Constructed Wetland Microcosms As Sustainable Technology For Domestic Wastewater Treatment: An Overview
Constructed Wetland Microcosms As Sustainable Technology For Domestic Wastewater Treatment: An Overview
Constructed Wetland Microcosms As Sustainable Technology For Domestic Wastewater Treatment: An Overview
Received: 12 September 2018 / Accepted: 7 March 2019 / Published online: 16 March 2019
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019
Constructed wetland microcosms (CWMs) are artificially designed ecosystem which utilizes both complex and ordinary inter-
actions between supporting media, macrophytes, and microorganisms to treat almost all types of wastewater. CWMs are
considered as green and sustainable techniques which require lower energy input, less operational and maintenance cost and
provide critical ecological benefits such as wildlife habitat, aquaculture, groundwater recharge, flood control, recreational uses,
and add aesthetic value. They are good alternatives to conventional treatment systems particularly for smaller communities as
well as distant and decentralized locations. The pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and temperature are the key controlling factors while
several other parameters such as hydraulic loading rates (HLR), hydraulic retention time (HRT), diversity of macrophytes,
supporting media, and water depth are critical to achieving better performance. From the literature survey, it is evaluated that
the removal performance of CWMs can be improved significantly through recirculation of effluent and artificial aeration
(intermittent). This review paper presents an assessment of CWMs as a sustainable option for treatment of wastewater nutrients,
organics, and heavy metals from domestic wastewater. Initially, a concise note on the CWMs and their components are presented,
followed by a description of treatment mechanisms, major constituents involved in the treatment process, and overall efficiency.
Finally, the effects of ecological factors and challenges for their long-term operations are highlighted.
Keywords Constructed wetland microcosms . Domestic wastewater . Nutrients . Heavy metals . Macrophytes . Sustainability
constructed wetlands (VFCWs) and horizontal flow construct- Major constituents involved in treatment
ed wetlands (HFCWs) (Wang et al. 2018). According to the mechanisms
macrophytic growth, they are categorized into emergent, free-
floating, submerged, and floating-leaved macrophytes Wetland vegetation (macrophytes)
(Vymazal 2010).
In CWMs, macrophytes are primary vegetation. They are es-
Constructed wetland microcosms (CWMs) A working model sentially grouped in four categories, namely, emergent, sub-
of a CWM (Fig. 1) possesses various types of supporting merged, floating-leaved, and free-floating macrophytes
media and aquatic macrophytes depending upon target pollut- (Kumar and Dutta 2019). Growth characteristics and nutrient
ants. In general, wastewater reaches the treatment chamber, uptake capacity of some frequently used macrophytes are pre-
runs all the way through the supporting media, and is released sented in Table 1. The macrophytes relocate oxygen and pro-
out of the chamber from an outlet system. A CWM unit has vide dissolved organic matter and supporting media for mi-
following five major components: basin (or chamber), crobial attachment (Meng et al. 2014). They are also contrib-
substrate/media materials, vegetation (mostly macrophytes), uting to enhance porosity and permeability of the substrate, act
and inlet and outlet system (Sudarsan et al. 2015). as a catalyst, and promote a number of biological and chem-
A number of researchers across the world have pub- ical reactions (Yahiaoui et al. 2018). More than 150 species of
lished their review articles on the use of CWs for waste- macrophytes have been reported that are used in CWMs
water treatment (Liu et al. 2015; Haynes 2015; Almuktar worldwide; however, only a few of them are commonly used.
et al. 2018). However, there are somewhat few studies It is observed that emergent aquatic macrophytes are preferred
detailing the treatment dynamics, rather the information choice because they have high contaminant removal efficien-
is meant to provide onsite domestic wastewater treatment cy (Vymazal 2013). The choice of macrophytes must be in-
that are site specific. Recent investigation on CWs has digenous which can grow naturally in wetlands. They should
principally provided information on wastewater decon- be also capable to withstand with short dry periods as well as
tamination (Avila et al. 2014), suitable working models shocks generated by wastewater loads. Macrophytes which
and appropriate choice of macrophytes (Wang and have well developed root and rhizome systems inside the sup-
Sample 2013), retention time (HRT), hydraulic loads portive material are most preferable.
(HLR) (Dzakpasu et al. 2015), and variety of supporting
media (Ge et al. 2015) (Fig. 2). Supporting media
Fig. 2 a, b CWM units designed under net house of Department of Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, Telangana,
Environmental Science, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, India. e Constructed wetland for wastewater treatment for a colony in
Lucknow, India. c CSIR- Institute of Minerals and Materials Andhra Pradesh, India. f CWs working successfully in Georgia treating
Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. d International Crops Research runoff from a plant nursery
of information about how the microbial communities and di-
versity change during long-term operations (Adrados et al.
2014). Comprehensive information about the structure of
these communities must be attained by suitable design impro-
visation in order to understand the biological developments
that are taking place inside them (Dong and Reddy 2010). It is
of providing unique add-on sites for microbial connection and
release root exudates and oxygen which helps in estimating
the role of the microbial cosmos (Zhang et al. 2016; Lv et al.
2017). Different design and operational parameters undertak-
en to treat various wastewater in several countries are present-
Moderate to rapid Moderate
ed in Table 3.
Removal of organics
Very rapid
Very rapid
Very rapid
Very rapid
Optimal pH Root penetration (cm) Maximum water Growth
(water hyacinth)
(common reed)
Typha sp. (cattail)
(water lettuce)
Free-floating Pistia stratiotes
Phragmites sp.
Removal of nitrogen
Table 1
*Domestic wastewater has been used here to include wastewater originating from household activities from a
community whereas municipal wastewater is generated in towns and urban areas from any combination of
domestic, commercial, or agricultural activities including wastewater from public facilities, surface runoff,
stormwater, and any sewer inflow or sewer infiltration. Industrial wastewater is a by-product of industrial or
commercial activities. Synthetic or artificial wastewater differs from domestic wastewater or municipal wastewa-
ter as it is synthetically made according to the treatment technologies to be tested
ǂHypereutrophic water is sourced from a lake or other water body characterized by excessive nutrient concentra-
tions (nitrogen and phosphorous) and high productivity
Phragmites australis, it ranges from 7.15 to 17.04% (Jesus aerobic facultative zone as compared to the bottom obligate
et al. 2018). In CWMs, the different macrophytes offer oxy- anaerobic zone. Both ammonification and ammonia volatili-
gen and surface which is necessary for the development of zation are pH-dependent process. The suggested pH value to
microbes in the root zone, consequently enhancing nitrifica- get good results from ammonification ranges from 6.5–8.5
tion. In addition, there is supply of carbon from root system (Saeed and Sun 2012), while a notable rise in pH (> 9.3)
(5–25%, fixed photosynthetically) and optimization of deni- converts ammonium ions into ammonia gas (Bialowiec et al.
trification process (Wang et al. 2012). Wastewater stream has 2011). Adsorption takes place mostly in the form of ammonia
typically inorganic and/or organic form of nitrogen into the supporting media (Tsihrintzis 2017) which is used to
(Stefanakis et al. 2014). Major nitrogen elimination pathways encourage cation exchange capacity. Supporting media with
which are engaged with CWMs are classified into two broad greater cation exchange capacity has been employed due to
categories—novel (new) and classical (traditional) nitrogen their enhanced nitrogen removal efficiency (Saeed and Sun
removal pathways (Saeed and Sun 2012). Traditional nitrogen 2012). Biochar is a potential material which supports the de-
removal pathways in CWMs include ammonification, ammo- nitrification process and removal of NO3− by providing organ-
nia volatilization, nitrification, denitrification, and adsorption. ic carbon source. A short description of novel nitrogen remov-
In the CWM system, ammonification is more in the upper al pathways is provided below:
Table 3 Wetland design and operational parameters considered for different wastewater in several countries
Type of Total surface Plant species Plant density HLR m3/m2/day HRT days Flow rate m3/ d Study area/country Reference
wastewater (WW) area m2 plants m2
Municipal 185.5 C. papyrus NA 0.18, 0.10, and 0.07 1.8, 3.2, and 4.7 8 Giza, Egypt Abou-Elela et al. 2017
Municipal 1.5 P. australis NA 0.37 1.75 0.75 Barcelona, Spain Avila et al. 2017
Domestic 1.09 H. psittacorum NA 0.15 NA 0.150 Pereira, Colombia Bohórquez et al. 2016
Domestic 200 P. australis 4 0.46 0.7 65 Bedfordshire, UK Butterworth et al. 2016
T. latifolia 0.1 1.2 76
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:11662–11673
Secondary* 0.66 C. articulatus 33 0.46 3 0.028 Atlántico, Colombia Caselles-Osorio et al. 2017
Domestic 0.6 C. ligularis 38 0.06 2.3 0.042 Barranquilla, Colombia Casierra-Martínez et al. 2017
E. colona
Domestic 130 P. australis 4 0.5 and 0.75 NA NA Marrakech, Morocco Elfanssi et al. 2017
Domestic 45.36 T. parviflora, J. acutus, 1 0.053 3.48 2.4 Heraklion, Greece Fountoulakis et al. 2017a
S. perrenis, L. monopetalum
Domestic 1.08 A. halimus, J. acutus 9 0.095 NA 0.6 Heraklion, Greece Fountoulakis et al. 2017b
and S. perennis
Synthetic 0.137 R. japonicas, O. hookeri, 12 NA 10 NA Beijing, China Geng et al. 2017
P. arundinacea and R. carnea
Domestic 180 C. generalis 4–5 1728 0.25 NA Udupi District, India Ojoawo et al. 2015
Urban 51.87 T. latifolia, P. australis, NA NA 2–3 NA Haridwar, India Rai et al. 2015
and C. esculenta
Municipal 0.0004 L. perenne 0.1 0.0375 6 0.15 Xian, China Ren et al. 2016
Domestic 404 T. latifolia L and NA 0.022 NA NA Ontario, Canada Rozema et al. 2016
S. tabernaemontani
Synthetic 0.2 E. crassipes NA NA 2 0.012 Parana, Brazil Lima et al. 2018
Domestic 30 P. stratiotes, T. latifolia, NA 0.10 5 3 Telangana, India Tilak et al. 2017
C. indica, and A. conyzoides
Domestic 0.13 P. australis 8 NA 6 0.21 Shaanxi, China Wu et al. 2016
Secondary 8,660,000 P. australis, T. orientalis, NA 0.035 7 380,000 Shaanxi, China Wu et al. 2017
Z. latifolia, N. nucifera,
N. tetragona, P. crispus,
L. minor and E. crassipes
Synthetic 0.72 T. angustifolia 14–15 0.056 4 0.02 Singapore Zhang et al. 2012
Synthetic 0.19 R. japonica, O. javanica. P. 12 NA NA NA Hangzhou, China Zhao et al. 2016
arundinacea L. and J. effusus L
(Fe-GAC) have been identified with improved adsorption ca- metals buildup in their tissues (Mishra and Tripathi 2008).
pability. Because of high-cost involvement, discharge of sec- Removal of metals from domestic wastewater through
ondary contaminants, and complications in manufacturing CWMs involves mainly filtration, sedimentation, adsorption,
processes, the use of these materials is limited in full-scale cation exchange, precipitation, complexation, macrophyte up-
treatment systems (Park et al. 2017). As a result, the selection take, and microbial oxidation/reduction processes. Several bi-
of right filter media with better adsorption ability is crucial for otic, abiotic, and environmental factors like pH and tempera-
better performance. ture in the CWMs have direct consequences on bioaccumula-
tion of trace metals (Xing et al. 2013). Removal of heavy
metals in CWs using aquatic macrophytes by different studies
Removal of heavy metals has been shown in Table 4.
CWs type Wastewater type Plants used Target metals Removal efficiencies Study area/country References
Winter Summer
HFCW Urban T. latifolia Pb, Cu 78.5, 72.5 86, 84.0 Haridwar, India Rai et al. 2015
Zn, Co 68.4, 65.1 83.4, 76.8
Cr, As 64.5, 63.2 81.6, 82.2
Mn, Ni 53.3, 51.4 62.2, 68.1
NA Municipal E. crassipes Hg, Up to 95 Irbid, Jordan Qasaimeh et al. 2015
HFCW Municipal P. phalaris Cu, Pd 84, 78 Brehov, Czech Republic Kropfelova et al. 2009
Ni, Zn 46, 86
Hg 39
HFCW Domestic P. phalaris Cu, Pd 84, 88 Leon, Spain Pedescoll et al. 2015
Ni, Zn 12, 87
HFCW Domestic P. australis Cu, Pd 88, 67 Zemst, Belgium Lesage et al. 2007
Ni, Zn 36, 86
HFCW Municipal P. phalaris Cu, Pd 73.8, 84.2 Morina, Czech Republic Kropfelova et al. 2009
Ni, Zn 49.1, 90.5
Hg 29.4
VFCW Synthetic C. indica Cr 98.3 Bhubaneswar, India Yadav et al. 2010
Ni 96.2
FWS Rainfall P. australis, T. latifolia Cu, Pd 60, 31 Dublin, Ireland Gill et al. 2017
Zn, Cd 86, 05
NA Synthetic P. stratiotes Pd 13.0–84.3 Parana, Brazil Lima et al. 2013
Cr 92.0–95.0
NA Synthetic S. grossus Pd 99 Selangor, Malaysia Tangahu et al. 2013
NA Municipal P. australis and T. latifolia Cu, Cd 78, 60 Varanasi, India Kumari and Tripathi 2014
Cr, Ni 68, 73.8
Fe, Pb, Zn 80.1, 61, 61
- Opmizaon of HLR and
- Manipulaon of feeding
- Opmizaon of C/N rao
depth, optimization of HLR and HRT, bioaugmentation of weather conditions. Therefore, suitable design improvisation
specific microorganisms, proper plant harvesting; reuse/ could be done to reduce the overall land requirements. This is
recycling methods, and the addition of extra organic matters also reported by various researchers that the CWMs are by
(Fig. 3) (Kadlec and Wallace 2009). Recently, the recircula- nature prime mosquito habitat. This challenge could be tack-
tion of effluent within the CWM system attains huge potential led by conserving natural enemies (invertebrates) such as
towards enhancement of removal performance through suffi- dragonflies, damselflies, beetles, predatory flatworms, true
cient settling time. The removal performance of CWMs de- bugs, and crustaceans such as copepods, tadpole shrimp.
clines considerably when the environmental parameters such Fishes, amphibians, spiders, bats, and microbial larvicide
as water temperature, pH, and DO are not properly managed Bacillus thuringensis var. israelensis (Bti) are also used to
(Kadlec and Wallace 2008). control mosquitoes’ larvae (Mazzacano and Black 2013).
Firstly, optimization of hydraulics, selection of appropriate CWMs can be designed as biofilters to imitate the features of
macrophytic species and supportive media, mode of opera- natural wetlands for removing nutrients, and other contami-
tion, and pollutant loading rate are important factors to gain nants from the wastewater streams. The focus of this review
higher removal efficiencies. Suitable plant harvest techniques paper has been on evaluation of treatment performance of
are vital because when they die and decay, leave nutrients and CWMs treating domestic wastewater. Both ecological factors
several other contaminants into the water body. In future re- such as temperature, pH, DO, and working parameters such as
search, there is a need to develop techniques to improve treat- availability of carbon, HLR, HRT, pollutant loads, recircula-
ment efficiencies which could be achieved by microbial aug- tion, C/N ratios, plant harvesting techniques, addition of extra
mentation, artificial aeration, a range of supporting media, and organic matter, and bioaugmentation of specific microorgan-
supply of additional carbon, tidal action, step feeding, baffled isms are vital to achieving sustainable contaminant removal
flow, and mixed systems (Wu et al. 2015). CWMs are land efficiency. Supply of additional oxygen via artificial aeration
intensive, requiring large land area and prone to seasonal (mainly intermittent) and effluent recirculation greatly
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:11662–11673 11671
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