N-S-CL 505: Grating Design Guide and Fabrication Details
N-S-CL 505: Grating Design Guide and Fabrication Details
N-S-CL 505: Grating Design Guide and Fabrication Details
N-S-CL 505
This Technical Rule provides guidance for the design of rectangular type welded steel grating and standard
details for the fabrication of grating in process industry facilities. If this Technical Rule is included in
Contract Documents or a Purchase Order with BASF or an affiliate, then Contractor must comply with all
provisions of this Technical Rule as mandatory under the applicable Agreement or Contract irrespective of
whether this Technical Rule is described on its face as Recommended or Mandatory. Accordingly, any
reference in this Technical Rule to recommended practices shall be interpreted as mandatory. Exceptions
may be allowed but only to the extent that Contractor receives prior written approval (signed by BASF’s
authorized representative) for a specific deviation from the provisions of this Technical Rule.
Type Standard
Replaced by
INTERNAL Page 1 of 3
BASF Technical Rules N-S-CL 505.docx / 06.10.2017
1 Scope N-S-CL 505
Oct 2017
1 Scope
BASF has selected to adopt the Process Industry Practices, PIP STE05530 and
PIP STF05530, Grating Design Guide and Grating Fabrication Details,
respectively, which provides guidance for the design of rectangular type welded
steel grating and standard grating details for the fabrication of grating in process
industry facilities.
PIP methods for the development of their rules differ from BASF’s procedures.
Therefore, to apply the PIP correctly, refer to PIP ADG001.
2 PIP Specification
PIP ADG001 Specification for Developing Practices
3 Reference
N-R-CL 500 M Specification for Structural Steel
4 Overview of Changes
Compared to N-S-CL 505:2013-12, the following changes have been made:
Approval N-S-CL 505
Oct 2017