Physiotherapy Interventions For Ankylosing Spondylitis
Physiotherapy Interventions For Ankylosing Spondylitis
Physiotherapy Interventions For Ankylosing Spondylitis
Dagfinrud H, Hagen KB, Kvien TK
This review should be cited as: Dagfinrud H, Hagen KB, Kvien TK. Physiotherapy interventions for
ankylosing spondylitis (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, 2006. Oxford:
Update Software.
A substantive amendment to this systematic review was last made on 12 August 2004. Cochrane
reviews are regularly checked and updated if necessary.
Background: Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic, inflammatory rheumatic disease. Due to
the consequences of the disease, physiotherapy is considered to be an important part of the overall
management of AS.
Objective: The objective of this review was to summarise the available scientific evidence on the
effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions in the management of AS.
Search strategy: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL),
MEDLINE, EMBASE, AMED, CINAHL and PEDro up to February 2004 for all relevant
publications, without any language restrictions. The reference lists of relevant articles were checked
and the authors of included articles were contacted.
Selection criteria: We included randomised and quasi-randomised studies with patients classified
by the AS New York criteria and where at least one of the comparison groups received some kind
of physiotherapy. The main outcomes of interest were pain, stiffness, spinal mobility, physical
function and patient global assessment.
Data collection and analysis: Two reviewers independently selected trials for inclusion, extracted
data and assessed trial quality. Investigators were contacted to obtain missing information.
Main results: Six trials with a total of 561 participants were included in this updated review as
compared to three trials and 241 patients in the previous version. Two trials compared
individualised home exercise programs with no intervention and reported low quality evidence for
effects in spinal mobility (relative percentage differences (RPD) 37%) and physical function, in
favour of the home exercise program. Three trials compared supervised group physiotherapy with
an individualised home-exercise program and reported moderate quality evidence for small
differences in spinal mobility (RPD 18%) and patient global assessment in favour of supervised
group exercises. Finally, in one study a three week inpatient spa-exercise therapy followed by 37
weeks of weekly outpatient group physiotherapy (without spa) was compared with weekly
outpatient group physiotherapy alone; there was moderate quality evidence for effects in pain (RPD
18%), physical function (RPD 24%) and patient global assessment (RPD 29%), in favour of the
combined spa-exercise therapy.
Reviewers' conclusions: The results of this review suggest that a home exercise program is better
than no intervention, supervised group physiotherapy is better than home exercises, and that
combined inpatient spa-exercise therapy followed by supervised outpatient weekly group
physiotherapy is better than weekly group physiotherapy alone. The tendency toward positive
effects of physiotherapy in the management of AS calls for further research in this field. New trials
should also address other physiotherapy interventions commonly used in clinical practice.
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic, progressive, inflammatory disorder predominantly
affecting young men and women (Khan 1994). The aetiology of AS is unknown. The disorder
mainly affects the axial skeleton with an aseptic inflammation of synovial tissue, the spinal
ligaments, intervertebral discs and facet joints. It is characterised clinically by pain and stiffness of
the back and the sacroiliac joints. Radiographic findings used as diagnostic criteria are arthritic
changes in the sacroiliac joints and in the spine. The most frequently reported prevalence of AS is
0.1 to 0.2%, but is reported in the literature up to 1.4%; the male to female ratio is about 2:1 to 3:1
(Dougados 1995; Gran 1993; Robbins 2001; Van der Linden 1990; Will 1990). AS leads to variable
degrees of pain, reduced spine mobility and limitations in physical functioning. Physiotherapy is,
therefore, considered to be an important part of the clinical management. The main goals of
physiotherapy in AS are to maintain or improve spinal mobility and fitness and to reduce pain. In
addition, physiotherapists play a central role in educating and motivating the patients living with a
lifelong disease.
• The purpose of this review was to assess the effectiveness of various physiotherapy
interventions in the management of patients with AS.
• The following main comparisons were made:
• 1: physiotherapy versus other interventions (including no intervention);
• 2: comparison of different modalities or applications of physiotherapy.
Types of participants
Males and females with the diagnosis of AS according to the classification system described in the
modified New York criteria (Van der Linden 1984). Trials were excluded if the diagnostic criteria
were unsure or not met.
Types of intervention
Studies were included if the intervention included any physiotherapy modality considered relevant
in the management of AS. If co-interventions were included, they had to be similar in the
comparator groups. The relevant physiotherapy modalities in the management of AS include:
supervised and unsupervised exercises, training, manual therapy, massage, hydrotherapy,
electrotherapy, acupuncture, patient information and educational programs.
Types of outcome measures
The study group for Assessment in AS (ASAS) has suggested a core set of outcome measures in
physiotherapy (Van der Heijde 1999). Studies which have any of these outcome measures were
included in the review.
• Pain
• Stiffness
• Spinal mobility
• Physical function
• Patient global assessment
• Other relevant outcome measures
Relevant studies were identified by searching the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
(CENTRAL), AMED, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and PEDro (up to February 2004), without
any language restrictions.
• 5 physiotherapy
• 6 physical therapy
• 7 exercises
• 8 training
• 9 hydrotherapy
• 10 manual therapy
• 11 electrotherapy
• 12 education
• 13 treatment
• 14 OR/ 5-13
The reference lists of retrieved studies were scanned to identify additional relevant trials, and
authors of relevant studies were contacted. The search strategies recommended in the Cochrane
Reviewers' Handbook 4.2.1 (Alderson 2004) were used.
• Methodological quality
• The methodological quality of the included studies was assessed independently by the same
two reviewers (HD and KBH). Disagreement was easily resolved by discussion. Internal
validity was assessed using criteria according to the Cochrane Collaboration Reviewers'
Handbook (Alderson 2004). The internal validity was assessed using the following four
• 1. concealment of allocation;
• 2. co-intervention;
• 3. intention-to-treat analysis and losses to follow up;
• 4. outcome assessment.
• These four criteria were rated as "MET", "UNCLEAR" or "NOT MET". Blinding of
providers and patients is considered to be inapplicable in most physiotherapy interventions
and was, therefore, not used as a criterion in this review.
• 2. Co-intervention
• Met: interventions other than those compared were avoided or used similarly across
comparison groups.
• Unclear: co-interventions not reported and could not be verified by contacting investigators.
• Not met: dissimilar use of interventions other than physiotherapy.
• 4. Outcome assessment
• Met: assessors unaware of the assigned treatment when collecting outcome measures.
• Unclear: blinding of assessor not reported, and could not be verified by contacting the
• Not met: assessor aware of the assigned treatment when collecting outcome measures.
• An overall assessment of internal validity was based on a summary of these four criteria:
low risk of bias meant that all criteria were met; moderate risk of bias meant that three
criteria were met; and high risk of bias meant that less than three criteria were met.
• Data extraction and analyses
• Data were independently extracted by two reviewers (KBH and HD) using a pilot-tested
data extraction form. Disagreement was resolved by discussion. If the article did not provide
sufficient information for methodological assessment or necessary data for statistical
analyses letters were sent to investigators to collect missing data. Six letters were sent and
four of the authors replied to our request. Two provided additional information regarding
methodological quality and two provided additional data for statistical analyses.
• Analyses
• For the first main comparison of physiotherapy interventions versus other interventions or
no intervention the pre-planned stratified analyses were trials comparing home program of
therapeutic exercises and disease education programs with no intervention.
• For the second main comparison of different modalities or applications of physiotherapy the
pre-planned stratified analyses were:
• a) trials comparing home exercise regimes with supervised, inpatient or outpatient group
physiotherapy (including hydrotherapy);
• b) trials comparing inpatient spa-exercise therapy with supervised, weekly group
• The various outcome measures are presented separately (see Graphs 01.01 to 03.16). Since
all outcomes were continuous variables results are expressed, if possible, as weighted mean
differences (WMD) with corresponding 95 percent confidence intervals (CI) (Deeks J 2004).
Due to insufficient data reporting, overall effects could be calculated only for two outcomes in one
comparison. Both outcomes were measured with identical instruments across studies and WMDs
were calculated. Both random effect models and fixed effect models were employed. For the other
comparisons and outcomes only data from single studies provided data for statistical analyses. For
studies not providing sufficient data, qualitative analyses were undertaken. In one trial (Van
Tubergen 2001) two interventions were considered clinically similar and were, therefore, combined
for analytical purposes.
• Clinical relevance
• In order to improve the clinical relevance of the review, absolute benefit and relative
percentage differences (RPD) were calculated, if possible, for statistically significant
differences. Absolute benefit was calculated as the improvement in the treatment group less
the improvement in the control group using the original units. RPD was calculated as the
absolute benefit divided by the baseline mean in the control group (CMSG, Draft 2003).
According to the Philadelphia Panel an improvement at 15% relative to a control group was
considered clinically relevant (presented in Additional tables).
• Quality of evidence
• Finally, the quality of evidence was assessed according to a recently developed systematic
and explicit method (Grade Working Group). In order to indicate the extent to which one
can be confident that an estimate of effect is correct, judgments about the quality of
evidence were made for each comparison and outcome. These judgments considered study
design (RCT, quasi RCT or observational study), study quality (detailed study design and
execution), consistency of results (similarity of estimates of effect across studies) and
directness (the extent to which people, interventions and outcome measures are similar to
those of interest). The following definitions in grading the quality of evidence for each
outcome were used.
• High: further research is very unlikely to change our confidence in the estimate of effect.
• Moderate: further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the
estimate of effect and may change the estimate.
• Low: further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the
estimate of effect and may change the estimate.
• Very low: any estimate of effect is very uncertain.
• In addition, there are some considerations that can lower or raise the quality of evidence
which were not employed in this review (Grade Working Group).
Description of studies
• Included studies
• We considered 43 studies for inclusion in this review. Thirty-three of them were excluded
either due to study design, the participants, the intervention or the outcome measures (see
Characteristics of excluded studies). Two conference abstracts (Ahmad 2000; Pickering
2000) were considered as potentially eligible but full reports were not available (see Studies
waiting for assessment). Eight published studies were RCTs and investigated the effect of
physiotherapy in the management of patients with AS (Analay 2003; Helliwell 1996;
Hidding 1993; Hidding 1994; Kraag 1990; Kraag 1994; Sweeney 2002; Van Tubergen
2001). However, two of these were cross-over or follow up studies that did not provide
independent results and were consequently excluded from the review (Hidding 1994, Kraag
1994). Six studies were included in the review. These were undertaken in Canada (Kraag
1990), the Netherlands (Hidding A 1993), United Kingdom (Helliwell 1996 and Sweeney
2002 ), Austria, Germany and Netherlands (Van Tubergen 2001), and Turkey (Analay
• Study selection
• Six studies met the inclusion criteria. Two studies compared physiotherapy interventions
with no intervention (Kraag 1990; Sweeney 2002), and four studies compared different
modalities or applications of physiotherapy (Analay 2003; Helliwell 1996; Hidding 1993;
Van Tubergen 2001).
• Participants
• Kraag 1990 included 53 patients, 79% were men. The patients were stratified according to
age: 18 to 35 years, and 36 years and over. The exclusion criteria were patients with reduced
hip flexion and patients receiving contravening treatment.
Hidding 1993 included 144 patients, aged between 17 and 69 years, 76% men. Patients were
excluded if they were unable to engage in physiotherapy for any reason.
Helliwell 1996 conducted a study of 44 patients, 89% were men. Mean (SD) age in the inpatient,
outpatient and home exercise groups were 38.9 (11.1), 42.8 (12.6) and 41.9 (11.9) years
respectively. The participants were stratified into two levels of disease severity. Patients were
excluded if they had severe peripheral joint involvement which made them unable to exercise.
• Van Tubergen 2001 included a total of 120 patients in their trial. Mean (SD) age in the two
spa-exercise groups were 48 (10) and 49 (9) years; and in the control group, 48 (10) years.
In the two spa-exercise groups, the proportion of men was 67 and 70% respectively, while
the control group included 85% men. The exclusion criteria were unwillingness to
participate in weekly group physical therapy, pregnancy, claustrophobia, severe co-
morbidity and patients having AS for more than 20 years.
• In the study of Sweeney 2002, 155 patients between 16 and 65 years participated, 68% men
in the intervention group and 66% men in the control group. Exclusion criteria were not
Analay 2003 conducted a study of 45 patients aged between 18 and 55 years. Mean (SD) age was
37.6 (11.3) years in the intervention group and 34.3 (7.9) years in the control group. The proportion
of men was 87% in the intervention group and 82% in the control group. The participants fulfilled
the AMOR criteria for spondylarthropathies, which were considered equal to the New York criteria
(Amor 1991). Patients were excluded if they had systemic organ involvement, hip or knee
deformities, had been treated by a physiotherapist within the last three months, were practising
regular exercises, or were receiving DMARDs.
• Interventions
• Exercises were the main experimental treatment in all trials although other physiotherapy
modalities were reported as 'occasionally used' (Helliwell 1996; Kraag 1990).
• Kraag 1990 compared a four month home exercise and educational program (supervised,
one-to-one design) with no intervention. The educational program was not described but the
treatment objectives were disease education, pain control and improved posture and
The group exercise program in the study of Hidding 1993 consisted of one hour physical training,
one hour sporting activity and one hour hydrotherapy. The intervention period was nine months,
and the intervention was compared to an individualised home exercise program.
The participants in the study of Helliwell 1996 were randomised into three groups: firstly an
inpatient group receiving a three week program, including one hour group exercise five days a week
and, in addition, hydrotherapy three times per week; secondly, an outpatient hydrotherapy and home
exercise group; and finally, a group doing individualised home exercises. The analyses in this
review did not include the outpatient hydrotherapy group. Thus, the three weeks inpatient
intervention program was compared to the individualised home exercise intervention.
Van Tubergen 2001 investigated the efficacy of combined spa-exercise therapy in addition to
standard treatment with drugs and weekly group physiotherapy. The spa-exercise interventions were
provided in two groups, one group treated in a spa resort in Austria and one in The Netherlands.
These two groups were considered clinically similar and were combined for analytical purposes in
this review. The three week spa-exercise therapy consisted of group physical exercises, walking,
correction therapy (lying supine), hydrotherapy, sports and sauna. A control group stayed home and
followed weekly group physiotherapy sessions. After the intervention period, all patients from the
three groups engaged in weekly group physiotherapy sessions for another 37 weeks follow-up
• Sweeney 2002 compared the effect of a six month home based exercise intervention
package with a non-intervention control group. The intervention consisted of an
exercise/information video, exercise progress chart, patient education booklet and exercise
reminder stickers.
• In the study of Analay 2003, a group of patients was included in a six week intensive,
supervised physiotherapy program. The exercise program included stretching, mobilization
and strengthening exercises, aerobic exercises and postural and respiratory exercises; this
intervention was compared to an individualised home exercise program.
• All interventions in all studies were delivered by physiotherapists.
• Outcomes
• Pain was reported in all studies. In five studies, pain was measured with a VAS-scale (0 to
10 cm) and in one study (Sweeney 2002), with the Stanford Self-Efficacy Scale (1 to 10
cm). Helliwell 1996 combined the scores of pain and stiffness to produce one assessment (2
VAS scales added giving a maximum score of 200); Hidding 1993 measured stiffness on a
separate VAS scale (0 to 10 cm). Analay 2003; Kraag 1990; Van Tubergen 2001 reported
the duration of morning stiffness in minutes, and Sweeney 2002 did not measure stiffness.
Spinal mobility was measured in four studies. Kraag 1990; Analay 2003 measured the patient's
distance from fingertip-to-floor (FFD) in maximal flexed position (in cm). Hidding 1993 assessed
the thoracolumbar flexion and extension using the 10 cm segment method (Miller), while Helliwell
1996; Kraag 1990; Analay 2003 used the Modified Schober's test (cm). The chest expansion was
measured in cm by Analay 2003; Helliwell 1996, and cervical rotation was reported in degrees by
Helliwell 1996; Hidding 1993.
Physical functioning and health status were assessed by the Health Assessment Questionnaire for
the Spondylarthropathies (HAQ-S: 0 to 3, 3 worst score) and the Functional Index (FI: 0 to 2, 2
worst score) in the study of Hidding 1993. Sweeney 2002; Van Tubergen 2001 measured self-
reported physical functioning by the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functioning Index (BASFI: VAS
scales 0 to 10 cm, 10 worst score). Helliwell 1996; Kraag 1990 did not include physical function as
an outcome measure.
Patient global assessment was reported by Hidding 1993; Sweeney 2002; Van Tubergen 2001 and
assessed by a VAS scale (0 to 10 cm).
Points of assessment varied in the studies. In Helliwell 1996 assessment points were two times prior
to intervention, immediately after completing treatment, and two, four and six months after
cessation of treatment. Hidding 1993 evaluated the participants at baseline and subsequently every
third months up to nine months. Kraag 1990 evaluated the patients at baseline and after the four
month intervention period; Sweeney 2002 at baseline and after the six months intervention period;
and Analay 2003 at baseline, after the six weeks intervention period and at three months. In the
study of Van Tubergen 2001 the points of assessment were baseline (two weeks before spa-exercise
therapy) and at one, four, seven and ten months after the start of the spa-exercise therapy.
Methodological quality
Three of the included studies met the concealment of allocation criterion (Analay 2003; Hidding
1993; Van Tubergen 2001). Helliwell 1996 allocated the participants by throwing a dice and
thereby the criterion was not met. Kraag 1990; Sweeney 2002 did not report the randomisation
procedures and were, therefore, rated as unclear.
Co-interventions in the trials were adequately reported by Hidding 1993; Kraag 1990; Van
Tubergen 2001. These studies met the criterion for avoiding performance bias. Analay 2003;
Helliwell 1996; Sweeney 2002 did not report if co-interventions were avoided or comparable in the
Exclusions or losses to follow up were less than 20% in the studies of Analay 2003; Hidding 1993;
Kraag 1990; Van Tubergen 2001. In the study of Helliwell 1996 the losses to follow up were
approximately 40% for two of the intervention groups, and Sweeney 2002 studied only the
In four of the studies, the assessor was unaware of the assigned treatment when collecting outcome
measures (Analay 2003; Hidding 1993; Kraag 1990; Van Tubergen 2001). The study of Helliwell
1996 did not meet the criterion for avoiding detection bias whereas the study of Sweeney 2002 was
rated as unclear on this criterion.
The overall assessment of the methodological quality of the trials in this review was as follows.
Two studies (Hidding 1993; Van Tubergen 2001) met all four criteria of internal validity and were
rated to have low risk of bias. Two studies (Analay 2003; Kraag 1990) met three criteria and were
assessed to have moderate risk of bias, and two studies did not meet any of the criteria and were
assessed to have high risk of bias (Helliwell 1996; Sweeney 2002) (see the table Characteristics of
included studies).
• Baseline comparability
• Even if Helliwell 1996 stratified the participants into two disease severity groups before
randomisation the treatment groups varied in proportion of patients in each severity group,
resulting in different baseline values. In the study of Hidding 1993 there were no relevant
differences between the study groups at baseline. In the study of Kraag 1990 the initial
measurements of the groups were comparable except for one variable, the control group
reported significantly more rib cage pain and stiffness than the experimental group. In the
study of Sweeney 2002 the groups were comparable at baseline. Analay 2003 found the
groups comparable at baseline in all parameters except for modified Schober. In Van
Tubergen 2001 relatively more men than women were allocated to the control group than to
the intervention groups; remaining characteristics were balanced among the groups.
• Study selection
• Six studies met the inclusion criteria. Two studies compared physiotherapy interventions
with no intervention and were classified in main comparison one (Kraag 1990; Sweeney
2002). Four studies compared different modalities or applications of physiotherapy and were
classified in main comparison two (Analay 2003; Helliwell 1996; Hidding 1993; Van
Tubergen 2001).
• Pain
• In the study of Kraag 1990 no significant differences between the groups were found in pain
reduction from baseline to four months. In the study of Sweeney 2002 no group differences
in change were reported at six months. A small, but significant weighted mean difference
(WMD) was found (WMD 0.56; 95% CI 0.2 to 0.9). The absolute benefit was 0.13 and,
considering the baseline mean for the control group at 6.2, the relative percentage difference
(RPD) was 2%. Based on these results we conclude that there was low quality of evidence
for no group differences in pain reduction.
• Stiffness
• This was not measured in the studies. However, stiffness is included in the BASDAI score
and no group differences were found on the BASDAI in the study of Sweeney 2002.
• Spinal mobility
• In the study of Kraag 1990 spinal mobility was measured as fingertip-to-floor distance.
After the four month intervention period, the authors reported that the intervention group
had improved significantly compared to the control group (p < 0.001). Based on the reported
baseline values and change scores, the absolute benefit was calculated as 10.3 and the RPD
was 37% in favour of the intervention group. However, there was no significant difference
in the Schober test. Sweeney 2002 did not measure spinal mobility. We concluded that there
was low quality evidence for a positive effect of a home exercise program on some
measures of spinal mobility.
• Physical function
• Physical function score was significantly better in the experimental group than in the no
intervention group in the study of Kraag 1990 (p < 0.001). Average difference after
treatment was about 4 points on a 33 points scale (modified Toronto Activities of Daily
Living Questionnaire). Sweeney 2002 reported no significant group difference after six
months for self-reported physical function (BASFI), p = 0.08. In conclusion, there was low
quality evidence for a treatment effect on self-reported physical function when compared to
no intervention.
• Patient global assessment was not measured in the study of Kraag 1990. Sweeney 2002
reported no group differences in the patient global (BAS-G). Thus, there was low quality of
evidence for no difference between the groups on patient global assessment.
• Pain
• Hidding 1993 found no significant differences in pain between the groups. Analay 2003
measured pain at rest and during activity and found no significant differences between the
groups after treatment or after three months. Helliwell 1996 combined pain and stiffness in
one variable. Weighted mean difference (WMD) between the inpatient group and the home
exercise group was -3.90 cm (95% CI -7.7 to -0.06). The absolute benefit was 3.9 cm; and
considering the mean baseline value at 8.1 cm, the relative difference in change from
baseline for the supervised group compared to the home exercise group was 48%
immediately after treatment. However, six months after the intervention there were no
significant differences between the three treatment groups regarding pain and stiffness.
Thus, it is reasonable to state that there was moderate quality evidence for no difference in
pain intensity between the groups.
• Stiffness
• No significant differences in stiffness were found between the groups after nine months in
the study of Hidding 1993. In the study of Analay 2003, duration of morning stiffness in
minutes was measured. The authors reported statistically significant improvement after
treatment and after three months. However, between-group analyses showed no significant
differences at the two measurement points (WMD -16.13; 95% CI -45.22 to 12.96 and -
11.50; 95% CI -32.84 to 9.84) respectively. The quality of evidence for no group difference
was considered to be moderate.
• Spinal mobility
• Hidding 1993 found a statistically significant difference for thoraco-lumbar mobility in
favour of the additional group physiotherapy. Mean difference of change in thoracolumbar
flexion between the two groups was 0.4 cm (CI 95% 0.1 to 0.7) after the nine month
intervention period. Considering the baseline mean at 5.3 cm, the RPD was 7.5% in favour
of the supervised group physiotherapy. This group also performed slightly better on the
other spinal mobility outcomes but the results were not statistically significant. Chest
expansion and Schober (lumbar flexion) were measured after treatment in two studies
(Analay 2003; Helliwell 1996) and pooled analyses showed no significant differences
between the groups for these two measures. A significant difference in Schober was found
between the groups at three months in the study of Analay 2003 with an absolute benefit of
0.6 cm and RPD 18%. Furthermore, no difference in cervical rotation between the
supervised group program and the home exercise group, after treatment or six months after
treatment, was found in the study of Helliwell 1996. In the study of Analay 2003 no
difference between the groups was found on finger-tip-to-floor-distance or tragus to wall
distance. In conclusion, the quality of evidence for small differences on some measures of
spinal mobility was considered to be moderate.
• Physical function
• Hidding 1993 and Analay 2003 found no significant differences in self-reported physical
function measured at nine and three months respectively. The quality of evidence for no
group differences was moderate.
• Pain
• Significant effects of the spa-exercise intervention were found regarding pain. At one month
WMD was -1.07 (CI 95% -2.02 to -0.12), and at four months WMD was -1.09 (CI 95% -
2.04 to -0.14). Absolute benefit at one and four months was 0.9 cm and RPD 18% in favour
of the spa-exercise group. After seven months, the authors still reported a significant
difference between the IG and the CG on the pooled index (PIC). However, no significant
differences in pain were found at seven or ten months when regarded as an individual
variable. It may be reasonable to conclude that there was moderate quality evidence for a
clinically relevant effect of the spa-exercise intervention on pain.
• Stiffness
• Stiffness was measured as duration of morning stiffness, in minutes. Significant differences
between the spa-exercise groups and the control group were not found. Thus, the quality of
evidence for no group differences was moderate.
• Spinal mobility
• Spinal mobility was not measured in this study.
• Physical function
• Physical function was measured with BASFI and included in the pooled index of change.
Evaluated as a separate variable the WMD was not significant but the absolute benefit was
24% and 17% at one and four months respectively and may thus be considered as clinically
relevant (Philadelphia Panel). The quality of evidence for no group differences was
Six studies met the inclusion criteria of this review, with a total of 561 patients with AS. Two of the
studies were assessed to have low risk of bias, two studies were assessed to have moderate, and two
to have high risk of bias. We can conclude from this review that patients with AS had some
beneficial effects from individualised home exercise programs compared to no intervention.
Furthermore, supervised group physiotherapy programs were better than individualised home
exercise regimes, and a three week combined spa-exercise intervention was better than weekly
group physiotherapy alone.
• Nearly all the studies in this review included more than 70% men in the participant groups.
Among the exclusion criteria were patients using DMARDs, patients with peripheral joint
involvement, severe co-morbidity and diagnosis of AS more than 20 years ago. Thus, the
applicability of the results to women and severely affected AS patients may be limited.
• The main goal of the six trials in this review was to study the effectiveness of physiotherapy
in the management of AS. However, the interventions were often poorly described so that
the exact content of the programs remained partly unclear and the external validity was
thereby unclear. Another problem related to the external validity was the somewhat unusual
interventions in some of the included trials, such as treatment programs in spa-resorts.
Although the spa-exercise intervention showed favourable cost-effectiveness and cost-utility
ratios compared to self-exercising and group-exercising (Van Tubergen 2002), spa-resorts
are not easily available in many parts of the world and the generalisability of the results
may, therefore, be limited.
In order to improve the clinical relevance of the review, relative percentage differences (RPD) were
calculated wherever possible. According to the Philadelphia Panel, an improvement of 15% relative
to a control group can be considered as clinically relevant (Philadelphia Panel). By employing this
method we might interpret the difference in spinal mobility (RPD 37%) in favour of the home
exercise program (compared to no intervention), measured after the four months intervention
period, as clinically relevant. Furthermore, the difference in combined pain and stiffness (RPD 48%
after intervention) and spinal flexion (RPD 18% at three months) in favour of supervised group
physiotherapy are clinically relevant results. Finally, the differences in pain (RPD 18% at four
months), physical function (RPD 24% and 17% at one and four months) and patient global
assessment (RPD 27% at one month, and 29% at four and seven months) in favour of combined
spa-exercise therapy compared to weekly supervised group physiotherapy alone are considered
clinically relevant.
We also employed a recently developed systematic and explicit method to indicate the extent to
which one can be confident that the effect estimates were correct (Grade Working Group);
assessments of the quality of evidence were done for each comparison and outcome. By considering
study design, study quality, similarity of estimates of effect across studies and directness (the extent
to which people, interventions and outcome measures are similar to those of interest) we found that
the quality of evidence for the comparisons in this review was moderate to low. Thus, further
research is recommended to confirm these effect estimates.
The studies reported improvement in spinal mobility for different parts of the spinal column.
Helliwell 1996 showed a significant improvement in cervical rotation but not in chest expansion or
modified Schober. Hidding 1993 found significant improvement in thoraco-lumbar mobility, and
minor not significant improvements in other spinal mobility measures. Kraag 1990 measured spinal
mobility as finger-tip-to-floor distance (FFD) and found a significant improvement in favour of the
intervention group; the modified Schober test did not show significant improvement. In the study of
Analay 2003, the two groups did not differ in spinal mobility measures. The varying results for the
different measures of spinal mobility may indicate that the mobilising exercises have to be specific
and a general effect of exercising on spinal mobility is not to be expected. Furthermore, measures of
spinal extension range of motion are lacking in the included studies and future trials should aspire to
include more specific spinal mobility movements and measurements.
Compared to the previous version of this review, two substantial changes have been made. Firstly,
three new studies with a total of 320 patients have been included. Secondly, the clinical relevance of
the effect sizes and the quality of evidence has been assessed according to systematic and explicit
methods (Philadelphia Panel; Grade Working Group). These changes have reinforced the tendency
toward positive effects of physiotherapy in terms of exercise programs in the management of AS.
However, more research is needed, especially on other commonly used modalities of physiotherapy.
The trials included in this review compared therapeutic exercises applied in group settings to
exercises performed individually. Thus, the comparisons may provide information on the effect of
the group setting rather than the effect of the specific content of the exercise programs. The fact that
the patients who participated in the groups (both inpatients and outpatients) improved more than the
patients who did exercises on their own may be ascribed to the contribution of non-physical factors,
such as mutual encouragement, increased motivation and exchange of experiences with fellow
sufferers. These are important factors for the total wellbeing of the AS patients but does not give
evidence to decide the most appropriate and effective exercise program.
The random allocation of patients in physiotherapy studies may lead to reduced effectiveness of the
interventions. Physiotherapy interventions are often time consuming and compliance is dependent
on highly motivated patients. Helliwell 1996 addressed this problem in their study, considering that
the great number of drop-outs may have been due to lack of motivation and a time consuming
treatment program which the patients had not chosen. With use of intention-to-treat analyses, the
great number of non-compliance will influence the treatment effects negatively. It can be assumed
that, in order to avoid non-compliance or poor recruitment, physiotherapy researchers may have a
tendency to compare active and quite similar interventions. Significant differences of clinically
relevant treatment effects may, therefore, be hard to obtain.
Publication bias is discussed as a problem when developing systematic reviews. Research has
suggested that studies with positive results are more likely to be published than studies with
negative results (Dickersin 1987). Furthermore, the literature search for this review identified
reports of two possibly eligible studies published as conference abstracts, which did not provide
sufficient data to be included (Ahmad 2000, Pickering 2000). Due to the small number of included
studies and insufficient data reporting, the possible extent of publication bias could not be further
explored in this review.
This review identified and summarised data from all available RCTs investigating the effects of
physiotherapy in the management of AS. Trials meeting the inclusion criteria were few,
heterogeneous and investigated a limited range of the relevant physiotherapy modalities. The
absence of standardised interventions and outcome measurement tools, together with inadequate
data reporting, made the comparison of different trials difficult and did not allow any pooling of
data. In addition, the methodological quality was varied, limiting the usefulness of the review to
guide clinical practice. However, systematic reviews also illuminate areas of poor knowledge, lead
to the development of new hypothesis and constitute a valuable guide for further research.
Reviewers' conclusions
Implications for practice
The results of this review give moderate evidence for benefits of supervised group physiotherapy
compared to individualised home programs; and combined spa-exercises compared to supervised
group physiotherapy in the management of patients with AS. There was also weak evidence for
preferring individualised home program compared to no intervention. However, it must be
emphasised that small numbers of participants, heterogeneous interventions and outcome measures,
together with deficient reporting of data in these studies did not provide strong evidence.
More trials are needed in this field. Other commonly used physiotherapy interventions (e.g.
different hands-on techniques such as manual therapy, electrotherapy, information and education
programs) should be investigated. New trials should compare different treatment and exercise
programs; aspire to an accurate description of the content, dose and application of the interventions;
and make use of standardised, validated outcome measures suitable for assessing effects of
physiotherapy interventions.
Louise Falzon at the editorial office of the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group conducted the
literature searches for this updated version. The authors of the primary studies are acknowledged for
their cooperation. Opinions and interpretations expressed in this review do not necessarily represent
those of the institutions with which the authors are affiliated.
Characteristics of included studies
Additional tables
Table 01 Pain and stiffness, after treatment
Treatment Outcome No. of Baseline Absolute Relative
Study study
Group (Scale) patients Mean Benefit Difference
Supervised group
15 81 41
Helliwell physiotherapy VAS (0-
39 48% (I)
1996 200)
14 81 80
Control group
Table 02 Pain, 4 weeks
Treatment Outcome No. of Baseline Absolute Relative
Study Study
Group (Scale) Patients Mean Benefit Difference
Spa exercise
Van therapy 80 4.6 3.6
VAS (0-
Tubergen 0.9 18% (I)
2001 Control 40 4.8 4.7
Table 03 Pain, 16 weeks
Treatment Outcome No. of Baseline Absolute Relative
Study Study
Group (Scale) Patients Mean Benefit Difference
Spa exercise
Van therapy 80 4.6 3.3
VAS (0-
Tubergen 0.9 18.5% (I)
2001 Control 40 4.8 4.4
Table 04 Finger-tip-to-floor, 4 months
Study Treatment Group Outcome No. of Baseline End-of - Absolute Relative
(Scale) Patients Mean Study Benefit Difference
exercise/educational 26 23.6 15.3
program 53 10.3 37% (I)
27 27.5 29.5
Control group
Table 05 Schober, 3 months
Treatment Outcome No. of Baseline Absolute Relative
Study study
Group (Scale) Patients Mean Benefit Difference
Supervised group 23 4.38 5.13
Analay physiotherapy
Schobers test 0.6 18% (I)
Control group 22 3.28 3.13
Table 06 Physical function (BASFI), 4 weeks
Treatment Outcome No. of Baseline Absolute Relative
Study study
Group (Scale) Patients Mean Benefit Difference
Spa exercise
Van therapy 80 4.6 3.6
Tubergen 1.0 24% (I)
2001 Control 40 4.2 4.2
Table 07 Physical function (BASFI), 16 weeks
Treatment Outcome No. of Baseline Absolute Relative
Study study
Group (Scale) Patients Mean Benefit Difference
Spa exercise
Van therapy 80 4.6 3.9
Tubergen 0.7 17% (I)
2001 Control 40 4.2 4.2
Table 08 Patient Global Assessment (BAS-G), 4 weeks
Treatment Outcome No. of Baseline Absolute Relative
Study study
Group (Scale) Patients Mean Benefit Difference
Spa exercise
80 5.3 3.7
Van therapy
BAS-G (0-
Tubergen 1.3 27% (I)
2001 Control
40 4.9 4.6
Table 09 Patient Global Assessment (BAS-G), 16 weeks
Treatment Outcome No. of Baseline Absolute Relative
Study Study
Group (Scale) Patients Mean Benefit Difference
Van Spa exercise BAS-G (0- 80 5.3 3.4 1.4 29% (I)
Tubergen therapy 10)
2001 40 4.9 4.4
Table 10 Patient Global Assessment (BAS-G), 28 weeks
Treatment Outcome No. of Baseline Absolute Relative
Study study
Group (Scale) Patients Mean Benefit Difference
Spa exercise
Van therapy 80 5.3 3.5
BAS-G (0-
Tubergen 1.4 29% (I)
2001 Control 40 4.5 4.5
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Fisher 1990
* Fisher LR, Cawley MI, Holgate ST. Relation between chest expansion, pulmonary function, and
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Gall 1994
Hafstrom 2003
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Hidding 1994
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Additional references
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Will 1990
Graphs and Tables
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Cover sheet
Sources of support
External sources of support
• How well does physical therapy work for treating ankylosing spondylitis and how safe is it?
• To answer this question, scientists working with the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group found
and analyzed 6 studies testing over 550 people who had ankylosing spondylitis. Studies
compared people who did exercises at home, went to group exercise programmes, went to a
spa resort for physiotherapy or had no therapy at all. These studies provide the best evidence
we have today.
One study compared two groups of people who both did weekly group exercises for 10 months but
one of the groups also went to a spa resort for 3 weeks of physiotherapy. Spa therapy plus weekly
group exercises improves pain, fitness and overall well-being more than just weekly group
exercises. But spa therapy plus weekly group exercises did not improve stiffness more than group
exercises - and movement of the spine was not measured.
There is "silver" level evidence that home exercises are better than no exercises and improve
movement in the spine and fitness. Group exercises are better than home exercises and improve
pain, stiffness, movement in the spine and overall well-being. Adding a few weeks of exercising at
a spa resort to weekly group exercises is better than just weekly group exercises.
We still need more information about the different types of physiotherapy and exercise, and how
long and how often physiotherapy should be done for the most improvement.
Humans; Ambulatory Care; Hospitalization; *Physical Therapy Techniques; Randomized
Controlled Trials; Self Care; Spondylitis, Ankylosing[*rehabilitation]