course and the ~qu~dr~n viae a t 0.1+ tllJ1~S c.bove 4, 000 squadron \VV,S soon overtaken. ae, nd at one tUJ1~ had to .fo to The squadr-on Jal1.ded at Eiam' at 1544 13, 000 feet and fly over soL .. overcast d f' 1.. , for an hour, but they r.n do the ~~est use :hus estalJIJ..shlng. the ea.s i.b.i Li,ty ?f possible ~f their oc s at this timo. vh~ Cu;al 7.0;16 be ~efended by a~r ~\fterapproxiElUtely seven hours of flyurri.t.s rr om t.L1~UoS.,Ul)on ~hort no't i c e , de ing, li.ajnr lcDuffie took his squadr-on P,ltI10u[?h sar:-cnu1 pr-epar'at.Lon was down through broken e.Louds anc.:;Y6ryone for 't ll~ght, one scheduled plane breathed norll~lly again, fer there was was out t,~o hours befere the take-off Panama~ The naviga.tion had 06811 sucfro~ h~ngley. Another plane vns wheeleessful, as Cristobal vas in sight 5~USt e d out and made th8 trip successfully. to the rip-M,. . D'--l6 t.o had ~rE/:':Gner, the squadron reThe squadron landed at Albrook Fie.ld, ~ninedone dar :tTl Miami on ihe return where a royal weLcomo aV18.i ted them, Hovr- trin and on 'I'hur-aday bucked a 30-knot ever every member of the flight 1II.C.S w:in.~ bQc~ to Lang Ley Field. Lang Ley greatly fatigued and could not respond *~oi(ed mi.ght.y g ood to al~ tho t~red nfa.n the manner- they vrr-u have liked. Ld . :acers and ~er., HI the f1~ght, and everyEarly SU11davmcrn i ng tho offi ~ers and : one s e.erned 81ad to be horae agaa.n , men were at the hancarn ano , wi t h the I The 011 5 ac c ompani.ed the fli~ht for .... help of Albrook per aonne l , the ')l3.11es I i"esJue pur po aes and successfully cor~7 were put in readlneso to start t.he 1'e- \ pleved tho tr~~ o~ sc~ed~le. Corp.Mlnturn trip by noon. However, the squad- . f:lJ;' h8:d ~o ~e!'1c~~n M~aml as .he broke 1:1 ron Vias to r emai,n until Tuesday so sun-l hLs Lana '%&1'1 th~ a~lchor dav i,~ gave way day af t er-ncon and Monday 'tt~l'e [;i ~0n over i ~s 't hey ,were ~nc11or~ng ~h0 ?hJ.p. The to sight-seeing and shopping. The car-l. accuracy ~f t he nav~gat~ol1 ~? shown by niva1 seasOn was on, and tho.gayety was t~e fa~t that the ~,-5wa~ slghted each so contagi~us that everyone was ready tlme trle 69-UaCr?n passed lt en route . ,Cont~tlued on 23) -2 V-7244, A..C.
I v -l"



As soon as it was learned that the army would assist i~ t~e contempl~ted.ev~c---000--uation of flood. vi.c i.msalong tfle M1.SS1.St sippi Valley, %.fi8 COlifidunding Officer co.JJ:.. l'OSIffiJMOUS N'JAPJ1 OF THT<: F. C. D. ed a conference and relayed this information to his staff officers and org~nization commanders. They were directed to The Distinguished Fl yi ng Cross, posthuhave detailed plans ready for a conferITDuslv awarded Captain Donald W. Buckman, ence the following day. Air C~rps, who died -in 1935, was presented At this conference, the entire plan tc! his widow, Mrs. Mc:deline Stt"'ne Buckma.n,at was .aecided upon and defin~te ~rrange10:00 o'clock on Wednesday rr~rning, February ments were made for every detall. One 10th. The presentation was made by Brig. plane had already been sent to LouisviLW General J&~es E. Chaney, Commandant of the with serum for the flood suffers. Air Corps Traininb Center, in the.Trai~~ng Tests of the loading of trucks for the Center Headquarters at. Randolph F~e~d. ground echelon were conducted, and the The hernism of Cap t.a.i n Buckman whi.oh full number of trucks needed were desigbroucrht about the award occurred in November nated. These trucks were then loaded, 1935~ Stricken with a heart attack while and the enlisted men who were to form flying a Trffi1spcrt plane with three passenthe ground echelon were notifiod to be gers over Te...1.achati Pass, Calif., he managed sn the alert and to be ready to leave on to remain at the controls for 20 ~nutes una moment's notice. Results of tho tests til he 18ndeQ the plane safely at Kern Airshowed that the ground echelon could port, Bakersfield, Calif. He collapse~ irrr leave Brooks Field in two and one-half mediately after the plane landed and d~cd hours at the maximum. wi thin a few minutes. Airplanes were loaded and ready to ---000--leave whenever: the vror d cams , Only lor: cal flyina was to be engaged in. 3 AIR CORPS EXHIBIT FOR NATIONAL AVIATION SHOV'Up to this v~iting, a total of 11 hours were flovm by planes f'r-om Brooks The U. S. Army Ai l' Corps was represented Field engaged in the relief work. These at the Naticnal kriaticn Show by an exhibit planes have been AC-33 trans")(':ri,O .. iUA ccrnpcsed of beth cLd ar.d new aeronautical Dbservation airplanes, and the Fairchild itoms, dcmnstratin,:; the progJ'ess in avi aphoto plane. The photographic plane is t i on thrcugh thE~ yeru-s, A nevr Seversky now engQgod in missions at Vicksburg in Basic Tr8ining rLane , a tvr-pJ.ace, low-wing connection with this work. rmnop.lano of all-metal construction of the

Russell E. Junior, Levrd s D. Smith,Clarence D. Lake; Privates - Charles Horstknmp, Edward Ellis and Harry O. Johnson.

'j6TH' TEIP TO PANAMA 9 (Continued from page 22)

On the return trip, Cuba v~s touched within six miles of the cerroct course. We all congratulate the liffic,:J:cs. and men of the ~6th Squadron on a mlGSlOn vze Ll, done. The following is a list of the p0~sonnel who made t.his flig:1t~ Major Jasper K. McDuffi"l, Cap t.a.i.ns A.Y, Smith, Richard :;:I;, Nug errt C.'f.C0,-,slo.nd9 , 1st Lieutso David R. Gilbs, Frederic ~e GIant zb,,~rg, Warren H. Higsins, Edwin ,L. Tucker, wllliam A. ~~theny, Dnuglas h. Kilpatricl{, Paul G. Miller, Gerald E. 'i/illiams,Torgils Go Wold, Edvri,n Go Simenson, Clifford H. Rees, Eugene P. Muss et t ~ 2d Lieut. Bur-t on W. Arl;lstrong, Corps, and 2d Lieuts. I~rtert Morgan,Jr., John Lo Teli~lotcn, John Bo Montgomery, Raymcnd V. Schwanbe ck and Arthur H. Regers~ Air Reserve. I Enlisted mon - StQff Sgts. Donald E. Hamilton, Ralph R. Illicr;:, Georse E. :lilson, August ';1. Keuh l , John B. Lor... '.falg, ter B. Buff, Frank J. Seidl, .Iac k A. t i on. Frankoj Corporals - Thonns G. Holmes, Gib Bradley, Lewis Hayduke, Ralph A. Min .. A ;,lotionPicture depicted aviation devclI ('pinentand historTcal or; Privates ~1st Clo- 'ililliamA. -.n thol:'s, Wright's first flight progress f rom the i . ~ll A. Mallada, Francis To Harrington, : 'Two cas es of newest NavigatiC'n and Enr;ine -23V-7244, A.C.

latest type, inco:,:pordting instrument landing eouiprrnt, anJ having split flaps, was ef leading intere~t. . A Dioram3. in nri at.ure c f a f'r-genshroudni ed landing-field over which two small airplanes fly was displayed. These airplanes tlh~e in with radio guiding stations, and with this aid glide safely devm upon the Landi ng field runway before the hangars. These little planes illustrate better than wc r ds tho rrarmer in wh the instrument landing system is employed. In this ccrmection, the OriGinal Instrument Beard frOJ:1the airplane in which Capt. Ilegenberger wade the first 5010 instrument lan~ing in history, was sho~m, together ~th Fictcrial displays illustrating stages of instrmuent flying development, and Captain Iiegenberger receiving the Collier Trophy at the hands of President Roosevelt. Another rri.c tori e.I exhi bi t of interest was d evc b od to"Parachutes, and illustrated various types of chutes and methods of packing and. jumpiIlf:f'r an airplane. orn A cas e nfAircraft Model s made to 1/4Cscale and cnvering various types of planes, f rom the wart ''Jenny''and DH-4 to the latest J0eing Bcmber, attracted much atten-

Lns t rumerrb s e~hasized changes made since the NOTES FROM 'l'HE WASHINGTON rICE 1918 instrument board. vdth its older protruding instruments, was in use. ' , Ca-ptain James B. Jordan report An old type of 'Wooden Proreller was seen in ed February 11th for duty in the ~ contrast with the latest ho low steel controlSupply Division. t lable pitch propeller. There were rrounbod mng ~,ajors Grandd son G. Gardner, sections for th?se. interested i~ air~raft from Na:JCV'ei.~, Field, Ala., and " structures. 'I'h i s a s but a parhal hst r-f the Bennett E. ~.:yers, from f~ ?xhibits. which forrre~ a ~isplay in~eresting and Wr~ght Fie:;'?, were in the ..' ,11~. ~"I~~~,:" for an au-nnnded publ Lc, Chi ef s Off~ce on Februazy ' 'f1" ,~.,\.~,,~\ Four represeJ.1tatiye~ v:ere sent to NewYork 24th ~or comeren?e. from th~ ~1a.terlel D~ v~.sJ.('1n take charge c;,f to Of'f'Lce r s d epar-tdng on f~:~~: fi'~~ ..' theexlnbJ.t, namely, Mess rs , B.G. Somers, .JI.S. leaves of absence were .t~I!!t~"!;............!:~~ ,., "i.J. Selleck and Robert Fitzgerald. The I Majer Cla:les Y.Banfil '(~,," hour-s were from eleven. a: Ill. to eleven r- m., and I and CaptaJ.n Stev."8.rtVf.. '~'~~,.t.>d-.:L,,=,l...._1 a constant stream of va sa tors attested to the I Tcwle. )J .... ~,;.;;~~.:.;~~:-s ..:.:....: ... public interest aroused. The Chief of the Air Lieut. Coleneli:?.JI t.!, ~, ~: Corps was one of a long list of prcminent visH. Young and G,l:.~~ IJ I j i tors who gave who1 hearted aoproval, of the e .Brower return.ed fro;n4~~"A ~ !JI. J ~ display. I' leave, February l?tn. ~.~:-:-r': - ;'_-'. i ---000--Recent visitors to the Chie'1"i ~~were:s .: Captain George H. Steel, from kelly Field,a.~ , WAB DEPARI'lOOJT O.RD1'RS I Captain George A. Whatley, a.Lso from that field, i br-t.h on a ferry trip to Mitchel Field, N. Y. : Changes C'f Station: To Randolph Field, Tex: ! Cautain Cl ai re St:i:oh, Lnsb, National . Lieut. Colonel Albert 1:'. Guidera (Wajor) f'r orn I Guard, Little Bock, Ark., while on a ferry' . Langley Field, Va., for duty at Air Corps Train~ t::-ip from Santa l,,onica, Calif., to Baltimore,1ld. : ing Center. . ,.-. . I 1st Lieut. P.G. Scott, from Kelly Field, '\'Thile To Scott Field, Ill.: lat.:Lieut. Willia:ll J. on leave; Colonel Frank M. Kennedy, from Scott Bell, from Selfridge Field, Mich. I FieJ.d; Captain Archibe.1d Y. Smith from Langl.ey To West Pointl R.Y.l 1st Lieut. Charles F. i Field; 1st Lieut. Ralph O. Brrvmfield, from Born, from HaNrc'"~ien D8'OC'...xtment, duty at the' SCJtt Fic::'d; 1st Lieut. August W. Kissner from for U.S. Military .Acaden:v.' Frevious orders in his Kelly Pi el d and Lsb Lieut. Gabriel P. Disosway case amended. from Barksdde Field, dur-i ng the cour-se of To Santa ;,fonica Calif.: 1st Lieut. Banie1 navd gabi oa flights. White, trom Wright Field, for duty as Air Ccrps Officers V~10 returned to their home stations Representative at the plant of Douglass C(\. after a visit to the Chief's Office were Capt. To Panama Canal De-pt.: 2nd Lieut. Lawrence W. Carl B. McDeniel ead 1st ,Li'eut: Iv.a.n M. 'Palmer GreenbaCk, from Langley Field, Va. to r~'1dolph Field. To Ma.xwell FielcI, Ala., for duty on the Staffl.Ja.jor Alfred W. Marriner returned from ";right ~"d FacUlty of the Air Corps Tactical School: Field and Captain Mervin E. Gross returned from Maj~rs John E. Upston and Harlan W. Holden a ferry trip to the West Coas~. (Captains), Captains Robert C. Oliver, Ralph A. ',.cjer L(w'ell H. Smith deperted February 22nd. Snavely and Auzustine F. Shea. on a uavi.gat i.on fli6ht to i,liami, Fla. To Wright Field, Chic: Ls b Lieut. Cha.rles G. Ce:ptain Henry G. -'!o'1dw8.rd as a visitor w from Wilha.'Ilson, from Eamilton Field, and to report Wright Field, arriving Feb:l."U3XY 22nd. not later than Aueust 1, 1931, for duty as ---000--student at Air Corps EnGineering School. A NEvi WAY SE1"DIN'; OF MESSAGES PROY.oTIONS: To Colonel: Colonel John F.Curry (temp()rary) from December 23, 1936; Bri~e"dier Private ,'. S. HoHN,ray, at :Phi.llips Gene~al JaT~s E. Cllaney (Lieut. Colonel), from Field, Abe rd een Pz-ovi ng Gr"'und, Md., in a r oDecember 24, 1936. T('1 Lieut. Cc~onel: Lieut. h~s this to say regarding ColC'nel &~ph P. Cousins (1'Jajorji:'rom Dece;llber cent cor3n~ication, a visit ...,f Lieut. Nicho'l.s (dubbed the ''Windlnill ?2, 1936; Lieut. Colonel Adlai E. Gilkeson SeleslIBn" by virtue of his piloting an auto(Major) from Decewber 24, 1936. RETIREMENTS: entain Albert F. Glenn, Febru- fYI'C') vrhowas ''pxed'1 at the field on the C telet;ype: ary 28, 193'~for disebility incident to the "I was standing in front ('If npere.tions when service; Staff Sor~cant Ja'res J. Geraehty, 8th he arrived. Seeing me, the Lieutenant hovered Air Base Sauadrnn, Brocks Field, Feb. 28, 1937. about three hundred feet in the air, leaned ---000--0ut pxd yelled - 'Hey, tell Operati('lns that I The War Department announced on February a'11going on to Bo.l n r, I Then he swung graeeLi 25th the p1ll'chase f'I'om the Siz:orski Aircraft fully away and v:)ni~hed. Division of the United Aircraft Corporation of I have been in the .Air Co s quite a while rp Bridgeport, Co~~., of 5 l~rge Arrrhibian planes ffilQ have never seen as novel a way of deliverand spare parts equivalent to ono corop et e aml ing a request :f"r a message. Also I might say phibian plane, for the sum 0f $633,898. : that Lieut. Nichols has been here in two ('f his To adapt these pl anes f"r military purposes, i II.Jeeps," as he calls them, and he can IIBke them the comnercial design has been modified. The \'do everything but talk and give milk." wing span is sli~ltly in excess of 85 feet. ~he ---oOc--planes are powered with two 750 h.p. engines. V-7244 , A. C. -24-

In' il}

i;-I.'~""I,Pl'~1 ., "-,."

,,;~r' tt :"::i,' II! l'IJ' " .7:-~~. !



reducible minimum with the arrival of orders Barksdale Field, Shreveport, La. sending roon to foreign duty, and transfers to The Officers' Club was the scene of a fareother branches. The ~iortage of airplanes, well party on the night of February 3rd, given which has been acute in the past, is gradually by the 20th Pur sui t Group for departing personbecoming erased without the addition of new nel, orders for v~omhad been received fer the craft, and with the present rate of decrease rrnsb part in the past few weeks. Honor guests on this occasion were Lieut. and in persor.~el, a quick return to the fabled Mrs. T.R. Baxter and Lieut. D.~. Mitchell, who good old days w!"eneach pilot had several airgo to Panarra.; Li.eut s, R.W. Puryear, lh.I.Carter, planes to choose from is anticipated. D.C. Strother, R.O. Cork, J.P. W~Connel, and Since the ~revious renort cf the 20th Pursuit Group personiIel lea:ving~for foreign duty, 11 their wives, all of wbomwill go to Rawaii,and Lieut. and :;trs. D.N. Motherwell, who go to the men have been 10sJ..;to the orgenization. Orders Philippine Islands. Orders were received the vrere received send ing Lieut. Clark H. I)iper, next day for the departure of Li.eub s, P.R. Operations Office~ of the 77th ~ursuit SquadGowenand S.B. 1~k, and their wives, and Lieut ron, to ~right Field, and a shortage of pilots G.P. Disosway, to Panama, and for Lieut. H,R. in the 3rd. Attack G.:,:cup ade it necessary to m Maddux, who will lea-ve 'with his wife for :fu:waiL transfer nine nilot3 from the 20th to the 3rd. The Group regrets the departure of these ofThis char~e, effect:ve February 15th, took the ficers and their vaves. SOITS these cfficers of following men away ':rOIllMajor Herold I s comr:and came here when Barksdale Field was first put by selection, ~ter a call for volunteers had into service in 1932. Plaques representing the f'ai Led to obtain any transfers: Li eut.s. David Group Insignia, with the date of arrival for G. Dermond , '7il18.l"d J. Foley, John A. Wayand duty at 1arksdale of each officer, were pre.As'1byH. Tculmin, Flying Cadets Howard L.Buller, sented by the Group as tokens to the honor .AreI" B. C:li,pbell, Robert w. Fause'l , Loring F. guests. stetson erill Leonard M. Rohrbough. Although much time has been lost from flyinS ~he most recent shift in personnel leaves the during January, the 20th Fur sui t Grcup is roak20'0::' Pur sui t G oup with a s.trength of eight i: regt'lar officers, exclusive of Headquarters, ing good pr-ogi-e ss on the ground and in the air when all oz-der s take effect. This number induring the late winter period, and has accomplished a goodly portion of its work for the cludes sqUBdron oommnder-s , and the total str~ngth of the Group, counting all cOrrnUssioned time, despite handicaps greater than or~inarily encountered. Grour~ target gtL~ery h~s been p i l ct s , is now set at 40 pilots, includinG one en D. S. at Ho t Springs General Hospital and one pushed through to\rclrds record firing en e7ery fair day, and only a short period of time will abcached to 1'Ting Headquar-t cr-s, be necessary to co~~lete this trai:nng for the entire unit. Ha~ilton Field, Calif., Fe~ruary 11, 1937. An auxiliary range is being constructed for _5t~Air :basesg~o:D:: TIi1rty-bro members practice firing, and it is expected that a reof tnis oz-gard zat.Ion nave just qualified for duct ion of some 25% in the time required for a pistOl ll~rksnanship for the training year 1937squadron to corrplete its ccurse will be ace om- i 19;)8. Lead i ng the f i el d of those who qualified plished with the use of the new range. I is 'Technical Sergeant Ja::nes N. Bobhne , with a Ground personnel of the squad.rons are utili z- I per~ ent age of 92. E'ol1e,':~ngh im in bhe qualiing non-flying days for maintenance of the air- I fication of Expert is Pr-i vat.o William D. Funk, dr~me, and rrost of bud spots on the field have I ~Qth a ~erceI~uge of 87.5. Six rncn rated been filled and made safe for landing. I SharD shoot er, with the remainiIl(; 24 qualifyif.: 77th Fursui t Sauadron: Gunner y progressed us ' as MaI'kslIJon. per schedUle, and al!members cf the SguJ.ron I who have finished qualified ni cal.y. SI1U8drOIl i ~:ri~yF].:ying Scho'~1:,Randolph Fielel, Texas. record has not yei;"been fired, but with what I Cap n Luther Y.:;:'. Clar..g, of the Chinese has gone before as an indication of what is to i Air Corps, visitaQ Pendolph Field on February come, good scores are e xoec t ed, ! 15t.h. Cap ba.i.n Chang, who was recontly on All firing has been done under adverse coneJi- duty wi, t.h tn8 Chinese Training School at t.Lons , South and north winds have caused a ,Hangcbovl, China, is rrek i ng a visit to a number great deal of trouble. Every effor':; was rnede I of Air Corps stations in the United States. to ho l d off as long as possible in hopes of i He s':;atcd that "'IhG C:linese ::;'overnmenthad, as better conditions - rr.ore favorable winds, but : near as possible, the same method of training no such luck Vias forthcoming. Early n:orning I 8.S t:lat used at the Air Corps Training Center." found the vzind.s as strong as did mid-day, and I ?lJin' f:r" on t.he Basic stagG was comthe late afternoon was no better. :plot~Q on Fobrua~J 23rd for the class entering The individual pilots of the Squcdron are due I tho Prirrary Flying School in July, 1936. The a great deal of credit for the excellent records: class vms due to report to Kelly Field for adthey have made and we hope, and expect, the : vanced t nr; on February 25th. 'I'hi s class Luke Trophy will ~~ve the name of the 77t~ Pur- I is comooscd of ten officers of the Regular suit Squadron inscribed on its face after all A=y, two foreign students, and 54 'Flying Cadets. the noise and popping of .30 and .50 caliber Air Corps officers completing the course at guns have died away. Randolnh Field are: Lieut. Colonels Raymond E. 20th Pursuit Grou']):Personnel of the Group, O'JlJeill, Laurence J? Stone, Majors '1v'arnerB. which is under the cmmnandof 1~jor Armin F. Gates, George A. Lundberg, Walter J. Reed, Herold, are gradually dwindling towards an irCaptains Howard H. Couch, James F. Early an& -25V-7244, A.C.

John P. Kirkendall. The class n."\'i' undergoing training on the Prisuit aircraft, so that the results canno b 'be mary stage will complete their training so as considered conclusive, excellent combat trainto conmence Basic training on :larch 8th. The ing is nevertheless being obtained, as well as new Pri1lBry Flying Class was due to report on data for continued experiments along these N'e.rch Lsb . lines. Recent Air Corps visitors to Randolph Field 72nCL BombardTI'.entSrouadron:Majer Idvral H. included Colonel Ralph :Reyee, Sdridge Field; Edw21'c:..S ~.ltJ.y lea his squadron on a flight Major Feter E. Skanse, Ma.x:vrell Ld ; ,,-ajor F'i.e to the Big Lland (HE1i\'C'ii) in order to familB. S. Thomoson, Hensley Field, arm Captain L.C. iarizc recent-Ly ar r i ved :personnel with the Craigie, \'flight 1tield. bcpcgrephy of the cut.Lyi ng islands, location Recent foreign visitors inclucied Michel and ccnd i b ion of Laric i ng fielels, prevailing Detroyat, the wi.nne r of the Charles E. ':'hompson flyin(; cond i .l:.ions, 2nd to accemplish training Trophy at Los Ange l es , Calif., last fa:l.l; M1che in Lombar-dment ernpLoyment, and tactics. The Wetzig and R.C. l'eyronnet de Tnrres, of France. flit;}r!: c ons i sbed of e i.ghb Keystone Bombers, an All three men are membez-s of the Fr-ench Air .AmpLllJiun CSGc:ctand a BT, flown by Ld eub, Reserve. Colenel Millard F. HaI'lOOn, Jr., Corcmqnding Officer 0: Lc~e Field, who l~S participating in Kelly Field, San An~onio, Texas. his fir'3t imer-isler..d flight since his arrival Increased inte:i."e1:tin h:>rse1ack riding has in the Hawe.ban Dopar-Lmant., Bucking an excepbeen evineed lately by Kelly Field personnel. tionally strong head wind, the Squadron 10110"1'1There are classes for adults and for children, ed the north ~hcre of kolokai, ?assing over the and a good bit of ridin:; is being dora on vari- i leper s ebt.Lemerrc KiLaupapa and the landing at cus occasions. Captain Via"!.ter G. Bryte is in I fiold there; thence along the northern cliffs charge of the riding. ME,r.y Lrrt ere st i ng ","laths ! of Ls l anrl of Mad; then, after a hurdle around the field 8.:1din the hills make riding a! across th.~ t.ur bu'lerrt Alenuihaha Channe'L be tween great pleasure as well as a sp'I endi d exercise. ! l.aui and Hawci i., pa:;t Upolu Point and the gr'e en Riding was given its first i"'Petus at Kelly \ slopes rtf r.auna Kea to Hi10. After a PME Lunch , Field by Colonel Harrison E.C. Fichards, W:10 !AnTv style, the personnel entrueked for the left here a year ago fer duty in the Office of j up'l1Jard clilnb to the Kilauea Military Carrp , The the Chief -sf the Air Corps, Washing':on. Colonel i f'o.l Lowi ng day ,\'8.Sspent on a guided tour of the Richards is an enthusiastic horseman and inII-ark an.i its sur-round i.ngs , In the evening, all spired many of his old ne i ghbor-s with his f'cnd- I enjoyed a rzo t i cn uicture on the subject of volness for this sport. ICaI~es. ~ Flying a Dougl as instrurrent 1'l811e used in On the fol::.. ";'rini"rrvrnd ng , the flight took off o r meteorological flight~, CaptaiIlSGc('~?e A. whatl~ 0:' Morse Field, South, the southerrumst and G.H", St ee'L be ok of'f fr()m Kellf' . .t! I e.ld o~ I point of the cha.i,n of island s . From Morse the morrung. of Febru~'y 16th for.lvUtch~l Fl.~ld, i Field the f'ormat i.on followed the Koria coast N.Y. T~ey are t~ dell.ver the shl.~, w~lch wl.~l Ipast the Kealeh~bua Bay, scene 0~ the death of be put l.nto serVlce there. Ca~tal.n Wnatley l.5. ICa~tain Cook, dlscoverer nf the lslands, and oommnder of the Kelly Field Headouartcrs Squad-jla;'deo. for a shor.t. wet visit at Suiter Field, ron and Captain Stee.! is Po st Excliange Officer. Upol,u Point. Suiter Field, the flight First Lieut. C.H. ,LJ('ttenger reported fer duty head.ed for :::tome, etouring enroute for a cl.o sed at Kelly Field and was assigneS. as :::'l:>:ing. ~n! up. vi eON of ~he Islar4s of Kahoolavre,and Lanai. structnr. He COT.JeS from Luke .lC Lel.d , hawal.l., ! .After an l.nterruptl.on of one IOC'ntn due to and is a graduate of the Advanced 71ying School,: the Christmas holidays, weather, and other inBombardm.mtS~cticn, (Oct,?be,r, 1~34): t.e r f'cr-ence s , the Squadron oompleted its tour Cadet J.F. Hunker, who ?rOKeh i s fl.:l~er ~d 10 t~e Ls Land s by a visit to the Island of was acccmpa.::'y.hl.sclc-s,s on ltS maan- jKauai on February Lsb, I~ s:rite of ~avorable tenan?e fllght to LOu;LSJ.ana, laos:;:a ~nd. ~ wec.t.he r , the night, coris i sbi ng of f i ve Geor-g ia , left February 18th '/1th h i s Lns trucr, eys br-ne s , ar; and one BT, landed at tor, Lieut. Jackson, for Fo::-t Bliss, Texas. Li:'au Airport; t:1en, takins off again, promptly He is scheduled to return via Midl81:d, 'I'exas , circurilllfJ.vigated Kauai, and the nearby Island of Captain H.R. Yeaser, Communications Officer, Ni i hau , Landi nz at Eb~'ns Field for gas before ~s ~~ a navigation flig~t~to Bolli~g Fie~d,D.C. returning to Luke Field. IVJa~or . T. Cronau~ Chl.~':'of the. Bombar dmcnb R 33rd. Bombard..'1oent Squadron: On January 2~~d, Secbon, was taken l.11 Wl. la grl.ppe at th the Squ<.o.dron, led by its new Corrrrrxnd i ng Ofncer, Maxwell Field, and returned here Feb. 19th. La.jor 'HaroU W. Beaton, duplicated the flight of the 72nd Squadron, but in reverse order, ,;S Luke Field, T.R., Februar~ 4, 1937. a vi~it ,vas first mado to the Island of Kaual. --oath Observo,tlon Sqrdron. ~ . During the last on which Burns Field and Lihau Airport are 10ten days of JanU2.ry, he Squadron has been enc at ed. The flight returned to Luke Field the gaged, in cooperation with the 19th ? same day. On JanU:.'U'y 25th, the Sauadron proSquadron of l'~JheelerField, in a series r-f excecded to Hilo, visiting the landing fields en ercises to determine the ability of Pursuit lIiolokai and 1au.i erirout e. All planes "flere serto cperate against the concentrated fire-;:Jcwer viced at Upolu Point and depar t ed 1.-rrneciately of a formation of aira;:xlftof rrodern type. The for H'i Lo . Th0 follovring day was stllent at exercises include rrach.i ne gun fire on towed Kilauea "Iilitary Carrp and in visitl ng the naf utargets, as well as the use of camera guns. ral wonders of the Park. On the rr..o rning of While the local Pursuit units are not yet the 27th, the Squadron took off and" after asequipped with the latest high perforrra.nee Pursembly over Hilci Airport, circled l,u1'l.una Loa to - 26'V'"'-7244, A.C.
I i it

turned loose after a long "rest" on the hangar floor awaiting replacement parts. The Squadron regrets losing the capable serI vices 0 its ace engineering and supply offiI cer, 1st Lieut. S.O. Ross, just transferred to Randolph Field. Lieut. -Barry ~,!artin has Middletown, Fa., Air De at, ~ebruar 24th. ~aken ovcr~ however, and thin:;.~s axe still clickCo one awrence S. urc u ,t e Depot Com- In= s'Woth.'-y. :mander, returned from leave of absence o n -Janu- I 3Gth Pursed t Squadron: Second Lieut. Robert ary 27th. I A.' Gardne-rdeparted Feb:- Ls t in a P3-2A -plane Major R.C. Iv~Donald reported for duty Feb. I to participate in the Cold ~I!eather "S(ll~ilJment 15th, after an extended stay at "valter Peed Test in the Selfridije Fiold area. The purpose Hospi tal. I is to conducb a test for a period of three Major Charles 1,O!. Steinmetz, who has been here weeks of the efficiency of the equi-pment and as Depot Supply Officer over a period of ITore personnel emder extremely cold flying condithan six years, was transferred to Q.icago ~s I tions. Air Corps Procurement Officer. His A farewell party was given to 2nd Lieut. "hr.. departure necessitated changes in the assignH. Gist, a splendid dirmer being served and merrt of officers. l/ajcr Paul C. milk ins was I enjoyed by all officers and men cf the oz-gard zr-assigned as Depot Supply Officer end n tion in at.t endance . This enjoyment was inCharles H. Dee~~ester, formerly Depot Inspector ,I creased by virtue cf the elimination of the assumed commandof the 2nd Transport Squadron, I cust.ona.ry speeches. Lieut. Gist deoar-t cd the Major Wilkins! previous assignment. IIJajor I following day on leave of absence, upon the Charles B. DeShields is Depot Executiv, e Officer' termination of 'which he will depart from New One C-33 and one C-27C f'r-om this Deno t were York for his new s t.ab i on in Panarra., Assigned recently utilized in flood relief work and were I to the 36th Pursuit Squadron, July 1, 1934, sent to l~right Field for that purpose. I as e, Cadet, Lieut. Gist was The Centro.l heating pl anb , construction 0f I the Air L,eserve on Jelly 1, 1935, and in the which wasstartecl approxim:..t8ly two years ago. I Air Co rp s , he~ular Army, on October 2, 1936. was accepted January 12, 1837, after the com- I He Leaves the organization with the best wishpletion of fiIk~ efficiency tests. This plant, es of the officers and men thereof. which was erected at a contract price of 37th Att8ck .fu.UFl.dror.;,:. The Souadron regrets $213,471.00, furnishes heat to all buildings t1>~ loss or' its able Sup-ply Sc;rgeant and charin the industrial section of the 'Post. iter mornbe.r , Sgt. Ibi son, who is purchasing hi s I. discharge to bake a position vrith the Dawn Langley Field, Va., February 15th. ILaundr-y of HO'NportNews, Va, Hand'l i ng suoplies 33rd Pursuit Sruadron: COll1eSow practicing n i'o 'l"'}s a dirty job enyvvay. With this vacanbreaking through overcasts. It's all very in- I' cy in the Sergeant grade conung t~, Corporal teresting, but your 33rd Squadron Correspondent As a.l r cady has a couple of boxes of cigars is wonderins how it is going to work out when on Land - just in case. Another loss soon to the real thing comes along. The Lang l oy Beam be sustained by the 37th is Sgt. Eisenberg,who has more curves in it than Sgt. TGID{O'S snake, I is transferring to &~ Antonio, Texas, in orand the writer is convinced that it will be a I del' to ob tr.i n Telief f'rom his sinus trouble, howling coincident if anybody can follow it in I which has been greatly 8.::;gnl.Vatedby the very to the cone of silence, which 1s constantly 0.0- ! dernp Virginia clirrabe. ing a hula hula around the bal Loon hangar. By ! Just as the prOVerbial roa.i.Lrran who went :lor now I guess everybody' s do i.n; it (nracticing I a v:rallc on hi s off day, Staff Sgt. breaking through overcasts, I mean). ,spent a creat deal of his recent furlough visThe rest of our time ~~s utilized shooting at : iting the Northrrp factory. His descrilJtion long ranges. ',FheGroup has 0. 8-10 wh i ch t~1.ey i of tho ass ernbl.y lin: of .A-17' s makes one look loan out to each squadron fa .. tO~'Jint;TJu1'::,o:.;es,: f'crwar d in anxious f'!llticipationJf ' new equipand each squadron has a goat. T"lO idea was to I r.ierrt.. check off two pilots on B-10's - the Scuadz'on ! The smi.Li nr- 37tl. recently had a pho bogr aph C.O. and one other pilot, but it's tho 'one ! made of all the p cr-sonne'L. It is unani.rrous.l.y other pilot who doe s all the towing. Drau~hty i agreed that Lieut. would be the best bh inc s , those 3-10' s, i reode l for 2. tooth paste advertisement. 35th Pursuit Sc;urtdron: . Train~nG ac t i viti~s I ,. of the So uadz'on ar e back a n bho i r nonnal swi ng i San Al1tonlo All' "e1Jot, Dunce n F'i e.Ld '11oxas , after several we ek s of curt-ailed flying. Improv"lsJor 'lim. J. --n;:;-J:llon;-o:r-TheAlr Corps J1atered field and weather conditions permitted a iel Division, Field, arrived at this heavy ~chedule of training missions. InstrQ~ent Depot February 15th for a few days' temporary flying in the current style of two PB-2' s oper- duty, studying Depot me t hods , Major and Mrs. a ting together was s t-re s sed , much benefi toeing Hanlon and their daughter are motoring from derived therefrom. Scores are improviLg in the I Wright Field to San Francisco, and will sail long range firing of fixed. guns on the sleeve i from there to Hawaii, tho ;'ajor's new assigntarget bowed by a B-10, though nothing brilliant! rnent. Ile will also s t.on at the Rockwell Air h~s been turned in as yet. That "sock" looks ! Depot, Cor onado, Calif. ~ for similar tempore.ry mi ght.y small from 500 yards. I duty. Cad:t Eakin, soon about to change his feathers i Amongr-ecent cross-country visitors at the and hl~ rank, recently took new lease on life : Depot were l:ajors "{obert G. Breene and Sam L. when h'i s PB was dug out of the moth balls and I Ellis, of the Command. and. General Staff School, -27V-7244, A.C.

Morse Field, from which place the flight headed for Lanai. After a brief stop at the latter place, the fli/!,ht returned to Oahu. Unusually clear weather added to the success and pleasure of the trip.


Fort Leavew~rth, Feb. 19-20, the former return- Scott Field youngsters, ~~s defeated by a ing to his station and the latter ferrying an Belleville junior team, score 20-10. Q-25B; also Lieut. N,ark E. Bradley, Jr. ,onFeb. 5th, ferrying a C-24 to his hon~ station, Scott Hamilton BaSketball is beginning to receive Field. Field attention on this field. This Major John M. Clark, .Depot Supply Officer, speedy game had only a smal.L followflew to Hensley Field, Texas; Fort Sill, Okla., ing in the previous season, the fans being and Okl ahone, City, ekla., Feb. 9-11, coordino.tsoroewhab reL:cte.nt to part with the bit of ing Air Corps supply xmtters in this Depot I s energy nece svary to attend one cf the many Supply Control Area. games. This y,3r;:rquite a few have turned out, Major Elmer D. Perrin, Operations Officer trauSTJortaticn -ceing furnished for games near and C.O. of the 3rd Transport Squadron, departthe post, while the team usually had private ad on one of the regular Interdepot Transport Cars for transportation. The Bombardiers, as Service flights to the lvliddletown Air Depot and I bhey were called, ccnp'l.e bed a season with 13 return, Feb. 8-12, to supervise and check the wins out of 18 garre s played,' and earned the operation of G-33. ;transports by pilots of the respectanc. friendship of all teams played, Squadr-on in the air transportation of supplies. togethe.r with the fans attending. Every team Captain David J. Ellinger, Assistant Engineer-I contacted, w:thcut 87ception ex~ressed the deing Officer of the Depot, departed Feb. 19th on sire for a return g~e, thus showing what good an extended cross-country flight to Mitchel .spoz-b.smansh i p can a~tain in the eyes of comzuField, via lvJaxvrell Field, Ala.; Bolling Field, ni td es surrounding tLe different anny posts. D.C., and Olmstead Field, Fa., returning along We lock forward to the next season for a more the same route. enjoyable se r i es of games , Warrant Officer and l,,;z.s.Arthur R. Trabold Inter- S'Juad.roncO!ITueti tien in soft ball bedeparted Feb. 15th on 21 days' leave prier to gin recently, with the initial ga~e of a series sail ing f:t'OEl S2n Francisco for duty witll the betvreen the 31st and. 9th Bombar drcenb Squadrons, Air Corps in the Hawaiian Depar tcrent , He has the winner to play the much vaunted 11th 30I!:been on duty at this Depot as an to 'oa:r:-c1.rnent Slluadron for the Group Chanpionship. the Depot Supply Officer sinee SGptember,1928. Their departure is greatly regretted by a host Kelly Tho Inter-Souadron Basketball LeaG~e Field te~ninated with Headquarters Team in of friends in this vicinity, who wish them every success and happiness at their new staI the lead, wit~ 12 wins and 3 losses, ; f'o l Lov-eu by the 61st with 11 wins and 4 losses; tion. The 3rd Trmlsport Sauadron at this ~epot 62~ld, with 8 and. 6; 12th with 7 and 7; 63rd gained three new members by transfer from Kelly witb. 6 and 8; 6.(th with 2 and 12, and ~!iC Field on Feb. 18th, viz: Staff Sgt. Geor88 L. vnth a clean slate of defeats, 14 in number. McCollumand Sgt. Cla:rence S. Rublee from the Sickness and other unforeseen situations 62nd School Sauadron, and Pvt. Herman F. TraGer caused severe'} hard working teams to forfeit from the 6lst'School Sauadron. Pvt s. Lucas J. so~e of the final games scheduled.. IJespite Ashcroft and Lon Z. Bryson, of the 3rd '.:'ransthe~'ny obstacles encountered, the entire port Squadron, left February 19th for the Air season can be counted as a complete success. Corps Technical School, Chanute Field, Ill., the fonner to take the Eadio cou:rse and the Ranci.olph The Inter-S,.uarlron basketball tournalatter the Parachute Rigger's course. Field ~ent was aeain won this year by the 53rd Schc o.I Squadron. A post team ---000--is now being fonned to compete in the Air K E E PIN G F ! T Corps League, composed of Brooks, Kelly and . . .. -ii~;':'tI Rando Lph Fields. The winner in this league Scott The f~n?l gan:es a n the -.:..!~._').me,::ts the wi nner in the Fort Sam Houston Field post basketball intcr11:..,.. :...,.f:V\."-.. , .. --... Lea2:ue at tho end 0':: the season for the se rsqualron tournament (, -, "....;.,:,;:'1'"' "\ vice championship 0::: the San Ant.on l o area.


:~ ~~:h~d~~~~~t~~\~\~:n)BOXING following fin.q,l. st<.:.ndin.: c . .. Scott Three Scott Field enlisted men entered 7th Air Ba.s e Souada-on , vro~,~ / Field the St. Clair County Golden Gloves ,[,ourall six barnes played; ~.',:'::, 1_' namerrt , held ?ebruary 2nd, 3rd and 5th. 15th O. s, Sqdn., won 4, t!'$Q b -.;;:;:\r.i..l.~' Of the three boxers, all fighting in the Open lost 2; 9th Airship ~'P' Clas.'5, only one (Private Gene Higgerson) won a Souadr-o n, won 1, lost 5; Staff,' championship title. :Iig[orson, weighing 135 won 1, lost 5. pound.s , had one preliminary bout arvl scored a The Post team, reprc~J knccxout in the second. round. In the fillc:.1s sented by players from the teams entered in the he out-boxed his opponent. Higgerson is q-..ra1ipost tournament, won all but one of its games, f i cd to enter bho st. Louis t.o ur-namerrtwit1:l and that one by a score of 32-~1. This conother regional champions, and if he defeats test was started irrrr.ediatelv after the team all fighters in his class he will then ql~ify had driven rrDre than a hund;ed miles in a to go on to Chicago. In 1935 he won the blizzard. Ten local teems ~rere pl~yed and featherweiGht title in the Golden Gloves tOl~~here ~s a tentative schedule of ten core garee s narnerrb at t,.0Inphis, Tenn. lnclud~ng one at Jefferson Ba;:'"7acks,Mo., and. a Private Eddie Brown met a rmre exPerienced rear, home game with the Iv:itche1 Fh:ld team. and lost his bout in the first round under unThe Scott Field. :Panthers, a team composed of fortunate circumstar!ces. After being knocked -28V-7244, A.C.


r~~~1 \~

Test of Navigation EO~E1ent: '1\11e ouglas (;-33 airplane assigned to the D Equipment Branch, with a crew of seven, departed from l'Tr:.ght Field on January 16, 1937, for Br ownav i.Ll.e , 'I'exa.s , vi a New Orleans, La; , to test navigation cquiprr-ent. During the ovcrBOWLING v~ter leg of the flight (New Orleans to Brovmsville) extensive tests were made of the Middletown The Liddletown Air Depot Bowling type drift meter and experimental Air Depot League is in full swing, the games navigators' drift signals. Celestial n8vigation "NaS used being rolled on the new alleys irr throughout the flight except for short periods stalled in the basement of the AdITinistraticn during which the sun 1I1as obscured. ComparaBuilding. The Lecs"Ueis corrpo-sed of twelve tive tests were rmd e on the bubble sextant and teams, representing the v<:trious sections of the an exp er-Lrnent.a'l gyro sextant. The Type A-3 Depot and including an -.fficers' t eam and an cmnputer was used for the reduction of celesenlisted men's team. Prizes have been nrovided for .the winning team, for high individt~l score tial ob ser-vabi cns throughout, and in the latitude band 30 - 39 degrees H.O. publication for one game and for the individual members of }<?14 was also used , The aut.omrt i c pilot functhe winning terun. tioned sat i sf'acboz-iLy and was controlled directio:~lly from the w~vigator's table during SQ11ASH the entire flight. A re~ort is being prepared describing the Kelly The Kelly Fi eld sauash pb.yers, who resul t c 0bca.i.ned '': ith the var i ous items of l Field were on the recent graduation flight, equipmE'nt. enjoyed themselves, as might be expectEeturn to Wri[;ht Field was rmde on Januru'y ed, and to their hearts' content, for they ITBIl23, 1937. aged to get in severGl ITatches with the players in some of the pIeces where the:' stopped. The team was composed of Captains R.E.Eand-'.11, Double Pointer 'l'aohoroet.ez-: J.B. Anderson, Li eut.s. E.J. 'I'Lrnbe nl.ake, A.W. ~l:r:irn0erinliSE;ctioUlAe!1:Orc'.l1du:n Report outKissner and S.E. Anderson. They:irst met the lin~s results of tests conducted on a double Barksde.le team and scored a 4 to 1 victory. At po i t.achorne subrnitted by the Ko I Lsman Atlanta, the Kelly sauashmen did not fare so Instrument Company, Brooklyn, IT.Y., to deterwell, and it is now understood that they play mine corcp l i ance with the Air Corps Snecificaa very good g~B of squ~sh in the ?iedrrnnt tion. This cach~meter has errors slnaller thsn Riding Club. liaxwell Field fell before the the t.o'l exance s allowed for chronorretric tachoKelly :B'ield players (score 3-2), put t i ng the meters on all the tests applied; the double A.C:A.F.S. Sguasher~ one up on :~leir TlLtches. pointer and res111tent openness of scale make Incd derrbal.Ly , Ccrpta~nFat Par t.r i dge, erie of i for readability which is much advanced over the 1~ell pl~yers, s~ands about second :acl~ingi that of tho standard Type C-2 chronometric sguash playe~ a n the Au COI1ls, ~?nors go i ng to ! t.aohome t er ; simplicity of t.he meoharri srn should L~eut. Joel Nhllory of R9.ndolpn ~~eld. ! rreke repair and ILlintenance easier than for --- .... - ~.; i the Type C-2. tachometer. It wp.s.reccnmonded SOFT BALL I that a quant i by of ten of these ~nstr1IDlents Albrook Despite tbe postponement of many gCll11E:S" be procured for service test. Field due to pressing rr.<"inten:Ulce duties, tl:e : Softbnll Jjeague of Hbrook Field.,CE"llC\.lP~1.')tot;raFhj.c\!'Jorkin Connection with Flood I Zone, completed. its first half of a s,)lit seas- i nelie.:: on with the 74th Bornbarrlment; Squadron' on top of ' 'T11(; a.erial Pho to gr-aphd Laboratory of the o the heap. The", 1',th lost O1:.e gmne to the 7 E(.uip:r.ent Br-anch wc<sespecially active (turing during the series, end their hold on t.he top the past three we eks due to the phot.ographd c rung was never too secure because of the nerwo rk in connection Viih the F'l ood Relief ?rot sistent pressinz of the 19th Wing He2Jlou.,~ters ject. Trlis Labo.rat.o ry was used as a base for Detachment (the clark horse of the 1001))'and the all ae ri aL photogre_phic work pertaining'to the 80th Service n, surrey of the Chio Hi ver during the flood ~he Radio Cl~rks of the ~ing pr~ved to be the staee. WartirrB conditions wer2 simulated. in real surprise throughout the first half, when tha'v it was necessary to obtain pictures rethey marshalled. ten of their total Gt'rength of gardless of weather conditions. The percentage 20 men, to wi,n the first two games on the of good results W8.S extremely high. docket, bowins only to the 74th aThl 80th in the latter part of the race. In the fiTh~l standN2vigation Case: ing at the end of the first half of the sep-son, Service Test "Bnual and questionnaire for th~ the 74th Bomb, Sgdn won 4 out of 5 gaines play'I'yp e A-5 navi gat i on case were 'I'Li.s ed ; 19th "'TingHqr s, Det., 3 out of' 5; 80th i~ a carrying case for the navigator's use in Service Squadron, 3 out of 5; 29th Pursuit, :me..intp.ininghis equipmOJlt. It is 18 i.nches 2 qut of 5; 24th Pursuit, 2 out of 5; and 44th long by 17 inches wide by 3 inches deep and has Observation, 5 losses. a quick opening zipper fastener. Receptacles -29V-7244 , A.C.

down, he jumped to a kneeling position to take Mvantagc of the opportuni ty to rest whil e the referee counted, but jumped to his feet too late at the count of ten and was therefore disqUc~lified at once. Private Marvin koore, the third fighter from the 7th Air Base So~~dron, lost his first fight in the preliminaries by judges' decision.



are provided. for numerous pieces of equipment necessary in the performance of the navigator's duties.


B-4A Photographic Pri~t D~er: . ne Type 3-41 !lhotogra-phl.o .pnntdryer, wh1ch is used for the natural air drying of photographic prints in large quantities, has been fabricated and tested at the Materiel Division. This dryer is sirrUlar in design to the Type B-4, except that it is constructed entirely of metal, has large capacity air blowers, and is provided with castors. It received a severe test during the Ohio Fiver Flood Survey Project. Action has been initiated to standardize this.type dryer in place of the Type ~4 which was service-tested. Improvements rec~Jr mended as a result of service test ~f the Type B-4 were incorporated in tl:.eype B-4A dryer. T ---000--AIR CORP C; COl~I1ENDED FOR n,iPROVED ACCIDENT RATE


tinue to show n:arked improvement. "A copy of this letter is being tra.nsmi tted to the Comnanding General, GHQ Air Force, and to al.L Corps Area and Department Commnders for their information and for their publication. to \11 Air Corps ~rgenizations under their corrrnand..'" ---000--PURCHASE OF AillOGlHOS

As a result of facts developed from an 6Xh'ustive study directed by tl:.e nief of Staff, C designed to increase the safety factor in the operation of Army aircraft, the Secretary of War has directed the following letter be sont to the Chief of the Army Air Corps: "It has come to U.e attention of the War Department t~~t during the Fiscal Year 1936 the rate ("f accidents occurring in the Air- Corps has reachei the low point of .859 per thousa.~ flying hours. This compares with an average rate ~f 1.08 for tbe preceding five years e~d "DUSI'ING OFF" }:.oSQUITOES n: PAllAl{!A wi th a rate "f 5.06 dur i ng the Fiscal Year 1922. During the FiscaJ. Year 1936, a total of 500,704 Mos,-,ui Dusting has become ~me of the duties to hours were f'Lown , as compared. with a bo t.e.L ."f of the 74th Bomba:rdment Souadr-m in the Panama 65,214 hours during the Fiscal Year 1922. A.~ Canal Department, and a t~ustyKcystone is beanalysis of these figures indicates the follow- ing used to b~st adv-antage. A short time ago, ing: it 1'.aS fOUJ1d that mosquitoes in large quanti"In 1936 eight times as many hours were ties were 'breedin6 in the inaccessible parts flown by military ~ircraft as in 1922, but the of 'TictoriQ Fill, and Colonel H. C. Pillsbury, Chief Feal th Officer of the Panama Canal, rate of total accidents in 1930 v~s one-sixth the rate of 1922, 2nd it is note~ that in 1936 requestea that Albrook Field furnish an airone fatal accident occurred for appro::irr:c_tely nl,~e for dusting purposes. nusting appar-at-us v~s irrmediately installed every 12.000 hours f'Lown , as ccmoar-ed wi th one en a C1_t3 30mbar(~ment -plane, and once a vreek fatal acci1ent for every 2,000 hours in 1922, ! Captain J.'i'.S})rague and Lieut. G.C. Clark, or the 1928 rate of totf'_l 8ccVents was " ..~:;9 per cent higher than the 1935 rate . ! ,';'i r Corps, spr-ead a mixture qf paris green an~ oulverized clay throughout the breeding ."Similarly, a compar-I son wi bh ch 3 preceJin:; f1ve-year t.hat the are11. The Gustine; has been so effective that I in the future it will be necessary to conduct ~umber of hours flovm was 20 per cen~ greate~ 1n 1936 than the 8~rerage ror the five preceding dusting operations orJ.y once every ten days. years, the freouency of accidents was reduced ---000--by one-fifth, a2ain indic~ting that in 1936 t.he safety factor was coris i dez-abl i:r.proved. y IkJ'8.0Vl'1v'lEJ).,":' FIELDS IN HA.WAlI 0-: LII1'JI'n:G :~~e Secretary of War s~ates that, in his op i.naon , such an imorove:nent could have been Work in connection vri th the ir:1provemcntand accomplished only through the 10)"2..1 and dili- of the airport s at Hilo, Hawad i : ty gence of the officer~, enlisted men and Burns Field, Knuad ; end a new field on liJaui, ei~ilian.employees of the Air Corps, who by replacing the tricky field at Maal aea , is now pEl.1nstak1ncs ffort, the d i snlay of expert e well advanced, and when Completed it is antiknnwledge, anc by intelligent cooperation with cipated that week-end navigation flights to the civilian industry and other tec1:lnicalagen- the outlying islands by individuals and squadcies of the ~overnment, have so ad'~cea the rons of the 5th Composite Group, Luke Field, science of aeronautics. T. H., will be encouraged. . '~hG SecretaIJr of War tbere:ore desires to ---000--cornm~nd the entire Air Corps for this splendid shl'lw1ng end expresses the hope that succeeding \ years with improved safety appliances will con-30V-7244, A.C.

The Secretary of Wnr announced the purc:mse of 6 autogiros, complete with spare l.larts,fro:ll the Kellett Autogiro Corporation, Philadelpnia, I Pa., at a cost of $238,482.18. Each autogiro is powered with nne 225 horsepower radial engine manufactured by the Jacobs Aircraft Engine Company, Pottstown, Fa. This nur-ohaae was made following exhaustive tests by the Air Corps in conjunction with the Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry during approxI imately l~ years, using pilot models frem the I Kellett Autogiro Ccrporation and the Pitcairn I Antogiro Coryoration of lIJil10"r Grove, Pa. These ,'uto;;iros "Jill be used by the Infantry, Artille~y and Cp.V2~ry for reconneissance, observation of fire, carrying of messages aJUl cornrand missions. They have a speed of appro::.:irretely miles per hour, a minimum eni-25 durr-nc o of 2:?" hours, and in Land C2.I1 clear an cbstacle 50 feet high and stop within 150 feet of the obstaCle. ---000---









VOL. XX lnfor,ilation Division Air Corps




~ E W S


ivlarch 15! 1937

T E R NO.6. Munitions Bllildilig Washington, D.C.

The chief purpose of this publication is to distribute Lnformat i ou on aeronautics to the flyin' p er sonne I in the .ttegular Army, Reserve Corps, l~ational Guard, and others connectedQWlth aviation. ---000--WJATERIEL DIVISIO~~ACTIVITIES OF 193G of Air Corps activities were in excess of 500 . for a iVll cal endar y ear' must of EJ.1tin~erin(~. - In sp i te of c onc ent ra4':::::f:;::\}\ nec e ss t ty be br Lef rn order to t i ou en pr ocur ement and the vast amount ~:::::. maintain the interest of readof eng meer mg labor involved in connecers. As an open we introtion with procurement, f'r om the outlinduc e the !\!ateriel Division ing of predictions to the c::'lec~{:ingof which is the technical service 0f the engineerin[ resQlts, the laboratories Air Corps. have continued in their research and The end of 1936 found the Division 01't est in" with most interesting r e su.Lts. ganization Vlit::':out maj c r change ex~~p~ li.bee~~ - Operation ~f the present for the shmen t of a Bu.dge t Offlce, _strealnllne wheel and t:ue on soft ground which was introduced for tile purpose of was lmprovea: byvndening the tire contour accompl~shing.a centra,lized co~trol over at the tip of the tread. A new. series a f'unc t t on \'TlllChhad f'oriner-Ly been exof so-called" smcot.h'' contour t t r es have ecuted by several isolated uni ts. The b een uncer deve.Lopment . These have a Budget Office, under tbe direction of a smaller outside d i for a given Budget Officer, is charged v:i th t~le preload than the present standard wheel, paration of the Budget Estimate for all t.he r eby r educ tIle amount of cut-out lJateriel Division activities, control of required ,in the. wing. for r~tractin= gear. the subs ecu en t expenditure of funds, and The n ew v!i1eels In bh i s ser i es were dethe accountins to. higber aQthority for signed in 27, 39t 44 and 47-inch sizes that expenditure. for loaQings of G650, 8000, 10,500 ~1d A number of '".F.A. worker s were taken 113,;:;00 pcunds , respectively. The 60?n pr-Lnc rp al.Ly in c ous t ruc t i on and grad- I i~C~l wheel was redu~ed to a ~6-incll size ang pr oj ec t s. _~'hepersonne~. on pel;'man- iWl~h the ,s~lIIe.carry rng cap~,?l~y and footent status at the end of 1936 s t ood as Iprlnt, acn i ev i.ns, a more e1"1lclent shape follQws: 100 officers, 44 enlisted men, ,and a savin~ in assembly weicht. A 50and 1305 civilians. In the officer I inch wat ert i gh t wheel was or~ered for exgroup, memb ers of various services, such !perim3ntal test on a YOA-5 airplane. as iv.edical Corps, Signal Corp s , ~Qarter- I Propell.~~ - During 1936, efforts were master Corps and. Corps of .l!JilgLleers wori; Idirected toward the elimination of diffiin cooperation w i th Air Corps o f'r icers [cu Lt Les in ex i s t In., desig,ns rather than in certain specialized projects. lin the development of ne~ types. ~1e The bas i.c ac ties 01 the ,.;.ateriel l.2rope11er Labo r-a.t or-y conduc ted all the Division lie in tn r ee main sections [propeller t e ot s for the ~,avy and the DeEJ?-gineerin~,.l, P~'ocur~iJlen~ and l!'iel~ 8er.- iP';,l'"tiJ,ent of COJm~lerCe,as. well as for the v i c e , The .i!JnglneerJ.L1g 1S r e sp on s i b Le ,All' Corps. It 1S the p r ime source of for desi6n, development, and t e s t i.n.; of ,propeller e.1f.~ineerinE; data in th e United eouipment and for the pi-epar at i on of . ,States. eng tneer ms, data used for aval.ue.t i cn and: :;:'he controllable p i.t ch E9peller reachprocurement purposes; the Pr ccur enent :ed a st ag e of development Where it was for the execution of all circulars, con- !procul'ed for all new lllilitary airplanes tracts, 9.uJ pertaininE; legal document s , i except the :pl'L\ar~r trainer. After considand for all actual p r ccu.r e-nent accom! er ab I.e r e search , tile automatic or conplished in the Air C01PS; and the Field i 6 t an t speed propeller was suffic iently Service, for the supply and mai.n t enanc e [p er fec t ed to war-rant installation on of all eou Ipmer.t procured r'o r t11e d i s t r i-] several types of a.irplanes under current but ion of sup::? to the service. [p r ocur ement . During bhe calendar yeer of 1936, the i Under exoe r imen ta.I investigation were main emphasis of the Division was placed I the synclrrcna aa t i on of automatic propelupon the accelerated procurement program'i Lers and the apDlication of dual rotawi th the result that cout rac ts were com- I tional controlleole .propellers, or tno pleted for even more planes than wer e delpropellers inount ed an tandem on separate livered in any previous year. The deliv1concentric shafts rota.ting in opposite ery of many of these planes, contracted 'directions. The .naf,n interest 1..1 the for in 19~6, was accomplished before the Ilatter tJ~e lies in the n.eutralization year was end ed , .Airplanes delivered du.r-jo f: t or oue effect on the airplane vrhich ing the calendar year 19~6 and contractIbecomes necessary in the use of the ed for durin~ 1936 and precedins years thousand-horsepcwer engine in sinall -1V-?,.~-" .J.


.filI J.~y review


single-engine aircraft. E?cperimental ber was produced - the Army,e.,produced copper bra~ing ,in an by tion Balloon, !ipe 0... . The l'l1l.\ter:i.a.l 3 atmo~hM'e 'of hydrC?gen, anc:J.. ~ tYEe amVIas eelect'id afver~xtensive reseaI'tharrl pl.oying . single reJ,.~fbrQint.: Qowu, the te.at1~ ,an has been proved to possess a -rib ceu'"\er-'line" ~te1"e p.ia.eed..:1n production. excellent urabili ty, gas-holding, and A wet magnatlux method Qf inspection weather characteristics. A definite first ~loyed during 1936, discloses increase in the life of this balloon internal flaws not heretofore revealed over the one constructed of genuine by any known method of visual inspectiOnj rubber is expected. forcing an improvement in manufac~uring Rubber-coated Hose.- This experiment processes, in order to avoid rejections ledtothe development of au all-purbecause of the flaws made evident. ~ose synthetic rubber-coated hose whiCh The study of propeller vibration has a.a impervious to the deteriorating continued to prove of paramount importqualities of coolants7 gasoline7 or ance. Especially is this true since the other chemical solvents at all temperincreased rigidity of engine mounts for ' atures encountered in practice. higher powered engines and the use of E~g1r.~.- Power plant engineers have monocoque fuselage structures !lave rais- concentrated on increasinl$ the power ad the natural freguencies of these output of engines in serv~ce, design structures from below the flight range, of new types, improvement of fuels to in some cases, to the cruising range, permit greater power output with re'thus magnifying the slightest amount of duced fuel consuIllption,development of propeller unbalance. auto~atic controls, and an oil diluThe Yind Tum1~1 Laboratory developed, tion system for cold-weather starting. during 1936, the photographic method of The power output of the air-coolod measuring performance in landing and engine has steadily i~crGased und the take-off. It has also been engaged in introduction of the 14--cylinder, 2-rOV1 developing methods for measuring static types permi.t e higher engino rotating thrust, ground friction, and net accelspeedse erating forces of actual airplanes as Oil Dilution~stem~Invented by an well as a method for measuring torque Air Corps-enginGe~n oil dilution and thrust of an engine-propeller comsystem permi is cold-weather starting bination in actual flight of engines, '1:11 thout the use of exterNose ~1heel Landir.~ Gear.- Investig~nal heat, even ut extremely lov tempertion of a nose whee -1lT:~ of l~nding atures~ gear based upon the theory of the unMaterials.- The probability of flight soundness of the normal landing gear at high aIlitudes has introduced the system, in which the air~lane at rest problem of materials whose properties is supported by a pair or wheels locatmust not change under lower temperaed forward of the center of gravity and tures, and a vast ronount of testing in a tail wheel in the rear of the airulan~ th9 cold room under tem~eratures of has proved most interesting. Desirlng ~50c F. has been carriea on. Since to provide evidence of the adequacy of windows must withstand ~1 inwrial presthe system as applied to lar~e airplanes sure, the physical properties of glass of heavy wing loading and fa~rly high and glass sutstitutes had to be obs~eed, a survey was made of Air Corps taiued. It was found that new resina~rplanes and a trial installation on a ous materials v~_th the transparency of Douglas amphibian v~s effected. It was glass but considerably stronger offered ~iven thorough flight testin~ ~~th sata solution to this problem. ~sfactory results. In addit~on to tho N~vigation Equipment.- A Douglas 0-33 more positive landing characteristics, airplane was assi~nea-to the Instrument prevention of nose-overs in soft carth, and Navigation Un~t during 1933 for the ground loops, and increasel reliability purpose of testing the automatic pilot, ~n instrument landings, this system pro-, gyro octants, drift sights and signals, vides greatly improved stability in ! and other navigation equipment. Sever~ turns. The bimotor type of airplane I al test flights over ,Jater, two from lends itself to the nose wheel installa-l New Orleans to Brovmsville, Texas,fur~ tion quite feasibly~ and since this is i nished valuable information on the the present convent~onal arran~ement fori equipment carried. Automatic control airplanes of large size and we~ght, it i of the increasing number of instruments seems possible tnat the nose wheel may i with which the modern airplana is find favor for future construction. \' eqUipped is ono of the outstanding Di~ Lighter-than-~ir.- Two motorized balvision aims and this work has been purlocns were oraerea for fli~ht test~ for , sued in the laboratories constantly delivery in the latter par~ of 1936 and i throu~h the year. A synchronous conprocurement data were prepared for a I trol i'or IJulti-engine installations high-speed, single-engine balloon winch shoved promise. operating on bench truck equipped with a collapsible moor- I tests, a small model automatically syning mast for use with tho motorized bal-I chronized speeds much better than could loons. The only balloon in the vrorld \ be accomplished by manual control. ~nnstructed completely of synthetic rubElectrical Equipment.- Electrical de-~v- 724-8,A.0.


velopment has been characteriz~ by ex- I arm is :otated at s~eeds up to 80 rpm., ploration into the field of alternating developing a force '20 times the pull of, current for aircraft anplication, and an gravity. Laboratory members are acting experimental installatIon prepared for as experimentn.l subjects up to "8 Gt s " fiscal year 1937. Portablo-by-air light and experimental an~nals for tho higher ing equipment for landing fields .... un- forces, re.c where permanent injury may be der development. produced. The design of landing lamp 8.S sGIiibliesAr.rnam~llt .. Nonoonf'Lderrt La.L ~rmament was modified to reduce parasite~drag es~ proJ~s u~der ~nv~s~~~atlo~ ~nc~uded pec i.a.Ll.y for airplanes of over LOa l;lph. do't er-mi.nat.Lon o~ l~ml t.Lng d~m~ns~ons cru~slng speed. These lamp assembl1es for turrets ?r ~nclosed COCkPlts for are installed in the leading edge of the luse of flexicly mounted guns; a control wing and use a glasslens'conforming to mechunism for comh racks, by ~hich the '[ling's contour. bombs may be released at regular time Miscellaneous~uiyment.A shoulder intervals, thus producing a controllatype-safetybeJ;~ wa"s d.evel?ped1;"?pre:: ble spacing. O~1 the gr~iU~d of su?cessivevenr-Eead 1njury to the av~ator 1n a ~y droppe~ uombs;.rev1s~on Of, f1xed gun crash. Lns tn to ancr eaae numoer' of ful.l sIinll compact Eneumo.tic life=J?Ees.~~lets that can be fired. in a given time, er vest worn dur1ng over waterr.ugm to compensate for the Lncr eas ed ground and quickly inflatable vri t h C02 gas was I speed of the modern attack aircraft. adopfed , Previous. types of lifo-presen"I' Aircraft. Radio Further exp er'Lmerrt er vests were constructed of kapok. The ~i1n~e-:racIo-comEass to procure one n~w vest lfas. 11. lit;;ht f'abr i,c outer shyll I w?~ch wouIdprove ~ati~factory, reli'inth an a~rt~ght La t ex a.nrier cell wh.ieh laDJ.81 and not t.oo Lrrtr-Lcat.o from the can be readily inflated in emer-g ency and I nui.n t enaric e point of view was a prinis far less bulky for cockpit operations cipal project. Progress TI8.S made in VIith guns, cameras, etc. t~1e dev eLopnerrt of a sinple li~ht-Vleight Tests were oomp t ed o~ a light-weight Le ~:h!:ec:ti)l1 fin.e. for pursuit ad.rp'lane s , t~nt and sleeE.~l1g bag sua tatle for Arc'lestS of aJ:oop wound around the engine ~ic regions. I cowl gave premise. A throat miCThhOae Oxygen n1?-sks for gaseous oxygen were I was developed to replacetne-rr=T an. improved and ~estedo Due to the diffi!microphone. 1it~ this equipment which cu1-ty of obt.a.Liring liquid oxygen? t he i is strapped to the pilot's throat, the unlversal use of caseous oxygen vms fac-lhaDds are left free for other purposes ed as a neces si ty, reQuiring the design i while t.runsru tting. of new cylinders, regulators, valves and I In a year r)f accolrelated equipwent. erated procurement, and a120st constant A steam oper-at ed ~~teFna:l e!.1.Qp;izer I c onyoning of evaluation boar-ds , the for cold weather eng start'Ulg ,,,as de- t Fly~ng Ere.nch has boen a busy p Lace , signed, consisting of a small uutomatiI Complete performance testing of 8 Air cally controllod steam generat.or vreigh- I Corps a'i.rp Ianes and 7 o ommaf-ctia.L airing about 100 pounds and a steam-driven I planes offered in competitiens was acenergizero . I ooiapl i shed , Other miscellaneous tests h.erial PlJOiOf~:r:I0V.- .\. s~lf-c?l1taine~ J of ~iJ.itary and. cornmer?io.l airplanes photogral)Filc EOora'tory aut omobi.Le tralll nuube r ed 4b, b es s wlrich wer-e tho coner un1t 1as-beon developed,having one it1LUOUS project fliglrl tests for the room completely equipped for urintinf2 i .M.ircraft, Powe;: Plant, Equipment, and and one for film processing anci prinu !0~h6r enGineering brn.ncheso f~nisJ:1ing. The Unit houses its 01i!l1 v~n~:,t~:~~~Qr~~is(-l ..~d.ivities~The in: tllat~ng system, ~JO.ter s~pply, ~lectnc I cr ec.sen a(;-=tlv~"'t~ all<rmo5II~ty of GH~.l power plant, L ano. nuter1al sup- I added to 'Ghe vast amount of routine deply, together with all pho t ogr-uphi o hand.Lad cv this Section. Outsta.nd:cessories necessary to produc e complete I ing among the ycar-' s activities, howmosaics wholly within the Urri,o Much t i ever. wer-e ihe f ol proj ect s .. progress wr:-s~lade in the c~nstruet~on of: ~n~.::'~-de:pot.transport -operati?ns were pho t ogr-apht,o 111strurr.8nts of pr ec i s i on I eS'Gao.L1shed va th 'C1rIO new C-33 ad.rp.Lanes coraparable to surveying instrumeilts. The I and a transport squadr-on assigned to and Iv:uliplex t Proj ector I eu ch depot. 'I'lri s service proved most were tested out in the preparation of I valualle and has alleviated the shortaerial maps.. ,ago of spare po.rts situution. Great pr0p-ress has been made during I 'lor:: 0:1 the oons tr-uc ti on of a new de1339 upon t he r,~rrroletion of the PlJ)' pot at Sac r-ament o , Ca.Li.f'or'n.i.a , to relog~cal ltesear.~ ~~?ratory. JPg':llpmcnt I place tho Rockwell l\.ir Depot, was ini'.7QSgraduaITy ol'fa1necranCI add i t i ona.L I tiateCl,. The new depot is to be finishexperiments p er f orraed , One of the prin-! ed ac out the end of the calendar vear cipal projects was the investigation of i 1338. . centrif.ugal force en pilots~ ~he equip-i An En~ineering and Supply Conference ment consisted of a long rotating arm iwns hela in Octoher after a year's with u seat bolted to its outer end. Pow-Ilapse of this annual event. Limiting ered \lith a large electric motor, the Jthe attendance to depot and wing of-




- 3 -


ficials increased the effectiveness and ~oorman., Cadets '\iackwitz, Ca~liu and control of the gathering. About 35 ofBur~~ami Staff Sergeants Riv1ere,PollaCk, ficers from other posta convened v:rith Corpora s Fax-war, ~,.cCoYt Collins, Materiel Division officers at wright Privates Placey and Enn1s. Field.. . After ~ever8:1 weeks of rain and. snow, A~{ Aeropaui1cal lli~eum~-.SAveral 1n- the mornlng o~ the 17th d~wne~ br1ght teres ing anTw:Tus.ble ex51blts were add-and sunny. A;~e~ bJ a tall wlnd, we ed during the calendar year and from the .nad e Lal(;le:y .l! Le Ld In one hour and forty collection an ~ir Corps display.w~s pre- w1n~tes ana. f~ew on to Pope Field, arpared for the Great Lakes EXPOSltl0!1 at r~V:lnb ~t 11:::>0 ~.,"?, o~ two hours and Cleveland which was an acknowledged sue- f~ft;y "Hnutes I p;pn[ t tme for the 510 cess. The publication of the 8th editiJ1lU~1~~ to .P~pe F1eld .. The Squadron VIaS of the Bandbook of Ins tr'uc t :for Air- dlV:la.ed ant o ~hree fll~hts. . plane Des i.gner s, completely r-ewr i.t t en , .From Fort :Brags we f'Lew to Jacl:sonvvas a major nroject of the Editorial vllle, wher~ we ~taked down our ships Unit. In add.itloh to an almost continand were dr rv en Lnt o town to the uous flow of press it.ems~ there VIas pro_\,.hoosevelt Hotel. After dinner, we tool': duced t ... ,ice each months 'The Technical up a et ra.t eg Lc position b. t~1e tbird Data Digest", consisting of 43 pages of and fourth r,ows of the I\Florida 'l'heatre. II a1;straets from current aer-onaut.LcaL pub0!1 the 18t"?- we fLew to i~laxwell Field, l~cationso Furthermore, 24,000 phct othe route l;YlnE=, ver some of the wettest o s ta t s and 19,000 photo~raphic pr Irrt s w c ount ry we've ever seen,' te landed at turned out, and appr-oxdirat.e Iy 12,000 Laxw e.IL Fi~ld about 11 :30 a.m., and feet of mo't 'oicture film copied. were much :i.n:pressed by the Laycu t of . Ge~~#-c't.iv~:tie~ .. In a. busy organthe lc;nd.i~s field and buildings. J.~O ~zaT~on evems are apt to cr-owd closely ~ViO:'i,'1Ie.Jaunts, from oue end cf the upon the heels of evcnt s , h greater num-:t1~7ulG Line to the other there. bel' of evaluation boards congregated Very early on the mornint of tl'e 19th, than during any previous yoe.r. The l.mer,-\t::e Souad.roc left 11.axwell Field for iean Photogramnetry Society and the idr At lanta, where we were :to rc ed to lay Transport Association held their annual ,over for tVIOnou.r s because of bad m~etings at the. Division Air Corps of- !wea~>.e~ an ead . :,',~ f~nallJ ~ot away and fleers benefitt:mg from {,he conference. 'lal'r~veQ at, Pop e .l! :lela. at about three E~ght officers received awards of merit, ,01~lO~":>:,.la~inp 1un<:h there on c rac.cer-s f~ve for courage under danger in c cnnec- ranc llllH;:. A sho r t JallIlt to Langley tion vlith flight. Many lectures on ;"ir ii:'~eld - ~~fue1in;:', and the final leg to Oor:('s topics were delivered by M:iteriel I"Ltch al, .fleld. Darkness caugh t us enDivlsion officers and engineers before [r cu t e , and we Lauded at ~i.itchel Field representa;tive organizations, and t.hous-i lat 5:30 p.u., ~n~s of :risitors made the daily tours of Hav flown several thousand {!Liles \{r~ght Fleld. n n three days - four or five hour s a ---000--Iday - the i"or-enCe of maintenance trouble "as iDOSt comp l tment.ary to the 0-;'46A air~.AVIGATIO.l.\j SCEOOL.A:l: ~v,ITC:-iE1 IELD F Lan e, Of ~nteres~ to the statlstically r el at.Lns- to ~lllla.ed are a few flt,.ures The 9th Group J.iavigation School is [sp e ed and gas c onsumpt i on , viz: Totc9~ scheduled to resume activities on April '~1;sljance cover ed , .G118 ~iles; flying 5th, when c9. new class of four student Of l"lrne, I.... , nour s ana. 40 IDlnutes; aver ag e ficers will as s embLe dail:r. to wrestle 01 bround SP~:dl 144;,~9 m.p.h.; ave,rage i~lan rv.ercator and hi s as so ct.a.t ee . The bas c onsu.op t t on., u.:.6 lu.p.h. The Group is .1l0V/ pr ov i ded Vlt th y,v~nty gradu- Icruisin, C' r:p. m, neyer exceeded ?,009 ates of 1 ts own !\javlgat ron In::.t and sever- or app roxtmat e ly 00 percent of ava.i, ial graduat~s ~f the Langley Field and :atly pO'fer. ~'l:he_cnlisin~ altitude Rockwell Flela. Sc11001s, IvarleCi r roiu .:,OOu to 4,OuO feet. ---000--! ---000---



l\jAVIGATIO.l.~ .FLIGHTBY 97TH Sc,',UADB.O!\j \} By the ..;itchel Field Cor r e spondent



I In a letter to iViajor Gene r-a'L Frank 1, .. Bright ~d early on the mor-ni ng of Feb ..jAndrew.s/ corru:r:andi.n,gthe GHQ, ir Force, A ruary l7tJ.1, tre 97th Observatlon s,.,uadronl the. Chi ef 0.. Staff of the Army,Ge!1eral (Corps & Anny), l"itchel Field, ~~. ., left Y ~\.alln qr,:l.i;, stat.ed: lW.itche1 Field .. . Y., bound for a threev I "l'he fll{'ht of tne 96th Bomba.rdment day trip to Florida and Alabama for the ISouadron fro~ Langley Field to Panama purpose of traL1in~ in Uni t and lndividu-I and return Vias well planned. and has deal l~avigatiol1, faa.Ll.Lar i aa.t I on w i tn teri illonstra,ted that Our "Armynavie;ators are rain and airports, and maintenance of 8ir;- tl?-orou"J,ly capab Le of.navigat:lng our planes away from the home field. Seven I alrplanes over extenslve stretches of 0-46A airplanes with the following per sen- wat er, I have read your report with nel were.,taken.:.Captain A.J. Lehman; \ E,reat satisfaction.," Genera?- Crai~ exLieuts. \lrli:;,ht, C.F. Damberg , T. S. tended cong rabu.Lat i.ons to t.Cle,of'f'Lc er s and enlisted men par-t Lcrpat Lng therein. V-7248,oA.C.



al .
'{it """i



C .A. L L"

By the Bollini:;; Field


o~o t~~r~e~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~. ~~llm~~t ~~fl~d~e, :~;;~s~e~R~~t, peace ana war. ~~<2r i.d he d 118.S 'been attained is drle to the effici:;i, .... )\/}-/. zriow tb at thousands of men ency and. sple!J.did s,?irit of cconeration /.;.; ..;. '%. would some t rme comprise that shown by all the men 'Wo:dcing in. our . all rmportaut branch of the l'liess. u service - the Air CJrps. .A. I e of t.h e Bolling Field raerm And so - tIle .Air COl'PS - thus b e i n; a follows: part of the Arm", is includod (and Bre8.'.dast: Corn cakes, pork sausa.:;:es, heartily sgrces) in Bonaparte's wGllsyru.:p, fr e sh apples, f r e an milk, oatmeal. known ana. crt r cp eat ed saying - "An Al'my b read , 'butter, and coffee. marches on its stoI2ach.\1 D'i nner : CreJ-ili of tomato 80U1.l, Vip;inia Under the sup erv is i on of its mess 01'bWeed hom, s tw ee t potatoes, bread cLrc-ssficer, 1st Lieut. Ar~lOld L., ing, stewe:i t.oma.t o e s , 'buttered carrots, Air Corps, the Bolling Field consolidatf1'8Sh celery, ice. cr eam, cherry caxe , ed mess is operated with efficiency, bread, butter, coffee and milk. cleanliness im:i di aca.tch by l,.ess SergeSuppe r : Roast beef, mashed potatoes . i ant (Staff SerGeant; O.E. Johnson, and a ve~et~bl~.~favy, cole slaw, bread, je ly, competent staff, including 8ergeant t ea and n.LLK. George G. Long, Assis'c,mG t,iecs Sere:eant;. V:ith such menus and with such ten cooks; two bakers end two clerks. e qui.pped k i ucnons in which they are preThe cafeteria S;'Tster.l :'3 used, and par.ed , it ccn aaf e.Ly be wa",ered that meals ar e served for one and on e-ha'l f w e re the great Ge:ler2.1 to come back to hours, that is, br ::oakfa.s:,jfrom 6: 00 to 8.::1.1''0:1 t ocad' he would r ead i Ly amend his 7 :30, etc., in D. wall ventilated dining r ernark.c o "J;n Army marches Alm .FLIES on r oom equipped. with 34 fO'cll'-1!la~e tables. its s t ozaach;" On the walls and pos t o are hung replicas ---000--of the var Lou s Air Corps squud:!:'onand school insi1%nia, thus add'i n. a cheerful t hough not ala tan t coler to--' thesUITO"l;nd'i'he insignia of the 18th Reconna'i s sanc e ings. SJ.uac:ron~ GH:~Air Force, was approved by The latest type .of ecu rr.ner t is conv en i ent Ly insta.Ll.ed. ill tJ.l~"::i tcheu. l!,;J eo.. t lic ,val' Depar-tment nil F eb y 9, 1937, on the equipt r Lcvco f'f'ee grinders, meat al t c cr s , uri.x- anQ is now 'being painted ill8Ut. The design is a ye110w eq~ilateral ing macbines and r ef r lg er ato r s all 6.0 trianb1e, one point down, with a silver their par t towar-d minlrr.i zing in t Ime and bc~der. Superimposed on tDis triansle labor the t ask of Rreparing a weLL balis a sphere under a winged eye. Both arE anced and well coohed meal. blue. Coming from the eye are nine silThe old army of doi:::J.E,:: "K.P.ll is ver rays spreadi1l9 fanwise over the also practically eliminated through the sphere which termlnate at the bnrder. use of e.l ec t r Lc potato :GJeelers and di shHeraldry beinc what it is, the design of washing maclri.n e s , and flve howdy s i.nk s t~e insignia descri~es perfectly th~ connected to 'boilint, no t water. The food is prepared in tho ncwec t function and scope of the Souadron's act iv i t i ea. . type ranges s t eam kilns, c ocker s and broilers then placed over s tear.. heat. rLhe 13th sancc Scuadr on is stat ionea at ll;itchel Field, -L.1., ~LY. ed counters where it is k ep t hot wh i Le ---000--being served during mea.I hcr r s . 'I'he cafeteria sys t e. is most rir-act l ca L, because Air Corps duties arc; such t ha t hEC~DITS FOR ~OLLI~G FIELD certain gr oup s of i.ien mus t eat 2.1, v a ri cd hours, and thus 450 men are easily serv__ extensive ~n re,?ruit~:ng.program in tlle ed at places acc onmodat ing but ~31. 'I'h i r d Corps Aroa. a s brJ.:" .nany Little, if aEy, delay is experienced at recruits to the Air Corps, and e sp ec i a'l Ly the serv mg t ab L,s, and it takes ou Ly 8 to :Bollin,;, Field, L. C. .k.. II r ec ru i.E trainminutes fOl' a group 0f 25 to go thr-ough ~ilt J?eriod~\ of f'r om six to ei0h t weeks the line, f'r om the time they ];lick up 1 S ;::'1 ven th e new men before tney are their trays to having: tller;~ filled. . t urn ed over to var t ous duties en t he Two 3Q-gdlcll coffee ur ns c.r e USJd,2:nd I f i eLd, It is noted that the maj or Lty of the servinf:, ccunter is also equipped. il8wcoiller~_ are exc ept ional Iy well ed.u'?D:ttwo gas-operated t.or-s t cr s as v veIl as eli, and t.ner ef'or-e II,Ost apt to cope w i th ice c r eam compartmer..ts an~. wat er coolers.' t>e intricate cJ..uties. of the Air Corps. Lieut. Schroeder aay s : I1IIhe mor aLe of : ---00Q---. any. group . of men varies d i r ec t Lv with ! .6rig2.dier General Gerald C. Br an t has th.e i r satlsfaction with the food they I been relieved rr om tne conunand of the 3d eat.. Si~lce I have ,?een .tvless O.fl'iccr at l1{i~g, GJ.;IQ. .Forpe, Barksdale A~r F.iel~,La., Bolllng Flelcl, my maari concern has been ~l ann aas rgnec to tne c omicand of th e 2nd to oper at e our Ihess in such a. manner Wing, LaLgley Field, Va. ,iv.:lrc:il 19, 1937. - V-7248, A. C.




EEROIC ACTIO~ OF ~VO CIVILIA~S SAVESLIFEOE PILOT tunity to meet you. Dur rns, the investigation of the airplane ---000--accident ,ilich occurred at Bernard Airport, Youne;;stown, Ohio, on Febn1ar'i 7, LHUT. i.l\.LCOL{;, SAVESC{ILD 1937 and'~u which the pilot, 2nd ~ieut. J.C. 'Ziler Air Reserve Was injured~ it Q.eveloped that i"essrs. P. C. Boyer aJ;la. Second Lieut. .,.arion iv,alcolmz. a member R.F. Thomas, both of Youngs t own, 01110, of the 9~.l:thPur su i t Sruadron, ::;el1'rid.;e were instrurnental in rescuing the pilot. Fieldl :.,t. Clerllens ,ich., .. received the In a c o.jmun Lcat Lon f'or-oar d.ed to "the p Laud i t s of his fe i low officers f'oLl owOommand Lnz, Off icer l 1st Pursuit Group, ins his heroic plunge into the icy Selfridge ""Field, .,.~ch., i..aj or John G. wat er e of Anchc r Bay on the afternoon ',7illiams, Air Corps, stated: . of .vlarch 3rd to rescue the four and onetlJ'udgin."" f'r om be tr;stimony oi)ta~ned, i half year old da~~hter of ~l1e Co;,~~a;.ldilJg i\!r. Thomas was the first to reach the I Of'f Lce.r of the 9<:lth, Oapt ad n Leo .0.. crash. .T.o.ile :18 was at t empt i ng to reI Dawson. move the pilot, i,.r. Boyer arrived. l'i,r. The rescue by Lieut. Malcolm, made 'Thomas lifted a Wing and disengaged tl:.e ! shortly aft er 11rs. :3:en:i.'y B. Clagett, pilot sufficiently to permt t ~I,r. Beyer tel wife of the ConmandIng Officer of pull him from the burrn.n., wreck. AJtnousb! SelfridC'e Field, rushed Lnt o the Officers nei ther of these men weI":burned, the ! ClUb an~ report ed tlle misllap, was cor,1rescue was made at cous t der-ab Le risk, as i pleted vritl1 the aid of officers who f crmthe a.i rp.Lane contained. bhr ee f'ue I t.ank s , ;ed a human life-line across the ice. each ta::::il1& fire separ at c Ly , and a] SO Lieut. ,'lelcolm ran f'rom the club to eouipped ',.:ith flares wh ignited. dur:~lje la:.:e, tci::<tng off articles of h i s uniing their r eccue at t empt s. : :.:'cr:J as he ran. .A few feet from shore .l.~ei her of these .mea imew e"ach o ther ~ i0~J.e ice ~ave way beneath him and h~ was and d i.d not recc;:lllZ8 each oth sr .unt i L I ~)1u.lbeJ Lnt o the acy water. SW~illill~ng testimony was Dci:1.L ob t a i nad f'r crn ",,1'. 'che re.:;aincier c f the distance he found Thomas. i,li. Boyer Vias present V.11en ,,,I'. ! t:.e srna.I.l iSirl floating face d.ovm about 'l'homas was -bein, interviewed and re.II9.,:'_:;:-'.00 feet from the shore. I After returnL1g ed that now he :\:newwb..ose legs tlle;;" were I her to the edg,e of the ice Layer , he that he had seen. It app ear s vtha t ",I'. : handed her U'9 to the f i r sc man in t::e Boyer was so intent on helDin", to r e. line of officers which had. fanned across move the pilot that he savi- only the Leg s : tl:.e ice to assist him. Lieut ..... alcolm of the man that was helping him, bot h I was assisted from the water While the losing each other in the crowd that ! girl was rushed to the Selfridge Field gathered rrQickly. Ihos~ital. Although half Ullconscious, Some idea of the strain under wllich I she was revived at the hospi tal and. rethese men wcrz.ed may be realized from ; tur ... led to her h ome in t.h e evening. the following incident. TJ.1e office of : Oo.rmentLng on this incident, the ,.,t. the airport hangar is h ee.t ed by a coal i Cle~.iens DAILY L2ADEh stated: stove. Bein[ temporarily out of coal, I "::he. heroic action of Second Lieutenone of the attendants was our,nns old : ant iuarion c o'tm, of t~1e J4t:1 Pursuit oil, plac;:in'i it ~n a c~~l.a!l(i. throvl~:J.~. ; SCu.aclroll, Field, in savini;> t.l,e the can t.n th e fLr e. .b:tle ~:L1te:,vIew~ng i d au. n t er of his c o.mrand i.n; officer a.n l.~,r. Thomas" one of th es e cans ~isse,d. end i .Awlcho~:B~y is tYJ?ical of 't'~i.e sPi.rit. of p epped , ana. ,..I'. :Boyer started lor tie the A~r vcrps ana. the men Lnc Iud ed ~:.1. door, chec~::e~.himself .and. remarked tJ18,t its p er sonnel., Lieut .... a.LcoLrn' s feat it s?un.ied lL;:e one of t:i:.ose f Lar e s exb.rings no_t ?nly per sona.l co ng ra tu.Le.t i ons plod~ng. .. . _ fr oiu the lJa~ly Lead er , but congratulaTheir l?rorirpt ac t a on w~t'.lOut doui.t cav- tions to the entire Au Corps de-oartment ed ,the Li.f e Of t he p~lo~. II, . ". ~for trainin~ whi ch deve Lops" 1,.1 its "yo~C T!1e. COlllll1alld~ll~. i.c er 01. t ... .l! lr~t Of'f 18 men th.e dE:s~re to 5~ve serv:tce to the i.r Pur su i t Group, ~~eut. 211er IS prE;2n:!:zaf e i Lowiaen ax , all t imes regardless of pert~on, ~n a l~t~er to each of.tne~e ~Vl~ sanal dar~er. * * * YO~stOYIJ;l cd t Lzens , cowrnelldl11f- "h~ul for .. '1'0 ""rs. Henry 13. Clagett, wife of Col. thel.r ac t Lon ~n. the 8merg~i-lcy c t t ed B"8,lry B. Clagett, c omaander of Selfridge above, stat~d, :tn conclts~?n, as f9110ns Field, ';0 co~gratulations as slowin; as \1 Your act aon saved the Lt f e of Lt sut , those to the rescuer. I twas' i.:rs .. ZHer. , ... <:ii-Idly :per~1it me ~o extend. ~o . Clacett IS i,tlrnediate insiGht into impend~ou on oehc:~f of L'i eu t , Z~ler and h~s i ino tragedy and i.nstant response to the thar of f rc ers of the Flrst Eu.rsud t d er.iand for as s t s t.anc o wni ch made the Gr~~ the s er e appr ec rat ion and : r etcu.e pc ss i o.le. Wel'e it not for h er th s f'r om t.le cnt~r~ co;,unan~... ~: cool-headed ac t i on in calling aid, the ~hould :f0u ever oe an t-1e.v~c:-n~.~y 01 !incident rnicht have r esu l t ed in tragedy. th~s s t at ton, you. are heart ~ly~nv~ ted I ---o()o--to visit this station so that the officers of the cou.mand may have the oppor- 1 bV-7G49, A. C.


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HIGHLIGHTS OF THE 1AJ.~GLEY FIELD - PAJ.~Ai'l.AFLIGHT 1!y l"ajor Jasper K. 1,cDuffie, Air Corps

L.~Have you ever flown a while discussing the wes ther reports and '~M~housand wiles over water fcrec~sts, busses were caugh t at six (III' ~ a land plane and then 0 ~c l ock, and, the t en-~nile ride to the ,,{f"- ,'Y turned around and retraca Lrpor t was D~E::un. , Tn,en motor covers /;,' i ed your steps? 'I'he were pu l.l ed ?U, and ,tne motors started ~V 0" I, lni ne B-IOB Bombers of to warraup WillIe .leat:1er ]ackets and 'I /,~. the 96th Bombo.rdmen Squad- sumI~1er1l,Y,~nGsu i t s we~e ~" nn ed . ",l_~nter t o ron GHQAir Force were fly~ng clothes had been suored the ores ch~duled to take bff from c eding ni~ht us useless 1.1 the wanlt air Langley Field on the morn- between M~a,ili and Panama. For the next ~ int' of February fifth for fevi hours, however, everybody was longmiruni enroute to Albroo~ Field ~ng for the warmth nf those same discardPanalil~ Canal Zone on a routine'simed su i.t.s , ulated mission of' assistance in the I Finally, everythiU6 was set. ~1e nine defense of the Canal Zone. Soon af'_IBombers moved out in single file and " tel' Ge,lera~ ?: C. Pr~tt,. c ommand ! r o s e easily into,' the air with tJ;,eir 4!?OO '\ the Sec ond v.i~nG,GnQ ~n Force, had! po~d.s o f gasohne. As they cllmbed an , completed h i s Ln sp eo t Lon of the ! large c i rc Les up to 61000 feet I theJr pla es and personnel on the morning of I passed over Chapmo.n Fleld at elsht February ~th, however, forecasts of poor I 0 ~clock h ead ed on the course. From that flying weatl1er. for the following, morning It ame un t Ll, L'ana~~awas, reachedl the order began to pour ~n. A hasty weather con- iwas to han6.bac~.on ~ne throttle and conference was called for one 0 I clock that ! serve gascl~ne. It 11il ",ht be needed, afternoon. lv.eanwhile, the 96th Squadron; The Sc:uadron was just an hour behind Was told t o prepare for a possible take .. : th~ slower fl;yini;Auiphibiar: . the "Ducic, II off early ~;.l the afternoon. At the con- ! whLch was L:iaK:~n6 the same tiliSht as a ference it was decided to send the Sr;uad-: .saf ety plane in the event one of the ron to Si?artanbur~, S.C., at once in 'an ! ~om?~rs ... a~ forced down into tl:J.ewater. w effort to get 'b eh i.nd the bad weather. '.l.ncloenval.l.Y, every plane c ar r Led colFrom that moment until the tB2<::e-off, : la.psible rubber life rafts, drinldl1g there was a mad scramble of bO,h of'f Lc ers' v;ate~~, ca .. ed tomatoes t m corned beef ~malti and men. to pa?k their c Lo th i ng and obtain! ed hll~-;: table~s, c~oco ate bars, and mo~ey wlth whi ch to pal. t.he i r expenses ! even Jungle k i t s wlth b ol os and. mos oui.t.o Wh~le enroute. ~hese bUDgS are always i hes.d-nets. put off until the last nrinu t e. A fen i Cuba was crossed in the t~lirtv minutes people found that their sui ts were still i ~ust after nine fifteen, at which time at the tai,lor'~A 1J~t Gelleral Andrews,who I everyone to,ok a real good look a t the commands bhe Gl'1"'(, A~r Eor ce , took these i last land tney expected to see Defore articles with h im when 118 flew down to l reaching Panama. Drift and ground speed Miami the following day to wish the 96th iwere carefully checked by the navigators personnel bon voyage on their over-water I in the ~hre~ flisht lea~ersl planes while hop., . : they stlll a~~ goo~ SOlld ground to get ..About an ll01?-rafter Leav i ng Lang Ley I accurate ~eadlngs from. Then Cienfuebos Fleld.1 to wonder lf ifad.ed oehlnd. Afterw~rds the navigators 9apta~n I~P1.Xlli::ylrlV1l11ams, ~he met eor ol og-] could use. o~ly the whlte-caps of tile w mdLc a.L of'f i c er , had r-ecommended s end I sweft Car i.bbean wi th which to r eckcn them to Spar t anburg to avoid bad weather ! t h e i r drift and ground speed. But of or to test them in instrument flying i course, as good navigators, they tbok through snowstorms. The further the i plenty of shots to velify their positions Squadron went the thicker the snow beGradually the br-oken clouds forced the . came, f i.nal Ly ~ota~ly o becu r th e i planes hif,her, and at the half wal mark ground and idalon; ~t necessary to rely I the Bombers were at 8,000 feet wuen inentire~y on instrum~nts: rtow~ver, major I q~isi~~ve eyes vnlich had been ~atching !VicDuffle had tuned an hJ.s r ad i.o on I w~ut~-c,afs. and. cl.oud.s began searching Spartanburg and knew that there was good I for bhe ll.lllp"llb~an whi ch was flyin, along weather somewhere ahead. The flight below the clouds and ab0ut 500 feet above broke t hr ou.rh the snow about fifty miles I tlle water. Sure enough, their curiosity from Spartan.b~rg.directly on its course IW~S satisfied. ~.There be10w.and to the" and had left beh Lnd all of the bad ' Vias th e "Duck" Lumb er t ng al on; at weatiler for at least the next six d.ays. ~ In:i ndred and ten or fifteen miles an On February 5tn, the S0uadron nroceedhour. It was possible to watch it for ed to lIdami without incident and'" at once five minutes Or .nor e ouah the breaks prepared t~e planes for the ~ong h0p to in tbe cl?uds and, the," it ~as ~one. AfPanama .. At 4 :45 on the of the tel', ~hat ~t was t he same old thine of 6th, th~ t~lephones throughout the hotel looK~nt at the cloud~, ?r taking Qlimpses began r1ng~ng, and the fl~ght personnel of tne water, Or wonderln~ where the had started another day. Clothes were sharks were thickest ~r, as so~e of the hastily packed, breakfast was grabbed more comfor t.ab'Ly fixed mechant c s could V-7248, A. C.



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'do, lie back on their soft kanck life the native Panamanians, and the over preserver cushions and read 01' bold ad- present tourists made a noisy, pleasventure on the arid plains of the old ant crovd. Neither the officers nor West~ the enlisted men could praise enough Too much comfort cannot last, and soo the service and tre~tment given them. the clouds became solid and forced the .;~fter day of rest on Monday, the a planes higher and higher until finally Squadron lifted the heavily laden they were just above the l33000-foot planes from hlbrook Field at seven-forlevel. Here it was too cold to lie back ty on Tuesday rcor-n' , The breabuater and relax. More thought W'.lS given to at Colon was crossed arra i,napproximatethe nice warm winter flying suits which 'I ly an hour behind the ~Duckl1,which vms had been left behind at MiamL And here a Lr eady winging Hs vleary vlay back no drift readings could be taken from I across the , the water. M'Jre and more often the Heud winds were for the three navigators took sun shots and com-\greater part of the return trip, and pared notes for lack of something to do. it was appar errtthat for safety the But at abcut one fifteen tho Squacron flight should conserve all the gasoline had passed beyond the wind shift line possible, although there had been an and again was able to drop dovm to the ! ample anount left in the tanks at the 7,000-foot level where, although it vms i end of the outbound trip. Consequently no~ so cold, it vas still considerably ! the motors ~ere throttl~d back a~d the chllly. The clouds became broken. New I planes easen along at 1000 fect Just drift sights were taken and gr-ound i below the clouds. Now there were no speeds computed , ! holes in t.he clouds to look down Ac cordi.ngto the figures, the flight through, and nothing to see except waVIas nearing the coast of Panama around I ter. But what water~ Stirred u~ and three 0' clock when it was decided that i mad.dened by a 37-mile nort:l-:lOrtneast it was better to 1>0 down through the I wind, there were whi.t a-caps everywhor-e , clouds while stil~ over water rather i Visioility ~~s none too good and the than wait for the hilly terrain of Pari- I Squadr-on shoved a.Long morio t onous Iy ama to greet the p Lano s as they emer-ged I hour ufter hour '.-lith more mono t oyet through the clouds. Consequerrt y tho L nous hours in view ~ except. for the one 1198eswere pus hed over, and at 1,700 br-eak of }?assing the "Duck " which was feet the clouds were above and the waofi:ering J_tsmoral suppor-tand friendter was below. In a few minutes tho li~esGc There was nothing to do but green hills in the vicinity of historic listen to the hum of the motors and old Porto Bello could be seen off to look at the wavas. the left thrusting their round heads up Suddenly cvory one Has wide awake? not into the cloud:.;. Then almost directly only awake Lut koyed up and on thelr ahead 1\;inas Bay appeared. In just a toes. A radio call from Captain Cousf'evr ore minutes the planes had thunder- Land , piloting Number 90, started it .. m ed on across the Isthmus to'Panama City His left motor was' dead] He couldn't and were circling for a landing at Alhold his altitude with the rigIrt Botor. brook Field, 1170 r",iles f'r-ori Lliami. It It was :>ver-heating ba d.Ly , Apparently was the first maas flight of land planes he wa s goinf!i have to put his heavy to ever to attempt the cr-o a , land plane uown on the rough waves of At Albrook Field, GeneralOBrett, who the CarLbbeun at exactly the greatest commands the 19th Cormos Lt.e-.ling, and di.ct.anc from land. Gould he get away e Colonel '.leir, commanding k Field, with it? Could he make a safe landing? quickly took over the servicing of the CouLd even the "Duck." a safe landplanes for the return flight and the as- ing in such rough water? Could it pick signment of officers and men to guarup the four people in the disabled bomterse Before all of the personal tagbor? Could It get off the water with gage could be colloctod, tho depleted them? There v~ts hardly a possibility gas tanks had been filled. ..Io::-k vtc:tS of it. They wou'l.d have to drift around then called off until eiGht o'clock Sun- and test out thoir safety equipment and day morning. But hy noon on Sunday, all emergoncy rations. of the planes except one had completed :~uickly,Numbers 41 and 43 were de.. the maintenance inspections and minor tailea to stand by Nu. 90 until the adjustments on engines and accessories. "Duck arrived. They drop)ed back. At Before two o'clock thd last plane had tho surnetime, the long-range radio set peen tun~9- and Has ready f'or' he flight stnr-t to haID.':16r its mes sage to the t od out back to 11'Ilam:L. "Duck" and to land stations. These had The arrival of the flight at ~lbrook teon ~re~rranr-ed for just such an Field was coincidental wlth the festiemerg~ncy. a val week in Panama . Con3equen~ly~ In a ~inute someone called that he did there was an added a1r' of Joiu.:t.ty comnot celleve No. 41 understood the crders tined with the warm comradely 'i'lelcon:o to stand by; that he v.a s ccrring on beand hospitality of the Albrook Field hind the flight. No. 41 replied that personnel. The people 011 the fliryht, he understood, 'butthat the "Duck" wes the people of Albrook and France rields, approaching only a short distance eway

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A. C.

and could surely see No. 90, as he was 'I stream clouds, and soon Liiami loomed up headed right for it. straight ahead. Just then No. 92 called to say that N0~'I The grind was over. The Squadron was 90 had landed safely. It did not seem back safely. A mass flight of land possible. It vms not a question of irlanes had twice crossed the ~Tibbean Cousland bei:lg either avrf'u Ll.y good or oet','!cen Liami and p.nana without an aca awfully lucky. He had to be l10th.;1. cident - a.Liaos t , That \TaS the shameful repeat wa s asked for on the mes sace , part of it - that word , "a.Imo t!", An s Again No. 92 said that No. 90 hadulandedjaccident was just ahead waiting for the safely and his mechanic had soen the unwar-y in order to war an otherwise persplash as the 'Olane hit the water. There I fect flight. was nothinii the flight could do; it was; On the previous Friday, the ground up to the Duck" from there on. The I station at lIiaui had given the eight renmining planes were counted and i Squadro~ exulicit landing instructions, put back on th~ course to Cienfuegos. I i~cludin~ th~ runvmy t? use, the direc-/hat was that? Someone had called t Lon of Land the vnnd , and the ' that there was a single plane about 45 I parking area. Consequent i y, when the ' degrees behind the Squadron on the right.1Squadron asked for landing instructions He must be foolish. But sure enough) I on Tuesday and Vlas told that it would there was a plane which vms seen only !land in the same manner as on the prefaintly through the lover fringes of the:vious visit, it i~S understood that the clouds. \lho could it 'oe? Cousland was :same runway was to be used and that the in the water and the "Duck" was with landing was to be made in the same dihim. Certainly, there wer e no strangers! rection as on Friday. But t he ground flying around in the middle of the Car- !station had intended these instructions ibbean. The Squadron turned slowly to Ito apply only to parking the ~lanes in get in front of the stranger and gave the dame Ir...l.nner in the same area as and him a radio call, telling of their rel- on Friday. As a result, the planes ative position. A couple of minutes wore brought in dovm wind. more and No ..90 was calling to say that .cshe approached the r-unway, Major I'lche was rejoining the forrr.ation. You Duffie, who.~~s ~ilotin~ the leading couldn't believe ~our ears. ",las some- [pLane , reaLi.z "that an er'r r'had been ed c body crazy? -.Illy ne was lucky to have Imade. He opened his throttles suffilanded without cracking up and he could- Iciently to keep his plane in the air,at nIt have lifted that plane out of the lthe same time calling to the others water with a derrick. But take a count iplanes not to land but to stay in the of the planes. That cannot be right; lair. The second plane did not receive count them again. Still the answer was ithis message and did not see the lead nine. Oh, veIl- possibly the days of iplane continue on across the field. It miracles are not over. But when the de-\had lost so much flying spoed that the tails carne in, tho answer was simple. \pilot was afraid to open his throttles Dro~ping slowly down with ono motor for fear that he could not clear the Captaln Cousland strugglod and strugfled!wires at the far end of the runway and to get his left motor going again. :llienl would crash into the automobiles parked he had dropped to 600 feet a quantity ofiat that point. Ruther than endanger black oily "goo" bubbled from his exithese people,ho chose to complete his hauat , Then the mo t or-started vlith a I down-wi.nd Land ing , hopine; to "gr-oundroar. Do you wonder what his thoughts !loop" at the end of the runway when the were as he dropped do~m and as he sl0vly/'plane had slowed up sufficiently. But climbed back up into position? As he when he did "gr-ound loop ", the speed of reached his lowest poit;1t looked as it the plane was still too great and the though the plane v~cs. rlght on the vater.! landing geur crumnled as the vheels hit The mechanic ia No. 92 hud mistaken the Ithe soft sand. the breaking of a 'big wh i t e-ccap for the I ;~ll of the rerr.aining planes continued splash of the plane in londing. 1 across tho field, turnea around and Later ~ safely 0"1 the ~round~ Captain i landed in t.he opp oaLte direction. CouaLand was a sked hov/ hi.sleft mO-1 Tho planes were held on the ground at tor had been conpletoly out. He answer-e:Miami on './ednesday because of !'oor flyed vnth characteristic breviiy and ! ing weaiher - it v~s reported from Titruthfulness :"Just exactly four thousand! tusville that even the oirds were walkyears". I ing to their shelters i:lat day. But on That experience seemed to be enough Thursday, the Squadron vms again up and for one day, because the clouds became away, nosing its planes through the low more broken and the Squadron climbed up I flying clouds and light rains. The through them, finally reaching an alti- pIanos were forced to stay below 500 tude of 9000 feet on top. To show that feet for the first two hours and often fortune ,las again on the side of the ware forced do,Tl1 o 300 feet. However, t planes, the sirong head vnnds gradually lafter plugging along against a strong changed to tail w~nds. Cuba was sighted north wind~ the planes prevailed over in front and quickly left behind. Bis- the rain and clouds and emerged into cayns Bay WCd.S seen beyond the Gulf brighi sunshine near Jacksonville. From - (Continued on page 10).






airnlane w~ dropping bombs all a Geml811 village. ifei:!,ulations Governin~; insignia I reauired the removal of the air-plane and . the village. I APPhvVED 1... ~SlGJnA: On a b l acz disc I ana: .n.t1li'ir an orIe" of silver another i disc div ided per f ess debased gray and b l.ack , en gray portion tluee piles ar,ra~1ged to rorm the Roman numeral I:~ in , silver.


---000--The Flibht to Pan~.ia and Re1uri:1. (Cont1nued i'rom Page 9 . there Oil it was smooth sailino'. Leaving the true course at 8harleston ~ajor ~~Duffie yielded to his vanity led the Sqg.adronacrcss his home tovn of ...arion, S.-c., at two o'clock. Then t:le' p l anes were put on the last Lap for Langley F ield. 'l~e 1'1nal land~niS was illade a~ three forty-five in the afternoon, just a week after the talte-off for the tropics. The fli01t was over. 'Ine 21anes we~e put away ~o be groomed for more work. Everone was glad to have made th6 tri~. ~veryone was glad to be home a; ---000--v


. HISTORICiUJliECO&): Organized as the 9 t'h lero S::ouadron frorr! Co. liE, II ProvisiOnal AviatTbn School Squadron, May 31, BOLLIJG F11;LD OE'iICEd. GOES TO ITALY 1917, at Kelly Field, Texas. O~encd Selfridge Field July 5 1917, wlth the 8th Aero Sauadron and there assembled In comp'l Lanc e with War Depar t.nen t orthe first airplane to fly at that field. ders, Captain Jack C. HodGson, Air Corps, October 27, 1917).. to .,dneola., Lont;i I sVi ill shor t Ly be relieved as Operations. ~and. ~ovember G2~ 1917~ to Halirax via Officer at ]ollin~ Field, D.C., and will the. "Ca.r-oathia.1I 'l'rainea. by fli~hts. sail for r,ome to take up the du t of '!A." Flight to South Charleston Assistant !v.ilitary Attache for Air to $opwith Oamel s ; liB" Fli~ht to Scr::mpton, Italy... . Llncoln, with scout planes; lie" F1:l'E-ht to Captain Hodgsoi:l Wl.ll also serve 111 6p1ttlegate w l th observation planes.IID" I that capacity to Greece, mak Lnz his h er-dF1.ight t<;> Harlaxton, Granthah\!. for motor q\la~ters il~ ~1.omeand occasional officid 1nstpl.ctlon. Februa1"J 8, 191~" r easv i s I t s to atnens; Sembled and !ook over. work of G4th Win!::, A.s a E,rac.'..uate of the Anpy ! 12th Group, ~oyal F1Y1nc Corps. At the !Ccllege, Iluantry School baslc course, 1:leginnin~ of the St. 1'IJ.11=1iel offensive/.. i Air Corps J?rimary flying course and Adthe Squauron was organized for nignt 11y-1 vanced F1ylng School Pursuit course, lng and reconnaissance. First trip over 'I Captaiil Eodt:;son is Vlell qualified for the lines from Aillanty, September 14,1913. his new assIgnment. Durfng his two . September 20, 1918, moved to i\'avincourt years at Bollint:; Field, most of wbich and attached to the 1st Observation I time he was Operations Officer, he had Group till the .Armistice. After the .!r- \ 'become a fhlniliar to Government m1stlce as s I.-ned to the Third Army Air i officials as well as Army, l~avy and Service witb."-'tlle Army of Occupation ill I airmen. Germany. Inactive 1!aJ:'ch 24, 19":'3. !.c.A.hays ready and Willing to give cotive"Ap~il 1st, 1931, with Captain Leo 0feJ:'ation ~~ persor~l sugg~sti~ns ~o ,f. Post an conunand , as part of the 7th pi Lo t s ar r-rvrug at and Boll1ng Bombardment Group, Iv.arcn Field. Field, Captain Hodgson and hi~ well Transferred to Hamilton Field~Calif., known cODbeniality will be greatly missas part of the 7th Bombardment ljroup, ed, bu c he goes to his new work with the December 0, 1934. Captain Kenneth .l.... wishE's of continued success and Godspeed ~~ is at present in comuand . from his hest of friends both Within and ~.A.1fTLE HO.:JOilS:Entitled to silver outside or the military service. bands on GUldon engraved: Lorraine, ---000--St. iv.ihiel .i.,.euse-Ar.s.onne. Captain ~ihomas D. 1'1,1i te, ~ir. Corps, DE CRIPT!VE L,SIGJ.\4!: Three tapering 16 rel1evlnb as searc ro- teams form the Roman J.'fu.meral Iwhow Capta1n Ho~son Assista.nt 1 11i tary ..... Attache for to IX, as well as signifying the three enI~ome, Italy, is under orders for duty at gagements during the World War. In the the COI~S Tactical School, Maxwell Qrig1nel desie,il a war time. Bombardment Field,, in the 1937-1938 course. -101-7248, A..C.

PERFOrt. ...AJ.~CE A-17 PLiu~E O~~S~~O.,-COVEhED OF GnOUrID appeared and 'a liE;ilt sn~wfall began which continued all day and nisht and became very heavy to the accompaniment of strong winds. On t~le mor.aing of January 1, 1937, the a'i r-oor t was covered with snow, the j,linimum"' th of which was IB inches. d.eo The anew was fresh and seft ~ so that a .:.0000. automobila could proceea throu6D it in lew gea~'. 'The coverage was unifor,,\, veAn informal report on the perfori,tanC~ ~ r yd.n., less than six inches, and there of an A-17 Attac~ plane Lmder the comc~n- were no drifts. eO. cond i t i.ons of snow, high al ti tude and St r ang eLy e.iough , since the airplane low temperature was recently rendered by had been f ao sd directly into the wind, 2nd Lieut. ~ioel F. ParrishJ- Atr Oorps y of its own aerodyna.uic characteristics had, the 13th Attac::: Souadron, Barx sdal.e durinthe storm kept it, and t:le space . arounaand b,eneath it, al.ino s t e.l.ltir'el'",r Fi eId , La. The p ar fo rmanc e of this test occurred clear of snow. But this space was surthrough necessity and not t hr-ough any rounded by a barrier of snow s t two p r ear-rang ed plan, and hence there was ~o feet in depth. The wi~s were covered" preparat~on. ~he locale of this test ~s witn a thin coating of ~ce. It would described in the report, as f'o l Lons t have been cJ.i~'fi9ul t,. t houj.h necessary, Lonesome VallEY is a small, mountaanto remove th i s we wlthout dailla:;iuc;; the circled plain near the center of the finish. jj'ortunately/ the t ernoer-atur-e high plateau that is central Arizona. On r os e during the morn i n.; f'r o,n 12 de;;rees the southwest ern rim of Lonesome Valley, above zero to a f ew deg r ees above freezat an altitude of fivethausand feet ing, and the ice coatin~ illelted. Ice in above sea level, is bh e Erries t A. Love I the carluretor bowl also mel ted, as hac IImnicipal Airport of the City of t he ice on the ground, mak i n., it Dossible Prescott. It is a good airport, ccmpo sto free the wheels from the grouna. Tl-e ed of firll1, gravelly soil, and consistmechanic, after tu.rn i ng the propeller lnb principallv of zne broad runway alt h r ough by hand ceveral t Ime s , wa s able most a ,nile hl" len~ th whi ch slcp es uphill to start the engine without d i f'f'Lcu Lby. toward the i)leVail~n' wind. T:le DepartOn January 1st, low ceilin~s persisted, ment of Co,~v:1ercereports "haniFar and but it was t:lOusht possible to reach aviation fuel, day and night. \ But the ihoenix - provided the a i rp Lane could be aviation fuel has been disccntinued and i cotten off t~l.e ground - ana. thus avoid the best of three private he.nge.r s presthe possibility of more snow. IU01..1irv ent is a box-car Wit:l one side knoc~ed as to the possibilities of gett in:::: tile out. Useable f ac i Ldt i e s consist of two field c Laarad revealed the fact that the 0'000. wind-socks and one u.ninformed carealmost urrorec ed.en t ed snowfall had creta1~er. ={ov/ever, the field is definitely at ed serious problems ough out the ellshel tered from violent winds, and both tire re6ion. ",ountain roads, includi:ng rain and snow are rare. ~llioortant highways, were blocked by deep , Lieut. Parrish, accompanied by a med r'Lft s , ':CO\IllS, comnunities, ranches, chanic, Land ed at the Prescott .birport ece camps, "ere isolated, and the few on the mo rm.n.; of Lec ember 30thl Lasc . available snow plows Viere iIlakin.; de seerSince Lnf'orrna.t i on had been r ec e i v ed that ate efforts to reach them. The best"lothe field was covered with less t.han two c eL c oi.u.ent Vias to the effect that the inches of snow, no difficul ty in Land m., p r ot Len, would. n for weeks, as would or taxyini5, was exp ec ted, and. none was Host of the (;.10\/, and possibly A-I? airencountered. The t erapere.tur e was well plane r.c, 35-1<:;0. above freezinG and tJ.16 li2.h t snow showed 'l':ne pilot at first believed that he no tendency to cl in:; to tEe Wheels. would be unable even to taxi the)lane Clouds hUil about the hiher .nount a.tns , t hr ough sno .. of such clepth, but U~Oll the v but the va Levs were clear. and c ond rraecha.ri c I s insistence the experiment was tions aODeared to be improvin~ after attempted. Surprisin[ly, the plane was three days of bad weather. The pilot able not only to dr~ i tself thr ough the consul ted the local weat-her observer and stuff, 'but was able co do so at fa~r was Lnf'o rmed that the snow then nresent speed. TaxyinG u.l.)hill reauired ah\ost had been the heaviest fall in the past full throttle, but letis tnan three cruarsix years. Fair weather was predicted tel's throttle was required for downli'i Ll, for the fo Ll owt n.; day. t axy, It appeared possible l.Ldt .a Three hours after landin~: . the sky had Lon., downhill run mi)lt produce enough b ec ome overcast and the celi~ng was drop- speed to free the plane f'r oin the snow.. ping r'ap i.dLy into the valleys. Tal:e-off Before such a run was attempted it was inaavisable, so the plane was engine-l was necessary to establish the followin covered and s t ak ed down f'o r the night. {facts by i.avestigation and experiment: During the ni[ht the ~cy cleared, but at 1. The stron6 propeller blast recruired -1 V-?248, A.C.
daybr ealc clouds



for taxyi~c even at slow sneeds made it to rise slightly. During all t~ese efpossible to keep the planeis tail down forts it was necessary to keep the stiCk despite the trip~ing effects of the snow. 'back somewha.t to counter nose-heaviness, 2. The stremD1Ine pants scooperr.up so flaps were used timidly lest they some snow, but there was noit endency for blanket the flippers. :But on this at1t to cbg or bind the wheels. tempt t:tey were pumped wel1dowll. 3. Use of brakes had little effect in Afte:.: allovdn$ the engine to cool, the snow." but t.he snow itself had a treanother and s Imf Lar at t e.opt Vias made mend~usorakinF:: effect and could be v,ith some hopefulness. ,;3ut :this t ime a counted on to stop the plane eventually, strange thins happened. The airp Lane sudeven thou~h it was necessary to ease the denly failed to gain even f~st taxyin~ throttle baCk slowly and cautiously to speed. An increase in nose-heaviness avoid nosiTh~ up. was noticeable to the pilot, and the 4. Al thOUbll runway and boundaries were plane s Lowed down wi t~ embarraas Lne sudcompletely cb s cur ed , ~ take-a!f route .denness as the throttle Vias reduced. wa~ selected ana found to be iree of h1dSuspicions were confirmed when an inden obstructions or dee drifts. spection showed the wheels had been : From the top of a small knoll at the sliding throu&h the snow during a part west end of the field the plane was of the run ana. bhat the snew in the driven at full throttle for~more than streamline pants had suddenly begun to haf f the len~ th of the f~eld. . It attainact as a brake. vlith increasing diffied a speed 01 probably fIft~ rrriLes an cu'l ty, the plane was taxied to the parxhour early in its run, and that was all in~ space and staked down for the ni~~t. it could do. I t was slowed down very I:c.spection shewed that the tire sur f'acee eradually and finally run upon ~ small ! had been slightly 6co~ed in turnin~. inoll at tQ8 lower end of the f~eld to I This sudden change ~n the effec~ of avo rd c~ttin~ the throttle too rapidly I tJ:.le snow was mystifyin',: until it was. noand.nosln~ up. The tot~ IU~ was almo~t i t~ced that the teil~eratu1'e had b~ th1s a mi l,e. The plane was ~nrl(\edlately taxlei\ tlme dropped to well below freezI~lE' The back: and another effort made, wi th the : snow in tne ;ants which in a se,.li-mel ted same result. Eead temperature had risen i state, hadpre'li?usl;y ahowed the.wheels to 250 degreesl so the engine was stopped: to turn t hr'ougri 1t W1 thout appr ec Lab.l e to permit coo l i ng While the pilot devel- I fr:i.ction, had began t e freeze, exnand opea a new plan of action. I and ti~hten against the tire. Frlction Two local pilots offered Lnf ormat i on of the turnine:, tire melted for a. _~i,ne t he and assistance. One offered to t az e dOV/J.'! snow which touched it, but the mass was the fence and suggested taking off on constantly freezin@, from the outside, the nearby hi["hway, which had been clear- changing into ice) expand in.' and pressing ed. But the highway ran across uneven even more forcibly against the surface of ground and there was a slight cross-wind, the tire. s9 the ~ilot yetoed this suggesti?n out On the n~ght of January 1st, ~1 offer of cons rdar-at t on for women and ch i Ldr en at the .i.vatlOnal Guard Conenand er- to turn who were present. lout the ~ational Guard was declined. Instead, it wac decided to have three (~'l~e Conmander was a war pilot. ) automobiles p r e sen t plough up and dcwn Lur Ln-. the niFht the temperature the take-off path 111the ncpe 01 lessendropped to one deLree below zero. On the ing the snow' s. resistance. Assist~ce morning of January 2nd, the airplane's. was enthuslastlc, and a nar~ow str1p ~as : starter would not work. The airplane soon well :rutted for. some d Ls t ance , .It i y!as covered witJ:.l so heavy a frost that was impost;nble b3T ~hlS method to 'pack, t t made the r ad Lo ,~ntenna appear as large the snow an any unl f'orrn manner, ~?r tile as a small rope. 1'he mechanlc turned the snow was so de~p that one au~omoolle. propeller through several times. The stalle~. Bu~ 1t was 4ope~ tn~t the a1rmotor was craru~ed by nmld and started in p Lane rn ~r;Y, mIght roll. Les s than ten mi.nut as , m SOme 0.1. t.le lnterla9:l.l1~.: ruts and g~ln By this time the temperature had risen a little speed. The a1rp~ane was taxled to al~ost twenty de6rees and it was noped up.and down a couple of t imes , after t hac continued sunshine ~ight result in WIllCh it. rras necessary ~o stop the eua thawin-.S temperature during mid-aftergine aga~n to prevent hlGh head tempera- !~oon. An effoit was made to 9lear the. tur~s. I lCe and suow from about the tlres. ~1IS ~lnally, tt~o more attempts wer~ made !proved very diflicult, indeed. It was wh~ch wer e Slle,htly more encour ag rng , be-j necessary to chisel two inches of solid ca~se plane. an~ motor seemed .f~ster 1 de- i ice f~om the pant s -encLos ed surfaces of spa te the d i f f~cul ty S~a~lnE:: on the I the t t r es. It was 1mposslble to remove narro~ path Wh1Chwaslnv1Slble fr9ill the i~he pants wi~hout the use of a hoist or COCkp1t. I t was now getting late. an the JaCk. .L~O ho~st was available, and the afternoon~ and the snow was beCOml116 luse of a jack was kn~wn to be dangerous. somewhat OUiUPY. A small log was secur-ed I So two hours were devoted to pryino- and to a Ford V-8 and dragged up mld ~o~npunching about the inner surfaces ~f the the path, but results were super-r i c Iaf . JW. 'heels~. removing ice from -l).eneath the On another attempt, one wheel was seen pants an small chunks. Adobe mud from . -1 _. V-7248, A. C.


the Prescott field had frozen into the Each morning at Prescott the removal of solidi ty of "bricks and SOme of it could the car"buretor "bowl plus disclosed ice. not "be removed "by any means availa"ble. On the first day, th~s soon melted and Finally, the wheels were aLnost free, ran out as waterl "but on the second day and another take-off attempt was made, it failed tc melt even after the engine The snow had settled so.newha.t and lost a had "been warined up. Lacking hot water, few inches of depth, out had perhaps bethe problem of r ea.ovrng it was a serious come more finn and resistant. 'I'he first one. The drain pluf'.' hole was finally effort was d i sc ou rag Ing , since tile wheels bored clear with a screwdriver. were obviously b i nd rng already, due to The plane developed. an Ln t ernu ttent the fact that the temperature had failed miss which grew steadiiy worse after to rise above freezing. Leav rn.; Prescott. At Pho em,x t:18 lower \{ithin five minutes~ _the plane could. plugs were r euoved and most of them scarcely be taxied. again the wheels found to be oily. The mechan i.c thow;ht were partially cleared and another takethis condition miE'.ht have been aggravated off effort vias made, with the same rebv low temperatures. Even after new su.L t s, The wheels would begin to bind pl.ugs had been installed, when the plane before the ~)lane could be taxied into po- was e t ar t ed at Albuquerque after s t or eg e si tion on tn.e pathway. in an unheated hangar with t h e t emper aAt t'~.;.is time information was received t o.r e a few degrees above zero I the bottom that Fcrt:lhipple, ArTILY 'l'ubercular Hosc y.ILnder s failed to fire at hrst and pital in Prescottl ~ossessed a small threw so r~lch raw gas into the e~laust snow plow which m~E.L1t ossibly p be borpipes and under the COWling that it seemrowed. But this would reouire a day's ed a ruel line had broken. Howeverithese delay. A final effort was p.Lanned; The cylinders soon picked up and ran we l. plane was taxied into nosit ron at the On the return trip across ncrthern steepest and most favorable p cr t Lon of , i Arizomt, near zero temperatures were enthe pathway which had by this time been countered in fli,.-,ht end. it was Impos s tbl.e churned into a bllir~y, rutted, irregular to prevent the head temperetures from strip of snow, everaging a few inches fallin~ beLow GOOu.nless the altitude can less in depth than the fifteen to . ': ,trol was used. It Vias necessary to maineighteen inches which still covet-ed the : t a i n cor.s i der ab Le throttle du.r Lng any rest of the field. Automobile tracks I long descent to prevent rapid loss of were made alon. one side of this I head t emper at.ur-e and poor engine performso that the p i Lot could e at Lna t e t t s io- ! anc e , cation il1oreaccurately. The whee Ls were I rr:,le "outside temperature gauge" in the a~ain partially cleared. A faint uphill ! c ocl.p i.t somet imes read well above t empar!~nd had arisen. Flaps were pumped down at ur e s r rt ed alone; the route, par t LcuGO degrees. As the plane started. down Lar'Ly whe':l t~le sun was sllinins on the the runway tl"Je motor began mi s s t ns p l ane , slightly, but halfway down the stretch Conclusions. ~t pic:ked up and ga~ned !,-little speed. i .1. k,ndjng ~n deep---sno~ w~th an A-17 The p~lot felt a sf~ght.ouoya~cy. he i n~rnlane wcula be ve~y d~ff~cu~t, but eased f'o rward on tile at Lck sl~,ghtly, then i irl~6ht be performed wathou t no s i ng up "by "back aga.m, 'l'h e plane bump ed less forci- t sk i Ll fu'l and ple:r.tiful use of the blY but the wheels, par t.Lcu.Le.r Iy the : throttle at the ri(~ht moment with the te.i i wheel continued to drag in the snow ~stick well back "sthe wheels entered the for severa i yards. Tr:-ey chey were. free. 'sn~:WI, and by' s l ov,in; d.own gradl;lally. The TU...1 had been sl~bhtly more t.i.12n G. Snow w Ll I net se rf.ous Iy b i nd the half a mile down a grade of 3,~ or more, wheels of an A-I? airplane with pants carrying lIb gallons of gasoline. \,.11i:::'ethe t empe re tur e is above freezing, l~O. take-off would have been at t empt ed ~ut when the tei.ilJ? is below freezhad ~t not been known that the teugeraI 1n6, soft snow w~ll, by a process of ture at Pho en i.x , 80 miles away, was well I packing, meLt i n, all;d fr e ez Lng ~ain, deabove freez~n~ fo:c t.rie wheels were no i velop a paa r of s e Lf ac t uat ~n6 rc e doubt already begi:tmin,c: to freeze up I bralces in Less t han a u.Lrru t e of taxyinb again as tl1: p Larie left the. snow. i ~hich will c;o'!1.PJ f; eLy lock the wheels. The Pho en i.x a i r-o c r-t was c Lrc Led several; Such ::'.. ond i t i on vl"mlcl caus e almost cerc times to allow mel tin,. 'ln e plane bounc- I tain disaster if i3 sub se ouen t landing eo.. a couple of. times before landing to w er e .at t,empted. w ithout tha~ing. make sure mel t had occurred. J;i few ! 3. Brak e s are not ef f ec t Lva on a slickhandfuls of,snow were found in the pants I tired air~~ne in soft snow. mel tlng r ap Ld.Ly, '1:here wer e also severai 'L The 17 will start wi th surprisin~ handfuls of snow inside the tail and I ease and will perform commendably well In rudder. I very chilly w eath er-, Had no wam1er,. t empera tur-e bee~ avail5. An ice coa t can ~e c cmpLa t al.y and 1:l>.ble,perhaps tHe best a.l t arria t Lve would safe~y r en.oved from an anplane only by have been to land under pO'Ner an more thaw~ng. snow and h?pe. that the wlleels would Skid. 6. AIl A~17 will t~ce off at 5 000 feet The same d~fflculty might a l ao occur f'rom through half a mile of churned ~now more an accumulatlon of mud freez~ng ~nfl~ght. ~than a foot in depth - provided everything -10V-7248, A. C.


else is just right. Hovrever, the process of getti1~ everything else just right, while in no way damaginG the airplane, is a considerable strain on the crew. ---000--NEW Sl'UDSNT S FOF AIR CORP T:sc;.tllHCAL S SCHOOL Under Special Orders of the V'iarDepr.r trrenb , recently issued, the following-narred Air Corps officers have been assigned to duty as students at the Air Corps Technical School, Chanute Field, Ranboul, Ill., to pursue various courses of instruction, viz: Airplane 113intenance Endneeri~ 1st Lieut. Cha..rlEs 3. Dou,',her,-l:Jrtchei Field,l.TY 1st Lieuts. David R. Gibb~, Thetus C. Odilin, 2d Lieut. Russell L. ~'relclron, Lanr-Ley Field, Ve. 1st Lieut. Louis A. Guent~cr, Brooks Field,Tex. 1st Lieut. Frenk G. Jarnison, Selfridge Field. 2nd Lieut. La~rence S. Fulwider, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Ls t Lieut. Ri chard 1.". lilOntgOII'.ery, hanute Field. C 2nd Lieuts. Byron E. Brugge nndJack E. ~luck, Hamilton Field, Cc:,1if. Conmmi.ce.t i.ons Ls t Lieut. Carl }':DaElberb, Eitcllel Field, N. Y. 1st Lieut. Edward J. Hale, W~~vell Field, Ala. 1st Lieut. Willi2Jm F. 1~rGan, I~~dolph Field, Texas. Ls t Lieut. Sa.nie'I A. Mundell, Panaira Canal Dept. 1st Lieut. Travis II. Hebher-rngbon, Chanute Field, Ill. 2nd Li eubs. Jo.s-per N. Bell, George B. Dany, Douglas W. Snuth, John ~. White, Uaxch Field, Calif. Arnarrenb Ls b Lieut. Melie J. Coutlee and :Jnd Lieut. Charles H. Leitner, Jr., Barksdale Field,La. Lsb Lieut. Jarred if. Crabb and 2nd Lieut. Eugeue.:Brecht, Jr., Selfridcie rield., ::lc11. 1st Lieut. John C. Forton, ~~dol~h Field, Tex. Lsf Lieut. Stanley Ii, Stewart, Brooks Fielc,'?ex. 2nd Lieut. Thomas F.Langben,Mitchel Field, N.Y. 1st Lieut. Williru::l L. Tra"\ris, Liter.el Field. 2nd Li eub s. "filliarn l.i, Gross and Joseph C. 1v!lOore, M:-u-ch Field, Calif. Pho .c,o ,:;ra~b.ic Ls b Lieut. Jerald 1J!. '1V;cwy~elly Field, Tex..'1s 1st Lieut. ~onald L. Hardy, Verch Field,Calif. 2nd Lieut. Hilmer C. Nelson, W~tcbel Field,N.Y.

PURCEASE F AIS.CRA...1i'T ElJGD::SS O The Secretary of War,. Hen. Harry H."Joodring, announced on ;..arch 6th the purchase from the' "Jr'iGht Aeronautical Corporation, Patterson, ;}"T., of 141 Model :a-1820-49 geared cyclone engines. ~he totp~ amount of the contract is si. 099,7,,9.50. Of these engines, 109 are bcini~ provided for installation in a similar number of 0-47A Corps and Army Observation ad rp l ane s being constructed by the North An1erican Aviation, Inc., Inglewood., Celi., the announcerrerrb for contract of which.was made on November 19, 1936. The renaining 32 engines sxe provided as spares. The engines being purchased are of the sincle row r adi al. type, developing 1000 horsepewer fer take-off and 8COh.p. at 4,000 feet and 2,100 r-, P: ill. Prior to award ing this contract, this eIlc.-;ine vres subjected to the rigid ty~e test made by the Air Corps ;t;,teriel Division, Wri;;ht Field, Deyton, Ohio, and proved to be highly efficient and. reliable. ---000--liS':' COlllv,,'JmER FCF:SSCOND ':OiiI3ID;.D--::NT GROUP .. R


A new hillld is at tho controls of the Second '30mbard'nen-l: roup, Lengley Field, Va., in the G "Derson of Lieut. Colonel liobert Olds, who he>"s ~ucceede~ in this position Lieut. Colonel Charlos :So OldfieJ.d, now r n Leave and soon sluted to a.s surne ccmrand of all Air Corps acti vi ti es 2.t Fort Lewis, We.sll. Colonel Oldfield, a native end for:ner civilian resident of Norfolk, Va., served in the ArrrrJ in rmny capacities before he a.s suroed comrrand of the Second Bornbar dmerrt Group a few years 0.30. During the operation of the Air l,hil by the Air Corps in 1934, he was on the staff r-f Brigadier General Henry 'f. Arnold, then crrrmxulder of the Western Zone. Before ng into the Air Corps in 1820, he served in the Lnfrint.r y f'c r c:ight years, passing from }Jri vat.e to the te:-:pOT'3.ry grede of Major ill th:tt period. ~olonel Olds' assisrnnent prier to assu.nin3 commnd c f t ho Secc nd ~30mbardmentGroun was th~t of Assistant Inspector, GHQ Air F~rce, I L2:rl,;ley F'i.cLd, A nat i ve end forn:er resident in the Air ReOfficers assi.::ned for duty as students in the i of '.oodside, Iv.d., be enlisted He was Airplane lkinte~18nce Engineel'ing cour s e ere un- I serve three rroribhs before hostilities. c orrmi s i.oricd a Lst Lieut., s Aviation Section, del' orders to r-eoo r t to the Corrrmndarrb of the Sigr:'_l a.R.C., Jli:1.e::5, 1917, and p rorrot.ed to Air Corps Technical School not Lo.t er than Aug Cao t a.i.n, SCpte:nbel' 3, 1918. Appointed a Ls b August 1:), 1937, with the excent.Lon of Li eub, Lieut., Air CCTl)S,fl:,;-uLtr ittmy, July 1, 1920, Montgomery, who is to report A~?:ust 30, 1937; and p ro-robed to Cc.p~cin the same date, and to Communications course, date of rc~orting for Majer, August 1, 19.35. !1e was pr om ... obed to tho duty, Septe~ber 19, 1937, with exception of tecaporary r ank cf Lieut. Colonel, AJilgust 27, Ld eub s , ;,iu.'ldell and Eetherington, vzho are to 1936. He [':rtduated from tnc Air Corps Tactical report October 4, 1937; Arrrnrnent course, S~~ool in 1928, and frQu tne CO~Ir~~d. and Generof reporting for duby, Fovenibez- 15, 1837, with al Staff School, Fort Leaven'vorth, Kansas, in the exception of Lieut. Tra~is, wh~ is to re1935. port December 1, lS37; Photogrnphic course, Colonel Oldfield craLuatcd from the Tactical date of reporting for duty, August 23, 1937. School in 1931, and. from bhe Corrrrandand Gener---000--Lieut. Colonel Ralph Royce, who has commndal St<?ff School in 1933, and corr:pleted his flyI in~ training in 1921ed the 1st Pursuit Group. Selfridge Field, Both Colonels Oldfield and Olds are on the Iv.ach., for a nu~ber of years, is under orders to ,roceed to the Philippines for duty. I General Staff Corps eligible list. -14V-7248 , A.C.

Wa~., ~rrived at . FAST TRA,VELlNG FOB.CHIEF OF GHQ. AIR FORCEtured' ~n Seattle) Langley.Field, wnere ~t w1II be used by It has ~er~ng everyone of the three wtngs ' the Second Bombardment Group. four motors and is one of the largest of the General Headouarters Air Force in combat planes ever made for the AriD.y.' lessthan'18 hour s ": elapsed time~ ~;ajor Other passengers in General Andrews' General Frank L 'Andrews, of plane on the eastward fli,)lt were ".ajor that organizationl flew his Douglas Clements .,.clvLUllenand the usual crew of transport "fl~sh1p" from lv(orch Field, enlisted wen. Riverside, Callf.~ to Langley Field,Va., ---000--headquarters cf tae Air Force in 14 hours and 39 minutes actual flying time. General Andrews -landed at Langley Field I AIR CORPSRESERVE Ul~IT AT BOLLItl'GFIELD at 2:34 o'clock on the morrn.n., ofFebru-1 ary 26th. '\ Captain H.k. Baxter Air Corps, the Departing from i,.arch Field, . the headPost Inspector of Bolhn<? Fieldl is also quarters of the lst\'iing at nine o t c Lodc the Unit Instructor for th e offlcers of E. S. T. i on the morning of February 25t:1, I the Air Corps Reserve in the Washington Genera Andrews arrived at Bi~gs Field, District. , Fort Bliss El Paso, Texas all 12:45 ilith the approach of more favorable p.m., E.S.T., and lunched there. 13eflying weather, Caotain Baxter contem~ tWeen 2:00 and 5:00 p.m.~ E.S.T., that plates an effort on the part of tuenty day '.he flew between El.l:"aso and the odd officers to eoual in practice byacheac1quarters of the Third iiing, GHQ. Air tual pilotage and "observab t on the valu-, ,force a.t Barlt sda.Le Field? Shreveport ,La. able 'theoretical instruction they have : Stii Ifollowin& the southern route, received curin~ the months of cold and General Andrews a.eparted from Barksdale incle:nent weatner. Field at 6:15p.m., E. S. T., arriving at During the past few weeks, many appliL,awson .Field, Fort Bsnning, Columbus." cations for comsu sef.on have been receivGa., at 9 :30 p. m, l E. S.T. Leaving tne ed , and Captain. Baxter has been conduc thome of the Infantry School at 10 :45 ing w:citten and flying examinations as p. m, ~ E. S. T., he arrived at Langley often. as the tasks of his other duties F;iela. at 2:34 a.h1. as above stated. will permit. Colonel Hu~h J. Rnerr, Chief of Staff The Air Co~s Reserve regular monthly of the G~Q.Air Forcel pointed out aftermeetings and lnstructicn courses are wards in a statement to the press, that conducted on the first Tuesday of each the. f115h t demons tra ted how .Quickly the llion~h. in the. pr,?j ect ion room of the . Commandpost of the GHQ, An .l! orce can be II.Unl t acns BUlldln~, locat ed at Oons t r tushifted from coast to coaot in casa of' tion and 18th Street, and at least one an attack on the continental United guest speaker is always present. As the States. uiost of the airplanes wi tl1 speaker is generally an officer or civilwllich the GHQ. ir Force will be equipped. ian directly A connected with or otherwise by the close of 1937 have cn-tising interested in aviation, the talks are al$peeds enablin~ them to duplicate this ways int~res~in~ an~ en~ertaining. f'at, Colonel Knerr stated. A cordlal lnvltatlon 15 extended to AccompanyinE General Andrews on this Reserve officers of all branches and flight was 13rigadiez: G,ener,":tlDelos C. ~ro~ al~ districts who may be soj~rning Emmons), Cc;>mmandor tne .l! ~r~t Wing o~ O! a n waslunE=. ton to attend these mee t tngs, the GHIo{. Force, J.II.arch Alr Flet.d.. He pard ---000---' his first visit to Lan6le~ Field since hh return. from the Eawat f an Islands in 'I'URtGSH OFFICIALS VISIT BOLLlJ.'m FIELD June, 1936. He commanded tohe 18th Composite Win,::at Schofield Barracks, T.R. lliajor ~amuel C. Eaton, Jr., and Capta~n An eleven-un salute was tendered him at Ja~~~. Hodg,son. r~cen~l( escorted several 11:00 o'cloCk, Februa~7 26th. offlclals 01 the ~urzlsn }overl1illent on a The purpose of General Enmons' visit tour of Holling Field. ~1e visitors had to Langley Field was to discuss Air an opportunity of viewing many different Force matters and to observe Langley types of Army and civilian airplanes, due Field trainin~ ~ethods. On the morning to a large number of visiting planes to of February 20th, General Andrews held a the field and to the Department of Comlong conference with General EiTlIDons; merce hangar on that particular day, and General Pratt, COinmander of the Second they expressed their a~~iration of the ef~ Wing at Langley Field; Colonel Walter R. ficiency with which BoUine; Field is Weaver, comnander of the Langley Field I operated. Air Basel and hig11 rartking members of i ---000--the GH~ Air Force staff. I S~ecial Orders of the War Department rerIhile at l'ilarch Field, General Andrews c en't Ly issued relieve Colonel Frederick observed the performance of the Boeing I L. Martin, Air Corps l~ateriel B-1? Bombardment plane, which was tempo- Divisionl ~right Fiei d, Dayton Ohio: and rarily used by the 19th Bombardment assign hlm to statton at Barksdale Fleld, Group at the Pacific Coast station for a Shreveport ,La., for duty with the Third few days. The plane, which is manuf'aclang, GHQ. Air Force. V-7248, A.C. -15II I

BIOGRAPHIES the" 5th 'C6nlPosite.Clr01.1p, J1;Lly l6,1'92Z;' ". to Octoperc~l, 19~~"w~en 11l~ess~torc~ Lieut. Colonel Hume Peabody, now on ." him to :retUrii t9 the United StateJl. . " duty as Executive and Operations Offi~er Atte.ra. number oimonthe at the 'Let:ter~' of the 18th Composite Wlng, Fort Shafter, man Genc;ral iIospitaJ., he was a.ssig:aed, T.R., was born J.~ovember 4a 18J3, at Z January Gci, 19G3, as Assistant Air Shinglehouse, Pa, Graduatlng frow the ufi lcer of the 9th Corps Area. at San U. S. 1V1ilitary Academy, West Point" J. Y., .l!'railcieco, Calif., and as COi.ananding June 12 19L, he was commissionea a. Officer o.f ~1e 33rd Air Intelligence Second Lieutenant and assigned to the 3d Sectioll of thatCcr.Ps Area. Cavalry. lie served with his regiment in' On !nay 4,. 19G3, Colonel Peabody was the Brownsvil1e1 Texas, District, frOm assigned to duty as Professor of MiliSeptember 12, 1:-Jl'5, to J.Vlarch 5 19172. 1 tar~ Science ani Tactics Universit;}r of .. l and participated in skirmish with bana.its Cal~fornia, Berkeley, Ca if., and he at .Tahua.ehal and at Villa Vel'de Banches, continued on this ,duty until the summer lAexico, June 17-18, 1916. He was st aof 1928, when he was tra,nsferred to tioned with 11is rtgiment at Fort &4n LDnp'ley Fie1dt Va., for duty as a stu- . Houston, Texas, to Au,".'Ust 8 191'7. Ee dent at the An Corps Tactical School. 2 was promoted to 1st Lieut. t ~rd Cava.lry, Followir..g his graduation fro"l this . July 1, 1916, and to Capta~i.1of Cavalry, acnoc L in June, 192,9,'he continued his July 3 1917. status as a ~tudent officer at the Detahed to. the ~viati0I?- Sec t i.on , Sig- Command and General Staff School, Fort nal COrpSl.C<;'.1.onel Pe~boly Vias ~s8~gi:led Lcavenwortl:.,Kansas, and upon completto the Av~at~on Schoc~ at San D~egot ! ing a t~o-yar course thereat, was asCalif., wllere he was .,n duty as an an! signed tc i\la.x:wellField, Ala., for duty .structor in ~erodYl1t;mlic6,~.t. the ssme I as assista.llt Co.omandan c f the Air Corps t time underbolng fly~nc tra~n~n~: I Tactical Scbool. T~wards the latter Transferred to Ellinston F~e1Q,Houston,\part of his tour at k~ell Field, he Texas, he was on duty as Ass~stMt ~o. i served as a member of the Corps the Officer in qhar e ::IfFly~ng Tre,lnlng : Board, until July 24, 1934, when he was 8 'from .February l~, L18, to March 2~t19l8'i ass1.e;ned to duty ?-s stude~t at ,the Arr!1~r when he was 'assl~ned to ~?-uty a~. Oft acer War Co1~e;se, .iaslllngt~n, ~. C.. LJp~nh~f; ~n Charge of.E'lYJ..n{S ,l!;oerts .H ~eld, at graduatJ,.on from this anst t tu t i.on 1:.1 Lonoke, Ark. . :June~ 1935, he was trrolsferred to the From lviay13 to to September 7? 1918, Hawalian Department . . ./ Colonel Peabody wa.s a. student at the ---000---" School for Aeronautical Engineering, I ~assachusetts Illstitute of Technology, I LIEUT. COLO~EL DWI~ LYON E B. Cambridge, lV.ass., following which he was Ordered to duty overseas. He was on ILi~Qt. Colonel Edwin B. Lyon, now staduty in France with the A.E.F. as tech- I tioned at Randolpll Field, Texas, anQ nical reQresentative of Generai Staff IAssistant COillil1~lldant the Air Corps of kission from J.,oveillber1 to 20,1918, and\priinary Flyint; Sch001, was born atLas then returned to the United S~ates and Cruces, .l~ew J.iilexic('\, ecember 8, 1892. D was assigned to i,.archF~eld, .KiVerSlde, I Unon graduating from the U.S. idlitary Calif. where frcm December 16, 1918, to 'Academy, June 1~, 1915, he was comrnisJune 29, 192'?, he pcr fo r.nod various I s i oncd a Second Lieutenant and assigned d.uties such as Officer in;e of ' t o th e 7th Cava.l.xy From September 14 . Department to September 3~, 1919; Ito December 25, 1915, he served with the Instructor Garrison 3chvcll Janua.ry 1. ;9th Cavalry at Douglas, Arizona awaiti to i.iarchi 1, 1919 iOfficel' an Charge of i iDS the arrival of th e 7th Cava ry from Forest .Fire Pa'l , &ia;}r 19l3~ to 6, i the Philippines, and thereafter with his c1uly J 1919; Bunuaary Court Off~ceri I rerimeu..t on duty to lv.arch, 1916, Recruihn,:; Officer; Executive Officer, land lIi'.ih the Punitive Expedition into July 18 to ./l.'%,ust15 .1919 i Lns t ruc t or , !lv,exico to Decem'ber 21, 1916. "E.uca.tional_and Vccahonal Tra~rung, I Detailed to t:le Avia.tion Secti~n, Sib~ Septemher 1;:, to J.~overober 0, 1919; . 3 \ na.l, Corps, Colonel Lyon completed. the Officer in Charge of Gl'ound Ins~rtl:ctl:n, ! course of Lns t ruo t i on at the Aviation Oct~ber 1, 1919~ to ~~uat 3]1 19GO;, iSc~oc1, Ju+Y,G7, 191?, when ~e was rated C~mmandantof tne FlY~rJ.gCadet Detach\a ouc i.or j,'l:..l~taq" AV~3.tor. He conhnued ment, December 13). 1919) to SeJ?'~eiDber 30'1on duty at San Dlegu until June 15,1918,' 1520; Officer ill Oharge of Tra~l1ini:;, Iin the capee i.t y of Supply Officer. DurJune 1, 1920, t o June 30, 19G1~COi.llIl:la?-d-: !J;l:t'il and 1vla~', 1918, he served as ins in.!" Officer /,f the post, June <::6,1921, IPresid.ent of a Board for the establishtooJune 29.) 19G2; and COilInanding fficer 'rnent of coast def enee sites on the O of the 19tn Pursuit Squadron, October IPacific Coast. 10 1921, to June 29, 194G. I Transferred to Ellington Field, HouStOL ~ransferred to the Hawaiian Department,1Texc:.s, where he c.omp eEed a course of in.". l Colonel .Pea.boclycommanded. 'Jke 'Field and struction 1 in Bombardment aviation, on -16V-7248, A.C. LIJlIJT. COLO~-EL,moos,p~;;t



Septemher 1, 1918, he then took the a ~ood oJ;>portunity to demonstrate their course in aerial E;unnery at Carlstrom ab1lity an '.Blinp. lnyiu2,. ,n Field, Arcadia, Fla., proc~edinE, on J.~ovThe above item was written on Feoruembe'r 4, 191B, to Garden C1ty, L.1._, . ary 191:,11. / ~ew York for duty with overseas.1:Iandley. .~--o06--Page B~mbi~g Group. Upon tl~e sianiug. of the Armistlce,he was transf erre~ to the ' AiiARDOjjSOLDIEB.'S ".EDAL , 1st Provisional Wir:.g and assiglled to COW-I mand Group "Dtl at Henry J .. DammF ie1d. I" Off iCial.J?-otif~c:~t1.,' on was. received. by UEon the abandonment of "h i s latter the Cc.Lul1a:ld1.l1E; acer of An Corps' ali ' held, he .performed various duties ~t Troo:f?s, . .E'ort Sil,l, Okla., that the ldtchel F1eld, ~\.Y" the last of 1"!hlCh So.l di er ' s lVd~dal!l8,S been awarded to being Officer in Charge of Flying. ~ajor Frederick D. Lynch, Air Corpsl and Relieved f'r om du.ty with the Air SerStaff Ser-.;eant Jcseph .i!'. lv.urray, 1st viCe and assi~n8d to the U.S. Military Balloon Squadron, Air Corps, for bravery Aca.demy "est Point, !~.Y., Colonel Lvon in connec t i on with the crash and dereturned. to the Air Corps August G6,1921'I,struction b,y,fire Of, a free oallo,on near and was placed on duty as Air Officer of Fort Sill on July 10, 1936. The pr eaenthe 1st Area. In Octobe r , 1923, tation wiE be' made through the Oommandhe began tne one-year course of lnstruc.,. ! ing Gsneralofthe 8th Corps Area. . . t ion at the ~ir Service_1'ac ti?al School ! I t will be recalled that iviajorLync~l a~ L, ngley F~eld, Va. Ufon h~s gradua.,. a landSereeant ~urray were~selected for ~, t i on he r emat ned at Langl ey Fleld as an I the Cheney Award for 1930. . y' Instructor at the Tactical School until i' ---000--. June, 1926, ~hen he 'was assigned as student to Rursue the one-year course of ACTIVITIES OF 18TH RECO,d.l.'iAISSA~~C3 SQ,DJ.~. instructlon at the Coranand and G.enera.l I, ',_ " ...... Staff Sellool, Fcrt Leavenworth, I The 18th hecannalSSance Squadron, Gh~ After a tv!o-year tour of duty in .Air Force,. Mitchel }J'ield, !~.Y., has Washington, D. C., in' the Schools Sect ion, qua.Lf f i ed all j. ts flying personnel (in-, Trai,ningand operatio,ns Division, Offi,ce cluding the enlisted PhotoE;,raPher~, atof the Chief of the Air. Corps, Colonel. tacl1ed from the 8th Photo Section) as Lyon was transferred 'to the panama Canal I expert aer~al g1Ll1ners. In order to inDepartment for . statio~l at France .ll'ield, I s~lI'e that {,unners. mA.inta~n their J?rofiwhere for a b r i af per-Iod he served as c i ency, each one 1.S r e qu'i r-ed to t1re at Commandinb Officer of the pest, the 6th least once each month. Composite Grou-p and the Panama Depot; lv.uch interest has been shown by the for about 18 months as Commanding OffiSouadron in the Skeet :ttange recently cer of the 25th Bombardment Sauadron,and constructed on the south side of the flyfor the remaining period of his foreign ,in6 field by 1st Lieut. J.~. Jones, the serviceGour as Executive Officer end I s cuadron, Service Sec t ion Commander. The Adjutant of France Field and the 6th Com-i t n t eresu is higher than the scores to posite Group. Idate, but it is expected that the gunReturning to Viashine:ton for dut v as a [ric r s by diligent practice will acquire. student at the Arm~ War Colle~e, he gradu-t~e knaCK of knocking off all the 'birds ated therefrom on vu1y 11, 19~2; was a :even from station 8. member of the \/ar Depar-tment General I' This Scua.dron has made considerable Staff, G-4, ~iashingtollJ !'or th~ next four progress,sinc~ its orgamaat Lon, Septemyears and, s i nc e August 0, 1930, .ia s b een] bel' 11 1936, rn the organf.aa t t.on and stationed at Randolph Field, Texas. i of' the various sections and OoLons.l Lyon Vias promot~d to Lst Lieut.lcrews, and after !'v,arC;:hst will concen1 of Cavalry on July L, 19101 and to Capt.,. trate on Dead;and Celestial June 28, 1917; to !\.aJor, A1.r Service,! .l.,avigationfor those cf f Lcer s of the ~uly l~ 192Q; ~nd to Lieut. C?lo~elJJune icom~at 9rews who are not graduates of a <::9, 19;56. J..urlnb th~ war he ,lelat,1e. jnaV1gat+on schoo L, Five 9fficers of the temporary ranl~ ?f Iv,aJo;r. ,1ft Oct?ber,. Scuadron ar,e graauate nangators .. 1919 ~e 1?ar~1.?1.pated 1.;; ~.lle Tra!1sc?ntln-1 ~~o~leof tne Squadr-ons 0,:;, the held are ent ai Rellabll1. t;y Test ..!! ll~ht.He 1.S 1 1 o01:: 1n/, f'orwar'd 100 the con-templated in:Listed as a Dist1.nguished trraduat e of the c~'ease of per-sonae], af t er lvlarch Lst . l IW1th g reat e.r an t fc rpat Lon than the 18th. Command and General Staff School. ---000--i 'I'he .l.~eWSetter Correspondent states L From the Conunand rns Officer of Air that IIWhe!1 this increase in per sonnet Corps Troous, Fort Sill, Okl~~oma, comes lis consummated, ~t is hoped that ~le word that TIThe flood area. has no~hiI.; en I sho~wo~'n expre.ss1.on I ~hort~e of personus. _F?r the past week th1.s. po'r t i on of. nel. w1ll be en~ased 1.11 _c?nGr~tG and the Um.t ed States has been mundat ed vl1.thlbur1.ed to a d epth from wntch t t may not a true Old Sttle Oklahoma Rain (DU.8t Ibe exhumed by t h e hand of man or machine." Storm) which nas made flying almost im---000--possible, anel, ~or those who ~iJ attempt The .i.'iew.s etter L would appreciate materto enter the 1116her stratum 1t gave them / from ~arch and ~~xwell Fields. -17V-7248, A. C.










HE Headouar-t ers S~dron., 9thljomthea.1rpl~,in wh,lch :th~y we're makiI1& abardment Group" JI1:ltchel iield,.llI. Y., train~f}l~ht refused to fUl:1ct(ix>'n~ havi~ been order-ed to take part Lieut., while prepar1%, to, .... in the Cold Weather Equipment Test, land at 'layne County Airport, discov.ered,. took off, heavily laden \Vith win.ter that the wheels Ylould not come down. He clothing and flyl~ equipment, 101' turned back to Selfridge j'ield and not! ... Selfridge Field~ ~lch., where fied the Control Tower of his predica-. Colonel \lalter H. Fr~k, 901.:unandirg men~. Upon receiving adv~c~ ~rom 9~ptain the Test Group~ .together wlth h1S Staff, IrVlne, of the !v.aterie~ DJ.V1S10n., .uJ.eut. had already set up temporary headouarLaubach put the plane lnto a series of ~erB. . short, abrupt dives. These maneuvers Ground personnel and baggage were trans-brou~t the wheels into position, but :ported to Selfridge Field-oy the Provithe!( refused to lock. He had the choice eional Transport Squ{;.(lron., While the com- of . bailingout\l with his crew or of at~ bat crews, led by Joseph C. A. temptin, a landing and a possible crash .. enniston, proceeded there in B-10' s. Tne He chose the latter. l~ith the entire ~ovement was cOu~leted on February 3 line personnel of Selfridge Field locl~ing +937 and the Souadr on, settled down to Ion, he made his appr oach for the concrete the business of 'testing various types of runway. In order- to prevent disaster, it winter equipment. Considering the com- Iwas necessary to make a perfect three' ~arativery mild temperatures encmlntered, point landln~, the landing ~ear beins It is rather difficult to determine held by noth~nb more than tne supporting whether the men were diSl'l.~pointed or cable. A more beautiful landin~ has g.rateful for the spring-li"Lce weather. never been made. As the bi.,. sh Ip rolled probably the most disappointed ind:ividllal to a stop, s-pectators held ~heir breath, of them all was Corporal Gowing, operator 'but the wheels remained intact, suffiefof the Snow-Go, who divided his time ceent to euppor t the weieJlt of the airplane ~een Petroit and scanning the skies for L:1eut , Laubach had cheated the underbalrer Er1gns of snow. a fid.gety ambulance driver, and saved thE' , Lieut. David P. Laubach, Privates Government some sixty thousand dollars. D,iamlntini and 'i,iener had the most sti r- The crew emerged with visible signs of re ring experience when the landing gear of lief v~lich they tried hard to conceal.

---000--FLYING CADETSASSIG.L~EDO A.CirIVEDUTY T . The 30 FlyinE; Cadets '{lhc graduated fl;'sm the Air Corps Advane~Flying School On February 17, 1937, trw names of whom published in a previous issue of the A1.r Corps ,t;ews Letter l were assigned to extended active duty Air Corps tactical Ul1its at the Air Corps fielas s~t forth below: TClBarksdale Field, La.: James ii. DUBose, Jr.' William E. ~barik, Jr.; Elbert Heiten (Attack),and ~ene H. Snavely (Bombardment). Tp lJ.arch Field Caiif.: Clyde Box and V'allace E. .L'iau(Attack) and Walter E. Dillingham (Pursuit). T,o Lwley Field, Va.: Jacob J .Brogger, J}ose F. Hunker and Hubert Zemke {Pursuit); Philip G. Go~hran, EdTIard G. Hillery, Donald W. Macdonald, William K. ~c~.wnl ~lornton K. kyerst ~orris per~ri David . Tate, Harold E. liatson and Ear B. Young Bombardment). To Selfri e Field ~e e . a erson an Henry G, Thorrle, Jr. ,Pursuit; Julian M. Bleyer, Lloyd H. Dalton, Jr., nlomas E. ~argraye~ James W. Phelps, Jr., Jack L. Scnoch, ~oDert~. Theobala and Sam P. Triffy (Bombardwent). To Brooks Field, Texas: Sterling. ry(G. Earvey a~d Aaron H. Hoffeditz Observation). '-18Sergeant Winfred:E. Littleton 62nd Souad.r-on , Air Corps, Keliy Field, Texas, was placed en the retired'list, pursu~lt to Ear. 10, ~ecial Orders ~o. 147 J. "lJar Department, F eoruary 27, 1937.' Se rgeant Littleton entered the service Ion April 2 1907, and was assigned to I Company nlCI~ of the 1st Infantry. He has seryed in the Infa1}try, EngiJ?-eer Corps; l:"anne Corps and AU Corps s rnc e that idate. he served as a cOh~issioned offiIcer in the Corps of Enp,ineers from July I 25, 1918, to February 3, 1919. He has' t en honorable dischar\fes, all of wIlicn lbear the notation of Character: I ~xeellent.1\ The officers and men of Kelly Field congratulate SerGeant Littleton on his excellent r eco rd , and their Good wishes ~o wit~ him on h1s well earned retire.went. I ---000---

I School


Under special orders of the liar DepartIment, recently issued, Lieut. Colonel Harvey S. Bur~ell, .Air 90rps~ is rel~eved from dut~ 1n the Offlce 01 the Ch1ef I of the Air vorps; '\1 as?1ingt on, as Liaison Officera General Headquarters Air .torce, and ass1gned to duty at ~arch Field, :.tdverside, Calif. . V-7243, A. C.



- ~es of Station: To Barksdale Field,La. : Brigadier Geneml Frederick L.1J.iartin l~ NJaJor1lb~,.t T. Collar ,-rsrmut s, B6eert B. I returned to Wright Field, Feb:uary / '11\\ ~andry and Nozrran D. Sill in, from Panaroa Canal I 27,th, following a ccnfer enoe vin the 1:'::'::, _~: t>~artroont;lst Lieut. Jehn P. Kenny from the Chief's Office. l:h1lippine,s. Lieut. Celonel William F. Vol811dt, ;;:"::~~.-:;", ' To Chanute Field, Ill.; 2nd Lieut. Opal E. l.1ajcrs Benneb t E. lv'Jeye:::-s and '~\!'!l C~ Henderson, from Ha:vrciian Department. Franklin O. Carroll, returned to 1",':7;:" 'f. , To Fort Logan, Colo.: Lsb L'ieut. Byram A. their st,tion, 1fTright Field, on ""i'~f-'-' :j3UDCh, from FHzsh:ons General Hospital,Denver; February 24th, fcllowing a confer-k II Colorado. enc e in the Chicf's Office. " Tn Har.rl.lton Field, Calif,.: Lst, Lieut. Chester Recent visitors were Captain Roland Birnn, ~. Gilger, fro,"! hawaiian 15epc'.Xtroont. I from MaxI'TellField, Ala., and Colonel Lawrence " To Hawaiian Dep['rt~t:,Major Harold L", Clerk, S,Ch1U'chill, cc.mmnding the Middlet')wn Air \:!pon cumpletio:n of hlS pr eserrt ccur~e cf? anDepct , for conference; C~ptain Bernard ~. struetion at the Commnd and Genera ... Sta1f B:ddr:tet from Rando.loh F1eld, Texas; BaJor School: Fort Le~venw?rth,.K~'1~as; Ca~tain ~arik Rich~rd'L. Creed; from 1ZX'wcll Field,.A1a.; 15. Kleln, f'rom IV.<"1terlel 1v1s:lon, Er1i:Sht Fleld, lIst Lieut. Ralph P. Swofford, from WrJ.ght D O,hiO; Lsb Lieuts. George R. Acheson, M~ tchel Field; Major Walter E. Richards, from Kelly rield, N.Y.; Paul D. Bunker, Jr., and uaices A. FieJ.d; 1st Laeut . John C. Herten, from :ellison" from Barksclal,e Field, La.,; ~.ichard. I. I 'Randolph Fi.eld; and 2nd Lieut. John W. Furlow Dugan and Charles B. 8tone, III, t.aJ.Dllon F1eld, from Landl ey Field. t Calif.; Elder Patteson, Rar-dof.oh Field, Texas. Ccl onet Chalmers G. Hall, Chief of the To L~ley Fielc3, Va.: Lst Lieut. Irvjng R. SL'pply Division, returned February 27th from Seley, rom Panama, a urecurome:d Inspection trip. , To March Field, CaEf.: Lsb L'i eub s; Harold Q. Captain stewart W. Towle, Jr., returned to Huglin, fro~',lthe Ih{TIPp:nes; TLolIBSB. Hall, h'ls desk in the Personnel Division, March from; 'I'horre.sR. Lynch, from Ph i.Li.pp i.nes. 9th, felloNing a.Teave of absence. To Maxwell Field, Ala.: Ca..r.ltainOrval R. Cook, M;,ior Lowell H. Smith, Chief of the Inspecfrom U. S. Military Acetderriy,West Point, N.Y., tionUDivision, returned 1ok,rch1st from a for duty as student in 1937-1938 course at the n~vigation flight to Florida. Air Corps Tactical School. lI":-l.jor arl S. Axtater, K of the Supply D~vi.. To Mitchel Field, N.Y.: Lieut. Celonel Donald sion, returned l~rch 1st from New York C1ty. P. Muse (Mijor) Erom Panama; Lsb Lieut. Fay R. Colonel Herbert A. Dargue, from :Maxwell Upthegrove, ,fromliav;aii. Field, arrived larch 2nd for ten:porary duty To N~ort, Ii. I.: Lieut. Colonel 'Vvillbm E. in the Chief I s office. Lynd (Jor) , Office Chief of the Air Corps,for M9.jor l.1orton H. lScKirmon, of the Fersonnel dut.y as student at the Naval War Co 11 cge, Division, imde a navi gabLon flight to mo Panam Canal Depar-bn.errt : Captains MaIming Selfridge Field, Mich., on March 11th. E. Tillery, BaIksdale Field; Clarer~e D.Wheeler , ---000--Langley Field; 1st Lieut. JolUl J. O'Hara, frmn "1reoks Field, Texe.s; Lied. Ccl cne'l George E. ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL OTES N Ltve11 , Jr., Lsb Ldeut a, Robert F. Ta-t,('jand Felix Vidal, from Barksdale Field; Charles Iv"J8.jor Oliver S. Ferson was pro~ted from , Scmners, from Kelly Field; Captain Guy Kirksey, teI::poro.ry to perrranent rank of ,1J8.Jorfrom Fe 0Hamilton Field; Franklin C. Wolfe, M'<:,rch ield; F ruazy 16, 1937. Major George W. Polk (Captdn) upon corrp'lebion lbjor W'illimn L. Boyd (Captain), stationed of his present course of instruction at ir at Fort 3liss, Texas, is un~er orders to rcC,rps Tacticd School, :1aX'!re11 Field, .Ala. port fer duty as sbud errb in the 1937-1938 To the Philippines: 1st L'ieubs , Wendell W. course at the Ai'r Corps Tacticel School, MaxBowrran, LMgley Fim; Ralph O. Brownfield, well Field, Ala. Scott Field; Reuben C. Hood, Jr., Barksdale Orders assigning 1st Lieut. Robert F. Travis, Field. I Lang'l ey Field Va., to Panr rra , have been reTo Randolph Field, Texa,s: Ls t Lieut. Robert I vck~d. ' ,, L. Scett, from Panaroa; 2nd Lieut. John G.Benner,1 Effective August 17, 1937, Ldeut , Colonel . ,Sel~ridge F~eld; 1st Ldeubs, J.1~rry ~. Bish?p an~ John B. Brooks, Air Corps, is relieved as a PaVJ.d N. Cr1cket-be, from Hawal.J.; i,JaJor ISD~ah I rneruoer of the War Department General Staff and Davies, f rom Philippines. I f'roic duty in the Office Chief of Staff, Vlashinr To Scott Field, Ill.: Captain Roscoe C. ton, D. C., em assigned to duty as Corrna.ndant Wriston, from HaVTE'iianDe,?,~rtrr..ent. of the Air Corps Pri,re,ry Flying School,Bandolpr To Selfridge Field, ,Mich.: 1st L'ieut s , Pnul, I Field., Texas. B. Wurtsmith, from Philippines; Allen W. Reed, I The active duty tour cf 2nd Lieut. Frank from Panazoa, Beard Scott, Air Reserve, now stationed at To V{right Field, Ohio: Cc..-ptains C'nerles A. ! Barksda.le Field, La., has been extended to Ross, from Panarra ; Oscar F. Carlsen, Chanute ! June 15, 1939. Field, for duty as student in lS37-l938 course I Second Lieut. Willia~ T. Lovelace, Air Reat Air C~rps Engineering School. I serve, of Jackson, Miss., has been assigned be To Hawaiian Depc.rtroont: 1st Lieut. William active duty at Langley Field, Va., to March 31 Ball, from Ha:nil ton Field. ' 1940. -19V-7248, A. C.

~m:-;t;-;. :I,~


NEW CLASSOF SI'UIlENT AT ADVANCED S F.LYING sarooL . . The new class of students for the Air Corps AdvaI1CedFlying Scheol, having completed the courae of instruction at the Air Corps Prirua;r:y Flying School, Re.ndclph Field, Texas, reported for duty at Kelly Field, Texas, on February 25th, and started flying training on March 1st. 'fhey have been assigned for i.n the wecialized branches cf aviation, as follows: OF.Flc:mS Observation Section Lt. Col. Laurence F. Stone,A.C. Pocat.e.Ll.o Edaho Lt.Col.RayrrondE.OINeill,A.C San Francisco,Cal. M/:l.jorWarner B.Ge.tes ,A. C. , Evanstcn, Ill. Major Walter J. Beed, A.C., Scarsdale, N.Y. Major Geo. G. Lundberg,A.C., Olean, N.Y. ~ptain Howard H. Couch.A.C., Morrro'vi.a , Calif. Captain James F.J. E'lrly,A.C. Wcrcester, :Mass. Captain John K.Kirkendall ,A.C. Dpllas, Pat l~t Lieut. Chc'U'les E. Wheatley,Jr., Cavalry, Pcrtland, Me. 2nd Lieut. Charles B. Winkle,Inf. Seaside, Ore. .AJutacl.~ B'3ctj on Lieut. Lorenzo Eburru1a:;--nexicUn NaV'J,



Leland G. Fiegel Rochester. Minn Ronald F. Fallows Mason City, Iowa Henry C. Godn:an Palo Alto t Calif. Mil ten L. Hf:lrdeman Athens, ~ Vietor M. Heath Fon Du Lac, Wis. Char-Las R. Greening Ta.coD8, Wash~ Donald H. Kauffrrnn Carlisle, Pa, Guilford R. Montgomary Sidney, Neb, Joseph A. lIcrris .AlVA., Wyo. HOID3r V..acKa.y M. Lansing. Mich, Harold J. Rau Shavertown, Pa~ James O. Reed Eugene ,Ore. Barton M. Russell San Diego, Cnlif~ Wilbur B. SpragJ.e, Jr. Mcu:Jhasset, N. y~ Ansley Watscn New York, N. Y. Jesus A. VillaJrCr (Phil ippine Censtabulary)

It will be noted from the above that, begitining with this class, students are no longer being sp ec i a.lized in "Bombardment, II as a new policy calls for the assignment of graduates frem the AdvCk~ced Flying School to singleengi.ned tactical organizations for two years. Fur this class, all students will receive approximately 25 hours' training on bi-engined e(~uipnen-'j U:eystcnes). which is a lotrtx:>re F.L YINGCADBT S than st.u'1ents in these sections have received At tack Sect::'on in the past. Horace D. Ayneswo'rth Seventeen BT-8ls have been ordered transAlpine, Texas FOllott Bradley, Jr. ferred from Randolph Field to Kelly Field and LIU~lev Field, Va. Snl t l.Jake Ci ty, Unah ~ray A. Bywater were allotted to the three seotions to be used 'I'errp l e , Texas Edwin S. Chickering to stzpp Lsmerrt the other equipment now avail-, Sen Diego, C81~f. Charles A. Clancy able, so that all students will receive trainRa,yrrondL. Cc bb Brownwoed, Texr>s ing in them. , Joshua, Texas I Murray W. Crowder, Jr. When tllis class started training at the De.IlSville, N.Y. Allman T. Culbertson Prirrary Flying Schcc.l, Ln July, 1936, i t numConcord, N.H. I bered 140 Flying Cadets, 10 Air Corps offi-. Raymond L. Curtice WaymondA. Davi s Lubbock, Texas I c~rs, 5 officers from other branches 0f the Clinton, S. C. Julien W. Fre~,an U. S, AmJ, one foreign officer and cne Flying El Reno, Okla. Charles C. Kegelman Cade t from the Fhilippine Constabulary; total, Atthur W. Kellond San .Antonio, Texas 157 students. Simc~ E6 of these students Chi cago , Ill. R~chard F. Lorenz were transferred to the Advanced Flying School, J(!)hn H. Payne Austin, Texas it will be noted that 42 pe~cent of the origiCorona, Calif. Gecrge L. Robinson nal class of students suoceasful Iy completed Starkville, Miss. \V~lliam R. Stark the prirr:a.ry flyir.g course at Randolph Field. Spearfir;h, S.D. Theodore A. Suiter ---oOc--Frank K. Thorrp son Columbus, Old" ijenry Viccellio Chabhezn, Va. THE AIR CORP S TECHNI CAL SCHOOL Ephrata, Wash. :Delmer E. Wil son In a discussion recently on the Air Corps Observation Soctd s n Technical Schoel, Chanute Field, Rant.oul, , Ill., BGa Island, Minn. James B. Baker durir ... a Reserve officers t coirl'erence held ci . Spoknne, Wash. Thomas D. Brown at the amory of the University of Illinois, George R. Carr Pocatello, Idaho MAjor James B. Carroll, of Chanute Field, Q.uincy, Mass. 3;.ewis Countway stated that the enrollment at .this school is Los Angeles, Calif. Guy L. Hudson now larger than at any time in the .history ot NJOntgornery, Ala. John R. Marshall the field, even including the ~ax period. There Kane, Pat Harold 111. Means are 547 students in the schocl, including 39 Fillmore, Calif. Frederick L. Moere officers and 508 enlisted men. The total Murfreesboro, Tenn. Harold Y. Sewart strength cf the field is 1,150 officers and enV.cClella.n F. Stunkard, Jr. Governors Isld, N.Y. listed men. St. Petersburg, Fla. Morris E. Thomas Vajor Carroll stated that the construction Walpole, Mass. Adolph E. TikoSki and rraintenance of military aircraft and equipSection Pursuit ment is one of the nest exacting sciences of J.ohn R. Ali son Ncsccw, Idaho the world. When airylanes go up, bo th the tacAncH D. Baker tical success of the flight mission and the William E. Basye Independence, Mo. life of the pilot depends upcn the proper Francis J. Black, Jr. Tallbha~8eemFla. functioning of the airplane and equi.pment , George A. Blakey San Ant)!l:'-o, ... xas ,It Poanoke , e~T "e-rk canno t b e done by th e t r ial and error ., Thomas L. Butner I\l,J-..v va. method. -20V-7248 , A.C.


Kelly Field, Texas, ~rch 5, 1937. hear that ''Clipper'' got the final Lndoz-serrerrb Brigadier General James E. Chaney, Comm.."lding on her service record. on February 15th, after General of the Air Corps Training Center, accom- being run down by a Signal Ccrps repair truck. panied by Lieut. Colonel H.G. Davidson, Execu4th Observa.tion Sauadron: ~he Sauadron is tive, Office of the Chief of the Air Corps, indevoting particular 'attention to practice gunspected the adeauacy of the training facilities ncry on bowed targets in anticipation of apat the Air Corps Advanced Flying School on Feb- proaching record firil.1ti. ruary 26, 1937. New faces and new chevrons are in appearance Lieuts. Fitzhugh Lee and S.C. strong, U.S.N. around the Squadron the~,e days. Sergeant John stationed at Pensacola, Fla., spent the night J. HofUlL~ joined the ranks of Staff Sergeants enroute to Pensacola, from San Diego, ferrying and Corporal Paul Sclmnschke became a Sergeant. The Squadron congratulates these men for havtwo F-4B4 airplanes - the Navy equivalent to the Army P-12. ing been rewarded for their cooperation al1d Major Robin A. !By, Air Corps Instructor for earnest efforts. V' the Washington National Guard, was delayed here Air Base Hgrs., Langley Field, Va., MArch 4th. two days the le.tter part of' February while enroute to Bal tirrore, Mi., ferrying an 0-46 plane. 33rd PUrsuit ~uadron: For the past thirty days, the 33rd s been shooting at a regular Lieut. Reed, with Lieut. Gifferd, as passenanti-aircraft tow target with both .30 and. .50 ger, both of the Texas National Guard at calibre xmchine guns. A B-IO with special tow Houston, Texas, stopped here on February 20th. rack equipment furnishes means cf towing. Long The following pilct~ visited Kelly Field en range firing of 500 Yards, 1,000 and 1,500 routine navigation flights: Lieut. Colonel yerds are the said distances of fire. ShootDonald Wilson, Maxwell Field, in an A-17 on . ing at such distances calls for a good accuFeb. 25th: Lieut. J.T. Murtha, with Lieut. rate gun sight, none of which are available; Deny as passenger, in a B-IO on Feb. 23rd from consequently, an~nt and engineering ara March Field. I kept busy trying to devise ~ht worth us The following pilots from Barksdale Field I 35th Pur sui t SC!uadron: WHTi all airplcnes visi ted here on routine navi gabLon training I in com,u.ssion, tEe 35th Pursuit Squadron has flights: Lieut. Sheppard and Fl;ring , been rreintaining a heavy schedule' of fli['ht Gardner, in P-26 I s , on February 20th: Flying activity. Unit intercepticn missions, Long Cadets Stevens ODd ~u1ler (passenger) in e~ A-17 , Feb. 80th; Ld eub, }or.F. Farrish in an range gunnery on tow targets, and instrument 4-17 on Feb. 20th and again on the 21st: Flying , flying are being stressed. Cadet Kunze in a."lA-17 on Feb. 22nd: Lieut. I The rear gunners had. a try at camera gunner-y H.R. Maddox in a P-26 on Feb. 25th, ~"ld Lieut. I en "enelI\Y"attack planes, but found the sUp, stream a bit disturbing to swinging and ai::ning A.F. Merewether in en A-17 on Ma.rch1st. Major William Turnbull, Supply Officer, is on II the gun. t en days I 1 eave , vi sit ing 1lexico. 'I'he }'r?scri?ed procedure of overcasb breakFirst Lieut. A.W. Kissner, fOTInerly instructhroug.;.1a s bed ng tested nearly every day. A tor in Observation, was detailed Assistant Adfew minor iII:!'rovements and a little rrore praejutant and Recruiting Officer. I tice will undoubtedly rrake this operation a Major W.E. Bichcrds, Ccrm:endingOfficer of i good 'Ace in the hole" sometime when caught the 62nd School S~uadron, recently flew an , up on top. G-25A. plane to 1iiddletown, Pa, , with 1st Lieut. II 36th Pur sui t S('uadron: The 36th's delegates J.H. Ives as passenger. The latter secured an , to the Cold Weather tests at C8lI!' Skeel, Mich., 0-38F at ;viidd1etovmand ferried it te Cand.l erhave returned from the North and reported, that Field, Atlanta, Ga . , where he obtained an 0-25A. tl1e weather was rnrch less severe than exnecb sd, which he returned. to Kelly Field. Are ~hey tough, or were they red flannels we Second Lieut. Jade W. Hicknr.n, rec~nt graduI S3-W hanging from Sgt. Hodges I clothes line? ate of the Advanced Flying Schocl, is now on I Ld oubs , TomMusgrave and Glenn Thompson releave of absence. ITe vTill repcrt at San francent1y joined cur cutfit. been trained cisco and sail on June 12th fer the Haws.iian I and pr evi ous'Ly assigned to Bombardment, these Islands. i two I'U'C now under'go a strenuous mental meCaptain R.E. Holmes, Flying of l tar~rphosis - that is, they are being converbed Cadets, and 1st Lieut. Troup !~ller. recently fr,om slow thinkers into quick thir.kers. The Field,bringcompleted a ferry trip t~ Bockvvc11 Sauadron welcomes the~ '37th Attack Sanadron: Back in this writer's ing back a P-12. horre Laad , Little Sweden (Mi~lesota), the snow Luke Field, T .H., February 17th. is deep Q..'1d crisp, and the wintry blasts from '2nd Bombardment Scuadron: In addition to' .acrc ss the Canadian and Dako ba plains send sncw usual trainin, activities, the S~uadron is e~ flakes swirling in insane fury, but little did gaged in completing a program of 25 hours ,... he realize tha'.: en the lest day of' February cooperative flying for the Harbor Def'ence s of I such a phenomenon would be reproduced here at Honolulu. While all missions flown to date lLang~.eYField in old Virginia. Soon the 37th have been successfully completed, peor vieather Attack Squadron IS snow brigade shouldered during the first half cf the morrbh has prolongshovels and Ivarched to Langley #,2 to clear a ed the schedule. runway for Captain Schrammand all his lads. Former members of the Souadron will regret to Never will it be said that a little snow kept -2 V-7248, A.C.



II1II' I,.,. ..

the A-I?' s of the 37th on the ground. espeCiall!' time. with pilots in the Scuadron as "eager" as Cadet Captain David J. Ellinger, Assistant EnginRussell, who keeps his crew so busy n:aking.ti)cering Officer of the Depot. returned February hour inspections that they have threatened to 28th from an extended cross-country flight go on a "sit-do1lm" strike. since the 19th, via Barksc.a1eFielc1., La and Long before the -pI'overbial winds of March Patterson Field,Ohio, to j:,,itchel Field, N.Y., will have subsided, all eight ships of the 37th I and back by way of Bolling Field, D.C., to will be eauipped with radio compass and rmrker i Atlanta, Ga.; LV1:cxwell Field, Ala., and Barksbeacon indicator, and thus will be able to con-I dale Field. duct tests of any t:~e of radio navigation, The Depot is Glad to receive Warrant Officer also instrument Landd ngs , Upon questioning the and ;flI's. Axel Bishop and their young son and C.O" Captain Schrunm, after his first flight daughter as nBW members of its official fmnily. with the new equipment, it was discovered that Warrant Officer Bishop was transferred to this he was ~eatlY disappo~nted by having had sh~t- I Depot. on ,;arch 1st frOI? Hamiltc.n Fie~d, Calif., tered h1s dream of talunS off from Langley, am- I and hd s new duty here J.s that of assdsbanb to mediately pickinG up some distant place as st. I the Depot Supply Officer. Louis, and flying needle all the way. The Staff Sergecnt Paul.A. Simcoe and family are radio COl~ass ~eceiving set ;~s just not strong Iwelcomed as recent additions to the 3rd Transenough. !-cart Scuadron, this Depot, en his transfer from The Sauadron is now being gradually increased f the 53~d School SCtuadron, Randolph Field, Febfrom 66 rren too appr-oach the newly authorized i rua.ry 26th. strength of 147 men in proportion for a full : strength squadron of A-18's. According to the JAlbrook Field, Panama Canal Zone. best available local sources of inforrr:ation. t;he I The big yearly gclfing event the Canal first A-18 ought to be delivered by June 1st ! Zone is now history, and the divot diggers of and, perha~s, tvro per rrorrth thereafter until I the post might well be proud of the part they the aubhor-i zsd thirteen have been received. The [pf.ayed , The yearly interclub roabches between entire crganization is anxicusly awaiting the I the Panarra , Armrlor, Pedro Miguel and Gatun arrival of the A-IS's. Golf Clubs are bitterly fought, as each Club Flying Ca~ets Watson and Young of the Kelly tries by all fair means to gain possession of class of February, 1937, have been assigned to the chs.:npionship cup. Amador ,having won the the 37th Sauadron and will report for duby upon cup twice, needed only victory this year to G:dn expiration .. f their present furlough. o ?errranent pc ssess i.on of it. However, the 2nd Bombardl1entGroup: Rece..VJ.t crders affectPanama Club, paced by six of our best club ing personnel of the 2nd BombardmentGro~~ ere swingers - Brigadier General Gecrge H. Brett, as follows: Lieut. Colonel C.B. Oldfi.el~ to Me.jors G.F. Collar, G.B:. Beverly, J.lA. Epperly, Fort Lewis, Wash.; 1st Lieuts. D.R. Gibbs, T.C. Lieuts. R.S. Israel and 9.A. Schriever, kept Odom and R.L. Tialdro::.1o Chanute Field, Ill., t the cup in circulat.icn by coming through wi. th a for the l.nintenance-Engineering course; 1st Lt. srcashi ng victory. Since each club was repreJ.R. Sutherland to Hawa'i L, and 2nd Lieut. L.W. sented by only twenty members, Albrook Field G-reenbankto Panarra, Orders transforring 1st ,C8n ri?::itly throw out its chest for having six Lieut. R.F. Trcevis to Panarra.were revoked. member-s on the chamoionshin team, of whomat First Lieut. J.A. W~ller departed for the least five played i~ each ~tch. Not only was Philippines, and the best wishes of tho Group Albrook Field renresented on the winning club, go with "Old :alack Joe." but we had two ,n8~obers,Lieuts. Fred 8rnith and Bob Landry, en the Arre.dorClub which finished San Antonio Air Denot, Texas, Ivle'U'ch 5th. second , and Staff Sergeant Gil breath knocked . Lieut. Colonel Boward C. Davidson, of the the pellet around for Pedro Miguel. The averOffice of the Chief of the Air Corps, on a reage score fer twenty five rou-VJ.ds ever four cent visit to Kelly and Brooks Fields, -p:.:idan cour se s was orJ.y slightly over 83, and now.the informal visit to this Depot on February 26th post is contemplating a challenge to any sixand conferred with the Corrmand Officer, nan club team. l'Jaybe the bite will be too big Lieut. Colonel Junius E. Hough bori, Corrmandto chew, but we'll try until the last putt is in the ho'l e, ing Officer of the Fairfield Air Depot, Patterson Field, Ohio, ~~s a visitor here February Albrook Field has an outdoor swimmingpool 28th to March 2nd. piloting a G-33 on a.VJ. interunder construction, and everyone is rouciously depot transport service trip to the Roch-well awaiting the day vte can jump in. A~r Depot, Calif., and studying facilities at the two Depots for air transport shipFr(~nco_ Field, PananE.Canal Zone. ment.s. ':'0 those of us who were for.nerly very much A group of some twolve members of the nresent annoyed when we compared the lcoks of France class ~f the School of Aviation N~dicine: Field to other posts in the vicinity, the appaRandolph Field, visited the Depot February 26th rent end pleasing campaign to beautify the post for a tour of inspection thrOUGhthe En~ineeris a welcome thinG. Due to increased details aLd mg Shops. .rroz-eexacting schedules. tho grou."lds are only Major John lvi. Clark, D~ot Supply Officer of beginning to have the appearance bhey should the Depot, h~s been a uatlent at the Station have. Lawn rrowi g , fresh paint, a quantity of n'l, Fort Bam Bousbon, since February 22d, whitewash, and an e::.1tirely new program of work W1 a nasal ailment, but at this writing apth has indeed brought about a very pleasant pears to be p~ogressing satisfa.ctorily end is picture. expect-ed. t-o be up and a.bout again in a short



V-?248, A. C.


. TECH1"1GAL INFORMATION .AND ENGUlEEBING NEWS TJiX;HNlCAL lNFORMA.TIO~~ AND ENGINEERING NEWS Inspeotion Division, Office of the Chief of the Air Corps The following is quoted from Materiel Di vi\ aroused considerable antagonism and made it Sian's answer to Unsatisfa.ctory Report. relative I necessary for the companyto prove its point. to ~racked Crankcase, lfuin Section, and BrokenJ The;r irrrre~ia~ely 1'ut represen~~tiV'es c:n the Cy11nder Hold Do~~ Studs: varlous alr11nes 1n order to I1nd tYPlCal ex'~he use of carburetor heat at ~ifold I arr.ples 0f pilot's aouse of the engine. pressures between 32" and 37" during take-off i Mr. Kennedy in one of these trips himself, or climb shoul d be avoided as mich as posI at night, ?eated himself :>n.the left hand side si ble to avoid detonation. of the cebd,n near the tra111ng edge cf the It has been the observation of a representa wing where he oo~d observe the. exhaust f'Larees, the of. this Di vi st.on that at mmy activities Sh~rtly ~t~r bakd ng ~ff from P1ttsburgh, the enga.nes had been operated on the ground I wlule thl'ou~ an overcast, he noted for long periods even after warmup had. been sh~wer? o~ sparks commg from the left exhall?t completed. Long periods of ground. rl.mIling whlch. l~1cated. to h1ID the conmencerrenb of 1?1Stend to cause high cylinder temperatures and ton d1s1ntegrat10n. He called for the co-p11ot. lli~ spark plug temperatures which are cerThe co-pilot, not knowing him, assured him . ta1n to result in detonation and misfiring \ tha~ this condition :vas not dangerous. However, during take-off. The installation of the oil I he 1nformed the co-p11ct that he was a repredilution system will tend to reduce the time sentative of the Wright Companyand. to tell necessary for vmrlillngun the oil. A service I the pilot to reduce the carburetor heat on the test is being conducted" on the oil dilution I left en.gine. Yihenthis was done, the shower system for installation in the B-I03 air'of sparks ceased, planes. It is believed that this service I As a result of this and several other extest will be completed and all P-lOB airI arrp.l es , definite instructions were issued to planes in the states can be equipped with the! the airline DUotS relative to the use of caroil dilution sys'c ern prior to next winter. ! bureter heat. control. Simulta,neously, with the It is the practice of rrany Air Corps -pilots intl'oduction of proper p rocedure of controllinc to change to high pitch propeller settings heat, all piston failures ceased. immediately after take-off and then continue Another pilot abuse consisted of setting the to climb in high pitch. This procedure puncarburetor heat and mixture control the ishes the engi ne unnecessarily and should be clirr:b and then failing to adjust irrmedia~ely discontinued." after level flight WB.S resumed. This o~ssion The darrage \'lhich rray be caused by excessive also contributed to engine failures. use of the heater is illustrated in the follow~fuere ca:buretor air heat temperature gauges ing: are not installed and the carburetor heater In conversation wi th l,ir. William Kennedy of control is used, the tachometer should be the Wright Aeronautical Ccmpany,he stated that closely wat-ched and if the rpm's fall of'f", the when the airlines first used high enamount, of heat introduced in the carburetor g~nes, nmnerous piston failures occurred. Aftpr sh01UUbe reduced to the p05nt where the careful inves tig-<J.t ion, the Wri,,;ht Conpany rerp:n's are regained. and held. ported to the airlines that this trouble ,~s being caused by their pilots. This statement



---00:>--Air Corns lateriel Divi sion ---~._---_._----


Assembly, CC".bin, ype A-5. T !,ortable Night LightiE1L~~p;nent: ~ Engineering Section Merrornndum Report proAn Engineering Section derrorandumReport devides inforrmtion necessary for the classificascribes the reS111 of a flight test of a night ts tion ('If la'1lp assembly, cabin, Type A-5, as Lend.i ng system usinc a special ar-rangerrerrt of standard. i'his assembly is Lnbend.ed for gener- portable night lightinG eqllil'ment. In the con~ illumi~tion of the ca',)in airplanes equipued clusions it was stated that the lights are w1th one-~re (grounded) electrical system. It easily picked up frem the air anD. that a glide is supplied with a Larrp socket of one terrr.inal path and the ground level can easily be d.eterand no switch, and is similar to the Type A-2 mined by the use of lights in a triangular ct;bin lamp.,'lhich is used on eir::raft equi.pp ed pattern. Dipgra.'1l~; were included in the report w:I. th two-w1re lm,;rounded electr1cal system. The II to show the placer;J8nt of the li zhtis in this ~ingle contact socket eliminate.:; the necessity test. It was recomnended that further developfor a switch similar to that used wit11 the Type r1cnt with this system be performed. A-2 cabin lemp assembly. A separc.te switch, __ ... conveniently Loccrb ed, 1'Till be used with the Type A-5 cabin l2Jl!l aasembl.y,




V-7248, A.C.



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1nformat ion'Di vision Air Corps

April 1, 1937

T EH ~O. 7 kunitions Building Waahin~ton, D.C.

The chief purpoae of this publication is to dist:r-ibute information. on aeronautics to the Ilylni:: personnel in the Regular A.rmy,J:i.eserve Corps, .l.\jatlonal Guard, and others connected with aviation. ~

HE widespread realization that de- I w~ Department of. Oonmerc . :;,ad~o facilitn e pendab Le radio communication is an t aes , M,ter l~arnll1E:,the pr1nclples. of essential adjunct to successful III mess~e nand~,ln_," the. student app11es , aerial operations has resulted in a ! them 1n ~raCtlCar exerClses throughout very great demand for a large number of the re~1a1nder of the cou:se. , trained c~~.mnications nersonnel. ~1e A br1ef but comp~ehens1ve course of instruction for' a.ircraft radio I electrical and r'ad Lo fundamentals 1S operator-repairers conducted. by the De- I g~ven in the ~ubcoursel en~i tled.!rinpartment of Comrm.mica.tions has been declples?f .tta.~10COiIllIlUn1c~tlon. "nile . signed to furnish the service with train- theoret1cal.1n nature,. tnis subJect has ed men having reasonably hibh techn:i,ca1 been made ln6h~y pract:Lcal thro,?-gh the qualific~tions whoz with l~ttle addition- ?ar~f~l selec~lon oi demons~rat1on and al pract1cal exper1ence, wlll be pre~arlnd1v1dual laooratory exp~r1ments. 19r ed -to perform any coamunfcat Lons as srgaexamp l,e, students undergo mg instruct10n mente ob. r ad lo transmitters perform experiments , The communications course for enlisted which demonstrate the principles involvs~ecialists is. t.11irty-tv!0 weeks lon, ~he e~ in the Comti,~nd and Liais?n S~t transf1rst ei?ht weclls of Wh1Ch are s~ent 1n ill1tters. Partlcular attent10n 1S devotthe Department of Basic lnstruchon. ed t o the proper tuninb and adjustment Upon enterin~ the Department ~f CO~TIUni- of the circuits and correct interpretacations, eacE student follows the pretion of meter indications since e;periscribed schedu Le of instruction involvI ence has shown that these II theoret1cal" in~ eight Sub-courses, the facilities of i factors are of considerable importance Wh1Chare brieflJ described below. in the prac tical use of the actual radio One of the first classes the embryo sets installed in aircraft. Cathode ray "communicator" at t ends is Typewriting. oscilloscopes are frequently used to Typewriters havinb Western Union keymake visible demonstrations of electric boards are used and the minimumr ecud re- wave phenomena which fonnerly required ment is twenty words per minute, using the student to exercise ccn s abLe 1mthe touch system. Those students who ! agination. The equipment for individual are already proficient in the use of the ! laboratory experiments is permanently typewriter When they enter school are 'mounted on breadboards; with his experiexcused from t;ypin~ and attend the code ! ment each ~tudent. is giv~n a ~pply of classes 1nstead. : w ar es t ermi.nated an spec ra'l qu1Ck-fastenAfter the student has qualified in typ-! ing connect ar s resembling glove snaps, in~i he attends code instruction twice ! so that tile more complicated hoo~-ups dal y for the Quration of his course.~ay be accnmplished Within a few minutes. The Code Roomis eouipped with aut on.ati,c I Specially prepared eXJ?erimental data code machines of modern design, low and i sheets are provided w~th each experiment high frequency radio receivers, an Edi- : so that stUdents may quiCkly record labphone recorder for checking stud~nt i oratory data and have sufficient time to transmi ttin> ability, and an" ink record- i wri te out the answers to questions deer" for malang permanent records on ' vised to aid them in drawin logical conpaper tape of each stuaent's accuracy in I clusions. From the ioregoin6 descripforming code characters with the standI tion it will be readily aporeciated that ard.hand tel~graph key and the Vibroplex i the Department of Co;;mnica.tions has far se~1-automat1c key. . i ~e~ter lecture rOOmand laborat?ry f~ilVilienthe average student has obta1ned I 1t1es than most colleges and un1verS1a code speed of approximately twelve ties. . words per minute he is ready for the An understandinG of the electrical and subcourse, called ApJlied C01.4urru.nications. I radio fundamentals provides the student This subject includes all phases of oper-,Iwith a ~roper foundation upon which to ating t aa from the actual , buf Ld hlS practical of standuse of ra~io eauipment, which the ai!a:u Air Corps r~dio ec:~ipment; this specraft radlo operator must know. EaCh 'I c1al knowledge lS acqulred in the subs tudent is required to develop an operat- course called Circuit Test and Repair of ing knowledge of the JoiIt A.rmyand J.~avy Radio Equipment. In this subject the Radiotelegraph and hadiot~ephone Proced- student receives practical instructioR ure and tlie procedure in communicating on the operating adjustments, ci~cuit -1V-72G7, A.C.

,' '1;

bSTRUCTI01,11'1 CO!v.."UJ.\jIC.ATIOJ.~S CORPS AT ALi TI.CHJdCALCHOOL S By Lieut. Forrest G. Allen, Air Corps

testing 'and ap~l.ied principles of modern small amou:n:t'o1.t"!'a1n1n~1n field.t'rOu::ble servic'e radio ecuipment. Circuit shooting met:--lod,s.Th~'p:finc1ples'of\V'ire Test and Repair' laborato17 contains over. t elephon-v ar~a.l8o emboai.ed iIi a.ircraft fifty speciall~~.designed, steel labo~e.interp"4one ecm1pment, a thorou.g:h knowltory tables on ~hich are mounted recent ed.e:-:of whicn is essential to aircraft types of ComDanc Sets Liaison Sets, rad~orr,en. Raaio Compasses, and ~est Equipment; al~ The final phas~ of the c9urse ~s depower for ~he ope:ration of aircraft radfo voted, to t}.lor.oug.a ins truchon, h~gh~~r equipment ~s obta~ned ~rom a cent~al Ipract1?al 1n nature,.oa the Inspect10n power plar..t ~.djoining tne laboratory . and .>.a1ntenance of A1:rcraft Radio ".Illstalroom. Consp1cuoUS by way of cont~ast 1S lat1ons. Here the student is taugnt how a row oftel"l.aircraft radio tr~s.initters, I ~o instal~ and service aircraft antenru:in vogue over ten ,years ago! w}:llch.are 1ns~allahon~, how to "~enc:t: t~st" radao employed i. n teach1ng the l?l'lnG~pl~s 9f "e quapment .pr1o:r: to plac~ng J.t J.nt~, sertransmitter trouble'shoot~ng. ThJ.S 16 vlCe on alrcraft, how to perform v~e predone by requirin.c. the student to :place I scribed inspections of aircraft radio designated'troubfes in the t r an snu t t er a installations, and how to use a system- ' , after which he records and analyzes the ,atic method of locating trcubles in the symptoms cb tat ncd .. Alt~'lough obso~e~e. instap;;"tion. S-~ecial lecture~ are given equipment is u';ed In th:l.s ' 01 J.11expla~:un~ the 'All' Co~s Order struction the p r i.nctp Les lnvol ved are ,system, tue Air Corps vircula.r system and essential i y tl:e same a.s. t.hose ~1bbdi8d. I the Sig:z:al Corps Supply Letter system' in modern eou rpment , workln.g Vllt.ll mod.. the s tud ent lS required to look up. referern eauipment, the student is reouired enees in these files thr oughou.t his wOlk to develo~ ail intimate J?racticalknoYll~n th~s phase of instruction. :'. The s~~ e~e of fhe l}umero,?-sad.Justmen~s essen. cent lS also. tctUbh~ how t9 read an. alI:tlal in its J.ntl?lllgent oper-at i.on and [p Lane eLec t r Lca.L v ar mg dl.agram, sanc e maintenance. 'l1J;1e general obj ec t rve in/ i som~ of. the wires of tl.1e airpla.i;le comthis .SUbcO\lrSe 1S to develop an the sturnU1l1eatl0n, sy s t ei are l.nclu~ed a.n the . dent the ability to read ~"'1dunderstand Sailie condults as other pcrtlons of the the iv.anufacturers I Handbooks .of Inst rucairplane elec trical system. '{i"henairtlon and Technical Orders pertainin~ to icraft are available, students are ~iven standard radio eguipment~ ~ld intelLi,actual cperatins practice in flight. In gli'ntly to aJ?ply an p rac t rce t h e direc. I every. respect, this subc~urs~ is the m<;>s~ tlons c ont afnsd ther etn. It lS doubtful !pra.Gtleal and most valuaole an the en t Lr e if a more comp+ete.~.d w.e~l de adgned lao-: c ommum cat t.ons course. It .nay be ~ilt:ened oratory for th t s k i nd of 1mportant inIto the k eyat one of an arch, and be mg so struction cou l.d be found anywher~. I it requ.ires the firm foundation supplied The ability to handle adllfull~r ~ 601-1 by the variou.s other courses whLch are dering iron is as important to aircraft I prerequisi te to it. radio men as the ability to handle r-ad.i o j The course for Communication Officers mesBage~. In the su~co~rs~ e~titled ~ i is ~ssentiall:[ t~e sam~ as that 6iven to Shop fualnt~nance of n~dl~ ~0u~pmel}t, svu-l~n1~sted spec1a11~ts w1th the exception, dents rece1ve expert lnstructlon J.n the ,.,nowever, that mucn greater emphasis is care and use of solderin~ irons and the Igiven to instruction in the electrical few hand tools aasoc t a t ed wit:h t:he radio! ani radio f'undamen t a.La. In addition to repairman's work. Practie~l jobs assigll~! tbe subjects already described the offied in this phase of Lnat ruc t Lon inc.lude i;cers ate ~ive~ instI";lction in the Duties radio cord and p Lug assembly, the f'crrna- : of Oo.uaainf au i on Of f i cer e. c T'.ais subtion of joi~ts 1!md. sp~ic;es; bus bn::-,' ! COUl's~'inclucies training in Signal. Supply cabled and fLex'i.b Le wi r ang; and seve~al :procedure, j"essage gentersand \iilitary exercises t:\~~i~n~c t,? develop a s~',a~.l. i Srz,-pto~;rapl~y, al~d. Slgllal Orders~ ~e amount of 5.:... J.11 In tne above oper-o.ti cna. ! vOWml1l1cat:l.Or1 OIflcersl course lS nane Field t el.ephcny and te1egraohy are elll- ; mo;1'c;ls long. 1;)loyed by the Ai:.' Co:cpsto a liIUite~ ex-: Zollowin:; the trend of modern educationtent, generall~,iLring maneuver pedlods i a1 prac t i ce s , "the LeDartment of Communicawhen workinc; il: cooperation with oth er . ! t ions has adcp t ed as sta.ndard for all exarms. Consequently, the course in:iire I aminatior..s the so called "l~ew Type" exarllCommunication Ec.uipment is a short sne , I ination oues t i ona , Examination's of this Du~ing ~he time.all?tted, ~he stude~t reltr-Pe often inc~ude oyer ~ hundred quesc eaves Lns t ru c t i on an the Lns t i on t i cns , yet th e i r deslgn J.S such tnat thev operation and field waintenance of fieid can be completed by the aver~e student 111 telephones, swi tchboards , and telegraph I from twenty-five to thirty mfiiu t es, T~"le equiJ;>men.~,includin; the use. of ~he lat-! examf.nat ions may be graded in a few minter ~n sl1nple~ and phant om c i rcu I t s per- ,utes thr-ough the use'of spncially desi6ned the s1lliultaneous transmlsslonof answer keys, . the use Df which insures a telegraph and telephone messBgs over standard basls for th gradiup of all exthe same wires wi thout mutual interferaminat ions since there can be'"no doub.t as ence. .FollOWing instruction and pr acto the "degree of correctuess" of a:ny tice in the installationoi simple field q~~s~ions i instructor opinion is thu.s _ wire systems, the student receives a el~m:l.natea in the grading of examinations . -2V-7267, A. C.




the grade awarded a gi venloaper ~1l1 be :G. ~ A. .J:I..B .x E S .0 . 'jjie same re"'ardless of w~ grades ,it.:By :By the Mater.1.el DlV1.sion Oorrespon.dent "making the ~xamiXla.tions cOllPrehensIv~ in .. .'. . Eiqope,each instruct.or can .cbt:ain 0. . FroiD th~ de:y'~tf the "Jenny" to fur reasbna.blyax:curate measur-e of the.1,Qlowl-rl>resent Of. airplanes, the me<:~l@ic, edge possessed by his students; sinc~. er-: In SO fer as h1.s work keeps the auplane rorsdue to chance selectian of quest~onslon the ground, nas more or less plaYed are virtually' eliminated. W~en e;' suffi- I the part of the forf,otten man.. It .was cient n~ber of stud~nts have .takene~h Ih:l.~d to get per.f?rlllaJ:lce and s t Ll.L keep. exaaifnat i on the Tral.ning Li ~er~ture ~Ialntenancein mi.nd, On the. other hand, tion conducts elaborate statl.stlcal l.n~ Ilf' the man-hour-s spent in enenc e vestigations .for the purpose of eliminat-Ikeep the high performance airplanes on il?6.poorly desif:ne~ qu~~t~ons,d deter- ! the ground, th en what good is per~onnm1.nln5 the degl'ee of dlfflcul.ty of the . lance? . remainiIl6 qu.estiolls. By thIs process, I In the hope that we can strike a happy eubs eouerrt revisicns of examinations are I medium, re9~nt airplanes are coming- in ect to contin~lous improvementa.sthe I wHh. rE'JIlote-driven gearboxes. Substanamount of statistlcal daba t ially,this. is no more o;r .less .than In practice, the use of the .I.'lew l'yp,e" . mov1nt?therea:r of the englIle back and co~r-enensive examinations has met' wi~h , !driving the many gears from a sin le uu,iversal f'avor by b?th instructors and i shaf.t from the en6~ne proper. ~I~ gearstudents, since 8:Jl;lsJ.derable time is . '.1. box has several dr Ivea to which may be saved by all concerned. . ,attached. vacuum pumps, generators, and Many of the gl'aduates -cr the. comunm1- ! other mhcellaneou.simpedimenta nec easacations course will report to their or-, ! ry to keep our modern airplanes in the ganizations to 'bee'oine aircraft .radi9 op- i air. . . erators aboard modern :bombardment au- . I .To dat e, development 'of the gearbox 1.S Th&ir retp~nsIbHities are akln f under way, and it appear s to have severa.l to those of radio operators aboard sea- r a.dVatltDges~ the firsta.mong them being going v~s~els a~d.they w11l become more ithe.ease wJ.t~which t~e engine.may be so as m1.1ltarl aVl.a.tion develops and chang.'e.dby df accnnect Ing the sJ.ngle drive~rogresses. ~t does not reauire much shaft. Second, of course, is the added lmagination to conceive of situationsnunwer of gadgets we may hook onto ~le where the rad-io operjrtor will be d Lrec b- j drives of the bearbox .. We all realize . lr responsible for the ,safety of the air-:lwe had just about rea-ched the limit of p ~~eln Vhlich he is flyi~g and its crew.ll the aCcessories w~ could hang onto the In such s1tuations the level headed r e- ,engine proper. Third is the accessib.ilsourge.ful <;>peratc;>i' hi,f.;h't echm.cai of .. i ~y of th ese a.ccessories. Wehope it ouallficatJ.ons wlll per10rm a serVlce of wlll no ~onger be necessary for the much gr eat er value than the cost of his mechanic to hang by his heels, bend a trainln~ at tile Air Corps Technical .couple ~f anti-craChiums around a generSchool. ator, and with cold and numb fingers tr.y ---000--to put that slippex'Y nut and lock washer on that Dolt that he canlt see. GE.J.'lERA1 PRAT.TDEF.ARTS ~E~; ST.ATIO.l.'1 Gearboxes won I t be perf ect at first, FOR.. but have patience and we will try to Brigadier General Henry O. Pratt, U. S. elirni:uate the "bugs.I', .Army, ielin0Uished cormnandof the Second ---000--,Wing, GHQ. Afr Forc~ to Oolonel HenryB. Olaget t on .I.arch It:;th,and departed .f'r-orn ~~AVIG.ATlO~~ TRAIJ.dl'W 88TH S.;w.A.DRON :BY Langley Field for his new cowmand- the ~~e 88th ~econnaissanc~Scruadron, .Air Oorps Tactical School at ~axwell Field Ala. The entire Base,which was Hamilton l!'ield, Calif., is f.inishil16 a formed in the vicinity of the main gate, nav tgac Lon acnoo L course which has been felt very proud, indeed, to have haa the the cent er of attraction for the past plea~re of servinb under their beloved four week:s. The course included about commander. a event y-five hOUl'S of ~tound work, which Colonel Ol~ e t twill r emaf.n in command has been completed, a.n~ about thirty of the Second ~inb until the arrival of hours of actual navigation training misthe new Second ;dn~ Oommander, :Brigadier sions conducted by t~e schoo!; which is General Gerald C. ~rant. ab~~t one-third completed. ~ne Sllccess---000--,lfUl completion of this course will aualify all present members of the 88th' With the close of Februa.r.y, records jReCOnnaissallce Scuadron as Dead .Reckonshow that the 4th Observation. Squadron, iDg J.~avigators... . . ! .: Luke Fie10., .IJ.'.H., completed the most ex-~, .. '-. . -:--'000-;;-. ., tensive tr~~ning pro ram in man months. 'Durin~' the ast few weeks the train! C1' f~.. nearly~OO hours, olthe ew 11th B. mb~rdment Saua~ o and with several more months of this sam r qn, Handlton Field, Oalif., consisted type of trai.llinctheir Wa.rDepar-tioent 9f l~st~ent flyi~g, dead. reckoning navTraininr- D1rect~veshould be completed I~gatlon and partic~pation l.n 7th :Bombardon Bche~ule. !ment Group Oombat exercise on Feb. 27th. -3V-7267. A. C.
I' 7



DEDICATIOJ.q J.~EW OF Hiu~GARS LAWSOLi AT FIELD, GA. By the .i.~ewB Letter Cor;re.sp~9:6'n,t iiarren,A~~C$>r:P_~~.t,PQk off in 'an O:"-f5A, drop-t~~tei1 a parl!!.ehute, and towed ~< phase in the building and expan- sleeve .ta.rge~ across Lawson Field" r~- sion program of Lawson Field, leasing 1 in front of the hangars. , s.eant Fort Benning, Ga. Before a while, a demonstration of instrument: flycrowd of 3,000, which included the i~g under the hood was bein~ given by Atlanta ,{iIl5. of the Junior Birdmen of L1eut. Gates in a BT-2Bl, Wlth Liep.t. America and-hundreds of civilian visitFerguson as safety pilot. As a novelty ors from Columbus, Ga., as well as Fort feature for the entertainment of the, Benning personnel the new hangars at crowd, this fligh~ was co~trolled from the south end of Lawson Field were forthe ground by radlo, and Lieut. Gates exmally opened and dedicated by Colonel ecuted climbing turns, steep banks,s;talls Bruce ~agruder Executive Officer of and recoveries, etc., upon the re~est of Fort Beniifnz Ga who by pressing a Lieut. Bartley at the microphone, with button ope.~~d the l5-ton electrically the crowd hearing each request ove,r the operat~d hangar doors to the accompaniloud spe~er. . ment of music by the 29th Infantry Band On eXhibition, but not taking part an of Fort Benning. the aerialdemons~.;ation, were an ~-17, Immediately following the opening of a B-10, and a p-~G~ froul fuaxwell Fleld, the doors there was a demonstration of Ala., and an 0-46A from Lawson Field. speed and' maneuverablli ty- of light and 'llhus." one airplane of each tactical.type medium ta.nksfrom the 66th and .67th Inof tne Air Corps was available for Infantry Fort BE,;l1ning. Led by Captain apect Lon by the crowd. Also on exl?-i~iEdwinJ. Van Horne, 67th Infantry, six 't10n, inside the hangars, were ex111.b1ts tanks came charging around the north, ~~., Q-~ west and south sides of Lawson Field, 1. The Photo Section, Lawson Field, w11;hwide open throttle and machine guns which included cameras, a. cainer a gun, firing blank ammunition. After the vertical and oblioue photographs of Fort tanks were parked in a line just. off the Benning and vicinlty and a mosaic map of ramp in front. of the new hangars, Capt. I the Fort Becn Lng ... ,nltary neservation; Van Horne explained to the crowd the 2. The Armament Section, Lawson Field, typez weight, speed, armament, use and which included a Browning ~.L-l, .30 ca11speclal featur~B of each tank in a bri~f ' bar flexible 5un mounted on ~un tr~~el but oompr ehene tve address over the mobile I which was temporarily removed from the public address system, which was loaned I rear cockpit of an 0:-46A; pyrotechnic to Lawson Field by the Academic Depart- ! tools and lll-9, ... 10 and tooL-II signal ment of the Infantry School, Fort I flares; one h,-8 parachute flare; a belt Benning. I of .30 caliber ammunition and loading deImmediately following Captain Van I vice, and a tow target cable and release Hornet s address, Lieut. Thomas D. Fergu- I mechanism; son Air Corps, took (Iff in an 0-46.A. '3. The Communications Sect ion, Lawson w1th Lieut. Thomas Lee Gates, Air ReF ieldl which included message bags drop serve, as observer, and flew a series of and plck-up mess~e e0Uipment, tlie'latest Observa,tion Aviation missions, Wi,th Lt. type air-ground 11aison radio eouipme:q.t Thom~s~. Bartley, Jr., Air Reserve, ,(SeR-185 set), a commroldset (SeR 183), furn1shlng explanatory remarks and an- 'II and radio test equipment (I-65A)' nouncements over the loud speaker. The 4. The Parachute Section, Laws~n Field, missions flown included: which included a parachute suspended from 1. An exhibi ~ion of two-way commindca- , the ceiling of the hangar and strapped ti> tion between a1r and ~round by means of Ia. drop-test dummydressed in winter flypan,els, pyre t echndc slg:nals and wing 6i61' intk clothing; na~s; b. The First Battalion 83rd Field ArC;. Drop-messsg e and pick-up message \ t~llery, Fort Benningl. which included a demonstratlon; 7b rum. gun, model 189'( ~-2' and 3. A demonstration of communication 6. The Fourth Battalion 29th InfantrJ, between air MC:. ground by means of two- Fort Benning, which incluaed a. Browning wS. radio i and . . .30 cal i ber groun<?-ma.chine gun, mod.aI 4. Senslng of slmulated artillery flre 1917, and a Brownlng ~~2, .50 caliber with the use I)f puff targets. ground machine gun. Ground transmitter and receiver, furThe success of this demonstration. was nished through the courtesy of the Tank I due in a very large degree to the excelSchool, Fort Benning, were connected lent ccoperat t on received from all sou.rce. with the loud speaker in order that the It was .. ost fitti~ l that the exhibition crowd might hear the transmissions from should include7 in addition to Air Corp~ ground to airplane and from airplane to equipment, that pertA.i:aing to o th ar rbr'anch ground. es of the mil! tary establishment sirice Upon completion of these four types of Lawson Field is not attached to 'but Observation missions, Captain John W. rather a part of the InfantrYSdhooL' V.7267, A. O. '.
U.LIDAY afterno.on, lAarch 14, 1937, .marked the complet ion of a new




Thanks are due to the Commandarit of THE 0-46 PLlu:'lEu'1.'iDER lCI.I.~G CO.l:IDITIOJ.ijS the Infantry School for his sponsorship oJ th.eentire programt als~ to the Ta.nlt A .. 2.tional Guard pilot .reports ; an ezpeSchool'. the 66th and b7th infantry; the rience he encountered recently in connec1st Bahalion, 83rd Field Artillery; the tion wit11 icin~ conditions while pilot. 4th Battalion, 29th Infantry; the 2'jth ing an o-'16A af.rp Lane, Infanti'y Band and to the Academic DepartHe stated that under such conditions .nent of the Infantry School for their the wind shield becomes irrllIiediately participation. Further, thanks are due opaoue and non-ctra.isparent and that the to the Oomnacd Officer of Maxwell ailerons become extreu1ely sensitive, exField, Ala. as well as to Lieuts. Hale, orting undue pressure on the stick and Hughes 8.L d lckerman, n of !'1iaxwell Field, .. resulting in very critical ac tion and exwho flew the B-IO, the A-17 and the P-14, treme lateral instability. their cooperation enabliP6 the eihibiThe pilot further goes on to state tion to include one airplane of each that upon landing at Trenton~ ~.J., with tactical t~"Je of the Air Corps. ice and while on the ground dur'Lng furTo the members of Flight B~ 16th Obser- ther snowing conditions with temperature vat ion Sradron, Lawson Fiela., the dediright at freezing, a combination of parcation 0 ti~e new hangars was especially tialthawing of 1ce caused icycles to gratifying as a .symbol of partial comp l e- form on the leadin~ edge of the ailerons tion of needed imProvements begun under and in the slot. with from one-eiGhth the direction of the for-iller commanding to one-quar te r inch of ice on the top of officer, Captain (now ~ajor) Lloyd the wing, t~~e-off was attempted. ApBarnett, and carried on. since his transproximately 2;000 feet were necessary to fer to .l.~.ichols Field, P.I.' ~et off the ground.with 2,500 RPb.i ana 34 . Further needed improvements listed for ,J.nches of mercury J.n power. Immediately accomplishment in the near future are: the left win~ depressed in a rollin~ scI. The leveling and grading of' the I tion around the 'longitudinal axi.s .. tE.a.~ south end of Lawson Field and construcwas impossible to correct because of intion of runways, throughcooperation of effectual aileron action and excessive the ~artennaster, Fort ~ennlng, with stiCk presSQre~. ~he mo~or was i~~ediateW.P.A. labort thus more than doubling ly cut.and ~f'~J.cJ.ent fJ.eld was left for the size of the landing area; a - the left low but not 2. Completion of the ni~ht lighting qua te lowenou~.l to strike the ground. system which at present J.ncludes bounda- .l.~odamage r e su Lt ed, ry lights, three banks of flood lights, I The pilot expressed the belief that the a~d a rotating beacon, ~t la?ks a SUffi-lwing sec~i?n itsel~ ~s a des~g~ that becJ.ent number of obstruct10n IJ.ghts; ,coillesncr1t~cal to condJ.tJ.ons and 3. Construction of an aerial g~nnery Ithe~e~ore ~ilou~d be avoided; that h~ is range and a sk ee t range for requ.Lred tnat J.Ce and snow on the aJ.lernery trainin:i and ions, particu.larly the top side and in thJ;l 4. The ac ou t s i tion by the Communicaslot ahead of the leading edge of the tions Section, I ""\'.'sonField, of a suitI aileron, regardless of freedom of i"llOVeable ground set (SCR 183) to replace Iment, precludes adequate lateral control, pres~nt obsolete and inadequate ground . ,.and therefore it seems imperative that set ~SCR 136). Each of the above proIpilots be advised that when such condijects havinC received tentative a~proval,itions of ice or snow are found on the their early accompliShment is antJ.cipatla~rplane that the Wing section, and pared. ItJ.cularly the entire a.ileron and its slot ---000--1be thoroughly cle~::~:_

31ST 3:tUADItO GOES I.l.~FOil..l.~AVIGATIO.l.~ hega.rc;ll~ss of t~e. type of aircraft .. , flowuz ac mg cond i t t ons on ~h~ Wings, In the 31st Bombardment ;:'C1U~dronthese even J.f present to aver" IJ.nnted extent days? the motto and password J.S "Every are very apt to affect t!1e aerodynamic ' Pilot a ~iavie,ator.ll For the last three characteristics of same. T;1.e icing COIT,months t~e officers and cadets th~ jditions described above are not peculiar Sauadron nave ground awa~ at ~avJ.gatJ.on .,to anyone type of airple,ne. problems by the dozen, lJ.sten1u$ to lec- I ---000--tures on everything ~ertaining to Dead . Reckon rnz ... ~avi~aticn, 1Vlaps, etc. "Even Two Air Corps o f fLcer s who held tempoin our dr eams , says the Hamf Lt on Field r ary advanced rank were permanently proCorrespondent, "we see a lRhumb Line I moted to such rank as of lviarch 31, 1937, IFollowiu[ the Pi10tl over a 'mountain viz: Colonel Alfred. H. Hobley and ~ajor of Logarithms. I Lieut. lLonnie l Campbell, Robert G. Breene. ' as instru.ctor for llJavi~at ion in the 31st, ---000--has done a great job his classes, . and at last we have reached the point Captain John 1\110 Weikert, .Air Corps, is Where we can see oun motto I Every Pilot under orders to proceed to the U. S. idlil~aV.ig.ator" abo~t to become a reality . .A tary Academy, i7e?t Po i.nt , ... ,.Y., for duty, sa:~ute t-o '.Lonnf e. III upo~ the comp Le t t on of .111S present course of J.nstructlon at the C. & G.S. School. -5V-7267, A.C.
0' . .~



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:Br~adie . .'4. W.RObtu, p~d.e of'obta.1.n!!IG theun1.tormt~. ' Ohief of t ir1~te~iel Division? perat'Q,res eS8enti~l in certain analy~'~s. , Wright Field,' Daytcrn Ohio, thali and for resul ts v;~tl: certain test in-: the Physiolo~ical B.esearchLa.~oratoryst~'UIllents. The off1.ce scarcely re' which for more than a year has been in. q1l1.res comment, except that part of its the~lanni;lg and constru.ction stages at eQuipment is a library of reference Wrl t Field~ has been completed and .' works .ong~neral and aviation medicine. e~ pped ana bears altogether the ShipThe phYS10lo5ica1 laboratory is anape, antiseptic, and promisi~gappeareauipped for research on human~bjects ance of all medical laboratories devoted and contalns for the illoSt part standard to scientific research. However, inasmedical eoutpment , metab9lism much as this particular laboratory is to apparatus." blood ga.s analyzers, V,hlCh deal with problems affecting the aviator measure tneamo~t 9f, such as. in the various phases of flight it is oxygen, carbon dloxl~e, and in some Insomewhat und oue and, while a la}ge amount I stances 9arbon mcnoxf d.e in th~ blood unof its medfca.l. ceuipment i~ standard, it der varY1.n.;;condlt1.ons of ~lt1.tude~ ~'1 also oorrtams rt ems f'ound an few other a~r ~alysJ.s a,?paratl;ls, analyzes laboratories in the world au an the lungs or an sealed compartIn the earliest da.ys of' flying such a mentst taken during different c ond.itions laboratory was not necessar~. ).o,anflew of flJ.ght; and a.spirometert a at.o rage neither ~fficiently high, last, nor far IchSillber for gas t? be used l.n rebreat~er to take him beyond the elements of nor-tests or for stonng samples of exhaled mal physical reactions. During the or other air. Worla War, however, the cuestion of alti~le biochemical laboratory - biochemitude flyiD& becam~ a vital considera~ion, cal si6nifie~ chemistry of liyin6 ~rganaDd with tlie reallzation that very 11.ttle isms - conta1.ns a chemlcal table wlth was known about the artificial inauction acidproof top and a sink and drain board of oxygen into the hum~1 system, a medi- 10f cEemical stoneware. The table is sercal research laboratory was established viced with direct and alternating current OD Lon@:Island which, althougl'l it aimed power, compressed air, vacuum gas and to go lnto all physical reactions result-, water. Tnere is also a fume hood, a ~ iug to aviators from flying, gave its at-, water still centrifuge and refrigerator. tent10n principall~' to the study of oxy- I T~le balance room contains the analyticgen problems. 'I aloalances necessar;y to any chemical In 1920, the work of the laboratory laboratory for wei~hlng purposes. Plans was discontinued, all activity being ab- are to dust-proof this room. sorbed by the development needs of air- ", 'file 0~e~atin6 rOOmalso contains standcraft itself. By 19311 speeds, altiare equ rpment , A ::ymograph is installed tudes, and flying condd tions had been I for the purpose of r eco rd pulse waves, stepped up to the extent where attention respiratory movewents, etc. <::> had to be turned once more to the aviaThe high alt itude laboratory contains tor who in so?d wea.ther and. b~d, i~ heat ! ~hree pr essur e chambers~ two small~ havand in cold, ln extremely alv1.tudes,j lng a capacJ.ty of 3 CUblC feet, ana a spins and at speeds beyond anything pr e-] very large one. The latter has been revlousiy coa.ce~ved ~Y the.mind,v:as Icently completed and represents the reto be r espone fb'l e for thlS compLtcat ed ! su.Lts of several years of experience in e~ipment. I the o~eration of the first pressure chamThe present leboratory is the result lber, la.stalled several years 820 ill the of this need. Upon the joint decision Ec:ui!:llnent Laboratory of the l,:ateriel Diof the Chief 01 the Air Corps and the Ivision. ~urgeon Ge~e~aJ, i ~was locat ed at the '11:e new chamber is a great cylindr~cal !v.ateriel D1.V1.S::::1, an order that advant .. steel tube, 31 feet long and 8 feet l.nage might be t aken of the expert judgside d t er , 'Ihe interior is divided ment ayaila1?le in all aeronautical eninto three sections~ a c en tr-a.L Ilnes, and of the wellImellt 6 feet long, two identical eC'U1p:ped. ne,inee~ing shops, where special end compar.t~e.ntS'- each 12 feet long. En-. e . exper e cuapment can be conat ruc t- trance to ta.e,ena co~artments from the ed. Situated in the main laboratory center is by two ~ast1.~lt heav;y metal bulldi~ on the ground floor - in order doors, e outpped WJ. ball bear rng hinges, th to prov Ide a finn foundation for the mas rubber gaskots? and catches, manually opsive high altitude chamber - the Labo ra- erable from within and without. The" end tory occupies e. floor space 120 feet c ompartments are in effect two sena.rabe long by 30 feet wide .. This space is parjPressure chambers in which separate tests t itioned off into office physiological may be performed siillUltaneously under the lab. oratory. 1?iochemical laboratory, high s~~ or entirely different pressur.e conaltitude la.9Qratory, operating room, dltlons. Or if desired, the large doors balance room, and s1iock room. The whole into the center compartment may be left . - V-7267, A.C.

Rltl'apli ~." . f." ~-rl'f#J . tiy~.~b7 .lab~~ptl.i.a"~C:~dlt19ne,4:'for.

C' ,,",.

~.' ',:,' :':. "


oliit,lth,"i;~,;e',"Structu.1"e, fO, ,tm~,'" 'o,ae fl;"ng conditions, are a few of the JDa;I1 31-,f'Qot"pres,:u.Ee,ch_ar, :Wh~ch J1JAybe problems unsolved. 'The answer to such PO$1t~V"~7~Efa::f~d' fo't. any d'i3sired l;emper- problemse.s these may alBo be the answer a.~~! ~J:"~iJ.~r~ cond1tionby a siMle to certain unexola.ined crashes where ent'ra,nce noor,' nml1arto those dividiDg pilot and equipment were apparently in 1;he,.;end 'cooipartments, lead.~ng from out-. first-class condition. 814e the presgure chauilier ~nto the cenAlthoubh not located in the main labotel' compartment. . ratory buildiu5' a centrifugal force The chief puroose of the central com- laboratory is used in co.~ection with partment, noweve,r, is to serve as a lock this work. This contains a large centrithrough which entrance can be made from fuge by means of which it is possible to the outside to the end sections during simulate the forces produced on the body tests without disturbing the pressure by various aircraft maneuvers, particucondi tions in them. The center compar t-- 'larly high speed turns, loops, and spinsment is entered and the out side door. such maneuvers, in fact, as have been closed. Pressure and temperature condi- associated with the Ilblacking out" expetions aretnen produced in the center rience described by various pilots a chamber identical to those of the end condition recognized but never fuliv anchamber into which entrance is desired. alyzed. iiith the centrifuge, centrifugal When these results have been obtained forces twenty times the normal 3Ccelerathe door into the end chamber may be t Lcn of grav,lty can be produced. It is opened easily and the two chambers in estimated that a~proximately eight ti.Lles effect become one. Exit can be obtained the pull of gravlty is sufficient to by closing the door between the end and cause the "blacking out" effect,or mocenter compartments, bringing the center mentary unconsciousness. The s t ruc tur e chamber back to normal pressure and open- is of dur al.umfn tubing 20 feet long and ing the outer door. It is an interes~h"lpounted to rotate about a horizontal ing experience to see the actual fastA~h~. It is operated by an electric ness of a door held shut by no rma), air motor through a variable speed drive. pres'sure against an evacuated pressure. une end is arranged to aCcommodatethe Air evacuation to the ei~ivalent of subject, while the 0ther contains a com807000 feet abgve sea level and refrigIpartment for ,counterweights. A recor,derat ion. to -65 F. can be accomplished ing accelerometer indicates the amount in._this pressure chamber. of force produced, while a special inln one of ~le end com~artments at st~lent llie~es a graphic record of changpresent is a tubular chamber es in "blood pr easur e during rotation. large enough for a man to crawl Lrit o, in The future of aviation was never more which the condi tions of the supercharged promising. At our threshold higher ,ressure cabin airplane will be simulatspeeds) longer ranges, greater mechanical ed while the surrounding air of the com- efficiencY substratosphere air lanes i partment will be that encountered at are virtua ly ready for us. All these high altitudes. In all sach experiment- are not of the slightest value, however alwork, flyin personnel will Willingly unless man is ready to trike advantage ot act as the human guinea pigs. them. It is o~ly by scientific and deSix observation windows 28 inches in tached study of the physiological and diameter three for each end compartment, psychoJobical reactions of aviators to are constructed of safety glass one inch the various modern flight conditions that thick) and made fo:,or frost proof by safety can be obtained) even Jlaking alusing two thicknesses, with an air or Lowances for a high degree of mechanical vacuum space in between. Telephones i11- ef f'Lc Lency, History has ened the stalled ln each compartment make it pos- IPoint that mechanical efficiency counts siblef"r persons seal~d inside during only insofar as mankind in applying human tests t o communicate wlth observers out- efficiency can adapt it to the routine side the pressure chamber. luses of living. The value of the research which may be ---oOc--accomplished with such eou ipment and competent personnel is almost ~nconceivable. Accordinr- to the hiverside, Calif., Practically all the physical reactions 0 DAILY PRESS the Board of Directors of the aviator to 61ti tude flyin,:' me,ybe the .tdversiae Chamber of Commercehas carefully studied While he re~ains saf e'L launched a campa Igu to enlarge March on the ground. The effect of extreme Field and purchase a gunnery range at cold upon efficiencYi the effectiveness &.uroc Dry Lake. This action followed a of present flying clo~ling against this report of the aviation committee whiCh' cold, the testing of o~gen equipment has been studying the needs of March the physical and mental reaction of fiy- Field. Results of the survey made by the ers to oxygen over varying peri cds of co~uittee showed that the Nmroc ~ery time, the effect of carbon monoxide at range would be of benefit not onYy to high altitudes and low temperatures, in- aviation but other brenChes of the servestigations of use of oxygen mixed with vice as Well. It wculd provide anti-aircarbon dioxide at high altitudes and craft and mobile uni ts of the Coast Artilsupercharged cabins under high aititudt:. ) ery with a practice ground. V-7267) A.C.


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of" t!h~~TI:B-~7air.,. which proved 'to be of: t'~e great'est ass1s- planes delivered to a, tactical lml.t. !lh,e . tance to one of Pensacola's flight inofficers an,d ~en of. t ... 'Group were ,drawn ae stru.ctors recently. ' up in ~arade r'ormat Lon to welcome tlle . Captain Peters, U. S. Marine Corps Re,n'Fst Flying, Fortre~s.n' , .. . serve departed from Pensacola for I ,lith IriajO,r:Barney, 1.". Gifes and Capta:w. Kansas Cny in an FF-2 plane with Seri C.E. 01Connor at the controls, the hUge geant Cal~well as passenger,M.em'phis be- ipl~e qew by in review twice, and th~ ingthe flrst sch edu.Led st(;p. wiord was I glJ.ded an for a perf ect ~andin.g on a " r~c~ived at ",: th~t the plane i snow-covered field. The. size Of., th~ had been forced down ln ,a cotton f~eld plane waS not fully rea~1.zed unt1.1 ~t just nor~h of Coffeyville, Ala., with a taxied ,to .i tsposition. on;.. he r~, t broken 01.1 lin0, no other damage resul t- between a. :B-:-1OB and a PB-a. !'iaJ or i~ .... so oill~lles to fit the descripGeneral Fr.ank .v1o Andrev,s, Commanding. tion being avaf Lab Le , a plane was dis,General 01 the GHQ.Air Force, and Br1.g~ . patched to the scene to pick up the oil dier Genex.:al H,eJ:?XY. Pratt" ~ Clilillinandi.l1,g 1 ine and return same to the Pensacola. Gener-al 01 the Gna Idne, GH"tAU. l crce, ~aval Air StE~tiQn for re:eair. The were both present to welcome 1Yiajor Gil es , pilot's descript ion of tne location of the plane and crew to La..Yey Field. the grounded plane was definite within I ----about a three mile limit. Upon arrival , On LVlarcll11 th, 1.~.ajor C. V. Haynes delivnear thescene,f the Pensacola pilot was ered the second YIB-.17 to t:le 2nd Bomunab~e to~ocate the other plane, as it bar dment Group. The first one was asw~s 1.n.a hlll, wooded cOUl:try, abundant I signeu to the 96th Bombardment S~adron wlth panes ana. small c Lear mgs. I and the second one to the 49th BombardAfter several minutes search in a grad-lment $nuadron. At th3 time this was ually incr,' easing t1!-rnin; ci~c,le 1 the" wri tteri, a cr~w frOllI. the ":'Oth Bombardment pilot SQddenly not1ced a br1g~t flaSh of Souadron was 1.n readlness to depart for light which at ruck him in the e;yes and ,: Seattle, iiash., to secur-e the third plane. c ent mued to follow him. ' Ir.uned1ately,he I ---000--invest igated the cause of the flashing I J light and discovered the other plane. A i 5MB ku~DrJ:iG SAJ.~S Oli1, LA.vDIl'JG GEAR V safe Land.tng was made in the same clearI ing. The men on the ground had seen the I Luck and ~jood piloting rode in the cockcircling; plane and, bein~ powerless to IPit of one of the 3-10.8 Bombers at Ear,1ilcommunicate with it, Sergeant Caldwell i ton Field recentl. Taking, off for an suddenly hit on the novel idea of a IlnstrQment ~alif1cation ~est, Lieut. mirror. to attract the pilot I s at t en t Ion, :I?~le;y. Sill~~h, AiF Corps , pilot, was notiAccord1n61y, hedre~ on~ fr?m h1S pocket If1ed.oy ra~~o a short later ti1atone and was SUCCessful 1n h~s f1rst attempt of h1S lanQ1ns gears had fallen off. Durto attract the pilot IS attent ion. The I inb the fey! moments after the warninf~ Pensacola plane returned the oil line to !was issued, the radio department had f,otPensacola,. wl1ere i~ wa~ repaired, and t en in touch with the COiIlIIlandin~Officer, the follovnn2,. 1t was returned to ! Colonel Davenport Johnson.).. who 1.mrnediatethe grounded plane, thus enab I inc' it to :ly rushed to the scene. by radio t h e continue on its way to Kansas Cit;}". iColo}1el ~IJ.dhis aides issued instructions Thus another use has been found for a ! t 0 tne pllot and prepared to stand by for mirror aside fr its value as a toilet \a:l landinc. article. One O,f tJ.1~ wh ee.Ls 'had stuck at about ---000--i tf:;-ee ouar t er s "wn ee.La qpwn" po sd t tcn, jW.llch tiend ed to make the. land1no' a danger...ORE wWIGA'101:tS FOR :::.~D 1301\..3. GhOUP 10US one. .Aiter what seemed to be a centuiry of waiting, the pilot started the Th~ !~avigation Unit, Lan~ley Fiel9-,Va. ,'Iulane en its dowm:tard path. Lower and has Just turned over four fully tra1ned ,lower 1t came Ullt1l at the exact momEnt navig~tors to the end Bombar-dmen t Group, Ilnece~sarJT f'or safety it hit. The ... :::leel GHQ.Au Force, and started the t ruc:r-er.ra Lnad collapsed and the plane s l Id a tion of four more officers in this sub- ifew feet Oll its belly slitherin to a .1ect. Those comp l e t the class __re a I beautiful landins. lIiffiost i'ill,ledlately 1st Lieuts. F.];. Glantzber~i .i. H. hi~insi tl}e men wezr e on the tur f search fns for D.M. Kilpatrick and F.G. 1'1.1 ler., Tnose l f t.r e , assig?ed to, ,tl1e new class are ~st LieutsJ, . Th? crew wl!-s composed Lieut. Ge~r~e F. R. E.l(OOn.r A. lv.atheny, C. H. rcee s and jK1nZle, co-p i l.o t ; Staff Sergeant .Ii.!!'. E.P. !,.ussett. I,nen the 2nd Bombardment I Summers, Crew Ghief, and Private ,iiley Group .ts completely eouipped with the IC, iialters, Radio Operator. Y1B-17 planes the navigators will uuI ---000--dou,?tedly obtliin ample practice in navi..,;, . Items for the .. ews J;.etter f rc,n MarcIl, s ga.tlOn on lone, flights. "iheeler and !V.axwell F1elds are solicited. - 8V-7267, .A.C.

A, ~avy Depa.:i'_nt~,pJ:le.t;re~e~.~~lls , of the,illg.e~lty of. $.: Si.8.r1De eprPs' reFC?rce:,J,~leyFleldt serve ff,om~e.:4ans~B Clty base1i4a.rc,h, ~th .: h~'fir8t t

,D,ELIVERED iTcr~GLm:,.FtELD '~:-"':'_:~_.~'5::'-':':-:.-,~.. 't>'>""~,. :., 'T1tr~!@'~~~~.b~".().tQUP,~' GHQ" .ir A

'i,r_~'--;~~'" ;-'""'_:':_'.'_~' ;:':"':" __ ..


./ " . ','








!B-17 BOk:J3I1 AJ.~DS BOLLIJ.m L AT FIELD q.AIJ.~jIE;G13T DURI.i.~G FLIGE:T . ",...;-. By the HS;nlltor.. Fleld Oor-r espond.enf JAR1~G majestically throu&h the skies, the Army's new ,The 9th Bombardment Squadron feels sovereirn of the airwavs - the jthat they know the worst conditions for Boeins Bomber, YB-l? -~c1rcled ,bombin~,.roJ.d as this Srua~ron com~1eted . Bollin> Field on l,.arch 9th sev- bombint:. an accordance witn TR 4~:o.:.40 ~_.' '''''''---_.-'' eral tlmes by way of heralding I ('rel1tative) on .h'e~rua~y GOth and Ot1.atiits arrival, and then came to t f i ed onl\' one boinbardi er , the folIOW1llf a perfect landing on the new field to re- statement ma~ have a concrete foundamaIn for a visit of inspection of four tion. But flrst we would lll~e to call days. to everycne t s attention that these conA mutual tribute was paid in this land- di t Lons are a bit "unusual," for tilis ing. It was only fittine; and proper. fa,ir St~te of Oa.lLf'or-nd a .. that the ArrDY newest ai.rp l ene cr eat Lon Is i{e pr Ld.e ourselves out here on l:norling should be the first to make an official the place for each of nature's el.emeat.s. laz:.dinrs on the new Bollin~, Field runways. This area 1?e~n6 somewhat noted fort:1e ThlS does not mean, however, that the fosf:.'y condf t t.ons , we take these bad days new Bollin':' Field runways are in operain a willinG cheerful manner, but When tion.. .rhi~e they are practically comviashington, Oregon and J.vorthern Califorpleted, there are no servicin'~ or housing nia are in flames and a strong north facilities for aircraft avaiiable. The wind is blowing, conditions may be said old field will remain the Official landto be a little out of hand. ing area until such time as funds are alKnowin' that it takes a little smoke lotted by Congress for the necessary con- or dust to brin6 on the gentle rains! we structiol1 of technical buildings and are naturally agreeable, but the fee i~ they are completed. 'ilie BomberI s smooth of rebellion was climaxed when slush landinG proved, beyond the shadow of a.. floated around over the bombin~ tar~ets doubt, that the new runways are perf ect1':11 layers from the ground to el,01t lihousl~ equipped to accommodate any klnd of and feet, aJ.ld a pilot would lana after a alrcraft. heart-brea:idn." mlssion of two hours on Under t11e commandof Lieut. ,Colonel instruments w1th. his airplane weibhin.e .hobert Olds with !v.ajor Barney -s., Giles more thai! it did on the ta>:e-off. Ito as pilot, t~1e "Big Ben of Bombers" was a may be advisable, if this sort of tllil1b most impressive spectacle in the air continues, that all airplanes in this with its powerful engines humming,a tune area 'be ec:u.ip:pedwith flushin6 tanks for of perfect rhye:m.O~ce landed, it was the purpose of bathinis the various parts taxIed off ~le runwey properly secured of our noble airElane. and guarded b;y a c:<Uartetof aent.r i es at It is also be.l Lev ed that if our opponall times.' ents in an:y future engagements would add Local newspa-pers featured the story of the essence of fir or the tanr of mounthe plane I s vi-sit, and many hundred.s of tain oak into their smoke screens each air minded citizens from 'iiashinti:ton and and every combat man in this sCiu;Aron Vicinity CalllC to view and pay tribute to would relaxwith the satisfied cOl1tentits in~p~r~ng size) .b~8~ty and for~midmel1t of bein6 at home again. ~ ~ble fl~~tlnt cepaollltles. ---000--Several informal functions were held Ii at the Officers' Glub in .honorof the OlE .AIlt BASES0).. , A G.rtOWI.l'JG v Oii.GLUZA'1l0 ... ~ yisiting pilots, and the !~CO Club held I Open House" for the picked enl Lat ed men Since the new allocat ion of 200 men to of La~gley F!eld who cOi11pri~edth~ crew. the 5th Air Base S0Uadron, Hamilton Fild, On li.arch l.:::th, at about 3.00 pdf<., the Calif., business seews to have reached ~reat bomber 8[ain toOk to the air on the peak. Paper is flJin~ in all direcltS return trip to L&lgley Field, leavI '(j ions ~. end the Sl:uadrol1 as a whol e have ing Bollin~ ~ield personnel proud of i f el t rn many ways the need of a larger both the V1Slt and the une~ected ibarrac~ lli1dall accouterments. ~lis "inaugurationll of its new !leld. SQuadron h8,S received dur tne the past ~,. ---000--weei 114 recruits, brin~Jng'''the S~adron count up to 434. Amongthese new men are CAPITAL ?OLICErtECOV~~ TOLE~ S BALLOO~S to be f'ound three sets of brothers, which seems to be a bit unusual to this corresParkinJ; 11is automobile on a Washil.1E.,ton poudent, so we will delve into the facts street last week, Captain i:111iam H. of the case and add a few names to this Wenstrom, 5i5nal Corps, ~eteorological ibit of news. Privates Clyde F. mld Elmer Officer of tile 3rd Corps Area, stationed ;.i!.,. Haw~s.hail frOtil Salem, Oregon. Priat Bollin~; Field, later returned to find vates JOHnJ. and Lyle B. Clemans are natives of Billings, fuontana. ~ext in that. a box containing some four hundred balloons of ~1e type used for weather ob- line are tWins, i.e., Privates ~ilton D. servation had been st o.l enf'r ou his car. and .lY.ilburn II. Raynor, of Dubois t Idaho. By diligent effort on the part of the All of these illen are recruits an~ ~1ey ,iashington. police, the balloons were loseem to enjoy the routine of Army life. cated in an aband cued stolen aut.omobile. -9V-7267, A. C.

(With apologies

to that

THEBOJrSER -THIRrEEN' B :nonsensical old sea. song. '!A ~it~


Oh , a oe;pitalship for an aerial trip The pilots heaved as.the ~ldship weaved; Was the bomber B-Thirteen. They call ed on the, interphOne. . No breeze that blew disne.:red her crew But the captain heard' not a profane word Or ~roubled the captain s spleen. I And answer nade he none. So a~ she wheeled from the cld home field I The ship tllunged down like a tumbling clown On a mission .far away; , .And up like a. free balloon; Anithe hon:etr:-oopscheered estbe oldehip cleared And the lightning flared till no one dared At the speed of a one horse shay. Look out in the leaden gloom.

Chorus Then blow,ye winds, heigh ho! A-roving I will go! I'll not be found on solid ground So let the music play! 1tm off bi': the rrorning light! And I Won t be back till nighH : I'm off for a trip in an aerial ship A thousand nales a.way! The gunner we had was a~parently nad For the fare he fed h1s guns . Was a pound or th:ree of T. N. T Mixed up with a few stale buns. His Shots were as wild asa wayward child But his bullets roared aiar; They were every bit as likely to hit Their mark as the IIXlrning star. Our bomber thought that the thing rrost sought Was a detonating blast; And whether it blew in the ground er the blue, Was a question he never asked. His bombs plunged down on a friendly town Or a hostile rampart grim; And the havocti1CY wrought was often as naught To the hell thd,'ias raised with him. Our radio op talked endless shop On the ground and in the air. When the terminal fort sent a weather report He was always tuned elsewhere. His voice was as raw as a black crow's caw When it caws at the rising L~on, And the usual tone of hi s microphone Was the ring of a small spitoon. The old ship's prow 'was pointed now At the mountains dour and dree, An~ the ridges rose beneath her nose Like the waves of a monstrous sea. But one by one, in the dimning sun, They slowly dropped astern, As the pilots twain with might and rmin Spun wheel for a bank Or a turn. The captain sat on his foldin3 hat And his J)ants of olive brown, For he wanted to wear them both to the fair When the good ship got to town. He was old and gray, ana had got that way In his service through the years; Bu}_~is eyes were as true as the ocean's blue AUO. he knew no silly fears. As they droned ~Jong to the motor's song, The Sky that had been clear, Was ~imned by the shrouds of drifting clouds, 'Wluch ~ed that a storm was near. The dark clouds grew in the western blue To a wall .that towered higher, .. _ 'Till the leaden pall of the, thunder squall Was split by the lightning s fire.

They were flying blind in a bitter grind When the lashing bail begant And it tore the wings into shreds and stl'ines All along their stra, span. , But a fierce upblast caught the ship at last \ .And tossed her aloft bewhiles. I She was in a dive, but that great updrive, I It carried her up for nnles. there in the rime was an Arctic clime. .And the wings glazed over ~Tith ice; And the rmbor s true at last they knew ..The grip of a frigid vise . They sputtered end died in that cloudland wide Where the lightning flashed between; And the thunder rolled through the silence cold, And down went the B-Thirteen.

II up

I ToAnd the review

I She dropped in a dive that


none could survive pilots ordered all hands their sins and jurI!' for their skins Ere she crashed on those mountain strands. The gunner fell like a devil towards hell As he hugged his beloved gun, And the bomber followed in bhe path he hollowed, And the others, one by one,

ThOlllast c f all elid the pilots fall. Well clear of the plunging craft; I Ani they thought ,too late, cftheir traveling nate Of the captain, wedged back aft. They watched the ship on its downward trip, And pulled on their parachute rings; I And the strong cloth spread over every head So they drifted on silken wings. They watched the careen Cf. the B-Thirteen, And they wept for the captain's fo.te. For the clouds now breke like dissolving smoke , And the sun shone through in state. The ridges rose beneath her nose Like the horns of an angry bull., And senses numb fo::: the crash to come, They wat ched , and their hearts were full.


I But wcdt! That plane was flying again j And ahead of her, plain to see, I Was the welcome yield of a rrountain field I Where the forest used to be. She turned from her glide to neither side I As she settled smoothly to earth; And. she rolled to a stand on tha,t level land . . As snug as a bug in a. berth.


others were nearing The ground, when they gasped to hear The captain roar from the after door Like a bull with a bee in his ear. ''You boobs," he yelled, "this orate bas held Through worse storms, in her _J)rime. . She flies as nice with wings or ice, As with fabric, a:ny time."

In that, selfsame clearingthe

- 0-


V-72.67, A. C.

At the old home fort an official report Match. Went forward to Washington; 1st Prize for Individual Grand Aggregate Ani the rredal Looked well on the captain's lapel, Score with Pistol. Where the President pinned it on. Colonel Krogstad then presented blue zipper And everyone said that a hero was rrade , type jackets, having on them a large yellow But the truth VJaSo bhe rwi se -letter ''K,'' standinG for Kelly Field, to the In that stor!I1'J deep he had been sound asleep, members of the Post Football Team, with the Not once had he opened his eyes! following reua.rks: _ William H. Wenstrom. /j ''While we did not win y oharrpd.onshdp in ---000--II" I football last fall, we d1.d have a team representing Kelly Field. It isn't necessary to WELL KNO''m FLYER TAKES POSl'MAU' HOLIDAY S win a chasrp i.cnshap to a successful season. The members of our team had the spirit to win Second Lieut. Joseph C. Mackey, Air Reserve, and acquitted themselves in a worthy manner. acrobatic pilot and sky writer extraordinary, I They worked hard to give the rest of us enjoyhas recently comoleted a l4-day tour of active I ment, and it is in recognition of this spirit duty with the Air Corps Dcta.chmJnt at Port I ()f endeavor that we are presenting awards Columbus, Ohio. today." In civilian life, Li,eut. Mackey heads his own 1 The follcwingmen receiyed jackets: Flying Service at Findlay Ohio and holds an L.F .Anderson V.L. Har r i scn O. Howard advertising contract with' a pro~nent mid-west ,G.H. Geaslin C.L. Soraners S. DeFan oil company. Thousands have acclaimed his H.W. Beare E.C. Lewis P.E. Patton prowess as a "stunterll during the past few '1 L.F. Wallace J.A. Sauer C.K. Russell years. At the Miami Air Races in 1936, he was R. Flagler D.H. Smith G. Collins awarded the Freddie Lund Trophy for acrobatic . The. News Letter. Correspondent states that flying, after placing second in the InternaticnJ Lsb L1.eut. E.J. T1.mberlake, Jr., deserves a it.l Air Show event at Paris, France, earlier in f ll"t of credit for his work as coach of this the year. I team. Lieut. Mackey reported that his fourteen days I ---000--with the Military were well worth while. Particularly so were his flying hours in the new \'DillY ASSIGlT:,:ENTS .ADVANCED OF FLYINGSCHOOL North Atrerican BT-~A' s (not stunting). ~l.T'J)ENT OFFICERS "I value very hit-Illy the training I have reThe follo~ing-n&~d Air Corps officers, now ceived at Port Columbus, especially the instruon duty as stur1ents at the Advanced Flying ment, radio beacon and tactical flying I had Scheel, Kelly Field, Texas, and who are speciwith the latest types of Arr:v Air Corps E'lquipalizing in Observation Aviatio:l, ",iere ." under ment , With my own planes, practically all of Special Orders of the War Department recently my tizoo is spent in keeping the up-side-down indicarburetvrs well lubricated and in checking the issued, assigned to duty at th~ stations cat ed rupon the oorrp'I ebi.on of their present tensile strength of my safety belts," stated course of instruction, viz: Lieut. Mackey "J:ponhis return to Inactive Duty Lieut. Colonel Laurence F. Stone and Lieut. status. Colonel RB.ymond O'Neill (Ikljor) to Yarch E. ---000--Fi al.d , Cali f. I,ajor Walter J. Reed to Langley Field, Va Ca?tain James F.J. ~rly te L2~gley Field,Va. .,JLQP..F'UL CERELvDNY FOIi"ERESF.;urA.TIOU OF TROPHiES Captain HovJard H. Couch to Wdtchel Field, N.Y., for duty with 97th Observation Squadro~ All squadrons of the Air Corps Advanced Fly1~jor George G. Lundberg (Captain) to ing School, Kolly Field, Teyzs, were on SaturMiddletown Air Depot, Pa, day ronning, liarch 13th, forrr.ed in a hollow Captain John P. Kirkendall to the Hawaiian square on the rarrp in front of Post Operations. Department. Colonel Arnold N. Krogstad, Connandant of the ---000--Advanced.Flying School, presented four ~.edals to 1st L1.eut. Charles F. Densford, Air Corps srUDElJT S ASSIGNED TO AIR CO@? TECHNICAL S SCHOOL with the follovring rerrarks: ' '~ieut. Densford. it gives us great pleasure ]'irst Lieut. Cl~yton E. Hughes has been asto present to you, on behalf of the Michigan signed to duty as student in the Airplane MainState Rifle Associ~tion, these four beautiftll t~nance Engineering course at the Air Corps medals for proficiency in Pistol Competition. Technical So' ool, reporting not later than These medals are not only of intrinsic value August 15, 1937. First Lieut. George F. Hartbut indicate tilat you possess a skill in nistol man and 2nd Lieut. Charles B. Harvin are under shoeting which represents years of effort' en your part and reflects great credit on you, the orders to re~~rt to this schC"ol not later than September 19: 1937, for duty as students in U. s. Arrrw, and the Air Corns, of which you are a representative." . the Communications course, while 1st Lieut. John C. Kilborn, of RenG.olph Field, is to reThese medals were won at the Michigan State port for duty as student in the .A.r~nt course. Rifle Matches. he12 from July 4th to 12th 1936 in n:e.tches as foll..i~';s: ' , The orde~s assigning Ls t Lieut. John C. Horton, of Randolph Field. for duty as student 1st Prize for ~i<.'dd Fire with PdsboI . in the Armament course at the Air Corps Tech2nd Prize for Individual .38 Pistol Match. nical School have been revoked. 3rd Pri ze for Individual 22 Caliber Pi stol -1.1V-7261, A.Ch


dut y as Air Officer of the 6th Corps. I ine:, in Fur sui t Aviatioil at the 'l'hird Area. He r etu rned to Brooks .li'ield on I Aviation Ius t ruc t Lon Center,t. Issoudun, Oc t ober 16~ 1935, since w}2-ich tiUie, he I France, he was, on January' 0, 1919, ashas commanded the post ana. the l..:tn Ob'sisncd to dut~" as Chief of Staff to the servation Grouj). Army .Air Ser-v i c e Cor:mander, 3:rd Arf.l~r, Colonel 1,~illeI' received his promotion Oo b.t enz , Get'lilE',ny. in vlhich ca'2aci.t~ he to 1st Lieutei18.nt, July 1, 1916; to SAL"vcd., n ... l'lt~1 Seo~ember G31.~'::1.3.. ~rom Cantain1.. July 2~, Lil7; to i"a,jor, Karch ~pt f'I"Oer ~:6, 19, S, to OctO.O(31'1.8".921 17; 19';0-1- and to Lieut. Colenel, ..ovem. }le ,1e& on du.t y as ..\viation O:::'~"i'~er, lJ.l:i. bel' 1, 1';;136. Ee held. the temporary I Lic1..1d.u.tion ."iss] on, .ProvisL; District r anl; of .;~ajor of C&va.lrJ, Auoust 8, of ~G-reat BritaL.l; LondonaEnc).:md... 1918, to 1~arch IS, 1920; and that of .hctu;;:ning to the Unite St a t e s , he was , Lieut. Colonel;.. June 18 to October IS, on October 30, lS~O, assigned to duty D.S 1935; OCGober G9, 1935, to ~oYembef 1, Assi~tant ~~ecutive~.Office of~the Cbi~f 1906. He ~1.01ds th e :flying rating3 of I ';'1 Au SerVlc~, .;es~1~n6ton, p.v. i ~~rvlnE Airplane Pilot an., Airo1ene Observer and i .~11 that capac i ty 1.'.I).t1.1 June ;)0, . 9G'..:. . i~ on the General Stafl' Corps eligibie i i~Olli Oc~ober G8 l~d, ~~ ~pe~~fop!\e,d ~dll~st. i .~~onal a.uty as ll:D~?r A .. '.'V a". t~le ~nnv~ ---000--I .nOUS8, and as a mernce r OJ: . var]~us O()al'l;,' . Fro',,1 July Ito ~u",ust lL~i :.9.d,.2. Col. "'"T'O-;;"U'I. R lUUlJ:'i.l.~ ! ilarHlon was at at Lcned at Bo 1 i..r~. .Ifleld, . LI=iJ1'1 COLO E- t".U'o.l'L1.L . _. UI, D;. o,r J:l\._. . J.~,L, ~ lJ. C. ',...fO,llovyiI:'.., w~:!-ich he \'Va~ tr;nsferJ;ed Lieut. Colonel i'ubert h. Harwon,! Air 'to .cuooic F~elo., Layt on , Ohi.o , ... 1' duty . 0 CorP-F, no~~ O~'ld~ty as VOI4anar~din~."~ff~ceI' as student at the Air Service E.lgl:leerin.; of t.le 19 vl Bombardment Group, Gr.""Alr SchonL. UPO~lhis gr-aduat i on , AUt,ust ::'0, F~rce, ,.,arc:::. Fie1c?-i ge,li~., was bo.rn a_t 19;:;'0, .he returned. to dut.z in the Office C,.ester, P3-., Aprl ut L..9d. ...,.fter at of the .Chief of the Air Ser v i c e , serving tending the Po Iv t echnfc Pre(laratory Assistant Chief of the Lnf'o rmat Lon Schoo I in BrooL1Y41, Y., for two years, Division to .. rch 10, 1926, and as Chief a l'le was appo i.nt.ed to tlle '..i.3. ,.ilitarl Clf ~hat ~ivisio~l un t i.L Fe:o~"..larJ 22,1927. Academy,' ,lest Eo Lnt , i'j. T,', from \;hicn he Dur i ng hd s ser-v i ce an '..a.s.rll~1:'_ton, he also graduated June I';;, 1915, wllereu:pon he performed additional duty as-.':.1ite was c omrd ss i.oncd a Second Lieutenant, Aide. Coast Artiller~T Corps. i-:e served at ....:Trom.,;~rch ~', 19G7, to !I.ay 2:::, 19?9, . lll'rt i.onro e , V8. ~ from September L:- to : Co l onel, ~~armon was on duty as Assist80ilt .~ovembe7, 300 ~~Li; ~t. ~or~ Ar.:drew~,'j,ass.,1 s, ili t ar;: Attache for Aviatioll at the to hay 1;:,10, at rlal.tsour"", ~,. .l.., as ,Af'lericar: :c:.,r.-bass;:' London, En.laild. ::Ie Adjutant of c anrp for .ae~cular troops and ! was th~n ass~~ned,_t? dut in~'the .D~pal.tAssistant Adjutant, .business ."e,lls TraLl-1 l... n~ 01 ~'actlcs, .un~ted ;jta~es ;,:~l~tary e in" Camp, ,_a;; 6 to Oc t.ocer 8, 1916; and .Aca~,e,n", ,ieS;j i- c i nt., ",. Y. Ln AUf:.ust~ 19 a-::ain at Fo~>t Andrews, .,.aSS., to .:oVG:u- 19u:::', !le'ias transferred to 1",a.xvlel1.h:iel<'t. bel' 24, 191L. Ala., for duty as atudent at t~le Air . At tach ed to t:18 Aviation Section, 8i6Corps TacticL'\l SC~lI)Ol. 7011owin~ h i s nal Corps, h e Was a student at t~Le .:iigt raduat Lon f'r o.; t.h i s Sc.iooI in Ju..e 1933 nal Corps .t\.viat Len Scho cL at Sa.LllJie{o, and from the Co n.and and Gene r a.L 3t~ff ' ~alif. i f rom 1ccei"ber J, 1916, to May SC::()Ol." .For~ L0' lwort:il, k:,lld',S, in June, ~0, 19 7. Ee Vias rated Junior JJuili,tar'J' 1930, ne was ass16,.ed to station at Aviator to date rro,a June 2'1, 1917. i ar ch E'ie1d, hivr:rside, Caljf., where he Transferred tolort .3a.iiif-;:Ou.stO'll, Texas, Vias 011 dut y as :c:.xecutive and JDeratioilS ColoJ.lel{2,l'J,10~. was recorder of t>..e AviaOf~'icer of tne .:B'irst iii:1,?;, GE)' Air Force tion Exi:1mi:lin,; Boar-d at that post and u nt l I aurust17, 1936. he was then as- ' Assista.nt Air Officer, Sou th er'n Depart. siU_ed to n i s present pcs l t icn as Conmandment, to So;?tel"bo::.r l<~, 1917. iro(., ,)pter of 'tlle 19t11 ]o:'IIOerdJill" C)'roup. 'r. eub er 13 to ~:0, 1917, he Vias at at i.oucd Colonel B>,rlilon .Jr.:;",otcd to 1st at :~elly Fiu1.d, T~xas, '?here l~e ?rc:;ar:iz.Lieutenant, Jul~ 1, 1S1t.3; to Captain ~.sJT ed and served as vOicilltDnaant 01 IS, 1':117; to .aJ or, .b'<;ol'uar;y 14 1925' , Ground Officers' ~raining School. FrOill an~ to 1ieuG. Colo~el October i. 1936. September 26 1917 to January 3,1918t .r:".ll'il1b th e liar l;e held the tenn:.o~ary ra:.:Jk he "las on ciuty as :Department Aerona"\.:tlcof l"aJor and r'r o.n AULust 13 1935 to al Officer." Soutr.e r-n Department, fol10\"1- OCtOb6r: 1930;.. lle held the' te,npo~ary in{ which ~le Vias assi~nedas Zn;,ineer r aruc of .Lleut. volone1. He h ol d s the Officer of :Kelh E'iela. .,o. 2, San fl;;cin;..; ratings of .Airplane Piict and AirAntonio, Texas. On Larch 4, 1SilU he plane Ooserver, is on the Ge~ieral ' was transferred to Taliaferro. Fieid i\O. StDff Corps elic.Xole list. 2, Fort :forth, Texas, as :~xecu tive Offi. ---000--cere ,_ From April ,I. to S~ptelIlber 3, 1918 zeol. Under So ec La.L Crders of the ';{ar Departdarlnon was Of'f rc er ~n Charge of ]'l;;~n.; men t , r ec ent Ly i3sued Colonel J..lbert L. i at Barron Field, :ii.verH,an, ~'exas. He was Sn e ed , Air Corps, wi1 proceed to iv.iaxrtell then ordez-ed to duty overseas and, fol'u'ield, l'iontgoiller~', ..:\la., .for du t v 920.1 tue lowing the completion of advanced traincOlDpletio.a of his tour of duty in ti1e Philippines. -13V-7267, A.C.







HEBase Intelligence Officer, 0;18. Howmuch time was spent with mainSelfridge Field, Mich., enance crew during' the last 40-hour Lnted copy cf a " ~esspection1 '" covering a written ' 24. In a gas attack, why is it so irnexaminat Len recently conducted portant to nave overhead cover of some b~ each fli~ht commanderof the kind? . .. t... Fnst Pur sul t Group. He states 25. &.wunitlon carr-Ied In P-26 airthat it is planned by the Grd~p plane and how many quarts of oil in tank. C~ll~ander to ~ive similar examinations 26. Wbat altitude is used as a basis to all pil0ts semi-annually as a means, for aircraft repc~ting their alti~~def of furtheriIlf; the efficiency of' individu27. At whatalt1tudes will aircraft al pilots. T'!le scape of thisexarllinaticn fly on a true course from '0 d~rees to was, subs~antially, as follows., Someof l80 d.egrees, but Ilot to include 180 d~ the quest1ons, being Qf a someWhatcongree~? From 180 ~egrees, but not to Infidential nature, are here omtt t ed, , 360 ~.egree~? 1. The duties of S .1, 8-3, 5-4, and 23. Airc!'aft fl;y'ine. alone. and: paral1el the En"'ineer Officer. to a designated civil [j,irway shall fly 2. 5~owby diqFam, with apnroximate whe.. with respect tO~"'E; 1\ on course" e distances spsc t r'Lsd, of norl.,al fli~ht si~pal? formati0l?- ~q. s cuadr on normal fO~ll1ation. ',9. ,Inbound plan~s shell fly where w, L 3. DefInltJ.on of Pursuit AviatIon. r espect to the rad i o ra:oges of a Landa: ..g 4. Procedure of Fli[;hts A and B in ini-, fiel6.1 tial phase of souadr on attack on 9 :Bom30. Outbound plenes shall fly where bardment planes formed in defensive for- wit!l.r"eEiP~ct to th e raCiio r ang es of a mation. landlng ,fl~ld? 5. Explana.tio!l of mea.nin~ of. terms I 31. A.t w};,atal ti ~ude shall e.ircraft fly "Readiness,-"' II AJ.ert" and II ;)tatl,Ol'ls." when crc asing an a i rway and at what Cli1[ le 6. Significance of the signals .l:!' shall it be crossed? . or Yaw' series of small dives or zooms; I 32. ~hat are the necessary radio conrock wings; leader dips win~ to right \ tac ts for' a~proaching. and departing frOID when in an echelon of indiVIdual planes I a landing fIeld that has a control stato the right; leader dips wing to the ! tiou? left. I 33. ~mat are the restrictions for ap7. .Lfamewo Class 1 and Class II sup- j proachin, airports, t with considerable' plies, and what are Class IV A and Class ~raf1ic, '~/ithout having radio (two wav) IV E supplies? 1n the Shlp? . 8. Pr9cedure of pilot in event of forc34. il,ay af rc r aft be flown below 2,00e ed land1ng across Dorder. f~et in good weather for contact flyiD'? 9. Howoften do pilots take blind fly35. In fligllt, where could one find b. ing test. the frecuency and call letter for any 10. What are \lUalifying scores in Purstation 'on tne airways? sui t Gunnery for Expert .A.erial Gunn,er; 36. E~lein the difference between a 1st Class and 2nd Class Aerial Gunner? hooded instrument flibnt and an inten11. With altitude of ceiling 2,000 feet tional instrument fli~t and what are and plane is just on top of the overcast their restrictions. at 6,000 feet, give procedure to bring 37. After departare, how maya flibnt it down trircuah the overcast and land on :(llan be changed with and withou.t a radio a completely eGui~ped airdrome. 11n the airplane? 12. J.~ametw<? 9-utJ.~s of the Squadron 5-2. i 38. Du!ing a, mass fl~ght, how many a.ir13. As speCIfIed 1n TR 190-10, Conven- Iplanes Should nave the1r transmitters set tionalSi~ns, th.~_basic syinbo],for a. _. ion 3105 kil?cycles? troop unit is, ~._--J. Howwould you 1nul-i 39. Vmat 1S the frequency for aircate that the uni t is Air Corps - an Air [p.Lanes goint:, on indivfc;wl cr oea-coun try Co~s. aquadron - a ~roup - a liing - an ! fli~hts? . ., A!ltlalrcraft Battallon? ! 4(). i~,ayIntentlonal rnc c rument, flights 15. In 9reparin6 for an inspection of jbe wade alon~ civil airways? airplanes precedin6 a review, what is 41. ~.hat ar e emergency altitudes, and the inte,rva+ between airplanes and what I by ~hoiliare. the~yused? may be tne Interval between flights and 4,;;. hat as t~~eaverage maXim, range urn sguadrons. i'f}1ereis the paracl:ute disof the SCit-183 radio transmitter? played on P-f6 airplane. ~here do the i 43. Under what conditions are the folmaintenance and combat crews take post? I lowing maneuvers permitted on a sin.0'le16. i~at were SOmeof the discrepancies Iplace Pursuit airplane - Inverted ffifhtnoted in last 40-hour inspec tion of the i normal spin - inverted spin. airplane to vn1ich youat.e assigned as : 44. ifuat item of pilot1s eaui~ent must the combat crew? , Ibe carried durint:, nie,ht flying an addi17. Approximately how many hours before I tion to the pilot I s normal equipment? the next 20-hour check is to be made cf, 45. What is the significance of the the airp,lane to which you are assigned !wJ.lite traffic control light, A.. C. t;ype as the combat crew? B-lA, to the pilot taxying o~ airdrome? -I4V-7c-67, A. C.



ELIGIBLESF~O. APPOI~T~~iT 46. 'ilhat is the minimum altitude a.t [ which military aircraft may fly over the White House in He-shington? The Adjutant ~ellerall s Office, War De. 47 ~ You are ~nd Lt. A. on a crosspartment, published a pamohlet showinb' country fli:,.ht to :Boston. Ceptain B, as of Ii.arch l~ 1937, the names of noncomcommandins tile Air Corps Det.achn.ezrt, missioned off:Lcers wr-"o. ;'.:::ently passed wants to ta:~e your airplane for a. short the exa;nillatior:. for app0:"':lv':'lent as local flif,ht . Vlbat are your rights in ',Jar::ant Officer of the .Army, these names the matter? beint p12Ge~ on the eligible list in or48. In a-JPlying for an extended crossd ar of le.ltt:J.l of service in the .Arm;y country fll~t, what two principles from w~ich vacancies in the grade wlil should guide the pilot in his choice of be filled. routes and airdroille.s f.or overnight st&PSfl Of the 740 names of nonccmmissioned of~ 49. Wbat is the prescribed method to ficers on the eligible list, 114 are memchange from one source of fuel supply to bers of the Army Corps - slifhtly anotlier while in flight? . over 15 pe~cent of the total nuwDer of 50. How can the proper setting of the eligibles. Since the publicati.;;n.of fuel CO~t be determined? this eligible list, a total of &7 noncom51. ~nat two precautions must be obmissioned officers received appointment served when using flaps for landing? to the gr~e of Warrant Offiser, includ52. wnat precaution must be observed ing six from the Army Air Corps. CDnsewhen retracting flaps immediately after queiltly, the noncommissioned officer who take-off or when near stalling speeds? Vie,s .i.~O. 68 on the list is now 1~0. 1 53. Y1hat are the indications of ice I thereon. formation in the carbur et or s? The first .Air Corps nonc oumd s sd oned of54. Under v'ha~ ccnd.t t Lons is ice most f icernov. on ~he~l~g,ible list is. M9's~er likely to foml ~n'~nduct~on systems ofSerseant ~larles EUQcff, who was or~g1nen;,ines?. all;)' lVO. 7'7 and who is now, .. o. 10. s 55. What precaution should be taken to The Air Gorps nonc cmrai on ed officers prevent ice formation in car bur e t or a on this list, together with their posiwhen flyil15 under icing conditions? tion thereon, appear below, as follows: 56. What method rna;y De ,used as a last ~Q..:... l~arr~. resort to clear the ac e from a carbur e77 li"aster Sgt. Charles :Budorf tor? 85 l\.aster Sgt. Charles Jliaylon 57. What is the proper use of the 102 II.aster Sft. ~~ico G, Loupos thrnttle vdlen startin5 &1 engine? 108 Tecbnica~ Sgt. Richard Rogers 58. i'lhat is the proper method of using 141 Technical Sgt, rtuhen St. John the mi:~ture control to conserve fuel or 146 ~l~ch:c.icel Sgt. Edc i I C. "\;axwell to obtain maximum power at altitudes? 169 fuaster Sgt. Harvey H. Hewitt 59. V/hat rney result from using an ex182 lwiaster Sgt, Cha:r~,3s C. Leiby cessive amount of mixture c on t r o.L in the 188 t er S~t. i\.urt' ,-,;L !v"orrill operation of air-cooled engines? 190 I'ecnndc aL Sgt. ,d,i.liam J. Riley 60. What five steps must be taken in D8 II.aster Sgt. Geryais J. Garner stopping an aircraft engine? ;:;'05 J.. aster Sli,'t. Harry Wilson 61. ,,',nat method should be used in ;::13 t er Sgt. I'al ter Johannsen stopping a fuel injector engine? Gl? kaster Sgt. James D. Mehegall 62. Wliy mus t the manj f'cl.d pressure be 219 Staff Sgt. Jacob S.. Brown reduced or the hPfu decreased when check~ 223 iliaster Sgt. Carlton P. Smith ing magnetos? ?35 !haster Sgt. Thomas J. Kelly 63. What d eg r ee of accuracy can be ex<:39 !\;aster S(-!,. Clarence Haymes t pect~d with the type C5 (Kollsman Sensi~47 Staff S~t. A.ntho~T Groves tive) altimeter? 260 s.ast er ::sgt. William H. Folz 64. Ho~ is pressure altitude Obtained ~71 fuas~er Sgt. Stew~rt C. Smink from a station altimeter? 276 Technical Sgt. Lonnie M. Johnson .65. What is pressure altitude varia282 kaster Sgt. nobert B. Travis t~on? 284 !Viaster Sgt. Chester F. Colby 66. 'What precautions must be taken 285 i aster ... Sgt. li'loyd B. Haney When using below specification fuel, cb286 b.aster Sgt. Olin Brown ta~ned for eme~gency use? 293 Technica.l Sgt. qlyde '.i. Doyell 67. ~lat act~on should be taken at 302~a6ter Sgt. Davld T. kurphy earliest opportunity after use of lower 316 kaster Sgt. John W. Frazer than Air Corps Specification fuel? 319 Staff Sgt. Paul D. Bennett 68. ~bat conditions of oil temperature 342 ~aster Sgt. Alvan Killgore and pressure II1U?tbe obtained before full ~~3 Staff Sgt. Chauncey L. Andersom throttle operatlon? 307 fuaster Sgt. Joe fu. Cates 69. Vfuat are the minimum altitude and 358 ~aster Sgt. Sawuel J. Davis maximum airspeed at which it is consider359 Technical Sgt. 'viilliam Y. .Apple ed safe to release the l\i8 parachute flare? 361 ~st.e-t.Sgt:Arv'1J:1.'E:"*,i11'eb 70. What is the epproxtmate area ef363 Technicul Sgt. WAllace H.Williams fectively lighted by an M8 flare when re366 Technical Sgt. Thomas L. Uillison leased between 1,000 and 3,000 feet? 369 "lv!aster Sgt. Bernard Wallace -15V-7267, A. C.




370 Tecllnical Sgt. Russell C. PeCkham Gunnery over the ocean! Blue, apQ! . , .. Boyd D. Ertwine 371 ~aster Sgt. ,white waves breaking over the shoas<,~d First Sergeant Steve Stanowich 375 rocks of a rugged coast - and overhe&t'c,Il. B. 382 Technical Sgt. J0l1j,1 Von Euw plane with a sleeve tar[,.;t drones by, 386 Staff Sergeant Emmett A. Mobley while another plane ove't'i.::~kes from .. it Ronald M. Shor~ 404 ~aster Sgt. t he rear. For an insto the peace and t 413 Staff Sergeant Fred C. Brockhausen pr oaaac Quietude is shat tered by the 425 Staff Sergeant John H. MacKenzie cold chatterin~ of a macl1ine gun. But 431 Staff Sergeant William P. kc~illan the fishermen ln their tiny boats alollb 432 First Sergeant Hobert Ihiller the shore p~ little heed - for 'tis an 433 Staff Sergeant Lemuel T. Payne every day occurrence for them. They did 438 Staff Serg eant Floy L. Ashley take notice at first, and the boats would 440 First Serg eant William L. Jones "up-anchor" and scamper away; but as the 444 Staff Sergeant David 1. Fredenburg. planes continued to fly back and forth 457 First Sergeant C. ~. Guttenberger between two fixed points, the planes beChas. C. Cunningham 460 Ser6eant came a part of the expected order of 461 Techni<cal Sgt. Virgil il.oore things. 462 Staff Sergeant Albert G. Gerlach In the 31st Bombardment Souadron 469 .Staff Sergeant Oliver E. ~ing eant l~elson E. J.\I.organ Hamilton Field, Calif., IlSafety ana 475 Serrt Caution" have ever been the watchwords. 476 TecImical Sgt. Artie L. Revert 481 fechnical "Sgt. Albert E. Freathy One of the first rules observed is never 491 Staff Sergeant Albert C. Bergis to ~o to sea without having each member B. 493 Technical Sgt. E..:.,rl Redifer of the crew wearin~ a life-vest under Julius A. Zolb 494 IVlasterSgt. his parac'cute and a pneumatic life raft Raymond .A. Stcckwell 495 Master Sgt. in the belly of the ship. A second rule Sgt. Albert V" Kanig 496 !JI.aster is to always shoot out to sea, and with Spiller a constant watc~ for boats in the direc506 Staff Sergeant HenryW. t ion of fire. A third. rule that the 508 Staff Sergeant Harr? A. Tunks 511 Technical Sgt. \iilllam E. Pope Souadron observes is that cross-under 523 Staff Sergeant Charles S. Segelbaum courses be made only with the plane in 525 Staff Serseant Leslie K. Kingsley level flight and not in a bankin~ turn. It has been found that even the best 533 Staff Sergeant Harry J. Pitre 535 Staff Sergeant Joseph J.V,ontsomery p i Lo t s some t gain and lose altitude s 537 Technical Sgt. Hugh J. ma!.th ln barut~. An un9onscious gain in alti539 Staff Sergeant George h. Hoston tude wnlle cross~ng under the steel t~w line is aprarently Ul~1ealthy - hence the 540 Staff Sergeant Sidney 1,.. Rahn 543 Technical Sgt. Paul Grossman rule for the fixed angle intersection of courses. 545 .Technical Sgt. .dlliam D. Croy 546 Staff Sergeant Clyde C. Limbs In an effort to ma Ln ta i.nthe GHQ, Traill-' ing Scl1edule wi th the t},,. ';. airplanes 3 555 Technical Sgt. Hen~ H. Gray 556 Technical Sgt. 1eo I. Ferman ava i Lab Ls to th i.s Souad; 0:::., tl}e er:gineei:559 Staff Sergeant L'januel J. J.~ov8k lng sec t i on has Kept these sh tps rn coru564 1st Sergeant Leo W . .Axford mission for flyin~.eyery day. This has 572 Staff Sergeant Ra~uond fu. Bish~p meant hard and eff~clent work. Inspec573 Staff Sergeant Joseph B. Gresw~ck t ions have been II pul1 ed" after dark and 589 Staff SerGeant Almon S. Farrar repairs illadelate in the nibht in order 593 Staff Sere-eant George H. Goodrich that. when eight o'clock the followin6 596 Technical Sgt. Frank J. Siebenaler mornlns rolls aro~nd the ships would be 600 Staff Ser~eant 1"lau.rice Beach i~i. ready to tci:e to ~he air. Lrau, 601 Staff Sergeant Geyser 'vi. Pu.l ---000--609 First Sergeant Kichard H. Hahn 614 Co:,poral hudolpn Lesnick SHIFrS IN AIR DSPOrJ1 COMiI1ANDERS 619 Tecnnical Sgt. Albert G. Hewitt 620 Staff Sergeant Joseph 1ucheane Colonel La~~ence S. Churchill (Lieut. Col.), 626 Staff Serbeant ~lalph Colby Air Corps. comrending t~e Mi~dletown Air Depot, 628 Staff Sergeant Benjamin Har-ri son i:'iddletown, Pa is under orders to proceed to S 635 Tec..l-mical gt. Joseph R. Grey Langley Field. 'ITa., for duty. Colonel Jacob 652 Staff Sergeant Leonard Gilsen 1".S. 1N'uest, who has been in conrrand of the 662 Staff SerGeant Samson Smith rockwell Air Depot, Corcnado, Calif., is under 665 Staff Sergeant hobert ~. Proudfoot or,ders to proceed to i:13.oidletown, a., to asP 667 Technical Sgt.-Theodore C. Totman sumecomn:and.of the Air Deoot. Lieut. Colonel 678 Staff Sergeant Thomas E. Arnold Earold A. St.rauxs , who fore a number of years 681 Staff Sergeant Francis Ledoux has been Chief of the Procurement Section of 688 Staff Sergeant milton H. HaWkins the Air Corps ltateriel Division, Wrirrht Field, 691 Staff Sergeant Frank BobulBki Dayton. Ohio, succeeds Colonel "ue st '.as (;om717 Staff Sergeant Edgar K. Hillman 721 Staff Sergeant Arthur Hanson rrend Ing Officer of the Rockwell Air Depot. 740 Staff Sergeant James C.Richardson These changes go into effect this summer.
-16V-7267, A.C.



OLO~EL Henry B. Clagett,


COrpSl Commanding Officer of Selfr~dge Field, ~~. Clemens, . ~ic~., recently addressed ab~t 150 recruits of less than one yearl:s service. who had gathered in the Post Theatre. He dwelt on the var Lous phases of the life of a soldier, starting' front the entrance into the ser-


any instructions that they might seek, and has instilled into his officers and older soldiers this same spirit of friendliness towards the young man just enterinb on a military career. ---000--V.ISIT TO S?LrRIDGE lIELD BY IU'}.... SC?:JOL AVIATIOJ.~ CLUB.

~~~~, o;h~ ~r~t~ia~f ~~~s;~i~~e~er~een r , Paul B. Hartman of the Department which the former becomes acclimated to I of Industrial Arts of the Devilbiss High the life of a soldier~ the advantages School, Toledo1 Ohio, received a letter of the Army to the inaividualt the edufrom Army Air vorps officials at. Selfcation he can receive Which w~ll benefit ridge Field, h.t. OLemens , L~.ich.', stating him in his career as a soldier or as a that they would be very happy to have civilian after his enlistment has exthe students of that school as their pired, the advantages the Army ,?ff~rs guests on an inspection t our of'<th e Air as a career, .the necessity of d1sc1~line"Base. Accordin~ly, the Aviation Club and the servlce~ they render to thelr I of the DevilbissIIih School announced country, to the~r family, and to themIplans for a pilgrimage to Selfridge Field selves. . on fuarch 30tn. . Colonel CIElfett emphaSlze~ the ~laboI' It was ar r ans ed for pilots of the Regrate school system of Selfr~W!:e F lald,. . 0. Whereby the young sCJldier could elect ull7rlu'my A~r Corps U;Illts to act a~ to pursue a definite training. There ~ul~es for ill,elltbers or ~he club ~ur~nE;, are many vocations offered in the schuol th~lr tour tnrou~~ varlOUS machlne shops, system "If Selfridge Field, none Of which il1alntel!anc~, repa:r and assewbl~r hangars, are different th~~ those pur~ued ln and whlle ~nspectlnf and.observl~ the civil life. Should the sold~er pursue actual tra~nln:0 of the flL.hting af rpl anes anyone of these courses in a conscienand their crews of the famous First tious and thor-ough manner, he would be Pursuit Group. qualified, upon the expiration of his The units at Selfridge Field have proterm of enlistment,. to step out into be.bLv more historical interest for the civil life.wit~~ a journ.e;'twan rating in visitor than Bny ocher such Group in the such vocat Lon and take .t:1s. p Lac e amongst coun t ry , All the squadrons at Selfridge the b.est .rn~ch~llcS ?f h Ls .land: . participated in battles of the '!i()rld :','ar EmpnaSJi.Z,ll1[he.mllitary t tralnlng in Fra. ... ce. AlnlOst every famous Awerican given to tne so LdLer, Colonel Clagett tlAcelt served as a member of this Group ,stressed the po~nt. where a man sc1;lOoled in the :;,orld 'i,t:tr davs amonz them beine: in the art of dlsclpline and soldlerly C " E 1"' .' k'" . '-. attributes was assured of becomin~ a apta.l":. (ale n;c en:backe~, i.aj cr Raoul succe~s in the Army or ~n civil lIfe.. LUfbeI'j.~ ~r'ank Luke , the Ball,oon HaVlnry learned the pr-tnc Ipf e s of d LsBuster, ... , LandIS" son ?f th e ~ell ciplineo t~le soldier upon expiration ~~novm J~d~e ~en~~a\'1 koun,~al~ Landls; of his terJ1l of enlistruent can step d~bur, .n:ute, .,.c,Jor Fran:.. 0 D. Fun t er , outintf'l civil life and t~e his place ana many others. in society as a trustworthy and honest Famo~s meme~t?s of the World Wa~ days citizen. .: are st t l L exhfb I t sd and highly pr t zed by Colonel Cle{,ett also emphasized the the pr eaent personnel of the First .Purnecessi ty of the soldier's conduct, parsuit Group. ticularly When in the presence of Selfridge Field is also the scene of civilians and away from the mili tary the Arl1W's f'r-niou s annual ,,,itchel Trophy reservationl so that nothing but the Race, is open only to pilots of finest c r edi.t could be reflected upon the First Pur sut t Group and which has the service. a ttained great fame no t on.Lv as t h e His address was rnostinteresting, as oldest established air race' in the world evinced by. the at~entinn and enthusiasm but also as tue safest, since even though giv.en to h Im by h i s audience. these races are flown with mili tary Colonet Clag~tt is a soldie.~ of over fi,)ltin.; aircraft not a sin{~le part ici36 years ser v i.c e , and his r-emarks were p an t has ever been hljured since this bas'ed upon th~se y'ear~ of e~erle~c~. He contest for the John L. ldtchell rrophy has' a.lwa.ys evanc ea a great a.ea~ of lnter was inaugurated in 19:':2, est in the Welfare of the soldl ers of ---000-':his command and particularly looked out for the welfare of the yOUllg soldier or Colonel .Arthur G. Fisher, until recentrecruit. He has ma<?-e imself available h ly Commandant of the Air Corps Tactical to these young soldlers.for advice or School, 1-.axwell Field Ala., assumed comm~ld of Scott Field, ill., on ~arch 2~nd.

I ... I




"JASHINGTON OFFICENOTE'3 Brigadier Generf'l Gerald C. Brant presented' the Trophy directly to Captain Willia.rn N. Amis, , Brigadier General Henry E. '--l~" corrmmding officer of the 90th Squadron, who in Arnold, AssJ.,' stant Chief cf th~ turn passed. it en to his Engineering Officer, Air Corps, returned March 19t~" 2nd Lieut. Charles H. Leitner, Jr. An inspecfrom an inspection trip t07;h tion and an aerial review followed iil'IIediately. West Coast. While on this -- - :'\ \' ':'he review was all but interrupted by a sudtrip he visited ,t, ,_eairc:;s... h (f, \ den rainstorm which alno sb cbscur ed the field, plants of the sterrrran AJ.r;: 'f ~"\' as the vt:o. and 8th Attack Squadrons, f'o'l Icwed craft Co., 1JVichi ~r, Kansas; ", -by the 20th Pursuit Group, a-pproached the rethe North Americc:: Aviation ,viewing stand. Desni te the difficul ties enfactory, Les Angeles ,Calif. ; ---...:::: -..:.. countered, the review was cornrleted as planned, the lJcrthrop Corporation, -~... wi th no greater discomfort to the pilots than Inglewoed, Calif.; the Cona little browbeating fr0m the rain. The 90th solidated Aircraft GorporaAttack Squadron, beth cOrrnUssioned and enlisttion, S8~ Diego, Calif.; the ed, standing en the ramp in full uniform,fared Dcuglas Aircraft Co., Santa,... worse, reoeiving a thorough dl1'enchin~ frO::1the' M~nica, C~uif.; the Lockheed ~ &. ~~~"... - '" _, rain. The prescribed. attire for the farewell AJ.r::raft Corp , , Burbank, F'I -party in honor of General Brant, who 'was leavCalJ.f.; the Vulto. Airolane f -. i: I: ing for his new assignment at Langley Field, Development Corporation, _ ~--~~; J Va., was hurriedly changed from full uniform Glendale, Calif., and tlle to optional dress. Boeing Aircraft Co. at Seattle, -==--="'~~. ---000--Wash. He also inspected the new=:.=='~. :.:::::,~.t,~ Air Base at Sacrazmnto, Calif. ~ , ATIONASSIGNMENTS TACTICAL OF SCHOOL BADUATEE G

h} IA




~ r

Maj~;r Lov,"EJll . Smith, Chief of the EnspeoH ,Under Orders of the 1,'var Departroont, tion Division, left lIJarch 28th on an Lnsnec td on recently issued, the following-named Air Corps trip. officers are assigned to duty at the stations ----indicated, effective upon the completion of Recent visitors to the Chief,'s Office were I their present course of instruction at the Air Captain Benjamin W. Chidlaw, from Fort LeavenCorps Tactical School, Maxwell Field, Ala.: worth, Kansas; 1I.njor William W. Welsh, from To Chanute Field, Ill.: Lieut. Colonel Lloyd. Maxwell Field, Ala., and Captain John W. ':arren, N.KecsUnr;-o-va]orrCaptain John K. Nissley. from Fort Benning, Gao, du:::-ingthe course of "20l.fid::1letown Air D~t, Nucldlctown, Pa.: extended navigation flights. 1,1njcr Ray A. Dunn. To I:anrlex-.!ield, Va.: Major Clyde V. Finter, Recent visitors from Langley Field were .. " CpCJtain Alva L. Harvey, 1st Lieut. Frank H. . Majers Otto G. Trunk I robinson. Lawrence P. Hickey, and Edgar E. Glenn. i To 3C1r~csdaleField, Shrev.cport, La.: ilajor Ja'ffiSS' GIllespie L (Captain), kajor Paul L. Majer Robert Kauch made a ferry fli;;ht to Williams (Ca'Dtain), 1st Lieut. Bud J. Peaslee. Wright Field, March 27th. ' To ~elfrid;3( Field, l;uch~ lIajor William C, GolrJs!corcu,:;h Cr.l'Dta:Gl). Captain S. W. To, '10, Jr of the Personnel To lhitchcl Fiei'l, N.Y.: l.fajer Ulysses G. Division, left ~'ch 20th en a Dsyigation flight JcneSlCflp;oaTn)~-Ce.ptain Joseph Smith. to Chicago, Ill. T0 Scott Field, Ill.: 1st Lieut. Fay O. Dice, I with lS'iliObservation Squcd.ron, I To Field, Calif.: Majors Harold A. Maj, 'or Melcolm C. G;~~-ieft N..arch 2v<th an inspection trip to CampLewis, Wash. Bartr:m-ceaptain; and EdWErdD. Jones (Captain), ---000--To Office Chief of the Air Corps, '!vashingtC'n: l~jor Wallace G. &rith. ---000--90TH AT'IAv"'K SQUADRON WINSEFFICIENCY TRa...-'HY

The Third Attack Group was honored on Saturday, March 13th, by the awarding of the Harrron Trophy to the 90th Attack Squadron 0f that Group. The Harrrr.n Trophy had previously been presented to Barksdale Field by a group of Shreveport business men, in hono r of Celenel Millard F. Harrmn, first CCITnUldir.g officer of that field, with the sUt.:gestion that it be awarded annual.Ly to the organization having the highest efficiency rating. Decision as to a suitable basis for making the award proved sow~thing of a problem, but a system was finally evolved ,which took into consideration the number of hours flown and the average n~~er of airplanes in cOrrnUssion per nw~ ber of airplanes assigned, also the number of forced landings during the calendar year.



Cbanges of Station: To Bclli~ Field, D.C.: 1st Lt. :hobert L. Fenton, from,- ndolph Field. To Chanute Field, Ill.: Captain David J. Ji::llinger, from saii'Antvnio Air Depot. To San Anto~io Airpepot: Captain George A., Wb.atloy, fron Kelly Field-;'rexas. I Retirem:mt: Capbaf,n Isaac J. Williams, l'tarch 3l~3~or disability incident to service. Relieved from duty with Air COTis: 2nd Lieut. Leland R. Drake, from Alr Corps raining Center to Philippines for assignment to duty with the Coast Artillery Corps. Extcnsicn of active duty of Reserve Officers: 2nd Lt. McfiaI'd T. Black, now in Panazm, to Nov. 15, 1939; 2nd Lt. Marion D. Unruh, Dow in ~ana~, to October 31, 1939. -19V-7267 , A.C.

. A NP'DEAL IN PANAMA By the l~e,rs'Letter Correspondent the cry:ha.s been ''1'he trouble GuateImla 'is cne of the roost picturesqu.eand fly anywhere historical cities it has been our pleasure to but up and down the ditch." But at I SCI). and. everyone was disappointed in not pelast, to everyone's joy, this old cry ling aole to spend rrnre tima in seeing the _. has been relegated to the junk heap. \ sights. Howevez , every carmz-a in the flieht . Through the combined efferts of Bricadier worked overf.irr..e, end rrnny excellent pictures General George H. Brett, Lieut. Colonel B. G. were baleen, Wei~ and Major George R. Beverly, the policy of! The following afternoon found us in San J~se, DO c\-oss countri<J,s has changed to a policy of Costa Eic2., another interesting, city to which flights to as nyocy countl'ies as possible. No cross countries from Pa..nmm can be rmde by relonger will .Air Corps officers in Panarca be I <;uestir.g ten days in advance. The ne~t evengreen with' envy of efficers in the states tak- i 1ng we were back at Albrook Fild tired but ing 500 arrl 1,000-nile flights. and this is i satisfi3d that we had enjoyed everJ' ~n\lte of only the beginning the trip. Wewere royally wel.corced at each On February 18th. fourteen ships from Albrock st point and given the assurance that we Field took off for a flight to GuateIr.ala City. WOQld welcome back at any th~. be After gas at David, the flight wason its Another flight of nine ships is scheduled '\ way to Ma..'1agua., Yic<rag'.Ja,where we spent the soon to take. cff for Lim. Peru, emu seve:oa1 /' first night of our jour:ley. The next day, a sicnilar trips are plaml.ed in the next s)veral ''hop'' of three hours put us in Guaten:ala Ci by n:rnths. The crust has been broken, boys, and by noon. ar.d everyone was e.mazed to find cne of all indications point to flights of this the n::ost beautiful airport buildings they had ,nature beins a. regular part of the training dit ever seen. This three-hour "hop" took us out I rective cf t1:le 19th Cor..:posite Wing in the imof Nicaragua over El Salvador into Guateroal.a , i mediate f'l..ture. and it was one of the rro sb bte:resting flights ' , These fliFhts will no t only be valuable / we have had the pleasnre of rmking. Fcur acI : training for all cfficers but will be :liglU.Y' tive volcanoes were pas sed , also n:any extinct I interesting from a personal stalldnoint . Yes. craters, one. of ~ich W'c;s ~arge enough to fly i vre have a new deal in Pa.."'1B.llB. and I see DO into and eas~ly c~rcle 1n 1ts depths. sad faces. ' ---000--ORyears

with Panane is you can't


.AN m10 In flying



LU~0 Field VrcLS. recently visited by 21 cadet officers of the Roosevelt High School ROTC. of J.K. McDuffie, corrpleted the Longesb ave:' the Honolulu, accorrpszd od by their instructor, water mass flight in the history of- the Ar:rry Ca1)tain Harold J. Keeley. Infantry. The group Air Corps. The nOO-mile "hop!' was rmde in vms 1mt on arrival by representatives of the eight hours, and all 21 cfficers were in f:ne 23rd end 72nd Bomoardrnent SQUe~dxons and were :(ettle upon landing at Albrook Field. ~he t8k0h Lm'3cliately to the hangar-s , where the flight could not. hrrve chosen a n:ore ide",l tirre different types 01 Bouibar-dmenb airplanes were to come. to Panarra , as the Carnival Se:tson 'V'aS exol a.i.nod in &etail. The bcmbing trainer was in full swing. and all visitins officers enjoyd.e,, brief lecturas and were ciiven ed it i!lJIlensely. on zrach i ns gur.s , bombs. bomb racks and. racUo The flight is nr''"'t~1er11il; step f'orwL"..rd f0r ecui'o':8D.t. . the A1'lI\Y Air Corps e:n.dclearly shcwsthe effec-'Tl~e v i s Lt of the high school boys was concludtiveness of long range modern equi,ment. It ad with a tour cf the denartments p~ sho~s of den:onstrates the nobility of a modern Air Corps I the Hawa.i Lan Air Depc t , . They left the post at and how distant points can be supportedouickly : 12:00 nOC:1 d.ter a- vi zit which they c'La.irred and effectively by our Air Corps. I made a new high in their II'.ilitary instruction, Panan:a and. the Lar-ge part of Central Arre:r:ica,!" ---000--inclUding the Car Lbbes,n Sea, is unfor bunat.e.Ly ! afflicted '.vi th a wet season, which cxte:::.ds over I The 15th Observation Souadron gunnery detodl .a perind from 11'1<1y Docenibe to r-, Since "Ole Ma I' returned to Scott Field frol'u its first ... '1 visit Weather" is still rur most hated enerqy the ire- to the Valparaiso Gunne'ry and Bombing near , 'medicd;e surroozt of the Panaaa. Canal would be I: Valparaiso, :i!J.a., on l,b.rch 16th. 17ine officers seriously Jeopardized during ~his season. but e~ 17 enlisted Ir~n fired the two observation with the most rroc.ern equiproont bad weabher] courses with. 30 caliber machine guns rmunbed may also be whipped. I in the 0-46A Observ~tion airplanes, and all but 'The flight was a big event for Albrook Field, lone, an enl.Lcbed nan, qualified as Ezpert and in our szal.L way we did cur best to cnte:::'Aeroial Gunne s , The nine officers r were ~.1a,jors tain evaryone ;!' says tba News Letter CorresVlalter T. Meyer. Raphael Baez , Jr., 1st Lieuts. pondent. ,rIVe hope our best vas good enough. for i Jaws F. Walsh, Mark E. Bradley, WillifIDl J. we are waiting for ar.other visit." ! Bell, Carlyle W. PhilJ.i~os, :;nu Ldeubs, James -~-oOo--V.G. Wilscn, Air Corps, and. 2nd Lieuts . Jack First Lieuts. Frank F. Everest, Jr. and Harry i S. hunt and Sylvester L. Fahey, Air Reserve. E. Wilson are under crdexs for duty in Hawaii ---000--'" upon completion of their course of instruction at the Air Corps Tactical School,NaxwellField. 1

from 1~a~,


to Albrook Field,

Canal Zone. nine Bomter s , commnded by Mc.jcr

I !



V-7267. A.C.

NOTES FROM AIR .CORPS IELDS F L~ley Field, Va., March 19, 1937. guided the first toddling foot steps of this .~ are happy to welcome three new officers outfit upon its organization September 1,1936. into the Second l'TingHeadquarters - Colonel Ce:ptain Clarence D. Wheeler, the retiring comH.C. Kress MUhlenberg on February 27th, Major mander, is still with us, but has assumed a LB. March on February 24th, and Lsf Lieut. IJX)relefty position en the Group Staff. J.K. Lacey on March 2nd. Colonel M.lhlenberg The o rgazd zat i.on misses the cheerful smile ass~~d the duties of Inspector of the Second of our genial Flight Cornrrander, Lieut. D.D. Wing; Major I.Iarch will be the Wing Surgeon, and Hale, has been placed on special duty with Lieut. Lacey replaced Captain R.P. Williarra,who the 2nd Wing, but wishes him success in his was transferred to GHQ Headquarters as Meteoro- new duties. Wehope he will soon be back with logical Officer. us. First Lieut. D.D. Hale was attached to Second 35th Pursuit Squadron: Captain John E. Wing Headquarters from the 8th Pursuit Group Bodle vacated the position of Flight Comn~er Headquaz-t er s on VJarch 2nd, as Assistant Wing r-f the Souadron and is again in comrand of the Corrmmi cab Ions Officer, and has been up to his Headquarters Squadron, 8th Pur sud b Group, GHQ. neck in work ever since. Major M.N. Stewart, Air Force. However, he is still attached to Wing Comnunications Officer, Whom Lieut. Hale the 35th for tactical training. so ably assists, took leave March lOth for ene Lieut. John H. Eakin was transferred to the norrbh , Then it seems that 1st Lieut. Hoyt L. ,36th Pursuit Squadron on the day he received Prindle, our Wing Adjutant, decided about the his comnission. We sure missed the-se cigars, time Lieut. Hale arrived that Key West needed Johnnie. him to do some ''big game" fishing for the short' The usual epidemic of maneuver ruzmrs has time of a rmnbh and a half, so Lieut. Hale l.',n.- a.r. .used considerable speculation over the po s.o .. herited the Adjutant's desk. And to see that si9ilities of interestinG trips and field our aforesaid friend dB not have too mioh time I probl~. on his hands "they" decdded that he would do Flying training goes on as usuaL. The presexcellently as Assistant Wing Operations Offi~ ant acute shortage of pilots in the Souadron cer, Lnasmich as Lsf Lieut. D.B. Schannep is I will be somewhat relieverl in a few days, when vacating the position on or about Varch 23rd to I the three newly assigned Flying Cadets arrive join hi~ General at M'LxwellField, Ala. ("Shnn" I from the Training Cenbor , is General Pratt's aide in case you're not in 36th Pursuit Squadron: During the past two the know). The only trouble there is that Iweeks of perfect flying weather, the 36th has Major F.M. Brady, Wing Operations Officer, is succeeded in accomplishing a large amount of at Hot Springs, Ark., undergoing treatment, and training in aerial gunnery and blind flying. will rerrain there for some time yet. Pcor Under the able tutelage of Lieut. Springer, Dudley Hale. the S0uad~on has been working on unit descents Colonel llfuhlenberg left lIJarch 8th for Mitchel through overcasts. In this work the P-6' s Field to secure detailed information on combat ,hage been used to an advantage ,as safety ships crew assign~nts of the 8th Bombard~nt Group. (for those flying UI0er the hood in the PB-2A's. Major Howard A. Craig, Wing Personnel Officer,l Due to a rearrangement in the Sauadron set-up, left March 8th on a 4-day trip to Selfridge, Inew gunners have been assigned to all twoChanute. and Pa~terson Fields to c?nfer with. the Iplace ships. Most of these men had never ComrnandlngOfflcers of these statlon~ relatlve flown or fired before, but all seemed pleased to personnel n:atters of the Second Wlng. 'I with the new assignment. Lieut. Gardner start2nd Bombardrnent Group: Lieut. Colonel Robert ed bhern off with ground instructions in the Olds relieved Lieut. Colonel Charles B.Oldfield nachine gun and with ground firin~ from a as Commnding Officer of the 2nd Bombardment [scar-f lIX)~t located en the PI~'Il T~ee Island Gro~. Lieut. Colonel Oldfiel~ goe~ to Fort Irange. This is to be follcwe~ by work with Lewi s , Wash., to comrand the aa r unlt at that ,camera guns and then with aez-Lal. gunnery. station. At present he and Mrs. Oldfield are o~ Early last week, Lieut. D.E. Viiiliams, of the leave. (36th, gave a scholarly lecture to the 8th On M9.rch 5th, the Group gave a farewell party Pur sui t Group of the subject of Radio Aids to for Col. and lkrs. Oldfield at the Officers' lAir Navigation. The keen interest in the subClub, which VrcLS attended by all of the officers I j~ct and the appreciation of Lieut. Williams' of the Group and their Ladd es, A silver. i knowledge on this matter was made apparent by platter, engraved with the Group insir;nia, W3.5 I the many questions asked. presented to the departing Group Commnde.r by Since the last NewsLetter, Lieut. Eakin, the officers of t,he Group. The Group regrets I' Air Reserve, and Cadet Zerrke joined our organthe loss of Colonel Oldfield, but is glad to ization, and 'lore are anticipating the arrival have as his successor Colonel Olds, who has of two more Cadets in the near future. This served ~ years in this organization prior to addition to our flying personnel is greatly this time. ! needed and welcomed. H . and H Sauadron 8th Pursuit Gro . The I, We have also received a new contingent of organ zation welcomes Captain ohn E. Bodle, enlisted men, but 1st Sergeant Laver still Wh.O resume. commnd on March 8th, back into the II noans in his sleep for just one trained clerk d fold. Captain Bodle, then Lsb Lieutenant, to help him out in the orderly room. -21V-7267, A.C.



-- .'

Fawaiian Air Depot, March 23, 1937. stay, which was very necessary after the game two 0:33 airplanes recently received from with the Post team. The fliers were beaten by the maInland. have been assembled at the Depot the score Qf 46-30. The fliers attracted atand delivered, one being assigned to Wheeler tention with their usuak fight and the fast P'ield and the other to Luke Field. Somewise breaking style (If play. Time and time ac; was bas ndcknareed this model the t'Goon"; not a oppo r-burdbi ea presented themselves for scoring, bad appellation. but somehowthe scorebcard never recorded the Major C.P. Kane, the Depot Supply Officer, isl points so necessary to win ga~s. After the leaving on the st. l{iihiel on March 23rd for his I game, a buffet supper was served both teams, new assignment on the nninland as a student at after which the zoen separated and spent the the A:rnry. Industrial College, Was-'-liIlb-rton, D.C. balance of the evening visiting various enterFirst Lieut. D.'W.Titus has temporarily taken tahnnent spots. All had a grancl time, and we over the Supply pending the arrival from the are looking forward to next year. nninland of 1,;B.jor J. Hanl.on, Vi. \ Congratulations are in crder for Mr. Fred Scott Field., Belleville, Ill., March 27th. Wood, our Chief Civilian Inspector, on his re- I IfJJ,jor alter 1'. Meyer, vlno returned from gunW cent promotion to the rank of Captain in the nery practice with the 15th Observation SquadAir Reserve. rcn at Valnaraiso, Fla., on March 16th, was acRecent arrivals reporting from the mainland pointed Po-;;t Adjutant on l'.arch Eth, relieving for duty at the Depot include Messrs. Charlie Captain J'3IDesC. Shively. Jackson and Walter L. Costenborder. The gunnery detail to the V2.1paraiso, Fla., Gunnery and BombingBase journeyed south by air Hamilton Field, Scc-m Rafael, Calif., Ma.1"ch8. 1 I and highway. Six 0-46l1.'s and cne C-24 Transport 9th Bombardment SoU8:'l.ron: I :'lewdown on March 2nd. And at the same time The Squadron has 'Deen fortunate, in having I the motor convoy burned up the highways, IIEking three eXperienced officers recen~~3signed to I 567 rrUles in 14 driving hours the first day and it, namely, 1st Lieuts. James H. Wallace, Win. J finishing 'L:."P the 872-mile trip on March 3rd. E. Karnes and Oliver S. Picher. Lieut. Wallace I It was on the return to Scott Field on March carne from Albrook Ficld, where he was Opera16th that the C-24 Transport had engine failtiens Officer of the 24th Pursuit Squadron. He ure a little more t~~ ml hour vut ~f Val~araisc is now serving as Squadron AOjutant; Lieut. The seven enlisted -passengers escaped by jumpKarnes, who is now f'A" Flight Corrnander and ir..g with pa.rachutes, but the ~i1ot, Lsb Lieut. Comnunications Officer of the Souadron, recentCarlyle 17. P~'lillips, was cazr i ed to his death ly graduated f'rori the Comnunications course at when his :p8rachute fouled on the tail of the Chanute Field &~d CCJDerm~ the 5th Air Base, f airplane. It is believed that this is a record where he served as Assistant Base Adjutant and jump whereby seven men saved their lives at one Recruiting Officer. Lieut. Picher came to the b irne ju.nping from an airplane. Squadron after having completed the Engineering San Antonio Air DGp~t, Duncan Field, Texas: and Arm:unent Courses et Chanute Field. For a Major -John 1\:. Clark, Depo t Supply Officer of while he servec as Assistant Engineering Offithe Depot, returned 1,arch 9tb from the Station cer of the Base f'o rce and nm'l serves as Group Ji{ospital, Fort Sa"Il Houston, where he had been Armament Officer and Squadron Armament Officer. a patient since February 22nd for a nasal opera88th Reconnaissance Sguadr~n: To encourage taking the required exercise, this Squadron has tion. Recent cross-cour.try visitors at the Depot purchased two badminton sets. On rainy days, included Colonel D.B. Netherwood of the Air this exercise has attracted ouite a few and is Ccrps Board and Lieut. D.1. Moler, from Maxwell rapidly acauirin~ IJX)reand ID:)rcf'o.l.Lower-s , The Field, Ala., in an A-17, 1~qrch 9-10. Lieut. questions - ""'!ho s using the racquets?" and 11101er errying back an overhau.led A-12; Lieut. f ''How about a game?" are bee-cluing ('lui te well Colonel S.J. Idznrek, Supply Officer, and lLajor known to the members of this org:Hl.ization. By the time good weather arrives, this Snuadron J.T. MOrris, Encineering Officer, Rockwell Air De-pot, Calif., l'lC-rch18-19, on a transport serwill have qualified several of its members as "badminton "experts. " vice triV' enroute to an Enr:ineering and. Supply 11th Bombe,rd.."Ilent Squadron: Flying treJning Officers conference at the Materiel Divi8ion, ~n this organization for the last tl"l0 weeks "~ri;.;ht Field, Ohio; h:ajor L. A. Daybon , March has been limited to the two or three days cf 13th, end Captain D.F. Fritch, March 16th, ona clear weather anG.has been devoted. entirely to cro"s-country flight from the Tactical Sc~ool, dead n&.vigation. Someof the offiMaA1IJell :E'iold, to Kelly Field end return, greetcers found that their E.T.A. isn't as accurate ing old friends a.t this De ocb where they were in the air as it seemed on paper during the formerly on duty; Captain A.H. Johnson, Wright class 'Deriods. :F'ield, lhrch 18-19, in a 13-10, for repairs to Gunnery has had preciidence for the nas b month. his plane, having been forced dovr.n Waco, at The efforts of the squadron to qualify as many Texas, with engine trouble; Lieut. W.A. Axing, as possible have borne fruit. With a rronth March Bth, bringing in a C-14 for oveJjhaul left f~r que~ification, ~any have already ou~i- from Maxwell Field; H. W. Logan, A.M. MlC, Pilot fied as eipert aerial ~~ers. . of t.he Air Patrol Detachment at El Past', Texas, I"lf r.he J. S. Coas b Ouard , Y..a.rch 15-17, for re5th Air Base Souadzont The Hami.Lt.on Field Bombardiers ha~us.t:fInished their basketball pairs to his V-1l7 -plane, enroute to Dallas, se~son, winninc ~6 nf the 22 games played. Fer Texas. the nice showing! the men were given a trip to The uonthly Supply Control Area Supply and Vancouver Barracks, Wash., for an overnight EnGineerinG Ccnference and Luncheon at this - 23V-7267, A.C.



D~ot was held on liarch 9th. Out of town Air Corps officers attending were Me.jors L. S. Webster, Supply Officer. end V.ilo McCune, En~iIl8ering Officer, end Lieut. Livingston, all of Barksdale Field, La. Major John:li. C1ark,Depot Supply Officer, and Major Elmer D. Perrin, Post Operations Officer and CorrmandingOfficer of the 3rd Transport Squadron, were schedul ed to depart March 20th by air for Wright Field, Ohio, to attend a conference in the Office of the Chief of the Materiel ~vi8ion on engineering and supply problems. During February, the Engin2ering Depext~nt of this Depot overhauled a total of 19 airp~a.nes and 63 engines, and rc.paired 17 planes and 31 engines. 3rd Trans"port S"',Y1.drcr..: rivate John W. ~ ..'.:",' P : .Jackson enlisced- <.~2~join'ed the Squadron on 1'141'ch 6th, ha-ring forroor1y been on duty with the 12th Air Base Souadz'on at Kelly Field. Pvt. LeBoy L. Trenton joined the Squadron March 17th by tra.~sfer from the 12th Air Baso Squadron. Kelly Field. Private, 1st Class, James O. Guthrie was prcmoted te Corporal Varch5th, and Privates W.71. For-ehand , ;fl'. , R.C. Gray and Louis Schmid.t were promoted to Privates, 1st Class, March Lsb . Advanced Flyinh School, Xelly Field, Texas.



I,amp Assembly, Runni~,

T~e A-B. ~~ Englneering Scc:ion ::ernorandumReport "provides i~~ormation nccessaxy for the classification of Larrp as serrib'l ru.."'l!, y, Type A-8, as standaxd. This assembly is intended for aircraft equipp0d with onc-,rire electrical syste:n. It is similar to the Type A-7 running Inmp, ex~ept that the lamp socket is designed for sindle contact base le~s, one 'side baing grounded. .

IJ8II;P Ass~mbly, R~ng, TyPe B-3. 11-:1 ~IJgir..eorir..gSection M.e;;:ora.l1dul1l Report -provides Lnz'o necessary for tha classification of La..'1JP .Assembly, Bunning, Type B-3, as standard. This lamp asserribly furnishes a long range running or position light for installation ou airplanes equipped vnth the one-wire electrical system. It possesses a shielded fitting for flexible c~nduit installation. The flexible conduit installation on this lamp assembly uaterially decreases the cost and is more sab i sf'acbc ry than/the solid conduit installations recuired for the Types B-1A and B-2 Laiop assemolies. V


~of 8.:E.~e B~ack_ Lacque! No. 76.,.911Major U. G. Jones, a student at the Air Corps An Engineerlng Secb i cn IVle:r.orandum Report Tactical School, Maxwell Field, Ala., arrived 'I covers test of Sprual1ce Black Lacquer No. 76here on }larch 15th and departed on the 17th for 911, procured from the Gilbert Spruance Co , , Fort Crockett. 1~or Jones '~s fenneLly stai Philadelphia, Pa., derr.onstrating that no Airu. Honed at this School, having served as Comrand-] Corps standard lacquer. is equivalent to ing Officer of the old 39th Observation Spruance black lacquer No. 76-911 for usc as a and pri~r to bring relieved from assignment vms I protective coating en the expcsed metal porPost Opez-ab ions Officer. I tions of the cases of integrally shd 'babCaptain Wallace E. ~~itson, also a stu0cnt at \ teries. As the result of Materials Branch the Tactical School, was a visitor fro~March tests, Air Corps Specification No. 14091, ~5th to 17th, piloting an 0-46A. Prior to his covering acid-proof lacquer, has been released Q.etail to the Tactical 8c:,.001, Captain Whi sor.. t and the integrally sh'i e'Ided battery drawings was Chief of the Eombax~ent Section here. He ! are being revised to specify lacquer finish also. coached the Kelly Field football team for I in accor-dance therewith, in lieu asphalt four years, taking up where Lieut. "Chick'" varnish, Specificatbn TT-V-51. This action Harding left off. ~rc1S found necessary eter it has been deterOther visitors were Ce.ptains J. S. S-towell in I' mined that asphalt varnish, Specification TTan 0-19B, R.W. Harper in an 0-19 and. D.F.F:ritch V-51, was not entirely satisfactory for use in a P-l2E,all from WJ.a.'CWell Field; 2nd Lieut. : on the intesrel1y shielded batteries, as it B.E. Brugge in an~?-16 from Har;1iHC'n Fi8~d 011. I dO':8 no~ provide r; good, hard finished surface route to Chanute .neld; and MaJor G.P. -Johnson , I w}uch wl11 not oh'i.p , Air Corps Ens t ructo r at the :E'ie1dArtillery I ---000--School, Fort Sin, in an 0-19. }Iiajor Claire L. Chennault (Captain) is reMembers of the G~::na. School Squadron have lieved from duty at Barksdale Field, La. , on voiced their reGrets u~on hearing that their congenial EnGineering Officer, 1st Lieut. Chas. April 12, 1937, and ordered to his home to av~it retirement. Sonrners, is ~cer orders for duty in the Pana~ Captain Kirtley J. Gregg, upon t~e completion Canal Deuar-bment , The noncormri ssioned officers of his present course of instruction at the of the Squadron tendered Lieut. Semel's a Air Corps Tactical School, Maxwell Field, Al'.., "Farewell" party, which was attended by the Squadron Corw..:mding Officer (Najor W.E.Richards) is to proceed to Fort Leaven~~rth, Kansas, for and 1st Lieut. R.F.C. Vunce. duby as student in the 1937-38 course at the Technical Sergoax.t Ray Francisco', 62nd Schoel Command and General Staff School. Squadron, was prorr.otad to }.faster Sergeant. Major Harold R. Wells (Captain) is assigned First Lieut. Wm. G. Bowyer, who recently com- to Selfridge Field,, upon the completion of his tour of duty in the Philippines. pleted a tour of duty in the Hawad Lan De-oartment and transferre.d to this station,. as" - Wajor Emil C. Kiel (Captain) is assigned to signed as Engineering Officer of the 64th Mitchel Field, N.Y., upon completion of his School Squadron. I course of instruction at the Comrand and General staff School, Fort Leavenworth, KansaS,. - 24V-7267, A.C.








, 1,


,~,.I"-' - ....




V6L~ xx
Informatiou Division Air Corps


C 0





Jo. 8.

The chief ~rpose of this publication is to dist~ibute i~formation.on aero, naut ac s to th e flyin~ personnel in the .heguleT .Army, .tteserve c orps , .NatLonal, "Guard, and others conilected with aviation. ' ..:~ ---000--.,.


:"~ T the present time, dad.Ly cb- ' sliGhtly, but'will' remain consistently servatron flights with less than one pound (453.6 grams). Ex~~i<planesa:re necessary to ob- periments with the t~ieteo~ograph have .'.t " data for the been made' and recorded sanc e October, , . general use of the Army,. 1936. AccordinQ to Captain t.iaier, the Navy and Air COJ;'ps,,especially so the, robot man made G4 asqents none of t:1em i of them withlatter. Daily t!routine" fli~hts from under 35,000 feet, . and al 15 000 to 18 000 feet are maae by ~erson- out failure. ~he 1ustruments wo~:ed pernei from Keli~r,WriGht, Ma~ell, A<t1tchel, f ectly, regardless 'of tempera~re differSelfridge and many other f1elds. ences, and recorded up to - 70 C. .A.ccordin,:: to Captain O.C. 1>aier Signal .... 1nformation has been forwarded re0 Corps officer, attached to l~iarch field, garding the actual workin.g of the intriR~verside, Cal if., th~se rather expeIl.cate echa~~sm of the fueteorogra1?h, but s and not very r e'Lt.abl e weather the ! arch ]'1eld Correspcndent po i.rrt s out flights can be done away ~:ith thrOl?-bh.the that ~a:cge benefits c9u1d be de:;-ived use of the BADIOzY;ETEOliOGRAPH . Tin.s 1S from 1ts use by the Au Corps s rnc e , afa uniaue instrument created bv the comter !lU, the Air Corps demands more bined "ef'f'or-t s of lvlr. L .E. WooCi, of the w sa.t ner data than any other branch of California Institute of Technology, and the serviCe. He states that at present Captain ivIaier. the able suggestions ,l4arCl1Field obtains its daily obaervaof members of tl:e G~genheimAeronautics .tions through San D~ee;o, and e mc e planes Laborator,y, Cal1for~1a Tech., ar~ dependent on ce111Dgs there 1S no one The metecirograJ?h 1S a robot weather. hundred percent assurance of regular and man, A balloon 1S sent aloft, at alt1uninterrupted meteorological service. tudes between 35,000 and4S,000 feet. Furthenuore~ this miniature weather reAttached to it is a $nall gondola, con.corder coula be sent aloft twice or taining a smal I radio which" broadcasts" three times daily for recording without the measurements of temperature, presmuch additional expense or trouble. sure, relative humidity, as well as wind Lnv i t Lng attention to the fact that direction and velocity, at frequent i11.- Captain l>.aier and t\.r ood had the meteoterv~ls. The ~ondola ?f this compli~atIrograph ~loft for as 1011 as three hours ed Li.t t Le mach Lrie car r two ba t t er t es , at one t ime, the .v.arch F1eld Correspona miniature radio and the meteorograoh. dent, adds ,that successful Obser,vations can The total wei~ht of the complete assembly be done within the nour mark or less and is given, as 4.::5 grams. This may vary that the idea .1 seems well worth trying. \I ---000--,,/ ,


C01,TRA.CT .AWARDED FOl{ADDITIOJ.~AL :BASICTRAlldl~GPL1I.JiES The Hon. Harry H. Woodring, Secretary 'serve, due to i,ts importance in J.~'ational of Far, announced recently that the con- Defense. tract heretofore made with the ~orth AmThe ch~es from the design urescribed eri9an. Aviation: Inc. l of Icglewood, in the oribinal contract are being made Ca11f., for baSIC tralning af.rp l anes has in order to fit these planes for use at been increased by a total of 73 airplanes points other than the Air Corps '~raining and a comJ?lement of spare partsl at a to- Center, for which the airplanes in the. tal addit10nal cost over the or1ginal oricina~.cont~act are beiUG procured. contract of $903,380,99. '' B;jT ta ... nns aavantage of a contract alForty of the above 73 airplanes are be- ready UIlder way and m~ing changes in the in~ changed from the original design in IPl8ne b,einb produced, it has, been,' possible to take a more .powerful engine to procure these airplanes at a material the Pratt & I;hi tney R-l340 "dasp." The r educ.t Lcn , in the total cost over that :;-emainin 33 will have incorporated ~here.,.Vihicl: would have been. necessary had a a.n cer t at.n necessary changes to prov1de I sp ec i al, 'Jlane been developed for 'these for the trainin:, of pilots of the Air IPurposes~ T.he .r educt I on "in the number' of Corps Organized Reserve. ,These planes t~es of aircraft has also materially simare being pro,vided especially for the plified the ~roblem of the aircraft manutraining oft~e Air Corps Organized ReIfacturing ina.ustry. taking ed-1.V-73lJl*, A. C.


vant8&e of a contract alr~ 11l producThe uxt c1& 1. acheduled to begin tiOD, the "ilar Dt!Per,tIn,ent 18 able 10 Ieon Jul7 15th ~ 18 .~c,eted to have cure delivery of the c~eted ail'll18lle8 five Naval. medical officers 1n e.ddition . months before mob delivery would be pos- to the regUlar cla81. aible UDder a nevi contract. ---000----000--~ .A.SSIG~S FOR C,& G. S. SCHOOL GRADUATES ADDITIO ..W, FLIGHT suro:EOJliS ros THE APJtY The following-named Air Corps officers Five officers of the kedical Corps, are assigned to the atations ~ndicated U .S. !.rmy, and one Medical Corps Reserve upon completion of their present cour-se officer, who pursu.ed a COl1I'eeof instruc- of instruction at the Con1'!l8nd and General tion in .Aviation kw.edic1nea.t the SChool I Staff School! Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: of J.v1ation Medicine, ilandolph F1eld, I To the Phi l'pplnes: Lieut. Colonel ' Texas graduated on ..MOO 31, 1937, a8 wi11lam 'Et. Crom. F11ght Surgeonsl vl.z: Captains Henry C. To Mitchel Field, .l.i.1.: Major:Emil C. Cheiiault :Oe.rksCl.ale Field, La . ~ar L. Xiel (Captain). Olson, Chaunte Field, nr., Is{ Li~uts. To Hawa.iian De artment: kajor Oliver William 1. Patient, liloffett .Field,va.lif.; P. 0 an a.p an; Jll~or Bernard J. Edward .B. Payne, Selfridge Field, Mich.; Tooher Captain); Captains Rober,t W. Wayne iI.. Weaver lia.ndolpli Field, Texas;, Jr;.., and Homer W. Ferguson. and W1111aiu B. tovelace, of the IilaYo To O1'1'1celintef of the .Air Coros, Clin1c, 4iochester, kinn. W&SlilDg~on:fi D.C.: CaptaIn JamesT. Dipl~ were presented to the students Oumberpatc. . by Briad.ier GenerEl J8illes E. Chaney,!ir I ---000--Oorps, commanding the Air Corps Training _, ".... ' Center, who was acco4ilpan1ed ,bY Colonel PltOkOTIO OF .l....O.. CO,~S;)IQJ.~:w .. ~ ~ OFFICERS Arnold .l.'i. Krogstad Commandant af the J.dvanced Flyin:. 'Scilool, Xelly i' hId, Th~ follow1~.s-named Air Corps nonconTexas. .,~a.jor,~.J. kc~rr~ t. the Chapla.:in missJ.oned' offJ.cers were promoted on the of Randol~h Field dellvere~ the lnvoc~ dates indicated:

~~~1~dMe~~,~tc5~~~, ~~~oc:m~~t of j' S~iGrl~r.:: LMe;ley the Scnool, preside"d. . Field, a., J.pril.l 1937., Tw,O basic cou,rses, e, ch of four months 1'1 Technical Serg,eant Wythe J. ,Qiapier, a duration.., are conducted annua.lly, sta.rt-:iandolph.l!' 1eld, !,pril 5, 1937. lng July 15th and December 1st of each To Technical Ser"ea.nt J.. I' Co s: Calendar year. In additiou to the resiSte.' erg ean 0 n ryor arc :leld dent course, as a year-round activity, Calif., ~arch 13,1937.' , the School conducts an extension (corres- Staff Sergee.ntJames .A.. kaglnness pondence) course in !.viat1o~ u.ed;cine, in ~e.Dell Field 'ua., ~J'n 1, 1937. Which there are noW 430 enStaff Sergeant :Ernest LeveAque Ha1Iaiia.n rOllees. , ~e permanent force on duty at I' Department April 5 1937 ' the School noW co~r1s~s the following, ---oob--- named officers also n1ne enl1.sted men , i and seven civi ian employees: I Colonel Arnold D. Tuttle, iwl. C., eomASSIG.l."Jli&~TS WAR COLLmEGRADUATES FOll. mandant. Lieut. Colonel Coleridge L. Beaven, ! Under special Orders of the ~ar Depart~.C., Assistant Commandant and Director Imentt recently iS6Qed, the followingof Extension Courses. nameQ CO~B officers will proceed to kajar deely C. kaShburn M.C., Directhe stations 1ndicated upon the compl~, ~ to~, .Department of Psychbl ogy. It~on of their pre!ent course of instruckaJor Char-Lea F. Snell, C., Director'l tlo,n a,t the AriJ.lY ,Iar Colleg'e, Washington, Department of .Aviation ;~'edicine. D.C. ; , Captain Jo:W ill Hargreaves, A C.) DiTo . chel Field H J.~. : Y. rector, Department of Opthalmology. Lieut. Colonel Cart Connell (Major) Captain Jalter S. Jensen, ~.C., DirecTo Hawaiian DeQartment: tor, De~art'jllellt of .L611ropsychiatry. Major Romeyn B. Hough, Jr. Capta1nCharles L. Leedham, AhC, AsTo Berlin, aiatant Director, Depf'l'toellt of Avia.tion I~ajor Arthur Vanaman, for duty as Medicine. !'ssistant ~ilit&r,y J.ttache and Assistant Benj.R. Luecomb, ~ .A..C., . Ex- .1A.ll~tary Attache for Air, .American ecutlve Officer and Secretary. Embas~. lill of the graduates started the cours ---~Oo--en December 1st, with the exception of Lieut. Lovelace, of the Jr.edical .Reeerve Durina:the months of Ja:tm.ary and Febru .... Who joined the class on February 15,1937, &ry, 1937, a total of 163 transient 8.11'completing the six weeks I practical planes stopped at the Iioc.kwell Air Depot, course (after having completed th~ corCoronado, Calif. respondence course of th~s School). V-73 , .A.. 04








~ITS of the General Hea.d- : TwoBombardmentSquadronsJ, 30 officers.,ouar t er s Air Force will 1162 enlisted men 13 Bombardment airooncentrate in California fpl~es from Haniiton Field to Merced, during the period from !Ca11f. ~ay 1. to ~ay 31 for the I 3rd AttaCk Group, Hq. & Hq. Saua.dron purpose of testing the land one Scua.dron w1ththe 3rd Att~c strength and organization of the flying !Group 42 'of:(icers - .255 enlisted men, combat units of the .Army. A total of i 33 Attack airplanes from Barksdale Field, 430 officers, 2,500 enlisted men and iLa. to B~~ersfield, Calif. 244 Army airplanes will take part in lOne Attack Souadron, 30 officers - 177 the maneuver. The participating units i enlisted men, 2"8 Attack airplanes from will be based on March Field at RiverjBarksdale Field to Delano, Calif. side, Calif., and Hamilto~Field at San i One Attack Squadron, 30 officers - 177 Rafael in the same State. Various mu.- enlisted men~ 28 A-17 airplanes from nicipai and co~nercial flying fields ~arch Field to Visalia Calif. will also be utilized. ! Ho. & Hq, Squadron, 1st Pursuit Group, The daily missions, as scheduled for I and "3 Pursuit Squadrons, 102 officers, the units located on the operating air- ! 505 enlisted men and 89 Pursuit airplanes dromes will be of a type which would be \ from Selfridge FieldJ !\Oich., and Barlcsencountered in actual warfare. The av- I dale Field to Muroc..Liake, Calif. erage flyin.; time requ.ired for each mis-II All personnel of the 1st Pursuit Group sion.will be from three hours for the ,stationed at Selfridge Field will be smaller Pursuit airplane to ~ix hours ! transported by airplane to the operating for the larger Bombardmentauplane. i airdrome at !\.uroc.Lake. Thirteen of the These missions will test the efficiency !Larger Arwy. Transport airplanes will be of units involved and will demonstrate !used for the ferrying of these enlisted the emnloyment of the newer type of ;men. These transport airplanes will Army alrcraft. An opportunity will :make sto~s at the followin2. coaunerc Led also be r.iven to the civiliau populai or munic1pal airports; en route: tion Ln. the vicinity of the operating '~.usl-;:ogee,Okla.; Arnanllo, Texas; 'ilinslow airdromes to inspect the aircraft now Aril&ona; Albu ouer que, .l.~erJ i'lexico. being used by the ArmyAir Corps. The wealc ot ... y .24th to 31st will be de a ~le units takin~ part in this concen- voted to the return of personnel and tration and exerClse will be under the : e~~ipment to the organizatio~' penuanent commandof !,.ajor General F.... Andrews, :base. Or~anizations, upon their return' who will be assisted by Colonel H.J. I to their nome station, will submit reKnerr, Air Corps, as Chief of Staff. ,!ports on the o~eration of t~e units t8kGeneral JUldrews and members of his staffi~ng part in th1s concentrat1on. These will fly to the west coast from Langley,' reports will be studied in cOIDlection Field? Va., to take charge of the a.ctuBl with future exercises of this character. operati9n of participati~ units: The I ---000--Command1ng Gener&ls of the two ~nngs .. participatinE'l which are component IlIJE'1 S'.rATIO.l.~S C.& G.S. SCHOOL FOh GRADUATES parts of the liHQ. ir Force, will be A I Br~adier General D.C. Emmons, Ist.Wing, Under Special Orders of the ~lar J1epart~d Brigadier ~eneral G.C. Br~t, ;;nd ment, r~cently issu~d, ~he follow-ing, l/ing. The asslgnment of organnahons Inamed Au Corps afhcers are{":i1.ed to of the GEC(. Force to operatin{;, air- I dut-y at tlle '.stations indicated upon their Air d.romes , as announced by the Viar Depart- graduation f'ror the Conunand and General ment, 18 as follows: ,Staff School! Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: Head~arter~ GHQ. Air ForceJ 14 offi~o ;Langley F1eld, Va~: Lieut. Colonels cers - 30 enl1stecI .I.lallt,ley 'rp1al:n~. Kepner h.ajor) and Harold }, . Field~ Va. ~ to kaI'c~ F1eld, Calif. l\Ilcvlelland (L\.~jor), iV.ajorHarold Lee Headquar-ter s Gnd \,ing, 7 officers George (Capta1n), ~.ajor Westside T. 30 ~nliste~ men fro~ Langley Field to Larson.(Captain), ~ajo Alfred E.Woller ..r Hanu Lton F1eld, Cal,1f. (Capta1n)1 Capta1ns Charles H. Caldwell Headquarters 1st ldng, 10 off~cers Benjamin W. Chidlaw, 'viill1am D. Old and' 63 enlisted men, permanent stat10n I liobert B. Williams. Alarch Field. I To iv~archField, Calif.: L\i.aj John K. ; or Hq. & Ho. Sguadron,~7th Bombardment i Cannon (Captain)l ... jor Harry A. a GrDu~, 43 off1cers - G44 enlisted men, I Halverson ,Capta1n), Caotains Carlisle 18 Bombarmnentairplanes from Hamilton I I. Ferris and Ernest S. koo~ Field, Calif., to Fresno, Calif. iTo BOllin~ Field, D.C.: Captain Alden h . One BombardriJentSouadron, 30 officers... Crawfor. . 163 enlisted men, 13 Bombardment .airITO Brooks Field, Texas: Captain Don W planes, from ~arch Field to Stockton, I ~ayhUe. Calif. . ' : (Continued on P8~~e4 ). -3V-7304, A.C.


than ever and the ruSh was still on. Then came the dawn - we ran out of our allotted fly1n5 time, including 75 addiThe .norrth of I.arch at the Headouar ter s tional hours, and the e~l of iliarch saw good and many of the Air Corps Detachment at the ~uni- us with ;oodweather, pilots and good and plenty gloom. Letc1pa1 Airport, Oakland, Calif., was the high ~oint in our brief Qareer. To beters, phone calls radios were then gin w~th, the control.dep0t moved in and in order. So ended ~arch. April 1st kept true annexed three PT-3A af rp'Lan es for overhaul and when the cat was let out of the to tradition; ~t "really did fool us. ~e thou~ht we had all records for flyi~ . bag our PTI s were "never no more to safe~y stowed away for Reserve activJ.-. r cam'' for us . .l.~ext came the grand rush 'Jf .Air Reserve ties. pilots who are getting "hotter" because ~ow we are still grooming, and waiting, for rlESERVE FLYI~G TI~. the Unit Instructor, Captain Henry, has (~ote: Over G60Q hours were flown checked out over twenty-five in the BTduring the nine months of this fiscal 9Als and more ready for check who hadre". ' ceived transition ~n the BT-2B1 and ready year). ' '---000--, to {:,o. On u,arch 16th, the Commanding General of the 9th Corps Area made his annual insJ,lection. That, .with the additional ac:" t1vity in connection with the rush of To 'iIribhtFieldt Dayton, pilots, had the detachment ~ettinb.a .LyIrl8J.l P. llliU en. , feverish look in the direct10n of afurloue:,h bl.ank, Between lookin~for the 1'0 itchelField, i ....1.: Captain Elwood Lnsp ec Ef on group; grabbing the ~T' s by .n. ~uesada. the w1ngS; the ET-91 s by the ta:lls; the To~axwell Field, Ala.: , Lieut. Colollel Eagar P. Sorenson (."ajor) for duty as :j3T-2B "Qy the nose and muscUng the 0-46 a'member of the Air Corps Board. ~round, a cross-country was booked for the 20th. On that da.y, .5 PT-3 I s -2 '1'0 Fort hiley, l\.ansas: 1st J.lieut. Ford 13T-9t s , 1 BT-GB and the 0-46 headed for L. :Fair. ---000--Long Beach with a complement of seventeen Reserve pilots tucked awa::i in them. 'rhe 0-43 was riding II nigh t" and all . hETI.l.iliv.l.L~'l' TilO 1.]1,L1 FIELD ~~.O~~"CO",S. OF planes landed at their destination en SChedule time. ..,aste.r S~rbea!lt Aaron J. Sandersl.. of On Slli~day, the 21st, all planes startthe 12tn A~r Base Scuadron, Kelly ~'1eld, ed on the return trip. All landed at Texas, was retired on !v.arch 31st, after Bakersfield with the same precision. 30 years' service. He first eutered tbe Alas, they left Bakersfield again with service on December G 1908, and was asp r eo Ls Lon - but, from t her-e , the rascal, siE:;ned to Company "E,l f 15th, at a heavy drivinb rain and low ceiling, Fort Dou~las, Ut~l. He has served ln swooped down on the flight. One lone the Hospltal Corp~, C~valry, Ordnance PT-3 and, of course, the 0-46 and one Department, and "tne Alr Corps. All of BT-9 scampered home. Then came the fire- his eight honorable discharges bear the works, and i,;odesto, Tracy, Vallejo and notation - "Character: Excellent." Livermore telephone E:irls started. to get During the ,'-orld Vial' he Was a Serp'eant warmed up. ',[hen the curtain was f Lna'LLy of Cavalry. dropped, four planes were p~t to bed ln Sergeant Sanders will retire to his ~odesto and two in Liverffi~~. The )hOme at Sml Antonio, Texas. pilots all hEwing businesVto get back . to eariy !!.onday morni;p.g, did their chores Technical Serlj;eant James 'II. Eaton,J3ase and started their tr~ home by bus, on Hqrs. and 3rd .Alr Base Sauadron, Wasrethe thumb and by other means of transportired on !\.arch 31st with "the rank of 2nd tation to check in.l~ary a forced 1and- Lieutenant, and will establish his horns tng or a scraped wing. near San Antonio. On the~2nd, the round-up began, a numSergeant Eaton entered the service on b er of Reserve pilots sacrificed their January 13, 1909, and has served with daily wage, reported in for ferry dutY the Signal Co rps , Cavalr;y Field .A.rtiland at ~:OO.LJ.n;'1 a~l planes w~re safe i y lery and the Alr Corps.sJ.~ce that date. parked close to thelr stalls wlth the He has ten honorable dlscharges which mechan l cs bivin.;, them the twice over. bear the notation II Character : Exc al.Lent ;" Still mor e actiVity - all planes and Sergeant Eaton served as a comun s sd oned the station had a date with the Technical oftLcer in the Field Art Ulery from Supervisor on the G3r.d. By the grace of AuEust 17, 1918, to April 9, 1919. the unusual weather, ne was a day late, ---000--and when he arrived even the planes looke~ as ~hou[;h"they could smoke that famous ... jor John 1.. !l.c!Jre, .~ir Corps, is asa C ag ar et te, ~d Look nonc1;alant. s ~e, duty an HaWall upon ~he c01I!P~eAbout tillS tlme the p1lot6 Were hotter tlon or h16 present course of J.nstructlon at the Arl!WIndustrial College, ,iashin~ton. -4. V-7304, A.C. RESERVE ACTIVITIES 0.1.-1 THE'.fEST COAST ~y the .l.~eWSetter Correspondent L


.:BARKSDALE FIELD AND THE LITTLE THEATRE In the February issue of Readers Digest appears an interesting article on The Little Theatre - tile outstanding artistic movement in the United S'~ates. :Barksdale Field may feel justly proud of its contribution to th~s.importan~ and worthy cultural under bakang , for ~t has supplied the star performers for practically all productions of The Shreveport Little Theatre during the present season. The work of Lieut. lToel Parrish as "Dizzy Dean" in Ceilin.:Zero and "Uio" in Maxwell Anderson's lfWinterset" practically assures him of winning the caoice as the best actor of the season for The Shreveport Group. Lieut. '''Grassyll Hintonl s portrayal of the tough cop in the mob scene in . "Wiuterset" won him an irmnediate offer of a job on Chief lJorwell's Shreveport Police Force. Lieut. and Mrs. Paul Bunker' have done noteworthy work in several pla.ys. Mrs. :Bunkerls performance as the star in "Personal Appearance" gives her first call as the best actress for the season. Lieut. and ~as. Livingstone are now in rehearsal for the play next month. Only those who fu~ve actually participated can know the terrific amount of work, energy and time required in rehearsals for these proG.uctions, and. it is a distinct credit to themselves a.nd the Air Corps that they are willinb to make this sacrifice for the cultural development of the cOmrrnlllity. Incidentally, the Shreveport Little Theatre stands third ar.:long two thousand in the g.uality of their performance , which g~ves some idea of the quality of the acting of those mentioned above. ---000--tI

PELICAN ATTACKS ATTACK PLANE Mr. and Mrs. Pelican flying on high, Spied a golu-blue streak in the silver sky. . That'll never do! said Mr. Pelican to his shrew, So wi th squawk and squeak away he flew To meet what? He never knew. With an awful crash they met in midair Feathers and glass flew everywhere. But Mrs. Pelican only had ~een Her hubby crack up in an A-l7.

Perhaps it is not news when some sky birds f')f the Air Corps practice sharp. shooting at pelicans whenever that opportunity arises, but it is certainly lr.EWS when the case is reversed and the pelican attacks the plane plus pilot. Such was the happening to Lieut. Nelson T. :Brown, only recently cormnissioned from the status of Flying Cadet, and Private, 1st Class, Frank :Barnett, his gunner, when they were practicing gunnery off "ceanside, calif., at noon on March 23rd. According to Lieut. :Brown, the huge bird flew' straight through the tribla.d.edpropeller of the A-I? Northrpp Attack plane he was flying, ane. smashed through the protective windshield, . showering the Lieutenant with glass and cutting him severely in face and on his head. Tne impact also smashed the . goggles, and he was surely lucky not to get any splinters into his eyes. As Lieut. :Brown put it: "By gad - and I've been extracting broken glass ever since from within my shirt, trousers, blouse and what no t ;" . ACTIVITIES OF 49th BOlvfB.ARtlI1EHT Sq,UADROn The attacking bird (or attacked bir.d), after doing his share of damage, continDuring the past fortnight, the 49th ued towards the tail assembly nf the :Bombardment Squadron, GHQ Air Force. ship and bent the elevat~rs before Langley F~eld, Va:, has participated. in finally fading out into the distance.two very 1nt~rest~ng Group combat exe~lifeless. cises f'ea tur Lng gr ound gunne;ry from al~ I Lieut. :Brown was t er'.0rarily knocked ~t~tion~ with spec i.a etsphasd s ~n: 'I' a r-e sua ; of the impact. I no of s,-unnersto concentrate. t he Lr f1re I Luckf Iy Pr fva t e :BrOW'l managed to keep on small. ground targets; bomban at very I t' .' . -': . . low altitudes to develop the ability r'lf : Ll~ ~upl~e an th~ au ~hl his pf Lo t the bomber to obtain accuracy without 'reha1ned h:L~ s~nse,,:,'Tht:: . plane was the use of the sight; bomb rng at Ln f Lown back to raar c...... F~eld.. mediate and high; ~nd descent , Af~~r the ~71? landed,.Lieut. :Brown of the Group by flights through an assum-I was g.:.Lven. meo.1ce,~attenhon and, a1ed.overcast. ! th?ugh stl1l a blt shaky, seemed to be Reorganization and training of combat ! dOJ.n@; fine 24 hours after the accident. crews has played an important part in ---000--~q~drou operations. This work, which ~s ~n. accor~nce with recently adopted i Majnr Muir S. Fairchild and Captain pohc~es of GHQ, has be~n.accelerated to jCharles E. Thomas are under orders for .i,ncre~Be the combat e!f1c1ency Of the lo.utjT the staff and faculty of the Air 011 organ;zation during tne forthcomJ.US man- I Corps Tactical School, Maxwell Field, eu~ers at Rocky Mount, N.C. !upon graduating from the War Collego. -5V-7304, A. C.



SAFETY IN PRIMARY FLYING TRAINING By the Randolph Field Oorrespondent newspaper article emanating from elusive, has.given 11?,319 hour~ of flythe Office of the Secreta~y of ing instructlon. Durlllg that t~me there War, commending the Air Corps has been one accident. a collision in .'.:,for the improvement in the acci- the air of two planes, causing the death dent rate during the year 1936, I)f three. Other than that, no accidents w~sgiven. ~onside:rable public~ty. H causing even ~erious injury during ~tumlght be J.nterestlng to the Au Corps dent instructlon have occurred. TIns and, perhaps, improve the enrollment of shows an hourly average of 39,106 hours students to give compar~tive f~gul'es of per fatality on the Primary Stage flythe accd denf rates 9f the service at ing, against ),2,000 hours l'er fatality . large and "i.the PrJ.InaryStage of the in the service at large or, reducing it Air Corps PrJ.mary Fly~ng School~Randolph to a decimal, one fatality at the rate Field, T~xas. Heretofore! the J.nstrucof .025 per 1,000 hours, or further, tion per f.odhas been conarder-ed danger-. there are 3t hmes as Ill8~T accidents 111 oue,and in many cases well qualified ap- the service at large a<z have occurred plicants have been deterred from enroll- durir~ primary instruction in 5i years. mentin the Scheol because their parents It should be further not~Q that this or friends have dissuaded them due to accident rate on the Primary Stage covthe fear ,.,f accidents while learning to ers a 5-~ year avorage, while the figure fly. . of the accident rate in the Air Corps As a comparison, the Primary stage, I in general is for the best year, .namely, from October 1, 1931, to March, 1937,in- 1936. ---000--A CEREMONY FOR HZEOISM tioD ceremony, General Emnons took over Recently, on what was probably one of the greatest days in the life of Captain I this part, since Geueral Andrews was unavoidably delayed. John S. Griffith, Air Corps, he was Approximately 1,000 civilians from awarded the highest militarY rec0gnition to active members of the United states . Riverside, Calif., and nearby towns made it a point to visit March Field on that .Army Air Corps - the Distin;llishedFlying Cross. day . Heroism is an ~ften misused word, but At the present time Captain Griffith no other term would fit ~J the gallant is on duty as milit0ry representative deed performed by Captain Griffith and at the plant of the torthrop Aviation Corporation at Inglewood, Calif. Captain Frank J. Irvin when en a gray, . ---000--rainy day their exper-tmen ta.l Doug Ia.s airplane met sudden disaster in the air. The new ship was making a. carbon monoxide KELLY FI"SL.D RUlffiA. rEARI1JG C.OMPLETIOF YS test flight from Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, to Indianapolis, Ind. C:apta,ins Construction wo~k on en 811-weS'ther Griffith .. a~d. Irvin were accompan i ed by Irunway a~ Kelly F~eld, San AutQjuo, five civJ.han observers on the tr~p. Texas, vnll be completed by July Ls t , . . At an altitude of 2,000 feet, the according to an announcement by Capta~n large bi-motored -Olane.SUdde.nly caught 133. V. Dunstol.l'Constructing and the pilots calmlv told the er for San Antcnio and viclnitx. The Civilians to "jump for it,'l'lwhichhey t miniature ra~1ge, which is the first perdid. Captains Grlffith and Irvin tnen manentbuildin~ at Kelly Field. will be began to combat the spreading flames comp le t ed withln the neY''; two or three wi thin the airplane and, cutting spar-k weeks. These two 1?roj8(.0'3otal an ext and gas valves, broUf;ht the plane down penditure of C5l5,000. vii thout any serious damage , Thus tney ---000-.-not only saved human llves but governLEC'l'URESO,"[ "FLYING I~STHUCTIO}TI\ ment property as well. This incident ~ccurred on July 22, 1936. It Vias S"lme six months later that BriThe "fficers {"If Kelly Field were very gadier General te]~s C. Emm~ns, commandfortunate in hearing a series of three er ("If the First Wing, GH~ Air Force, de- lectures by MaJ~r William C. Morris, Air corated Captain Griffith for his part in Corps, who devised a new system nf flythe outstandine. event, and since at that ing training .. These lectures were very time Captain Griffith was stationed with interesting and, whether or not Major the 30th Bombardment Squadron, tne entire Morris' system is adopted in its entirepersonnel 0f March Field turned Aut to ty, it is probable that all flying iogive honor to a brave officer. instructors will adopt portions of tois Although Major General Frank M. Andrews system and apply it to their own teachcommanding the GHQ Air Force, had origin-ling technique. ally been assigned to perform the decora- ,.. , -0V-7304, A. C.

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the training ~f the combat crew as a group to bring about tl'at degree of On the opposite page are pt.o:~oc;raphic teamwork between combat ~:'ew:.members Which is so absolutely ~scential to reproductions of an .Air Mecllanic pay successful operation. scale, desi5~ed and developed by Staff ---000--Sergeant Ro dney G. Hallowell, Base Hea,dquarters and Le t .Air l,ase Squadron, GEQ .Air Force, Langley Field, Va., and which CONSIDERABLE E'LYIlJGBY 20TH SQ,UADRON has been used by the Personnel Secticn More flying trainin,; has been accomof the Ease for the past three months in checking reports submitted by the Groups plished in the 20th Lombar dmen t S9.uadand separate organizations and has been ron over the last fortnight than ln any found to d8crease the usual time requirtwo weeks so far tids year. Special ed for checki n.; to o~le-third.. emphasis has been placed on fitting The scale consists of an envelope and each member of the combat crews to fill a tabulated chart which is free to slide his particular job. Lieut. Bockman1s within the envelope. ~le envelope is radio ci.epartmenthas furnished the nade of two sections of thin cardboard Squadron with five new radio operators, separated by a narrow s?acer and ~lued and they fill a long felt need. All at s and bottom, wi t:l appr-opr La te pilots either qualified ~r were tested cut-outs on front and rear. The slide ill Instr~~ent Flying, under the proviis made of a section of thin cardboard. sions of .Air Corps Circu1arsNo. 50-1 with tabulated fi5~es printed on both and 50-IE. .As a unit of the Second front and rear. Bombardment Group, Langley Field, Va., The operation ~f the scale is practically self-explanatory. B adjusting the the 20th Squadron participated in several combination navigation, formation slide to show first the .Alr Mechanic alld bombing missions, two of which were class (1st or 2nd) in conjunction with over-water flights. the number of years' serv~ce, fib~es Six different fliGht pr ob'Lems cf a under appropriate grade show the "Normal" unit combat nature, Lnvo Lvd ng navigaPaY ~b~se plus longevity), the "Differtion! formation and actual or simulated ence' ~pure Air Mechanic ~ay). and. the bcmblDg were devised and the missions "Total' pay for a full thf.r ty (30) day month. The tabulations on the face of executed. Tests were made of the new the chart have been purposely arranged .50 caliber maclid ne ii,1lll.6. in sequence - Normal, Total, Difference ---000--to facilitate checking the Report of Air Mechanics' Pay. W.D. Form #~24,rendered ROCKWELL AL1 DEPOT lIAS HAIrY VISITORS each month to the Chief of the Air Corps. The reverse side of scale s~ows the Dur-in[,;he mcnth of March, 88 trant "No rma'l," pay ~b':l-se plus longevity) per sient airplanes stopped at the Rockwell day, and the 'Dlfference" (pure Air Air Depot, Coronado, Calif. Among the Mechanic Pay) per day , These fi'''11res, visitors were Brigadier General Henry mu.L tiplied separa tel:." bv the number of H. Arnold, AssisJliant Chief of the .Air days for which pa~" is tr,be coruputed,and I Corps, and C010ne1 S.W. FitzGerald, who then added to arrive at the total, fur- I arrived ill A-17' s on March 8th and left nishes a moans of quiclcl;rf'i2,-uring pay when only part of a month is to be con- ,on the 10th. General .Arnold and Colonel J1'i tzGerald conferred wi th the Commanding sidere<;ldue to dis-ratins, ra-ratine;, Officer of the Rockvfell Air Depot repromotlon or reduction in grade, EnGineering and Supply matters, in pay period, discharge, etc. particularly with reference to the new ---000--t~Fes of airplanes now being purchased by the Air Corps . .ACTIVITIES OF 96TH EOMBARDMENT S~U.ADRON ---000--At present the 96th Bombardment Squadron, Langley Field, Va., has one Yl13-17 lAIR RESER.VE PILOT HANDY WITH THE ERUSH Eomber, and expects the remainine three I to be delivered from Seattle within the The return of Lieut .Ashby Toulmin next few months. With one flight ,.,f to active duty brings back to Barksdale 13-17's and one flight nfB-IOETs, the Field, La., the best artist with brush S9~adron looks forward to carrying cut a and easel in the .Air Corps. He has redJversified andhi~hly interesting train- cently been stu~ing under Boardman ing program. Routlne training within Robinson at the Colorado Springs Fine the Squadron during the past few weeks Arts Center, and under Thomas Hart has consisted chiefly of training (If the I Benton at the Kansas City .Art Institute. individual combat crew members in order I Lieut. Tculmin's painting nf the 3rd to ~ualify each man for his particular IWin~ Insignia will soon be hung in the asslgnment. Upon ,termination of this ,Offlcersl Club . .All who have seen it phase when the combat crews are individu-,acclaim it. His room is a gallery nf ally trained, our work will progress to Ijbeautiful landsoapes and portraits by .his own hand. -7V-7304, A. C. AIR MECHANIC P.AY SCALE


A POPULAR. PORTOF CALL ARKSDALEield, F Shreveport, La., ia day without some traffic to that has become the aerial cross roads grea.t 'Army a.viatio.n center, San .A.l1t.onio, j ':of the South, not only for Arm;}' not to mention :iJationa.l Guard and Re~ aviators, but those of the J.'avy . serve planes from Houston, Dallas and, and Marine Corps as well. This Little Rock. In fact, :Barksdale Field field afford.s all the nece ssary can lay a r eascuab l,e claim to t}le refacilities to make it a desirable po~t I cord for handling more military visiting of call,for all m~litary aerial traffic i ship traffic than any other airport in passing anywhere in the vicinity. the world. Captain Leon JOhn~g~. Base Operations ---000~-Officer, has his vis~ ~ng ship crew' SPEEDY PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK geared to handle efficiently any number I (If airplanes, from a "lone eat:;le" to an I entire Wing or more. Refueling, housing 'I An example of the speed with which all inspection, maintenance work, spare . Air Corps Photo Section. can attack and par t s , e t c , , are onLy a part of his stockl complete an extensive proJect was given an trade, for he also manage s to hand Ion Merch 21st, 22nd and 2.:>rd. out more than his share of weather I Duncan Field received a radio from the and tail winds to all who come this way.. Chief of the Air Corps at noon Sunday, The Post Exchange, or the Officers' l laar-ch 21st, reouesting a series of :rhotoMess, are always prepared t.o feed any graphs showing ~the exterior and interior hungry wayfarer, and those two genial of a modern .Air Re)air Depot, these hosts, Lieuts. Rinton and Sangster, oper-I~hotos to be 'sent by air mail. The orate a. very home-like visiting officers' der wa~ transmitted to the COITmaLdingOfquarters. ficer of the 22nd PllOtO Section, Kelly If the visi tor is lookir.g for city I Field, Sunci.ay af t er-noon , life, Shreveport is only four miles away, I The files of the Photo Section were with ample transportation facilities. \ searched tl:at afteriloon, and 39 views Because of its strategic location on a . found that were sui table for reproducdirect East-West southern transcontinentJ tion. Six prints were made of each,view al rcute between Oa.Li.z'or-nd.a and the ! by 10:00 0' clock that nisllt. .At eight South East Atlantic coast, J3a.:t'ksdale I o'clock Monday morning, .Nork was begun Field affords a desirable refuelinf: stop phot var Lous pha-ie s of the for all year 'round tl'anscontinent2.1 I Depot. Tl1irty-six new 87)Osures were traffic. :Because of its location, !made. These were deve:JRed Monday night way between the East and West Coasts, it land printed ~~esday morn~ng. By two makes a convenient overr:.igh'(j sto;:minr; 101clock T'J.esda;y, less than 40 hours after place for those WllO~ish to s~lit-the \ the project was be~, 450 prints were tran.scontinental jou:r-ney into two day a. delivered to the Command.ingOfficer of For large planes, like the Douglas or L~1can Field for transmittal to the Boe~ng four-m9'tored 30mber~, vihich make Chief of the .Air Corps. .. i the transcont~nental hOD Wlth onl.v one 1---000--V sto~, Barksdale Field, with its lar~e, Bol1d landing field, r-ef'ue facili:i~A:vIGATIOY 'J:lRA.H:rnm IN' 21ST SQUADRON ties and weather service, midway between, the East and West coasts, proves a logb-i Wlthi.n the past few weeks, many new anal place to stop. i listed men were assigned to the 21st ReOnly r eceut.Iy , Major Barney Giles and I Squadr-on at La:i.1gley Field, Major Caleb V. Haynes, .Air Corps, stoppediVa. Tr-ese men are, with a few excephere with the first two four-motored ' I tions, iuexperienced in any phase cf Boeing Bombers enroute from Seattle, i s~Qadron work. ~~o SquacJon has, thereWash., to, their stat~on a~ Langle1 Field.ifore, been busil~.en6aged d~~ng the A short tlme aco, MaJor Charles Cnauncey ipast few we8ks wl~h the tra~n~ng of made his one stop here in a Douglas I these new men with the view of assigning Bomber, enroute from Langley Field to leach man to that particular work for March Field, Calif. On March 9th, one which he is best adapted. half of the entire Marine .Air Corps, conAt present the following officers are siating of some fifty-'three airplanes, I UJ."'1de:c::;oiIlb traini!1b in the JJavigati"n stopped here enroute from the West Coast I Scheol conductecl. by this Squadron: to tneir base at Q,uantico, Va. They had Lieuts. E.P. Mussett, R.E.Koon, C.H. previously stopped here on their ?'ay to Rees and VIm .A. Matheny. the Naval maneuvers i.n January. On both I Ce,ptain A.Y. Smith, Officer in Charge o~casion? they. were tw~en care of in . lof. this NaV~gation.SchoOli re~ently rerecord hme, w~thout a h~ tch, by Capta~n I ce rved an aole a s at atant n Lf eut , J. W. Johnson'~ visiting hip crew. E~an, who came from Luke Fie11, T~H. There a s also a constant strean of lL~out. Egan is a ttache d to the 49th Na.val Pla.nes from ,S~n, Pen saco La , ?ombar~ent Squadron for, tactical trainNorfolk and A1.acosha paas i ng throU{;h ~ne. W~th both of the O~.-1.A.1 s undergoBarksdale Field, and there hardly passes (Continued on Pags 9).





The Second Bombar dmeut Group, Langley Field, Va., has ~f late been er~aged in a hi~h-gear series of activities nf maximum lnte~est to its personnel and ~f con. siderable importance to the entire Air Corps. The first YIB-17arrived on March 1st, followed rather closely by the second article on March 12th. Majors Giles and Haynes brOUGht the two big Bombers through from Seattle without incident. To date the necessary flightchecking of subseCluent combat crews 1188 been given first priority and, as an indication of the schedule being followed, the flight logs of the two airplanes reveal that, up to April 3ro., .there were flown in the two preceding weeks 141 Navigation Training in 21st Squadron hours and 50 minutes, to include 8~ (Continued from Page 8 ). hours at night; .30 and .50 caliber gunnery frem all stations; bombing from ing overhaul at the Middletown ~ir Dep~t, 5,000 to 8,000 feet; aerial photography the work of the Navigation School has to spot bomb hits; pe~formance fligbts been narried en with B-10B's. This has ~n one, two) three and four engines; hampered ~perations somewhat because of landinb~ at March, Barksdale, Maxwell, P0J;le,Langley, Hew Bolling, Old :pollin~, t~e limited radius which the B-lOB can Ph~lli~s and Mitchel Fields, and famil~- indiviQually operate 0ver water. arizat~on flights and landings to complete the piloting qualificati~ns for !ADVANCED STUDE"T~-~:O::~;GATIONFLIGHT Lieut. Colonel Robert Olds. Captains E.R. McReynolds and C.W. Causland, and Twe~ty-two stUdents of the Pursuit 1st Lieut. W.W. Riggins. Section of the Advanced 1!'lyinGSchool, Majors Gilee and Haynes were previousKelly Field, Texas, took off on April ly checked off b~r Major Corkille at 1st on an individual navigation flight March Field, and Major Meloy has been to Mission and Ji'ort Rint';Gold,'J:lexas. released by Major Giles on the third The students were checked 1n at Mission Bomber for the Group. which is n~w at by 1st Lieut. R.J. Browne, and at F~rt March Field enroute to Langley Field. Rin~501d by 1st Lieut. B.M. Hovey, Jr. En thusiasm wi thin the 2n(t :Bombardment Gr?up for the new four-eneined Bomber is m1en about 20 miles north of Fort Ringcold, the P-12 airplane piloted by un~formly hieh. Pilots cannot find enough praise for its handling Clualities Flying Cadet Jesus A. Villamore abegan to Cadet f~rced and perf~rmance. Tremendous progress in vibrate. and <ii Villamnre made 1 cylinlanding scover ed tna t the tactical capabilities ~f this Group sh~wed b~tb appear definitely assured. AltiloU6h the der had become loosened. He his plane. cour-age and skill in Y1B~17 Form #1. resembles a hotel regisnoticed this air~lane ter When all members of the crew alld ex- Annther student returned to Fort Ri~old on the ground and tra passengers are listed, and the pilot, to make a report to the instruct~r. The co-pilot, chief mechanic check list reairplane could n~t be flown back t~ calls coonskin coats at an autumn footKelly Field. Nn other mishaps were reball game thrOUGh or around which we try p0rted. to see the home team come out of its ---(")00--huddle, we have a real combat airplane 9n which precision team work before, dur- ~ APPOINTMENTS ~ng and after flights constitute the / . cri teria of successful operations. / Effective .April 1, 193'7, Colonel Fred~n additi~il to the special YlB-17 fer- erick L. Martin (Lieut. Colonel) was apry~ng.project, the Group is attempting pointed Wing Co~ander, with th~; tem.P~to maantaan a temporary combat strength /.ary rank of Br Lgadf.e r General an the r o~ one E-IOB flight per squadron. This I.Air Corps, with ralllc from January l,19~7, w~ll be continued lli1tilat least two and assigned to duty as Wing Commander YI~_171~ are assigned each sCluadron, at \ C'~ the 3rd iVing) GHQ, Air Force, Barksdo.le WhlCh t~me the combat strength of thE" F1e~d, Shreveport. La. Group w~ll be shifted completely from the'~eut. Colonel Millard F. Harm~n W~8 B-IDB~s to the YlB-17Is. promoted t~ the temporary ra~~of .~lng the latter part of March, two Colonel, with rank from April 1. 1937. masarons were scheduled and completed" Colonel Harmon is new s tat-Loned in the successfully in connection with routine Hawaiian Department and is in command of off-shore joint training. Interceptions Luke Field. -9V-7304, .1;0.

u~ t~ a hundred miles east ef Langley F1eld were made with absolute ~ccuracy by b~th the reconnaissance teams from the 21st Reconnaissance Sauadron and by the 96th Bombardment Squadron. The 96th S~uadron was reinforced in these misSlO:).S flights from the 49th and 20th by Bombardment Squadr'ona , Projected operations included ~ national broadcast from ~ YIB-17 over Washington, D.C., ~n April 4th; an aeri~l review, led by another YIB-17, in the New York area on April 6th, and prepar~tion for two weeks 0f Second Wing Exercises, during which perioe the Group, less the YlB-17 echelon, will operate frOD an auxiliary airdrome at Rocky Mount, N.C. ---000---


duties at Kelly Field. Transferred to the Office of the Chief of Air Service~ Washington, D.C., in Lieut. Colonel Ralph P. Cousins, Air September, 192u, he served as a memb~r CorPs now on duty as a stud.ent a~ the of the A.dvisory' Board until August of Army ~lar College was born c::t !'tl.ex~a~ the following year, when he was o~9-ered Texas December i, 1891. Ai ter.graa.uatfordut.y as a student at the Sheft1.eld in,e: f~om ',lest Texas Nonna1 Col1e~e in. ' Scientific Schoo l , Yale University, 1911, he was appointed to the Un~te~ where for a perioo. of one year he purStates "lilitary .Academy.! f:.:om 'i'l:~cJ::ne sued a course in conenundc at Lons , ~radugraduated, June 14, 191::>. . Oommi.s at.oned ating with the degree of lll.aster 01 on that date as a second lJ..eutenant, he Science. .For several montns thereafter was ass i.zned to the 12th Cavalry, and he was on temporary duty in the Labor-aserved with his rebiment in the Brc~nstories of the General Electric Company ville District, State of Texas on Dorat SchenectadY1 ~ew York, and then for a der patrol from September l4~ i 915, to short time at the Signal Corps ComuuniFebraary 7, 1916, in ~ccations School at Carr~Alfred Vail,~.J. tion against 1.exica,n bandits, September From January to Septenlber 1~2~, Col. 17-18, 19~6. On February 71. 1916, he :Cous~ns wa.~.o~ ~uty 1n,the ~ra1n~ng and was trans:terred to t:'le 6th vavaJ.:ry, and War .l:'lans li1.V1S1.0n1 ana he was then ashe served ther ewt th on border patrol signed as .:\.ssistant Commandanf of the dut~ with the Punitive Expedition i~~o lAir Service Technical School at Chanute . ~exlbo? and. in the Bib Bend, Texas, UlS- IField, Rantoul, Ill. On December 28, trict to Aw:~ust 7, 1~16~ .. . 1923 he assuiaed command of yhanute the AVlat~on Sectlon~ SlgI!'ield., at the same hme aervang as Actnal Corps Colonel Cousins leporteo., in in@, Commandant of the Air Service Tec'hAugust, 1916, for flying training at ~he nical School, to July, 1924, when 'he reSignal Corps Aviation School. at S,:m Dlego1 sumed his. forme:: ~uty as AssistaE.-t Com. Calif., ana upon his graduatlon t.her et'rrm mandan.t~ m add i.t t on to duty as j!jxecuin April, 1917 he served for a brief pe- tive Of!icer of the post. In October, riod as a pilot with the 1st Aero Squad- i 1924, ~e was appointed Post Adjutrolt and ron. at ColumbUs .l.~ew Ivle:x:ico. . . Personnel Adjutant. A$signed i"ay i5~ 1917, to the Un;-v~rs1.-1 Co!onE1l1. Cousins, returned t? ~uty in ty Of. Texas, Aust In, Texas, he orgam aed the :.aaln1ng and ilar Plans D1Vl.sion, Ofthe School of l'.. i1i tary Aeronautics at fice of the Cllief of Air Service, on that. institut:j.on and wascomu;afld.8.ilt there-January 2, 1925. ore than three years of until Sep t ember 25, .1917 ~ w.aen h~ Was Ls.t er , he was transferred to the .transferre9to tee ~fbce or the Ch i ef .J?hilip:p~nes, and he assumed command of Sigp.aJ.. Off~c~r) nasnlngton, D. C. , .where Clark .J!'leld, Pampang a , P. I., July 8, ne se;rved for orief periods firsv as 192(3. Completint, his two-year tour of Assistant Director of Schools and then foreign service, he was transferred to as Executive Officer for t:he Chief of. L8.ilglev]field, Va., for duty as a stuPer sonne), and as ~viation .ri.epresE:l~tatlve ,'dent at~the Air Corps Tactical School. on the. General Staff at the Army war Following his graduation from the oneO.oHege. In February, 1918, he wa~ orI year course of instruction at this dered on temporary duty overSe~,S. w].th I school he was assigned as student at the the A.E.F., and. he served o.s Liaf son of- . Command.and General S'cEtif School, Fort ficer in connection with flying training Leavenworth Kansas Where he completed schools in England, and Fra.lCe, and was a two-~Tear tourse i1 June, 1933 , followat the front for a short ,time. . ing whlch he was as a i aned to duty in. Oolonel Cousins. returned to the Un i, ted, Washinetonin the O:l.'f'ice of the Cl'lief of States du:rin.e:, the.latter part Of kay, the ~~ationalGuaX'd Bureau. 1918, and was aes i.gned to dut;y rn the On .ll.Ue,ust,20, 1936, Colonel Cousins Division of kilitary Aercnaut1cs, Wash~ was asslgned to his present duty as a ington, D.C., as a memoer of the Control st~dent at the Al~Y War College_ Board .. In October, 1910, he assumed ComDuri.l1gGhe World War Colonel Cousins ,mand of Group Bi l~t Prov~sioJ,lal,Group, held. the temporary of i'ii~jor from . and of Roosevelt Fleldi~!V'1.n~o~a" L. 1., Au@,ust 9, 1918, to February t:.7~ 1920. New York. On Januar;}". 0,. B19, ne. assum-lE:e r ece rved his regular promo t.t on to 1st e~col1llIland ofPayneFJ.eld, West PO'.l!lt). ., Lieute:uant July 1 . 1916; to Captain 14.l13s. Towar,?-s tne Lat t ervpar t of 19b, July 25 1917; to l,ajor, June 21 19~5; Colonel CouSlns assUll1ed co~mand of t~e and to Lieutenant Colonel December 22, 1st Day Bombar'dment Group at. Kelly F~eld, 19.36. Prior to his permanent promo t Lon T. exas, and he r~lna1n.ed on thls du.ty un- . to thi.s latt~r rank, he held the temporatil hla.cch 91 l~GO~ when he assumed com- . ry r anr; of LJ.eut. Colonel from June 16, mand of Post F 1.e10., Fort Sill ~ Okla:, .. '1936. He holds the ratings of Airplc.ue for a month, and then returnea. to h1.6 Pilot and AirplBlle Observer. -10Ve7304, A. C.



I previous



LIEUT. COLClvEL LEO A. WALTO.l.~" IEngineerine-, School at 11,CCook Field, , Dayt on, Ohio, and1- following his :;;raduaLieut. Colonel Leo 1:-. Wal~9n, Air Corps~ tion on Au-ust 10, ,1924, he remaJ.j,1~d at now on duty as Offlcer. of the ib,cCoolc Fie~a as .ASS1~t~~ to the Cl:l~f 1st WingGH~ Air Force, ~arch FJ.eld, lof the EUtlneerli.19 DlvlsJ.on in addJ.tJ.on Calif., Was born at Salr;m, or egon , Octo- !t'? performiw!, vatJ.ous ,other duties,2. Ul1ber 8 1890 .After graduatiD~ from gram-Itll the latter part 01 AU:.c,ust, 1920. mar aha. h i.zh school of his native c i ty , lwhen he was trausferred to the Philip ....... he receive~ an appo tntment t o th~ un Lt ed Ilpine~:. Fro'~I,.Decelllber 16, ~9~~, to Fe,?ruStates ,.J.ilJ.tary Acad.~my, gradua~J.nE; ,ary G.o, ~9.::'o he cOi1',~and~(;,.. lndley Fleld l ther~Irom in June1 1~15, and beJ.n; coJ:!1- i afd tn e ~r.L~ 6bserv~hon 0[,~1.adrOD.. He was mlssJ.oned a second Li eubenanf and t h en as s i.gned to l,lcho1s 1i leld1 P. I., ed to the 10th Cava1r;r., iWith ';jhe,rtead0ua.rters of the 41ih COU1:?OSFollowin,'';; service with his troop at lite Group. Granted a,-: ext end.ed leave of Fort Huachuca, .Arizona, Sep t e.uber 15, i abuence , under except Lona.L c t rcumat ances , 1915, to J... ar ch 1, 1916 j ~t .I.~aco Ariz?na'i he r,eturn~d to the Ul',lited, States '. iU to fuarC.l l:6t 1916, and the \marcn, 19.::6, and untJ.l AUbust 3 19.::u,he Expedition Lnt o L"exico to December 15, lwas 0::1.temporary duty with the 6r~anized 1916 he Was detailed to the Aviation !Reserves of the 8th Corps Area With staSection, Sienal 9orps, and ass~:n~d as a ! tion a~ J?enyer, Colo. He ret?-!"ned!~ student at the Slgnal Corps AVJ.atlon. i the PhJ.l1pplnes on Sep t embe r GGz.. 19':::01 School at Sex. Die~o, CaliI., Where he ! and as sumed corilil1and", the :3rd .t"Ursui~r 9f Was stationed unt11 A~st 4, 1917. He I Souad ron and Clark .I! Lel.d. Ln ".ay 19 ...c , received the ratin~ of Junior 1lo.i1itary lh e was tre..:lsferred to J.~icho1s Fieid for Aviator, July 26, .L917. j duty as Execu.tive Officer of t~le post Transferred to Kelly Field, Texas, of the 4th Composite Group. W~1ton the 76th Aer.o Oonsj.ruc).,Oolonel v,.a1t?1l1 s ne~t du~y assi~J?lnent t t on Squadron from August 16tn to Octojwas at 1'<,arcnFJ.eld, .nlverslde, Caur., ber 23rd, and thereafter exer-c ised rsuper-i wher e he has beet. stationed up to this vision over the 75th, 76th, 77th and I wri ting. "His ini tial assigJ.1rne~1t was 78th Aero Scuadr ons until ... .ovemb er 11, IWi,th the :r.eadc;;.larters of the 13th 1917, wh;~n 1?-ewas tra.nsferred to Ca~l I S9;~901 GrouR: IIi, 1923, tl;te. adField, .nclllta Falls, Texas, as d i t i onal, dut i.e s of LJ.rector of Tra~l1uJg ant to the Officer in Charce of Flying. I and Assistant Ooua..andant of the Air From Januar? 1 to lv.arch 5, 1910, he was i Corps Pr rmary Flyin[, 5C::-1001 Were assif,nCommanda.n.t of Cadet s at Call Field and ed to him. At various t in.e s he was in thereafter Officer in Charge of Flying temporary corrmaud of the post. In Octountil March 19th. He was then t.ranaber 1, 1931, he Was transferred. to the f erred to Br ooks .I1'ield, San Antonio, 1st Bombardment Vi ng and aopo tn t ed Post i Texas1 as Officer in Charge of FlYiU~,'. Executive Officer in addition to his On October 10i 1918, he assumed co.nmand other du t i es. On l,oveillber 14, 193:2, of Brooks Fie d. ,he was assi6ned to the Headauarters of From J.~ovember 22, 1918, to J.,.arch ~, t::J.e 7th :c,ombardrr.ent Group as Executive 1919 . Co19llE:l, \, al t on Was ~n ,~uty wi:h Of'r'Lc er. A.t, various. tiri1~'s he temporaril;j" the ihstrJ.ct SupervJ.sor of. t.n e Sou tlrern c onunand ed th i s or zaua aar a on. For a t ime District at El Paso, Texae. Ee "as Ashe was on duty with the Ci;rilian Conser-' t}l;;. Offic~r in Cl1ar{Se.~.f ~lyv~t~ on ~crp~, t-hen as Coullnaj,ld~ngOfficer lng at .u.e~l;)' .Jj l~~d., 'I ,:xa~., to L\.ar Coil;,~) 01 thc~ta.t::i..on COi"plemeut. SJ.nceAuLust 1919 j AC~liJg Off J.ce~' 1.1 Clla.r~e of.F~Ylni:: I?, 1930 i ne has been au duty, as Executo IV1ay L), 1919 j ana Oouu.and Ing Of'f'Lc er twe o rrtc er of the 1st liing GHQ. Air of the jj'lyin~.L~partIl:e::J.t~o .Jun e..., Z;);: IEo~ce.. ' 1919. B.etu~.llnE;, to l!ort 1), .llJl .J:'aso, I Co Lone.l .valton held the temporary rank !le commandeCl" detachment a of th~ Is~ ! oi' . joj,' of,i!'ield Artillery, a .aational Bombar dmen t uroup to ... ~ovemDer lu, B19; iArmy, July ')1 19,18 to February 27 1920. and the First Survei11auce Group to IHe W~S pr oraot ec to' 1st Lieutenant ' Jul~T .I.~ovember 3." lS~~. ~ . ,1, .1916; t Captai~l. L,.a~T 15, 1917; to " On ,hov.e.!1cer 1;?, 19<:.0, Colonel i.alton :..... aJor, June 18, 19,::.b; and to Lieutenant took up nlS dutles as a student at the 10010nel December 18 1935. He held the Field Officers Scbool at Langlel Field, trrwora~y racl~ of Li~ten~lt Colonel Vc;.. In.l,ia;r, ~9~1, he ~ssume~. the addi- !frow. June 16, 1936, until the date of his t LonaL d.~t;r of .... .9lilma~d~ng Ofr ac er of the I~er~anent appointment to that rank, He 1st Pro ..... lslonal Bomb Lng Group. Upon" 1.101ds the flyin" ratings of Airplane graduating from ~he Field Offieex:s Cl.?-OOl/Pilot andAirpl~l1e Observer. on August 19, 19~11 ne wastransferrea ro ---000--.~he. Qffice of the Ch i ef Of Air Ser vi.ce , , ,WaSi1J.n"" Z D. C., and ass:;.~:ned to duty t011 .Lieut. Col one.l .::ialDh H. Wooten (. jor), a in. the TraJ.n~ng and Operat Lons Group, ~lOwon duty as a ~tu~lent at the Army whJ.<?hwas Lat er redesJ.b~t~d. as the vial' Qollege, asn rn., ton, D. G., has been Tra1ning and}.ar P!ans D1V1S~O~. detall~d as a me~ber of the Jar DepartOn AUt-Ust .:3, 19.::3, Colonel lialton be- ment General Staff, and will take UD his gan duty as a student at the Air Service new duties upon his graduat ion. .. - .V-7304, A.C.
,. r



ment usually only received approximately five hours transition in the ." Keystone.~ The 30 hours of t~~1.~ ,will inclUde, daY, and night nalfig~ti~n Touchin~ on the elimination of the Bombardment Section at the Air Corps .Ad- and all other. phases of Bombardm~nt~' vanced Elyin~ School, Kelly F1eld~ Texas, training~ .... --000--THETEE"published by the Flying vadet attalion at the Air Corps Trainin~ CenB ter, states that this came as a lo.;ical I WAR DEPARTlv&~T ORDERS "step in order to adjust traiai~ methods . to the changes in mllitary tactlcal fly. C~es of StutJ.Ou . tng which have arisen as a result of the To PanamaanaI Depc';.rtlitS;lt..J. Captain <levelopment of new Bombardmentai~lanes. Howar~ H. Couch! from Idvanced.Flying :Broadly speal.:ing, this adjustmentln. the School"Kelly l!'leld, .. Texas; ls~ Lieut. advanced training program was found adlJ:'homas.L.Bryan~ Jr., f r om aaai.gnment " visable for two distinct r~asons. and duty as stua.ent at ~1r Corps Tech~. Firstz it had become deflnitely estabnical School, Chanute Fleld, Ill.; fuaJor lishe"d an tactical units that in order Peter E. Skanee (Captain) from ~.axwell: to promote efficient and safe operation Field, Ala. of the large, new dual motored BombardTo the Philippines,: Oaotia in Charles ment airplanes th e pilot mu have more BaCkes, upon complehon of present st flying experie~c~ than that ~rovided in c?urse of instruction a~ Air Corps Tac6ne year's traln1n~ at the A1r Corps tlcal School, ~axwell F1eld~ Ala. Training Center. To meet this situation To Chanute Field. Ill.: Gnd Lieut. two courses lay open for consideration.. Burton n , Armstrong, Jr., from Langley The first alternative was that the Bom- Field, Va., for duty as student at the ~ardment Section at Kelly Field would be Air Corps Technical School; 1st Lieut. retained and ttose successfully complet- Thomas R, Starratt, from Hawaiian Departing the course would be allocated to ment, for duty as student in the Photoother branches of the Air Oo s on tacrp graphic course, Air Corps Technical tioa~ duty for further seasonlng before School; Gnd Lieut. Henry B. Fisher from they were sent back to the Bombardment Selfrid,e:e Field l Captain George H. Steel branch as a full-f1e~ed, competent from Kelly iela. .. ' pilots. The defects 111this course of 2:0 San Francisco, Calif.: 2nd Lieut. training are practically obvious. The J oEn A. HUser, from lv.archField to student completing training here in the I Letterman General H.ospital for observ~ Bombardment Section and sent out, say to tion and treatment. an Attack squadron, would be poorly pre- I Transfer J.>aredto take his place in such an Organ-lIst Lieut. Robert 111. Lee transferred to 1zation. the Cavalry, fuarch 20, 1937, with rank The second alternative, and the one I from Aubust 11 1935, and to duty with 'the found most practicable, was to eliminate 1st Cavalry at Fort Knox, Ky. a BombardmentSection, as such, at Kelly Field and give all advanced students Orders ReVOked more f1~in~, t~e i~ the Bombardment air- I Assignment. of Captain ~~inton :7. Davies, planes ln conJunct1on with the re6ular I student at A1r Corps TaCtlCal School flight tr~ining of their particu~ar sec- l~aX;'9l~ Field, Ala., as student in t~e tion. Thls.system haa a two-ro Ld advan- j.193~-1938 c our se at the Command and Genera: ~age. It .vnll p~rmlt all.graduate!;> to Staff. School, Fort Le~venworth, Kansas. Join tactlcal unlts especlally tralned Asslgnment of ~nd L1eut. Russell L. in a particular branch; at the same time,l Waldron, from Langley Eield, to Chanute all graduates will have more bi-motor IFielCi., Ill. t for duty as student in the time than formerly and they will have iAirplane 1'I.alntel1anceEngineering C~urse, the baCkgrqund training to be readily ab-:Air Corps Technical School. sorbed into a Bombardmentunit after flY1 AssigD~ent of 2nd Lieut. Eugene Brecht, hours and experience are built up in I Jr' . Selfridge .E'ield, .~icll., to Chanute i another branch of the Air Corps. .Fie d for duty as student in the Armament In additi9n to the advantages of.~~ch i cours~ at the Air Co~s Technical School~ a system poirrt ed out above there 1S Asslbnment of 1st .L1eut. David R.Gibbs, still anot.her , Present indications are LanGley Field, to Chanute ]'ield for duty that multi-motor a.irplanes will be used as student in the MJ.inte!lance En~ineering more and more in future military aviaI course at the Air C0n>s Technical School. t ion. Any training in bi-motor airplaneSj Assicnwent of 1st L1eut. Douglas iJ.'. which the gradua.te possesses will be a i 1I.itche~ from Barksdale Field, La. to distinct advantage Whenhe is called , Panama Canal Department. ' ~pon to fly one of these new ships. Orders ~Dended , Under the new plan, all students at Lieut. Colonel Donald P. li.use ~l,iajor) Kelly Field will get approximately 30 I assi~ned to Barksdale Field La instead hours flyinG time in the B-6' s , Before of LU tchel Field, J.~. Y., upo~ th~' complethe inauguration of the new plan, stu'I t ion of his present tour of forei.o-n Bardents from sections other than Bombard- vice.' .... 12V-7304, A. C. ELI~IJ.iAT.IOJ.f OF BO~.M.Ea'1' SECTIOli AT THEADVAJ.\jCED ,FLYIMG SCHOOL




'!,TAffiINGI'ON OFFICENOTES Colonel Chalmers G. Hall. Chie7I'f ply Division, returned April 8th from a navigation flight to 'j f' Hartford, Conn. I.~ Wl:ile towing a target on April 7th during aer1al gunnery pract~ce at Fort Crockett, Galveston, Texas, the' airplane piloted by 1st L~eut . Arthur E. Livingston, Air Res~rve, d1.ved 1nto the water approximately ~5 miles off shore. At this T\'1'iting neither the body of the pilot DOr the wrecked airplane was recovered. The deceased officer was a me!llber of the 55th Pursuit Souadron. stationed at Barks10le Field, La. -. Lieut. Livingston was born at Russell ville Arkansas, February 2, 1909. After graduatinS from high school, he attended Hendrix College for three years, and the Universi ty of Southern California for one year. He served with the National Guard for one year. Appointed a Flying Cadet. Lieut. Livingston graduated from the Prinil.ry Flying School at March Field, Cdif' February 20, 1931 and from the Advanced F1yin:~ School, Kelly'Fie1d, Texas, June' 26, 1~3l~ 0n which date he was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Reserve and rated an "Airplane Pilot." Assigned to extended active duty, Lieut. Livingston served with the 12th Observation Squadron at Dodd Field. Fort Sam Houston. Texas , from July 1 to July 22, 1931; with the 95th Pursuit Squadron at Rockwell Field. Calif. ,from July 26 to October 23, 1931, and at ):i.arch Field with the 95th Pur~ui t Squadron to August 31, 1932, when he reverted to inactive status. For three years thereafter, Lieut. Livingston was city editor of the Russellville Ark. COURIER DOOCRAT. On September 1, i935, he was placed on active duty vdth the Civilian Conservation Corps, and 0h November 15 1935. he was placed on extended active duty with the 55th Pur sui t S()uac1ronat Barksdale Field La. Lieut. Livingston accumllated a t~tal flying time of anproxirrately 1200 hours. He VIasprorcoted to 1st Lieutenant, Air Reserve, on August 10, 1935. The bodies of Lieut. Robert C. Love, Air Reser~e, and Private EIlXlryJ. Parsons, who crashed Lrrbo a tree high up on l;~t. McKinley of the San Ber~,dino mountain range during a stonn on the ~:;nt of March 27th were recovered two days later. The wrecked airplane was sighted by a pilot of one of 20 airplanes of the 17th Attack Group, l::arch Field sent out to search for the missinr men. ' Lieut. Love ;;a,s born at Hickory N C February 10, 1911. He graduated from Hicko~y gram~ school in 1924; from Galileo High School a n ~929,. and ~rom the University of Southern 9ahforma, Wlth the degree of Bachelor of Arts, a.n Jun~, ~934. for appointment as a Flying Cadet h? entered the J;ri.mary Flying School,Randolph ' F1eld, Te~~, Wlth the October, 1934, Class. After sat1sfactorily completing the course at Randolph(Fie1d, he was transferred to the , Cent inued on Page 14)

the Sup-

Ivajor Ca.:l F". Greene , Chief;.I" ' of the Eng1neer1Dg ProeureY'. '. ment Branch of the Materiel ~~,I-"!"""'-. Division, Wright Field, ,.1' ,:.". , . ':'. dro~ped in the office on ", /'/"; ;. ~ I '\ ,', Apr1l 6th. He attended t.: '!.!.:.;.~;;:::-., a meeting of the j':-;;;".,i:,lIL.:l te.. ,,, ,;-:.!.. Nati.:>nal Advisory Com- pl/.. :'J:~:'':~~''~::':''':'''''''~:~'''':':''''



mi.ttee for Aer~~~~ic~'\;H j :;1 Major Alfred ''1 ..-.;<.- ~._:-, .' .... _,,-~:'" 7:':'",.::0 .;;. '.1 Marriner returned AprU':":' iiiIf ",::; ;:, Jf :'~"": 7th from a navigation;~_: I! J.. ! flight to Ma.xwe~l Field,~, ., '. ,. -..I u; ,;' l ~II Ala., Fort BennJ,ng, Ga and Pope Jilield', . Fou Bragg, N.C.' On April l3tli he delive~ a.;,l.ecture at the Signal School at Fort ~.1C:1Il:lX)~1if.J.

I'll,.;.:., ;~~:~ t
. "," ::>I'."




Jl: 11

,"'i: ,I' i'

l,ajor AI bert Stevens and Cha.I-les A. Bassett, from v~i;;ht Field, were in the office on April 8th for a conference. I,lajor Stevens recently assumed charge of the ~ Aeronautical lfuseuL~ Major Lowell H. &lith, Chief of the Enspeotion Division, left Harch 28th on an inspection trip. Visitors to the Chief's office during the course of leaves of absence were Major Paul J. lIathis from Langley Field, and Major Claude E. Duncan from Mitchel Field. Ma.jor George L. Usher. Chief of the Personnel Division, returned April 1st from a navigation flight to lvia.xwell Field, .Ala. Lieut. Colonel Vincent 3. Dixon and l~jor cr~les Y. Banfill recently returned fr~D leaves of absence. Lieut. Colonel Gerald E. Brower and l,Jajor Norram D. Brophy returned from ~\]right Field .


Visitors who dropped in the office during the course of navigation flights were Lieut. Colonel Harvey S. Burwell from Langley Field; Lieut. Colonel ;!filliam B. Wright, Jr., from Fort Hayes, Ohio; I'iajor Harry A. Halverson from the Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansaa, Major Edward V. Ha.rbeck, Jr., of the InspecDivision, left April 6th for Randolph F1.eld. . l'iJ8.J~r Robert Rauch returned April 8th after !? a plane from the West Coast to Wright neld. April 11th for

I t~on

Captain Mervin E. Gross left Wright :Field for a conf'erence.

Captain James B. Jordan left for Chicago on April 12th. -13V-7304, A.C.

. I The Materiel Division, WJ;'i'gb.t ield, On~o, is F Advanced Sc;:hoo1, Kelly ,Field, 'Texa~, from i engaged in .the project of standa.rd!ilng.~he which he graduatod October 1?, 1935,. spec1alizType A-6 Winter 1y-lng shoes.' . This shoe is ing in At.tack Avia.tion. He was rated an "Aireonsb ruched in the form of an ever shoe with a plane Pilot," effective .on that date. li,:;ht slipper insert. . .. Assigned .to extend.ed active duty, his . /The over.shoe/aDd 5.nsert are fabriC8._ted mth status as Flying Cadet, at. Barirsda'l e Field,. 3 ~inch and 3 8-inch sheen shearling, respectShreveport, L'J.., with the 90th Attrick Squadron. I ively., The overshoe ccntalns a 3-inch mde LiAut. Love was on auty as Assistant \ rub'Jer foxing to which is .atte.ehed a. durable Officer and Assistant COITnllnications Oflicer. ! co~6unded rubOer sJIs and heel. A heavy DO~ He 'was appo i.nbed a second lieute:1.-m-b, Air Reski.~ be: also pl'Ovided en the sole. serve, October 14, 1936, and transferred to Fastening'means;for the overshoe is provided by M<;.rchField, CL,lif., in ViarCh, 1936,. for duty an i?ter~ocldng is~ener attached to the front wlth the 73rd AtteCk Squadron as Ass1stant Aropen1Dg, also a ~~-lnch buckle and str~p ennament Officer. . circling the top edge uf tile upper. The slipper insert 1:> provided. with a felt sole and . Private P3xsons, a native of'Texas, enlisted. heel as a means of providing support for ~he in Long Beach, Co~if" in the Army Ah' Corps, feet when ",~rn for welkin!; purposes and to proin november, 1936 . He was amamber,' of tne. vide. better trpel'ation of the airplane rudder J3rd Souadron of the 1nh .Attack Gxoup. and foot controls. An ankle strap is also ---000--l)rovideti' ;'n .the inserts to. prevent them from st.J.ckfng in the overshcew':J.en withdrawing the feet. The tyPe .A-6 shoes can be worn .m. tn or wi tilvut the inserts, iJependins; on the am:ruil.tof' wo.l"llith required by the wearer. MaxiUoon the COmbIet.ion of their p:.-esent. course rwin warmth is ubtainedby re,mval of the wearof instruction at theAnv War College, Fort er I sregu1ar shoe and using the insert with HUIX;lhreys, J.e.', Lieut. Co.l.onel, :::'-lalph . P Cousins is uncler orders to l):l.'oceed to Langley ~e~~~~.. .J ---000--, Field, Vn.., fOT duty on thee staff c f the C0IDmm.iing General of theGHQ, Air Force,'3 . SCARCITYOP C1:ILLED MitlJ IN AVIA'i'IOIJ Lieut. Colonel Willis E. Hale (lhl.jor) is assign~d to. duty in the Panarra Canal Depar-troerrb , I well.kDOwn veteran :flyer, Charles S. sailing from rqewYork City on or about Septen... 'The I ( Casey) Jones. T'resident of the Casey Scl1.001of ,berll,1837. I AeroIl..'J.utics, Newark, N.J., writes an illu.'llinatFirst Lieut. WillimuD. Eckert, recently re~ ins article in the April issue of t.h e NC',tiorJ8l turned from foreign service. is relieved from. Aerc..naut5.cs , in which he sbat-es that assigl1!ll6nt to station at 111i tchel :neld., New there is 8J.'J. acute short.age of skilled men in \ the aviation York, and. assigned to station at P~1dolph indu:.>try. and that persormel manField, Texas, l'eDortil'lg to the. Comrand ing I agars have been acour Ing the country for trainGenera~ of the Air Corps Training Center for ed mechard cs , frequently rraldng personal visits duty upon the e:lqliration of his "present leave .to sections re."'OOte from their factories and ofof absence. fering attractive ini1uce'"1ents. As a result. ffi;)stof the competent. personnel has been abLieut. Colonel Robert C. Cand ee (Major). is so nbed and st.ill the factories are unable to relieved from his present assignment and duty I meet their deJ.ivery scnedul.e s , at the Naval '!Iar College, Ne'Nport, R.l., and !(Jr. Jones states tha~ the last few years have will proceed to !Tew York, r. Y., and sail on the witness6cl a sbeady inc:'eas.e of business in the transport scheduled to leave: t1:lat port 011 or t United states, both military and conmercial. about May 19, 1937. for San Franci sco , Calif. I Tr. e export. r,f' aircraft has grown by 1 eaps and From that city, upon the expiration of. such ! bounds. Another factor responsible for the .leave of absence as mg,y bE\ granted him, he Will'l sho:r-tage of sldll",a men is the r2.d.ical change sail on tha trC:nsportsched~ed to Leave that in .oonsb rucbion which has taken pLaqe within port. ~>n or about. _4ugusit.28. ,193:. for the the last seven or e~81lt year s , ;lhen the industHawallan Denar-trcent, ,where ~e wlll renort tOI ry l:asgone from s tdck and fabnc to all-r09tal the, Co:manding General :for assignment. to duty i fabrication. Older men ,.rho have s bayed in the Wi th the Air Corps. J a.viation' i:Jdustry have had difficulty in adapti,r.g bhe-nseI ves to th~ changes , and n:any an e.xSecond Lieu~. Thomas Eella'llY Mixon, Air R~.,. I pert, cebinet maker or ~abric worker has been serve, is ordered to active duty at Langley fo+ced to seek other l~nes of endeavor. The i'ield, Va.. for a perio.3 of three years from IIltal:;>used in aircrl'J,fl; construction flJ,'e CC'JllApril 21, 1937. He hails from Pncebus , Va. parakvely new, and no large number of ,DOn has I beeri trajned in their use. Upon the corap1etion of his present course of There bas been -an inclination to disparage instruction at the C~:~andGeneral staff r.oo.nuallabor, even though skilled, and thi,s atSchool, Fort Leavenworth. Kl!Il;lsas,Major Dele V. titUde has done much to bring aboubthee;rl:stGaffney (Captain) 1'rill proceed to .Hamilton fng condHi on. An aLaly:;;i s shows, howev:e.1'". Field, Calif. ,for duty., . that a ski::'led mechanic is soldoD;!out OI'Vmnr. -14.. V-7:304, A.-C.

Obituaries Conti.~rom 15'age13





t~el 9'"

1iel< Va.! April 5th. , ltour of Selfridge and Mitchel: Fields for the Eg. uadron 2rid Bom'6ardment Gro 1 urpose 'of inspecting Medical Corps e.ctiviMajor Harvey it nolland was assi~d to ~ ,~ies and conference with Ba~e Surgeons rela~ive organization fl'om the 21st Reconnad ssaace I to Base Medical plans pertalning to the Apnl Souadron and assumed charge of the ~~teriel 112th maneuver.' section. Ca-ptain John H. McCormick was reliev-I Hg. and Ho. Souadron, 8th J?ursuit Group: ed from cormand of this souadron and detailed I Sergeant L~ster Wriglit, Whoseduties during as Gro'.lpPersonnel Officer, S-L .Captain Ward I the past 4"2 years with the 8th Pursuit Group J. Davies assumed coIXIIm1Cl,the squadron on of were those of Mess Sergeant, Asst. Truckmaster March 12th. Edwin R. McReynoldsreand Supply Sergeant, and whos;;e Journeyman rat .. joined the organ3.zatio.J. for duty as Group Enings are Clerk. Auto Mechani9 and Aircraft gineering OfficeJt on March 20th, after several Welder", received orders to p:roceed to the IOOnthsof detached service at the Boeing AirHawaiian Department. Art ardent reader of craft Factory. Wash., and March Field., CAlif. books on travel, Sergeant Wr~ght will no doubt Second Lieut. Russell L. Waldron was relieved enjoy his trip and his tour,in Hawaii. The from assignment on }larch 20th and ass.igned to Ibest wishes of his ~ friepds in this Air the 96th Bombard1:oont Souadron. Major !3.M.Giles!Base go with sergeant Wright. depe:rted on tqorary d.etached service to the If the "enElI\Y" is looking for the 8th PurBoeing Aircraft Factory, Seattle, Wash. Capt. suit GrouP at Langley Fiel~ during the pe:iod C.E. O'Connor was transferred from this organ- April 12th to 25th, they W111 ~ sorely disapization ~o the 9~th ~ombardmentSquadron as pointed. The Group.will give th~ the slip nB-l7 a1rplane .comIlUlder. and lIX)ve the NatJ.onal Guard Airport at to 96th Bonmard.."ll9ntSoue.clron: Sq~ron The Virginia Beach for the 2nd WingManeuvers. 1IiemwiShes to eXtend a welcometo Captain C.E. bers of the Group will leave their warm homes O'Connor. We.also wish to welcometwo other and ''hot showers" and IOOve into tents and new men. Lieuts. W.H. Riggins and R.L.Waldron. "cold showers. It Virginia rray be the ItPlayThe former came to us from the 20th Bombardmentground of the South," but April weather in Ole Squadron and has been assigned the duties of Virginny can rrake st. Moritz feel like the Squadron Co:m'llJ.Dica.tions Officer and Naviga.tor tropic's.' However, the su-pply section assures of the TIB-17. Lieut. Waldron came from the us they will have plenty of blaDkets on hand. He~quarters Sguad:on and ~s delef,8.~edthe. '.:'hat mos9.uioes are not so prevalent in cold t dub Les of the Servlce Sectl0n. of whlChhe lS wea.ther lS our one oonsolation. in charge. Two membersof this SQuadronrecent Siam has its ''White Elephant," India its ly received orders of transfer - Lieut. L.W. "SaCred Cow"and the Hq. Sqd 8th Pursuit Greenbank to the Canal Zone and Lieut. J. w. Group its XA-l4. The'XAwas te!Iporarily asFur;ow to the if.d.dd~etown ir Depot. Weregret A signed to the Squadro~ for tests of the 37 mn. theu loss but dest re that they carry our best cannon with which it 1S eguipped. Several ofwishes for their continued success with them. ficers of the Group have been flying the 21st ReCOlli18.issa.nce Sguadron: SecondL~eut. "Sacred Cow"and firing the cannon to determine C. Kitchens, Air :geserve. recently recelved its use as tactical aircraft eQuipment. orders transferring him to the Canal Zone. The 33rd Pursuit SQuadron: Four -newCadets reS9uadron.regrets th: lo~s of this officer and ported to the Squadron, only one of whomis mshes hlm success an hls future work. trained in Pursuit - Cadet Jacob J. Brogger. Hors. and Hors. Souadron, 2nd Wing: The 2nd The others. Cadets Philip G. Cochran, Ed G. Wing~eadq~ters co~leted its pl~ regarding IHillery and D.~. Macdonald, received their the WlngFleld E:xerclse to be held an the . training in Bombardment. The first few days ;angle;r Field Air Base Areas, April l~th to 25t kepb the foursome bus:y reading Base.Re3U!-ations. 1nclusl ve, and your correspondent beheves that Flyi~ Regulations, Pllots Informa.t10n Fl1e and some night oil was burned by a few of the Technical data. Each Cadet was assigned to a. worthy membersof the staff, especially by one J?6-E airplane as Airplane Commnder, and after young officer who has been doing such an excel,- local flYing they have been making orientation lent job of pinch-hitting for two or three flights within the Airdrome limits. other officers. Nowwith the GHQ war brewing April 12th. to 25th will find the 8th Pursuit out on the TlfestCoast the first of~, the Group at Virginia Beach, Va., working as a. unit staff will have only a short recess, if any, of the 2nd "ling mmeuvers. The only good thing before it begins planning who is going to' win to tRkeint.o c0ll$ideratiion about the mmeuvers and how. at Virginia Beach at this time of the year will . The concentration (of officers) at Aberdeen. I be the absence of mosquitoes. However. we ex~ch 23rd, relative t? the April 12th ~euvl-:peo:t o be too busy putt~ng in four hours' flyt ers, was a.ttended by Lleut. Colonel Russell L. ang. and such to do anyth:!,ngelse. Maxwell, Ordnance Officer. GHQ Air Force. and I 35th Pursuit Sguadron-: The pilot strength of the following staff officers of the 2nd Wing, the Souadron was increased by the arrival of GHQAir Force: Major Edison A. LYnn, Ordnance; three new graduates of the Air Corps Training Major Edgar ;;!:.. Glenn. &-2 and S-4. a:cd Major Center. Although they trained in Bombardment .Irvin B. ~ch, Surgeon. Mitchel Field was at ,Kelly Field, Flying Cadets William K. McNown, ~ll represented. by Colonel Walter ~~ J'rank and Thornto1;t.K. Myers em 'No'rris Perry show every ~taft.'.' .' iIlliica.Uon of becoming tOp notch Pursuiters. ~or'~ left March :?6th on a five--dq ,Th~y are at present in the midst of familiar.i-~5. , V-7304, A.C.




zation with equipment, regule.tion~'-~1.o:e~ ',,", ba'f"c;1"_.~tieipate some very inte1iestiDg .. conditions. work in cooperation with the Chemical ~:. The SoUadronalso ,welcomesthe. ~~ 'of , School at Edgawood A3:s~. .' " - '~. , .. Lieut.- .d.B,',Harvinaf+'er a Pl'Qtracte4 :sojo~.!3,ts ,is pubUshed, thct,3'lth,lIIiU as C.O. of the Army detachment at~leghelIy' ',,"be in tb,e field ,opel'ating from the ai'x'po~t'r~ County Airport at P:.ttsburgh. Another new adRockyMount,.N.C. ,during the 2nd Wi1ig'Fielld: dition to the or~anization is Lieut. J .E. B~r, Exercises which are to be conducted from Apru .8thPursuit ~:roupAil.jut~t, who is attached.,to Il~th to 25th. so operating from the, same'us for trainine.' " . airport will be the 2nd, Bombardment Group.':' 36th. Pursuit Squadron: Twoimportan'\; tunr.,':) , .., ' " , , .' . ,,' OVers toOk -place in this, Squadron last week~, .l.Rock:wellAir Deeo:naCoro:oadO, Calif:, ApriLl. C8.dets Young, Tat~ and Hunker reported. in frol;ll I: DUring Ja.nua.ry february of th1'syear,.: the Training Center, and Lieut. Doug. Williams two,inber-:depot freight ~s~ cne inter-depot deserted us to become a membe,r f the GRQ.,Head-pB.S'sengerrun and' 18 intrElt-depot frei,ght~ o i quarters"and..Headquarters Squadron. Evidently 'Werecompleted, carrying a tottsl of 63,139 . , th, e talent: scouts were am:>ngstus sec. etlY., for' r pounds of freight and ro passenge, a total:.; l~ingtheir ki~ping tiendencies we n::ake of 24.565 roiles. Equipment available for' this every effort' to keep our talent under cover. . . use were two e-27C's and one e-33. Scheduled Due to these, and the IIBDY other recent. chang runs werecozrpleted 100%, but delays due to-, esinour personnel. the infrequent :ainydays weather :were sOlnewha.. t above no~ expect~y were greatly 'nelcpmedas an opp,ortumty for new for, this season of the yea:r. ,. members to become f8IDi.liar with the routine of Amonanew n:embersrecently welcon:ed. nto the i their jobs and. to c~tcP. upon paper "J?rk anC.. to 4thTr~sport Squadron are Master Sergeant prepare for the AprJ.l mmeuvers . Bes1des this Peter Biesiot, Staff Sergeants Norris Brock, work, each officer is preparing an hour's lec~tt G. :Gauper, Townie E. stapp and Sergeant ture'.and. cri tioue on some subject of COIIJlXln DaeHext. interest. On th.ii days of good weather we have Lieut. General Friedrick von Botticher, Gerbeen practicing Unit firing on sleeve targets man lvlilitary Attache, 1V8.S a guest of Colonel' and. familiarizing the new pilots with OU1' equip and !virs. Wuest at diDner at their quarters on ment end formations. . March 24th. , For the purpose of training new connel,a ' Colonel and Mrs. Wuest have as their house formation of six PB-:?A' left for. s ell Field guest Baro~ Kunrat von Hanmerstein, young son on Frid~ noon, March 26t. , ~ returIl?d. SunQ.ay of General von Hamnerstein, recent Commnder h II' afternoon, March 28th. .4n enJoyable t:une was of the Gernan Army. .: had by all, and everyone was pleased and satisWarrant Officer Leland D. Bradshaw reported. fied with the performance 'of the equipment. , for duty with the Rockwell Air Depot and ~ . 37th Attack Scuadron: March 25th was an ex\,taken over the Operations Department ofthi1'l ceed!ngly sad day for the 37th Attack Souadron, Depot. ' .' for on that fatal day a tearful farewell was On March 20th, Colonel Jacob W. Wuest and bid to ship number 76, which was. engulfed by th Major Reuben c.1&>. ffat made a training. flight to trees and swampland near Messick, Va., two Kingman, nd Grand CaIliYOn, a Arizona, and.returned miles from Langley Field. Flying Cadet Watson ' on the 22nd. ' , and Pvt. 1st Class, Lush escaped injury. The On March 17th Lieut. Colonel Hubert V. loss of the -plane is felt most deeply by Lieut. Hopkins, Chief of the Industrial WarPlans SecBerquist, who had been assigned to No, 76 since tion of. the Materiel Division, arrived at this it arrived from the factory last December, but Depot via a Fairfield e-33 . He was flown to who was on duty as Air.-d:r:ome Officer at the tin;le Los Angeles in a ~ckwell D~ot airplane on. of the forced landing. Actually thl:lre were ! the same day and 1nspected a1rcraft product10n , tears in the eyes of Lieut. Berquist, Crew I at the factories in :that viCinity. He returnChief Soderstrom and Assistant CrewChief Harvey( ed to the Rockwell Depot on the 2200, and on 'when they spoke the l!Last Bites" at the scene ,I the following day departed for Wright Field of the accident. .j ~n the Patterson field Transport plane. ' , 'Although this unfortunate accident, less .bhan " Lieut. Colonel S.J. ld.zorek amd Major J.T. a week after beginning active duty,let Cadet Morris left on M3J;'ch 17th for the Engineering Watson feeling rather dejected', i4eis, now rapid- and 'Supply Conference at the Materiel Division. ly regaining his high spirits and will soon and at thistin:e, April 1st, have noli returned again have a beaming countenance. which is so t~ their home station. Rum:lrhas it that they characteristic of the smiling 37th. Mr. Watson are nowso.Journing in s~ San Antonio, Texas, graduated with the February, 193.71 Class at waiting for the weather to clear up so that Kelly Field, and was assigned to 1;he37th, which' they canppooeed to their home station. he joined after a rronbh ~sleave. ,With the " :prior to assuming corm:a:nd f the Middletown o knowledge he has gained studying aerpZJautic;:al, A~r,Depot, Colonel and Mrs. ~'iuest plan to make , engineering anc1 working 'for Pratt, & ~I,1hitney',and,an~~ensive tour, starting son:etiroe in ilay. of with his good record, at the Training Cente+. he the parks, in. the western United states and: will undoubtedly prove a val uabl e asseb to the visit with loJrs. Wuest's mother, Mrs. G.H... Air. Corps. The membexs- of the 37th exteDd ~ " ,Strong' in Eau Gailie; Florida,. before ,jrod'eedmost hepoty welcome to Flying Cadet, Wats,on.' ing to their,new' station. All roepmers ():r~~s The '37th was very much pleased ~en they fin,oamnand. regretexc~edingly to have Colo~l<and ,ally received ~he 10ng-waited-forcp.~cal: Mrs. Wuest leave, but hope they will-'~30:t' tlUlks. -The'JXIa1ntena.nce crews are .~ 'bu,syln.. ' theb new sta.tion at Middletown. , GOlOtiet Wuest stalling the operating mechanifllIlS, au1 the!JOm. w'i1l be succeeded a.s CoIIXlBnding Offioer of the ..16V-7304, A.C.



~les.Ca1if. ~ta1n Ellinger was transferred to CbanuteFleld, Ill for duty. With Mrs. Ellinger an~ their little daughter the Captain IlX)tored to Chanute Field, departing April 2nd. The sincere wishes of the Depot personnel go with these old friends for success and ha~piness in their new fields. Recant visitors at the Depot on navigation flights were Lieut. Colonel H. V. Hopkins, of the Mate~iel Division, WriGht Field, March 24th, en route, return4:ng from an Interdepot Transport Service trip; Lieut.. Colonel S.J. Idzorek, Depot SufPly Officer. and Major J.T; ., Advanced Flying School, Kell~Field. April 5th. Morris, Chief Eng1neering Officer of the BockOne of the IlX)st enjoyable fairs of recent well Air Depot, Coronado, March 27th months was the barn dance given by the officers to April 1 st, en route returning from a Suppl;1 and ladies of Kelly Field in the Aviation Club, and Engineering conference at the Materiel , which was decorated in a truly rural ne.nner Division; Major LowellH.amth, April 1st, en wi th bales' of hay, lanterns', a.nd sets of harroute via Randolph Fielt'l from the Office of ness hanging on the walls. Severul' head of the Chief of the Air Corps to Fort Bliss. Texas; livestock added a realistic effect. The 150 Captain R. W. Chrisp and Lieut. W.D. Hopson,' ' guests attending the party were attired in de 154th Observation Squadron" Arkansas National overalls. giDgbamfrocks, etc. Prior to the Guard, Little Rock, March 25'th-26th. lea.ving dance. a country dinner Was served, the tables an 0-38 plane for overhaul and. returning by air; being laid with red and white checked cloths A new addition to the Depot t s official fami,ly and centered with vegetables and bluebonnets~. Me"welcomed in the arrival of Captain George , Captain George' A. Whatley, Conmanding Officer A. Whatley, and family, on March 26th. Ca:ptain of the Headquarters Souadron, received notice Whatley was transferred here from Kelly Field of his transfer to DuIlcan Field. He has been and was assigned to duty with the 3rd Transport stationed at Kelly Field since August 1. 1934. Squadron, also as Assistant Depot Supply and 1~jor Adrian ~illiamson and Lieut. Garboiz, Assistant Operations Officer of the Depot. 154th Observation Squadron, Arkansas National Niajor John M. Clark, Depot Supply Officer, . Guard. Little Rock, Ark., rezmined oveTnight returned March 27th, and Major Elmer D. Perrin.' at Kelly Field on April 3rd, after having fer~ Commnding Officer of the 3rd Transport Squad-.. ried an 0-38 to the Sen Antonio Air Depot for ron, returned March 28th, by ~r, from a conoverhaul. This was the first time Major ference of Supply and Engineering officers in Williamson visited Kelly Field since he was the Office of the Chief of the u~teriel Divitrained here during the war. sion, io/right Field. Major Dale. V. Gaffney visited Kelly Field on Lieut. Max H. Warren was relieved from asMarch 31st on a training flight in an A-SA air- signment and duty with the 3rd Transport Sguadplane. Major Gaffney is now a student at the ron, this Depot, and assigned to duty as AssisCommand and General Staff School and was a tant Engineering Officer and allied duties at former chief of the Pursuit Section at the Air the Depot. Corps Advanced TIying School. Recent additions to the 3rd Transport SquadMajor Lewis A. Dayton, a former .Mjutant of ron are Privates :Robert L. Sexton and Elmer J. the Advaroed Flying School, but now stationed Gunn, March 19th, and Privates Carl K. Russell atVaxwell Field, renained here overnight on and Armon C. Guthrie, April 1st, all tramsferMarch 24th. red from the. 62nd. School SQuadron. Kelly Field. Major Albert c. Foulk, in conmmd of a flight Private Vance Vnstel was promoted to Private, of seven A-17 airplanes, remained overnight on 1st Class, March 18th. March 20th. They were returning to March Field The annual i~spection of this Depot was rmde from a training flight to Florida. I March 26th to April 1st by Colonel :RoyC. Kirtland, of the Inspector General's Office, San Antonio Air Depot, Texas, AT.lril 5th. W'ashin-:.ston,D.C. The Depot grea.t1y regrets the loss of two of its officer personnel recently relieved from Sors. Air E Detachments Municipal Allport, assignment and duty at this station, Major Lon1 Beach, elii., March tho Charles T. McAleer, Signal Corps, and Ca;ptain Into every life some rain must fall! On the David J. Ellin~er, Air Corps, Assistant Depot eve of St. Valentine's Day, darkness descended Engineering Officer and formerly Operations over Long Beach, and a gentle drizzle developOfficer of this Depot, who has been on duty ed into a downpour. By Sunday IlX)rning the here since April, 1932. Major McAleer, in police were scurrying about in rowboats, transcharge of the Si,3Dal Corps Badio Section of ferring citizens to the high places. We looked this Depob since liovember 22, 1934, was a patiat our flying field and wondered how come this ent at the Station Hospital, Fert Sam Houston, station had. not been equipped with at leaSt one since Sapta1lber 1. 1936. He was relieved there .Amphibian. On the following Sunday, history fr()Jn and. .from assignment and duty at this Depot repeated itself, and.... we hereby make re(l~t on ~ 31st to proceed to his home and awalt on the ''Chief's Office" for an Amphibian nil'" re,tiranent,' Jajor and Mrs. McAleer. their son plane of the latest design, in order t:1at we enQi~ter will, it is understood, go to Los may be appropriately equipped for training on a -1 V-7304, A.C.

Rocq.n::,~~t'by-r,ieu~,'Colone~ Harold A, S....... ""ondut;y as Ohiet'of the proour .. DIlm~ Section of the Air Corps ~teriel DiviaiIr. fttgb.tField. . ~Qrd.rl'wer~ received recently transferring Major Reuben C. l'l:>ffat to Maxwell Field, Ala., Where he' will be a student in the Air Corps Tactical School for the 1937-1938 course. Major Moffat is nov; Executive Officer at the Rockwell Air Depot. ", We sorry to have Major and Mrs. ~i'fat leave Pookwel.L, but hope he will find his school year both pleasant and profitable.




one of the M-9' s and. was tickled to death to field that at ttmes becomes a part cf the great see all tb.e .h;~A-oQJl,~~~.~sl!~~Nl~e new Pacific OCean' ..:. . .... . ,_',.' '.' , ~.':;;.;o... ~;'~l., "'':-~ "AW ':-t.. ~'." .... ~~ ....... , After the stomi c~th"SUbsld.F()ld;Sot. IrOnsy "''1'",11; ....~':-a","',~~.-...otlI'-: e ne.xt .. t1.. ~ ,. haa again turn~d hili:-B:rfe'otiomt'e'fEide' Upon us",. the Co . s :&.;~Ww8s'aue for hi? annu8I" 'lriSP~Uon~:_'the entfre ~;:. 8.nd the BT-9's beclc. ill" the 8.11"- 'bUt with.a fit was engaged. in' 1?Jia.t })ari Clf :th.. Ciele3 of l,Mf'lyinghOuts (3 ships" 4 days). ''Grand .C8nY0ntt~ left on our coUntry. ~state bYc " . Wevertheless, our objective of 10 hours solo . time for each pilot in the BT-9 before July 1st the late ''l.lJiusu8lweather. II . However, the .trip 1dll be aocoIIJ.>lished if we have to fly by moon- had its compensations, for I learned some ">. dandy new ~ressions from the Uni t Instructor~ light, provided the good old lying time alIf it wasn't for.the censor Itd tell you What lotted holds out. This will avoid the necessithe Cl:-ptaiJ?'said abbut the shorthanded personty of giving transi tion or check flights during nel sltua.tlon. . the Stmmer Camp training period and Ie:\; us get :right down to bUsiness. For the infol'IIBUoh of those who night be interested, VTe ca+1' ::Ra.ndo1l>h Field. Texas: C!ur new organization the ''First Reserve Train-. - The personnel oTtlie field were given an o:ppo:rtunity to see one of the' new Air Corps lng Group," and it consists of the 479th I;lrt Souadron and the 1 Training SgUadron: st . glant Bombers, a YlB-17. on the afternoon of :formerly the 478th Pursuit Squadron}. Lieut.' April 1st. The plane remained overnight at Randokph Field dUring its one stop from March ~ lonel Joseph S. Marriott is Group Conmmder, Field, Calif. ,to Langley F'>. :::ld, Va its M(l.jor William F. Frye comrandfng the 479th and Major Claude l~rgan commnding the 1st Training home s-bation. The YlB-17 was conmanded by lIajor Barney M. Sguadron. During the next three lOOnths it is p~anned to concentrate on photogr~hic nassions, Giles, with Y,a,jor Vincent J. Meloy as pilot r$dio communications, fo~tion flying, blind and Lieut. F. W. Glantzberg as co-pilot. It flying aDd aerial gunnery (phobc also carried a crew of thlee enlisted men. Captain Harry 3. Watson, who knows all about The flight from March to' Randolph Field was pbo;t;ography, is installing a dark room in the n:a.dein app;;,'oxim,l,tely six hours. southeast wing of the '"1.ub House. It seems we . . "'--000--are going. in for photographic missions in a big way. Well. we do have the scenery, the ships, . " ". the cameras. the dark room. ... and the pil<>ts, t ihe.latter to be repo'I'ted on at the next, writ.



r/. ~

. .

nsolonel J.E. Fickel, Air Officer, 9th Corps II . ~'l : ({l'r.1,r,rfd~~~~"~'P' Area, .dropped in out of the sky at Long Beach recently. It seems the Colonol was ob~erving DATA AIm ENGINKEFJ:NG NEWS naneuvers in Southern California and dropped in I Air Corps Yateriel Divis"ion enroute. '. . I Colonel H.E. Yates, Executive Officer, 1st ' An Engineering Section MeIlX>randumel>ort . R ReserVE!District, pad d us a visit on February gives the results of experimental tests conducb21st. The Colonel trade a short talk to the ofed on two electric free air the1'lIX)meters prot~cers present, giving SOIre very valuable infor cured from the Weston Electrical Instrume.nt ~tion and suggestions which will be of great Corporation, Newark, N.J. These thernometers a.ssistance in the training schedule now being consist of a ratio rpeter type indicator movefollowed at this station. ment m:>unted in a ai-inch round dial case wi tll '. Captain Geor3e A. Anders.on, Air Reserve, came scale calibrated -45 to +45? C" and an elechome for a short visit recently. "Art" was one tric resistance element. These two units are ()f the first to go to the front with .the ceo's cor..nected jointly to the 12-volt system of the aXId is DOW cO!'m.l.""ldingCo~any No. 4778 at airplane. The wire of the resistance element :F;lilcale.nte, Utah.YeSeri be had the good foris wound on a long core and is open to the air :J;une to be on the line when ".Art" dropped in except for a thin layer ot varnish. This eleand had a swell visit with the Ca-ptain before ment is place"!. in an open-ended tube for pro- . he was completely'talked to death: "Art" has tection in handling. The electric free air been on ceo cluty now for azround three years,and thermometer is superior as to accuracy and lag his going n:ade 8 void in ~he 479th that has characteristics to the staL(~ r-d Type C-5 free never been successfully fllled, for he was a air the~nometer as due to its construction leading spirit both in athletics and social ac- there is no heavy ~letC'.lWall over the teIJlle~ativities. Howcve. , the great. open. spaces have r ... : tur. e sensitive elewent. It was recornnended brought. out. all the char~t~rl~tics of a ":Lust that a q"Jantity of ten of these instruments be class flghhn~.IIConfldenhally, IthiIik I procured for service test. I've found out. just what it bakes tocomnand a .. cec Camp. It takes a keen eye, an alert brain, Glass P.eflector Buttons. end a terrific right. . . . Ail Ei1gineerinr; SeCITOnMemorandumReport C'OvSecond Lieut. ~7rn. Melvin Brown, Ail- Corps, ers proposed d.. vel.opment of glass reflector e formerly attached to this station, is at pres-' buttons to determine if a button similar to ent visiting LnLong Beach while on leave fz:om that used for highway signs can be developed Field, v~ere he is a. me. niber. of the Reg- f,?rout~ining ~.ys,. usin.~ light:from lr;mling ulq ArrIf! and an lnstrue~or. .', .. . llgbts or floodllghts for providing the Slgncl. YeSerlbe came down thls rmnun.zto-exerclse . .(Continued on Page i9). '. . ". - 8-.' .,' '1-7304; A.C.




K~l1y Ba~eb91l is now in full F1eld ~w:mg under the coac~~.~.:Kt!ll<\,~I.... The f'o'l conclusions were derived from a ang and IrEne.ger.:e~tO!~/;ii/~~ 'l-'~~ shdy of' the prcblern and discussion with enLleut. R ~: Browne, w~o nas a ~ " ':;{~.rd.~;, J.JJ . .... .. '.;;\! g i neevs of t~le .A:nerican Gas Accumulator Comvery exuer-i enced man a.n J.r:..1Y .l~i I;.. -p8ny, Elizabeth, l;.lT., who manufacture reflecbas ebal.L to Did him in Mas-:;i;)r ,:,' 3\..:;"~"" i, tor t"ttons ft,r high\\~y signs: Sergeant Van Hout en, rormer h;t;~~ ".--'~ Fo r airp::'ane Land ini::~ lights the problem is Ser'gearrb of tho 46th Sr-uadr'on 'lfi.......... sir:lple, provideil the lights can be placed adat Randolph FiEJ1d.. Serg"ant --::>i "'. . jacGnt to the pilot. In this case, the saroe Van Routen is we l.L known in ~ ~ i design as is used for highway signs, exce-pt Army baseball circles, having ::?layed the \ six t Lrres as large, would be reg'!ired. The game for the greabez part of his Army career. diameter would be approxinately 4"2' inches. As About fifty men reported for practice the the airplane l&lding lights are more effective first day. AI though it is rather early to when locat ed in the wings, the 1?ro em, for b1 tell much about t1:'.enew I!l3.terial out this year, this Locat icn, is more con;>lica.ted. Briefly, there are some of them who have played Army a button seven tines as le.rg~ would be requirbaseball before and these man, toc;ether with ed (diameter al'proxinately 54' inches). Each those frem last year's squad, should give Lt. but ben would have to be individually adjusted and. Sergeant Van Houten -plenty of rrafor the path of appr-oach. To produce a cone terial with I'rhich to start the8eason. of light of approxin:ately 8 in~es would reDrobin, Beaudreau, .Anderwald ani Nick are quire a button approxinately 102 inches in last year' s n;~cher~ v.vo start.ed with the first diameter. day' s practic*(~:o. Globerg, Suur:ers, Griffin, Cea It was reco::rmen-iedthat f--crther levelopment and Jon.:;s arebhe onl z l:rl'ielders w~c have 1.'e- I al.cug this line be d:.sccnti:med for the followported f~u last year's squa~. To date Billy ing reasons: (1) The size required is excesKlapp ~$."'the o~y o~~fielder who has reported. s~ve; (2) The a.d~ustments reg'uired are too lead~n~ aJ.tter' on the squad last fJ.cult for pract1cal use; (3) For both floodyear, and. the 'fans look for him to repeat this lights and landing lights, two sets of buttons, year. In a couple of weeks we should be able adjusted differently, would be required. It to tell who of the newcoroer s axe showing up the WdSalso recomnended that development of a rubbest in practice. ber flap (similar to street stop signs) be conThe first game was played Sunday, 1~rch 26th, sidered in lieu vf the reflector buttons. against Hondo and D'Ha.'1isI combined teams. The I M ':lr,.,.,~ c 'c Typ -.i=2: K 11 F' ld t 1 t 5 t 4 "'h t t iec ,,..~ s a"O, _ e . e y ae earn o~., 0 .L e ~nex wo .AnEngineering Merrorandumfurnishes informa~ames w?re played ~"J.ta Rond? Schoo'l , and tion for stundardizing T;ype A-~ mechanics' caps. elly Fleld won bOoh, the fJ.rst by a score of Se~vice test resDlts obtained by San .\ntonio 11 to 3, and the second, 12 to 3. .Air Depot indicate that this type cap is sU? ior to the present standard Type A-I roechani.cs ' ~~ngley .~e ,49th ~W;d~C'n, W1h ~ d:q.7l11 t te cap. The Type A-2 is provided with an adjust- J.eld vJ.~v,uf wi.nni ng t~e La;:-g-:ey- J.e~d ment means on the front and a rercovabl,e visor, In~er-?c::~r~n League ~aseoall~ourI which eliminates the present difficulty encounn~nt, had ~ts .~~llt1aJ. ~urn.out ..or ?ractJ.ce ' tered by laudering shrinkage of the type A-I 19 P7os~ec~J.7e pastJ.ruers the cap. ~he need for different head sizes is also call of LJ.eu0: I..on~gOloory,Squadron coach , .~iho elimina,ted with the Type .A-2, sufficient adjust:tate~ that e7~t,.veter~::s ~ack,.,J.nuru ... rm I?eut being Jjlr:,vided for head. sizes from 6-;7/8 o nd W1 th some prOmh~I'-l> ~cung s , . the 1111ches to 7'2,"Lnches , The Type A-2 rrechardc s ' pr~spec~s of a ~enr.ant-w~:n1n.:; c~u~ look. ~rJ.ght.\ cap is f'abr-Lcabed with mercerized cotton f'abr-Lc , . he 9~~h Sqy<;-_ron baseoell ,team J.S I t:le saroe material as used for TYFe.A-I roechanbe1ng whi.pped Lnt o shape , ana we soon expect, I ics' cever-al.Ls to extend. 11chal.Lenge to the teams of the 49th , - . ---000--and 20th S:luadrons. Lieut. Johnson, Athletic \ Offic~r and. coach, reports thc,t the ,Sq~ron .- I shield brace en the pilot I s side. Since the ~ractJ.cally ha~ the Group bcsebat L chempd.onshdp glass was only shattered, night Captain John an the P70... rb~a~ ,?ag. e . Ca.s i o scraped Vll:1t fins a.nd he could Athlet~c act~vlt~es ~f t~e 21st Eeco~J.~s~ get off and proceeded to G~taTEla City. Land~gua,d{on h~ve c~_nsJ. sbed ~J.efly.c of soft Da~l dU: I i~g at the nert, he gave the following exp.l anaJ.~g t,:e p~..t fe~: weeks , l,ew ~~..tball e~UJ.p:nenv han to the startled. airport ITain-l;enance inspecI :"c.s recen:ly, 'P~-,-chased, a.n~ ta1s has st ... ulated tor and his mechanics who crowded around: m ~nte7est a.n 'Gh~s gE?Jne. Q11J. te a few men are 1 He WCl.S sailing along peacefully enough, just turn1ng out da~ly. havin? levelled off at 2,200 feet after his ---000--, climb from ehe airpC'rt at Vera Cruz, when he I S:1W flock of frigate bires across his line of 11 FISH BITES AI:RPL.AN.8 flight well ahead and above him. Sudde nl.y a thud and a carkened windshield. St2~tled by The Central .P.merica..'1 xpress of Pan .American the close apprcach cf the big mecha.'1ical bird, E Ain~~ysl bound out of Vera Cruz, was viciously some frigate evidently opened his mouth in attacked at 2,000 feet by a bay twa. Diving horror, and down dropped the tuna! out of the sky, the fish crashed into the wind- N.A.A. MAGAZINE. (:L~elll:t Column) Boy! Page Bob Ripley! -19V-7304, A.C.

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