WASP Newsletter 03/15/45
WASP Newsletter 03/15/45
WASP Newsletter 03/15/45
II,_ No < 2 ~dited and distributed by the Staff of the WASP NEdSLETTER Ithaca, New York
March 15, 1945 NEV'JSLETTEEstaff Mary Strok Peter Ruth 1!ary Petry
About two months ago a group calling itself the .."Miiitary Poll Committee" circulated a questionnaire to many of the WASPasking what they thought of the possibility of being taken into the ',V,AC second lieutenants as on flying status. This questionnaire has caused a great deal of confusion, both in Washington and among the YiASPs, and many girls he. ve postponed taking jobs in hopes that somethinl': would come of the proposal.
Unfortunately, this questionnaire was entirely without backing and had not been coordinated with AAF Headquarters, the Director of Viomen Pilots, or Col. Hobby IS offi c.e. It was not sent to all v:ASPs - the explanation offered was that those who put it out did not have all the addresses. However, we note that it vias not sent to the Office of the Director of viomen Pilots, or to any officers of the Order of Fifinella or the ~,ASP Nevlsletter. Hence the silence of the Newsletter so far on the subject of the Military Poll Committee. By this time most of you have no doubt received 1I:1iss Cochran's letter dealing with the 1I:1ilitaryoll Comraittee and answering many of your questions. P Vie would like to clarify the situation that exists in regard to answering the letters and wires which many of you have sent to AAF Headquarters and to Congressmen urging further use of the costly training we have received. All requests for jnformation or questions about our inactivation are sent to Miss Cochran's office to be answered. Requests to legislators for further use of the VvASP go to Air Forces Headquarters through the Viar Department. No legislative action concerning the ViASP will be taken viithout a statement. of need from General Arnold as Commanding General of the Army Air Forces. The answer is still that the pilot surplus exists and no Har Department figures are available in establishing this. Any project offered as an appeal to all ex-ViASPs should be under strong scrutiny. At the present time, many suggestions and schemes are being proposed. Some are valid, needing only a little enthusiasm and backing. Others are whimsical. Vie will present these ideas to you for your opinions and analyses. The possible future grovlth and value of any organization of women pilots depends greatly on their program and the action that is taken under their sponsorship. Any program that is suggested or felt to be essential to the welfare of all WASPs .will be planned aI1d founded on as much factual information as is available. before it is proposed by the "Order of Fifinellall--
The following letter dated 3 March 1945 has been received from Miss Cochran's office:, liTO ALL FORMER WASPS:, Through the Newsletter, I vdsh to report on inquiries concerning flying jobs which have been made through the Washington office., It disappoints me greatly to have no encouraging news for you I wish that it might be otherwise. None of the Allied Governments have given any indication that they might be able to use American women pilots. I have been in touch with airline companies, aircraft manufacturers, and have exhausted all possibilities of utilization - and everywhere the answer has been the same: r~{ehave more pilots at present than we can possibly use and the manpower reservoir is so great that there is no possible use in sight for women pilots." Many of the former WASPs have joined the Red Cross and are assisting in this wonderful work both overseas and on the domestic front; a number of them have become affiliated with AAF installations and other Government agencies - there are unlimited ways of continuing to do your part in the vmr effort in non-flying capacities,.,
Please be assured that whatever your choice of future \'lork may be my best wishes are with each of you always. Sincerely,
The following letter has been received from the Civllian Personnel Officer, Napi~r Field, Dothan, Alabama':, "This station has a number of vacancies CAF-5, $2000 per annum. for Link Trainer Instructors,
It is desired to fill these positions with former WASP personnel as soon as possible. A short refresher course, and instructor training will be given to selected applicants. . .itisrequested that your'office ,. advise such,persons ward a completed Standard Form 57. Yours truly, F. J. KITTREDGE', Captain, Air Corps, ,Ciyilian Personnel OfficeI'" to for-
;J1This Headquarters has requested the various AAF Flying Training Commands and AAF Technical Training Commands to signify their interest in procuring the services of Ex-WAS,P personnel Link Trainer Instructors in the Flying Training Commands and as Technical Instructors in the Tchnical Training Commands, It is desired that any viASP interested in obtaining the following stations do so by dinct communication To facilitate the station in making the appointment tions, it is suggested th&t a Form 57 acc.ompany the may be procured at any Civil Service office or Post a position with the to any of inquiry. Office. at one of. installation . these posiThese forms
The following stations have indicated by the figure opposite the name of the station the number of link trainer instructors desired: STATION AAF Pilot School (Adv-2 Engifle) Moody Field".Valdosta~ Ga. AAF Pilot School (Basic.) Gunter Field,. lIIontgomery,Ala. Columbus AAf, Columbus, NUSS. AAF Pilot School (Adv-Single Engine) Craig Field, Selma, Ala. AAF Pilot School (Specialized-4 Engine) Hendricks Field, Sebring, Fla . AAF Pilot School (Adv-Single Engine) Williams Field, Chandler, Ariz. AAF Navigation School San Marcos AAF, San Marc,os, Tex. AAF Bombardier School & AAF Instructors School (Bombdr) Midland AAF, Midland, Tex" AAF Navigation School & AAF Instructors School (Navigator) Selman Field, Monroe,. La . AAF Pilot School (Adv-2 Engine) Blytheville AAF, Blytheville, Ark. AAF Pilot School (Specialized-4 ~ngine) &.AAF Instructors School .(Pilot-4 Engine) Smyrna AAF, Smyrna, Tenn.
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OF TRAINllIG to 8 wks
2 or 3 mas
2 mas 4 wks
30 days 10 wks
6 wks
2 mas
10 wks
to 8 wks
STATION AAF Pilot School (Specialized-4 Engine) Fort Worth AAF, Fort Worth, Tex. AAF Pilot School (Basic) Enid AAF, Enid, Okla, AAF Pilot S-:::ho:)l ~Basic) Aloe hAF, Vi:toria, Tex. AAF P.iJ.ot; ;School Uclv -Single Engine) Napier F:.e 1d, ik J.:hE1l1; Ala. AAF Pilot Scr:o')J. tAdv-2 Engine) DougJ.a" At"', Douglas, Ariz. AAF Pjlot School (Specialized-4 Hobbs AA'r;', Hoobs, N ,.M. AAF Pilot School (Basic) Marfa AA.F, Ma:,fa, Tex, Engine)
15 10
The following stations have indicated by the figure opposite of the station the number of technical instructors desired: STA.TION NO. TECHNICAL INSTRUCTORS DE,SIRED 15 Aircraft Instrument Instructors 20 Electrical System Instructors 5 Propellor Instructors Radio Mechanic Instructors (able to instruct Radin Mechanic AAF Course) Any specialty - Instructors the following
60 days
AAF Technical School Truax Field, Madison 7, Wisc, AAF Technical School Keesler Field, Biloxi, 1liss.
2 to 5 wks
The following stations have indicated Ex-ViASP per sonnel: STATION AAF Technical School Sioux Falls AAF, Sioux Falls, S. D.
openings for
Services of one Classification Analyst and one Employee Relation Counselor providing personnel has had prior experience~ Also opening~ for clerk--typists and clerk-stenographers, CAF-2 positions. Dispatcher
Aircraft Dispatcher
~lliATHERBUREAU OPENINGS: Here is a letter recently received from the United States Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau, Washington 25, D. C.:
Major Edward C. Henshaw, Chief of Employee Relations ano. Placement of the Army Air Forces Training Command at Fort Worth, Texas, has called our attention 'to the fact that a number of young women released from the V,ASP may be interested in employment in weather work as a result of their pilot training, which included courses in weather. We shall be glad to hear from any former members of the WASP who would like information regarding opportunities in the Vieather Bureau. . Briefly, the meteorological service of the Bureau consists of two principal groups, subprofessional employees who make weather observations, plot weather maps, interpret weather advices to the public and other interests, supervise employees in this work, etc.; and professional employees vrho analyze 'weather maps, make forecasts of weather for many purposes, and perform other professional and scientific work including the supervision and direction of Vieather Bureau field stations. Salaries of subprofessional employees range from $1440 to $2600 per annum, plus overtime, and for professional employees the minimum salary is $2000 per annum, plus overtime. The grade and salary level at which anyone can be employed depends upon the individual's qualifications and is determined by the Civil Service Commission. Very truly yours, /S/ C. Garton Swain Chief, Division of Personnellf
The following letter has been received from San Marcos Army Air Field, San Marcos, Texas: "San Marcos Army Air Field, San Marcos, Texas, desires to contact ex-WASPs who would be interested in working as aircraft dispatchers and control tower operators at that. station. Duty hours would normally be irregular as these departments function on a twentyfour (24) hour basis comprised of three (3) shifts - working eight (8) hours with the following twenty-four (24) hours off. This work falls under Civil Service and Civil Service ratings of CAF-3 through CAF-5 presently available. Housing facilities are available in nearby communities of San Marcos, Lockhart, Austin, or NevI Braun,.. fels. Ex-YIASPs with any operations experience are especially desired. Anyone who is interested should write, Commanding Officer, San Marcos Army Air Field, San Marcos, Texas. Attention: Civilian Personnel Officer~"
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.JOBS hITH DOUGLAS AJRCRAFT_ .9.9l\Jjp~Y: Douglas Aircraft Company, Tulsa 2, Oklahoma, has sent us the following information about job openings in the Tulsa plant: lIThere are available at the Tulsa Plant, job openings which; we believe, some of your former VJASP pilots might be qualified to fill. These jobs would be as Field and Service Mechanics or Flight Inspectors on the A-26 Airplane. "It is requested that if you have any inquiry for placement of these women, that this information be furnished to them~ if they are interested in this type of work. "Clearance has been arranged through the War Manpower Commission in the Tulsa area~ and the necessary details can be handled after their arrival at Tulsa. "Although local housing is critical in the Tulsa area~ rooms are available for many of the women who do not have families and they can be immediately housed here. "It is suggested that they communicate directly with S. J. Ogilvie, Personnel Manager, Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc~, Tulsa, uklahoma. DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY" INC s.
NOTICE FROM AIR SURGEON' oS OFFICE: The following r).otice has been received from the JiirSurgeon's Office in V;ashington: "Headquarters,. MF, has advised that vouchers covering medical treatment for eX-iASPs at Veteran's Administration facilities are being forv!arded to that Headquarters for payment., "It should be pointed out that former hASPs, who were civilian employees of the Army Air Forces, ~~ rlOt entitled to medi~ ~ ~r hospitali.zation at Veteran's facilities., No AAF funds are available for the payffient~f vouchers for these services. "There is.no authority for former WASPs to receive treatment at Veteran's hospitals. Those who receive this treatment or hospitalization may expect to be 'qilled for such service . "
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Here are some excerpts from a survey issued by the Information and Statistics Service of the CAA, vlhich include several new suggestions for postwar aviation employment: "CROP DUSTING - Considerable increase is expected in crop dusting and spraying of insecticides and larvacides; and in destruction of insects such as grasshopper.s, fruit fly, and other destroyers, through the. use of highly effective new poisons developed during the war. Already, burned-over rangelands have been reseeded from the air where planting on the surface would have been impossible or too costly. Other crops, especially grains, will probably be planted by air just as rice is now. HUNTING OF ANIMAL PESTS - This started as a sport but has developed into a profitable enterprise. Bounties and sale of skins of coyotes, wolves, etc., pay Vlel] FOR1STRY - Smoke spotting, carrying of fire-fighting parachutists, dropping of equipment and food to fire-fighters, radio directions to ground cre1'ls, all make the flying fire engine a valuable addition to fire control. POV.Nt COJ\;lMUNICATIONND OIL LINE INSPl;CTION - Low level flying to spot and report A breaks, leaks, and other trouble, long before the ground inspector can find them. This is being carried on noVi to a small extent, successfully. The war has produced many more miles (,f oil and. gas pipeline, and pOlNer lines, AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY - A steady increase of good pre-Vial'business is expected, because of better equipment, more experience, etc. Photographing of private estates, real estate developments, golf courses, mapping for survey., crop planning, soil conservation, flood control, restoration programs, ~ap rraking, etc. are logical extensions. Spotting of cattle, other animals on range., and census counting of farms, ana game animals can be done by photography. FISHING INDUSTRY - Spotting schools of fish for commercial fishing boats, and planting of fingerlings in remote lakes difficult of access by ground offer work for planes. CHARTlli FLYING - This has Ci1v'ays been an important item in the industry. It is expected to increase. Bong with it will probably be a sizeable rent-a-plane service barely started before the war. LIGHT ~jEIGHT AIR FRi..IGHT There ""ill be greater possibilities here than in any commercial transport field. ~ar cargo planes, converted, can load tree-ripened citrus fruits in Florida, unload them a fe1 hours later in Ne"'l ngland, and E return the same day with freight or some product native to t he Northern states; Middle West restaurants can serve Maine lobsters caught VIi thin 24 hours, or berries fresh from the ~est C~ast. Experimental flights of such common vegetables as lettuce and spinach already have been flo1'l0 [,lOre than a thousand miles and sold at a profit. Vjith fleets of scheduled and non-scheduled freighters, the possibilities are E:::normous. The various possibilities mentioned above are only the frameYIark for planning. Imagination and ingenuity C8.nlead to still more opportunities. hlthough we have listed these suggested fields in Industrial Aviation from a Pilot's stCindpoint, it should be remembered that each enterprise must operate from an airport, and must be backed up by the men on the ground - mechanics~ repairmen, radio operators, field managers, welders, metal workers, traffic controllers, tower operators, weathermen, and all the other allied professions,'1
POSITIONS WITH nVA: Transcontinental and Western Air, Inc. has ~stablished a WASP Procurement Office which recently sent letters to all ex-WASPs listing more than forty positions in the company which could be filled by former WASPs. If any of you have not received this information due to recent changes of address you may get in touch with the Director of Industrial Relations, R. C. Oberdahn, at 1012 Baltimore Ave., Room 800, Kansas City, Mo.
*** ******
HALLY STIRES BUSINESS N~NAGER OF ORDER OF FIFINELLA: The Newsletter is very glad to announce that Hally Stires has accepted the position of Business Manager of the Order of Fifinella. Her appointment was approved by vote of the Advisory Council and she became Business Manager as of February 1 ~ She will handle all legal and business contracts for the organization, will manage the scholarship fund, will handle all monies, and will be in charge of sales of stationery, pins, etc. We feel that the Order of Fifinella iG very fortunate, indeed.
WHAT'S IN A NAME????? There have been many comments by WASPs lately about the name selected for this organization prior to our Lrlactivation. "The Order of Fifinel1a." seems to lack in appeal to many and yet to be completely acceptable to others. It has been criticized on the ground that it is too frivolous and even silly. Some think it should be simply "'rASP". The name was selected at Maxwell Field when the staff of the Order was bucking Army red tape and the involved bottleneck of coordination to establish a Newsletter. At this time, Kay Dussaq came in from Fort Worth to help us. If she had not cleared our authority through Training Corrroand Headquarters we would have been blocked again. We had dreamed of and worked on this paper for several months. The only way it was finally cleared was as a medium for the exchange of reemployment opportunities. We received permission through the. efforts of Col. Paul Todd, Deputy to the Chief of Staff, A-3 Division, Headquarters, EFTC, to use Army paper and mailing facilities for the Newsletter. But even he could not clear authority for us to use these facilities for a post-inactivation organization. So we paid for the initial materials ourselves, believing we should ~stablish at least the structure of a group to keep us together, and we dubbed It the "Order of Fifinella". It was in the spirit of fun, and to avoid any complications with the Army Air Forces. If there is enough opposition to the name as it stands, let's clear the air before our legal incorporation is completed. Our contract with the Disney Studios is in this name. The ad,antages of the insigne are clear if you will read the contract as reproduced C~ page 9. Let's have your opinions about this. Send them to the Newsletter Editors.
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4 N N 0 U N C I N G Our NEWEST EDITORlllL On~ebruary 6th the Newsletter acquired a new:mditor - Mary Margaret Peter, riew daughter of Newsletter Editor, Mary Strok Peter, 4~-2, and the late Lt. Frank D; Peter. Mary Margaret will be advisor to the Newsletter Staff and will edit the Junior Birdwoman Department.
WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS 2400 West Alameda Ave., Burbank, California. January 22, 1945 Miss Clara Marsh, Chairman "Order of Fifinella" 3504 Courville' Detroit, Michigan Dear Miss Marsh: Reference is hereby made to our letter dated January 2, 1945, addressed wherein the "Order of Fifinella" was granted permission to manufacture graved stationery using the insigne "Fifinella". We hereby amend said granting further permission to the "Order of Fifinella" to manufacture automobiles" and "patches for sweaters". to you, pins and en~ letter by "stickers for
It is specifically agreed that the permission granted is non-exclusive and that none of the articles may be d~stributed or in any way delivered to persons other than members, and that you will use extreme care to provide that none of the said articles shall get into the hands of non-members or other unauthorized persons. The term of this license shall he for one year beginning February 15, 1945 and terminating February 14, 1946 unless specifically renewed in writing by the Licensor, Walt Disney Productions. This instant letter agreement shall be deemed to be and the same is an amendment and/or supplement of the said letter dated January 2, 1945 addressed to Miss Clara Marsh, Chairman, and signed by the Licensor by the undersigned as Vice-President; and as herein amended, th8 said letter of January 2,1945, together with this instant letter, shall be and constitute the license agreement between the said parties. It is specifically reiterated that requisite and proper copyright notice in the name of Walt Disney or Walt Disney Productions shall be affixed to each publication of the character and/or design of "Fifinella". Your'E very truly, WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS By
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A PROPOSED BOOK ABOUT THE vlASPS: Here is a most interesting letter i'Jhich received from Ziggy Hunter, a we former instructor at Avenger Field.
~2100 Nueces Street
Austin, Texas January 29, 1945 Dear Mary and ..uth: R At the suggestion of one of the WASPs, I am writing to request a favor of the Newsletter, As an instructor for many months at Avenger Field, I had the opportunit;y of observing the girls at work and feel that their's is a story which should be given the general public. Since I deserted the journali3m profession to become an instructor, I decided to relapse long enough to at tempt a book on the V/ASP s. The book depends for its humor and l.iveliness a great deal on accounts of personal experiences of the girls in training and after graduation. For that reason I have been trying to contact as many WASPs as possible by letter, but find that this is such a tremendous job and will take so long that it is not practical. For that reason it v'as suggested that I should contact you and see if you could mention in the Newsletter about thE: book with the suggestion that the girls send me all of their humorous, exciting, interesting, or heartbreaking experiences. as ViASPs or trainees which they can recall. The book deals largely with the training period, but I am including a section on the experiences after graduation, especially those which deal with the angle of how favorably the women pilots compared with the men. I also am trying to find out how many girls had to bailout during training and after and any humorous incidents that may be connected with the jumps. If you can use this request in the WASP Newsletter with my address here, I certainly will appreciate it~ Also if there are any incidents of your own that you recall, please shoot them along to me as soon as possible. Right now the time element is pressing me hard and I am eager to get in all this information at the earliest. Thanks a million. Sincerely,
lsi Mary
(Ziggy) Huntertf
There are many of you ",ho have had "humorous, exciting, interesting, or heartbreaking experiences as WASPs" - why don I t you sit down and write them up, right away~ And if some of them happen to be humorous experiences, send a copy to the Newsletter,too~ You might win the $50.00 War Bond prize for the "Most Amusing Flight Experience"l
1ITs. Sheehy has asked us to announce that the certificates and service pins are being sent out as rapidly as possible. They are being mailed in alphabetical order, so be patient, you girls in the Z's!
As Link Instructors, the following girls are going back to their respective fields Mary Ann Palmer, 44-8 to Tyndall Field - Betty Pettit, 44-7 back to Napier and Leona Golbinec, 44-2 also back to Napier Field. Vyvian Williams, 44-7 is now working at the Charleston Navy yard ... Ruth Reilly sends us a most interesting letter from her adopted home, Alaska. She is studying at the Univ. of Alaska and in between times, is flying and working as a mechanicshe seems very enthused about it, and if it weren't for lack of space, we'd quote you her swell letter Adelaide Schafer, 44-7 is teaching German in Bakersfield Jr. College .. Beverly J. Olson, 44-5 is staying at Pecos for a while as an Aircraft Inspector while Vilma Lazar Qualls, 43-3 is living in Miami Beach, Florida, and flies a 16" ft. cano"e around Biscayne Bay. Her husband is a co-pilot stationed at Miami Louise Kidd, 43-3 is with the War Department in Hawaii . Ru~h Anderson, 43-5 formerly at New Castle i.fi.B, Wilmington, Del. has returned to work with her former employer, the Alexander Gow Co. marine surveyors in Seattle, Wash .Pat Hiller, 43-5 is working again in the Operations Office of United Airlines at Boeing Field, Wash ... and from Coral Gables, Fla, comes word from ~in Wood, 43-7, that Dot Swain, 44-5, Kaddy Landry, 43-7, Caro Bayley, 43-7, Lela Loudder, 43-7, Doris Gee, 44-1, Harriet Train, 44-5, and Ruth Shaffer, 44-4, have all at one time or another visited her Mary Alice Gresham, 43-7 is with TIvA in New York . ~ .Rumor hath it that Peg Helburn, 43-6 has taken off for South America . ~.Margery Taylor, 43-6 is at George Washington Univ Fran Buford, 43-6 is working for General Motors .Rita Cason, 43-6 is on a trip to California, while ~umi Platter, 43-6 is in New Orleans, lucky girll" Marianne Beard, 43-5 writes that she and Jean Reimer, 44-9 did a half hour broadcast over the Milwaukee Journal Station, ViTMJ, called "Those Who Serve II - about WASP--Alice Riss, 44-1 is with her husband in Greenville, S. C. for the next six weeks. Alice was formerly stationed at 1ussion, Texas.. She tells us that Verneda Rodriquez and Betty Roth, also stationed at ~lission, are now enjoying sunny Calif. while looking over the flying possibilities there .. Edna B. Harrison, 44-6 is now working for Consolidated Vultee in New Orleans in the sheet metal department making parts. from blueprints, for NavyPBY's Ruth Craig Jones of 44-1 sends us news of the girls from Las Vegas. Marie Mountain of 44-1 is going overseas with the Red Cross .Doris J. Anderson, 44-8 is going to Alaska on a CAA air-ground communications job .Beth Lippincott, 44-6 stayed on at Las Vegas as a clerk-typist .Skip Carter and Ruth Jones now have their commercials and are preparing to try the instrument written. Harriet Thyson, 44-3 writes that her last trip as a "V!ASP was as co-pilot for her husband, Lt. Col. N. C. Thyson, taking a C-54 from Dayton, Ohio to Los Angeles .. Sylvia Dahmes, 43-5 is now living with VIilma Morehead, also 43-5, and is planning to return to her former occupation as a laboratory technician~ Edythe Carlton of 44-6 is now working for Monarch Photo Service in Los Angeles, as ass't to the manager of the retail store, says she finds it very interesLing .Polly Markle of 43-5 has a brand new Waco, and the last we hoard was planning an extended XC with Helen Richey, Helen Porter, and Mary Parker Gail', all of 43-5 .Isabelle McCrae of 44-3 is now Lt. McCrae of the Army Nurse Corps, stationed at Love Fld. Dallas, Tex ....Pat Lawler of 43-2 is aloo at Love Field with the ANC .Ann Tucker, 44-4 is in Tular~, Cal. working as a bookkeeper for the VI. A. Thompson Auction Sales Yards. CORRECTIONl!!! It has been brought to our attention that in our last issue, we said that Ann Baumgartner, the first woman to fly a jet propelled plane, was 43-4. It should have been 43-5~ Sorry~
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WASSUP GOSSUP Due to lack of space and because we felt that we should includc mor8 job possibilities in lieu of more gossip, we are cutting down on the chit-ch2.t this month, but you'll hear it all soon in forthcoming copies Mary Clifford, 43-4 is now .Mrs. Lyman and lives in a suburb of Chicago Iris Cummings, 43-2 married to Lt. H. M. Critchell on Dec. 31st in Liberal, Kansas Edna Pedlar of 43-4 to Lt. James C. Bishop at Savannah, Ga. on Jan. 13 Madge Leon, 44-4 to Capt. Stanley Moore of Ferrin Fld, Sherman, Texas Dorothy Hopkins, 43-6 to Flo William Henesy and is now living in st. Jo, Mo Kate Lee Harris, 44-2 to Lt. Robert Charles ~dams, fli~ht instructor at Napier Fld, Dothan, Ala. on Feb. 3rd Eleanor (Pat) Patterson, 44-2 to Capt. V'I. E. Brady, B-29 bombardier instructor at Salina, Kansas, on Mar. 3rd Dorothy Ann Smith of 44-7 to CapL Alfred Lucas, instructor at Moore Fld, llission, TeXas on Feb. 24th Betty White, 44-6 to Lt. Bob Sheehan 1lildred Taylor, 44-5 to Lt. Vi. Marshall. Madelon Burcham marr:Led Lt. Jack Hill early in the fal] Margaret Harper to Major Elmer hatson, and Madelyn Taylor to Lt. Gil Eggleston' all three girls are 44-1 .Dolores Meurer, 44-1 was married to Lt. Robert Reed of Chanute Field Margot Harvey, 44-5 to Lt~ Joseph Viorthington, Jr. onDec. 24th at Lockbourne i~ Nancy Nordhoff, 44-7 to Capt~ James Dunnam, at Moore Fld. on Dec 9th Mary Ann Walker, 44-7 to Lt. Col Frank Drehor of Napier Fld Martha Ann Mace, 44-5 is now ~~s. Bill Boshart as of Nov. 10th - Capt. Boshart is a Corsair pilot in the Marines and is stationed at El Toro, Cal. after spending 18 months in the South Pacific,
Betty Eagan of 44-7 to Capt. Frank Joseph Jordan, Jr. of the Army Medical Corps, at Craig Field, Selma. hla Fhyllis Tobias of 44-2 to Major lUex Felker of Lewiston, Idaho, now stationed on Guam with the 21st Bomber COIIll'Mnd.
AS for engagements,
The Newsletter Staff is sorry that it has been necessary to cut out so many departments of the Newsletter this month in order to make room for the unusual amount of job information and various announcements. However, we'll see to it that you get caught up on the other departments in forthcoming issues.
OFFICERS OF THE ORDER OF FIFI~lliLLA Chairman Secretary Treasurer Business Manager Clara Jo Marsh, 3504 Courville Rd., Detroit, Mich. Ruth Mary Petry, 104 Devon Road, Ithaca, N. Y. Betty A. Thompson, Four Winds Farm, ~illiamstown, Mass. Hally Stires, 9118 Goebel St., Los Angeles 43, Calif.
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