Q3 W3 Mapeh-6

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Grade & Section School Year 2023-2024

DAILY LESSON LOG Learning Area MAPEH Learning Modality Face-to-Face

Date February 12-16, 2024 Quarter THIRD


Date February 12, 2024 (Music) February 13, 2024 (Arts) February 14, 2024 (PE) February 15, 2024 (Health) February 16, 2024

I. Objectives Uses the different repeat marks that - Applies concepts on the steps/ 1. Executes the different - Explains the effect of a noisy
are related to form: procedure in silkscreen skills involve in the dance environment (H6EH-IIId-4)
Maglalatik (PERDIIIc-
1. Da Capo (D.C.) printing. K to 12 BEC CG: (A6PR-IIIc)
2. Dal Segno (D.S.) - Produces own prints from original
design to silkscreen 2. Observes safety Catch-up Friday
3. Al Fine (up to the end) precaution (PERD-IIIb-h-3);
printing to convey a message or and
4. D.C. al Fine (repeat from the statement. K to 12 BEC
beginning until the word Fine) 3. Displays effort, respect for
CG: (A6PR-IIId) others during the
5. ║: : ║
participation in physical
6. ┌───┐┌───┐
activities. (PERD-IIIb-h-20)
1 2 (ending 1, ending 2)

MU6FO -IIIc – 3


a. References Module 3 Module in MAPEH 6 Module in MAPEH 6 Module in MAPEH 6

b. Materials Pictures, tv, module Screen, wood, tv, module Video presentation, Module Tv, module
III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities


Over time, any noise that surrounds your home may eventually damage your hearing. The noise does not have to be as loud as a construction site.
Someone who lives near an airport or a subway train may become accustomed to the sounds around them. But what they are not aware of is that
the constant noise pollution is actually harming them.

2. Review What are the simple musical forms What are the types of printmaking Let the learners do the basic What are we going to do to keep
of song? dance steps in folk dances. the water and air clean and safe?

3. Motivation Let the learners sing the song “The Show a picture of t-shirt with logo of Show a video of the Show a picture of noisy place and
Tambourines” the school. Ask learners the possible Maglalatik Dance. Ask let them tell their reaction on the
on how it is made. learners if they know the picture.

B. Lesson Proper

1. Presentation Ask learners on the different signs Introduce the lesson on the use of Tell learners about the Tell learners about the topic that
they know that is present in a song silkscreen in printing t-shirts. dance they are going to they will learn is about effect of
then introduce the lesson. discuss is about “Maglalatik noisy environment.

2. Discussion A repeat sign is an indicator that What is Screen printing? All traditional Hearing Loss
guides you through a piece of sheet
Screen printing (also known as silk dances tell a story. The People exposed to loud sounds on
music. These signs are important a regular basis suffer hearing
because they condense the music screening and serigraphy) is the indigenous Maglalatik
into loss. The technical term for this is
much more manageable parts. process in which dance of Philippines Noise Induced Hearing Loss

If it weren’t for repeat signs, sheet ink is pushed through a fine mesh or mimics the battle (NIHL). Dangerous Decibels did
music would be many pages screen that research on the subject and
between the Christian discovered that
making it difficult for the musician to is mounted in a type of frame and
play. These signs make it easy to onto a porous and the Muslim Moro out of the four million people in the
add United States who suffer from
matrix such as paper or fabric. tribesmen. Maglalatik
repeats into music to take away a lot
is also called as
of extra pages and wasted space, (Continue discussion using the loss, about 25% of those cases
save module in MAPEH 6. have NIHL. It is the only type of
Magbabao where ‘bao’
hearing loss
time and ink. means ‘a coconut shell’.
that is completely preventable. The
There are many different types of It is an all–male dance maximum safe threshold for
repeat signs that are used in music. humans is
with coconut shells
They all have a different purpose, 80 decibels. For those who work
and tell the musician to go to used as props. The above the limit, in the long run will
different have a
Maglalatik embodies
parts of a song. hearing loss. To give you an idea
the element of a battle,
of how noise is compared to
(Continue discussion using the reconciliation and a prize as
everyday life
module in mapeh 6) well. It is usually
activities take a look below.
performed during religious
processions at the town
fiesta of Binan. It is also

a mark of obeisance to the

patron saint of the town, San
Isidro de Labrador.

A calm and elegant display

of harmless weaponry,
Maglalatik is a four part

war dance, which the Moro

had won technically.
C. Post Activities

1. Generalization What are the different types of What are the materials in making a Ask learners what they What are the effects of a noisy
repeat signs that are used in music? silkscreen used in printing t-shirts? learned about “Maglalatik environment to people?
Dance”. Community?

2. Application Let the learners answer Explore on Let the learners answer the “Explore” Let them execute the steps: Arrange the following jumbled
page 5. letters to form correct word/s
1. Twist body from right to
left (16 counts) relating what you read in “Discover”
in the previous pages.
2. Jump forward and
backward (8 counts) 1. SOINE LONLUTIOP

3. Step forward, backward, 2. REAHING SOLS

sideward left and right (16
counts) 3. DOUNS ROPOF

4. Combine steps 1-3 with 4. DEARING PAIRMENTIM

clapping of the hands after


IV. Evaluation Let the learners answer the Gauge, Let the learners answer the “Gauge” Directions: Choose the letter Let the learners answer the Gauge
page 7 on the MAPEH 6 module. of the best answer. Write the activity on their module, page 26.
Direction: Identify and write the word
Direction: Choose and encircle the being described by the following. chosen letter on a separate
letter of the best answer. Write sheet of paper.

1. What is this symbol? your answer on the space provided. 1. Maglalatik is usually
dance during town fiesta in
A. Fermata C. Ending symbol ________________ 1. a tool with a Biñan ans as part of
flat, smooth rubber blade
B. Pause D. Repeat Sign religious procession of
________________ 2. a light- ____________.
2. What are the sections labelled sensitive colloid used in film-based
“1.” and “2.”? photography a. Sto. Tomas c. San Isidro
A. First and second endings C. ________________3. formed by
Soprano and alto sections blocking off parts of the screen in the b. Sta. Monica d. San
negative Narciso
B. Part 1 and part 2 D. Choose your image of the design to be printed 2. The dance is usually
own adventure performed by ________
________________ 4. Use to protect mainly for the reason that
the print surfaces
it involves rituals of warfare

a. women b. chidren c.
elderly d. men

3. Where did Maglalatik


a. Biñan, Laguna c.
Urdaneta, Pangasinan

b. La Paz, Tarclac d.
Burgos, Ilocos Sur


Total No. of Learners.

Percentage of Mastery
No. of learners within
“mastery level”
No. of learners
Other Activities: (RRE)

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