Essay Writing 2 CS

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Course Title: Essay Writing 2

Course Code: ENGL. 202

Program: English Language Program
Department: Languages and Translation Department
College: Education and Arts College
Institution: University of Tabuk
Table of Contents
A. Course Identification .................................................................................................... 3
6. Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply) ............................................................................... 3
B. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes ............................................................... 3
1. Course Description ................................................................................................................. 3
2. Course Main Objective............................................................................................................ 3
3. Course Learning Outcomes ..................................................................................................... 4
C. Course Content ............................................................................................................. 4
D. Teaching and Assessment ............................................................................................ 7
1. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Teaching Strategies and Assessment
Methods ....................................................................................................................................... 7
2. Assessment Tasks for Students ............................................................................................... 9
E. Student Academic Counseling and Support .............................................................. 9
F. Learning Resources and Facilities............................................................................... 9
1.Learning Resources ................................................................................................................ 10
2. Facilities Required................................................................................................................. 10
G. Course Quality Evaluation ........................................................................................ 10
H. Specification Approval Data ..................................................................................... 11

A. Course Identification

1. Credit hours: 2
2. Course type
a. University College Department √ Others
b. Required √ Elective
3. Level/year at which this course is offered: 4th level / 2nd year
4. Pre-requisites for this course (if any): Essay Writing 1 - ENGL. 201

5. Co-requisites for this course (if any): NA

6. Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply)

No Mode of Instruction Contact Hours Percentage
1 Traditional classroom 28 100
2 Blended NA NA
3 E-learning NA NA
4 Distance learning NA NA
5 Other NA NA

7. Contact Hours (based on academic semester)

No Activity Contact Hours
1 Lecture 14
2 Laboratory/Studio 14
3 Tutorial -
4 Others (specify) -
Total 28

B. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes

1. Course Description

Essay Writing 2 develops students' skills to write academic essays. This covers the
organization, structure, coherence and unity of short essays and emphasizes the use of
pre- writing techniques like brainstorming, outlining, and graphic organizers. The
essay typeshighlighted in this course include descriptive essays and narrative essays. A
review of appropriate grammatical structures and common writing mistakes is also
provided where necessary. Extensive practice in college-level writing and reading is
necessary. Students will write and peer-review a variety of essays through a process-
oriented approach to writing.

2. Course Main Objective

The purpose of Essay Writing 2 to is:
 To develop students’ skills to write well-structured and meaningful essays,

 To familiarize students with essay structure,
 To familiarize students with pre-writing techniques,
 To develop students’ skills in evaluating essay unity and coherence, and
 To develop student’s skills in writing accurate and well-formatted text.

3. Course Learning Outcomes

1 Knowledge and Understanding
1.1 Write a well-structured essay of three paragraphs or more with 1.2
introduction, body and conclusion showing coherence and unity of
ideas and with a minimal amount of formal and formatting errors.
1.2 Label essay parts: introduction, thesis statement, body, conclusion. 2.1
1.3 Label thesis statement parts: topic and controlling idea. 2.1

2 Skills:
2.1 Evaluate the unity and coherence of essays. 2.3
2.2 Evaluate and explain problems in the structure, organization and 2.2
mechanics of peer's drafts
2.3 Research appropriate language use using electronic resources such as 4.1
language corpuses and electronic dictionaries.
2.4 Outline an essay's structure. 1.1
2.5 Draw a mind map of ideas in essay pre-writing stage. 1.1
3 Values:
3.1 Apply academic honesty when writing -
3.2 Demonstrate the ability to lead and productively participate in group 3.1
3.3 Apply work ethics effectively when solving problems and making -

C. Course Content
No List of Topics
Paragraph Review
 Structure and Organization
o Types of paragraphs
o Topic sentence
o Supporting sentences
o Concluding sentence
 Content
1 o Topics and paragraph types 2
o Unity within a paragraph
o Coherence in a paragraph
 Mechanics and Formatting
o Paragraph format
o Punctuation
o Word agreement

 Practice
Writing a descriptive paragraph under time limit
Short Essay Overview
 Structure and Organization
o Types of essays
o Introductory paragraph
o Body paragraphs
o Concluding paragraphs
 Content
o Identifying audience and purpose
 Grammar Review
2 2
o Sentence types
o Dependent and main clauses
o Sentence fragments
 Mechanics and Formatting
o Punctuation: run-on, comma, semicolon and period
o Essay format: indentation, paragraph spacing,
 Pre-writing techniques
Descriptive Essay (Introduction)
 Structure and Organization
o Introductory paragraph
 Hook
 Background sentences
 Thesis statement: topic and controlling idea
 Location of parts
 Content
o Descriptive topics
o Identifying descriptive prompts
o Arrangement of ideas and connection to topic
 Grammar Review
o Double subject and verbs
3 o Word agreement 2
 Mechanics and Formatting
o Margins
o Capitalization
o Spelling
 Pre-writing techniques
o Free writing
 Practice
o Editing a paragraph for unity
o Identifying thesis statements
o Correcting run-on sentences
o Using free writing
o Writing a body paragraph
Exchanging peer-feedback
Descriptive Essay (Body)
4  Structure and Organization 2
o Body paragraph

 Determining the number of body paragraphs
 Structure: thesis statement and
 Content
o Relevance of body paragraphs to essay topic
o Unity and coherence within a body paragraph
o Adding descriptive details using similes and adjectives
o Describing feelings and senses
 Grammar Review
o Simple present in descriptive writing
o Prepositional phrases in descriptive writing
 Mechanics and Formatting
o Direct and indirect quotations
o Font size and family
 Pre-writing techniques
o Outlining
 Practice
o Writing an outline
o Writing body paragraph(s)
o Using adjectives and similes
o Describing feelings and senses
Exchanging peer-feedback
Descriptive Essay (Conclusion)
 Structure and Organization
o Concluding paragraph
 Structure
 Location
 Length
 Content
5 o Summarizing main ideas 2
o Writing closing remarks
 Grammar Review
o Text color
o Line spacing
 Practice
o Writing a conclusion
Exchanging peer’s feedback
Narrative Essay (Introduction)
 Structure and Organization
o Overall organization of narrative essay
o Introductory paragraph
 Hook
 Background
 Starting the narrative
 Location of parts
 Content
o Narrative topics
o Identifying narrative prompts
o Audience and purpose

o Arrangement of ideas and connection to topic
 Grammar Review
o Sequence words
o Past simple and past continuous
o Time adverbs and subordinating conjunctions
 Practice
o Writing narrative introduction
Exchanging peer’s feedback
Narrative Essay (Body)
 Structure and Organization
o Body paragraphs
 Number and arrangement of body paragraphs
 Topic sentence
7  Narrating key events 2
 Content
o Describing an unexpected problem or turn in events
 Practice
o Writing narrative body
Exchanging peer’s feedback
Narrative Essay (Conclusion)
 Structure and Organization
o Concluding paragraph
 Length
 Location
 Function
8  Parts 2
 Content
o concluding the story
o describing the lesson learned
 Practice
o Writing narrative conclusion
Exchanging peer’s feedback
Focused essay writing practice
 Brainstorming
9  Outlining 3
 Writing first drafts
Exchanging peer feedback

D. Teaching and Assessment

1. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Teaching Strategies and
Assessment Methods
Code Course Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods
1.0 Knowledge and Understanding
Write a well-structured essay of three Exam questions and
paragraphs or more with introduction, Lecture homework
1.1 Tutorial
body and conclusion showing Hands-on exercises assignments to write
coherence and unity of ideas and with two types of essays

Code Course Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods
a minimal amount of formal and covered in the
formatting errors. course.
Exam questions and
Label essay parts: introduction, thesis
1.2 Same as above assignments to
statement, body, conclusion.
identify parts of
supplied essays.
Exam questions and
assignments to
1.3 Label thesis statement parts: topic and Same as above
identify parts of
controlling idea.
supplied thesis
2.0 Skills
Exam questions and
assignments to
Evaluate the unity and coherence of
2.1 evaluate the unity
Same as above and coherence of
essays using supplied
Exam questions and
assignments to
evaluate the
Evaluate and explain problems in the
2.2 structure, organization and mechanics
organization and
of peer's drafts.
Same as above writing mechanics of
peer's draft essays
using supplied
assignments to
investigate how
Research appropriate language use constructions should
using electronic resources such as be used and to
language corpuses and electronic investigate
dictionaries. collocations and
Same as above idiomatic language
usage using
electronic and online
language resources.
Exam questions and
assignments to
2.4 Outline an essay's structure.
outline an essay
structure on supplied
Same as above topic.

Code Course Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods

Exam questions and

Draw a mindmap of ideas in essay pre- assignments to draw
writing stage. a mindmap of ideas
about supplied essay

Same as above
3.0 Values
3.1 Apply academic honesty when writing
Demonstrate the ability to lead and
3.2 productively participate in group
Apply work ethics effectively when
3.3 solving problems and making
2. Assessment Tasks for Students
Percentage of Total
# Assessment task* Week Due Assessment Score
1 Homework throughout 10%
Final Draft of Descriptive Essay Week 6 10%
)use scoring rubric in appendix(
Final Draft of Narrative Essay Week 12 10%
)use scoring rubric in appendix(
Midterm Exam Week 7 30%
(use scoring rubric in appendix)
Final Exam Week 15 40%
)use scoring rubric in appendix(
*Assessment task (i.e., written test, oral test, oral presentation, group project, essay, etc.)

E. Student Academic Counseling and Support

Arrangements for availability of faculty and teaching staff for individual student
consultations and academic advice:

• Course instructors are expected to hold a minimum of 8 office hours per week.
• Alternatively, instructors could hold some office hours online (up to three hours) if
deemed more accessible and useful to students. Online hours should be held as online presence
and interaction on the Blackboard class forum.

F. Learning Resources and Facilities

1.Learning Resources
Savage, A. & Mayer, P. (2017). Effective academic writing 2 (2nd
Required Textbooks
Edition). Oxford,UK: Oxford University Press.
Essential References Oshima Alice, Hogue Ann. (2006). Writing Academic English (4th
Materials Edition). The Longman Academic Writing Series
Greetham, B. (2013). How to Write Better Essays: Palgrave
Electronic Materials
Other Learning

2. Facilities Required
Item Resources
(Classrooms, laboratories, demonstration Computer lab
rooms/labs, etc.)
Technology Resources
(AV, data show, Smart Board, software, Classrooms equipped with data shows
Other Resources
(Specify, e.g. if specific laboratory
equipment is required, list requirements or
attach a list)

G. Course Quality Evaluation

Evaluators Evaluation Methods
End of semester evaluation Students enrolled in this course
Course instructors and course
coordinator complete a course
report to provide their
End of semester, course report evaluation of the course Report
implementation and update the
course specification

Evaluation areas (e.g., Effectiveness of teaching and assessment, Extent of achievement of course learning
outcomes, Quality of learning resources, etc.)
Evaluators (Students, Faculty, Program Leaders, Peer Reviewer, Others (specify)
Assessment Methods (Direct, Indirect)

H. Specification Approval Data

Council / Committee
Reference No.


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