Roleplay Cards - Advanced Intermediate
Roleplay Cards - Advanced Intermediate
Roleplay Cards - Advanced Intermediate
(1a) You are a working man/woman (1b) You are a manager. You have an
who has a large family. You are at work. employee that hasn’t been performing
Your boss wants to talk with you. well. He/she is often late. He/she also
spends a lot of time checking his/her
private emails and strange websites
instead of doing work. Yesterday, you
caught her/him sleeping at his/her desk.
Please fire the employee (in a nice
(2a) You are a manager. You are in (2b) You are at work. You need to tell
your office. Your best employee knocks your boss that you have accepted a
on your door. He/she wants to talk with position at another company, so you will
you. be leaving the company in 2 weeks.
(3a) You are a boss. Tell your (3b) You are at work. Your lovely boss
employees that because of the has an announcement.
economic crisis, they will be taking a
20% pay cut. This pay cut actually
started last month, but you forgot to tell
them. Also, you will need them to come
in on the weekends for the next few
months, until things get better.
(4a) You are the manager of a busy (4b) Your boss has been forcing you to
company. One of your employees wants work more and more overtime every
to talk with you. week. You have also been given many
extra responsibilities that do not fall
under your job description. You haven’t
been able to spend much time with your
family, and your husband/wife is
threatening to divorce you. Please talk
to your boss.
(6a) You are a doctor. Your patient is (6b) You are at the doctor’s office. You
very unhealthy due to excessive have just had a health checkup.
drinking and smoking (cigarettes).
He/she also eats unhealthily and does
not exercise enough. Convince him/her
to change the way he/she is living, or
he/she might die.
(7a) The family next to your house has (7b) Your neighbor comes to talk with
a dog. The dog barks loudly every night, you about your lovely dog.
and you can’t sleep. Tell your neighbor
to make his dog quiet. Tell him/her that
if the dog doesn’t shut up, you’ll do
something about it yourself.