Cucumber Assessment
Cucumber Assessment
Cucumber Assessment
Status : Fail
Assessment Date : 17-05-2024 01:07:43 (GMT+05:30)
Performance Level : Low
43.33 L
Your Performance
Percentage Category
Outstanding level of performance indicates that the candidate has done excellent work and mastered the concepts.
High level of performance indicates that the candidate has done above average work and mastered almost all the concepts.
Acceptable level of performance indicates that the candidate has done average work and has mastered many of the concepts.
Needs improvement in performance indicates that the candidate has done and mastered very few or none of the concepts.
Performance Criteria
S1 (Cucumber Group) 27.30 and above 24.30 to 27.00 18.30 to 24.00 Below 18.00
Overall Score 27.30 and above 24.30 to 27.00 18.30 to 24.00 Below and equal to 18.00
(Cucumber 13.00 7:52 43.33% 43.33% 30 30 30 13 17 0 0
Note:The percentage (%) and accuracy below the prescribed values (60 %) are shown in red color
Section-wise marks
S1, 13
Impact of Incorrect Responses
Below table provides the marks lost due to incorrect responses.
S1(grp1) 17 0 13
Overall 17 0 13.00
In order to attempt more accurately, consider the following suggestions while attempting the questions:
1. If you are not able to solve a question correctly or have doubts in your approach towards the solution, skip it for later.
2. Quickly revise the steps for avoiding calculation or casual mistakes.
3. Avoid guesswork.
1. It is essential for each aspirant to plan and schedule time for each section diligently. This is important to score well in each section and ultimately meet the
2. This will also help you in attempting all the questions in each section and hence not missing the opportunity to score more.
S1 (Cucumber
0 0 0 0 0 13 17
Overall 0 0 0 0 0 13 17
It is suggested that guesswork should be avoided for any type of response changes. It has been observed that more often than not, guesswork leads to an
incorrect response thereby inviting negative marks which in turn has an adverse effect on the overall rank.
You must use your knowledge, observation and elimination skills to arrive at the correct answer.
Note:The percentage (%) and accuracy below the prescribed values (60%) are shown in red color
Question wise Analysis
Correct, 13
InCorrect, 17
Performance Analysis: S1
1. The below table analyzes your performance at question level
2. It highlights conceptually strong and improvement areas within the section and areas that require reinforcement of concepts.
3. The accuracy of the response to each question and time spent are correlated and interpreted in terms of expert advice on preparedness level.
Question Details
Q1. Cucumber acts as a bridge between the business and development of a project.
Status : Correct
Options :
Timespent (in sec): 11 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0 Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.
Q2. What is the purpose of the "Background" keyword in a Cucumber feature file?
Status : Incorrect
Options :
Timespent (in sec): 16 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q3. Which of the following is a Cucumber option that can be used to specify the path to the feature files?
Status : Correct
Options :
1. –tags
2. –strict
3. –format
4. –glue
Timespent (in sec): 6 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0 Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.
Status : Correct
Options :
1. Test cases
2. Test data
3. Step definitions
4. Scenario descriptions
Timespent (in sec): 25 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0 Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.
Q5. Which type of automation testing involves validating the software's ability to handle concurrent user interactions?
Status : Incorrect
Options :
1. Load testing
2. Stress testing
3. Scalability testing
4. Performance testing
Timespent (in sec): 27 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Status : Incorrect
Options :
1. (?:text|texts)
2. (?text|texts)
3. (.*text|texts)
4. (*text|texts)
Timespent (in sec): 11 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q7. Which Cucumber feature allows you to share state between different step definitions?
Status : Incorrect
Options :
1. Background
2. Data Tables
3. Scenario Outline
4. Context Injection
Timespent (in sec): 18 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q8. Which type of testing focuses on verifying whether the software functions correctly after code changes or updates?
Status : Incorrect
Options :
1. Functional testing
2. Integration testing
3. Regression testing
4. Performance testing
Timespent (in sec): 17 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q9. Feature file extension is `_________`.
Status : Correct
Options :
1. .feature
2. .java
3. .features
4. None of these
Timespent (in sec): 9 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0 Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.
Status : Incorrect
Options :
Timespent (in sec): 7 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q11. What is the primary challenge of maintaining automation test scripts over time?
Status : Incorrect
Options :
1. Test script execution speed
2. Test data management
3. Test script maintenance
4. Test environment setup
Timespent (in sec): 10 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Status : Correct
Options :
1. To generate HTML reports for Cucumber test results
2. To automatically execute Cucumber tests
3. To integrate Cucumber with version control systems
4. To format Cucumber feature files
Timespent (in sec): 12 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0 Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.
Q13. How can you dynamically skip certain scenarios in Cucumber based on conditions?
Status : Incorrect
Options :
1. By using the "Skip" keyword in the scenario outline
2. By adding tags to scenarios and configuring Cucumber to exclude them based on tags
3. By using regular expressions to match scenario descriptions
4. By defining custom logic in the step definitions to skip scenarios
Timespent (in sec): 24 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q14. How can you dynamically generate step definitions for Cucumber scenarios?
Status : Incorrect
Options :
1. By using regular expressions in feature files
2. By defining custom transformers in step definitions
3. By utilizing the "Scenario Outline" keyword
4. By using the "Background" keyword
Timespent (in sec): 33 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q15. What is the purpose of the "Scenario Hooks" in Cucumber?
Status : Correct
Options :
Timespent (in sec): 10 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0 Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.
Status : Correct
Options :
1. Scenario: Login with valid credentials
2. Scenario Outline: Login with invalid credentials
3. Scenario: Add item to shopping cart
4. Scenario Outline: Search for product
Timespent (in sec): 13 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0 Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.
Q17. How can you run a specific scenario tagged with "@SmokeTest" using the Cucumber command line?
Status : Incorrect
Options :
Timespent (in sec): 8 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q18. Which annotation is commonly used in Step Definition files to link a step with its implementation?
Status : Incorrect
Options :
1. @Given'
2. @When'
3. @Step'
4. @Then'
Timespent (in sec): 19 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q19. Which annotation is used to link a step definition method to a Gherkin step?
Status : Correct
Options :
1. @Given'
2. @When'
3. @Then'
4. @And'
Timespent (in sec): 17 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0 Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.
Q20. In Cucumber, what does the "Feature" keyword represent in a feature file?
Status : Incorrect
Options :
Timespent (in sec): 17 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q21. In Cucumber, how can you parameterize a scenario with complex objects?
Status : Incorrect
Options :
1. Using regular expressions
2. Using data tables
3. Using JSON files
4. Using data transformers
Timespent (in sec): 12 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q22. Which Cucumber feature allows you to parameterize a scenario with examples?
Status : Incorrect
Options :
1. Background
2. Scenario Outline
3. Data Tables
4. Hooks
Timespent (in sec): 9 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q23. What is the primary objective of smoke testing in automation testing?
Status : Correct
Options :
Timespent (in sec): 13 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0 Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.
Status : Correct
Options :
1. @Before'
2. @After'
3. @BeforeScenario'
4. @AfterScenario'
Timespent (in sec): 11 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0 Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.
Q25. How can you ignore a scenario in Cucumber?
Status : Correct
Options :
1. By commenting it out
2. By using the "Ignore" keyword
3. By tagging it with @Ignore
4. By deleting it from the feature file
Timespent (in sec): 8 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0 Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.
Status : Incorrect
Options :
1. `\\d+`
2. `.*`
3. `$`
4. `#`
Timespent (in sec): 6 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q27. Which keyword is used in Gherkin to represent a placeholder for a value in a scenario?
Status : Incorrect
Options :
1. Placeholder
2. Variable
3. Parameter
4. Argument
Timespent (in sec): 64 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q28. Which approach is recommended for handling asynchronous operations in automation testing?
Status : Incorrect
Options :
Timespent (in sec): 14 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 0 Unanswered to Incorrect: 1
Comments: You have most probably committed a numerical or conceptual mistake or you would have guessed the answer.
Q29. BDD stands for `_____________`.
Status : Correct
Options :
1. Business Driven Development
2. Behavior Driven Development
3. Business Data Development
4. Business Data Driven
Timespent (in sec): 8 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0 Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.
Q30. In Cucumber, how can you specify a regular expression to match step definitions?
Status : Correct
Options :
Timespent (in sec): 17 Correct to Incorrect: 0 Incorrect to Correct: 0 Incorrect to Incorrect: 0 Correct to unanswered: 0 Incorrect to unanswered: 0
Unanswered to Correct: 1 Unanswered to Incorrect: 0 Comments: You are on the right preparation track on this topic.
0 0 0 0 0 13 17