False Truffles
False Truffles
False Truffles
t’s quite likely that you are familiar knowledge of their tree
with truffles already. They are hosts is helpful, but so
the object of desire to many is knowledge of what
gastronomes and their pursuit rises they play host to. Very
to fever pitch about this time of the often, you will find
year, every year, in parts of Europe and hypogeous fruitbodies
the Pacific Northwest. Plucked from by noticing another
the soil, these ripe, fragrant (smelly to fungus—a parasite of the
some), underground nodules are found subterranean truffle—
on the roots of their symbiotic host tree. that forms a visible above
Experts know exactly when and where ground mushroom-like
to look. The most sought after, most sporocarp. Cool huh?
legendary species of truffles belong Read on.
to the genus Tuber, mycorrhizal fungi Focus on False Truffles
in the class Ascomycota (also known While truffles are the
as the Ascomycetes). There are other underground fruitbodies
truffles as well. Two great sources for of certain ascomycetous Elaphocordyceps capitata parasitizing
information on truffles are the Truffle fungi, false truffles Elaphomyces granulatus (Deer Truffle) in eastern
Issue of FUNGI we published a few analogously are the Pennsylvania. Note the very thick perideum in
years back (vol. 1, no. 3), which covers underground fruitbodies the close up. Photos courtesy S. Hamilton.
truffles from all over the world, and the of basidiomycetous
Field Guide to North American Truffles fungi. Some, including THE North aboveground for dissemination. They
(Trappe et al., 2007). American expert on truffles, James typically produce strong odors to attract
No matter how knowledgeable Trappe, consider all hypogeous fungal rodents and other mammals that dig
of truffles you are, it’s likely you’re sporocarps to be truffles. It doesn’t them up, consume them, and spread
completely unfamiliar with false truffles. matter that much, as long as we know their spores in their feces. (As is the case
Members of this group of hypogeous what we’re talking about. Frankly, the with truffles.) Those strong pheromonal
(underground) Basidiomycetes are all fungus doesn’t care one way or the other odors are what drive humans to pursue
but unknown by most, including the what we think. truffles. While no false truffles are
most ardent mycophiles. As with truffles, false truffles are spore sought with the same fervor as their
To find truffles and false truffles, bearing and need to get their spores ascomycete doppelgangers, many are
26 FUNGI Volume 4:5 Winter 2011
Darvin DeShazer rakes soil beneath Douglas fir for Rhizopogon (right) false truffles in Sonoma County, CA.
Photos, B. Bunyard.