RP 2007-18

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This sizable proposal has been split into eighteen sections in an attempt to ease the reviewing
assignment. It is suggested that reviewers print out these two introduction pages, in order to more
easily select which particular sections, from the contents list, they wish to review and comment.

DNV Offshore Codes PROPOSAL

DNV-OS-F101 (Revision) No.: RP-2007-18, Rev. 0
Date: 2007.05.11
Dept.: ENENO 714 (ISA3V)
Ref. Sign.: LCol

Not for external distribution
without permission

Submarine Pipeline Systems

Planned date of publication: October 2007
Planned entering into force date: October 2007

Rationale for the proposed changes (mark with an X)

Incidents and follow-up investigations (cause/effect investigations)
Occurred accidents New IMO regulations
X Experience feedback from routine operations New IACS regulations
New research findings / novel technology / innovation New governmental legislation
X Other, explain: New ISO standards applicable for Linepipe and Components

Consequences (mark with an X)

DNV Customers DNV internal
Cost benefit to customers Commercial (like new class notations)
Market position improvements Changes in fees
Aligned safety in line with other IACS members More extensive review / inspection
Improved safety Less extensive review / inspection
Negligible customer consequences X Other, explain: Maintaining market position
Increased unit cost/maintenance cost
X Other, explain: Compliance with relevant ISO standards

Reason for proposal
The updating of DNV-OS-F101 has been triggered by the new revision of the ISO 3183, concerning
Linepipe Material. The material requirements in this proposal have been based on this ISO standard,
with further, additional requirements included, as found applicable. Major changes have been made
regarding the Linepipe requirements, as well as the associated testing, welding and NDT - see
appendixes B-E. This work has been funded by a Joint Industry Project.

Scope of the proposal

Det Norske Veritas

Version: January 2007
RP-2007-18, Rev. 0

The design, which considers the pipeline system, now includes “everything” including onshore parts
and compressor stations. The definition of a pipeline system has been changed to the ISO definition.
The standard, DNV-OS-F101, applies to rigid steel pipes in a submarine pipeline system. This is a
new definition, similar to the old pipeline system. The owner may apply the standard on a subset
within this frame.
The revised DNV-OS-F101 is self contained with respect to planning, design, construction, operation
and abandonment, with exception to some ISO codes, in particular those who constitutes the basis for
the Linepipe and Components requirements.

Main changes
In addition to updating the material related parts, DNV has used this opportunity to update the
operation phase requirements, making it more transparent from design until abandonment. This
included a re-assessment of the documentation requirements that now constitutes section 12 (moved
from section 3). This work has also been funded by a JIP from the industry. Minor changes have been
made to the layout of the design sections. The intention is to make the design more consistent and
transparent, in particular with respect to load combinations. The resulting design is not intended to be
changed. Some requirements have been added with respect to Hydrogen Induced Stress Cracking

No consequences are foreseen. The corresponding software will be updated as appropriate.

Motives for re-issue

The interest in providing comments to the revised DNV-OS-F101 was extraordinary. In general all the
comments provided by oil companies, suppliers, engineering companies and laying contractors were
formulated in a constructive manner, and hence contribute to enhance the quality of the standard.
This updating has been more challenging than previous due to the fact that the relevant ISO standards
have to a greater extent been used as a base line. This applies in particular to the material sections and
the appendices which also are reflected by the great number of comments received for these particular
parts of the standard.
Due to the large number of comments some of the sections are now revised and issued for a second
official hearing prior to issuing the final standard.
The standard is no longer self-contained, but refers to a greater degree to international standards. It
was attempted also to base the Linepipe section on direct references to ISO 3183. However, this
format was rejected based on a much to complex structure with a significantly higher risk of
misinterpretation. Hence the current format with the use of “AR” denoting additional requirements
and “MR” denoting modified requirements, as been applied. This concept is now widely accepted and
comments regarding the format of Section 7 with respect to this will not be considered.
In the current version of DNV-OS-F101 the materials guidance mainly relevant for the design phase is
spread out throughout document. During the final updating work materials requirements and guidance
relevant for design, including e.g. Linepipe specification, has been gathered in a new section:
Section 6 – Design – Materials Engineering.
The following parts are finalised based on the comments received 2006 and hence not open for
commenting during this hearing round:
Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, main part of 5, and 9, 10, 11 and 12, and Appendices A, main part of D, and E F
and G.

Det Norske Veritas

RP-2007-18, Rev. 0

Consequently the following parts are open for commenting:

Section 5 – Design – Subsection F
Section 6 – Design – Materials Engineering
Section 7 – Construction – Linepipe
Section 8 – Construction – Components
Appendix B – Mechanical testing and corrosion testing
Appendix C – Welding
Appendix D – Non-destructive testing, Part “H500 Visual examination” relevant for pipe mills.

Det Norske Veritas

RP-2007-18, Rev. 0


SECTION 1 General

SECTION 2 Safety Philosophy

SECTION 3 Concept Development And Design Premises

SECTION 4 Design – Loads

SECTION 5 Design – Limit State Criteria

SECTION 6 Design – Materials Engineering

SECTION 7 Construction – Linepipe

SECTION 8 Construction - Components And Assemblies

SECTION 9 Construction - Corrosion Protection And Weight Coating

SECTION 10 Construction – Installation

SECTION 11 Operations And Abandonment

SECTION 12 Documentation

SECTION 13 Commentary (Informative, not included)

APPENDIX A Structural Integrity Of Welds In Offshore Pipelines

APPENDIX B Mechanical Testing And Corrosion Testing


APPENDIX D Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

APPENDIX E Automated Ultrasonic Girth Weld Testing

APPENDIX F Requirements For Shore Approach And Onshore Sections (not included)

Det Norske Veritas

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