January Newsletter

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Together Learning

Lochearn Elementary

We Excel
January 2012

When parents and schools work together, they make an unbeatable team.

A BIG Thank You! Thank you to School Council for the supper that they provided for the staff during Parent-Teacher Interviews. Thank you ! School and Home Communication Effective communication informs the student, parent and others about what has been accomplished and what the next steps are in the learning process. The communication process involves all the key players. However, the greater the role students are given in this process, the richer the information that is shared and the greater the impact on future student learning. While we have ongoing communication with students in the classroom about their learning, we strive to keep parents and students informed about their achievement. Ways that we inform parents on a regular basis: Progress Reports We send home a progress report each month (some teachers send one home every two weeks). Portfolios - Students bring home portfolios in November, March and June. The portfolio is a collection of work that supports the mark that is on their report card. The mark reflects the childs understanding of the learning outcomes set down by Alberta Education for the grade level that they are in. Report Cards- Report cards go out with the portfolios in November, March and June.

A Message from Mr. Armitage (Our Artist in Residence): Greetings Lochearn Families! I am very excited to announce that I will be running a song writing workshop at Lochearn in the New Year. This is part of our Artist in Residence program that we have here at school every two years. My plan is to work with all students and grade levels to write six original songs and culminate the experience with a performance to celebrate our journey. The program will be taking place from January 16 through to January 27. Be on the lookout for information in the New Year that will let you know about exact times for our concert. Thank you for your continued support and the value that you place on the arts in our schools.

Our Habit this month is Put First Things First. Habit 3 is about prioritizing. Habit 3 helps you overcome the obstacles and those the fears in difficult moments in order to reach your destination. The habit will develop your will-power which is the ability to say yes to your most important things and won't-power which is the strength to say no the less important things and to peer pressure (Taken From -The Race). You can ask your child what important things needs to be done before playing, so that they can practice developing this habit. Inclement Weather Students are expected to play outside during recesses and at recesses.On some days the weather may be such that this expectation will be altered. Symbols will be placed at the entrances and announcements will direct the student as to what to do. No symbol : normal day students to be outside. Green Circle : students may quietly warm up in their entrance way (-19c).Yellow Triangle : Students are to be in their home rooms as it is too cold (-25c) or too wet to be outside

Why are elementary students studying algebra? As a parent, you might remember learning algebra in high school or even junior high school. We often associate the word algebra with hard math or using letters/ variables instead of numbers. Algebra is the study of relationships and change and is rooted in the study of solving equations. Learning to work with patterns in the early grades helps students develop algebraic thinking, which is foundational for working with more abstract mathematics in higher grades. Patterns may be shown in three forms: concrete, visual, or symbolic. How might I support my child with algebra? Encourage your child to look for patterns in your home (tiles, quilts, clothing, etc.) and talk about them. Talk about how you use patterns in your daily life. Challenge young children to sort things at home (laundry, utensils, toys, etc.) and to sort them again another way. Talk about similarities and differences. Talk about how you use charts/tables or spreadsheets in your work. Christmas Concerts: On Dec 22 parents with children in K to grade 2 are welcome to attend the concert, and on the 23 parents with children in Grades 3,4,& 5.

School Council is held at noon on the first Wednesday of every month in the Art/ Science room. Parents, grandparents, guardians, community members are all welcome. Please join us.

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