1. That the FIRST PARTY is a duly authorized Business Establishment which can provide Practicum
for BSA students and agrees to the use of its facilities/equipment for the training of the students of
the Second Party subject to the policies, procedures, and guidelines governing the training of the
students. The SECOND PARTY (also referred to as the Higher Education Institution (HEI) shall
comply with the same policies, procedures and guidelines, and any violation of the provision
thereof shall be a legitimate ground for the cancellation of this Memorandum of Agreement.
2. That the FIRST PARTY (HTE) shall provide a supervised applied learning experience in
accordance with the agreed training plan and schedule.
3. That the FIRST PARTY coordinates with the Practicum Coordinator of the Second party for the
implementation of the Practicum course.
4. That the FIRST PARTY shall conduct post training review and evaluation of the Program and the
performance in coordination with the Second Party (HEI).
5. That the FIRST PARTY issues a Certificate of Completion to the student interns within two (2)
weeks after the completion of training.
1. That the SECOND PARTY (also referred to as the HEI) develop in collaboration with the duly
selected HTE the plan for the student training, specifying goals, objectives, knowledge, skills,
attitudes, competencies that the student trainee should acquire in each learning area, assignments,
and schedule of activities, among others.
2. That the SECOND PARTY shall monitor and evaluate the performance of student trainees (through
its designated faculty Practicum advisor and designated SIPP Coordinator) jointly with the HTE
based on the prescribed training plan.
3. That the SECOND PARTY through its designated SIPP Coordinator shall attend to the needs and
concerns of the student trainee by coordinating with the HTE, CHED and other concerned
government authorities, if necessary.
4. That the SECOND PARTY shall conduct general orientation for qualified student trainees and their
5. That the SECOND PARTY shall submit to CHED through the CHEDRO the following documents:
a. Annual Reports
b. List of students certified to have completed the internship/practicum with supporting
c. SIPP Evaluation form, and
d. Provide a copy of the duly notarized MOA.
6. That the SECOND PARTY should see to it that any student trainee found guilty of violation any of
the provisions contained in the Practicum Manual/Plan, be subjected to the institutional disciplinary
7. That the SECOND PARTY issues a final grade to the student trainee upon completion of
8. That the SECOND PARTY issues a Certificate of Appreciation to the Host Training Establishment
at the end of the training program.
The Term of this Memorandum of Agreement takes effect during the 2017 Collegiate Summer sessions
of School Year 2016-2017 and continues to be valid unless revoked by either party for reasons as agreed
by both HTE and HEI.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Memorandum of Agreement this ___ day of
Before Me, a Notary Public, this ___________________________ 20___ at the City of Maasin,
Southern Leyte, Philippines, personally appeared the following:
All known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged
to me the same form part of their free and voluntary act as well as the free and voluntary act and deed
of the entities they represent in this instance.