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Our Lady of the Pillar College-San Manuel, Inc.

District 3, San Manuel, Isabela, Philippines, 3317

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Basic Education Department

School Year 2022-2023

Name: ______________________________________________ Score: ________________

Grade level and Strand: ______________________________ Date _________________

Multiple Choice. Pick the letter of the best and most appropriate answer to each item.
1. Which of the following statements is closely related to politics?
a. Nymar’s territory is at peace
b. Marco’s people are working with unity
c. Raven was elected as Barangay Captain
d. Ren and Christian agreed to rule in one place
2. Among the goals of Anthropology, which demonstrates that we need to view culture as unique and varied?
a. Discover what people have in common
b. Look at one’s culture more objectively as an outsider
c. Produce new knowledge and new theories about humankind and behavior
d. Discover what makes people different from one another to understand and preserve diversity
3. Jimboy is a native Ilocano. He was born in Burgos but now living in Manila because of their family business. To
which significance of culture is the situation referred to?
a. Culture makes it possible for a man to adapt and integrate into environment.
b. Culture establishes pattern of acceptable social behavior
c. Culture contributes to overall human satisfaction
d. Culture produces man-made things
4. Teacher Ton during his social science class discusses the stages of Human Evolution. At the end of the
discussion, he asked one student “Why did the early humans prefer living in the riverbanks?” Which among these
opinions can be the best response of the student?
a. People need water for their daily living that’s why they tend to live along the shores.
b. People usually take a bath in open water, that’s why they prefer staying at the riverbanks.
c. Early humans prefer to live near the shores of the river because it also serves as one of the sources of their
source of food supplies.
d. Early humans live near riverbanks because they usually used it as their channel of transportation to transfer
from one place to another.
5. A group of people involved in persistent interpersonal relationships, or a large social grouping sharing the same
geographical or social territory.
a. State c. Society
b. Government d. Culture
6. Society is created by a man’s continuing interaction. The nation as the main site of sovereignty is the basic feature
of modernity and a major constituent of personal identity.
a. Only the first statement is true
b. Only second statement is true
c. Both statements are true
d. Both statements are false
7. Which of the following will not support the idea of society?
a. Every society is organised governed by rules c. A society is where a person be nurtured in
and has no uncommon goals and interest some possible ways by norms and mores
b. In a society, the principle of collective present in the community
responsibility is optional and may not be d. Our society is a mirror that reflects our
considered at all. identity as entities sharing culture.
8. “Tongits” is a vice which Lola has been indulged with until this year. This kind of gambling has been brought in
the Philippines during the Spanish Colonization. This practice is best be discussed in all disciplines except?
a. anthropology c. Mythology
b. Sociology d. Humanities
9. Parents taught their two-year old son Marvin how to play a song with the use of their iPhone. Now, Marvin can
able to open the phone and sing some songs. Which of the following is factual in the situation?
a. Culture is limited to the ones who can avail c. Culture is dynamic and is a representation of
of it. our ancestor’s reputation.
b. Culture can be learnt and integrated to others d. Culture is exclusive to those adverse to us.
in certain period of time.
10. In the Muslim community, eating pork is not allowed. However, Catholics, eating pork is acceptable. This
scenario demonstrates that?
a. Culture is relative and that the values, negotiate the beliefs, values, ideas, ideals,
knowledge, and behavior of people must be norms, and meaning systems that make up
understood within their own cultural the cultural environment in which they live.
context. c. Culture is encoded in the structure,
b. All cultures are dynamic and constantly vocabulary, and semantics of language.
changing as individuals navigate and d. Culture is neither A nor B.
11. Which of the following does not support the idea of society?
a. Symbol of apolitical dependence
b. Representation of our identity
c. Avenue for economic interdependence
d. Characterisation of the totality of territory
12. How is nation different from state?
a. State is cultural while nation is political
b. State is political while nation is cultural
c. State is both political and cultural and nation is cultural
d. There is no difference between the two
13. What is the main idea of Politics?
a. Theory of human behavior
b. Theory of Social Changes
c. Theory of practice of Government
d. Theory of gender equality
14. How does discovery cause social change?
a. Because of the spread of culture traits from one group to another
b. Because of earthquakes, floods and drought
c. When people reorganized existing elements of the world they had not noticed before
d. Population movement
15. Why is language one of the most important aspects of culture?
a. When groups migrate, a shared language helps prevent conflict
b. Language allows people to communicate and provides a sense of identity
c. Unlike other aspects of culture, language does not change
d. Languages can be classified into language families
16. Seeing patterns means that a sociologist needs to be able to:
a. Compare the behavior of individuals from different societies
b. Compare one society to another
c. Identify similarities on how social groups respond to social pressure
d. Compare individuals to groups

17. A sociologist defined society as a group of people who reside in a define area, share a culture and who?
a. Interact
b. Speak different languages
c. Work in the same industry
d. Practice a recognized religion
18. Which of the following goes a step further and is a very negative norm that should not get violated because people
will be upset?
a. Norms
b. Taboos
c. Deviancy
d. None of the above.
19. Which of these terms is a violation of established contextual, cultural, or social norms, whether folkways, mores,
or codified law?
a. Norms
b. Taboos
c. Deviancy
d. None of the above.
20. These are the negative norms in which people find offensive and socially inappropriate if you are caught doing
them. Which of the following is being referred in the statement?
a. Deviancy
b. Nonconformity
c. Conformity
d. Taboos
21. What refers to a norm that is actually defined as being legal or illegal?
a. Law
b. Rules
c. Policy
d. Regulation
22. It may not necessarily be written into law (although they can be), they are considered to be very severe. If you
break one, you may be so embarrassed that you might not be able to look people in the eye anymore. Which of the
following is being referred in the statement?
a. Deviancy
b. Nonconformity
c. Conformity
d. Taboos

For items 23-27, identify the truthfulness of the following statements using the legends below. Write the letter of
your answer on the space provided below. (10 points)

A – If 1 and 2 are true C – If 1 and 2 are false

B – If 1 is true and 2 is false D – If 1 is false and 2 is true

23. (1) Culture is learned, shared, and symbolic.

(2) Culture, society, and politics are essentials in understanding human behavior and social groups.

24. (1) Social norms are guides or models of behavior that tell individuals what is proper or improper, appropriate or
inappropriate, right or wrong.
(2) Deviancy exists in the absence of conformity which can be formal or informal.

25. (1) Deviance includes food taboos, crime, and even the emergence of political dynasties.
(2) Taboos are social norms in a society that are considered shocking if you break them.

26. (1) Invention, discovery, and diffusion trigger social change.

(2) Cultural change is caused by several factors including the presence of technology.

27. (1) The EDSA People Power Revolution of 2001 that toppled the presidency of Joseph Estrada is an example of
political change.
(2) Urbanization is a part of social change.

Identification. Identify whether the statement concludes human as: SOCIAL, CULTURAL or POLITICAL being.
1. Our rights and privileges are limited because we are governed by rules and laws of our society.
2. We carry our ancestors’ traditions and beliefs.
3. We always belong to the group and interact with people.
4. We are always in company with others like our parents and siblings.
5. Our power is inherent in the rights guaranteed and protected by the State.
6. We relate our childhood friends, neighbors, and classmates.
7. We speak the language of our parents, practice faith and the distinct way of life of our community.
8. We become citizens, we elect our leaders because our Constitution and our laws tell it so. P
9. We create or showcase the arts and heritage of our people and transmit some, if not all, of these to the next
10. We will be having our co-workers or colleagues in our office, professional peers here and abroad.
11. Gives meaning and importance of the self in relation to other.
12. Examines power-relations in society and how these affect the recognition and affirmation of our identity, rights
and duties as citizen.
13. Fosters significance of oral history, cuisine and the myriad yet unique life ways of people across cultures.
14. Gives us background on how diverse and complex others’ customs and tradition and cultural practices are.
15. Acknowledges that social institutions shape and affect how we live our life and what we would become as a
citizen and member of this society.
16. Teaches us the value of religious tolerance, respect for people with different race.
17. Demonstrates religion, gender, and political background.
18. Gives us a full understanding of how social groups affect our thinking and behavior.
19. Situates our understanding and appreciation of local realities.
20. Broadens our perspectives on how we value our own and other’s cultures.
21. Provides a bigger context on how government works and how rules, regulations and laws maintain social order,
cohesion and unity.
22. Promotes the importance of the arts, local and national heritage.
23. Powers of the Local Government Unit.

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Subject teacher Officer-in-charge

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