Grade-9-DLP 6 Factors Affecting Volcanic Eruptions

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ENHS-Annex, San Grade

School: Grade - 9
Jose Campus Level:
LESSON Pre-service Learning
PLAN Gil Rey D. Tulio II Science
Teacher: Area:
IN Teaching
SCIENCE February 22, 2024 Quarter: 4th Quarter
Teaching 8:30 AM; 10:00Am; Ausalin; Dulay;
Time: 1:00PM; 2:30 PM Dulo; Bantilan

A. Content Standards The Learners demonstrate an understanding of:
volcanoes found in the Philippines.
B. Performance
C. Learning Explain what happens when volcanoes erupt. S9ES –IIIc-d-28
D. Learning Objectives At the end of the session, all the students can:
1. Discuss the process of volcanic eruption
2. Create a diorama of a volcano.
II. Volcanic Eruption
(Subject Matter)
III. LEARNING 5 Stunning Volcano Eruptions Caught On Camera
A. References
1. Teacher’s
G9 TG, pp.138
Guide pages
2. Learner’s G9 LM, pp 170-172
3. Textbook
B. Other Learning
1. Prayer Kindly all stand. Let us all bow
our heads in silence for our

2. Greetings Good morning, class! Good Morning, Sir.

Kindly sit down.

3. Checking of May I know who’s absent? (Answers may vary)

Class secretary please mark
your class attendance

4. Classroom Rules Before we begin our class

discussion today, let me briefly
remind you about our classroom

1. Be respectful.
2. Every item not related to
our subject must be put
3. Enjoy and have fun while
Understood? Yes, Sir Grey!!

That’s great to hear!

A. Reviewing previous Can anyone please remind us of

lesson or presenting what we discussed last meeting? Last meeting sir we discussed
the new lesson about magma and its
composition, and the factors that
affect its viscosity.

And what is viscosity? Sir, it is the ability of a liquid to

resist flow.

Well said, and what 3 factors

affect the ability of magma to
flow? The three factors are its Crystal
Content, Volatile Content and
Temperature, sir.

And those are absolutely correct.

So it’s clear that you still
remember our previous lesson.

B. Establishing a 4 Pics 1 Word

purpose for the
lesson (Motivation) Ok class let’s play 4 pics 1 word.
You all know how this goes. So
you have to guess the word
based on the 4 pictures that will
be shown on the screen.

Students will make their


That’s right the first word is


Students will make their


That’s right the second word is

You guessed both items right.
And today’s lesson has
something to do with both of

C. Presenting examples/ Look at this!

instances of the new
lesson Continuing on with our lessons
about volcanoes I would like for
you to look at this short video.
And take note of what you see
in the video.

(Show the Video “5 Stunning

Volcano Eruptions Caught On

What did you notice about how

the volcanoes erupted? Sir they each erupted differently.
Some were strong while some
were very weak.

And what did you notice about

the lava coming out of the
volcanoes that were very
strong? The lava did not flow very fast

And about that were weaker? The lava flowed rather quickly
and was less viscous sir.

Very good. So, todays topic will

be all about looking at how the
viscosity of the magma affects
the eruption of volcanoes and
the process of volcanic eruption
in general.

And to guide us in today’s

lesson lets have our objectives:

At the end of the session, all the

students can:
1. Understand the process (Students will read the
of volcanic eruption objectives.
2. Create a diorama of a

D. Discussing new Mini Lecture…

concepts and
practicing new skills Now class we all know that
#1 magma is formed from deep
(1st d Formative within the earth. And below the
Assessment) ground we are standing on, the
earth is made up of layers.

What are the layers of the

Earth? (Student will recite the layers of
the Earth.)

Correct, now we are only

concerned about the first few
layers closest to us on the

Now magma is formed by the

melting of crustal rocks inside
the mantle as they are
subducted at the destructive
plate borders.

And as the Magma is

continuously heated below the
earth’s surface. The hot Magma
goes up to and rises to the
Magma Chamber.

As magma rises, it encounters

resistance from the surrounding
rock leading to a buildup of
pressure within the volcano.

Magma contains dissolved

gases mostly water vapor,
carbon dioxide, and sulfur
dioxide. As dissolved gases are
released from the magma,
bubbles will begin to form
through the process called
vesiculation. This can occur by
decompression or
crystallization. In
decompression, the confining
pressure is lowered when
magma rises which promotes
bubble formation. This process
is similar to bubble formation in
soda bottles when opened.

As gas bubbles form, the

pressure inside the volcano
increases due to the trapped
bubbles within it.

When pressure within the

volcano reaches a critical point,
volcanic eruptions are triggered,
leading to diverse form of
explosive release.

During an eruption, materials

like ash, lava and gases are
expelled from the volcano
spreading over the surrounding
areas. The type of explosion of
a volcano is dependent on the
composition of magma.

E. Discussing new
concepts and (Teacher will present the
practicing new skills following illustration.)
(2nd Formative

What can you say about the

lava in the two topmost
illustrations? Sir the lava travels far sir.

And this means the lava is

viscous or non-viscous? Non-viscous sir.

And what can you infer about

the properties of this kind of
magma? Sir, it has low silica content and
a lot of gas content.

Exactly. And because the

magma is not viscous the gases
are able to escape easily and
pressure is not built up quickly.
So usually, volcanoes that have
non viscous magma do not
erupt very explosively.

And what about the two bottom

most illustrations? How would
you describe the lava? Sir the lava does not travel very
far, maybe because it is viscous
That is a good observation.
viscous lava does not travel
because it is thicker and resists
flow. And what can you infer
about its properties? Sir it might have high silica
content and low gas content.

That is correct. And because it

is more viscous, even with little
gas content, pressure build up is
stronger because the gas is not
able to escape quickly and once
it reaches critical pressure the
eruption is stronger.

F. Developing mastery Now, yesterday I told you to

(3rd Formative bring materials. Was everyone
Assessment) able to bring them? Yes sir.

Very good. For the rest of the

remaining time. You will be
making a diorama volcano using
your materials.

You will do so by gluing the

plastic bottle to the illustration
board and then using the other
materials to s form it into a
volcano. You can decorate your
volcano as you wish.

You may now go to your groups

and begin forming your volcano. Students will make their

(Teacher will roam around and

assist the students
G. Finding practical (Ask each group to explain the
applications of volcano they are making based
concepts and skills on the cone shape)
in daily living
H. Making Very well done to each group.
generalizations and Please do try to finish your
abstractions about dioramas.
the lesson
(Abstraction) Now, based on everything we’ve
discussed, what kind of eruption
can occur if the magma has high
silicate and what if it has low
silicate? Sir magma that has high silica
content is viscous and can lead
to a more explosive or violent
eruption while magma with low
silica content is less viscous and
would result in a weaker
That is exactly right. Very well
I. Evaluation learning (Will be based on the output
(Assessment) volcanoes.)

J. Additional activities Tomorrow we will be using your

for application or volcano to demonstrate how a
remediation volcano erupts through a simple
(Assignment/Agreeme experiment. So please finish
nt) your volcano for checking

Additional materials to bring will

be either of the following sets.

Set 1.
Baking Soda
Dish Soap

Mentos Mints

Does everyone understand? Yes, sir.

Stay hydrated and farewell

class. Goodbye and thank you sir

(Dismiss the class)

Was only able to complete until half of Procedure E: 2nd Formative


No. of learners who earned 80% in the No. of learners who require additional
evaluation activities for remediation who scored
A. B. below 80%

Did the remedial lessons work? No. of

No. of learners who continue to require
learners who have caught up with the
C. D. remediation

What difficulties did I encounter which

Which of my teaching strategies worked
my principal or supervisor can help me
E. well? Why did these works? F. solve?

What innovation or localized materials

did I use/ discover which I wished to
G. share with other teachers?
Prepared and
demonstrated by:

Gil Rey D. Tulio II

Checked/Observed by: Pre-Service Teacher

Name of
Checker/Observer: Riza S. Gascon
Designation: Teacher - III

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