Mapeh Week 2
Mapeh Week 2
Mapeh Week 2
A. Reviewing previous Let the pupils sing the song “ Review the previous lesson Review the previous lesson How is Tumbangpresoplayed ?
lesson and presenting Tao, taopo “. Let the pupils What skills are develop by
new lesson clap/ tap the rhythm of the playing the game ?
song .
B. Establishing a purpose Today, we are going to Today, we are going to apply Establish the purpose for the lesson Would you like to play a game
for the lesson describe the 2 concepts on the use of again ?
4 time signature software.
C. Presenting Present again the song “ Tao, ( This lesson should be done in Group the class in four Fill the pride of being a Filipino
examples/instances of taopo “. the E-classroom. In the absence Give them topics to research and to with Tumbangpreso. This game
the lesson Analyze the song. Give the of technology, the teacher may talk /share with the group and share promote healthful lifestyle.
value of each note find in the prepare visuals that would help to the whole class. Provide them with Furthermore,they promote:
song and relate the value of the pupils visualize and readings downloaded from LRMDS patriotism( to feel the pride of
the notes to the time conceptualize the concepts on Group 1. skin, hair and and nail being Filipino) Bonding( to build
signature of the song. Review the use of software ) Group 2. (sunburn, dandruff ,corns, bridge of fun and closeness
the meaning of the numbers blisters and calluses, ingrown among neighborhood to
in the time signature. toenails) develop camaraderie with
Discuss the value of the song Group 3. posture and spine disorders peers) and sportsmanship ( to
in the life of Filipino. (scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis) build a positive outlook on
Group 4. oral/dental problems acceptance of winning and
(cavities, gingivitis, being defeated
periodontitis, malocclusion,
*Include personal hygiene to be
observe to prevent or control
personal health issues
D. Discussing new concepts Play the song and then the Each pupil should hands on/ or Big group sharing Remind the pupils on the
and practicing new skills pupils will do the following: manipulate the computer while precautionary measures that
#1 1.Tap the rhythm of the song the teacher showing the they should do to avoid being
2.Clap the rhythmic pattern of commands and menu hurt while playing
the song Those pupils who are already Bring them to the playground
3.Create an action of the song literate in the use of computer and let them play
The pupils will sing the may serve as tutors to their BasagangPalayok
song ,too. peers. Any applications in the
computer may be use. Would it
be photoshop, publisher, my
drawing desk etc..
E. Discussing new concepts Play the song and then the Basagangpalayok is a Filipino
and practicing new skills pupils will do the following: game played by children during
#2 1. Tap the rhythm of birthday parties and town
the song fiestas.
2. Clap the rhythmic The goal of the game is for a
pattern of the song blind-folded player to hit and
3. Create an action of break the clay pot into pieces.
the song Discuss with the pupils the rules
The pupils will sing the of the game.
song ,too.
F. Developing mastery
(lead to formative
assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Provide the pupil activity to Have a classroom setting
application of concepts apply the concept portraying fiesta or birthday
and skills in daily living party. Provide each pupil with a
party hat to wear during the
game to create a birthday party
atmosphere in the classroom.
Assign one of the pupil to play/
be blind-folded
H. Making generalization How would you describe the What are personal health issues?
and abstractions about 2 What are the commands and How to handle it
the lesson 4 time signature ? menu in the use of software
I. Evaluating learning Sample questions for Use rubrics to assess Do you practice personal hygiene to
assessment: pupils performance prevent and control personal health Self-assessment . Use rubrics
1.What is the value of quarter concerns.? What are these ?
note in the 2/4 time 1.Did you enjoy the game ?
Theory 50%
signature ? 2. Describe the skills involved in
Application 5%
2.How many beats are there the game ?
in every measure in 2/4 time 3.Did you observe safety
signature? precautions ?
3.What is the value of eight 4. Did you display joy of effort,
note in 2/4 time signature ? respect for others and
4.Can we use the whole note fair play during your
in 2/4 time signature? Why? participation to the game ?
5.Do you feel proud
being Filipino while
playing the game?
VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.