Ejetms 2-3-2022
Ejetms 2-3-2022
Ejetms 2-3-2022
Shaik Ismail*, N Damodar Reddy, C Uday Kumar, Sk Daleel Afridi, Kh Loyangan, K Naveen Kumar
Department of Civil Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology (Autonomous), R.V.S Nagar,
Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India
Accepted: 20 August 2022 Concrete is the most widely used construction material in any structure. To meet
the requirement of globalization, in the construction of buildings and other
structures, concrete plays a major rightful role and an increase in construction
Keywords: activities has led to utilizing the quality of concrete and also an increase in
M. Sand, Concrete, Compressive strength, demand for various raw materials in concrete. Concrete is a combination of
cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregates and water. Natural sand deposits are
being depleted and causing a serious threat to the environment as well as society.
If the usage of sand increases continuously then after some years, we will face
serious problems with respective its availability, cost and environmental impact.
Recently the government of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nādu has imposed
restrictions on sand removal from the river beds due to unsafe impacts
threatening the states. To overcome these problems, there is a need for cost-
effective; alternative and innovative materials nowadays sustainable
infrastructural growth demands alternative materials that should satisfy the
technical requirements of the fine aggregate. Mix design is designed as per IS
Standards. In this research, a mix of 1:1.9:3.1 (M20) was considered. The test
specimen was cast for 7 days, 14 days and 28 days. The performance of M-sand
was determined by several experiments such as slump test, split tensile strength,
flexural Strength, and compressive strength test. The results attained from each
test state that as M-sand increases the slump value decreases. flexural strength,
compressive strength and split tensile strength of concrete at 7 days, 14 days and
28 days are greater at 60% replacement of M sand by river sand.
1. INTRODUCTION cheapest and the easiest ways of getting substitute for natural
sand is by crushing natural stone to get artificial sand of
Currently, India has taken a major initiative on developing desired size and grade [1]. The main cause of concern is the
the infrastructures such as express highways, power projects nonrenewable nature of natural sand and the corresponding
and industrial structures etc., to meet the requirements of increasing demand of construction industry. Therefore looking
globalization. In recent years, concrete technology has made for another to river sand had become a necessity. The cheapest
significant advances which have resulted in economical and easiest alternative to natural sand is manufacturing sand
improvements in strength of concrete. This economic by crushing rocks/stones in desired amount and grade by
development depends upon the intelligent use of locally suitable method. Sand produced by such means is called as
available materials. A huge quantity of concrete is consumed manufactured/ crusher/artificial sand [2]. Priyanka A. Jadhav
by construction industry all over the world. In India, the and Dilip K. Kulkarni puts forward the applications of
conventional concrete is produced by using natural sand manufactured sand as an attempt towards sustainable
obtained from the riverbeds as fine aggregate. One of the development. The effect of water cement ratio on hardened
important ingredients of conventional concrete is natural sand properties of cement mortar with partial replacement of natural
or river sand, which is expensive and scarce. However, due to sand by manufactured sand was also reported [3]. M. Prem
the increased use of concrete in almost all types of Anand et. al. have reported the results of experimentally
construction works, the demand of natural or river sand has investigation on the effect of M-Sand in structural concrete by
been increased. To meet this demand of construction industry, replacing river sand and develop a high performance concrete.
excessive quarrying of sand from river beds is taking place They also determine and compare the differences in properties
causing the depletion of sand resources. The scarcity of natural of concrete containing river sand and M-sand. They also use
sand due to such heavy demands in growing construction steel fibres and chemical admixtures to increase the strength
activities have forced to find the suitable substitute. One of the and workability of concrete respectively. The investigations
were carried out using several tests such as workability test, from the rivers is detrimental to these life sustaining systems,
compressive test, tensile test, and flexural test etc [4]. Swapnil in the long run. Moreover, the effects of in stream sand mining
S. Fate has studied the effect of use of crushed sand on may not be visible immediately because it requires regular
properties of concrete and review of various operational monitoring and takes a decade or more to surface and
parameters viz. workability, durability and compressive propagate the effects along the river channel in measurable
strength was highlighted in the paper [5]. Martins Pilegis, units. In other words, mining may go on for years without
Diane Gardner and Robert Lark have also reported the results apparent effects upstream or downstream, only to have
of a laboratory study in which manufactured sand produced in geomorphic effects manifest later during high flows.
an industry sized crushing plant was characterised with respect Similarly, rivers are often said to have ‘long memories’,
to its physical and mineralogical properties. The influence of meaning that the channel balancing to in stream extraction or
these characteristics on concrete workability and strength, comparable perturbations may persist long after the activity
when manufactured sand completely replaced natural sand in has ceased. Sand mining disturbs the equilibrium of a river
concrete, was investigated and modelled using artificial neural channel because it block material load moving within a
networks (ANN). The results showed that the manufactured dynamic system and triggers an initial morphological response
sand concrete made in this study generally requires a higher to regain the balance between supply and transport. Key
water/cement (w/c) ratio for workability equal to that of Impact points on Envoirment due to Mining.
natural sand concrete due to the higher angularity of the
manufactured sand particles [6]. Rameshwar S. etal. Had 2.1 Changes in bed forms
initiated to made the concrete economical by replacing the
natural sand by crushed sand in the concrete. It was concluded The river channels are naturally modified into different bed
that different Crushed sand gives different results for forms depending on the changes in flow energy and sediment
compressive strength depending on different quarries [7]. discharge.
Akshay A. Waghmare Akshay G..Kadao, Ayushi R. Sharma
and Sunil G. have reported the properties such as workability 2.2 Changes in sediment characteristics
tensile strength and compressive strength of concrete prepared
by replacing natural sand with artificial sand at different Indiscriminate and continued mining of sand from the
replacement level (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%).They alluvial reaches of river systems could impose marked changes
have also reported the strength and durability performance of in the grain size characteristics of river beds, in the long run.
concrete made with natural sand and artificial sand[8]. As bed materials form an important abiotic component of a
Dr.S.Elavenil and B. Vijaya, have also reported that a well river ecosystem, changes in grain size characteristics may lead
processed manufactured sand can be used as partial or full to changes in biodiversity of the system.
replacement to river sand and this is the need of the hour as a
long term solution in Indian concrete industry until other 2.3 Changes in water quality / quantity
suitable alternative fine aggregate are developed [9-12]. In the
present investigation workability, strength and durability of Indiscriminate mining for construction grade sand and
concrete with manufactured sand as change to natural sand in gravel from the active channels and floodplains of river
Proportions of 0%, 20%, 40%, 60% and 100% is studied. The systems can impose serious problems in the surface and sub-
experiments were conducted on M20 and M30 concrete grade surface (groundwater) water resources. High content of
with 450 specimens. Slump cone, compaction factor and vee- suspended particulates in the water column arising as a result
bee time tests were conducted to determine workability. of clandestine sand mining operations can cause severe
Results obtained showed that as replacement of natural sand impairments to the river ecosystems.Cases of water table
by manufactured sand is increased, there is a decrease in the lowering consequent to sand and gravel mining have been
workability. Compressive strength, split tensile strength and documented by several investigators.
flexural strength tests were conducted to determine strength of
concrete. The 60% replacement showed an increase in strength 2.4 Changes in biological environment
of about 20% and other changes to an order of minimum
0.93% in both the grades. The durability study is conducted by During the past 3-4 decades, river systems of the world have
treating specimens for 30 days with 5% concentrated been altered significantly due to in discriminate sand mining.
Hydrochloric Acid and the concrete mix with 60% Sand mining has many deleterious direct and indirect effects
replacement has given good durable properties. on the physical, chemical and biological environments of river
2.5 Environmental issues of Mining
Large scale mining of sand and gravel several folds higher
than the natural replenishments, has lead to irreparable The role of minerals and metals in economic development,
damages to the land, water, biotic and social / human mainly in the context of developing countries has recieved
environments related to many of the world’s river systems. much attention.This is most important aspect while design the
The problem is severe in the case of the rivers in the southwest mine layout as it depletion of ground water, lesser availibility
coast of India, especially in Kerala, where the rivers are small of water for industrial, agriculture land, fall of employment to
with limited river bed resources. At the equivalent time, the farm workers, threat to livelihood, human rights violations and
mining of sand is on the rise to meet its ever increasing demand damage to roads and bridges. It also affects region's fragile
in the construction sector. It is now widely realized that, in ecosystem and rich biological and cultural diversity.
spite of the short term gain, the indiscriminate sand mining
2.6 Air Quality Table 1. Workability of concrete with various percentage
of M – sand
The main air quality issue with mining is dust particles. A Proportions Slump in mm
large amount in the concentration of dust can be a health Conventional concrete 52
hazard, exacerbating respiratory disorders such as asthma and 20% M-sand +80% sand 49
irritating the lungs and bronchial passages.
40%M -sand + 60% sand 49
60%M -sand +40 % sand 47
2.7 Noise & Vibration
80%M -sand + 20% sand 46
Noise can be an issue because mines normally operate 24 100%M -sand + 0% sand 41
hours a day and sound levels can fluctuate widely. Surface
mines mainly generate noise from overburden, excavation and Table 2. Result of Compressive Strength of Cubes For 7
transport, while the major noise source from underground Days
mines is ventilation fans, surface facilities and product Compressive Average
transport. Strength Of Cubes Compressive
% of mixing
(N/Mm²) Strength
1 2 3
Constituents of concrete: Concrete is to be suitable for a Conventional
particular purpose, it is necessary to select the constituent 21.11 23.11 22.67 22.29
materials and combine them in such a manner as to develop 20% M-sand
the special qualities required as economical as possible. Many 23.55 22.95 24.18 23.56
+80% R-sand
variables affect the quality of the concrete produced, and both 40%M -sand +
quality and economy must be considered. 25.89 25.74 24.19 25.27
60% R-sand
60%M -sand
3.1 Cement 27.11 25.77 25.98 26.18
+40 % R-sand
80%M -sand
JAYPEE Ordinary Portland Cement of 43 Grade 21.53 23.68 21.93 22.38
+R- 20% sand
confirming to IS 8112-1989 of specific gravity 3.12. 100%M -sand
22.74 20.67 20.21 21.20
+ 0% R-sand
3.2 Fine Aggregate
Table 3. Result of Compressive Strength of Cubes For 14
River sand and Manufactured sand confirming to Zone-II of
IS 383.
3.3 Coarse Aggregate Strength Of Cubes
% of mixing Compressive
Crushed granite metal with 60% passing 20 mm and (N/Mm²)
retained on 10 mm sieve and 40% passing 10mm and retained 1 2 3
on 4.75 sieves was used. Conventional
26.67 25.44 26.81 26.30
3.4 Water 20% M-sand
26.22 26.79 26.19 26.41
+80% R-sand
Potable water confirming to IS: 456-2000. 40%M -sand +
60% R-sand 27.55 26.62 27.24 27.13
INVESTIGATION 27.98 29.15 27.15
+40 % R-sand
80%M -sand 25.09
The experimental investigation was planned to provide 24.88 26.22 24.08
+R- 20% sand
sufficient information about the strength characteristics of
100%M -sand
manufactured sand concrete and natural sand concrete with 25.88 22.33 24.36 24.19
+ 0% R-sand
and without using nano silica and compare the performances
of both types of concrete. Tests were conducted on materials
to know their physical properties. Also different tests were Table 4. Result of Compressive Strength of Cubes For 28
performed on manufactured sand concrete to study its Days
workability. Results were analyzed to derive useful Compressive
conclusions regarding the strength characteristics of Strength Of Cubes
% of mixing Compressive
manufactured sand concrete with and without using nano (N/Mm²)
silica.M20 concrete has been used as a reference mix.
1 2 3
5. TEST RESULTS Conventional
31.29 32.16 30.68 31.37
5.1 Slump Cone Test
20% M-sand strength for 14 and 28 days. Based on the experimental
32.51 32.69 31.22 32.14
+80% R-sand investigation, the following conclusions are made.
40%M -sand +
33.09 33.57 32.97 33.21 Industrial waste materials are used as partial
60% R-sand
60%M -sand replacement of fine aggregate at different levels
35.61 34.86 35.76 35.41 produced concrete with high strength and acceptable
+40 % R-sand
80%M -sand 31.4 structural grade concrete.
30.21 30.45 31.87 High volume of m-sand replacement is not
+R- 20% sand
100%M -sand appropriate because of its properties.
+ 0% R-sand
31.99 30.78 31.43 30.87 There will be a good reduction in the cost of concrete
by the usage of manufactured sand
Partial replacement of sand with manufactured sand
Table 5. Result of Split Tensile Strength of Cylinders For
gives better than ordinary concrete.
14 Days By replacement of fine aggregates, we observed that
Compressive the maximum compressive strength for 7 days of
Average Split
Strength Of Cubes curing is increased by 15.14% at 60% M-Sand and
% of mixing Tensile
(N/Mm²) 40%R-Sand.
(N/Mm²) For 14, 28 days of curing the maximum compressive
1 2 3 strength is increased by 9.04% and 12.49 % at 60%
Conventional M-Sand and 40% R-Sand.
2.24 2.43 2.39 2.35 By replacement of 60% M-Sand and 40%R-Sand, we
observed that the maximum tensile strength is
20% M-sand increased by 19.69% for 14days.
+80% R-sand 2.76 2.73 2.58 2.69 By replacement of60% M-Sand and 40%R-Sand, we
40%M -sand + observed that the maximum tensile strength is
60% R-sand 2.84 2.86 2.69 2.71 increased by 20.28% for 28days.
60%M -sand At 60% M-Sand and 40% replacement of R-sand
+40 % R-sand 2.97 2.98 2.81 2.92 gives good results when compared with remaining
80%M -sand proportions.
+R- 20% sand 2.68 2.57 2.49 2.58
100%M -sand
+ 0% R-sand 2.12 2.42 2.38 2.31 REFERENCES
[7] IS-383, 1970 Indian Standard Specification for coarse and
fine aggregates from natural source for concrete.
[8] IS-2386, 1963 (Part I to Part III)- Indian standards method
of test for aggregate for concrete.
[9] Nagraj T.S. and Zahida B.- Efficient utilization of rock
dust and Pebbles as aggregate in Portland cement concrete
[10] IS-1199-1959, Indian standards methods for sampling and
analysis of concrete.
[11] IS-456 (2000), Indian standards methods Plain &
Reinforced Concrete.
[12] ASTM C494-92, Specification for chemical admixtures
for concrete