Lastly, religion provides a mechanism promot- - are major nodes in the interconnected systems
ing self-control and moral behavior. of information and money.
Cultural pluralism - a small group of shared
identity maintains their cultural practices as Globalization and World Cities(GaWC)- ranked
long as it aligns with the larger society's norms. cities based on provision of "advanced producer
services" such as accountancy, advertising, fi-
Religious tolerance - to abide by their own reli- nance, and law by international corporations.
gious practices and beliefs, is quintessential in
fostering peace in the community.
Alpha world cities (full service world cities)
Religious Fundamentalism - The belief that
there is one set of religious teachings . 12 points: London, New York, Paris, Tokyo
Violent intolerance- direct use of physical vio- • 9 points: San Francisco, Sydney, Toronto, Zur-
lence subjectively defined religious missions. ich
Glocalization of religion — universal religion is • 8 points: Brussels, Madrid, Mexico City, Sao
thematized alongside local particularity. Paulo
1. Children are needed for farming. Stage 4: Post Industrial Society - low birth and
2. They die at an early age due to illnesses. death rates, low population
3. No family planning and conception/giving Reasons for the changes in birth rate
birth is encouraged by religion and society.
1. Family planning
Reasons for the changes in death rate
2. Good health
1. Disease 2. Famine
3. Later marriage.
3.Poor medical knowledge
4. Improving status of women
Stage 2: Early Industrial Society - high birth Reasons for the changes in death rate
rates, falling death rate, high population growth
1. Good health care
Reasons for the changes in birth rate
2. Reliable food supply
1. Children are needed for farming
3.People are living much longer
2. They die at an early age due to illnesses.
Fertility Transition Theory - states that fertility
3. No family planning and conception/giving is declining in the less developed countries.
birth is encouraged by religion and society.
Food security - the condition of which everyone Globalization and Food Security - Globalization
is able to access sufficient, safe, and nutritious affects food production, distribution, and con-
food anytime. sumption patterns. Trade policies and economic
reforms can either support or undermine food
Food Insecurity - when people do not have ad- security efforts, emphasizing the need for equi-
equate physical, social, or economic access to table globalization.
Civil Rights – an entitlements provided by a cer- Conflict between global citizenship and na-
tain locality to its public constituents. tional citizenship - Citizens often live in their
own cultural context, posing conflicts between
Political Rights - an administrative entitlements global and national citizenship.
provided by specific government.