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ESL/EFL Role-plays – Intermediate to Advanced

!!! Note to teachers: Pre-read these cards to ensure they are appropriate for your students.

(1a) You are a parent. You have recently (1b) You are a student. You are studying
spent $10,000 to send your child to an abroad. Yesterday, something bad happened
expensive college overseas. You have no (think of something). Now you are in prison. If
more money. And you are quite worried you don’t pay $5,000 dollars, you will have to
about the safety of your child. Soon, your stay there. You have one phone call. Phone
phone will ring. your parent and ask them to send you money.

(2a) You are a manager at a restaurant in the (2b) You are on holiday at a restaurant in the
United States. A customer wants to speak U.S. You had a horrible experience at the
with you. Go to his/her table, introduce restaurant. Think of problems that you can
yourself, and see if there is something you complain about. Then, talk to the manager of
can help him/her with. the restaurant, tell him/her your problems,
and try to get a refund.

(3a) You are an English teacher. It’s late at (3b) Your English teacher often cancels class,
night and you are out with your friends. You and you are not satisfied with this. Recently,
have a class tomorrow morning but you don’t you have been thinking about finding another
want to go. Call your student and cancel your teacher. It’s 11:35 pm and you are in bed.
class. You have class tomorrow morning. Soon,
your phone will ring.

(4a) You are elderly. Your new desktop (4b) Your parents are very old. They recently
computer doesn’t work today. You don’t got a desktop computer, although they don’t
know anything about computers. Call you know how to use it. They think that you are a
son/daughter for help. (You don’t know this, computer expert. Soon, one of them will
but the problem is that the monitor cable is phone you. Try to troubleshoot their problem.
not connected to the back of the computer
so you can’t see anything on the screen. See
if your son/daughter can find the problem.)

(5a) You have an account with a bank called (5b) You are a criminal. Call the other student
SmartBank. Soon, you will get a phone call. and pretend to be an employee of
‘SmartBank.’ Tell them there has been a
problem at the bank, so all customer PIN
codes must be reset. Try to get his/her bank
card no. & PIN so you can provide him/her a
new one.

ESL/EFL Role-play cards – Set 3 - Copyright Matthew Barton of

(6a) You are a college professor. One of your (6b) You are a student. You have recently
students has come to your office to talk failed a major final exam. Now you cannot
about an exam he/she has failed. graduate college. You have decided to visit
the professor’s office. Think of an excuse for
why you failed and try to convince the
professor to let you write it again. If that
doesn’t work, try to bribe (give money to) the
professor so he/she’ll let you pass.

(7a) You are a police officer. Yesterday, a (7b) You are walking on the street when a
jewelry store was robbed between 6pm-6am. police officer stops you.
The robber, as seen on the store video
camera, looks a lot like a man/woman you
see on the street right now. Stop this
suspicious man/woman and question
him/her. Find out exactly what he/she was
doing between 6pm-6am.

(8a) You are a parent. Your son, Billy, has a (8b) You are a parent. Your son, Jimmy, has a
new friend named Jimmy. Since Billy met new friend named Billy. Since Jimmy met
Jimmy, he has become a bad kid. He swears Billy, he has become a bad kid. He swears a
a lot, he doesn’t listen, and you suspect that lot, he doesn’t listen, and you suspect that he
he is smoking cigarettes. Call Jimmy’s house is smoking cigarettes. Call Billy’s house and
and tell his parents that you don’t want your tell his parents that you don’t want your son
son to see him anymore. to see him anymore.

ESL/EFL Role-play cards – Set 3 - Copyright Matthew Barton of

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