Writing 3 Course Policy

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Syllabus and Teaching Plan of Writing Subject 2nd Year 3rd Semester

Faculty Education
Department English Language and Literature
Code Number Ed.En.0322
Prerequisite Subject Writing to communicate 1&2
Number of credits 3
Class Sophomore
Semester 3
Instructor Mohammad Qasim Farooqi
E-mail [email protected]
Phone 0799125673

A Brief Description of Subject

The purpose of this course is to help students in order to improve their writing abilities. Writing
is considered one of the four skills of language. In this subject, it is decided to cover paragraph
writing. To achieve the goal, students are expected to work out different types of paragraph
during the semester. First, paragraph's structure and types are going to be discussed. Then,
different types of essay will be practiced. Most of the course will follow practical steps in order
to enable students in practical writing. In the first step, a sample will have been done through
projector or on the board, then enough assignment will be assigned for more practice. Feedback
will have been provided and the final tasks will be graded.

Learning Objectives
At the end of this course students will be able to:
a. Define a paragraph.
b. Prepare Outline, cluster, and finalize the content of a paragraph
c. Apply coherent, cohesive, united in a paragraph
d. define all types of paragraphs.
e. Apply features of grammar needed in writing paragraphs.
f. practice the general structure of essays.

Expected Learning outcome

a- students will be introduced with punctuation and steeps in writing
b- By the end of the semester students will be able to write essays in primary steps

Teaching Contents of the Subjects

 Formatting the page
 Time order signals
 Basic paragraph structure
 Logical Division of Ideas
 Process paragraphs
 Definition paragraphs
 Cause / Effect Paragraphs
 Comparison / Contrast Paragraphs

Teaching-Learning Methods & Approaches

The followings are suggested approaches, methods, and techniques to be used in teaching this
subject. Lecturers can use various methods and techniques based on the need of the teaching-
learning process.

 Student-centered Approach
 Outcome-based approach
 Communicative Language Teaching Approach
o Pair work
o Group work
o Role play
 Lecture

Students’ Assessment Methods

The assessment method is prepared based on the article 18 of the undergraduate studies code.
Participation (Teaching-learning Process)/ Group work and individual work (Practical Activities)

A significant portion of students’ grade depends on students’ participation in the class. The
students are expected to attend all credits and participate actively in class discussion. In order to
get full credit for participation,the students must focus on their lessons in the class, participate in
everyday class, offer comments, and participate in question & answer sessions. Lack of
participation in the class activities will affect students’ participation marks.

Assignment/s [10%]
In order to be eligible for complete credit of the assignments, the students must submit all their
homework/assignments on the due date. Late homework/assignments submission will not be
accepted. In case of any logical reason for the late submission, the lecturer has the authority to
consider the issue. The students are responsible to apply the feedback provided by the lecturer in
order to receive full credit for the assignment. Missing any of the assignments can affect the

Mid-term Exam [20%]

Mid-term exam will be based on what the students have studied during the course.

Final Exam [60%]

Final exam will be based on what the students have studied during the course.
Weekly lesson plan
Weeks Contents Remarks
Week 1 Introduction and Course policy, Academic 3 Credits
Analyzing the Model, Format a standard paper
Week 2 Mechanics, sentence Structure 3 Credits
Simple sentences, phrases, fragments
Narrative Paragraph, Analyzing the Model
Organization, Time order signals, compound
sentences, coordinating conjunctions
Week 3 Punctuation, preparation for writing, 3 Credits
free writing
Timed writing: A paragraph about a Time You
Disobeyed Rules Basic Paragraph Structure,
Week 4 Topic sentence, supporting sentences with 3 Credits
examples, concluding sentence
Analyzing the Model
Adjectives and adverbs in basic sentences
Sentence structure, Detailed outlining of writing
Timed Writing: A Paragraph about a Hobby or
Week 5 Logical Division of Ideas, Organization 3 Credits
Analyzing the Model,
Unity and Coherence in supporting sentences
Sentence Structure, Applying vocabulary
Week 6 Correcting Run-on sentence and comma splices 3 Credits
Timed Writing: a paragraph about Shopping Habits
Process Paragraph,
Analyzing the Model
Week 7 organization 3 Credits
Topic sentence in process paragraph, supporting
sentences, concluding sentence.
Using time-order in Process Paragraph
Clauses and complex sentences
Week 8 Definition of paragraph, 3 Credits
analyzing the model,
Organization, using appositives, adjective clauses,
Complex sentences with adjective clause.
Week 9 Preparation of a writing: clustering, 3 Credits
A paragraph that defines word, concept, or customs
Cause and Effect paragraphs
Week 10 Analyzing the models, prefixes, 3 Credits
Organization, topic sentences in cause and effect
Supporting sentences in cause and effect
Concluding sentence in cause and effect paragraphs
Week 11 Analyzing the models, cause and effect transition 3 Credits
Timed writing: Paragraph about positive effects of
Comparison and Contrast Paragraph
Organization: Topic Sentence
Week 12 Supporting sentence 3 Credits
concluding sentence of paragraph
Analyzing the model
Transitional signals for comparison
Week 13 Transitional signals for contrast 3 Credits
Preparation for writing: conducting an interview
Comparative and contrast about education
Writing an Essay
Week 14 Analyzing the model 3 Credits
Organization: introductive paragraph
Body paragraphs
Concluding paragraph
Week 15 Transitional signals between paragraphs, 3 Credits
Essay outlining
An Essay about nonverbal communication
Timed Writing: An Essay about Body Language in
your Native Culture
Week 16 Opinion Essay 3 Credits
Analyzing the Model,
Introductive, Body and concluding Paragraph of
Opinion Essay
Supporting Details: Quotations, Statistics
Preparation for writing: Conducting a Survey
An Opinion Essay about Getting a Good Education
An Opinion Essay about Home Work
Concept Map Chart of Expected Outcome for Subject and Field

Program Learning Outcomes

mediums in English and express abstract thoughts and
PO 1: Communicate fluently through written and spoken

and articles in English

listening audios and reading texts such as literary genres
PO 2: Comprehend and analyze the intent of various

administering examinations
designing quality course materials, planning lessons, and
PO 3: Become professional teachers with ability of

use of up to date teaching materials

enhancement of teaching and learning practice through

development values
of leading, managing, and contributing to social
PO 5: Become autonomous lifelong learners with ability

effective communication practices

literature phonology, morphology, and syntax for
PO 6: Demonstrate advanced knowledge of linguistics,
PO 4: Translate Text, conduct educational research for
No Course Learning Outcome

score score score score score score

1 Analyze paragraph writing 1 1 1 3 2 1
2 Prepare Outline, cluster, and
finalize the content of a paragraph 1 2 2 3 2 1
3 Apply coherent, cohesive, united
in a paragraph 1 2 2 3 2 1
4 Define all types of paragraphs. 1 1 2 3 1 1
5 practice the general structure of
essays. 1 2 2 3 2 1
Total 5 8 9 15 9 5
Average 1 1.6 1.8 3 1.8 1
Low Compatibility = 1 Partial Compatibility = 2 Complete Compatibility = 3

Main Reference Alice & Hogue Oshima (Ann). (2013). Longman Academic Writing
Series, 3: Paragraphs to Essays. Pearson Education, Incorporated.
Supplementary Boardman, C. A., & Frydenberg, J. (2008). Writing to communicate 2:
Paragraphs and essays. Pearson/Longman.
Folse, K. S., Solomon, E. V., & Clabeaux, D. (2007). From great
paragraphs to great essays. Houghton Mifflin.
Oshima, A., & Hogue, A. (1997). Introduction to academic writing.

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