Sylabus Aca Writing
Sylabus Aca Writing
Sylabus Aca Writing
This course is designed for those who have completed “Essay Writing”. While further
developing the basic competencies of writing initiated in previous course (mechanics of
writing include spelling, punctuation, capitalization, various sentence forms, the principles
of paragraphs, types of paragraph, essay development, types of essay, coherence and
cohesion devices). Additionally, students will learn how to research, paraphrase,
summarize, cites sources, and constructs research paper (article). Evaluation will be based
on students’ classroom participation, mid-term exam, and final exam. While individual
performances are noted, pair and group works should be encouraged.
1. Course Identity
a. Course : Academic Writing
b. Code : ENG.512
c. Program : English Education Study Program
d. Credits hours : 3 Credits
e. Semester : Second Semester
f. Component : MKK:
g. Prerequisite : ENG.
h. Lecturer : Nurul Puspita, M.Pd
2. Goal
At the end of the course, the students are expected (a) to used referencing technique in
writing, such as quatiing, summaraizing, paraphrasing, (b) to write a research paper or
article to be publish in some journal, c) to understand the structure and concepts of
scientific writing and apply in the form of scientific writing. While with the above goals,
students are also expected to improve their writing skill.
3. Description of Content
In order to achieve the goals, students are required to read various types of writing
research book for their final task. While the course gives students an opportunity to
practice and write scientific paper in accordance with the guidelines for the thesis
proposal applies in UIN. Moreover, for research paper writing should be based on
international style of article (APA).
4. Learning Strategies
a. Method : Colaborative Learning Technique
b. Technique : Lecturing, group work, pair work, and discussion (ONLINE)
c. Media : E- Learning UIN RIL and others supporting online platform
5. Evaluation
Evaluation well be based on the following criteria:
a. Class Participation/Assignments : 20%
b. Mid-term Exam : 30%
c. Final Exam : 50%
d. Total : 100%
Students whose attendance are below 80% are not entitled to a grade.
Session Topic
1 Syllabus Orientation
2 The Process of Academic Writing
3 Report Analysis: Pre-Writing
4 Report Analysis: Organizing
5 Report Analysis: Writing
6 Report Analysis: Polishing
7 Mid-term Exam
8 Paraphrasing and Summarizing in writing
9 Footnoting, quotations, citations in the writing
10 Constructing A Research Paper
11 Part of Research Paper: Title & Abstract
12 Part of Research Paper: Introduction & Method
13 Part of Research Paper: Result & Discussion
14 Part of Research Paper: Acknowledgement & Reference
15 Report Analysis: An Article
16 Final exam
7. References
a. How to Teach Writing Like a Pro
b. Swales, John M and Feak, Christine. (2012). Academic Writing for Graduate
Students. Michigan: Michigan ELT Press.
c. Panduan Penulisan Skripsi UIN RIL
d. Oshima, A. & Hogue, A. (1997). Introduction to Academic Writing. New York: