Culture and Support Multi Choice Questions
Culture and Support Multi Choice Questions
Culture and Support Multi Choice Questions
Segment 1 - What is Culture? ............................................................................................................. 2
Segment 2 – Identifying with a Culture? ............................................................................................ 3
Segment 3 – Culture and Ethnic Groups ............................................................................................. 4
Segment 4 - Culture and Religion ....................................................................................................... 5
Segment 5 - Effects of Culture ............................................................................................................ 7
Segment 6 – Cultural Barriers to Communication .............................................................................. 9
Segment 7 - Knowing Your Own Culture .......................................................................................... 11
Segment 8 - Conflict of Culture ......................................................................................................... 12
Segment 9 - Biculturalism in NZ ........................................................................................................ 13
Segment 10 - Maori Tikanga ............................................................................................................. 15
Segment 1 - What is Culture?
1) What is Culture?
a. A persons’ ethnicity
b. A persons’ religion
c. What is normal for a particular group of people
d. The rules and regulations of a country
e. Peoples’ perceptions of another country
2) What three (3) cultures were discussed in this topic as being cultures you would be a part
a. Work culture, home culture, community culture
b. Community culture, work culture, Religion
c. Work culture, community culture, generation culture
d. Generation culture, home culture, Religion
e. Home culture, community culture, generation culture
Segment 2 – Identifying with a Culture?
1) To identify with a culture means what?
a. You feel you have an understanding of the culture
b. You were born into it
c. You feel it is a part of who you are
d. You are able to identify different cultures
e. You have friends or family connected to the culture
Segment 3 – Culture and Ethnic Groups
1) What is the name of the smaller groups that make up the Maori population?
a. Tribe
b. Whare
c. Indigenous
d. Iwi
e. Family
2) What is the document signed in 1840 called that discusses the rights of Pakeha and Maori?
a. Declaration of independence
b. Treaty of Waitangi
c. Human Rights Act
d. Code of Rights and responsibilities
e. Pledge of allegiance
4) A census is conducted to determine facts about the population of New Zealand, how often is
the census done?
a. Once a year
b. Every 2nd year
c. Once every 4 years
d. Once every 5 years
e. Once every 10 years
Segment 4 - Culture and Religion
1) What percentage of people living in New Zealand state they have no religion?
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 30%
d. 40%
e. 50%
3) In Christianity what is the name of the book that the teachings of Christianity come from?
a. Qur’an
b. Bible
c. Proverbs
d. Holy Book
e. Tanakh
7) Buddhism is a faith based on what?
a. Love and Peace
b. Peace and Understanding
c. Love and Wisdom
d. Wisdom and Understanding
e. Love and Understanding
Segment 5 - Effects of Culture
3) Why might you need to adapt some of your behaviour around someone of a different
a. To assimilate yourself to their culture to make them feel comfortable
b. So as not to cause offence due to a misunderstanding of differences
c. It goes great respect to a person if you take on their cultural behaviours
d. You shouldn’t adapt your behaviour, you have to be true to your own culture
e. You should treat everyone in the same manner
6) In New Zealand you have the right to follow your own religion, but you cannot make others.
How does this impact your care to people?
a. It is useful to know but has no bearing on your job
b. Your boss is not allowed to make you work on your religious holidays
c. You care for vulnerable people so it is important to be careful not to coerce them
into your religion
d. You should have no discussion about religion with clients
e. You should not work with people of different religions to avoid anyone trying to
debate religion
Segment 6 – Cultural Barriers to Communication
3) Fill in the blank: When you dismiss, demean and __________ a person, it is disrespectful and
not culturally safe.
a. Disempower
b. Discourage
c. Dismiss
d. Dishearten
e. Disappoint
4) What three (3) things were discussed as non-verbal barriers to cultural communication?
a. Body language, eye contact, hand gestures
b. Written language, body language, eye contact
c. Body language, written language, hand gestures
d. Signs, body language, written language
e. Written language, signs, eye contact
5) Which is the most appropriate answer: You would not be an appropriate choice to care for a
Muslim woman if you are:
a. Older than her
b. A Christian
c. Not going to cover your head
d. A male
e. Not from the Muslim religion
6) Some cultures have a different concept of time; how might this affect you?
a. Time is the same everywhere, everyone should understand time
b. You may need to be more flexible in your schedule with them
c. You will have to make sure they understand they must attend at the appointed time
d. You may need to learn to describe time in another way (e.g. sunrise as opposed to
e. You will have to work extra hard to help them keep to schedule
7) If a client has just had a spouse die and they do not appear to be grieving, why might this
a. They may just need to see you saddened to know it is ok to grieve in this culture
b. They may be in denial; it is important that you show grief to help them
c. Some cultures do not feel saddened by death
d. Some cultures do not display grief
e. The person just isn’t upset at their spouses’ death
8) What is the best way to find out about a person and their cultural protocols?
a. Google
b. Protocols and Procedures manual should have a list
c. Ask a co-worker, they may have an understanding
d. Just do your best, you will figure it out by watching how they react to things
e. Ask the person and / or their family
Segment 7 - Knowing Your Own Culture
2) What is a ritual?
a. Duty or role of a person within a culture
b. The rules or expectations of a culture
c. Ceremonies performed within a culture
d. The act of marking someone to belong in a culture
e. Something tribes people do
3) Which one of these topics was NOT discussed in this section as being a part of knowing your
own culture?
a. Religion
b. Education
c. Sexuality
d. Gender
e. Ethnicity
Segment 8 - Conflict of Culture
4) Do you need to give up your own cultural values to care for someone?
a. Yes, when you are at work it is all about the other person
b. Yes, if what you believe conflicts with another person
c. No, you should not compromise at all on your values
d. No, but you need to find a way to work within yours while meeting the needs of the
other person and respecting theirs
e. No, you should only work with people who have the same cultural values as your
Segment 9 - Biculturalism in NZ
8) What can you do to help support a persons’ cultural practice?
a. Ask them if there is anything about their culture you need to know to best be able to
care for them
b. Research as much as you can about a persons’ culture
c. Only work with people of the same or similar culture
d. Arrange for any religious leaders connected to their culture to visit
e. As long as you are always kind people will understand if you do something that is
seen as inappropriate as you have a different culture
Segment 10 - Maori Tikanga
2) How can you show a Maori person respect by the way you speak?
a. Don’t attempt to speak in Maori if it is not your culture
b. Pronounce their name and other Maori words correctly
c. Speak slowly and clearly as English will not be their first language
d. Always look into their eyes as you speak
e. Only ever address them by their Maori title
7) What part of a persons’ body is sometimes considered Tapu?
a. A body is not Tapu
b. The head
c. The feet
d. The genitals
e. The heart
8) In Maori culture, after a person has died the room needs to be what?
a. Cleaned thoroughly and aired
b. Have flowers placed around the bed
c. Left untouched until a cleansing prayer (kariakia) has been done
d. Have all the windows covered
e. Filled with the persons room with their whanau
9) What two things do you never put on the dining table as it as seen as offensive to Maori?
a. Your bottom (sit on table), or a persons’ hat
b. Your bottom (sit on table), or a bible
c. A persons’ hat, or a bible
d. Flowers (not in vase), or a bible
e. Your bottom (sit on a table), or flowers (not in vase)
13) If you are showing a person great respect, dignity and support what are you doing in Maori
a. Showing respect for their Mana
b. Showing respect by increasing their Tapu
c. Increasing your own Mana
d. Showing Manaakitanga
e. Increasing Noa