DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q1 - W2

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GRADE 6 Teacher: JEZRYL M. FALO Learning Area: MAPEH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: AUGUST 29 – SEPTEMBER 2, 2022 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 1st Quarter
A. Content Standard Demonstrates demonstrates understanding demonstrates demonstrates understanding
understanding of personal health of the concept of rhythm by understanding of the of
issues and concerns and the applying notes and rests, use of lines, shapes, participation and assessment
importance of health appraisal rhythmic patterns, and time colors, texture, and the of physical activity and
HOLIDAY procedures and signatures principles of emphasis physical
community resources in and contrast in drawing fitness
preventing or managing them a logo and own cartoon
character using new
technologies in drawing
B. Performance Standard practices self management responds to beats in creates concepts through art participates and assesses
skills to prevent and control music heard with processes, elements, and performance in physical
personal health issues and appropriate principles using new activities. assesses physical
concerns conducting patterns of technologies (hardware and fitness
2 3 4 and 6 software) to create personal
4 4 4 8 or class logo.
designs cartoon character on
the spot using new
C. Learning Competencies describes personal Differentiates among 2 3 4 applies concepts on the use Explains the
(write the LC Code) health issues and concerns 4 4 4 of the software (commands, nature/background of the
H6PHIab-18 And 6 time signatures menu, etc.) games
demonstrates self-management 8 A6PR-Ib PE6GS-Ib-1
skills MU6RH-Ib-e-2 describes the skills involved in
H6PHIab-19 • Describes the 2 the games
4 time signature PE6GS-Ib-2
observes safety precautions
recognizes the value of
participation in physical
assesses regularly
participation in physical
activities based on the
Philippines physical activity
displays joy of effort, respect
for others and fair play during
participation in physical
identifies areas for
II. CONTENT Personal Health -Issues and RHYTHM Principles: Assessment of physical
Concerns Musical Symbols and 6. CONTRAST activities and physical fitness
1. height and weight(stunted Concepts: 7. EMPHASIS Target games ( batuhang
growth, underweight, 1. Notes and Rests Bola/ Tamaangtao
overweight, obesity) 2. Meters Original File Submitted and
2. hearing (impacted cerumen, 3. Rhythmic Patterns Formatted by DepEd Club
swimmer’s ear, otitis media) Member - visit depedclub.com
3. vision for more
4. (astigmatism, myopia,
5. skin, hair and and nail
6. (sunburn, dandruff ,corns,
blisters and calluses, ingrown
7. posture and spine disorders
(scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis)
8. oral/dental problems
(cavities, gingivitis,
periodontitis, malocclusion,
A. References
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages 1. OHSP Health 1 Q1 Module 1, MISOSA5-module6 Musika at ASE P.E Module 2 pp.6-7,12-
Reading 2 Sining 6. Sunico, Raul 13
2. OHSP Health 1 Q2 Module 1 M. et al, 2000. Projector, laptop,
pp.10-13 musical scale of the songs 21st Century MAPEH in Action
3. EdukasyongPangkatawan, HaranasaBukid, HimigPasko and Gerardo C. Lacia pp.
kalusugan, at other folk songs Copyright 2016,pp126
Musika I. DepED. Abejo, Mary pp.8-10
Placid Sr. *Umawit at Gumuhit
et.al. 1991.pp.46-52, 69-7 6.Valdecantos,
Emelita C. 1999. pp.5-20
4. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
B. Other Learning Materials Laptop, PC desktop Palayok,

A. Reviewing previous Review the previous lesson Let the pupils sing the song “ Tao, Review the previous lesson How is
lesson and presenting taopo “. Let the pupils clap/ tap Tumbangpresoplayed ?
new lesson the rhythm of the song . What skills are develop by
playing the game ?
B. Establishing a purpose Establish the purpose for the Today, we are going to describe Today, we are going to apply Would you like to play a
for the lesson lesson the 2 concepts on the use of software. game again ?
4 time signature
C. Presenting Group the class in four Present again the song “ Tao, ( This lesson should be done in Fill the pride of being a
examples/instances of Give them topics to research and taopo “. the E-classroom. In the absence Filipino with
the lesson to talk /share with the group and Analyze the song. Give the value of of technology, the teacher may Tumbangpreso. This game
share to the whole class. Provide each note find in the song and prepare visuals that would help promote healthful
them with readings downloaded relate the value of the notes to the the pupils visualize and lifestyle. Furthermore,they
from LRMDS time signature of the song. Review conceptualize the concepts on promote: patriotism( to
Group 1. skin, hair and and nail the meaning of the numbers in the the use of software ) feel the pride of being
Group 2. (sunburn, time signature. Filipino) Bonding( to build
dandruff ,corns, Discuss the value of the song in bridge of fun and
blisters and calluses, ingrown the life of Filipino. closeness among
toenails) neighborhood to develop
Group 3. posture and spine camaraderie with peers)
disorders and sportsmanship ( to
(scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis) build a positive outlook on
Group 4. oral/dental problems acceptance of winning and
(cavities, gingivitis, being defeated
periodontitis, malocclusion,
*Include personal hygiene to be
observe to prevent or control
personal health issues
D. Discussing new concepts Big group sharing Play the song and then the pupils Each pupil should hands on/ or Remind the pupils on the
and practicing new skills will do the following: manipulate the computer while precautionary measures
#1 1.Tap the rhythm of the song the teacher showing the that they should do to
2.Clap the rhythmic pattern of the commands and menu avoid being hurt while
song Those pupils who are already playing
3.Create an action of the song literate in the use of computer Bring them to the
The pupils will sing the song ,too. may serve as tutors to their playground and let them
peers. Any applications in the play BasagangPalayok
computer may be use. Would it
be photoshop, publisher, my
drawing desk etc..
E. Discussing new concepts Play the song and then the pupils Basagangpalayok is a
and practicing new skills will do the following: Filipino game played by
#2 1. Tap the rhythm of the children during birthday
song parties and town fiestas.
2. Clap the rhythmic pattern The goal of the game is for
of the song a blind-folded player to hit
3. Create an action of the and break the clay pot into
song pieces.
The pupils will sing the song ,too. Discuss with the pupils the
rules of the game.

F. Developing mastery
(lead to formative
assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Provide the pupil activity to Have a classroom setting
application of concepts apply the concept portraying fiesta or
and skills in daily living birthday party. Provide
each pupil with a party hat
to wear during the game
to create a birthday party
atmosphere in the
Assign one of the pupil to
play/ be blind-folded
H. Making generalization What are personal health issues? How would you describe the 2
and abstractions about How to handle it 4 time signature ? What are the commands and
the lesson menu in the use of software

I. Evaluating learning Do you practice personal hygiene Sample questions for assessment: Use rubrics to assess
to prevent and control personal 1.What is the value of quarter pupils performance
health concerns.? What are note in the 2/4 time signature ? Self-assessment . Use
these ? 2.How many beats are there in rubrics
Theory 50%
every measure in 2/4 time
signature? Application 5%
1.Did you enjoy the
3.What is the value of eight note game ?
in 2/4 time signature ? 2. Describe the skills
4.Can we use the whole note in involved in the game ?
2/4 time signature? Why? 3.Did you observe safety
precautions ?
4. Did you display joy of
effort, respect for others
fair play during your
participation to the
game ?
5.Do you feel proud being
Filipino while playing the
J. Additional activities for Share your inputs to your family
application or and friends

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
acquired additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other




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