MB1 M2
MB1 M2
MB1 M2
Question Question
1. He discovered chemicals such as lactic 11. Which of the following vitamins is/are fat
acid, citric acid, oxalic acid, and tartaric soluble?
A. Vitamin A
A. Karl Wilhelm Scheele B. Vitamin C
B. Friedrich Serturner - nerphine C. Vitamin B3
C. Joseph Caventou - Guming piaffeint D. Both B and C
D Pierre Robiquet - codtint
12. It is the type of mutation where the
Which of the following amino acids has : codon containing the changed base may
basic side chain? code for the same amino acid.
A Silent mutation
B. Glycine - simores AA Missens mutation - diff DA
C. Lysine C. Nonsense mutation - ctop
D Glutamic acid mohira D. None of the above
3. Which one of the following is unique to 13. Enzyme that catalyzes racemization of
gluconeogenesis? optical or geometrical isomers.
Secondary structure
15. It is the process of converting liver
C Tertiary structure
glycogen into blood glucose.
D Quaternary structure
A. Glycogenolysis
5. What is the deficient enzyme in Von B. Gluconeogenesis
Gierke's disease? C. Glycolysis
A Glucose 6-phosphatase D. Glycogenesis
B Debranching enzyme 16. Sugar found in milk:
Branching enzyme
D. Hepatic glycogen phosphorylase A. Lactose
B. Maltose
6. Most abundant GAGs in the body. Sucrose
A. Dermatan sulfate D. None of the above
B. Keratan sulfate
17. RNA that plays as the template for
protein synthesis or translation.
D. Chondroitin 4- and 6- sulfates .
7. The usual source of tannins from plants
are from the C. rRNA - CHON formation [80% )
D. None of the above
A. Barks/stems
Seeds 18. Essential fatty acids, except:
C. Roots
D. Rhizomes 1. Oleic acid
11. Linoleic acid
8. Menthol is the active constituent present III. Linolenic acid
in: IV.Arachidonic acid
B. Peppermint AI, M
Question Question
21. Which of the following tests are used to 32. It is test for tyrosine:
detect reducing sugars?
A. Sakaguchi test • quapidincR
A. Barfoed's test B Bluret's test - pephd vondt
25. Animal used in the biological assay of 36. The complementary strand of
26. It reacts with iodine to form a deep blue 37. Steps in central dogma:
A. Replication > Translation >
on yruse in corch
Amylose Transcription
B. Insulin B. Translation > Replication:
. Amylopectin Transcription
D. Starch Replication > Transcription >
27. It is a quinine alkaloid that is employed D. Transcription > Translation >
for malaria. Replication
A. Cinchonine
38. Dextran:
B. Cinchonidine
Quinine A. Carbohydrate
Quinidine B. Protein
C. Clucose polymer'
28. Scientific name of Neem: D. Glycoside
D. 1, II, III, IV
Question Question
42. In which amino acid is serotonin derived 52. Pyrimidine bases, except:
I. Thymine
A Tyrosine I1. Uracil
B. Threonine Ill. Cytosine
Phenylalanine . IV. Guanine
D. Tryptophan
A.I, I1
43. Phosphoprotein found in egg yolk:
Avidin C. IV only
B Vitellin D. 1 only
53. DNA is primarily found in:
D. Tendomucoid
A. Mitochondria
44. Glycine does not exhibit optical activity. -
does It possesses an asymmetric carbon or
C. Endoplasmic reticulum
chiral carbon like other amino acids.
D. Cell wall
A. First statement is correct
B Second statement is correct 54. Which of the following is/are not
C. Both statements monosaccharide
D. Both statements are incorrect Glucose
I1 Fructose
45. Which of the following is/are essential III. Sucrose cu • Fru
amino acids:
IV. Maltose
Al. Lysine
III. Methionine (M)
IV. Arginine (R) C. IlI only
A.1, I1
55. It is a test for peptide bonds.
B. 11, I1I, IV
C. 11, Ill A. Sakaguchi test
B. Ninhydrin test
Millon's test
46. It is a condition wherein there is an
accurnulation of acetone in the blood.
56. Glucose is stored in the liver as:
A. Ketonuria
B. Ketosuria Galactose
B. Glycogen
D. Ketonemia Lactose
D. Fructose
47. It is the bond between two amino acids.
57. Globular proteins, except:
A. Hydrogen bond
B. Glycosidic bond Collagen - Finroul
C. Peptide bond 11. Elastin - Fibrous
D. N-glycosyl linkage I1I. Histones
IV. Albumin
48 Scientific name of Flaxseed:
49. Milky secretion made by worker 58. Water and Steam Distillation is
honeybees (Apis mellifera). employed for either dried or fresh
substances that may be injured by
.Ambergris • rfcm nhow
boiling. Direct Steam Distillation is
B Royal jelly applicable t fresh plant drugs.
C. Keratin
59. Which of the following plants is/are
classified as tropane alkaloids?
D None of the above
1. Senna
51. Which of the following is not an amino
41. Stramonium
Valine AV. Coca
C. Choline A. I, 11, Ill
D. Leucine B.I1, III, IV
C.1, Ill
. Mitochondria
C. Ribosome
D. Golgi bodies
SER 2023
71. Which of the following is/are
61. This plant is used for the treatment of
characteristics of volatile oils?
A Sorbus aucuparia
A. High refractive indices
B. Blumea balsamifera B. Optically inactive
Zea mays
C. May oxidize
D Both and C
D. Saccharum officinarum
A. Insulin
B. Aconitine B. Glucagon
C. Nicotine Progesterone
D. Lobeline D. Testosterone
63. It is the general method for obtaining 73. Amino acids, at isoelectric point, exist as:
citrus oils involves puncturing the oil A. NH2 group
glands by rolling the fruit over trough B. COO group
lined with sharp projections that are C. Positively-charged groups
long enough to penetrate the epidermis D. Zwitterions
and pierce the oil glands located in the
outer portion of the peel. 74. It is the active proteolytic enzyme in
gastric juice.
Sponge process
A. Maltase
C. Enfleurage B. Trypsin
D. None of the above C. Pepsin
64. Black Indian hemp:
75. Amino acid that has no alpha amino
A. Marijuana
C. Apocynum A. Glycine
D. Both A and B B. Alanine
65. Test used to distinguish tartrates from D. Proline
76. Vitamin that can be used for the
A. Denige test
prevention of neural tube defects.
Borntrager test
C. Sakaguchi test Vitamin B3 - ptilOgio
D. Millon's test B. Vitamin B9
C. Vitamin
66. It is the hydrocarbon portion of volatile D. Vitamin B1 . Rer Ben
oil that is liquid.
77. It is defined as the number of milligrams
of potassium hydroxide needed to
B Stearoptene
neutralize free acids and to saponify
Stearic acid
(hydrolyse) esters present in 1 g of
D. None of the above
pharmaceutical ingredient.
67. Which of the following plants A. lodine value wt of iodine in grams ReD Ct& w/ 1009
dermatitis? B. Hydroxyl value of KON 1o neutralize acetic aud
A. Anise C. Saponification value
Poison ivy: D. Acid value ig kon required to ncutronaed me free FA prescot in 19 of for
C. Valerian
D None of the above
78. Butter becomes rancid upon exposure to
due to formation of:
68. Complementary base pairs in the DNA acid
double helix : bonded by:
B. Butyric acid
A. Dipole-dipole bond Formic acid
B. Ester bond D. Propionic acid
Van der Waals
D. Hydrogen bond
79. Digestion of starch starts in:
A. Stomach
What is the chemical name of 1,3.7 -
B. Small intestine
C. Mouth
A. Thebaine D. Pancreas
B. Theobromine
Theophylline 80. Other name for glycosides:
D Caffeine A. Sugar acids
B. Sugar ether
70. These are official tests done on living
C. Sugar ester
animals well as intact or excised
D. None of the above
organs and which often indicate the
strength of particular drug or its 81. It is used in the treatment of various
preparation: conditions characterized by capillary
Chemical assay bleeding and increase in capillary
B. Microbiological test fragility.
C. Microscopic test Vitamin F
B. Vitamin H
D. Vitamin K
87. Medicinal plant that is used to lower D Both statements are incorrect
blood sugar.
97. Keratan sulfate is found in Joose
A. Guava connective tissue proteoglycan
B. Tsaang gubat aggregates with chondroitin sulfate.
Keratan sulfate II is found in cornea. [Xcctl
D Garlic
A. First statement is correct
88. Deficiency of ascorbic acid results in: B. Second statement is correct
Both statements al correct
A. Pernicious anemia
D Both statements are incorrect
B Ricketts
Scurv 98. The conversion of glyceraldehyde
Beriberi B4 3-phosphate to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate
(1,3-BPG) by glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
89. Marasmus occurs when protein
dehydrogenase is the first oxidation-
x deprivation is relatively greater than the
reduction reaction of glycolysis.
reduction in total calories. It is commonly
Lactate, formed by the action of lactate
seen in developing countries in children taro mus
dehydrogenase, is the final product of
after weaning at about age I year, when
anaerobic glycolysis in eukaryotic cells
their diet consists predominantly
carbohydrates. A. First statement is correct
.First statement is correct
C. Both statements are correct
B. Second statement is correct
Both statements incorrect
Both statements are correct
D. Both statements are incorrect 99. The first five reactions of glycolysis
90. Lactose is the principal sugar found in correspond 1 an energy-investment
phase in which the phosphorylated
milk. Maltose is a product of enzymic
forms of intermediates are synthesized
digestion of polysaccharides. carch (nomopolyranandl)
at the expense of ATP. The subsequent
A. First statement is correct reactions of glycolysis constitute an
B. Second statement is correct renergy-generation phase in which
Both statements correct net of two molecules of ATP are formed
D. Both statements are incorrect by substrate-level phosphorylation per
glucose molecule metabolized.
91. The addition of a pentose sugar to a base
through glycosidic bond produces A. First statement is correct
a nucleoside. The addition of one or B. Second statement is correct
more phosphate groups to a nucleoside C. Both statements are correct
produces a nucleotide. D. Both statements are Incorrect
A. First statement is correct 100. Enzyme that catalyzes the cleavage of
B. Second statement is correct
bonds by addition of water.
C. Both statements are correct
D. Both statements are incorrect A. Ligase
B. Isomerase
92. This refers to a group of conditions i
which a defect in tyrosine metabolism D. Hydrolase
results in a deficiency in the production
of melanin.
B. Albinism/
C. Maple syrup urine disease
D. Phenylketonuria