CIE 116 Engineering Utilities 1 WM
CIE 116 Engineering Utilities 1 WM
CIE 116 Engineering Utilities 1 WM
Engineering Utilities 1
This document and the information thereon is the property of PHINMA Education
A. Subject Description:
This course focuses on the environmental systems in the buildings. Lecture discussion include
building electrical systems, natural and artificial lighting, and building telecommunications.
Reducing operational loads and integrating high performance energy systems into buildings offers
solutions towards achieving a sustainable and secure energy future. Engineers must understand
the interrelationship between a building and its subsystems, and need sufficient knowledge of
building systems and design alternatives to recommend appropriate solutions that suit the site,
climate, building type, and occupants. They must coordinate the work of the engineering disciplines
that carry the sustainability concept forward through building design, construction, commissioning,
operation and, ultimately, demolition, recycling and reuse.
B. Objectives:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Name and define electrical terminology
2. Calculate energy and cost of operation of electrical equipment.
3. Name, describe and distinguish between types of artificial and natural lighting sources.
D. Grading System:
Passing score is 60.
Final Grade = (0.33 x P1) + (0.33 x P2) + (0.34 x P3)
P1, P2, P3 = First Periodical Grade; Second Periodical Grade; Third Periodical Grade;
Productivity Tip:
Put your phone away. Just as it would in a classroom or at the office, your cell phone can serve
as a big distraction while working from home
1) Introduction (5 mins)
We see applications of electricity all around us, especially in the electronic products we own and
operate every day. For example, we depend on electricity for lighting, heating, air conditioning and for
the operation of our vehicles, our cellular phones, home appliances and computers. The applications
of electricity are extensive and almost limitless to the imagination. Although there are many
applications of electricity, electricity itself can be explained in terms of electric charge, voltage,
and current. In this lesson, you will be introduced to the basic concepts of electricity which includes:
conductors, insulators and the basic units of an electric circuit.
What I Learned
What I Know Question:
1) Activity 2: Content Notes (18 mins)
Electricity is a form of energy, where energy refers to the ability doing work. More specifically,
electrical energy refers to the energy associated with electric charges. We see the effects of
electricity in a battery, static charge, lightning, radio, television, and many other applications. What
do they all have in common that is electric in nature? The answer is basic particles of electric
charge with opposite polarities. All the materials we know, including solids, liquids, and gases,
contain two basic particles of electric charge: the electron and the proton. An electron is the
smallest amount of electric charge having the characteristic called negative polarity while the proton
is a basic particle with positive polarity.
Just as magnets have north and south poles, electric charges have the opposite polarities labeled
negative and positive. As an example, this paper has electrons and protons in it. There is no
evidence of electricity, though, because the number of electrons equals the number of protons. In
that case, the opposite electrical forces cancel, making the paper electrically neutral. The
neutral condition means that opposing forces are exactly balanced, without any net effect either
When we want to use the electrical forces associated with the negative and
positive charges in all matter, work must be done to separate the electrons
and protons. Changing the balance of forces produces evidence of
electricity. A battery, for instance, can do electrical work because its
chemical energy separates electric charges to produce an excess of
electrons at its negative terminal and an excess of protons at its positive
terminal. With separate and opposite charges at the two terminals, electric
energy can be supplied to a circuit connected to the battery.
A material with atoms in which the electrons tend to stay in their own orbits is an insulator because
it cannot conduct electricity very easily. However, insulators can hold or store electricity better than
conductors. An insulating material, such as glass, plastic, rubber, paper, air, or mica, is also called
a dielectric, meaning it can store electric charges.
Current is the movement of charge, the unit for stating the amount of current is defined in rate of
flow of charge. When the charge moves at the rate of 6.25 x 1018 electrons or 1 coulomb flowing
past a given point per second, the value of the current is one ampere (A). This is the same as one
coulomb of charge per second. The ampere unit of current is named after André M. Ampère (1775–
1836). The symbol I is used in electric circuits used with the direction of the current flow.
The volt unit of potential difference is named after Alessandro Volta (1745–1827). Fundamentally,
the volt is a measure of the amount of work or energy needed to move an electric charge. By
definition, when 0.7376 foot-pound (ft • lb) of work is required to 6.25 x 10 18 electrons or 1 coulomb
between two points, the potential difference between those two points is one volt. The metric unit of
work or energy is the joule (J). It is the same amount of work or energy as 0.7376 ft-lb. We can also
say that the potential difference between two points is one volt when one joule of energy is
expended in moving one coulomb of charge between those two points. Voltage sources like
batteries are also called sources of electromotive force (emf). The symbol E is used for emf, but the
standard symbol V represents any potential difference. This applies either to the voltage generated
by a source or to the voltage drop across an electrical component or load.
A wire conducting current can become hot is evidence that the work done by the applied voltage in
producing current must be accomplished against some form of opposition. This opposition, which
limits the amount of current that can be produced by the applied voltage, is called
resistance. Conductors have very little resistance; insulators have a large amount of resistance.
The ohm unit is named after Georg Simon Ohm (1787–1854), a German physicist. The symbol for
resistance is R. The abbreviation used for the ohm unit is the Greek letter omega, written as Ω.
In applications requiring current, the components are
arranged in the form of a circuit, as shown on the right. A
circuit can be defined as a path for current flow. Here the
components are represented by shorthand symbols.
Note the symbols for the battery and resistance.
The connecting wires are shown simply as straight lines Voltage Source Resistance Load
because their resistance is small enough to be neglected. V = 1.5 V R = 300 Ω
A resistance of less than 0.01 Ω for the wire is practically
zero compared with the 300 Ω load resistance. Current
direction is always shown to flow from the positive terminal
of the source to the negative terminal of the source.
In short circuit, the voltage source has a closed path across its terminals, but the load resistance is
practically zero. The result is too much current in a short circuit. Usually, the short circuit is a
bypass around the load resistance. A short circuit should be prevented because it will make the
wires hot (which may cause fire) or damage the voltage source. A fuse or circuit breaker prevents
short circuit by cutting off the voltage source.
Looking at the figure below, a 6-volt battery is connected to a 3- resistor load. Using Ohm’s law,
we can determine the current in the resistor.
The unit of electric power is the watt (W), named after James Watt (1736–1819). One watt of power
equals the work done in one second by one volt of potential difference in moving one coulomb of
charge. Remember that one coulomb per second is an ampere. Therefore, power in watts equals
the product of volts and amperes.
𝑃= ×
Other forms of the equation by using Ohm’s law,
𝑃 ( ) ( )
𝑃 ( )
2. What is the resistance of a motor if it draws 2 A current from the 240-V power line?
3. How much is the output voltage of a power supply if it supplies 75 W of power while
delivering a current of 5 A?
The current in an
a. Normally b. Normall d. Zero
open circuit is: c. Infinity
High y Low
The resistance of a
b. Normall c. Normally d. Infinity
short circuit is: a. Zero
y High Low
A current of 10 µA is
d. 0.01 A
equal to: a. 0.1 mA b. 0.01 mA c. 1 mA
Use the following visual aid to the Ohm’s law and power formulas
Activity 3:
a. Electricity is present in all matter in the form of protons and electron.
b. The electron is the basic particle of negative charge, and the proton is the basic particle of
positive charge.
c. Conductors are materials in which electrons can move/transfer from one atom to the next.
d. An insulator is a material in which electrons tend to remain/stay in their own orbit
e. One coulomb of charge is a quantity of electricity corresponding to 6.25 x 10 18 electrons or
f. Current is the rate of movement of electric charge.
g. Voltage is an electrical pressure or force that exists between two points.
h. Resistance is the opposition to the flow of current.
Productivity Tip:
Create a study schedule. Set a time to log into your online classes each day. Use an alarm, a
reminder, whatever works for you. Proper time management is essential
1) Introduction/Review (5 mins)
A series circuit is any circuit that provides only one path for current flow. Since there is only one path
for electrons to follow, the current, I, must be the same in all parts of a series circuit.
A parallel circuit is any circuit that provides one common voltage across all components. Each
component across the voltage source provides a separate path or branch for current flow.
To solve for the values of voltage, current, or resistance in a series or parallel circuit, we will apply
Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws.
What I Learned
What I Know Question:
1) Activity 2: Content Notes (20 mins)
The battery VT supplies the potential difference that forces free electrons to drift from the negative
terminal at A, toward B, through the connecting wires and resistances, R 3, R2 and R1, back to the
positive battery terminal at J. At the negative battery terminal, its negative charge repels electrons.
Therefore, free electrons in the atoms of the wire at this terminal are repelled from point A toward
point B. Similarly, free electrons at point B can then repel adjacent electrons, producing an
electron drift toward C and away from the negative battery terminal. At the same time, the positive
charge of the positive battery terminal attracts free electrons, causing electrons to drift toward I and
J. As a result, the free electrons in R1, R2 and R3 are forced to drift toward the positive terminal.
With current I through a resistance, by Ohm’s law, the voltage across R is equal to I x R. This rule is
below in the figure for a string of two resistors. In this circuit, current I will be equal to 1 A because
the applied V T of 10 V is across the total R T of 10 , equal to the sum of the individual resistors, R 1
=4 plus R2 = 6 .
= 𝑅1 + 𝑅2 = 4 Ω + 6 Ω = 10 Ω
= = =1
𝑅 10
The IR voltage across each resistance is called an IR drop, or simply voltage drop, because it
reduces the potential difference available for the remaining resistances in the series circuit. Note
that the symbols V1 and V2 are used for the voltage drops across each resistor to distinguish them
from the source voltage, V T. applied across both resistors.
1 = 𝑅1 = 1 × 4Ω=4V
2 = 𝑅2 = 1 × 6Ω=6V
Kirchhoff’s voltage law states that the sum of all resistor voltage drops in a
series circuit equals the applied voltage. Expressed as an equation, Kirchhoff’s
voltage law (KVL) is:
= + + + ⋯ + etc.
The total current IT flows from the source voltage and at junction B, the current will be divided into
the two branches. In parallel circuits, the voltage across each resistor is the same but the branch
currents IBA (current in resistor R 1) and IDC (current in resistor R 2) can be computed using Ohm’s law.
= =
= =
A common application of parallel circuits is typical house wiring to the ac power line, with many
lights and appliances connected across the 240-V source. The wall receptacle has a potential
difference of 240 V across each pair of terminals. Therefore, any resistance connected to an outlet
has an applied voltage of 240 V. The light bulb is connected to one outlet and the toaster to another
outlet, but both have the same applied voltage of 240 V. Therefore, each operates independently of
any other appliance, with all the individual branch circuits connected across the 240-V line.
= + + + ⋯+ or 𝑅 =
𝑅 =
𝑅 +𝑅
A combination of parallel branches is often called a bank. In the figure above, the bank consists of
the R1 = 60 and R2 = 30 in parallel connection. Their equivalent parallel resistance R EQ, is the
bank resistance, equal to 20 in this example. A bank can have two or more parallel resistors.
1 1 1 1 1
= + = + = 0.05
𝑅 𝑅 𝑅 60 30
𝑅 = = 20
Calculator Shortcut: We need the reciprocal of the + + + ⋯ + 𝑒 . ,we can use the
reciprocal function in our calculator. We can use this shortcut for any number of parallel resistors.
= = =1
𝑅 60
= = =2
𝑅 30
= = =3
𝑅 20
Kirchhoff’s current law states that the sum of all branch currents in a parallel circuit
equals the total current. Expressed as an equation, Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) is:
= + + + ⋯ + etc
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
CIE 116: Engineering Utilities I
Student Activity Sheet #2
𝑃 = 2𝑅
2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (10 mins + 2 mins checking)
a. A series circuit with the following resistors: R 1 = 100 and R2 = 200 and are connected to a
source VT = 180 V. Draw the diagram below and find the values of each voltage drops.
𝑅 = 𝑅 + 𝑅 = ______ + _______
= = +
= 𝑅 = _________=__________
= 𝑅 = _________=__________
b. A parallel circuit with the following resistors: R1 = 30 and R2 = 20 and are connected to a
source VT = 12 V. Draw the diagram below and find the values of each branch currents.
𝑅 = 𝑅 𝑅 = ______ = _______
= = =
= = =
1) Activity 6: Thinking about learning (5 mins)
Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much work
they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
If there is still time for the student, it is better to check their solutions using KVL for series circuits
and KCL for parallel circuits.
Productivity Tip:
Avoid distractions. If you want to work or study efficiently, it’s important to keep away any object
that can distract you.
1) Introduction/Review (2 mins)
The analysis of alternating voltage, as used for the 240-VAC or 120-VAC power line. A sine
wave alternating voltage is a voltage that continuously varies in amplitude and periodically
reverses in polarity. One cycle includes two alternations in polarity. The number of cycles per
second is the frequency measured in hertz (Hz). Every ac voltage has both amplitude variations
and polarity reversals. The amplitude values and rate of polarity reversal, however, vary from
one AC waveform to the next.
What I Learned
What I Know Question:
1) Activity 2: Content Notes (18 mins)
An alternating voltage is a voltage that
continuously varies in magnitude and
periodically reverses in polarity.
For a frequency of 60 Hz, the period or time of one cycle is 1/60 seconds.
The figure on the left shows how such a voltage waveform is
produced by a rotary generator. The conductor loop rotates
through the magnetic field to generate the induced ac
voltage across its open terminals. The magnetic flux shown
here is vertical, with lines of force in the plane of the paper.
With the loop is in its horizontal starting position in a plane
perpendicular to the paper. When the loop rotates
counterclockwise, the two longer conductors move around a
circle. Note that in the position shown, the two long
conductors of the loop move vertically up or down but
parallel to the vertical flux lines. In this position, motion of
the loop does not induce a voltage because the conductors
are not cutting across the flux.
When the loop rotates through the upright position in the figure on the right, however, the
conductors cut across the flux, producing maximum induced
voltage. The shorter connecting wires in the loop do not have
any appreciable voltage induced in them.
When a sine wave of alternating voltage is connected across a load resistance, the current that
flows in the circuit is also a sine wave. In the figure, let the sine-wave voltage at the left in the
diagram be applied across R = 100 . The resulting sine wave of alternating current is shown at
the right in the diagram. Note that the frequency is the same for the voltage, v and current, i.
During the first alternation of v in the figure above, terminal 1 is positive with respect to terminal
2. Since the direction of current flow is from the positive side of v, through R, and back to the
negative side of v, current flows in the direction indicated by arrow A for the first half-cycle. This
direction is taken as the positive direction of current in the graph for i, corresponding to positive
values of v. Using Ohm’s laws, we can see that the current in one direction, increasing to its
maximum positive value and decreasing to zero, just like the voltage.
During the second alternation of v in the figure above, terminal 2 is now positive with respect to
terminal 1. Since the direction of current flow is from the positive side of v, through R, and back to
the negative side of v, current flows in the direction indicated by arrow B for the second half- cycle.
This direction is taken as the negative direction of current in the graph for i, corresponding to
negative values of v. Using Ohm’s laws, we can see that the current in one direction, increasing to
its maximum negative value and decreasing to zero, just like the voltage.
Since an alternating sine wave of voltage or current has many instantaneous values through the
cycle, it is convenient to define specific magnitudes to compare one wave with another. The peak
average, and root-mean-square (RMS) values can be specified, as indicated in the figure above.
These values can be used for either current or voltage.
Take note that in our ac calculations, we will be always given the rms values rather than peak
The amount of time it takes for one cycle is called the period. Its symbol is T for time. With a
frequency of 60 Hz, as an example, the time for one cycle is 1 / 60 s. Therefore, the period of the
signal is 1/60 s. Frequency and period are reciprocals of each other:
f= unit Hertz or Hz
T = unit second
The sine and cosine waveforms have the same variations but displaced by 90°. Remember that cos
𝜃 = sin(𝜃 + 90°), the cosine wave is simply a sine wave with a 90° lead on the original sine wave.
Both waveforms are called sinusoids. This 90°angle difference is called quadrature phase.
To compare phases of alternating
currents and voltages, it is much
more convenient to use phasor
diagrams corresponding to the
voltage and current waveforms,
as shown in the figure. The arrows
here represent the phasor
quantities corresponding to the
generator voltage
A phasor is a quantity that has magnitude and direction. The length of the arrow indicates the
magnitude of the alternating voltage in rms, peak, or any ac value, as long as the same measure is
used for all phasors. The angle of the arrow with respect to the horizontal axis indicates the phase
angle. One sinusoid is always chosen as the reference (usually at 0 ). The timing of the other
sinusoids can be compared to the reference by means of the angle between the phasor arrows.
Any wave can have different leading or lagging phase angles but it should be always with respect to
a reference phasor. A phase angle of 0° means that the two waves are in phase. An angle of 180°
means opposite phase, or that the two waveforms are exactly out of phase. Then the
amplitudes are opposing (one is positive and the other is negative).
The combination of a real and an imaginary term is called a complex number in rectangular form.
The real number is always written first. Complex numbers must be added as phasors.
In example (a), 3 + j4 is a complex number which means 3 units on the real axis added to 4 units
90° out of phase (located on the positive j-axis).
In example (b), 3 - j4 is a complex number which means 3 units on the real axis added to 4 units
270° out of phase (located on the negative j-axis)
In example (c), 5 + j2 is a complex number which means 5 units on the real axis added to 2 units
90°out of phase (located on the positive j-axis)
In example (d), 5 - j2 is a complex number which means 5 units on the real axis added to 2 units
270° out of phase (located on the negative j-axis)
All of the values seen above are called rectangular forms of complex numbers. The polar forms use
the notation Z ∠ θ (read as Z cis of value of θ). All rectangular forms can be converted to polar
forms and vice-versa.
For Addition or Subtraction:
Add or subtract the real and j-terms separately:
(9 + j 5) + (3 − j 2) = (9 + 3) + j(5 − 2) = 12 + j 3
(8 − j 6) − (4 +j 7) = (8 − 4) − j(6 + 7) = 4 − j 13
The answer should be in the form of R ± j X, where R is the algebraic sum of all the real or resistive
terms and X is the algebraic sum of all the imaginary or reactive terms.
For multiplication:
Use the COMPLEX MODE in your calculator.
For division:
Use the COMPLEX MODE in your calculator.
For exponentiation:
Use the COMPLEX MODE in your calculator.
170 V
240 V
35.2 V
Use the complex mode to determine the answers for each question:
d) (12 − j 32)2
A vector quantity has direction in space and plotting the vectors require angles with respect to the
horizontal or vertical. A phasor quantity also uses angles which show the differences in angles and
time for each phasor.
Try to access the COMPLEX MODE in every calculator as this will make the remaining topics
easier in terms of calculations.
Productivity Tip:
Avoiding social media or limiting the time you spend on it is especially important now when most of
the news is related to the new coronavirus. It’s useful to stay informed, but it is even more helpful
to keep some distance and take care of your emotional and mental wellbeing
1) Introduction/Review (5 mins)
When alternating current flows in an inductance L or capacitance C,The amount of current in
much less than the DC resistance alone would allow. For the inductor, the reason is that the
current variations induce a voltage across L opposes the applied voltage. While for the capacitor,
its charge and discharge produce alternating current in the circuit connected to the capacitor
plates. This additional opposition of an inductance or capacitance to sine-wave alternating
current is specified by the amount of its inductive reactance XL or capacitive reactance XC. This
opposition to current is called the impedance Z and it is also measured in ohms.
What I Learned
What I Know Question:
What is the effect of a
low frequency on the
inductive reactance
and capacitive
What is the effect of a
high frequency on the
inductive reactance
and capacitive
𝑅1 + 𝑅2 = 100 Ω
= =1
𝑉1 = 𝑅1 = (1 )(50 Ω) = 50 𝑉
𝑉2 = 𝑅2 = (1 )(50 Ω) = 50 𝑉
For the circuit below, with two 50 Ω resistances in parallel across the 100 ∠ 0° V source,
the calculations are as follows:
= = =2
= = =2
𝑅 =𝑅 𝑅 = = 25
= = =
For PURELY RESISTIVE circuits, the current I is in phase with the applied voltage V T because
there is no reactance. The voltage drops V1 and V2 are both in phase with the common reference VT.
Also, there is no need to use the complex numbers as both current and voltage have the same
angle as the reference at 0°.
𝑉R = 𝑅 = (1 )(100 Ω) = 100 𝑉
𝑉 = 𝑋𝐿 = (1 )(100 Ω) = 100 𝑉
= = = 10
= = = 10
=√ = √10 10 ≈ 1 .1 A
2. The current I through R and its I R voltage drop
are in phase. There is no reactance to sine-wave
current in any resistance. Therefore, IR and VR
have a phase angle of 0°.
3. The current IL in XL must lag I by 90° because this
is the phase angle between current through an
inductance and its self-induced voltage.
4. To check obtain the resultant of the phasors of the two currents IR and IL. The total
impedance of the circuit is Z EQ is computed:
= =√ ≈7.07
5. The total current I can now be computed:
= = ≈1 .1 A
1. The constant factor 2π is always 2 x 3.14 = 6.28. It indicates the circular motion from which
a sine wave is derived. Therefore, this formula applies only to sine-wave ac circuits. The 2π
is actually 2π radians or 360° for a complete circle or cycle.
2. The frequency f is a time element. Higher frequency means that the current varies at a faster
rate. A faster current change can produce more charge and discharge across a
given capacitance. The result is less XC
1 1
𝑋 = 𝑗 𝑜 ∠ 0 𝑜ℎ𝑚
2 2
3. The capacitance C indicates the physical factors of the capacitor that determine how much
voltage it can charge and discharge for a given current change.
4. Angle theta is always -90° and the voltage phasor will always lag the current phasor by
exactly 90°
5. Capacitive reactance XC is in ohms, corresponding to VC / IC ratio for sine-wave ac circuits,
to determine how much current C allows for a given applied voltage.
= = =1
𝑉R = 𝑅 = (1 )(100 Ω) = 100 𝑉
𝑉 = 𝑋𝐶 = (1 )(100 Ω) = 100 𝑉
= = = 10
= = = 10
=√ = √10 10 ≈ 1 .1 A
= =√ ≈7.07
5. The total current I can now be computed:
= = ≈1 .1 A
2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (12 mins + 3 mins checking)
Problem 1: A series circuit with the following components: R1 = 300 Ω and XL = 400 Ω and are
connected to a source VT = 240 V. Find the values of each voltage drops.
Problem 2: A parallel circuit with the following components: R 1 = 20 Ω and XL = 30 Ω and are
connected to a source VA = 120 V. Find the values of each branch current and total current.
Problem 3: A series circuit with the following components: R 1 = 120 Ω and XC = 50 Ω and are
connected to a source VT = 390 V. Find the values of each voltage drops.
Problem 4: A parallel circuit with the following components: R 1 = 500 Ω and XC = 600 Ω and are
connected to a source VA = 240 V. Find the values of each branch current and total current.
The current phasor in a resistor _____ a. Leads b. Lags c. In-phase d. Out-of-phase ___
the voltage phasor. . by 90° by 90°
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much work
they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
The use of calculators in COMPLEX mode is encouraged to speed up the computations. The use
of rectangular to polar or vice-versa (REC to POL or POL to REC) conversions would take too much
time especially in board exams.
Productivity Tip:
Create a place that you only associate with studying or working; it will help you get into a
productive state easier. Although it’s tempting, this should not be your bed or sofa. I know, they
are pleasant places to warm up with your laptop, but they are anything but good for your
1) Introduction/Review (5 mins)
In an AC circuit with reactance, the current supplied by the generator either leads or lags the
generator voltage. Then the product V x I is not the real power produced by the generator, since
the instantaneous voltage may have a high value while at the same time the current is near
zero, or vice versa. The real power, in watts, however, can always be calculated as I 2R , where
R is the total resistive component of the circuit.
In a three phase system, the alternator with three generator windings equally spaced around the
circle, the windings produce output voltages 120° out of phase with each other.
1) Activity 2: Content Notes (20 mins)
Consider an RL (resistor-inductor) circuit in which the
current phasor lags the voltage phasor by an angle of .
In the diagram of the circuit, the current can be resolved
as two rectangular components:
a) The horizontal component phasor: 𝐼 cos 𝜙
b) The vertical component phasor: 𝐼 sin 𝜙
Apparent power (S) is the total power that appears to be transferred between the ac source and
load. It is measured in volt-amperes (VA). Apparent power has two components: true power and
reactive power.
The power which is actually consumed in the circuit is called true power (P) or sometimes called
active power. We know that power is consumed in resistance only since neither pure inductor (L)
nor pure capacitor (C) consumes any active power. For true power, current and voltage are in
phase in a resistance. Therefore, current in phase with voltage produces true or active power. It
is the only useful component of apparent power. It may be noted that it is the true power which is
used for producing torque in motors and supply heat, light etc. It is used up in the circuit and
cannot be recovered. True power has a unit measurement in watts (W).
The component of apparent power which is neither consumed nor does any useful work in the
circuit is called reactive power. The power consumed (or true power) in L and C is zero because
all the power received from the source in one quarter-cycle is returned to the source in the next
quarter-cycle. This circulating power called reactive power (Q) does no useful work in the circuit
and merely flows in the circuit back and forth. Apparent power is measured in volt-amperes
reactive (VAR).
In the power triangle, the angle 𝜙 can be used to relate the power components. The power
factor is the ratio of the true power to the apparent power and it can be expressed in terms of 𝜙.
If the angle 𝜙 is below the x-axis, the angle is said to be lagging (I lags with respect to the
reference voltage V) while the angle 𝜙 is above the x-axis, the angle is said to be leading (I
leads with respect to the reference voltage V).
S2 = P2 + Q2
Apparent power, S = VI
Power factor, P. F. = = = = cos 𝜙
Example. A motor draws a current of 20 A while being supplied by a 240 V ac source. The power
factor is 0.8 lagging. Determine the components of the power triangle.
The circuit receives an apparent power of 4,800 VA and is able to convert it into a useful power
of 3,840 W. The reactive power of 2,880 VAR does no useful work and flows in and out of the
system periodically. The circuit requires an additional current 𝐼 sin 𝜙 to provide for this power.
The power factor in purely resistive circuits is equal to 1 while the power factor of purely reactive
circuits is equal to 0. For a circuit having R, L and C, the power factor values lie between 0 and
1. It is a usual practice to attach the word ‘lagging’ or ‘leading’ with the numerical value of power
factor to signify whether the current lags or leads the voltage. Thus if a circuit has a PF of 0.5
and the current lags the voltage, we generally write PF 0.5 lagging.
An ideal value for power factor is 1 (also called unity power factor) in which all supplied power is
made into useful power. The power factor is a measure of effectiveness in using the
power supplied to it so we wish that the power factor should be as near to 1 as possible.
Similarly, a 3-phase generator has three separate but identical windings that are 120° electrical
apart and rotate in a common uniform magnetic field. A 3-phase generator will, therefore,
produce three voltages of the same magnitude and frequency but displaced 120°
electrical from one another. Although several polyphase systems are possible, the 3-phase
system is by far the most popular because it is the most efficient of all the supply systems.
The following are the advantages of a three phase system over single phase systems:
In a single-phase circuit, the instantaneous power varies sinusoidally from zero to a peak
value at twice the supply frequency. This pulsating nature of power is not suitable for many
applications. However, in a balanced 3-phase system, the power supplied at all instants of
time is almost constant. Because of this, the operating characteristics of 3-phase apparatus,
in general, are superior to those of similar single-phase apparatus.
The output of a 3-phase machine is greater than that of a single-phase machine for a given
volume and weight of the machine. In other words, a 3-phase machine is smaller than a
single- phase machine of the same rating.
The three-phase motors are much smaller and less expensive than single-phase
motors because less material (copper, iron, insulation) is required. Moreover, 3-phase
motors are self-starting i.e. they do not require any special provision to get them started.
Most single phase motors require internal starting device.
Transmission of electric power by 3-phase system is cheaper than that of single-
phase system, even though three conductors are required instead of two. In transmitting the
same amount of power over a fixed distance at a given voltage, the 3-phase system requires
3/4th the weight of copper than that required by the single-phase system.This will translate
into saving the number and base size of transmission towers.
Three phase is easier to convert to dc than single phase. This means that radio and TV
transmitters requiring dc voltages use three phase systems.
Three phase motors have higher power factor than single phase motors making three phase
motors more efficient.
Phase sequence. The order in which the voltages in the three phases (or coils) of an alternator
reach their maximum positive values is called phase sequence or phase order. The
phase sequence is also determined by the direction of rotation of the alternator (counter
-CCW). Thus in the figure the three coils A, B and C are producing voltages that are displaced
120 electrical degrees from one another. Referring to the wave diagram or phasor diagram in
the figure, it is easy to see that voltage in coil A attains maximum positive value first, next coil B
and then coil C. Hence the phase sequence is ABC. If the direction of rotation of the alternator
is reversed (clockwise-CW), then the order in which the three phases attain their maximum
positive values would be ACB. Hence, the phase sequence is now ACB i.e. voltage in
coil A attains maximum positive value first, next coil C and then coil B. Since the alternator can
be rotated in either clockwise or counter clockwise direction, there can be only two possible
phase sequences.
The three phases or windings may be numbered (1, 2, 3) or lettered (A, B, C). However, it is usual
practice to name the three phases or windings after the three natural colors - Red (R), yellow (Y) and
blue (B). In that case, the phase sequence is RYB i.e. voltage in phase R attains maximum positive
value first, next phase Y and then phase B. It may be noted that there are only two possible
phase sequences: RYB and RBY. By convention, sequence RYB is taken as positive and RBY as
In wye (Y) connection, a common end (a’, b’ and c’) connects the windings. Three end lines (a,
b, c) are connected to the junction points RYB. The common point is called neutral point or N. If
the neutral (N) conductor is used, the system is called a 3-phase, 4-wire system. If there is no
neutral (N) conductor used, the system is called a 3-phase, 3-wire system.
In delta (Δ) connection, the start end of b is connected to the finish end of a, the start end of c is
connected to the finish end of b and the start end of a is connected to the finish end of c. Three
end lines (a, b, c) are connected to the junction points RYB. In delta connection only the 3-
phase, 3-wire system is used.
2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (10 mins + 2 mins checking)
a. A circuit is supplied 120 V and draws 4.5 A. Draw the power triangle diagram in the box below if
the power factor is 0.75 lagging.
b. A circuit is supplied 460 V and draws 30 A. Draw the power triangle diagram in the box below if
the power factor is 0.85 leading.
What is the unit for apparent power? a. VA b. VAR c. Watt d. None of this
In 3-phase system, what is the possible a. RBY b. RYB c. BYR d. BRY ___
wiring sequence for negative.
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much work
they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
The three phase system discussed in the module is a balanced 3-phase system where the
line voltages are spaced equally apart by exactly 120°. The analysis/calculations for 3-phase
systems, unbalanced systems and load balancing is beyond the scope of this module.
Productivity Tip:
We live in the digital age. Whatever you need to do, there’s probably an app that can either do it for
you or make it a lot easier. These fantastic productivity extensions and applications make studying
or working less of a hassle. They help to track your progress, organize tasks, set reminders, or
make other apps work the way you want.
1) Introduction (5 mins)
To do professional electrical installation, the engineer must be well equipped with these tools that
all into two broad categories – installation tools and test equipment. He also needs to know the
different conductors used in residential and commercial wiring by determining the current-carrying
capacity (ampacity) of conductors.
What I Learned
What I Know Questions:
(Activity 4)
Wire strippers are a hand-held tool also known as
cable strippers which are designed to remove
insulation or outer sheath from electrical wires.
Lineman's pliers
Linesman pliers are designed to grip, bend, strip and
cut not only wiring but also cable and small metal
components. While they’re used mainly for electrical
work, they also can be used for pulling out nails and
screws that are stuck in wood or other structures .
Linesman pliers are longer and have a heftier
construction. They also have reinforced, square-jaw
profiles for optimal grip and sharper teeth to pull and
cut wiring or cable
Combination pliers are multi-purpose pliers
primarily used to grip, bend and strip wiring, but they
also can cut thin wires and cables. These pliers
boast a square jaw that is perfect for compressing
material, making them ideal for closing chain links on
items like conveyors and jewelry.
Combination pliers are shorter and have a lighter
design. With narrow, tapered jaws similar to long-
nose pliers, they’re able to easily grip and compress
All wire sizes up to No. 0000 (also written as 4/0) are expressed in AWG. The AWG numbers run
in reverse order to the size of the wire, that is, the smaller the AWG number, the larger the size.
As such 10 AWG is a heavier wire than No. 12 and lighter (thinner) than No. 8, the 0000 or 4/0
size is the largest AWG designation, beyond which a different designation called MCM (thousand
circular mil) is used. In the MCM designation, wire diameter increases with number; thus 500
MCM is a heavier wire (double the area) than 250 MCM.
A circular MIL is an artificial area measurement, representing the square of the cable diameter
(diam2) when the diameter is expressed in mils (thousandths of an inch). In old texts, the unit MCM
means one thousand circular mils.
Ex. For a 1/2-inch conductor, find the area in circular mils and MCM.
1 1000 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑠
𝑖𝑛𝑐ℎ 𝑥 = 500 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑠
2 1 𝑖𝑛𝑐ℎ
Conductors and overcurrent protection are key components of an electrical system. Every portion
of the total length of the circuit must be evaluated individually to compensate for any condition of
use. One portion of the circuit length may have excessive numbers of conductors in the raceway,
another part of the run might pass through a high-temperature environment, and finally a portion
of the circuit might be exposed to sunlight. Every condition of use that is outside of the allowable
ampacity table conditions must be designed for.
Selecting the proper conductor for the circuit can be one of the most complicated tasks you will
be called on to perform. Some of the issues that must be known and considered are listed here:
1. The conductor material (copper or aluminum).
2. The solid (single strand) conductor or stranded type (6 AWG or larger).
3. The size of the conductor in American Wire Gage (AWG), mils, MCM or millimeters (mm).
4. The length of the conductor.
5. The number of current-carrying conductors in the raceway or cable.
6. If the neutral conductor counts as a current-carrying conductor.
7. The ambient temperature and maximum temperature where the conductor actually operates.
8. The temperature rating of the conductor insulation.
9. If the conductor is used in dry or wet locations.
10. If the conductor is in a raceway, conduit and electrical metal tubing (EMT), or cable that is
exposed to direct sunlight exposure on rooftops.
11. Determining whether the load is considered continuous or non-continuous and making
appropriate accommodation.
12. Selecting correct conductors and overcurrent protection for equipment.
Among the wire characteristics, ampacity is the most important. The term is defined in NEC
Article 100: Ampacity is the maximum current, in amperes, that a conductor can carry
continuously under the conditions of use without exceeding its temperature rating.
For residential wiring, sizes 14, 12, and 10 AWG conductors are generally solid when the wiring
method is nonmetallic-sheathed cable or armored cable. In a raceway, the preference is to use
stranded 10 AWG conductors because of the flexibility, ease of handling and pulling in
the conductors.
2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (12 mins + 2 mins checking)
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much work
they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
Productivity Tip:
You may have some regular lecture times you need to attend, but you should also make time on
your own end for review. This is especially important if you’re required to review some of the course
materials on your own.
1) Introduction (2 mins)
In Electrical and Electronics Engineering, we use different types of drawings or diagrams to
represent a certain electrical system or circuit. These electrical circuits are represented by lines to
represent wires and symbols or icons to represent electrical and electronic components. It helps in
better understanding the connection between different components. Electricians rely on electrical
floor plan (which is also an electrical diagram) for doing any building wiring.
A symbol is a graphic element that represents a quantity or unit. They are used to represent
electrical components of electrical and electronic diagrams. On the other hand abbreviation is a
letter or combination of letters that represents a word. It is important to familiarize the symbols in
order to interpret the plan easily.
What I Learned
What I Know Questions:
(Activity 4)
1. It is a diagram that shows the logic of
an electrical circuit or system
using standard symbols.
3. It is a shorthand way of
showing the locations, types, and
sizes or ratings of electrical wiring
and equipment, and the
interrelationships between these
Symbols are a shorthand way of showing the locations, types, and sizes or ratings of
electrical wiring and equipment, and the interrelationships between these items. It should be
emphasized that drawings need to be supplemented with specifications in order to establish
the details of the electrical systems.
Pictorial Diagram
- The simplest of all diagrams is the pictorial diagram.
It shows a picture or sketch of the various
components of a specific system and the wiring
between these components. This simplified diagram
provides the means to readily identify the
components of a system, even if you are not familiar
with their physical appearance. This type of diagram
shows the various components without regard to their
physic allocation, how the wiring is marked, or how
the wiring is routed. It does, however, show you the
sequence in which the components are connected.
- The figure shows the pictorial diagram of an
automobile starting and ignition system.
Block Diagram
- A block diagram is a type of electrical drawing that represents the principle
components of a complex system in the form of blocks interconnected by lines
that represent their relation. It is the simplest form of electrical drawing as it only
highlights the function of each component and provides the flow of process in the
system. Block diagram are easier to design and is the first stage in designing a
complex circuit for any
project. It lacks the
information about the wiring
and placement of individual
components. It only
represents the main
components of the system
and ignores any small components. This is why; electricians do not rely on block
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much
work they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
To develop habits on thinking about learning, answer the questions below about your learning
1. How was the lesson able to help you learn?
7 RELAY (N.O. type)
8 HEADPHONES (single)
10 S.P.S.T.
12 D.P.S.T.
Convenience Outlet = 40
Lighting Outlet = 16
Productivity Tip:
Online learning needs structure. Create a study calendar that will help you remember all the important
exam dates or deadlines for submitting your assignments. You can save your calendar on your
computer or your mobile device. You can even create a wall planner if you’re more of a visual type of
person, which you can mark up and check every time you study.
1) Introduction/Review (5 mins)
Electricians and engineers select and install numerous receptacles and switches. Therefore, it is
essential that electricians know the important characteristics of these devices and how they are to
be connected into the electrical system.
What I Learned
What I Know Questions:
(Activity 4)
Electrical outlets, also known as receptacles, are sockets that are used to establish an electrical
connection between an electronic device and power supply. In dwellings, commercial buildings or
any other establishment, these outlets are mainly installed in walls; although, at some places they
can be seen fitted in the floor as well.
The term “plug” refers to an electrical device that supplies electrical current from receptacles to
the electronic devices. All the electrical appliances, machines and other devices depend on these
plugs and receptacles for their powering needs. When wiring a house or a commercial place or
when conducting repairs, it is imperative to have a clear understanding about plugs and
receptacles in general and a few other things related to them as well.
2 -pole
In locations where severe abuse or heavy use is expected, hospital-grade receptacles are
recommended. These are high-quality products and meet UL (Underwriters Laboratories
standards) requirements. These receptacles are marked with a small green dot shown in the
The term snap switch is rarely used today except in the
NEC and the Underwriters Laboratories standards. Most
refer to snap switches as “toggle switches” or “wall
switches.” Typical switches are shown below. Switches are
divided into two categories. NEC covers general-use snap
switches that are used to control:
a. Alternating-current (ac) circuits only, direct current (dc)
circuits only and both.
A double-pole switch is rarely used on lighting circuits. As shown in the figures above, a double-
pole switch can be used for those installations where two separate circuits are to be controlled
with one switch. A fuse ( ) is placed for overcurrent protection.
5-20R 5-15P
Circuit with single pole switch, feed at light Circuit with single pole switch, feed at switch
What 2-pole receptacle and plug are commonly used in A. 2-20 B. 1-30 C. 2-25 D. 2-30
our country?
What switch is required in order to provide control at A. Single B. 3-way C. Double D. 4-way
separate locations? pole pole
What switch is required in order to provide control for A. B. 4-way C. Double D. 3-way
separate circuits? Double pole
For a motor load, what should be the percentage of the A. 50% B. 25% C. 80% D. 75%
maximum rating of the switch?
What 2-pole, 3-wire receptacle and plug are commonly used A. 6-15 B. 6-20 C. 5-30 D. 5-15
in our country?
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much work
they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
1. What is grounding? And why ground?
Electrical grounding or “Grounding” originally began as a safety measure used to help
prevent people from accidentally coming in contact with electrical hazards. Think of your
refrigerator. It’s a metal box standing on rubber feet with electricity running in and out of it. You
use magnets to hang your child’s latest drawing on the metal exterior. The electricity running
from the outlet and through the power cord to the electrical components inside the refrigerator
are electrically isolated from the metal exterior or chassis of the refrigerator.
If for some reason the electricity came in contact with the chassis, the rubber feet would prevent
the electricity from going anywhere and it would “sit”, waiting for someone to walk up and touch
the refrigerator. Once someone touched the refrigerator, the electricity would flow from the
chassis of the refrigerator and through the unlucky person, possibly causing injury.
Grounding is used to protect that person. By connecting a wire to the metal frame of the
refrigerator, if the chassis inadvertently becomes charged for any reason, the unwanted
electricity will travel down the wire and out safely into the earth; and in the process, trip the
circuit-breaker stopping the flow of electricity. Obviously, that wire has to connect to something
that is in turn connected to the earth or ground outside.
The process of electrically connecting to the earth itself is often called “earthing”, particularly in
Europe where the term “grounding” is used to describe the above ground wiring. The term
“Grounding” is used in America to discuss both earthing and grounding.
Activity 5 Answers: D, B, A, C and D
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
CIE 116: Engineering Utilities I
Student Activity Sheet #9
Productivity Tip:
Try avoiding continuously checking your phone while working at home, as it breaks concentration and
focus. Whether it takes throwing it across the room or putting it away in a desk drawer, don’t let your
phone break your productivity flow while working.
1) Introduction (5 mins)
In a commercial building, the major part of the electrical work is the installation of the branch-
circuit wiring. The engineer must have the ability to select and install the correct materials to
ensure a successful job. For some jobs, the specifications or bid documents will dictate a specific
wiring method that is required. For residential installations, the architect or engineer will specify
the wiring method to be used.
The types of conduits are: intermediate metal conduit (IMC), rigid metal conduit (RMC), flexible
metal conduit (FMC), Liquid tight flexible metal conduit (LFMC), rigid polyvinyl chloride conduit
(PVC), high-density polyethylene conduit (HDPE), nonmetallic underground conduit with
conductors (NUCC), reinforced thermosetting resin conduit (RTRC), Liquid tight flexible
nonmetallic conduit (LFNC), electrical metallic tubing (EMT), flexible metallic tubing (FMT), and
electrical nonmetallic tubing (ENT). Metal conduit pipes (RMC and EMT) and non-metallic
conduits (HDPE or PVC) are the most common conduits used in the Philippines.
Wire connectors are known in the trade by such names as screw terminal, pressure terminal
connector, wire connector, Wing-Nut, Wire-Nut, Scotchlok, Twister, split-bolt connector, pressure
cable connector, solderless lug, soldering lug, solder lug, and others. Solder-type lugs and
connectors are rarely, if ever, used today. In fact, connections that depend on solder are not
permitted for connecting service-entrance conductors to service equipment. Solder is also not
permitted for grounding and bonding connections. Connectors marked “AL/CU” are suitable for
use with aluminum, copper, or copper-clad aluminum conductors. This marking is found on the
connector itself, or it appears on or in the shipping carton. Connectors not marked “AL” or “AL/CU”
are for use with copper conductors only.
The conduit and tubing size required for an installation depends on three factors:
a) The number of conductors to be installed
b) The cross-sectional area of the conductors
c) The permissible conduit fill
Octagonal box with telescopic hanger and extension Trade size 4 11⁄16 square box
Utility box
The usual wiring system is a centralized distribution type system in which conductors of
progressively smaller size emanate radially from one main panel to the distribution points. These
distribution points are the switchboards throughout the system. which provide overcurrent
protection via circuit breakers (C/B) for each of these branch. Note that at each step, power is
tapped off in a smaller wire and in accordance with the principles of overcurrent protection an
appropriately sized protective device is placed at the point of tap.
An alternative would be to use a decentralized system where smaller circuit breakers (C/B) would
be placed in each location. The purpose of this second arrangement is to eliminate the branch
circuit wiring by placing the protective device at the load. By eliminating branch circuit wiring,
installation costs are reduced, voltage drop and energy losses in branch circuit conductors are
negligible, and loads are individually protected.
All guidelines are based on the NEC and PEC (Philippine Electrical Code) and referred to as the
1. Wiring shall be types RHW, RHH, T, THW, TW, THWN, THHN, XHHN.
2. Lighting and receptacles should not be combined in a single circuit.
3. Lighting and receptacles should be supplied with current from at least two circuits so that, if a
single line is out, the entire area is not deprived of power.
4. Do not allow combination switch and receptacle outlets.
5. Provide switch control for closet lights. Pull chain switch is a nuisance.
6. Convenience receptacles should be planned properly, so that in case of failure by any one of
the circuitry, the entire area will not be deprived of power.
7. All kitchen outlets should be fed from at least
two circuits. Kitchens should have a duplex
appliance outlet every 36 in. (0.90m) of counter
space, but no less than two in addition to the
normal wall outlets.
The Code requires a minimum of two 20-
amp appliance branch circuits. To feed all the
small appliance outlets in the kitchen, pantry, dining
room, and family room, and only these outlets.
all kitchen outlets must be fed from at least two of these circuits.
8. In bed rooms supply two duplex outlets at each side of the bed location to accommodate
electric blanket, clocks, radios, lamps and other such appliances. In rooms without overhead
lights, provide switch control for one-half of a strategically located receptacle that is intended
to supply a lamp.
10. Provide a special separate circuit for heating and air conditioning units.
11. Additional circuits similar to appliance circuits should be furnished to supply one outlet in each
bedroom of a house that is not centrally air-conditioned. Such outlets are intended for
window air conditioners.
12. The Code requires sufficient circuitry to supply residential load of 30 watts per square meter
in buildings excluding porches, garages and basements.
13. The requirement of 30 watts per square meter is up to 80 sq. m. for a 20 amperes circuit
(2,400 watts) or 60 sq. m. for 15 amperes circuit (1,800 watts).
14. Good practice suggests that the load should not exceed 1,600 watts for a 20 amperes circuit
and 1,200 Watts for a 15 amperes circuit. Thus:
a. Observe a maximum load of 1,200 watts on a 15 amperes circuit with a maximum
area of 40 sq. m.
b. Observe maximum load of 1,600 watts on a 20 amperes circuit with a maximum area
of 53 sq. m.
15. The general purpose branch circuit; shall be rated at 20 amperes circuit, wired with 12 AWG
being the minimum size of conductor wire required for all convenience outlets.
16. Provide at least one receptacle in the bathroom and one outside the house. Both must be
ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) type.
2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (10 mins + 2 mins checking)
Write the letter(s) of the conduits applicable to the conditions and characteristics below.
A) Dry environments only
B) Wet environments
C) Requires fittings
D) Usable in corrosive environments
E) Underground installation
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much work
they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
Soldering is not allowed as wire connectors especially inside residential premises.
Productivity Tip:
While maintaining your routine, it is helpful to schedule and clearly define your work time and personal
time. Making a to-do list is useful in prioritizing your tasks for the day, whether it’s getting a workout in,
finishing a research paper or taking a trip to the grocery store.
1) Introduction (5 mins)
The definition of “Branch Circuit” is found in NEC and it reads ‘The circuit conductors between
the final overcurrent device protecting the circuit and the outlet(s)’. In practice, a branch circuit
consists of the source of the voltage, the wiring and the load.
The definition of “Feeder Circuit” is found in NEC and it reads ‘All circuit conductors between
the service equipment or the generator switchboard of an isolated plant and the final branch
circuit over-current device’. Conductors from on-site generators and transformers are also
feeders, not service conductors. Service conductors extend from the utility source to the service
disconnecting means.
What I Learned
What I Know Questions:
(Activity 4)
Service is normally tapped onto the utility lines at
a mutually agreeable point at or beyond the
property line. The service tap may be a
connection on a pole with an overhead service
drop to the building, an underground service
lateral to the building, or a connection to an
underground utility line with a service lateral to the
building. Service from the utility line to the building
may be run overhead (OH) or underground (UG).
Depending on terrain and other factors, the cost
of overhead as compared to underground
installation is in the range of 10% to 50%.
Metering must be provided at either the utility or the facility voltage, and at either the service point
or inside the buildings which must be accessible to the utility meter reader. Generally, for a single-
use building or a building where electric energy is included in the rental charge, only a single
meter is necessary.
A panelboard serves basically the same
function as a switchboard, except on a smaller
scale that is, it accepts relatively large blocks
of power and distributes it in smaller blocks.
Like the switchboard, it comprises main fuses
to which are connected circuit protective
devices (breakers or fuses), which feed
smaller circuits. The panelboards level of the
system is usually the final distribution point,
feeding out to the branch circuits that contain
the electrical utilization apparatus and
devices, such as lighting, motors and so on.
To eliminate the dangerous situation of current, ground fault leak, the Ground Fault Circuit
Interrupter (GFCI or GFI) was developed. This device compares, with extreme precision, the
current flowing in the hot and neutral legs of a circuit, if there is a difference, it indicates a ground
fault and the device trips out.
In order to protect insulation, wiring, switches, and other apparatus from overload and short circuit
currents, it is necessary to provide automatic means for opening the circuit. The two most common
devices employed to fulfill this function are the fuse and the circuit breaker. The general rules in
installing overcurrent devices are:
1. Overcurrent devices must be placed on the line or supply side of the equipment being
2. Overcurrent devices must be placed in all ungrounded conductors of the protected circuit.
3. All equipment should be protected in accordance with its current-carrying capacity.
4. Conductor sizes shall not be reduced in a circuit or te1p, unless the smallest size-wire is
protected by the circuit overcurrent devices.
𝑃𝑇𝑂𝑇𝐴𝐿 2,280 𝑊
𝐼𝑇𝑂𝑇𝐴𝐿 = = = 9.91𝐴
230 𝑉 230 𝑉
Applying an 80% demand factor according to the Code:
𝐼𝑅𝐸𝑄 = 𝐼𝑇𝑂𝑇𝐴𝐿 × 0.8 = 9.91 × 0.8 = 7.93𝐴
For feeder to branch circuits, 2 – 8 AWG or 8 mm2 THHN/THWN and at least a
60 A circuit breaker (C/B).
For service to main breaker, use an 8 AWG, the minimum service entrance size wire.
Ckt. Circuit Requirement
Circuit Description CB Rating Size of wire and Conduit
No Current Voltage VA
1 LO – 8 outlets 3.48 230 800 VA 15 AT CB 2-14 AWG THHN wire,
½” Ø conduit
2 LO – 4 outlets 1.74 230 400 VA 15 AT CB 2-14 AWG THHN wire,
½” Ø conduit
3 CO – 6 duplex 4.69 230 1,080 VA 20 AT CB 2-12 AWG THHN wire,
½” Ø conduit
TOTAL 2,280 VA
Computing total current; Feeder: 2 – 8AWG THHN in ½” Ø Conduit
𝐼𝑇𝑂𝑇𝐴𝐿 = 9.91𝐴.
Applying 80% D.F., Protection: 60AT, 2P, 230V MCCB
𝐼𝑅𝐸𝑄 = 7.93𝐴
Determine the total current of the circuit and the required current rating based on 80% demand
3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)
Monitor how your knowledge has changed by reviewing the questions in the What I Know Chart
from Activity 1 and write your answers to the questions based on what you now know in the third
column of the chart.
Ckt. Circuit Requirement
Circuit Description CB Rating Size of wire and Conduit
No Current Voltage VA
1 LO – 10 outlets
2 LO – 6 outlets
3 CO – 8 duplex
4 CO – 4 triplex
5 1 Hp ACU
6 1.5 Hp ACU
Computing total current; Feeder:
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much work
they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
Productivity Tip:
Maintaining a daily ritual could help those who are in need of structure to feel at ease during a period
of uncertainty.
1) Introduction (2 mins)
Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics
(PV). It is compose of panels, batteries, inverter, and mounting of panel. This system is important now
a days since other source are expensive and dearly available. This topic is important for the students
to identify the components as well as the principles why it produces electricity.
It is a type of photovoltaic
cell material manufactured
from a single-crystal
silicon structure which is
uniform in shape because the
entire structure is grown from
the same crystal.
Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics
(PV), indirectly using concentrated solar power, or a combination. Concentrated solar power systems
use lenses or mirrors and solar tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small
beam. Photovoltaic cells convert light into an electric current using the photovoltaic effect.
a. Solar panels provide electricity from sunlight. They are typically made of silicon crystal slices called
cells, glass, a polymer backing, and aluminum framing. Solar panels can vary in type, size, shape,
and color. In most cases the “size” of a PV module refers to the panel’s rated output wattage or
electricity generating potential. Solar panels also have voltage ratings. Those with of 12 or 24 Volts
are generally preferred for off-grid systems with battery banks. Other solar panels come in
less common nominal voltages such as 18, 42, and even 60 Volts. These modules are typically
used in grid-tied applications to accommodate the working of grid-tied inverters. Solar panels can
be used alone or combined into arrays by wiring them in or in to achieve the needed .
b. An inverter takes (DC) from batteries and turns it into (AC) which is used to run most
common electrical loads.
c. Batteries chemically store electrical energy in renewable energy systems. They come in
several voltages, but the most common varieties are 6 Volt and 12 Volt. The three types of batteries
that are most common to RE systems are:
i. Flooded Lead-Acid Batteries (FLA);
ii. Sealed Absorbed Glass Mat Batteries(AGM);
iii. Sealed Gel Cell Batteries
d. Racking/Mounting. This is what securely attaches your panels to your roof.
Semiconductor materials used for the thin film types of photovoltaic cell include:
Cadmium Telluride, (CdTe) is a poly-crystalline semiconductor material made from cadmium
and tellurium. Thin film cadmium telluride has a high light absorption level so the amount of
CdTe required can be quite minimal with less than 1.0 microns of semiconductor material is
needed to effectively absorb sunlight for the solar device to perform.
Amorphous Silicon, (a-Si) is a non-crystalline form of silicon that is widely used in calculators,
consumer electronics and solar garden products that require a small current at a low voltage.
Of the different types of photovoltaic cell available, amorphous silicon has the highest light
absorption of over 40 times higher than crystalline silicon. The advantage of this is that a much
thinner layer of amorphous silicon material is required to make a thin film PV cell reducing
manufacturing costs and price.
Copper Indium diSelenide or CIS.
o Copper Indium diSelenide, (CIS) is another type of poly-crystalline semiconductor
material composed of Copper, Indium and Selenium, (CuInSe2). Thin film CIS types of
photovoltaic cell can produce conversion efficiencies of nearly 10%, almost double that
of amorphous silicon without suffering from the same outdoor degradation problems due
to their thicker film. Also CIS cells are one of the most light-absorbent
semiconductor compounds absorbing up to 90% of the solar spectrum.
o Copper Indium Gallium diSelenide, (CIGS) is another type of photovoltaic cell.
It is basically a P-type poly-crystalline thin film material based on the previous copper
indium diselenide (CIS) semiconductor material. The addition of small amounts of the
compound Gallium (Ga) produces a photovoltaic cell with a higher conversion efficiency
of around 12% from the same amount of sunlight with an open circuit voltage of about
0.7 volts.
Photovoltaic cells uses light to generate electricity and that there are a number of different types
of photovoltaic cell technologies available, including monocrystalline, polycrystalline and thin-film
cells which can all be used to produce a Photovoltaic Panel. The electrical power in Watts, generated
by these different photovoltaic cells when exposed to direct sunlight is roughly the same for each panel
and is given as the product of the voltage times the current, ( P = V x I ).
The amount of electrical power generated by an individual photovoltaic cell at its output
terminals depends upon the amount of solar radiation that hits its PN junction as well as the percentage
of solar radiation it actually converts into electricity, in other words its efficiency.
Calculate the maximum output current of a single 0.5v silicon photovoltaic cell with a maximum rated
power output of 1.75 Watts at full sun.
Note that this is the maximum theoretical current as the true or real current is determined by the rate of
the incoming solar photons. The amount of electrical power generated by a photovoltaic cell depends
on solar irradiance and other conditions such as temperature and cloud cover. The power rating
of a photovoltaic cell, expressed in watts (W), is the maximum or peak power that a cell can deliver at
full sun with the PV cell uncovered.
Exercise C. At full sun a 10 - 0.50V photovoltaic cells arranged in series produces an output of
10amperes. Calculate the maximum power output of the voltaic cell in watts.
Exercise D. Calculate the maximum output current of a 10 – parallel 0.5v silicon photovoltaic cell
with a maximum rated power output of 5 Watts at full sun.
Exercise E. Determine the number of 0.50V photovoltaic cells arrange in series to produce and
output of 5Amperes and maximum power output of 50Watts.
4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins) Identify each component of solar power at Home.
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much work
they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
To develop habits on thinking about learning, answer the questions below about your learning
1. How was the lesson able to help you learn?
Productivity Tip:
Although you may be used to getting all your work done at your favorite coffee shop or study spot
on campus, your at-home office will now have to make due.
1) Introduction (2 mins)
Wind power is the generation of electricity from wind. Wind power harvests the primary energy flow
of the atmosphere generated from the uneven heating of the Earth’s surface by the Sun. It is
important now a days since other source are expensive and rarely available. This topic is important
for the students to identify the components as well as the principles why it produces electricity.
Wind is the motion of air in the atmosphere. Movement means that the air has macroscopic kinetic
energy (in addition to the microscopic thermal energy that comes from the air being at a particular
temperature), which can be harnessed by a wind turbine and turned into electricity. This is often
referred to as wind power and wind is therefore considered as a primary energy flow. This is often
considered a form of naturally occurring convection.
Generally, movement in the horizontal direction is much stronger than in the vertical direction.
However, both the vertical and horizontal components of wind have a significant impact on weather.
Rising air cools and condenses to form clouds and sinking air warms and dissipates cloud
cover. Wind is generally described in terms of horizontal speed and direction. Wind speed can be
measured by an anemometer and wind direction by a weather vane. The force of friction and the
Coriolis Effect both influence wind direction and speed.
Wind is formed due to uneven heating of the Earth’s surface. These surfaces absorb heat at different
rates; for example sand on a beach can be too hot to walk on while nearby grass feels cool. As these
surfaces absorb heat at different rates, the air just above the surface warms and begins to rise. The
rising hot air creates a change in pressure in the area. Air naturally moves from the areas of high
pressure to low pressure, which causes the horizontal movement of air.
A practical example is the ocean breeze. The air above land warms faster than air over water. As the
hot air over land rises, the cool air over the ocean rushes in to fill the space. The result is a cool ocean
Wind power is the generation of electricity from wind. Wind power harvests the primary energy flow
of the atmosphere generated from the uneven heating of the Earth’s surface by the Sun. Therefore,
wind power is an indirect way to harness solar energy. Wind power is converted to electrical energy
by wind turbines.
Wind is created by the unequal heating of the Earth's surface by the sun.
Wind turbine extracts the kinetic energy from the wind by slowing the wind down, and transferring
this energy into the spinning shaft so it is important to have a good design. The available power in
the wind that is available for harvesting depends on both the wind speed and the area that is swept
by the rotating turbine blades. So the faster the wind speed or the larger the rotor blades the
more energy can be extracted from the wind. So we can say that wind turbine power production
A small wind system can be connected to the electric grid through your power provider or it can
stand alone (off-grid).
At the heart of any renewable wind power generation system is the Wind Turbine. Wind turbine
designs generally comprise of a rotor, a direct current (DC) generator or an alternating current (AC)
alternator which is mounted on a tower high above the ground.
j. Pitch – it turns (or pitches) blades out of the wind to control the rotor speed, and to keep the rotor
from turning in winds that are too high or too low to produce electricity.
k. Rotor – it is the main part of a modern wind turbine design that collects the winds energy and
transforms it into mechanical power in the form of rotation. The rotor consists of two or more
laminated-wood, fibreglass or metal “rotor blades” and a protective hub which rotates (hence its
name) around a central axis.
l. Tower – it supports the structure of the turbine. Because wind speed increases with height, taller
towers enable turbines to capture more energy and generate more electricity. Made from tubular
steel (shown here), concrete, or steel lattice.
m. Wind direction – it determines the design of the turbine. Upwind turbines—like the one shown
here—face into the wind while downwind turbines face away.
n. Wind vane – it measures wind direction and communicates with the yaw drive to orient the
turbine properly with respect to the wind.
o. Yaw drive – it orients upwind turbines to keep them facing the wind when the direction
changes. Downwind turbines don't require a yaw drive because the wind manually blows the
rotor away from it.
p. Yaw motor - it provides powers the yaw drive.
Blade Number
Generally, three bladed turbine rotors integrate better into the landscape, are more aesthetically
appealing and are more aerodynamically efficient than two bladed designs which contributes to the
fact that three bladed wind turbines are more dominate in wind power generation market. Although
certain manufacturers produce two and six-blade turbines (for sail boats). Other advantages
of odd (three) bladed rotors include smoother operation, less noise and fewer bird strikes which
compensate for the disadvantage of the higher material costs. Noise level is not affected significantly
by the blade count.
Turbine rotors with fewer blades reach their maximum efficiency at
higher tip-speed ratios and generally, three bladed wind turbine
designs for electrical generation have a tip speed ratio of between
6 and 8, but will run more smoothly because they have three
blades. On the other hand, turbines used for water pumping
applications have a lower tip speed ratio of between 1.5 and 2 as
they are specially designed for high torque generation at low
Fixed design wind turbine rotor blades are generally not straight or flat like aeroplane aerofoil wings,
but instead have a small twist and taper along their length from the tip to the root to allow for the
different rotational speeds along the blade. This twist allows for the blade to absorb the winds energy
when the wind is coming at it from different tangential angles and not just straight-on. A straight or
flat rotor blade will stop giving lift and may even stop (stall), if the rotor blade is hit by the wind at
different angles, called the “angle of attack” especially if this angle of attack is too steep.
To keep the rotor blade seeing an optimum angle of attack
increasing lift and efficiency, wind turbine design blades are
generally twisted throughout the length of the blade. In
addition, this twist in the wind turbine design keeps the rotor
blades from spinning too fast in high wind speeds.
Wind power plants, or wind farms, are clusters of wind turbines that produce large amounts of
electricity. A wind farm usually has many turbines scattered over a large area.
To develop habits on thinking about learning, answer the questions below about your learning experience
1. How was the lesson able to help you learn?
Productivity Tip:
You should be aware of how the news is making you feel and how much of it you are consuming
every day. It will be helpful to step back and take a break to study, talk to family, or read.
1) Introduction (2 mins)
Generators are standalone machines that provide electricity when power from the local grid is
unavailable. It is supported or lay on top of the Pad which is design adequately to prevent settlement
also. It is important to design this pad adequately with vibration isolators and also reinforcement
to prevent crack or shrinkage.
It is used to start up
the generator
Generator is a device that converts motive power (mechanical energy) into electrical power for
use in an external circuit. Sources of mechanical energy include steam turbines, gas turbines,
water turbines, internal combustion engines, wind turbines and even hand cranks. Electrical
generators are standalone machines that provide electricity when power from the local grid is
unavailable. Industrial generators are often used to supply backup power to facilities, businesses,
or homes during power outages but they can also be used as a primary power source in areas
where a local electrical grid is unavailable or difficult to access such as mining and farming
operations or even new developments and construction.
1. Engine. The engine supplies energy to the generator. The power of the engine determines how
much electricity a generator can provide.
2. Alternator. This is where the conversion from mechanical energy to electrical energy occurs. Also
called a “genhead”, the alternator contains both moving and stationary parts that work together to
create the electromagnetic field and movement of electrons that generates electricity.
3. Fuel System. The fuel system makes it possible for the generator to produce the energy
needed. The system includes a fuel tank, a fuel pump, a pipe connecting the tank to the engine,
and a return pipe. A fuel filter removes debris before it gets to the engine and an injector forces
the fuel into the combustion chamber.
4. Voltage Regulator. This component helps control the voltage of the electricity that is produced. It
also helps convert the electricity from AC to DC, if needed.
5. Cooling and Exhaust Systems. Generators create a lot of heat. The cooling system ensures the
machine doesn’t overheat. The exhaust system direct and remove the fumes the form during
6. Lubrication System. There are many small, moving parts inside a generator. It is essential to
lubricate them adequately with engine oil to ensure smooth operation and protect them
from excess wear. Lubricant levels should be checked regularly, as often as every 8 hours of
7. Battery Charger. Batteries are used to start up the generator. The battery charger is a fully
automatic component that ensures the battery is ready to go when needed by supplying it with a
constant low-level of voltage.
8. Control Panel. The control panel controls
every aspect of generator operation from start
up and running speed to outputs. Modern
units are even capable of sensing when
power dips or goes out and can start or shut
off the generator automatically.
9. Main Assembly / Frame. This is the body of
the generator. It is the part that we see; the
structure that holds it all in place.
Generator convert mechanical or chemical energy into electrical energy. They do this by capturing the
power of motion and turning it into electrical energy by forcing electrons from the external source
through an electrical circuit. A generator is essentially an electrical motor working in reverse.
Types of Generators
a. Portable Generator
A portable generator is powered by gas or diesel fuel and can provide temporary electrical
Here are some characteristics to note about these types of generators:
Uses a combustion engine to conduct electricity.
Can plug into electrical appliances or tools via its sockets.
Can be wired into a facility’s subpanels.
Can be used in remote sites.
Has enough power to run a television, freezer and refrigerator.
The engine should run at 3600 rpm to render the standard 60hz
of current.
Use a governor to control the engine’s speed.
Can power tools and lights.
b. Inverter Generator
An inverter generator uses an engine connected to an alternator to
produce AC power. It also uses a rectifier unlike other generators to
convert the AC power into DC power.
c. Standby Generator
A standby generator is an electrical system that operates with an automatic transfer switch
that commands it to power a device up during power loss.
d. Industrial generators
Industrial applications of generators are very different from residential or small commercial
applications. Industrial generators or large commercial generators need to be more robust and
rugged and perform under harsh conditions.
They also need to provide a wide range of
power supply characteristics – from 20 kW to
2500 kW, from 120 to 48 volt and single phase
to three phase supply. Typically these
generators are more customized than other
types of generator.
e. Induction generators
These comprise two types – externally excited generators and self-excited generators.
Externally excited generators find uses in regenerative braking applications needed in hoists,
cranes, elevators and electric locomotives.
Self-excited generators find uses in wind mills where wind as a non-traditional source of energy
gets converted into electric power.
Foundations must be able to withstand the installation’s weight and prevent deflection. To determine
the pressure exerted by a generator set, use the following equation:
P = pressure in PSI (kPa)
W = generator set weight in lbs (kg)
A = Area in sq. in. (m2) of the rails, pads or vibration mounts.
This pressure must be less than the load-carrying capability of the soil foundation pad. General load
bearing capabilities of underfoot are listed in Table A.
The foundation should weigh at least as much as the generator set’s wet weight.
W = Total wet weight of gen set (lb or kg)
D = Density of concrete (150.b/cu.ft3 or 2,400 kg/m3)
B = Foundation width (ft or m)
L = Foundation length (ft or m)
Service Considerations
Convenience and serviceability can be designed into a generator set foundation. Consider specifying
conduit for electric starting systems, generator leads and fuel and water connections.
This is not true of the gen set environment. Idle gen sets, auxiliary equipment such as relays
and switches, and building structures can be adversely affected by vibration from an operating gen
a. Torsional vibration results from combustion forces imposed on the engine crankshaft
that is transmitted to the total rotating mass. Except in unusual installations, proper matching
of engine and generator set at the factory completely avoids this type of vibration.
b. Linear vibration has many causes and can usually be linked to shaking and noisy machinery.
Its exact nature is often difficult to define without instruments, because total vibration measured
is approximately a sum of vibration sources.
Engines produce vibrations due to combustion forces, torque reactions, structural mass and
stiffness combinations, and manufacturing tolerances on rotating components. These forces create
a range of undesirable conditions, ranging from unwanted noise to high stress levels and ultimate
failure of engine or generator components. Vibrating stresses reach destructive levels at engine
speeds where resonance occurs. Resonance occurs when system natural frequencies coincide with
engine excitations.
Vibration Effects
There will always be some vibration in rotating machinery like an operating gen set, so it is good
practice to specify isolation of the unit. The unit should not rest directly on rock, soil, steel or concrete.
These materials can transmit vibrations long distances.
Resonance of certain gen set frequencies with the natural frequencies of building structural members
can cause damage to some types of construction.
Separating the gen set from the surroundings can be done with a bulk isolator such as an inertia block
or with commercial isolators.
The bulk isolator is the more expensive and elaborate of the two systems. It consists of a massive
block on which the gen set is mounted. The block is surrounded by cork or fiberglass, separating it
from the surrounding structure.
Rubber pads are sometimes used to dampen high frequencies which cause noise, but the most often-
used device is the spring-type isolator. It offers about 95 percent isolation of all vibration and eliminates
the need for an inertia block.
Spring isolators are placed under the gen set rails but are not bolted to the floor unless the
unit is paralleled with other generator sets or is in an earthquake-prone area. Spring isolators are
most effective when located directly under the engine and generator mounting feet.
Using allowable bearing capacity of soil of 96.4KPa(from Table A) and data below for weight and
dimension of base of generator, determine the dimension of generator pad without a vibration
Soil has actual bearing pressure of 6.71KPa which is lesser than 96.4KPa
2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)
Exercise A. Enumeration:
Using allowable bearing capacity of soil of 96.4KPa(from Table A) and data below for weight and
dimension of base of generator, determine the dimension of generator pad with a vibration isolator
Rroundup your answer for thickness to the nearest 100mm.
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much work
they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
To develop habits on thinking about learning, answer the questions below about your learning
1. How was the lesson able to help you learn?
1. What is the difference between an inverter generator and standard generator?
Inverter generators are smaller, lighter, and quieter than standard generators. An inverter
generator is just a generator with a built-in inverter. When it comes to inverter generator vs
standard generator operation, the real difference comes in with overall efficiency. Standard
generators operate at a constant speed.
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
CIE 116: Engineering Utilities I
Student Activity Sheet #13
Activity 3
Productivity Tip:
Apart from online lectures, there might not be much to do every day. But, do not let this stop you
from sticking to a proper schedule. A routine will help ensure you get your nutrition and sleep on
1) Introduction (2 mins)
A lamp is a device that produces light by the flow of electrical current, and it is a general form of
artificial lighting. Lamps or lights are vital for a lighting system and offer efficient lighting. It is
important for students to identify what kind or types of lamp to be installed.
What I Learned
What I Know Questions:
(Activity 4)
It is a gas-discharge lamp
that contains gas at low
pressure. It is assembled by
mounting two electrodes
within a small glass envelop
1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)
A lamp is a device that produces light by the flow of electrical current, and it is a general form of
artificial lighting. Lamps or lights are vital for a lighting system and offer efficient lighting.
Generally, electrical lighting is powered by acentrally generated electrical power. If main
lights fail, lighting can also be powered by battery systems, mobiles or generators. This article
describes different types of lights, their working and uses. To conserve energy, select an efficient
light bulb, which is capable of providing the type of lighting you need.
a. Incandescent Lamps
Incandescent bulbs are standard bulbs and many people are quite familiar with these bulbs.
These incandescent bulbs are available in a broad range of sizes and voltages. An incandescent
bulb glows and produces heat when electricity passes through the tungsten filament present
inside the bulb. The filament of this bulb is placed either in a mixture of nitrogen gas or in a
vacuum. These bulbs are being gradually replaced by LEDs, fluorescent lamps, and other service
based new technologies.
The reason for this is that when this bulb is switched on, the sudden flow of current, energy and heat
penetrate the thin areas, which in turn heat up the filament; once the filament heats up, it tends to
break and burns out the bulb. Incandescent bulbs can last for 700 – 1000 hours and can also be
used with a dimmer. Incandescent bulbs generate steady heat, which is quite good for house hold
applications. Luminous efficiency of incandescent lamp is about 15 lumens per watt.
c. Halogen Lamps
A halogen lamp consists of a tungsten filament, which is sealed with a compact transparent
envelop and filled with an inert gas and small amount of halogen (bromine or iodine). These lamps are
smaller than the conventional lamps. Halogen increases the lifetime and brightness of the lamps.
Luminous efficiency of a halogen lamp is about 25 lumens per watt.
f. Fluorescent Tube
A fluorescent tube is a gas discharge tube that uses a fluorescence to produce visible light.
Luminous efficiency of a fluorescent tube is about 45 to 100 lumens per watt. Compared with the
incandescent bulbs, fluorescent tubes use less power for the same amount of light, and are
usually more complex and expensive than the incandescent lamps. Fluorescent lamps do not have
good color representation ability, but these tubes are cool in appearance and
color.Fluorescent tubes can be used in many places around a home,but cannot be used with dimmers.
g. Neon Lamps
A neon lamp is a gas-discharge lamp that contains gas at low pressure. It is assembled by
mounting two electrodes within a small glass envelop. Standard brightness bulbs are filled with an argon
or neon gas mixture, and high-brightness lamps are filled with a pure neon gas. When a voltage is
applied, then the gas ionizes and starts to glow allowing a very small current to travel from one electrode
to the other electrode. Once the gas ionizes, the operation of the lamp can be maintained at a lower
voltage, and the maintaining voltage may vary between 10-20 volts depending on the lamp and
operating current.
2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much work they
have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
To develop habits on thinking about learning, answer the questions below about your learning experience
1. How was the lesson able to help you learn?
1. What is the difference between lamp and bulb?
Lamp is a device that generates heat, light or other radiation while bulb is any solid object
rounded at one end and tapering on the other, possibly attached to a larger object at the tapered
Activity 5
Productivity Tip:
Considering the situation around us, it can get difficult to remain positive. So, to take a little break,
you can start a project you’ve meant to work on. This can be completing a book, working on your
portfolio, painting, or even journaling.
1) Introduction (2 mins)
Ballast is the functional heart of a fluorescent or HID light source. Just as a heart regulates
blood flow to your body. It ensures that a lamp stays lit by managing the distribution of energy
throughout the fixture.
What I Learned
What I Know Questions:
(Activity 4)
1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)
It is a device used with an electric-discharge lamp to obtain the necessary circuit conditions (voltage,
current and waveform) for starting and operation. All fluorescent and HID light sources require a ballast
for proper operation. Dimming ballasts are special ballasts which, when used together with a dimmer,
will vary the light output of a lamp.
To put it simply, a ballast is the functional heart of a fluorescent or HID light source. Just as a heart
regulates blood flow to your body, a ballast ensures that a lamp stays lit by managing the distribution
of energy throughout the fixture. Hearts work to distribute blood via channels, or arteries, in the body
to keep a body active and alive. Ballasts do the same for the fluorescents, HIDs, and plug-and-play
linear LEDs in your buildings, just with energy as the lifeblood.
A ballast is a tool used to regulate the amount of current in a circuit. Whenever it’s used in fluorescent
lighting, the current is limited through the tube. If this process didn’t take place, the florescent
lamp connected to a high voltage power source would increase too quickly. This would cause the lamp
to overheat and burn out in a span of one second.
Just as a heart adjusts to conditions – sleep, exercise, stress, or relaxation – an electronic ballast can
adjust to the conditions imposed on it. As mentioned in the definition provided above, some ballasts
can specifically vary the light output of your fluorescent or HID lamps for the purposes of dimming.
Modern ballasts incorporate many features that result in incredible economic savings along
with environmental benefits and easier compliance with increasingly rigid power reduction codes and
energy efficiency requirements. We discuss how dimmable ballast can help you with light code below.
Ballast factor is calculated by dividing the lumen output of a lamp-ballast combination by the lumen
output of the same lamp(s) on a reference ballast. A ballast factor of <1 means that your fluorescent
system will produce less light (lumens) than the reference ballast and a factor of >1 means it will
produce more light. Ballast factor also impacts the energy usage of a fixture.
Energy codes, utility incentives, and increasing energy costs are all adding to the pressure to make a
lighting system as efficient as possible. In some cases, LED lighting is a good option, but
ballast- dependent systems can still be a viable solution. Here are three efficient options:
a. Dimmable ballasts
Paired with the right controls, a dimmable ballast can give you the option to smoothly vary light output
based on the conditions. One practical application for this solution is meeting Title 24 compliance if
you’re located in California.
b. Multi-ballast systems
Unlike hearts, ballasts can also operate dually – with two or more separate ballasts working together
to regulate the light output of multi-lamp fixtures. This solution is a budget and installation-friendly
option if you need to simply switch 50 percent of the lamps off within a single fixture.
We had a scenario where a client was installing a number of four-lamp fluorescent fixtures
and needed to be able to reduce light levels by 50 percent at the flick of a switch. In this case, a dual-
ballast system was perfect. By placing each pair of lamps on a separate ballast, it allowed
the customer to split the interior, or inboard, and exterior – or flanking/outboard – lights in the fixture.
Installing a new ballast in each existing fixture was a simple and easy change to make at the front end
of the project.
If you’re simply looking to reduce your energy usage and you don’t need specific lighting control, you
may consider a low ballast factor product as a viable solution. These are cost-effective options that
reduce the listed wattage on a lamp by 10 to 15 percent while it is lit. (Be careful about using low
ballast factor products in cold environments like coolers and freezers.)
Regardless of how you are trying to save on operational costs or what energy codes you are trying to
meet, there are a host of lighting solutions that can help make your efforts a success.
a. Magnetic Ballasts
First of all, we should let you know they are becoming less common. At one time, they were the most
popular of ballasts, but recent events caused their usage to wane. The reason why? A number of the
fluorescent lamps used in magnetic ballasts have been phased out. Recent legislation from
the Department of Energy has prevented the production a number of the new products. Still, a number
of consumers hold onto the oldest type of ballast.
The magnetic ballast may be derided for its inefficient power usage, but they offer a number
of benefits. Magnetic ballasts are heartier, more able to withstand temperature extremes than
its younger cousins: electrical and digital ballasts. For this reason, magnetic ballasts will continue to
be in use for some time.
b. Electrical Ballasts
Introduced in 1981, electrical ballasts improved upon magnetic ballasts in one key area: energy
efficiency. The improvement is nothing to scoff at, as the Electric Power Research Institute believes
lighting uses 20-25% of all electric power. What effect does this have on your electric bill? A big one.
Lighting accounts for approximately 40% of the average lighting bill. Electrical ballasts save energy by
restricting the flow of power. They typically reduce power usage by 2-6 watts over magnetic ballasts.
Apart from the savings on your electrical bill, electrical ballasts eliminate the annoyances of magnetic
ballasts. You may have noticed a humming coming from a magnetic ballast. With electrical ballasts
there is no humming. When the light is turned on, electrical ballasts also reduce instances of flickering
light. Last of all, they are lightweight and easier to install than other ballasts.
c. Digital Ballasts
Digital ballasts are the newest craze to hit the world of ballasts, and they have plenty of fanfare. Like
electrical ballasts, they restrict power, only digital ballasts do it better. A microprocessor is included
with each digital processor. Programmed to restrict power usage, the microprocessor monitors the
lighting effectively. It is able to reduce power by operating on a high frequency. In fact, the light is much
like a strobe light, only the flashes are so quick that it is unnoticeable. Magnetic ballasts will cycle at
50 times/second, while the digital ballasts cycle at 28, 860 times/second.
Using digital ballasts also prolongs the life of the fluorescent lamp. Over a year, digital ballasts will
lose about 20 to 25% of their brightness. Other ballasts lose twice as much during that time. With the
digital ballast the loss of luminescence is less noticeable, as the processors within ballasts make
adjustments to compensate.
Lighting ballasts are a key feature of many fluorescent, HID and some LED lamps that allow current
to be regulated to suit the lamp type. Without ballasts to control current flow at varying voltages, we’d
never see these familiar fluorescents or HID luminaires jump into life - or stay lit for long
before burning themselves out.
Standard light ballasts allow for basic safe and consistent operation of
the luminaire and its power circuit at lower power draw levels, both
during switch-on and in prolonged use. Simple ballasts, such as those
found in certain LED or neon lamps, function purely as a resistor to limit
the amount of current flowing through a light’s circuit.
Probe start ballasts are the older type and not very easy on the HID lamp. Electrons jump across the
arc tube between two operating electrodes. Once the lamp is started the starting probe electrode is
removed from the circuit.
But with this starting method, it takes a long time for the lamps to warm up and reach their
full brightness. The re-strike period is also much longer.
Pulse start ballasts don’t use a starting probe electrode. Instead, they use a high voltage igniter that
works right alongside the ballast. This technology pulses to start the lamp.
Using a pulse start ballast can actually extend the life of the lamp, so the lumens don’t depreciate as
fast. Pulse start ballasts are also more energy efficient than probe start ballasts.
T12 fluorescent tubes are not made anymore because of poor energy efficiency. While these lamps
are still in stock in some stores, replacing the ballast with a more efficient T8 electronic ballast could
be a better choice.
Ballast Wiring
2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking) Exercise.
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much work
they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
To develop habits on thinking about learning, answer the questions below about your learning experience
1. How was the lesson able to help you learn?
1. What is the difference between instant start and rapid start ballast?
Instant start lamps don't use a preheating method. Instead, they send a high amount of voltage across
the lamp upon the strike. Typically, instant start ballasts use 1.5-2 watts less per lamp than rapid start
ballasts. Instant start lamps also start reliably at temperatures as low as zero degrees.
Activity 3:
Three options for Ballast-dependent systems:
Dimmable ballast
Multi-ballast systems
Low ballast factor
Three types of lighting ballasts available
Standard lighting ballasts
Fluorescent lighting ballasts
LED light ballasts
Three Types of Ballast
Magnetic Ballasts
Electrical Ballasts
Digital Ballasts
Types of HID ballasts
Probe start ballasts
Pulse start ballasts
Four basic types of fluorescent ballasts
Instant start electronic ballasts
Rapid or trigger start electromagnetic ballasts
Rapid start electronic ballasts
Programmed start electronic ballasts
Productivity Tip:
Since social distancing has become a must, it won’t be possible to meet your friends and family. If
you are staying alone or away from your loved ones, try to maintain a constant connection virtually.
Some sense of connection to others is essential for our mental and physical health.
1) Introduction (2 mins)
Lighting or illumination is the use of light to achieve practical or aesthetic effects. Lighting includes
the use of both artificial light sources like lamps and light fixtures, as well as natural illumination by
capturing daylight. It is important to know the different types of lightings inside the room/house.
Lighting or illumination is the deliberate use of light to achieve practical or aesthetic effects. Lighting
includes the use of both artificial light sources like lamps and light fixtures, as well as natural
illumination by capturing daylight. Day lighting (using windows, skylights, or light shelves) is sometimes
used as the main source of light during daytime in buildings. This can save energy in place of using
artificial lighting, which represents a major component of energy consumption in buildings. Proper
lighting can enhance task performance, improve the appearance of an area, or have positive
psychological effects on occupants.
General or ambient lighting is intended to light up a room in its entirety. It provides a uniform level of
illumination throughout the space independently of other lighting sources. Its purpose is to ensure safe
and easy traffic, as well as to create an overview of the room. The ambient light ‘bounces’ off the walls
to illuminate as much space as possible.
Outdoor lighting is usually installed in order to ensure visibility and increase security around a building.
It is also recommended to light up the exterior of the building, entrances and stairs to reduce and
perhaps eliminate the risk of injury that can occur when entering and leaving the building.
Task Lighting
Task lighting illuminates the tasks a person carries out in a given space such as reading,
cooking, computer work. A brighter light is required in a smaller focal point of the room for these
sorts of tasks.
Accent Lighting
Accent lighting is used mainly to focus on a specific point of interest or to achieve a desired effect.
This type of lighting gives the impression of a larger room. It is more frequently used to
highlight an architectural feature, a plant (in outdoor layout), a sculpture, or a collection of objects.
b. Ceiling. This type of fixture is mounted directly to the ceiling and has a glass or plastic shade
concealing the light bulb. Ceiling fixtures have been common in homes for nearly a hundred
years, often providing all the ambient light in a room.
c. Wall Sconces. Surface-mounted to the wall, sconces can direct light upwards or downwards,
and their covers or shades can add a stylistic touch to a room. Wall sconces provide ambient
or task lighting.
2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking) Exercise.
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how
much work they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
To develop habits on thinking about learning, answer the questions below about your learning experience
Contemporary design looks ahead from its beginnings in the 1920s to the sophisticated form and
function influences by today’s culture and society. Contemporary and modern pieces feature neutral
elements and bold color. Clean lines, sculptural furnishings, art, industrial elements and bold color
characterize these furnishings.
This style is known for its underlying simplicity of line, shape, form, and attention to practical functions
as compared to the dramatic and lavish appearances of traditional furniture styles. Contemporary
fixtures often incorporate classic and traditional features in subtle, understated ways. Its simplicity and
clean lines combine with strong geometric shapes and symmetry, incorporating classic and traditional
features in sleek and understated ways. The inspiration for these fixtures is drawn from
manufacturing/architecture and organic forms
Activity 3 and 5
1. Three Basic Types of Lighting
1. Ambient lighting
2. Task lighting
3. Accent lighting
2. Five Types of Fixtures that Provide Accent Lighting:
1. Track light
2. Slim line bar and undercabinet
3. Tape and extrusion
4. Directional recessed fixture or downlight
5. Wall-mounted fixtures
3. Five Types of Fixtures that Provide Task Lighting:
1. Directional gimbal recessed fixture or downlight
2. Pendant lighting
3. Slim line bar and undercabinet
4. Tape and extrusion
5. Portable or desk lamp
You can even be an active participant in your college groups, online book clubs and studying
circle, where you can study or talk in the virtual presence of your classmates
1) Introduction (2 mins)
Illumination is the intensity of light per unit area. It is important to provide efficient, comfortable
and safe vision during night time. It is important also for student to compute the number of lighting
fixtures in a certain area/room considering the illumination.
Illumination is define as the intensity of light per unit area. When we talk of illumination, or simply
lighting, we are referring to man made lighting. Daylight, being excellent is not included. Indeed, we
assume a night time condition.
Electric Illumination is the production of light by means of electricity and its applications to provide
efficient, comfortable and safe vision. Specifically, when one speaks of lighting design refers to only
two things:
1. The quantity of light and
2. The quality of light
Quantity of Light refers to the amount of illumination or luminous flux per unit area. Quantity of light
can be measured and easily handled because it deals with the number of light fixtures required for a
certain area.
Quality of Light refers to the distribution of brightness in the lighting installation. It deals with the
essential nature or characteristics of light In short, quality of light is the mixture of
all the ·items related to illumination·
Foot-candle (fc) is the amount of light flux density. It is the unit of measure used when describing the
amount of light in a room and is expressed in lumens per square foot.
Foot-lambert (fl) is defined as "the luminance of a surface reflecting, transmitting 01' emitting one
lumen (lm) of illumination per square foot of area in the direction being viewed or the conventional unit
of brightness or luminance.
Sample Problem:
A 40-watt fluorescent lamp 120 centimeter (48 in.) long produces 3,200 lumens of light in a ·room
having a general dimensions of 10 x 20 ft. Find the illumination on the floor.
3,200 𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠
𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 (𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒𝑠) =
10𝑓𝑡 𝑥 20 𝑓𝑡
footcandles = 16 fc
The Footcandle is an important unit of measure in calculating the desired illumination and
layout of fixtures. In the absence of footcandle table of equivalent for a particular fixture) a rule of
thumb of 10-30-50 illumination level is here presented.
In the English System of measure, the distance is expressed in feet and the area is in square feet
Under the Metric System (SI) the distance and area expressed in meters and square meters
respectively. Meanwhile
Lumens flux remains in Lumens, but Illumination or light flux is expressed in Lux.
A 40 watts x 120 centimeters' long fluorescent lamp produces 3,200 lumens of light in a room having
a general dimension of 10 ft x 20 ft. Compute the illumination on the floor in metric units.
1 2
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 = 10𝑓𝑡 𝑥 20 𝑓𝑡 = 200 𝑠𝑞. 𝑓𝑡( ) = 18.59 𝑠𝑞. 𝑚.
3,200 𝑙𝑚
𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝐿𝑢𝑥 ) =
18.59 𝑠𝑞. 𝑚.
Illumination = 172.17 lux
Compute the brightness of a fixture with a 1' x 4' plastic diffuser having a transmittance of 0.6 and
illuminated by 2 pcs. 3,200 lumen lamp assuming 100% use of light flux.
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠 𝑥 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟
𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 =
𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑟
Another methods used in determining the illumination, is the watts per square meter. The floor area is
computed from the outside dimension of the building excluding open porches.
Depending upon the size of the room, colors of walls and ceiling, type of lighting units, and methods
of lighting used, the watts per square meter method may produce 50 to 100 lux that is approximately
5 to10 footcandles.
The usable Initial footcandle or lux is equal to the footcandle produced by the coefficient of utilization.
Initial was emphasized, because the output of the light fixture is reduced with time as the lamp fixture
becomes old and dirty. Lamp output normally drops and it is termed as Maintenance Factor (mf), and
to find the average maintained illumination, initial illumination is reduced by multiplying a maintenance
The usable initial footcandle is equal to the footcandle produced by the coefficient of utilization (cu)
𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑥 𝑐. 𝑢.
𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒 =
𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑝 𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑥 𝑐. 𝑢. 𝑥 𝑚. 𝑓.
𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
1. A school classroom with the general dimensions of 24 x 30feet is lighted with 10 fluorescent
lamp 4F 40 T12 WW rapid start lamp. Calculate the initial and maintained illumination in foot
candle (English) and Lux (Metric), assuming that the coefficient of utilization (cu) is 0.35 and
the maintenance factor (mf) is 0.70.
English system:
𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑥 𝑐. 𝑢.
𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒 =
128,000 𝑥 0.35
𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑒 =
24 𝑓𝑡 𝑥 30 𝑓𝑡
Metric System:
𝐿𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠 𝑥 𝑐. 𝑢. 𝑥 𝑚. 𝑓.
𝐿𝑢𝑥 =
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑞. 𝑚.
128,000 𝑥 0.35
𝐿𝑢𝑥 =
7.32𝑚 𝑥 9.14𝑚
Lux = 669.61lux
Each 40 watts fluorescent lamp has an output of 3200 lumen, number of lamps will be:
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝐿𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑠 = = 8.77 𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑠
Since there are 3 lamps for each fixture, divide:
𝐿𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑠 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑖𝑥𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 = = 2.93; ∴ 𝑠𝑎𝑦 𝟑 𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒔 𝑖𝑛 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑖𝑥𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒
3. An entire office floor is lighted at an average maintained 538 lux or 50 fc. The floor measures
20m x 50m and is divided into bays measuring 4m x 5m. Using 2-lamp of F40 T12 CW rapid
start preheat lamp, determine the number of fixtures required. Assume an economy grade
fixture with low cu of 0.35 and mf of 0.70.
𝐼𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑥 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝐹𝑖𝑥𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 =
(𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑝 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑥𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒)𝑥 𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠 𝑥 𝑐. 𝑢. 𝑥 𝑚. 𝑓.
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝐹𝑖𝑥𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 = = 𝟔. 𝟗 𝒇𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
Exercise A. An CE laboratory with floor is lighted at an average maintained 750 lux or 75 fc. The
floor measures 8m x 10m and is divided into bays measuring 4m x 5m. Using 2-lamp of F60 T12
CW/HO rapid start high output, determine the number of fixtures required. Assume an economy
grade fixture with low cu of 0.35 and mf of 0.70
Exercise B. A classroom with floor is lighted at an average maintained 500 lux or 50 fc.
The floor measures 8m x 8m and is divided into 2 bays. Using 2-lamp of F72 T12 CW/HO rapid
start very high output, determine the number of fixtures required. Assume an economy grade
fixture with low cu of 0.35 and mf of 0.70 (Note: fixtures are arrange in parallel in each bay).
A school classroom with the general dimensions of 8m x 8m is lighted with 8 fluorescent lamp
2F 40 T12 CW rapid start lamp. Assuming that the coefficient of utilization (cu) is 0.35 and the
maintenance factor (mf) is 0.70. Determine if the area is well illuminated or not.
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
Mark your place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help students track how much work
they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
1. What is low voltage lighting system?
Low voltage generally refers to 12 volts (12v). A low voltage lighting system consists of a
transformer, low voltage cables and low voltage light fixtures. The transformer that is installed
outside (but sometimes inside) a home or building is plugged into a grounded outdoor power
receptacle that reduces standard 120 volt current to a low 12 volt current. A cable is attached to
the transformer that distributes power to the light fixtures that are connected along the length of
the cable. Low voltage lighting systems are used primarily for residential settings and require
very little digging or trenching for installation.
Exercise A. 6 fixtures
Exercise B. 5 fixtures
Exercise C. 2 fixtures
Productivity Tip:
At times like this, staying informed is essential, but you also need to know when you should pause all
the stressful events around the world.
1) Introduction (2 mins)
A street light is a raised source of light on the edge of a road or path. Its purpose is to reveal the
properties of the objects it collides with. It is important for students to identify the types of lamps used
and also compute the illumination.
What I Learned
What I Know Questions:
(Activity 4)
A street light, light pole, lamppost, street lamp, light standard or lamp standard is a raised source of
light on the edge of a road or path. When urban electric power distribution became ubiquitous in developed
countries in the 20th century, lights for urban streets followed, or sometimes led.
The purpose of light is to reveal the properties of the objects it collides with.
The main objectives of street lighting design scheme are given below:
Perfect visual sensation for safety
Illuminated environment for quick movement of the vehicles
Clear view of objects for comfortable movement of the road users.
Various types of lamps are used in street lighting luminaires. They are
High pressure sodium lamp
Metal Halide Lamps
Low pressure sodium lamps
Incandescent Lamp (not recommended)
CFL (used in Lanes or streets only not widely)
a. Single Sided
When the width (W) of the road is nearly equal to the pole height (H), i.e. W = H then there are
arranged in one side only. Generally pole height is available of 10 meter.
The span between two poles is equal to the road width.
b. Double Sided
When the width (W) of the road is nearly double the pole height (H), i.e. W = 2H then the poles
are arranged along both sides in opposite to each other manner.
The span between two poles may not be equal to the road width.
Luminaries are properly selected and mounted on a location most feasible and effective with minimum
cost. For a 230 volts system, a voltage drop of 5% is allowed although in extreme cases 15% voltage
drop is sometimes tolerated.
Al = Average lumens, Al = (E x w x d) / Cu x mf
b. Discomfort Glare
Discomfort glare is not the cause of momentarily blindness like disability glare, but it is responsible
to affect the visibility of the human eyes to an extent for long time. This kind of glare depends on the
luminaire installation. If the luminance is in higher value, the human eyes cannot observe the object
with lower luminance properly beyond this higher luminance. Discomfort glare is calculated in
logarithmic term. If we have the specific luminaire index (SLI) of a luminaire, we can easily calculate
this discomfort glare of that luminaire. SLI is the luminaire light distribution characteristics.
Lamp lumen of a 250 watts lamp is 11,500 lm which is the nearest value to 8662.83 lumen.
Therefore, a 250 watts lamp is acceptable.
Actual illumination (E) for 250 Watt is 8.57 lumen per sq meter which is higher than recommended
illumination (E) 6.46.
Therefore use 250 watt gives adequately lighting.
Sample problem 2.0:
Calculate Spacing between two Light Poles:
Calculate Space between Two Pole of Street Light having Fixture Watt is 250W , Lamp output of the
Lamp (LL) is 33200 lumens , Required Lux Level (E) is 5 lux , Width of the road = 11.48 feet (3.5
M),Height of the pole (H) = 26.24 feet (8 M) ,Coefficient of utilization (CU) = 0.18, Lamp Lumen
Depreciation Factor (LLD) = 0.8 ,Luminaries dirt Depreciation Factor (LDD) = 0.9
Luminaries Spacing (S) = (LLxCUxLLDxLDD) / (ExW)
Exercise A. Calculate Lamp Lumen for street Light Pole having Road width of 8 meter, distance between
two Pole is 50 meter, Maintenance factor is 0.80, Coefficient of utilization factor is 0.25, light pedestrian
traffic is medium and Vehicular traffic is light and Road is concrete road.
Exercise B. Calculate Space between Two Pole of Street Light having Fixture Watt is 250W , Lamp
output of the Lamp (LL) is 33200 lumens , Required Lux Level (E) is 5 lux , Width of the road = 19.68
feet (6.0M),Height of the pole (H) = 26.24 feet (8 M) ,Coefficient of utilization (CU) = 0.25, Lamp Lumen
Depreciation Factor (LLD) = 0.8 ,Luminaries dirt Depreciation Factor (LDD) = 0.9.
To develop habits on thinking about learning, answer the questions below about your learning experience
1. How was the lesson able to help you learn?
Productivity Tip:
Even when we are in lockdown, take basic measures such as washing your hands for 20 seconds,
covering your mouth when you sneeze or cough and throwing away the tissue immediately,
maintaining at least six feet of space between other people.
1) Introduction (2 mins)
A telecommunications system in a building is is a collection of nodes and links to enable to
communicate every person in a building. It is also important for security reason and for fire
protection as well as for paging system. It is also important for students to identify the components
of the system.
What I Learned
What I Know Questions:
(Activity 4)
1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)
Telecommunication Systems
Five categories of communications systems in commercial buildings need structured cabling systems:
a. Phone systems
b. Data systems
c. Local Area Networks (LANs)
d. Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS)
e. Sound Systems
A. Phone Systems
It is required in businesses that has more than one phone line, so that employees can receive phone
calls while other employees are making phone calls. This is supported by a phone switch. Each
telephone is connected to the phone switch using UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) copper cable.
Small businesses with fewer employees typically use small phone switches called Key Service Units
(KSU). A KSU is designed to support a fixed number of phone lines and telephone extensions.
A typical KSU supports up to eight phone lines coming from the Local Exchange Carrier (LEC, the
phone company), and up to 32 telephone extensions.
Large businesses with hundreds or thousands of employees need a large phone switch called PBX
(Private Branch Exchange). PBX can support hundreds of phone lines from the LEC (phone company)
and thousands of telephone extensions. PBX systems can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
It is typically used to describe a mainframe or minicomputer system. It is not used to describe today’s
popular PC-Server LAN (Local Area Network) systems.
a. Mainframe Computers
It is a large, centralized computer that performed all computing activities. All applications were
installed on the mainframe computer, and all data was stored on the mainframe computer’s disk
The users interacted with the mainframe computer through terminals which were connected to a port
on the mainframe’s controller with a communication cable. A mainframe computer could support
hundreds of terminals. A mainframe computer was powerful enough to support an entire company.
It is a smaller version of the mainframe computer. All applications ran on the centralized computer
system and all data was stored on the minicomputer’s disk drives. Users interacted with the
minicomputer through terminals which were connected to a port on the minicomputer with a
copper cable.
Because minicomputers were not as powerful as mainframes, they supported only small number of
The term LAN is defined as “a data communication system allowing a number of independent devices
to communicate directly with each other and within a moderately sized geographic area.”
a. Computers
b. Network Interface Card (NIC)
c. Communication cable d. LAN hubs or switches
Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) are build systems that regulate a building’s
environment or monitor it for safety or security purpose.
BACS systems use a centralized control unit and distributed sensors or devices. Each sensor is
connected to a port on the centralized control unit with a cable. The cable may also provides power
from the central unit to the sensor.
Thermostats are connected to the control unit with cable and preset thresholds will trigger the
centralized control unit to turn on a mechanical system to adjust the air pressure, rate of air flow,
and fan speeds.
b. Fire Alarm
A fire alarm system consists of the follow components.
Lights and horns
The centralized fire alarm control panel is responsible for the detection, suppression and
notification of fire. Fire alarm sensors are wired to a port on the control unit. If the centralized
control panel receives a signal from a sensor indicating a fire condition, it may activate
the suppression and notification devices.
The fire alarm system can also integrate with security and access control system to unlock security
doors and to enable automatic doors to be manually opened to provide escape routes. It can also
integrate with the electrical system to operate emergency lighting and perform elevator capture to
prevent their use during a fire.
c. Security, Access Control, and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Security systems include the
following types:
Alarm systems to provide intruder detection
Control system to provide restricted access to specific areas of a building
Closed circuit television systems to provide 24-hour surveillance of building grounds and
building spaces.
Security systems are often integrated with access controls systems together.
1) Security System
The security system is made up of the following components:
A centralized control unit
Magnetic contact points
The sensors and magnetic contacts are distributed throughout the building and connected back to
the control unit with communication cable. The security system monitors glass breaking,
motion, or separation of the magnetic contact points on doors and windows.
Access points are connected to the control unit with communication cables and they are magnetic
card readers, key pads, or a type of biometric sensing device. The access point sends user’s
information to the control unit, and the control unit send the signal to open the door if user is
E. Sound Systems
It includes overhead paging systems and audio systems. Sound systems are used buildings for
many people, such as airports, department stores, and sport stadiums. Overhead paging system
is used to broadcast messages in a building such as airports and sport stadiums. Audio systems
are used in department stores to distribute music and create a pleasant shopping environment.
To develop habits on thinking about learning, answer the questions below about your learning
1. How was the lesson able to help you learn?
1. What do I need for a complete CCTV system?
A CCTV system will be based around a DVR or digital video recorder. CCTV cameras are
connected to the DVR using cables and there will be some ancillary items such as a power supply
for the cameras.
2. What is Ethernet?
Ethernet is a family of computer networking technologies commonly used in local area networks
(LAN), metropolitan area networks (MAN) and wide area networks (WAN).