G1 Q1 DLL Week 7 Mathematics
G1 Q1 DLL Week 7 Mathematics
G1 Q1 DLL Week 7 Mathematics
The learners The learners shall The learners shall be The learners shall be able The learners shall be able to
• Order numbers up to be able to able to compose and to compose and compose and decompose
20 from smallest to compose and decompose numbers up decompose numbers up numbers up to 10 using
largest, and vice decompose to 10 using concrete to 10 using concrete concrete materials (e.g. 5 is 5
C. Learning
versa. numbers up to 10 materials (e.g. 5 is 5 materials (e.g. 5 is 5 and and 0; 4 and 1; 3 and 2; 2 and
• Describe the using concrete and 0; 4 and 1; 3 and 2; 0; 4 and 1; 3 and 2; 2 3; 1 and 4; 0 and 5)
position of objects materials (e.g. 5 is 2 and 3; 1 and 4; 0 and and 3; 1 and 4; 0 and 5)
using ordinal 5 and 0; 4 and 1; 3 5)
numbers: 1st, 2nd, and 2; 2 and 3; 1
3rd, up to 10th. and 4; 0 and 5)
At the end of the At the end of the At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, the
lesson, the learner lesson, the the learners shall be the learners shall be able learners shall be able to
should be able to learners shall be able to compose and to compose and compose and decompose
D. Learning
describe the position able to compose decompose numbers 4 decompose numbers 6 numbers 8 and 9.
of objects using and decompose and 5. and 7.
ordinal numbers 1st numbers 4 and 5.
up to 5th.
E. Instructio Collaboration, Collaboration, Collaboration, Collaboration, Collaboration, Connection,
nal Design Connection, Context, Connection, Connection, Context, Connection, Context, Context, Creativity
framewor Creativity Context, Creativity Creativity Creativity
k feature
Reflective Thinking, Reflective Reflective Thinking, Reflective Thinking, Reflective Thinking, Visual,
F. 21st
Visual, Digital, and Thinking, Visual, Visual, Digital, and Visual, Digital, and Digital, and Interactive Literacy
Interactive Literacy Digital, and Interactive Literacy Interactive Literacy
Interactive Literacy
A. Reference
B. Other
Before/Pre-Lesson Proper
Activating Prior Learners will be asked Here’s a picture/ Here’s a picture/ Have a review of I have here a set of numbers.
Knowledge to count and read illustration of a set. illustration of a set. Tell composing and You will get two cards that
numbers up to 20. Tell the number of the number of objects in decomposing 4 or 5. make 6.
Let them arrange the objects in each set. each set. Provide cutouts of Post the following cards
given numbers from Post the Post the objects in a set. randomly on the board.
smallest to greatest picture on picture on the
and greatest to the board board and ask Example:
smallest. and ask a a learner to
Example: 1, 3, 5, 4, 2 learner to write the Expected answers:
20, 10, 5, write the numeral under Have them find all the
15 numeral it. pairs
8, 20, 16, under it. Example:
12, etc. Example: 4 is 0 and 4.
0 and 4 make 4.
Ask: How do you know Do the same with the
that these sets of Show two other pairs.
numbers are arranged Show two more sets of
from largest to more sets objects and do
smallest or smallest to of objects the same
largest? Next, randomly place
and do process.
again the cards on the
the same
board. Let them get two
cards into which 7 may
be broken down. Have
them find all the pairs.
To describe the The lesson is about The lesson is about The lesson that we are Our lesson is about composing
Lesson position of objects composing and composing and about to discuss today is and decomposing the numbers
Purpose/Intentio using ordinal numbers decomposing the decomposing the composing and 8 and 9.
n 1st up to 5th numbers 4 and 5. numbers 4 and 5. decomposing the
numbers 6 and 7.
Lesson First (1st), second The teacher will The teacher will say a The teacher will say a The teacher will say a word
Language (2nd), third (3rd), say a word and word and show the word and show the and show the corresponding
Practice fourth (4th), fifth show the corresponding number. corresponding number. number.
(5th), smallest, corresponding one (1) one (1) one (1)
largest, left, right, number. two (2), two (2), two (2),
leftmost, rightmost, one (1) three (3) three (3) three (3)
order number, point of two (2), four (4), four (4), four (4),
reference three (3) five (5), five (5), five (5),
four (4), zero (0), six (6), six (6),
five (5), seven (7), seven (7),
zero (0), Unlocking of words: zero (0), eight (8),
set, nine (9),
Unlocking of compose, zero (0),
words: composing, Unlocking of words:
set, making a set, set, Unlocking of words:
compose, making a set, composing, set,
composing, -putting together, making a set, composing,
making a decomposing, -putting together, making a set,
set, -breaking up a set decomposing, -putting together,
making a -breaking up a set decomposing,
is none, let them do 3 1 4 different order. they roll the die. apart from 3? (We still have 8
the activity. Roam 4 0 4 For example, 0 and 4 Popsicle Sticks.)
around to check what and 4 and 0. Challenge them to name
each group is doing. Let them read the (b) The numbers in the the missing pair/s without
Give all the groups pairs of numbers. 1st column are using a die during the Write 8 beside Popsicle Sticks.
10 minutes to finish 4 is 0 and 4. increasing by 1 while discussion.) 5 and 3 make 8
the activity. After 4 is 1 and 3. those in the 2nd column Expected Answers:
finishing the activity, 4 is 2 and 2. are decreasing by 1. Number appeared in the What will happen if one
ask each group to 4 is 3 and 1. The number 4 was die and the missing Popsicle Stick moves? (We still
post their chart on 4 is 4 and 0. broken down into pairs number makes 6. have 8 Popsicle Sticks.)
the board. How many pairs of numbers. This
did we get? process is called What about 4 and 4?
Let the learners (We got 5 pairs.) decomposing a What will happen if you take 4
observe the charts number. apart from the other 4 Popsicle
posted on the board. What do you Now, let’s look again at Sticks?
Ask the following observe about the the (We still have 8 Popsicle
questions: pairs of diagram. Sticks.)
numbers? Note: *0 will not appear
1. What can you say Possible answers: when a die is thrown Do the same with the
about (a)The numbers in following numbers.
the numbers some pairs are Emphasize the 1 and 7
If we put together 1 2 and 6
written on the same but in relationship of the
ball and 3 balls, what 3 and 5
the chart? a different order. numbers.
do we get? 4 and 4
2. Did your group get For example, 0 For example,
(We get 4 balls.) 5 and 3
the and 4 and 4 and 6 is 5 and 1;
Write “1 and 3 make What can you say about the
same numbers as 0. 5 and 1 make 6.
4” beside the pair of numbers?
the (b) The numbers corresponding row in
other groups? in the 1st column (All the number pairs make
the table. 8.)
are increasing by How about 2 balls and
Consider five 1 while those in 2 balls?
different 1-digit the 2nd column What do we call the process of
(We also get 4 breaking down numbers into
numbers from are decreasing by balls.)
groups’ 1 and 2 1. smaller numbers? (It is called a
charts posted on the The number 4 decomposing number.)
Write “2 and 2 make Ask the learners to write
board, say 5, 2, 6, 4, was broken down 4” beside the
and 3. Ask the into pairs of their answers in their
corresponding row in show-me-board.
learners to identify numbers. This Dyad: Use of concrete
the table.
the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, process is called materials.
Do the same with the Decompose 8
and 5th numbers decomposing a Let learners group
other rows. Break the number into parts.
drawn from the cube. number. the objects in
0 and 4 make 4.
The number 4 was
What do you observe
broken down into
about the number into
1 and 3. The
which 6 is broken down
numbers 1 and 3
into 2, and it makes 6,
make 4. What do
what do you observe?
you observe about
(The numbers are the
the numbers into
which 4 was
broken down and
the numbers used
to make 4? (The
numbers are the
Check if this is
also true for the
other pairs of
Emphasize this
Deepening Pose the Pose the Pose the following Pose the following
Understanding following following “what “what if” “what if” situation.
of the Key “what if” if” situation. situation. What if What if the number
Idea/Stem Ask the learners to situation. What if we had we had seven was 9? How do we
identify the position of What if we five balls instead mangoes instead decompose the number
each shape from the had five of four balls? of six mangoes? 9?
leftmost to the balls How do we
rightmost. instead of decompose the How do we decompose Have the class
four balls? number 5? How do the number 7? How do discover the answers
A. sun - __________ How do we we compose the we compose the to the question. Divide
B. heart - _________ decompose the number 5? number 7? the class into small
C. star - __________ number 5? How groups. Give each
D. smiley - ________ do we compose Have the class Have the class group Last 6 and
E. moon - _________ the number 5? discover the discover the counters or circle
answers to answers to these cutouts. Have a class
Have the these questions. Divide discussion afterward.
class questions. the class into
5 and 0
make 5.
After/Post-Lesson Proper
Making To summarize the What is the What is the process of What is the process of What is the process of
Generalizations lesson, ask the process of breaking down or breaking down or breaking down or breaking
and Abstractions learners how they breaking down or breaking apart a given breaking apart a given apart a given number into
understand Ordinal breaking apart a number into pairs of number into pairs of pairs of numbers? (It is called
Numbers. given number numbers? (It is called numbers? (It is called decomposing a number.)
Ordinal numbers into pairs of decomposing a decomposing a
are numbers that numbers? (It is number.) number.) What is the process of putting
show position or called together two numbers to make
order in a decomposing a What is the process of What is the process of a bigger number? (It is called
sequence. 1st to 5th number.) putting together two putting together two composing a number.)
numbers to make a numbers to make a
What is the bigger number? (It is bigger number? (It is The number 8 was broken
process of putting called composing a called composing a down into 6 and 2. The
together two number.) number.) numbers 6 and 2 make 8.
numbers to make a What do you observe about
bigger number? (It The number 5 was Number 6 was broken
the numbers into which 8 was
is called broken down into 1 down into 2 and 4. The
and 4. The numbers 1 numbers 2 and 4 make broken down and the numbers
composing a used to make 8? (The
number.) and 4 make 5. 6.
numbers are the same.)
The number 5 What do you observe What do you observe
about the numbers about the numbers into Is this also true for the
was broken down number 9? (Yes.)
into 1 and 4. The into which 5 was which 6 was broken
numbers 1 and 4 broken down and the down and the numbers
make 5. numbers used to make used to make 6? (The
5? (The numbers are numbers are the same.) How many pairs of numbers
What do you the same.) can we get if we compose
observe about the Is this also true for the Is this also true for the and decompose a number?
numbers into number 4? (Yes.) number 7? (Yes.) (The number of pairs is one
which 5 was more than the given number. If
broken down and How many pairs of How many pairs of the number is 8, we get 9 pairs.
the numbers used numbers can we get if numbers can we get if we If the number is 9, we get 10
to make 5? (The we compose and compose and decompose pairs.)
numbers are the decompose a number? a number?
same.) (The number of pairs (The number of pairs is
Is this also true for is one more than the one more than the given
the number 4? given number. If the number. If the number is
Additional Ask the learners to do Let the learners Let the learners answer Let the learners answer Let the learners answer the
Activities for LAS 3 answer the the the LAS 5 – Composing and
Application or Connect each shape to LAS 1– LAS 1– Composing LAS 3 – Composing Decomposing Number 8
Remediation (if Third
the ordinal number. Composing and and Decomposing and Decomposing
applicable) Decomposing Number 4 Number 6
Number 4