Prof Questions - Syst - Path - J-30 - 2nd Part
Prof Questions - Syst - Path - J-30 - 2nd Part
Prof Questions - Syst - Path - J-30 - 2nd Part
Lymphnode pathology
1. Classify glomerular diseases. What are the clinical presentation of kidney diseases?.
2. What are the causes of / classify nephrotic syndrome.
3. What is nephrotic syndrome and nephritic syndrome?. Difference between nephrotic
syndrome & nephritic syndrome.
4. Define pyelonephritis. Mention causative organism of Pyelonephritis. Why UTI is more
common in female?.
5. Name congenital diseases of the kidney. Write cystic diseases of the kidney.
6. Classify kidney tumours. Write name of renal tumour in children.
7. Classify tumour of urinary bladder. Tell risk factors of bladder carcinoma.
8. What are the renal function tests? What is anuria?. What is oliguria.
9. What is azotemia & uremia?. Write short about Melakoplakia
10. What is proteinuria?. What is massive proteinuria?. Write causes?.
11. Write causes of UTI. Why UTI is more common in female?.
12. Mention the urinary findings of acute pyelonephitis and Nephrotic syndrome.
13. Write causes of urinary tract obstruction.
14. Write about urine routine examination. What is pus cell?. What are the biochemical tests
done in urine?.
15. Tell risk factors of bladder carcinoma. Classify tumour of urinary bladder.
16. What is Renal glycosuria, Alimentary glycosuria and Hyperglycemia sine glycosuria?.
1. What are the risk factors for cervical cancer? Tell high risk HPV responsible for cervical
cencer?. Name the screening test done for cervical cancer.
2. What do you mean by CIN? Classify CIN.
3. What is carcinoma in situ (CIS)? CIS is malignant or benign or premalignant condition of
cervix?. Classify cervical carcinoma.
4. Classify cervical carcinoma. Name the screening test done for cervical cancer.
5. Define endometriosis. Mention sites of endometriosis. Which is the commonest site?.
6. What is endometriosis. What are the complication of endometriosis. Tell pathogenesis of
7. Define Adenomyosis. Clinical features/ Complication of adenomyosis.
8. What is leiomyoma? Complication of leiomyoma. What are the risk factors for endometrial
9. What is the pre-malignant condition of uterine cervix? What is CIS?
10. Classify ovarian tumors. Name hormone producing tumour of ovary.
11. Define ectopic pregnancy?. Sites of ectopic pregnancy & which is commonest site?
Complication of ectopic tubal pregnancy.
12. Types of gestational trophoblastic disease. Difference between partial & complete mole.
13. Define teratoma. Classify ovarian teratoma. What is the male counterpart of
14. Name some inflammatory condition of the breast.
15. Mention clinical presentation of breast disease.
16. Classification of breast carcinoma.
17. What are the risk factors of breast cancer?.
18. What is in situ carcinoma?. Name in situ breast carcinoma.
19. Tell major and minor prognostic factors of breast carcinoma.
20. Name the investigations to be done to diagnose a breast cancer.
21. What are the investigation to be done to diagnose breast cancer?.
22. Name the breast cancer related gene.
23. What is mammography?. Classify breast cancer.
24. What is fibroadenoma?. Tell the age of the patients of fibroadenoma.