G1 Q1 DLL Week 6 Mathematics
G1 Q1 DLL Week 6 Mathematics
G1 Q1 DLL Week 6 Mathematics
The learners The learners shall The learners shall be The learners shall be able The learners shall be able to
• Order numbers up to be able to able to compose and to compose and compose and decompose
20 from smallest to compose and decompose numbers up decompose numbers up numbers up to 10 using
largest, and vice decompose to 10 using concrete to 10 using concrete concrete materials (e.g. 5 is 5
C. Learning
versa. numbers up to 10 materials (e.g. 5 is 5 materials (e.g. 5 is 5 and and 0; 4 and 1; 3 and 2; 2 and
• Describe the using concrete and 0; 4 and 1; 3 and 2; 0; 4 and 1; 3 and 2; 2 3; 1 and 4; 0 and 5)
position of objects materials (e.g. 5 is 2 and 3; 1 and 4; 0 and and 3; 1 and 4; 0 and 5)
using ordinal 5 and 0; 4 and 1; 3 5)
numbers: 1st, 2nd, and 2; 2 and 3; 1
3rd, up to 10th. and 4; 0 and 5)
At the end of the At the end of the Second Summative Test At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, the
lesson, the learner lesson, the the learners shall be able learners shall be able to
should be able to learners shall be to compose and compose and decompose
D. Learning
describe the position able to compose decompose numbers 6 numbers 8 and 9.
of objects using and decompose and 7.
ordinal numbers 1st numbers 4 and 5.
up to 5th.
E. Instruction Collaboration, Collaboration, Collaboration, Collaboration, Connection,
al Design Connection, Context, Connection, Connection, Context, Context, Creativity
framework Creativity Context, Creativity Creativity
feature (s)
To describe the The lesson is about The lesson that we are Our lesson is about composing
Lesson position of objects composing and about to discuss today is and decomposing the numbers
Purpose/Intentio using ordinal numbers decomposing the composing and 8 and 9.
n 1st up to 5th numbers 4 and 5. decomposing the
numbers 6 and 7.
Lesson First (1st), second The teacher will The teacher will say a The teacher will say a word
Language (2nd), third (3rd), say a word and word and show the and show the corresponding
Practice fourth (4th), fifth show the corresponding number. number.
(5th), smallest, corresponding one (1) one (1)
largest, left, right, number. two (2), two (2),
leftmost, rightmost, one (1) three (3) three (3)
order number, point of two (2), four (4), four (4),
reference three (3) five (5), five (5),
four (4), six (6), six (6),
five (5), seven (7), seven (7),
zero (0), zero (0), eight (8),
nine (9),
Unlocking of zero (0),
words: Unlocking of words:
set, set, Unlocking of words:
compose, composing, set,
composing, making a set, composing,
making a -putting together, making a set,
set, decomposing, -putting together,
making a -breaking up a set decomposing,
set, -breaking up a set
-breaking up a
During/Lesson Proper
Reading the Key The teacher will Read and Read and understand Read and understand the story
Idea/Stem read/tell the story understand the the story carefully. carefully.
problem. story carefully. It was Joanna’s 6 th
One birthday. Mother went
Remy is participating morning, Steve to the market and
in a race with her went to school bought 6 mangoes for
friends in her Math with his older her special mango pie.
class. She finishes sister. After class, She also prepares the
the race in third he went home and other ingredients and
place. If there are 5 noticed the box now, she is ready to Ken and Jun are
participants, can you under the table. cook the mango pie. brothers. They were busy
determine the His eyes twinkled, playing basketball at home
ordinal number that seeing four balls and agreed to count the
represents Remy’s of different kinds. number of shots they made
finishing position? He immediately during the game. In a few
plays with it. After minutes, Ken made 5 shots,
Ask the following 5 minutes, he while Jun made 4 shots. They
questions: returned them to httpsmyjam.co.ukprod
uctsdominx really enjoyed the company
A. Who their proper and ended the game with a
participated in places. Questions: smile on their faces.
the race? Who will celebrate Questions:
her 6th birthday? Who was busy playing
B. What was her What special basketball at home?
position after “merienda” did Who made more shots?
the race? Mother prepare What character traits
for her birthday? did the two brothers
C. What kind of https://www.istockphoto.com/ How do you feel if possess?
learner was mediatype=illustration&phrase=o you are the one If you were Jun, would you feel
Remy? pen+box+top+view
celebrating the sad or happy that you lost the
birthday? game? Why?
Who went
(Explain why you’re
to school
feeling that way.)
with his
eyes after
seeing the
balls inside
the box.
If you were Steve,
would you also
return the balls to
their proper
places? Why?
Developing Remy’s position Show a set Show a picture Divide the class into
Understanding of during the race in her with four of six mangoes. small groups. Give
the Key Mathematics class in objects, say Give the them a ball, a
Idea/Stem the 3rd place. This four balls. situation below. container, manila
represents her 1.) What paper, and LAS 5.
finishing position, and objects are I picked six Let’s play “Shoot the ball
it is all about the they? mangoes from our activity”
ordinal number. (Those are tree. I want to give The members of each
balls.) them to my friends, group will take turns
Let us learn more Carla and Aldrin. How shooting the ball 10
about this using the 2.) How many many mangoes can times so that all of
word balls are each of them get? them can play.
MATHEMATICS. there? Learners must record
(There are the results in the
Look at the word. four balls.) worksheet. If possible,
Write the ordinal give a copy of the table
number of each letter 3.) How do you on a manila paper to
from leftmost to know there save time. Have them
rightmost. are four post their work on the
balls? board.
(We Prepare a table where
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ counted the you will write the pairs
Discuss one
__ __ __ balls.) of numbers that make
8 from the data
I will give 2 mangoes to
1) 3rd_____ The teacher gathered by the
Carla and 4 mangoes to
2) 1st _____ calls on two groups. Write the
3) 4th _____ learners. unique pairs
Check if this is
also true for the
other pairs of
Emphasize this
After/Post-Lesson Proper
Making To summarize the What is the What is the process of What is the process of
Generalizations lesson, ask the process of breaking down or breaking down or breaking
and Abstractions learners how they breaking down or breaking apart a given apart a given number into
understand Ordinal breaking apart a number into pairs of pairs of numbers? (It is called
Numbers. given number numbers? (It is called decomposing a number.)
Ordinal numbers into pairs of decomposing a
are numbers that numbers? (It is number.) What is the process of putting
show position or called together two numbers to make
order in a decomposing a What is the process of a bigger number? (It is called
sequence. 1st to 5th number.) putting together two composing a number.)
numbers to make a
What is the bigger number? (It is The number 8 was broken
process of putting called composing a down into 6 and 2. The
together two number.) numbers 6 and 2 make 8.
numbers to make a What do you observe about
bigger number? (It Number 6 was broken
down into 2 and 4. The the numbers into which 8 was
is called broken down and the numbers
composing a numbers 2 and 4 make
6. used to make 8? (The
number.) numbers are the same.)
The number 5 What do you observe
about the numbers into Is this also true for the
was broken down number 9? (Yes.)
into 1 and 4. The which 6 was broken
numbers 1 and 4 down and the numbers
make 5. used to make 6? (The
numbers are the same.) How many pairs of numbers
What do you can we get if we compose
observe about the Is this also true for the and decompose a number?
numbers into number 7? (Yes.) (The number of pairs is one
which 5 was more than the given number. If
broken down and How many pairs of the number is 8, we get 9 pairs.
the numbers used numbers can we get if we If the number is 9, we get 10
to make 5? (The compose and decompose pairs.)
numbers are the a number?
same.) (The number of pairs is
Is this also true for one more than the given
the number 4? number. If the number is
(Yes.) 6, we get 7 pairs. If the
number is 7, we get 8
Additional Ask the learners to do Let the learners Let the learners answer Let the learners answer the
Activities for LAS 3 answer the the LAS 5 – Composing and
Application or Connect each shape to LAS 1– LAS 3 – Composing Decomposing Number 8
Remediation (if the ordinal number. Composing and and Decomposing
applicable) Third Decomposing Number 6
Number 4