Animal Kingdom Fact Sheet
Animal Kingdom Fact Sheet
Animal Kingdom Fact Sheet
1) Habitat: Mostly Marine, Few (out of 5000, about 150) are Fresh Water (Spongilla)
2) Grade of Organisation: Cellular
3) Symmetry: Mostly asymmetrical
4) Defining feature:
a. Choanocytes
b. Collared flagellated cells lining inner wall and canal
5) Canal system
a. Ostia – Canal – spongocoel – osculum
b. Water: Food/gas exchange/excretion
c. Digestion is intracellular
6) Skeleton: Spicules/spongin fibres
7) Reproduction
a. Asexual: Fragmentation/Gemmule formation
b. Sexual:
i. Hermaphrodites
ii. Internal fertilization
iii. Indirect development
Coelentrata (Cnidaria)
1) Habitat: Mostly Marine, Few are Fresh Water (Hydra), sessile or free swimming
(a) present on body and tentacles.
(b) Functions- - Anchorage, Defense | Capture of prey
2) Digestive System:
a. Incomplete
b. Mouth on hypostome leading to body cavity Gastrovascular cavity
c. Intra & extracellular digestion
3) Respiration happens through body wall, circulatory fluids is water & excretion happens
through body surface
4) Nervous system: Neurons appear [nerve net in Hydra]
5) Skeleton: Coral forms having skeleton of CaCO3
6) Reproduction
a. Asexual: Budding
b. Sexual:
i. Hermaphrodites
ii. External fertilization
iii. Direct/Indirect development
Platyhelminthes: (Flatworms)
1. Habitat: Free living or parasitic [mostly endoparasites]
2. Level of organization: Organ
3. Body plan
(a) Bilateral symmetry
(b) Triploblastic
(c) Dorsoventrally flattened [hence, flatworms]
(d) Acoelomate
4. Digestive System:
a. Incomplete with single opening
b. Extracellular digestion
c. Some forms absorb food directly from body surface
5. Respiratory structure: Free living-body surface
6. Excretory system: Flame cells (Protonephridia) for excretion and osmoregulation
7. Reproduction
a. Asexual: High regeneration-Planaria capacity
b. Sexual:
i. Hermaphrodites
ii. Fertilization: internal
iii. Development: Indirect through many larval stages
4. Locomotory structure:
a. Longitudinal and circular muscles
b. Parapodia/lateral appendages in some
5. Respiratory system/surface: Body surface
6. Circulatory system: Closed
7. Excretory system: Nephridia
8. Nervous system: Paired ganglia with double ventral nerve cord
9. Sense organs: Eyes, Tentacles
10. Mono/Dioecious:
a. Monoecious - Earthworm, Leech
b. Dioecious - Nereis (aquatic form)
11. Fertilization: External/internal
12. Development: Direct/indirect
b. Antennae
c. Statocyst (balancing)
11. Mono/Dioecious: Mostly dioecious
12. Fertilization: Usually intemal
13. Development: Direct/indirect
5. Endoskeleton: Delicate epidermis that stretches over calcium carbonate plates called ossicles.
Plants have spines [hence. spiny skinned]
6. Digestive system:
a. Mouth-lower side/ventral
b. Anus-upper side/dorsal
7. Respiratory system/surface: Water vascular system
8. Circulatory system: Open
9. Excretory system: Absent
10. Mono/Dioecious: Dioecious
11. Fertilization: Usually external
12. Development: Indirect with free swimming larva
1. Habitat: Exclusively marine
2. Body divisions/appearance: Tripartite - Proboscis, collar, trunk (worm like)
3. Important feature:
(a) Stomochord - a flexible, hollow tube arising as an outpocketing from the roof of the
embryonic gut.
(b) Stomochords were initially considered a variant of a primitive notochord, a defining
feature of chordates. But the two structures have no similarity. Therefore, they are
placed separately from chordates under non-chordates.
4. Respiratory system/surface: Gills
5. Circulatory system: Open
6. Excretory system: Proboscis gland
7. Mono/Dioecious: Dioecious
8. Fertilization: External
9. Development: Indirect