Atiya Foundation D

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Atiya Health and Education Foundation

Time Allotted : 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 300 Marks


(Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting the paper)

1. The Paper consists of two parts:

1. Section 1: Essay
2. Section 2: Multiple Choice Questions.

Section 1:
1. The Essay must be written in either English / Hindi which must be clearly stated on the
cover of the Answer Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers
written in the medium other than the three mentioned above.
2. Word limit, as specified must be adhered to.
3. Any page or the portion of the page left blank in the Answer booklet must be clearly
struck off.

Write two essays, choosing one topic from each of the following Sections A and B, in about
500-600 words each. (50 x 2= 100)

लगभग 500-600 श%द' म), िनमि् ◌नलिनत A और B म) से 34येक से एक िनषय का चिय करते हएु , दो िनबधं निल)

Section A:

1. Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.
कृ त$ता न के वल सबसे बड़ा गुण है, बि3क अ5य सभी का जनक है
2. The Role of Civil Society in Good Governance and Strengthening of Democracy
सुशासन और लोकतं? क@ मजबूती मC नागDरक समाज क@ भूिमका
3. We don’t have to sacrifice a Strong Economy for a Healthy Environment
EवEथ पयाHवरण के िलए हमC मजबतू अथHJयवEथा का Kयाग नहL करना है
Section B:
1. Cooperative federalism: Myth or reality
सहकारी सघं वाद: िमथक या वाEतिवकता
2. Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime
गरीबी Pांित और अपराध क@ जनक है
3. Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance
िशRा हमारी अपनी अ$ानता क@ एक Sगितशील खोज
1. Find the next term in the given series d. Humans have evolved to consume
4, 6, 6, 30, 100, ____ meat as a part of their daily diet

a. 230
3. A alone can make 100 baskets in 6
b. 330
c. 430 days and B alone can make 100
d. 530 baskets in 12 days. In how many days
can A and B together make 100
Direction for the following 1 (One) item:
Read the following Passage and answer the a. 4 days
items that follow. Your answers to these b. 5 days
items should be based on the passages c. 21⁄2days
only. d. 3 1⁄2 days

PASSAGE 1 4. Area of a rectangle is equal to the area

of the circle whose radius is 42 cm. If
The evidence for any role of meat in colon
the length and the breadth of the
carcinogenesis is quite weak, and since a
rectangle are in the ratio of 14:11
high proportion of women of child-bearing
respectively, what is its perimeter?
age are iron deficient, the consumption of
red meat, as a part of balanced and varied
a. 284 cms
diet, should be actively encouraged. In
b. 280 cms
addition, meat can be a versatile food that
c. 264 cms
adds variety to eating occasions and is
d. 300 cms
enjoyed by many. Some people choose not
to eat meat, for a variety of reasons, but as
5. Shailendra is shorter than Keshav but
there is no evidence that a moderate intake
taller than Rakesh, Madhav is the
of lean red meat has any negative effects on
tallest. Aashish is a little shorter than
health, there is currently no real scientific
Keshav and little taller than Shailendra.
justification for excluding it from the diet.
If they stand in the order of increasing
Therefore, as recommended in healthy
heights, who will be the second?
eating advice around the world, lean red
meat, consumed in moderation, can be
a. Aashish
promoted as part of a healthy balanced diet.
b. Shailendra
2. What is the most logical and critical c. Rakesh
inference that can be drawn from the d. Madhav
passage given above?
Direction (1) In these questions,
a. A healthy diet must contain meat
relationships between different elements is
b. Consumption of meat as a part of a
shown in the statement. The statement is
diet is not unhealthy
followed by two conclusions. Study the
c. Pregnant women should primarily
conclusions based on the given statement
consume meat
and select the appropriate answer.
6. Statement B>A>S<I>C>L>Y d. Both I and II combined

Conclusions 9. A question is given followed by

information in two statements. You
I. B>L have to consider the information in the
II. A>Y two statements and decide that which
of the statement(s) is necessarily
a. Only Conclusion I follows required to answer the question.
b. Only Conclusion II follows What is the temperature on Tuesday?
c. Either Conclusion I or II follows
d. Neither Conclusion I nor II follows I. Average temperature for
e. Both Conclusions I and II follow Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday is 340C
7. A five-digit number is formed with the II. Average temperature for
digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 without Tuesday, Wednesday and
repetition. Find the chance that the
Thursday is 380C
number is divisible by 5.
a. Only I is sufficient to answer the
a. 3/5 question
b. 1/5 b. Only II is sufficient to answer the
c. 2/5 question
d. 4/5 c. Either I or II is sufficient to answer
the question
8. A question is given followed by d. Both I & II are not sufficient to
information in three statements. You answer the question
have to consider the information in all
the three statements and decide that
which of the statement(s) is necessarily S.10-11) Direction for the following 2
required to answer the question. (Two) items: Read the following Passage
What is the labelled price of the and answer the items that follow. Your
article? answers to these items should be based on
the passages only.
I. Cost price of the article is
Rs. 1000/- PASSAGE 2
II. Selling price after offering
5% discount on the labelled The consensus in international law is
price is Rs. 912/- that a state does not have any obligation
III. Profit earned would have to surrender an alleged criminal to a
been 28% if no discount foreign state, because one principle of
was offered. sovereignty is that every state has legal
authority over the people within its
a. Only I borders. Such absence of international
b. Only II obligation, and the desire for the right to
c. Only III demand such criminals from other
countries, have caused a web of I. Extradition depends upon
extradition treaties or agreements to respective agreements
evolve. When no applicable extradition between different countries.
II. The presence of an
agreement is in place, a sovereign may
extradition treaty is not
still request the expulsion or lawful mandatory for the expulsion
return of an individual pursuant to the of fugitives.
requested state’s domestic law. This can
be accomplished through the a. Only I
immigration laws of the requested state b. Only II
or other facets of the requested state's c. Both I & II
domestic law. d. Neither I nor II

Similarly, the codes of penal procedure 12. 4800 chocolates were distributed
in many countries contain provisions among the children of a class VI. Each
allowing for extradition to take place in child got thrice as many chocolates as
the absence of an extradition the number of children in the class.
agreement. Sovereigns may, therefore, The number of children in the class is:
still request the expulsion or lawful
a. 35
return of a fugitive from the territory of
b. 40
a requested state in the absence of an c. 50
extradition treaty. No country in the d. 45
world has an extradition treaty with all
other countries; for example, the US 13. The average weight of four persons
lacks extradition treaties with China, sitting in a car and driver is 55kg. The
Russia, Namibia, UAE, North Korea, average weight of the car and the all
persons sitting in the car is 440kg.
Bahrain, etc.
What is the weight of the car?
10. What is the most logical corollary to a. 2365 kg
the information presented in the b. 2565 kg
passage above? c. 2415 kg
d. 2405 kg
a. Extradition treaties are complex and
there can be no uniform treaty 14. A longest rod is placed in a room of
applicable to all countries length 15m and breadth 6m. What can
b. Countries cannot extradite fugitives be the height of the room if length of
from countries with whom extradition the rod is 19m?
treaties are non- existent
c. No two countries have the same a. 11m
immigration laws b. 15m
d. Countries are not bound to surrender c. 10m
fugitives to foreign countries d. None of these
11. Which of the following assumptions
are implied in the passage above?
15. Thirty members are standing in a row.
How many persons are between Ramu
and Mohan? 18. Consider the following statement about
‘New Development Bank (NDB)’.

I. 13 persons are standing to the 1. The NDB's founding members made an

right of Mohan and 15 persons initial subscription of 500,000 shares
are standing to the left of totalling US$50 billion
II. 18 persons are standing to the 2. The BRICS countries would offload 49-
left of Mohan and 13 persons percent shares among the aspirant
are standing to the right of countries. Select the correct statements
III. 17 persons are standing to the a. 1 Only
right of Ramu and 26 persons b. 2 Only
are standing to the right of c. Both1 and 2
Mohan. d. Neither1 nor 2

Which of the above statements are 19. ‘Kavani Saree’ which was in news
sufficient to answer the question? recently is associated with which of the
following states?
a. Only I
b. Only I and II a. Odisha
c. Only II and III b. Kerala
d. Each statement alone is sufficient c. Goa
d. Andhra Pradesh
16. How many such pairs of letters are
there in the word ARCHITECTURE, 20. Consider the following statements
each of which has as many letters about ‘AUKUS’.
between them as they have between
them in the English alphabet? 1. It is an informal extension of the
QUAD Grouping.
a. 6 2. It will focus on advancing strategic
b. 5 interests in the Indo-Pacific region.
c. 3 Select the correct statements
d. None of the above a. 1 Only
b. 2 Only
17. Recently, Sri Lanka declared an c. Both 1 and 2
economic emergency. Which of the d. Neither 1 nor 2.
following are possible reasons for the
Sri Lankan Crisis? 21. Consider the following statements

1. Excessive Printing of Money 1. Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies that

2. Low Forex Reserves are meant to be pegged to a reserve
3. Restrictive import licensing regime asset.
Select the correct code: 2. Stablecoins can be used as a currency
a. 1 and 2 in countries with high inflation.
b. 2 and 3 3. Stablecoins help avoid the risks of the
c. 1 and 3 fiat financial system.
d. All of the above
Select the correct statements
a. 1 Only Select the correct statements
b. 1and 2
c. 2 and 3 a. 1 Only
d. 1 and 3 b. 1 and 2
c. 2 and 3
22. Consider the following statements d. 1, 2 and 3.
about the ‘BEAMS Programme’.
25. Consider the following statements :
1. It is under the Ministry of
Environment, Forest and Climate 1. According to the Constitution of
Change’s ICZM (Integrated Coastal India, anti-defection cases should be
Zone Management) project. decided by Speakers in three months’
2. It is aimed at protecting & conserving time.
the coastal ecosystems & natural 2. According to Anti-Defection Law a
resources. MP who defies the party whip loses
party membership, but not their seat
Select the correct statements in parliament.

a. 1 Only Select the incorrect statements

b. 2 Only
c. Both 1 and 2 a. 1 Only
d. Neither 1 nor 2. b. 2 Only
c. Both 1 and 2
23. The rapid and significant rise of ‘Lake d. Neither 1 nor 2
Tanganyika’ is triggering climate
induced migration. The lake is shared 26. With reference to Revenue and Capital
between accounts in the Budget of India,
consider the following statements:
1. Tanzania 1. All those expenditures of the
2. Democratic Republic of the Congo government which do not result in
3. Burundi creation of physical or financial
4. Zambia assets fall under revenue expenditure.
2. Loans raised by the government from
Select the correct code: the Reserve Bank and Commercial
Banks fall under capital receipts.
a. 1 and 2 Only
b. 2 and 3 Only Which of the statements given above is/are
c. 1,2 and 3 incorrect?
d. All of the above
a. 1only
24. Consider the following statements b. 2only
c. Both1and2
1. Temperatures in the Arctic have been d. Neither1nor2
rising much faster than the rest of the
planet. 27. With reference to fiscal deficit in India,
2. Losses in Arctic Sea ice cover allow which of the following way/ways can
for the formation of more clouds near be adopted for financing the fiscal
the ocean’s surface. deficit?
3. Polar amplification is much stronger
in the Arctic than in Antarctica.
1. By selling Government securities 30. Which of the following can be said to
to Reserve Bank of India. be the characteristic feature of a
2. Increasing the Statutory Liquidity capitalist economy?
Ratio for commercial banks.
3. Loans from international lending 1. There is private ownership of the
institutions. means of production.
2. Production takes place for selling
Select the correct answer using the code the output in the market as well as
given below: saving it for personal requirements
of the owner in future.
a. 1 only 3. Sale and purchase of labour
b. 1and2only services at a price is known as the
c. 2and3only wage rate.
d. 1,2 and 3
Select the correct answer using the code
28. What does the term “Lender of the last given below:
resort” refer to?
1. 1and 2 only
a. Function of commercial banks in 2. 2 and 3 only
which they provide a guarantee to 3. 1and3 only
all depositors assuring them of the 4. 1,2and 3
safety of their money. 31. Which of the following are not
b. Function of the monetary authority included in a country’s GDP?
in which it provides guarantee of
solvency to low risk corporates. 1. Sale of goods produced outside
c. Function of the government in the border.
which it provides guarantee of 2. Sale of used goods.
subsidy of electricity and water to 3. Remittances
d. Function of the monetary authority Select the correct answer using the code
in which it provides guarantee of given below:
solvency to commercial banks in
case of a bank run. a. 1 and 2only
b. 1 and 3only
29. Which of the following constitute/ c. 2 and 3only
constitutes Personal disposable income d. 1, 2 and 3
1. Non-tax payments 32. What do you understand by the term
2. Corporate tax “Paradox of Thrift” ?
3. Transfer payment to households
4. Undistributed profits. a. As people spend less they tend
to save more.
Select the correct answer using the code b. As people spend less, they tend
given below: to save less
c. As people spend more, they
1. 2 and 4 only tend to save more
2. 1 and 4 only d. As people save less, they tend
3. 1 and 3 only to save more
4. 3 only 33. Consider the following statements:
1. Tax buoyancy is the proportionate b. Only firms with prior coal mining
change in adjusted tax revenue to experience can participate in the
the proportionate change in GDP. auction.
2. Tax elasticity is the proportionate c. The revenue sharing will be on an
change in tax revenue to the ad valorem (the value of the
proportionate change in GDP. transaction) basis and not on the
basis of a fixed amount.
Which of the statements given above d. Other minerals from the allocated
is/are correct? blocks can also be extracted by the
concerned parties.
a. 1 only
b. 2 only 36. With reference to the ‘World
c. Both1and 2 Inequality Report 2022’, consider the
d. Neither 1 nor 2. following statements:

34. Match the following terms with their

correct explanations 1. In India, the top 1% of the population
holds more than one-fifth of the total
i. Liquidity adjustment facility : (a) It national income in 2021.
is a loan facility by RBI to banks 2. This report is the current flagship
on overnight basis. product of the World Bank.
ii. Marginal standing facility : (b)
Short term credit control measure Which of the statements given
to absorb the excess liquidity. above is/are correct?
iii. Market stabilisation scheme : (c)
To control liquidity due to excess a. 1 only
foreign exchange flow into b. 2 only
country. c. Both1and 2
d. Neither 1 and 2.
Choose the correct answer given the code
37. With reference to operations in
1. I-b, II-a, III-c financial market, consider the
2. I-a, II-b, III-c following statements:
3. I-c, II-a, III-b
4. I-c, II-b, III- a. 1. Commercial Papers are unsecured
money market instrument issued in
the form of a promissory note.
35. The new Commercial Coal Mining 2. Masala Bonds are dollar-
regime in India allows the private denominated bonds issued outside
sector to mine coal commercially India by RBI approved foreign
without placing any end- use entities.
Which of the statements given
In this context, which of the following above is/are correct?
statements is not correct?
a. 1 only
a. The private firms have the option b. 2 only
of either gasification of the coal or c. Both 1 and 2 Only
exporting it. d. Neither 1 and 2.
38. With respect to “Interest coverage Which of the statements given above is/are
ratio”, sometimes seen in news, correct?
consider the following statements:
a. 1 and 2only
1. It is a measure of how easily a b. 2 only
company can pay interest on its c. 1and3only
outstanding debt. d. 2 and 3 only
2. It is calculated by dividing a
company’s earnings before interest 41. Which of the following parameters are
and taxes (EBIT) by its interest used by the Reserve Bank of India to
expense during a given period. put Banks under “Prompt Corrective
3. Confederation of Indian Industry Action”?
(CII) has statutory responsibility to
report Interest coverage ratio to 1. Capital to risk weighted asset ratio
lenders. (CRAR)
2. Return on Assets (RoA)
Which of the statements given above is/are 3. Leverage
Select the correct answer using the code
1. 1and 2only. given below:
2. 2 only.
3. 1and 3only. a. 1and 2only
4. 1,2and 3. b. 1and 3only
c. 2 and 3only
39. In the context of the Finance d. 1,2and 3
Commission of India, which of the
following options is correct? 42. With reference to Zamindars during
Mughals, consider the following
a. An agency with the binding statements:
recommendation on the
government. 1. Zamindar held extensive personal
b. An agency having statutory status. lands termed milkiyat
c. An agency that cannot exercise the 2. Zamindar was the ‘owner’ of all
powers of a Civil Court. the lands comprising his
d. An agency for strengthening the zamindari.
structure of federalism.
Which of the statement given above is/are
40. Consider following statements with correct?
reference to Food corporation of India:
a. 1 only
1. It is a statutory body under the b. 2 only
Ministry of Agriculture. c. Both1and 2
2. To intervene in the market for price d. Neither 1 nor 2
stabilization of some food products
is one of the objectives of the FCI. 43. Consider the following statements with
3. FCI procures pulses from farmers reference to administration in the rule
under Price Deficiency Payment of Harsha:
Scheme (PDPS).
1. Writings of Duarte Barbosa gives a of Directors and the Board of
detailed picture of administration in Control.
the times of Harsha. 3. It ended the activities of East India
2. Cruel punishments and forced Company as a commercial body.
labours were completely abolished.
3. Public records were maintained in Which of the statements given
the forms of archives called above are correct?
a. 1and 2only
Which of the statements given above is/are b. 2and 3only
correct? c. 1and 3only
d. 1,2 and 3.
a. 1and 2 only
b. 2 and 3 only 46. Which of the following were the
c. 3 only objectives of the Indian Home Rule
d. 1 and 3 only. League?

44. With reference to the Socio-religious 1. Formation of linguistic states.

movement, consider the following 2. Education in the vernacular
statements: languages.
3. Promoting political education to
arouse a sense of pride in the
1. Raja Rammohan Roy founded the Motherland.
Atmiya Sabha in Calcutta to
campaign against idolatry, caste Select the correct answer using the code
rigidities and other social ills. given below.
2. The aim of the Servants of India
Society was to train national a. 1and 2 only
missionaries for the service of India. b. 1and 3 only
3. The first Arya Samaj unit was set up c. 2and 3 only
in Lahore in 1975. d. 1,2 and 3.

Which of the statements given 47. The ‘Khurki system’ during British era
above are correct? was:

a. 1 and 2only a. Military administration by Tipu

b. 2 only Sultan.
c. 1 and 3only b. Hereditary rights given to
d. 1,2 and 3 zamindars to collect tax.
c. Infantry administration of Sikh
45. With reference to the Government of Empire.
India Act, 1858, consider the following d. Economic exploitation tool used by
statements: British planters to force Raiyats to
sow Indigo.

1. It created a new office of Secretary of 48. Consider the following statements with
State with complete control over reference to Buddhism and Jainism:
Indian administration.
2. It ended the system of double
government by abolishing the Court
1. Jain orders admitted only men 3. The paintings in these caves depict
whereas Buddhist sanghas admitted subjects ranging from mundane
both men and women. events of daily life to sacred and
2. Both believed in following a middle Royal images.
path to attain enlightenment.
Which of the statements given above
Which of the statements given is/are correct?
above is/are correct?
a. 1and 2 only
a. 1 only b. 3 only
b. 2 only c. 2and 3 only
c. Both 1 and 2 d. 1and 3 only
d. Neither 1 nor 2.
52. With reference to the ancient history of
49. With reference to ancient India, the India, the term ‘Kammakaras’ refers to
term Brahmadeya refers to -
a. Water wheel used in the irrigation of
1. A kind of tax levied on brahmanas land
2. Land belonging to non-brahman b. Land grants made to the priests
peasants c. Landlords
3. a land allotted to build temples d. Landless agricultural labourers
dedicated to Brahma.
4. a tax free land gifted to brahmanas 53. Consider the following statements
regarding Indus Valley Civilisation:
50. Arrange the following events of the
Indian freedom movement in correct 1. There was an elaborate system of
chronological sequence: drainage.
2. The cities were well planned.
1. Second Round Table Conference 3. Non-standardized weights were used.
2. The foundation of All-India
Students’ Federation Which of the statements given above is/are
3. The first Independence (Swarajya) correct?
day was celebrated.
a. 1and 3 only.
Select the correct answer using the code b. 2 and 3 only.
given below. c. 1,2 and 3.
d. 1and 2 only.
a. 1-2-3
b. 1-3-2 54. Consider the following statements
c. 3-1-2 about Gandhara School of art.
d. 3-2-1
1. It had the confluence of Bactria,
51. Consider the following statements Parthia and the local Gandhara
about Bhimbetka caves: tradition.
2. The Buddha image at Gandhara is
1. The caves of Bhimbetka were modelled on the lines of Yaksha
discovered by Archibold Carlleyle. images.
2. The paintings in these caves belong 3. It is associated with Hinayana
to lower and upper Palaeolithic Buddhism.
Which of the statements given above 1. It provides for the welfare and
is/are correct? greatest happiness of the greatest
number of people.
a. 1 only 2. The main features of Sarvodaya are
b. 1 and 2 only trusteeship and economic equality.
c. 3 only 3. The idea of Sarvodaya was majorly
d. 2 and 3 only influenced by John Ruskin’s work –
Unto This Last.
55. Consider the following statements
regarding the Bhakti movement: Which of the statements given above are
1. The Bhakti traditions were
classified into Nirguna and a. 1 and 2 only
Saguna. b. 2 and 3 only
2. Nirguna Bhakti focused on the c. 1 and 3 only
worship of specific deities. d. 1, 2 and 3
3. Saguna Bhakti was worshipping a
formless and abstract form of god. 58. With reference to Generics and
Biosimilar drugs, consider the
Which of the statements given above is/are following statements:

a. 1and 2 only 1. In both, the active ingredients are

b. 2 and 3 only different from the originator.
c. 1 only 2. Generics generally have smaller
d. 1, 2 and 3. molecules compared to structurally
complex molecules of biosimilars.
56. Consider the following statements: 3. Compared to generics, biosimilars
have significantly higher research and
1. The Interim Government was development costs and risks.
officiated immediately after the
Shimla Plan in 1945. Which of the statements given above are
2. BR Ambedkar was the first law correct?
minister in the interim
Government in 1945. a. 1 and 2 only
3. The Interim Government b. 2 and 3 only
functioned under the presidency of c. 1 and 3 only
the British Viceroy. d. 1, 2 and 3
Which of the statements given
above is/are correct? 59. Which of the following is/are the
a. 2 only applications of Doppler Effect?
b. 3 only
c. 2 and 3 1. Detection of planets outside of the
d. 1, 2 and 3 solar system
2. Detection of water in the atmosphere
57. With reference to the Gandhian 3. Measuring the distance of a body
concept of Sarvodaya, consider the from Earth
following statements: 4. Measuring the speed of a car

Select the correct answer using the code

given below.
a. 1 and 3 only Select the correct answer using the code
b. 2, 3 and 4 only given below:
c. 1, 2 and 4 only
d. 1, 2, 3 and 4 a. 1 and 3 only
b. 2 and 3 only
60. Fujiwhara effect, often seen in the c. 1 only
news, is related to which one of the d. 1, 2 and 3
63. With reference to the Preamble of
a. Funnelling effect created by the Indian Constitution, consider the
mountains for monsoon winds following statements:
b. A binary interaction between two
nearby cyclonic vortices 1. The idea of Justice i.e. Social,
c. Blocking of sunlight by a volcanic Economic, and Political is taken
eruption on the Fuji island from Russian revolution.
d. Ripening of fruits due to the hot local 2. The Preamble is not a source of
winds in winter seasons power to the legislature.

61. Consider the following statements: Which of the statements given above is/are
1. Uttar Pradesh shares its border with
the maximum number of states. a. 1 only
2. Sikkim shares its border with one b. 2 only
state only. c. Both 1 and 2
3. Assam shares its border with six d. Neither 1 nor 2
states only.
64. Consider the following statements
Which of the statements given above is/are regarding central administrative
correct? tribunals (CAT):

a. 1 only
b. 1 and 2 only 1. CAT has been set up under Article
c. 2 and 3 only 323-A of the Constitution.
d. 1, 2 and 3 2. Jurisdiction of CAT has been limited
only to Ministries and Department of
62. Which of the following statements Central Government.
is/are correct regarding the ‘Directive 3. In addition to principal bench at
Principles of State Policy’? Delhi, CAT has 4 other regional
1. They embody the concept of a
‘welfare state’. Which of the above statements
2. The framers of the Constitution is/are correct?
borrowed this idea from the
Spanish Constitution of, which had a. 1 only
copied it from the Irish b. 2 and 3 only
Constitution. c. 1 and 2 only
3. Along with Fundamental Rights, it d. None of the above
has been described as the
‘Conscience of the Constitution’. 65. Consider the following statements with
respect to the Presidential Electoral
College: 3. It helps in implementation of
development programs at the
Panchayat level.
1. The President is elected by an
Electoral College consisting of Which of the statements given
elected Members of Parliament and above is/are correct?
State Legislative Assemblies.
2. Nominated Members of both Houses a. 1 and 2 only
of the Parliament and State b. 1 and 3 only
Legislative Councils also take part in c. 2 and 3 only
election. d. 1, 2 and 3
3. The voting is done by open ballot to
reduce cross voting. 68. Who among the following are members
of the committee responsible for
Which of the above statements are recommending the appointment of
incorrect? Chief Information Commissioner and
Information Commissioners of the
a. 1 only Central Information Commission
b. 2 and 3 only (CIC)?
c. 1 and 3 only
d. 1, 2 and 3 1. Prime Minister
2. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
66. Which of the following pairs of 3. Leader of Opposition in the Lok
parliamentary terminologies are Sabha
correctly matched? 4. Chief Justice of India or a judge
appointed by him
1. Expunction: Deletion of words from
the proceedings or records of Rajya Select the correct answer using the code
Sabha for being defamatory or given below:
indecent by an order of the Chairman.
2. Adjournment sine die: Termination of a. 1,2 and 3 only
the sitting of the House without any b. 2 and 4 only
definite date being fixed for the next c. 1 and 3 only
sitting. d. 1,2,3 and 4
3. Casting Vote: The vote casted by the
Chairman in the case of an equality 69. Which of the following statements is
of votes on a matter. correct about ‘Governance’?
Select the correct answer using the
code given below: a. It is the process by which
a. 1 and 2 only governments are selected, held
b. 1 and 3 only accountable, monitored, and
c. 2 and 3 only replaced.
d. 1, 2 and 3 b. It is the respect of citizens and the
state for the institutions that govern
67. With reference to the Gram Sabhas, economic and social interactions
consider the following statements: among them.
c. It is the capacity of governments to
1. It is a permanent body. manage resources efficiently, and
2. All members of the village are to formulate, implement, and
members of the Gram Sabha.
enforce sound policies and c. 2 and 3 only
regulations. d. 1,2 and 3
d. All the above
73. Consider the following statements
70. Consider the following statements: regarding the Internet of Things (IoT),
sometimes seen in news.
1. The Constitution of India mandates
that the budget must distinguish 1. It is an inter-networking of physical
expenditure on the revenue account devices, vehicles and buildings
from other expenditures. embedded with electronics, software,
2. Only the Centre can incur external sensors and network connectivity.
debt against the Consolidated Fund 2. The devices in IoT grid do not need
of India. Human authentication every time for
the transfer of data outside the IoT
Which of the statements given above is/ grid.
are correct? 3. For IoT to function all the devices
needs to be connected to the same
a. 1 only local network.
b. 2 only
c. Both1 and 2 Which of the above statements
d. Neither 1 nor 2 is/are correct?

71. The celestial alignment of these two a. 1 only

planets has been referred to as “The b. 1and 2 only
Great Conjunction‟ which was seen c. 1and 3 only
recently? d. 1,2 and 3

a. Jupiter and Saturn 74. Which of the following is/are correct

b. Earth and Mars with reference to a Hydrogen fuel cell?
c. Mercury and Venus
d. Jupiter and Mars 1. It combines hydrogen and oxygen
to produce electricity.
2. It does not emit carbon dioxide or
72. Which of the following can be particulate matter.
achieved using Nanotechnology?
Select the correct answer using the code
1. Delivery of active drugs to target given below.
tissues in the Human eye.
2. Deliver drugs at the cell-level using a. 1 only
DNA-based nanostructures. b. 2 only
3. Manipulation of nanoscale c. Both1 and 2
biological specimens such as d. Neither 1 nor 2
bacteria, viruses and proteins in the
human body using light. 75. Which one of the following categories
of ‘Fundamental Rights’ incorporates
Select the correct answer using the code Protection of life and personal liberty?
given below:
a. Right against Exploitation
a. 1 and 2 only b. Right to Freedom
b. 1 and 3 only c. Right to Constitutional Remedies
d. Right to Equality d. Tea

76. The feature of parliamentary

government in India is: 79. Consider the following statements:

a. Dissolution of the upper House

b. Leadership of the President 1. Chemical fertilizers are produced
c. Collective responsibility of the synthetically from organic materials.
executive to the legislature 2. di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) is
d. Presence of real executives only the single most highly consumed
fertilizer in India
77. Consider the following statements:
Which of the statements given above is/are
1. The Constitution has fixed the term correct?
of office of members of the Rajya
Sabha. a. 1 only
2. The term of the Lok Sabha can be b. 2 only
extended during the period of c. Both1and2
national emergency for a period of d. Neither 1 nor 2
six months at a time.
3. Unless a member of either House 80. Consider the following statements:
of Parliament takes the oath,
he/she is not eligible to avail 1. India has the third largest coal
parliamentary privileges. reserve in the world
2. Production of raw coal has been
Which of the statements given above is/are continuously increasing in the last
correct? decade.
3. In India bituminous grade of coal is
a. 1 only found only in Jammu and Kashmir.
b. 3 only
c. 1 and 2 only Which of the statements given above is/are
d. 1,2 and 3 not correct?

78. Consider the following statements: a. 1and 2 only

b. 1 and 3 only
1. It requires hot and humid climate c. 2 only
with rainfall varying between 150 d. All of the above
to 250 cm.
2. It does not tolerate frost, snowfall, 81. With reference to cyclones, consider
high temperature above 30°C the following statements:
3. It is generally grown under shady
trees. 1. Cyclones are caused by atmospheric
disturbances around a low-pressure
The above conditions are conducive for area
production of which crop? 2. More cyclones occur in the Bay of
Bengal than the Arabian Sea
a. Strawberry 3. Andhra Pradesh is the worst hit state
b. Coffee by cyclones in India.
c. Litchi
Which of the statements given above is/are Select the correct answer using the code
correct? given below:

a. 1 only a. 1 and 3 only

b. 2 and 3 only b. 3 and 4 only
c. 1and2 only c. 1,2 and 3 only
d. All of the above d. 1,2,3 and 4.

82. Which of the following countries share 85. Consider the following statements:
a land border with Ukraine?
1. Equinox occurs at the exact same
1. Poland time every year.
2. Maldova 2. The phenomena of equinox and the
3. Belarus solstice will be absent if the axis of
4. Georgia revolution and that of rotation of
the are aligned completely.
Select the correct answer using the code
given below: Which of the statements given above
is/are not correct?
a. 1 and 2 only.
b. 3 and 4 only a. 1 only
c. 1,2 and 3 only b. 2 only
d. 1,2,3 and 4 c. Both 1 and2
d. Neither 1 nor 2
83. Consider the following pairs:
86. Consider the following statements:
Name of the Paper : Name of the Founder
1. Some of the major resources present
1. The East Indian : Henry Vivian in the ocean floor are Polymetallic
Derozio nodules, cobalt-rich manganese crust,
2. The Hindu : G.S Aiyar hydrothermal deposits and gas
3. Yugantar : Barindra Kumar hydrates.
Ghosh 2. Abyssal plains forms the major part
the ocean floors.
Which of the pairs given above is/are
correctly matched? Which of the above statements is/are not
1. Only 1 pair
2. Only 2 pairs a. 1 only
3. All 3 pairs b. 2 only
4. No pair. c. Both1 and 2
d. Neither 1 nor 2
84. Which of the following are identified
shale gas basins for exploration? 87. With reference to the Protection of
Children from Sexual Offences Act,
1. Gondwana Basin 2012 (POCSO), consider the following
2. Cauvery Basin statements:
3. Assam-Arakan
4. Indus River Basin
1. It covers both physical sexual 1. Soil formation
crimes as well as child 2. Nutrient cycling
pornography on the internet. 3. Habitat for wildlife
2. It has raised the age of consent for 4. Climate regulation
consensual sex from 16 years to 18
years. Select the correct answer using the code
3. It is applicable to any child given below:
irrespective of gender.
a. 1 and 2 only
Which of the statements given above is/are b. 3 and 4 only
correct? c. 1,2 and 3 only
d. 1,2,3 and 4.
a. 1 only
b. 2 and 3 only 91. Neptune Declaration, recently seen in
c. 1 and 3 only the news in the context of
d. 1,2 and 3.
b. Exploration of giant planets in the
outer region of the solar system.
88. This kind of biome has warm moist c. Freeflow of COVID Vaccine
summers and cool winters. Soils are across international borders.
podzolic and fairly deep. The trees d. Well-being of seafarers.
shed their leaves in the winter season.’ e. Combating cross border flow of
This is the most likely description of : counterfeit currency

a. Tropical Rainforest 92. Galathea National Park and the

b. Mangrove forest Campbell Bay National Park are part
c. Temperate deciduous forest of:
d. Tropical deciduous forest
a. Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve
89. Which of the following technologies b. Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve
are used for carbon capture and c. Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
storage? d. Panchmarhi Biosphere Reserve

1. Chemical absorption 93. Arrange the following Tiger Reserves

2. Membrane gas separation from West to East on the map of India.
3. Oxy-fuel separation
4. Calcium looping 1. Buxa Tiger Reserve
5. Gasification 2. Pakhui Tiger Reserve
6. Hydrothermal carbonization 3. Panna Tiger Reserve
4. Melghat Tiger Reserve
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below: Select the correct answer using the code
given below:
a. 1,2 and 6only
b. 1,2,3 and4 only a. 3-4-1-2
c. 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 b. 4-3-1-2
d. 1,3 and 5 only c. 3-4-2-1
d. 3-1-2-4
90. Which of the following are regarded as
‘Ecosystem services’?
94. If a particular animal is placed under following statements:
Schedule II of the Wildlife Protection
Act, 1972, what is the implication? 1. It can lead to reduction in the crop
a. Animal cannot be hunted except 2. In this method the dry and organic
under threat to human life. matter gets added to the soil.
b. Animals are not in the endangered 3. No tillage helps in reducing
category. compaction of the soil
c. Animal belongs to the vermin
category. Select the correct answer using the code
d. Animals under this schedule are given below:
accorded less protection as compared
to schedule V. a. 2and3only
b. 1and2only
95. Which among the following is/are c. 3 only
present only in plant cells? d. All of the above

1. Plastids 98. The average weight of 25 oarsmen in a

2. Vacuoles boat is increased by 1.4 kg when one
3. Mitochondria of the crew, who weighs 72 kg is
replaced by a new man. Find the
Select the correct answer using the code weight of the new man (in kg.)
given below.
a. 96
a. 1and2only b. 112
b. 1 only c. 90
c. 2and3only d. 107
d. 1,2and 3
99. Prema decided to donate 20% of her
96. Consider the following statements salary to an orphanage. On the day of
regarding Sir Syed Ahmed Khan: donation, she changed her mind and
donated Rs. 1,649 which was 85% of
2. He was against the spread of what she had decided earlier. How
Western knowledge in India. much is Prema’s salary?
3. His ideas were propagated through
his magazine Tahzibul Akhlaq. a. Rs. 8,500
4. He started Mohammedan Anglo b. Rs. 9,250
Oriental College in 1875. c. Rs. 9,700
d. Cannot be determined
Which of the statements given above is/are
correct? 100. Fresh grapes contain 80% water,
while dry grapes contain 10% water. If
a. 1 and 2 only the weight of dry grapes is 400kg, then
b. 2 and 3 only what is its total weight when it is
c. 1 only fresh?
d. 1,2 and 3
a. 2500 kg
97. With reference to zero tillage b. 1750 kg
sometimes seen in news, consider the c. 2000 kg
d. 1800 kg

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