CSAT Test 2
CSAT Test 2
CSAT Test 2
CSAT – Test 2
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3. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each
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response with you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each
4. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See
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5. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on
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incorrect response 1/3rd of the allotted marks will be deducted.
6. Sheet for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
Directions for the following 2 (two) items : Passage - 2
Read the following two passages and answer Genome editing is different from genome
the items that follow the passages. Your modification. Genome editing typically
answers to these items should be based on involves finding the part of a plant genome
the passages only. that could be changed to render it less
Passage - 1 vulnerable to disease, or resistant to certain
herbicides, or to increase yields. Researchers
In a study, scientists compared the use ‘molecular scissors’ to dissects the
microbiomes of poorly nourished and well- genome and repair it, which is a process
nourished infants and young children. Gut that occurs naturally when plants are under
microbes were isolated from faecal samples attack from diseases and can throw up new
of malnourished and healthy children. The mutations that enable the plant to survive
microbiome was “immature” and less diverse future attacks. This evolutionary process
in malnourished children compared to the can effectively be speeded up now that it is
better developed “mature” microbiome found possible to examine plant genome in detail
in healthy children of the same age. According in laboratories, and create mechanisms
to some studies, the chemical composition of through which the relevant genes can be
altered very precisely.
mother’s milk has shown the presence of a
modified sugar (sialylated oligosaccharides). 2. With reference to the above passage,
This is not utilized by the baby for its own the following assumptions have been
nutrition. However, the bacteria constituting made:
the infant’s microbiome thrive on this sugar 1. Genome editing does not require
which serves as their food. Malnourished the transfer of genes from one
mothers have low levels of this sugar in their plant to another.
milk. Consequently, the microbiomes of their 2. Through genome editing, the
infants fail to mature. That in turn, leads to chosen genes can be altered
malnourished babies. precisely in a manner akin to the
natural process that helps plants
1. On the basis of the above passage, to adapt to the environmental
the following assumptions have been factors.
made: Which of the above assumptions is/
1. Processed probiotic foods are are valid?
a solution to treat the children (a) 1 only
suffering from malnutrition (b) 2 only
due to immature gut bacteria
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
2. The babies of malnourished
mothers generally tend to be’ 3. Looking at a portrait of a man, Harsh
malnourished. said, “His mother is the wife of my
Which of the above assumptions is/ father’s son. And I have no brothers
are valid? and sisters”. Whose portrait was Harsh
(a) 1 only
(a) His son
(b) 2 only (b) His cousin
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) His uncle
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) His nephew
4. If 10n divides 6^23 × 75^9 × 105^2, Directions for the following 2 (two) items :
then what is the largest value of n? Each of the following questions is based in the
(a) 20 following information:
(b) 22 1. A @ B means A is the daughter of B
(c) 23
2. A & B means A is the father of B
(d) 28
3. A $ B means A is the brother of B
5. What is the largest value for n (natural
number) such that 6n divides the 4. A # B means A is the husband of B
product of the first 100 natural
9. Consider the following : S@I, R&Q,
P$Q, Q#L, R#S
(a) 18
Which one of the following statements
(c) 44
cannot be definitely true?
(b) 33
(a) P is the brother of Q
(d) 48
6. If the number 22 × 54 × 46 × 108 × 610 × (b) L is the daughter-in-law of R
1512 × 814 × 2016 × 1018 × 2520 is (c) I is the mother of S
divisible by 10n, then which one of the
(d) R is the son-of-law of I
following is the maximum value of n?
(a) 78 10. Consider the following Question and
(b) 85
(c) 89
(d) 98 Question : How was P related to S ?
13. Which one of the following statements (b) N is a natural number greater
best reflects the critical message of than 2
the passage? (c) N is a natural number greater
(a) For introducing any foreign plant than 3
into a country, the soil and climate
d) N is a natural number except 3
conditions of that country should
be suitable. 18. What is the remainder when 27^27 –
(b) As a staple food of a country, tuber 15^27 is divided by 6?
crops like potato cannot replace
(a) 0
cereal crops.
(b) 1
(c) Some of the fungal infections of
plants cannot be prevented or (c) 3
stopped from spreading across (d) 4
large areas.
19. What is the remainder when (17^29 +
(d) Relying on a homogeneous food
19^29) is divided by 18?
source is not desirable
(a) 6
14. The expression 52n – 23n always has
which one of the following factors for (b) 2
any positive value of n? (c) 1
(a) 3
(d) 0
(b) 7
(c) 17 20. Which one of the following is the
(d) None of the above remainder when 1020 is divided by 7?
Directions for the following 3 (three) items : culture and expert knowledge. Their expert
Read the following three passages and knowledge will give them a firm ground to
answer the items that follow the passages. start from and their culture will lead them
Your answers to these items should be based as deep as philosophy and as high as art.
on the passages only. Together it will impart meaning to human
Passage - 1 existence.
22. On the basis of the above passage,
I am a scientist, privileged to be somebody
the following assumptions have been
who tries to understand nature using the
tools of science. But it is also clear that there
are some really important questions that 1. A society without well educated
science cannot really answer, such as: Why people cannot be transformed into
is there something instead of nothing? Why a modern society.
are we here? In those domains, I have found 2. Without acquiring culture,
that faith provides a better path to answers. a person’s education is not
I find it oddly anachronistic that in today’s complete.
culture there seems to be a widespread Which of the above assumptions is/
presumption that scientific and spiritual are valid?
views are incompatible. (a) 1 only
21. Which of the following is the most (b) 2 only
logical and rational inference that (c) Both 1 and 2
can be made from the above passage? (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(a) It is the faith and not science that Passage - 3
can finally solve all the problems Some people believe that leadership is a
of mankind. quality which you have at birth or not at all.
(b) Science and faith can be mutually This theory is false, for the art of leadership
complementary if their proper can be acquired and can indeed be taught.
domains are understood. This discovery is made in time of war and
(c) There are some very fundamental the results achieved can surprise even the
instructors. Faced with the alternatives of
questions which cannot be
going left or right, every soldier soon grasps
answered by either science or
that a prompt decision either way is better
than an endless discussion. A firm choice for
(d) In today’s culture, scientific views direction has an even chance of being right
are given more importance than while to do nothing will be almost certainly
spiritual views. wrong.
Passage - 2 23. The author of the passage holds the
Education plays a great transformatory view that
role in life, particularly so in this rapidly (a) leadership can be taught through
changing and globalizing world. Universities war experience only
are the custodians of the intellectual capital (b) leadership can be acquired as well
and promoters of culture and specialized as taught
knowledge. Culture is an activity of thought, (c) the results of training show that
and receptiveness to beauty and human more people acquire leadership
feelings. A merely well-informed man is than are expected
only a bore on God’s earth. What we should (d) despite rigorous instruction, very
aim at is producing men who possess both few leaders are produced
Read the following passage and answer 28. A test consists of 25 MCQs. Each
(Two) Items that follow: correct answer gives +4 marks and
Mohan is the son of Arun‘s father‘s sister. incorrect answers gives –1 mark. If a
Prakash is son of Reva who is grandmother candidate scores 74 marks, then how
of Arun. Neela is the sister of Vikash. Pranab many questions were left unattempted?
is father of Neela and grandfather of Mohan. (a) 4
Reva is the wife of Pranab. (b) 3
24. How is Vikas related to Mohan? (c) 5
(a) Nephew (d) 9
(b) Maternal Uncle 29. If the number 23P62971335 is divisible
(c) Father by the smallest odd composite number,
(d) Uncle then what is the value of P?
(a) 4
25. Consider the following statements:
(b) 5
1. There are two married couples in
(c) 6
the family.
(d) 7
2. There are three generations in the
family. 30. What is the remainder when the sum
1^5 + 2^5 + 3^5 + 4^5 + 5^5 is divided
3. Arun is the brother of Mohan.
by 4 ?
4. Neela is the sister of Prakash.
(a) 0
Which of the following statements is/
(b) 1
are incorrect?
(c) 2
(a) 1 and 2 only
(d) 3
(b) 3 and 4 only
Directions for the following 3 (three) items :
(c) 2 and 3 only
Read the following three passages and
(d) 1 and 4 only answer the items that follow the passages.
Your answers to these items should be based
26. The number 3^521 is divided by 8.
on the passages only.
What is the remainder?
(a) 1 Passage - 1
(b) 3 Most invasive species are neither terribly
(c) 7 successful nor very harmful. Britain’s
invasive plants are not widespread, not
(d) 9
spreading especially quickly, and often less
27. Let x be the smallest positive integer of a nuisance than vigorous natives such
such that when 14 divides x, the as bracken. The arrival of new species almost
remainder is 7; and when 15 divides
always increases biological diversity in a
x, the remainder is 5. Which one of the
region; in many cases, a flood of newcomers
following is correct?
drives no native species to extinction. One
(a) 20 < x < 30
reason is that invaders tend to colonise
(b) 30 < x < 40
disturbed habitats like polluted lakes and
(c) 40 < x < 50
post- industrial wasteland, where little else
(d) x > 50
lives. They are nature’s opportunists.
31. Which one of the following is the most (d) To be a better citizen, the present
logical and rational inference that world order demands societal and
can be made from the above passage? life-coping skills in addition to
(a) Invasive species should be used academic content.
to rehabilitate desert areas and
Passage - 3
wastelands of a country.
(b) Laws against the introduction of The man who is perpetually hesitating
foreign plants are unnecessary. which of the two things he will do first,
(c) Sometimes, the campaigns against will do neither. The man who resolves, but
foreign plants are pointless. suffers his resolution to be changed by the
(d) Foreign plants should be used first counter Suggestion of a friend—who
to increase the biodiversity of a fluctuates from opinion to opinion and veers
country. from plan to plan-can never accomplish
Passage - 2 anything. He will at best be stationary and
probably retrograde in all. It is only the man
In our schools, we teach our children all
that is there to know about Physics, maths who first consults wisely, then resolves firmly
and history and what-have you. But do we and then executes his purpose with inflexible
teach them about the bitter caste divide that perseverance, undismayed by those petty
plagues the country, about the spectre of difficulties which daunt a weaker spirit—that
famine that stalks large part of our land, about can advance to eminence in any line.
gender sensitivity, about the possibility of
33. The keynote that seems to be emerging
atheism as a choice, etc.? Equally important,
from the passage is that
do we teach them to ask question, or do we
(a) we should first consult wisely and
teach them only to passively receive our
then resolve firmly
wisdom? From the cocooned world of school,
suddenly, the adolescent finds himself/ (b) we should reject suggestions of
herself in the unfettered world of university. friends and remain unchanged
Here he/she is swept up in a turmoil of ideas (c) we should always remain broad-
and influences and ideologies. For someone minded
who has been discouraged from asking (d) we should be resolute and
questions and forming an opinion, this achievement-oriented
transition can be painful.
34. What is the remainder after dividing
32. Which one of the following best reflects the number 371000 by 9?
the central idea of the passage given
(a) 1
(a) School curriculum is not (b) 3
compatible with the expectations (c) 7
of children and parents. (d) 9
(b) Emphasis on academic
achievements does give time for 35. The remainder when 40 + 41 + 42 + 43 +
development of personality and ........ 440 is divided by 7 is
skills. (a) 4
(c) Preparing the children to be (b) 5
better citizens should be the
(c) 6
responsibility of the education
system. (d) 1
36. If n is any natural number, then 40. Consider the following statements:
52n – 1 is always divisible by how many 1. n³ – n is divisible by 6.
natural numbers?
2. n5 – n is divisible by 5.
(a) One 3. n5 – 5n3 + 4n is divisible by 120.
(b) Four Which of the statements given above
(c) Six are correct?
(d) Eight (a) 1 and 2 only
(c) Choose this option if the Question 41. What is the critical message conveyed
can be answered by using both by the above passage?
the Statements together, but (a) Our increasing demand for foods
cannot be answered by using sourced from animals puts a
either Statement alone. greater burden on our natural
(d) Choose this option if the Question resources
cannot be answered even by using (b) Diets based on grains, nuts, fruits
both Statements together. and vegetables are best suited for
health in developing countries
39. What is the last digit of the sum
(c) Human beings change their
927 + 279.
food habits from time to time
(a) 3
irrespective of the health concerns
(b) 6
(d) From a global perspective, we still
(c) 7 do not know which type of diet is
(d) 9 best for us
Passage - 2 (a) 3
The very first lesson that should be taught (b) 1
to us when we are old enough to understand (c) 4
it, is that complete freedom from the
(d) 2
obligation to work is unnatural, and ought
to be illegal, as we can escape our share of 45. The number 9730 – 1430 is divisible by?
the burden of work only by throwing it on
(a) 37 but not 83
someone else’s shoulders. Nature ordains
that the human race shall perish of famine (b) 83 but not 37
if it stops working. We cannot escape from (c) Both 37 & 83
this tyranny. The question we have to settle
is how much leisure we can afford to allow (d) Neither 37 nor 83
ourselves. 46. Consider the question and two
42. The main idea of the passage is that statements given below:
(a) it is essential for human beings to A 2-digit number is added to the
work number formed by reversing the digits
(b) there should be a balance between of the 2-digit number.
work and leisure
Question: What is the 2-digit number?
(c) working is a tyranny which we to
face Statement-1: The sum is divisible by 9.
(d) human’s understanding of the Statement-2: The sum is divisible by 2.
nature of work is essential Which one of the following is correct
Passage - 3 in respect of the question and the
Really I think that the poorest he that is
in England has a life to live, as the greatest (a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to
he, and therefore truly, I think it is clear that answer the question
every man that is to live under a government (b) Statement-2 alone is sufficient
ought first by his own consent to put himself answer the question
under the government, and I do think that (c) Both Statement-1 and
the poorest man in England is not at all
Statement-2 are sufficient to
bound in a strict sense to that government
answer the question
that he has not had a voice to put himself
under. (d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2
are not sufficient to answer the
43. The above statement argues for
(a) distribution of wealth equally to question
all 47. The sum of the digits of a two digit
(b) rule according to the consent of number is 13 and the difference
the governed
between the number and that formed
(c) rule of the poor
by reversing the digits is 27. What is
(d) expropriation of the rich
the product of the digits of the number?
44. Identify the figure that completes the
(a) 35
(b) 40
(c) 45
(d) 54
48. If the number 413283S759387 is talk about, but if we want to eradicate the
divisible by 13, then what is the value practice of open defection, they have to be
of S ? confronted and dealt properly.
(a) 3 51. Which among the following is the most
(b) 6 crucial message conveyed by the
(c) 7 above passage?
(d) 8 (a) The ideas of purity and pollution
are so deep-rooted that they
49. What is the remainder when 2^(1000 x
cannot be removed from the minds
1000) is divided by 7?
of the people.
(a) 1 (b) People have to perceive toilet use
(b) 2 and pit-emptying as clean and not
(c) 4 polluting.
(d) 6 (c) People cannot change their old
50. A, B, C, D, E, F and G are members
(d) People have neither civic sense
of a family consisting of 2 couples and
3 children, There are only 2 males. A nor sense of privacy.
and D are brothers and A is a doctor. Passage - 2
E is an engineer married to one of the By killing transparency and competition,
brothers and has two children. B is crony capitalism is harmful to free enterprise,
married to D who is the lawyer and G opportunity and economic growth. Crony
is their child. Consider the following
capitalism, where rich and the influential
are alleged to have received land and natural
1. C is a cousin of G. resources and various licences in return for
2. Engineer is sister in law of Lawyer. payoffs to venal politicians, is now a major
3. F’s father is a doctor. issue to be tackled. One of the greatest
4. F is the niece of a Lawyer. dangers to growth of developing economies
Which of the following statements is/ like India is the middle-income trap where
are correct? crony capitalism creates oligarchies that
(a) 1 and 2 only slow down the growth.
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only 52. Which among the following is the
(c) 1, 2 and 3 only most logical corollary to the above
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(a) Launching more welfare schemes
Directions for the following 3 (three) items :
and allocating more finances for
Read the following three passages and
the current schemes are urgently
answer the items that follow the passages. needed
Your answers to these items should be based
(b) Efforts should be made to push up
on the passages only.
economic growth by other means
Passage - 1 and provide licences to the poor
Why do people prefer open defecation and (c) Greater transparency in the
not want toilets or, if they have them, only functioning of the government and
use them sometimes? Recent research has promoting the financial inclusion
shown two critical elements: ideas of purity are needed at present
and pollutions, and not wanting pits or septic (d) We should concentrate more on
tanks to fill because they have to be emptied. developing manufacturing sector
These are the issue that nobody wants to than service sector
Passage - 3 (a) 1
Scientific knowledge has its dangers, but (b) 3
so has every great thing. Over and beyond the (c) 5
dangers with which it threatens the present, (d) cannot be determined
it opens up as nothing else can, the vision
of a possible happy world; a world without 57. What is the remainder when 6599 is
poverty, without war, with little illness. divided by 11?
Science, whatever unpleasant consequences (a) 0
it may have by the way, is in its very nature (b) 5
a liberator. (c) 9
53. Which one of the following is the most (d) 10
important implication of the passage?
(a) A happy world is a dream of 58. Suppose the nth term of a series is
science. 1 + n/2 + n2/2. If there are 20 terms in
(b) Science only can build a happy the series, then the sum of the series
world, but it is also the only major is equal to
threat. (a) 1360
(c) A happy world is not possible (b) 1450
without science. (c) 1500
(d) A happy world is not at all possible (d) 1560
with or without science.
59. There is a 6 digit number formed by
54. Find the remainder when the number
ABC × DEED = ABCABC, where A, B,
is formed by writing 9 for 100 times is
divided by 13 ? C, D and E are different digits. Consider
the following statements.
(a) 0
(b) 1 1. A, B and C must be a natural
(c) 2
(d) 6 2. The value of D is 1 only and the
Value of E is 0 only.
55. Consider the following statements :
3. The product value ABCABC will
1. The sum of the cubes of three
always be divisible by 7, 11 and
consecutive natural numbers is
divisible by 9. 13.
2. Every even power of every odd Which of the statements given above
number (> 1) when divided by 8 are correct?
gives 1 as remainder. (a) 1 and 2 only
Which of the above statements is/are (b) 2 and 3 only
correct? (c) 1 and only
(a) 1 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2 only
60. Pointing to a man, a lady said “His
(c) Both 1 and 2
mother is the only daughter of my
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
mother” How was the man related to
56. There are two natural numbers x and y, that lady ?
where x > y. When x is divided by 6, it
(a) Mother
leaves the remainder 2 and; when y is
divided by 6, it leaves the remainder 3. (b) Husband
What is the remainder when (x – y) is (c) Brother
divided by 6? (d) Son
Directions for the following 4 (four) items : This is largely because of increased plant
Read the following four passages and growth. Although a greenhouse gas and
answer the items that follow the passages. a pollutant, carbon dioxide also supports
Your answers to these items should be based plant growth. As trees and other vegetation
on the passages only. flourish in a carbon dioxide-rich future,
their roots could stimulate microbial activity
Passage - 1
in soil that may in turn accelerate the
We live in digital times. The digital is decomposition of soil carbon and its release
not just something we use strategically into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
and specifically to do a few tasks. Our very
62. Which among the following is the most
perception of who we are, how we connect
logical corollary to the above passage?
to the world around us, and the ways in
(a) Carbon dioxide is essential for the
which we define our domains of life, labour
survival of microorganisms and
and language are hugely structured by the
digital technologies. The digital is everywhere
(b) Humans are solely responsible for
and; like air, invisible. We live within digital
the release of carbon dioxide into
systems, we live with intimate gadgets, we
the atmosphere
interact through digital media, and the very
presence and imagination of the digital has (c) Microorganisms and soil carbon
are mainly responsible for the
dramatically restructured our lives. The
digital, far from being a tool, is a condition increased plant growth
and context that defines the shapes and (d) Increasing green cover could
boundaries of our understanding of the self, trigger the release of carbon
trapped in soil
the society, and the structure of governance.
61. Which among the following is the Passage - 3
most logical and essential message The Arctic’s vast reserves of fossil fuel, fish
conveyed by the above passage? and minerals are now accessible for a longer
(a) All problems of governance period in a year. But unlike Antarctica,
can be solved by using digital which is protected from exploitation by the
technologies. Antarctic Treaty framed during the Cold War
and is not subject to territorial claims by any
(b) Speaking of digital technologies is
country, there is no legal regime protecting
speaking of our life and living.
the Arctic from industrialization, especially
(c) Our creativity and imagination
at a time when the world craves for more
cannot be expressed without
and more resources. The distinct possibility
digital media.
of ice-free summer has prompted countries
(d) Use of digital systems is imperative with Arctic coastline to scramble for great
for the existence of mankind in chunks of the melting ocean.
63. Which one of the following is the most
Passage - 2 important implication of the passage?
An increase in human-made carbon dioxide (a) India can have territorial claims in
in the atmosphere could initiate a chain the Arctic territory and free access
reaction between plants and microorganisms to its resources.
that would unsettle one of the largest carbon (b) Melting of summer ice in the Arctic
reservoirs on the planet–soil. In a study, it leads to changes in the geopolitics.
was found that the soil, which contains twice (c) The Arctic region will solve the
the amount of carbon present in all plants world’s future problem of resource
and Earth’s atmosphere combined, could crunch.
become increasingly volatile as people add (d) The Arctic region has more
more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. resources than Antarctica.
Passage - 4 (a) N is brother of B
73. In the context of using biomass, (c) he is not interested in the history
which of the following is/ are the of India
characteristic/characteristics of the (d) they obstruct her physical and
sustainable production of biofuel?
spiritual growth
1. Biomass as a fuel for power
75. There is a family of 6 persons A, B, C, D,
generation could meet all the
E and F. There are two married couples
primary energy requirements of
in the family. The family members are
the world by 2050
lawyer, teacher, salesman, engineer,
2. Biomass as a fuel for power accountant and doctor. D, the salesman
generation does not necessarily is married to the lady teacher. The
disrupt food and forest resources doctor is married to the lawyer. F, the
3. Biomass as a fuel for power accountant is the son of B and brother
of E. C, the lawyer is the daughter-in-
generation could help in achieving
law of A. E is the unmarried engineer.
negative emissions, given certain
A is the grandmother of F. How is E
nascent technologies
related to F?
Select the correct answer using the
(a) Brother
code given below:
(b) Sister
(a) 1 and 2 only
(c) Father
(b) 3 only (d) Cannot be determined
(c) 2 and 3 only
76. A number 277XY5 (where X, Y are
(d) 1, 2 and 3 digits) is divisible by 25.
Passage - 2 Question : What is the value of X?
Statement I : The given number is
Though I have discarded much of past
divisible by 9.
tradition and custom, and am anxious that
Statement II : X > 5.
India should rid herself of all shackles that
bind and contain her and divide her people, Which of the above statements is/are
and suppress vast numbers of them, and
prevent the free development of the body (a) Choose this option if the Question
and the spirit; though I seek all this, yet can be answered by one of the
I do not wish to cut myself off from that Statements alone but not by the
past completely. I am proud of that great
inheritance that has been and is, ours and I (b) Choose this option if the Question
am conscious that I too, like all of us, am a can be answered by either
link in that unbroken chain which goes back Statement alone.
to the dawn of history in the immemorial (c) Choose this option if the Question
past of India. can be answered by using both
the Statements together, but
74. The author wants India to rid herself of cannot be answered by using
certain past bonds because either Statement alone.
(a) he is not able to see the relevance (d) Choose this option if the Question
of the past cannot be answered even by using
(b) there is not much to be proud of both Statements together.
77. Three generous friends, each with
some money, redistribute the money as
follows: Sandra gives enough money to
David and Mary to double the amount
of money each has. David then gives
enough to Sandra and Mary to double
their amounts. Finally, Mary gives
enough to Sandra and David to double
their amounts. If Mary had 11 rupees
at the beginning and 17 rupees at the
end, what is the total amount that all
three friends have?
(a) 105
(b) 60
(c) 88
(d) 71