AOF - Mummified Undead 3.3.1

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The Mummified Undead were once a Human kingdom in the southern
desert lands of Tyria. These people worshipped the Desert Gods,
powerful beings which existed at the source of the great river which
flowed between the world of the living and the dead. Protected from
invasion by great swathes of desert, the Kingdom prospered for
generations in the south.

The Kingdom’s fortunes changed with the arrival of the Havoc Gods.
The Havoc Gods sought out the Desert Gods and their Underworld,
hoping to seal off death itself from Tyria. The Desert Gods tried to fight
back, but were defeated. The Gatekeeper, who guarded the passage
between the world of the living and dead, was slain, and the god’s blood
poisoned the river passage between worlds. Since that moment, any
soul that tried to pass on would be trapped in the poisoned river
between worlds, existing in a state of constant agony.
The remaining Desert Gods gave their priests Soul Gems which could
The Mummified Undead command a massive army of undying
bind souls to their bodies. The Gems’ magic preserved the bones,
skeletons and mummies. They are supported by great constructs made
allowing souls to linger even after their bodies had withered away to
of bone and rock, animated by their Gods. old age or injury. The Priests developed a form of mummification to
allow people to preserve some part of their bodies. Those who could
These undead creatures are the shambling corpses left behind when afford such treatments sought them out, while others slowly saw their
their once prosperous Kingdoms collapsed. When the Desert Gods were flesh fall away until all that remained was bone.
driven from the underworld by the Gods of Havoc, their followers were
barred from the afterlife. Since then, their souls have been shackled to The Kingdom collapsed in the wake of the curse, as once vital
their lifeless bodies. Only their new Queen offers them the hope of
farmlands lay barren and people fell into despair. The Mummified
final death.
Undead were ruled over by a variety of lesser kings and petty tyrants
who began to carve out kingdoms throughout the land. This led to a
ABOUT OPR long era of civil war, as no one held the means to claim a final victory
and reunite these lands into a single Kingdom.
OPR ( is the home of many free games which
are designed to be fast to learn and easy to play.
This changed with the arrival of a powerful sorceress from the north,
claiming to be the heir of a mighty Empire. She approached the priests
This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only exist and kings of the land and promised that she alone had the power to
thanks to the support of our awesome community. discover a means to break their curse and bring them true death.
Impressed with her power, her allies declared her the Tomb Queen, and
If you want to help us in making more awesome content, you can soon reunified the realm under her rule, reigning over a variety of
support us on petty kingdoms and cultures which have emerged along the sacred
river. Now, the Tomb Queen looks north to her former home.
Thank you for playing!
How will you embrace true death?

Created by: Gaetano Ferrara

Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Cost
Royal Champion [1] 3+ 4+ Heavy Hand Weapon (A3, AP(1)) Hero, Tough(3), Undead 55pts
Skeleton Leader [1] 5+ 5+ Hand Weapon (A3) Hero, Tough(3), Undead 30pts
Mummies [10] 5+ 6+ 10x Claws (A2) Slow, Undead 80pts
Skeleton Warriors [10] 5+ 5+ 10x Hand Weapon (A1) Undead 80pts
Royal Guard [5] 3+ 4+ 5x Heavy Hand Weapon (A1, AP(1)) Undead 85pts
Skeleton Archers [5] 5+ 5+ 5x Cursed Bow (24", A1, Cursed Ammo), Undead 75pts
5x Hand Weapon (A1)
Guardian Statues [3] 3+ 4+ 3x Heavy Great Weapon (A3, AP(3)) Tough(3), Undead 205pts
Skeleton Horsemen [5] 5+ 5+ 5x Hand Weapon (A1) Fast, Impact(1), Scout, Undead 80pts
Beast Riders [5] 4+ 4+ 5x Heavy Claws (A1, AP(2)), Fast, Undead 115pts
5x Heavy Hand Weapon (A1, AP(1))
Great Snakes [3] 4+ 4+ 3x Snake Fangs (A1, Poison) Fast, Impact(2), Tough(3), Undead 150pts
Snakemen [3] 3+ 3+ 3x Halberd (A2, Rending) Fast, Impact(2), Tough(3), Undead 220pts
Hunting Beasts [5] 4+ 5+ 5x Claws (A2) Fast, Strider, Undead 90pts
Scarab Swarms [3] 6+ 6+ 3x Swarm Attacks (A3, Poison) Ambush, Strider, Tough(3), Undead 50pts
Vultures [3] 4+ 5+ 3x Sharp Beak (A3, Rending) Flying, Tough(3), Undead 145pts
Great Scorpion [1] 4+ 3+ Pincers (A3, AP(2)), Stinger (A3, Poison) Ambush, Fear(1), Tough(6), Undead 130pts
Skeleton Giant [1] 4+ 3+ Heavy Hand Weapon (A8, AP(1)), Stomp (A4, AP(1)) Fear(2), Tough(12), Undead 250pts
War Sphinx [1] 4+ 2+ Sphinx Crew (A8, Rending), Stomp (A4, AP(1)) Fear(2), Tough(12), Undead 300pts
Giant God-Statue [1] 3+ 3+ Great Weapon (A6, AP(2)), Stomp (A4, AP(1)) Caster(3), Fear(2), Tough(12), Undead 350pts
Sphinx Champion [1] 3+ 2+ Stomp (A4, AP(1)), Dual Hand Weapons (A10) Fear(2), Tough(12), Undead 335pts
Skeleton Chariot [1] 5+ 3+ Spear Crew (A2, Lance), Hooves (A2) Fast, Impact(4), Tough(6), Undead 105pts
Death Casket [1] 3+ 5+ Release Spirits (24", A2, Blast(3), Rending), Crew (A3) Entrenched, Slow, Tough(3), Undead 125pts
Skull Catapult [1] 5+ 5+ Skull Barrage (36", A6, AP(1), Cursed Ammo, Indirect), Entrenched, Immobile, Tough(3), Undead 140pts
Crew (A3)
Desert Titan [1] 2+ 2+ Titan Strike (A12, AP(1)), Stomp (A8, AP(2)) Fear(4), Tough(24), Undead 920pts

Ancient Wrath: This model and its unit get
Furious. If they already had Furious, they get
extra hits from Furious on unmodified hit rolls
of 5-6 instead.
Breath Attack: Once per this model's activation,
before attacking, roll one die. On a 2+ one
enemy unit within 6” in line of sight takes 1 hit
with Blast(3) and AP(1).
Cursed Ammo: Ignores cover and all negative
modifiers to hit rolls and range.
Elite Guard(X): If this model is part of a unit of
X, they count as having Quality 3+.
Poison Blades: This model and its unit get
Poison in melee.
Surprise Attack(X): This model counts as having
Ambush, and may be deployed up to 1” away
from enemy units. Once deployed, roll X dice.
For each 2+ one enemy unit within 3” takes 2
hits with AP(1).
Undead: Whenever a unit where most models
have this rule fails a morale test, it counts as
passed instead. Then, roll as many dice as the
number of wounds it would take to fully destroy
it, and for each result of 1-3 the unit takes one
wound, which can't be ignored.


Blade Curse (1): Target 2 friendly units within
18" get Poison next time they fight in melee.
Storm of Skulls (1): Target enemy unit within
12" takes 2 hits with AP(2).
Desiccation (2): Target enemy unit within 9"
takes 1 hit with AP(4) and Deadly(3).
Protection (2): Target 2 friendly units within 12"
get +1 to defense rolls next time they take hits.
Smiting (3): Target 2 friendly units within 18"
get +2 to hit rolls next time they charge.
Vengeance (3): Target enemy unit within 18”
takes 1 hit with Blast(9).

Royal Champion [1] - 55 pts Skeleton Archers [5] - 75 pts Hunting Beasts [5] - 90 pts
Quality 3+ Defense 4+ Quality 5+ Defense 5+ Quality 4+ Defense 5+
Heavy Hand Weapon (A3, AP(1)) 5x Cursed Bow (24", A1, Cursed Ammo) 5x Claws (A2)
Hero, Tough(3), Undead 5x Hand Weapon (A1) Fast, Strider, Undead
Replace Heavy Hand Weapon: Undead
+5pts Dual Heavy Hand Weapons Upgrade up to three models with one: Scarab Swarms [3] - 50 pts
(A4, AP(1)) +10pts Musician Quality 6+ Defense 6+
+5pts Heavy Halberd (A3, AP(1), Rending) +15pts Banner 3x Swarm Attacks (A3, Poison)
+5pts Heavy Lance (A3, AP(1), Lance) +5pts Sergeant Ambush, Strider, Tough(3), Undead
+10pts Great Weapon (A3, AP(3))
+15pts Heavy Spear (A3, AP(1), Counter) Guardian Statues [3] - 205 pts Vultures [3] - 145 pts
Upgrade with one: Quality 3+ Defense 4+ Quality 4+ Defense 5+
+5pts Venom Expert (Poison Blades) 3x Heavy Great Weapon (A3, AP(3)) 3x Sharp Beak (A3, Rending)
+10pts Herald (Ancient Wrath) Tough(3), Undead Flying, Tough(3), Undead
+40pts Priest (Caster(2)) Upgrade up to three models with one:
+60pts Master Priest (Caster(3)) +10pts Musician Great Scorpion [1] - 130 pts
+65pts Monarch +15pts Banner Quality 4+ Defense 3+
(Elite Guard(+Skeleton Warriors)) +15pts Sergeant Pincers (A3, AP(2))
Upgrade with one: Replace all Heavy Great Weapons: Stinger (A3, Poison)
+20pts Royal Beast (Fast, -10pts Dual Heavy Hand Weapons Ambush, Fear(1), Tough(6), Undead
Heavy Claws (A1, AP(2))) (A4, AP(1))
+100pts Great Cursed Bow Skeleton Giant [1] - 250 pts
+20pts Skeletal Steed (Fast, Impact(1), Scout)
(24", A3, AP(1), Cursed Ammo), Quality 4+ Defense 3+
+70pts Royal Snake (Fast, Impact(2),
Hand Weapon (A2) Heavy Hand Weapon (A8, AP(1))
Tough(3), Snake Fangs (A1, Poison))
Upgrade all models with: Stomp (A4, AP(1))
+150pts Royal Chariot (Defense(1), Fast,
+40pts Stone Shaper (Furious, Regeneration) Fear(2), Tough(12), Undead
Impact(4), Tough(6), Hooves (A2))
+330pts War Sphinx (Defense(2), Fear(2), Replace Heavy Hand Weapon:
Tough(12), Breath Attack, Skeleton Horsemen [5] - 80 pts -5pts Dual Hand Weapons (A10)
Stomp (A4, AP(1))) Quality 5+ Defense 5+ free Great Weapon (A6, AP(2))
5x Hand Weapon (A1) +60pts Giant Cursed Bow
Skeleton Leader [1] - 30 pts Fast, Impact(1), Scout, Undead (24", A1, AP(2), Cursed Ammo, Deadly(6)),
Quality 5+ Defense 5+ Upgrade up to three models with one: Hand Weapon (A6)
Hand Weapon (A3) +10pts Musician
Hero, Tough(3), Undead +15pts Banner War Sphinx [1] - 300 pts
+5pts Sergeant Quality 4+ Defense 2+
Replace Hand Weapon:
Replace all Hand Weapons: Sphinx Crew (A8, Rending)
+5pts Dual Hand Weapons (A4)
+5pts Lance (A1, Lance) Stomp (A4, AP(1))
+5pts Great Weapon (A3, AP(2))
Upgrade all models with: Fear(2), Tough(12), Undead
+5pts Halberd (A3, Rending)
+35pts Cursed Bow (24", A1, Cursed Ammo) Replace Stomp:
+5pts Lance (A3, Lance)
+5pts Spear (A3, Counter) -5pts Toxic Stinger (A4, Poison)
Upgrade with one: Beast Riders [5] - 115 pts Upgrade with :
+5pts Venom Expert (Poison Blades) Quality 4+ Defense 4+ +55pts Stone Shaper (Furious, Regeneration)
+10pts Herald (Ancient Wrath) 5x Heavy Claws (A1, AP(2)) Upgrade with :
+30pts Army Standard Bearer (Fear(3)) 5x Heavy Hand Weapon (A1, AP(1)) +15pts Breath Attack
+40pts Priest (Caster(2)) Fast, Undead
Upgrade up to three models with one: Giant God-Statue [1] - 350 pts
+60pts Master Priest (Caster(3)) Quality 3+ Defense 3+
Upgrade with one: +10pts Musician
+15pts Banner Great Weapon (A6, AP(2))
+15pts Skeletal Steed (Fast, Impact(1), Scout) Stomp (A4, AP(1))
+5pts Sergeant
Mummies [10] - 80 pts Replace all Heavy Hand Weapons: Caster(3), Fear(2), Tough(12), Undead
Quality 5+ Defense 6+ +5pts Heavy Lance (A1, AP(1), Lance)
Sphinx Champion [1] - 335 pts
10x Claws (A2)
Great Snakes [3] - 150 pts Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Slow, Undead
Quality 4+ Defense 4+ Stomp (A4, AP(1))
Skeleton Warriors [10] - 80 pts 3x Snake Fangs (A1, Poison) Dual Hand Weapons (A10)
Quality 5+ Defense 5+ Fast, Impact(2), Tough(3), Undead Fear(2), Tough(12), Undead
10x Hand Weapon (A1) Upgrade up to three models with one: Replace Stomp:
Undead +10pts Musician -5pts Toxic Stinger (A4, Poison)
Upgrade up to three models with one: +15pts Banner Upgrade with :
+5pts Sergeant +60pts Stone Shaper (Furious, Regeneration)
+10pts Musician
+15pts Banner Upgrade all models with: Replace Dual Hand Weapons:
+5pts Sergeant +15pts Skeleton Spear Rider (A1, Lance) +5pts Great Weapon (A6, AP(2))
Replace all Hand Weapons: Upgrade all models with one: Replace Stomp:
+20pts Halberd (A1, Rending) +15pts Armored (Defense(1)) +15pts Decapitating Strike
+35pts Spear (A1, Counter) +20pts Burrower (Ambush) (A1, AP(2), Deadly(6))
Upgrade with:
Royal Guard [5] - 85 pts Snakemen [3] - 220 pts +30pts Wings (Flying)
Quality 3+ Defense 4+ Quality 3+ Defense 3+
5x Heavy Hand Weapon (A1, AP(1)) 3x Halberd (A2, Rending)
Undead Fast, Impact(2), Tough(3), Undead
Upgrade up to three models with one: Replace all Halberds:
+10pts Musician +15pts Great Weapon (A2, AP(2))
+15pts Banner Upgrade all models with any:
+5pts Sergeant +25pts Burrower (Ambush)
Replace all Heavy Hand Weapons: +60pts Death Gaze (12", A2, AP(2))
+10pts Heavy Halberd (A1, AP(1), Rending)
+20pts Heavy Great Weapon (A1, AP(3))

Skeleton Chariot [1] - 105 pts
Quality 5+ Defense 3+
Spear Crew (A2, Lance)
Hooves (A2)
Fast, Impact(4), Tough(6), Undead
Replace Spear Crew:
+35pts Cursed Bow Crew
(24", A6, Cursed Ammo)

Death Casket [1] - 125 pts

Quality 3+ Defense 5+
Release Spirits (24", A2, Blast(3), Rending)
Crew (A3)
Entrenched, Slow, Tough(3), Undead
Replace Release Spirits:
+20pts Unleash Souls
(24", A2, AP(2), Deadly(3))

Skull Catapult [1] - 140 pts

Quality 5+ Defense 5+
Skull Barrage (36", A6, AP(1), Cursed Ammo,
Crew (A3)
Entrenched, Immobile, Tough(3), Undead

Desert Titan [1] - 920 pts

Quality 2+ Defense 2+
Titan Strike (A12, AP(1))
Stomp (A8, AP(2))
Fear(4), Tough(24), Undead
Upgrade with one:
+80pts Ammut (Caster(+4))
+95pts God-Titan (Flying)
+260pts Buried Skeleton (Surprise Attack(+6))

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