HOPE GR11 Q1 WEEK2 Navales

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GRADE 1 to 12
DAILY LESSON LOG Health-Optimizing
Teacher: ARYAN N. NAVALES Learning Area: Physical Education Week
Teaching Dates
AUG 5-9, 2024 Quarter: 1
and Time:

Demonstrate understanding of fitness and exercise in optimizing one’s health as a habit, as requisite for PA performance, and as a
A. Content Standard
career opportunity.
B. Performance Standard Lead fitness events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and influencing others positively.
C. Learning Competencies
Sets Frequency Intensity Time Type (F.I.T.T.) goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain health-related fitness
Objective (Write LC code
(H.R.F.) [PEH11FH-Ii-j-7]
for each)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages N/A
2. Learner’s Material Pages Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material First Edition, DepEd Central office 2016 pp. 1-3, 30, 35, 36, 39, 41, 42.
3. Textbook Pages Physical Education and Health Volume I First Edition, Rex Book Store, Inc. 2017 pp. 22-27.
B. Additional Materials from N/A (https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/ does not have any listings for SHS P.E. & Health or H.O.P.E.)
Learning Resources Portal
C. Other Learning Resources Public Health Reports Vol. 100 No. 2 Mar-Apr 1985
First order of business, have a brief discussion on things learned from the previous lesson about “Self-assessment of health-related
fitness (HRF). status, barriers to physical activity assessment participation and diet “. [PEH11FH-Ig-i-6]

Review: (5 minutes)
A. Reviewing previous lesson
or presenting the new lesson ● What are the 5 Health-Related Fitness Components?

● What can be done to improve the HRF components?

● How can we break through the “barriers” to living an active and healthy lifestyle?

● According to popular belief, what is best combined with a proper diet?

Activity 1: CHART ANALYSIS (5 Minutes)
Instructions: Study the chart below and figure out the difference between the chart on the left and the chart on the right.

Comparison Chart of Calorie Consumption)

B. Establishing a purpose for

the lesson

Guide questions:
1. Are the charts to the left and right related to each other? How?
2. What variables change that lead to an increase or decrease in “WEIGHT”?

“Have you ever felt a strong urge to begin an exercise regimen but you don’t know how? Maybe learning about the F.I.T.T.
principle might help😏”

What is the F.I.T.T. Principle? (5 Minutes)

The F.I.T.T. principle is an acronym for Frequency, Intensity, Time & Type. These components, when combined, serve as a solid
foundation of an exercise program. F.I.T.T., allows you to correctly assess your current fitness level, and provides means to know
how to increase exercise workload to trigger positive adaptations. To consistently challenge the body to become stronger.
Factor Definition
Frequency Number of (training) sessions in a week [HOW OFTEN]
C. Presenting examples / Intensity Difficulty of the exercise/s or work demand [HOW HARD]
instances of the new lesson Duration, number of Sets, Repetition, Distance, weight, and other
measures of a specific exercise. [HOW LONG/HOW FAR]
Nature of the exercise/s or large muscle group it targets/improves.

Activity 2: A TABLE of TIME, TYPE and EMOJIS (5 Minutes)

Instructions: Complete the chart below by drawing the symbol that represents the appropriate “Time” and “Type” for the given
Name of Frequency Intensity Time Type
exercise/activity (Physical
1. Pushups 3x per week Vigorous ? ?
Every other Moderate ? ?
2. Plank
Everyday Light- ? ?
3. Walk/jog/run
4. Dumbbell 4x per week Vigorous ? ?
5. Yoga Everyday Light ? ?

D. Discussing new concepts and According to the journal “Public Health Reports Vol. 100 No. 2” released in 1985:
practicing new skills #1

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1424733/pdf/pubhealthrep00100-0016.pdf

Guide questions: (5 Minutes)

1. What is the significance of the above statement with what we have learned about the F.I.T.T. principle?
2. As a student, are there barriers that prevent you from following and completing exercises according to their intended sets,
repetition, and duration? Elaborate.

The F.I.T.T. principle is a good foundation to knowing HOW to approach an exercise regimen. Here are some useful tips when
starting your own F.I.T.T.-based program.

[F] Ensure that the days that you pick to work out have regular intervals in between.
[I] There should always be a slight increase in workload. Do not get stuck doing the
same exercises for the same number of repetitions and sets.
[T] Do not rush your sets. Rest for fixed intervals.
[T] Pick exercises that target different large muscle groups and with different
biomechanics. (push/pull/lift/drag/jump for height, jump for length, quick bursts,
long grind)

E. Discussing new concepts and “Now that we know what makes an exercise worthwhile (it must be planned, structured, repetitive, etc.) Let us now examine
practicing new skills #2 other driving forces that can help you towards being the best version of yourself through attaining physical fitness. Here are
four training principles that you can combine with F.I.T.T. to solidify your very own personalized fitness plan.” (5 Minutes)

1. Overload Principle.
A. Description: The exposure of tissues to greater than accustomed-to training stress
B. Concept: Challenging current fitness/performance levels stimulates improvement. However, excessive overload and/or
inadequate rest can result in overtraining, injury, and poor performance.
C. Example: A jogger runs faster than her normal pace with hopes of improving endurance.
2. Progression Principle
A. Description: The gradual and systematic increases in training stress to maintain tissue overload and, thus, force continued
training adaptation.
B. Concept: As fitness/performance improves with training, training variables (i.e., frequency, intensity, volume) must be
increased to induce further adaptation. Rate of progression is important; progressing too rapidly can result in injury while
progressing too slowly will delay goal attainment.
C. Example: A weightlifter can comfortably lift a weight that used to be a challenge, so she must now lift heavier weights to
continue gaining strength.
3. Specificity
A. Description: The observation that fitness/performance improves through training movement patterns and intensities of a
specific task and fitness type (strength, power, endurance, or flexibility)
B. Concept: Incorporating specific tasks of a sport will induce neuromuscular and metabolic adaptations to improve specific
structure, fitness, and exercise economy of the overloaded muscle groups. Training should be directed at improving the
fitness/performance of a sport’s distinct key components.
C. Example: While power athletes should train power and endurance athletes should train endurance (e.g., swimmers should
swim), team sports athletes require training with a combination of these two types of fitness, as well as sport-specific
4. Reversibility
A. Description: The observation that withdrawal of tissue loading results in loss of beneficial fitness/performance adaptations
B. Concept: The body adapts to stoppage of a specific activity and inadequate training load with atrophy and
fitness/performance decrements.
C. Example: A body builder laments his loss of muscular gains after taking a 2-week vacation.
Source: https://journals.lww.com/acsm-csmr/fulltext/2019/04000/sports_training_principles.2.aspx
F. Developing Mastery Activity 3: I-‘QUOTE’-MOTTO PRINCIPLES EDITION 🌽 (5 Minutes)
(Leads to formative Instructions: Write HEAVY if the motto/saying/quote below is related to the Overload Principle, THRIVE for the Principle of
assessment) Progression, EXACT for the Principle of Specificity or KARMA for the Principle of Reversibility.
1. “If little labour, little are our gains: Man's fate is according to his pains.” (No pain, no gain)
2. “Citius, Altius, Fortius.” (Faster, higher, stronger)
3. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
4. “What goes up must come down.”
5. “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”

Activity 4: GET JUAN AND PEDRO F.I.T.T. (10 Minutes)

Instructions: Imagine that you are 10 years into the future, and you work as a professional celebrity fitness coach. You have two
clients named Juan and Pedro. Juan is SKINNY and he wants to build muscles and get stronger while Pedro is CHUBBY and wants
to slim down and move faster. Fill out the F.I.T.T. chart below by writing the letter of the corresponding exercises that you have
picked for your two clients.

Exercises that need Bodyweight exercises

A. DB Bench Press (Upper B. Pushups (Upper body C. Curl-ups (Core strength
body strength) strength) and endurance)
D. Cycling (Cardio, Lower E. Bodyweight Squats F. Yoga / Pilates poses
body muscular endurance) (Whole body strength) (Flexibility and Balance)
G. Finding practical G. Skipping Rope (Cardio, H. Plank (Core strength I. Pull-ups (Upper body
applications of concepts and Reaction Time, Coordination) and endurance) strength)
skills in daily living J. Kettlebell Swings K. Jogging (Cardio) L. Burpees (Whole body
(Muscular endurance) endurance)
M. Climbing stairs (Lower N. Dancercise (Cardio & O. Swimming (Cardio)
body endurance) coordination)

Name of Frequency Intensity Time
Type (Health-related
fitness component)

Name of Frequency Intensity Time
Type (Health-related
fitness component)

*Note: The teacher may have the learners explore deeper into the F.I.T.T.-based workout plan by having them complete the chart by
filling out the remaining boxes.

Reflection: (5 Minutes)
• Based on what you have learned in today’s lesson, what is the likelihood that your disposition towards physical education has
H. Making generalizations and changed for the better?
abstractions about the lesson • If you have young people in your community that show great potential in sports, do you think you can confidently share with them
that you have learned from this lesson?
I. Evaluating Learning Short Quiz: MULTIPLE CHOICE (5 Minutes)
Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1 What does F.I.T.T. stand for?

A. Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type C. Frequency, Inability, Timing and
B. Frequency, Insanity, Timing and D. Frequency, Intangibles, Time and
Type Training
2 This principle pertains to doing “more than normal” for improvement to happen.
A. Specificity C. Overload
B. Reversibility D. Progression
3 The following are appropriate measurements to apply under F.I.T.T. principle’s
. “Time” component EXCEPT?
A. distance C. rate of perceived exertion
B. duration D. sets and repetition
4 Where should Health Related Fitness Components be put in a chart that shows a
. F.I.T.T.-based workout plan?
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type
5 Bartolome is doing the 30-day plank challenge. After the first week, he decided to
. add an extra 10 seconds to all his sets to speed up his progress. Which of the
following training principles did he apply?
A. Overload B. Specificity C. Reversibility D. Progression
J. Additional activities for Activity 5: SEVEN-DAY F.I.T.T.-ness CHALLENGE 🌽
application and Instructions: To keep track of your engagement in MVPAs (Moderate to vigorous physical activities) create your own personalized F.I.T.T.-
remediation based workout plan and log for 1 (one) week. Copy or print the chart below and fill out the necessary details after you finish each set of your
exercises. Choose a balanced set of exercises that targets different large muscle groups and has a variety of movement types. Don’t forget to do
your dynamic stretch and warm-up before working out and your cool down and static stretch after.

Data sheet link:

https://depedph-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/aureliusvictor_jamorabo_deped_gov_ph/EvrlexSj5X5FnSTgN_P0kLQBXfkPSrCIDP59fDcSFLF5ZQ or
YouTube links for sample workouts with different exercises:
https://youtu.be/cbKkB3POqaY?si=P4MilaeSb_ULImIM (25 MIN. FULL BODY H.I.I.T.)
https://youtu.be/ljtJM15YxXs?si=TVCtzscfaNhLIUa4 (30 MIN. PILATES YOGA WORKOUT)
s of a 25 points 20 points 15 points 10 points 5 points
Fitness Plan
Each row and Most rows and Most rows and Most rows and The document is
column are columns are almost columns are columns are completely empty.
complete and complete and incomplete but incomplete and
legible. There are legible. There are legible. There are illegible. There are
Fitness Plan answers in each answers in almost answers in most of only a handful of
box. The final every box. The the boxes. The plan answers in the
Data product contains all plan is legible and is illegible and boxes. The plan is
the information neat. The final sloppy. The final gibberish. The final
required. product contains all product is missing product is missing
the information some required a lot of required
required. information. information.
Selection of Selection of Selection of Activity selection Activity selection
activities is activities is almost activities is not is not appropriate is null or unoriginal
appropriate to the appropriate to the appropriate to the to the goals set by / plagiarized.
components components components the learner. All
Activity selected by the selected by the selected by the activities listed
learner. All learner. Most learner. Some need to be re-
Selection activities are activities are activities are though and re-
relevant to the relevant to the relevant but will worked to fit the
overall goal overall goal not help the learner scope of the plan.
reach the overall
All the F.I.T.T. Most of the F.I.T.T. Some of the Only a few of the The learner is
principles have principles have F.I.T.T. principles F.I.T.T. principles completely
F.I.T.T. been applied and been applied and have been applied have been applied oblivious to the
are relative, are adequately and are short of and are severely concept of the
principle as achievable, and relative, being relative, lacking being F.I.T.T. principle.
measurable. achievable, and achievable, and relative,
basis measurable. measurable. achievable, and
All written goals Almost all written Few of the written None of the written The learner did not
are measurable goals are goals are goals are particularly care for
achievable, measurable measurable, measurable, goal setting and has
specific, and achievable, achievable, achievable, miserably failed
Goals realistic specific, and specific, and specific, and this endeavor.
realistic realistic. Some are realistic. Almost all
outright difficult to are next to
overcome. impossible to
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use / discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher - II MT-II/ SHS Principal-III

Multiple Choice (For Advanced Learners)

Instructions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on your answer sheets.
1 Aurelio coaches a high school basketball team and his preferred aggressive style of play is for players to run up
. and down the court as often as possible. Because of this, most of his practices include drills where players sprint
down the court in unison while passing the basketball. Which training principle did coach Aurelio use? (EASY)
A. F. I. T. T. B. Overload C. Reversibility D. Specificity

2 Soledad coaches a high school track and field team and her specialty is coaching jump events. One day, she noticed
. that her new players, despite having great leaping abilities, were getting hurt because of the way they carelessly land
after jumping so she prioritized drills that develop good landing mechanics and technique. What training principle did
Soledad use? (DIFFICULT)
A. Overload B. Progression C. Reversibility D. Specificity

3 Dominador, a high school volleyball coach plans on building an athletic front line that can step up and battle
. bigger athletes at regional tournaments, so he consistently gives his players steadily increasing workloads during
training to consistently build his team’s athleticism. What training principle did he use? (AVERAGE)
A. F. I. T. T. B. Overload C. Progression D. Reversibility

4 Al Jonas, a basketball player, is the hard-working team captain of his team. He noticed that after the Christmas
. break, all his training progress disappeared. He became slow and lethargic when he came back to train. Then, he
realized that all he did during the long break was eat and sleep. What training principle should Al memorize?
A. Overload B. Progression C. Reversibility D. Specificity

5 Carmina is a veteran Tae-Kwon-Do coach that has been to many tournaments. Her new batch of athletes aren’t as
. physically gifted as her previous ones so she decided to frequently invite her former players who are now in
college to spar so that her new athletes can cope with the physicality of the sport. (AVERAGE)
A. F. I. T. T. B. Overload C. Progression D. Reversibility

Multiple Choice (For “Average” Learners)

Instructions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on your answer sheets.
1 Aireena wants to follow the principle of progression for her athletics training. First, she started jumping over a very low bar
. height. After several months, she can almost jump over her own height. What should the next progression be? (EASY)
A. Jump over a burning fire C. Go back to jumping over a low bar
B. Jump over a bar equal to her height D. Stop training after achieving her goal
2 Sharona is a good volleyball player but when she plays with her classmates, they complain that she hits the ball
. too hard. If Sharona wants to continue her self-training with the help of her classmates, what should she do if she
wants to follow the principle of specificity? (AVERAGE)
A. Use a basketball C. Stop trying to train with her classmates completely.
B. Use a deflated volleyball ball D. Have her classmates wear helmet and body armor

3 Richella is a basketball player for her school. During games, she struggles handling the ball when defenders push her
. to dribble towards her left side. If she wants to follow the principle of reversibility, what should she do?
A. Train her left hand and right hand equally C. Focus her training to become even better with her right
B. Train her left and more than her right hand D. Choose not to dribble anymore during games, just

4 Adonis is an amateur boxer but unlike his opponents, he doesn’t have a boxing gym to train at. To prepare for his
. next opponent, he asks little kids to hit him while he is standing still. At first, they start with weak punches but
then he asks the children to hit him harder. What part of the F.I.T.T. principle does this strategy fit in?
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type

5 Bernardina and Rechilda are both badminton players. Bernardina trains every other day and Rechilda trains only
. during weekends. When the two play against each other, Bernardina always wins. What is the likely reason why?
A. Bernardina trains more often (Frequency) C. Rechilda doesn’t do enough repetitions (time)
B. Bernardina trains harder (Intensity) D. Rechilda only works on her defensive skills (type)

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