Quali and Quanti Research

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01 designs use 02 Qualitative
numbers to give
meaning to a designs rely on
phenomenon or words.

03 an event.
Quantitative research is defined as a
systematic investigation of phenomena
by gathering quantifiable data and
performing statistical, mathematical, or
computational techniques.
Important Notes

Quantitative research collects

information from existing and
potential participants using
sampling methods and sending
out online surveys, online polls,
questionnaires, etc., the results
of which can be depicted in
numerical form .
Uses methods such as Data that are treated as
surveys and experiments quantitative are either
that record variation in numbers or attributes that
social life in terms of can be ordered in terms of
categories that vary in magnitude.
research is the
process of collecting
research templates
A formal, objective, and analyzing
are objective,
systematic research numerical data. It
elaborate, and many
process to describe, can be used to find
times, even
test relationships, or patterns and
investigational. The
examine cause-and- averages, make
results achieved from
effect interactions predictions, test
this research method
among variables. causal relationships,
are logical, statistical,
and generalize
and unbiased.
results to wider
Structured Tools Close-ended
Structured tools such as surveys, polls, or Questions
questionnaires are used to gather
Close-ended questions. Closed-ended
quantitative data. Using such structure
questions are created per the objective
methods helps in collecting in-depth and
of the research. These questions help
actionable data from the survey
collect quantitative data and hence, are
extensively used in quantitative

Sample Size Prior Studies

Quantitative research is conducted on a Prior studies. Various factors related
significant sample size that represents to the research topic are studied
the target market. Appropriate before collecting feedback from
sampling methods have to be used respondents.
when deriving the sample to fortify the
research objective
Uses methods such as participant Data that are treated as
observation, intensive qualitative are mostly written
interviewing, and focus groups or spoken words or
that are designed to capture social observations that do not have
life as participants experience it, a direct numerical
rather than in categories
predetermined by the researcher.
01 02 interpretation.

Emphasis on words and feelings;

high level interaction with
research problems/methods
evolve as understanding of topic
increases; smaller sample sizes;
03 04 participants; many possible
contexts and meanings for
different people;
relies on categorizing &
*subjective by nature.
organizing data into themes or
patterns to describe & synthesize
the data;
Involves gathering, analyzing and interpreting data based
on observations made about the participants of the study.

The data in this design can be in the form of ideas, actions,

symbols, metaphors derived usually from in-depth
observations and interviews.

Qualitative research aims to interpret meanings,

descriptions, and symbols.
1. The researcher has an As a researcher, you will
important role in have to spend time in the
qualitative research. The actual location,
researcher goes directly to interviewing, observing,
the place where the study is and taking down notes
being conducted. about the participants of
the study.
2. Qualitative data are gathered and presented
in a form of words, descriptions, pictures, or
meanings, and not in numbers. This is basically
the difference between a qualitative and
quantitative research. As a qualitative
researcher, you have to be a keen observer. You
have to take note of every detail- even the
gestures and facial expressions of the
participants especially during interviews.
3. Qualitative researcher is concerned with the process involved. As a
qualitative researcher, you are concerned with the interaction of your
participants with each other or to the situation you are in.
4. Inductive reasoning is used in analyzing qualitative data. As a
qualitative researcher, you are not expected to formulate
hypothesis at the start of your study. Hypotheses are defined and
formulated as the study progresses. This means that you are
constructing concepts and meanings based on your
interpretation at the end of the study.

5. Qualitative researcher is concerned with meanings and

interpretations. As a qualitative researcher, you are aiming to
determine the perceptions and thoughts of the participants and
giving reasons to these meanings through interviews and
A common question that
researchers get from
students and the general Basic research is curiosity
public is "what is your driven. It is motivated by
research good for?" To a desire to expand
answer this question, it is knowledge and involves
best to establish the the acquisition of
difference between basic knowledge for
(fundamental) and knowledge's sake. It is
applied research. intended to answer why,
what or how questions
and increase
understanding of
fundamental principles.
Basic research does not have immediate objectives
and although it certainly could, it may not necessarily
result in an invention or a solution to a practical
Applied research is designed to
answer specific questions
aimed at solving practical
problems. New knowledge
acquired from applied research
has specific commercial
objectives in the form of
products, procedures or
Fundamental research answers the initial question of how things work. This
fundamental knowledge is then used by applied scientists to make improvements
on existing products, technologies and processes. Likewise, basic researchers take
advantage of improved technologies to answer new fundamental questions. It is
an important cycle for advancement
Do you have any questions?
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