G1 Q1 DLL Week 6 Mathematics

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K to 10 Curriculum Name of Teacher GENEVIVE S. CAGADAS Learning Area Mathematics
Weekly Lesson Log Teaching Dates and September 2-6, 2024 Quarter Quarter 1/ Week 6


September 2, 2024 September 3, 2024 September 4, 2024 September 5, 2024 September 6, 2024
The learners should have knowledge and understanding of ...
1. whole numbers up to 100.
A. Content
3. ordinal numbers up to 10th.
4. addition of numbers with sums up to 20.

By the end of the quarter, the learners should be able to ...

B. Performan • count, recognize, and represent whole numbers up to 100. (NA)
ce • use ordinal numbers up to 10th to describe position. (NA)
Standards • compare and order numbers up to 20 and perform the addition of numbers with sums up to 20. (NA)

The learners The learners shall The learners shall be The learners shall be able The learners shall be able to
• Order numbers up to be able to able to compose and to compose and compose and decompose
20 from smallest to compose and decompose numbers up decompose numbers up numbers up to 10 using
largest, and vice decompose to 10 using concrete to 10 using concrete concrete materials (e.g. 5 is 5
C. Learning
versa. numbers up to 10 materials (e.g. 5 is 5 materials (e.g. 5 is 5 and and 0; 4 and 1; 3 and 2; 2 and
• Describe the using concrete and 0; 4 and 1; 3 and 2; 0; 4 and 1; 3 and 2; 2 3; 1 and 4; 0 and 5)
position of objects materials (e.g. 5 is 2 and 3; 1 and 4; 0 and and 3; 1 and 4; 0 and 5)
using ordinal 5 and 0; 4 and 1; 3 5)
numbers: 1st, 2nd, and 2; 2 and 3; 1
3rd, up to 10th. and 4; 0 and 5)
At the end of the At the end of the Second Summative Test At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, the
lesson, the learner lesson, the the learners shall be able learners shall be able to
should be able to learners shall be to compose and compose and decompose
D. Learning
describe the position able to compose decompose numbers 6 numbers 8 and 9.
of objects using and decompose and 7.
ordinal numbers 1st numbers 4 and 5.
up to 5th.
E. Instruction Collaboration, Collaboration, Collaboration, Collaboration, Connection,
al Design Connection, Context, Connection, Connection, Context, Context, Creativity
framework Creativity Context, Creativity Creativity
feature (s)

Reflective Thinking, Reflective Reflective Thinking, Reflective Thinking, Visual,

F. 21st
Visual, Digital, and Thinking, Visual, Visual, Digital, and Digital, and Interactive Literacy
Interactive Literacy Digital, and Interactive Literacy
Interactive Literacy
A. Reference
B. Other
Before/Pre-Lesson Proper
Activating Prior Learners will be asked Here’s a picture/ Have a review of I have here a set of numbers.
Knowledge to count and read illustration of a set. composing and You will get two cards that
numbers up to 20. Tell the number of decomposing 4 or 5. make 6.
Let them arrange the objects in each set. Provide cutouts of  Post the following cards
given numbers from  Post the objects in a set. randomly on the board.
smallest to greatest picture on
and greatest to the board Example:
smallest. and ask a
Example: 1, 3, 5, 4, 2 learner to Expected answers:
20, 10, 5, write the  Have them find all the
15 numeral pairs
8, 20, 16, under it.
12, etc. Example: 4 is 0 and 4.
0 and 4 make 4.
Ask: How do you know Do the same with the
that these sets of other pairs.
numbers are arranged  Show two
from largest to more sets
smallest or smallest to of objects
largest?  Next, randomly place
and do
again the cards on the
the same
board. Let them get two
cards into which 7 may
be broken down. Have
them find all the pairs.

To describe the The lesson is about The lesson that we are Our lesson is about composing
Lesson position of objects composing and about to discuss today is and decomposing the numbers
Purpose/Intentio using ordinal numbers decomposing the composing and 8 and 9.
n 1st up to 5th numbers 4 and 5. decomposing the
numbers 6 and 7.
Lesson First (1st), second The teacher will The teacher will say a The teacher will say a word
Language (2nd), third (3rd), say a word and word and show the and show the corresponding
Practice fourth (4th), fifth show the corresponding number. number.
(5th), smallest, corresponding  one (1)  one (1)
largest, left, right, number.  two (2),  two (2),
leftmost, rightmost,  one (1)  three (3)  three (3)
order number, point of  two (2),  four (4),  four (4),
reference  three (3)  five (5),  five (5),
 four (4),  six (6),  six (6),
 five (5),  seven (7),  seven (7),
 zero (0),  zero (0),  eight (8),
 nine (9),
Unlocking of  zero (0),
words: Unlocking of words:
 set,  set, Unlocking of words:
 compose,  composing,  set,
 composing,  making a set,  composing,
 making a -putting together,  making a set,
set,  decomposing, -putting together,
 making a -breaking up a set  decomposing,
set, -breaking up a set

 decomposin
-breaking up a
During/Lesson Proper
Reading the Key The teacher will Read and Read and understand Read and understand the story 
Idea/Stem read/tell the story understand the the story carefully. carefully.
problem. story carefully. It was Joanna’s 6 th
One birthday. Mother went
Remy is participating morning, Steve to the market and
in a race with her went to school bought 6 mangoes for
friends in her Math with his older her special mango pie.
class. She finishes sister. After class, She also prepares the
the race in third he went home and other ingredients and
place. If there are 5 noticed the box now, she is ready to Ken and Jun are
participants, can you under the table. cook the mango pie. brothers. They were busy
determine the His eyes twinkled, playing basketball at home
ordinal number that seeing four balls and agreed to count the
represents Remy’s of different kinds. number of shots they made
finishing position? He immediately during the game. In a few
plays with it. After minutes, Ken made 5 shots,
Ask the following 5 minutes, he while Jun made 4 shots. They
questions: returned them to httpsmyjam.co.ukprod
uctsdominx really enjoyed the company
A. Who their proper and ended the game with a
participated in places. Questions: smile on their faces.
the race?  Who will celebrate Questions:
her 6th birthday?  Who was busy playing
B. What was her  What special basketball at home?
position after “merienda” did  Who made more shots?
the race? Mother prepare  What character traits
for her birthday? did the two brothers
C. What kind of https://www.istockphoto.com/  How do you feel if possess?
learner was mediatype=illustration&phrase=o you are the one If you were Jun, would you feel
Remy? pen+box+top+view
celebrating the sad or happy that you lost the
birthday? game? Why?
 Who went
(Explain why you’re
to school
feeling that way.)
with his

 Describe
eyes after
seeing the
balls inside
the box.
If you were Steve,
would you also
return the balls to
their proper
places? Why?
Developing Remy’s position  Show a set   Show a picture  Divide the class into
Understanding of during the race in her with four of six mangoes. small groups. Give
the Key Mathematics class in objects, say Give the them a ball, a
Idea/Stem the 3rd place. This four balls. situation below. container, manila
represents her 1.) What paper, and LAS 5.
finishing position, and objects are I picked six Let’s play “Shoot the ball
it is all about the they? mangoes from our activity”
ordinal number. (Those are tree. I want to give  The members of each
balls.) them to my friends, group will take turns
Let us learn more Carla and Aldrin. How shooting the ball 10
about this using the 2.) How many many mangoes can times so that all of
word balls are each of them get? them can play.
MATHEMATICS. there? Learners must record
(There are the results in the
Look at the word. four balls.) worksheet. If possible,
Write the ordinal give a copy of the table
number of each letter 3.) How do you on a manila paper to
from leftmost to know there save time. Have them
rightmost. are four post their work on the
balls? board.
(We  Prepare a table where
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ counted the you will write the pairs
Discuss one
__ __ __ balls.) of numbers that make
8 from the data
I will give 2 mangoes to
1) 3rd_____  The teacher gathered by the
Carla and 4 mangoes to
2) 1st _____ calls on two groups. Write the
3) 4th _____ learners. unique pairs

4) 5th _____ Give an systematically on the

5) 2nd _____ unequal table. It is possible that
number of not all possible pairs
Let the learners read balls to were obtained.
the ordinal numbers each one,
in symbols and words say 1 ball 6 is 2 and 4.
from 1st to 5th and 3 balls.
2 and 4 make 6.
1 – first How many balls
2nd – second does each learner  Challenge
3rd – third get? learners to come
4th – fourth (Check learners' up with the other
5th – fifth answers by letting pairs. (Prepare a
the two learners table.)
Ordinal Numbers are count the balls  Write the pairs of  Challenge learners to
numbers that are given to them. numbers name the other pairs.
used to represent the  Use circle systematically. Below are all the
position or rank of an cutouts to answers.
object or a person. illustrate Carl Aldri Give Read the pairs of numbers.
The teacher will call the a n n e.g., 8 is 0 and 8.
on 5 learners to fall in situation 0 6 6 0 and 8 make 8.
line bearing the cards on the 1 5 6
with labels from 1st to board. 2 4 6 8 is 1 and 7.
5th How did 4 broken 3 3 6 1 and 7 make 8.
down into 1 and 4 2 6
3? 5 1 6 8 is 2 and 6.
6 0 6 2 and 6 make 8.
Who is the 1st in
line? 2nd? 3rd? 4th? 5th?  Let them read the  Do the same for the
pairs of numbers: other pairs of numbers.
Tell the learners that What if I gave 2 e.g., 6 is 0 and 6.
they will be doing an 0 and 6 make 6. What do we call the process
balls to each of of breaking down 8 into pairs
activity. Divide the them? How can
learners into four 6 is 1 and 5 of numbers? (It is called
we illustrate this? decomposing a number.)
groups. Give each Ask a learner to 1 and 5 make 6
group a cube with illustrate the
faces numbered  Do the same for When did it happen?
situation on the (It happens when bigger
differently: board. the other pairs of
numbers. number is breaking down
Expected Answer: into little numbers.)
Group 1 – 1 to 6;

Group 2 – 5 to 10; Look at the given:

Group 3 – 10 to15; 6 is 1 and 5, what What do we call the process
and did we do with the of putting together
Group 4 – 15 to 20. numbers? numbers to make 8? (It is
(We broke down the called composing
Challenge learners
Give them also a numbers.) a number.)
to come up with
chart as shown and a What do we call the
the other pairs. Let
marker pen. process of breaking down When did it happen?
them answer
6 into pairs of numbers? (It happens when little
Worksheet 1.
Name Number (It is called decomposing numbers come together to
Answers to
a number.) make a bigger number.)
Worksheet 1. (in
 Let the learners make
any order). Post
Illustrate: observations about the
1 and 5 make 6 data presented in the
systematically on
What will you do to table.
the board
numbers 1 and 5? (I
together with the
will put numbers 1 and 5 Possible answers:
other previous
together.) As the number in the 1st column
What do we call the increases by 1, the numbers in
process of putting the 2nd column
together numbers to
make 6? (It is called 1. decreases by 1.
Give the following
2) composing a number.) 2. We get 8 if we put
instructions to the
together each pair of
1. Write your names
Let’s play a game. 3. There are 9 pairs of
in the
3)  Divide the class numbers into which 8 was
into groups. decomposed or that
2. Take turns in
Distribute a die makes 8
throwing the
and Worksheet Dyad.
numbered cube.
3 to each group.
3. Write the number Summarize the
Tell them that the  Using colored popsicle
that answers in a
members of the sticks, let the learners
appears on top of table.
group should take perform the following:
the Lea Lea Giv
turns throwing
cube. rne rne en
the die so that
rA rB
Ask the learners for 0 4 4
participates. What will happen if you take 5
questions or 1 3 4 (The learners will not get apart from 3? (We still have 8
clarifications. If there 2 2 4 0 or some numbers when Popsicle Sticks.)
is none, let them do

the activity. Roam 3 1 4 they roll the die.

around to check what 4 0 4
each group is doing. Challenge them to name Write 8 beside Popsicle Sticks.
Give all the groups Let them read the the missing pair/s without 5 and 3 make 8
10 minutes to finish pairs of numbers. using a die during the
the activity. After 4 is 0 and 4. discussion.) What will happen if one
finishing the activity, 4 is 1 and 3. Expected Answers: Popsicle Stick moves? (We still
ask each group to 4 is 2 and 2. Number appeared in the have 8 Popsicle Sticks.)
post their chart on 4 is 3 and 1. die and the missing
the board. 4 is 4 and 0. number makes 6. What about 4 and 4?
How many pairs What will happen if you take 4
Let the learners did we get? apart from the other 4 Popsicle
observe the charts (We got 5 pairs.) Sticks?
posted on the board. (We still have 8 Popsicle
Ask the following What do you Sticks.)
questions: observe about the
pairs of numbers?  Do the same with the
1. What can you say Possible answers: Note: *0 will not appear following numbers.
about (a)The numbers in when a die is thrown 1 and 7
the numbers some pairs are 2 and 6
written on the same but in  Emphasize the 3 and 5
the chart? a different order. relationship of the 4 and 4
2. Did your group get For example, 0 numbers. 5 and 3
the and 4 and 4 and For example, What can you say about the
same numbers as 0. 6 is 5 and 1; pair of numbers?
the (b) The numbers 5 and 1 make 6. (All the number pairs make
other groups? in the 1st column 8.)
are increasing by
Consider five 1 while those in What do we call the process of
different 1-digit the 2nd column are breaking down numbers into
numbers from decreasing by 1. smaller numbers? (It is called a
groups’ 1 and 2 The number 4 was decomposing number.)
charts posted on the broken down into  Ask the learners to write
board, say 5, 2, 6, 4, pairs of numbers. their answers in their
and 3. Ask the This process is show-me-board.
learners to identify called
the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, decomposing a Dyad: Use of concrete Decompose 8
and 5th numbers number. materials. Break the number into parts.
drawn from the cube. Now, let’s look  Let learners group
again at the the objects in

Say: The 1st number diagram. different ways.

drawn is 5, the 2nd is
2, and so on.

Possible ways: 8 is 4 and __

If we put together
1 ball and 3 balls, 0 and 6
1 and 5 What is the missing number
what do we get? that will complete the
(We get 4 2 and 4
3 and 3 expression? (4)
Write “1 and 3 4 and 2
make 4” beside 5 and 1
the corresponding 6 and 0
row in the table. Show me your 2 tiles
How about 2 balls and 4 tiles.
8 is __ and 6
and 2 balls? If we put together 2 tiles
(We also get 4 and 4 tiles, what do
What is the number that can
balls.) make? (We make 6 tiles)
complete the expression? (2)
Write “2 and 4 make 6”.
Write “2 and 2
make 4” beside How about 3 tiles and 3
the corresponding tiles, what do we have?
row in the table. (We have 6 tiles.)
Do the same with Write “3 and 3 make 6”.
the other rows.  Do the same with
0 and 4 the other
make 4. equations.
3 and 1 0 and 6 make 6
make 4. 1 and 5 make 6.
4 and 0 4 and 2 make 6.
make 4. 5 and 1 make 6.
6 and 0 make 6.
We make 4 by
putting together We make 6 by putting
two numbers. together two numbers
This process is like 0 and 6, 1 and 5, 2
called and 4, 3 and 3, etc.
composing a What do we call this
number. process of putting two
numbers? (This process is
The number 4 was called composing a

broken down into number)

1 and 3. The
numbers 1 and 3 What do you observe
make 4. What do about the number into
you observe about which 6 is broken down
the numbers into into 2, and it makes 6,
which 4 was what do you observe?
broken down and (The numbers are the
the numbers used same.)
to make 4? (The
numbers are the

Check if this is
also true for the
other pairs of
Emphasize this

Deepening  Pose the   Pose the following  Pose the following

Understanding of following “what if” “what if” situation.
the Key “what if” situation. What if What if the number
Idea/Stem Ask the learners to situation. we had seven was 9? How do we
identify the position of What if we mangoes instead decompose the number
each shape from the had five of six mangoes? 9?
leftmost to the balls
rightmost. instead of How do we decompose  Have the class
four balls? the number 7? How do discover the answers
A. sun - __________ How do we we compose the to the question. Divide
B. heart - _________ decompose the number 7? the class into small
C. star - __________ number 5? How groups. Give each
D. smiley - ________ do we compose  Have the class group Last 6 and
E. moon - _________ the number 5? discover the counters or circle
answers to these cutouts. Have a class
 Have the questions. Divide discussion afterward.
class the class into
discover small groups. Answer to Worksheet 6 (in
the Give each group any order)

answers to Las 4 and 1. 9 is 0 and 9.

these counters or circle 2. 9 is 1 and 8.
questions. cutouts. Have a 3. 9 is 2 and 7.
Divide the class discussion 4. 9 is 3 and 6.
class into afterward. 5. 9 is 4 and 5
small 6. 9 is 5 and 4.
groups. Answers to Worksheet 4 7. 9 is 6 and 3.
Give each (in any order): 8. 9 is 7 and 2.
group 1. 7 is 0 and 7
9. 9 is 8 and 1.
Last 2 0 and 7 make 7.
10. 9 is 9 and 0.
and 2. 7 is 1 and 6.
counters 1 and 6 make 7.
 Let the learners make
or circle 3. 7 is 2 and 5.
observations about the
cutouts. 2 and 5 make 7.
data presented in the
Have a 4. 7 is 3 and 4.
class 3 and 4 make 7.
discussion 5. 7 is 4 and 3.
Let the learners play “Making
afterward. 4 and 3 make 7.
9.” Divide the class into small
6. 7 is 5 and 2.
groups, which should be even.
Answers to 5 and 2 make 7.
Two groups play against each
Worksheet 2 (in 7. 7 is 6 and 1.
other. A set of number cards
any order): 6 and 1 makes 7.
(see below) is placed face
1. 5 is 0 and 5. 8. 7 is 7 and 0.
0 and 5 7 and 0 make 7.
make 5.
2. 5 is 1 and 4.
1 and 4
make 5.
3. 5 is 2 and 3.  The groups take turns
2 and 3 flipping two cards. If
make 5. they make 9, they keep
4. 5 is 3 and 2. the cards. They write
3 and 2 the pair of numbers
make 5. that make 9 in a table.
5. 5 is 4 and 1.
4 and 1  Discuss the possible
make 5. pairs of numbers that
6. 5 is 5 and 0. make 9.
5 and 0
make 5.

After/Post-Lesson Proper
Making To summarize the What is the What is the process of What is the process of
Generalizations lesson, ask the process of breaking down or breaking down or breaking
and Abstractions learners how they breaking down or breaking apart a given apart a given number into
understand Ordinal breaking apart a number into pairs of pairs of numbers? (It is called
Numbers. given number numbers? (It is called decomposing a number.)
Ordinal numbers into pairs of decomposing a
are numbers that numbers? (It is number.) What is the process of putting
show position or called together two numbers to make
order in a decomposing a What is the process of a bigger number? (It is called
sequence. 1st to 5th number.) putting together two composing a number.)
numbers to make a
What is the bigger number? (It is The number 8 was broken
process of putting called composing a down into 6 and 2. The
together two number.) numbers 6 and 2 make 8.
numbers to make a What do you observe about
bigger number? (It Number 6 was broken
down into 2 and 4. The the numbers into which 8 was
is called broken down and the numbers
composing a numbers 2 and 4 make
6. used to make 8? (The
number.) numbers are the same.)
The number 5 What do you observe
about the numbers into Is this also true for the
was broken down number 9? (Yes.)
into 1 and 4. The which 6 was broken
numbers 1 and 4 down and the numbers
make 5. used to make 6? (The
numbers are the same.) How many pairs of numbers
What do you can we get if we compose
observe about the Is this also true for the and decompose a number?
numbers into number 7? (Yes.) (The number of pairs is one
which 5 was more than the given number. If
broken down and How many pairs of the number is 8, we get 9 pairs.
the numbers used numbers can we get if we If the number is 9, we get 10
to make 5? (The compose and decompose pairs.)
numbers are the a number?
same.) (The number of pairs is
Is this also true for one more than the given
the number 4? number. If the number is
(Yes.) 6, we get 7 pairs. If the
number is 7, we get 8

How many pairs of pairs.)

numbers can we
get if we compose
and decompose a
(The number of
pairs is one more
than the given
number. If the
number is 4, we
get 5 pairs. If the
number is 5, we
get 6 pairs.)
Write the ordinal Let the learners Let the learners answer Let the learners answer the
number of shapes answer the the LAS 12 – Composing and
with colors. LAS 10 – LAS 11 – Composing Decomposing 10
Composing and and Decomposing
Decomposing Numbers 6 and 7
Numbers 6 and 7


Additional Ask the learners to do Let the learners Let the learners answer Let the learners answer the
Activities for LAS 3 answer the the LAS 5 – Composing and
Application or Connect each shape to LAS 1– LAS 3 – Composing Decomposing Number 8
Remediation (if the ordinal number. Composing and and Decomposing
applicable) Third Decomposing Number 6
Number 4




A. Bilang ng mag-aaral na ___ bilang ng Mag-aaral na nakakuha ___ bilang ng Mag-aaral na nakakuha ___ bilang ng Mag-aaral na nakakuha ng ___ bilang ng Mag-aaral na nakakuha ng
nakakuha ng 80% sa ng 80% sa Pagtataya ng 80% sa Pagtataya 80% sa Pagtataya 80% sa Pagtataya
B. Bilang ng mag-aaral na ___ bilang ng mag-aaral na ___ bilang ng mag-aaral na ___ bilang ng mag-aaral na ___ bilang ng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba pang nangangailangan ng gawain para sa nangangailangan ng gawain para sa nangangailangan ng gawain para sa nangangailangan ng gawain para sa
gawain para sa remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
C. Nakatulong ba ang ___Oo ___Hindi ___Oo ___Hindi ___Oo ___Hindi ___Oo ___Hindi
remedial? Bilang ng mga mag- ____ bilang ng mag-aaral na naka- ____ bilang ng mag-aaral na naka- ____ bilang ng mag-aaral na naka- ____ bilang ng mag-aaral na naka-unawa
aaral na naka-unawa sa aralin unawa sa aralin unawa sa aralin unawa sa aralin sa aralin
D. Bilang ng mga mag-aaral na ___ bilang ng mag-aaral na ___ bilang ng mag-aaral na ___ bilang ng mag-aaral na ___ bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa remediation magpapatuloy sa remediation magpapatuloy sa remediation magpapatuloy sa remediation magpapatuloy sa remediation
Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration
___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games
___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw
___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary
activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel
___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
E. Alin sa mga istratehiya sa ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/
pagtuturo ang nakatulong ng Poems/Stories Poems/Stories Poems/Stories Poems/Stories
lubos? ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method
Why? Why? Why? Why?
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s Cooperation in ___ Group member’s Cooperation in ___ Group member’s Cooperation in ___ Group member’s Cooperation in
doing their tasks doing their tasks doing their tasks doing their tasks

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