Study Notes On Plant and Animal Nutrition
Study Notes On Plant and Animal Nutrition
Study Notes On Plant and Animal Nutrition
Plant Nutrition
1. Photosynthesis
3. Food Tests
Animal Nutrition
1. Food Classes
2. Digestive Enzymes
Classes of Enzymes:
o Proteases: Break down proteins into amino acids (e.g., pepsin, trypsin).
o Lipases: Hydrolyze lipids into fatty acids and glycerol (e.g., pancreatic lipase).
o Amylases: Catalyze the hydrolysis of starch and glycogen into simple sugars
(e.g., salivary amylase, pancreatic amylase).
Functions: Enzymes facilitate the breakdown of complex macromolecules (proteins,
lipids, carbohydrates) into smaller, absorbable units during digestion.
These detailed study notes cover various aspects of plant and animal nutrition, including food
classes, essential nutrients, digestive enzymes and their functions, characteristics of alimentary
tracts in different animals, dental formulas, and feeding methods in protozoa and mammals.