T Junction in HFSS
T Junction in HFSS
T Junction in HFSS
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Procedures are presented as numbered lists. A single bullet indicates that the procedure has only one step. Bold type is used for the following: - Keyboard entries that should be typed in their entirety exactly as shown. For example, copy file1 means to type the word copy, to type a space, and then to type file1. - On-screen prompts and messages, names of options and text boxes, and menu commands. Menu commands are often separated by carats. For example, click HFSS>Excitations>Assign>Wave Port. - Labeled keys on the computer keyboard. For example, Press Enter means to press the key labeled Enter. Italic type is used for the following: - Emphasis. - The titles of publications. - Keyboard entries when a name or a variable must be typed in place of the words in italics. For example, copy file name means to type the word copy, to type a space, and then to type a file name. The plus sign (+) is used between keyboard keys to indicate that you should press the keys at the same time. For example, Press Shift+F1 means to press the Shift key and the F1 key at the same time. Toolbar buttons serve as shortcuts for executing commands. Toolbar buttons are displayed after the command they execute. For example, On the Draw menu, click Line means that you can click the Draw Line toolbar button to execute the Line command.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
About the T-Junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Expected Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Validate the Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Analyze the Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Move the Position of the Septum . . . . . . . . . . . . Re-analyze the Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The waveguide you will create is T-shaped with an inductive septum.1 This type of structure is used to split an incoming microwave signal into two outgoing signals. The septum divides the signal and directs it to the outgoing ports, while minimizing reflection at the signals point of entry. A signal at a frequency of 10 GHz enters the waveguide at Port 1 (see below) and exits at Port 2 and Port 3. The waveguides transmission and reflection of the signal depends on the position of the septum. Port 2 Septum
This Getting Started guide is written for HFSS beginners as well as experienced users who are using version 13 for the first time. This guide leads you step-by-step through creating, solving, and analyzing the results of a waveguide Tjunction. By following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to perform the following tasks in HFSS: DDraw a geometric model. DModify a models design parameters. DAssign variables to a models design parameters. DSpecify solution settings for a design. DValidate a designs setup. DRun an HFSS simulation. DCreate a 2D x-y plot of S-parameter results. DCreate a field overlay plot of results. DCreate a phase animation of results.
Estimated time to complete this guide: 45 minutes.
Port 3 Port 1
Expected Results
When the septum is located centrally opposite Port 1, it divides the signal and directs it evenly towards the output ports, Port 2 and Port 3. The magnitude of S-parameters at the output ports is expected to be about 0.7. Incidental reflection is expected at Port 1. Moving the septum 0.2 inches closer to Port 2 reduces the transmission through Port 2 to about 0.1 and increases the transmission through Port 3 to about 0.9. To determine if the results are as expected, you compare HFSSs S-parameter calculations at each septum position on a 2D x-y plot. You also compare the E-field pattern at each sep1-2 Introduction
Introduction 1-1
tum position by creating phase-animated field plots on the model geometry. These comparisons will indicate if the field pattern changes as expected with the septums position.
[1] Parametrics and Optimization Using Ansoft HFSS, Microwave Journal, Product Reviews, November 1999.
Parameterizing is most effective when paired with Ansofts Optimetrics software. Optimetrics allows you to define and solve a series of variable values within a range, called parametric analysis. You can also perform an optimization analysis, in which Optimetrics changes the design parameter values to meet a userdefined goal. Both of these capabilities are demonstrated in Getting Started with Optimetrics: Optimizing a Waveguide T-Junction Using HFSS and Optimetrics.
Introduction 1-3 1-4 Introduction
A project is a collection of one or more designs saved in a single *.hfss file. A new project is automatically created when HFSS is launched. Open HFSS and save the default project by a new name. 1 Double-click the HFSS 13 icon on your desktop to launch HFSS. A new project is listed in the project tree in the Project Manager window and is named Projectn by default. Project definitions, such as material assignments, are stored under the project name.
In this chapter you will complete the following tasks: D Save a new project. D Rename the HFSS design in the project. D Select a solution type for the project. D Set the drawing units for the design.
If HFSS was already open and a default project is not listed in the project tree, add a new HFSS project: On the File menu, click New .
3 Use the file browser to locate the folder in which you want
to save the project, (such as C:\Program Files\Ansoft\HFSS13.0\Projects), and then double-click the folders name. 4 Type Tee in the File name text box, and then click Save. The project is saved in the folder you selected to the file name Tee.hfss.
Project Manager Window
If the Project Manager does not appear after you insert a new design, click View>Project Manager.
3D Modeler Window
To automatically expand the project tree when an item is added to the project: Click Tools>Options> General Options. Under Project Options, select Expand Project Tree on Insert.
The T-junction is made up of three joined box objects. First you will draw a box that represents one section of the tee. You will assign it a name, confirm its material assignment, and assign a wave port to one of its faces. You will then duplicate the box two times to create the second and third sections of the tee. Last, you will unite the three sections to create the complete T-junction.
Draw a Box
Draw a 3D box object to represent the first section of the tee.
2 On the Draw menu, click Box . 3 Find the coordinate fields at the bottom of the HFSS winTo move to the previous coordinate box, press Shift+Tab.
dow, labeled Enter the box position, and specify the base corner of the box as (0, -0.45, 0): a. Press Tab to move to the X text box in the status bar. b. Type 0 in the X box, and then press Tab to move to the Y box. c. Type -0.45 in the Y box, and then press Tab. d. Type 0 in the Z box, and then press Enter.
If you make a mistake, click TeeModel in the project tree, and then click Undo on the Edit menu to undo design operations. HFSS lets you undo every command performed since the last save.
The Properties window appears, with the Command tab selected, enabling you to modify the dimensions and position of the box.
While the Properties window is open, you will use it to assign a name to the box, confirm its material assignment, and make it more transparent.
By default, the material assigned to the box is vacuum. This is the material you will use for the T-junction. Confirm that vacuum is the value in the Material row so you do not need to change it.
2 Change the name of the box to Tee: Type Tee in the Value
The first box object in the 3D Modeler window. It is selected by default when you exit the Properties window.
2 Click the face of the box that is parallel to the yz plane at x = 2, as shown to the right. 3 Right-click the 3D Modeler window, and then click Assign Excitation>Wave Port on the shortcut menu. The Wave Port wizard appears. The face of the box 4 Type Port1 in the Name text that is parallel to the box, and then click Next. yz plane at x = 2. 5 Select New Line from the Integration Line pull-down list. 6 In the 3D Modeler window, select the start point of the vector, (2, 0, 0), by clicking the edge center at the bottom of the face. By default, the cursor should snap to this point, appearing as a triangle.
7 Select the end point (2, 0, 0.4) by clicking the edge center
3 In the Duplicate Around Axis dialog box, select Z. 4 Type 90 in the Angle box. A positive angle causes the
object to be placed in the counter-clockwise direction.
7 Click OK.
The parent object, Tee, is duplicated, and the duplicate, named Tee_1 by default, is placed around the z-axis at a 90-degree angle. The attributes of the parent object, including its dimensions, material, color, transparency, port, and integration line are duplicated with the box.
Port1 was duplicated with the geometry of the box. The new port is named Port2 by default, which you can verify under Excitations in the project tree.
8 Click OK to close the Properties dialog. 9 Press Ctrl+D to fit the objects in the view window.
2 In the 3D modeler window, right-click to display the shortCreate the Model 3-7 3-8 Create the Model
Duplicate the Box to Create the Third Section 1 Duplicate the first box again using the same procedure,
but this time, type -90 in the Angle box. A negative angle causes the object to be placed in the clockwise direction.
5 Select the first box by clicking it in the view window. 6 Hold the Ctrl key and click the second and third boxes. 7 On the 3D Modeler menu, point to Boolean, and then click
Unite . The objects are united at the points of intersection. The new object has the same attributes as the first object
Draw a Box
This time when you draw a box, you will draw it freehand, and then modify its dimensions and position in the Properties window.
2 Type 0in in the Value text box, and then click OK.
You return to the Properties window. Now you will set the exact dimensions of the box.
Optionally, rotate the view to get a better view of the septum object: Press Alt and drag the mouse in the direction you want to rotate the view.
2 Type 0.1 in the Ysize box. 3 Type 0.4 in the Zsize box.
While the Properties window is open, you will assign a name to the box.
2 Hold down the Ctrl key and click Septum in the history
tree to select the septum.
To learn more about solution parameters, see the HFSS online help.
Specify how HFSS will compute the solution by adding a solution setup to the design. In the solution setup, you will instruct HFSS to perform an adaptive analysis at 10 GHz. During an adaptive analysis, HFSS refines the mesh iteratively in the areas of highest error. 1 In the project tree, under the TeeModel design, right-click Analysis, and then click Add Solution Setup on the shortcut menu. The Solution Setup dialog box appears.
In this chapter you will complete the following tasks: D Add a solution setup. D Add a frequency sweep to the solution setup. D Validate the design. D Run the analysis. D Modify the septums position. D Re-run the analysis using the new septum position.
A smooth frequency response is expected for this design, so you will select an interpolating frequency sweep. An Interpolating sweep estimates a solution for an entire frequency range. HFSS chooses the frequency points at which to solve the field solution so that the entire interpolated solution lies within a specified error tolerance. The sweep is complete when the solution meets the error tolerance criterion or generates the maximum number of solutions. The sweep is solved after the adaptive analysis is complete. 1 Right-click Setup1 in the project tree, and then click Add Sweep .
2 Select Interpolating. 3 Leave the default settings for Error Tolerance and Max
Solutions. 4 Click Linear Step in the Type pulldown list. 5 Specify the following range of frequencies:
Start Stop Step Size 8 GHz 10 GHz 0.01 GHz
HFSS solves the frequency point at each step in the specified frequency range, including the start and stop frequencies.
6 Click OK.
The frequency sweep is listed in the project tree under Setup1 named Sweep1 by default.
HFSS checks the project setup, and then the Validation Check window appears.
If there is a problem with the design setup, the Message Manager lists detailed error or warning messages. Click View>Message Manager to display the Message Manager.
2 Under the Local Variables tab, select Value. 3 Type 0.2 in the Value text box for the variable offset. 4 Click OK.
The geometry is updated in the 3D Modeler window.
2 Click Close.
Now you are ready to run the simulation.
Now you will run the simulation, which will generate results for the T-junction when the septum is located centrally opposite Port 1. On the HFSS menu, click Analyze All . HFSS computes the 3D field solution for every solution setup in the project. In this problem, Setup1 is the only setup. The solution process is expected to take approximately 1 - 5 minutes. When the solution is complete, a confirmation message appears in the Message Manager.
Top-down view of the septum in its new position, closer towards Port 2.
You can monitor the solutions progress in the Progress window at the bottom of the screen. If the Progress window is not visible, click View>Progress Win-
HFSS will populate the plot with data when the solution is complete.
4 In the Y area, specify the information to plot along the yaxis: In this chapter you will complete the following tasks: D Create a 2D x-y plot of S-parameters. D Create a field overlay plot on a surface of the Tjunction. D Animate the field overlay plot. D Modify the septums position and re-animate the field overlay plot. D Close the project and exit HFSS. a.In the Category list, click S parameter. b.In the Quantity list, press Ctrl and click S(Port1, Port1), S(Port1, Port2), and S(Port1, Port3). c.In the Function list, click mag. 5 Click New Report. A trace represents a line connecting data points on the plot. 6 Click Close. The magnitude of the S-parameters at each offset value will be plotted against frequency on an x-y graph, as shown on the next page. The plot is listed under Results in the project tree along with its three corrsponding trace definitions.
2 Click the design name TeeModel in the project tree. 3 Under the Variables tab in the Properties window, type 0
in the Value text box for the variable offset, and then press Enter.
The three blue-shaded lines show the S-parameter values at each port when offset = 0 in. The three red-shaded lines show the S-parameter values at each port when offset = 0.2 in. The line styles in the plot above were modified in theTraces Properties dialog box for better visualization. As expected, minor reflection near 0.2 is occurring at the input port, Port 1, when the value of the offset variable is 0inthat is, when the septum is located centrally opposite to Port 1. At the same time, an equal transmission near 0.7 occurs at the two output ports, Port 2 and Port 3. The reflection at Port 1 decreases slightly when the value offset is 0.2 inchesthat is, when the septum is moved 0.2 inches toward Port 2. The transmission at Port 2 decreases and the transmission at Port 3 increases with the septum at this position. Next you will create and animate a field overlay plot that displays the difference in field pattern between the two septum positions.
Compare the Solutions 5-3 5-4 Compare the Solutions
You can also open the Create Field Plot dialog by right-clicking the view window and then clicking Plot Fields>Mag_E on the shortcut menu.
To hide the color key The new plot is listed in a default folder under Field Overlays in the project that appears in the upper-left corner of the tree. 3D Modeler window: Right-click the color Now you will animate the field overlay plot. key, and then click Hide.
The Mag_E1 plot of the E-field when the septum is located opposite Port 1.
The animation displays the plot at 8 phase values between 0 and 160. The start value is the first frame displayed, resulting in a total of 9 frames in the animation.
2 Click New...
The Setup Animation dialog appears.
5 Click OK.
The animation begins in the view window. It shows the septum steering the electromagnetic wave evenly toward Port 2 and Port 3. The Animation dialog box appears in the upper-left corner of the desktop, enabling you to stop, restart, and control the speed and sequence of the frames.
You can modify the view of the animation while it is running. For example, click the Zoom In or Zoom Out button
in the toolbar and drag the mouse towards the top (to zoom in) or bottom (to zoom out) of the view window.
The animated Mag_E1 plot of the E-field when the septum is located 0.2 inches closer to Port 2.
Compare the Solutions 5-7 5-8 Compare the Solutions
around axis 3-7 boundaries with geometry 3-7 tracking in history tree 3-8
material assignment 3-4 mesh refinement 4-2 Message Manager errors during validation 4-5 notification of completed analysis 4-5 monitor solution process 4-5
f shortcut key 3-6 face selection mode 3-6 field overlay plot animating 5-7 creating 5-4 hiding color key 5-5 frequency sweep 4-2
o shortcut key 3-10 object selection mode 3-10 offset variable adding 3-13 change value 4-6 expression for 3-13 Optimetrics capabilities 1-4 using to optimize T-junction 5-9
3D Modeler window 2-3
cloning before subtracting 3-15 before uniting 3-10 color key, hiding 5-5 context-sensitive help i-iv conventions used in guide i-iii coordinates, specifying 3-2 copyright notice i-ii Ctrl shortcut key 3-10 Ctrl+D shortcut keys 3-8, 3-9
help Ansoft technical support i-iv context-sensitive i-iv on dialog boxes i-iv on menu commands i-iv HFSS exiting 5-9 .hfss file 2-2 history tree location 2-3 selecting objects from 3-7 tracking changes to a design 1-4 tracking duplications 3-8
adaptive analysis 4-2 Alt shortcut key 3-14 analyzing the design 4-5 animation controlling 5-7 creating 5-7 exporting 5-7 modifying 5-8
phase animation 5-7 plot animated fields 5-7 field overlay 5-4 S-parameters vs. septum position 5-2 Progress window 4-5 project closing 5-9 creating 2-2 saving 2-2 Project Manager 2-2 project tree expanding automatically 2-3 introduction 2-2 Properties window displaying 5-4 modifying dimensions 3-13 opening automatically 3-3
design adding a solution setup 4-2 adding a variable 3-13 adding to project 2-3 analyzing 4-5 assigning an excitation 3-6 closing 5-9 re-analyzing 4-6 renaming 2-3 validating 4-5 duplicating a box 3-7
Index - 1
box assigning wave port 3-6 drawing 3-2 duplicating 3-7 modifying dimensions 3-13 parameterizing 3-13 renaming 3-3 subtracting 3-15 uniting 3-10
integration line 3-6 interpolating frequency sweep 4-2
Index - 2
rectangular plot of S-parameters 5-2 report creating rectangular 5-2 results expected 1-2 plotting S-parameters 5-2 rotating 3-14
Undo command 3-2 uniting boxes 3-10 units setting for variable 3-13
validation check 4-5 variable adding 3-13 change value 4-6 setting units 3-13
septum drawing 3-12 moving position 4-6 overview of function 1-2 shortcut keys Alt 3-14 Ctrl 3-10 Ctrl+D 3-8, 3-9 f 3-6 o 3-10 solution setup adding 4-2 adding a frequency sweep 4-2 S-parameter plot 5-2 status bar 3-2 subtracting 3-15
wave port, assigning 3-6
T-junction completed geometry 3-15 geometry 3-2 overview of function 1-2 procedure for drawing 3-2 Traces dialog box 5-2 trademark notice i-ii transparency, setting 3-4
Index - 3