Soft Starter ABB

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Softstarter Handbook
The purpose of this handbook is to provide guidance
for correct selection and maintenance of softstarters in
industrial installations to ensure a trouble free operation.
This without increasing the overall cost.

Softstarter Handbook | 1SFC132060M0201

This book is written with the thought of being a general guide for people
working with softstarter applications but also for those just interested in learning
more about this type of starting method. It doesn’t matter if you are an expert
or novice, hopefully you will find some interesting and useful information either
by reading from cover to cover or just the chapters of interest.
The index at the end of the book can be used to simplify your search.

The contents of this book is very much based on the 25 years of experience
we have within ABB of developing, manufacturing and selling low voltage

The book is not a complete technical guide or manual for all types of ABB
Softstarters that may exist on the market. It is a complement to the technical
catalogues and brochures we have for our products and will give a general
picture of what to think about when working with softstarters.

More information about softstarters as well as other ABB products is available on

All advice given in this book is only general and every single application must
be handled as a specific case.

November 2010

Johan Rees Magnus Kjellberg Sören Kling

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | I

ABB will not take any responsibility for any type of faults or damage due to the use
of this handbook.

II | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201


Standards and approvals ... 1

Definitions, different voltages ... 3

About motors ... 4

Squirrel cage motors ... 5
Speed ... 6
Voltage ... 7
Current ... 8
Power factor ... 8
Torque ... 9
Slipring motors ... 9

Different load conditions ... 10

Different starting methods ... 12

Direct on line (DOL) ... 13
Star-delta starter ... 14
Frequency converter ... 16
Softstarter ... 18
Comparision between different starting methods ... 20

General about softstarters ... 21

Softstarter functionality ... 22
Torque control ... 24

Different applications ... 26

Centrifugal fan ... 27
Centrifugal pump ... 29
Compressor ... 32
Conveyor belt ... 34
Crusher and Mill ... 37

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 ||IIIII
Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

How to select a softstarter for different applications ... 39

Ambient temperature ... 40
Derating when used at high altitudes ... 41
Starting capacity and overload protection ... 42
Number of starts per hour ... 44
Prosoft ... 45

Different ways of connecting the softstarter ... 46

Start of several motors ... 48
Connection of control circuit ... 50
Connecting a softstarter to a fieldbus system ... 51

2-phase control vs 3-phase control ... 52

Settings ... 54

Explosive atmospheres ... 58

Coordination ... 60

Environmental information ... 67

Harmonics ... 68

FAQ (Frequently asked questions) ... 69

Quantities and units ... 71

Formulas and conversion factors ... 72

Glossary ... 76

Index ... 83

IV | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Standards and approvals

All ABB low voltage softstarters are developed and manufactured according to
the rules set out in the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission).

The IEC issue publications that act as a basis for the world market. The IEC
standard for softstarters is called IEC 60947-4-2 and softstarters built according
to this standard are in most countries not subject to any other tests besides the
manufacturer responsibility. In some countries, law requires certificates.

European Directives CE Marking

There are three essential European direc- When a product is verified according to
tives: its applicable EN standard, the product is
presumed to fulfil both the ”Low Voltage
Low Voltage Directive 206/95/EC
Directive” and ”Electromagnetic Compa-
Concerns electrical equipment from 50 to
bility Directive” and it is allowed to use the
1000 V AC and from 75 to 1500 V DC.
CE marking on the product. EN 60947-4-
Machines Directive 2006/42/EC 2 is the harmonized standard for softstart-
Concerns safety specifications of ma- ers and it is identical to IEC 60947-4-2.
chines and equipment on complete ma-
In this case, the CE marking does not
cover the ”Machines Directive” which will
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive require a special verification of the instal-
2004/108/EC lation of the machine. Since a softstarter is
Concerns all devices able to create elec- an electrical device, with mainly electrical
tro-magnetic disturbance including the risks, it is instead covered by the low volt-
level of emission and immunity. age directive.

The CE marking is not a quality label; it

is proof of conformity with the European
Directives concerning the product.

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 1


Specifications in USA and Canada Other local approvals based on

The specifications for the American and IEC-standard
Canadian markets are quite similar, but In addition to IEC and UL standards, many
differ a lot from the IEC standards and Eu- countries have their own local standards.
ropean specifications. Some of the major ones besides the already
mentioned CSA and CCC are listed below:
USA - UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
GOST – Russia
Canada - CSA Canadian Standards As- C-tick – Australia
sociation ANCE – Mexico
There are different types of UL certifica- Marine approvals
tion, among them UL listed and UL com- For softstarters used on board ships, mari-
ponent recognition. UL listing means that time insurance companies sometime require
UL has tested representative samples of different marine certificates of approvals.
the product and determined that it meets These can come from BV (Bureau Veritas),
UL’s requirements. UL’s component rec- GL (Germanisher Lloyd), LR (Lloyd’s Reg-
ognition service, however, only covers the ister EMEA) which are based on the IEC
evaluation of components or materials in- standard, or from ABS (American Bureau of
tended for use in a complete product or Shipping) which is based on the UL stan-
system. All ABB softstarters that have UL dard or from some other independent cer-
certification, are UL listed. tification organisation. Normally, marine ap-
provals have special requirements regarding
Softstarters can also be cULus listed,
shock, vibrations and humidity.
meaning that they are UL listed to US and
Canadian safety standards. All the require- Used standards
ments of both UL and CSA are covered by Following standards are used or partly used
cULus, so the product is then suitable for for the softstarters.
use in the US and in Canada. IEC 60947-1
EN 60947-1
CCC (China Compulsory Certification)
IEC 60947-4-2
Since the softstarter standard is listed ac-
EN 60947-4-2
cording to the CCC-regulation in China,
UL 508
it is mandatory to have the product ap-
CSA C22.2 No. 14
proved and labelled with a CCC-mark to
be allowed to be put on the Chinese mar-
LR Test specification No. 1
ket. The Chinese GB14048.6-2008 stan-
dard is based on the IEC-standard IEC

2 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Definitions, different voltages

Different named voltages are used for the softstarters. The name and use of
these different voltages is stated in the IEC-standard (IEC 60947-1) as below.

Operational voltage (Ue), Control circuit voltage (Uc),

is the voltage feeding the motor and also is the voltage for controlling the start
the voltage exposed to the main circuit and stop command of the softstarter.
(thyristors) in the softstarter. 200 - 690 V AC Common values are 24 V DC or 110 - 240
are normal values. V AC. On many softstarters, the control
voltage can be supplied internally.
Control supply voltage (Us),
is the voltage feeding the electronic com-
ponents inside the softstarter, for example
the printed circuit board. A common volt-
age is 100 - 250 V AC.

Softstarter with internal control circuit voltage Softstarter with external control circuit voltage

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 3

About Motors

Modern electrical motors are available in many different forms, such as single
phase motors, three-phase motors, brake motors, synchronous motors, asyn-
chronous motors, special customised motors, two speed motors, three speed
motors, and so on, all with their own performance and characteristics.

For each type of motor there are many different mounting arrangements, for ex-
ample foot mounting, flange mounting or combined foot and flange mounting.
The cooling method can also differ very much, from the simplest motor with free
self-circulation of air to a more complex motor with totally enclosed air-water
cooling with an interchangeable cassette type of cooler.

To ensure a long life for the motor it is important to select it with the correct degree of
protection when operating under heavy-duty conditions in a severe environment.

The two letters IP (International Protection) state the degree of protection followed by
two digits, the first of which indicates the degree of protection against contact and pen-
etration of solid objects, whereas the second states the motor’s degree of protection
against water.

The end of the motor is defined in the IEC-standard as follows:

• The D-end is normally the drive end of the motor.
• The N-end is normally the non-drive end of the motor.

Note that in this handbook we will focus on

asynchronous 3-phase electrical motors only.

Terminal box

Cooling fan

Drive shaft

D-end N-end

Stator windings Rotor

4 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Squirrel cage motors
In this book the focus has been placed on
the squirrel cage motor, the most common
type of motor on the market. It is relatively
cheap and the maintenance cost is nor-
mally low. There are many different manu-
facturers represented on the market, sell-
ing at various prices. Not all motors have
the same performance and quality as for
example motors from ABB. High efficien-
cy enables significant savings in energy
costs during the motor’s normal endur-
ance. In the standard for rotating electri-
cal machines, IEC60034-30, four different
efficiency classes have been defined. The
classes are called IE1, IE2, IE3 and IE4,
where motors belonging to IE4 are the
most efficient ones. See the graph below
to the right. The low level of noise is some-
thing else that is of interest today, as is the
ability to withstand severe environments.
There are also other parameters that differ.
The design of the rotor affects the starting
current and torque and the variation can
be really large between different manufac-
turers for the same power rating. When
using a softstarter it is good if the motor
has a high starting torque at Direct-on-line
(DOL) start. When these motors are used
together with a softstarter it is possible to
reduce the starting current further when
compared to motors with low starting
torque. The number of poles also affects
the technical data. A motor with two poles
often has a lower starting torque than mo-
tors with four or more poles.

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 5

The speed of an AC motor depends on speed will be very close to synchronous
two things: the number of poles of the sta- speed and will then drop slightly when the
tor winding and the main frequency. At 50 motor is loaded.
Hz, a motor will run at a speed related to a
The difference between the synchronous
constant of 6000 divided by the number of
and asynchronous speed also named rat-
poles and for a 60 Hz motor the constant
ed speed is ”the slip” and it is possible to
is 7200.
calculate this by using the following for-
To calculate the speed of a motor, mula:
the following formula can be used: n1 - n
n = 2 x f x 60
s = slip (a normal value is between 1 and 3 %)
n = speed n1 = synchronous speed
f = net frequency n = asynchronous speed (rated speed)
p = number of poles
Table for synchronous speed at different
Example: number of poles and frequency:
4-pole motor running at 50 Hz
No. of poles 50 Hz 60 Hz
n = 2 x 50 x 60 = 1500 rpm
4 2 3000 3600

4 1500 1800
This speed is the synchronous speed and 6 1000 1200
a squirrel-cage or a slip-ring motor can
8 750 900
never reach it. At unloaded condition the
10 600 720
12 500 600
16 375 450
20 300 360

Diagram showing syncronous speed vs.rated speed

6 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Three-phase single speed motors can The winding is delta connected at 230 V
normally be connected for two different and if the main voltage is 400 V, the Y-
voltage levels. The three stator windings connection is used.
are connected in star (Y) or delta (D). When changing the main voltage it is im-
If the rating plate on a squirrel cage mo- portant to remember that for the same
tor indicates voltages for both the star and power rating the rated motor current will
delta connection, it is possible to use the change depending on the voltage level.
motor for both 230 V, and 400 V as an The method for connecting the motor to
example. the terminal blocks for star or delta con-
nection is shown in the picture below.

Picture showing the motor terminal box for a ∆ and a Y connected motor

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 7

Current Power factor
The rated current of the motor, which can A motor always consumes active power,
be found on the motor nameplate, is the which it converts into mechanical action.
current used by the motor when fully load- Reactive power is also required for the
ed and while up in full speed. An unloaded magnetisation of the motor but it doesn’t
motor will use far less current and an perform any action. In the diagram below
overloaded motor will use more current. the active and reactive power is represent-
ed by P and Q, which together give the
During direct on line start, the current apperent power S.
used by the motor is far higher than the
nominal current though. Usually between The ratio between the active power P (kW)
6-8 times the rated current, but it can be and the apperent power S (kVA) is known
more than 10 times the rated current. This as the power factor, and is often desig-
can be clearly seen in a speed-current nated as the cos ϕ. A normal value is be-
diagram for the motor, which can be seen tween 0.7 and 0.9, when running where
below. As the motor accelerates the cur- the lower value is for small or low loaded
rent will drop and when reaching the rated motors and the higher for large ones.
speed, the current will have dropped to
the rated current.

6 - 8* In P S


Current/Speed curve
rpm Diagram indicating P, Q, S and Cos ∂

8 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Torque Slip-ring motors
The starting torque for a motor differs sig- In some cases when a DOL start is not
nificantly depending on the size of the mo- permitted due to the high starting cur-
tor. A small motor, e.g. ≤ 30 kW, normally rent, or when starting with a star-delta
has a value of between 1.5 and 2.5 times starter will give too low starting torque,
the rated torque, and for a medium size a special slip-ring motor can be used.
motor, say up to 250 kW. A typical value is This special motor is started by changing
between 2 to 3 times the rated torque. Re- the rotor resistance. When speeding up,
ally big motors have a tendency to have a the resistance is gradually disconnected
very low starting torque, sometimes even until the rated speed is reached and the
lower than the rated torque. It is not pos- motor is working at the equivalent rate of
sible to start such a motor fully loaded, not a standard squirrel-cage motor.
even at DOL start.
The advantage of a slip-ring motor is that
The rated torque of a motor can be calcu- the starting current will be lower and it is
lated using the following formula: possible to adjust the starting torque up
9550 x Pr to the maximum torque. But the usage of
Tn = this starting method is very limited today
as both this special motor as well as the
Tn = Rated torque (Nm) rotor starter equipment is very expensive.
Pr = Rated motor power (kW)
nr = Rated motor speed (rpm)

In general, if a softstarter is going to

be used for this application you also
need to replace the motor.


rpm rpm
Torque diagram for Current diagram for
Torque diagram for a typical squirrel cage motor a slip-ring motor a slip-ring motor

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 9

Different load conditions

All motors are used for starting and running different applications. The differ-
ent applications will result in different load conditions for the motor. There are
mainly two factors to consider; braking load torque and moment of inertia.

Braking load torque thereby reducing the accelerating torque

This is a direct braking force on the mo- which will give a longer starting time.
tor shaft. To be able to accelerate, the Accelerating torque = Available motor
motor has to be stronger than the load. torque – Braking load torque.
The accelerating torque is the difference The load curve can have different char-
between the available motor torque and acteristic depending on the application.
the load toque. Many starting methods Some of the common load types can be
will reduce the torque of the motor and seen below.

Many applications are usually started

unloaded, and the load is applied first
when the motor has reached the rated
speed. This will reduce the load torque
to about 10-50% of the load torque of a
loaded start.

10 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Moment of inertia Heavy duty start Heavy duty

The involved moment of inertia or flywheel Big moment of inertia, long starting time,
mass is the size of the flywheel, connect- normally OL class 30 is required.
ed to the motor axis. An application with
Examples of applications are fans, crush-
a small moment of inertia is usually called
ers, mills and long conveyor belts.
a normal start while an application with
a big moment of inertia is called a heavy
duty start.

Normal start
Small moment of inertia, short starting
time, normally OL class 10 is used.

Examples of applications are pumps,

compressors, bow thrusters and short
conveyor belts.

A bigger moment of inertia will require a longer starting time for the same motor and
the same breaking load torque. The table below gives an indication of normal starting
times for different load conditions using 3 different starting methods.

Approximate starting times

Direct on line Star delta starter Softstarter
(ramp time 10 sec)

Motor without load 0.2 – 0.5 sec 0.4 sec 1 sec

Motor connected to
application with 2 – 4 sec 3 – 6 sec 6 sec
small flywheel (normal start)

Motor connected to
application with 6 – 8 sec 8 – 12 sec 8 – 12 sec
large flywheel (heavy duty start)

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 11

Different starting methods

The following is a short description of the most common starting methods for
squirrel cage motors. An overview of common problems when starting and stop-
ping a motor with these starting methods is available on page 20.

Direct on line start (DOL) Star-delta start

Frequency converter Softstarter

12 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Direct On Line start (DOL)

This is by far the most common starting During a direct on line start, the starting
method available on the market since it is torque is also very high, and for most ap-
a very compact and a very cheap starting plications it is higher than necessary. This
solution. The starting equipment consists will cause unnecessary high stress on
of only a main contactor and a thermal or driving belts, couplings and the driven ap-
electronic overload relay. The disadvan- plication. Naturally, there are cases where
tage with this method is that it gives the this starting method works perfectly fine
highest possible starting current. A normal and there is no need to use any other
value is between 6 to 8 times the rated starting method.
motor current but values of up to 14 times
If starting DOL, the only possible way to
the rated current do exist. There is also a
stop the motor is to make a direct stop.
magnetization peak that can be over 20
times the rated current since the motor is
not energised from the first moment when
The exact values are dependent on the
design of the motor. In general, modern
motors have a higher inrush current than
older ones because of the lower resis-
tance in the windings.

Torque/speed curve att DOL start

KM 1

FR 1

Single line diagram

DOL starter with contactor
for a DOL starter
and O/L relay
KM 1 Main contactor rpm
FR 1 Overload relay Current curve at DOL start

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 13

Star-delta start

A star delta starter usually consists of will then be √3*Z, resulting in an imped-
three contactors, an overload relay and ance which is ((√3*Z)/( Z/√3) = 3), 3 times
a timer. This starting method can only be the impedance when delta connected. As
used with a motor that is delta connected the voltage level is the same, the result-
during continuous run. ing current when Y-connected will be 1/3
of the current when delta connected. So
The basic idea behind a star-delta starter
when starting using Star-Delta start, the
is that during the first part of the accel-
star connection results in a current of 33%
eration, the motor windings are connected
compared to a delta connected motor.
in star, giving a reduced current. After a
preset time, the connection will change to As the main voltage is the same the mo-
delta which will give the full current and tor feels a star connection as a voltage
also the full torque. reduction, as because the voltage across
each motor windings will be 1/√3 of the
When used in delta, the voltage across
main voltage. This lower voltage will also
each motor winding is same as the net-
result in a torque reduction. The torque
work voltage. The motor current will split
will be reduced with the square of the volt-
between two parallel windings with the
age, [(1/√3)* (1/√3) ≈ 0,33] ending up be-
factor 1/√3 compared to the line current. If
ing 33% of the toque available when delta
the impedance in each motor winding is Z,
connected. However, this is only a theo-
then the sum of impedance for the parallel
retical value. A more true value is 25% as
windings is Z/√3.
there are additional losses as well as other
When the motor is star connected (Y- con- efficiency data valid when used star con-
nected) the motor windings become se- nected. This works well in an unloaded or
rial connected. The resulting impedance very light loaded start, but it will not be
possible to start heavier applications.
KM 2 KM 3 KM 1
400 V

230 V

KM 1 KM 2 KM 3

FR 1
FR 1
KM 1 Main contactor
KM 2 Delta contactor
KT KM 3 Star contactor
M FR 1 Overload relay
Star-delta starter with contactors and O/L relay KT Timer

14 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

A big problem with star-delta starters ap- often result in high transition and current
pears when starting for instance pumps. peaks. In some cases the current peak
The motor will accelerate to about 80- can reach a value that is even higher than
85% of the rated speed before the load for a DOL start.
torque is equal to the motor torque and
Also, just as with a DOL start, the only way
the acceleration ceases. To reach the rat-
to stop when using a star-delta starter is
ed speed, a switch over to delta position
to make a direct stop.
is necessary, and this switch over will very

With star-delta starter, the current will initially be reduced, when the load is light

When starting a pump, huge transmission peaks might occur

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 15

Frequency converter

The frequency converter is sometimes also considered running at its rated speed for
called VSD (Variable Speed Drive), VFD (Vari- that frequency. Also, since the motor can
able Frequency Drive) or simply Drives. The be considered running at its rated speed,
drive consists primarily of two parts, one the rated motor torque is available already
which converts AC (50 or 60 Hz) to DC and from start and the current will be around the
a second part which converts the DC back nominal current. Usually, the drive trips if the
to AC, but now with a variable frequency of current reaches 1.5 times the rated current.
0-250 Hz. By controlling the frequency, the
When using a drive to control the motor it is
drive can control the speed of the motor.
possible to perform a soft stop. This is espe-
During start, the drive increases the fre- cially useful when stopping pumps in order
quency from 0 Hz up to the network fre- to avoid water hammering but it can also be
quency (50 or 60 Hz). By gradually increas- useful for conveyor belts.
ing the frequency like this, the motor can be


rpm rpm
A Frequency converter operates at nominal current and torque even during start.

16 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

In many applications it is required to contin- Comparing a softstarter and a drive, the
uously regulate the speed of the motor, and drive has a much bigger physical size and
a drive is then a very good solution. How- requires more space. The drive is also much
ever, in many applications a drive is used heavier than a softstarter making it a less de-
only for starting and stopping the motor, sirable solution on, for instance ships where
even though there is no need for continu- weight is important. Finally, since the drive
ous speed regulation. This will create an un- changes the frequency and actually creates
necessarily expensive solution if comparing the sinus wave, a drive will cause harmon-
with, for instance a softstarter. ics on the network. Additional filters as well
as shielded cables are used to reduce these
problems but the harmonics will typically not
be totally eliminated.


KM 1 Main contactor
Q 1 Frequency converter
KM 1

Frequency converter Single line diagram for

a frequency converter

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 17


A softstarter does not change the fre- Using a softstarter will reduce the starting
quency or the speed like a drive. Instead it current and thereby avoid voltage drops in
ramps up the voltage applied to the motor the network. It will also reduce the start-
from the initial voltage to the full voltage. ing torque and mechanical stress on the
equipment, resulting in reduced need for
Initially, the voltage to the motor is so low
service and maintenance.
that it is only able to adjust the play be-
tween the gear wheels or stretching driv- Just as for a drive, the softstarter can per-
ing belts etc to avoid sudden jerks dur- form a soft stop, eliminating water ham-
ing the start. Gradually, the voltage and mering and pressure surges in pumping
the torque increase so that the machinery systems and avoiding damage to fragile
starts to accelerate. One of the benefits material on conveyor belts.
with this starting method is the possibil-
ity to adjust the torque to the exact need,
whether the application is loaded or not.

KM 1

FR 1
KM 1 Main contactor
FR 1 Overload relay
Q 1 Softstarter

Single line diagram for a softstarter.

Softstarter The line contactor is not required and
sometimes the overload is built-in.*

*) In the PSE and PST(B) softstarters

the overload protection is built-in.

18 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Low load High load


Torque and current curves when starting a low loaded motor and fully loaded motor using a softstarter.

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 19

Comparision between different starting
The table below describes wich problems are provented, using the most common
starting methods.

Problem prevented
Type of problem Type of starting method
Direct on line Star-Delta start Drives Softstarter
Slipping belts and No Medium Yes Yes
heavy wear on
High inrush current No Yes Yes Yes
Heavy wear and tear No No Yes Yes
on gear boxes (at loaded start)
Damaged goods / No No Yes Yes
products during stop
Water hammering No No Yes Yes
in pipe system (Eliminated with
when stopping Torque control
Reduced with
voltage ramp)
Transmission peaks No No Yes Yes
Estimated average
1 3 > 12 6
installation cost

20 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

General about softstarters

A softstarter consists of only a few main components. These are the thyristors
that can regulate the voltage to the motor and the printed circuit board assembly
(PCBA) that is used to control the thyristors. In addition to this, there are the heat
sink and fans to dissipate the heat, current transformers to measure the current
and sometimes display and keypad and then the housing itself. It is more and
more common to offer integrated by-pass contacts in the main circuit minimizing
the power loss in normal operation.

Depending on the model of the softstarter, it can be equipped with a built-in elec-
tronic overload relay (EOL) eliminating the need for an external relay, PTC input,
fieldbus communication possibilities etc.

Main voltage
Housing terminals


Heat sink



Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 21

Softstarter functionality

A softstarter consists of a number of

anti-parallel thyristors; two in each phase.
These thyristors are semiconductor
components which normally are isolating
but by sending a firing signal, they can
start to conduct, allowing the voltage and
the current to pass through. Zero crosses

When performing a soft start, a firing

signal is sent to the thyristors so that only Firing
the last part of each half period of the volt-
age sinus curve passes through. Then
during the start, the firing signal is send
earlier and earlier allowing a bigger and Start: The thyristors let part of the voltage through
bigger part of the voltage to pass through at the beginning and then increase it, according to
the set ramp time for the start.
the thyristors. Eventually, the firing signal
Stop: The thyristors are fully conducting and when
is sent exactly after passing zero, allowing soft stopping, they decrease the voltage according
100% of the voltage to pass through. to the set ramp time for stop.

By allowing more and more of the voltage  Off : Thyristor is non-conducting

to pass through the thyristors, this can be  On : Thyristor is conducting
seen as a ramping up of the voltage from
something called the initial voltage to the
full voltage.

When performing a soft stop, the opposite

happens. At first, the full voltage is allowed 100%
to pass through the thyristors and as the
stop proceeds, the firing signal is sent lat-
er and later allowing less and less of the
voltage to pass through until the end volt-
age is reached. Then no more voltage is
applied to the motor and the motor stops.

22 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Since the voltage to the motor is reduced 100%
during the start, both the current and the
torque will also be decreased. In fact, if
the voltage is decreased to 50% of the full
U = 50%
voltage, the current will be decreased to
about 50% of the maximum current at that
speed and the torque will be decreased to
about 25% of the maximum torque. time

These are the main benefits of using a

The inrush current is reduced so that
voltage drops on the network are avoid-
ed. The torque is reduced which will I ≈ Ue
Ue = 50% = > I ≈ 50%
decrease the mechanical stresses on
the equipment and lead to a reduced
need for service and maintenance and
also to a longer life of the equipment.
Finally, by using a stop ramp, water ham-
mering is avoided in pump systems, which
will further reduce the stress on the equip-

T≈ U*I ≈ Ue2
Ue = 50% => T ≈ 25%

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 23

Torque Control

Normally, a softstarter performs a start mendous mechanical wear on the pump,

and a stop by ramping up or down the the valves and the pipe system.
voltage linearly. However, a linear change
of the voltage does not necessarily give When performing a stop with a normal
a linear change of the torque or of the voltage ramp, the voltage starts to de-
speed. This is where torque control comes crease as soon as the stop command is
in. With a torque ramp, it is not the volt- given. However, as the voltage decreases
age that is ramped up or down linearly, the current will instead increase. This is
it is the torque. This is done by using a because the motor will try to remain in its
regulation loop where the torque is calcu- current state. Since the torque depends
lated by measuring both the voltage and on both the voltage and the current, it
the current. This torque is then compared will remain more or less unchanged. Then
to the required torque and the voltage is after some time when the voltage has
adjusted so that the torque is changed in dropped enough, there will be a sudden
the required way. drop in the current and the torque and the
motor will stop suddenly. This stop will still
Torque control is especially useful for stop- be far better than a direct stop but in many
ping pumps where a sudden decrease of pump systems this is not good enough, so
the speed may lead to water hammering another solution must be found.
and pressure surges that can cause tre-



Ploss P motor T motor Tideal

Regulation loop for torque control

24 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

With torque control, it is not the voltage
that is ramped down – it is the torque. This
will force the motor to slow down immedi-
ately and perform a controlled decelera-
tion all the way until it comes to a com-
plete stop, see figure to the right.

Being able to have a good control of the

torque of the motor is crucial to being able
to prevent water hammering. However,
this is not enough. What is also needed is
a torque curve that has been designed in
such a way that the water hammering is
avoided. In fact, a linear decrease of the
Torque control will ensure a more direct effect and a
torque is not a very good way to stop a more linear decrease of the speed during stop.
pump. This is why ABB for a long time has
worked closely together with pump manu-
facturers in order to gain knowledge about
how to best stop pumps. After more than
a thousand different tests and simulations
with different combinations of pumps and
motors ABB has developed the optimal
stopping curve – the perfect way to stop
the pump. Symbol for torque control.

Softstarters with torque control

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 25

Different applications

All motors are used for starting and running different applications. This chapter
covers some of the most common ones – fans, pumps, compressors, conveyor
belts, crushers and mills. The different applications will result in different load
conditions for the motor as described on pages 10-11.

26 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Centrifugal fan

Fans usually have a big moment of inertia due to the big flywheel. Some fans can
be started with reduced load torque, with a closed damper. This is called an un-
loaded start and will make the start easier (shorter) but cause of the high moment
of inertia, the starting time might still be quite long.

Direct on line start Star-delta starter (Y-D)

The high moment of inertia of fans will lead The star-delta starter gives lower starting
to a longer starting time. With the high torque. However, depending on the fact
starting current of a direct on line start, that the load torque increases with the
this might lead to severe voltage drops in square of the speed, the motor torque will
the network, disturbing other equipment. not be high enough in the star position to
accelerate the fan to the rated speed.
Centrifugal fans are very often driven by
When switching over to delta position it
one or more drive belts. During a DOL
will be both a high transmission and cur-
start these belts have a tendency to slip.
rent peak, often equal or even higher than
The belts slip because the starting torque
values when making a DOL start, with a
from the motor is too high during the start
slipping belt as a result. It is possible to
and the belts are not able to transfer these
reduce the slip by stretching the belts
forces. This typical problem gives high
very hard. But this gives high mechanical
maintenance costs but also production
stresses on bearings both in the motor
losses when you need to stop production
and the fan with high maintenance costs
to change belts and bearings.
as result.

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 27

Centrifugal fan

Softstarter Selection of a suitable Softstarter

The key to solve the problems with slip- A fan usually has a big flywheel with a big
ping belts is to reduce the starting torque moment of inertia making it a heavy duty
of the motor during start. By using an start. Select a softstarter one size larger
ABB softstarter the voltage is reduced to than the motor kW size.
a low value at the beginning of the start.
Then gradually the voltage is increased in Since the big flywheel of a fan will cause
order to start up the fan. The softstarter a long slow down period before the fan
provides the ability to adjust the settings stops, a stop ramp should never be used
to fit any starting condition, both unloaded for this kind of application.
and fully loaded starts. Using a softstarter
Recommended basic settings:
will also greatly reduce the high inrush cur-
Start ramp: 10 sec.
rent when starting the motor, and thereby
Stop ramp: 0 sec.
avoid voltage drops in the network.
Initial voltage: 30 %
Some softstarters have built-in underload Current limit: 4 * Ie
protection which will detect the reduced
current caused by a broken belt, and stop
the motor to prevent damage.

28 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Centrifugal pump

There are a lot of different types of pumps like piston pumps, centrifugal pumps,
screw pumps etc. The most common version is the centrifugal pump and this is
the one focused on here.

Direct on line start

Starting up a pump is normally not a the pump creating water hammering and
big problem electrically. The problem pressure surges. During a single stop this
is the wear and tear caused by pres- is merely an inconvenience but when per-
sure waves in the pipe system created forming several starts and stops per hour
when the motor starts but especially day in and day out, the whole pump sys-
when it stops too quickly. Due to the tem will soon be worn out. This will creat a
small flywheel mass and the high big need for service and maintenance and
breaking torque of a pump, a direct even worse unplanned shutdowns.
stop will cause a very sudden stop of

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 29

Centrifugal pump

Star-delta starter (Y-D) slow down during this period. There will
By using a star-delta starter it is possible still be a magnetic field in the motor and
to reduce the starting torque. However, when the delta contactor closes the dif-
the motor does not have enough torque ference in potential between the network
in the star position to be able to complete and the motor might be twice that of the
the start and reach the rated speed. The network voltage, reacting up to 800V in an
quadratic load torque will become too 400V network.
high for the motor when reaching approx.
80-85% of the rated speed. To continue to These 800V will create a huge current spike,
accelerate to full speed, a switch over to possibly even higher than the magnetiza-
the delta connection is needed. tion peak of a DOL start. There will also
be a huge torque peak that after several
When switching to the delta connection, starts might even damage the connections
the star contactor is opened and the delta between the motor axis and the load.
contactor is closed. However, to prevent
a short circuit there needs to be a time In addition, the only possible method of
delay of 50 ms between opening the star stopping the pump is to perform a direct
contactor and closing the delta contactor. stop and this will create the same prob-
This is enough time for the arc to disap- lem with water hammering and pressure
pear. Unfortunately, due to the high break- surges as for a DOL start.
ing torque of the pump, the motor will


rpm rpm

30 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Softstarter In addition, some softstarters are equipped
By using an ABB softstarter the voltage with underload protection to detect pumps
is reduced during the start sequence with running dry, with kick start to start blocked
the result that the motor torque is reduced. pumps and with locked rotor protection to
During the start sequence the softstarter prevent damage caused by pumps being
increases the voltage so that the motor will jammed while running.
be strong enough to accelerate the pump
to the nominal speed without any torque Selection of a suitable softstarter
or current peaks. A pump usually has a very small pump-
wheel with a low moment of inertia. This
Also during the stop sequence the soft- makes the pump a normal start so the
starter is the solution. A softstarter using softstarter can be selected according to
a normal voltage ramp will for sure reduce the kW rating. If more than 10 starts per
the problems with water hammering but in hour are performed it is however recom-
many pump systems this is still not good mended to upsize the softstarter one size.
enough. The solution is to use a softstarter
with torque control in order to reduce the Recommended basic settings:
torque and stop the motor in the most op- Start ramp: 10 sec.
timal way in order to totally avoid water Stop ramp: 10 - 20 sec.
hammering. Initial voltage: 30 %
Stop mode: Torque control
Current limit: 3.5 * Ie

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 31


Smaller compressors are often of the piston type and the load torque increases
linearly with the speed. Screw compressors are often used when there is a
bigger need for air flow and this type has a load torque increasing with the square
of the speed. Drive belts are often used between motor and compressor but
direct connections via some type of toothed couplings are also common. Most
compressors are started unloaded.

Direct on line start (DOL) Star-delta starter (Y-D)

Compressors started direct on line are ex- Star-delta start gives a lower starting
posed to high mechanical stresses on the torque and starting current but the mo-
compressor itself, but also on drive belts tor is too weak during the start up to be
and couplings. The result is shortened en- able to accelerate the motor up to nominal
durance. In cases where the drive belts speed. When switching to the delta po-
are used the belts very often slip during sition both current and torque peaks will
the start. The source of these problems is occur with high mechanical stresses as a
the high starting torque occurring with the result.
DOL method.

32 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Softstarter Selection of a suitable softstarter
By using an ABB softstarter it is possible A compressor is usually a normal start and
to limit the starting torque to a level suit- then the softstarter can be selected ac-
able for all different applications. The result cording to the motor kW size. If the com-
is less stress on couplings, bearings and pressor is a heavy duty start, the softstart-
no slipping belts during start. The mainte- er should be upsized one size. The same
nance cost will be reduced to a minimum. applies if more than 10 starts per hour are
When using a softstarter the starting cur- performed, upsize one size.
rent received is approx. 3 to 4 times the
Recommended basic settings:
rated motor current.
Start ramp: 5 sec.
Stop ramp: 0 sec.
Initial voltage: 30 % (piston compressor)
40 % (screw compressor)
Current limit: 3.5 * Ie

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 33

Conveyor belt

Conveyor belts can have a lot of different characteristics. The length can vary
from only a few meters up to several kilometres and the belt can be horizontal or
inclining. Typically, the conveyor belt has a constant load torque with low to high
braking torque depending on the load.

Direct on line start (DOL) pending on this high starting torque. Gear-
Conveyor belts often need a starting boxes and couplings are also exposed to
torque very near or just above the rated high mechanical stresses. This result is
torque of the motor. A direct on line start considerable wear and tear and often high
with a normal squirrel cage motor gives maintenance costs.
approx. 1.5 to 2.5 times rated torque
Sometimes fluid couplings are used to re-
of the motor depending on motor size,
duce the transferred torque. This method
type etc. When making a direct on line
is expensive and requires a lot of mainte-
start there is a very high risk of slipping
between the belt and the driving role de-

Low braking torque High braking torque

rpm rpm
Torque/speed curve at DOL start Torque/speed curve at DOL start

34 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Star-delta start
Since the start delta starter will reduce
the torque in the star connection, it is not
possible to use this starting method when
the load torque is close to the rated mo-
tor torque during start. A star delta starter
can only be used successfully with a very
lightly loaded conveyor belt.

Low braking torque High braking torque


rpm rpm
Torque/speed curve at Star-delta start Torque/speed curve at Star-delta start

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 35

Conveyor belt

Softstarter Selection of a suitable softstarter

By using an ABB softstarter the starting A conveyor belt can be both a normal start
torque can be reduced to a minimum value and a heavy duty start depending on the
and still be able to start up the conveyor characteristics. For a normal start, select
belt. The setting feature of the softstarter the softstarter according to the motor kW
makes it possible to adjust the torque to rating. For a heavy duty start, select one
exactly the level that is necessary for the size bigger.
start. The result is the least possible stress
on gearboxes and couplings and no slip- If more than 10 starts per hour are done,
ping belts during the start. This will re- select one size bigger softstarter.
duce the maintenance cost to a minimum. Recommended basic settings:
When using a softstarter you will receive Start ramp: 10 sec.
approx. 3 to 4 times rated motor current Stop ramp: 0 sec.
during the start. (If fragile material use 10 seconds)
In addition, some softstarters are equipped Initial voltage: 40 %
with phase reversal protection to detect Current limit: 4 * Ie
conveyor belts running in the wrong direc-
tion. Softstarters may also have under- or
overload protection to detect if the load is
too low or too high, and then kick-start to
be able to start jammed belts.

Low braking torque High braking torque

Torque/speed curve when using a softstarter Torque/speed curve when using a softstarter

36 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Crusher and Mill

Crushers and mills usually have constant load curves. These applications can
have a very big flywheel and can be a very heavy duty start. In most cases, both
these applications are started unloaded, and when full speed is reached, the load
is applied.

Direct on line start (DOL) Star-delta starter (Y-D)

When starting direct on line there will be Applications such as these are often start-
high mechanical stresses leading to a ed unloaded, and it will then be possible
shortened life length for all parts of the to start with a star delta starter. Loaded
drive chain. In addition, the inrush current starts on the other hand will require a high
will be high and as a result of this in com- torque of the motor, so such starts are not
bination with the long starting times, there possible with a star delta starter.
might be big disturbances in the network.
Even though these applications normally
are started unloaded, there may be oc-
casional loaded starts, for instance if an
emergency stop has been performed on
a crusher. The material is then still in the
crusher and it must be started with the
load already applied. Under such circum-
stances, a star-delta starter may not be a
feasible option.

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 37

Crusher and Mill

Softstarter Selection of a suitable softstarter

By using an ABB softstarter it is possible Crushers, mixers, mills and stirrers usu-
to limit the starting torque to a level suit- ally have a very big moment of inertia so
able for all different load conditions. The the softstarter is selected one size larger
result is less stress on the machinery than the motor kW size. For extremely big
and greatly reduced inrush current. For flywheels, the use of Prosoft selection pro-
an unloaded start the inrush current can gram is recommended.
be reduced to approximately 3 times the
current while a loaded start may require 5 Since the big flywheel will cause a long
times the nominal current. slow down period before the fan stops, a
stop ramp should never be used for this
kind of application.

Recommended basic settings:

Start ramp: 10 sec.
Stop ramp: 0 sec.
Initial voltage: 30 % - 60%
Current limit: 3-5 * Ie

38 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

How to select a softstarter for different
It is normally possible to select a softstarter according to the rated motor pow-
er. In some cases it is neccessary to select a larger softstarter than the rated
motor power depending on the starting conditions (heavy duty start, many
starts/h etc.) The starting capacity of a softstarter is very much depending on the
thyristor capacity and the heat sink.

The table below can be used as a guide to select a softstarter if you need a quick
answer and you want to be sure that the size is large enough to suit the application. This
selection will however not give the most optimized solution. If an opimised solution is
required, the software selection program ”ProSoft” for selection of softstarters can be
used, available on For more information see page 45.

Quick guide for selection

Normal start Heavy duty start Heavy duty

Selection Selection
Select the softstarter according to the Select one size larger softstarter compared
rated motor power. to the rated motor power.
For units with built-in overload, select trip For units with built-in overload, select trip
class 10. class 30.
Typical applications

• Bow thruster • Centrifugal pump • Centrifugal fan • Conveyor belt (long)

• Compressor • Conveyor belt (short) • Crusher • Mill

• Elevator • Escalator • Mixer • Stirrer

If more than 10 starts/h
Select one size larger than the standard selection

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 39

Ambient temperature

The ambient temperature is the average surrounding temperature of the softstarter

over a period of 24 hours. For most types of softstarter the temperature may not
exceed 40 oC without derating the operational current for the unit.

The maximum ambient temperature during operation differs from one type of
softstarter to another and must be checked individually according to the manufac-
turer’s specification.

When using an ABB softstarter with an ambient temperature of above 40 oC, the
following formula can be used to calculate the operational current:

Ie derated = Ie - (∆ T x Ie x 0.008)

Ie derated = maximum operational

current after derating
Ie = rated current of the
∆T = temperature difference
0.008 = derating factor

Example 1 Example 2
Rated current: 105 A Rated current: 300 A
Ambient temperature: 48 oC Ambient temperature: 46 oC
Derating with 0.8 % per oC above 40 oC Derating with 0.8 % per oC above 40 oC
(PST(B)30 ... 1050) (PST(B)30 ... 1050)

∆ T = 48-40 oC = 8 oC ∆ T = 46-40 oC = 6 oC
New current = Ie - (∆ T x Ie x 0.008) = New current = Ie - (∆ T x Ie x 0.008) =
105 - (8 x 105 x 0.008) = 98.2 A 300 - (6 x 300 x 0.008) = 285.6 A

This means that a PST105 can only be This means that a PST300 can only be
used for 98.2 A. For a 105 A motor, a used for 285.6 A. For a 300 A motor, a
larger PST needs to be used. larger PSTB needs to be used.

40 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Derating when used at high altitudes

When a softstarter is used at high altitudes the rated current for the unit has to
be derated, due to less cooling. For most manufacturers the catalogue values are
valid up to 1000 m above sea level before derating is necessary.

In some cases a larger softstarter is required to be able to cope with the motor
current when used at high altitudes.

For ABB softstarters the following formula can be used for calculating the

x - 1000 Example:
% of Ie = 100 -
150 Softstarter with rated current 300 A used
at 2500 meter above sea level.
x = actual altitude for the softstarter
2500 - 1000
% of Ie = 100 - =
The diagram below can also be used for = 100 - = 90
defining the derating of the softstarter.
Ie = 300 x 0.9 = 270 A
% of Ie

100 % This means that a PST300 can only be

used for 270 A. For a 300 A motor, a
larger PSTB needs to be used.

90 %

80 %

1000 2000 3000 4000 m

meter above sea level

Derating of motor current at high altitudes

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 41

Starting capacity and overload protection

Starting capacity for softstarters for heavy duty applications since the start
When starting a squirrel cage motor there then usually is longer.
will always be a starting current (Ist) which
is higher than the rated motor current. The maximum permitted starting current
When starting DOL this starting current is for a softstarter depends on the starting
typically 7-8 times the nominal current and time. The ratio between the current and
when using a softstarter it is reduced to time is displayed in the starting capacity
3-5 times the nominal current. graph below.

Depending on the application, the start The voltage or current to the motor is not
can be short or long. Since the current is affected by selecting a bigger softstarter.
higher during the start the softstarter will The only difference when selecting a big-
warm up during the start. It is very impor- ger softstarter is that the softstarter is di-
mensioned to cope with a higher current
tant to select a softstarter with thyristors
for a longer time and thus being able to
and heat sink dimensioned for the motor start bigger motors or heavier applica-
and the start performed. The softstarter tions.
should be upsized one size when used





1 Starting
100 200 300 400 A current
Typical starting capacty graph for a softstarter

42 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Starting capacity when using overload while a class 30 relay is used for heavy-
protection duty starts where the start usually is lon-
The overload protection for the motor ger.
(thermal or electronic) will very often set
the limit of the starting capacity. These In some applications where the overload
overload protections have different trip- protection is by-passed (other protection
ping classes, describing how fast they are active) during a start to achieve a longer
tripping for a specific current. A class 10 available starting time, it is particularly im-
relay is used for normal starts in general portant to check the softstarter starting
capacity since this will be the limitation.



a) Tripping curve for overload protection
b) Max starting capacity for a softstarter (This will limit the starting time / current if the overload is by-passed during start)

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 43

Number of starts per hour

The maximum number of starts/hour for a softstarter depends on several differ-

ent factors such as the starting current, ambient temperature, starting time and
the intermittens factor.

Intemittens factor Examples:

The intermittens factor is a figure indicating If a softstarter has been running for 5 min-
how long the softstarter has been running utes of a total duty cycle of 10 minutes
for (starting time and running time) com- then the intermittens factor is 50 % ON
pared with the total cycle time. time and 50 % OFF time.

It is important to define the intermittens If a softstarter has been running for 45 min-
factor when talking about the number of utes of a duty cycle of 60 minutes then the
starts/hour since the OFF time is the cool- intermittens factor is 75 % ON time and 25
ing time for the softstarter. % OFF time.

A high starting current and a long starting

time require a longer OFF time than a low
starting current and short time to maintain
the same number of starts/hour.

44 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201


The selection of a softstarter can be done according to the softstarter main cata-
log. This will work fine in the majority of cases but by using the softstarter se-
lection tool ProSoft, a more optimized selection will be achieved. Especially in
extremely heavy duty applications with several minutes starting time, the use of
ProSoft is recommended.

When using ProSoft, the selection is done in 3 steps, which can be seen as 3 different
tabs in the program:

1. Input tab – Type in the general data

and information about the motor and
about the load. Try to use as accu-
rate data as possible to get the most
accurate results.

2. Calculation tab – Here it is possible

to see how long the start will be de-
pending on how high the current is.
This tab will indicate which settings
should be used and it might affect
the selection.

3. The selection tab – Select which of

the suggested softstarters to use.
Here it is also possible to generate
a report containing all information
about the selection.

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 45

Different ways of connecting the softstarter

There are two different ways of connecting the softstarter - In line, which is the most
common method, and Inside Delta. Not all softstarters can be connected inside delta
however. The ABB PSE range and PSR range can only be connected In Line.

In-line connection Inside Delta connection

This is the most common and also the The Inside Delta connection makes it pos-
easiest way to connect the softstarter. sible to place the softstarter in the delta
circuit and allows for a very easy replace-
All three phases are connected in series
ment of existing star delta starters.
with the overload relay, the main contac-
tor and other devices used just like the When the softstarter is Inside Delta it will
diagram below. The selected devices for only be exposed to 58% (1/√3) of the In-
Inline connection must be chosen to cope line current. Therefore it is possible to
with the full rated motor current. The mo- downsize the devices in order to achieve a
tor itself can either be star connected or more cost-effective solution.
delta connected
All functionality will be identical regard-
Example: 100 A motor requires a 100 A
less if connecting in line or inside delta.
softstarter, 100 A main contactor etc.
However, with the inside delta connection,
6 cables are required between the soft-
starter and the motor, and if this distance
is long, an in line connection might be a
more cost efficient solution.

Example: A 100 A motor requires a 58 A

softstarter, a 58 A main contactor if placed
in the delta circuit, etc.

A motor used for an Inside Delta connec-

tion must be able to delta-connect during
a continuous run. In the USA and some
other countries a special six-wire motor
has to be ordered for this type of connec-
Softstarter connected Softstarter connected tion.
In-line with the motor Inside Delta

Note: In the PSE and PST(B) softstarters the overload A softstarter controlling the voltage in only
protection is built-in.
two of the three phases can not be used
inside the motor delta.

46 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Location of the main contactor Regardless of where the main contactor
When using the softstarter Inside Delta, is placed, it should be AC-3 rated for that
there are two options for the main con- current, to be able to break the current
tactor; inside the delta circuit or outside. and stop the motor in an emergency.
Both locations will stop the motor but in
alternative A, the motor is still considered
to be under tension.
In alternative B, the main contactor must
be chosen according to the rated current
of the motor, while the contactor in alter-
native A can be chosen according to 58%
(1/√3) of the rated current.

Alternative A Alternative B
Main contactor located in the delta circuit Main contactor located outside the delta circuit

Note: In the PSE and PST(B) softstarters the overload protection is built-in.

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 47

Start of several motors

In some applications, it is desirable to start several motors with one softstarter, in par-
allel with each other or in a sequence. This is often possible to do but some data has
to be taken into consideration.

Parallel start of motors

If a softstarter is going to be used for start-
ing several motors at the same time (par-
allel start), there are two important param-
eters to check:
1. The softstarter must be able to cope
with the rated current for all motors
2. The softstarter must be able to cope
with the starting current for all mo-
tors together until rated speed is
KM 1
If a by-pass contactor is used for
the softstarter, only point 2 above KM 1 Main contactor
Q1 FR 1, 2 Overload relay
has to be taken into consideration.
Q1 Softstarter

Start of two motors with Ie = 100 A and
relative starting current 4 x Ie. FR 1 FR 2
Starting time is 10 seconds.
Total starting current is 100 x 4 x 2 = 800 A M M M
for 10 seconds.
Check the softstarter starting capacity
graph to verify the selected size.
Parallel start of motors using a softstarter
Make sure that you are using separate
overload relays, one for each motor.

48 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Sequential start of motors The starting current for the motors is 100
If a softstarter is going to be used for start- x 4 = 400 A and the total starting time is 5
ing several motors one by one (sequen- + 10 + 8 = 23 seconds.
tial start), it is important to check that the Check the softstarter starting capacity
softstarter is able to cope with the starting graph to verify the selected size.
current for each motor during the whole
starting sequence.
Example: It is not possible to add the starting
Start of three motors with Ie=100 A and time for each motor if the rated cur-
relative starting current 4 x Ie. rent is different from one motor to
Starting time for the motors is: another. A separate calculation has
Motor 1 = 5 seconds to be made for those applications.
Motor 2 = 10 seconds
Motor 3 = 8 seconds Some softstarters, like the PST(B) range,
have the possibility to use different param-
eter sets for the different motors. This is
needed to achieve a good start if the mo-
tor sizes are different or if the applications
are different.
KM 1 Main contactor
K 25, 27, 29 Starting contactor
Most softstarters can not softstop more
K 26, 28, 30 Run contactor
KM 1 FR 1, 2, 3 Overload relay than the latest started motor.
Q1 Softstarter
Usually, separate protections need to be
used for each of the motors.

Q1 K 26 K 28 K 30

K 25 K 27 K 29

FR 1 FR 2 FR 3

Sequential start of motors using a softstarter

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 49

Connection of control circuit

Control supply Output signal relays

The control supply voltage is the voltage There are sometimes up to three different
supplied to the circuit board, fans etc in output signals that can be received from
the softstarter. The terminals are usually the softstarter. See table below.
marked 1 and 2. A common voltage is 100-
250V AC. Analog output
Some softstarters are equipped with an
Functional earth analog output signal that can be connected
On softstarters with a functional earth, this to an analog meter or be used as an analog
shall be connected to the mounting plate, input to a PLC. The analog output can be
using an as short cable as possible. This used to see the current to the motor on an
will ensure the most reliable operation of analog current meter, eliminating the need
the softstarter. for an external current transformer.

Control circuit For connection diagrams, see

The control circuit is used to give a start
and stop signal to the softstarter and some-
times to give other input signals. Depend-
ing on the softstarter, the control voltage
may be taken from the softstarter itself or
may be supplied externally. Most often the
control voltage is 24 V DC. Also depend-
ing on the softstarter model, the signals re-
quired may need to be maintained or it may
be enough with a pulse.

Run Closes as soon as a start signal is given and remains closed all the
time when the softstarter is feeding voltage to the motor. Usually
used to control a line contactor.
TOR / By-pass Closes when the softstarter reaches top of ramp (full voltage fed to
the motor) and remains closed until a stop signal is given. Usually
used to control an external by-pass contactor.
Event This relay will close (or open) when any fault or protection occurs.
Can be used to signal an error or to open a line contactor.
Common output signals relays on softstarters.

50 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Connecting a softstarter to a fieldbus
Connection protocols. It is very important to make
Today, many softstarters can be connect- sure that the software file used, matches
ed to a PLC using a fieldbus system such the softstarter version. For each version of
as Profibus or Modbus. Depending on the the software file there is also one corre-
softstarter and the fieldbus protocol it may sponding manual to explain the informa-
be possible to start and stop the soft- tion that can be sent. Both the software
starter, to see status information and to files and the manuals are available at
change the settings of the softstarter from
the PLC. To connect an ABB softstarter
to a fieldbus system, the FieldBusPlug is
used. Just select the plug that matches
the protocol used. An overview of the con-
nection is showed to the right. For more
detailed information about connection,
see the manual for the corresponding
fieldbus protocol, avaliable at

Software files Made in Sweden Made in Sweden

For most of the fieldbus protocols, a spe- Key-Pad PTC Fieldbus Key-Pad PTC Fieldbus

cial software file is needed when program-

ming the PLC. The table below explains
which files are required for the different

Fieldbus protocol Type of file Versions

Profibus gsd-file The latest version of the gsd-file supports
all softstarter versions. Same file supports
both DP/V0 and DP/V1
Modbus No software file –
DeviceNet eds-file for DeviceNet The version of the software file must
match the version of the softstarter.
CANopen eds-file for CANopen The version of the software file must
match the version of the softstarter.

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 51

2-phase control vs 3-phase control

Traditionally, a softstarter havs used 6 thyristors, two antiparallel connected in

each of the three phases, to control the output voltage to the motor. However, in
order to reduce the number of components used and to minimize the size of the
softstarter, a solution where only 2 of the 3 phases are controlled is possible. In
this solution, the third phase is just passing through the softstarter without con-
trolling the voltage or the current. A softstarter controlling only 2 of the 3 phases
is called a “2 phase controlled softstarter” and it will function in the same way as
a 3-phase controlled softstarter with a few exceptions described below.

Not possible to connect Inside Delta

Since one of the phases is not controlled
by the softstarter, the current would pass
through that phase without giving a start
signal to the softstarter. This would not
start the motor but it would heat up the Softstarter
motor and eventually damage the motor. SCR SCR

Even if a line contactor would be used Motor

to avoid this during stand by, the curent
would basically not be reduced at all when
starting, and reducing the current perhaps
the most important benefit of using a soft-

Some 2-phase controlled softstarters

create a DC-component
When ramping up and down by controlling
only 2 phases, a DC-component will be
created which will have a breaking effect
reducing the torque and creating a very
noisy bad start. Only very few 2-phase
controlled softstarters on the market, in-
cluding those from ABB, are equipped
with sophisticated algorithms to eliminate
this DC-component. It is a must to have
access to this special algorithm to be able
to design 2-phase controlled softstarters
for larger motors.

52 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Slightly unbalanced currents during
When using a 3-phase controlled soft-
starter, the starting current will be bal-
anced between the three phases. When
using a 2-phase controlled softstarter,
however, the current will be higher in the
phase that is not controlled and lower in
the other two phases. This has the effect
that the maximum current (in one phase) is
higher with a 2-phase controlled softstart-
er compared with a 3-phase controlled
softstarter. This unbalance will only appear
during the short time of the start and the
stop. During continuous run, the currents
will be balanced.

When is 2-phase controlled softstarter a good solution?

A 2-phase controlled softstarter A 3-phase controlled softstarter is
works good: preferred when:
- In most normal applications - The absolutely lowest starting current
- In all different segments is required
- When torque control is required - Inside delta connection is required
- Normal start or heavy duty start - The unbalanced currents during start
- When a compact and cost efficient and stop is a problem
solution is required

2-phase controlled softstarters 3-phase controlled softstarters

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 53


This section includes a short description of some of the most important setting
parameters available on softstarters. Not all of these settings are available on all
softstarters and other settings may be available depending on the type of soft-
starter and manufacturer. The settings can be done either by adjusting potenti-
ometers, changing dip switches, using a key pad, a computer or similar.

Start ramp is the time from were the soft- Stop ramp is used when a soft stopping
starter starts its ramp (initial voltage) un- of the motor is required, for example, a
til full voltage is reached. The ramp time pump or a conveyor belt. The stop ramp
should not be too long, as this will only is the time from full voltage until end volt-
result in unnecessary heating of the motor age is reached. If the ramp time is set to
and a risk of the overload relay tripping. zero the stop will be like a direct stop.

A common misunderstanding is that this Torque control is a function that will

parameter sets the start time, that is the control the torque of the motor instead of
time for the motor to reach full speed. the voltage. This is especially useful when
This is not true. The start ramp parameter stopping pumps in order to avoid water
only sets the time until the softstarter ap- hammering. On softstarters with torque
plies full voltage to the motor. If the motor control it is possible to select between a
is unloaded, the start time for the motor torque ramp or a voltage ramp both dur-
will probably become shorter than the ing start and stop. These parameters are
set ramp time. And if the motor is heav- called start mode and stop mode.
ily loaded, the start time will probably be-
come longer.


Initial voltage

Start ramp Stop ramp
Diagram showing start ramp, stop ramp and initial voltage

54 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Initial voltage is sometimes named Adjustable rated motor current makes
pedestal voltage. This is the point from it possible to set the motor rated current
where the softstarter starts to ramp on the softstarter for the used motor. This
up. The torque of the motor will drop setting will affect other values as well, such
with the square of the voltage and if as the trip level of the electronic overload
the voltage is set too low, for example protection and other protections, but also
20 %, the starting torque will become 0.22 the level of the current limit function.
= 0.04 = 4 % only, and the motor will not
start from the very beginning. Therefore, it
is very important to find a level that is just
high enough to make the motor take off
directly to avoid unnecessary heating.

End voltage is the voltage level that the

softstarter ramps down to during the set
ramp time of a stop ramp. At this point
the motor shall already have stopped and
the softstarter will break the current to the
motor in order to avoid unnecessary mo-
tor heating.

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 55


Current limit can be used in applica-

tions where a limited starting current is
required, or at a heavy-duty start when it
is difficult to achieve a perfect start with
the setting of the initial voltage and the
start ramp only. When the current limit
is reached, the softstarter will temporar-
ily stop increasing the voltage until the
current drops below the set limit, and then
continues ramping up to full voltage. Since Holding the voltage at a fixed level
the maximum current (DOL-current) is de- will keep the current on the set level
creasing as the speed increases, the volt-
age can be gradually increased without
exceeding the set current limit

I set level of
current limit

Current limit function in a softstarter limits the current
to the pre-set level

The current and voltage needs to be reduced
more in the beginning of the start.

56 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Recommended settings

The required settings for the softstarter will differ from one application to another
depending on the type of load, motor characteristics, how much the motor is load-
ed, etc. The settings on these pages are only general recommendations so for each
installed softstarter the settings should be checked individually.

When using a 2-phase controlled softstarter, the initial voltage and current limit might
need to be set slightly higher.

Recommended settings when using a softstarter

Type of load Ramp time Ramp time Initial Current Torque Control
for start for stop voltage limit for stop
(sec.) (sec.) Uini (%) (x Ie) (if available)

Axial fan 10 Off 30 4.0 Off

Band saw 10 Off 30 4.0 Off

Bow Truster 10 Off 30 1.5 – 3 Off

Centrifugal fan 10 Off 30 4.0 Off

Centrifugal pump 10 10 – 20 30 3.5 On

Circular saw 10 Off 30 4.0 Off

Compressor 5 Off 30 3.5 Off

Conveyor belt 10 Off 40 4.0 Off

Crusher 10 Off 30 4.0 Off

Cutter 10 Off 30 4.0 Off

Escalator 10 Off 30 3.5 Off

Grinder 10 Off 30 4.0 Off

High pressure pump 10 10 50 4.5 On

Hudraulic pump 10 Off 30 3.5 Off

Lift/Elevator 10 Off 30 3.5 Off

Mill 10 Off 30 4.0 Off

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 57

Explosive atmospheres (Ex)

For plants in environments where the hazard of explosion is due to an explo-

sive mixture of gases, explosive matter or combustible dust other than explosive
dust, special provisions are applicable regarding the use of electrical material.

The different classes of explosive protection (Ex) are described by the following
parts of IEC 60079:

IEC 60079-1: flameproof enclosures ”d”

IEC 60079-2: pressurised enclosures ”p”

IEC 60079-5: powder filling ”q”

IEC 60079-6: oil immersion ”o”

IEC 60079-7: increased safety ”e”

IEC 60079-11: intrinsic safety ”i”

IEC 60079-18: encapsulation ”m”

IEC 60079-22: caplights for mines susceptible to firedamp (under consideration)

Example: Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres - oil immersion ”o” shall be recognised as Exo

Hazardous areas and zones operation and if it does occur it will exist
for a short period only. Equipment permit-
The hazardous areas are categorised in
ted in zones 0 and 1 may of course be
zones as follows:
used. Under certain conditions the equip-
Zone 0
ment, motors for example, need not to be
An area in which an explosive gas atmo-
of explosion-protected design.
sphere is present continuously or for long
periods. Only intrinsically-safe circuits of 3m r4.5 m

category Exi may be used in this zone.

Motors are thus excluded. Surface of liquid

Zone 1
An area in which an explosive gas atmo-
sphere is likely to occur in normal opera-
tion. Motors of category Exd, Exe and Exp Height
of wall
may be used in this zone.
To wall
Zone 2
An area in which an explosive gas atmo-
sphere is not likely to occur during normal Example of classification and extent of the hazardous area
in a tank

58 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

ATEX Location and selection of softstarter
for Ex environments
ATEX means ATmosphere EXplosible
If a softstarter is going to be used for an
and describes what equipment and work
Ex application it is normally located in a
environment is allowed in an environme-
separate enclosure outside any of the
nt with an explosive atmosphere. It con-
hazardous zones. The overload relay used
sists of two EU directives:
shall be of a special version designed for
• the ATEX 95 equipment directive 94/9/ Ex motors, for example TA25DU ... V1000
EC, Equipment and protective systems to T900DU/SU...V1000. As well as a spe-
intended for use in potentially explosive cial version of the product UMC. This
atmospheres. type of relay has a more accurate tripping
curve compared with the standard relay.
• the ATEX 137 workplace directive 99/92/ Special attention has to be paid to this.
EC, Minimum requirements for improving
the safety and health protection of wor- The softstarter type and size and other
kers potentially at risk from explosive devices used in the circuit is suitably se-
atmospheres. lected according to type 2 coordination.

If any electrical equipment is going
to be used in any of the hazardous
zones, a special enclosure must be
used. This type of enclosure (steel
box or similar) must be able to with-
stand an inside explosion caused
by any of the components without
letting anything out to the surround-
ings. This solution is in general very

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 59


By coordination we mean a selected combination of electrical apparatus which

are safe for the surroundings and personnel, even if an overload or a fault should
occur in the system.

The coordinated group must ensure the following four essential functions:
• Protection against overloads. A protection, which guards all components, cables
and the motor from overheating, active for all currents up to, locked rotor current.
This device will send a trip signal to a disconnection mean, which is normally a
contactor used for the motor control.

• Motor control. This function is commonly carried out by a contactor.

• Protection against short-circuits, which takes care of all currents above the locked
rotor current - i.e. all fault currents.

• Isolation. Ensure an isolating air-gap when opened for personnel safety.

The coordinations for the ABB softstarters are done according to IEC 60947-4-2
”AC semiconductor motor controllers and starters” and EN 60947-4-2.
The provisions of IEC 60947-1, General Rules, are applicable to IEC 60947-4-2 where
specifically called for.

The standard IEC 60947-4-2 defines Type 2:

two types of coordination according Coordination requires that, under short-
to the expected level of service con- circuit conditions, the device shall cause
tinuity. no danger to persons or installation
Type 1: and shall be suitable for further use. For
Coordination requires that, under short- hybrid controllers and starters, the risk of
circuit conditions, the device shall cause contact welding is recognized, in which
no danger to persons or installation and case the manufacturer shall indicate the
may not be suitable for further service measures to be taken as regards the
without repair and replacement of parts. maintenance of the equipment.

When using a softstarter in a type
2 coordination, replacing the fuses
and restart has to be accepted after
a short-circuit. Only semi-conductor
fuses can be used to achieve a type
2 coordination for a softstarter.

60 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Utilization Categories

Some utilization categories are stated in the standard IEC 60947-4-2, ”AC semicon-
ductor motor controllers and starters”. The one used for ABB Low Voltage softstart-
ers is AC-53, since this is about controlling squirrel cage motors. This is the category
stated in the header of the coordination tables for softstarter.

Utilization Category Typical application Remark

AC-53a Control of squirrel cage motors: 8 h duty with Softstarter designed

on-load currents for start, acceleration, run for use without external
by-pass contactor

AC-53b Control of squirrel cage motors: intermittent Softstarter designed

duty for use with external
by-pass contactor.

Some ABB softstarters have built-in
by-pass while others do not have this.
However, it is never required to add
an external by-pass contactor, since
all ABB softstarters are designed ac-
cording to AC-53a utilization category.

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 61

Types of protections

There are several different types of protection for electrical devices used on the
market. They all have different functions and characteristics. One type cannot
in general replace another type without checking the other protection devices
in the circuit. If replacing a 100 A fuse with another 100 A fuse (same rating)
without checking the type then there is a risk of losing protection. The first type
may be a type with both short-circuit protection and thermal protection while
the replacement fuse is a type with only short-circuit protection.

gL/gG fuses have a combination of short MMS means Manual Motor Starter and is
circuit protection and thermal overload a device consisting of isolation function,
protection (5s > 3,5 x In) for cables. Type thermal overload protection and short cir-
1 coordination can be achieved if using cuit protection. Manual motor starters are
these types of fuses together with a soft- available up to about 100 A. Using a MMS,
starter. For type 2 coordination, semicon- type 1 coordination can be achieved. For
ductor fuses must be used. type 2 coordination, semiconductor fuses
must be used.
aM fuses only have a short-circuit protec-
tion (5s > 9 x In). For thermal overload Semi-conductor fuses (High speed fuses)
protection, a separate protection device are the only type of fuses that are fast
is required. Type 1 coordination can be enough to achieve a fully type 2 coordina-
achieved if using these types of fuses to- tion when using a softstarter. A separate
gether with a softstarter. For type 2 co- overload relay for the motor protection is
ordination, semiconductor fuses must be always required in combination with this
used. type of fuse. If replacing the semi-conduc-
tor fuses with an MCCB, MMS or similar,
MCCB means Moulded Case Circuit
type 1 coordination will be achieved in-
Breaker and is a breaker usually provid-
ing both thermal overload protection and
short circuit protection. Using a MCCB,
type 1 coordination can be achieved. For
type 2 coordination, semiconductor fuses
must be used.

62 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 63
Coordination tables

The coordination tables for softstarters can be found on internet page
com/lowvoltage by clicking “Online Product Selection Tools” and “Coordination
tables for motor protection.

When opening up the coordination tables, the following screen will appear:

To find the correct coordination tables, simply make the selections in the top part
of the screen. The selections that are relevant for softstarters are described below:

Protection devices Fuses (standard or semiconductor)

Starting type Softstarter Normal Start In Line
Softstarter Normal Start Inside Delta
Voltage (V) Rated operational voltage for the application
Iq (kA) Short circuit current rating
Coordination type Type 1 or Type 2
Motor kW Rated motor power range

64 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

How to read the coordination tables

Depending on the selection, a coordination table similar to the one below will appear.

Motor Indicates the rated output of the motor and maximum

If this does not correspond fully to the actual motor, select
according to the maximum current.

Softstarter Indicates suitable softstarter type and size for this motor.
Moulded Case Circuit Indicates the type and magnetic tripping current for the
Breaker MCCB.
Switch fuse Indicates the rated current and type of the fuses as well
as the suitable switch fuse for those fuses.
Manual Motor Starter Indicates the type of manual motorstarter, the magnetic
tripping current and the current setting range.
Overload protection device Indicates the type and setting range for external or
built-in overload protection.
Line contactor Indicates suitable line (main) contactor for the motor.
This contactor is given with AC-3 rating.
By-pass contactor Indicates suitable by-pass contactor. The by-pass
contactor is however not required for the coordination.
This contactor is given with AC-1 rating.
Max. Ambient Temperature Indicates the maximum allowed temperature for the

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 65


Starter and fuses In-line Starter Inside Delta and fuses In-line
The coordinations with the devices In-line The coordinations with the softstarter
are based on this circuit diagram. Inside Delta are based on this circuit

Note that the by-pass contactor is Note that the by-pass contactor is
not required for the coordination. not required for the coordination.

Switch Fuse
Switch fuse Semi-conductor fuse
Semi-conductor fuse

Line contactor

O/L relay

Line contactor

By-pass Softstarter By-pass

Softstarter contactor contactor O/L relay


M Motor

Starter inside delta and fuses In-line

Starter and fuses In-line Line contactor AC-3
Line contactor AC-3 By-pass contactor AC-1
By-pass contactor AC-1 Line contactor and by-pass contactor Inside Delta

When using PSTB softstarters,

In many softstarters the O/L relay is
the fuses are placed inside the delta.
Contact ABB for more information.

66 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Environmental information

How a product affects the environment is a matter that is becoming more and more
important when designing new products today but also when updating existing
product ranges. ABB puts big efforts into reducing the environmental impact
from all ABB products.

RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Sub-

RoHS is a directive that specifies which
substances are not allowed to be used
in certain products. The RoHS directive
mainly concerns consumer products, and
softstarters are not covered by this legis-
lation. Despite this, many of the ABB soft-
starters do comply with the RoHS direc-

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 67


Harmonics are unwanted voltages and currents existing in almost every electrical
system today and are always a multiple of the rated frequency.

Typical harmonics are 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th etc. The harmonics contribute to the
unnecessary heating of motors, cables and other equipment and may shorten the
life of these devices if exposed for a long period of time.

It can sometimes also disturb functions in electronics and systems. The harmon-
ic contents and the level naturally depend on the source but also on several other
parameters such as the impedance in the feeding network, the motor, capacitors
and other devices used in the system altogether - in other words a quite complex

Harmonic content and softstarters

The question of harmonic content for
softstarter applications is actually in gen-
eral not relevant at all. These reflections
usually come from variable speed drive
applications where harmonics are gen-
erated continuously and a filter is always
required in public networks and very of-
ten used also in industrial networks. With
our softstarters we fulfil the EMC directive
concerning emission and immunity and
there is no need for any particular actions
regarding this matter at all.

68 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Main contactor Power loss

Q Is there any requirement to put a main Q What is the power loss of a softstarter
contactor in series before the softstarter? during a continuous run?
A The softstarter does not require any A The values can normally be found in the
main contactor but we recommend catalogue. For ABB softstarters the
the use of one for emergency stop following formula can be used
and/or trip of the overload relay. In (for example for PST30...300):
some applications an MCCB can be PLtot = [3 x Ie x 1.0] + 50 (W)
used instead of the main contactor. This value is reduced to 50 W only
when using a by-pass. This is the power
Ambient temperature of the cooling fans, circiut boards etc.
Q Can I use a softstarter if the ambient Ie is the operational current of the motor.
temperature is higher than the recom-
mended value during operation? Resistive loads
A The softstarter can normally be ope- Q Can the softstarter work on capacitive
rated at a higher ambient temperature loads or resistive loads?
during operation if the rated curent for A No, all ABB softstarters are only
the unit is derated according to the designed to be used for inductive loads.
manufacturer’s recommendation.
Capacitor banks
Soft stop applications Q Where shall capacitor banks for power
Q What applications are suitable for soft factor compensation be placed when
stop? using softstarters?
A Pumps and conveyor belts loaded A Capacitor banks can not be placed
with fragile products are the two main between the softstarter and the motor
applications suitable for soft stop. since this may damage the softstarter.
Instead the capacitor banks are placed
Advantages of by-pass on the line side of the softstarter.
Q What are the advantages of using
by-pass? Utilisation category
A Reduction of power loss. It is also Q What utilisation category should be used
possible to reduce the enclosure size for the main contactor and the by-pass
and use a higher IP-class since air contactor?
ventilation is not required. A Main contactor: always use AC-3.
By-pass contactor: it is possible to use

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 69

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Fault indication when starting Different frequency

Q Why does the softstarter indicate a Q Can I use the same softstarter at both
fault when the start signal is given to 50 and 60 Hz?
the main contactor and softstarter at A It is possible with all type of ABB
the same time? softstarters as long as the curve is
A If the main contactor is closed too late sinusoidal.
the softstarter will indicate this as a
phase loss fault. Delay the start signal
Voltage fluctuations
to the softstarter by approx. 0.5 sec. to
Q What voltage fluctuations are allowed
solve this phenomenon.
for the softstarters?
Test without motor A The minimum and maximum value
Q Can I test a softstarter without using a where we can guarantee full function is
motor? -15% to + 10% of the rated value.
This is also stated in the IEC-standar
A No, this is not possible since there
will be no current going through the Example: PSR25-600-70. The opera-
softstarter and some types will also tional voltage for this product is 208 V ...
indicate loss of load. 600 V e.g. 208 V - 15% ... 600 V + 10%.

Overload relay trips during start Semi-conductor fuses

Q Why does the overload relay trip during Q Do I always have to use semi-conductor
start? fuses?
A Possible reasons can be one of these A When using semi-conductor fuses a
or in a combination: type 2 coordination can be achieved.
• too low current limit It is possible to use an MCCB (moul-
• too long ramp time ded case circuit breaker) or MMS
• too low initial voltage (manual motorstarter) instead but then
• wrong tripping class on the overload with a type 1 coordination. For a more
• wrong setting on the overload in-depth description see the chapter on
Separate overload relay when using
Q Do I need a separate overload relay
when using a softstarter with built-in
electronic overload and by-pass?
A If the current transformers of the
softstarter can be installed so that the
measuring can be performed when
by-passed a separate relay is not
required; otherwise yes.

70 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Quantites and units

Length Power / Energy

yd = yard hp = horse power
m = metre W = watt
mm = millimetre kW = kilowatt
cm = centimetre kWh = kilowatt-hours
in = inch
ft = feet Volume
km = kilometre l = litre
ml = millilitre
Time cu in = cubic inch
h = hour cu ft = cubic feet
min = minute gal = gallon
s = second fl oz = fluid ounce

Weight Electrical
oz = ounce A = Ampere
ib = pound V = Volt
kg = kilogram W = Watt
g = gram Ω = Ohm
F = Farad

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 71

Formula and conversion factors

In this chapter some useful formula and conversion factors are found.
The formulas are used for calculating, for example, rated motor torque, moment of
inertia, flywheel mass, etc.
The conversion factors are used to convert for example kW to hp, Celsius to Fahren-
heit, km/h to miles/hour, etc.

Ohms Law Flywheel mass

U U mD2 or GD2 (mD2 ~ GD2)
I= R= U=IxR
mD2 = Flywheel mass, kpm2
I= Current (ampere)
GD2 = Flywheel mass, kgm2
U= Voltage (volt)
R= Resistance (ohm)
Relation Moment of inertia and
Flywheel mass
Rated motor torque 1 1
J= GD2 = mD2
4 4
Mr = 9550 x Pr J= Moment of inertia, kgm2
mD2 = Flywheel mass, kpm2
Mr = Rated torque, Nm GD2 = Flywheel mass, kgm2
Pr = Rated motor power, kW
nr = Rated motor speed, rpm
Moment of inertia on load shaft
recalculating to the motor shaft
Moment of inertia Jb x nb2
J’b =
m(R2 + r2)
J= n2
Moment of inertia recalculated to
J’b =
J= Moment of inertia , kgm2 the motor shaft, kgm2
m= Mass for the flywheel, kg Moment of inertia for the load,
Jb =
R= Outer radius, m kgm2
r= Inner radius, m nb = Speed of the load, rpm
nr = Speed of the motor, rpm

72 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Loaded torque on load shaft recal-
culated to the motor shaft
M’b = Mb x nb

M’b = Load torque recalculated to the

motor shaft, Nm
Mb = Load torque, Nm
nb = Speed of the load, rpm
nr = Speed of the motor, rpm

Electrical Power

P= U x I x PF (1-phase)

P= U x I x PF x √2 (2-phase)

P= U x I x PF x √3 (3-phase)

P= Power in kW
PF = Power Factor

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 73

Conversion factors

1 mile = 1.609344 km 1 km = 0.621 mile
1 yd = 0.9144 m 1m = 1.09 yd
1 ft = 0.3048 m 1m = 3.28 ft
1 in = 25.4 mm 1 mm = 0.039 in

1 knot = 1.852 km/h 1 km/h = 0.540 knot
1 mile/h = 1.61 km/h 1 km/h = 0.622 mile/h
1 m/s = 3.6 km/h 1 km/h = 0.278 m/s

1 acre = 0.405 ha 1 ha = 2.471 acre
1 ft2 = 0.0929 m2 1 m2 = 10.8 ft2
1 in2 = 6.45 cm2 1 cm2 = 0.155 in2

1 ft3 = 0.0283 m3 1 m3 = 35.3 ft3
1 in3 = 16.4 cm3 1 cm3 = 0.0610 in3
1 gallon = 4.55 l (UK) 1l = 0.220 gallon (UK)
1 gallon = 3.79 l (US) 1l = 0.264 gallon (US)
1 pint = 0.568 l 1l = 1.76 pint

1 lb = 0.454 kg 1 kg = 2.20 lb
1 oz = 28.3 g 1g = 0.0352 oz

74 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

1 Nm = 0.101kgm 1 kgm = 9.806 Nm

Moment of Inertia
1 Nm2 = 2.42 ft.-lb2 1 ft.-lb2 = 0.41322 Nm2
1 kgm 2 = 0.2469 ft.-lb2 1 ft.-lb2 = 4.0537 kgm2
1 oz.-in2 = 0.000434 ft.-lb2 1 ft.-lb2 = 2304.147 oz. in2

1 kp = 9.80665 N 1N = 0.102 kp
1 lbf = 4.45 N 1N = 0.225 lbf

1 kpm = 9.80665 J 1J = 0.102 kpm
1 cal = 4.1868 J 1J = 0.239 cal
1 kWh = 3.6 MJ 1 MJ = 0.278 kWh

1 hp = 0.736 kW 1 kW = 1.36 hp
1 hp = 0.746 kW (UK; US) 1 kW = 1.34 hp (UK; US)
1 kcal/h = 1.16 W 1W = 0.860 kcal/h

0 oC = 32 oF
oC = 5 / 9 (oF -32)
0 oF = -17.8 oC
oF = 9 / 5 (oC +32)

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 75


AC Alternating current.

Active power The power consumed by the motor which is conver-

ted into mechanical action.

Ambient temperature Ambient temperature is the temperature of water, air

or surrounding medium where the equipment is used
or stored.

Apparent power The total power consumed by the motor. Consists of

both the active power and the reactive power.

Asynchronous speed The speed of an AC induction motor at full load and

full voltage, also defined as the rated speed.

Bearing A component used to reduce the friction and wear

between rotating devices.

By-pass A by-pass contactor is used to by-pass another

device, for example a softstarter to reduce the power

Control supply voltage The voltage that supplies, for example, the softstarter.

Control circuit voltage The voltage used to control (start/stop) the softstarter.

Cos phi See power factor.

CSA Canadian Standard Association.

Current limit An electronic method to limit the starting current to

the motor during start up. It is normally possible to
adjust the function so that the motor torque will be
high enough to take off.

Cycle A sequence of operations that is repeated regularly or

the time it takes to complete one operation.

D-end The end that is normally the drive end of an electrical


DC Direct current.

Degree of Protection Defined and stated as IP (International Protection)

class indicating the degree of protection against
contact and penetration of solid objects and water.

76 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Delta connection The connection type of a motor where the windings
are connected in a delta.

Derating When a device has to be operated with reduced

ratings (normally the current) due to high ambient
temperature or high altitude.

DOL Direct on line. A common starting method.

Duty Cycle The total cycle from one start to the next, including
ramp time for start and stop, operation and pause
time, if any.

Efficiency The ratio between mechanical output and electrical

input. The percentage given indicates how effective
the motor is at converting electrical energy to mecha-
nical energy.

EMF Electromotive Force, another term for voltage or

potential difference, for example, the voltage generated
by a motor.

EPD Environmental Product Declaration, a description of

how a specific product affects the environment.

ESD Electro Static Discharge.

Fault Any malfunction that occurs and interferes with normal


FBP FieldBusPlug – Using the FieldBusPlug it is possible

to select between several different fieldbus protocols.

Flywheel mass The total mass (mD2 or GD2) of a rotating body

normally given in kpm2 or kgm2. The value of the
flywheel mass is 4 times the moment of inertia.

Frequency The number of periodic cycles per unit of time.

Gate The control element of a SCR (thyristor).

When giving a small positive voltage to the SCR it
will start conducting.

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 77


Heatsink A component often made of aluminium used to get

rid of the heat inside an electrical device generated
by the current.

Heavy Duty Start A start with a load that has a high or very high
moment of inertia. A starting time DOL of more
then 5 seconds can be defined as a heavy-duty start.

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission which is

part of the International Standard Organisation.

Inertia A measure of a body’s resistance to change in velocity

whether the body is moving at a constant speed or is
at rest. The velocity can be rotational or linear.

Induction motor An AC motor with a primary winding (usually the

stator) connected to the power supply and a secondary
winding (usually the rotor) carrying the induced

In-Line connection A connection type where the devices in the main

supply are connected in series with each other.

Inside Delta connection A connection type where the devices are connected
inside the motor delta circuit. The current is reduced
to 1/√3 = 58% compared with the line current.

Integrated Circuit (IC) A small electronic unit that can consist of thousands
of transistors usually mounted on a PCB.

Intermitens factor The relation between how long a machinery is

working (ON time) and how long it is resting
(OFF time) in a cycle.

Jog Momentary moving of the motor by repetitive closure

of a circuit using a contact element or a pushbutton.

LCA Life Cycle Assessment, an analysis of how a product

affects the environment from ”cradle to grave”.

LCD Liquid Crystal Display, a readout interface used in

digital watches, laptop computers and some softstar-

78 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

LED Light-emitting diode.

Load torque The braking torque on the motor shaft caused by the
load. If the braking torque is equal or nearly equal to
the rated motor torque it can be defined as high load

Locked Rotor Current The current taken from the line when a rotor is at
a standstill at rated voltage and frequency.
It is the line current when starting the motor direct.

Megger Test This is normally measured in megohms using full

voltage with low current and is used to measure the
resistance in an insulation system.
It can be used for checking the thyristors, for example.

Micro processor A central processing unit utilising large-scale

integration technology.

MCCB Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

MMS Manual Motor Starter

N-end The end that is normally the non-drive end of an

electrical motor.

NEMA The National Electrical Manufacturers Association


Network A number of nodes connected to each other with

some type of communication medium. A network
can be of single link type or multiple link type.

Noise Unwanted disturbances in a communication

medium that tend to obscure the data content.

Nominal current The nominal current is the current drawn by a fully

loaded motor at its specified nominal speed.

Nominal speed See asyncronous speed.

Nominal torque The torque of the motor when running at nominal


Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 79


Normally Closed Contact A contact or set of contacts that are closed when
(NC) the relay or switch is de-energised. The contact(s)
open when a relay or switch is energised.

Normally Open Contact A contact or set of contacts that are open when
(NO) the relay or switch is de-energised. The contact(s)
close when the relay or switch is energised.

Normal Start A start with a load that has small or medium high
moment of inertia. A starting time DOL of less than
5 seconds can be defined as normal start.

Operational voltage The voltage that is fed to the motor, usually 3-phase.

Overload relay A device used to avoid overheating of the motor.

Can be of electronic or thermal type.

Parallel start Parallel start of motors is normally when two or

more motors are started at the same time with the
same starting equipment.

PCBA Printed Circuit Board Assembly are the circuit boards

inside the softstarter.

PLC Programmable Logic Controller, consists of a central

processor, input/output interfaces and a memory
designed as an industrial control system. A PLC
system is used for the storage of instructions, timing,
counting, report generation, I/O control and more.

Power Work done per unit of time measured in horsepower

(hp), watt (W) or more commonly kW.

Power Factor The phase difference measured between the voltage

and the current in an AC circuit represented by the
cosine angle.

Protocol A set of conventions governing the format and timing

of data between communication devices.

Rated current See nominal current.

Rated speed See asynchronous speed.

80 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Rated torque See nominal torque.

Reactive power The power consumed by the motor which is used for
the magnetization of the motor.

Reversing Changing of the rotation direction of the rotor or

motor armature.

SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier often referred to as a

thyristor. See thyristor.

Semi-conductor fuses A special type of high-speed fuse used as thyristor

protection since normal (gG/gL or aM) fuses are
not fast enough.

Sequential start Sequential start of motors is normally when two or

more motors are started one by one in a sequence
with the same starting equipment.

Serial Communication The way of transmitting data in a network

between different nodes, using some type of

Slip The difference (usually expressed in percentage)

between the synchronous speed and the rotor speed
of an AC induction motor.

Star connection The connection type where each winding in a polyphase

circuit is connected at one end to a common point.

Synchronous speed The speed of the rotating magnetic field on an AC

induction motor determined by the frequency and
the number of magnetic poles in each phase of the
stator windings.

Thyristor A solid-state switch that has an anode, cathode and

a control element called the gate, which makes it
possible to turn it on at will. It can rapidly switch
large currents at high voltages.

Tripping class The tripping class defines the starting time at a

specific current before tripping occurs.
Different classes exist, for example 10, 20, 30 etc.
where class 30 allows the longest starting time.

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 81


Torque control A way for a softstarter to control the motor torque

instead of the voltage.

Uc Control circuit voltage

Ue Operational voltage

Us Control supply voltage

UL Underwriters Laboratories (an approval agency).

Y connection See Star connection.

82 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201


2-phase control 52 D
DC-component 52
Delta connection 7
Accelerating torque 10
D-end 4
Adjustable rated 55
motor current DeviceNet 51
Ambient temperature 40 Direct on line start 13, 27
(DOL) 29, 32
Analog output 50
34, 37
Applications 26
Drives 14
Approvals 1
Efficiency class 5
Electronic overload relay 13, 18
Breaking load torque 10 (EOL) 21, 39
By-pass 21, 50 55, 63
65, 66 End voltage 55
C Environmental information 67
CANopen 51 Explosive atmospheres (Ex) 58
CCC standards 2 F
CE marking 1 Fan 27
Centrifugal fan See fan
Fieldbus system 51
Centrifugal pump See pump
Firing angle 22
Compressor 32 Formula and conversion 72
Connection 46, 50 factors
Control circuit 50 Frequency converter 16
Control circuit voltage 3, 50 Frequently asked questions 69
Control supply voltage 3, 50 (FAQ)
Conversion factors 74 Functional earth 50
Conveyor belt 34 Fuses 62
Coordination 60, 66
Coordination tables 64
Glossary 76
Crusher 37
CSA specifications 2 H
Current 8 Harmonics 68
Current limit 56 Heavy duty start 11
High altitudes, derating 41

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 83


Initial voltage 55 Operational voltage 3
In-line connection 46 Output signal relays 50
Inside delta connection 46 Overload protection 13, 18
Intermittens factor 44 21, 39
42, 46
L 55, 63
Line contactor 47 65
Load conditions 10 P
M Parallel start 48
Main contactor 47 Power factor 8
Marine approvals 2 Printed Circuit Board 21
MCCB 62 Assembly (PCBA)
Mill 37 Profibus 51
MMS 62 Prosoft 45
Modbus 51 Protections 62
Moment of inertia 11 Pump 29
Motors 4 Q
Current 8 Quantities and units 71
Efficiency class 5
Power factor 8 R
Slip-ring motors 9 Recommended settings 57
Speed 6 RoHS 67
Squirrel cage 5 S
Torque 9 Selection of softstarter 39
Voltage 7 Semi-conductor fuses 62
N Sequential start 49
N-end 4
Normal start 11

84 | Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201

Settings 54 Standards 1
Adjustable rated 55 Star connection 7
motor current Star-delta start 14, 27
Current limot 56 30, 32
End voltage 55 35, 37
Initial voltage 55 Start ramp 54
Recommended 57 Starting capacity 42
settings Starting methods 12
Start ramp 54 Starts per hour 44
Stop ramp 54 Stop ramp 54
Torque control 54
Slip-ring motors 9
Thyristor 21, 22
Softstarter 18, 21
Torque 9
28, 31
33, 36 Torque control 24, 54
38 U
Ambient 40 UL specifications 2
temperature Units 71
By-pass 21, 50 Utilization categories 61
65, 66
Functionality 22 V
High altitude 41 Variable speed drive 14
Selection – 39 Voltage 7
Quickguide Voltage definitions 2
Starting capacity 42
Starts per hour 44
Y-connection 7
Speed 6
Squirrel cage motors 5

Softstarter Handbook 1SFC132060M0201 | 85

Contact us

ABB AB ©Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. Specification

Handbook 1SFC132060M0201, November 2010, Prod ABB AB, Cewe Control

subject to change without notice.
SE-721 61 Västerås, Sweden
Phone: + 46 21 32 07 00
Fax: + 46 21 12 60 01

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