AOF - Eternal Wardens 3.3.1
AOF - Eternal Wardens 3.3.1
AOF - Eternal Wardens 3.3.1
The Eternal Wardens hail from the Alabaster City, a bustling metropolis
which stands in stark contrast to the ashen wasteland that makes up the
rest of their realm. The city is a host to countless Voidgates that allow
the Wardens to travel to countless Planes, including Tyria and many
more beyond it. The largest Voidgate in the Alabaster City lies in its very
heart, sealed by the Warden God who has dedicated his entire being to
keeping the gate shut, stopping what lies beyond it from venturing in.
There is no one alive who still knows the full truth of what lies beyond
the gate, except for fragments of legend and speculation. All that is
known for certain is that their God has dedicated his entire purpose to
ensuring that the Voidgate remains shut. This task has slowly drained
the Warden God’s power over the centuries, however, and the people of
the city have long watched their God’s strength slowly fail.
INTRO In order to preserve the Warden God, his followers sacrifice thousands
of souls each day to lend him strength. His most devoted and skilled
Eternal Wardens are massive magically imbued soldiers equipped with
followers are inducted into the order of Eternal Wardens and imbued
heavy battle armour and deadly weapons. Few in number, they rely on
with a portion of their God’s power. The Wardens venture out into
armour and skill in battle to overcome more numerous foes. several Planes to find worthy sacrifices, and either bring them to the
Alabaster city alive, or capture their souls in lanterns to feed to their
These powerful soldiers venture from the Voidgates of the Alabaster God.
City to many Planes, including Tyria. They are famed for their
diplomatic skill, heroic strength and hatred of Havoc. They recruit During their travels, the Wardens discovered that a Havoc Daemon’s
throughout the Planes, but only those who prove worthy learn the soul contains a portion of their god’s divine energy, and serves as a
Wardens’ true purpose: sacrificing souls to protect their Plane from a
uniquely potent sacrifice for their own god. The Wardens started
far greater danger. Of course, unworthy souls will still find purpose in
hunting Havoc Daemons through several Planes, eventually following
defending their Plane, by other means. the Havoc Gods to Tyria, arriving early in the Havoc Wars whilst
pursuing the Havoc Gods. In Tyria, they helped win many battles,
ABOUT OPR fighting alongside Tyrians and capturing many Daemons. When the
Havoc Gods were sealed, the Eternal Wardens disappeared as suddenly
OPR ( is the home of many free games which as they came.
are designed to be fast to learn and easy to play.
Now that the Great Rift has opened, and the Havoc Gods have been
This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only exist freed, the Wardens have returned to Tyria, viewing it as a hunting
thanks to the support of our awesome community. ground for capturing Daemons. However, they are now more careful
fighting Daemons, not wishing them to be as badly defeated as they
If you want to help us in making more awesome content, you can were, so as not to lose their source of souls. When necessary, they will
support us on even fight with other Tyrian factions, just to make sure that the Havoc
Daemons are not driven to extinction.
Thank you for playing!
How will you keep the gate sealed?
Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Cost
Eternal Lord [1] 3+ 3+ Heavy Hand Weapon (A4, AP(2)) Fearless, Hero, Tough(6) 115pts
Warden Knight [1] 4+ 4+ Heavy Hand Weapon (A4, AP(1)) Fearless, Furious, Hero, Tough(6) 85pts
Guardian Elite [1] 4+ 4+ Heavy Hand Weapon (A3, AP(1)) Fearless, Hero, Tough(3) 45pts
Guardians [5] 4+ 4+ 5x Halberd (A1, AP(1), Rending) Fearless 75pts
Wardens [3] 4+ 4+ 3x Heavy Hand Weapon (A2, AP(1)) Fearless, Furious, Tough(3) 125pts
Paladins [3] 4+ 4+ 3x Hand Weapon (A3) Empower, Fearless, Tough(3) 140pts
Winged Wardens [3] 4+ 4+ 3x Heavy Hand Weapon (A2, AP(1)) Fearless, Flying, Furious, Tough(3) 145pts
Praetorians [3] 3+ 3+ 3x Axe-Halberd (A3, Rending) Fearless, Headtaker, Tough(3) 195pts
Eternals [3] 3+ 3+ 3x Great Glaive (A3, AP(1), Rending) Fearless, Tough(3) 195pts
Destroyers [3] 3+ 2+ 3x Meteor Hammer (A4, AP(2)) Fearless, Slow, Tough(3) 235pts
Guardian Archers [5] 4+ 4+ 5x Bow (24", A1), 5x Hand Weapon (A1) Fearless 95pts
Warden Shooters [3] 4+ 4+ 3x Bow (24", A2, AP(1)), 3x Hand Weapon (A2) Fearless, Tough(3) 180pts
Warden Hunters [3] 4+ 4+ 3x Bolt Pistol (12", A2, Rending), 3x Hand Weapon (A2) Fearless, Scout, Strider, Tough(3) 175pts
Warden Marksmen [3] 4+ 4+ 3x Cyclone Crossbow (18", A3, AP(1), Rending), Fearless, Tough(3) 210pts
3x Hand Weapon (A2)
Hunting Hawks [3] 5+ 5+ 3x Rending Claws (A3, Rending) Fast, Flying, Tough(3) 115pts
Beast-Hounds [3] 4+ 5+ 3x Vicious Bites (A3, AP(1)) Fast, Strider, Tough(3), Warning Cry 145pts
Gryph Hunters [3] 4+ 4+ 3x Hand Weapon (A2) Fast, Fearless, Impact(2), Scout, Tough(3) 180pts
Drake-Lion Paladins [3] 4+ 4+ 3x Heavy Claws (A2, AP(1)), Empower, Fast, Fearless, Strider, Tough(3) 195pts
3x Swords & Staff (A2, Poison)
Drake Eternal [1] 3+ 3+ Rending Claws (A1, Rending), Breath Attack, Fast, Fearless, Tough(6) 145pts
Great Glaive (A3, AP(1), Rending)
Dragon Eternal [1] 3+ 3+ Heavy Claws (A2, AP(1)), Breath Attack, Fear(1), Fearless, Flying, 170pts
Heavy Great Weapon (A3, AP(3)) Tough(6)
Storm Chariot [1] 4+ 3+ Heavy Claws (A2, AP(1)), Spear Crew (A4, Lance) Fast, Fearless, Impact(6), Tough(9) 195pts
Wardens Artillery [1] 4+ 4+ Celestial Bolt Ballista (30", A2, AP(1), Deadly(3)), Entrenched, Fearless, Immobile, Tough(3) 105pts
Crew (A3)
Artillerist: Once per this unit's activation, pick
one friendly unit with Entrenched within 6”,
which may either immediately shoot or move
by up to 6".
Breath Attack: Once per this model's activation,
before attacking, roll one die. On a 2+ one
enemy unit within 6” in line of sight takes 1 hit
with Blast(3) and AP(1).
Celestial Beacon: This model and its unit get
Empower: When in melee, roll one die and
apply one bonus to all models with this rule. On
a 1-3 attacks get Rending, on a 4-6 attacks get
Headtaker: This model's melee weapons get
AP(+2) against units where most models have
Tough(3) or higher.
Inspire: Once per this unit's activation, before
attacking, pick one other friendly unit within
12”, which may move by up to 6".
Smite: Once per this model's activation, before
attacking, pick one enemy unit within 18”. That
unit must take a morale test, and if failed it
takes 3 hits.
Warning Cry: Enemy units can’t be set up
within 12” of this model when using Ambush.
Eternal Lord [1] - 115 pts Guardians [5] - 75 pts Warden Shooters [3] - 180 pts
Quality 3+ Defense 3+ Quality 4+ Defense 4+ Quality 4+ Defense 4+
Heavy Hand Weapon (A4, AP(2)) 5x Halberd (A1, AP(1), Rending) 3x Bow (24", A2, AP(1))
Fearless, Hero, Tough(6) Fearless 3x Hand Weapon (A2)
Replace Heavy Hand Weapon: Upgrade up to three models with one: Fearless, Tough(3)
+5pts Heavy Lance (A4, AP(2), Lance) +5pts Sergeant Replace all Bows:
+10pts Heavy Great Weapon (A4, AP(4)) +10pts Musician -5pts Thunder Crossbow
+25pts Meteor Great Hammer +15pts Banner (18", A1, AP(1), Blast(3))
(A2, AP(4), Deadly(3)) Replace all Halberds: +20pts Rapid Heavy Crossbow
+40pts Dual Heavy Hand Weapons +5pts Heavy Great Weapon (A1, AP(3)) (24", A2, AP(1), Rending)
(A8, AP(2)) +20pts Heavy Spear (A1, AP(1), Counter) +20pts Volley Crossbow
Upgrade with one: (12", A4, AP(1), Rending)
+5pts Destroyer Armor (Defense(1), Slow) Wardens [3] - 125 pts
+10pts Beast-Hound Companion Quality 4+ Defense 4+ Warden Hunters [3] - 175 pts
(Warning Cry) 3x Heavy Hand Weapon (A2, AP(1)) Quality 4+ Defense 4+
Upgrade with one: Fearless, Furious, Tough(3) 3x Bolt Pistol (12", A2, Rending)
+20pts Relic Warden (Smite) Replace all Heavy Hand Weapons: 3x Hand Weapon (A2)
+25pts Herald (Celestial Beacon) +35pts Dual Heavy Hand Weapons Fearless, Scout, Strider, Tough(3)
+30pts Army Standard Bearer (Fear(3)) (A4, AP(1))
+50pts Heirloom Bearer (Inspire) Replace one Heavy Hand Weapon: Warden Marksmen [3] - 210 pts
Upgrade with one: +15pts Heavy Great Weapon (A3, AP(3)) Quality 4+ Defense 4+
+95pts Drake (Breath Attack, Fast, Tough(3), 3x Cyclone Crossbow (18", A3, AP(1), Rending)
Rending Claws (A1, Rending)) Paladins [3] - 140 pts 3x Hand Weapon (A2)
+110pts Dragon (Breath Attack, Fear(1), Quality 4+ Defense 4+ Fearless, Tough(3)
Flying, Tough(3), 3x Hand Weapon (A3) Replace all Cyclone Crossbows:
Heavy Claws (A2, AP(1))) Empower, Fearless, Tough(3) +235pts Precision Crossbow
+365pts Great Dragon (Breath Attack, Fear(2), Replace all Hand Weapons: (24", A2, AP(3), Rending, Sniper)
Flying, Tough(12), -15pts Swords & Staff (A2, Poison)
Heavy Claws (A6, AP(1)), +5pts Great Staff (A2, AP(1), Rending) Hunting Hawks [3] - 115 pts
Stomp (A4, AP(1))) Replace one Hand Weapon: Quality 5+ Defense 5+
+10pts Great Weapon (A3, AP(2)) 3x Rending Claws (A3, Rending)
Warden Knight [1] - 85 pts Upgrade one model with: Fast, Flying, Tough(3)
Quality 4+ Defense 4+ +20pts Evocator (Caster(+1))
Heavy Hand Weapon (A4, AP(1)) Beast-Hounds [3] - 145 pts
Fearless, Furious, Hero, Tough(6) Winged Wardens [3] - 145 pts Quality 4+ Defense 5+
Replace Heavy Hand Weapon: Quality 4+ Defense 4+ 3x Vicious Bites (A3, AP(1))
-5pts Sword & Staff (A3, AP(1), Poison) 3x Heavy Hand Weapon (A2, AP(1)) Fast, Strider, Tough(3), Warning Cry
+5pts Great Staff (A4, AP(1), Rending) Fearless, Flying, Furious, Tough(3)
Replace all Heavy Hand Weapons: Gryph Hunters [3] - 180 pts
+10pts Heavy Great Weapon (A4, AP(3))
+10pts Javelin (12", A2, AP(1)), Dagger (A1) Quality 4+ Defense 4+
+25pts Dual Heavy Hand Weapons
+35pts Dual Heavy Hand Weapons 3x Hand Weapon (A2)
(A8, AP(1))
(A4, AP(1)) Fast, Fearless, Impact(2), Scout, Tough(3)
Upgrade with one:
+45pts Great Bow (30", A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)) Replace one Heavy Hand Weapon: Replace all Hand Weapons:
+45pts Knight Bow (24", A4, AP(1)) +5pts Heavy Great Weapon (A2, AP(3)) +20pts Javelin (12", A2, AP(1)), Dagger (A1)
Upgrade with one: Replace one Javelin: +25pts Bolt Pistol (12", A2, Rending),
+5pts Paladin (Empower) +5pts Storm Trident Dagger (A1)
+10pts Beast-Hound Companion (12", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))
Upgrade all models with: Drake-Lion Paladins [3] - 195 pts
(Warning Cry) Quality 4+ Defense 4+
+25pts Wings (Ambush, Flying) +20pts Celestial Descent (Ambush)
3x Heavy Claws (A2, AP(1))
Upgrade with one: 3x Swords & Staff (A2, Poison)
+25pts Herald (Celestial Beacon) Praetorians [3] - 195 pts
Quality 3+ Defense 3+ Empower, Fast, Fearless, Strider, Tough(3)
+40pts Exorcist (Caster(2))
3x Axe-Halberd (A3, Rending) Replace any Swords & Staff:
+60pts Master Exorcist (Caster(3))
Fearless, Headtaker, Tough(3) +5pts Great Staff (A2, AP(1), Rending)
+75pts Engineer (Artillerist)
Upgrade one model with:
Upgrade with one:
Eternals [3] - 195 pts +20pts Evocator (Caster(+1))
+35pts Drake-Lion (Fast, Strider,
Quality 3+ Defense 3+
Heavy Claws (A3, AP(1))) Drake Eternal [1] - 145 pts
3x Great Glaive (A3, AP(1), Rending)
+90pts Horned Pegasus (Fast, Flying, Quality 3+ Defense 3+
Fearless, Tough(3)
Tough(3), Impact(3)) Rending Claws (A1, Rending)
+95pts Great Gryph (Fast, Impact(4), Scout, Replace all Great Glaives:
+5pts Great Axe (A4, AP(1)) Great Glaive (A3, AP(1), Rending)
Tough(3)) Breath Attack, Fast, Fearless, Tough(6)
+15pts Great Hammer (A3, AP(3))
Replace one Great Glaive: Replace Great Glaive:
Guardian Elite [1] - 45 pts
Quality 4+ Defense 4+ +10pts Great Mace (A2, AP(1), Blast(3)) +5pts Great Axe (A4, AP(1))
Heavy Hand Weapon (A3, AP(1)) +5pts Great Hammer (A3, AP(3))
Fearless, Hero, Tough(3) Destroyers [3] - 235 pts +15pts Volley Crossbow
Quality 3+ Defense 2+ (12", A4, AP(1), Rending),
Replace Heavy Hand Weapon:
3x Meteor Hammer (A4, AP(2)) Dagger (A1)
+5pts Halberd (A3, AP(1), Rending)
Fearless, Slow, Tough(3)
+5pts Dual Heavy Hand Weapons Dragon Eternal [1] - 170 pts
(A4, AP(1)) Replace one Meteor Hammer:
+25pts Meteor Great Hammer Quality 3+ Defense 3+
+10pts Heavy Great Weapon (A3, AP(3)) Heavy Claws (A2, AP(1))
Upgrade with: (A2, AP(4), Deadly(3))
Heavy Great Weapon (A3, AP(3))
+25pts Elite Bow (24", A3) Guardian Archers [5] - 95 pts Breath Attack, Fear(1), Fearless, Flying,
Upgrade with one: Quality 4+ Defense 4+ Tough(6)
+20pts Relic Warden (Smite) 5x Bow (24", A1) Replace Heavy Great Weapon:
+50pts Heirloom Bearer (Inspire) 5x Hand Weapon (A1) -10pts Heavy Lance (A3, AP(1), Lance)
Storm Chariot [1] - 195 pts
Quality 4+ Defense 3+
Heavy Claws (A2, AP(1))
Spear Crew (A4, Lance)
Fast, Fearless, Impact(6), Tough(9)
Replace Spear Crew:
+55pts Bow Crew (18", A9, AP(1))