Class 11 Animal Kingdom Chordata: Salient Features of Chordata
Class 11 Animal Kingdom Chordata: Salient Features of Chordata
Class 11 Animal Kingdom Chordata: Salient Features of Chordata
Animal Kingdom
Salient features of chordata
C. Pharyngeal pouches
Subphylum- Urochordata
Subphylum Cephalochordata.
(a) Chondrichthyes are exclusively marine fishes.
(b) They have cartilaginous endoskeleton. Their body is streamlined.
(c) Mouth is located on ventral side.
(d) Gill slits are separate and without gill cover (operculum).
(e) Pelvic fins bear claspers in males.
(f) Skin is tough. It has minute placoid scales.
(g) Animals are predatory. They have powerful jaws with teeth e.g., sharks, rays,
skates etc.
Class Osteichthes
1.The endoskeleton is cartilaginous in the embryonic stage, but in the adult forms
more or less it is replaced by bones. Thus they have bony endoskeleton. They are
ectothermic (cold blooded). There are about 25,000 species of bony fishes.
The exoskeleton, if present comprises cycloid, ctenoid or ganoid scales, which are
dermal in origin.
4. The mouth is terminal. Digestive tract leads into an anus. Cloaca is absent in bony
5. External nares lie on the dorsal surface of the snout. In lung fishes internal nares
are also present.
6. Bony fishes have a sac-like outgrowth, the swim bladder (also called air bladder),
arising from the dorsal wall of the oesophagus, which is air-filled organ, used to
maintain balance and to swim up and down. In some fishes, such as Heteropneustes,
it helps in respiration.
7. They have 4 pairs of gills which are covered by an operculum on each side.
8. The heart is 2-chambered (one auricle and one ventricle) and also has sinus
venosus and conus arteriosus. Lung fishes have three chambered heart. (Two
auricles and one ventricle). Bony fishes have well developed renal portal system.
RBCs are oval and nucleated.
11. The brain bears relatively small olfactory lobes and cerebellum.
13. They have internal ears which helps the fish keep its balance. The nictitating
membrane in the eye of fish is well developed.
14. Fertilization is generally external. Most forms are oviparous, some are
ovoviviparous. Development is direct except in Anguilla where development is
indirect with a larva lepto- cephalus. Some bony fishes show parental care.
15. Example : Bony fishes occur in all sort of waters— fresh, marine, brackish.
Class Amphibia
Class Reptilia
1. These are creeping and burrowing terrestrial animals with scales on their
2. They are cold-blooded animals found in most of the warmer regions of the
3. Their skin is dry, and rough, without any glands.
4. The body is divided into head, neck, trunk, and tail.
5. Few of these shed the scales on their skin as skin cast.
6. The respiration takes place with the help of the lungs.
7. The skull is monocondylic.
8. They have two pairs of pentadactyl limbs, each bearing claws. Snakes are an
9. The heart is 3 chambered. However, crocodiles have a 4-chambered heart.
10. The nervous system comprises of 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
11. The lateral line system is absent in reptiles.
12. Except for snakes, all the reptiles have well-developed ears.
13. They possess a typical cloaca.
14. Reptiles are ureotelic, uricotelic, and ammonotelic.
15. Fertilization is internal.
16. They exhibit a meroblastic segmentation.
17. They are oviparous and the eggs are very yolky.
18. Eg., Snakes, Turtles, Lizards, Crocodiles
Figure showing examples of various Reptiles
Class Aves
1. Mammals are warm-blooded animals who give birth to their younger ones.
2. They are the most dominant form of animals found in almost all types of
3. They have mammary glands that help them produce milk to feed their younger
4. Presence of region of the brain known as Neocortex
5. Their skin possesses oil glands (sebaceous glands) and sweat glands
(sudoriferous glands).
6. The fur of hair throughout the body which helps animals adapt to their
7. They are heterodont, i.e., possess different types of teeth.
8. Mammals also possess cervical vertebrae.
9. The skull is dicondylic.
10. The trunk is divided into thorax and abdomen.
11. The mammals respire through lungs.
12. Good sense of hearing as mammals are aided with 3 middle ear bones
13. Mammals have a four-chambered heart. The sinus venous and renal portal
system are absent.
14. Presence of single-boned lower jaws.
15. The brain is well developed divided into cerebrum, cerebellum and medulla.
16. They possess 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
17. Exhibit one of the most advanced forms of Diaphragms.
18. The mammals can lay eggs also. They are known as viviparous.
Figure showing different types of mammals