Auricular Acupuncture For Cancer Pain n90 2004
Auricular Acupuncture For Cancer Pain n90 2004
Auricular Acupuncture For Cancer Pain n90 2004
Research Reviews
Research Reviews
This section is designed to give a synopsis of some of the latest research published in Medline listed journals over the last year or so.
It will concentrate on controlled trials and systematic reviews, but will also include other papers that may be of interest to the
readership. Some papers will be reviewed in more detail than others. If summaries and comments are based on an abstract only, this
will be indicated. The main reviewer in this section is Mike Cummings, London. Other reviewers are indicated after the relevant review.
Research Reviews
TENS wrist band device at PC6 appears to help differences between study and control groups. The
nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (n=230) time-averaged change in Rhodes Index total
experience of 6.48 for the study group was
Rosen T, de Veciana M, Miller HS, Stewart L, significantly better than the control value of 4.65
Rebarber A, Slotnick RN. A randomized (P=0.02). Study patients gained more weight than
controlled trial of nerve stimulation for relief of controls (2.9 versus 1.2lb, P=0.003). There were no
nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Obstet statistically significant differences in medication
Gynecol 2003;102(1):129-35. use or urinary ketone measurements. The authors
Summary concluded that nerve stimulation therapy is
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effective in reducing nausea and vomiting and
effectiveness of low-level nerve stimulation promoting weight gain in symptomatic women in
therapy over the volar aspect of the wrist at PC6 to the first trimester of pregnancy.
treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Comment
Pregnant volunteers (n=230) with symptoms of This was a moderately large multicentre study using
mild to severe nausea and vomiting from 6 to 12 a wrist watch-like device called ReliefBand®.
weeks' gestation participated in a 21-day clinical Readers can view the device on its commercial
trial. Participants were randomly assigned to website: The device
receive a device for nerve stimulation therapy or provides a TENS stimulus to the area of PC6, and it
an otherwise identical but non-stimulating has five levels of intensity from 10 to 35mA. In view
placebo device. The primary outcome measure of the extensive and positive research into the effect
was self-recorded symptoms according to the of sensory stimuli applied to this area on nausea and
Rhodes Index of Nausea, Vomiting, and Retching vomiting, it seems reasonable to accept the positive
(Rhodes Index). Secondary outcome measures outcome of this study. However, it is important to
were medication use, weight gain, and the continue to be critical in this area.
presence of urinary ketones. Baseline The study received funding from the company that
characteristics were similar in both groups. A total makes the device. Observers assessing outcomes
of 187 women (81%) completed the trial. Pre- were not masked. Forty-three women (18.6%) did
treatment Rhodes Index scores for the entire not complete the study, and neither an intention to
population demonstrated no significant treat nor a sensitivity analysis was performed.
TENS wrist band device at PC6 performs less well of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
for the relief of chemotherapy-induced nausea and (NV), 739 patients were randomly assigned to
vomiting (n=739) either: 1) acupressure bands, 2) an acustimulation
band, or 3) a no band control condition. Patients in
Roscoe JA, Morrow GR, Hickok JT, Bushunow P, the acupressure condition experienced less nausea
Pierce HI, Flynn PJ et al. The efficacy of on the day of treatment compared to controls
acupressure and acustimulation wrist bands for (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in
the relief of chemotherapy-induced nausea and delayed nausea or vomiting among the three
vomiting. A University of Rochester Cancer treatment conditions. Additional analyses revealed
Center Community Clinical Oncology Program pronounced gender differences. Men in the
multicenter study. J Pain Symptom Manage acustimulation condition, but not the acupressure
2003;26(2):731-42. condition, had less NV compared to controls
Summary (P<0.05). No significant differences among the
As an adjunct to standard antiemetics for the relief three treatment conditions were observed in
Research Reviews
women, although the reduction in nausea on the day (chemotherapy), but this effect can be predicted
of treatment in the acupressure, compared to the no by patient expectation. The acustimulation wrist
band condition, closely approached statistical band was no different from the no treatment
significance (P=0.052). Expected efficacy of the control, except for women (n=645) on day three,
bands was related to outcomes for the acupressure when it was significantly worse! There was a
but not the acustimulation conditions. gender difference in treatment effects, and the
Comment acustimulation wrist band was significantly better
This was a very large (by acupuncture standards) than no treatment on day one and day four in men
multicentre study, which appears to have been (n=55), but this was a small sub-group, and the
independent of the original research group that result may simply be a type I error. Either that, or
developed the device, and the company that the wrist ‘gadget’ entertained the men and irritated
produces and sells it. The acustimulation wrist the women.
band device used in the study was the This is the biggest RCT to date of an
ReliefBand®, The acupuncture-like treatment. It suggests a useful
results are interesting. They suggest that there is effect can be achieved using simple acupressure,
an effect from wearing the simple acupressure but the strong suggestion is that this effect is
wrist band (Sea-Bands®) on the day of treatment related to expectation rather than stimulation.
Auricular acupuncture for cancer pain (n=90) months for the eight patients who interrupted
treatment after one month. For three patients, no
Alimi D, Rubino C, Pichard-Leandri E, Fermand- data were available because they withdrew from
Brule S, Dubreuil-Lemaire ML, Hill C. Analgesic the study during the first month. Pain intensity
effect of auricular acupuncture for cancer pain: a decreased by 36% at two months from baseline in
randomized, blinded, controlled trial. J Clin Oncol the group receiving acupuncture; there was little
2003;21(22):4120-6. change for patients receiving placebo (2%). The
Summary difference between groups was statistically
During the last 30 years, auricular acupuncture significant. The observed reduction in pain
has been used as complementary treatment of intensity measured on the VAS represents a clear
cancer pain when analgesic drugs do not suffice. benefit from auricular acupuncture for these
The purpose of this study is to examine the cancer patients who are in pain, despite stable
efficacy of auricular acupuncture in decreasing analgesic treatment.
pain intensity in cancer patients. Ninety patients Comment
were randomly divided into three groups; one This is an interesting study for a number of
group received two courses of auricular reasons, but most notably because it is the first
acupuncture at points where an electrodermal RCT of any acupuncture technique in this
signal had been detected, and two placebo groups population – one that is notoriously difficult to
received either auricular acupuncture at points study in a rigorous fashion. There are one or two
with no electrodermal signal (placebo points) or methodological issues, such as the use of data
auricular seeds fixed at placebo points. Patients regarding withdrawals; however, on the whole the
had to be in pain, attaining a visual analogue score study appears to have been well conducted.
(VAS) of 30mm or more after having received The intervention involved the use of a
analgesic treatment adapted to both intensity and particular type of indwelling needle, described by
type of pain, for at least one month of therapy. the authors as ‘spear-headed implants’ of 3.4mm
Treatment efficacy was based on the absolute in length (Sedatelec). The portion of the ‘implant’
decrease in pain intensity measured two months that was actually embedded measured 1.2mm in
after randomisation using the VAS. The main length, and 0.7mm at its widest part. This type of
outcome was pain assessed at two months, with indwelling device typically falls out of the ear
the assessment at one month carried over to two after a few days. At this point it would constitute a
Research Reviews
Acupuncture for adductor spasmodic dysphonia Significant differences were found on all three
(n=10) subtests of the VHI, and the average total scores
pre-treatment and post-treatment differed by 17
Lee L, Daughton S, Scheer S, Stemple JC, points (considered significant according to VHI
Weinrich B, Miller-Seiler T et al. Use of standardization). Seven of 10 subjects reported
acupuncture for the treatment of adductor improvements in voice production, although
spasmodic dysphonia: a preliminary investigation. expert raters did not detect perceptual changes in
J Voice 2003;17(3):411-24. voice quality.
Summary Comment
Ten subjects with adductor spasmodic dysphonia Adductor spasmodic dysphonia, or spastic
participated in a study examining the effects of an dysphonia, is voice disorder thought to be a
acupuncture treatment protocol on their voice specific form of focal dystonia. It is a difficult
disorder. Treatment consisted of eight sessions, condition to treat, and the most popular current
and it was designed and performed by two treatment is injection of botulinum toxin into the
physicians certified in acupuncture. Voice thyroarytenoid muscles.
characteristics were evaluated pre-treatment and The reviewer has attempted to treat this
post-treatment using the CSL Motor Speech condition with acupuncture a handful of times
Profile (MSP), Unified Spasmodic Dysphonia (at the request of patients) with absolutely no
Rating Scale, and Voice Handicap Index (VHI). success. This small cohort study seems to bear out
Subjects also answered a post-treatment that impression of a lack of efficacy, since there
questionnaire regarding their experience. were no objective changes in voice quality
Significant pre-treatment and post-treatment following a reasonably comprehensive course of
differences occurred for some MSP measures. eight sessions of acupuncture.
Research Reviews
Acupuncture facilitates neuromuscular and subjected to sham procedures. This study was
oculomotor responses to skin incision (n=45) designed to compare differences in movement,
dilatation of the pupils, divergence of the eye axes
Kvorning N, Christiansson C, Akeson J. Acupuncture and activity of auditory evoked potentials (AEPs)
facilitates neuromuscular and oculomotor responses between patients given EA and those not given EA
to skin incision with no influence on auditory under standardised sevoflurane anaesthesia.
evoked potentials under sevoflurane anaesthesia. Neuromuscular, oculomotor and AEP responses to
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2003;47(9):1073-8. skin incision were assessed with and without
Summary bilateral 2Hz EA in patients under steady-state
More sevoflurane was recently found to be required anaesthesia maintained with 1.8% of sevoflurane.
to prevent movement in response to surgical Forty-five healthy patients, scheduled for
incision in anaesthetised patients subjected to laparoscopic sterilisation, were randomised to
electroacupuncture (EA) compared with those receive EA (n=22) or sham (n=23) procedures between
Research Reviews
induction of anaesthesia and the start of surgery. probably not associated with interaction between
Middle latency AEP activity was recorded and EA and the depth of anaesthesia, as AEP activity
interpreted by the A-line ARX (autoregression with was similar in the two groups.
exogenous input) index (AAI). More patients Comment
receiving EA than those receiving sham were found This paper follows on from the last, and seems to
to respond to skin incision with movement of the indicate that there are real changes mediated by the
neck or limbs (77% vs. 43%; P=0.021), dilatation of EA. As yet the authors are at a loss to explain their
the pupils (77% vs. 39%; P=0.001) and divergence results, except to say that they appear to be consistent
of the eye axes (72% vs. 39%; P=0.023), whereas with an increased anaesthetic requirement in their
there was no difference in AAI response. The authors previous trial. Whilst this is all fascinating work in an
concluded that EA facilitates physiological responses explanatory sense, the reviewer cannot help thinking
to nociceptive stimulation under sevoflurane that, from a practical perspective, a small difference
anaesthesia. Differences in neuromuscular and in anaesthetic gas requirement is hardly as relevant to
oculomotor responses between acupuncture and the patient as something like post-operative pain,
sham patients under general anaesthesia are nausea and vomiting..
Acupuncture for chronic low back pain (n=60) alternative control groups.
Kerr DP, Walsh DM, Baxter D. Acupuncture in the The challenges to performing a rigorous acupuncture
management of chronic low back pain: a blinded trial in chronic low back pain are numerous. This
randomised controlled trial. Clin J Pain group addressed many of those challenges, but also
2003;19(6):364-70. made one of the most common mistakes - they failed
Summary to perform a power calculation before the trial. Using
The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy the pooled standard deviations from the trial, the
of acupuncture in the treatment of chronic low back authors performed sample size calculations (after the
pain. Sixty patients with chronic low back pain trial) based on achieving clinically meaningful
(symptoms for over six months) were recruited and differences, eg a drop in VAS for pain of 20 points.
randomly allocated to either acupuncture therapy or They calculated a sample size of 29 per group would
placebo transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation have been required to detect a difference of 20 points
(TENS) groups. Patients were treated weekly for six in the VAS. To detect clinically meaningful
weeks, and blinded assessments were carried out differences in the other outcome parameters used, the
pre- and post-treatment using the McGill Pain sample size estimates ranged from 85 to 109 per
Questionnaire (MPQ) and visual analogue scales group. Vickers warns us, however, that sample size
(VAS) for pain, the Short-form 36 quality-of-life calculations based on standard deviations taken from
questionnaire, and a simple range of motion small studies tend to underestimate the required
measurement. A total of 46 patients completed the number of participants.1
trial and were followed up at six months. Analysis of Whilst 60 started the trial, only 46 completed it.
results using t tests showed that in both groups there The fall in VAS in the acupuncture group was 28.4,
were significant pre-post improvements for all as compared to 14.3 in the control. There were
scores, except for MPQ scores in the placebo-TENS similar trends in the other outcomes, so this looks
group. There was no significant difference between like a type II error (sample size too small to detect a
the two groups for any of the outcome measures at significant difference between groups), but of course
the end of treatment. Results from the six month the other possibility is that acupuncture was no better
follow-up would suggest that the response was than inactivated TENS.
better in the acupuncture group. The authors
Reference List
concluded that further research is necessary to fully
1. Vickers AJ. Underpowering in randomized trials
assess the efficacy of acupuncture in combating reporting a sample size calculation. J Clin Epidemiol
chronic low back pain using larger sample sizes or 2003;56(8):717-20.
Research Reviews
Different modes of manual needling have different indicate that the mode of manual acupuncture
physiological effects (n=12) stimulation has a differential effect on the
perceived stimulation intensity, the cerebral
Backer M, Hammes MG, Valet M, Deppe M, activation and the cardiovascular reflex response.
Conrad B, Tolle TR et al. Different modes of Comment
manual acupuncture stimulation differentially In this report, needle rotation is described in terms
modulate cerebral blood flow velocity, arterial of both ‘frequency’ and ‘amplitude’. Low
blood pressure and heart rate in human subjects. frequency high amplitude (lf-ha) was 4-8 rotations
Neurosci Lett 2002;333(3):203-6. [amplitude] at 1-2Hz [frequency], and high
Summary frequency low amplitude (hf-la) was 0.5-2
The psychophysiological effect of different modes rotations at 4-8Hz. Hertz is the unit of frequency,
of manual acupuncture stimulation was and it is defined as one cycle per second. One
investigated in 12 healthy, right-handed, male cycle in terms of needle rotation is not defined,
subjects (mean age 29). The cerebral blood flow but presumably it is the process of rotating in one
velocity (CBFV) in both middle cerebral arteries, direction and then the other until the needle has
arterial blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and returned to its start point. The amplitude would
the perceived intensity of the stimulation were then refer to the number of rotations in each
monitored while an acupuncture needle in the direction before the direction is changed. Low
right dorsal thenar muscle (LI4) was repetitively frequency high amplitude rotation might appear as
rotated with either high frequency (4-8Hz) and ‘long slow twirling’ of the needle, with the thumb
low amplitude (hf-la) or low frequency (1-2Hz) and finger moving slowly past each other, and
and high amplitude (lf-ha). Response patterns high frequency low amplitude as ‘short fast
induced by hf-la and 1f-ha stimulation differed twirling’. Anyway, the slow twirling was
significantly (P<0.05) as tested by Student's t test: significantly more painful than the fast twirling,
(1) 1f-ha stimulation was perceived as more and so it is hardly surprising that there were
intense and induced a more marked right physiological differences between the two manual
hemispheric CBFV increase; (2) while hf-la needling styles.
stimulation led to a slight decrease of BP and HR, This study adds to the evidence which suggests
lf-ha stimulation induced an initial pressor that, in relation to acupuncture, only high
response (increase of BP, decrease of HR) and a intensity stimuli have meaningful physiological
more marked long term decrease of BP. Data effects.
Research Reviews
Trapezius is more sensitive and more easily ‘wound- cutaneous and intramuscular pain thresholds were
up’ than tibialis anterior (n=16) measured at standard anatomical points in the
trapezius and anterior tibial regions. Temporal
Ashina S, Jensen R, Bendtsen L. Pain sensitivity summation was assessed by repetitive electrical
in pericranial and extracranial regions. stimulation. Pressure-pain thresholds (P=0.005)
Cephalalgia 2003;23(6):456-62. and intramuscular electrical pain thresholds
Summary (P=0.006) were significantly lower in trapezius
Chronic myofascial pain is very common in the than in anterior tibial muscle. Temporal
general population. The pain is most frequently summation was present in skin and muscle of both
located in the shoulder and neck regions, and regions (P<0.001). The degree of temporal
nociceptive input from these regions may play an summation was significantly higher in muscle
important role for tension-type headache. The than in skin in the trapezius region (P=0.02), but
mechanisms leading to the frequent occurrence of not in the anterior tibial region (P=0.47). The
muscle pain in the shoulder and neck regions are authors found that muscle pain sensitivity was
largely unknown. It is possible that the pain is higher in the trapezius than in the anterior tibial
caused by increased sensitivity of muscle muscle. They also demonstrated that temporal
nociceptors or by central sensitisation induced by summation could be induced in both muscle and
nociceptive input from muscle. The primary aim skin and, importantly, that temporal summation
of the present study was to compare muscle pain was significantly more pronounced in muscle than
sensitivity in the trapezius and anterior tibial in skin in the trapezius but not in the anterior tibial
muscles. The secondary aim was to investigate region. These data may help to explain why
whether temporal summation, a clinical correlate chronic muscle pain most frequently is located in
of wind-up, is more pronounced in muscle than in the shoulder and neck regions.
skin and, if so, whether such a difference is more Comment
pronounced in the trapezius than in the anterior Readers may not be very surprised by the title of
tibial region. Sixteen healthy subjects were this review; however, this is the first time that this
included. Pressure-pain thresholds and electrical sort of comparison has been made. There are very
Research Reports
few research units that study muscle pain, despite sensitive muscle, nor why it is more prone to
how common, and how poorly treated, it appears temporal summation (‘wind-up’) than tibialis
to be. This group is particularly interested in the anterior. The authors suggest that it may be related
importance of muscle pain in relation to headache. to its postural role in supporting the head and
It is not clear why the trapezius is a more shoulders, and this certainly seems plausible.
Electric acupoint stimulation reduces cold pain - an interpreted by fMRI are notoriously hard to
fMRI study (n=8) interpret. The authors were very sensible to keep
the difference between groups to a single
Zhang WT, Jin Z, Huang J, Zhang L, Zeng YW, parameter. They performed the sham EAS at the
Luo F et al. Modulation of cold pain in human same site as real EAS, so the only parameter that
brain by electric acupoint stimulation: evidence was altered was the intensity of stimulus. EAS
from fMRI. Neuroreport 2003;14(12):1591-6. was applied to ST36 and SP6 on the left leg. The
Summary stimulation parameters were as follows: frequency
The purpose of this study is to investigate the 2Hz; square wave width 0.6ms; intensity adjusted
modulation of pain responses in the human brain to a maximal but comfortable level - range from 8
by electric acupoint stimulation (EAS). Eight to 16mA. The cold test stimulus was applied to the
healthy subjects were enrolled; each received real left hand (thenar eminence).
or mock EAS treatment in separate sessions. Cool Subjective effects on pain and distress were
(18°C) and cold (2°C) stimuli were delivered, significantly reduced during the real EAS - these
during which functional magnetic resonance were measured on an eleven point scale (0-10). The
imaging scans were performed, before and after areas relating to cold pain were identified by
treatment. Real EAS specifically increased the effectively subtracting the ‘cool’ (18°C) effects from
pain-specific activation in bilateral secondary those of the ‘cold’ (2°C) stimulus. The authors admit
somatosensory area, medial prefrontal cortex, and that the patterns they identified were not consistent
Brodmann area (BA) 32, while it decreased the with previous reports. EAS caused both activations
activation in contralateral primary somatosensory and deactivations in the areas identified, and the
area, BA7, and BA24. The authors suggest that authors suggest that this may be explained by
EAS may induce an analgesic effect via deactivations relating to pain transmission and
modulation of both the sensory and the emotional activations relating to descending modulation. This
aspect of pain processing. would be consistent with the finding that activations
Comment were more frequent on the side ipsilateral to the test
Studies of the acute effects of sensory stimulation stimulus; however, such interpretation of these
(ie acupuncture or acupuncture-like stimuli) patterns must be considered as speculative.
Research Reports
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